HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-04-29, Page 41�.01 g, �,�� I,,�Z­,�� g"I'd , ,�jj�01 M_1W-­,, . ­', -!�` " _ ov , �r,tg, � . ` ,­�� : ". i , ,. ­ - ,,-. I - I �'_117N,e - -.1 I � &!.`��!'�W",,�! ��' 't �;' 7, Oil 1 ITRIK '�! , �..Pll�jlt� 'I'M 11� 1 41 �� I ­, � ,If , !.I, ., , , 'I.". zlj%. & ji� � � . JE ,., 16 -1 X "i W,.,�� . "', ,�o�o, � _'11, If �,,� 11. I � � ;;:, 1 1 : It I p , ,'I 15 " �,�� 1111111Z . �., � - §1 % �� 1� . �� --l!", ".. �Vll- I-, I , " , -,;. ,��.," "'r � j;4,-,';111��;_�?�', 1 1 11 � � . , , 1�� 11.�"­���. . . . . I p 7�� gm , - t , pu__T, �w,,m�vv.17 1. , , ", ., - 01.11-11pp"7M T., ,� � .�. ,, q17-',-P�J'7',,"M­-1Ag ,P,g),�, _%7pp 1711"'WRITIP �T, .� , 't, � , 11 1,; W` "' ,,Tm�.,7-t�gl �� '10 m." -N111. 1I.-IF.I.,1 I , , �, '' 14, ffl� Dfilk. 1 I , r, I -1 11 , W." I � , 9AIVI �' , , � " ,. ., " RE 'WE � I I,.,. I . I ,7-_ . .. '. , , ,R: a � 11 I ;_ �, , . . . � 1% 11 � , . 11 �"' , � .1 ,��Ajffl , rt 7 . � h- , , � I mp" V y ­­ 4 I � 111 ­ I I .. I . ,� .!� , 11 NUT—^ �15', 110M 1� .. .1.1�,, ,P, : 1''. : �9� F 11 . I �. . iii U " :� 7 1�­ _.__ _,�� ��11,j, 14,0' . --. J . _ �: . K� ­­­ 11— . I ��11 , I- . . . . I'� . � .., . . .� � . N�. , ,, _. I I !�. X�_ I I " , , I., I. o . � �,� `�� .��" , � � 1. � I I __ __.­ ­­­ . ...... '' i . . , . ­M�.__ I � , I I : . _� , ­', 1!r!�� ,,-11.1 �.,, -��, �',`. I �� . ,__ , I I I . . I _ I I 1,1-11.111 1- 11. � , - I ­ ,;, . , . � .— I . , - . ,.YNIN 4�� . .11 . '. . I I _­ - 1. - ___ -1 I — --111 11 11 - - � - I .11 1, . . . : .1 , , " . �� �., I , I I i . ,, 11 � — I ;4.,i � ,, 'i", " 111. � I .1-111.. __ - ... * I ."W""'O""M ,. . _ - I.. I .r I .1 �. I I ;-11 I ­ ... .. .... ­ -7.111.1. .­ I - ­ ­ - r ­.­ ­.� ­ ... 1------- ­,­; I . ..... �� .... � " , ­.. - � - ­ r I - a � . ..!*r ", �;;4�, , " ."r____7-, ' I , ' Ir - .. - .. - I I., I I I I "I'll --- --1 -11 ­11­� " �� �,. ;-;�;�;;;,.;Z ; .1 I I . �---,-i,,M�� I � ­_,_�,,1.,,, r " ,j,­,r_­­, I I ,� . . . - * ;; 1, . �,,, -­ �­,� , ,� - r . I . , ­ %". , � I , rr, I � I � - I , r I I ­ �1­1' ', - I" 1. ­­­, , , .-, - , , ­­ . , � ­ - �, - - ", � 1�w .,J0 --..,M i i "L,4�i � ii�,mnw.,11-=. 'T.,Mt ".7, I"�,-.--"."-,-!.�-,��,��,11,1�,�",V- . q. , i, . . - , r . ,, I -j. A--,- � 7,11771,-1, " Ve bang taken by Miss YXA�ne bXoth"' r � I.-.,", . � , . ' .*e4 'J.t4 Sta avirmad � mfiftr- - - , J."'. I ­ 1,�� ., , tiqu 1"w- If4rpurboy in- , 10100100 I P41 jll,�','J' , - - I � � I 1; 1;11. 4 . � . I , i '. `6, ;1,3,_rnea � women pd Oh i , and the Mr. 41141 " - ,I.. 0 po td,q*QAh, 4441 froorlbou on Harpltr- Sweet and Mr. mg1ir Luxtou i -'DF' "am,_ � otad - , ''I , I - I �", , !',I", ua . Set -1 ___�, 1833 ri ed 14 � MOMIlop " to I join 1 thek, four � t Mr., Clau4e B10W100 and compilAllod r F, ljame­ 9, I ­�';,,11 out' t, previow, . my Arlo Foxboro "1,P,4 to allp baa- negative 'by . , C r - 11 W 11 4Rn. 11 AM 111184 whQ bad � L .. #Me debaters, Mrs. *C r I I ., - . trail - at Residerris of both Mr. Walter SPeu'Oer � I " I "' (Continued fromi Page 1) year to bia IOU: 0 prow, e waamo, quicloy'. . ' (� " ) I., I . , - 00vomess' In the OIL T,u , " ,� : I rl'�O�M Settlers PIaoP$,m0V d,.'1#tQ S* and, it w- lii M , . - . I _" all eviden d much. I W,lo,,bao I;, I P is a n� 'u,V W _, e, _ . O.Qrth - -Col'- Mr.'Oolin 0. , , bem S1111111 d'r.- Ad,s I.Wl( . ,, , ,; M ,ui,J,y jn�ldeor ,,,own to the tU,X Of not."Jon, , befoiIe X, t.,Jj � Ir . ­ , I tory of ROxboro goes back to ,1833 "'�-r'F' " 'became what ---------,: of theli"iR41me and , a - I. i � rMMI - -_ � � I - .-.. . Lg " ' t W -C, s. years,, be �, "I I'll 11 �� " _ - L � I �, T" M �I­ tire Qht �r t '4�­ Har- toutions. ,vhp judges were Ml%� - O 000 for" a ' P � 1 77 . _ ____ first four settlers to bew building cabiria.,arld Clearing land a- ral e ermed 1�ghost towns." aul& A. IMCDonell and Mrs._.P��gill IN, ing coafted to [to, to rrow,colb- , ,�111... -At new low ca-. homes for themselves in McKillop loug-eitit;erside of,the river. The Dick- pUrbey Ut.QUO�tl*lq, w4b Its PoInto cliffe and after carefully Judging the siderably iArPF*Ved0 GghOOZIL 110t,yet . .. Ads will be n serted ,;h rates: township arrived on ,the banks of the �Isorrs took property on the north side tion ot, 500 sIoUls, was %divided I . . � I . " -, . U", ... � ''i I Pros andt cone in! the debaW, gave able to go =0'111d, I ,y � ., ., , � I " '. � ��Sftd, L"t &Rd F*W�d. CQ=hW X*Mt#6 NW -PW W"*$ I I Maitland. Thes,e men, who came from of the Maitland and the Scotts set- town 1�ts and seemed dWignO t* W- Mrs. T. Lindo�y, (Me Mao, Mary, -, " Roxborougbsbirie to face the ohal- their decision in favor of the affirma- ., 1 1 ,:�, -1 . . lary place, but -the building �Xeter was the bes dailghtibr;''MrS. F. Rath- � ­ W wea ........................... 1 ONO - tled on ther south bank. come a t place MurxaY) and 11 1i , �, �' leriging trials and Privations of pio of the road: north to Brussels sounded tive, that L ,ale vdftge rewntly'vis- �111111,�, 1111`� I'll; -.",411 .� 2nd we* ............. ­--o-o- -- 11 , , a drioinal Dp�o e in. The closing Part Of `t�he bu�riv, were .in / "I I 1�, . �: _ - Ha - to Kv, I I . . . . . . . 11.1 old we& ..... ,. ;,::: ,= � neer life in the backwoods, were Arch Joseph Scott has in his possession its death knoll. Tie -day -nothing re - itiug friendle. . ii I,. 11 " minimum A;��­fi,;W, , .. �.. 25 ce3ft ibald Dickson and Robert Sco - 'that Of games and con , �1. 1, " ". tt and . . . . . . r- ,;�,.-,��', I - evening was . - ". WIR . . mains to.indicate that flourishing vil 1� I. , A �, I 11� ''WII ". I t1w, Ideed which his father got from I G. J. Sutherland was In Woodstock t. � � .... . i Each ftum ivih6i 6=4 abbrwidMim axmft *a mw weriL their sons, James Dichson and Robert , under the management Of Mr. I .... t", 111�1' . lages 6noa were located on the, sites test , 11, .� 't� I �'T��"g".���.'�'*%*�'*X.LT*PU' In Xe� 127_4 =0KC dinawl.T. r3f , : , : , . �u Th? I 6ents Ver week, ilre, two sons were in their the 0ana,ft t5ompany in 1843 for 100 dainty lunch was &erv- on Thursday last m � alift . a 9horU caIll, I 11 _ L -pl I 1'g I � X= od 0 Rur X Scott,�Jr. T rpurhey and. Roy.boro. Ian Filolide. A on relstiveD- 11 11 illy, ­ . Emwatm. for 10 amts . Ll.� be'dhvcbA to & acres of lanO In McKill6p, known as Of, Ha , , , p 'I , PM W =07 . la,te 'teens and yo,ung Dickson, who ;i U i .., . __ qpw � The ,parcel of ]Five years ago a large reunion was ed, ­,�,!.�,!;, � . Spencer has purchased Mrs. John HubkArk, of Smfodk Is 17--k.4,1 .v , "'Opoo. xged if a& in libaim ds= we nolh Paid by the was later to serve Huron in lot 31, coric6sislon 2. Mr. Whiter � ­, ��' I" ���,� � 11 Ir the pana-, held at Roxboro to mark the 10Qtb, I , , S"T'S ,.-T sommiand per week WAI be do land cost b rty-seven pounda and tea ning for a time with hpr sfater� ",.,. .1 �P � ­ '.' `.$ rht im, the week in wti& ae ad WW XQ1L . than Parliament for many., ye,ars, vv'o� tot on the north side rebrai I, , 'j,),11�',",: � L ,:*�U'rilay 34 , I irst a n4,00 building � f�' , �­Uarrlaam azA Da*M& ftnesfAd free Of 0b&T94% I I Xpite the fact this docu- anu.ivprsal,y of the Coming of the f weatem part of lvl!rs. Alfred Taylor, Who is "and W8 R, b, - �,i7,�.11�,��. , tu ore&-&=. zb*�-�-"tm on amundANX fresh from Edinburgh -Univer1tvity. , � sbifilugs. ers to the dillitrict ln� 1833, and of Main Street at,the � ,, ;. ; �v r, FIX,, " '' � ., I sacs. Notice i ruckht was signed on December 2, settl I bt in the been for some time Past nOt In VMY M��.�:I' I . I . . Their, worldly possess�oris,lwhep, .0 the village, and will no doll . I -11 � I1,1,k,r!1* , I 1 1843,� and is therefore 95 y this summer -plans am being made t I a fixie up4o-date good healthL . , n W . earis -old, it I_ "! , Farm For Sale they reached McKillop, in the Queen'& erect the Mrs. .Jd I �,E, v -�'! I Wanted I build, a cairn In dionor of the oTiginal Dear 'future lin - Zuefle, Who has beau so ­�Iil with -1 "N I is- in an almost perfect state of, pres,, keeping I er of V ­ �­� .1, i 'of two It will be located on the dwelling well in, , �, settlers. monthe. in � , � Jim* in June of 1833, consisted. , . . . . . . - , " -1 . � � VIrITH GOOD ervation and is highly prized by inem- ill for a numb . .1 I � � �, MAN AND WIFE M&ALB-100-ACRE FARM chests which had been brought from site ,of the old mill onee,operated, by marry nice ones in that sectioa. very .11 _1 I . WA=,FA:,W ,1�1 �orch- �, ' A M, � W - _ kk hous�_ larue barn and young hers of the Scott faindly. mber from her& on Tuesday at date of writing eprivideriably fm� , . , , , , , , � . . . . . . . , ta e chaxg � , �ror four mouths Hamilton in an ox cart. Turning nu � �r� f; h�� , es . Mrs. James 1, "IM J I. axd. Situated 2% miles from Briasse][5, op- ' As a res4lt .Of their indomitable tho late Jarn Scott - . .,:�.� eac(h year, V,ith free � '- and Ught balance A I., �. . � I Dmite schooL Immed�&be possession. Easy north off the trail to Gode,rich ,the' w Whimpster, of Aurora, a descendant last motored to attend a speeial meet- proved but far yet fmm ,the enjoy i -n, �aemaent6. Must be re he little So- ment of her ndrmai healM . � 1 5`11,�:; of year. Separate 44 . - St,ae ter=. Apply CANADIAN BANK OF COM- ruen reached the banks of the Mait- James Dickson, is one of the mov- Ing of the Women's Missionary . I , � 1, "* . able to,areet putme. An- ihmati- b,y MERGE, Brussels. 3671-2 land and here they Spent their first settlement of Scots adong the Malt- Of behind erecidon of the clety beld in James Street Uirited The aawmiI - and planing factory . I . I i "; � ,wages ith and wibh�Ot board. Apply . - land madq fine progress and it was Ing spirits h , , . , 7" 1,6tter orav to Box I -as later . .. li��, EXPMMR OF- I night in the open on what w i ��. . .. - . 3672-1 — Dot many y;,'mrs before the original cairIL, . � . Church In Exeter. - Ing out lumber and building materiaf� ; ,v'," FICE. , . to become the site of Roxboro. I Baptismal service was held In Car .1.11 - , Auction Sales log cabins gave way to -stone houses, C. L. Jinko, machine agent, fa , I PUT ON -GRASS 1- - yterian -Church on, Sunday Mr. � , .1. , W7AN That night, the story is told, 'the most of them built into tho banks, - I met Preeb ­ - as been ivry busily engaged for .- i,". to JAMES REY- ELLIOTT thoughts of all four men, turned to last at -the morn,ing serviceand a and b. -4 AUCTION &AIM --MR. G. r1L Por 12 years they were the only white DUBLIN the past couple of'weeks In delivei- � I NOLD4% Seafx>rth. phom i7o r 33. .is- the families and loved, ones similar service will be held in the v ",',,, J , , I'- I 367?_1 '� b*6, been instrue" iW sell on thei p they 'had I,ecple in the district, but In 1846 an- � - - - er, Miss United Church. ser I I ... I . I * vice on Mother's in, I es of -the late Chairles Holh,bein ov6b6ite left behind in the Old land, with a , and FeOng up farnr ImPlemeftta �i ` " ' . Z, CdHeiguiate. an ,5;atarday. May 7th� at 2 P.m., otbier group of settlers came in, in- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Forrest , IN WANTED -12 TO 15 HEAD YOUNG CAT- wilderness and ,an ocean between Ouding the McMillans, the Dodds, the Dorothy and Mr. and Mrs. Alm'Suth- Day, which will be May 81th. for the ,spring work. 1, rh<nm 14 on 244, Sea- the follDwing household azticles-. Beds, Cook, son of Mr. and Tenders have been CaRied by the IT them. For a time none of them Mr. Harry ,, tie ,to Pak�tum 672-1 sirriowsi,, dining table. chairs, di�'hes, Uur- HaYsand, wikher family of Dicksons, orland spent the week -end in Hamil- -,;,� forth. . 8 cupboa has accepted a Post office Department for service on - , - I *�aus, Stan rd., w,ri-ting desk, spok�e; their thoughts were far, far Mrs. Cornelius Cook, '�, — I . rags, away. Then Archibald Dickson who no'. related to ,the original settlers. tom the Hensall Rural Mail Route, No� 2� for i, I —, Dufteimer, I . iog' -ice eirgineeir , ,.,� heater, oll stov% 2 crosscut sa"S. . as sery 1- I These people, too, came from Boot- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carpenter, Posit , with ibe usual term of four Years. , 1. coucbeo, and other articleb too numerous to was sitting on a log ne.�r the fire, ad- � Ford, Motor Cio. of Toronto. 1:��, , For Sale I mention. Terzaa--Cash. MRS. RIGHAIWS. � 11111(l. I , Mrs. William Byi�ne and Miss Peggy schools reopened on Monday Mr. and, Mrs. Manley Jurks and chil- .'' l - ­Eo,ec,j�; Q EL EnjoM Auctioneer. dressed, his son. Ten years after &ds arrival in Me- Byame were rece�o "visit,ors in Lou- The last following Faster holi- dreir and Mrs. Mciblinchey and, Mr- , . I pOR SALE_k� BARN, A.PPROXI- I 3672xl Music Filled the Air Kjlio�, James Scott, wtoose. land stop- don. ., 1 morning . Stanley Elliott motored to London on "I � _ 11 mately 20, or 35"- A491y to nOx 154., —1 "Jeames," he said, "wad ye open ed down to the river bank, saw the Alr. and Mrs- Peter Eckert retumed days with a very good attendance � � ; EXPOSITOR OFFICE. 867Ox3 the kist, W see if th! feddle is a' Mr. Tudor, Proprietor of the New Sundaylast to visit Mm. McClinchey's �� -T,�i-,- I Tenders. Wanted licht?" PO SliblillitieS of Etarting a flour mill, from a visit iii Chicago. Sister Steph- who is in Victoria no& - If. OR SAI&-ZMALL BUILDING - I gd'Tis,grist,mill, run by water atthe eri- Joseph, of Brooklyn, N.Y_Vlircerit Commercial Hotel has erected, quite son, Garnet, i- F able for colony house. 2 gasollimlP Pumps — The younger Dickson. did as hei was ' Tindsor a neat ornamelitkii. terrice at�tlie rear p1tal at London for an OPP-ration for .. of panel doors and used outset, was built just W the east of I, kert, Assumption College, M on the east' side of inward goitre. I � and tank; a number i TENDERS WANTED told, for knoWing his father to be a L; Sister Mary Magdalen, . I .... brick. Appdy to WALTER MURRAY, Si�a-1 where the present bridge ,stands at and . Lon� �,f his vacant lot . . 1. forth, Ont� - 3672-1 WILL BE RECEIVED FOR good fiddler, he thought the tunes of Roxboro, Built into the bank and Island., N.Y., returned home with Vie hotel.. I Rev. A, Sinclair was, in, Woodstock 1� — I TENDERS I Palace Rink the 'iDId land might cheer -them all. . We are plea&�d to report t -hat Mr. on Thursdla3 last being called there 1 shinglTng one-half of the jutting out Into the river, parts of them,' . Ing to the death of Mrs. Snuth, a ,:, i rR aALF-B. C. RZ CEDAR SHINGI S. noiof. avproximma(bely 6o squares in size. An On opening the chest he found the ed Mark Drysdale, handware .merchant ow ' , 'XXXXX. � I are visible t,6 -day onj the Miss Katharine O'Rourke return � 11 Be,t quoutor $4-60 Per Square, materials' supplied. Tenders should cover fiddle and iia'u�ded it to his fatheir. tire old, mill undertaker, is now improving sistor of Mr John Coulter, of this ' 1. C.h- be,t quality XXX, $4-00 per Square, only necessary labor in removing old shingles original site. The first dom was con- afte,r spending a week with Mrs. Jno. and' . , � � ­ Cash.' j. IL SCOTT_ Phone 336, Seaforth. and laying n,ew shingles. Tenders will be The latter took the viollu from his structed of gravel, but it was destroy- Robinson, Waterloo- nicely in health and with a little more village, .. 1 �671x�3 119 e weather, . 1. ,,_eived ..til'Mzy 7,t14 and sbould be ad- sons's hands, and after thumping the n wa,rmer and more sPrI -lik . - ed w4 be able to go around azain in � . - dress,ed to c. M. SMITH, Seaforth. .,en the Ice -broke up the, follow- Mr. Frank McConnell has retui ed '' , 3G72-2 strings, touched the bridge and tap- Ing spring, and Mr. Scott then con- home after receiving treatment at St. will . good � � ______76�6 . M .f tirnioth5, .ee& ryE_t­o`QJ1OHMNTAy p'ng the soundinit ppard, his face the eDjoymemA TIMOTHY s FORAppA I .1 ,I_ structed what was, known as an Over- Josepb!s Hospital, London- of his Usually * ­ Con. 7, Tqekersmith,� . Iumhl4ted as be ejaculated: shot'&am, built of timber and planks, Mrs. Kathleen reeney spent a * 1. M.oNAUGRTON, LVt 3, . I few health. ", ii,R.S. Phone 2-135. 367Ox3 � - "SbLe's a 'helit, J6ames;, she's a . er. Rev. Mr. Brooks, of Blyth, preached ; . Irmicirt.11 I -sted for years. days in, Toronto with her daught , �, - In Memoriam and this dain la at, both services in, the United C-burch � , , I kan Day and Night Word has been received of the lie Rev. A. Sinclair oc- Guessing about , � I I ". IN LOVING MEMORY OF MRS. The elder Dickson then rubbed the I death of Daniel Oostello'-s father in n, Sunday, wih I I I . � For Sale or Rent i L1TTLF­ . X ied the pulpit.of th-e Blyth church. I I Anne Gordom Little, who passed resin on the bow, and, drawing the "The mdl,l served. People for fiftv 1, I ,Mary Kil,laloe. Mr. ,Co,stello, accompanied p I I TWO away April 22, 1937. latter across the strings, he struck up miles around," Joseph Scott recalls Oil May Sth the Independent Order . - S FOR SALE OR. RENT -, ' by Mr. Michael McCarthy, left to at- . � FARms one of the grand old Scotch airs, "The "and as more people came into the . SHOEFIT , gTaS forms: 75 azres. SY2 Lot 10, Con. � We who loved you, sadly miss You, tend the funeral. of Oddfellows, will hold -their aunuaL I � . I , I 11, McKillap_anA 50 acres, SIX2 Lot 19, Con. I As it da,wus anotheo- year; Broom o' the C,owdDn Knowes," whioli dlistriot the busier it bec�ame. Father church service iri parmel Presbyterian I � is dangero � us . � 2, Hibbert. Always plenty of water. Oh,* � Unseem by the world. You stand by my side, Ire had often played for his wife and operated.it nqght and day and it was I Church. � 1, 1 Hohibein Fztate. Apply to MRS. RICH- And whi5p,er, Dear one, death oannot the bairils in, "Auld Scotia." When he nothing to see 14 or 15 teams of ox, . i trict Deputy , . ARDS, opposite 0ollegia-te. 366sx6 1 , divide- a," BRUCEFIELD Mr. Wilson, Oarlile, Dis . � I remembered by HuArand and Fars- had finished the first tune he played en there at one time witth their lo, s ellows of 1, 1. I i, -Ever Grand Ma -ter of the Oddf U � � . -100-AGRE GRASS FARM FOR Y. I I 3672xl another and yet another and beautiful of gri&t. The mill was operated by Huron dls,trict, is, and has, been for FOR YO I I FOR RENT AN SHANAHAN, Sea- melodies rose on the air in the midst water at the start, but some years The congregation of the Urifted the past week or so vis�ting -the lodges t I a ! . rent. Apply D .. 1. � 3671-tf Cliurcth has exterided a. call to Rev. d. : , forth. � � -- of the wilderness. later my father got an engine and a in the district and the annual district I , - H. E. Wright, of Priceville, which he � Births , has acce,pted. � �, -1 � V�beii, the music was finisbed at bcdlar from Gailt, amd from then On ineeting will be held in,the Brucefield � "! — I last the elder Dickson relinquis,hed the mill wis run by steam." Lodge on May 11-th, 110_01!! � 4 Property For Sale I JEWITT71n Scott Memorial Hij,spital, Sea- the instrument to his son's hands fo,r Naturally, these Scotch Presbyter- Two auto loads of women from Mr. n -ed Manns, who has been suf- � 04" � — . and Mrs. 'Wm. Brucefield .,congregation' attended the S111- 11 forth, on April 2Z�th. to Mr. s from ly 9-1100�A, HOUSE R. Jewibt, of Lomfle,:bom, a daughter. safe -keeping in the chest, and the iane sorely missed, the religious ser- ' Huron Presbyterial, f4aring for a numb,e-r of months from f R- SALr--M0DERN ee-ting-,.of the laollaule . FIO rden- reasonably Pr1Q, younger Dickson saw then -what lie vices and one day James Scott walk- m I g-arage. laTge ga , - wli-lich was held in Exeter on April 26. an affected toe on one of his feet, a,nd .,IV,-- � Centre S,tree-t; Seaforth. For particulars see . never say before or after -tears ed all the way to Hamilton to get a Who quite recently had his big toe � *ob.-� -� ., J-. 0_____1 I -, E� R, cRAwFoRD, 216 Albert St-, Strat- They report a very interesting and . ".1. _� , ford, profitable meeting. �� �,.Z,,�,.,,�;�l Iff 3671-3 trickling down his father's cbi-ek. clergymm.n. to come Co the district. As amputated by one -of the local doc- . �`_t��_ 2i� &_—I� � . , lndi�ns For Neighbors .a respIt of that long walk through 1 torg in his office here, but wihich, did - ,_ I CKERSMITH The Easter tbankoffering meeting , , ._,��,,,,. .n. . :�OR SALP--BEAU'TrTFUL RmESTD NCE ON � TU I That Dight the four men slept well the,,&sh -to Hamilton and back a , not give the relief hoped for, was '. � I p- the W.M.S. was beld on Thursday, I It ,ovincial Highway on onArkirts of Sea- and the next morning they pondered Presbyterian minister came soon af- oc taken to Seaforth Hospital on Friday ;�� , , I I forth, modern conveniences; 7'Xi acre5 of Newman Garrett arid Mr. Bert o h s r them to Pur� terwards and conducted services at April 21st. The young girls and night and on Saturday forenoon last 9 - W#-Wx . Z land; go,od baTn and gaxagge. Suitable for Mrs. members -of the Mission Band pro- �, . mmi-kot gardening o,r poultry farm. Apply Garrdott sv,eat Sunday last with. Nia- sue in their battle with the wilder- various places th,roilghout the Hui -on Mrs j had his leg just belfow the kree ampu- _�� �_ Seaforth, Ont, , friends. ness that surrounded them. Ignorant Tract. One Of the vory earliest vided an excellent program. . . I A*!01:1- � F-LAIER D. BELI, . %� 1 3671-2' gara Cairns sang .� solo entitled, "The tat6d to endeavor to prevent further Rev. C. S. Ha,Tke, of Clinton .eds of . �, I I as they were of life in the woods, cl;Drgymen to minister to, the ne andi which it -is -hoped will . I Man of Galilee," accompanied on the ,irifectim, i ­ --,preached, in T14rner's Cburch on Sun- they set about without delay to clear the settlers were Rev. Matthew Barr. prove effectual. Mr. Mann stoodtibe ,.. rdano by Mrs. W. McBeath., whichwas �� Agents Wante , (1 -ay last in the ahs�enee of Rev. G- a p,,ti,n of land and build a shanty Even before 1833, when the foui, much ,appreciated. The offering operation very bravely following his , e But you doWthavetowany ... 11 I�urtori, who uook Rev. Snell's work for themselves. Then they planted origirial settlers arrired, a Method4st amounted to over $40. many moriths of severe I)afn,,a:n,d -,it when you buy the famous Dr� WXNTED-AMBMOUS'H1TST . SELL at Gorrie. wheat and potatoes for themselvi-,s missionary had been in, the vicinifty I— date of writing is resting in the hos- th. I I I Ra-leigh Pr.ducts. Sales way up U31 Mr. F, Whitmore and Mr. F. Gar- and mada friends with a band of Hur- an.d �had done much good work am-Gng pital whIch, no -doubt he will have to M. W. Locke Shoes! Our Dr. 11 Needed every homie. Easily sold- 1 peft have returned to their respective -ho prov d v ry -dendly Locke fitters are graduates of _­ . I . year. . on luddans who had afri, encarripment the Indiams,,,A e e fr HENSALL , remain for a time, apd his many rel- I I Piea.sa,nf,, work, Should start earning' $30 I - 11 � wIeekly and increase rapidly. We teach you I schools at Lumley and Petrolia.. . only a few roAs_)ip__f6i-6�'H;V6n a,nd helpful to the white folk. A. D. Masons Entertain I atives and ftlends hope he may find . I the M. W. Locke Shoe It I isti- I how. RAw1"GJrS. D,ept. ML -363-50-D, . These men had never chopped trees Scott, of Seaforth, recalls his fatber . 3672-11. 1 permanent ,mhef and good effects.. tute of Orth5�y, quali- ' , � , _ , I Montreal, Carmda_ . - I I before and the tale has been ,handed tellAng how;Ffhe Indians used to coma on Friday nignt last the Masons of Sexvices wem iheld.ln St- Fiaurs n, ­ - _,_,jI to ,iV6j,oV_rh,L '. I �T, ,k,_gg"jt__ "I . I CALLING AT-T,SALESMENI AGENTS , down of an, incident that occurred 'W,Wb, grlst,'iiaill each Christmas Day Huron Lodge No. 224, at Hensall, en. glican Mureb on Sunday ,last by the � ie gi 1. ..., wbold you cAnsider a change thaIt would WINTHROP when they felled their first trees. In- and wish him "A Merry Kislnas." Mr. joyed a fin.e, social meeting in their Rector, Rev. Mr. Hurit, with good accurate, scientific fitting !1 I real0y.nrake money? New Sales Plan. Sale stead of chopping a tree in orthodox Scott would presen-t-them with a bit line'llodge roorms, when wives and attendance and helpful discourses. you would receive in Vrd- . . -ed -mEdi�minal-itbilet Pre- ' -icrds were guests of the members. I of 20 guaranu food . - the 1, t p�arations. Lower pxice� Liberal -commls- Tire euchre and dance held- in. the farliloh, they backed it all around as of flobir. The Indians were greatly in fi - At Carmel Presbyterian Chumhl _' I liamsburg,Ontario-homeof Free gifts. If YOZI hall on Friday , pastor, Rev. W. A�, Young, gave good �i s�n. Extra c"h_))opus- evening was well at- a beaver would., and it was hard to terttted in the machinery of the mill War. Master Bro. Laird Mitkie pre ',�11. haw a car and a little cash and want a I tell in what direction the tree would and this caused Mr. Scott consider- sided and the first part of the evening sermou� . Dr. Locke's world-celebm" , $ � sell something amt repetats the year ron d'tended. Those winning prizes ware: fall. "Grandfather" Dickson, as the able worry lest they should get hurt included a musical, and, literary pro- both morning and evening, clinic. Let these experft fit -1 iIn eX*MiVe diStMt, write to: F"ILEX Ladies most games, M-rs. Orville Dale, the choir xendering fine anthems: and 11.� f CO., 570 St. Clonw=% Montreal. laddes' ]one hands, Mrs. Tony Apple'- elder Dickson came -to be known, while they were fussing around, it. gram as follows, -opening with the a pleasing male quartette composed you in the Dr.Locke last best ' 1 36*72-1 started to run when one tree he was ZM7,1 - c�al-rma.n's welcome; piano solo, Mrs. of W. A. and R. Y. McLaren, James by; men's mo,st games, Mr. Luther Two Hotels Went Up J Murdoch; Masonic quartette; solo suited for your particular il - .. felling began to topple, but unfortu- I Berigough and Rev, W. A, Young, Mrs. .1 4 _. �Iauibdeers; men's lone hands, Mr. nately for him, he ran in the same Mrs. K: Hutton; reading, Mrs. F . I needs. 4 Charles Mann. A few hours were As the years, passed Ro�boro con- Young taking a special part in the �'j Notice To Creditors , direction as bli-e ee ivas fialling and lla�tbburn; duet, Rev. W. �J,� spent in dancing. �� tinued to grow and it came to be quite On the coming -Sui�-. . 1. — f8e top of the maDlb struck him and "il Dr. I. Sirrillie; solo, Mrs. W. A- day Rev. Mr. Young takes annivers- - NOTICE TO CREDITORS Mrs inuel Somers, o � � ". Sa f Detroit, a thriving ilittle s,attleinent. Besides "I spent Sunday with her brother, Mr. sent him sprawling to the ground. Mr. Scott's g-rist mbll there were two Young; Masonic quartette; solo byDr. ary services i-ril St, Marys 6hurch, and . . IN THE ESTATE OF ELLEN WANKET_ Getting up and shaking himself, he hotels at one time, one run by Robert I. Smillie; solo, Mr. Young; SOlo; Mrs- Rev. Mr. Hare, of St. Marys, . takds �� , kLL PERSONS - HAVING CLAIXS John Bullard. others who 1 1, 1 against the Estate of Ellem Wankel, late Mr. "Sam" Rennie, of Sundridge, addressed himself to the J;amieson, and the other by a man Win. A. McLapea. The accompanists the services here in Carmel Pre's,by- 1, of the Town of Sewfbrth, deceased� who died ca]]E�d on s-ome of big. old friends in had come ru5iiing to his assistance: named Latimer. After Jamieson's for the evening were MTs. J. Mul:Aoch, terian Church, , �� Mareh, A. D_ � S. Young. I I on or about the 19t1h day of "I'm goin' riebt back to Sc`otland," de'ath his widow ran it for some years, Miss Eleanor Fisher and Mr Mr. John Coulter the first of,'this ��, : 1938, are bereby �notified th send ,in to the the village during Easter holiday,&. li� said. ­We�ll all be killed out uratil she "remarried- W. R. Wilson A , It the numbers were well ridered, week received word of the death of I .1 � undersigned S-olicitar on or More the 7th Mra. Mae. Dorrairce, of Seaforth, bere." * had a'blitackornith sbop t -ere; al having to respond to encor'rees- The his sister, Mrs. Smith, w4ho frequent- I 11 , day of M,w, 1938, full va,�laxs of their and Mr. Nelson Govenlock and daughr h Robert program was closed by the singing of ' M. claims verified by affidavit, ter, Lois, of Waterford� called on Mr. Families Came Year Lat." Habkirk operated a califfiet shop; ly in past years visitedl in the villa" I I of ,t [be National Anthem. After the, pro- ,. I Immediately -after the said lust m- ed Ot the immediate fami�ie�.', " hese and left here on Thursday morning to Exclusive with 6. date, the asseft of the mid estate 1�_be and Mrs. George Eaton on, Sunday. - someone else haxl a wagon, shop and grain the hall was 01 . - � distributed amongst the parities entitled therc­ LfIlth four original settlers, John Scott, ,who eared for cards .41 Mr. William Chapman, Of Sie2 , Robert Dickson and, W. N. Watson at -tend the, funeral in Woodstock, I ' , — I r,;;_� " , 4,1Z I I ow I W r still re6ides at what was once Rox- operated general stores. when a very enjoyable hour or two .1 - to, having rvgard only to claims of which spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Vin. Walter Ran- -here she bas resided for a mr er SMITHS ". 1, I to � boro, is the only one still living. He wae spent, bbe winners being: Ladies' mb , I 1. he addersigned shall then have notim Trewartha. Idn, fa�her of James Rankin of Sea- first, Mrs. F. ,Rathburn; ladies, see- of yeaTs. I �SHOE S TO -RE , ge, exclusion of all other3, amd 'the under- I s , , , , , sig will not be liable to -any Person of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eaton, Larry, is the son of Robert Scott, Jr., and foft,h, was a weaver and he� operated Mr. Robert Drysdale Of Sandu ky, - .med . although now 91 years of age, isstill ond, Mrs. Win, A. McLaren; I , ,. whose claim the undersigned shiii! not then Kenneth a4d Don,rQe Zaton spent Sun- a loom iiu his home. , �rents' Michigan, accompanied by his dauglt- -, have notice for the hsse . � ski,-dWtributed or day with Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Spar- actively engaged in operating We fine An old directory of Huron County first. Bro,. Paterson, of Clinton; see- ter, Mis's Eveline, were diem this week , . any part thereof. % I f,arm on the banks of the Maitland. h nd now in the pos- , ond. Bro. Pryde, of Exeter. FO1IOw_ visiting MI. ,Mark Drysdale, Robert's * * . I DATED at Senforth this �gfh day of April, ling of Wroxeter. He was tho youngest of a family' Of session of .Tos-eph Scott, lists the in-, the announcement or the prize I ­ - 1 193& I Mr- John. Ax,mrstrong spent a week , winners which called f , . � ELMFR D. BELL,' with relatives in Belgrave I five sons and three daughters. He n or much good- �� B ; Seaforth, Out., :� .. ' . Winthrop ball was filled to the can remember his father so ng he � boro that y4ar. They ware: John natured mirth, a deliciomp lunch was , � I Solicitor for the F4tecuthrs. , i &671-3 doors Tuesday evening, April 19th, was the first *bite, man, to cax)ss the Altelteson, a, farmer; Thomas Amos, se,rved. R ,-I" wilien t&e young people of S. S., No. Maitland River in McKIllo � 131. laborer; Alfred Bn�war, miller; Arcbi- The Town Hall w -as the scene of a .1 I .". . .. 11 Z. ., NOTICE TO CRUDITORS 6, McKillop, presented the comedy One year after these four arrived in McKillop their families and rela- bald Dickson karmar; John Dickson, largia recep,tiou on Friday eveiting List when a I-arge, numbeir of th rel- . �', . , ­ IN THE: ESTATE OF FRANK OqIARA . play,� "The Colonel's Maid." The , tives, numbering newrly forty in all, farmer; Robe4 Dielp.sbir, farmer; Robt. Habldrk, Robert Hays, atives and friendis of Mr. and I'Mrs. � � HAVING CLAIMS E � ALL PERSONS Colonel himself, Mr. Win. Boyd, was followed them to the new land, and. In cabinet shop; Wesley Jones, newly-weds, wero'hon- , ,g,imt the Estate of Frank O'Ham labE! " 1, of U. T&wnship of McKillop, dee-e-ed, who ; , one of ,the highlights of the evening, Cbinese Ching -a -ling, this group were more Scotts and'Diek- justice of the peace; Rial McShae, teacher; Hugh Ross, millior; Roxbor- ored, A social everring was spent and � I died on orr alyout the 40th day of April,, 1938, .. I hereby notified to send in to the uIlder- and his cook, (HeTman Beuerman) was no less ap- sons, and the Govenlocks, Habkirks, oug rs. Jamieson, proprie- h House (M the young couple were presented with fine . I are 11 signed vn ow be6ore the 30th day of April, .. , I preciated, The Colonel's son, Bob Hendersous and bhL- Grieves. Among them was James Scott, father of X for); James Scott, mill owner; and a very studio couch. The ad� ., cress was read by Mr, J. Fortune and I . ia3s, full particulars kof their clairus with . T affidavit proving &ame. (Dyke Wheatley), a very much mis- Scott, 0 , D. Scott and James f Seaforth, William Wilson, blacksmd thi and plow to whicili, the groom replied on behalf i� mentioned 1�11' " Immediately after the said last understood young man, had a diffi- and Joseph Scott, still living in the mak , �er. this time, in 1858 W4 be 0 1 the bride and himself. Dancing "!&:., date, the assets of the said esUte -ifla be cult time getting his father to Make It fine stone bouske his father buil 77 About ex- , was enjoyed to the strains of the - , � , distributed ariolongnt the parties entitled there- . ,!,;, to, huiriiog Tegaird only to, claims of which friendis with his age -long enemy, in Colonel Byrd Wheatley) i years ago at Roxboro. All these fain- Oct, Tie Buffalo and Goderloh Railway ui was ilt west from Stratford through I ,. Jobil and pia,no rendered by the Hyde ; . , the undersigned Ediall then bave notice, to (George order that be might marry the la illeos were closely felated, and they Seaforth, Flarpurhey and Clinton, a.nd orchestra, and) also by Herb. Ste�hau, ��, unAer- w the exc4usion or all others, and the , signed will not be liable to any Person Of -t- ter's dhugbter, Marjorie Byrd (Iola took adjoining land for four miles Roxboro began to stand still. Sea- blie accom�arlists being Miss Audrey ' I I hiose claim the undersigned shall not then � "'. 1W Beuerman). However, after succeed,' along the Maitland east of Roxboro. forth did not arriount to much at the Cochrane and Miss Effie Bell, and the Z have notice for th�e assets so dl)%ttlbated or . . Ing in getting this father to hire her Two Deaths on Tri' P time the railway went through and 11 o oi, managexs being Fred, Corbett �, 1: .- any part thereof. I , � DATED at Seafortli this 7th clay of AD- 11, (alias Hannah Katzerijamme,r) as his I The trip to the new land for this the station was bililt at Harpurhey, and Mr. J. McBetb. Following a tasty lunch the two families , � I �. 1238. . It. f . ELMER D. BELL, maid, the old man is, very inuch taken with ber,and in the end, everything large group, however, was not with- -out its sorrow and) its tragedy. The t,h e a quite a flourishing village of about.. 500 peopte. Seaforth had jiAst. of the bride and groom engaged tri what is known "wi, . �.. " . Senfarth, Ont. I.. -urtor. I I Solicitorr for the F&0L turns out happily, - Col. Rudd's sister- little son. of Archibald Dickson " bep.n settled in 1867, one year before as the _dding dance," and during the wee 8ma' houra of the morning .: �. 8670-3 ,, l . in-law, Mrs. John Carrot (R441i Hil- died on board; sth-ip in mid-AtIaIrtiC the railroad went ,through, and the � .1 I the company dispersed, feeling they 1, i.. 1 ; lon) and ,her daughter, Julia (Vera and h�o was buried on Grosse Isle. it tl�, kindness the first post office was establis-hect in � had had a most enjoyable tiu�C, and � 4 �., I I EA". Notices Duffy) cause Col. Rudd much distress . when they descend upon his very un- wa,s only Dugh the of captain l.b,. z t I . ie was . not buried at 1859. ..."'. Death Knell Sounded with many expressions of good' ' i h U, � I iq ,� 1, , - R, bachelor's domain. Two more sea for it vv:,m abolera year and Peo - ' for the young coupleIs oontin -1 led"Til p , 1-� - T,: 1_1.­�'. : TOWN OF.S,9AFOR tidy romancea come to a ha ppy ending ple were aftaW, of the dread disease. _, ,I.. - I hile, James Dickson who - MiEghiw I . PillesS. - 17."4' ;. �:�. I ,. when Mrs. Carrot and Colonel Byrd, A. D. Scott and, Joseph Scott recall �haucl come out to McKillop, with big A social eveni,nig ,On Monday was � I I ��� 0. I .... -1., � .. ", I sweethearts of long ago, reunite, and their father telling of the plague that ' fathier, in 1833, bad m6ved to Egmond - 1'eld in the school room of the Unit. OhUrcdl , . I xlrl., TAX PRE -PAYMENT RE- Julia -a.d Ned Graydon (Alfred Beuer- year and of ae�elrig �pcople die in th6 ville and opened a gene,rul , store, ed under the auspices of the I'll .. 4 � I 1. 0- I I man), a promising young salesmam street:4 in Montr�ealt Reaching Tonon- Elected to parliament as member for League which was largely attended , I ,,�, � CEIPTS FOP. 1938 I ��;­ . I -isapproval of Mrs�. Car' overcome the -d - to, then known as�,Mudd-y York the � ituim, lie had become a very influen- � and on, which the Hensall ,Society 1 . ,,�,.. 1, . �', rot, who, with Col. Rudd, hoped tha t large group startA for McKil -lop in . tial Man and wag an intimate frien -d were entertaining the Exeter ciety So �, ".-11 , I ;, " I � �� i I I ;, I- Julla and Bob . would marry. - Mr. Ay Overtook them oxen carts and tragAL m. of Sir John A. MacDonald, and when I -,V,--, In _-1 11 41 � who furnished a very fine aip-d most Intdresting T -gram ev, numh- -0 ..... 1, :.., . . 'r P" ure s ona time when uhuy got as fa a TOM; . t1V " S' wa's - ' I -- J r I , ,,';� "' ,.rhe To,*n will pay 4 Baskofft (Harold Bolton) playled tilie, as Stratford;, wbich a,t that timeboast- Mr. Dickon *as Instrumental in �hav- wh4ch was well given and much en, .., �.�l I piTt of 03lonel Ruddls,lawyer. 'Me- . ".. . ead Of joyed. The meeting was opened b �'% "". e,orit. per annum up to Aug. audience was very appreciative'. Mus- ed nothing more than a few rude cat�- Ing it'r" from Sentorth inst, y , � * I ROUND'TRIPRAIL TRAVEL BARGAIN �� ��,I, �:, , I le was given before the play arid be- ins clustered near the river. Here from Harpurlipy thraulgh Roxboro. The the singi-119 of a hymn, followed by ' ... I. � ��Z.`�� 31,1938, on aH prepaid,1938 wa's people 6;, Mrpurhe-k and Roxboro Prayer, the Scripture ,lesson being 'W",'' . liween acts by the Pryce orchestra, Mrs. Margaret Scott Govenlock I M, by Mirss Esther M, e e.. h From SEAFORT H ,`��, aft n Ir Is � It'.", I . Ray stricken with cholera and died. 114iI pleaded the foad'shouli1start from re' �p MAY 7th; , " I 't,q',�, � .ta:k-,eg. CertificaW, (3, and fUll _Stan]ey end, Edith, Hillen and, body was home to McKillop by the, trpurhey6 but their blaims fell On was follov�ed by another bymn.� A , I . - t; ... I " �,,j , I Patrick, and a .song by Win. Boyd and , ,P` I p wil , , . I .1 11 61 I - 4 ; may be I obtained Stanley Hillern were well received. brave group of straggling settlerg and� � '1i e&rg, Mr. Dickson intimating to reading was then given by Miss Vera ,.,, po#Llenlars d .1, '� - " ", '. � �_r`: v.. � , I I I � a small mound 6�a the farm' of John" them t1i k and Decker, also readings by Miss Helen ­ - '. 11 ,, a " . , "Much credit Is due to'the ,directors -0 would have to go bac , WINDSOR"'Ont and DETROIT, Mich. S176 ., I I '-_f- ' Roxboro'still marks the Apof femce lii�"`thedr two villages., FInkbeiner and, Ulag Hairmiah mathers. �, It , _ ,V�','!�$,- '' v.*,he Town 'Clerles of- OVAII6 play, Miss Alberta Richmond Scott at �,r� .'-14001 . . where she was buried, Th effect, Worse tban,that ha,p�OtLw The meeting was then enlivened by Equally low far&,from all'adjacent C.N.R. Stations �111_­ , le - -`7A," �.� r tho Hall and �ftnlejl Hillen. � f I _ ,.� 11 �, , To,t Despite the llact death struc,��ice 6d.- Whorf-the road to Brussels wAsz a guitar selection, by Gordon Kleftl,- 7'"tff*,,�� $I�-. -1 �. "'M The ImAles, Aid, and W, M. S. of , feldit, atter wbdch a bum6roua debatia Ask for handbill and compi k',"P,� 4R��"'?' i . U I'— L during the ocean voyage . and , the built nor6h from Seaforth, the ,],after Zt; M�61atl7n from Av;enp. ,,,. �41-, 1 I., � "I'L" ' ,,� .... . . . �'_"_ _ ;,, Cavan Church, Winthrop, will bold I 1)� 4� �­�' �4 . , ' �, � 1''. -%q, SON, ch 1 , 1-1 , , L , , ­­. -I. k, 11., ,� "., V� , ­ 1411, 1 their regular meeting at the borne Of long, cruel trek through the *il&r� 'town be ' I, " . � .. i,f L,�- to boom and soon out- wa,�'efrlgaged in, the subjeact of wbi � , ,�, :,." � e&,11arpUthey as, the' trading was, "Resio,lived that Exeter Is a be.t. , '' , "" , � "Alo 1�, lli,,,�.� I I neus to the Rifrott IYact, there'wasa-'g,itipp CANADIAN NATIONAL J ;�_ I � � A i�, ,�: , 110 Y,; ­- � - I I . ­�,�­�I� - .: I I � � 127 '. " k, , . I 1 I 1 ,,,,�'�i�� , _� ".'IL�"4 -d' - I � . . . I . ;��,'�q-::"".�_"'�". I . '" �1 " ,,��,,,��x N 'I , g6to 1:2 P.0 � 'j, 6h,e dIstrict. The ftilwak .ter place to live in than Hensaim, the ��,�,-',','.r,a�,,��,,,.*,, �� 0, . Mrs. Hugh AlexandeT on May 4th at joyoils reunion whea the little hand ,of I C611tj&- �� I ;� �".. ;41j�t� ,� � j� - I I I . I11 - -0 �9111111 .;: ,.,�,. � , I " I", ,. h , I � ."I" ��Ik",.,Ill ­- I I � � . � ,, 1. P ­ .. I .1 T . � I � � . ,P­1�1,. I �,U, �'i,'41 ,!,A, � V , k, , �. - � , 11. , - ­ '7�114 V� ­ , !11 . I . I I, . . ,&m,,','g1. 'Ot,112�,.,A4-�!,�� �,!,,*',:., 4, , , I I ; ., - I , '*1 . ,­­ , ,,,,, , g . . ­ � .... . .... . . -T ,,, " .. I . � I �",-i"�.'.',e,�'F',�.��i�,',".N�14 . .: '. I . , . I I I . � . . , � , . �� r_ 11 1'i �!�, ,q . 1�,� . - . . I I/ " 9� ,,. I ��Pli,'R", I'. : " � " . . . ), . ., ,# , . . , - ..'..... .... I '. . I . I . , , . - . . I ,;" . . "."­ ! 1", I - h . . . . - I I ­ � �. . 1. 1. .. . I �:.., . , I I � . . ,,�,,m , I 190 �i V " _ . .. . � I . I � /* I . .. 'A g mi �6 ,,? _- ;�, i ��';�_ , 11 . I � . 4 �..I& "" :-, " . , . I �,. , �, , ., I .. i;,, , , , , : , - ,.t, ; . . . "tr '72 ,� � . . li�idg, ­.­�.,� . 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'I � , V, , t " 'i . , , I i""i 11 Nwevxd" �,,kAX,1'&`,V e,4*,AkA e", 10', " i.� I r I . I I I I .1 I . . I . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 1. I � & . . -1 . I . . . I . I .