HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-04-29, Page 3, All ,��-� , , - I 1 �'� I . I �', I � i I � , �4 , . I I 111111111111111111M . I . I � ..- . I I . . . I . I . . . I V . . " . . . I , ,�� ) ��,�., 1� , , .. ,�I 1.,:,�;� I . , , - ; 1`1 I 1, I I ��­'i�, N�,:�,,�,� �� , -r' "e�l I . I , � ­�. .. � � � : , 7 ,-�� ��Ie�%:,:�i,l,�";� :������'��l,"�,'�,��'�,'i"!.',�,i�iti���'t�,,'.�'A�5(l,"�!�4",;"r,i�(,,,�,',��;, � I " , ` ltt�, , I - " I , ! � , �­ V" � ,:. , , ," , ', , i 4 1�1. � , I A " .. " . . I . 1 �. �f.��,�,­. ` �,�J,: J,1`1 I I ,I , . 11 I I . -1 � � - i 1 -,; � . A,�," 111 I � .�', , - . I � ,.��, , ,� I. I " � �'.,, � ��,,'.`i" �, ,� - "' ". : ",'��','��' � �"�'� . I " I - .11 I . .. I I I . � I -Itll . s . I , . � . I - . � . . I 11� . . . 1��,o �, , ; I rAII,4e,� �. ) .�, � , ., � I � I I � I . � I I . "I o . I I 1 �.,�.� ­ .", , ­ , . � . , I .; . . � N . ,., , I , , 1. r , . 1, . ­­ � !:.,�,, ­­�,',` � fil - il 11 "" t­,�,. ',f,e, , - -,� ­Iik�,I'. `�1-111'�,.' 11 ,,,,, , 4 1 ., I - ;­ P. �, ", . , ,, , , ; : , ,� A01011*m,", I 11 .11 ".. �i ­,­ -J I s�1111. .� ...'' -'0.11400m ... . .... i"0000mm'-w- , , � I 1� ,'� �!�� '' , �, 1'� I ,.; ... .... --1111 ­­ �� I I I-— 1. , 1.111.1--l'....-..."....... "I -.11�ll.��,�'ll,���",,,.,.."-�'..,...��,,�..",�,,� ..... .. �'...,.,.,,.-",�17..,�""..�'ll', �,.', -, I ,- L�LI!6"�gN, : -.1.1.1 "I . .v�-,-­ - � -11�:,.�""',",�,�,'���,i��,i', "" "' " --.,P' ­e&` , -. I . , , , ., . I'll , " - , i : I , ; �i 17:-�.' �� :, �!t ��4� - , � i � .. i ��- I i" :� - , ,� 1. . I I �161�!��,�: ,.f; ze 1,i,."u`,V,'�,1 f A . , - - , , , XFPO Amr, I im.�,�,O*w I I I 'A "Y �� , flfl - &' '.'X-,V--hVhL � * � *whty, ot Aw *4 is *00 An ,� Z ,.� t,"A ,, 911,,' I J&F,id � I ik I , v .. : , � IV. � , , I ` , I .1 . ; � ! I ­ � I 14 .. ).. 11 VW1#A Ww%f" 111WOR, ANY4, " V41WAN .11�t, .F.Ap"W . ­ Powored, a0utloAsthrougliout Qwix�4061,' I 1p. La;rolntiee, : - - 4.; , , ., "I R .11, ­­­� � , , --1 � . b . 11 I �,-­ . - e � � , 1A 0 .1, I �) 001. Opp"It.wwo.p4o- , , I . - 1a11I 4044; A.. w1ob to 00dopo * "I jua 1 . , . , . I , , I �, . 0 1 the v4ews exproosed ,Py my, Xtt. M4.k. , - , 'i. 11 i '. . I. � .. li" . � . . . . from Pas 2) friend, tte'rrime, wiiiot�r,,:,414 1i � , ­ ,P - Now SWs Free From T4 0 p, 'Wontinued 1 wy,14# I tm to f0l .. - , "id,14 . lbe - %, ae.,PQrO " -,-... , , I , , , , I .. ", � f 1. 1,. two bu *F." .Principle embw.010 tu �. , . v4i�vx -,�vl . A. , W;o­'% would 14e �.ough the !C,B-C� proWstiod vigor- . " � ­ . I trIeff" 1. to �fto a thir 10 WbIch . . -q been fmppqrtipt . &,�Wo pria4ple ftm . , ,ey,eryon,Q W110 �84h�id vrAn; . . .� . . * ,;*"A ", , , 1040 , Oa �,,Ously- ... .,60 11 - -1. - 1. - . 6 . . How- were parties ta the 4C�Onv the Arst, -uiorp Vorticularly.'­;iho : ithe , � _ r iltiv. J 4U. xnwliten ft , peflike tjw , gif �, -Won. ever; aA -the invitataiint'it � adba, pr6� . . I on,'.1bhu-i I of the A,�-r,4'Coi3Imlioi , I w4cbea I *e* seildem'tii�e fxii a ." ,-" . - I .. I - 11 . Uninary conversa0bus were beld In .Report iiiiaw the.,ditricalues, In, , , e, Way - W. . qnd tbe, � I 4A.-,9Ut',8IVMJ1k8kY,e�­hKU i . Let" I --regularly, I -have hardly Havana in'jter�h, 1937, and -in No- .drongth � at ,t1,1;e ,propaganda Cox- W a . *ember a full� conWon.co ot all coun- ried on to,, preii6tnt the work.of that , beadaebe, for.'which I am veu thagk. trios affected wilebteld'in Blay.ana. At Commission frqrd thavIng the results ful. Ih4ve been, taking a small do" I . � that time-audw allocatiou'-was made. #$ wbI0 -we kkavv�lwltnesftd to4ay. .1 "I . am pleased, �Vitli'tbct work whichl of Krischen every, warning In a glass or, warm water, before my instoo of six clear channels prev- LOuBfy.2:-`,al,1Iotted to canaida, seven clear 1. was #one� by the Committee which. .breakftst, and I feel so well.'�-(Mrs-) A.E.D. 'You . "end oatdoM,etory, channos aIre now a,_ *,as been studying this question,,ism4 I Row do' deal with heada,alies? lotted to this country on which StA- congratulate ,the - members- of that Committee on. the excellent wori Do You Juottake, something to deaden the Pain, with"..,i6fting rid of 'the tions of 60,000 watt or mbro may be which they did. . I trouble which causes the pain? used. in, addittion to this, four other channels, two in Quebec and -two in, ,,, congratulate the House upon bav- ing this Headaches cau, generally be traced . to disordered Ontario, are allotted on. which high-, 1 Bill ,introduced at the pres- a stomach and- to the I powered stations can be plalced� .-- eiit session, and I coagratulaI unsuspected ,retention in the system ,Canada is,also assigned four other people of Canada on the principle of staginiating wake material which :frequencies, two of which maY be us- which Is represented in the Bill." poisons the blood. Remove these pols- ,ed for stations of live KW, one for a Mr. Woodowortb­ representing the ons -prevent them forming again - � r-tation of ten KW, and one for a sta- third Party said- "I should just like and you'll never have to worry any 'VOn of fifteen XW,..ond the agreem . to assocl�to myself with the last speaker, Mr. Lapointe, in congratulat. more -from the cause. A, that is b L4 just 'how Kruschen Salts rin g swift mileDt also provides Bullicient cho.imels ing the Prime Minister of his, prompt- , and `Iasting relief from' headaches. for all stations Of low Power at pres. .,en -t in� operation In Canad'a' .......... ness in bringing dDwn this MR to,im- , Kruscheu aids Nature to cleanse your this stipulation was made, that P'smen t the report which has, been 'body completely of clogging waste ,;�ut -unlessi Canada would, proceed to as tab- . up4ndmmousley, adopted." The above �,stateruents indicate the matter. . 'li,s,h on each of these. peven -exclusive channels a radlo station of -at least .1 unanimity .with whd I ch the idea of 10 many of these are liguor -magnatm Z0,000 watt power, it -he other countries radio being a public utility was re,- ceiveA. � This condition leaves millions of the . The personnel of the Board of Gov- rank and file In. a state of financial ,nela would reinfain exclusive to Can- er-nors is as follows: Loo-niard, Brook- insecurity, wt1d ch borders on, hopeless ­ adia. It was poi-rited.out to our dele- ington, K.C., Winnipeg (Chairmaii); abandonment of resp,ectabilityt Then gates that Canada was at fault If Its Rene Morin, N.P., Montreal, , (Vice- Of course, "Drink drives dull care -exclus4ve. wave lengths had been in- Chairman); Mrs. Nellie McLung, Vic- a.way." And thus you have the vie- terferred With Las we had not made ad- toria, B.C.; J. VAlfred Godfrey, Mll- tous circle: Drink causing poverty-, . equiate, use of them. Therefore, the fax; Captain, the Reverend Alexander and poverty with Its insecurity and xnatter is urgent, because the C.B.C. is Vachon, Q Colonel Wilfred u= sense of inferibrity circling round to compulsion to ,complete the establish- Borey, m outre�ml� N. L. Nathanson, more ,drink-. -mient of its higth-powered 'stations I on Toronto; Allan B. Plaunt, Ottawa; Thousands of the 12,000 a year at - the nevily-a.64ul-red wave lengths. It Brig.-Genoral Victor W. Odlum, Van- B61levue are brought theie through is for -this purpose that the, Increase . I courier, I . their sense ,of financial insecuritY and in, the radio license fee Is now being The Corporation J,%­'noft-partisan, physical inferiority. jd;tny, ate dis- made. nion-sectional, rion-political. The Gov- muraged by being too old. to work, or It should not ,be forgotten that Par-_ ernors serve in a quasi -honorary ca- handicapped by -the less of an eye or 'liaiment has always endorsed the Idea pacity. Under the terms of the Act an arm, and, some *ith no legg stall. . of radio befirg a public utility., When they are paid fifty dollars for each But here in Ontario, liquor is not I the idlea of public ownership was meeting, up toa maximum of five hun- supposed to be any longer ia, politicsi. -adopted the -then Prime Minister, Hon. dred, dollars per annum. Meeting, I,' When Mr. Henry staked his chances R. B. Bennett, said: "No other I normal years, number five or , six. The on the beverage rooms, didn't Mr. ischeme than that of public ,ownership Act perovides that the Chairman is Hepburn come to the rescue of his -can ensure to. the people of this coun- paid an thonoirinurn. of fifteen hundred arty ,by acquiescing and staking -his try, without regard to �clase, or place, bollars per hnnum. I chances also on the beverage rooms? -equal enjoMent Of the benefits and Under the Ac� the Broadcasting And didn't that take the liquor, prob- pleasures of radio broadcasting� Pri- Co � rporation Is limited in its sources lem clean out of politics? Now that's vate ownership must necessearily (bs- of 'revenue. First,' to revenue fro& a sample -of the arguments politicians ,criminate, between densely and sparse- license fees; second, it can only ob- put up to us and expect us. to swal- ly populated, stress. This is not a. car- ti,!, a repayable loan of $500,000 from low and enjoy. WU1 y(Ai allow just rectable fault in private ownership; � the Government; third, it is lipidtied here a little pedagogical dIg-ression. it 49 an inescapable and intherent, de- to a revenue of $500,000 from adver- It's hard-ly worth while mentioning, inerit ,of that system- ft 'does not ' Liging. I except for the fact that it's funny. - i seem right that in Canada the towns Tb� reveitue obiained, in 1936-37,, When we studied grammer at school zhould be preferred to the countryside amounted to $2,103,0,00. Thef estimat- we were taught that two negativas of prosperous communities to those Pd revenue for 1937-38 will amount to make an affirmative., If Johnny says: less fortunate. In fact, if no other $2,365,000. In view of the fact that "I don't want no supper,"be is T.eally, �course were possible, it might be fair the C.B.C. is linitit-ed in its sources of though unintentionally saying that he to suggest that it should, be the, other revenue; the only thing that can be wants some supper -two negatives way about. Happily, however, under done is to increase tibe radio license ;making an affirmative. But have you this system, there Is no ]lead; to di I . I fce, in order to secure the funds to . ever heard of -two affirmatives, mak- ,crimirrate; all may be servedi* . establi-sih. the ,new stations. I ing a negative? How about this idea: . The estimated, revenue of the .Rri- Mr. Henry says, yes, 'we have the I � CKNX, WINGHAM tiFh Broadcasting Corpora,tion is $20,- beverage, room plank In our platform. Mr. Hepburn says, Yes, we have the . 000,000, while the American radio rev- eaue is estimated at $100,000,000. This beverage room plank in our platform, 1200 Kcs. 249.9 Metres latter revenue is collected from adver- and presto! there is no longer a bev- WEEKLY PROGRAM HIGH LIGHTS .1ise, ., s alone for which, of course, the erage room plank in either Platform -two affirmativea clearly making a . Friday, April 29-11 a.m.. "Clip- consumer eventual4y pays. . In 193&37, the administmbon costs negative. That would be a fine W 1DjVy,611; 12.45 p -m., Stuart Hamblin; . wore 7.57 while la 1937-8, this cost is ample to put in.a grani'ma text bobk (I , ..a for the new sch " 'i cir m sphould, I�Ihein 1.00, Sunnyvale Farm; 1.15, Capsules reduced- to 5.66 of the whole of tie the C.B.C. the pupils not go on strike gram - 4of,M-e1o�X;eejfi*45, Adventure Bound. revenue of Last year the Corporation put''on mar is taught, as they'liave been do - Saturday, April 30-10.30 a.m., Shut ints,; 12 noun, Canaddan Farm & Home 1,000 progn4ms per month, originating ing in some places where arithmetic 1. Hour; 12.45 p.m., CKNX Hill-Bilhe,E, in Cip,nada, and -employing Canadian still bolds an old-fashioned, place. But to revert to our subject. There f.15, Sport Reporter; 7.30, Barn " artists The Corpomtion hag employ- ' ed some 2,800 Canaddan artists ex- really was a time when fiquor was in 3Dance. I clusive of the members of the organ- politics in Ontario, Wfhen the Tories 'Sunday, May 1-11 a.m., WIngbain ization euch as choirs and fixed orch- Used to quote Hearst and blame the -United Church; 12.30 p.m., The Music r-�tras. This service cast the Com- Grits, and, when the Grits used to 33ox; 1.00, "History Comes to Life"; ruission well over $600,000. It may be quote Rowell and blame the Tories. 1,30, Peter Harris; 7, St. Andrew"B of interest to quote bere the radio ]to- There -was a time when the sensible . Church. � . ense fees tbTough,out the world which an's vote was supposed to be a wom, Monday, May ?-11.15 a.m., Inddan- are as follows: I ' dry vote. There was a time when i;ereriader; 12:45 p.m., Royal Chefs; to amalgamate al,l existing boddes and of war 1.15,' Capsules of Melody; 5.30, Birth- Radio Receiving Licens and economic arguments ushered in a deT Caimlval. Throughout the World prohibitory law. Then came a time ,Tuesday, May 3-1i.15 a.m', Indian Place Rate in Dollars when an honest plowman Premisr and 'Serenader; I P.m., Quaker Tunes; Centml America,- his henchman, Rev; Dr. Cody, with 15.45, Adventure Bound. Guatemala � ....... $3.00 per aminum radio -and every other means of prop - Wednesday, May 4-11.30. .Lm., Newfoundland ...... 2." per annum. " agande, fell for the wiles of the liquor "Peter MacGregor"; 12.45 p.m., Royal kur'Ope­ � " . traffic and ushered- in -the beverage ,Chefs; 1.00, Accordeon. Band. Austria ................. 4.50 rooms. Mr. Hepburn with equal sa- Thursday, May 5-11.30 &m., J4e Belgium ................ 10.25 gaci-ty and acquiescing mind, tofA the Feteroon; 12 noon, Canadian Farm & Czechoslovakia ......... 4.25 ,- '�dirty rnests", as he called It, 'clean . , . . . Denmark ............... 2.25 , out of politics. Just how.annJous be . . I Estonft ........... ...... 2.40-4.00 was to taken the "dirty mess" out of wowned, Blend in flour. Add milk Finland ................. 2.25 politics is seen in his a.tti-tude towards -EI]ILLSGREEN Frame ................. 5.00-6.50 a referendum. - %.,� (Too late for last week) Rev. E. F. Chandler is taking a ) Germatay ............... 9.75 Great Britain ........... 2.50 There L9 lately, however, one hope - ful sign. Parliamentarians themselves lioliday, on Suada,y, A,pril 24tb., so the Hungary ..... � .......... 8.82 - are beginning to talk "corruption in , Hll-Isgreen Church will have no ser- Iceland ................. 6.70 s 2.50 politics" and ,probable legislation against it. "Corruption" is a bad. word vice that day. Mr. and Mrs. W. Davidson and Mrs. Italy .................... 5.25 and suggests a boll on. the ba�ck of .,C. Robinson called on, relatives at Norway ................ 5.00 Poland .25-.75 the neck, so likely something will be dome about it 'for boils do spread. -Mitchell and Dorking. . Mr. and M -ret, Hhrr*y Norms and ................. Rumania ............... 3.03-6.06 One poison, however. does Gome- son, Laird, visited at ber parent'$ Sweden ................ 2.50 Switzerland ............. 3.50 times counteract another and that may be the these stame fel- -home, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jarrott. Yugoslavia .............. 6.84 ,reason lows who voted beverage saloons now Cheese Sandwiches -Spanish Style Oceanic- vote sweepstakes, as expected. I . Australia ............... 4.25 Beverage roome will remain so long 1 ,� .... 5.00 as we stand to 1�arhament the type " A Africa- of candidate who will vote flor them, , I a - Egypt .................. 4.00 and I *ill not close this article with- , U nilon. of South Africa. . - 5.OQ-8.25 out one constructive statement, and '�.' ­ - AA1a- I it is this: The only way, or at, least, i "',,."....".", & a a : " . . ",;% British India ........... 3.80 tthe groper way to bring pressure to .. 1-n. '. .. :0. :e:j:,- .11'.1�1` iii Hongkong .............. 3.20 bear to el -ect a dry candidate, is to X.,"'.-% �', K4.11 119#1 .;.*... . 11 4 0.1 I 1,� . i::::i. �, ,��e �:..g.;. Japan .................. 1.75 concentrate on the "local executive" 11 I -6- , Siam ................ 1. .90 per tube of the cGri-Atituency. . Ili* I, I 9th, Feb., 1938. . This executive has practically earn- ..:,. * �' - :1, '�,;:�- �:, A Special Committee is -now Bitting plete control of the nomination of a .. . ;.��!;..`." "A. in reference to the whole radio pol- candidate. it Is composed -of indi- 1 ..." -, ... -.1.1.1:....".'.'.",..:.".,...I ---- ioy. A report from this calhinittee viduals, generally likeable, pro"rous :... . . is expected, in the near future and -4 and men of good parts. 'But they be- 4CHILDREIN of all age@ . will be glad to give you a &OPY Of come very partisan, and more or less in close thrIv6 ofi "CROWN the report. . of a machine, well oiled and BRAND"! CORN SYRIM., Thanking you to -give this letter tooch. with Queen's Park. , 711tey never tire of Its delict- space in youp paper a -and with kind- This executiveim-either Conservative , one flavor and ft really Is so est -regards, I am, or Liberal -selects the nominee who, :good for them -so give the "CROWN Sincerely y,our's, in their judgment, will ppll,tbe larg- liquor children BRAND'! . every day. .1� W. H. GOLDING eft vote (in last election ,the vote), and fheX,see, to It t,4at there dino 1=1clans ro. tionists to assist in tbes,e dis,cussifYns- are sufficient "t9e blue" delegatefi ­ ­ OV Dto , fi�u:nce OWN BW Among those are in,cluded: Hon. at their convention to, make sure of CORN SYRUP 'most satis- , factory darboh drate to use Liquor in Politics that particular nomfinee. The pro - spective, nominee is, of course, the as a milk M .. in the Huron Springs Hospital, Apr. 20. most interested and generally has feeding .of fants and The Editor, The Huron Expositor: been working on this "important as IL ener producing food c dren. 0 " Dear Sir--, Tbds Is, my final 'article phase" for weeks, or months ahead. 9 . in; this series on the Temperance quas- At both cohventions in Huron last 4W FAMOUS tion. Not that the subject is exhaust- October, both -cats nearly jumped out ENE eil, but I lia,ve fulfilled My promise- to of ,their bags, for sit one convention. FOOD. V Huron voters to procure for ,them the every rally dry Conservative voter we I 4 very lost word of authbutic Infornia. knew (and w9 have known many of 'molre 16 *. &11 tion, and New York 'Was the place to them for than twent years) . in L chos, I get it. � came away disappoi nted 4 1 found there that the liquor Inter- an nominee, and at the Liberal eon- � , '� ests withtlieIr millions, have thesame vention ,the wfioie kour diry nominees 'were heap � stranglehold on. political as they have together all. s"pt.in one ... ... I ��;; I"' ­ ille, here In Ontario. More thant h�alf ' the by one who made no pretense to be . . dAMADA STARCH � wealth of United States Is In the dry whatever. Wfien the result of I . COIAPANY UMRW , I . . , .1 . hands of some Blxty4lx Individuala ; I . , this voting wda 8�finolineed,"for a min- � . � . ,,, I I . . I I . I I I I I I . . I * `7 , " � - ­,;�';�'�! � �; � , '�­ ",;�: . I ".", .. � - , �. I ,�' ,� . , , �;. -­1v;F0' " - ,,�;­ - 1 ", , '­ " "', " ", , �,,,' ,, ", ��",Z -V, ��,�,��t,j; '', I "��, � , 11 11,,e'.'.',.?" ­ '� �,��,�­;`­1111 ,, � . ,:L , ""'. , ,,;��1�1�`�,�­L,l . '' 1 L, - ,�"f,L,L�;"', ,�,�,�,,,,,�,,,,j��4, __ ­ 4,`,`Ii­�,�:��,`, All�t�,,,,�-!�,;�,,,,i,,,,,,,,,� �",:i�,,';'�;',Il,�:'���,,�,�,�l,,,,!.;���,,�, " Mee:�,,,� ,i,,� ,�,", -t l� ,,,�­N, �,,­,;,��­ 4!1,��, e�j, - 1�1.7,�� ,,,,,I,,,,�,Ii,��"-, .�� .,J�?,,,.,'�,',,',,jl�', ,, ;1),t� I ­ �, ­". �e:',�Aol "I"�,"', �,�,4,,,.'..,..,,,�i, �,,"� - ,� ,,� 6"', ', , th�t­',�'iy.,,I,'�­ , 1, ��11,',�,, �� j ", I ��L!","� - ­;�:, 1, � ­­ , ­ 1,; �, ,­­, ��j 1,,,.,;,�� �1111­1�, 1^ � 11 . . of x4twkal P000444 otarod, lbl"-, � � , I , at ''. I . I - :�u� .., ., . ; ,I 'Ni 1.1�1 �,N., � , * ' I ' , . -,y to ppt,qU ip*er� Biit pu) , , te�.,: ,T 4 � ; cat A: oxnq 0100d, tbe I'll �� . , , 11 I I ', . �- i� . . " 1.1 t'. , ,,�. F, , "I .i.� 1� I I . "). " I :,.,,,,� � , ,'i K I ;�.I�t ". ,The =1 I I 'Who , I., �' � '. 11 1'11� 1'bw� I .8" *kfo I.. .. I. 1. . " .. : , �.. . ,:. : I , �,,,,, I I ­ 'pMouce the ppvlmvp 00 ...... mmed, I , I ., . , ,i,-"�,., � . ..,p,'0o4v.ei @ome t4under., Th . ion I)VOxe , T044y" we are Ucoix wub. oo"i*04) ., . . I .. I "I'll Why poty out good money for select seeds and neglect to, - -00 and T'a.3, 14 tbe­ newspa-, � . ,., - L be' . ]as - -1., I st mng'prdblems In t .10 99 ed-, I .1 OerS as L,04�="d 'IWd U4444- � ac"-t.';:.n, TL ­.c -.--3 -q ell ". I I ,. " , r4du VIM; � . . This Bank is interested in helping progressive foxmien I . . . 010"o. . " .� I.! �. � � . "I, t1ofial finanoe gad e.ducat40" , I I In, 11 I A " ­�' 11, I pt, ic�urse -we )mbw.­ Mail; it was real- I I , , , I ml ,pily i#rpApn. . Hap ly for Ontarlo., " :1 ly the good 'work of- the local execu- , , .1111. t4e present Min4ster Of Ed.u. ,, U, I A7 -4 � . ��, , � Q . `- ;.., �;A­ � A"A' � tivetbat carikod lbe day, amid po w< D.. 1, J. Sltmpz-au ana shis Deputy -.. say that Your lo,cat, eiecative carr7­ Minister, Dr. Duncan McArthur, . are . I I 111. ,�..., ''I ­ the- koYjo the.siMition. . They, or( both men of vision. They are, our , - " �� the group , werful and a * - , ., all po � ell 'to , ro.0hAed also by officialli of taeo- - ' . ex I dl�ecW api�eal that augu%t bad � . - perlence -and thus we have WA in- v I . . t 0 ,W Youiig, People's Zlubs, Womiee� traduced Into our educationej sykem - ii,stitutes, churctear farmers, i-Adus- a very progressive Now Course of , it Education far Canada; Thdru- tries and all otber organizations, Study. WIth fwther" changes that Mustard and Stanley Watson, co- nil��,t win the 4ai for tenipirance are now being w�'Wked- out, thi-curric, *, , and all other advanted. leqislxtiou� ' qlum problom� -will be lairgelk solved.' Ontario. And- now, Mr, Editor, I will close There Ptlil remain the problems Of ch a conference with such out- my series of articles with gratitude educatAonal finance and admindstra, ding per,sonages in attendance to yourself. You d1dWt curtail my ti6n. I s well for the educational future space. You corrected my spelling and For years the greaterparit of educa- ntario. To bring together such ' made everything look respectable. I tional costs has been -home by -real known educationists', to develop have no ambition to. become a estate. Taxes bave become very . columnist, especially one Df the MC- O'heavy and relief Is anxiously sbught � Aree type, but soinedine for a I by all home owners. A very commend - L I;`_ � change I would like to write you again: Lle attempt was made last year, to , on some other subject besides Liquor lighten this load when the, Govern - .f,l i and Politics., In the meantime, with ment gave ,a one mill tax rebate to' : 1.tl, 1111 . best regards, I remaim . all ,municipalities. The trend at the . . Yours sincerely, � present time in regard to educational .�', , ... -, 111. I DR. A. MOIR fir,ancie, Is toward a greater measure , Ping a loyalty to British tradi- oi state support similar to the system -L ; �. " 40 in vogue in -the majority of Emglisb !, .,!i - . 0 . : . speaking countries. This will be re- :",�2, , ,., , ali7*d when one obseftes that the ' the scientific res,earoh. worker does Tested provincial grants to education In 1885, dot try to exploit his discovery for .... , 6,270,- $1,281,- his own betiefit. He gives kt,freelY. - ,'I ­ i 98,6 and $4,793,198, reapectivelY. There for the benefit of his fellow-rxien� � can be no doubt that the government , . I is aware of the need for relieving the About Cancer' " . I 0 C Recip. faxpayem' burftn­ (Readers desiring the complete set .. Hand in hand, with a more progres- of Dr, McCullougib's Cancer articles `�'� . sive syetem. of educa-tional finance may have same by writing the, Heaftk . I must be included a more modern sys- League of Canada, 105 Bond StreeL W-ath. the * ,approach of spring comes tem. of educational administration, it Toronto, Orit.). i yeatirning for lighter foods, and ev- is, an accepted fact that all childiren Iryone, welcomes a change'filom, the are entitled to equal educatiolial op- . 40 . nore or less heavy meals which are portunities. It is also an, accepted I . ie-rved, during the winter months. It fact that the movement of the popula- Fertilizer Formulas ac tion from mml to large urban areas " 13mudis of commercial fertilizer in naplesyrup, rhubarb, and, asparagus, has reached alarming.proportionise dur- Cb�naila are expressed by formularle, ,vb1ch appears on Alre, market as Ing the past quarter of a century. It I ipring Progresses, is heralded, with de- would appear that an outstanding con- case the figures denote in the order . I ight and that other,foods, whieh suit tributary cause has been the type'of given the guaxanteed percentages, or he springtime taste,are in pobular education offered, to rural children. In nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and Potash- lemand. . . . order to improve the educational ser- Thus, in a 4-8-10 mixture there would The following recipes suggest a few '. . vices offered to our ivral boys and be four pounds of nixtrogen, isl9ft 4 the many foods which seem to.be -girls it may be necessary to institute pounds Of avail -able Phosphoric aciiL. ightly associated with warm, spring a different system of educational ad- Ad.0 lays, and should prove effective in mAnisfration with�due regard to effici- ton % hetting lagging appetites. ency, effectiveness and economy. auth Jellied Jam Rolls Orre of the great barriers to pro- for eL gress in any field is la.ck of unity. Su . C. slices cooked, hain This has been true in the field of ed- .. . .. start 1 small bair white cream c1heese, or ucation- For years, there have been bode cup' cottage cheese . I numerous educational associationsand of C Cream. to moisten I organizations in t�be Province of On- well % cup horseradish tario but there haq,­hever been any this I package ]onion jelly powder definite form of urfe�ty. The result of a:tto 1% cups boiling water this has been tbat each group from prov 1/4 cup vinegar time to time forward to ,Vie Depart- spea '/._ teaspoon, salt � ment of Education cortain resolutions Dire Dash of cayetrine which may be contradicted by resolu- of e 1. Make a paste Of cheese, cream, and, tions farw,qrded by another group. The , year lorseradAsh. Spnead; generously on Las!, of estimating the wishes of the ._u.O hin slices of harrL Roll tightly. Ar- Ontario people becomes very difficii1t velo ange, rolls in mould. NWGIve jelly under these circumstances. It would tion,s Pow -der in boiling water to which vin�. ' seem most logical to bring all these sive, , gar, salt and cayenne,have been add- 9 r 01] together and create a stroRg PS pat , Owl. Pouir over ham rolls and d. oi ,arii7 -F .ation, qualified by numbers ers �bill. When thoroughly set, cut into &rid iepresentation to speak far t&e cide iblong §hapes witith One ham roll in province in matters perta.indrig to 'ad- firier , if de- .ach, Serve on crisp lettuce. acation. The teachers) and trus as mor- dred one-bialf cup sieedtass Wsi-ne are not the only people interes " in nay be added to the jelly mixtu- education- Councils, Boards of e, ' vilren partially set. , Manufacturers, Service Clubs d r, . al Organizations are most I ere ed * C Eggs a la King I Would it not be sound co on nee to amalgamate al,l existing boddes and In 3 tablespoons butter ilivite, in other,groups so that byt W- 2 tablespoons minced onion virst!gation and, conference we might ' Y . % cup mushroomst, sliced . decide what the best interests of ed- lu I tablespoon chicippoid green pepper ucation really i@tre and then carefully mice 3 tablespoons flour and'judicially arrange the most suit- In 1 3 % cups milk able programme? ed t 2 tablespoons chopped pimento This year the Ontario Educational tal 6 hard -cooked eggs Association at the Easter Convention car I egg "lk In Toronto will discuss a Proposal to Pon the Salt aarid pepper. Cook onion in butter 5 minutes. Add re-orgarrize into five Departments that will include all Inspectors, Teach- ativ nusbrooms, and green pepper and ers, Trustees and Ratepayers, Home bon ,00k rintil mushrooms a,re dold-toly' arA School Club members and all diro wowned, Blend in flour. Add milk c1ber organitations that are iptenested carb Ind cook, stirring constaIritly, until in supportin . g a move to give the best a fa nixture thickens. Cook 10 minutes. type 9f ed�ca,tiori to our boys and U kdd pimento and hard -cooked eggs 'The -o�of Directors of such � the r Pour some of sauce ,ut in quarterm. OX.A. wouldthen be in a posi- age iver beaten egg yolk and stir into tionI-to caA-y to our officials, the con- this ,auce­ Cook one minut,e. Serve on sidered 6pinion, of all clas,sesi. Hosl oast. Orre-half cup green peas maY During Easter week thousands of Ken, )o added in Place of green Pepper ' progressive tea,chers, trusteeB and othe Ind Pimiento. � ratepayem met in Toronto. For three TI Cheese Sandwiches -Spanish Style Oa,ys they ddscussed hundreds of prob- was 3 tablespoons chopped onion lems. On Monday evening, April 18tih, an a 2 '4bles�poons butter at Convocation Hall, adidwesses wer�e inje % cup obopped celery given by His Honour, Albert Mat- cer. -- 2 cups canned tomatoes . tbews,, Lieuterrant-Governor of On- cule I tablespoon butter tarlio; W. J. Saltier, B.A., President of stan 1 tablespoon flour the O�E.A., and Dr. Alan Valentine, ents Salt and pepper Pmsideart of the University of Roch- M 12 slices brea4 ester. on Tuesday evening Hon,. L. hav Cheese. � J. Stmpso% M.D., L.L.D., Minister of Pompadour Rice Education, and Dr. Prank OodT, Sup- wiritondent of Public galitools for D- I % cups cooked rim troit, were the principal speakers. On 3 tablespoons f ruit sugar Wednesday evening a great muMcal. Few gmins salt festival wag held at MaeGey HaR. 'Phe I teaspoon vanilla � si-hools of thee, Province provided the. I cup whipping creami UiJent for this occagion. In, the morn- ' Maple syrup. . inps and aftern,coms the Conference Combine rice, sugar, salt and va.n- dlvid,e(l up into t-jenty-severr seectiong ,1.a. Whip cream and Told into rice. ' where dis,cuasims took place. on al- 3toil syrrup 'untfli thick. Coal. Pour most every qu6s,tion pertaining to ed- iyrup over rice mixture in sherbet twation. The 0,E.A. has been ablo ,lasses. Sprinkle with chopped nuts. , to ,pecure rnan,y ontstandting educa- . tionists to assist in tbes,e dis,cussifYns- ------.-*- Among those are in,cluded: Hon. Mrs. Multikids: "Do you use baby Paul Loduc. Minister of Mines; Hon. ,aic on, your cbild.?" P. M. Dewan, Minister of Agriculture; I ' Mrs. Simon Pure: "Never. We Dr, Duncan McArthur, Deputy Minis- ise only the purest English iry speak- ter of Education; Dr. H. F. Munro, ng to WnL" , SupeAntende,rit of Education for Nova I Scotia; Dr. George Rog-er§, Chief T,n- , .. I I . spectior of Secondary Sh-abool's; Dr. ' Amom Inspector of 4Auxiliary Cla-qs- as; Dr. Mariam Brubaker, National I " BEST COROW TH College of Education, Evansville, In- d5ana; Dr. Grace Storm, Ass"t. Profes- lor SEST sor of Education, University I)f Chi, SOW I I ca.go; Dr. Christie, President of the i I -- , Ontario Agricultural College; Dr. ChAs. Boyer, Hospital for Sick Chi]- dren: Dr. C. C. Goldring, Superintend- � But of Toronto Schools; Professor A. B. Macl)(mald, 11ilivemity of Tariorito; . Rabbi Maurice Eisenidratb, Holy Bins- som Syna.gogbe; 'Dr. Peter Sandiford, a College of Education, Tomn-to; Pro - 2 fessor Lididy, Western University; ­ � , - ­ Profeesor MeNoil, (�ueen's UnivIersAty; � . Dr, T. L. Mars,b, Amdemy of Dent- lstry,, Toronto; Profeg-S'Dr Moore, Di- � rector Royal Ontario Musellin of Gain- . togy; Professor Griffl,th Taylor, Dept. I of GeographY, Toronto; C. R. San. . dersou, ' Chief Librarian, Toronto; . Rob I 9rt Stead., Dept. -of NationalPmrks, . I . I I I Ortawa; EL A- Uorbett� Director of . . I'll I '. 11 I., I '1'4 *', �-i��, ���:: FLil,­, �'; �, 1. ��'4�� ',,.�L.�,,.,�,�,,�g,,,, ,&'.' , J �;�!���.�"A'��J �" "' ,,,,�Ui,'i .1 " � . .- 11 I � I �, , e.� ., I , . "", . � ""I, . . 1-11. ,���&%��"�&� .: . . . . . .. Fg. I 1. 1�1-1. 11. � � - I � I I- -I .11"."'J, i'� ....... . ,V�,,­,P �� . ir I .11� "'.. .11, I—, . " '. FA , " '.. �1' " "I .1,11" il'fm ", ,A11141 �,� - I ��;",��,Y`,,'v!�� �� -, � �­, 'np�� 'rp �, ,,, '. "111111 11 � � � � ON' ." '. - W �>�, .., : - , , �m -1 11. . 1�,��i ,, � ';L,�, ­ , 1), "'""S: I 1'� � 'ALUM Y, 1"�� I . I - :�u� .., ., . ; ,I 'Ni 1.1�1 I I I � . P , q : 1, , ,� , , ,"'! . I I , 1� , L ,,�;­,,* ,�, I . I�Zl '. . . A�e ,�,., , I ., �­i - �,,�, , ' ' ., ,4 . �,,, " . � , ... 11" �.',:��- - . �..�.� .... e, Successfi# Earmeft know the waue 4 modern OcWi�,,�.­ - -d�.,­ . "" "!� "I , � " , A�, ,. I .. ­ 1,,�!,;�; , . I ­ - ,':', , .. - , '. ferlilization for flu= grain, hay. vasturia, roo, V*tCI*0,. " �� ,ii. 'so, 11.11�j�,, I , e ,�,.�'111 . .�l.; d, d I d cmd small fnift I 114 .�,.,�,' . I I � :�:�x,�� I CWPO- �: ." , � ��� W, � .., I� � � x", ; e, �.��, . ­ I ... � . L,,. i, ' � . , , 11.11.� "II;, " :. �,;, , �, " ,111 - ' "'1�11 � Phosphate is ci need of fielect-SPAW sowu 9061091 � ':'':"'­, Primc" ..... - , ...:. �, "; -� ..... �­­�M,,­ 1� ' '�V.,,� 4 ' and tests have also sho�im fliat fedd6ed pasture Ian& - - ", 11 ­�%50 '0 " , ".i� % I . . .. . 'I �', �. � . . I I . cx0p. , . . ; I " provide More chaeap, feed ffi(m ciny offier ' ' I � . 1. . � ..... ,W 'I .", � �`c , - �-,�1, , n � ­,L4�y ,,�;��! � I . . . I .. I "I'll Why poty out good money for select seeds and neglect to, - 11�.., 11 '1111 , "I". '� ".."'. 11L,, I I " - Provide the ferHlizer required to ensure a good catch?. � '. 1-11. " ;; �, :'D�,� ; � ;;;;� ,4�., .... I., ....... I � . ..... , . I'll, � 1 � . . This Bank is interested in helping progressive foxmien I I , I .I �,.; , �� -1, . 11 .1 . . . to succeed. If you need money for any worthwhile purpow . 11 I A " ­�' in I discuss L . , "N Call and your pinn-q with our Monagm 1. -;. �,�� �. , I ... I . . . 1-1-11 . , I I . ill A7 -4 � . ��, , � Q . `- ;.., �;A­ � A"A' � I I . I THE I . ��J,Wl I ,��Tj � I 1�v . . 0'', .11 ' . 1 V��Al DOMINION BANK � I I 111. ,�..., ''I ,.11""'1111 � '1871 I . , 11 ;,"', . ., :Ieill � I I I � SEAFORTH BRANCH � . , 1. "'� "I ..... �,Iw � q.5 v I . . ��;,F ., ,ee ,�.� � I ... E. C. Boswell - -' Manager I I .1.1 . lli�, 11 ,�Kl,,. -'- I ,�"S �I ..;...'� I , - -J-1 ..,!� 1 ..5 � . 1� ei I I , , it Education far Canada; Thdru- hydrocarbons active in proodyeinc cane- ,,, 11 I ", I ,;!-,%, .e 11��, I . ,,,� , Mustard and Stanley Watson, co- cer in the skin of mice. it -has been . . . . . . . ", ' ��'�: 4 "" rs of the New Course of Study Found that certain dubricating o9s. I -, ,,;" ' Ontario. notably those found in the north or I "... I - I" r .. ­ " ch a conference with such out- .. England and on the Continent of Eur- � 11 ­ . .. �,, . 1',e . ding per,sonages in attendance ope will cause cancer of the sk3m -We k., I . I. , I , � s well for the educational future Moreover it has been found feast 'I., ... .., , 1� ln,' , ntario. To bring together such ' to remove the cancer -producing ag- ent from these oils and, thus to make, �, ,,.. , 116 L known educationists', to develop :"- ", , great educational parlia.ment-1 to them safe. . 11` il, - If mpt to untify all groupsi,in ,ibis The discoveries just ' referred to L I;`_ � ince, Lis an undertaking that have changed Oe -entire attitude fm .1 _ ...... � i , 1," ks well for the President and the matter of chronic Irritation hi re- .f,l i c -tars of the O.E.A. It is,the hope neer. gard to m It Is now belleveffl.. : 1.tl, 1111 . itizeri in Ontario that this very el that the Irritant simply prepares the . . , - . .,�,e Is convention will he a marked ,way for ,tl1e action of the coutaineil , .�', , ... -, 111. ess and that it will assist in de- special ca.5-i6er-exciting substamze. Bit I ­ . Ping a loyalty to British tradi- by hit, research workers are uncover- . -L ; �. " ' " ; a more practical and progres- Ing the secrets of malignant diffemm !, .,!i - . 0 educational system; a more sym- The best Part of this work is, �thalL ' :",�2, , ,., , etic understanding between teazili, the scientific res,earoh. worker does 11 ,' � !, `:,;,.�! and trustees and in all be a de- dot try to exploit his discovery for .... , d influence in helping to mould a his own betiefit. He gives kt,freelY. - ,'I ­ i ' character in our citizens of to- for the benefit of his fellow-rxien� - I f I Ow. �, Next article "A Word -bo Womelk Q About Cancer' " . . 11� 161 (Readers desiring the complete set ,'� 1� I I of Dr, McCullougib's Cancer articles `�'� ARCINOGENIC AGEM may have same by writing the, Heaftk � ,��4 ,�,,, League of Canada, 105 Bond StreeL J' . I Toronto, Orit.). . . .11 � 1915, two Japanese workers , �, �[ agiwa and IticAikawa, succeeded . 40 . - , - 4 woducing cancer in the skin of I . - " . by painting the skin with tar. Fertilizer Formulas I -111 930'British investigators aen ounc- . " 13mudis of commercial fertilizer in .,�, �i � , hat they bad produced, expeTimen- Cb�naila are expressed by formularle, I � cancer by means of pure hydra- such as 4-8-10 and 5-1-0-5. In eac& ,� "" ,'�',.-- ,,� ones, Hydrocarbons axe com- rds of carbon and hydrogen and case the figures denote in the order . I *11 .� '. ,'� particular one depends ,on the rel- given the guaxanteed percentages, or I '�', e Proportions, of coutatined car- nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and Potash- .1 A �,l and hydrogen. Benzine is,.a by- Thus, in a 4-8-10 mixture there would , ­ � arbon containing equal parts of be four pounds of nixtrogen, isl9ft ,L . � :�11 on and hydrogen. An, example of pounds Of avail -able Phosphoric aciiL. , ­ .."I'Ll tty hydrocarbon Is paraffin. and ten pounds of water-soluble PI aih in every, 100 pounds of the mix- 1.�- 11-�' e investigations carried on in ture. In a. ton naturally, there wavUl I �ii I effort to prodtuce carcinogenic be 20 time, these amounts- - , 11 its read, like �-romawce. Much of 0 eL , work was Aone at the Cancer 'alenry, can you give me a deffint- -.5 I I � , ital in Fulhata Road, London, by don of the word 'gentleman'?," i -'�i. naway, Cook, Mager, Hewett and ..A man who wouldn't clmam of , ;,:`1; rs. . . striking a woman withbis hat On.- . � e first cancer -producing agent . - 7�1'. . . 11.1.11 called 1:2:5:&-dibenzarithirtacene _ , . I I . .1 romatic hydrocarb;6n, whilch when , .:, eted into the body will amuse can, I I IVA ZA KJA .1� ..'Ll Re -arrangement of the mole- 21 . .�� . 11 in this. formidably named sub- . ce, gave other carcinogenic ag- t,Rerwvm ifthinc mridly bi 0 okift, a most eff ecd" Wq;-=V01r = 11. � . , I . I . and other eon troubk& A ramd of 50 yeaft I � ' ore 'recently these Investigators Dr. Chas'4& Ointment 1� 1 . . li% e produced from coal tar, several I . .�i,. � 11 A, t% TO MA tr '04 I 1 9th 01111WHAL I - I I I HARVO SALE I eVent of thC YeMIT21ce adv2ntage I of the present bargain prices of this ten- ` sationg finish that hag aH the beat fea- ... �-A tweg of p2int, enamel and varnish combirwil in i: �' � one easy-to-use product that is equally at.hom "� an wood or metal surfacm One emat emem I Theal for floors, walls and wood- , .1 . ...��. � , � ..". ..,,..� I work. Order your supply NOWI ..'�..--.-.� AvaUable in 30 beautiful colours� - - I" - ... 11-� � . ft C..... ; W.Re Gallo" . . $S -w " $4AD 1� % C.0110-. 3.10 .75 SL35 Quarts. . . LN AO 140 I Pints . . . M " .70 54 plaw. . As .10 .45 , On TRIS 11ALM SATIN FINISH ,hable - SentMuttrous a" vmto . I mu"Iff cowma uprilim " . . � I . 11 , For Sale-Rv J. Bach . I I I T� , � 1. I L" J , . � .. , . . 1. �­ t _ ,,,�, , , 2 � . . �� ", 'I � . I . I . "W-- � .. " .:.. - .1 - , -, , I. '.."! "4 � L . .,t . '. . , I : I .. . . I � ,., .. " I ,.:; , . . , , , . . . I , ., ..,., . I . . . , � ; . .., '..t..,.", 0 � ., -I.A �­& . " ''I " , � � ,,Q,', . , "A. � " "' A ....-11: . , ., � . ,;�;.­- .......... I - W.. I 5 0 ,',*�:.. , ... . �i'�,�'�:- i2��::�$::�,,..%., - - " e ,�r,.�,101:4 �. I . ; ,:�, ) ,Xmful6s�� . � I , -Ox OLO ts-,-..��i . , "'Z..!.q,-,1 .. -�;...X -.1 *;��Z,.-�� �,� ,�� " i�- .!,�� -1.4 j4 '4 . 'h�,', , . .... � � A��Ln �,; ­ �, ­ -1 "'.4 t ,, ,�,,,!: A ; �:.. . - , �- '! . . . .. I ,.� 4'' , ­ ", - , J"t� ... ", "r 1. � I. , X, I I ,,,,, IN § ,,, .�, .. L, iq­,� ,o,N . :�:- ii I I 11 , . ,.�.,, " , ", �jl : - I ,;?V,,,21.*! -X :-".:; f. z��A� 1� :.:�,;­ - " � ­ , --"T. � �,'�� , ,��7,4�Y,'�i,'�N, �.,...�. . .... �8 -777---� " , , ,�,­�t -,1t.'t11.,�,,-k.1 ,,, 1,7�= , , 4�1 ., �� - � .11, I'll , . , I .,i 1� .1 `!�'11 , �,; I, � �;k 1�",w,,��;jf, I I , ­­ ,�4 , ;� L�r� .. .... , I , " " 'k , ­,� . , V� %!�, 1 :Z�� i; ''. � ,."', ��,!�I­ ,;. ,� , " � , " 11, 11 'I" ""IL ".. � , �� - , " , " ��11111,1110100 %4 . . ", " , i i . . . . , , 'kl` ­ ,� ", S14 � I e , if " � ­­ , , ,� . -2� �-161y,'�,fgVl,ltlt � I I , , �1"' . . i", ,4, 1. 11 L �,, arth % . e�� 11, 9, `�-o !WiO I . It 1-1 -11 1, "'. , I IiLV� I ez,T� `0 � �,��,111�e`,� I 1, �� 11 �,­, N" k,-, ,,, � �TJI�o ,.", '�, *,, . I., . , �, , �,i ` )::,� � . I , ; `1.. 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