HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-06-03, Page 1Seventy=Eitehth Year
Whole::Number 8677 -
Band %embers Purchase
$275 Instrument; Pre-
sent It To Town.
The first of the Sunday evening
band conceits will be given by the
Seaforth Highlanders Band in Victoria
Park on Sunday eveningat 8.30 P.m.
Ender Conductor E. H. Close, the
Band has prepared interesting and
harmonious programs for the pun mer
trooetha. 91 interest to the citizens of
the town should be the purchasing
through Mr. Olose, agent for musical
a netrat<nents, of one of the finest four -
valve euphoniums manufaotured. It
is British plated and British made
tl'.roughont be Beeson & Co, of Lon-
-116n, England. A class "A" new stan-
dard model with a low pitch: eomtpen-
setor, it has been awarded fifty med-
als of bonour. This •instrumen't, va-
lued at $275, was bought and paid for
by the members. of the Band from
their own funds and presented to the
town as town property. -
'Ehe program next Sunday evening
will be as follows:
"0 Canada"; . March, •'Field of
Glory," Edgar G. Allen; Sacred
Mareb, "Onward, Christian Soldiers";.
.Overture, "Silver Crescent;' Edward
Russell; Fantasia, "Battele Scotland,"
arranged by Hare; Sacred Overture,
e "Grand Religious Fantasia," -Rollin-
son; Waltz, "Irene," A. Meyers;
March, "Herald," W. Scott Rubel •
Overture, "The Iron Count," K. le
King; Overture, "Harmoniana," by J.
F. Galusska; Serenade, "Grieving
Breezes," G-eo. Rosen'krans; March,
"Spirit of Peace," W. >ti. Kiefer;
Hymn, "Abide With Me"; "God. Save
the King." -E. H. Close, Band' Lead-
Trail Rangers Hear
Banking History
The Trail Ranger& of Egmondville
held their weekly meeting on Wed-
nesday; - Billy Boyce occupying the
chair_ The Mentor led in, prayer and
all repeated the Trail Rangers Prom-
ise. A hike was discussed.
The special feature period was 'tak-
en by Mr. Bruce Davidson and Mr.
Harry Steinberg, w+ho discussed the
part books have played in history,
stressing the creating of Branch
Booking by the Rothsohilds of Aus-
Ontario Adopts
1939 Colours
Widely Known Busi ess Man
Concludes Fifty Years as
i Shove. Merchant in Zurich
Ontario's 1939 motor markers will
have white numerals on a black back-
ground and will be of the new "epec-
trulite" construction, fu "slang unus-
nal vision by night. T y will b(
made as usual at the ark. Reform
atory, Guelph,, and wi cost $20,000
more than plates) of 'nary design
and make. When they will be placed
on sale has not been determined, be-
cause the present 1938 markers are
good until April 1, 1939. The 1939
cJoioe was made at Queen's Park af-
Charles Fritz, Zurich merch-
ant and well known throughout
the County of Huron, who has dis-
posed of his shoe business in that
village after fifty years activity.
Embolus of the Heart Giv-
en As Cause of Bayfield
Player's Death.
Chas. Fritz Started in Shoe
Business in Zurich When
Shoes Were All Made To
Order and By Hand.
Embolus of the heart was the
cause of the sudden death of Fred
Sturgeon, Bayfield football player,
Crown Attorney D. E. Holmes said
after he had received a report of the
autopsy from Dr. W. J. Shaw, cor-
It was explained that the trouble
originated last Sunday when young
Sturgeon swam for a long distance in
Lake Huron off Bayfield. The trou-
ble was -aggravated when Sturgeon
participated .in, the football game
without consulting a doctor.
torn at Bayfield in 1918, he was in
chis 20th year and was a son of Jos.
E. Sturgeons and Mrs: Sturgeon, who
was formerly Maud M. Miller. Be-
sides his parents there survive two
brothers, Stewart and Gerald, at
home (t:h:e latter the younger of the
family) ' and three sisters, Mrs. Wal-
ter Harvey, London, Ont., and Misses
Helen and Jean, at home. The flee
eral was held from Trinity Church
Monday where service was conducted
at 2 p.m. by Rev. R. M. Gale, of St.
Andrew's Church, and Rev. W. G.
Bugler, Rector of Trinity, Bayfield.
Interment was in Bayfield "cemetery.
The pallbearers were his former as-
sociates, James Atkinson, Fred Wes-
ton, Charles Parker. Billie Westlake,
Hugh McLeod and Keith Geminhardt.
Few businessmen can show a re-
cord of 'taking an active part in one
class of businsesss.. for a period of over
fifty years in; one community. Such a
record, however, is, held by Charles
Fritz, familiarly )(town as "Charlie"
to his many friends. Since 1887,
when as a young man, he came to
Zurich from Morristown, he has been
connected with the shoe. business) of
this community, having spent the 50
years in Zurich, except for a few
years' which he spent at Crediton and
Dashwood eaten the was learning the
art of repairing and making shoes.
In those yearn --the nineties -near-
ly all shoes were hand made and
Charlie learned to make them while
working with the late Barney Brown,
Crediton, and the late Fred Kibler,
Zurich. After completing his appren-
ticeship he launched into business for
himself at Dashwood where he con-
ducted a shoe store for two years and
then sold out and came to Zurich,
alters he has lived since, and where,
so Charlie says, he intends to spend
the rest of his life.
Back in the nineties, feet were
measured and shoes made by :hand
for each customer. The leather used
was also home-made, being manufac-
tured at the Zurich tannery, which
flourished in those years and was op-
erated • by Dumart Bros., who later
went out of business and no trace is
left of the plant. Such home-made
shies, hand -pegged. and hand -stitched,
gave hang and, splendid wear to the
owner who could, if ordered, have
brass toe caps and extra large hob
rails on the soles with a slight in-
crease in price, assuring him of extra
long wear. In those days shoes were
built for wear, not for style. Charlie
says he has seen a great change in
the method of making shoes since he
first started in business. Machines
are now used in rehoe factories which
make shoes by the hundreds and
where one small machine does the
work of many men.
Mr. Fritz was a well-known figure
in sports in the nineties. He tock
part in the Caledonia games so popu-
(Continued. on Page 4)
er members of the cabinet headed
,y Premier Hepburn, had viewed) an
eehibition of several proposed plates.
.record choice was .black oa yellow.
This later color ssoheme may be
adopted in 1940, it is understood, with
a return to white on black in the fol-
, lowing year. ti
,The Corporals Of Europe
(By Jack W. Yoes, Seaforth, Ont.)
Shortly after ,having reoelved the
bum's rush from the League of Na-
tions, Haile Selassie, King of Kings.
Lion of Juda, etc., grabbed his head-
piece and sought the open. road. Af-
•ter meandering about the city for
some time, he came to a shady nook
on the banks of a stream running
through one of the parks. Nearby
a' ,oung man occupied one end of a
rustic seat and appeared to be watch-
ing a • school of silver -sided fish as
they floated lazily about.
Approaching somewhat hesitantly,
the King of Kings leowed and with a
graceful sweep of his hat, asked:
"May I sit with, you,.• Sir?"
"Sure. Help yotirsolf,", replied the
young man without looking up.
"Nice Day," continued the newcom-
"Couldn't beat it anywhere on
earth." . -
"That may be, but I like the clim-
ate of urs country much better," add-
ed the older man in, a voice which
caused the other to turn and look the
speaker over critically. Instantly a
flood of recognition %wept over the
face of the young man. Jumping to
ibis feet shy ethrust out lids hand, ex-
"What? Yon! Pardon tme, Your
Excellency! I had no idea it was
you. Wiry' --I I -I thought- you were
attending" a meeting of the League of
to -find
the last
"Nor did expect
of the Hapsburgs there either," re-
apifed Selassie grlellee ',What's wrong,
"Oh, nothing muck. tut tell
about the Laitig'tlt0?: What +uta e
• Sledded? Yelp,k11Olif 1, tori„ hate t eon
thinking of appealing to them and it
is possible you can enlighten me to
some extent," urged, Otto, the last of
the Hapsburgs and claimant to the
Austrian throne.
"I did attend a meeting of the
League, Otto --just this hour came
from there."
"And the results were favorable, I
hope," urged Otto.
"Quite the contrary, my dear boy,
quite the contrary. The League sim-
ply daandted me the works. Knocked
all my hopes into a cocked hat and
took my playthings away from me
without so much as saying 'Thank
you.' Rigbt now Corporal Benito is
the Big Boss of Ethiopia."
"Did you say Corporal Benito?"
"Yes. Why?"
"Well, you see it was a corporal'
who put the skids under me too. But
his name's Adolph." -
"Oh, yea:b! Seems like I've• heard
of shim. He's the chap that's got all
Gertnhany goose-stepping, ain't he?"
"Yeah. That', him all right."
"So he's after you? Well that's
just too bad."
"I'll tell the world! This. corporal
busipess is the bunk."
"Well, what can we do about ft?"
"My gosh! I don't know. I've got
to look for a jab pretty )soon. I wrote
an old friend of mine some time since
and he is to meet me here this after-
"I brave also written Alfonso ,XIII
abowt--•--" `
"Ydu've what?" exclaimed Otto ex-
citedly. "Why that's the man I re-
ferrer to. R3ell -cah you beat it?"
"flow.. fortunate! It is possible we
(Contitnued on Page 4)
Legion atWingham
Members of the local branch of the
Canadian Legion were in Wingham on
Friday night and heard Col. Alley,
President of the Provincial Command,
Will Complete Underpin-
ning Begun At Christ-
mas and Redecorate.
'Abandonment of 11 plans to remodel
and bring up to dat(e.the public school
building was decided upon at a meet-
ing of the Board on Monday night.
The Board .will,.. however, redecorate
the building and complete the neces-
sary underpinning commenced' during
the Christmas . •hrolidhyts.
When it waa first learned .late last
fall that extensive repairs were nec-
essaryto the building, the Board ob-
tained estimates showing the Dost of
the work to be about $2,000. Later,
following the visit of a Department of
Public Works architect, the Board
learned that ,the fenedstration would
have to be changed to provide for
massed lighting pf the class rooms
and 'the estimates rose to nearly
$4,000. In March. the town .council
acceded to a requisition of the Board
and passed a bylaw providing for the
issuing of debentures up to $5,000 for
the work. Included in' the byla* were
funds for the Collegiate addition., and
it is this) bylaw that is now held up
by the Municipal Board. The portion
relating to the $5,000 for the Public
School work has been approved, how-
ever, by the board. ' •
The Public School Board has issued
the following statement concerning
the work:
"The matter of repairs and altera-
tions in the, Seaforth Public School
have been thoroughly gone into by
the Board with bhe assistance of an
architect and it Chas four that in-
suffipient debentures have sen pro-
vided for thip purpose.
"The massed lightning cannot be
satisfactorily placed in the front and
sides of the building, and if placed
in the ends of building it will mean
the remodelling of the heating at a
very large expenditure, not previous-
ly looked for.
"For the present the Board is
abandoning tihe matter of lighting and
is going ahead with the repairs nec-
ese, ry in the bas ementto_in•sure safe-
ty of the euiidin , els. d e,orating fn'
side and outside and other minor re-
pairs necessary to preserve the build-
Tenders for this work are being
asked for in local papers this week."
Appear in Court
i r „e9.•o.., huh ,,."4h
+`•tr 1
Local fistbarmen, lessees of a stream
in Colborne Township, were com-
plaintants in two cases of trespass
beard in police court here Tuesday.
The informations were laid in an ef-
fort to preveht the stream fished out
5y trespassers. A Clinton man plead-
ed guilty, while bhe charge against
los. Mutch, of Goderioh, was dismiss-
ed, when Magistrate Making gave him
the benefit of the doubt when he
learned he was a deputy game war-
D.P.H. Extends
Sidewalk to Park
Department of Highways workmen
have completed urn extensions of the
walk at the east end of town to a
point opposite the steps entering the
Lions Park.
The work was requested by the
park committee in order to assist in
keening people from walking on the
highway as they enter the park. ,
Graduates From
Osgoode Hall
T hieves Steal
From Dublin Store
Estimate Huron Tax Rate
At Four' Mill For Year 1938
County"' Treasurer Reports
County Councillors Con-
demn Any Mode on Part
Of Government To Abol-
ish County Councils.
Meeting in Goderich Tuesday, mem-
bers of the Huron County Council
strongly opposed any move to abolish
comity oountcils.
"As far as the obilition of county
councils le concerned, I would be
motree in favor
viogovernment, of abolishing the pro-
vincial and I have no
doubt that if -a plebiadite -were taken
as to which should be abolished it
would be the provincial legislature,"
declared Warden Wilmot Haacke in
referring to the matter. "I notice
Premier Hepburn is not in favor of
the abolition; no doubt pressure has'
been brought to bear and he has
changed bis mind."
Worehdp made a plea for a bal-
anced budget by asking the commit-
tees to stay within the estimates af-
ter the rate has been struck.
Reforestration will be . one of the
most important questions, Warden
Haacke said, to be considered, and
will lee reported on by the Agnieul-
tus-al Committee.
Deep regret was expressed' by Mr.
Haacke in the death after the Janu-
ary session of Reeve Richard John-
ston, of Asttieid, whose death was a
distinct loss, not only to his own town-
ship but to the whole county. His
successor, Reeve Alex. McDonald, was
welcomed by the warden.
Resolutions opposing Uhe abolishing
of county councils were read by the
Clerk from thirteen municipalities
within the county and will be consid-
ered by the Legislative Committee.
They were from the towns of Clinton
and Wingham, and the townships of
Colborne, Godericb, flay, Stephen,
Turnberry, East Fvawauosh, Usborne,
Morris and Stanley, andfrom the vil-
lages of Hensall and Blyth.
' Reeve Eckert, of McKillop, asked:
"Is there a government grant of $100
to •..each . sphoot in township areas?"
This question will be referred to In-
spector E. C. Beacom for answer.
The Department of Municipal Af-
fairs advised that the statutory
amendment requested by' Huron coun-
ty council re amendm:• l to The Mun-
icipal Voters" Act -at the present
time the owner of a property two
years in arrears of• taxes is not al-
lewec1 to vote; at the same time the
terarit of this property is a year be-
hind in his rent and is primarily re-
:Tonsible for the owner being in ar-
rear of taxes add yet he is not per-
mitted to vote -would receive atten-
lion when amendments are• being con -
rod e red -Filed.
A large number of communications
and resolutions were referred to the
various committeee,
On Wednesday County Treasurer A.
H• Erskine presented an estimated
rate of four mills for 1938. It was
(Continued from Page 4)
The second break-in in Dublin in
recent weeks was reported Monday
mor•ni,ng to Provincial Offiter John
Douglas of Stratford. The break oc-
curred in Dublin and the thieves es-
caped with about $20 wonth of tobac-
co and cigarettes from the barber
shop of Walter Carpenter. A woman
who lives in rooms at the rear of'the
)hop heard a car stop in front of the
place about 2 o'clock. M,onda.y morn-
ing but she did not think anything of
it until the theft was discovered about
seven o'clock.
The graduation of H. (;:lenn Hays,.
son of Mrs. James Hays and the late
James Hays, of Seaforth, and nephew
of the late R.. C. Hays, K;C., of Gode-
rich, In Law from Osgoode Hall, To-
ronto, with high standing, was an-
nounced June lett Mr. Hays studied
lawewith the 'late Colonel R. S., Hays
and H. G. Meir, of Seaforth, and the
Toronto legal firm of Arnold!, Parry
and Camipbedl. Pie is at present as-
sociated with the firm of Hays and
Hays, Godreriehs, and, will conduct the
practise of,, the said firm during the
absence in England of Mr. R. Cock-
burn f=lays, Ii.C., -Local Bencher of
'bhe Law Society. He 'will become as-
sociated with P. D. McCenisell, now
of Toronto, In a partnership for the
the practice of law at Seaforth at an
early date. I s '
Huron County Live
Stock Competition
The twelfth annual Huron County
Live Stock Judging Oompetition will
be held in the Clinton district on
Friday, June 10th. A11 boys in the
county twenty-six years of age and
under are eligible to compete and the
prize list is divided into both Junior
and Senior sections. All contestants
must register at the Agricultural Of-
fice, Clinton, between 8 a.m. and 830
a.m, on the morning of the competi-
Contestants will be required to
judge ten clatses of live stock anti
oral reasons will be given on five
Masses. A total of $30.00 in cash,
along with two silver trophies and
ten book prizes, will be awarded, and
tee judges will be supplied by the De-
partment of Agriculture.
Johnson: "It's all wrong about the
Irish being such good fighters."
Jackson: "Really?"
"Yes. . Last week my brother and
I and two other chaps almost knock-
ed an Irishman silly."
Barns Should
be Shingled
Now before new
crops are stored.
We have 3 grades
of Red Cedar
Shingles in stock
at low r ces.
ti eleeeletee,
Complete Changes
In Golf Club House
The House Committee of the Sea -
forth Golf and Country Club 'has com-
pleted extensive alterations to the
club house which will add much to
the convenience of the members.
An entrance"•has been made on the
east side to a lunch room and from
this room stairs lead to a ladies'
locker and lounge room.
Mrs. W. H. O'Dell has been ap-
pointed caterer, and it is expected the
lunch room an•d dining room will be
in operation by the end of the week.
Local Penny Bank
Gordon Schmaltz, Canadian and
United States welterweight box-
ing champion, who will appear in
Seaforth on Saturday night
Deposits Increase
Prominent Boxes Will Ap-
pear Here on Satur-
day Night.
Fifty-six per cerrt. of the Separate
School pupils were regular depositors
irl the Penny Bank during March and
April, •acoordin.g to figuresjust re-
leased. Public school pupils had a
smaller percentage, only 45 per cent.
being depositors. Total deposits In-
creased to $1,465.82, from $1.253.51
one year ago.
New Law Firm Will
Open in Seaforth
Tuckersmith Council`:
As Cour• of IC
The council of the 'Pow,nl hip . Of:
Tuckers'nnith niet at 2 laeloelt on'aetb
ui day as a Court of Revisl an on;:, trhe :.
asbessimentt rola .Theme vfielle
two appeals on eanh of which :rice
court took action by reducing , abet
assessment, and the roll' was adapted
as the revised assessment roll. 'fax
1938, subject to any appeals -*there-
from to the Judge.
The Clerk was instructed to notitil
the manager of the Bea Telephone .
Co. that they had no complaint or
suggestions in regard to work drone
on the trunk tine through the munici-
pality. He was also instructed to
rreke application to the H.E.P.C. for
the cancellation of the following con-
ontracts: R. W. Gibbings, Charlotte.
Robinson and H. Hartung. The Road
Superintendent was given authrority
to convert the old moveable bin now
unusued, into 'a shanty for keeping
tools, etc. The Clerk was authorized,
to draft a,- .resolution protesting
against the proposed abolition of the
county council `by *tee Oarario Legis-
Accounts to the amount of $798.90
were ordered paid: R. Dalretnple,
pay list No. 4 and- 5, $678.31; County
of Huron, hospital fees, McGilnchee,
$25.35;. Department of Health, insulin,
$4.61; W. C. Govenlock, rent, $5.00;
Municipal World, ' supplies, $17.94;
general township and postage, $28.10;
relief supplies, $38.59._
The council adjourned to meet on
Saturday, June 25th, at 2 p.m. -D. F.
McGregor, Clerk.
Gordon Schmaltz, Kitchener, welter-
weight champion of Cahada and the
United Statesawill be the feature at-
traction at the big boxing and wrest-
ling night arranged for this Saturday
at the Palace Rink. Schmaltz will
box Mickey Grebb, Guelpth, in three
five-mirute rounds at 147 pounds.
Another attraction will be a bout
between Syd. Martis, Woodstock, and
James Johnson, Gait. The winner of
this pair will meet the winner of the
Schmaltz-Grebb affair here two weeks
frim Saturday night.
Local flyweights have a place on
the card when\ordon Messenger
meets Pearson Chesney at 90 pounds,
ands Henry Ainsborough meets Donald
McLean at 75 pounds.
Jerry Holland, Dublin, will look af-
ter the announcing, while Jack Hol-
land, Jr., St. Columban, will referee.
'Pwo lovers walking down the street;
She, trips. He murmurs, 'Careful,
Now wed, they tread that selfsame
She trips. He growls, "Pick up your
A.nnounnem.ent was made this week
that Mr. P. D. McConnell will open
an office here fbr bhe practise of law
at an early date. Associated with
him in a Partnership will be Mr. H.
Glenn Hays.
Both meat are well known through-
out this distriot, Mr. McConnell being
a former resident of Dublin. Recent-
ly in a Toronto
y has been a partner
la* Brut Mnelaiets_is a sons to Mrs.
acmes)• Hays, of Seaforth, and the late
James Hays. His graduation from Os-
goode:. Hall was announced on June
'h 4.4fSat t MxC s�,yis
At -Whyte Farm
A farmers' meeting for the purpose
of d7acuss'ing . Parasites and. Diseases _ .
of Swine, ie -being ;held' on the
of W. L. White, Lot 2, Corot 5; Hal-
lett Township, on Tuesday forenoon,
June 7th, at 9.30 a.m. Dr. Lionel
Stevenson, Ontario Veterinary Col-
lege, will be the speaker at this meet-
ing and alt farmers in the district
are invited to be in attendance.
Brides-to-be Are
Honoured Here
Miss Mary Hays was hostess at a
delightful miscellaneous and kitchen
shover held at the residence of her
mother, Mrs. R. S. Hays, Sperling St.,
on Thursday evening, in honor of
Miss Elinore Elizabeth Burrows and
Miss Leonora Harriet Stewart,. two
popular brides-to-be, at which a num-
ber of their girl friends were guests.
The ,house and table were decorated
with a profusion of white flowers
with a background of green foliage
and white candles. Dinner was serv-
ed at 6.30 with Miss S. I. Woods and)
Miss Mary Bell assisting. After an
enjoyable evening was spent, the
brides -elect were presented with the
Hibbert Court of Revisionra
Considers Property Appeals
The court of revision for appeals,
against the assessment roll of 1938 s
was held at Staffa Township Hall on
Monday, May 30th. All members sub-
scribed to the necessary declaration
and the Reeve was appointed chair-
man of the court. The assessment of
Canadian Bank of Commerce was re-
duced $400; asse•sement on 53 Mill St.
properttlof McKillop, Hibbert & Log-
an TOWphone Coe reduced $300; Wil-
bert Antes, lot 6, con. 1, allowed ex-
emption for seven acres of woodlot.
The following appeals for reduction
of assessment werte disallowed: W.
F. Levy, lot 7, Dont, 1, and lot 7, con.
2; George Pullman, lot 5. con. 6; Al-
fred "Ross, lot 29, con. 9; Mrs. Mc-
Intosh, part lot 15, con. 10; Joseph
McConnell, west half lot 15, con. 2;
Thomas Murphy, 30 Reglan St., Dub-
lin; Mildred Murray, 3 Ann St., Dub-
lin; Canadian National Railway, Dub-
lin. The following appeals for trans-
ference of 'ownership were allowed:
Albert Hey, N. pt. lot 5, Don. 11, to
Archie Luxton; John G. Scott, lot 7,
corn. 13, to Mervyn Nairn; Joseph
Nagle, lot 21, con. 3, to John Nagle;
Tiros. Gilnilour, lot 26, eon. 14, to Alex,
Busc•hanan; John McNichol, lot 11,
con. 14, to Arthur Ford. Exemption
from dog• tax was allowed to, Jean G.
Scott, Albert Hey, Joseph Watson,
Mrs. Robert Duncan. The Clerk read
a communication from the Depart-
ment Highways for reduction of ap-
propriation for road dacpend4ture to
$7,000, the previous estimate being
$9,000. A resonation 'wee received
from Logan Townetthip (Clerk co;ntlO,
ring in the re'q testa. tatEttigingo'S. ''GV.
Archibald to the drainage referee for
permission to vary the assessment oe
the Liffe Drain repair. The meeting
adjourned until Monday, June 6th,1 at
1 p.m. Katbleen• Feeney, Clerk.
A very successful social evening,
sponsored by the Young Ladies' So-
dality, was held in the parish hall on
Friday night. Shorty Grants' orches-
tra furnished the music which was
much appreciated•. To the president,
Miss Marie Kmuskopf, assisted by
the social committee, much credit la
ape for the splendid success of the
affair. " - -
Mrs. Edward Hallihan, Detroit, who '
has spent three weeks with her
mother, Mrs. Mary C'romi.ns--returned
home with her husband on Monday.
Mrs. William Hanley spent a week
with her son in Toronto.
Father John Jordan, Detroit, visited
his mother, Mrs. Teresa Jordan', dur-
ing: the week,'
Confirmation was adlmintistered to a
class of twenty-seven children at St.
Patrick's Church on Thursday ever-
ins. Bishop John Kiddy of London cif-
ficiated and delevered a very interest- ,
ing di>seonrree. .
Visitors over the weak -end t'ntciitdd
ell: Mr, abd Mra. Harry I. Dingeznita
and two 6Gne, ' i etroit, with Mr. and
Mrs. D. M+t l*ell; Mr. ell iittri k
Matt. Mt0arytla'' ltd ohlldran, Detretitt;'
with Mr. and Mitsi findingry•
Mr.Mrst. 'tiA'.iri j3
'ikon, Detroit,.wig
at the iholue of
'w a Mr. •awrr�r� rat,