HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-05-13, Page 4' "MI i h
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, -v- x:9,} ''- 1,;� 'G�, b� inserted a� new'low cash. rates:
d ,h � .11-
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r}I, S =s ',5 .; , C 'r' ji; �R1M1 Fftn& can tfY"i "aw me -ew t!'.lV1i,
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cH .11"",N;*'a ,)i�t'Idr7 ° ;,+a Y elle i wlot .<. ..a ....<. Cam
r� {l'v6 t°}4t , �o- t #tad *eek .............. ..... +Na _
��,ef , e65l+iia �'3}"�r d + :slid 'r/ee1C ..... �6 tTd4m4r .
nyy ry t s, �w i. ][tnirnam Slat
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q, �y
t' �- 417: M1i,.m, '^M1,; i �.' P.aa,� Y sial wn,d.
e,,, .,t it j1 YID Nobler -i1 em•�t per w4 i& Yiainwa6 58 oevAs Rw week.
�r a� �.`,. to S B* Nmndim'. oaae of ''1Le Haaun ExvosiDar. !br l� neat
a11 N ���the
� ¢ t , �10 eel tceek wall the Changed i[ Saeid is a4ava ePrw', ase aoa Raid b1
y �y d �u' Si1tp4TY71{�. > t iia the week to wirtrh f8a ad wad I%26
"y IBIt+ttts. end De,at6a 9nerted tree ed cLa=Y6
�. ' :4R6i11ot1 Sobs Ner6ko Qe Qrldlban. Hte —Rat® as awsum"WX
�� Pro For Sale
�� ir} " ;1• Farm Stack For Sale Pew
*aR. + v ,e . Applg to W.' H. ?F11 -F- R. $- L nn eseellent tandrbion Must be moved
S ,i `" . x $erisall. . 3674-1 from present -location. A real' buy for cash.
J r. Apply to Box 167, EXPOSITOR, -
41�`, .' Help Panted
.. ,
For Sale or Rent
Ora faxarr for season Apply W .JOHN
•rg D}1 R R, 3, K4pPaIL Phone 13 on FOR RENT -100 -ACRE GRASS FARM FOR
7 8, EER,th- 36674=1 rent Apply DAN SHANAHAN, Sea-
1 , foAh. 3671-tx
". _ RgeYbe will be ,permNane-nt if you are a FARMS FOR SALE OR. RENT — TWO
Ur' iFor iip rticalam write RAWLN1GH'S, g fa¢ons: 76 acres. S>{s Lot 10, Con
0l.1i, . D�pt ML•363_I0S_E., Montreal, Canada. 11, MicKillaP, and 50 acres. sY2 Lot 19, Con.
3674-1 2. Hibbert Aaways plenty of water. Chas.
Hotdbe5n Estate, Apply to MRS. RICH-
il :. ARDS, opposite Oollegiabe 3668x6
i . I - Agents Wanted
In Memoriam
N Trofi'tnuble 'business for earnest and active
people. Any dependable epersbn Can operate, IN LOVING MMMMORY OF MRS. 1T. F.
t. this simple business - in a reserved district, g Ailcenhead, whbl passed away May 11, 1937-
�'' 200 ,guuramteed oturne Twce--at'im used by
,� millions of people. Safe and 'advantageous We must not think of them Sas dead
cash plan. SQUARE DEAL, No risk. For Who wa',lk with 9 no more
,free partiiculasb, write "FAMILEX",, 570 St. Along the path. of life we tread,
J- Clement, Montreal, if you �h to "get Some- They, have but gone belbr'e-
w ss74-1
The Father's ,House v'§ maansbmed fads,
Beyond our valsion dim;
For Sale All souls are Her ,and here or there
• A e living unto Him.
i" —Remembered by
her Husband.
i - firs os. Such welff-iimow'n makeb as
11 Heimtzman, Nordheimer, Mason & Riseb, ,
( Weber', and other: -at reasonable prices and
- . terms. Write HEINTZM.AN & CO_ 242 Dan Muths
las St„ London, for further particular, No ..
obligations. 3673-3 '
k - � CRICIT—ra Toronto, on May 8th, to Mr. and
SEED BUCKW'HEA.T — WE HAVE_ ON Mrs. George W. Crich, a daughter.
-harnd a quanlity of excellent Buckwheat, MALONEY —In Scott Mean. Hospital, Sea-
testi7r 50 tbs. or betteC, suitable for seed. forth, on May 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank
, wbilh we offer ald '85 cents per bushel f -.-b. i Maloney, MCKi•.Uop, a daughter.
µ' lour dill, in custluraer's bags, COOK BRAS. " SINCLAIR—In Soott Memorial Hospital, Sea-
'' GO.Hensel!Ont 3674-1 , forth, on May 7th, to Mr., and Mrs. George
,; -'- , , I Sinclair, of Broughdale,, a sou.
{ - MOYLAN--In Scott Memorial Hospital. Sea-
t' FROST QUALITY FARM FENCE, HOG forth, an May Sth{ ,W Mr. and Mrs- John
�_ " and Poultry 'Fence, barb wire, Steel posts Moylan, McKillop, a daughter.
carried im stock, at reasonable Prices- J, N, STRONG—In Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea-
,� "`' McKENZ1E, Frost Wire Dealer, Se3for�th, forth, on May 9th, to Mr.. Crud Mrs. John
1 3674-2 Strong., Seaforth, a son,
.`' KRAUSKOPF--In Scott Memorial H,wpdrtal,
FOR. SALE X192$ WHIPPET COUPE. WILL Seafbrth, on May 9th, to Mr. and Mrs,
sell cheat/ for cash- Apply to BERT Nicholas Krrauskopf. M,OWLop, a son.
'';1' BARRIE. Phone Clianton, 616 r 12. KNOX—•In Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth,
3674x1 on May 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ward Knox,
R Blyth. twin sons.
I,'. 1. R SALE—ONE BABY BUGGY, ONE GO- BROWN—In Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea -
forth, ,on May lath, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy
both in excellerat condition- Apply 1 Brown Seaforth, a daughter.
to Box 156, EXPOSITOR. 367.1-1
JONES—In Scott Memnari'a1 Hospital, Sea-
11,l;v' p
forth, on May 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank
FOR SALE- SINGLE FURROW RIDING . Jones, Clinton, a daughter.
I I plough. new in 1937. Apply to JOHN Me -
S . NAY, R- R. 2, Seaforth Phone 25 - 236.
3674x1 I Deaths
—In Seaflerth, on May 114th infant
Tenders Wanted I daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Moylan, of
,, < McKi'iBop. -
11 11, KNOX -Jrn Seaforth. om Mqy 10t1h, twin sons
_ of Ms. and Mrs. Ward Knox, Blyth.
1 4 , * WALTON
-' TENDERS FOR COAL D OpKE I Mr. and Mrs. William Hendry from
i . AND • "- . . ' - I Woodbridge and MT. and' Mrs. James
V SXALED TENDERS ADDRESSED TO THE Hendry from Concord 'spent a few
d" . updersigned ,and endorsed 'Tender for days with b4 r- and Mrs. Fred Rutledge
' •I Coal." 'will ,be received unt l 12 o'clock noon,
}4daAight saving), Monday, June 6. 1938, recently.
for the suPVb Of coal and coke fear the Visitors out of the village for the
-V'.` 'Dbmbrion •Buildings thr6ughemt the Prov-
'.: week end' were: Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
' ince of cd. to r with Hcat;ons and Sellers and son, Clayton, with Mrs.
conditions ormt*1ed can obtained from Hearle, Heidelberg; Mr. and, Mrs.
,g Vie Purchasing Agent, Department: of Public Fred Rutledge and son, Leslie, and
;11!,,,�, Works, Ottawa; and the Supervising Archi-
�tect, 36. Adelaide St East, Toronto, Ont,
, •:
Mrs. Charles Drager with relatives in
e Tenders should be made on .the forms suP- Toronto; Gordon Murray, Beth Shan.
plied by Che Department and in accordance non, Mar'jr Humphries and Dorothy
av „ with d edt s9ecificat ora and cen-
; Murray spent Sunday, at Niagara
rr1,:: '. ditioms' �dlri ,ed ,thh ereto- , g
�z Wihen the amount of a tepder exceeds the Fall's.
� ,: soon of $5,000.00—•whener it be for ase build- Inspector Nelson visited Walton
, ing only or more --the tenderers must" ahtaeh
eai -'chartered
their tenter a cettified Cheque on s public school on Monday.
' chartered bank Canada, made Payable to
'C,; . the order of the Honourable the Minister of
,,; ',• Publ%e WbTlz, equal to 10 per cent of the A man visited the house of an old
I' . ', amount of the tender, or Bearer Bond9 of friend, wthere, the butler, an, Irishman,
the Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian paid him everY attention, and finally
I.;f`-._. NE,tianul Raiilway Company and its don-
'i`i ,` sti'tuent compaif®, uncen itionably guaran- saw him into bds car.
I i. teed to pra+amal �a ;mtrenst by the The man, who was miserly, did' not
Irk,! 'IkRninian of Catmda, or the aforome>ntioned tip him. As a deliea.te reminder the
�..-. bonds and a certified cheque, if required to
,¢ make up an odd ain*arot butler said: "Sir, if you lose pour
The Department also reserves the riutrt to purse on the way home, remember
il";dear-and from any -successful tenderer a
�I, ' security depo it. in the 'form of a certified you didn't pull it out Here."
idr�• • dheque or bond as above. equal to 10 per •
[11.a dent. of the amount of his bid, to guarantee Boogy: "I presume that when Your
•�,'' the proper fulfilment of the contract.
1'.' By crass, son went to college be was imocula.t-
s,, J. M. SOMERVILLE, ed with the love of learning?"
xy, SCCrdtary, Woogy: "Yes, but it didn't take."
�` Department 'of Public Warks,
tigli 'I: Ottawa, May 6, 1938-• 3674-2 6 C -
wpl. A Young man gave a graphic do -
'lei, • — su'ription of a ne,nrow escape "fie 'had
ri 'had from an enraged bull.
i"ll Notices "I seized shim by the'tail," he ex -
A Township of Tuckersmith cla.inred, "and tilers I was! I was
'u'' COURT OF REVISION �Grnad to hold on, and I dare not let
;� ;fir "Between 'the horns of a dilemma,
';,'' smith 'w,y meet ae a Court orf Revision as it were," ventured 'pretty com-
11,o" I'' an the Assessment Roll 'of 1938, at Seaiorth, panion-
1,' on Saturday, May 281ih, at 2 pa- All ap
'sl.` "No," replied the young man. I
#I - peals must be in the ban& of the Clerk on
t vl or before the 1M of May, 1938. wasn't between the horns, at all; and
'�I'�`' Inberested parties oiwuld govern themselves beMdes he wasn't a dilemma, die Was
.1 accoerdr,ngly.t "
D. F. McGILF3GOR, Clerk.. a Jersey.
± r . -..
q `t "
%butinued Rom, Page et)
86; Betty Lou Swartz, Elaiue Fauhnor;
Boy&' solo, under 1&--Gor4ort Ford,
90; Urbane Peaclley,, 89; „ Murray
Stephens, 88.
Two-ropm school obofrsl—(Juniors):
Winchelsea, 88; Grand] Beene, 84.
—"G-t,rle duet under, 1P— rnfl Be ce Luff
and Esther P�aob'ey,. 89; Annie El
ford and Helen Murch, 85; Grace'Fen
hale, 81.
Boys' duet, under 10—Andrew An
Berson and. Lloyd Miller, 84; Glenn
Wluerth and Fred Waghorn, 73.
Three-room. school c'haire—(jua'iors)
—Dashwood, 87; Creddton, 80; Hen
sail, 77.
Three-room school chbirsl—(inter
mediate)—Crediton, 8$; Dashwood
87; 'Hensall, 79. .
Seaforit'h, 87; Exeter, 81.
Girls' duet, 10 and over—Maagar•el
Pethick and Kathleen Holmes, Sea
forth, 90; Marie Ellwood' and Loin
Draper, Clinton, 90; Lucy El'lwooc
and Mary %ancy, Clinton, 89; Mil
dred Heard and Margaret Cosens
Clinton, 89; Audrey Scott amd Mar
garet Taylor, Clinton, 87.
Boys' duet, 10 and over- Mack Cool
and Ronald Scott, Clinton, 87; Chas
Arnold and Tom Steep, Clinton, 87;
'Dawson Goulding and Bobby Davis
Exeter, 86; Tom Leppington and Chas
Thompson, Clinton, 88; 'Maxwell Car
ter and Bob Steep, Clinton, 84; Geo
Hildebrand and Harrison Sproule, Sea
forth, 84; Donald. Wood and Al-ber
Venus, Seafortii, 84-
Cthoirs, grades 7 and 8—Clinton 88'
Seaforth, 87; Exeter, 85 -
One -'room school choir—•Kirkton $7
No. 2, Stephen, 87; No. 3, Stephen
86; No. 6, Stephen, 86; No. 1, Us
borne, 85; No. 14, Stephen, 85; No. 6
Tuckersmftb, 85; No. 3, Us'borne, 85
No. 12, Stephen, 85.
Girls' solo, under 10—Ilene Kers
lake, 87; Lucinda Dinney, 86; ,Nor,
Wilds, 85.
Boys' solo, under 10 --Jack Cann.
88; Stanley Knowles and Grant Mor
gan, 87; Calvin Wein and Jack Ford
85.1 .
Girls' duet;' under IO�.Maida Rich
ards and Dorene Baker, 87; Aiie,
Taylor and Donna Webb, 87; Telel,
White and, Gloria White, 86; Marjorie
Parker and Dorothy McDougal, 84.
Boys' duet, under 10 --Eldon. Dat
ars and. Hubert Miller, 86; Wlllian
Dougall am,d Andrew Dougall, 85; Jac]
Heywood and Glenn' Fisher, 80; Mi',
Girls' solo, 10 and over—Helen Bu]
lock, 88; Helen Salmers, 81; Ruti
Willert, 86; Laura Woodball, 86,
Boys' solo, 10 and' over = Ra',
Guenther, 88; Jack England, Kennet:
Taylor, 87; Ross Kennedy,'James Hay
ter, 85;
Two -roam school choirs --(senor)
Winchelsea, 85; Grand Dena, 84.
Girls' duet — (mn'iors) — Eun'ic
Haist and Dorothy Wein, 89; Shirte,
Desjardine and Helen 'Muller, Elois
Gill and Beaulah Holt, 88; Karen Pec
er`seu and Eileen Mills, 8.7.
Boys' duet—(sendo•rs) : Alden Si',
and Calvin Falser, 87; Edwarc
Schenk and Orland Gaiser, 86; Jame
Taylor and George Wolfe, 85.
Three-room school ahoir�--(senioM
Dashwood, 87; Crediton, 83; Hensal.
Hay Twp. Couple
(Continued from Page 1)
abolishment of county councils by the
Provincial Government.
cf,srs. J. F. Rolfe and C. A. Beard
of London, were visitors in town on
Tuesday. Mr, Rolfe has purchased a
lot at Ducharme's grove, near St.
Joseph and intends 'having a fine sum-
mer home erected thereon liths spring.
The laying of the water pipes to
Zurich Creamery has been completed.
The police trustees are now consider-
ing extending the system to the west-
ern part of the village as a number
of the residents have signed a peti-
don asking for service.
Mrs. J. Wagner and two children,
of Shakespeare, and Mrst Ed. Appel,
of New Hamburg, visited' at the drome
of Mrs. L. K'lopp on Sunday,
Mr. Ken Routledge, of _Stratford,
Mr. Clayton Hainan of Kitchener,
Miss Miar'tha Heidemian of Sarnia, and
otbers, spent Sunday (M'other's Day)
at their homes in the village,
Mr. and Mrs. Ings entertained
friendq from Detroit over the week-
Miss Logan spent Sunday with Mr,
and Mrs. E. Yeo, Goderich Twp.
Mr. George Beatty, Sr., entertained
friends from Lordlon on Sunday.
Messrs. Robert and Norman Camp-
bell spent a few days with relatives
in Cayuga.
The young people of Varna United
Church entertained the young people
of Bayfield United Church in -,the hall
on Monday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. James Medd and fam-
ily visited Mr. and' Mrs, George Lay-
ton and A.I:-. and Mrs. George Medd,
of Exeter.
Miss Ivy S'nim'ons is visiting friends
in Toronto and Peterborough,
Mrs. William Jewitt and baby, Joy"
Elaine, rettxrneed ' home from . Sco'tt
Memorial Hospital on Saturday. ,
Mrs. George Hoggart and Leslie,
Peter Dunlop, and Alice. and Robert
Riley spent the week -end in Nfagaral-
Mrs. A. McLean, of Buffalo, ifs vis-
iting. her sister, Mr.
r and Mrs, P. Lind-
say and, Mr. and Mrs. D. Mi.11sont'
Friends of Mr. Durpin will be sor-
ry to learn ,he is on the sick list and
mot as well as ,hid friends would like
to see. I •
Wisa Hattie Armstrong, of Clinton,
visited ,her panents, Mr, and Mrs.
Howard Armstrong on Sunday*.
Mr. and Mrs. James Medd visli6d
her sister, Mr 'and' Mra. Miller, Gode-
richi llovltn"V,'
Friends tot Mr. Witlialth Clark ,Will
be sorry to learn that he is c'ahflned
to big b6d3 •
•; „i s t, ,'ie`:lne s."nt"t,,`�•r�yd Tatnl. ,+?:`' tth£^r ,%:ViS. ,� .�!! :..' S
an,. , , . .,. a...,:.. e , . tr . , , � �„ ,. ,t r , t:. e . 1,. i ' A< , ,1. Y .;,v, , �, ,.. , U J v .r i'� �
., �t t..,,,,. .v,,.. ,:,.C: ..r .. ,..., , d 1 .., a^' r. ,•.4 y,; r. t t6, r., ., 111 ,; �,: 4,/ ,., .,,� t„ ie1,. t {{ C'..
r .. ,+ » a., .. .,.• ..r, r u.,,. ..J., , t tae u , .� . �t
.a,,.. .4Gt. -,.... .... , t. ..t. ,r,,•l ,..[t .wi�• , ..., •- .,r. a.,i Tl •+4 �5,. ,Nki �.,- fir?•:a. 1-! ne%t
�,1,.a g.. l _ .. x : r,i.6:�' r,t,i'a 4' ,, l.,
dl ,. 1*" e .l 8. i,^�+ . i .: M,... is . 1 ,.. , ,,err . r.. , V {"iV.. _ S .` 1. ,. %c , ^„ ... .x. t ,, �'`� ..a, ks7 r t r 1, . . <L,.:'a
r l a I 2 J. ,, n c, r. c,� G, Yt2 �I i...r z ,, , 1 %. ti
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-,,, , •v, > J ,^ r,. x, .. a', . ,•r 1, , . t. - , a:. d ! u , _. . Y --:j. {' g r ,W ,.�., b
�M1d r' .., .,. x 5 ., �t '� ., P4, ,�'(! , Ie. y , n v . T , 4. ,i X �` . 5 'aT5 k.., d t?. 5. 4 •r+7.: �0•s a .. .1 t... { A 7,, ,.L, S Ai'l, ,.fif'.
,n._.i1't, .M o, S;", ,.79,,. li...,,.. .. i.. I.,e.. :, 0 Sl. ,d,.,.. .Vr".,il.,. i. r .r h'], 7. .l ,. r, ft 9�I. r "a d...
i. ,,. aX.] nT,e "{i fY .f 1 fi«Q,,. v ttltQ. 4 i:,, ft..l 1 .l. it i.. ,I,f.,. �, i,f e, ,� 4.
,,q. 'Y'. and .., �� r,t .:.?,.& n , �i , • 4. 4 7!, i •. h .. -«<. r: .e S q;,. .i- 7 „4.a 'y:: y1,,..
i :, e•,4i. 4,,"e, ro a ] ,, ly, Tk 4. i E. .i,., :4 r. ihl:. r .I }g&- 2, ri, h%3£
,. rt Y t. ,iz_h. w:. .7,n... n .9, ,,, i(,. tU., xA .. �'. } , y �3'i ,},W o.,..t. 5 .'?. r "r r+" r 5.
1 t4 . ., � Y'" ..i., is ,ii ,) ., . S 1 t ,. , ,. � t +�" iy,t. �:. , . r... rte,, .. l ;,... r' .� ` i t, m..
'� ..- �. .. , , , ,,, f fi,, n � tit - .
,{I , 7 r, t. d •.t 1P�� ..n a.
u r aY .. d.,i..,. art , w.., h. . 1. , • , ',.., n o;; . 3 :- 1
l ? i'i ,1. i'e. S, f , 1 i'+ . ,'.
, !,}. Nd ..1,g ! M 7� 1, .ri Sir.: ..,..i. ., .. t..
'M ass"ry ... >A „�? e, ..,�,ra,1. . t�,,, a rJ.. ; t, t,.4.., :. ,t z , .. 7L,
. ,r. ir, V � ;2.. n -,pfa4 , 1 :r^,r .. .x . 1'rY.,. , tJ, , � F •,'�t ,Yl. ,.., I .ab di;&�t{k, n'Y'.i
t..l ...t , 41 r, 1f.r:. , ��#1 .,,..4 �<. b i .. „,. 4 , i .
S 'S.,r. . x.?. :;, : \ ,, h a t4.e•.e..E. ,m ,i� �n, { ,T.l;i113,- ,..:.:.4,141*�,, .;. • ' '�W+. —. )';
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w ,- ;; d+
,,, ., . , ..,, it ori q+,- a d:t,.,.,,,. ,.•
- dw awed l5 =is SI`401arr on Cl,., W—PR,1 l�* , �i�pl:: I'�o#*
0 1<n
twrwl.w.. W. .
11+10 I�QP - +a held contests s last y� D sdp,lowwion Montle proem st�tf�,� At-
:• f. ,t eum rug , 4 er the program Mica latbrym[ '�)tYe^
r l
v very i
_, ... Miss � e s y . _ td ani
� dare �'•
n atnd � �,,
one at
Goodwd a
n t
'mS ,
Mrs. W.
. a
..The • W,i � ;SV.. aanli w.�. 11e��;ti their 112x, 1EipitA:r't"�VICt3lllncheyt- sand Evelyn ,'4;or$ett t'he one at lleunte's. „ mailte''-,on, 'k7tiqutete, �811p''Yfe'd d� �,
'regytW •monthly'meeting at the ti),ome Ain hnoug .returned home on Satair- �lhe;�amd will commence.to Ply on hylmn and the bepediGtio. a
of .MI" zlo Henderson on Thurs- dray from a week's ,Ixl'easout visit with
ern on May 5th, „The?e were friendp at ,Marlette and -Flint, Mich. •, Satiny eve#tdngs on lite' fleet Satur Mn George C. Pettyf hit Y fir; - eie-
r ill this W k 404e
�► ,. y dap in June. - rich ale LoilYlio]ll ®� +and lo-
thirty. ink et'teiLdauce, it being Baby Mr.`aad: Mrs. John C11W, of Kirkton, Mise : Mavis Spencer, of Toronto, gates, to thus. Synod +of � DIoc� orf
Bondi"A* , Sixteen members answer- visited with tb,e X9'rmWb sister, Mrs.' was s ,recen't 'home visitor for the London', the 81st mentioned as loiinina-
ed tbAi i�p)l with a vexse on `Love.' Robert E: Robinson, on Monday. tee's warden and the latter as the pea. . .
Mrs. W11%er Scott 'took change of the Quite a number from here attend- w The A.F. & A.M. Lodge of Ma,00U4, 'Ple's Wardell.
at Croderi
the Musical Festival
W.A Pro The 'meeting opened' ed M.
gym• known as Hunan Lodge, intends 'hold The councf} and Ohalonber, of t7craa
with $y"L 623, followed wit)l mem- last Thursday, John Robinson taking ing their aumual divine service in the merce are :p(li%UMUVJ0 `4*W dm#Tove,
bert",p %b ayer 'in unison; Scripture third place min the competition. flrs't , week of- the 'monith of June in ment's inthe park greuhldo jAt #hag •moray
readiij.'-- it Mrs. Adin Forbes., • The Stephenson - Erratt and 'Puttling in '
minutes of the lust meeting war 'read At the United Church M'amse,.'Sea-'St. Foul'® Anglican Ch'uaah', and will of levelling, gra"dilkg__
by lite," 5eraetary, after . whlch� the forth; on Saturday, April 23rd, ' the' be addressed ;by the Rector, Rev. M'r. fine order for BPorte.and glalaueo of well
business was t'ians�aeted. •Mr's,. ,! John marriage was quietly solemnized of Hunt I' ip the custom of the ledge kinds. c there 0 plenty of e1$ cry
Vii'lebrecht,, ` superi'ntesdent of the ,Olive M.,'oungert daughter of Mr. and to worship alternatively in the local the park iambs one off this.'vera
Taw PgnO, took.' charge of the meet- Mrs. Henry Ermth, `sof Stanley Town churches and this year it is the, tui n best as there is now ab vii dialoPSAC
ing ,lthei; • 'Idren Puttiug . on the Pro- of St. Pan't's Anglican Clhu'rch- which has done plod flier S- a fit ,I
si4 to d Mrs.
Ch Stephenson', eon miss Ethel Murdock lhas returned years, and with flne woods' along the
gram'..• Time ;,meeti'ng opened' of Mr, and Mrs. Chhrles Stepheltaon,
Baby Banid", 'hymn, followed with also of Stanley Township, Rev. Car- from Aydn4er where she spent the other western boundary' soft' a number tit
y peat number of weeks with friends. other edlade trete' tttiouebout the
prayer 'by mothers; then, ,prayer by michael officiating. They were unat- on Monday last Mist Robert Bon- grounds, it will 'be found ideal when
the children- A suita'b'le chorus was tended.. The young ,couple will reg •
well rendered by th'ree'Li'ttle girls', Bat- thron was visited, by friends from further improvements are. made
aide on the Parr Line, Stanley, and Clinton an the persons of Mrs. Lovett Building operations are going, o4Ff foe
ty Cox, 14latbel Campbell ,and Patricia have the best wishes of a host of '
Coo;' a reditlg by Beth Campbell; friends, and ,her aunt, Mrs. Heys+oak. the village quite briskly, anti whfcls
piano solo by Miss Lizzie Henderson,; Mn Casey Hudson; of Listowel, ac- will further add to the flne, class oi'
presentation of Baby Band certificates companied' by a friend', spent Sunday residences, ori® well as publics ones -
by the superintendent. Trhe ,meeting CROMARTY here recently with iris parents, „Mr• Mr. and Mrs. Lairds Mickle attend -
closed with i htymn, foil ywed' by the and Mrs• George Hudson, ed' the Masonic at-home in Clintou oa
Mizpah Benediction- The children Mr. Gers'ham' Speare and lady friend M� Lou SimpsonWinter
has returned Friday night
then enjoyed some games, and candy accompanied by° Mr. John Spectre,' of, fmm spending fibs w'i'nter months and
was served; after which. 'lunch was relatives and friends in A -fl=ora and W. M. &Plans Birthday Party ,
Toronto, v'isite'd over the week -end Texas and also visited in. other States,
provided by the lunch committee. with Miss Olive Speare. Miss Olive returning home here feeling much The W.M.S. of the Uniite>d Church ,
returned to Toronto with them to benefitted by the trip amen change- met in the school room ' of the chumb!
ELIMVILLE spend a short time in the, city. With .the recent fine rains' `those on Thursday afternoon for ' their y
Miss Margaret Walker, of Brussels, who had their gardens in early `report monthly meeting, The first part v8
is spending -the week with Mr, and fine growth and advancement. the meeting was presided over by
Miss I'na Ford underwent an opera,
Mrs. B. O: Maedanaltl, Mrs. Arthur Sinclair, president of her
ti -011 for 'appendicitis early Tuesday Mr., Rap „Paterson, of Toronto, ac-
moaning of loot week. She is recon -
tor. and Mrs, Donald Wallace, of companied, by his friend Fred Janes, group, and after the opening hymn
C ar liugford•, s nt Sunday with' Mr. and proper, Mrs. Anna McDonald read
eri:ng nicely and expects to return of Winnipeg, wtho is attending the
llama the latter part of this week. and Mr's. George Wallace. University ett Toronto, ep,6nt the week the Scripture lesson. Miss, Eleanor
Miss May ` Jones, of London, is Mr. Lorne Speare, of Harriston, end here with Ray's parents, Mr. and Fisher played a piano solo, after
spemt Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Robert J. Paterson. which Mrs. Laird Milckle gave they •
spending a couple of weeks with her
cousin, Mrs'. Nelson CoultisMrs. Adrew McLellan. topic on "Manifold Ministry," follow -
Considerable interest was. nMins June Kennedy, of Winnipeg, shown in Mn John Robertson, accompanied who is taking an arts, course at To- f,ng which Mrs.' Cross, president of
the Mus'i'cal , Festival held in Exeter by Me mother, spent the day at the ronto University, spent the week -end the Society, took the chair for thee
cu Friday and Saturday of last week tome of Mr. aril Mrs. Charlie Mills, here with iter, grandparents, Mr. and 'business part of the meeting. It was
of Prospect Hill. T Mrs,. George C. Pett dc�cided to hold the annual birthday i
Our school pupils' work reflects cred o
Mrs. S, Miller 'ha's had her house Mr. sole Mrs. George Gram were party on the afternoon of ma.y 19t1r
It to the instructor, Mr. Lawredce .,_ I
shingled 'fila past week Mrs. McIn- visited b mlemhers of their faanilp in the school room. Tape, follt�wing
Wein, of Crediton. Y
Mother's .Day service was thele' here tort has erected a picket fence in from Lansing, Mic#•, and a grandson committees were appoinAed: Receir
at 2 p.m.; Sundry school and church front of her lot, which has added, to „was baptized in the United' Church ing, Mrs Arthur Sinclair axed+ Mrs_ C`_
the beaut°ifydng o4 her 'home. Here on Sunda morning lash A.. McDonell; program Mrs. Norman I
sen -ices combined. A large number, Y g e
were, present, The Mothers ].bay Mm. Thos'. Lindsay and her daugh- wok, Mrs. I Hilliard,
and Mrs.oenSinclair; i
program was followed ter, Mrst Frank Rathburn', visited with lunch, Mrs. Hilliard, M1�. Cornelius
. Ballantyne and M:os Mrs.
EN' Mrs'. Charles F. Jinks- on, Friday orf• . Gook, 9
O"Eternxygn least. Fthe'1 Murdock-. The meeting was '
USBFor Sale.—ane.-good{ farm wagon, Mr. and Mrs- Fred Manns were vis- closed with the slinging of a hymn
mediums height; all in No. 1 shape, ited on Sunday last by relatives and and. the benediction. '
The municipal council -of Usborne Apply to W. L. MELLIS, Kippen. friends from Lon'd'on, who came par-
Tow'nship met with a frill attendance. . 3673x2 titularly to ,see Fred, who is suffers. Churches Observe Mother's Day
Minutes of Apnl 2nd were read and Kippen United Church is holding its, iug illnesls, A Moteher's Day service was held in
approved. Communications were re- Young people's anniversary on Sun- Rev, A. Sinclair will preach anni- the United Church on Sunday morn-
ceived as follows: Three from the day, May 15th, with special speaker, versary services in Centralia on the ing and was, well attended with a
Registrar of the Board of Review of Rev. Anderson., Wirnghaml. Services coming Sunday, May 15th', and the splendid sermon by the pastor, Rev.
the Creditors' Arrangement Act ; will be held at 11 a•m: and 7.30 p,m. Centralia pastor will preach here in
A. Sinclair, sltressirrg what 'goad
Clerk was instructed to notify that On Monday evening at 8.15 p.m., a the United Church- mntherhoodl stood for and its far-
tax arrears are registered From De play entitled, "Nora, Wake Up;' is The Arnold Circle met at the home
fa,rtnae,nt of Public Welfare, re reg- being presented b the Chiselburst reaching influences- 'lite choir ear -
1 y of the president, Miss Mabel Work- dared a fine anthem and a very pleag-
isti4ion of employed men registered Young People. man, ou' Monday evening last. The lug duet was given by Mrs. George �
on relief; from Ontario Department The young people's anniversary will meeting opened, with a Hymn. and Hess and Mm. Alfred Clark. A bao-
of Highways; formal notification' that be held this coming ,Sunday when the prayer, Miss Helen Moir readingthe firm service was held) }wet preceding
Thames Road is non' a King's High- Rev. Mr, Anderson, of Wing'ham; will Scripture lesson. Miss Beryl .Pfaff
way: from the Dominion Safe and be the special speaker for the day. the sermon,. At the evening deft of
took the tonic on "Miss Jessie Mc- worship Rev. Mr. Sinclair delivered
� unt acknowledgingh S scion music i5 being r'e aced b
Co., cheque. p g P F Y Bean," and Miss Hannah Murray read. a very fine discourse dealinges
Tete power grader was insured against the choir. ,-,We would also remand one a chapter from the Glad' Tidings on, peciaT-
fire in Usborne & Hibbert Fire I'n- and all of the playon Mondor even- p with home life and how very im. •
¢ "Fellowship." The meeting closed portant and lar -reaching .home life
suran,ce Co. for $3,000. Court of re- ing entitled, ,"Nora, Wake Up." This with 'a hymn and the Lord's' Prayer, was, a foretaste of the,better life :n
vision on assessment roll was set at play conies highly recommended and The baseball players are racking the mansions re
June 4th, at,'3 p.m. Assessor report- we would urge all to be present and prepared for tlife. The
forward with much' pleasure 'to an im- had ]ed a good Christian life. The '
ed his roll closed, and turned over, make it a grand success, proved diamond and grounds, follow- choir rendered a fine anthem.
Ho also reported 15 wood lots ex- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green, of Mt- ing levelling, grading, .etc.
empt, It Was moved by Fisher 'and ton, visited at the 'home of Mr. and When the eouncil get the sidewalks 1. O. O. F. Attends Service
Cooper chart' the collector be instruct- Mrs. James Day'man, of the village, repaired and broken places replaced
ed to return his roll with $1,987.82 not during the past week. They were ac- by new sectiones, it will make a great At Carmel Presbyterian Church the►
collected, on May 7,' 1938. Carried. companied home ,by Airs. Dayman, difference to the appearance aiud also pater, Rev. W. ,LY_ Young, occupied 4
Plane for ,proposed work on road9 who intends to spends a week or so make it much .safer walking, a.* de- his own pulpit and at the morning
and bridges for the month of May with her daughter and son -in law,- Mr, festive walks in many 'places Lead to service Mother's Day was' ehangedf to
were approved on motion by Cooper anal' Mrs. Green, expensive law suits through injuries Family Day and the pastor dwelt in-
-siad, Berry. ,The municipal tax rate Mr. Clarence McLean, of London, caused- The continuation'' of King St. terestingly and profitably on what
for 1938 wa4• set at 8' mills including spent the week -end at tale home of at the western limits and leading to good home life stood for and for what
the 1 mill provincial subsidy. The Mr. and Mrs. Allan Johnston', o11
f the the lake shore through Zurich, will it meant, not ohly to the church, but Ii
relief .officerreported four families town line. - also stage a wonderful improvement, to society ,and the community at
on relief in April. Moved by Hod- Mr. George Petty, of Hersall, spent particularly so for tourists and motor- large, giving telling instanices of
€,art cud Fisher, eat Kirk and Ilarris a few days in the village during the ists generally. slhCh. The children'$ Sunday Sldhoot
be struck off, leaving no able-bodied past week at the home of Mr. and Shipping continues very brisk at choir added mutfv to -the interest cg
ren on relief. Carried. The Road Mrs. Robert Dinsdale. Mr, Petty, al- at the rail,waty station and the farm- the service with well rendered select
Superintendent's voucher amounting th•oug4h , well advanced iu yearn, is ers, being through seeding, are bring- tion entitled, "We Are Little GbiT-
to $2,279.20 was approved on motion quite active and smart. ing i'n to the market much surplus dren; given, by Lois McLaren, Elniiy
by Berry and Fis'hasr, The Treasurer. A number of our fishermen took a grain,, and the mills are very busy H'os'kins, Blaine Hoskins and' )clarion
reported total receipts for the month day off ,during the past week to en- centre®, McT.faren- There was also a well ren -
of April $588.80 and a cas'li balance joy a day at the lake and returned Mr. Thomas Welsch and his staff are dered duet by Misses Margaret and
May est of $2,394.51. Moved .by Hod- well repaid. They had a fine catch kept very busy looking after the cut- Jean Love entitled, "Somebody," At
gert and Berry, that orders be issued of fish'. ting of a very large lot of logs, and the evening service the pastor ad -
covering the'followin,g: Salaries and Mr. and, Mrs, Jahn McGregor, ac- also -the shipping out of lumber in dressed the Hensall Lodge of the In -
allowances, $197.83; supplies, $62.35; companied by Mr. and Mrs, William large quantities. dependent order of Od'dfeiows to -
miscellaneous, $9.56. The council ad- Workman, all of Tuckersmith, visited (suite a number from this village gether with a number of visdong;
journed to meet an Saturday, June 4, with fMends, in Toronto during the and district on Friday evening last brethren, taking for his subject, bhe
at 1 p.m,—A,- W. Morgan, Clerk. past week• were in Clinton as guests of the an- three links, namely "Friends'h4p, Love
The Mission Circle met at the home nual "at home—of the Clinton Lodge and Truth," dealing with each link
DUBLIN of Mrs. William Sinclair on Tuesday of A.F. & A.M-, and a number took very fully and, interestingly and, the
evening, a goodly number being pres- part in the program, The following grQla't principles they snood for and
eRt!and a good meeting was held, extract we have copied from the Bea- the lessons they so wonderfully por-
Mrs N. Nagle, who has spent the ' The many friends of Mrs. "James con -Herald of May 9th: -Clinton trayed of beauty, and helpfulness.
winter months in Allandrale, has re- Chesney, of Tuckersmith, will be Lodge was'' very
a The full' church choir led' by Mr- W -
turned and leased an apartment with sorry to !'earn that she is not enjoy- rY appreciative of the
Miss Hanlon musical talent from Hensall, Messrs. A' McLarep' With Mrs,. John Murdeocb
ing very good) 'health and was remov Goodwin, McLaren, Smillie and Young Presiding at the organ, added to the
Mr. M,' k KrKliug the
suffered s ed to S'eaforth 'hospital. We trust in
heart attack during the week, but is Mrs. Young orcin 'Mrs. McLa,r and interest and the ladiear quartette com-
Uhe near future she may be greatly the planis� who cantribuied rlar'ge- posed of Mrs'. Young, .Mrs; MreLaren.
improving, unproved in ,health, ly to the program numbers', and of Miss Irene' Hoggartlh and, Mises Mabel
The funeral of the 'late A. A. Colqu- Mrs. William Henry and daughter, the local talent as well." Workman, rendered a fine number. At
hour was lali•gely ,attended at ,the Margaret, of near Clinton, called' one Miss Mary McGregor, at the west the conclusion. of the service the
Friend's' Church near his home. In friends in the village during the week.
add,iti'on to the 'regudlar pallbearers end of the village, has been quite members of the lodge, together with
weho were his immediate neighbors, . Mr. and Mrs. Ivan' o ecklf of Bay poorly for some time the visiting brethren, marched to the
field, visited at the home of Mr. and Past and is con- ng
the honor sideri.ng going. to London, possibly to lodge room led' by Marshall Bro. SYd-
artf the lbHibbe were lepras- Mrs. Emerson Kyle, of the village, .one of the ,b,osp'itals, in the interests Gey McArthur, where an interesting;
Council, of the Hibbert Township during the week. Qf ber health meeting was (held' and at the opening
Council, McKillop, Hibbert & Logan, Dr. Smill4e, as stealth officer, i.s bay. a vote of t0ranks was ' tendered to
Telephone Co., and Staffs Creamery. discourse
in an inspection made of drinlrfineThe local tennis court, under the HENSALL 'g f the Rev, Mr. Young for his fin
lead'ers'hip of Gerald Hollande and his ing water by sending samples to head- and also to the choir and' church of -
able executive assistants, is con let- quarters for analysis, finial's for the use of the church for
p The annual Liberal -Conservative At the recent Souter Huron Musical the occasion, which was replied to
ed and is a credit to the community. convention was held on Friday even- Festival, afield at Exeter, little Ruth Very fittingly b bhe Rev. Mr. Young
The St. Columban Football Club has ing in Hensall and was addressed by g Y y
been organised and, the new officers He's's, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mr, Norman Janes, as Noble Grand,
Mr. Douglas, of London. Hess, of this vile very nicely at the lodge
are sponsoring a Banco frolic to be The South Huron institute meet at age, came out first Presided
eheld in Dublin on Friday ,evenin'g- in the competition. of girls under i0 meeting_ Following 'this a number
Ulla tame of Miss Mabel, Workman y ns of age, Obtaininga high of short addresses were given by both
4W'eek-end" visitors included: Mr• and appointed' new officers, and Miss cents e g per -
and Mrs. Ed, •McGrath,- Ilderbon, with g of marks. In the three-room, visiting and ]Deal brethren, of the
Beryl Pfaff was named president, Frank McConnell; Miss Frances school competitions, Henis'ali came lodge and following which the lodge
Mm. and M'rs. B'lad of Saskatche"' =third in the juntior, intermediate and meeting was closed with the singing
Fortune, Sea£orth, With Miss Gene- wan, have been spending soma time senior contests. of the National Anthem- Feeney; Joseph Carpenter, Chat, with, Mr§. R. J. Paterson. • "
ham; Gerald Jordan, London; Dr. At_ ` weekly me�etiing of the Tffie Rector, Rev, Mr. Hunt, of St.
Mr. Mark Drysda'l'e is still conlfi,ned League ,bel i th Paul's An
Frank Stapleton, Brantford, at their dr• u' e school room of the Anglican Church, very accept -
to the house with an attack o- rheum United Church on Monde
respective homes; Mrs', T. J.. Molly- atlism. - y evening, it ably conducted evening service giv-
neux in Kitchener; E. T. Carroll and was presided' over by Miss Kathryn ing a fine sermon appropriate to the
William Hanley in Guelph'; Alvin Mc- Mr. Nelson Blatchford -ha® flashed Ihyysdale, and following the opening day termed ifs Moth'er's Day and the
his Hounds as sanitary* inspeciar. exercise
Neil in Palmerston; A. R. Roth in Mr. Alton McQueen, s, the following -was' the pro- choir rendered' very pl'eas'ing numbere-
Tavigt:ock; Mr, ndg Mrse. La Q grain ware: g y Miss' There, -was a good''attendance.
Larry Beale, !louse employee for Mr. TQrompson, is gram• Scripture reading b
Stratford, with is's Mary Beale. „ Goldie Cross; a vocal duet by Mrs. The local churches were very tasi-
recovering from pneumanna. George Hess and. daughter, Ruth; ily decorated with flowers' on Sunday
At_ete recent musical festival L,held. solo by Miss Minnie Sangster. The last lm honor of Motbeer's Daiy, prim-
ANLEY in Exeter, Haien 10 ye rs won second topic was very ab]Y taken by Rev. A, Ci'paily tulips and blossdoms'. ^
for solo of girls LO years and utidei,
Mr. Fred Eckart spent this week in and RaI'ph Kennedy ntl'ss fourth in th'e
our burg to flzxl'oh seeding the Hughes 'boy's' class,, v '
farm. ,fl(, . Mr, and, Mrs. J. W.'Bonthron visited -
The frost lash Tuesday and Wedges- in Hanover on Sunday. Bargain Fares MAY 19 prOM SEMO '
day dad considerable ,d'7' go to the Mr. and Mrs'. Joseph Hudson and ,;
early .fruit and anything that was Roy Webber were in Niagara Falls on M& ' goo Bold at all adSlgcent CN R Statfams)
perishable in , th,e gardenm Sunday last. , To C.N.R. STATIONS ilr MARITIME PROVINCES
. Miss Julia Kenny, 'Mrs. C. P. Sills Miss Margaret Bell, London, visited Frov, coif Quelstc '
and Mr. abA Wlt s. C. Rek-art were vis- her ,parents,, Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Bell, p New Brtutnlawlek; �rin�ec Edward Iftlotlldf t!"0 4 Scours ,
, , over 'thew k nd , ,. ,
hors in our burg lnat Sunday. -e MAY �0 & 21—To Ottawa $9.OU' 1V.�Oarrtrcal' $10.3
M'r. Frank Deinl mey is,. retinl'ng Mr. and? Mrs:i Maynard Hartman, of �luebeC Cit 14 35' Ste. Anne' de $eat 1'Q 1�.9�
from farm'Itfe, pbde we wish ehim suc. St. Marys, spent Sunday jyith' Mr; and Y f p '
Mrs. Dlu'mmlond. ROUN[i'TRiP' PARES'
Cea9 In h.is undertaking, 'tVln'atelVel' It Tickets, Fared, Transit Limits •and' fnforthatleiii,' fr'oki 'AithAb, deft ter' 11mawU.
may be. lite, A. W. Kerslake recently par 1
Mr. Albert Selmon Is busy Repairing chased t114 Produce, business' of Mr ' '
wlndmi-els,. >lugptpB and ercoin se'par�
and' --will 'moue into
' i
Township -of Hibbert
. _N
i""bf Revisiow fiar appeals against the
atoro as dh'e a'a an: expert at the {job.
. ;"
ABsassinkrnt Roll df 1938 wild be held at Staffa
Towushio Hall on Monday, May 30th, at 1
+ p '� 1i, {
,I L t,4.;I'll.iz , lyk;:. x,`ui' 6a,nlY,pi' sue-'^:sa' ria tor'. i A,r ,.114 ) '1� ., ,'' , "� ,„;, r ''r4 ” �i:;,,,
_ . i ,. :1yp ....., ..: a 4 +`a x ,,J,]S G ;.. $ c. 4` . --" 5 .r,k l �a ',. ^ a .,r', I , • o ra• .r,"" a@ , :,, ]�V. '
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'L Tlf, rJ.' J, i
%Lm.IriN acted DavUes will govern them-
selves accordingly.
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,.. Y ,:+,I.i :. , r r wr n,. nYk,A. i:. cL„ d n + nr,. n... 1 31..., .
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Munioitpal Clerk. Dublin.
xF;.. , .,, , h t"R^'{i1, C :`:'.'f.
';}.,si A 4 1�y. pd fl c ,M I hiv
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.,W wY t'. �S 1G lr5 ale. 1.-111 ii "9v II Al a-.
The Town ,Will pay 4 per
�' ' 'r,. 1.cent.
per annum up to, Aug.
319 1938, on all 1938
I(; �,
takes. Cer#fii�oites and full
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IlI��{' }4
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%butinued Rom, Page et)
86; Betty Lou Swartz, Elaiue Fauhnor;
Boy&' solo, under 1&--Gor4ort Ford,
90; Urbane Peaclley,, 89; „ Murray
Stephens, 88.
Two-ropm school obofrsl—(Juniors):
Winchelsea, 88; Grand] Beene, 84.
—"G-t,rle duet under, 1P— rnfl Be ce Luff
and Esther P�aob'ey,. 89; Annie El
ford and Helen Murch, 85; Grace'Fen
hale, 81.
Boys' duet, under 10—Andrew An
Berson and. Lloyd Miller, 84; Glenn
Wluerth and Fred Waghorn, 73.
Three-room. school c'haire—(jua'iors)
—Dashwood, 87; Creddton, 80; Hen
sail, 77.
Three-room school chbirsl—(inter
mediate)—Crediton, 8$; Dashwood
87; 'Hensall, 79. .
Seaforit'h, 87; Exeter, 81.
Girls' duet, 10 and over—Maagar•el
Pethick and Kathleen Holmes, Sea
forth, 90; Marie Ellwood' and Loin
Draper, Clinton, 90; Lucy El'lwooc
and Mary %ancy, Clinton, 89; Mil
dred Heard and Margaret Cosens
Clinton, 89; Audrey Scott amd Mar
garet Taylor, Clinton, 87.
Boys' duet, 10 and over- Mack Cool
and Ronald Scott, Clinton, 87; Chas
Arnold and Tom Steep, Clinton, 87;
'Dawson Goulding and Bobby Davis
Exeter, 86; Tom Leppington and Chas
Thompson, Clinton, 88; 'Maxwell Car
ter and Bob Steep, Clinton, 84; Geo
Hildebrand and Harrison Sproule, Sea
forth, 84; Donald. Wood and Al-ber
Venus, Seafortii, 84-
Cthoirs, grades 7 and 8—Clinton 88'
Seaforth, 87; Exeter, 85 -
One -'room school choir—•Kirkton $7
No. 2, Stephen, 87; No. 3, Stephen
86; No. 6, Stephen, 86; No. 1, Us
borne, 85; No. 14, Stephen, 85; No. 6
Tuckersmftb, 85; No. 3, Us'borne, 85
No. 12, Stephen, 85.
Girls' solo, under 10—Ilene Kers
lake, 87; Lucinda Dinney, 86; ,Nor,
Wilds, 85.
Boys' solo, under 10 --Jack Cann.
88; Stanley Knowles and Grant Mor
gan, 87; Calvin Wein and Jack Ford
85.1 .
Girls' duet;' under IO�.Maida Rich
ards and Dorene Baker, 87; Aiie,
Taylor and Donna Webb, 87; Telel,
White and, Gloria White, 86; Marjorie
Parker and Dorothy McDougal, 84.
Boys' duet, under 10 --Eldon. Dat
ars and. Hubert Miller, 86; Wlllian
Dougall am,d Andrew Dougall, 85; Jac]
Heywood and Glenn' Fisher, 80; Mi',
Girls' solo, 10 and over—Helen Bu]
lock, 88; Helen Salmers, 81; Ruti
Willert, 86; Laura Woodball, 86,
Boys' solo, 10 and' over = Ra',
Guenther, 88; Jack England, Kennet:
Taylor, 87; Ross Kennedy,'James Hay
ter, 85;
Two -roam school choirs --(senor)
Winchelsea, 85; Grand Dena, 84.
Girls' duet — (mn'iors) — Eun'ic
Haist and Dorothy Wein, 89; Shirte,
Desjardine and Helen 'Muller, Elois
Gill and Beaulah Holt, 88; Karen Pec
er`seu and Eileen Mills, 8.7.
Boys' duet—(sendo•rs) : Alden Si',
and Calvin Falser, 87; Edwarc
Schenk and Orland Gaiser, 86; Jame
Taylor and George Wolfe, 85.
Three-room school ahoir�--(senioM
Dashwood, 87; Crediton, 83; Hensal.
Hay Twp. Couple
(Continued from Page 1)
abolishment of county councils by the
Provincial Government.
cf,srs. J. F. Rolfe and C. A. Beard
of London, were visitors in town on
Tuesday. Mr, Rolfe has purchased a
lot at Ducharme's grove, near St.
Joseph and intends 'having a fine sum-
mer home erected thereon liths spring.
The laying of the water pipes to
Zurich Creamery has been completed.
The police trustees are now consider-
ing extending the system to the west-
ern part of the village as a number
of the residents have signed a peti-
don asking for service.
Mrs. J. Wagner and two children,
of Shakespeare, and Mrst Ed. Appel,
of New Hamburg, visited' at the drome
of Mrs. L. K'lopp on Sunday,
Mr. Ken Routledge, of _Stratford,
Mr. Clayton Hainan of Kitchener,
Miss Miar'tha Heidemian of Sarnia, and
otbers, spent Sunday (M'other's Day)
at their homes in the village,
Mr. and Mrs. Ings entertained
friendq from Detroit over the week-
Miss Logan spent Sunday with Mr,
and Mrs. E. Yeo, Goderich Twp.
Mr. George Beatty, Sr., entertained
friends from Lordlon on Sunday.
Messrs. Robert and Norman Camp-
bell spent a few days with relatives
in Cayuga.
The young people of Varna United
Church entertained the young people
of Bayfield United Church in -,the hall
on Monday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. James Medd and fam-
ily visited Mr. and' Mrs, George Lay-
ton and A.I:-. and Mrs. George Medd,
of Exeter.
Miss Ivy S'nim'ons is visiting friends
in Toronto and Peterborough,
Mrs. William Jewitt and baby, Joy"
Elaine, rettxrneed ' home from . Sco'tt
Memorial Hospital on Saturday. ,
Mrs. George Hoggart and Leslie,
Peter Dunlop, and Alice. and Robert
Riley spent the week -end in Nfagaral-
Mrs. A. McLean, of Buffalo, ifs vis-
iting. her sister, Mr.
r and Mrs, P. Lind-
say and, Mr. and Mrs. D. Mi.11sont'
Friends of Mr. Durpin will be sor-
ry to learn ,he is on the sick list and
mot as well as ,hid friends would like
to see. I •
Wisa Hattie Armstrong, of Clinton,
visited ,her panents, Mr, and Mrs.
Howard Armstrong on Sunday*.
Mr. and Mrs. James Medd visli6d
her sister, Mr 'and' Mra. Miller, Gode-
richi llovltn"V,'
Friends tot Mr. Witlialth Clark ,Will
be sorry to learn that he is c'ahflned
to big b6d3 •
•; „i s t, ,'ie`:lne s."nt"t,,`�•r�yd Tatnl. ,+?:`' tth£^r ,%:ViS. ,� .�!! :..' S
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11+10 I�QP - +a held contests s last y� D sdp,lowwion Montle proem st�tf�,� At-
:• f. ,t eum rug , 4 er the program Mica latbrym[ '�)tYe^
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_, ... Miss � e s y . _ td ani
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one at
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. a
..The • W,i � ;SV.. aanli w.�. 11e��;ti their 112x, 1EipitA:r't"�VICt3lllncheyt- sand Evelyn ,'4;or$ett t'he one at lleunte's. „ mailte''-,on, 'k7tiqutete, �811p''Yfe'd d� �,
'regytW •monthly'meeting at the ti),ome Ain hnoug .returned home on Satair- �lhe;�amd will commence.to Ply on hylmn and the bepediGtio. a
of .MI" zlo Henderson on Thurs- dray from a week's ,Ixl'easout visit with
ern on May 5th, „The?e were friendp at ,Marlette and -Flint, Mich. •, Satiny eve#tdngs on lite' fleet Satur Mn George C. Pettyf hit Y fir; - eie-
r ill this W k 404e
�► ,. y dap in June. - rich ale LoilYlio]ll ®� +and lo-
thirty. ink et'teiLdauce, it being Baby Mr.`aad: Mrs. John C11W, of Kirkton, Mise : Mavis Spencer, of Toronto, gates, to thus. Synod +of � DIoc� orf
Bondi"A* , Sixteen members answer- visited with tb,e X9'rmWb sister, Mrs.' was s ,recen't 'home visitor for the London', the 81st mentioned as loiinina-
ed tbAi i�p)l with a vexse on `Love.' Robert E: Robinson, on Monday. tee's warden and the latter as the pea. . .
Mrs. W11%er Scott 'took change of the Quite a number from here attend- w The A.F. & A.M. Lodge of Ma,00U4, 'Ple's Wardell.
at Croderi
the Musical Festival
W.A Pro The 'meeting opened' ed M.
gym• known as Hunan Lodge, intends 'hold The councf} and Ohalonber, of t7craa
with $y"L 623, followed wit)l mem- last Thursday, John Robinson taking ing their aumual divine service in the merce are :p(li%UMUVJ0 `4*W dm#Tove,
bert",p %b ayer 'in unison; Scripture third place min the competition. flrs't , week of- the 'monith of June in ment's inthe park greuhldo jAt #hag •moray
readiij.'-- it Mrs. Adin Forbes., • The Stephenson - Erratt and 'Puttling in '
minutes of the lust meeting war 'read At the United Church M'amse,.'Sea-'St. Foul'® Anglican Ch'uaah', and will of levelling, gra"dilkg__
by lite," 5eraetary, after . whlch� the forth; on Saturday, April 23rd, ' the' be addressed ;by the Rector, Rev. M'r. fine order for BPorte.and glalaueo of well
business was t'ians�aeted. •Mr's,. ,! John marriage was quietly solemnized of Hunt I' ip the custom of the ledge kinds. c there 0 plenty of e1$ cry
Vii'lebrecht,, ` superi'ntesdent of the ,Olive M.,'oungert daughter of Mr. and to worship alternatively in the local the park iambs one off this.'vera
Taw PgnO, took.' charge of the meet- Mrs. Henry Ermth, `sof Stanley Town churches and this year it is the, tui n best as there is now ab vii dialoPSAC
ing ,lthei; • 'Idren Puttiug . on the Pro- of St. Pan't's Anglican Clhu'rch- which has done plod flier S- a fit ,I
si4 to d Mrs.
Ch Stephenson', eon miss Ethel Murdock lhas returned years, and with flne woods' along the
gram'..• Time ;,meeti'ng opened' of Mr, and Mrs. Chhrles Stepheltaon,
Baby Banid", 'hymn, followed with also of Stanley Township, Rev. Car- from Aydn4er where she spent the other western boundary' soft' a number tit
y peat number of weeks with friends. other edlade trete' tttiouebout the
prayer 'by mothers; then, ,prayer by michael officiating. They were unat- on Monday last Mist Robert Bon- grounds, it will 'be found ideal when
the children- A suita'b'le chorus was tended.. The young ,couple will reg •
well rendered by th'ree'Li'ttle girls', Bat- thron was visited, by friends from further improvements are. made
aide on the Parr Line, Stanley, and Clinton an the persons of Mrs. Lovett Building operations are going, o4Ff foe
ty Cox, 14latbel Campbell ,and Patricia have the best wishes of a host of '
Coo;' a reditlg by Beth Campbell; friends, and ,her aunt, Mrs. Heys+oak. the village quite briskly, anti whfcls
piano solo by Miss Lizzie Henderson,; Mn Casey Hudson; of Listowel, ac- will further add to the flne, class oi'
presentation of Baby Band certificates companied' by a friend', spent Sunday residences, ori® well as publics ones -
by the superintendent. Trhe ,meeting CROMARTY here recently with iris parents, „Mr• Mr. and Mrs. Lairds Mickle attend -
closed with i htymn, foil ywed' by the and Mrs• George Hudson, ed' the Masonic at-home in Clintou oa
Mizpah Benediction- The children Mr. Gers'ham' Speare and lady friend M� Lou SimpsonWinter
has returned Friday night
then enjoyed some games, and candy accompanied by° Mr. John Spectre,' of, fmm spending fibs w'i'nter months and
was served; after which. 'lunch was relatives and friends in A -fl=ora and W. M. &Plans Birthday Party ,
Toronto, v'isite'd over the week -end Texas and also visited in. other States,
provided by the lunch committee. with Miss Olive Speare. Miss Olive returning home here feeling much The W.M.S. of the Uniite>d Church ,
returned to Toronto with them to benefitted by the trip amen change- met in the school room ' of the chumb!
ELIMVILLE spend a short time in the, city. With .the recent fine rains' `those on Thursday afternoon for ' their y
Miss Margaret Walker, of Brussels, who had their gardens in early `report monthly meeting, The first part v8
is spending -the week with Mr, and fine growth and advancement. the meeting was presided over by
Miss I'na Ford underwent an opera,
Mrs. B. O: Maedanaltl, Mrs. Arthur Sinclair, president of her
ti -011 for 'appendicitis early Tuesday Mr., Rap „Paterson, of Toronto, ac-
moaning of loot week. She is recon -
tor. and Mrs, Donald Wallace, of companied, by his friend Fred Janes, group, and after the opening hymn
C ar liugford•, s nt Sunday with' Mr. and proper, Mrs. Anna McDonald read
eri:ng nicely and expects to return of Winnipeg, wtho is attending the
llama the latter part of this week. and Mr's. George Wallace. University ett Toronto, ep,6nt the week the Scripture lesson. Miss, Eleanor
Miss May ` Jones, of London, is Mr. Lorne Speare, of Harriston, end here with Ray's parents, Mr. and Fisher played a piano solo, after
spemt Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Robert J. Paterson. which Mrs. Laird Milckle gave they •
spending a couple of weeks with her
cousin, Mrs'. Nelson CoultisMrs. Adrew McLellan. topic on "Manifold Ministry," follow -
Considerable interest was. nMins June Kennedy, of Winnipeg, shown in Mn John Robertson, accompanied who is taking an arts, course at To- f,ng which Mrs.' Cross, president of
the Mus'i'cal , Festival held in Exeter by Me mother, spent the day at the ronto University, spent the week -end the Society, took the chair for thee
cu Friday and Saturday of last week tome of Mr. aril Mrs. Charlie Mills, here with iter, grandparents, Mr. and 'business part of the meeting. It was
of Prospect Hill. T Mrs,. George C. Pett dc�cided to hold the annual birthday i
Our school pupils' work reflects cred o
Mrs. S, Miller 'ha's had her house Mr. sole Mrs. George Gram were party on the afternoon of ma.y 19t1r
It to the instructor, Mr. Lawredce .,_ I
shingled 'fila past week Mrs. McIn- visited b mlemhers of their faanilp in the school room. Tape, follt�wing
Wein, of Crediton. Y
Mother's .Day service was thele' here tort has erected a picket fence in from Lansing, Mic#•, and a grandson committees were appoinAed: Receir
at 2 p.m.; Sundry school and church front of her lot, which has added, to „was baptized in the United' Church ing, Mrs Arthur Sinclair axed+ Mrs_ C`_
the beaut°ifydng o4 her 'home. Here on Sunda morning lash A.. McDonell; program Mrs. Norman I
sen -ices combined. A large number, Y g e
were, present, The Mothers ].bay Mm. Thos'. Lindsay and her daugh- wok, Mrs. I Hilliard,
and Mrs.oenSinclair; i
program was followed ter, Mrst Frank Rathburn', visited with lunch, Mrs. Hilliard, M1�. Cornelius
. Ballantyne and M:os Mrs.
EN' Mrs'. Charles F. Jinks- on, Friday orf• . Gook, 9
O"Eternxygn least. Fthe'1 Murdock-. The meeting was '
USBFor Sale.—ane.-good{ farm wagon, Mr. and Mrs- Fred Manns were vis- closed with the slinging of a hymn
mediums height; all in No. 1 shape, ited on Sunday last by relatives and and. the benediction. '
The municipal council -of Usborne Apply to W. L. MELLIS, Kippen. friends from Lon'd'on, who came par-
Tow'nship met with a frill attendance. . 3673x2 titularly to ,see Fred, who is suffers. Churches Observe Mother's Day
Minutes of Apnl 2nd were read and Kippen United Church is holding its, iug illnesls, A Moteher's Day service was held in
approved. Communications were re- Young people's anniversary on Sun- Rev, A. Sinclair will preach anni- the United Church on Sunday morn-
ceived as follows: Three from the day, May 15th, with special speaker, versary services in Centralia on the ing and was, well attended with a
Registrar of the Board of Review of Rev. Anderson., Wirnghaml. Services coming Sunday, May 15th', and the splendid sermon by the pastor, Rev.
the Creditors' Arrangement Act ; will be held at 11 a•m: and 7.30 p,m. Centralia pastor will preach here in
A. Sinclair, sltressirrg what 'goad
Clerk was instructed to notify that On Monday evening at 8.15 p.m., a the United Church- mntherhoodl stood for and its far-
tax arrears are registered From De play entitled, "Nora, Wake Up;' is The Arnold Circle met at the home
fa,rtnae,nt of Public Welfare, re reg- being presented b the Chiselburst reaching influences- 'lite choir ear -
1 y of the president, Miss Mabel Work- dared a fine anthem and a very pleag-
isti4ion of employed men registered Young People. man, ou' Monday evening last. The lug duet was given by Mrs. George �
on relief; from Ontario Department The young people's anniversary will meeting opened, with a Hymn. and Hess and Mm. Alfred Clark. A bao-
of Highways; formal notification' that be held this coming ,Sunday when the prayer, Miss Helen Moir readingthe firm service was held) }wet preceding
Thames Road is non' a King's High- Rev. Mr, Anderson, of Wing'ham; will Scripture lesson. Miss Beryl .Pfaff
way: from the Dominion Safe and be the special speaker for the day. the sermon,. At the evening deft of
took the tonic on "Miss Jessie Mc- worship Rev. Mr. Sinclair delivered
� unt acknowledgingh S scion music i5 being r'e aced b
Co., cheque. p g P F Y Bean," and Miss Hannah Murray read. a very fine discourse dealinges
Tete power grader was insured against the choir. ,-,We would also remand one a chapter from the Glad' Tidings on, peciaT-
fire in Usborne & Hibbert Fire I'n- and all of the playon Mondor even- p with home life and how very im. •
¢ "Fellowship." The meeting closed portant and lar -reaching .home life
suran,ce Co. for $3,000. Court of re- ing entitled, ,"Nora, Wake Up." This with 'a hymn and the Lord's' Prayer, was, a foretaste of the,better life :n
vision on assessment roll was set at play conies highly recommended and The baseball players are racking the mansions re
June 4th, at,'3 p.m. Assessor report- we would urge all to be present and prepared for tlife. The
forward with much' pleasure 'to an im- had ]ed a good Christian life. The '
ed his roll closed, and turned over, make it a grand success, proved diamond and grounds, follow- choir rendered a fine anthem.
Ho also reported 15 wood lots ex- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green, of Mt- ing levelling, grading, .etc.
empt, It Was moved by Fisher 'and ton, visited at the 'home of Mr. and When the eouncil get the sidewalks 1. O. O. F. Attends Service
Cooper chart' the collector be instruct- Mrs. James Day'man, of the village, repaired and broken places replaced
ed to return his roll with $1,987.82 not during the past week. They were ac- by new sectiones, it will make a great At Carmel Presbyterian Church the►
collected, on May 7,' 1938. Carried. companied home ,by Airs. Dayman, difference to the appearance aiud also pater, Rev. W. ,LY_ Young, occupied 4
Plane for ,proposed work on road9 who intends to spends a week or so make it much .safer walking, a.* de- his own pulpit and at the morning
and bridges for the month of May with her daughter and son -in law,- Mr, festive walks in many 'places Lead to service Mother's Day was' ehangedf to
were approved on motion by Cooper anal' Mrs. Green, expensive law suits through injuries Family Day and the pastor dwelt in-
-siad, Berry. ,The municipal tax rate Mr. Clarence McLean, of London, caused- The continuation'' of King St. terestingly and profitably on what
for 1938 wa4• set at 8' mills including spent the week -end at tale home of at the western limits and leading to good home life stood for and for what
the 1 mill provincial subsidy. The Mr. and Mrs. Allan Johnston', o11
f the the lake shore through Zurich, will it meant, not ohly to the church, but Ii
relief .officerreported four families town line. - also stage a wonderful improvement, to society ,and the community at
on relief in April. Moved by Hod- Mr. George Petty, of Hersall, spent particularly so for tourists and motor- large, giving telling instanices of
€,art cud Fisher, eat Kirk and Ilarris a few days in the village during the ists generally. slhCh. The children'$ Sunday Sldhoot
be struck off, leaving no able-bodied past week at the home of Mr. and Shipping continues very brisk at choir added mutfv to -the interest cg
ren on relief. Carried. The Road Mrs. Robert Dinsdale. Mr, Petty, al- at the rail,waty station and the farm- the service with well rendered select
Superintendent's voucher amounting th•oug4h , well advanced iu yearn, is ers, being through seeding, are bring- tion entitled, "We Are Little GbiT-
to $2,279.20 was approved on motion quite active and smart. ing i'n to the market much surplus dren; given, by Lois McLaren, Elniiy
by Berry and Fis'hasr, The Treasurer. A number of our fishermen took a grain,, and the mills are very busy H'os'kins, Blaine Hoskins and' )clarion
reported total receipts for the month day off ,during the past week to en- centre®, McT.faren- There was also a well ren -
of April $588.80 and a cas'li balance joy a day at the lake and returned Mr. Thomas Welsch and his staff are dered duet by Misses Margaret and
May est of $2,394.51. Moved .by Hod- well repaid. They had a fine catch kept very busy looking after the cut- Jean Love entitled, "Somebody," At
gert and Berry, that orders be issued of fish'. ting of a very large lot of logs, and the evening service the pastor ad -
covering the'followin,g: Salaries and Mr. and, Mrs, Jahn McGregor, ac- also -the shipping out of lumber in dressed the Hensall Lodge of the In -
allowances, $197.83; supplies, $62.35; companied by Mr. and Mrs, William large quantities. dependent order of Od'dfeiows to -
miscellaneous, $9.56. The council ad- Workman, all of Tuckersmith, visited (suite a number from this village gether with a number of visdong;
journed to meet an Saturday, June 4, with fMends, in Toronto during the and district on Friday evening last brethren, taking for his subject, bhe
at 1 p.m,—A,- W. Morgan, Clerk. past week• were in Clinton as guests of the an- three links, namely "Friends'h4p, Love
The Mission Circle met at the home nual "at home—of the Clinton Lodge and Truth," dealing with each link
DUBLIN of Mrs. William Sinclair on Tuesday of A.F. & A.M-, and a number took very fully and, interestingly and, the
evening, a goodly number being pres- part in the program, The following grQla't principles they snood for and
eRt!and a good meeting was held, extract we have copied from the Bea- the lessons they so wonderfully por-
Mrs N. Nagle, who has spent the ' The many friends of Mrs. "James con -Herald of May 9th: -Clinton trayed of beauty, and helpfulness.
winter months in Allandrale, has re- Chesney, of Tuckersmith, will be Lodge was'' very
a The full' church choir led' by Mr- W -
turned and leased an apartment with sorry to !'earn that she is not enjoy- rY appreciative of the
Miss Hanlon musical talent from Hensall, Messrs. A' McLarep' With Mrs,. John Murdeocb
ing very good) 'health and was remov Goodwin, McLaren, Smillie and Young Presiding at the organ, added to the
Mr. M,' k KrKliug the
suffered s ed to S'eaforth 'hospital. We trust in
heart attack during the week, but is Mrs. Young orcin 'Mrs. McLa,r and interest and the ladiear quartette com-
Uhe near future she may be greatly the planis� who cantribuied rlar'ge- posed of Mrs'. Young, .Mrs; MreLaren.
improving, unproved in ,health, ly to the program numbers', and of Miss Irene' Hoggartlh and, Mises Mabel
The funeral of the 'late A. A. Colqu- Mrs. William Henry and daughter, the local talent as well." Workman, rendered a fine number. At
hour was lali•gely ,attended at ,the Margaret, of near Clinton, called' one Miss Mary McGregor, at the west the conclusion. of the service the
Friend's' Church near his home. In friends in the village during the week.
add,iti'on to the 'regudlar pallbearers end of the village, has been quite members of the lodge, together with
weho were his immediate neighbors, . Mr. and Mrs. Ivan' o ecklf of Bay poorly for some time the visiting brethren, marched to the
field, visited at the home of Mr. and Past and is con- ng
the honor sideri.ng going. to London, possibly to lodge room led' by Marshall Bro. SYd-
artf the lbHibbe were lepras- Mrs. Emerson Kyle, of the village, .one of the ,b,osp'itals, in the interests Gey McArthur, where an interesting;
Council, of the Hibbert Township during the week. Qf ber health meeting was (held' and at the opening
Council, McKillop, Hibbert & Logan, Dr. Smill4e, as stealth officer, i.s bay. a vote of t0ranks was ' tendered to
Telephone Co., and Staffs Creamery. discourse
in an inspection made of drinlrfineThe local tennis court, under the HENSALL 'g f the Rev, Mr. Young for his fin
lead'ers'hip of Gerald Hollande and his ing water by sending samples to head- and also to the choir and' church of -
able executive assistants, is con let- quarters for analysis, finial's for the use of the church for
p The annual Liberal -Conservative At the recent Souter Huron Musical the occasion, which was replied to
ed and is a credit to the community. convention was held on Friday even- Festival, afield at Exeter, little Ruth Very fittingly b bhe Rev. Mr. Young
The St. Columban Football Club has ing in Hensall and was addressed by g Y y
been organised and, the new officers He's's, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mr, Norman Janes, as Noble Grand,
Mr. Douglas, of London. Hess, of this vile very nicely at the lodge
are sponsoring a Banco frolic to be The South Huron institute meet at age, came out first Presided
eheld in Dublin on Friday ,evenin'g- in the competition. of girls under i0 meeting_ Following 'this a number
Ulla tame of Miss Mabel, Workman y ns of age, Obtaininga high of short addresses were given by both
4W'eek-end" visitors included: Mr• and appointed' new officers, and Miss cents e g per -
and Mrs. Ed, •McGrath,- Ilderbon, with g of marks. In the three-room, visiting and ]Deal brethren, of the
Beryl Pfaff was named president, Frank McConnell; Miss Frances school competitions, Henis'ali came lodge and following which the lodge
Mm. and M'rs. B'lad of Saskatche"' =third in the juntior, intermediate and meeting was closed with the singing
Fortune, Sea£orth, With Miss Gene- wan, have been spending soma time senior contests. of the National Anthem- Feeney; Joseph Carpenter, Chat, with, Mr§. R. J. Paterson. • "
ham; Gerald Jordan, London; Dr. At_ ` weekly me�etiing of the Tffie Rector, Rev, Mr. Hunt, of St.
Mr. Mark Drysda'l'e is still conlfi,ned League ,bel i th Paul's An
Frank Stapleton, Brantford, at their dr• u' e school room of the Anglican Church, very accept -
to the house with an attack o- rheum United Church on Monde
respective homes; Mrs', T. J.. Molly- atlism. - y evening, it ably conducted evening service giv-
neux in Kitchener; E. T. Carroll and was presided' over by Miss Kathryn ing a fine sermon appropriate to the
William Hanley in Guelph'; Alvin Mc- Mr. Nelson Blatchford -ha® flashed Ihyysdale, and following the opening day termed ifs Moth'er's Day and the
his Hounds as sanitary* inspeciar. exercise
Neil in Palmerston; A. R. Roth in Mr. Alton McQueen, s, the following -was' the pro- choir rendered' very pl'eas'ing numbere-
Tavigt:ock; Mr, ndg Mrse. La Q grain ware: g y Miss' There, -was a good''attendance.
Larry Beale, !louse employee for Mr. TQrompson, is gram• Scripture reading b
Stratford, with is's Mary Beale. „ Goldie Cross; a vocal duet by Mrs. The local churches were very tasi-
recovering from pneumanna. George Hess and. daughter, Ruth; ily decorated with flowers' on Sunday
At_ete recent musical festival L,held. solo by Miss Minnie Sangster. The last lm honor of Motbeer's Daiy, prim-
ANLEY in Exeter, Haien 10 ye rs won second topic was very ab]Y taken by Rev. A, Ci'paily tulips and blossdoms'. ^
for solo of girls LO years and utidei,
Mr. Fred Eckart spent this week in and RaI'ph Kennedy ntl'ss fourth in th'e
our burg to flzxl'oh seeding the Hughes 'boy's' class,, v '
farm. ,fl(, . Mr, and, Mrs. J. W.'Bonthron visited -
The frost lash Tuesday and Wedges- in Hanover on Sunday. Bargain Fares MAY 19 prOM SEMO '
day dad considerable ,d'7' go to the Mr. and Mrs'. Joseph Hudson and ,;
early .fruit and anything that was Roy Webber were in Niagara Falls on M& ' goo Bold at all adSlgcent CN R Statfams)
perishable in , th,e gardenm Sunday last. , To C.N.R. STATIONS ilr MARITIME PROVINCES
. Miss Julia Kenny, 'Mrs. C. P. Sills Miss Margaret Bell, London, visited Frov, coif Quelstc '
and Mr. abA Wlt s. C. Rek-art were vis- her ,parents,, Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Bell, p New Brtutnlawlek; �rin�ec Edward Iftlotlldf t!"0 4 Scours ,
, , over 'thew k nd , ,. ,
hors in our burg lnat Sunday. -e MAY �0 & 21—To Ottawa $9.OU' 1V.�Oarrtrcal' $10.3
M'r. Frank Deinl mey is,. retinl'ng Mr. and? Mrs:i Maynard Hartman, of �luebeC Cit 14 35' Ste. Anne' de $eat 1'Q 1�.9�
from farm'Itfe, pbde we wish ehim suc. St. Marys, spent Sunday jyith' Mr; and Y f p '
Mrs. Dlu'mmlond. ROUN[i'TRiP' PARES'
Cea9 In h.is undertaking, 'tVln'atelVel' It Tickets, Fared, Transit Limits •and' fnforthatleiii,' fr'oki 'AithAb, deft ter' 11mawU.
may be. lite, A. W. Kerslake recently par 1
Mr. Albert Selmon Is busy Repairing chased t114 Produce, business' of Mr ' '
wlndmi-els,. >lugptpB and ercoin se'par�
Senilis O'Brien
and' --will 'moue into
atoro as dh'e a'a an: expert at the {job.
. ;"
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