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The Huron Expositor, 1938-04-22, Page 8
6.a41t'IEL • .11 iA L; -err 23c 19c 25c BOTTLE ��" POr IS'a 1 Bc C SODA -Loose CLEANER -Removes d aR-kind5'Of grease: 256. ilr„lalz BRASS AND SILVER 25c •°u1!i'shr Tim 9c 19c :{d EANUT BUTTER 25c 2 1po L J PBUNES-Choice and meaty, 3 pounds 2 Tins 11D DUTCH CLEANSER 2 Tins rat, CHERRIES 2 Tins 25c 25c J3R1ED PEACHES 19c AYLMER TOMATOES 15c pound elgnat size; 2 Tins 1 (ASTER'S CHICK STARTER is one of the best, and has very few • equals. at .. $3.1 ,e c HAWES' Combination Offer .Don't miss this opportunity to supply your needs at this. Saving: 2 Ib.Tin HAWES' WAX 6 oz. Bottle FURNITURE CREAM Regular value $1.08 ' NEWOr THE .AWN Sermon Seibjects For Next Sunday. --art. Thoinwsf Church; Rector, Dr. Hurford, -11 a.m., "The Easter CSardt- tele"; 7 p.m, "The Doubts of Thomas." Sunday School at 10 a.m. First Presbyterian Church - Rev. Hugh Jarelr, of Red- Deer, Alta., will preach on Sunday, April 24th- Sun- day school at 11 a.m. Congregational meeting on Monday evening, April 25, at $ Northside United( Churoh-Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 10 a.m. - Rev. T. A. Carmichael, minister. 1 -Ib. Tin 43c 3/2 -lb. Tin 23c Pint 59c Quart 98c Glew - Morei-A quiet wedding -took place on Thursday, April 14th, at s UnitedQihurch Manse, McKil- lop, when• Helen -<Ca oline, only daugh- ter of Mr.. and 'Mrs.. Angus More, be- came the bride of John Mention. Glew, eldest song of Mrs, Frank Glew and the late Frank Glew, df Seaforth. Rev. R. W. Craw officiated The bride wore navy bine sheer with. white 2ecesslortes. The, bride and groom left on then honeymoon trip to Chi- cago. On their return the ',young couple will reside at the bride's home in McKillop. Barbara Kirkman Hold Tshankoffer- ing.-Rev. S. D. Wilkie, of Teeswater, ayes the guest speaker at the Easter Thankoffering on Tuesday, April 19, and ars he has just returned from For- mosa where he was assisting in the great missionary work which was starters by Rev. Mackay and carried on by his son, Rev: George Mackay, gave a very splendid story of how the work is carried on there. One mis- sionary hag stated that Formosa will be independent in 20 years, so fast is. the work progressing. Mrs. Munn presided ,and there was a good at- tendance. Mrs. C. M. Smith gave the Scripture lesson and Miss. Edith Day idson read the Glad ;Tidings Prayer. it was decided to hold'••°,the next meet- ing on May 17th., The , offering amounted to over $40. A quartette, consisting of Mrs. J. E.. Daley, Mrs. W. A. Wright, Miss M. P. Patterson and Miss H. Murray, accompanied by Mrs, M. R. Rennie, contributed a sel- ection The meeting closed with a hymn and the benediction by Rev. W iIkie. A long handled FREE Applier with. each qua rt Tin they last while A. C. Routledge PHONE 166 WE SPEC IA L 1 Z E IN FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, CAS- UALTY, GUARANTEE BONDS, ACCIDENT A N D SICKNESS, BURGLARY, WINDSTORM. resenting Companies who give Security with Service. (Also Agents for Ontario Thresh- errnen's Mutual Fire Insurance. Information gladly given. !A number of desirable properties in Seaforth and district for sale. WATSON, & REID _ M. A. REID - Proprietor Phone 214 • Seaforth SPECIALISTS IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 0 o0001(>00 O O S. T. Holmes & Son 0 I© FUNERAL SERVICE O O Main Street, Seaforth 0 O tS O. S. T. Holmes, residence 0 Goderich Street, West; phone 0 0 No. 119-W. Charles Holmes' 0- 0 O residence, Goderich Street, 0 0 East; phonenNo. 308. O Ambulance Service O 0 Adjustable hospital bed for 0 O rent. O O Night calls, Phone 308. 0 O Day calls, Phone, 119-J. 0 O Charges moderate. O 12-87 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 H. C. BOR O O FUNERAL SERVICE 0 Licensed Embalmer O O 0 Ambulance Service 0 O Hospital Bed O '0' with adjustable rachet oper- 0 rep ated spring for rent. O O Night Calls Day Calls 0 O Phone 175. Phone 43. 0 • 12-87 0 0O 0 0 *0000000 «. SOME r,TO SEE'.. "W ITE • .MAGIC in CARDNO'S HALL • -On WED., APRIL 27th at 8 p.m. . Lucky Prizes - Admission Free - UNDER THE AUSPICES OF SEAFORTH BAKERS Reynolds will wear a grown of old rose chigoe, to black French straw hat with rose•dotted veiling, blot:* acces- sories, and a pair of silver foxes. Miss Edith Tudhope, sister of thhe bride- groom, will wear a gown of wine vel- vet, a, black straw hat trimmed with cornflowers, and a black veil, and a corsage of cornflowers and Lily -of -the- a lley, The couple will leave on a wending trip, the bride travelling in a turquoise blue rabbit's wool dress, a beige tweed swagger coat, Parisian hat and accessories. They will reside ,in Toronto." Funeral of David Laidlaw. - Tee. funeral of the late David, Laidlaw, a prominentcontractor and farmer of Wolseley, Saskatchewan, was held from the home of 'his brother-in-law, Mr. Robert McGonigle, North Main Street, Seaforth, on Wednesday af- ternoon, April 20th. The service was conducted by Rev. A.,W. Shepherd, of Egmondvilie C;huroh, followed by in- terment in Maiutlandbank cemetery. While superintending contract work at Grand Bay, Ontario, on April 13th, Mr. Laidlaw was drowned when the snowmobile on which be was riding went throughthe ice on the 1a1W The deceased was born in Tuckersmith township 65 years ago and spent his boyhood there, 'but for many years had been a resident of Wolseley. He is survived by his widow, formerly Miss Mary McGonigle, and a family cf four sons and two daughters: Mise - es. Nelhle and Agnes Laidlaw and •Messrs. George, Wilfred, Harold and David C. Laidlaw, all of the West. Another son was killed in Quebec six years ago. He is also sur- vived by three sisters: Mrs. Robert Doig, Tuckersmith; -Mrs. John Smith. Hallett; Mrs. Grant, Cabri, Sask., and three brothers. William Laidlaw, in Alberta; Robert, of Sacramento, Cali- fornia, and David, of Climax, Sask. THE SECOND DIVISION COU FIT -iCOUMCr OP' $Ultnin I lh► c#•ton Doak nail: ,Pate Inure.Thew Isdt3dt rt y, -t* pan l .tI3 sandman .S,Es rhe. LOCAL BRIEFS Ketreleaet tip nt4 i>!evr OW*. Term to the sgueete f1114 and Dam H. L, • Mr. and, - t r ,PeW Calder and. eves, of St. (atb rives, were Easter guests at the`llo! a of Mr, and Mrs. Adams; Hayn • Mr. 3, M. Hinohley, of Owen Sound, spent the holiday with his mother, Mie, J. D •HinChley. • Misat Jean Govenlock, of Ottawa. isthe guest et Mr and Mrs. W. E. $i•Iuchl eR • Mr, T. R. Muff, of Gtielplh, spent Ffalster at his hemp here. • Msss.'Miltlred Johnston, of Severn Bridge, was a holiday guest at' the home of Mr: and ;Mrs: ;Thomas John- store - • Mrs. Kent audt-family, of Toron- to, oronto, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mns. W. A. Wright. • Mrs. W. 3. Jones, who spent the winter in Kiterhener and Chatham, has returned- to her .home here. • Mr. Donald, Kerslake and Miss Sheppard, of Toronto, spent the week- end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kerslake. • Mr. Nelson;' G yvenloekand daugh- ters, Lois and Joan of Waterford, spent Faster at the home of Mr. and Mrs✓. J. ll11. Gov+emaock- • •Mr_ Percy Hoag, "of Rogersville, is spending the i holidays at his home here. • Miss Mary - 'orne'et, University of Toronto, is spending the holidays at the home of ther parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Forrest, in :Tucker smith. • Mr. and Mrs. McLaren, of Galt; Mr. James Mose, of Walton, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert £parting, of McKi1- 1op, wee@ VkaAtana at the home of Mr, 'and WW': tf. S'hoidice, last week, • Mr. W. Faulkner, of Sarnia, spent Easter at the 'home of his mother, Mrs. F. Faulkner. • Mr. and Mrs. George E. Ferguson and -family, of • Toronto, were the guests of the Misses Ferguson, John Street, over the week -end'- • Mr. and Mrs. )Earl Smith and family, Miss, Gertrude and Mr. Fred Orioh, of Toronto, were Easter guests at the home of Mr. and Mrse. W. A. Crich • Mrs. John Tapp, of Heneall, and son, Dr. John Tapp, of Ottawa, were the guests of Mr. Alex. Gray and daughter, over the-w'eek-end. • Dr. A. L. Hays, of Fort Erie, and Mr. H. Glenn Hays, of Toronto, spent the week -end at the home of their mother, Mrs. James Hays, in, Egmond- v - • Mr. P. 13. Moffat is in Toronto this week attending the O.E.A. con- vention. • Mrs. Alex. McGavin and Miss Lois are visiting with Toronto friends. • Mr. G. A. Sills, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Sills and Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Sills attended the Tudbope-Reynolds wed - cling in Toronto on Monday. • Miss Mary Neville, of Sarnia, was an Easter guest at the home of Mr. acid Mrs. J. M. McMillan. • Miss Mary Holmes, Miss Doro- thy Golding, Miss Rita. Duncan, Miss Helen Hamilton, Miss. Helen McLean ansa Mr. Douglas Stewart, of the Uni- versity of Western Ontario, spent the holidays at their home here. • Mr. Roy Oke, of Grimsby, spent the holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Williarjir Oke. • Miss Mary Jackson, of Acton, and Mr. Louis Jackson, of Woodstock, spent Easli-r with their mother, Mrs. L. C. Jackyoa • Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong, of To- ronto, were Easter guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Sproat. • Mr. and Mrs. Gibson White, of Walkerville, spent 'Easter with this mother, Mrs. M. White. • Miss Shirley Bennett, of Walton, was an Easter guest at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. J. Patterson. • -Mr. Chester Grigg, of Brampton, spent the week -end with friends in town, • Miss Helen Moffat is spending the holidays with Goderich friends. • Mr. Fred J. Welford, of Cordova Mines, is spending the holidays at 1'lre home -of his uncle, Mr. W. T. Thompson_ • Mr. Gordon Rennie, of Sundridge, 'and Mr. Evan Rennie, of Toronto, spent Easter with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rennie. • Mr. and Mrs. Milton Chesney, of Toronto, spent Easter at the home of Mrs. J. R. Habkirk. • Miss E. Smith and Mrs. Reg. Northside W. M. S. Meets. - The regular monthly meeting of the W. M. S. of Nerthaide United Church was held in the school room on Thursday afternoon. A hymn was sung and Mrs. "Laing, the president, led in prayer, and also dedicated a poem to the memory of the members who have paseed away. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted, as rasa a:so the treasurer's report. The Christian Stewardship Secretary gave the amount of the budget for the next quarter. The Temperance Secretary gave some good points on Temper- ance. • The roll call was then taken, and Mrs. Lawson, as captain of Cir - 1,• took charge of the devotional pperiorL The theme was "The Church and the Worldwide Kingdom." Mrs. .'.IcMichael led in prayer, and Mrs. D i-ntoul read the 2413h chapter of Luke. The devotional leaflet was -read by Mrs. Lawsob and the mis- sionary topic, "Why de we believe in home missions and foreign missions." Readings to illustrate the topic were given by Mrs. McMichael, Mrs. Lawr- ence, Mrs. Sillery, Mrs. Lawson, Mrs. J. Carter and Miss M. Somerville, un- der the able leadership of Miss Lawr- ence. A hymn was sung and the meeting was closed by prayer by Miss Law rens. Tudhope - Reynolds., -The Globe and Mail on Monday contained the fol- lowing wedding announcement, of in- terest to many in town and district, as the bride is a granddaughter of MT. Geqrge A- Bilis, of Seaforth, and has many friends here: "A quiet wed- ding for close friends and relatives,_ will take place when Miss Aileen M'arcella Reynolds, . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Reynolds, will be married to Mr. Donald M. Tudhope, son of the lute Mr. and Mrs George H. Tudthopd; iihis morning At 10 o'clock in the Blessed Sacrament Church. Rev. Father Pemnyltegion wild offici- ate and the wedding inusie will be played by Mrs. B. Unser, organist, and Mr. George Reynolds, brother of the bride. Easter Pales and spring flowers will decorate the church. The bride, given in marriage by .iter father," will wear a ••pawn of French blue stiffened marquisette with em- broidered flowers, a circlet of apple bloresoms caught with Frelnoh !blue net veiling, and will carry an arm - bouquet of Butterfly reties and lily -of - the -valley centred with -orshtids. Miss Mary Sheolah Reynolds, (deter of the bride and Maid of honor, will wear a gown of ciliated strawberry stiffened ntarquisette, 'deep rrpse-eaiored slip- »bre, Circle net of matelring veiling 'e tired with apple blossom, aiId will tarry an aeon bouquet of deep reds ros- h0- ndr baby"" breath. Mr. Brute Tud- hope, broth of the bridegroom, ti Itis be'sstm , ait. 'Mr. Th011lasa 011,00 ]l2i .13Or*rd Her• ms•, bro hdr of til fax#m ; vlrj he'Otther&, A redeptien) eta of the hrirle'ar IeY►1 Rard hall; MtaV' 't DANCE in Oddfellows' Hall s`SEAFORTH FRIDAY, APRIL 22nd Under auspices of the Sodality of St, James' Church. Benny Palmer's Orchestra ADMISSION - 50 CENTS 8669-8 WARNING NOTICE ! RE CORN BORER All Corn Growers, whether on the farm or elsewhere; are hereby noti- fied that all corn stubble or other Corn remnants, no 'matter where they may be, ,must either' be plough- ed under completely, or else gath- ered • and burned before May 20th, and that failure to do soy leaves the offender liable to prosecution, or to having to pay the cost of sending men In to do the work. D. CAESAR - Prov. L htomologist ROSS JOHNSON, County Inspector • Mr- Donald Macnab, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stephens and ,famlily, of St. Paul, Minnesota, are guests at the (home of Mr. and Mrs. 3. G. Mullen • Mrs. Harry .Stewart and Miss Mary Stew`s4) are in Montreal. • Mrs. Edgar Lawson and dough - ter, 4 Miss Bernie of Auburn, and Mr. and: Mrs. L. G. Kruse and son, Billy, of Galt, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Finlayson on Good Friday. Mrs. Kruse remained and is spending Fas- ter week with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Sclater. • Easter visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. McNairn were: Mr- J. H. Pellow, of Bay City, and Mr. Leonard Agar, of Toronto. • Dr. Reid Edmunds, of Brantford, spent the holiday with his mother, Mrs. W. G. Edmunds- • Mx. and Mrs. Robert Smith spent the week -end in. Toronto. • Mr- W. H. Pollard., of Sebringville, is spending the holidays with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Pollard, • Miss Gladys' Thompson, of Nia- gara Falls,: and Mir- Herman Lindsay, of Toronto, were holiday guests at the home of Mrs. J. B. Thompson. • Mrs. Davidson, of Newton, and Miss Elsie Davidson; of Denbigh, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Reid. • .Mr. William• Finlayson and chil- dren, of Toronto, are spending the holidays at the home fol his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Finlayson, in luckersmith. i•' ... ." A Mien' RenaMaKenzia, 'IQ1 l'S'tr'at, t ford, is spending the'' OlIdaya with ger• m'ot'her, Mrs, D. McKenzie, • Mr. end Mrs. I . G. Meir sad family spent the weekaend 4n Win(1'- tor, t. • Mrs. Franit Devereaux, Miss Tuan• apd Mr. Francis, Devereaux were in Tennn.to this week. • Miss Louise Case is the guest of Canon '.1a. Appleyard and' Mrs. A.piple• yard in Ham'iltoiu ' • Miss_ _Margaret Drover, •Brussels, and Mies Elsie Drover, Zurich, are spending the holidays with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. WM.. 'Drover. ' • Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Burrows and children, of St (at'barines; Mr. Arthur Burrows, of Toronto; Mr. lawren'ce Sheppherd, of Thorold, and Miss Helen Buchanan, of London, were Easter guests at the Mame of Dr. Burrows. • 'Miss Be.as Grieve, of Chatham, spent Easter at the tome of her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. T. 1VI. Grieve. , • Mr's: J. C. Greig is .spending Eas- ter week in Montreal. • Mrs. G. D. Ferguson and Miss Doris are spending Easter week in Toronto. .• Mr. Frank Hogg, of Woodstock; spent the holiday at his home in Mc- Kihlop. • Miss Buelah Scott, -Victoria Or- der of Nurses, St. Catharines, and Miss Grace Scott, of Kleinburg, are spending Easter week with their .par- ents; Mr, and. Mrs. J. H. Scott. • Miss Evelyn Carmichael, •of Alma College, is spending the holidays at the . home of her. parents, Rev. T. A. and Mrs. Carmichael. • Miss Margaret Finkbeiner, R.N. Mr. W, J. Gulden, of Kitchener, and Mrs.. Enema. Woodley, of Presto;, 'spent Eastern at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Finkbefner, • Mn and Mss- W. Sherwood ands, -Miss Jessie Archibald, of Toronto ; Mr. A. W. Archibald, of London, and Miss Morgan, of Delhi; Miss Alice Archibald, of Wroxeter, and Mr. Frank Archibald, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, were Raster guests• at the home of Mr. and: Mrs. W. R. Arcehbbald in Tuckepsmi•th, • Mr. Fred-' S, Beattie, of Ottawa, spent the Easter helidays with Ills mother, Mrs. Jas- Beattie. • Mr. and MrsL William Som'eryille, of Woodstock, spent the holiday at the home of his sister here. ' • Mrs. S. L. Phillips, of Cleveland, and Mrs. J. K. B. Brown, of Toronto, spegt Easter at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' J. M. Govenlock. • Mrs. G. It Augustine and two ehildren, of Blyth, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Suther- land. • Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stark, of Welland, spent Easter with his mother, Mrs. A. Stark. • Mrs. E. Flynn, of London, was an Easter guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Close. 5 Lawns Rolled Have your lawn rolled with heavy power roller and note tie, difference. SEAFURTH LAWN BOWLING CLUB CALL: ROSS. J. SPROAT - Phone 8 or JOJ4N CU,MM1NG8 - Phone 2119 • Mr. Warren,*milt and daughter, of Detroit, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and liars. Wm. Arent. • Mr. Dawson Reids, of Guelpb, spent the holidays with his mother, Mrs. J. F. Reid. • Mr. and Mrd: Lippert, of Kit- chener, spent the holiday art the shame of Mrs. W. J. Jones- • Mr. and Mr& Henry Weiland, who spent the winter in Toronto, have returned to their home in Egmond- ville. They were accompanied by their son, Mr. Harry Weiland, who spent the week -end there. • Mr. Stewart Geddes, of London, spent the week -end at his home here. • Mr- George Daly, of Toronto, spent the holiday, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. El Daly. • Miss Mary Smith, R.N., of Roches- ter, N.Y., is spending the holidays at her home in MolRillop. • Miss Helen Dickson, of Toronto, is spending the holidays at her home here. • Mrs. M. A. Coombs, of Toronto. and her son, Mr. J. A. Coombs, of London, were the week -end guests of Mrs. E. McMurray, at the Royal Apart- ments. partments. , • Miss Mona Sills, IN., of Detroit, spent the holiday at thehome of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Sills. !A.h�i,N�lKf Po;7ri�ih�S 'Ertl �", �ixM� arta • Miss Margaret Hay and Miss Wilma and Miss Jean McLean spent Easter in Toronto. • Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Little and -son, of Brantford, spent the holiday at the 'home of Mr. Amdrrew Little. • Miss Ria Hills, of Toronto, spent the holidays at the home- of her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. George Hilts, in Egmondville. • Mr. George Bethune left on Sat- urday for Port McNicoll. • Mr, and Mrs- J. A. Brodie, and son-, of Toronto, were holiday guests at • the 'home of Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Beattie. • Mr. C. Eckart, Mr. J. M. Eckart and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Eckart spent the weekend in Chicago with. Rev. Father Michael, who has been ser- iously ill for some time, but who is now convalescing. Mr. C. Eckart re- mained in Detroit to spend a few days with his daughters. • Miss Jean Brodie, of Thedford, is spending the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Brodie, after spending the week with her sister, Miss Annie Brodie, at Kirk- land Lake. • Mr. Charles Dickson, of London, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs: Thos. Dickson. • Mrs. W. H. Logan and Mise Jean Logan, of Teeswater; Miss • Bernice Logan, of London, and Rev. Drum- mond Oswald, of Brigden, were the guests this week of Mrs. Haigh. • Mr. W. A. C. Shepherd and son, • Mr. and Mrs. George Love, of Toronto, were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Scott. . • Mr. Gordon C. Johnston and son, of Perth, were the holiday guess of Mrs. Jean Haigh. , • Mr, Charles Mason, Saskatoon, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Charters, Mill Road. • Mr. and Mrs, John Beattie spent the week -end in Toronto • Miss Alice Devereaux, of Toron- to, spent Easter with her mother,, Mrs. Fragk Devereaux, • Mr. Frank Salla, of St. Michael's College, Toronto, spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Silts. • Miss Dorothy Reinke, of Hamill - ton, and Mr. Ronald Reinke, of To- ronto, spent Easter at the home of their mother, Mrs,' J. C. Reiake.:.. • Mr. and. Mrsg. Charles Clark,' of Ayhm'er, spent the holiday with his mother, Mrs. R. L;, Clark. • Miss Mabel Hildebrandt, Miss Stella Hildebrandt, and Mr. D. A. Kntg'htly, of Kitchener, were the week -end guests • of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hildebrandit, ,, • Mr. and Mae: Robert Reid, of Hamilton, spent tile week -end at the home of has parentts, Mr, and Mss. William Reid. t • • Mises Rose ticfraey, of Toronto, spent Easter at her home here. • • Pr7. W. B..$err, Mrs. Kerr and daughter, of B'uffalb, and) Mr. Howard Kerr and two e1{ldren of Oshawa, spent the week-entd at the home of Min and' Mrs. Janes Kerr. • Miss plizabeth ,1VI:c%:eam, , of To - ionto, spent the -holiday at her home here. • Miss Margaret Smith, of Toronto, Spent Easter at the home of her par mitt, Mr. end MiArk; 'GV', D: Slrittih, • Miss tbhel Mar and Mr. Paw old shay; -: .it- TOO:4% AM Mr. wind Magoisl a1$ ddughter, lir Blyth, spelt' the 1'. eat-er%(1' at the ho �y�ne tot theAr riu ;' M -ltd "r5. Scores of Beautiful HOUSE DRESSES• in Tub .Fast Dimities, Ri-q u• es, Broad -cloth; Prints, Etc. SPECIAL PRICES $1.00 tc $2.25 By all means see them ! ---'-^--tit,• ..•••1111011- • w.4 NOW -SHOWING DISTLAYS. OF FROCKS, COATS, SUITS, HATS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, HANDKER- CHIEFS, NECKWEAR,. CORSETS, LINGERIE,,, ETC. AND RE1V1EMBER : You will 'enjoy what you: get here for you should know :that nowhere - could. you go and get newer styles. or better values than here. • Easterl ime HAILS Appear at, Easter . bedecked in one of ,, our beautiful•. Spring Hats. Never before have we shown so many beautiful Hats and prices - are temptingly low. - MacTAVISH'S of London, were week -end guests of his parents, Rev. A. W. Shepherd and Mrs. Shepherd. • Mt. and Mrs: T. R. Dryden, of Oshawa, were Easter guests at the home of Mrs. Dryden's moths., Mrs. R. S. Evans. • Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hart and, Mrs. J. A. Storey ,spent Easter in Kincardine. • Miss Laura McMillan; of Toron- to, is spending the holidays with her mother, Mrs. W. F. McMillan. • Miss Barbara Beet is spending the holidays with relatives in Bramp- ton. • Mr. and Mrs. W. Harkness and two daughters, of Huntsville, ands Miss Bristow, of Hamilton, were holiday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Frost. • Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Smith and son of Gravenhurst, spent Easter with Mr. Smith's father, Mr. John Smith. • Mr. William Elcoat, who spent th°e winter in Toronto, has returned to his .home here. Miss Elcoat, or 1 Toronto, spent the holiday week with her father. - • Mr. Clifford Trott, pf Bancroft; and Mr. Clarence Trott, of Bayfield, are spending the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trott. • Mir. Charles Hays, of Windsor,. spent Easter at the home of his - mother, Mgrs. R. S. Hays. CROMARTY Mr. Frank Garrett is recuperating. from a recent operation at has par- ental ;home. Mrs. Howard Crich and Mrs. Gifford. Crich are, we are glad to hear, os the way to recovery after their relcen - illnesses. Misses Ethel and Margaret Cole, of Goderich Township, are visiting with. Mir. and Mrs. E. Crich. A THREE -ACT COMEDY DON'T DARKEN MY DOOR " will be presented by the Y. P. S. of Durham, under the auspices of First Presbyterian Church Choir, Seaforth, in _CARDNO'S HALL, Friday, April 29th at 8.15 pm. ADMISSION 25 CENTS SANTA CLARA•CHOiCE PRUN.ES 240-50:s Large . 9 Meaty Its, BREAD FLOUR. 98 -Ib. Bag when Packed $3.49 $3.69 GUARANTEED CH®ICE FRUITS NAVEL Med. Oranges Doz. .15 Grapefruit 5-25 NEW Cabbage lb. 5 COOKING Apples 6 a MEATS BOLOGNA ' 15o let• BACON 336 'Ib. "B1fb'� BlimilPirr+�_ Branch ...... Seaafirth Manlier -ppione 114 PIMA • QUALITY SERVICE GLASSCO'S .PURE ORANGE MARMALADE. °z. jY NItE SATIN MAO .Flour ' Z air .Ali 5 CHASES SANRORN COFFEE \( DATED nag,36 PINEAPPLE JUICE 11-1:7-11-1:7-. 0 CATELUI'S SPAGHETTI - It- 10 AUNT DINAH .MOLASSES OLD COLONY PURE MAPLE SYHUP i6 -oz. AUNT JEMIMA FLOUR FOR PANcAI.ES • PHONE Olt DROP 1106 YOUR. f 11/2,i 1. Torsrt . BOTH FOR EFFECTWE APRIES L 181'H 10 23110 • ,L;'TF.L ri 4p 1 ui! t„ r'f 11 {i,il siiiJll