HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-03-18, Page 3_,� : , . I ,
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I piea-61�:Q Mr."Wi.-R. lt�fjldhlis appk- . where Presented and Q,Xplallied Ixy -the Prime Ptpii.160,13 I 11 ... S�4110. e. I L . . '', �. ..
m4emft, VMS tound 1ying On t4e floor the'desirability of abstaAning fmm'the Mluibter,- it deals With the general' YAW1014y" a go lit go, :j $unda,y, - March 2011'a.lm, .JW tj!'. ... 666
1n. her use -of. liquor as a beverage was. tim quostion of tk,D. ex of el,ectrIcal i4nd. haul-11141ted, Q,hur4h _ , , ,r:
ineefty morning I The, Initiation was energy. The Bill is taAgpded'to b&.'a ,.even run up qua dowii staire .Hjs Comes TO. . I
. I Mrs. John, Ben"t and Mi*. , Earl .general law which trans%ers the right -ftlends martal -wi,ty it1e. he�- ers; 7, ft &K I. W L -
Brown. Dr. McLandrpsa wa6 �aits&! intripitucirbus sad general felicitations. to Issue a license for Me expert of alert, and, never ii,eleilistleso haM Baptist -0hureh; 10, -it. J, Deach,. ' L I
,rign There were ffeteraA amateur eloeu- power ,ftom the '�Oabinet ,to Portia. w ' .. .
d said that Mrs. Detwelfier bad -tak- a7v tells then the reawn: 'My .reg- man, MA I ".' .'. - I I
,en a paralytic. stroke and that Obq� gonlAs as wen as mau7, musiciam In ment. I ular daily dose,of Krusobien S*Its Ili :Mondary, March -21i,-11 a.m., f. Clip- . - � ,r�if,'�'�:��."
. . the,member�shdp. , George Scott, the The Priane Minister spoke' for two my first'cup of -tea every mofnlng1:1 ngs?"- 12.45 p.m., Royol !Dhefs: &So, I - ,
. chell Advocate. . - , barber, yvast responsible for many and On's'jilalf hours, and', as, usual —(Mrs.) A. J., W. - . BIWhdq Carnliva; 5.�5. Jimmy. and qg'fo ,.��m_g'q 11"' ItIt, ", _-1 ,
. � . amusing the whole Most people grow old long before Bob. - .., . I 11 � V E�' V" I
.. Bafseball Club Name Officers I f . Originally a,, holl pointer and problem and laid ,hds foundation for their time because the�r neglect one "" Tues,day, March 2?�-11.15 &nL, in. � Ir., I .1�, ",
.. ' d0conitor, the- became an expert ton- the action now taken by thb Govern- vibpl need of bvaltb�-.ae need for iar than Siprenader; I P.M. QuakerTimes; I . .. L k�,�') I I
An enthusiastle meeting of the social. artist. As a sideliner, he could rutput. I . ternal clea"-new. Weatually they 7.30, Adventure pound. , . . .1 11 � N '4'�. � V,
Nftjl�a&. Basebal Club was held on draw 4 cartoon, slng,a song or act a He again reviewed rthet situatiolL start the .. heal -thy Krusichen babit. Wednesday, March 13--12.45 P -M4 ' ,,,r �:!'t" . , "I'll", ,It . . . . � 111
M, Tuesday night in the council cham; comic sketch in a manyier to co' J, L , Plan iwXffie W I A i i, ..
Then, Probably for the first time in Royal Chiefs; 5,45, � _. yeg ,,,,,. A ��
bore... ..The following officem 'were roars of laughter. Under the pen Provincial Governments and, -pointe4, their, lives, they start getting rid J 'the: , �eoi I I I'M ,
elected: President, J. -A. Crawford; name of "GrogaW' he contributed opt itbat the Cabinet had two, a,pplica, ery day of all waste matte� from the Thursday, Varch 24-1 p -m., Quak- ferfika&m aud the T=4�y Of -th , ,[..", �
Instead of being eillogged the er Tunes; 5.30, Birthday CaT41vaj. ood 4 , I ��", � I 4""ArD AA IR
Ist vice-pres.; John, Reavite; 2nd- vice- many amusing articles to the columns, tIons before them long before Mr. systmM I I Success " I 2111.
_� A ch0rus,frequently heard at tem- in each,case,t,be applicanto Were,told stead -of liver and kidneys being slugw - Yo= pX00eirly If , - , � 911
T. H. Gibsom The president and the perance gatherings ,still. lingers in, th - .., .,V , , ,
11 ft
e, that the matter would be referre4,. to gish they as" active and, efficient. k6gis tere'd ovGovernimen' t,Tes tod seed� S" 15 121 . I I I
- .� Parliament when it assembled.. Mr. Now, healthy blood goes coursing .1 ,._,"-L_'. -.'�."L,:,:tJg" 11
delegates to the Bruce. League 'an- Drink water, pure water, . strength and ei ' I See our Brcmch Manager if you need nwp ,10,pc �
. inual mleeting. A meeting Will be Drink weterpure and bright; the Hom H. H. - StiBiVena, the Hom R. the bodyL . L Wasn't All Hell a proMable Mme =. _. I !:�,,,�,,�,,%,,�,�-,i;,'�,�,,,�F",�l,'�"",�,' e,
held shortly when committees will be Por there,si nothing so good B. Bennett and Iron. Earle Rowe. Mr. I I � 11 , . � . �. , 1. . i'," ,�.',�,.g,,
. King was the ,only one to speak 'on (Prank Smith in Coronet) t�, 1. .
pointed, and -plans- for ,the season will "or sweet aa the sparkling water. 'the -Government side. The discussion . � � . I � . :, - T RE I "I �:'.' ,;,r" ��,
I In spite w3f its fratricidal strife, the " JW.. �,;,�, ' �.� "�Jtf#, W
. . I . . . was not ended- at 11 P,m., as Mr. Mae- Ing, July 1, 1937. Th4s"fleld staff visit- Americap (Xvil War Illad, very often, ; I .,:�111111
Shot At Grand Bend . it . I . . ed each co-operatoti to assist in keep- friendl -terludw. During intervals DOMINION 'JRAM �., I"
, ward bound around ,the midnight y in . � ,,, . -.'
. A Sharp clash "curred. be;tWe�B4 the, In between (battles fc, linWauc I he . I I . 110 . .. . �� ,
I boar, ProbablyLihaving been belated by H,011. Earle Ro*4 . g the r�eeords, and, again, at the year , r e, ' t . � 4BLISHM . . �� . � , � i ", "
-in Holt, 19, formerly Haz- ,_ P IV 'eindt, to obeick all details and to make pickets .of one side made acquaintanc- . . , ,
V at Petrolla, the, sure that the accounts were complete. es with soldiers at enemy outposts � . I I. L L. � I..... , "
el Merriotte, Was accidently killed rded along Main Street, out of' the otb' I. . . . . .;, ,:,,,,,
last Priday at her home nlealr Grand er night Mr P �#owe had said' that Eight&undred eomlgeted farm. ac- that blossomed, into life,time friend. ' ' ," ,,,,�
stilly night, sudde�'Iy and mVAerIO11s- after Mr Hepbutif' . 'MA 'FORTH * 13RANIC-H ' I . ':,L .�,�,�,_,:
Bend when a revolver in the -hands ly, ,. "Came to Ottawa In '�ounts have been received at the 011- Ships after the War; and it was re- . . � " �, ii�."�,.�"'�"
mrupd,�,, wa office, �Ind a 1 representative garded as had form to L Shoot I . ., I - ,;, g, ` 11,
, - up 'of completed account records Picket stationed in an exposed, s,pot. I ,14=ger ��, " �'�, �
,chaaigeid� After the -police investigatii. something startling hi pursuit. The and referred the matteIr to 'Parlia, hkis been secured from Practically ev- . During ,the long siege of Vlekaburg, . 1, ;, I I I 7,;.. 1., I I "' . �_.'.''.L_�
dental death. 0oroner Dr.".. , O"u"u.".."g threat wbs, successfully ment. Mr. King, of course, showed ,ery county Of Old, Ontario, along with there were .frequent truces, 60 that I . 1. I I I . . � 1�:_W
Exeter, said an inquest would not be tbat such a statement was absolutely several records from Producers who soldiers might pick bla4kber'nes be- . . . .. , .. I
necessary L . Mr. and, Mrs. Holt were dered 'harmlessly by. untrue, and if 'Mr. Rowe !had not sell to the whole milk mairkets -of tween the trendiest — they were the 'On Experimental Station, Svdft. Car- Ili,
to ob- It transpirted, that; some of the boys, L i aken to cover -he would now be in Northern Ontario' towns and cities. best cureof diarrohea, the -most , _ rent, Sask., show that air *es
. #repaxing to go to Grand Bend Who badn't as yet taken the pledge, t lie Legi Lire. TIle field staff began to collect re, - mon army ailment. And. from seven to ten pounds, =
Cain yarni to finish a sweater. Mrs. one day, in pen, ��
had been, .regaling in a quiet noolc at In his address Mr. Rowe end-vor,ed cord's in July, 1937, and completed, the the -midst of potshooting, -a private of upon, type of foo,tin& and , as much I ,,,,.��j, 0
Ifolt was ful,ly-d ed, and was seat- the farther end of the long platform to retallate by reminding ,the Prime t"k in January, 1938; the 11th Wisconsin announced: "I'm "beel I - �,
- ed holding her two-year-old baby when wthich ran alongside Oliver Wilson's weight asi possible onithe drive w t,�14 �.
she asked -her busband to get a sani. . . Minister that he, too, had found dif- The fnxm account records which going out to shake bonds with them 1`11� iy, �.. 1-
m9chinery' warehouse. The street at ficulty in being -elected, in various rid- have 'been asseMbled, provide detail- Reba." He -clambered out of his, 'd6creased tire wear due to reduction . ,�� �L� - -�
I ple of yarn from the drawer. Notle- this point had a down, grade. The iliks. 1�pwever, ,he did conceded that ed in -formation relative to milk pro- trench, and 'out came a Johnny R,b_ ,of d,nve wiheAAislippage� ir":5- � �
ing the Old revolver,. the thusband be- sidewalks were mfada* of two-inch tIle - . I in 11 �!,,:,., �
gan to exa,mine it. He emptied the Planks, laid crosswise. These Planks Ills StQ4qpaents �dtrlbuted. to, him in duction costs, along with a complete to meet him; a moment later hant, Cast iron Wheel weights, as sup- -_ �� .�'.� �'�L ' I
' -the side- sPee6h in Petroha were not cor. -red Piled, are expensive and at least two 9 � � I I " �,�..._, �,._',.�: I.
magazine and cartridges on statement concerning the recteiptsand d -8 of soldiers from pach side were . 1, " A
'board but forgot. about the sbeli in e(A, as he bad been misquoted- expenses of -the whole farm, business. Shaking hands, talking about the mis- pairs am -required for minimum r,-- I 11., 4i
was in a degree like unto the cordu- ' .Mr. Bennett charged that the Gov- It willbe possible, for this reason, to iiakes of their generals, and, compar-'sults. Recent tests tut the above Sta- all metal parts of the valve are t9 ��_.�, �
the barrel. Jack Holt, brother of the roy road which, at an earlier period I I. �a �
He . arnment was evading this issue by prepare a -report concerning -milk pro- ing their sweethearts? photographs. tion indicate that water and commer- chrome nickel .u' '�,�V�r,i
,was lying, and A
'busband -Zwly escaped injury. linidged. the swarnp, between Seaforth permitting a Private hill which will duction costs in all localities and for After a Aime, a iJni,Dn general appear- cial. calcium chloride put into the from the use'Of this solutiom . , I 'i' :1 i'.
on the couch, readdrig, and, Eg,mondiville. The street lights: later be introdubed to deal with par- all types of markets and, also, to Pre- ed, scolded both sides, ardered them drive wheel dres will give a more Because of the advantage la eoW*, . 1�1_' '
- the bullet milssedbirn by inches. Sur-
� iviydnig Mrs. Holt are, her husband, the were coal oil lamps. These lights ticular applications' for license. Mr. sent a full, statement, relative to th,P back to their little pits, and potshoot. satisfactory weight with less shppage drawbar efficiency and riding comfort I I
two-year-old daughte�r,Alnla, and her were none too plentiful, but wben'yoll Lapointe claimed, that the method §ug- su�ccess or otherwise, of ,the Whole tug began once more. and --better riddmg quality than the tbe Use of Watdr and' 4ealt chliorldot. 11 1. t
passed cine you could see the next i- .
Mr. and Mrs. ARken Mar Stied was bbe only democratic meth- dairy farming business on each fam. , Wben for a lang time the Rapidan - in tractor tires; is highly, reconmtev&. 1�
riotte.—Zurich Herald. glimmebing in the distance. It wa8' od to deal with mattem of tbis km-cl. The fairint management phases -of the and Rappahannock rivers in Virginia A solution of out 30 per cent. e(L .. - _� �� I �11 1, I
. study wilk.provide information relat- were the dividing line between oppos- commercial chloride wdil ,produce a I I .19 I
Successful Carnival I . ing to -production yi -0 ,,4s�, I'll,
ng army outposts, there were regular weigbt of 460 pounds in a 12.g5 x �8 1 ,�i��!,,�, ,�
beer. This beverage, from a purebase, ' will b� -particularly valuable.as ail aid I I . ,.� 1�
Way standpoint, was comparatively ille-x- � Friday, March truces duirling which bundreds, of inch -tire and will give a-40 degree be- . I ":,��,!,. 1.
Exetertis Ice carnival la.'st'Tue � 11 to datiyme4, in increasing the net rev- naked Yanks'and Rebs bathed to- low zero protection against' freeming. Legfractured I ,� ILL 15.
might was a gTeat success in, spite of the contalver retumed. On thp occa- To -day was not a conspicuous day enue .of their farms. gether. . _. This is a very Important considera, Mls� Hottie sweet is in St. Jos"Wa . 10 �,
mild, weather. The special event of . . I . 1. I I., I?.
- sion, ,the group had dTained the House, biA, .bh.e odd high -spot ... Soutdierin officers took special prid-a tion for any tractor rtire owner in Hospital, Lond,ou ,;�, ..��
the evening was, an. exhibition of fan- Pe keg ',11 -0 , , -having . ". j�. �
and were about to disperse when this appeared, notably at the endi about I . in the conduct of tbej�'troops during Western Can94ft as it is generany both bones of her �,� -A
. cy skating -by Misq Patricia, Manuel, . leg when .afte OUV- I i � 1''.
belated pedestrian appeared. Know- the padlock ,law. their rare inva.0,011145 of enemy terri- necessary to Opp -rate the tractor dur- ped on -an icy ,street in the city am , '�,",�., �
;known professional- i 0",
- iritternationalily ing full well.where we bad, spent the Arresting events in. Europe and Reforestation .tory. When, Pickett's division was ing freezing weather in the spring Momday..,-Exeber Times_Adv0da,t&. ".A ,
skater The funmaker of the night � .11,11, ,.:
' marching thilough ... a, little Pen,nsyl- and fall as well as store the tractor, . . _
I ' evening, the boys did some quick What they may -presage were an, eager I I � . :; .
I I ,�I_ was a hockey game thinking andi 'launched, the empty thf=e of lobby gossip. Queries about Planting or Natural, Reproduction vandia town on the way to Gettysburg, With water in the tires, dunng severe . - I 1.- I �
football, and with brooms between � two hooze bar�rel down the incline. The the -latest war news were persistent a little gint ran out On tbe porch, of cold wearther. This anti -freeze pro- � '. r� I.,
ElinwdIle, girls' teams. Queen of the -(By L .C. Marritt) ber bome and waved a Union flag in tection may he secured at a cost of '1111
I joke, however, was too, good to keep. and was said -to be strongly reminis- ., ,�,,1�11
carnival, Mrs. IT. Pell, of Ehinville; the Confederates' faces. Genteral'Pick- 51/2 cents per pound for 138 pounds ". - � , "',
cent of the days wben the World War There has been an intense int,erest ' , I ;11� -
et,t ddpped, his hat in salute and each of CaJ,cium. chloride, or $7.59 for each ' r-�,,`1`42 .
oldest, skating couple, Mrs. B. W. F. There were several lodges of the was on, and Wildest reportz were of in consen�ation and feftafestation the man lit ,the long une� fbno;v�d suit 12.75 - 28 inch tire, and -with 32% ,,�, '' �:" � .
Beavers and Hkibeirt Jones. — Zurich Independent Order of Good Templars daily oc,currence.. Those in touch past two years in. Southern Ontario. '4� _'_�
. gallons of water, making a total of el,t'�
Herald.. in the vicini:�y of Sea,fortb. The lodges with BrItiA sources are inclined not It IS realized by maily thinking people o- I i, I
at Seaforth, Clint -on, Mitchell and Win- , 460 pounds, per tire, costs less than . . . . . . . . .
, 'Stacey pros. To Come To Mitchell 'o minimize the potentialities of yes- that too.great a Percentage of the . ��J�_.. ..,- �"L*�!'L �. "
throp, all. within easy dTilving distance terday's coup. one cast iron wheel weight of only 'LT" " . ., ,
handt-has been cleared in tbe'fine-ag- Water As Weight"in 140 to 150 pounds. �,.� �
I Messrs. Stacey Bros., of Willow in horse and buggy days, frequently The British Cabinet in special Ses- ri-cultural sections and there are many Nervous- reaxs�*_ -
sGrove_ have visited each other, and, many a jolly pion increases t feeling of sus'Pli- thousan,ds acres of �ub-marginal lands Thjsg�61iition in the ti(res to the . . 1. . .'�,_ '
evening was the result of these Farm Tractor Tires . Fear,' worry, anxie I .
blacksaigth shop and bbe lots which- . fra� ,Aon of what is to come. A signi . thriee-quarters full mark with seven tUrob yea, of. �� I
ternal. visits. ficant thaA are growing Practically nothing , 1
L The increased use of pneumatic pounds of air pressure has reduced resit and, sleep and . , .11,
J-)OUndi it on �pither,sjde. It ip ,the ia- The Winthrop lodge bad' very warm statement made by the British War of value, but fair financial returns Chase's Nerve Food wffl rtainw .. I 11
.1.. Sf-cretary on Thursday indicated tbat rubber tires for farm tractors during the "bounce" on, rough ground and -
tention. of Stacey Bros- to move their supporters in the Govenlock family. would be received if -trees,'were- e k Ilealth, I ��.,�j�;
'Willow Grove Creamery plant to Tdiese -lodges n1f,sses of British troops would not ing. Much of this poor land has to Dhe pwstt five years would, Indicate increased the tractAou where it was =Xconfidence. AJseitto4WV. - ..: ,9,?,
Mitchell; where they -ill be more ain be sent -to foreign battlefields. be plarlte�d as bberie are no seed- trees. that thlo form Of wheet equipment most,needed. Rubber companies en- . -&.%�
Scott Act caml has met with reasonable success in ,dorse bhe use of calcium chJoride so- I Dr. Chwo's . V,
,tcentrally located. A large rnod,ern Prime Minister Mackenzie King said Floods are liable to occur on many �, r6
in 1894, That was a Illot. fight! The when the defence estimates were up, of the rivers and creeks, wells and the prainie region of Wes4ern Call- lution In contact witb the,rubber -tires, N LP R V E - r 0 0 Im 1 �,K4
�creaanerypl�ant will be erected, OTL the temperance forces were not always "WeTe war to come on suddenly, I Springs go dry, and winds have an op- ada. Tests conducted at the Domin- since it has a Preservative effect. As :�'-'�R,,
-site just Purchase& The land, secur- to defenders . Q I . . - � :�;�;
ed has a frontage of approximately 6if the liquor liceniAng, system, and think we would find thE�t conditions en sweep, thus making It more diffi- � ".1,
two bundted feet, the depth. of which many -an anti-probibition speaker -had OF woild conflict would be so differ- cult to grow agricultural crops. ,,, . I I . 1:,�',S.i
reaches to the banks of the river. The enL, that any action of sending exped�i- Reforestation is -a 111peessity in On- . . !". 1.
� a rough passage at public meetings. .."
late John E. Stacey, father of, the . tionary forces from one country to tario. The method- and the agency . . - .1 I t4l,
The tempte.rance act was ciaxned by a another Would -occasion a good deal that obould do ,the work should be dle-� , ,f%, �
present owners, started the Fair majority, but the .enforzing of more than. a second. thoup'llt-11 How- tiermined. Many think otily 'of Plant- : .;",
at Willow Grove fority-threet years ago I:, � �
prohibition proved 4dif4cult, and at ever, the present , L '.1 D,� �
mud on his death seventeen years ago ,situation is serious ing when r6t-foreStaitiou' is mentioned. I ."�" � �;
Ibis two �sons, Norman. and Howard, the expirati-on of the time limit the -and there naturally is niuch'specula, ThEly ,do not realize that i-eforesta- . I 1',.,!�,
,_ Act was repealed by an adverse vote tion as to what is to c0iue� next. - tion includes, natural reproduction. An . I , L, 40 �
took over the business,Mitchell A 11,7,
equally as emphatie as Niat- by Which In libe House to -d -Ay the chairman area can, he reforeSted naturally if , I �10 iv,
. of last year's special committee On there are trees growing on oi- aAjac- . A0 A0 .*# � i�, I T.'.;,","��
This ,rallying chorrus was, frequent- impl��nent prices, submitted the re- ent to the area that is to be reforest- - - �,, lr!�
ly beapdl at campaign meetings: port Of th-e-oommittee and asked, for ed. Tree seeds ripenon this- tree and I . I � �7.. �%
concurrence in the report. faI4 to the ground. Some pf the" ; ��,,i.
Corrie boys, hurrah! The Soldiers' Settlement Act, with germinate and a small tree has start- I ""', q
I . Come, join our glorious fray; tbe proposed amendtaent, shaves tile ed to grow. It will grow into a large I . i �.���
Wie'll hoist our flag �, I interest on these loans to 5 Per cerit; tree if It is protected from -stock and ,.. . L -11- ;,`
, ��.*; And on to victory, . � some thought It Should be four. This fire, and if it survives thecOmpetition . . L I "ff4,�,
: V I matter wag discussed of other trees. o
. I Ik a . i?i _.,.� � . ar's estimates. In the private mem- The cost ,of reforestation by natur& - Ill " � ".�,--
I .i�.--..�-...ii!.; : By sustUdelously inclined individuals, hers' hour from 8 to 9 o'clock, Tom is neglighlie when compared- to plant- ,
. ;��i% - Reid again discussed the freigh tug. � The cost to tibe former is th'e 'j"
I temperance lodiges were dubbed upark t rates %'ti:i
, �W-.-,.i�--,l tug schools. Some, of the sisters, may to British Columbia. This is an an- .1 t I
. ,�,;��.:��:.�.:;::;,: ..., when askea, "Why did you.come to aon;qerned; every year his pr-1vatebill and -other nursery and planting costs. I a -INCH W. 0 . i,j�i'L
. - . -1 111 has been ,talked out Or otb s d - Another advantage of natural seeding 1. 3 1 10,1
i - .. I came to -be went wltb�but I ain't posed of. is that it is more sure. This isi es- "".
4 CHILDREN of ail ages yet! " At. the close of the day the Q-ue- r ,,t...��t�,;; I
I thrive on "CROWN True some of the sisters and bro will stairt and grow well on shallow PRICED" CAR'*.. AND - ,..�,,,;,
bee padlock law was, the subject of ,:J"L"�"I"
-theTs, matrim6bially InclIfied, grew soils, while it is very dtifficult-,to st�: � �
11 BRAND" CORN SYRUP. to much discussion and, it would appear '7�1�,V
. 4DUs flavor and it really is so� trees require fairly close spacing (34 " � - . _.. .'- ,1*21�
,;good for them—so give the We are aware, ail of these contract- feet) abd the cost of.planting at this ,_
,,children "CRQWN BRAND" In .the ,absence of Honourable J. C. spaclilg is very higib. AND THROUGH! ,.I:. �:�.::: - I n"'I",
_ tug couples lived, -happily ever after. r,l)iott, PoStinasteL 1. �..ii�-%, ; ;... '
ievery day. , . r General, the Hon- An advantage of planting over na- . � 7
Leadinf: physicians. pro-' ourable W. D. Euler was piloting the taral reproduction is that only valu- NEW HUDSON 112 ' I � , "
. mounce !CROWN BRAND" post office estimates through the able speciesmay be gmwn, while the ' ,��,�� �
. House. Mr. Brooks (Cops., Now valuable and weed �peclres grow in * $ ..:.--. i....... . I I .�
resist Brunswiek) was veryionxio,ug to know the woddis tlla� Teproduces, from seed. :."-:,:4� _'. ,,� V
sis a milk modifier in the I how many dismissals of postriiVv.ters The reproductioni of the valuable 875*50 1. :. '�X
i .-gv ;...�:.,.::-!;-.X.:k; -11,1"',
._,-.".,N:N'1;?-,;� L
feeding of tiny infants and " safe bp't that no member ever regre , � ..�j-',-'.*.��,'..,'%, ,
t- bad, taken place since this Govern- species In a Woods can be secured by .1 .-,��..',X ... ,n:l,i��-';�.,. .. 1-111V
.1 I mony of the I.O.G.T., ,or failed to Pro- The figures wer� given and it is thig"more valuable to seed up the op- I . . . . .- �, r, . ��,, ; I
�ENIERGY' I I ,Some years ago we badl occasion to ince, of Ontatio 6n.,Iy three disindsaalts *HUDSON Six . . . . . $1133 gad up - - - . � L , ��".'�'�, ,,��'
I.. .. . pass alorig .the ,street past ,the- old have been made, and In a similar iyer Many tree seeds fell and . were , .... . "', 11,
�. % lodge building. 'it bad apparently lod undet'the Conservatives the num- blown around lt�st fall and) during the , *HUDSON Eight . . . . $1M and 4 OPP ;. . I. *, 1"'11
succumbed to the craze ' winter. Other species will have geed , IoV V. I
. ber Is very large.. ripening ln� early summer. Many of � I at T11bivy, OnUdo. Full catalogue equipment lq- I I --- -C.ARS ,,;,:_t�_
., those seeds will germInate and they 1. cluded,. Lo"I deliverod prict determined by adding L ,, A"I"W"",
- ... .." it ,is, well, for the church to urge of the Opposition, members. would7 grow Into trees if the field is defkwvchargts,whichinefe&F.edmfgnes,frolOt, AVARA110 to' , "'."._
action along temperance lines., '"Ail , protected� from fire and stock I., , , .� i. '. __ I -
. CNIADA MARCH I., ... � he e*Uxuated W the Brewing Industry �' . woodland on ibe farm, should plan, to � , ,� I ,
L I Carried on jointly by the Economic- even " acre of wo6dland will ,help I 11 . �, �� ,,, A�91,
WE REM"R 1019" HORSES AND CATTLE Agri,cult,,Q Coliege, Guelph., the tecb- in springs and Wells, - ILVAUFA1211-03ZE06FATI.M 0 ZME427."P 6�1111111 0 1 11 A -1 � I '?,,�'A.`,
� �� I t, - Call us for prompt seMee. and Milk Cost Project Is - brelvig pro,i -0 I . . . .. , , I'll.., LLL i, ,,, `V 4
.. - I k 1U
I 4
I "' ],,,III Z �
I - � , I
I �
� I '. I.,----- � study 'Was initiated by the organized A golfer had lost his hall, was fn� C r '09H ' ..", _'L!;"�11'1.Vi,`+%i1 �,�,`.''�,,�,!'J 1"n"N �'�,;,
, .1 . L: i W�i'1'141R I
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. 'P " .01JJ 'or I , ill � , "';,�", ��
' , I ,6 &%* , %�, I I ,
1%. 0 4 J "' 0 o 0EAVORTH 15 milk -producers of Ontario and was, 'elined to be annoyed with, his eaddy: _. )� I ,
" ado possible -by" the co�operauon%of -an OR Rh �', . ensa 11 '" ,�_
Golfer ( gn :1 .. I . 'r - ,� V, -4 �`,�LL"�,.
11 I- .- .1.. I ' I I ;.
. 1,673 fai"aaft located in all the Agri watch where It wentlll' � '� Digbributorg . I �1��j�,��,,gi,
� la=A% I I I . . . I ' bNTAX10 � fatmors I .:**.,� a- .."'. .11 ..�.t�,; , 1 §41 A %3- `,!,�,