The Huron Expositor, 1938-05-20, Page 4rTVI
ed Ads will be inserted at new low cash rates:
,'Wanted. Lost and Yom. Codi EesYrb, Eon, -lee' ward:
Ist week 1 Cent
end week " Gent
ate= d,ar1 first lineation 25 Cel.
aid Each figure, initial and abbxav3ttdne anent* is ens word.
n of; Thania. In Meate6,1011 Notices -1 cert pea', arm& clean*,,..., 60 Dente Per week.
Wei may be directed to a Boz. Number. care of The Huron Ercpositor, for' 10 cents
. ilLearatto additional per week wdi be dmrged if ads in above clam are not psid by the
Sretardaynight in Ibe week in which the ad was run.
]3ir'tae; Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge-
Auution Sales. Notice to Creditors, Etc --Rahn on application.
Property For Sale For Sale or Rent
A' ,nccelletlit rendition. 3tust be moved
from present location. A real- buy fur cash.
Apply to Box 157, itXPOSITOR- 3671-3v
-L n 11,aboiwtsan with Mr.• Clifford Car-
miehiael, are canvassing the town- for old
stamps. Canvasser will call' old gen eZS
Your co-operation in he8rtily: ones
and post cards ready 3675x1
an -
went -sited.
Articles For Site
Do .uv'
Sais--E rR R.AIQ'G'n1"I'E. >.N
ar good condition, May be seen at FERGU-
SON'S HARDWARE STORE, Seafort3i-3675 2
For Sale
" Pianos. Such sea -known makes as
EIeinartzman•,. Nordheimer, Mason & Risdh,
Weber, and others at reasonable Prices and
terms. Write HEINTIIMAN &„ CO„ 242• Dun-
das St., London., for further particaiars. No
obligatilans, 3673-3
P `LIS quantity of early cabbage and early
tomatoes and. peppers; all kink Jeund colors
of flowers. This is your invitation
to see
ours before you bay. Same place- ALBERT
BAIO;R, Railwaay Streit
and Poultry Fence, barb wire, steel .posts
carried in stock, at reasonable prices.' J. N.
McKENZIE, Frost Wire Dealer, Seaforth.
lof Petunias. Snapdragons and many
other flowering; plate ; Tematnes. Cabbage.
Cauliflower, Celery. Pepper9,• Garden Huckle-
berrie-;, Dahlia Bulls and Perennials. A. L.
PORTEOUS, one block east of Hospital.•
Salesman Wanted
aver profitable ' Itawleagh Route. Estab-
lthed emratomers. Sales way up the year.
haost be satisfied with earnings of 330.00 a
week to start. Write RAWLEIGH'S, Dept.
ML -863-101-E, Montreal, Canada.
rent. Apply DAN SHANAHAN. Sea -
forth. 36714E
ty •Caanneil well be held in the Council
Chaff, Court House, Gloderich, commenc-
ing Tan day. May 31st` 1938, at 2 P.M -
AR accounts, dotttces - of deputations and
other 'business requiring attention should be
an the bands of the County Clerk by May
J. IiE ROBERTS, County Clerk,
Gyou shudder a change that would
really make money? New* Sales Plan.
of 200 guarasite,ed sfood-enedioinail2oilet pre-
parations. Lower prices. Liberal commis-
sion. Extra cash bonus. Free gats. Lf you
have a car and a little cash and wank to
sell something that repeals the year round .
in excl'nsive district, write to FAIM1LEx CO., '
670 St, Cle n9at, 'Montreal. 6675-1
al Yeast box ,trouts' before May 25th and
RROOS 2ELLA each. Beery
Walton. mom 3ban 6775:
Goderieb. Oat:.
Popular Stallions
Tawnslpls Oppose
.tenttintred from Page 1)
gislatur'es Many oo 10/0an are lei
1on,. Qat he , well advised to he
veatigab ih'e coete to the taxpayer Of'
tee -Administration of Justice, the
weaknesses of the fee system, the
costs of attjournments, the costs of
bringing to justice the criminal who
has stolen -,.a halter or a loaf ; of
"Resokved, That there are mtany
wayis, of which the officials of gov-
ernment must know could be greatly
"Resolved, Finally that it would be
,in the interests of the taxpayer if
some of the authority of government
was ,returned to the county councils
together with a fair share of the rev-
enue derived front some of . the rev -
entre producing departments."
The Clydesdale Stallion
Enrolment No. 1961
'Will stand 'at his own stable at Brucefield
for the season. Fifteen dollars to insure,
payabie February '1. 1939.
ROBERT D. MURDOCH, Proprietor.
Imported Clydesdale Stallion
Imp. 128173] (23029)
Enrolment No. 3744 Form 1
Monday Afternoon - Will leave his own
stable at Bruoefieid and go south on High-
way 4q George Glenn's, south of Kipper. for
night. Tuesday -East and south to William
Mart'ian's, 10th concession of'ITuckersmith. for
noon; then north to the 9th concession of
Hibbert to William Patrick's - for night
Wednesday -North to Coyne Bros., 7th con-
cession of Hibbert, for noon; then west to
Robert Dais's, Tuckersmith, for night Thurs-
day -West to GennAell's Corner, then north
to A, and J. Broadfoot's. for mot ; then
home •,, his own stable for nicht. Friday -
West to the 2nd wnoessbn. Stamey; then
north to John IL McEwan's, for noon; then
to bis own stable where he will remain until
the following Monday. afternoon.
Terms -To insure, 615.00; payable Febru-
ary aril 1939
R. D. MURDOCH, Proprietor & Manager
Mr. and Mrs. H. Johns and two
young sons spent the week -ends with
Toronto friends.
We are glad to !report that Mrs. R.
Fear, who underwent an operation in
Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth,
last week is recovering nicely.
The June meeting of the Tucker -
smith Ladies' Club will be held at
the home of Mrs. E. Johns op Thurs-
day, June 2nd.
Mrs. E. Crich is under the doctor's
care. We hope fir a speedy recov-
ery. •
Mrs. 3. Turner and Mrs. J. C,arno-
char visited with Miss Lily Wankel
in Seaforth on Sunday last. Miss
Wankel has just returned from Cali-
fornia adhere she visited .her sister,
Miss Ethel Wankel, who has been
very ill.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Garrett and family
attended the golden wedding of Mr.'
and Mrs. Garrett, Sr., of Londesboro,
-on Monday last.
ROE-ln Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaford',
on May 17th, to.Mr. and Mas. Wesley Roe,
of Hallett, a. daughter.
In Memoriam
Y� , atthew Lynch, who died
COURT OF REVISION I one gars ago, .ry 20 lss7.
Township of McKillop
-" • lop will meet as a Court of Revision on
the Assessment Ra11 of 1938 at Winthrop Hai
on Monday. Jane 6th, at 10 o'clock (1_m'. Ap-
peals agathst assessment should be in the
Clink's brands on or before May 28th.
Interesrted panes Should govern themselves
JOHN McNAY, Clerk,
R R. 2, Seaford..
The Town will pay 4 per
cent. per annum up to Aug.
31, 1938, on all prepaid 1938
taxes. Certificates and `full
particulars may be obtained
from the Town Clerk's of-
fice in the Town Hall.
Tenders Wanted
undersigned sand endorsed "Tenders for
Coal." will be received until 12 o'clock noon,
(daylight saving); Monday, June 6, 1938,
for the sagely of coal and coke for the
Dominion Buildings throughout the Prov-
ince of Ontario.
Perms of tender with apecilications and
conditions attached can be obtained front
the Pnrchasirm- Agent, Department of Public
Works, Ottawa;' and the Supervising Archi-
tect, 86 Adelaide St. East, Taranto, Ont,
Tenders should be made on the forme stip-
p180! by ,the Department mient and in. accordance
WWI' depar+t0nettalf eseol5eatiansand con-
ditions isttaeohed tftereto.
When the 1r/fount Of a tender exceeds the
inn' of $5,000.00 --*barer it: be for one build-
ing aptly' or more—the tenderers must attach
Ila their, tender a , certified oliettne on a
f f r'e`� bank i n Canada, made payable to
the order of the ,Flfouotrral)ke • the Minister of
inkb1i2- W'orku,, equal to 1'Ot` Per cent of the
iirlt i' ilia. tender, or Bearer Bonds of
O IY714fdri ' tsf t iidpsaia, dr of tbe 2lanodian
•"' and its don -
05 ice, unaotn di'tfanflly gnaran-
t l3' • 1 Mid aerethe
t by
µit Tac or the aforementabned
ier1ifled afieiitte if *tired to
e right .to
en* • a
it ,,.Pei
In ail the vciorad we shah not find
A heart so weodesfnllr kind,
So soft a voice, so swgat a, smiley
An inspiration so Worth Ohile;
A sympathy so sure 8o deep -
A love so belacutiful to keep.
-Ever remembered and sadly missed by
family- 3675-1
Si'EW,ART-,Ln. Tommie, on Sunday, May, 1$,
David H. Stewart, in his 64th year.
Miss Mary B. Currie returned from
a three months' stay in Toronto.
Miss Dfdrothy Quance, of London,
visited with her mother, Mrs. Quance,
on Sunday.
Mrs. Neil Lamond, of London, spent
a day with her mother, Mrs. McLean.
Miss Jessie Hodgert, of Exeter, is
holidaying at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. James Scott.
The Helping Hand Mission Band of
Cavan Church held their regular
meeting in the basement of tbe
ohurch on May 14th. The meeting
opened with a hymn, followed by the
Lord's Prayer. The minutes and roll
'call. were read. Business was then
discussed and Mrs. Church conduct-
ed the devotional period. The Scrip-
ture lesson was read by Phyllis' Cuth-
ill. Hiram Blanchard gave a splen-
did reading and Anna Somerville led
in prayer. A hymn was sung and the
meeting closed with the Masson Band
A quiet but very pretty wedding
was solemnized on Saturday /noon,
May 14th, at Bridgeport Evangelical
parsonage, when Helen Barbara,
elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Is-
rael Wilhelm, Milverton, became the
bride of Wallace Alexander 'Ross,
Younger son of Mrs. Williams A. Ross
of Kippen, and the late Mr. William
A. Ross, Rev, W. Y. Dreier officiat-
ed. The bride looked charming in
ter floor length gown of pink net
over taffeta with a taffeta bolero
jacket With silver stitching and wore
a coronet of orange blossom) in her
hair. She carried a bouquet of Talis-
man roses with maiden• bait fern.
The ' bride and bridegroom were un-
attended. Immediately after the cere-
mony a dainty wediding dinner was
served at Chicopee Tea Room, the
table being centred with the bride's
wedding cake. Later in the after-
noon the piling , couple left for a
haneyml oon to Niagara Falls, • Buffalo
and other point). The bride's going
away dress was navy: .blue embroidi•
Orsi steer and a White jigger Bloat,
eenetee"hat end White adoesstoi'iee to
mfdirid'hr p'on their return they 'trill
,S,drth, •
Ing prograant Miss Gladys Passmore,
being in the . chair: The Lord's
Prayer; very interesting reports of
the Yopflg People's Ooaverttion held
lu Biueeaeld, May 14th, by the ,dele-
gates,; the Misses Kathryn Drysdale,
Elva McQueen and Goldie Cross; In
s+trumenntal, ASise G. Luker; Scripture
reading, Miss Norma Cook; devotion-
al reading, Esther Martens; piano
duet, Miss Geldie Oros$ Arad Miss El-
va McQueen. The meeting closed
with -a hymn and the benediction.
Visitors in the village over the
week -end: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Rutledge' and daughter, Evelyn; Jack
Drager, Fred Rutledge and Jack and
Billy Briton, Toronto, with 'Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Rutledge and Mrs. Chas.
M:s. Lawrence Forsythe, Toronto,
is visiting her parents, Mr. and. Mrs.
Richard Hoy. -.
The old Methodist church has been
moved down to the village and Is be-
ing remodelled for a community hall.
Silas Jctnston was injured by a
steer a few days ago and is' under
the doctor's care.
Mrs. T. Bickell, Seaforth, and Mrs.
S. S. Dennis, . London, called on
friends in the village on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Davidson and
son, Murray, • of London, spent the
week -end with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Orval Habkirk, of
Wingham, visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Bennett oh Sunday.
lestitute Elects
The Senior Institute met at the
home of Miss •Mabel Workman, •last.
Wednesday evening. -In the absence
of the presidient, Miss Maude McLean,
Mrs. Mark Drysdale took the chair.
The financia • statement given by Mrs.
R. Moore •er;wed a goodly balance on
hand. Reports were given as fol-
lows: Home Economics, Gladys Luk-
er; Education, Minnie Sangster; Com-
munity activities and relief, Mrs.
Young; Iegielation, Mrs. M. Drysdale;
Canadian industries, Mas. James Pat-
erson; ,publicity, Miss Douglas; peace
and international relationships, Mrs.
R. Moore; state of'affairs, over which
Mrs. Rundde and Miss. Reddy, of
Thames ,Road, presided, were as fol-
lows: President, Miss Beryl Pfaff;
lst vice, Mrs. Young; 2nd vice, Mrs.
Drysdale; sec.-treas., Mrs. R. Moore;
press reporter, Miss Gladys Luker ;
District Director, Miss Maude Mc-
Lean; Branch Directors, Miss Mabel
Workman, Mira. Cross, Miss Dohglas;
pianist, Miss Gladys Luker; auditors,
Mrs. G. Case and Mrs. Drummond ;
District Representatives, Ogla BeU,
Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs. Paterson.
Mw. Jas: Paterson rendered a phas-
ing' solo, ''One"' Fleeting Hour." As
the president, Miss McLean, is in
London for the present, she resigned.
She had been president since the so-
ciety started here. The Senior Insti-
tute are making plans to entertain
the Kipper East Institute at their
next meeting, which will be held in
St. Paul's Anglican Church school-
roonl.- A dainty lunch was -served at
the close of the meeting at Miss
Miss Esther Martene this week re-
turned to her home in Dashwood hav-
ing spent the past four months at
the home of Mr. Karry Howard.
Miss Mary Buchanan, of Niagara
Falls, and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Buch-
uchanan, of London, spent the week -end
with Mrs. Alex. Buchanan and fam-
Mrs. -Ore Reid, of Port Rowan,
has been visiting Mrs. Fred Manns,
Miss Vera O'Reilly has returned to
The O.W.L. are holding a social in
the parish ball on Tuesday, May 24th.
Miss Mary O'Connor spent the week
end at her berme.
MT. Joseph Harvie returned after,
spending the winter in Toronto.
Rigby - McQueen
At the Presbyterian Manse, Hen-
sall, on Saturday, May 14th, at 12
o'clock noon, Rev. W. A.. Young of-
ficiating, Miss Flora Marguerite Mc-
QIi'een', eldest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. S. McQueen, was united in mar-
riage to Mr. John MacDonald Rigby,
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Rigby, of Blew
helm. The bride wore a navy tailor-
ed suit with matching accessories
and a ,corsage of 'talisman roses and
lily of the valley. The bride was at-
tended by her sister, Miss Jean Mc-
o-Queen, who wore a black tailored suit
With matching accessories and cor-
sage of yellow roses. The groom was
attended by his brother, Mr. Clare
Rigby. During the signing of the reg-
ister Mrs. Young sang "My World."
Following the ceremony the bridal
couple left by motor for Niagara
Falls. On their return they will re-
side in Blenheim.
Mrs. Stanley Mi'tchel'l gave a mei-
cellaneous shower at heir home Thurs-
day evening last in, honor of Miss
Margaret McQueen. Mrs:' Mitchell was
ataistett' by two girl friends of the
bride, Mrs. Melv. Moir and Miss Sally
Manson. The gifts were brought 131
on a prettily' decorated wagon drawn
by Patsy Mitchell and Bobby Tray
quair, dressed as bride ands groom.
The bride received many beautiful
gifts. During the evening Mrs.'Young,
Mrs. Hutton and Miss Irene Hog-
garth sang several numbers. At the
close- a delicious lunch was served.
Mr. and Mrs. William McLean) and
family, of Hamilton, visited' with the
latter's parents, Mir. and Mrs. John
Passmore and faintly.
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Chadwick, of
Hamilton, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
F. C. Beer, over the week -end.
Miss Joyce Coddling, of London,.
spent the week -end with Mr. and
Mrs. Manley Jinks, of Hensall.
Mr. Lloyd Passmore and friend, of
Delhi, vieltrd with Mr. and Mrs. Jno.
Passmore en 'Sunday last.
Mr. and lees Greer, of Bayfield,
spent a day recently with Mr. and
Mrs. McClinchey, of this village. ' '
Mr. Wm. Hayter, of near Varna,
was also a visitor at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. McClinehey..'`
Harold Bonthron, son of Mr. J. W.
Bon.thron, io .in Toronto taking 'a
odurs(' in embalming. Walker Cdr -
lisle is taking his place in the Bon-
thron & Drysdale store during his
•Mr. and Mrs. Jack Verbeem have
-moved into one of T. C. joynt's apart-
ments over his store.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Blatchford and
son,. Richard, of Detroit, hate been
visiting relatives and friedd+ ,in and -
around, Hensall acid sitk Monday
with''Mr. and Mrs, (lharle ; MAO.
A. W. Kerslake has Moved into
wtllat is known's:a the .Eaerett time.
like League of the 'flitted Mittel'
met in the school room of the ohupeh
Monday egenti tg vvlt' do' tottow.
caning t6 attend lithe funeral of the
late- Fred Manns+,
W = learn :that: Ross Kennedy took'
tbi iplace, instead of fourth, In the
rece t musical festival held at .Exe'
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle, of this
village, attended the Mas'on's at-home
held in Exeter on Wednesday even-
ing of last week.
Carmel W. M. S. Meets
The W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyter
Tau Church was held in the school
rold1 -of the church on. May .12th,
with Mrs. W. A. Young presiding,
and opened with a hymn and prayer
by Mrs. Young. Miss Jean Dougall
read the Scripture lesson; `.'Mrs'.. H.
Arnold led in prayer, following which
the hymn, "Just As I Am" was silug.
Mrs. W. A. Yoking then gave a very
fine talk on. "Courage." The roll was
caped and answered with "Courage"
as a text word. - The president then
took charge` of the business and ar-
rangements were made for the birth-
day party on June 16th in the school
room of the church.. Mrs. Jas. Pater-
son sang very nicely a solo, "There's
a Rainbow in the Sky For You." Mrs.
W. A. Young then gave a very in-
teresting talk on Missiop Band wore:
Dianitha Young sang a solo, "We Are.
Little Sunbeams"; Mrs. Roy Meiar-
en gave a talk on young womon's
work and read a piece on "Gifts From.
Egypt and a Gift to Egypt." After
tku singing of a hymn, the meeting
'closed with the Lord's Prayer.
Dr. Harry Joynt, son of Mrs. Geo.
Joynt, who is on the Byron Sanator-
ium staff, leaves this `week for Sar-
anac Lake, New York, where he in-
ntends taking a post-graduatecourse
at Triedean Hospatal,
Death of Fred Mantis
The funeral of the late Fred Manns
of Hensall; was held under the aus-
piees of Hensall Lodge No. 223, of
which the deceased was a valued
member for many years and was very
largely attended, many coming from
quite a long distance on Saturday
last to pay their last tribute of re-
spect The service was held from
the home on King Street, and: the re-
mains were interred in McTeggart's
cemetery. The service was conduct-
ed by his pastor, Rev. Arthur Sin-
clair, of the United Church, assisted
by Rev. W. A. Young, of Carmel'Pres-
byterien Chdrole, each of the minis-
ter's ' paying high tribute of respect,
and during the servide Rev. Mr.
Young rendered a fine solo hymn,
entitled, "Lead Kindly. Lieht." At ' e
cemetery the Qddfellows had charge
of the funeral, Past Noble .Gfrand Bro
Sydney McArthur taking the Noble
Grand's part of the service and 1'g
Noble Grand G. 3. Sutherland taking
the ehaplaln's part. There was a
very, large attendance of the breth-
rein- The pallbearers were Dr: A. R.
Campbell, Wm. Consitt, T. C. Joynt,
Errol Drummond, Thos. Welsh and
Frank Farquhar, and the flower car-
riers were Lloyd McDonald, Ernie
Shaddick, Wm. McKenzie, Archie
Parsons, John E. McEwen and John
McBeth. The deceased was the son
of , the late Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
Manns residing near Grand Bend, and
was in his sixty-ninth year and liad
been engaged in the 'barbering' busi-
ness for about forty years, and was
well and favorably -known as one who
took 'a great interest in' .the village.
Beg' possessed of a very friendly
an magnetic disposition he made
many friends by whom he will be
greatly missed. He also took a
great interest in- •fraternal orders and,
was a kind husband and a most i13.
dulgent father. He was married eve'''
thirty years ago to Miss Tessie Shep-
herd, a daughter of, the late Mr. and
Mrs. John Shepherd, late of Hensall,
and is survived by this wife and one
son, Kenneth, and one brother, Chas.;
who live§ in California. The follow-
ing mentioned relatives end friends•
frame a distance. attended :the fun-
eral: Mr. and Mrs. F. Brooks, Mr.
and Mrs. Jac Brooks, Mr. and Mrs.
Wilbert Bengough," Mr. and Mrs. Lisle
Merter and Mrs. • A. Gradlam, all of
London; Mr. Charles • Manns and son,
of Sanalac, Mich.; Mr. and ' Mrs.
Meadon, also of Sen'alac, Mich.; Mr.
and Mrs. Dewar, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Watson, Miss Bessie Watson and Mt.
and 'Mrs. P. Cleave and daughter, all
of Bayfield; Mrs. Moffat, of Varna;
Mrs. ljrandoan and daughter, of St.
Marys; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wren and
Mr. Harolds Shepherd, all of Toronto;
Mr, and Mrs- •Clarence Shepherd and
daughter, of Herrietsyiile; Mr, Casey
nucleon, of Listowel; Mr. John' Stew,
art and Miss H. Murray, both of Sea -
forth; Mrs. W: Reid, tFdrt Rowan.
The wreaths from organizations and
from relatives and friends were very
fine and numerous.
Wholehea Class Meets
prayer, Seri r rE:ad'1fg, t yr
j'assmorer n ttlaeatiu,' by Mr.
Clarepee ills• On tics redel n trip to
England En* Scotland and. the ee.
Whiting of interesting. views ha
brought from those countrIetgt Piano
duet by_ the Misses' Gv1„die Wipes and
Elva McQueen, Bestedjetiotn., closed
the meeting and thengitunee were tai
en in charge by Miss tUazel Smiilis
and Mr. Edison Forrest. A tempting
lunch was ,served,
Church' Services
The services In the three local
churches on Sunday last were welll
attended, particularly so et the morn
ing' services, At _ Carmel Presbyter-
ian Ohurch the Sacrament of the,
Lord's St peer wee observed 'at the
morning service and some four unit -
,'ed with the church, 'and a pleasing
feature to the pastor, Rev. Mr. Young,
was.. .the Tact that every Elder was
present. Thechoir rendered fine an-
thems both in the morning and even-
Rev. Mr. Hltht, Rector of: t. Paul's
Anglican Church, gave a fine die-
course,while the ohoir took their
parts very acceptably. '
At the United Church there was an
exchange of pastors for the day, Rev.
Arthur Sinclair preaohing - anniver-
sary, services at Centralia, a former
charge in past years where Mr. Sin-
inclair is always welcomed, and Rev.
Mr. Stewart, of the Centralia congre-
ongregation, delivered well. thought out
and inspiring messages both morning
and evening, the choir rendering fine
Mrs. W. Reidorife of Dr. Wm. Reid;
of Port Rowan, who spent the week-
end here with tier relatives and at-
tending the funeral of her cousin, the
late Fred Marine, motored to Mar-
lette, Mich., on Monday last accom-
panied by her ..cousins, Mrs. Manns
and Mrs. Berths -Bell, to spend a day
or so with relatives there.
We regret to report that Mrs. Robt.
Bontbron, one of our eldest and pio-
neer residents of the village, con-
tinues in very poor health, confined
nearly altogther to the home.
Mrs- George Hedden, who has been
confined to her roonn for quite .a num-
ber of weeks, under the doctor's care,
is improving nicety at date of writ-
ing,- but not back yet to her normal
Mr. Garnet McClinchey, son of Mr -
and Mrs. McClinchey, or this village.
is still in Victoria Hospital following
a very critical operation for inward
goitre, but hi doing as well as can be
expected . in the way of recovery.
Miss • M. Elbe's . Wiboiehea Class
met in the school room of the United
Church on Friday evening last and a
pleasant and ,helpful evening spent,
with ,the, t allowing program: Edi'-
son Forrest, chairman; ... the Lord's
ake no chances
wit/z .your family. �
(Signals generally understood by Canadian
Mort motorists)
arr(dents are preventable- Do your part 4y
clearly signalling your intention before
making a right or left tum.
Hand and arm extended
upward or mead way,
sweeping ironer rromti,s
rear to the front
or greatest safety get Blue Sunoco;
we challenge you to find a quicker
acting motor fuel .
In an emergency, its lightning quick
Hand and ora extender,
horizontally. Many drivers
alio point with their laden
Hand and arm extended
pick-up snaps you to safety .. .
its high knockless power minimizes gear
shifting; reduces one -handed steering .
Its freedom from harmful chemicals
and from corrosive action makes it
safer for your motor.