HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-05-20, Page 5'n -0, it- .al I r. ng rd be, ' R1G'E LIEAiFq Now $ iowhig�. YronA; 'rower ^ Mice, Faye Don Ameche- , "OLD CHICAGO" As eweeeing as ,the ilamµee that detoured 1014100- Monday. Chiaa -Monday. Tuesdai'-Wednesday Irene Dunne Douses F;�sbstlln. "JOV OFpaaLIVING" with • Alice Brady, Eric Blare, Guy Ki''Ibee jiihheodona sees wild again, in a laugh. pens, :love ieept,• what tops the awful truth: NEWS CARTOON Next Thursday; Friday, Saturday Sonja Henie • Don Amebhe "HAPPY LANDING" Ethel Merman Cesar Romero Queen of the Silvery Skates - 14fore- rmdi'ant, mo,re beautiful Athan ,;ever. Coming -"Victoria 'The Great" 41/11111111111111.111111111111.11.1.11111.11.11111W KIPPEN Notice To Farmers. -Just received a full line of Essex Government teat- ' ed seed corn. Having purchased from the same grower for about ten years, we know you can depend on its qual- ity. -11s,o a full mine of fence mater- ial, e•Wire, posts and shingles; ; also agent for Beatty Bros. barn, haf and piping equipment carried in stock. W. E. BUTT, Kippers, Ont. Phone 41 on 91. 3675-4 The annual -meeting of the Kippers -East W. I. was held at the home of Mrs. John McGregor on Wednesday .afternoon, May llth. There was quite a number of visitors and a good at- tendance of members. The president opened the meeting and all joined in singing the• Institute ode and repeat- ing the Lords Prayer. • Miss Sarah Sinclair read -a spring -time poem .about "Results and Roses." The March of -the Mitten Men, played on the piano by M'rs. Hodgert and daugh- ter, Miss Mildred Hodgert, was much' enjoyed. The answer to the roll call was the payment of dues for the com- ing year. The district annual meet- ing will be held at the Th ro s Road church on May- 1st and the dele- gates chosen to attend were Mrs. W. Doig and Mrs. J. Sinclair. Mrs. Rath, burn gave a good paper on the mot- to, " Our Institute Ods." Miss E. Clark played for her piano selection, "Chopin's Deix Polonaises." Mrs. Jno. McGregor then gave the story of the farm and Mrs. Hodgert sang the beau- tiful song, "A Perfect Day.,' Miss Hodgert played a guitgar solo and Mrs. W. Doig demonstrated the making of a daffodil cake. Goad reports from the secretary -treasurer and the con- venors of the standing committees showed that the Institute had passed a verysuccessful year and have a balance on hand to begin the new year. The president now declared all offices vacant and Mrs. Simpson pre- sided over the election of the follow- ing officers: President, Mrs. G. Mc- Lean; let vice-pres., Mrs. H. Cald- well; 2nd vice-pres., Mrs. W. Cole; sec.-treas., Miss Grace Tremeer; as- sistant sec.-treas., Mrs. W. Doig; :pianist, Mrs. John' McGregor; Direc- tors, irect.tors, Mrs. M. Cooper, Mrs. W. Work- man, Mrs. C. Eyre and Mrs. D. Chap- pell; District Director, Mrs. IL Cald- well; Standing Committees: Agria turc ash ua5I1B11.IiY<17 $Z . Cole; Health, Mrs. L. Clair. Home Economics, Mrs. J. Sinclair; Educa- tion, Mrs.Martin; Legislation, Miss Dinnen; Relief and Community Activ- ities, Mrs. W. McGregor; Historical Research, Miss M. McKay; Peace Ed- ucation and International Relation- ship, Mrs. Traquair; Relief Connnit- tee, Mgrs. W. McGregor, Mrs. varley, Mrs. Turnbull, Miss S. Sinclair and Mrs, Martin; Sunshine Committee, Mrs. Stoneman, Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Jac- obi and Miss L. Tremeer. The next meeting on Wednesday evening, June 15th, will be at the theme of Mrs. W. Kyle. The meeting closed by singing the National Anthem and a social time was spent while lunch was serv- ed. Quite a number from here attend- ed the , funeral of the late Charles Watson, of Londesboro, whose funeral was theld on Monday. It was with deep regret that the people of this community learned of his death. Mrs. Jahn Sinclair, of Tuckerstmith, is a daughter and had visited with him on Sunday, and Mr. Watson appar- ently seemed to be in goad health, but on the following Monday" Mrs. Sin- clair received a message saying her father had been stricken suddenly and was taken to the Clinton Hospital, whore he was treated by a specialist and all that was possible to do was done, but a few days later he passed away. He was a comparatively young man and had been an industrious man all through his life, and his sud- den; passing away will be greatly felt, not only in his own immediate neigh- borhood, but most of all in his home where he was a good father, a kind neighbor and a good citizen. Our deep sympathy at this time goes to the bereaved mother and daughters. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Thomas Workman, of the London Road, has not been enjoying very; .good health for the past few weeks, but we trust that he may soon be feeling much better again. Mr. Howard Clark, of Winona, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mr6. Robert Dayman, of Tuckersmith. Mr. Robert Elgie, of Tuckersmith, has treatedhimself to a fine new Hudson car. 1 A BIGGER BUSINESS DRIVE Store Open Saturday and Monday Evenings With a Glorious Display in Style, Variety, Value Leading the Style and Value Parade. Hundreds to choose from Smart EnglishSUITS Worsted Two Money -Saving Prices VARNA The many friends of Mrs. Arm- strong will be pleased to know she has returned home after spending a few weeks in Clinton Hospital. Mrs. Mossop attended: the funeral on Saturday of her cousin, the late Fred Manns, of Hensail. We are pleased to report Mr. Geo. Beatty, Sr., wiho has been confined to his bed for the past week, is im- proving and will soon, be able to be out again., A special meeting of the council and ratepayers of the township was (held. Tuesday night to discuss the nig Drain. There was a full Meet- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Grkssick entertained {i; ssufnber bf their friends Sanday, In. !eluding their datlgllter, husband . and • 1 i1'. Not in years have we offered va- lues like these Fine English Worsted Suits, beautifully tailored and cut in the latest single or double breasted styles. Patterns and coloring are identical with highest priced suits. Come in and see them You'll Never Regret Quality at These Low Prices Style is Written All Over This Peerless Selection of Glamorous Summer 8.50 Extra Pants 4.00 Super Quality Worsted Suits Up-to-the-minute styling, design and patterns. High grade English Worsted that will give long, satisfac- tory wear and retain their fine ap- • pearance. All new Suits; new in style; new in colors; new in pattern; new in low price Extra Pants 4.50 DRESSES A PERSONAL TRW TO THE LEADING MANUFAC- TURERS AND A SPOT CASH PURCHASE MADE THESE WONDERFUL VALUES POSSIBLE ! Absolutely New Dresses -New in Style; New in Col- ors; New in Design; New i>;l Patterns; New in materials. Gorgeous, Glamorous versions of Summer 1938 most popular styles. New Stripe Crepe Dresses Short sleeves, sport styles; some with zippers and pockets, stripes woven through New Floral Crepe. Dresses In delightful designs in light or dark colors; clever styling. Sizes 14 to 52 Flash ! Clearing Men's Flannel Suits 13.95 REGULAR $18.50 to $22.50 Plain or Sport Back, sin All new stylese or double brWell tailored d. an lined. Stripes or Plain Cloths. Sizes 36 to 40. Don't miss these! Men's Felt Hats Latest shades as designed by ,Stetson Biltmore, Brock and Green, All sight zes.ordark SPEC AL s, BrownsA11 lir Felt Hats, eens, Navy. An Exclusive Selection of the Very Newest Styles Shown for the First Time This Week: Fine Laces, Cable Nets, Linens, Lystav Hop Sacking, Spun Rayon. Don't Miss These t 12.50 2.95 3.75 9.75 to Women's Hose Irresistibly new in colors, sensationally attractive in price 1.95 2.95 3.50 Orient, Kayser, Weldrest, Sandra and Pen- s. New bright metalic and soft complexion shades. Men's Fine Shirts New Summer Patterns, Bright Attractive 1 Checks, Stripes and Plain White, or attached 100 15 519 5 Collars. Sizes 14 to 18 . . . Men's Smart Ties As new as to-morrow'in swell checks and diagonals you can't resist them Men's Fine Hose. -New ankle or full length, hot colorsquiet. or 50c 1.00 25c, 35c, 58c Millinery All the very newest shapes from the largest sailor to the smallest pill -box, gayly regaled with veils, flowers and ribbons. Stunning, flattering, becoming Special SUMMER COATS Polo Cloth or Flan- nels, in White, Pink, Blue, Natur- al; short or long ; clever new styles. $8.75 tQ $17.00 69c 75c 1.041 1.95 to 7.00I 1.00 t0 2.95 New Purses Patent leathers, Gabardines, Calf, also new wooden bead effects in snappy designs and colors . to suit the new Spring colors Jockey Shirts and Drawers, knitted or broadcloth Gloves --" -" Men's Underwear SUIT Kid Gloves. Right in style, good quality, S9c, $LOO black or white 5QC Ribb Tex. Slip on style, you'll like them, Penman's Balbriggan, best quality Shirts and Drawers Penman's Balbriggan Comb., long or short sleeves and legs 95c SUIT EACH black, brown, navy, biege, grey and white. Boys' Suits SPECIAL-,Sciiool Suits, clearing odd sizes and broken line reg. up to $8.00$9.50 High grade tweed or worsted suits. All styles, colors and patterns, 2 paints, 4.95 Boys' Furnishings Fine Shirts. -Good quality print, bright) attractive Blouses -Full sizes, smart patterns. Underwear --Balbriggan Combinations Caps. -New patterns quality tweeds Hose.-Elastex tops, new shades, all sizes Special ---Boys' Golf Sox, reg 25c to 50c Good quality patterns. Roll tops. Excellent. for school wear. Pair • Women's Undies Watson's fine Balbriggan Vests, Panties, Bloomers. Krinkle Crepe Gowns or Pyjamas Voile Nighties and Pyjamas, white, blue, pink Trico Maid Panties in white only; they're new 3.9C to 79c 1.95 75c 2gc, 39c, 45c 89c, $1.00, $1.19, $1.50 $1.00, $1.25 95c Blouses and Sport Shirts 39c 50c 75c Blouses in delicate pastel and new Parisand shades; 50C fancy tucking ruffle front, button trim 45c, 75c SPECIAL -Famous Velva Suede ~Sport Shirts for women, in 25c Gold, Coral, White, Blue. Zipper front. A big value t.98 to 2.95 Stewart Bros., Seafort Osmoor Best House Dresses They are Different. +. !Better. They_Lo::nd Twice the Money„. l.00