HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-05-06, Page 4� - , ,- I H ... �, , . ,,,I 1. �� 1.�'. � , 1-si q, �"I,l "7c]�,�,7, �).'T+,, , I I .1 1 , �, 1 � - ,_ � ­­ � . ; � 14 , " I I �. I �14, . - q""'.��ll �11�­ .. , " , � , , � .p .. ,..-.! - �,��­ � , , , " ," , � ,- .., ,; � T� , . � . 'l li� �,.. : �� .�-,i,, "I"', ` i'�,� ­�;­��,1'11�� ",'I �4­ � � �, . -k , I '_ ,�, I W"R .. , �� 1� 11 .:;, I � 141. I I I t� . ! . . , 17: , , "'. , � , - . F , . - , I I �. � , 11 ,,, � ,,,, �'k, 1� . �, . �, , . , I I ,,, I . , . I . . 4 1 1. . l..l. ` I I i , !�;, . 0, I 1 , " . I ­ , 11— . - -0 . , .11 �i 1, , I . - -, " !1121�1 11 . � " ., . . — -4 --- � lt�.e I I . . "I I 11 iil� I I 11 * �, -11 - -.11.1 -l!"'1111-1-1111,111.1- 4�.";,L k., I ", ,_ , , I I ,"�` � . . I 10 I I ­ �', '�`­­ j'i'4' i.,i � ',� ,; ,,,­� ..1._-_-._-., ____," I I I I - ... �, - ,"'I"" Z4"'; V: � . 1. 1�1,��­,. - I 1. � ,q . f I - I I ... MI"t ..., 1� . 'I" I I . � ",?;. _�� ,ue .1 1, , � , ) �, 11 - ?'G, �, ,� L V, . T '! 9 t;,T �XR "'ll, �� I . . . I I'll?K. I .... I . I , I - _� ' 0 0 0 0 .0 0 �j! � �Ai­k ! "� l l,% I .. I I ,...� ,� 111I Ml l . . . � . " � 17. . : � ,I , az �i-1 0%, �,� , I'd '10% i 1!'111,11 "'XI"RAM � 11 7 ", i, , Hensall,Grows WTH I 1'�,� , [� , - '.v "Ap, "I � I.. �'.44 a j?'x0d A'ds, I . I ;i" I . I ;,�_Ilgb .­ , l'-,�.�,`V.�,� .1 . �,,l:,&� il, ­;. kt,�' I- � - - -,,;1111� , . Hensall's population increased 1 7 1%,Alil i .! i I I . 1i I. , " , . � ,l'..� - d I I this year for the first time In .1 �� , . ' jAll',,R Wed Ads cash' rates -6 .1V- � I at new low. I many years, Clerk James A. Pat- , P I , �.. �v . I -z "I �. , , j. - �., '1�w 2 1 ersqn, discovered as'he went over . 11�. 11.1 I . ... 0. wo . &*MOON, aw-ew -wilit . I �44,xl .W . ,. � .1 "I *�_ � ; . ., .,... , - ?�l W I'll, � � l: ! I �.._ I I tht�` assessment roll. There aro '11 ""'M t, . ......................... I cent 685, people on the roll, including M � ". , � � .. , ��l g, ,; 4- ly � � 1, . .4. i I , . � 10a wko,.�are over 70 years of age. ��, i i - Ud week ............. 6.::::-.�.:-.:::-. 1 = � _ ` .9!1��. Nk�l, minimum charg% fimt inliewan ..... 26 CCU% p � I.Z: �,A,��, ,, i 1 s , - I I'll Pf,,� lt, `,­ , d 111 11-i- . le r,s, and 69 as tenants. Two new 1i I "I 4-itsm.1 sind abbrivilatlim dounft " wo werill., ;; 1i ... 11 , zw,b Awn;% , 1� 1. , l, ;,. � � " "Ro l�, , of: *A , K - -a cent per homes are being built and one I 11 , -ko.. Xn aka"Oun cu- wer& I 50 ccnb wer week. . l', , 1� . ma be diiaAnd to a Blio; Numbdr. ON" Of Thnenu= RKSGIAteC6 Car 10 -to new grain elevator. 1. 71., ". . � . I d . . ,,,,: ,o ',., 1. '. I'll . , I � d , , . Aomw additlomQ ver wffi be cbw&vd it wk in shulvii clam *A* mat V*W by th* -_ d . , .. 11 I I . I " " , " 'Utird" is d -1- ­ � ' UW "m the wo* ou which the ad - - le 0. 46 4 0 0 i "� 11 . I 'd �l 10 3, M . , '. * iiiiiajim and 1160" %nwerW Sm 09 chaguft I �Jl , #_ .. l: .4ticUou Sales,, Notlee to VmWitoze. 11011-310- - &VA6-"o- I , I . - " '. I - 'I, . I � For Sale Help Wanted- I AgnA McCoflaell� of TuckorswitIL - ,�CY . I . . . - ' . ­ � , " 4-d Two brothers and One i sister prede- S]EkA, I ry-,E NG .,Aa",.,.'1,1M RApy. OF IISZD A h.WANTEiD--FOR SMALL FAMILY. Tia"os 'kisawn _k us M ? �,a.. .ante& Awly th Box 5o. ce,ased him a few 3,*ars ago. I 'ba I . Such WeR 367371 , TWintzman, Nordheimm Mason, & Rj6�11, BrUbScI3. Oat. , l I Mxs. Robert Coles, of Obi-selhurst, I Weber, and othem att r0=01i3ble .Prices and ,,, I who jilas been, the guest of Mr, and, terms. Write HEINTZMAN & C0_ �42 Dun- Mr& William Bell and family, return- Oas S,L, Londor4. for further particulars- NO qlAigatibns. 3673-3 Personal ed home after havi,fig spent a very - pleasant visdL SALE ­B. C. RED CEDAR SHINGLES. L NEVER THOUGHT NOTHING Mr. John C. Doig, L.L.B., of Detroit, FOt:t quaatv XXXXX. $4-60 per Square, Mlt.ld ever remove hie Corns and Run' - Ions Ousib; be�-t quality XXX, $4-00 per Square. Creas Corn and Busidon Solves did- Solid by al*--nc the week�4iid with hie mother phone 33s, Staf--th. KEATINWS AND ALL DRUG COUNTERS. and k9ster, Miss 3a,net- Cash . j. H. SCOTT. � d 3671x3 .,� 3673-1 Master' Kenneth McClelland, of E, I ­ NIAL PLANTS FOR SAIAE�_�El_ � ! mondville, is spending a very pleas- PThVira, Long Spurred C-Iii-shfue- Bleed- ant vacation with his -grandparents, ing H.t, Cani-bury Belds. Geuin and Agents Wanted Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McGregor. ' I other.,. Ne,w, is the time tfa vlanL One block __ Mr. Sholdice and Mr. Lawrence east ,if Hospital. A. I- PORTKOVS. 7 Y40U A AA&BITIOUS, THIS IS FOR D,1,1,llg, of Egfnondville, have been , 3673xl I TOUl Seie4tesa Calar"nteedl' Nlo'risk se,11- ,- ing line of 200 Popular Products in exclusive busy pruning trees on the Doighome- � I dilstrieti join ,our sales force for profitable I . stead. -- wagesl 7,50 men average MCOUle of $35-00 1 . week�l For free Particulars without obliga- Mr -and Mrs. Andrew Bell and Miss I Wanted , tion, write TO -DAY. FAMIT X CO., 570 Etta, of London, attended the funeral � - sit. Cicmaat� wa�, 3673-1 of Mr. Dan Bell, brother of Mr. An - MAN WA1qT)gu, FOR RAWLEIGH ROUT -11 drew Bell, at Boston rec,&ntlk-. Sales way up this year. ,AeA apportan- Mr. and Mrs. Doig, of Gorrie, have ity f�.r rigVt mnax. We bAP You get started- W,rite RAWILFA,GH's. D-ep�L ML -363-0-B. For' Sale or Rent moved to the J. Azhtlon farm. Montreal, Canada- 3673-1 e Y.P.S. Of Turner's Church met , �. pARM FOR S A I OR RENT - Two on Tuesday evenin d g with Rev. G. Bur- . -_ fm,..-. 75 acres. S% Lot 10, Con. - I 1, 6 - McKillop, mud 60 acres, s% Lot 19, con. tan in charge, Tenders Vanted. 2, Hihbert Alw,ays plenty of water. Chas. Seeding operations are nearly finish- - Hababsin Estate- Apply to `MRS- RICH- ed in this vicinity. TENDERS WANTED ARD'S, -P's"c 'Ge'lleg'ste" 3668X6 House-cl,eaning is the ,order of the RECEIVED FOR FOR UE'NT_i00-ACRE GRASS FARM FOR dity and no man knows fxom this TENDERS WILL BE Apply DAN SHANAHAN, Sea - shingling *ne-tialt of the Pal -ace Rink rent. time forth just where his dinner will roof, approx , imat�ly 60 squares in sim AM forth, I... 3671-tf be %erved, Or if one will be coming, materials supph�& Tenders should Cover - - I only necessary labor in removing old shingles - �aad laying new shingles- - Temfers Will . be Property For Sale ' received until May 7th. and should be ,ad- - BRUCEFIELD dress -ed to C. M. SMITH. Seaforth. 3672-2 FOR sALF-MODERN 9 -ROOM HOUSE, I I garage, large garden -,, reasonably Priced- Mr. and Mrs. Walker and Ruth and . cent, Street. Seafortih. For particulars see Billie and, Misses Ing and, Ellen Scott & P_ CRAWFORD, 216 AJbert St., Strat- ford. . . 3671-3 of London, spent ,Sunday with Mrs. I I . A. T, Scott. I Mr. and Mrs. G. Swan spent the I * 'd I 'Notice To Creditors " week-erid Jn Shakespeare and Guelph. - Miss Irene Saider spent the week - NOTICE TO CREDITORS end at her home here. TENDERS XDDR ED TO THE IN THE ESTATE OF ELLEN WANKEL. SMAU'n'AdMensigned, and endorsed *'Tender for LL PERSONS HAV114G CLAIMS Mr. and Mrs. James Bowey, of Exe- Afooring Clustel's, sa,M out.-. - win bc Aaguins-t the Estate of Ellen Wankel late ter, visited Mr. and Mrs, John Grain - received until 12 o'clock noon, (daylight of the Town of So eased- who' died gail, oW- Sunday. . _1�� saving), Wednesday, May if. ,1938. for the _ _, reconstruction of moor�mg clusters at Sarnia, or, or about the 194th day of March. A. D.. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Cornish and Lemb-tan Co., Out- 1933� are helieftly notified th send in to the Sunday with Mr. ,and Plans. form of contract and spocifidatian � undersigned Solicitor on or before the 7th family spent tiained at, day of May, 193g. full particulars of their Mrs. W. Hill]. can be seen and forms of tender ob l ,I - th office of the, Chief lilnglikzeer. D t aims verified by. affidavit- Mrs. Austin Zapfe spent Friday in e I of_Publi,c Works. Ottawa, sit Iz- =ffices Immediately after the said last mentilomed of the District Eng,a,eer. Dominion Publlic,i&ate the assets of the said estate will be London., . Building, London, Ora,; also at the past � distributed amongst the Parties entitled thler� Mr. Stanley Redd, of Toronto, spent Office at Sarnia. OuL to, having regard only to claims of which, Sunday wital Ml.,.d Jamieson. , "renders will not be cons,idered unless made the andersil"ned shall then have notice to I on Printed forms supplied by the Depart- the exclusion of all othersol'and the under- ment said in acaardance with conditionis set signed will not be liable to any person ,4, _____ - - - forth therein. ,,, J whose claLim, the undersigned sh" not thw � Each tender must be acclompaluiled. by a have notice far the assets Evo distributed or KiFFEN certified cheque on, -a chartered bank in any part thereof. I Canada. payable in the orddr cif the Honour- j DATED at Seaforth this 13th (lay of April, For Sale -One good farm wagon, able the Minister of PubLic Worics, errmll to 193& medium height; all in No. 1 shape. 10 per cent. of the amount of the tender, or RI I D BELL I F --=p7 Pon -is of the Dkwniinion of Oart!adal Seaforth,* On,t_ 1. Apply f�- W. L. MELLIS, Kippen. or of -the Canadian Natiovail Railway Cl�m- Solicitor for the Executiors. ) I 3673x2 , , - pany and its constituenit ,comPl UnIcall- I a(57�49 I ,I ditiomadly g-umanteed as to pirineipal and Git Mon -Jay evening the membersof isterest by the,DonvInon of Cana" or the __ I the Ki -pp -e East W. 1. met at the laforementioned bonds and a certified. dicque - home",of M . aad, Mrs. Glen'.McLean if required to make up an add aniount, Auction Sales NOTE: The Department wA wuwply� blue- � to spend the evening with Mrs. Frank prints and specificati,on of the work on deposit of a suan of $2AA0, in the f� *if a 1AUCTI011 SAI OF FARM STOCK, nu Ratlibum, pi-ior to ,h4 --r leaving for her ,certified bank chmue Payable to the order , plements, Grain and Etc. -I have instruct- Ile, Lbome n,ear Sombra, About forty of the -Minisrter of Public Works. The ed George H. I�Xliotft to se?l by public auction were in attendance and the evening deposit wittl be released on the return of the at Lat 10, C,0"i. 8, Hullem tho flollow- was spent in playing games. The blue -prints and speei:ficatiaa within a --th ing. on Munday Any 9th.: Harse.-I team . from the date of reception of tenders. If bay geldings, 6 said 7 years old; I mare 8 hicky winners Were Mrs. W. Caldwell, . not returned within that period the deposit years old; filly foal 4 weeks old at side; I Mrs. W. Parker and Mrs. H. Caldwell. i�,��vFill. be forfeited- grely mare 4 ymas lald; 1 driver. C`tLq`­1 After a delicious lun-ch of cake and . . By Order, cow 5 years old, bred 6 �weeks. 1 cow 10 . J. Al. SOMERV"ILME. I years old; I cow 8 years oW". I bull cloven ioe cream was, served, the president I '! SecreftrY. nictiths, old; I calf; 2 heifers I year old; 2 called the meeting to ordier and Mrs. Department ,of Public Warlak ...., � r�teers. PuJ&-_I sow with 1-itter;_ 4 stare hogs- Simpson read the address while Mrs. Ottawa, April 27, 19M implesses4is�-Ha,v aclader; zn��er; binder ; G. McLean presented. Mrs. Rathburn 4�1 3673--i rake; manure spreader; Z rollers: 2 ane -fur- . row riding pRows; I two-funlow riding plow; NNIth a very pretty water set and,tray. I I International wailkimg Plow: drill; 2 cuilti- Mrs. Rathburn thanked the membeis vators; (rise harrow car ; road cart; cutterl; � I t �5 2 "For Notices . � huggy; famining mi 1; 4 -section harro ; y singing, wagons; 3 scales, 43,000, 2.000 and 12,4o th5.; She's a Jolly Good Fellow." , Mrs. Township of Tuckersmith, pulper-, -rinds-tone: 9111 be- I wag- box, Rabliburn has been a v,ery efficient 2 stock rocks; Post boie auger ,,. hay rack: set see retary-treasurer for the Institute double harmess; single harness; ,**Is.rs, forks; . . COURT OF REVISION chains; shovels; roll clikken wire; same Since it was Organized a few years I I hay; 200 bushels grain; 20 grain bags; 00 ago and V�111 be greatly -missed'. 1"he Ill THE ML`NICTPAL COUNCIL OF TUCKER- R -1k hens; part of barrel feeding molasses; annual meeting wtll be held at the smith will meet as a Coi*t of Revision 2, latIders; quantity of rack elm and ba�_ ,on the Assessment Roll of 1938� at Seaforth, wood lumber'. cans; lambern: hu"Pa; wb'ffl'E- 1116me of Mrs. John McGregor On Wed - ion Saturday, May 29tk at 2 p.m. An a*. trees*, scuffler; bay car. fork and s,lings', n6sday afterroon, May Iltb, at 2.15 peals must be in the h of the Merk on Pulleys and rope. feeding and. fattening O'clock. The elecflon of officers wili or before the IM of Way. IW& - crates for chickens: oil drurn; eburm -and but- ' Interested .Parties s6auld Covers, themselves 'ter W-1; hol farniture, said many be the main feature Of the afternoon accardingly. other articles found on a flarm. Saie without azd the roll call will be the payment I D. F. MrGRFdGOR. Caeric- reserve as prbprmetor has said farm- Terms- of fees. � g673-2 All suins of $10 sad under acid household In - . r - I iture and grain. cash; over that amoun-75 ! Mr. Alvin Ulch. of W-andsor ` accom- COURT. "-"-' -edit ,ah interest at 5 Per �.L f*nj*>d by Miss Marguerite Long of OF REVISION on approved inint notes allowed. WILLIAM .Detroit, spent the week -en -4 at I the I - H. KNOX, Praprieflor, Londwboro; Geo. 13 1 1 Village of Hensall &Ii.tt, Audtioneer. 3673-1 bOurle, Of the latter's, parents; Mr. and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A I M-, Norman Long, to the north of Court of Reviis�ion of the AssAsaxnent Roil the village. of the Village cof Hensall for the year ISM, . Mr. James McClymont, willo has -ill hold its first meeting in the Towzm HaR. spent the winter in California, has Monday, May 16. 1'338, at 9 VmL Llwt day TjMW_--1N LOVING MEMORY OF MY DEAR returned to his bome in -the village. for appmiss being Mmly I*th- ' husbancL W. Vidwr Fee� who died 'May 17, VM. Mr. William Ivison, who has been JAMES A. PATERSON, visiting with friends in Toronto, baz t ClerfL ' I bave lost my life coenpainion, returned to his home here. . - . � DATED at HensaIl, M:%y 3, IM& A life lis,ked with my own, Mr- and Mrs. Ellson Dow,son of 31672-1 1, And every day I miss his footstepn ' As I walk this life alone, Godericb, called on friends in the SANITARY NOT ;672xl -From his 4bvmg Wife- village (luring the week. . I Rev. E. F. Cbandler delivered an Village of Hens.all .1. eloquent sermon on the life of John MPL NELSON BLATCHM,RD. ,SANITARY � Births Wesley"On Sunday morning last, Inspector, will make tris roun&, of insper- The Young People's anniversary I ition of the Villam of Hensall during the SIMTSON-In Scott Memorial Hinspital, Sea- will be held in St. Anda-ew,g Church , . week of May'2.3rd_ Our citizaaa axe asked to forth, on Ar&2 29,L� to Mr. and Mrs. Peter on. Sunday, May 15th, when Rev. Mr; . goverm thentselves alecordingly. Simwr,an, Tudicersmith, a daughter- - By order. DUCHAEMM-In Scott Mezziorial Hospital. Anderson, Of Wingliam, 'will be the THE BOARD OF HEALITI Sealica-th, an May Ist,,Ac, Mr. and Mrs- .Special, speaker for the day. . 3am&.'A- Paterson, Secretary. . Auircnt Ducharme. of Bibbert, a daughter. Mrs. Thomas Kyle, of Clinton, vis - 34673 -1 TUMNBULI-1. Scott Meri�, Hospital., Sea forth, 0. Mmy 3, b. Mr. and Mrs. James, Ited at the home of her som and. Turnbull. of Ethel. a son. daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Emer- STREET OHANG ,,LAVIS-In St. Joseph's ffwpitad, Sudbury, son Kyle, of the Village, during the Town of Seaforth on April 23rd. W M4. and Mrs. Harold week. I :". Lavis. 0nee Gertrude,Mattliews), a daugh- � ES THEM RF_ ter--litar-Y Yvanine. Mr. and Mrs, DUnCan Cooper .are �, ALL R IDENTS DE'S"BING' &peetive streets oiled should have the ECKART-ln�'Smfarth, an Monday, May 2nd, receiving congTatulations., A young required petiticus in the hau& of the Clerk to Mr. amd Mrs. Joseph Fckart, Seafortli. a son has come to brighten their home. by May 16ti-I � SVWL D. IEL WTIZON, COOPER -in Scbft Moniorisa Hospits.1, Sea- Mrs. Jam�s Jarrott, of Hillagreen, Clerk- , 3673-1 forth. kin Thursday.' April 28th. to M.r. and is spendtr!� -, few days at the home - Mm. Dunca-n Cooper (nee Corinne Hotham), of her daug'_-t�_,r and son4al Mr. . I I TOWN OF SEAFORTH 0- -It of a ,Robert John Douglss, and, Mrs. liarry Norris:, of Tucker- , I . -an- i ­­ ifli, I I I I Deaths �, I I The many friends of Mr. William TAX PRE -PAYMENT 16U*Fclll"� - l Butt are pleased to see that be is � i - EMRR�Iu 9daf.r.th, an Monday, May- 2.d. able to get ,to the village aft0r' being XEIPTS FOR L938 James IKerr, in bih 73rd year. more or less conlined to the .Jotize, all 1. winter, I � I I � I ­ d I I � - .1 I Air. Robert Dinsdale, of -the village, The Town will pay 4 per TUCKERSWM ' intends maldng added improvemwnts d � to'his new home in th-9 village in the cent. per annum up to Aug. Mrs. R. H. Modeland �received the near future. I I 31, 1938 - on all prepaid, IP38 sad news of the passing of Amr ytoung- Gardening is now the order of the . � esf bro'ber, Mr, lohn',McConnell, of day and with a few days of fine wea- 1 � ' Prairie River, Sask., 'on April Zn& tber Most of IvIll, be in. _,C , . I d, ,tg,*eS. .ertifleatee. .,nd full Mr. McConnell was a son of the I -ate Miss Margar�t Watson, of Seafort4, 1.,l, � ..��.;,. L_ � . I 1- ' ' . partikularg May be loy)Wned William M�Coun,ell, of Tuckersmith, visited at� the home of her brother and t. . . I 1 - - � l, and spent his young life in this vidn- sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs C. W,atson, * . I � I _11er .. � . a ,W -be -went to Sheldon, N.D., of, the village ,during - ihe 'week. �!,' , '66M 'We"Tovni ( � 8 Of- ity. 1. 1890 i, ' 1��l. 1 ",4�1 ,..d,. � ­_ 0�­ . '-� I .. 1'�, ,. � ,z and -later took up a -homestead at T&e Wellesley (Mass-) Towlisnign ��,,`.','Iy-.; i. 'Iffio 4 . ' I Itax Pvktrie River, Sask., The fujic�ral took in a -recent Issue refers, to the death ; *� . 11k ." d - . �1,1!1.ti"'i, .111 - ;11 �, ,, . I I - f ... I I 11�. I 11 I L . . � , . , , . � - 1, *, , l� . � , . " , . B4_ ,& _�. , "', ,$,,I,r eplact, on April 9th to, SL Andrew*& on AOrll 30thl of Dahiol S. I well , , , _ ..,. - .1 ' Ile was kno",in thig district. Mr. Bell was ',,R,,,NO��,.� I I 5 ,� , ,4. ,:, ,­, .. � - �L I ddMetery, Chrtiga=, Sagk. , 11. :: I ....0 , '4,' 'j, , R . ,., .. � � all � " ,�!;,1,,!,!,. , , ,. ", !. , , Z 'it Year, and lea-ves two sig- ,-a btfthdf Of MesGm. 40 and An., , , , ,�, 111.". !, -, �A - hr� , , , " , , li,,,�"(;.44 ,� , I .r , �M-Ws i3i , , I r,�,��,.�.,; . �, �"" , � ,, d � � I ,�., � , "g � , , , - , - 1A . � .2 1, _ �� ­�Ill. I - � "I K, , ,, . sj,5%­­� , �', - ! V .11 1 ,14 � "I'll ! '.. ,, 4-'. "',­ , �, � 6" terA, Mrs. IL IL Modeland and Miss d4*W R011 and MrZ. WID. Sinclair, of , � i ��,,­,.,��, �.� � . : , ,,,,,! "l,' ". ,; " ""', ,14 � , I 11 �' Ak`ipll. I- - I . .., , , , " , , � - . . " �, , � - " �j . 14 4" ,� .1, ,"* I L'��. "., k� ,. . _�, W 1 ,4, * ' "�'14 "�,� � ,_ 4� I l,#,$ ­�P, � " - , _ . . I .. . l;q !,� , I , � :� ,�'; 4 R I , 1,.;i 'I � 1, ", ��j:4-, - I I 11 M 1. � I I WL' - � . . � L". , - I I . I 'I, ," � � j"Aw,�',�il, ili� A _��?'. , .. I I � . : , "� I I ,- � �� '�t, ,V "L " %;12R�i - - �,, , "E, , .,� f I _ . ll� . , S "t ,. .., I �;;,�1�7�',.�� OR , .1- . -1. q 3 :1 � , I 14' P 4'1.`�' . ��, �'., . I � I . : IS", -4, "'..4 , � ­ ... � � , - , 11g, * � N I , - �'4 " , ;.,Il "4", . �, v - - , . , ..; � I I . ....- .i I I. , ,4 'pog, �- A ­ It . - ,. , - `7,�,! ,� .1 ,`. , - . �. I . � I . . .. I - " � 'A"'. "' ,Z , ,� wo o " . , - � � '�"L ,'."� , I. ­ �4 1% 11" ,�,; �7�. `� .,,., .'. 4'. - `!� "" �� A' 10 . I . I 41; ...'_ i . � ��A..A A , ,V, , . , , I ' � , "; � , .". . �, - . , ,a.4%,-, a�, , .� -i�k ` �1 'I . �,. , , , "I ,,,, , '0 �,,,iA!,,,, , W ...... . ; ...... , , , 1'�.� 1't'��'4','I& 11'�'1'1�1��111.il� ­ � . 'L� . , A - : ., , ,'� - \ ,1 , , R5 ,�% .4.W . , ' .� .� , ��' 1111,111"'; � "I d11.1 ,F. M , �p ." '""'O.S. A I '. ' - -:' � . , .: I 111�P_A`11 11 47!�", , "" UA­,.��1,11,, 11'1�: I " .011� � . � , � , . , � . , . r , � ��r; , , . i I.;. �i: I � 4�x � , , ­-,­ , ..j . t t - ", , , ; . . . � .i � .._', ,'I ... ,;� I � � .4 . ., _'� .� I . . t 04 'We VQ]I#b' J�-.ay Wo AL ' . . 1� nip�l �,me, 'ce. Mq,theels Day will bi� , .M . ,� I ­ � " , -0 04 , , " I-. , , - _ ])�o a apecial sermon by th� . paJR6r,,Rev. A. SiucjWr, asO. also b.) the Ojirch ,chQir, ,,and at Carmel Pres ". bytetlan Church the morning-servic will be known as 'Family Day, witt , '�appropriate sermon Ily the pal I Rev. Mr. Young, and musical aelec tions by the oholr_ . . The anniversary services, of th I � -HensaU, United Church -will ,be hel . On Sunfty, May 29th, with the gues speaker Rev. David A- Moir, for bot morning and evening services. I A nuinVig.-of the ladlos ovearmb Presbyteriali . i 0hurch on Thursday af terdbon, motored to Exeter to atten a�-Sectlonal meeting in.Caven Presby terian Church of that village. . I . I I I The distillet meeting of Oddfellow � will the held in -the lodge room of th I �, Brucefield lodge on 'May 11th, and, f'o supervising the construction of the town located in the which the present Dfsf�ict Deput � . From SEAFORTH Grand Master, Wilson' Carlile, Of tibi ed to, be the oldest lady resident of village, for the Huron district, Lha . , :: . .:.: been making arrangements. . . . . :iii. .., . I . . . ..: �� .:::::: �:� . . . . . . : ::�,' J Mr- Garnet McClInchey, of Seafor-th.,.:�.. ,...........��­ ..'�� ... 1�, . .;�,: _: ............ 1, a son of Mr. and Mrs. James McClin .... .... chey, a few days ago very success ..... ;; .. I I fully underwent an operation for i .. . I ward goitre in Victoria Hospital a I . . her family, relatives and friends en- Sudbury, Capreol and west to Beardmore. , date of writing. 1. . I The fall wheat and other crops i 1- ... 5� this section are looking most promi - � ing. I . � Miss Emily Morrison has rented he . '. .� .:,., .. . �K�111�� (�,; ,4 ""; .-. I dwelting house propeAy on Queen S � ­­.", � 1- - ,..:; Y '. U--1.1-', I I , . '. M '.,.�ffip­-��ii�.';�91, � � tkj�:j::___��M, .i*.-,. 1, �,-�K:� �_,_g, to Mr� Leo Baker. ,...!. . . ". .�M! � ... :,� ..... ­­ . . . . . . . , . , , � � .; - -:: ml�gz ,z -, �:::�,:,.!.'.,M._�� _ . -gK�.' , ..'�_:_,:!:i�...-.1 ­­. � Approve Exchange of Ministers - See handbills for complete list of destinations. I , For fares, return limits, train inforvidation, tickets, etc., corissidt nearefft aV.a1%L Following th,& recent willingness. o . the pastors of the United Church a she enjoys life very much and takes a interest in current events, Blyth and of the United Church pa two daughters, Ruth and Dorothy." - toi at Hensall to exclh-4nge pastorate I . . if agreeable, to their congregation . . , .,.;.:� ... I . - ,@ .:::�';.�,;y .......... the voting by ballot at I-lensall a ,-:i,,­�,,­,�, ­ ,� _. -, , - --� .. 'i'�.--.: , .1 - M��, Sunday eventing, April 24th, gave :1..,.1. �,�-,--";;-.-­ ,�,�X_ , .,;:,.;. . - !!, . : � majority 0, -the Rev., Mr. Brook, o , .,. . " ..., ... ";!%, "I ... Blyth, and wafr afterwards made ;;.:" 1 unlanimous call for''Mr. Brook. 0 "I - �� 1. Sunday la. -A the vote in the Blyt �: church gave Mr. Sinclair, of Hensal ."': . , .::. .,.,, . a majority, and. was at that me,etin ' .. '. '* .::: -*0 1, I ,.,... ". made urtanimouz,p so that both pastol I - I., . . .. . . . . . . . . M . . will, with the sametion of the Churc . ... I . . . . - I Conference, exchange pasto�ates I 1. the conAng month of July. While th - - -_ exchange will be that of their ow I choosing, they will botb be m.i--#se - ------- I I very much by members o . f th e - - chu,rehes and friends at large, bu Shown in the above photograph are: Top, Mr..and Mrs. George C. they -will be both remaining membei Petty, who recently celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. Mr. ' of the same Presbyteries or Churc Petty, 82, is a nephew of Hensall's founders and has been there since Conferences and will be in close di the firs', house was built. Below, to the left, is Oweil Geiger, 8?, many tance, with each ob!ier. Mr. Sinclaitimes Reeve of Hensall and one time Warden of Huron County; with and Mr. Brooks have been known t him is" George J. Sutherland, 79, assistant and later Postmaster in Hen- each other for many years and bot ' sail for 61 years. Mr. Sutherland has been Hensall correspondent for .. are regarded as most efficient mini The Huron Expositor for more tha n fifty years. ters of th:�- gospel with, fine jud .1 meots, and, every requisite for succes ful pastoratee. Rev. Mr. Sinclair ha ministered at Hensall for nearl this village, and Mrs. John Wchard- I gram was gjven: Piano solo, Miss son, of Arkona. The� Townsman says: Greta Lammie; Miss Minnic, Sangster 15 yeam "Daniel S. Bell, 59, civil and con- gave the motto; Mrs. W. A. Young tracting engineer, and construction discussed eminent and classical com- Mrss' Kathryn Drysdale and br, supervisor fo,r the Town of Wellesley poselr.9 playing several of thdr� most ther, Bob Drysdale, accompanied ,b Water and 9,6v�ler Departments, died popular compositions, her talk and Miss Vera McVicor and Mr. Kei suddenly of a heart attack an Tues- music being very much enjoyed. ,��k a r, o Londlon, motored to Ni April 26th, at Groton, wbere he was most interesting travelogue was giv- gam Falls an Sunday la,st to take i superintending a construction job. He en by Dr. James Bell. All the places blossom week. . I was a resid,ent of Wellesle,y for ten and, scenes having personally being Th e Ciassey family, of London, wer years, nialdng his home at '159 Glea s-elen and visited by Dr. B-oll in his al- - Sunday guests with Mr. and Mr Road, Wlellesley Farms. Born in Kip- most world-wide trip wbdah made it Mark Drysidale. pen, Ontailc,, Canada.,the son of An- t1je more 'Inbaresting. This wlai foll- Mr. - Levi Rands left on Monda drew and Maxy Blair Bell, he was, le�du- lowed by a solo by Mrs. Kirk Hutton, morning last for Sbakespea,re wher cated in Canada where be was gr -,id- "Just a Gottage Small." The next be has accepted a good situation a uated from9L Clinton Collegiate Col- meeting will be ll,eld at Vvie home of sectMn man on the railroad there. lege. Mr. OeA was, a pToininent con- Miss. Mabe4 Workman on the evening " Mrs. Levi Rands is suffering thi *4 tracting engin6er sorving as president of May 11th.,, 7116e ;etti�ftainwent was 1 . of -the John &,. Palmer Company of closed -with a tasty lunch. - , ,,, . . I 1. 7,: n�.g 11117'1�, � - . . . . _ . R NF4 - - , , � . 1b. '. ..T I . W*rll;�1'1§ , - .1, . � " :1 - � ­ . - , , ,.� , �,17%.,4_,; . " , i ), � . . . ....... " - �'�' � L ... I -l'i � ' ­..­,..'­"' " 1 . '. � . -�eoll; froz'4 QU16 * - - ok 0-c" I till. ,ft;61r'Jjt 10 .. ou, 0, W_, I . - , , tl6­ tono Ii L" , hut ,q . , L ald, returned '1-4 -11— f" mm I .. . . , � 1r, S,&uu4,ercock1s,-prlv4pe 40614U. w1wro ' �� I � ` f aftliw­ 11,J13 roton . be was- kftt, e from St joseph's Hoslidtal at l4mdov..' At JX cOUGreigtiOl Meeting OVUM I plyth United Church, ih,eld OW,3unfty - morning, .Rev. Arthur Sinclair,- o.JE Hensall, was tuvIted to 00coMe the e pastor, commencing YUIT.101�.- Rev. d X A.. Brook, of Alyth, v,FW talce over t the HensaU ,charge on the trame dol -e - I As it Id genemilly underatood, am summer half-holldlaYD commen,qe dur- Ing �the mon�jh Of May Und 40OUtiUUS . throughout die,moutbo of June, Xuly. d August and Septealber, but in MW - week in which a pubUe, boliday Ole- , cuTs there w3JI not in' tW Cage L be-! s ,the, half-bolidlay., I - ,� r i e The 0dillfellows are.lmkiiij f6rw�Lnl� � . � ., r to their annual church, service wbicb . y will be,on . the coming Sunday eyarih2l; s and the service of the ,local Iod9% to. s, gethcr with visiting brethren, will be , held in, Carmel Presbyterian Church I and 4Wressed by the pastor, Rev. W_ * - A. Young. It has been the cusUm - for.years to alternate -in the village L_ churches andthis is the year for Car- t mel Church - t Observe Missionary Night - I I n The weekly meeting of the YMM-9 �- Peopla"s League was beld in the, school room of the United Church an r Monday evening, when Xissi-OuArY t. Night was iobserv-ed-, with-Migs Dor- een. Farquhar in ,tbe chatir. The pre- graim includled: Hyann; prayer, Mm Win. Laimmie; Soripture reading,Miss f Gladys Luker; topic, -Ga Sundar t Sjugh," an Indian MiSsional­Y� s- Lettie Love; instrumental_ Miss s Eleanor Fisher; violin solo, Miss S, Greta Lammie. ,.... L � Confer Degree . a , f Am emergent meeting was held, hk a Hui -on Lodge No. 224, Monday even - n ibg to confer a third degree upon a h candidlatc, which was done by, bhe 1, Wor. Master,', F. B. Pennebaker, at .9 Clinton Lodge No. 84, and,,Uiz Officers, ' *s also a:F's,ilsted,by Wor. Bros. Jeffm,sair, h Pluml and Paterson, all of C3in- n ton. There was a good attendancee- e PcIlowing -the conferring of the de- . n gree, a ,sociAl houx was spent bm- d geth,ar with refreshments served- ir The c&lla,r has been dug and th�-_ t foundation laid for the fine a,dditilaa *s to the Thomp-_-oa elevator and wMcft' ' h addition will house the elevators and s- - a,- provide for additional storiu& r Building Operations are aJso pr(i- 0 ceeding on tb;e new dwelling of MI, h Logan, on Kin�g S -L s- Rev' W: A. Young, pastar-qfClarm:,J 9- Presbyterian Churah, exchanged du- s- ties on Sunday last with Rev. ]dr_ ' Hare, pastor of the Presbyterian y Churoh at St. Marys, who delivered well 01tought out and delivered dis- - cours,es morning and! evening. JELh, Y church olwir also -nandered fine an- fh then -in. a- Rev. Artihur Sinclair Occupied his 11 0- pullpit -at both services on S= - day, rendetring excellent serml 1, e, addiltdon to gooid� anthlem,3, Mr. W. 0- S. Goodwin at the evening service, =ng a very pleasing solo. y Rev- Mr. Hunt, of St Paul's Amgn- e can ChuTch, delivered a fine digcojn�qe s at the evening service, and -&be Chair aildled much to the interest ,)f the 0,-_ s casion. . . � I I,. Boston,, until eight years ago when he established 1�-is own business. Dur- ing the t Celebrates 88th Birthdaly * I 0 - ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES pa.st On Saturday, April Uth ' Mrs.. Jac- I supervising the construction of the town located in the ob Lindenfield, of the village, believ- � . From SEAFORTH new reservoir Cliff Estates in Wellesley 11dils. Ile ed to, be the oldest lady resident of - , was a member of the Quincy Com- thds village, very quietly c6lebrated FRI. & SAT., MAY 13-14 To Stations Oshawa and east to mandery, Kniglits Templar, Zenith her 89th birthday at the home of her Cornwall inclusive, Uxbridgf_- Lodge, I.O.O.F., Wollaston Lodge,, A. h a Lindsay, Peterboro, CampbeIlford, Stations Newmarket to. North Bay F. & A.M., the Wellesley Club and ston, on whic,li occasion a number of inclu-sdre, PBnetang, Collim9wood, Meatord, Midland, Parry Sound, the Wellesley Hills Congregational her family, relatives and friends en- Sudbury, Capreol and west to Beardmore. , Cburch. , Funerim services will be ' joyed, tea with ber, and many Were the hearty congratulations that Mrs. . SAT.,' MAY 14 To TORONTO conducted by Rev. Carl Mi Gates, at the Wellesley Hills CGngregatiolia.1 Lind�enfleld received, coupled with a Also to Brantford, 0hathani, Godericb, Guelph, Ham I London, (Fri Church, to -day day) at 3.15 p.m., number of fine and useful presents and gifts, which she acknowledged in I Niagara Palls, Owen Sound, St. (,'atharines, St- Maxy's, Sarnia, Strat- with an abbreviated Knights; Templar ford, Strathroy, Woodstock. ritual. Burial wil! be in Wood -lawn her umally happy manner. Although I - See handbills for complete list of destinations. I , For fares, return limits, train inforvidation, tickets, etc., corissidt nearefft aV.a1%L . c,emetery, Wellesley. Mr. Bell is sur- .having reached suich a fine Old age, her faculties are not impaired and vivea by his -�Ife, Mrs. M. Frances Wolfreys Bell; a. son, Donald S., and she enjoys life very much and takes a interest in current events, ` CANADIAN NATIONAL two daughters, Ruth and Dorothy." - ,great with a weell stored Inemory. — . , . - .HENSALL - . I . - - -:==il We mentioned in a former cor- respondence that Mr, John 0ouliter A I was in Woodstock last week attend- NOW ON DISPI Y HERE ; iv, C --I f Ill �_+. " I 115 e un 0 � , w - mentioned. as a Mm Smith, but we were wrongfully informed of the name 'of Mr. Coulter's sister being - I Mrs. Smith, she thaving passed away - at Woodr,tock a/year or so ago, but ­ . , . the sister of 'that city whose funeral . he attended, was a Mrs. Charles Ryley, who was in her 89th year. The fun- ... eral was attend'eO`by thTee remain- " I in.- brothers. of Mr. Coulter. . Mr. Fred Manats, wbo a little over 1, -!t a week ago was taken to the Seatorth 14o.spital for an operation. w -as brought -.01 I'll ht,me on Monday last and is. at the present doing as well as can be ex- - d V I . The 171plisall Boy Sconts, of wid-ch I - DT. Steer of the village Is president, - go receady enteftaJmed the Voy Scouts VA , men of the ,, � S1 . 8 � Unlited Church when a ve7 Pleasant ,, 0 - Isocial hour or so� was spent, followed I by a tasty lunch. , 140 V 8 Owing to the illness of their daugh� I fo 193 ' ", , McLean, of Hamilton, I ier, Mrs. Wim. all to M r. and Mrs, J. Passmore were call- I it 64 ed there. Mr. Passmore has returned, I , ", I . . but Mrs. Passmore remained with her 1. e4i daughter. � ' p , 1, I Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and. Miss Florence W4-,Ish attended, the gradua- . I tion exercises at Victoria "Hospital, I . I I ptondon, on Tuesday when Misseel Coam see itt Drive ft--that,9 the best 1�eanoir Dell,,' , Helen Munn and MI I .� 1_ t VMY to appreciate dred Porbie-s were among those who , I graduated.' I I Ford V-8 for 1938. 1 The death occurred At Wa blome, in ,, � Port Huron of Jes,epb Corbett, - aged KeS lIeWly altyledvith longer hood and 76 years, a forillier well-known resi- - flowing lines that give it distinctive dent of Hay To*lILship. His relatives,' I Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Corl*tt, Mr. and 1938 beauty. Luggage COMpaftments Mrs. Rey Mcl,laretz, Mr. and Mrs. 'Wes. S.&O J#Mel int,eitiots . roomy and newly Jones and Mr. and, Mrs. Devlin, of' I I ''I'll 11 - � Stratford, attended the funeilal. 8PP0640L � YOU 11 Ile surprised at how I - ­ � I . I I � Senior tneltitute Meets � I � , ��'. - .. . ` I - . I ", I . 'Tllie llensWl SenioT Institute Met in I , , . 4 - . �� . . � the school room !of St. Paurs, `Alngh- '. ,,l` ,..-I � LYS; ,, ., �. 0:7!A' I , .1 . � can 0hurch a few evenings, 046 ;0ith' - i 11 I ltw,ift,. ,� r I I 11.jrol . ' ' " .4 ,.'V� j,�. ,'OL . the presidlent, Misa Mande ktt,min, ' ' `� f' , ! ''. � - . in the chair, =d following 'her Uslua, L < ,1 . 'URI " -.1 � . ,i !"', ,:�,;� , I �,k� ,,,�,,,�, I- . J - "," " ! �, j3psIling eXerel,g46S ,0* folloWtftg pr1o_. , ft - ­ � �. . 1:.. I.... r. . � I . I . - - -_ --mommon" I . I , I . , . , I � , I .. � � ,W �, I r ,,1,'A4 l, � , I r 1. .�,,­' l,,,�, , I �'. ,� - I ,.! .� --.1.1— I .�.r �! '.� k-- . . . 1. � " , _ f. . . . . . ­,,,," I .Z-;,1,, ,j-- �Z­,., -4 1 .it:�;�', z I I lz`* 11I.A., ­.'...'­lr'­..­ ,,�": ..1., , - �i " .lt%C�',�ll �LZ�,"�",l'N'�. . r't?,'%... �_" A *1111KA 11, �:, �, , " , �, ., � � ., %, . m2nY expMsive features the new Standard Ford V-8 offiws at low Faice- �MlieStandard line include� -the Tudor and Fordor Sedans and the Couple- It gives you the basic, alvantages of the famous V-8 engine. . Judge tM9 car's beauty and perform- ance for y`ourselfl Ask about th6 low pricesland easy financing. Yqjull agl6e& It's "The Qxiality Car in the Low- , Price Elield.11 � I I .— I �, . - . I 11 F"d &r 1934 Inkoduciis two thmm ' S"i'6�01cl6rd alld V* Lux*. Got complato dotolls filom us abost 16 now W Lome Ford V-8—flia.mod tiunnixe Fwd car *v*r builf. .. now In style ; . . "I"U" 10 V41ft I I I I . , GARAGE ," ' .. I - . Se4prith __­ , I � _ _ _ __ __ - . - . I 1� . I I , . � . .. I ,,I .1 . . I I 1 I , " � I -1, . � I � a,�,`�"w -,� . 'A ,; _� s. �,'.!! ",a.�t,_l �­� - ,� , _ .. 0,0, , �', 11 - ,�, , , � - , , 1, , �� , q� ',�,;!, �,� - I I , R , il., , �;V,�� ".4, �., , i I "!"If"'VRO ,Zik,"��Jj*­� " ii .'� I , 11 IN " � 00 2" ,� 4 " � " ,,,!�,, , La�� � Ml.�'��11'�11"�111'! I'��'I'l��4�,��,��,�llf�ell���-I'��i�ll",,.,i�;i�,�1,14.1. I , - .i � .�, , . . I . I . I . I I. I I � � I I � , . I ,