HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-05-27, Page 8'""1"f"7.r*" 4,jt. giVAA/10,,,,a4.44(4.444.10.,,,,14440V440*.1.10044144.4W4{446404.7,01644,=.114.1,44r 46r, ;44 44' .440M: , r 4444.04.1241.4.4.144,?...11,1144r4G1111.4.10,4144,4141,9=044r,541MIPOIN!illealalr. • T fflIR�.E `,;• ''.'i-,j'e•••;:e "en OSIT4R MAY 27, 1938, 4,4144 utter NO PALL -S eee , MATO JUICEI 45 c atEALOME.S. are'enlelAY 19c Per du, 'oms are nice for 1 Sc 140. 'BILFIAKFAST , 29c 94, Pound VITIERDAtleitl.; ARANGE PEKOE Better but no- dearer ea.,. °rams* tea; hvtf ponieds/'We OfMATOES-Large can in dwice .... , ...... • im,p f$ kr�To.SOUP csi ' u 25c 25c 'ius "'VGA TOILETS 1 .9c at,, cart • f: • SUNSET DYES do the trick 25c --at 2 for•• 'LIQUID AeelliONIA-•Good for 15c diewere, at bottle : *ASTER'S TURKEY STAR'neett-At • .... $3.65 I, 4. ';'4413,,11T'S 'VEGETABLE SOUP affeases HAWES' Combination Offer Oon't miss this opportunity to supply your needs at this Saving; 2 lb. Tim-HAWES' WAX 6 oz. Bottle FURNITURE CREAM Regular value $1.08 Both for Tba .. 112-11). Tin omen's Hoipi al Aid To Meet, The regular meeting of- the Women's Hospital Aid to Scott Memorial Hos- pital will be beld oet Thursday. June and, at 2_30 p.m., in Carnegie Libraly Hall. Announcement..Mr. and Mrs. H. Stewart, Seaforth, 'announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Leonora 'Harriet, to Mr. Norman William Mc- Intyre, Owen Sound, sou of Mrs. Jes- sie McIntyre, Durham, the marriage to take place June 15th. .. • • • -43e 23c Pint 59c Quart 98c A long hand led FREE Applier with,. each .quart • Tin they last •• While A. C. Routledge PHONE 166 Announcement -Mr. and Mrs,. Wes- ley goggarth announce the engage- ment of their only daughter, Thelma Annie, to Mr, Raymond Joseph Wil- liam Townsend; son of ,Mt. and Mrs. Amos Towneen,d, of Tuckersmith, the marriage to take place in June. WE SP EC IIALIZE IN FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, CAS- UALTY, GUARANTEE BONDS, ACCIDENT A N D • SICKPiESS, BURGLARY, WINDSTORM. Representing' Companies who give Security with Service. Also- Agents for Ontario Thresh- ermen's Mutual Fire Insurance. Information gladly given. A nUmber of desirable properties Seaforth and district for sale. WATSON' & REID I* A. REID - Proprietor Phone 214 : Seaforth SPECIALISTS IN ALL LINES OF , INSURANCE „ Announcement -Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Finkbeiner announce -the eingagetmfent A of tthetr eldest daughter, Mary Beat- rice, to Mr. William Joseph Faulkner, of Sarnia, son of Mrs. P. A. Faulkner and the late F. A. Faulkner, of Seaforth, the marriage to take place in Seaforth on June 14th. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -S. T. Holmes & Son • FUNERAL SERVICE 40 Main Street, Seaforth 0 , S. T. Holmes, residence 0 Goderich Street, West; phone -0 0 No. 119-W. Charles Holmes' 0 • 0 residence, Goderieh Street, 0 0 East; phone No. 308. .0 Ambulance Service ,-, • 4 Adjustable hospital bed for 0 rent. 4 •Night calls, Phone 308. 0 4 Day calls, Phone 1194. 0 0 Charges moderate.. • mese 0 4 4 4 0 0'4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0',00000000000 •;" El C. BOX FUNERAL EiEFIVICE Licensed Embalnier Ambulance Service Hospital Bed with adjustable rachet oper- ated opting for rent. • 0 Night Calls • Day Calls 0 4 Phone 175. Phone 43. 4 12-31 o 000000 WALKER'S '0 FUNERAL SERVICE 4 W. J. WALKER and 0 JOHN R. WALKER, Jr. , Licensed Embalmers and • Funeral Director. Day Or Night Calls -PromPtlY attended. - • PHONE 0 12-47 0 it> 0 0 .0 0 0 0 Cs 0 Announcement -Mr. and Mrs. Eph- riam Clarke, of Hullett, announce the engagement of their daughter, Muriel Doreen, to Charles Stewart Dolmage, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dolmage, of McKillop, the marriage to take plaee. early in June. 0 0 0 0 0 THE ;SECOND DIVISION • „COURT COUNTY Op HURON • Deelailen Rank Venue Ogee' homers • left- _ wet testeedse, Ilitiesikiyereenises, too Lat. READY FOR SUMMER? • Have youi car greased and winter oil changed in order to avail trouble dur- ing summer. - AGENTS FOR - Announcement -The engagement is announced of Elinor Elizabeth, daugh- ter of Dr. F. J. Burrows and the late Mrs. Burrows, Seaforth, to Mr. H. Lawrence Shepherd, Thorold, son of Mrs. Shepherd and the late Mr. H. L. Shepherd, Torpid°, the marriage to take place June 18th. Dies in Guelph., -Word was receiv- ed here Monday that Mrs. Robert Beatty had died in Guelph the pre- vious •evening. Mrs. Beatty vas a sister of Mrs. William. Sholdice and Mrs. W. J. Sillery, of Seaforth. The funeral was held in Guelph, on. Tues- day. Announcement -Mrs. S. McFarlane of London, wishes to announce the engagement of her daughter, jean. S. Weide, to Dr. Martin W. Stapleton, of Dublin, Ont., sou of Mr. and Mrs. James Stapleton, Petrolia, the mar- riage to take place quietly early in june. Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. -First Presbyterian Chureth - Rev. Robert Bruce, of Ailsa Craig, will be the minister on Sunday, ,May 29th. Sunday Selsool at /0 a.m. Northside United °florets -Services - at 11 a.m. and 7 pare Sunday Sehool at 10 a.m.-Rea T. A. Cairn Minister. Sit. Thomas' Cfrarch--Recter, Rev. Dr. Hurford 1I a.m., Rev. 4G. Cal- der, LL.B.; 7 p.m., The It tor. Sun- day School at..10 FIRESTONE- TIRES SIMS BATTERIES WESTON'S SHELL SERVICE PHONE 103 - GODERICH ST. WEST Celebrate Fortieth Anniversary. - Mr. and Mrs. John Knight., of town, celebrated the fortieth anniversary of their marriage, which took place on the 24th of May, 1898, at the home of her sister, Mrs. Bertha. Dowding, in Mitchell, where the ceremony was perforated by Rev. J. W. Holmes. The immediate family was present and a most enjoyable time was spent Mr. and Mrs. Knight have seven boys, Horace, 01 Nile; Vilvin, Hamilton; Les lie and Cecil, Ki tchener ; Frank, Toronto; Norman and Carl, in Sea forth, andeene daughter, Mrs. Flet- cher Ritchie. Mr. and Mrs. Knight have lived, in Seaforth for 40 years. Reward! FOR HARD WORK During EXAMINATIONS A C. C. M. Bicycle To Be Given By the Parents of Boys and Girls We have a complete stock of the latest mod- els for both Boys and Girls, as well as acces- sories and repairs, to help make "passing the exams" 'a worthwhile achievement. J. F. Daly FORD GARAGE Seaforth Ont. LOCAL BRIEFS • Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Broadfoot and Miss DaWdson were in Toronto this weesk, Mrs. Broadfoot going on to New York for a sbort visit. • Mr. and Mrs. William Somerville of Woodstock, were the guests 01 Mrs. Whittaker this week. • 'Miss Watson and Miss Mary Watson, of Tonoarte, were the guests of Miss Marion Watson this week. • Miss Betty Southgate, of Wel- lesley Hospital, Toronto, was home for the weekend. , • Mr. A. W. Sillery, Osgood* Hall, Toronto, was home for the week -end. • Mies Mary Holmes, Miss Reta Duncan, Miss Helen HerniltOn, Miss Helen McLean, Mr. Douglas' Stewart and Mr. Francis Devereaux, Univers- ity of Western Ontario, London, are home, for the summer holidays. • Mra. Perley Banbury, of Winni- peg," is a guest at the home of her fattier, Dr. F. J. Burrows. Is Mr. and Mrs. Shortt, of Port Stanley, we're the guests of Miss Gov- enlock on Friday. • Mr. Norman McIntyre: of Owen Sound, was a weekend guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stew- art. • Mr. aed Mrs. Jeno Neville, of Chatham, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. 13. M. McMillan. They were accompanied by Mrs. McMillan, who has beert, spending a few weeks in Chatham. • • Miss Bechely, of Hamilton, was a week -end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs,. FL J. Sproat. • Dr. Carl Aberhart, who has spent the past year in Britain and on the Continent, studying and travelling, bad returned home and spent the week -end in town, the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Aber- b,art. • Mrs. Robert Coates, of London, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs,. William Ament. • Mr.. IL Glenn Hays, of Osgoode Hall, Toronto, spent the week -end at his h*ne la Egencsadville. s Dr. Burrows and Miss Elinor Bur- rows were Toronto visitors last week. • Rev. C. C. Keine and Mrs. Keine have, returned from Winnipeg where they spent a mouth with their son, Dr. J. M. Keine. • Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Reid, of Hamilton,were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Reid. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith spent th,e week -end in Blaine, Michigan, and Detroit. • • Mr. Earl Gillespie, of Caledonia, spent the week -end at las home hero. • Mr. R. J. McMillan, who spent the winter -months in Florida, bas re- turned to his home here. hods ay guestS at the home of Mr. aud Mm. E. Diele. • Miss Angela Eelt t, of the Am- berside teaching ste2.;'eseuent Sunda, at, the home of tter • parenta; Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Eekart fa MeKillert. • Dr. Everett Rivers, of Detroit, was •hene this week via -Mug hist par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. • Jaime Rivers.' • Miss Eieatior Diamert, of Han over, is the guest of Mr. (113#1 Mrs. R. Frain. • Miss Olivia Arnold, of Toronto, was a week -end guest at the howe of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Box. • Mrs. Thomas Sharpe, Miss Mary McIver and Mr. Keith Sharpe spent the holiday with friends in Sarnia. • Mrs. J. R. Hillis anti family, of Tororao, are guests at the tonne of ber Mother, Mtra.G: T. Turalaill. • Miss Tretheway„of Stratford, was a recent guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Savauge. • Mr: and Mrs. Roy McLeod and daughter, Lama, and Mr. and Mrs. Oner Potbie, of Detroit, went the 'weekend at the home of Mr. Joseph Heffernan and Miss Margaret Heffer- nan. • Rev. Robert Bruee of Ailsa Craig will oecu•py the pulpit of First Prestatrian Church next Sunday. • Mrs. H. M. Beattie and son, Mr. Edwin Beattie, of -Moscow, N.S., and Mrs. James Ireland, Harriston, who have been spending the winter in Florida, spent a couple of days with Mrs. James Beattie. • The congregation of Duff's Church, McKillop, has greatly imemov- ed the Manse by having it repainted, and has also installed Hydro. • Mr. K. L McLean, of Toronto, spent ,the weekend at hie home here. • Mr. James Plant returnedto, his home in Acton on Moriday, after spending several months with his son, Mr. W. R. Plant. • Mr. and Mrs. James Soott, of Cromarty, were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gil- lespie. • Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bowman, of London, were the week -end guests of Mr. and MTS. J. W. Yoes. • M'r, J. P. Bell, of Toronto, spent the holiday with' Mertes in tow -n. • Mrs. H. E. Smith is spending a few days in Milverton. • Mrs. C. P. Sills and d'aughter. Mary Lou, and Mrs. "C. Eckert have returned' from Detroit. • Mrs. W. A. Cricli spent the week end in Toronto. • Mrs. F. Hutchison has return- ed to her home here after spending She winter in Mitohell. • Mr. W. H. Golding, 1VLP., was home from Ottawa for the week -end. • Mr. and Mrs. Thompson!, of Moorefield, were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Beverley °bristle. • Mr. and Mrs.. A. D. Armstrong have returned from la month's visit et the home of their sent in Port Ar- thur. • Mr. James Soott, University of Toronto, is spending the holidays at ,the borne of his 'mother, Mrs. H. R. Scott. • • Mrs. 3. C. Greig, Mrs. F. J. Beeb- e)), Mrs. G. D. Ferguson, Mrs. J. A. Munn, Mrs. E. A. McMaster, Mra. E. Chapinn, Mrs. W. E. Beg, Mo. R. E. McKenzie and Mrs. F. S. Sills were in Hamilton on Friday, the, gueets of Miss Appleyard. • Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Carbert, of Detroit, were weekend gleiets at the home of Mre. M. Carbert • Mr. Leo Joynt has successfully Passed his first year at the School of Pharmacy, Toronto. 0° Meisre. W. A. Crich, J. Beattie, Chad Glew and Harry Pretty return- ed Wednesday evening from a fishing trip to Algonquin; Park. • Mr. and Mrs. Benson, Mole and two children of Dungannon, were 4 414 • Atteption Farmers MONEY TO LOAN Mortgage Loan on improved farm properties at 5 per cent. No valuation fees or chattel •, mortgage ,required. 'H. Cony tcz Co. STRATFORD MANLEY The late rain has 'delayed the plant- ing of potatoes and roots„ and it's well for those who did not get the potato crop planted, as when, the fresh seed is in the wet ground it generally rots and'has to be replant- ed. The frost lase Tuesday night didn't ,de as much damage here as else- where, as the cloudy silty kept the sun from •d the oder crop. Those who attesi Colum - ban ,dance and social last Tuesday night report it was* grand success. DUBLIN A special ceremony took place at St. Patrick's Church on Sunday night when th•e Young Ladies' Sodality took part in a procession and special hymns. An eloquent sermon was preacted by Father Fitzpatrick, of St. Columban. Father Sullivan, of Taron'to, and Father Dantzer, of St. Columban, also were in the sanctuary with Father Filoulkes. . A very successful dance was held in Looby's Hall on- Friday nigh,L Ben- ny Paimer's orcherebnaa London, fur-, Meted the music, which was enthuse 'Aetically received. Guests were pres- ent from many distant points_ Mrs. William Curtin was a guest at the O'Connor -Cronin wedding at St. COlumbau on. Tueeday. • Visitors during he week included: ,Mr. and Mrs. JamekHauley, Toronto, with. Mr. and MiSe*Iliatm Hanley; r&.and Mrs. Ifarci Smeck, Kitchen- er, at the Nene o, Mr.,andMrs. T. J. Molyneux; Mr. nd Mrs. Charles Pope, Stratford, wjjia friends; Misses Dorothy, and Veronica Molyneux, of Drysdale, Miss FloTenee Smith, Gads - hill; Miss 1)thelyn O'llearn, Goderich; Miss Nora McGrathea Liman; Miss Dorothy Donnelly, .Stratford Normal, at their respective homes. William Stapleton, in Collingwood; Ted Car- ron in Guelph; Algin McNeil attend- ed a wedding in Palmerston Don Benninger, St. Michael's Col- lege, Toronto, and Gordon 1e111, of St. Peter's Seminary, Landon., are spend- ing their vacation at their home here. ST. COLUMBAN by the most modern • methods • J. F. DALY Font Garage - Seaforth few days with Mr. and Mrs: Charles Sellers. Mr. and Mrs. H. Last and Mae R: Hoy spent Sunday in London. The Walton group of the W. M. S. will hold their monthly 'meeting at the home of Mrs. C. Sellers on Thurs- day, May 26th, at 2 p.m. Gardening teethe Order of the day here at, present. Mr. and Mrs. V. Johnston and Miss Margaret Murray; ot Blyth, Called en friends ie the village on Sunday; Word was received by Mrs. Peter Dill, of Dublin, of 'the sudden death of her brother, Gordon MacDonald, at Haileybury on Monday night. •De- ceased was born in Walton sixtjetwo years aeo, and later moved to Brus- eels, where he operated the Ameri- can Hotel for years. He was a star right wing :for the Seaforth Barone and ales played brilliant foetball for several Western Ontario teams. He le survived by hiswife and one daughter, Mrs. Stewart Young, of Larder Lake. - Mt. and Mo. Jae. Davidsou and Murray, of London, spent the week- end in Walton. A very pretty wedding was solemn- ized 'in St. Columban Church day morning at nine o'clock, when Mary Cronin, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cronin, was united in marriage to James' O'Connor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O'Connor, of Hibbert. Precisely at 9 a.m. the bride, leaning on the and of her father, en- tered the church. The wedding march was rendered by the organist, Mrs. John Downey, aunt of the bride. Little Shirley Feeney, of Stratford, made a charming flower girl, carrying a basket of pink and white sweet peas with maiden hair fern. • The bride wore a handsome floor -length gown of appliqued white net over white satin, and carried a sheaf of yellow and white roses. The bridesmaid, Miss Evelyn_ Melady, wore white embroid- ered net over tortoise blue satin, and, carried a sheaf of pink carna- tions and cornflowers. Alphonsus and Jack Cronin, brother Of the bride act- ed as ushers. Rev. J. Dantzer per- formed the ceremony and Sang the nuptial high mass. Solos were ren- dered during the mase by Mrs. Maur- ice Dalton, Mrs. John Feeney of Strat- ford and Mrs, Wm, Cleary. Follow- ing this the bridal party retired! to the home of the bride's parents, where a sumptuous wedding dinner was prepared for a large number of guests, the immediate relatives of the bride and groom. Guests were pres- ent from Stratford, Goderich and London. Later in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. O'Connor left on a honey- moon trip to Detroit and other points. On their return they will reside in Hibbert. WALTON • At the aniornling 7geterte43 In Duff's Celled Church Rev. 0. Cumming took for hie sahject, "The Life of John Wesley," And spolueof his birth, eon- vereion and death. The choir sang a 'Suitable anthem Mr. and MDR. Henry Last, of Wand - ter, are visiting Mre and MrS, Riche aid IloY. Mr, and Mrs. .Fetg Smalldon, of Welintud, opera,. unito 'Ortth Analtdists atsd tither 'llertaiveitv. :P/Ir. and Atts....Ohittles,Reiters and tiOn, Clapton, spay tuletiotek-end at Iteldeactrg. . Mori*,.. and ti11lk of 1' I CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. GeergeThiedd, or, Exe- ter, visited Mr. and .Mrs. Jaz, Medd on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferguson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse James, of Kincardine. Miss Mary Moore, Of Toronto, spent the week -end with her brothers, Messrs. William and Milton Moore. Mr. Justin Sinclair, Mr. Robt. Mc- Donald and Mr. Roy McDonald, of Brigden, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephenson. Mr. L. Lorne Lawson and Miss Doreen Clark motored to Toronto on Monday. Miss Viola Clark, who has anent the past few weeks there, in tends to, return with them. Mrs. P. Lindsay sang a solo at the Empire concert at Walton on Mon- day with Mise Helen Britton as ac - (=amulet. - , "4.,%-,4,0444:441•44,..1$444,44N4.44,044,&1*,..4,41.4.444,4,44-, ^ • - • If you need a SpringCoat buy. Now We have latest Spring styles from which to choose and Friday and Saturday prices are un- believably low. , COATS UP TO $15.00, for 1491 COATS ISP TO $25.00, for5 COATS UP TO $20.00, for $ $17.95 Smart Tweed Suits We offer Tweed Suits that sell regularly up to • p$1r7ic.5e.0, for min which is less than maker's Dresses with Strong' Price Appeal -Specialices.showing of Dressm at greatly reduced 9 CREPE DRESSES $2.95, $3,95, $4,95 TWO-PIECE KNITTED DRESSES -Come in wel- come shades. Sizes 14 to 20. PRICE . .$3,95 .WONDERFUL SHOWING of PRINTED BROAD- , CLOTH AND PIQUE DRESSES. .$1 to $2,25 Hat Specials Right in the heart of the season, we offer ex- ceptionally Stylish Hats at - 98c, 1.49, 1.95 upio 195 --MacTAVISH'S-- NO TRESPASSING Persons wishing to use the privileges of the Dump, on the farin of H. Kellar, pro- vided by the Town of Seaforth for its citi- zens, must first secure a permit from the Town Clerk, otherwise they will be prose- cuted for trespassing., • By Order of the Town Council DOMINION EXTRA VALUES FRANKFORD or PICNIC STANDARD PEAS, No, 2 or I7 -oz. Tins 3 FRESHLY GROUND FRAGRANT COFFEE TINS FOR AYLMER CHOICE WHITE CORN RICH MELLO FLEISCHMANN'S YEAST 17-0:. Tins 5 Pkg. Cake .04 CLARK'S BEANS MONARCH - FLOUR WITH PORK FINEST PASTRY 3 Tins 22 -oz. 25 24 -Ib. Bag (when packed) a CHOICE FRUITS Pineapple Pineapple Grapefruit Carrots Asparagus Spinach 2-33c 2-45c 7-25c 2 - I5c RED ROSE RED LABEL 2-19c Black Tea 2 m. 'Eli ;atilt' SHREDDED Old Rotch CLEANSER Goes further. Doesn't scratch because ifiarle with tommistitri. 3TINS27 . • JOHNSON'S,GIANT SPECIAL! FLOOR WAX EACH , GLOCOAT, .59 LIQUID WAX y2-113. Pkg. 1/2-14, Pkg. Pkgs. . 31 .17 . 23 LIQUID WHITE • 2 IN 1 KspEciak. SOL rdis. 3 SHOE DRESSING ) not. NAVY TISSUE' - 111 ,e f; . These Values Effective May 25th to 28th Cakes Rolls 14 . 11 . 15 DROP INTO YOUR HEIGHBOURHO6D • STOPS ., 6 El. • 11„,- • 4,,,414.' 04.4 4.41.'`I441.Jr';4,5.1,4?4,4.