HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-05-13, Page 5tit
INIIII f01i1VLeII -• .'. nabeIIa. .
tee' BUTLESR °
f'1Ie000' Westley Steithenson
•J 'rem ipautry to parlla'nient comedy
M on+4'aY..TueBday. -W sday
ShlrleY Temple In'
Rando'iph Scott Gloria -Stuart
Shirley„makes, li'ey-hey down on
lite farm an ,darling of the dials.
Next Phersda '. Friday. Saturday
Tyrone Power Alice Faye,
Alice Brady AndChicago,
At the cow t�tm�de history.
Coming -- "The Joy of, Living"
The Week
n Ottawa
Monday, May 9th
For the third time this session the
leaders of the various groups in the
House had to refer to the passing of
ene of their 'number.
First, one of the Social Credit mem-
bers passed on; then a Liberal mem-
ber was called to his reward,, and
now, we have the tragic ending of
Major F. Betts, of London.
To -day the Prime Ministee referred
to lnjs ,pas's'ing in: feeling terms. He
-expressed', on behalf of his party,
sympathy for the friends and 'rela-
tives left to mourn his lose. Hon. R.
B. Bennett also spoke in high words
.of praise to the character and ability
of Major Betts. Grant MacNeil, Mr.
Blackmore, Mr. Pouliot, Col. Duncan
Ross and Mr. Lapointe (Matepedia-
Mahanej all paid fitti'n'g tribute to our
late friend. The 'tragic passing of '.
Mr. Betts came as a great shock to
every member of the House and it
must have been a terrible blow to his
young wife and chilld-
- In the House to -day the debate on
farm implements was carried on un-
til after •9 p.m. The report of the
•committee was carried without a re-
corded divis4on.
The House then turned to consider
amendments to the Farmers' Credi-
tors Act. Provision is now made to
.abandon it in any province that de-
sires to do so. It is an Act that is
mot popular in Ontario, and many be-
lieve that it has injured the farmers'
credit to a very large degree, and
that it should be abandoned as soon
as possible.
TheWestern Provinces are all for
it which, of course, indicates how dif-
• ficult our country is to govern.
Mr. Justine Turgeon tableda report
on grain and marketing. 'Nes report
of the investigation which has been
going on for more than a year is a
document of some 350 pages. The
report isnot in favor of a compulsory
board, but it suggests supervision of
the wheatexchangeand advocates co -
.operative action to the fullest. extent.
Tuesday, May 10th
Today there were a number of
questions before the House. The
amendments to the F.C.A. Act were
dealt with at considerable length. In
.the Province of Ontario there is a dis-
posltioo to abandon the aet and pro-
vision is made in the amendments
passed to do. that if it is so desired':.
taller .amendments brought forth vig-
orous arguments from the legal mem-
bers, some protesting against changes,
and then after argument agreeing
they were O.K.
It is quite evident that the Govern-
ment is a bit embarnassed by the de-
lay in completing the three way trade
agreement between Canada, United
States and the United Kingdom. It
Is thought by many that 'here we find
-the reason for the delay in presenting
the budget.
The press generally is criticizing
the Government for not dealing with
the budget, but it should not be for-
gotten that the Govei nruent itself is
the -only 'body that knows what is go-
ing on behind the scenes.
Considerable discussion took place
on the radio estimates in regard to
seine speeches attacking the British,
Tovernment's 'policy which have been
made. The Prime Minister announc-
ed be was very definitely opposed to
.such speeches.
With the Ontario government bridge
bill out of the way, during private
members' hour Mr. Neil returned to
his attack on the Japanese question
in British Columbia. The government
is anxious to have tibis matter ruled
out of order, and that was, done with
the first bill, but he came up with a
second bill and talked it out himself.
He is quite a politician and evident-
ly Peels it is good politics as far as
British Oeltnn'bia is concerned to harp
on these questions.
A devastating assault on the bill to
-enlarge the ground for divorce vis
Thos. Moylan, 5 Seaforth - Pres.
-Wm. Knox, Londesboro - Vice -Pres.
Merton A. Reid, Seaforth - Sec.-Treas.
Finlay McKercher, R. R. 1, Dublin;
hl. Pepper; Brucefieid;, E. R. Jarmouth,
13rodhagen ' James Watt, Blyth; C. F.
Hewitt., 1thicardlne; W. J. Yeo, Godes
WiWsm Knox, ndesboro; George
Leonhart, Brodbagen ; James Con-
aolIy,, Goderloh;” Alex. Broadfoot, 'R.
R. 9, Seaforth; Alexander Mel wing,
R. R. 1, Blyth; Frank Moareger, R. R.
6, Ciinton;; James Sboldice, Walton
Thdmaa. ltitigylan Ii:- R. 5; Seaferth;
Williaru ••rt. Areltibiaid•; R. IL 4, Sea.
MEN'S 18.50 to 22.50 FINE FL:
Here's your opportunity, xnen ! Fine Grey Flannel Suits, plain -
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Fine Tweed or Worsted Suits, in lovely shades of Brown, Grey, Navy; plain, fleck, fancy checks or stripes; single or
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EWART BR OS. , S eaf orth
made in the Senate by Sir Allen Ayles-
worth, former Minister of Justice,'and
the fate of the measure previously en-
dorsed in principle is now in doubt.
His argument is that it goes beyond
the competence of Parliament tb leg-
islate by invading an exclusive sphere
of provincial jurisdiction. If this bill
passes the Senate it will not be dealt
with in the Commons' owing to the
limited time for private bills.
The railway enquiry in the Senate
is bringing outcome interesting mat-
ter. One opinion expressed is that a
ruling board should, be estsablished to'
enforce coyoperahion. In some cases
suggestions are made to aband,on cer-
tain lines. That is not so easily done
as in many cases these lines were
generally subsidized by the public
treasury R,nd that to close them up is
suggestive of a violation of contract.
Some figures came tO my ,hand yes-
terday that I will endeavor to pass
on as soon as they can be ",briefly ar-
.tet ,8r, b
Pertinent Points
(Continued from Page 1)
tory. Result?` Bear by the tail. Fig-
ure it out for yourself.
« * •
John Buli is, undeniably, easy go-
ing. But even so, the roll. poll. old
gentleman never gets the wind up to
any great extent, When things go
wrong, John smail'es--tickles the other
fellow utvder the chin and gets what
he wants when he wants) it.
• * *
Our Canadian statesmen should
take warping from the plight of Uncle
Same Pump -priming has placed Sam
In the middle of a mighty bad fix,
and at this, moment the pump has
reached a point where it won't 'hold
the priming. Consequently - all the
machinists are rimming in circles won-
dering when the darn thing will blow
* * •
Little did General Balbo, the great
Italian flier, imagine he was taking
the longest route to Oblivion when
he flew his planes across. the Atlantic.
But he was, doing just that. Benito'
can't .sta.nd competition of any kind.
• • •
Iron Man Stalin is fast thinning the
ranks of tihe Old Bolshies. Corporal
Hitler is whetting the knife for im-
mediate future use, while Benito is
busy trying to shoot peace into the
kinky -headed division of the New
Roman Empire. The life of a dicta-
tor is no bed of roses when all is
• • •
Most terrible is the effect of Nazism
upon the educational institutions of
Germany. First two years under
Adolph saw the dismissal of 1,684
professors, nearly one thousand of
them being JeWi'sh., Catholic, Protest-
ant, or politically unfit; the rent for
reasons unknown.
• • •
Herr Hitler believes in prepared-
ness, undoubtedly, because the Rector ,
of the University of Berlin is a "hoes"
doctor who formerly held a position
in a slaughterhouse.
• • •
32,659 students have dropped out of
German Universities during the last
two years. Why?
• • •
The one difference betwixt a side-
winder and a dictator Is the sidewin-
dor always warms before striking. Die
tabors don't.
* • •
When the last bomb is dropped up-
on the many battlefields now being
fought over the world will be several
generations behind in 'material pro-
• • •
When Stalin rubbed out 2,776 of
the 01d Bolshies, he put just tibat
number of .moles in the theory of
Socialistic Government.
• • •
In Canada we have sunshine, so-
briety and social uplift. In Contin-
ental Europe they have serdom; star-
vation and shooting. Which will you
• * •
'God Almighty made man, after His
own image. But sometimes it seems
that Beezlebub slipped in a few pat-
terns of his own.
• • •
Herr Hitler says his fight against
capitalism lasted for fifteen' years, and
that during the period ;he peldotp slept -in, the direction of that postage stamp
two nights in the se bed:Itly. eeeeeey.
gosh! Must be a,wfril to be that' way! , m • • •
He fuether•,deelares that "everyone in mg, lateet move
ctionfiScate all the
of the unfortn
and Austria i
Hitler may
complaint, bu
t. ion.
they would be amazed ah the change
of technique in the art of bloodlet-
ting. Present day generals and dic-
tators have the war game down to a
bornbatical science.
• • •
Our erstwhile pig -tailed friends ap-
pear to have greatly improved their
technique since shedding their collec-
tive qne, and Japan is receiving the
benefit of the detailm'ent.
* • •
When Queen Wilhelminalearned
that Juliana's little Boy • Blue had
been sticking his smeller into the po-
litical affairs of Holland, the royal
lady went °up in the air and informed
Benno, he as prince consorts should,
be seen and not beard.
it • « «
The vest-pocket kingdom of Liecht-
enstein is getting jittery and its aged
ruler has thrown up the sponge in
favor of his nephew. Herr Hitler
no doubt, been casting a critleal eye
Germany is a National Socialist and
the few 'outside the party (Nazi) are
either lunatics or )idiots." Aeoomding
to that there aro about eleven million
Canadians who are in a terrible mess.
• •
The most ticklish thing in Russia
today is trying to hold a white-collar
job. That's because all of Jo Stalin's
liquidators suffer from trig'geritis.
• * *
'When Jo Stalin out -juggled the rest
of the Old Bolshies and placed the
crown of Communism on Oris ,ave own
pate, his friend, the devil; mars R
sniggered mightily. are that alt visitors will be excluded
If Creear, Hannibal, or - Napoleon frn,m the U.S.S.R. That being the
came back to earth for a short time. case, Jo le evidently preparing for a
Hitler & Co. to
oney and property
ate Jews in Germany
without parallel. Herr
e suffering from 11ver
his gall is is Al condi-
• • • ,
Benito is, according to latest' , re-
ports, whooping things up in Libia.
He evidently is not going to lin-
quish ,his strangle hold on t Me -
terranean without more talk.
• * •
. Brother Stalin has a new wrinkle
up his sleeve now. Latest reports
1 '
greater purge than ever before.
* *
Dictator Horthy doesn't say much
about. what will ,happen when Adolph
tries to annex Hungary. • Bet it's dol-
lars to doughnuts the Admiral is keep-
ing his weather eye open for any
movements the corporal may make
now or in the future.
* • *
Now that Ring Zog has zig-zagged
himself into matrimony, Abilne. may
cease to be a toy kingdom and be-
come one of the strong points of
Benito MussolLinli.
• • -
The Green Shirts of Brazil thought
they had a walkover until the goverl-
mient swooped down upon them and
nipped their revolution i i --the bud.
South America will, no doubt, wake
up to the fact that Herr Hitler is and
has been spending good hard dollars
,in various parts of the continent with
m'alicions intent, and for the sale pur-
pose of spreading the hellish teach-
ings of Nazism.
* • *
Signor Benito claims to have
500,000 men working in 876 armament
factories. Supposing this to
per cent. bluff, there still remi
formidable nua'hber employed I
manufactulre of death -dealing
be 50
dins a
t the
• • •
If reportk are true, Mr. Roosevelt's
brain trusters are not the only ones
that suffer from: brain -storms. There
is a chap i'a London who advocates
the abandonment of the British Isles
and the removal of the seat of Em-
pire to Canada. He is A. A. Pidding
ton, a 32 -year-old pedagogue.
* * *..
Holland bag too muueh oll for her
own comfoet, especially when the fes-
tive Japs cast a longing eye in the
direction of 'same of the island pos-
sessions of the Netherlands.
* • •
Jo Djugashvili may change his name
upon occasion, but he can never
change the color of the blood he spills
so freely. It will always remain a
'crimson blotch upon the eseutchion sof
Soviet Russia.
A S'
• * •
' John BUB has been sitting on Me
safety valve of European politics for
quite ,some time, and despite the
caterwauling of many political nit-
wits, refuses to vacate his perch_
• • •
It is the Christian duty of all right-
ightth'inking people to debunk the prat-
tling of parlour pinks and violent reds
whereeer and whenever opportn_ nit.
• • •
When you !hit the highway ,witk
your struggle buggy, remember others
are doing the same thing and keep -
to the right of the road.
* * • •
Necking in a me;ohine going fifty;
M.P.H. often brings the lament:
"Don't he look nacheral!"
• * •.
The best auto driver on earth aiev-
er beat 014 Man Time. So vthy wor-
• * •
When you appear on the tit
don't, for 'gosh salve! loo+led eke
of the two cargo:aft or $
snMe and watch titP.1
face light up.
:t,ek fol•
Aftertlt, i1 yiiYYY itis
city, or Cotlntry+ aft0
e, paspji
,road tit