HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-06-10, Page 5REGENT THEATRE
Now Showing -
Walter Winchell , Ben Bernie
Aces of the airway. tit Broadway's
biq47.)tVetikiNie eratir"
Simone Simon Joan Davis
• Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Carole Lombard ye. Fredric.,Merch
Chas. Win.ninger - Walter Connelly
Greatest fight of the century!
A Comedy Drama
Next Next Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Dorothy Lamour, in •
Jon Hail -Mary Astor
Aubray Smith
The effects of a South Sea hurri-
cane on the lives and loves of visi-
tors and natives.
1,, Coming — "DEAD END'.
ed by a steer some ;time ago, is
proving nicely,
Mr. ;William Gahan, of Hamilton,
is visiting Mr. =dears. R.Hoy. ,‘• •
Mr. and Mrs. tebeley, of Clinton,
and. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seeley, of
Denfield, were. the 'guests of Mrs.
Austin on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lathern, of Lonclene
in company with Miss Beatty, were
guests of Mrs. L. Beatty on Simday.
Rev. M. A. Hunt, of Exeter, will
conduct, service in St. John's Church
Sunday. at 7 p.m.
1VIr. Johnston, of Holmesville, ac-
companied by his two nephews, .of
Manitoba, visited their sister and
aunt, Mrs. Grassick on Suedes.
Mr. Wm. Palmer and daughter,
of Hamilton, passed though this vil-
lage to 'atteed 'the funeral of the late
Mrs. Boyce, of Goderich.
en's Suits
(Continued from Page 4)
Mrs. M. G. Drysdale and Mrs. G.
M. Case are • in Toronto this week
visiting with relatives and friends.
Mrs. A. T. Douglas, Hyde Park, and
son, Allan, of Lantdon, spent Sunday
with Mee J. Johnston and daughter,
The many relatives and.- friends of
Mrs. T. Richardson will regret to
learn that she is at present at Vic-
toria Hospital, Louden, where •it is
expected, that she will have to under-
go an operation.
Rev. Mr. Oliver, of Tih.orndale,
preached very acceptably in Carmel
Church on Sunday last.
Miss E. Johnston visited in Delhi,
Sinacoe: and Turkey Point last week.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Hayton, of Delhi,
were recent visitors with Miss E.
On Sunday afternoon, June 12th,
siecoration services. under the aus-
pices •of Hensall Lodge Independent
-Order of Oddfellows, will be held, at
Hensall Utiles( Cemetery and also at
McTaggart's cemetery. Itis expect-
ed the Hensall Citizens' Band will at-
Mr. George Hawkins, one of our
most respected citizens for a number
of years, is, we understand, in Vic-
toria Hospital, London, • receiving
treatment which we trust will be ben-
efieral to him. -
Mr. and MTs. Alfred Smith and lit-
tle daughter moved this week into
Part of Mr. Alex. Sparks' residence.
The council is receiving much cred-
it for their endeavour to make the
r Moir Memorial Park, Hensall, such a
thing of beauty and well in keeping
with the best village parks to he
found anywhere.
• Council Meets
The regular meeting of the village
;council was held Monday evening in
the council chamber witb all members
being present. Motions included the
following: Jones and Sbepherd: That
-the council minutes be adopted as
read. Carried. Twitchell and Brock:
That the Court of Revision minutes
"be adopted as Teed. Carried. Miss, C.
Mitchell appeared re insulin affairs;
same dealt with. Correspondence was
read as follows: Dept. of Agriculture,
re rag weed; Judge T. M. Costello,
re appeals of County Clerk re resolu-
tion; Magistrate Hawkshaw, re fines;
bulletin, re amendment, Dept. of
MuniciegaleAffairs re subsidy; Imper-
ial Oil, re road oii; Motion Picture
,Censorehip and Theatre' Inspection
Branch, re licenses; Liquor Control
Board, re rebate of $125.48; Huron Ex-
posits:re re printing; same dealt with
and filed. Bele and accounts read: 0.
Koehler, Poles for park, $10; B. & D.
Supplies, park $36.38, 'hall,' $9.90; W.
B. Elder, tractor at park, $115.50e D.
Hoggarth, labor park, $4.60; D. Kyle,
labor park, $2, garbage $2; W. Taylor,
labor park, $1; V. Hedden, labor park,
$5.60; A. Spencer & Son, material at
park $30.79, relic $30.78; W. Steele,
cutting wood, park, $3; W. Fraser,
labor park $2.90, rine $10; T. Richard-
son-, labor park, $25.40; B. Kyle, labor
park, $10.20; T. Shaddick, labor park,
$5; G. Walker, pt. salary, $15.50;
Bank of Montreal, debenture No. 9.
B.C.D., $155.41; C.N.R. freight on road
oil, $10.67; W. Dabus, sanitary work,
hall, $5; Huron Expositor, printing,
$4.69; Im-perial Oil, road oil, $50.16:
N. Blatchford, sanitary inspector $15;
F. G. Bonthron, postage, $5; Hensall
Hydro, hall and motor, $5.23; Treas-
urer of Ontario Licenses, hall $3.00,
' park $3,00; Dept. of Health, Insulin,
$1.40; School Board, current expens-
es, $500.00. Total, $1,069.01. Twit-
oh:ell and .Seepeerd: That bills as
read be paid. Cateled. Brock and
Twitchel1: That the Reeve and Clerk
be authorized to secure road oil and
sprayer. Carried. Brock and Twit-
chell: That we adjourn carried.—
Jas. A. Paterson, Clerk.
Examine the fine tailoring on these Suits, the handl,
needling, the fine construction, the long lasting lin- '
ings and pocketing; the choice of fabrics and the,'
variety of colors' and models, You will realize that ei
these are quality Suits at Economy Prices I (3
Farmers' Attention.—As the haying
season is drawing near, now is the
time to bring in your repairs. A full
line of sections, heads, plates, pit-
mans, etc., for different mowers;
fork bandies, shovel and hoe handles;
hoes, pulleys, etc.One good farm
wagon in good shiape; also 1 good
harrow cart, all at reasonable prices.
At the old reliable stand. W. L.
Mellis. 367e2
Notice To Farmers.—Just received
a full line ef Essex Government test-
ed seed corn. Having purchased from
the same grower for about ten years,
we know you can depend on its qual-
ity. Also a full line of fence mater-
ial, wire, poste and shingles; also
agent for Beatty Bros. barn, hay and
piping equipment carried in stock.
W. E. BUTT, Kipipen, Ont. Phone 41
on 91. 3675-4
Miss Helen Chandler, of Blenheim,
spent the week -end at the ,home
her parents, Rev. and Mrs. E. F.
Chandler, at the Manse.
Miss Verde, Crozier, of Brantford.•
spent a visit at bhe home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wesley French, of the village
during the past week.
Mr. Clarence McLean, of London,
visited at the home of his sister and
besther-in-law, Mee and Mrs. Allan
Johnston, of the town line, during the
past week.
Mrs. Alex. Mousseau, of Zurich,
spent a few days during the week at
the home of her son and daughter-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mousseau,
the village.
Mrs. Ivan Steckle, of Bayfield, paid,
a visit at the Ircme of her sister and
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. Kyle,
of the village.
Misses Ruth and Theda Watson, of
tee village, spent the week -end at
Grand Bend.
Mr. .and Mrs– Duncan Cooper have
got nicely settled in their home on
the London Road.
The many friends of Mrs. John
Deitz, of the village, will be pleased
to learn that she has been keeping
somewhat better, and we trust and,
hope that she may coptinue to im-
prove in health.
Rev. E. F. Chandler spent a few
lays during the past week at Chat-
ia.m where oonference was held.
The next meeting of the Kippen
W. I. will be held at the home ee
Mfg. -Wen. Kyle on Wedeesdae, Jun&
i5th, at 8.15 p.m. There will be a
spelling match and a debate, "Resolv-
ed that _the radio is more benefidial
than the current literature."
w Dresses
Here are wonder values in New Crepe; Sheer
Crepe and Chiffon Dresses; new Summer colors and
patterns are here in endlessyariety. Cool,: filmy, 3.75
becoming materials in the new pastel shades and
floral designs
0 yS
New Sport Back, single or double -breasted. Suits
with long; golf or knicker pants. Can be had with
one or two pair pants. Sturdy tweeds in clever pat-
terns. Brown, Sand, Grey or mixtures. Sizes 6 to
11 years
to 9.50
White, Blue, Pink, or Natural; fine Flan-
nel.. Three popular lengths. Loose nov- •
elty backs. Smart, di 1gm
5 to 12.50
Dressy, Useful
. Green, Blue, Tan, White, in combination
colors. Two-piece Oliver Twist 59c
styles. Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8
The Forty Hours' Devotion was
conducted at St. Patrick's Church by
Father Moore, S.J., of Toronto, dur-
ing the week.
The young people's tennis club has
a membership of more than thirty.
The tennis court is in excellent shape.
Among the list of graduates for
Bachelor of Arts degree at Convoca-
tion Hall, Western University, Lon-
don, On June 1st, were included Gor-
don Dill and Harry Feeney. • •
Mrs. T. J. Molyneaux entertained at
two tables of Five Hundred during
the week. First prize was won by
Mrs. James Krauskopf and second
prize by Mrs. James Shea.
Reeve Joseph Nagle is attending
county council seesions at Stratford
this week.
Mrs. D. McConnell • is spending a
week in Detroit, having accompanied
her daughter, Mrs. Harry I. Dingman.
Visitors over the week -end includ-
ed:, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Maloney,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Casserly and Mts.
Healy, Toronto, at the home of Mrs.
Mary Hawley; Mr. and Mrs. Kemp
and Mrs. Frances Wiltse, Clinton,
with Mr. and Mrs. James Krauskopf;
Mies Laurette O'Rourke, Toronto,
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos.
O'Rourke; Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Monag-
han at the -home of Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd McCarthy; E. T. Carmel in
Isendon; Alvin McNeil in Palmnston;
D. McConnell in Stratford.
Tony Cryan, Stratford, .furnished
music for a...dance held in L. J.
oeby's ball on Friday night. The
lucky door prize of $2 was won by
Miss Genevieve Feeney.
Dr. M. Stapleton is absent on his
honesmoon, his marriage to Miss
Wade. of London, taking place on
Jupe Js + in Toronto.'
Hibbert Council Meets
Hibbert council met in regular ees-
slop at Staffs Township Hall on Mon
day, June 6th, with all members pres-
Mr. Silas Johnston, who was injur- ent, tee reeve presiding. The min-
On Sunday morning at the service
in Duff's United Church Rev. Mr.
Cumming took for Ms text 1 Timothy
1:15: "This is a faithful saying and
worthy of all acceptation that Christ
Jesus .caczne into tee world to save
sinners of whom I am chief." A"
Quite a number from this vicinity
attended the memorise services at the
Brussels cemetery' Sunday, .Tune 5te,
at '2 p.m. The services were con-
ducted by the Odelifellows and Re-
bekah Lodge
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Achilles and
little daughter, Margaret Jean, of
Manniwalkee, Quebec, are- spending
two weeks with Mrs. D. McCallum and
FRI. & SAT., JUNE 17-18 . TO Oshawa, Belleville, Kingston,
Gananoque, Brockville, Prescott,
Morrisburg, Cornwah, Lindsay, Peterboro, Penetang, Coning -wood,
Meaford, Barrie, OriilIa, Midland, Gra.venhurst, Brasebridge, Hunts-
ville, Cellander, North Bay, Sudbury, Geraleton, Beardmore.
Also to Brantford, Chatham, Durham, Goderich, Guelph, Hamilton,
Kincardine, Kitchener, London, St. Catharines, Sarnia, Southampton,
Stratford, Woodstock.
Seo handbillfor complete list of destinations.
For faros, return limits, train information, tickem, etc., consult nearest agent-
• '
Forsyth, Arrow, Tooke — A11 th% best
makers 'sillartest creations. Collar at-
tached or two separate collars. An 155
most inexhaustible
varpty •• ,
Penman's Merino Sox
will not harden and will
give best of 25c
The new Summer Hats await you. All the style and
becoming and flattering shapes that smart dressers
are wearing are here. Bright, attractive trimmings;
delightful color schemes make this our most attrac-
tive display. Whit&and col ors
Men's Underwear
Briefs and Shirts—Good fit, good wear. 506
Shorts and Shirts—Full sizes
Balbriggan Shirts or Drawers
Balbriggan Combinations
Penman's Merino Shirts or Drawers...756
Balbriggan Combinations 50c
Good quality straw, well sewn. Will give ex-
cellent wear. Cool, comfortable and 15
light on the head
to 50
.A big assortment of the new light color-
ed neckwear. White, Blue, Green, Sand,
Grey, with fancy stripes, checks
or dots • 50
Extra quality pure Botany yarn; three-
piece suits in every wanted color or size.
Canada's best
makers ' 10.95
New Frilled Curtains for bedroom or
kitchen. An attractive assort- no,
ment of colors and patterns •WM,
Men's Pure Fur Felt ;
Grey, Green, Brown,
.Sand. Snap front
or Hom-
burg 2.95
Tuscan or Filet Nets,
White or Ecru; 36 inch-
es Wide; very
attractive., Yd. 25c
Rayon and Silk Mix-
ture, every appearance
of pure silk with better
war. Three
Smart new white or
pastel shades; mirror,
Full sizes
change purse.
Strong wearing covert
cloth; made by Snag -
proof Overall Co.; full
generous sizes. Light
green, blue, brown.
Sizes 14- to 18...
Snag Proof brand, the
best overall value; black
or blue overall or pant
style. Reduced 1.50
Women's Knee High
Good wearing Chiffon,
Lastex top; new com-
plexion shades ; knee
All sizes
Two-way stretch; well
and substantially made.
Excellent for Summer
wear. White
only 1 .00
Better quiflty; better
patterns; better sizes;
better wear. You will be
delighted with I aft
them. Sizes to 52 I AM
Here is a real buy. Reg-
ular 25c and 35c hose,
reduced for quick sell -
sizes OC
idg. All
Arrow, Warrendale or
Sweepstake makes;
wear and washproof.
Smart patterns and col-
ors. All
sizes 95c
Coral White, B1 u e,
Maize; collar and zip- -
per front, pocket, short
All sizes I GOO
Fine cotton knit, i n
White or Pink. °Full
roomy cut.
All sizes. 25c
Lastex top, Women's
and Children's Sox ; -
fancy patterns a n a
plain pastel shades.
'es. 15c and 25c
Warrendale or Sweep-
stake; guaranteed
S its ; full sizes, at-
tractive pat-
erns. All sizes.. 1.00
Stewart Bros. Seafort
All colors, patterns and
sizes. Good weight;
tops . .25c
utes of the previous meeting were
read and confirmed and a number of
communications dealt with setiefac-
torily. Resolutions were paseeds.Pro-
viding for a new treasurer's bond for
Mrs. Lydia Colquhoun; adopting aud-
itors' report of the accounts of the
late Treasurer, A. A. Colquhoun from
January lst to May 10th, 1938; per -
ceasing five 12 -foot culverts and one
li-foot from Roy McCulloch for the
sum of $60.00; concurring with the
agreement with Police Village of Dub-
lin that $100 be allowed for cleric
fees, also that the direct relief rate
be applied to police village pro rata
to their assessment; authorizing
Councillor Kay to look into the re-
quireroents of the repair on the Mc-
Dougall Drain. The following orders
were issued: Road expenditure,
$898.41; direct relief, $19.89; general
eeriellse, $55.04. The Court of Revi-
sion on the aseeesment roll was re-
sumed. The appeal of the McKillop,
Ilitibert & Logan Telephone Co. for
reduction from 210 miles of Wife tti
22 miles of wire was allowed. The
'Several alteration's and reductions
baying been authorized, the court was
finally closed. The meeting adjourn-
ed until Monday, July 4th, at 1 pm.
—Kathleen Feeney, Municipal' Clerk.
The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
per -"Will be observed on Sunday.
Jtine ifite, at the •morning service ;
p•: pn- al -ry service on Friday even-
ing at 8 p.m.
Miss Kathleen Mustard has gone
to Hearst to spend a few months; with
her aunt in St. Paul's Hospital.
1VIrs. Carmen, of St. Maree,espent a
couple of days at the home of lie.r
daugerter,..ebre. W. Ross last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Kellar and family,
and Mrs. Sam Hey, of Blake, called
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H.
Zapfe on Sunday.
Mrs. Jane Jamieson moved into Mr.
Cecil Simpson's apartment last week.
is • .•.: See'eiseces,
The members of the Women's Mis-
sionary Society sent their bale core
sistirig of quilts and, second hand
clothing 'to the West.. also. hospital
supplies for St. Paul's Hospital at
Mrs. R. Dawson is visiting at the
home of her parents at Inwood this
Mrs. G. Tilt and daughter, Miss
Ruth, of Preston, Nestled their friends,
Mrs. J. McQueen and Mrs. L. For-
rest, last week.
The Brucefield United Church is
holding their annual strawberry fes-
tival on the church, lawn on the eve-
ning of Thursday:" June 23rd. Fur-
ther announcement will be made next
United Farm Women Meet
Four carloads •of the United Farm
Women's Club on Tuesday, lune 7th,
met in a joint Meeting with the Lake
Huron Club at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, Grand Bend. The
Brucefleld club had, charge Of the pro,
gram. The president, Mrs. Alex.
Wright, occupied the c hair. Alter
singing "Old Black Joe." all repeated
the creed. The roll call was answer-
ed by both club members with "a
fa,voritte recipe" or "dinners that will
wait." The minutes of the previous
meetings were reed, and adopted. At
ter the business Mrs. Desjardine of-
fered a beautiful prayer and on be-
half of the Lake Huron Club welcom-
ed the members of Brucefield Club.
This was respondedto by Mrs. Haugh.
Letters from head office were read by
the two secretaries. The .Tune ques-
tions were answered by Mrs. A. Buell-
anan, Mrs. W. Nesbitt and ,Mrs. W.
Stackhouse. The topic, "I Love Hus-
bands Whirs—end I , Love Wives
Who—" was well given -by Mrs. W.
Douglas and Mrs. J. Snider. Miss
Eva Seeelohouse favored with two vio-
lin selections, which all eneoyed All
appreciated the two yodel solos given
by Mrs. J. Caiens, "also the two read-
1,•e0ings given by Miss Sta.ekhouse. A
of theeke tees tendered to the
'take Huron Club for their Invittittim
to Mrs. Taylor for her hospitalityand
to Miss Stackhouse for helping weft
the program. It was decided to hold
a joint meeting at Brucefield next
spring and to invite Me. 0. Ander-
son, of Wingheni, to be the guest
speaker. The meeting closed by, sing-
ing "Flew Gentle, Sweet 'Afton."'
Lunch was served by the hostess and
Messrs. Bob Boyd and Mac Mc..
Phee were renewing old acquaiets.
ances in our burg Ilea wttl..
Mr. Frank Dempsey had a esleeeelteIss
ful sale of his remainteg chatter
last lrtidaY.
The late rain ha' agala 44'
the seeding of roots and Pet
every hope of a yidtl
ed an the late seeding helpi
the wee& under cotro1.
Mr. keit itokattl
toot drop
•-e 44:SVT. :•',A • ' • 0•41.W.J11;,l.S'"'"•4"