HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-06-03, Page 5•
'T,•A ,k,sy
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Naw FlaYing
'the four ,horsemnt Of hilarity In
• the ten star fuo front'
OF 193V •
• Bert ,Lahr • Hott_ iteS Mischa AAuer, Joy
_Monday, TuesdaY. WednesdaY
Ted Lewis. and Cab •CallowaY
with their Elands. in •
itou ND"
Phil Regan, AIM DV011,11C, Leo Carrillo
Next Thursday, Friday, $sfurday-
The Rajahs of Razz -Aces of Air-
ways in Broadway's Biggest Musi-
cal Smaeheroo
Walter Wtnchell, Be* Bernie, Bert Lahr
Joan- Davis Dick. Baldwin
, Mr. D. Tough returned to his home
in the "village after gpending a few
weeks with friends -in Stanley%
Mrs. A. E. Allen and Misses Doro-
thy and' Mario, of Goderieb, were
the guests of '„Mrs. James McQueen
and Mrs. L. Forrest last week.
Mrs. Alex Broadfoot returned to
her homelast week after spending
the winter at Hearst, New Ontario.
lier many friends were glad to wel-
come her back.
Miss Greta Mustard, R.N., of
Hearst, visited, friends in the village
this week.
Married in Medford
The following wedding, which ap-
veered in s recent( issue of the Med-
find, Mass., Merour, will be of inter-
est. The bride is a daughter of Mrs.
G. S. Elder, formerly Miss Carrie
Ross, of Brucefield;
"The marriage of Miss Ruth 'Eliza-
beth Elder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
'George Elder, 207 Forest St., •to Wil-
liam Philip Keyes, son of Mr. and
Mrs. James L. Brown, 71 Avon Hill
Road, Cambridge, was solemnized at
the home •of the bride' Thursday even-
ing at 7.30 o'clock, ,with Rev. William
H. Hcok, of the First Methodist Epis-
copal Church officiating. Miss Elder
a'as given in marriage by her father.
About 25 relatives and friends wit -
messed the ceremony. The wedding
no!: place .before a fireplace beauti-
telly decorated with white caenaticas,
lilacs, lilies of the ralley, ferns, light-
ed candles and festaans of, white sat-
in ribbon. Many large bouquets of
miilti-cnlored spring flowers, madded to
the gay atmosphere. The bride chose
:for her wedding gown white embroid-
;ned net trimmed with taffeta, and
-more a double finger tip veil with a
Juliette cap of pearls. She carried a
'berquet of white roses and sweet
;peas. Mrs. Rudolph Timpe, a sister
of the bridegroom, was, matron of
horror, gowned in rose crepe de
ehine, with a veiled cap, and carrying
pink roses. Neil A. Elder, brother
of the bride, acted as best man. Pow-
der blue lace and yellow tea roses
-was worn by the bride's mother, and
the . groom's mother was gowned in
larkspur chiffon and lace, with Tans-
enan roses. • A reception was •held
-from 8 to 10 o'cloelt, attended by 75
;guests at which delicious catered re-
freshmtute. wee served by Miss Bet-
ty Th�wn, a sister of the groom, the
Misses Betty Neilson, Mildred) Vanes,
Ails, Mary Rose and Mrs.Neil
A. Elder. Mrs. George M. Low *as
in charge of the guest book. The
le?autifully decorated wedding cake
-was cut by the bride, assisted by
1,1r4. .Neil A. Elder. On their return
groan a motor trip to New York City
the cour.le will reside at 207 Forest
St. The bride, a graduate of Medford
'High Sawa' in 1929, has been employ-
ed by the John. Hancock Insurance
Co. She is a popular member of the
Whip Hill Riding Club. Mr. Keyes
is a graduate of Cambridge , Latin
School and Wentworth, Institute, class
of 1930. He is connected with the
Malden. Office of the John Hancock
Insurance Go."
Wqaepe$e;dt at tollat MM.
JOIM Murray is ale • o be arOnad
again after a nervus attack last
Mr. Fred gekart,who hati been
busy helping to plant ,P0tatoeS, bas
returned to this &eine in •Eginbudville.
The pupils of No. 6, Tuckersmith,
are taking part in a musical -program
in the Memorial Hall; Clinton, Juno
7th, at 8 p.m. Miss Beatrice Green,
a Clinton, is directing the music and
they will present the playlet, '‘The
Golden Goose" as a number on the
program. All are invited- to attend.
" Mr. and Mrs. Hugh F. Chesney and
daughters,. Margaret and Jean, of Bay
City, Mich., •spent the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs., Hugh M. Chesney, Ros-
coe Farrn.
Mrs. Howatt, of Auburn, is a guest
at the home of Mr. and Mat Hugh
M. Chesney.
Mrs. Verne Walker and daughters,
Janet and Anne, of Rochester, N.Y.,
and Mrs. Ken Ament, of Waterloo,
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh M. Chesney.
For Everp
Vegetables raw, freshly cooked, or
canned, should be included in each
day's menu, states the publication
"Canadian Vegetable's for Every Dar
issued by the Dominion Department
of Agriculture. Vegetables supply the
required tonics for building up the
body and keeping it in repair. The
publication, which contains the reel.pcs given below, may be obtained...free
on application to the Publicity Divi-
sion of the Department in Ottawa.
Bean. Sausages
2 cupfuls" bean pulp
2 tablespoons butter
1 egg
11/2 teaspoons salt •
2 tablespoons tomato catsup
cup soft bread crumbs.
Soak beans overnight; drain and
cook until tender; prose through sieve
lc:, make pulp. Add the beaten egg,
crumbs, catsup, butter and seasoning.
There. must be enaugh crumbs added
to make the mixture stiff enough to
handle. Shape like small sausages,
roll in fine crumbs, then in a beaten
egg, and finally in the crumbs again.
Saute in bacon fat.
Cabbage with Tomato
4 cups shredded cabbage
1/2 cup water
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup tomato juice.
Cook until cabbage is tender and
the water and the juice has .been ab-
sorbed. Add one tablespoon of but-
ter and serve at once. Serves six
persons. • •
Carrots au Gratin
2 cups cooked diced carrots
1 tablespoon minced onion
1/3 cup grated cheese
24 -teaspoon paprika
bream, sauce.
Make a creamsauce by using 11/2
Cups tablespoons butter, and
2 tablespoons flour. Cook until thick.
To this add the cheese, .onion and
paprika, and finally the diced carrots.
Mix well, place in a buttered baking
dish and cover with buttered crumbs.
Bake in a moderate oven for twenty-
five a:ainutes.
Baked Stuffed Onions
Select large anions. Peel and. re-
move core with: apple corer. Fill the
cavity with seasoned bread crumbs.
Bake until tender.
The severe electric storm last Fri --
day was accompanied by a heavy
rain which deluged the land. ,Mr
Peter Eckert, while working in the
barn on his grass farm, got a shock
•erhen lightning struck a tree near the
removed promptly and efficiently.
Simply phone "COLLECT" to
Sales Books
are the best Counter
Check Books made in
Canada. They cost no
more than ordinary
books and always give
We are agents and
will be pleased to quote
you on any style or
quantity required..
'See Your Home Printer First
Medicine Man
. Of The 80's
(Condensed from "The Testament of
Caliban" in Reader's Digest)
The medicine show of Dr. Lam-
ereux, "the world-renowned Indian
fighter, scout and medicine man,"
combined the mystery of magic with
all the delights of a circus, the ro-
mance of savagery, andthe ecstasy
of religion. He travelled around the
country in •the 1880's with a troupe of
Indians and wild mustangs and a
company of minstrels, Evening patent
Indian medicines. Dressed in. shim-
mering black velvet, his raven locks
falling in ringlets about his thin,
white fate, the doctor was a striking
figure. Every button on his coat was
a 20 -dollar gold piece; every button
en his vest a 10 -dollar gold piece.
Around his splendid sombrero was
wound a delicately woven lariat like
a gelled snake. Witten, he chose to
demonstrate his skill the snake be-
came alive, whirling in flashing arcs
about him.
On his arrival in townr Dr. Lamer-
eux first gave a parade: Indians tog-
ged up in savage finery, riding beau-
tiful ponies; minstrels with black fac-
es and comic costumes; finally the
great master himself, his carriage
drawn by four prancing coal -black
Steeds. Bowing to right and left, he
threw handfuls of coins to men and
boys scrambling in the rear of the
cavalcade -everything from five cents
to a dollar. Here was a man who had
came to give, not take!
His show in the big tent began with
a dance by the Indians. The min,-
ous rhythmic thu.dding of their drums
stirred our very souls. At the height
of the noise and fury they • stopped.,
and the Negro minstrels took their
place, relaxing the tension with their
ludicrous antics, which sent every-
body into roars of laughter. Now, our
defenses down, the doctor began his
Power at
,• 4 ,.
•. ••
• t. • • • • " ,
1. Our Stock is Always New and Coirec
2. We Show the Greatest Variety.
3. We Carry Goods of Known Reliability.
4. We Give Courteous, Efficient Service.
5...V4/e Quote Prices That Spell Economy.
• Read the Prices Below and Prove It For Yourself :
Flash! Men's Flannel Suits
REGULAR $18.50 to 32150 • 95
Single or double breasted; Sport or Plain Back. Fancy Checks,
Stripes or Plain. Also Grey Worsteds ••
Summer Underwear
'Penman's, Balbriggan; white or na-
long or short sleeves. Shirts
or Drawers
Men's New English Worsted Suits
4 I.
Crepe Dresses
4*' Short sleeve; Sport styles •
• Stunning Summer Dresses
Delightful designs in light or dark colors; clever styling, in new 75
authentic designs.
Attractive floral patterns
BeA makers best suits, in light or dark shades; Checks, Flecks
Stripes r plain cloths. Single or double breasted. Perfect tail-
oring• gu anteed lining; correct fit and style
Men's Felt Hats
Grey, Brown, Navy, Green, Sand ; 2.95
Snap front or Homburgs. All snap -
styles 350
Summer Millinery 1.95-
New in style, in color, in trimming. 7.00
The latest at the lowest price
New Shades
Women's Summer Hose 75c
Definitely new in colors; sensationally attractive in prices. Ori--
ent, Kayser, Weldrest, Sandra, Penman's •
Men's New Summer Shirts 1.00
New Summer patterns in bright, attractive, colorful checks,
stripes, or plain white. Separate or attached collars. 'Sizes 14
to 18
. •
Special ! Women's New
Summer Coats 8.75
Polo Cloth or Flannel. White, Blue,
Pink, Natural
- 17.00
New Summer creations, stunning in style; attractive in coloring;
gorgeous in pattern. Laces, Cable Nets, Linens, Lystav, Hop
Sacking, Spn, Rayon. All sizes •12.50
Seaforth, Ontario.
The producer of a dud show en-
countered a friend across from the
theater just before -curtain time.
"Would 3tou like to see my show?"
he asked.
"No,"' stalled the friend. "I'm go-
ing to walk around awhile and re-
lax." •
',Then," persisted the producer,
"will yeti dlrop in and stand in the
Debby between acts?"
Knitted athletic shirts and knitted or
broadcloth shorts. Sizes 32 to 42..
89c Suit
Smart High Class Dresses
Two Attractive Prices On Boys' Suits 4.95
SPECIAL -School Suits, broken lines. Regular $8.00
High grade Tweed or Worsted Suits, stylish; 2 pants
Snag Proof Overalls
Black or Blue Overall or Pant style, 50
Snagproof quality. All sizes, 32 to
50 •
Kid Gloves, Mack or White
Rib Tex Slipon Style. Black, Brown,
Navy, Beige, White
Women's Blouses-& Sport Shirts 1.98.
BLOUSES -Delicate Pastel and Parisand shades. Fancy tuck- 2 95
ing, ruffle front, button trim
SPORT SHIRT-Velva Suede, Gold, Coral, White, Blue
Boys' Summer Furnishings
SHIRTS --New shipment; bright, attractive, good
BLOUSES -Start patterns, full sizes
UNDERWEAR --Balbriggan combinations
HOSE-Elastex tops; new shades 7 all sizes
39, 50, 75c
Osmoor--THE BEST
House Dress
Different, Better, Attractive. Look
and wear like twice the price
tewart Bros. Seaforth
"You laughing, lutppy audience;
you mother, you father, you young
man, woman and child, every ane of
yone-within you are the seeds of
death! Is it °tweet'? Is .1,t consump-
tion? Is it perhaps Berne unknown
As soon as he had everybody fright-
ened and ree,alling eery sYmPtOna
they had ever hadi, the dioct?r Made
Yt•'` t''S; •
\ft eit„"I• ' oVitot't': 't tOti4til t: • ••I `;14.:, 1.t„itt t.
bis master stroke: "But why ehoulcl
I talk of my skill, of my years with
the noble red men you have seen here
tonight, of the knowledge toat p
re -
Serves them in health far beyond
their hundredth year? 'My friends,
before your Very eyes I will demo
strate these remedies, the inherit-
ance of these noble red men. Come
closer! Let me help youl
With that, everyone who bad a
pain or a tooth that needed pulling
came up to the platform. Swiftly
the doctor would smear some pain-
killer in a mouth, snatch the proper
instrument, and in a second a tooth
was tossed high. in the air. All the
Men& be kept up a flow of reaseuring
talk. Rtheinnatice were rubbed and
coughs doped. To see poor creatures
suffering one minute, and the next
amiling,beatifically, was wonderful.
Then the selling began. A score
of yctung men rushed .through the
audience with great baskets full of
remedies. Liver and kidney pills, $.3;
pain -killer, $5; blood purifier, $10;
consumption cures, $20. Everybody
who had money scrambled to buy do
if afraid the supply would run out.
When the rush started to subside, the
doctor produced a "limited nuMlier"
of bottles which he sold at a redini-
• A
ed rate to those who could not afferdi-
the regular prices.
All this time the Indians kept ehattio-
ing monotonously Ansi -beating theft'
tom-toms, the doctor biroSelf roaring-
like a bull, while the rilitiattEdS,kopt
tip a furious regtbite '&400 itutil
the sweat rolled &WU tli
faces. Not tor a foonient.1
110180 abate Oat/ 0.64b'
Wald biy lbid done so. :,..
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