HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-03-18, Page 2� , , I �,��:,��-.��,.�7 . � � 1 '14A " ": . . . 1 ., ..�,� 1�� � "' -- �J" P , i ­ � , .11 �i!�,­ . ", _ I . ., ., "I I , ­ I'll, . I , � - J �,,F,'!�,;d��!,`�.��,� � h*M 'f�� �� . �:�!�� ,,�',,��",'�P�'i�"' i"�J-:',,x,,' , i I i il _1 ."4,11, III, �1:1,:�,� �.,*,.,(�� � ; I . %.' . � � '. , " '' � � , �, "'I'-1 ".­ , , �­�� , i V11,�1;;1. ,;,� ", ��6 , � J'1� .. .1. � 11, �',,';��"�t��,,',�.."��:�"'�i)�",�,�f,,..� , ,�, �,�.A:l . 11 ., ', t I , " I � , ;:� �Y�',- .'I ;01.T,F,AN � ,�."�N!,! ,,4�, """', "' 1,.',,%,� ,i'�q,,�,� """ , ," " 7 " . . � , ,. t'� ;1 i�'�,;�'11�1, � , 44;,,.-,'7..7,,1,,� , 1� _ . � , � -7 1� I �; ,� : , :1 �, , I , . � , , . ; 1: � I I '' , - " '�,!, 0, , ..""'.., � i ; � I . 1, ., . .. ... I 11 . I I I , I'll, ;� i.� , . . i 1. 1� I . . ... . , ':�­,­.� �..`_,�', ,. , .. 7 �. �': , . I � I * " , , �­1�414 � - � . 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I I - ­ . . _ �_ i " � � i�pg,�.,,� �r,�,�!"Ib ;..1�1­11 I.. iiw',11 I . � 'V�,�,',�#'Ptgg , :­ 01r, it of -0olor. h . ", - , , , � , , 11 "' - . , I -, k"N1,111.1 11 . � * �k ;, I _� - � W . I " .0 ­ F "' ;,. ji ., �., 4 . . � I I � I . . . - � .. -."".,,�I�.1'1511'il'f 1, li'1'1'1� � -'� $0 ,�, . I .. ��, S Ago 10 -'u"i'" ' 'a wfl-, Se . . . 1. ti -1%,,. I '11'11��'G -u V,;; ."; I., 0'. 2,111 , J� , �, more huposing, a�hdl . 'O I 14 I , ,� , _ , i ','��, . � r�o, are country t e e M) . 0 ii 0,1 --h T ­ "if L i4l 1*1 '. . . 1111K,11"i , tr4L ,torge ' y . r . - 11 V� t ir. *o , I 11 '" , I ��. 1. ,., P .., , 0, , '. 1. , .... ­ . ,� e; . jlnt� ,�­ - - , � I.. � 7 , fid" i,"t i�n;' Vj R tkox � . " . �., I :: , 1-1 , IN, , ,, W,14-'. ;we Of 'every, . ,The.,,pa§�, I'�i�,���,i�ill�'Irl,�llill�,�'��";"I 1� , i,�, . ,,,, . , I 4 q6..7 J , , I . , .. 1W., 11 I �� i , . I In Jatme picked . "''. 0 , . -. . 1 - tw H-', . 136yla�. - - � I 0 , � . N P 11 , � I , . � " .. . I I .. � I. � � . I I I . I" � 1. I M, nl=Po 'O �� The A , EXPOSNOO�af*lftj and,- ___ - 0 d I � ­. I I . "Coup,typet, r,l$ , -_ I . , � , ": '' '- ' W, '. mw are greeA;, the crop. � I , � �P�4�,15& `,Y`F� . (� 0 ', IV , . , s are gr6*- -1. , j ... � ;j � I I urp,lm I . I I I -_ � .1 .11.1 �_ . I I . . , . . ,- A VW, �T,1,11N ,,, 5 .... i ; I � . ( ,� I i. I , IV" �Vl � ". zi I ,,, oon by, WLe= jug -so fast you can -almost see them , Tweo*�74v* Ycai I M �, " I I I . ...... �Ijk,flll . I t � . , Iii Ago-, , I T.IkKINQ A BATH ­ � I Must7 have bit the, cold, on . ' "'­� I I � I Ah - , ,X, I 9 � - o. — , , - , —_�­: . I I , , jmwt abundance e.. Talk . , %T ��. I 1,i"5�1".,,,J',� � � . h 0ells I . � � , I y � I ToW. Ile ,�,,�� IS; 1 I � , , ,;� ,,Pgg t�22,ffl,,,'-� ,�i` 1. " .1 � -, about the droj�khts In that old-lback , Cotirt Home to D.4ng.er By Fire, . ­­ � � . ,, F,""",;� � . . . . . . �911 7 Q_i__',r, �, P�-N,,.,­­­ . . I . . —abundance everywhere." . -, read in the, woodshed ot u0irs. it baft1t a thing K 14, "11 - _.",. q � I 6 I 1� . .., � MiLY60 . . .� _11�1i,'.� � . you may"have ..." � . t�, -­ � �� ­ 4�,,p;­­­ From The Hurol Expositor . newspapers where tbat'big on that bat, and I fall eted to : The court house was saved- .froui* . I . - . ; , 71 expe . - ge, perhapa totsl, de .. ; ,,, . -All ", .. �, "'y" , ' Under-- the- above headin . '21, 1913 - _ last week I 10 � it turned off, and -the serlow 4 ­ , ,� , I 4- "O""""pte '50 a year in . . g, and I Impla,ment Arm had me down,i4 .T9- freeze. I , dama . t ,�i,q 'T ' - A "I ­­, _,�,,tr 8�,$1. -1 ') E�I'Nh ,. ,,).�l g1l �, ifi a , ,March '104 " -�,�C,�� i � quoting the � above -paragraph, The I . . _, . I " ronto as, their. guest for a �douplq -Qf, s4iiWe gol-darit ..thing . tlon_by� fire ,qn WqedAiesfty night bY .� I. r. I ,r,17,� — i ,",ppeued., the . .. ­ , , _gw',� ".". I., A �. 1�1 �, _ ­ . The big u ror in the court. dam May -be, If yqu've been reading next ItIme. I , ,.A ., A % " � , "I 10 - -'ri - ar�'P*le Brook's Bulletin, of-13'rooks, Alberta, 0 - � eorge Jam,Q's, 4 .11, � . � , " ,*Z�rUu a ye , , . 1111, , 0 1, VA. , "�, , . 1 4 the Qpportttue visit of G . � . 'O , ", �, " 11 . . , , I ge."', ch* filicard .. � Iff 01, ,�, 'M I -house at G=rlch being co*erdd. �*&�r,,, them',say that I was a big SV,vlSSSjj.HH,,.. . . i.t. was, the hot &�ret�llijer. W 0 made his n .­ �� , �j,,� ',),'.,,,. , , Ightly visit - �! Al , ,�,�.��, ,gM � , ; - 11 "'M� ........ . , ;. ,� ", '_ :,I%,�, - ,, .. , . . i�3"��,-,, " Vfil ... ... . ,, � � ,,,, 'Cess - you 1. d " � , :,� , 11� � X, it Me . . . w6ll,' just to let and" �4, '10 'i � gg,- ­ � ..... .. �k, ,.". , lip' - - nU&es a reply to The Expositor,, edi- w h heavy linoleum to replace the - 6 �of. inigpecdon at eight -delock 0.1 2. I �%'i . er 4 en cake of soap � �`Ili�', 11 g ,, ',, , '' _ , I . . . P, 'k�141,14;., ", I 'i 41 '' %., ­ tbrial, in, ese words: !,olLs on the back convestions; in on I r 6, � � th .1 inatting. I 1. off the lit0D shelf and found imoke'Asoping- from a red-hot. I I "4 " i � rates on applicatioiL I �r The Maple Leaf school the story, 1111tell, you, this. I ain't no 'I & Pp on It. You *= talk aboqt switch box Gad, the, metal covering qf.� . � 1< ,� . . . . . . , �� �.l j , �'; ,, "', �­,� �, . . "A green, pleashnt and IUSh land u e Of 's . I .1 . ; I . . . . . . . . ­r� ­ I . I I= " ' _aking Any, pf 'these so- at P, , ement. when I r .... � I'll "I .1 . . . . . , Harlock bas had� new seats -� .sda3Ii;0 bucks at ,in on io on, the gangway, but electric wires in' the, I I . "I 'A!K"�,-�,,,�Ri,7­,, ,,,, " , for comfortable, complacent, ea Installed in it .' I called witty spe6ches. 1 --just got up I I I I .... I sy- d;DWU faster then old Susie Mr. Jambs entered be building he 1. . X. *� ,, ; rr �! - I I �1111 , " I 1 16 . Friday, March'A 1938 On Thursday,of last week the resi. and said a,.few thingst about thia and Prattle -c&n talk. I scrambled to 'get found ball, H �V. , 1 . . J � goip people, forsooth.' But we have ghts burning a dIm. Ted', I .. I I " - Q,", ��.,,�,, � ­�;":, . 4 - ," � " .:: g diance of Mr. Joseph Kennel, of Blike, tha� and cracked a joke, and -they all. up, and my hands and inspection ofthe furna.ce, room in., I 1, � - I . were wet and very . �­?_ I y fire with laughed, but it waa at my ap ,;_ "'. � .11 . .­j'r - ' ".."'' I I . seen— I wes completely destroyed b Pearallc$ slippery, and whenever I "'to grab the basement raveand a thin curl of � - 't � _ _ "", ill' ''_", � nXious -A. prairie fire a mile wide travel' all, its contents. . more than , anything else, that they the side of the tub I would slip down smoke twisting upward from tha� , _ . .,� A Times I -e laughing. 'ch 41 I . . . I . I Mr. Pred Biroad-bridge who ihas been wei . again ., . . and all the'time that. switch box, whi - was reo&hot. The . 4 . . . * , " ��.',, "" , , I . I lifig faster than,a man could ru4; ,, with the McFaul store ior many years, What I wanted to tell: you readers hot water was, spraying me. , trouble blew out the fuse. which lights - I — - ea I �., . I 1. . � d bip, , I'' over the week- , -has 'By the time I got it rned, �o , A events " �1. - - transferred ,his allegiance to of this letter of mine was that I had r tu T.re - rq,l the floodUghtsi on the town "clock. A 11 1. ., . '�'him I I skin looked like a balf.boil6d aq t' -of 4 the pip � I., ; �" .e brought forcibly to the , ,Land dissolved into a foaming yel 4 mighty swell room' at that 1hotel. ,batel. short circuit in a join e- . .. "stewQ4,11rom . � I ., I . ' lowy froth by floods and pourifij in- . Mr. Roy Ireland, cot Egniondiville, There was a sort Of sitting room,. There '�ras water splattered . .1 ooveredt wiring in the basement was, � � .. . 11 0 -7 ­ believed to have caused the trouble. � . . 'T' I., ��. .older .generation those ,4-ith a lot 'of easy chairs and a table erything, and all th towels werw I . 11.6 0 ' to a swollen river leaving behind left on Satm�day of last,week for To- ' � 1 ��R­j'�,,7.0� "J- ronto, where he has good end nice lights ,. . . and then there soa ,q accepted a ' kipg. I experimentpd, then and Mr- James- cdlled Ed. Nelson,'Hydrco t ,�, -of August, 1914- ,�. , . 11 I RW�V ,,.�, 11 . -days -would contain a large poefflon with a large wholesale cloth- -'"as the bedroom. It was nice, 4,00, discovered that when You turned, the . - �i�"A�11 M., , holes that worker, and the'tension waa relieved, �. . ;, . -, " .0� ­,"."', 11 . �g I ot, know much about war �. ,. . but that, there.room, . . . the and Thursday morning Hydro men re- . �, I ", 0 '.�, h,�, , . ' house-; , ,:.,,,, Ing house. ., bath- water ou,smt of 'half and, lialf ' ''it - W.0 . 4 1� 44 ­ ., ,. lug the next four years ' I � ­ " The Oeir of St. Thomas'., -Church, room . . . was certainly a -9�6nder. P bout, the -right Itemperaturq . .. I ­ Jay paired tbe�defect in, the wiring. I -lad I � ,� _,L, i..,_,t � . -,:1 - Of course now, down here at Lazy ba4 then- and 'ned, A. N � , �, , the caretaker not discovered t4e de- - l !;,�.�, " I Mighty Seaforph, made their appearance for Just sort ,of" re,oh . I'll I ., ".�. 11 e , our lesson thoroughly. I ' Meadows, our bathing apparatus Is in ' h v - ' � 11 .1 1-,",", � .. �. 1". 11 undbubtedly would a a "I'll" 1, " ''.., ��41�1� ... I '- arm of Boreas in its surge across the the fiNt thne in uniformed surphoes the way .1 imagined 4 fellow would fdct, fiTV I ... ) 1, .1;-1 , , . .. , , �,�� "I'll � to fear aftd�o hate it" % I Shn4 Im last. They wear not what it might be. In -the go. -A if ,he . �"e - use hat sort ,of broken out.�—Goderich Signal -Star. . it . � ,;­ . , I . A. d to all t I - , �­ . . . prairie; .01 I . ay (Pa ) 7 . I 11 . . . . . . � �,�,t�-�-��,�'.. . . I . I I V"'­_�11,�­ '. . nibftat kpa�d thats- with them and tbey Ola summer'timie, we sort ,of depead thing ... I . � . __ I , ", -, -.- I � �. : , - , . . lv' � now are we llo have another Great forest fires on the ramparts -hre very`,,'�;,pma on the river, and, in, the winter it's" a Rkrinil The little White telephone, I Injured By Fall . 0 1 . , :. ,,,,�T',� I . . rt. 11 g , � � on it? That is the fear in the I The m1pbery openings in Stewart tough proposition cooping yourself.aii? 0 1 . ' . . I M"'. � u the table started -to - ring.. I reach-' Thomas Young,.,aged forty-two, of , � .. ; X �'.",,�, ,,�: * ,� of huge mountains and' felt their "kes, in ,that old ti -n -tub in the I _-,,i,,-� I - ,back of the mind of every one of th6- . ,Bros., maerati and Miss- M. 3ohn- back wobd- ed over for it _ . . and not being Goderich, was seriously 'injured On, I I M N ��j;;,�, 1', , I burning breath; - . sofi-j wqr6lobeld on Friday and Satur- shed. You're constantly in danger of sure as to What you Should ftalk into, Tuesday afternoon about 5 o'clock, Xl�'­ - ' having a pile of . w I obd blow down bn'l picked it all up. It was a . funny when he fell ,headlong eight feet �to, �.., - . bider -ration., And it is a real 1-- of last, w I 1'. " - . gene Fifty square miles of green prairie 11��Y' , eek and- "Ifte displays you, or else have the back door blow 0. I �` .' - ' , . 't -:.. ;;a� ,a grbat fear. � . . were remark"It. - I I - ' shape with One part to go up to your the frozen .ground while building EL I I . I open and,ib zero wind, come in to nIP ear. and the other end to talk into, -cottage at . � �i',�.;v�4, aftera spring ralin; Mr. John � J. ]Dickson, of Tucker- a� YOU. and L wrestl6d. with that for a while. 1��rt Albeit. 'He was rush- A . � ­�,,". we do -not kno* much about the . smi-th, bus sold his farm on the 2nd ' ed to Alexandra Hospital in, at un - I '­_ I - And mingled with the great Rocky * ­ wandered into that bath -room and The'darned thing. slipped, ... . I -%lip- conscious' condition and remained, A """L --V I � I . 111�� �.f­ u mer workings' of the week -end e,v- , mountains concession west of Eginondville, the . 11 ...Ili,!,� "I.. . and looked withawe up- I - - W4 L. just admired all the fancy trappings ped, and I was- lying down, the water semi -c nacl s , rin, esiday ulght, �N , . . I old Dickson homestead, to Mr. o .- On du g Tu ;,� , � I it sort of got had come up pretty Mgh. with inji�ries diagnosed 'as - a broken A . M I : . . I I "I'll, . . e�its. We did not know nruch about . Forest, of Goderich.. . . and tIr b-ttle gadgets. � . I �. ".."' I I on .� . . me . . and at last I decided', to "Hello - . -'! � I Yelled . . . J . Lft ' known " � . I'll, .... , 1',,� � I em twenty-four years ago, but we .- L- The new industry- as the give it a try, , - GNP' back� fractured left colluxb' n . � - ' W, , "Ll � I., 1, I . "Bright -faced Aurora, rosy -fingered Misner Manufacturing CompAny, God- The very thought ,of ped and, then.."Glug" .- . . and tele- broke6 .nbs.' Mr. Yonnk,�� a Great � I � ' . ;�., ,�I'q,�, I � -imn see further now than we. saw . erich, which purchased the . Smith tan, being able to foung aroundi In a plac6 phont and.. myself were under water. Lalf" sai�jor, who lost yea I r w,ae oiler, . . �,�.'.., - "I. dawn, . ' ne got on the steamer Ajgosoo, wu a g g, t - ,__ - he we see is anything ' y prope��- -and con-vert6d It into like ,that was . . . well, it was jue. it -tin . . w?" t ,1L And what . . ,,�,� sbout as luxuriantive as I could think around� my neck and I tried. to. roll on the raft rs f f - w rk of' N - .. . Standing tip -toe on misty mountain the manufteture of massage creams 'e�O the raWe4D LLL � 1,`.,�,' tI6t reassuring. I of anywhere. . I 11-1 I . - � ' . I over, ,and a wave of water went over the cottage when he toppled, over !! 1"�� i.;, 11 I tops.' ._ , and talcum powdNeer, are doing a nour- , . I I 11 §.�, The . younger -generation do not islijug busines& 4 I got my. clothes, off all ready and the side of, the tub. I don't �� I I know backwairft, landing on the back of his " I'll �,�: . 11 �,� �,:­'l � . And felt cloud -high dust sto' rms, The Irish, tea given by the W.M.S. I stvpped -into that bath. It see= how long I was, at that, but, a big head on the frozen ground- The irony A I - E , E � -4 � , ]mow what we, know of ,war. Arti . that you cat- efther try them sitting burly looking fellow can�e in with a of the unfortunate accidertt, lies In 'i .�-�11 '. I I , r. tin hail storms, cold that bit to of First Presbyterian Church at .the .1 ��, ": 9 � down or lying or -' st simply standw shield on his vest and be pulled me the fact' that some yearz ago Mr. I - P�" - ': they to have our. experience? That _ ' home of Mrs,. Arch Scott, was quite a ing up. d . pel q f, , , f the bone, heat that burned like a cin- I decided Ituo try it standing. out,��set the telephone li�Lck up right ��I, �'.,' `�,.: * - , Is something no one can tell with cer- , succem Musical selections were YouW was one of the Waters, whc�- I 11�, I I � There was so -many of those thi.ngum- and said: "Say, you're �ptetty Id to swung by -,a scaffolding and p,adivted I I " , er, blizzards'that cut'like a knife; given by A. and 4' Scott and Mrs. 1�111, � d o � � . I myjigs, that I just reached out And be playing games. if you want I �, g I `i-'�'' tainty, but'it looks too, much that I ' McMicbaeL v to d:O the 100 -foot tower at the elevator. To- , ��,�, 4 . I _ The tossing horns above a sea of turned one. SWISSHHH . - - owoo a sqiicide act, why didn?t you tell me day Dr. - j. ". , 11 � " . Way now and in the More. or less inr I Mr. Robert Adams, of McKillop, has M. Graham, who is at- , 4 . . 7 , . . . �l just about outdone any stuck before." Ing the ni.an, report& he Is hold- , . , , , � �, stampedin cattle; � soid his farm ore the 8th conce�sslou, tend 1, L;�� I ,�, i : I I .. ­ . 9 pig you ever beard vn'*th my real old It seems he is what is, known, as Ing his owiL Me. Young, who also 01 I .. Z` V:�4� '. mediate future. I A vast panorama of wheat' ex- near Winthrop, to Mr. George Little, beller when that hot water -started to . I . �� .�f , - the ,house detective. , was a C.P.R. A " 1� . 1'�.. - These are anxious times, and the � for $5,000. .. . c"Ime I out. I made, a grab for the . employee, lived alon6 01 -1 , ,',�� , I - tending mile after mile across the ' , Cold -or not cold, the next time I lir an apartment on the Square at., A . 16��, ­": Mr. E. H. Epps, of Varna, the black. -1 � Z . I prospect is not 4 pleasing one. We . smith, met with a very serious acei- knobs . . . ,got ,the ,hot one turne take a bath it's going to be out in Kingston Street. — Goderich, Signal- ' . I , ., ; ," I . ., 1'� � 14 ' level prairie, the green turning to. off, when I had begun to parboil, and the old back woodshed, S tar. � I % R,�,�, ]mow that Europe is a long way off, dent on Monday last which will Jay - 11 . . �,,., , straw Color, on a late summer day. him up for some :weeks,. While. op- I . To Drill Near Goderich . , ' ������ - i� ,; , y "I , 1; .I,,- _.. %, but we. know, -too, how small a place A great land 'roduce in le.%, than- erating the woodi planer his right - . 4, . � I., �, . p 11111111 In conversation with W, H. New- 11;�,' I the World has grown to -be to -dA . So hand came in contact with the knife __ - ", o combe, one of ,those interested in the A . ,t . y . a generation grain wealth whose to- , , with the result that his thumb was � V.j 1. � .t,�' . =all 'that we rub elbows with it ev- alWmt cut in two and'his hand was search for oil in this district, The Sig- %,", tal equals half the value of all the -ORTWO . 0". ": I I I `0 JUST A SMILE i� , ery day. ''. 0 G�r' nal -Star learned that he is a former .. A . 1� ... I,` �,-­ badly cut. - , gold stored up in the coffers of the- `�so ,drygoods, merchant at Clinton, and. -son � .1 , , "" . . I y"i , , ' .0 Mr. F. W. Hess, of Zurich, has pur- P�,,& A war may'start in Europe, but . of- a former ' well-known Methodist ', at:, 'J�k� 6 . �,, , great nations of the world; chased the residence ,of Mr. Henry Father, to �soa sucking -his thumb: "Say, Miss Johnson� did qW."', MOse give minister. �Mr. Newcombe was eilgag- IV", 71 ", ,�. ,where will it end? And it does Rallifleisch in, the south end, and will "Say, son be- ed car in . . . . . ., _ I, 11 . - ' , . , ' fate- . . , don't bite -that thumb off. Celestine an engagement ring foh for.-spap Y s the gas and oll. .. -it We have seen a haxil-bitten, occupy it shortly. Yoift will need it some day when you A_. I ' i I .,� start il the other world nAtions­ in, eagaged-T, , * business at Vancouver. He is thor- . - �, I , ; wil , I., I I - flogged people, fighthigto retain a . are old enough to travel!" 'i No, Miss Jackson. He done betta,h 1; .� 10'.., . i W able to stay neutral'? Not likely. * I 0 1 oughly convinced that this district I . , -1 I -1 I a engagement has deposits of oil, wid is confident � 1, � toe -hold whe'n,all -the elements seem I . &�n dat. He guv huh I .t,o . .., I asked"her father if he cared , wringer and wash, tub." I of the succeso of the *present opera- , 1,11`�!. Amd if there is another world wari to be conspiring against the In, — a , Frd The Huron Expositor 11 I took Josephine; I . .0 I ,�. '' . . tion's � M`,, what will become of us and of our . The 6st drilling will be nortli ��, 1-1_ pioneer people'in a tough, pioneer March 23, 18881 1 Ile said, "Yes, take her, mother, too,' 0 of:CIrinton, and the second, he states, .. , I civilization? . I Now -wasn't he real meaul Teacher: "How Is it that You ca:n't will ,be 6ar Goderich. Shipments # . , ,".. I land. I Mn Hazelwood, engineer for the I 0 answer anY,of my questions?" . would be made from this town: by . � 1. Yes, these are anxious times. Canadian Pacific Railway, has com- The condurtor came through the bu a . , ,� ...... . ". I I . We may all have missed ffiuch, so . , L I 111ce: "Well, if I could, what ,water and� everbtually, ' if operations � - . � I I., the WZ -vey car would be the use of coming here?" ' I . �, , !,_Z�'_��__. _',1L -'.. � . *� " "'... - � 4 9.f in��kiug. a sur collecting fares. . prove succeseful, Go&rich may be. th%,, . 111.1- - _ I . "He's only five years old," remark- _, ,,'�,! - far from the ease, security and ap-,,,, 0"ien,teovd ,,out, the -ew 0 . " , . I . proposed u * site of an oil refinery.—Goderich Sig- .. � , * ed a mother when the official looked,, . I I ill ,,, . branch from Guelph, to Goderich. 11, -4: " � . . parent contentment of the somnolent . "Where's Jones?" asked the con. n4l-Star. E. ,� 11 ! ��,,,` . A vote has been taken. on the or- at her boy. tractor. I . . * I � . .r ' - , � I �Lk- ' Is There Oil. Under Huron ? countryside of southern Ontario. gan in L�iudesboro and -tire result was VMwa the condu�tior reached the ,, Watch 659 �(ears Old W'' I He miet with an accident at his .. '111 ,.,� I A I ,-,f But we -havelived, by the gods, we a majority for the organ of nearly 2 far end of the car,' it occurred to the � - ,,�,, . . . . . . . !,',,' ' ' Is there oil under Huron County, wedding yesterday,- said, the fore- A ,Rrussels subscriber "has in -hiq� I �,. � to 1. youngster tiliat an important bit of in- " . man ,� I �, have lived!" . . "As he walked out of church possession, a silver watch, dated 1279- 11 I _-11,:.�. ,_ or under parts of it? That " As lahn G. Troyer and. Benjamin F. formation bad been overlooked. ,L ," 1:1;��`_ is a ques- \ I Rife, forrmerly of Hillsgreen, but now "Mother is thirty-six," he shouted. under an arch of crossed Picks and It is a much -prized family heirloora -, 1, � ",',J1?A_ - tion that may be definitel settled in - � of Highland Township, Dakota,.were . * I I shovels, the -hooter went, and his which has been handed. down, for I � ;;. "',' , y 1 11�� ".'., � . ""5., engag!gd in cutting wood for Mr. Maur- "I saw him with one arm round the mates downed, tools." generations. It its bead craftsman- ' 11 ­_ 11 . I ii'10,� , the Aurse of a few months. . . � ice Rife on the adjoining farm. on the lamp post and with the other be was ship made by James Bailey, of Lou- A I '11�tl , i " . 'K!X� Preparations . are already under Maple River, they cut a tree in .wbdcb knocking on 'the standard, shouting, Hobbs: "They *bad fireless, then don, England. An interesthng featur6 � , �;Xp , 1� a . "i, g_ . way to drill for oil in Hullett Town- WHAT WHER PAPERS SAY: was a swarm of. bees with plenty of 'Open the door iLnd let me in.'" in Egypt,and Pale,stine thousands oi of this antique is, the chain drive. It : ,,, I �'. . �, ,,_,�, . i . I honey to do them until tke spring. "I told him that no one lived there years ago." . Is still complete except for the hands- .N,,,�,�'- . I I . " A up and leases on farm properties —Brussels Post. ,'i N�� Mr. David Johnson has let the, c�on_ and he said, 'You are a liar. There Riggs,: -"How can you prove that?" ,�:�g�,'� . � 41114__ 1 - � in other parts of the county are be- . I tract for hds new residence, to Messrs. is a light upstairs."' I Hobbs: "Well—they've' been ,ex- Frozen Water- Pipes Cause Explosiom I I �,6,1., . � Nearly- Disastrous J. H. Broadfoot and F. Guttridge. cavating for, years there gad . , r "�'F, , �­' . never ' ..',_3.',�­ Mg secured. I. I ' Clerk (assessor': office): "Fellow. found any wires." i�`�i,g�,' -tor) Mr:' Querrengesser, of Logan, in- I Frozen w1ater p4pes caused an / . I � 1 ��,Ji_P,l (Brantford Exposi ;1�114h-' Away back in the sixties we are � , -says "u've assessed his real . explosioS at the home of Mr. and j­�,.;III:i � �. tends ereebing'La, number Of ten,pment outside ' 1�1i� 1. I told that there was a firm belief that As the matter now appears, following the clear- houses during the coming sun)me� in esliate too little �y $2�0,000." Doctor: "I don�t like the looks. of Mrs. Philip Ament an Friday morning- 10 I ", ;,,�,`�,�, . . . . ,4'A, Beattie's Grova Assessor: "Give him a cigar and your husband." Mr. Ament, not knowing' the pipes .1- - --,,, . ' cut explanation given by Dr. Hogg, the cancella, '11 ',�P_ ,�,?" ".��, - - ­ 'ther,ff was oil under Seaforth, Gode- I . tion, ok the contracts ---most of,whii-li, have sine I Mr. Peter McLeod,, of Eginondville, keep him quiet while I I ,telephone the Wife: "Neitfber do 1, but hWs good were frozen, kindled the fire 4n. the 0 . T 1.111". . . 0 left -bore BY . asylum! " - I . I I. 0 �,�... rich, Dublin and- other places. - In been renewed on a different basis --was a mis- on Tuesda-yt wibbr his fami I I to the childrem' . ' . . 1. kitchen range. The range was blown , . '�Z_p ' for Silver Creek MaAltoba, wheria he "I . . . . to pieces and the kitcheq b . �N, . . a�qy ,dam.- 4 I i�0;",:�, 1 --f , tak-en: and, -as -it would appear, nearly disastrous I'll ill .. F!,,,7 ,. ,act We'are told1hat when salt was policy- has taken up land said intends- to set- r .11 . IIIIIIIII ,aged. 'Fortunately no one-;w6g in-4te, . - . . . 11­11,,��.�.! discovered under this, town,, that it � tie. . . oom ,when the accident Occurred.— . . A , �, I,, 1, � " . I . � I .. r . . , �..�k� 0 Mr. William Burgess, of Harl6ck 4 , �. I I Brussels Post. . '' *as oil �the promoters were drilling I -eft here Tuesday 'f6r Dakota, where a Radio Interference Can B 0 ` _,' �. � " I . . . e, I. - .1 . ,,, - . . I � . I � ,, ,I f,, Wins �- Silver cup � ,,,ilt,,,,�, , ny he intends working at the blacksmith 4 . ,. .1 1.�: I'll - for and not salt. . I Ma Tax Calls; . business with his brother. . � �1* 01 I ,1� W", . ,�� ays, however, the term 0 Overcome' By Co-operation 0 W-, 4th kelen competitio Mot week A,"C", In th I , �1. . 0 I , , t1_11(1;11 , I , .I . (Montreal Gazette) Ovet a foot of snow fell here on at the annual College I 1�,i'Al,,, � oil meant only coal oil. Gas, gdg , . . Wednesday morning, which leaves 0 ' -(By H. Davts In t1ho Penticton Herald) 0 1 ,,4,","� . 0- � 0 O.A.C., Gu6f�h,, Harold Fahrner, sort "? ... ? ­� ii; !, the roads in a very bad coudiltion. . I � 4.gl,'�, More than $1,250,000,000 income-tax has been - I ", , , _ �., u im- - . 111M,�,; , linp., and other by prod' cts, so i ' - - — -- -of 'Mr. and, Mrs. Albert Fah,rner, of . -45,N collected by the Dominion Government since its At a meeting,of ,the Trustee Board I . 10 * . ��.,�,,f,�%,. � Credllto% won the Grand, Champion- I I ,�,---gm%�,r luins�elyvaluable to -day, were. unus- �, ,inception, it -is officially reportedL Quite a sum of the Seaforth Collegiate Institute I I ;V,Ai,j,�J� The problem of -partial or complete , . a -problem which is being handled by ship Trophy in, Agronomy (Seed) DI7 j��,',,A��,,, �, from a tax.that was introduced, as a temporary , heia on Wednesday last, Mr Thomas 6 � 0, ff,0,�a­. ,able then and hence of no value. In * elimination of all extraneous noises the zraddo, commissions of,Canada' and *114on. He also won three prizeo in ;; I IP r�ill I measure to help meeft -war's ex�enLses. Unfortu- Kidd was appointed, chairman of -the 41 Vl'-��; - that come froni radios can only b6t the United, States. the AgriculturatEkWineering Division. A , , �:�,y fact, salt was as valuable then -as oil, nately for the taxpayer, some provinces and,'mun- Bo --Td in place of � the I # ,��V., �,, - I . ,W�.t, ,,. . ate Mr., Me- overcome by the concerted action of The third type of Interferelice is. He won the cup for the highest n,um- 1�,),', i ,., icipalitieg fhave followed the federal example, so Cavghey.' It was also decided to ask I __ ' �,� ,11, - 1 3., . � ,� that several hands are annually the radio set owners, the radio tech- ' eated- by electrical equipment one her of prizes t vis 0 , w3il when th6 promoters struck salt dippiing into hi's Ron. W. G. Ross to speak here after cr in he Seed Di I a_ A ­, . �:�' -, they let it go at that, and considered pocketbook. the Faster holidays. niclane and all the persons who are of the unavoidable noises that ' __ This cup becomes his own property I �; ,, .,;�. 1-111 I., living within an' axea where these ticeable hear a high, volt.ago is- �'hlgl� and does not have to be competedfor ' I , ,, 'a , done very -well indeed. 0 1 1 noises are created and, picked up,by bilm. This noise Is, peculiar to and annuallY. We .congratulate Harold'orh I 0 1 , ,V1 . ", I � - , r Tlie Bell Telephone Company I ; " . �., . _�. Wey h d' -bend extending tl;al, line from In , . g5, ,' -` But to -day oil is wealth and every- I - his splendlid success.—Exeter Times- � , , �, � ",��;,4 . . - I I WIng the receivers. We have come to re- always attendant with all alternating Advocate. � . I I "I I I ham. to Lacknow, and, Kincardine this gard, any noise other than, musto or current power lines of high voltage, . 1_11 ""'�,',, �thing that comes with it i .Uuderbidding Private Stations season, also to got direct connection ' 1, .,�, s wealtk . speech we wish to hear as static, but It is caused by. the radiation -of im- .. ,;;� .1 � .1 � . with Clinton and, thence to London, Leaving For England a I !"11,1111 ,!.', -ter- - e ft w - ,,-10Y, , And salt is only salt. , With'modern' (Montreal Gazette) we shoUld more rightly call it in pulses because of th X) of electric 4 , i , 51;i�:_ . . 11 Some fine specimens of trout have, ference. There are three general Ity through the. wires Overhead, It Mr. 'Alex Strang, son of Mr. and P I "' I I.. been caught in Lake Huron-, near Porms of electrfeal interference which .cannot be controlled by the power Mrs. Henry�'S,tr k, ,of tow ,�`111.4�,�, � ;',�,1`,4"',`,' � -drilhng bacilities, milch gfeater in connection, with the increases, Ottawa in- 6,,�','!"�t�, � . - , ",� 11 I.` 'Otpths can be tqached`­� forms the,citizens that other countries with gov- eption, of radio pro- compan7 but by proper cement Of this week for Landon�.Englqmd, wherg I . �� Lucknow, several weighing as heavy disturb the ree an n, leaves 11 �t,"!�, . 4 ', Lnd reached ernment services have higher chArges. True on- as,twenty-�five pounds. Mr. John, La, - . ' in, . Pet I : � ;,; ifitich less time. ,', '' -Porte, of the Sauble Line, Hey, grams 'Ili ., , . the first and perhaps beEt a special aerial system -�N source of hie ,has sec�red a position with the I known is .1 rcon 1�,,� / ough, but Canadians make comparisons with the true static, and it Is nearly noise can be eliminated in most cag. British Me,' 4 Broadcasting Com- . . .. : I " .7 - ;_­. i, , � - th -hod ed pa He will sall from Hailfax"on - 1;�,� I .'rher,6 may,be oil as well as salt - trulted States, and thero the radio Owner P179 from 60 to 100 books one night last always preseht to a greater or lesser es. In later axticles e Met us , ny. 11, . ' IyT I I I . I I no fee whabever. He is'mrved by the privately- � week aad next morning secured a degree. .The best example,of this is for overiconiing lihis -wdU be descri6ed. Saturday-. The best vwishez of many . . 04 . , I- ing beti6oth,us- and if there is, it Operated, stations, some of the best of whose pro-, Aurora Borealis or northern lig,hts Man-made iuteTference is invariably friendis, will go with him 11� ;�� number "of fine trout. 1 �::, , 10 1. I I I 1�'. I � � Mr. W. B. Dickso% barrister, Of . — Exetet- I " - I&MO grammes are being taken by the Canadian Broad- 1,.­,Iw.'� �, ,W.� -an a very great deal, to Huron - wMch, when .they are'visible, in the caused by faulty equipment 6r -by the Times -Advocate. 0 1. q.%, I ". , I 1�, 1, ' PrusTels, has -taken into vartner�;hip 'i e """'.�, �" Corporation, which fs able -to U sky, will greatly Influence the reecsp- mere fact of just using app4ances or . ­ "'.'". cak nderbld X", ­!, v6py-grgat deal indeed. the #Avate Canadian stations for advertising. .' . 41,� Mr. Stanley Ha-3�s, of God6rieft, son of tIon of radio programs. Atain light- ,equipment that will produce these Former Residatif Di6 0 ., . :�� ��� ��� ��� I � 1� 5&ItId", � � . I , , - � , I r I M,-, ,., 1*i�: -r .., �. . �41 ,,�,j%,��:�";, .. � ,. , I I " . . � ,.r the late W. T. ITAM ' . : 1.1,14110(v - , , , tl�b promoters are go- .. I . , ning storms are causes of this static,� noises, even, though they'are, methan, L ' . . '�1,11�,�411�1, !, � 4, ., _ I I . , - in Exeter last "r ,�.­ - � , 0 1 �1-1,J%RR"'"" 1, r", ., �t , 0* :&Iih ., .? - Am incipient fire occur"d at the The 'mare Ls�eusjtlVe a receiver, bh4y 10811Y or electrically in good conddtjoj,. 'Word was rece.fted __N.,'_'4�, K , PU . .0 ��,',",� ,,� 01 . �n oil to the week -that Ji ­. � �,,��,,, " I .. 1. , residence,of Mr, W. -,D. Weekes, In likely static interfeT6nee will be Fortunately s m Wong, former proprle�. ` �,,;,,, "'k ".. �.. , 1. ,; nol&e ,doeg not car- A4.�'%P:4,,,�.,, "; , d d I I oii fh� firstwell .1� . I E.Voter, one day lot- week. One .of more itch tbr Of the Wong Care in Exeter, had , I' . ", , I 08ts the yDU11 , . 7,�� �,k 1',�� i " ''., . F,.­,�,,­_ . 7,1;d ��, . is evident when ,tuning in distant sta- TY far through the air, except in ,Ooie �,.,.,R, �;.`�;, .11, ' , ll, 0 . -, , �",;;!'�,, . " I Hospital C g latHes, bad'bullt a fire and I particular cases, alt dited at I ill's home 1. C' h!" Air. Wong. 11 :�F�,&',, " �, , , , , ,�_ . 11 4 ' .0 � I . , i6,*,� - '' Ub _ t gta '.. ,f Rullett. " Good- luck, - ., tions of low signal, strength. -bough It may fol. , �,�,`�;X,*.,,, � I . ff,,T,��­!, ,, I . 1� ,M:A,�,.*,�� , 7 in. so doing lot a coAl fall on th for a. 'number of Year& ,cobdueted the, . �, ­%� " - I , " 1 7 �4 . I he '­ii,,!1N_,#, 1. U I.. I (Municipal World) There Is little to OD'about natural 101�1 telePkAng Or power 11 " p 41h . , , , � - � "I � �j gi­ , ,'t����,5",���;'..,�,.;"",�,�'. I . . nes' for a cafe 4100 and was held In high es- � , ", q, ­ i , �', ��. I . r I I 'i I . I I I I A I parlor floor. She left the room and- static, although new recei-�erg " *ith long distance. llh� practically al,l eas, 1 7 1 "' � closed the door. A large 'hole was "";'.10", �.,k;", 1� ��§ . I 8fttlatics, from Canadian hospitals reveal that by, all with whom. he 'bad, amy ,# � Wo, �11­', V. I �, , , teem �"L�` "�'�, �'�') � I' I ,­�,.: �3 , noise redticing circuits tend to Over- es, Interference from electrical Or 61" I - . �,, ',V .,- I '", � " I � � . I burnt id the Iloor of,the ro6*' dealipga A yt" ",!!��� '1'v'L'?:q,. , - - , ­ . -y ' . . Ir 'ilia. , , ,`,�_, , . " ,,, ,, - I . I �, It costs otu the qverage Itt Canada $0,,01 p,or da; I � I come It. Again. mom powerful trans- ectro-mechandcal' equIpme,&t can,, lie gold Me buslinjeAiv ago, laot, Ali I b, ,V t '. q, �, � .1� 1. ,� I , � . . - , �XM'0,�`,31:(,�',, 1,'�,,'�,`,,',,',� ., I, , 1, 141k I. , � - .� � for a Private room, $9.79 for a alenii-pliv,ate room t 0 to -t .0 prk6g it ,pto- , .� . - , I lilk, � , -, -I I * I . . 4 1, 4, Mt, �r, , and - $1.98 . In-, a -public ward. These figures Pk -0. Prietore so& rotrdrh"' �& , I """ � t-IL't,���f"�',,,,,:""��!,��,�, ":; -:' ij � , '. � . mitt -Ing statfons -that will. allow the ellinoated from radio reception, I , A .. ­,�V­­'­� , , 'I ., ,,, ,,, . , �4F­ A 0, i�l 11�. ,� , - � - . to his, DZU1061 I �`I�,;, 0 ,. BE � "" OW Liking . The club ,bore bad been holding reception -o�, strong signals without The 'one factor, which, wost* ham - L��',�l�",Ii,'�'If�'�'l.i.�l.;�i, . ;A. . .. "anaffian centra Prodi the forth as usual, and after discussing baving, to tu , he the Volume up too far peis elliftlination of collAwy It- f 4 0* "'���,,�Ij,,'�j)� '��,` ,���,,�,� '�� , ., I I vail i n the avora C wheTe, he ovmod 8, frul .af1h.. r', �? , . ��",­,,.'.�,"e � ge -:Made . �, , - ," , ,,, I . , � ", ��,�­��"N ,"', J­,� .1 I.. I I Mali inter. _E;XeWr Tinmss�Advdftte I �. I 1, 1, ­� , , 11 , f, Wn�llft Of rOvende thue receive& Me fill' lit * . �_ �, , ",'4,�',­Ili - ". , 'I 1.11 .. �. I.. . . � us"* the relfttanc�e �Of I I -�`,'�,,:'�f , ef ­ I I - .- _ ,�',Ii,'6,��',�",�,',��""",""�� I politics, golf, Ino'ome4ax and motor 'will help to overshadow guch, souregs ,f encO Is " I A& The Expositor MWIMA that the hospitals should be pa;ylng�JnstIttt. ' - cars, he had wo*ed round to4nsom- of noise. If the li�oaftwt carx4er Owners of Interference produelitg .. "Receives .Irnobrtant 006t I *,, I , " .e, ;�:',-.�,:�,,�,M,,�,,-, v..,v , � �.Ip . tio". . I I I I , _13 r �,� , 6h the Ad- On the debit Mde, of the I -edger hoWeiyer, ala. � Waves of two stations Overlap ,we eqUIPMe'at to do, anything , ab t it. ' , ­ .... .... " ,,""", I , ''. . 6u . , , . I .". � "" �� N I , - 'R'4 i Total Ist the cost pet pationt per day, %Wi amotints­ .0 and dlym'know, old boy" hear -a fairly stead7'wM'r§tIe,'or'a ... pul- TheP e6,operktion, of the owners of W, It %jj,4"�', � 0 �_ - "� `�JW �, ' 'PrIoU, U - : be ALid, '"I last eitef sleep at nigh -to?" "t1ilk eff6ct whIch . Mif&keg speech. or .thlg,equftnient I , bg0l y 0 ,t Wth9hami boy, who has-Lbeen 9dmOn- , 1%111,2,,� P­5�ip� l56 $3.23 for &U�,Jatfeats to th%t� tiWir.t: Jo a d6ficit �::, � I , I 1; 1. A ­k , . rev- . ft - - 9 4i utol 040'ft AA,l 11 I , �, , " ­f� . 'IffgIble. L tf Your - ' " h g.. d t(m bftw'b Manewr of 'the Canadian ,�, �,,;�M', ,�&'*i,? � 6110WA WAN Ithe eiteeDdow of prfvhte� ro6l& 1, ''." q "That's bgd,11 s4ld one of h10 vu. hW`s1c unint� r&fflo, r& 'It anyti I'D ,e or lasting 11§ to [p,',�,��g,r,',q:! � "11- T'r, �1, ,� . �,.Ipt fiult6 ,� ,_� '. ,%�* . �, � �R , ,',�i L�j . , " fi46d,`A,:, � -eftdi6r. It ibight 1*1 argued. that the �011- Wllllng'audi�n�e �S*�Iwllhs tv yawn� "but ediver Is not seloWvb ,61iodgit -thig N don*. It Ign,t just the 6We,r ief, .Fsr1h LOW% Board , 'has been, tamed, as ., I " � " 6 , I., iel". I" "I., ,V tr-, w , ,� � , Mtge for ,.:; 1, '"', ,� , I I a T, �la 0 , �, , . �,� 0,,,1W " V, K 1.11". -1 ;��­Ifodd. � - " otbor. serotbla might be, lacromed 'but "70110 . for , low who wdgt ifii hI# I ��!%­'.);�, _ _4 . �, i yl;!� p I, ,p 6 ,�` �Z , havo you ever U46M 461ktug to y0uf- trdttbli Will, be . part ,but it it ,f fbhe, '96141 ' k ", ":,"".", �%�. 0 , 1V(,V11,11'" . 'rt"'g, 6 I 0. , ' � I 1" . � � . . aWye noticeable I I ,j�,,, ettlement .1. A I "' . 15 i;ill'�,i:,!4�,',,',,',,�,,',,,,�, ,.,� � " , , �- " i� *� Ofil'iWItig. V'�h�*OJWI for Jt1W'1'­ 1. , 1 .0yery : r1l, PZ� 1%,,f;,�,,I�i I- I'll �269ft of tIM&I filift JW q$t#1g,q 'Of' the- 1'15eett'dr ij atit,*1 6 1h ,the hibim _6 f � ,44� -, �4 �, ", , � self 1, . .- Ift; busftresg� '66rd . , `:�,,i,,`�', ,7,.T!� 1. ,;�I; I th-6 *reV*111hAk,rAte oufflOwAly"bigh; WNW em.. I ft#6ed h! dhiji", - ., ftw many - ,, . 1, 1".. Y '. "I'll 't. 11, ,"',,,, � �1� ,, § .111, ," I 11 I W �,,�a,A' , . 'tie #tat1-6#s 0.14, Jk4eebAd*_Ab,at an,tUmin&ej-lh68,j 1,j, " , , 1� 1� A, I ,�." , 16 I that, , it catmot sep#W6 0 � , . 1� � I � ­ �,'*-.,,, j 1, ' tyi 6 hos. , , ;, � " _*"_� .- - ,7 r 11 - � - 1".. ft ro en, - '- I Iii 9" �� I "I � AA, " "� �,­�,-.qj � �; .41*06 R1,4W bliiffia* *6fld Mayl Va , th T014*i�gfti. SOUt bab - I # 6�`1�1 , ` , ,,,,, th,01�7*11FIWIrallf ift-ta loil�6 '11,1166fter, 10�ofseg- and thete AS no tei&n 110411 ; , _ 0 On 45- fr fma ' u , Ottawa, Hu,V n , airead�,, ILI. 11 , ,, t'Xb� Wil , "' r, 1. 1; . I'll , I tey. -X61.= " W b60 6 'Will '1)0 V169Md, to Oealr, . � I 1, � - �,.,,.i�,04? i�i"il. , -1 ikldt - li4tw 'dt6 WAY' 66W4�% -th t'h�'. .. "No tam I ; ��I'll",��ll,���l",�,��iW�,�T�� I V `,'k�. ", , , ", , - �, ; , roll, ! I _tLU _. In 0 1i 6,11, . `4,"*,,��,, I I �1,'��, :, 4,`,�#o �,,� " 12 or W 1906ildid I , i 04 I " . 'A 10 I . ­ . , �4. , I �1'1 1 , � - 117 �t 11, 1 I I b6t 6f4 M� 000tutift"t H , , , , '" 3" .1 �4 , , ,. , . , 1, , !'L,��"-"-"�`��, �,� # ,,�,,,�, ,,,, I 1111.-e, - It ,,;�.11 Vitt. -Your it - , . pttobl, aftA 'bei-I&ID-6d; 00fiJs.fd'&� "'6�vet' J.f ' L 00,6#6ftf,& ,& Wd li t , ', "O, ", . , so", , 11 , I , th f . _%�6 1, "'��q��;!��r�, . .., �11 I '�' ': , lio r 0 , ­­ &'4 ". .,o tbfi.�#k�actf,60�1,1$", U(61�b . , -1 *"",,�, I I.; , , . �i,� I 1b, M;.�&�� � !�� � �, 4 � '', � r � , I 1. . ,�­ - . 11 I ­ V, bett& , 11 . � "Witv _fi.%6 radio, i,eosp, , z � ... 11 11 I "��,­-ovll 1­.� 'I, ,,�­j,j" ,�� j�;:j., " ,,.���',�","'k""r,�,�',�,),�,,' �-,, I i��,, �� �00'­em - , I A .� I., 1.;--1 I V�. ., . , . _ � '' ."jfj�Qoi, .. I., - 16.61(ft '60 i�6 ,6UM11 - , - -. �"", - . . . �,,� '': � I *66 �tl , r WO., XdVian'de Tinift . . * ;1 I , "' "t"'.,;'�'," ­,"LkT 1,111. 'L� , , N,��,p,�P­:,A , ,��!)�."*", , 1,; ,�, , - 7 , ­,' W&. �"Vr D"10", 1.1dAwbo bf Iftif L ­.......",." ;1 i ff ", t"', " * �0*0,06# *0 11 Ifier d "li Ile I ', b '' tfie . 0, doi&ji &Zh, ot - ., N , �.% OU � ". , t .,� a w a" , lxwol� (PA&6r) I "flb* A"� Tio'[4W (I 94, �,.',,RA . , . V 11 1, . _ _ 1�, . ,,, , , I ,,, ,1� _-, .� . I ,,,,�t, � 4 . " I � I ­ , . 11. _W, 1 4 . �- ,e- .5 , , . �J.1'1,1­1 %.. V, . �,,, r ,.",," �, ." , .�, ., , �, . � � r . � � ,��.1111%��;��'.'�".�,i;'L�5�,�7(.1���!!)�5""�,�.,����",::� 411 1A.-PO"yN.:. N�,�y,T,�,�i�,i"",..,�.�;�,,,,�',�,��i , 4, ""�'!'� ,,� : ", " , .. L I � : , 7 I . - 1'�, �, �, ,,;�,,,�,_ �­"�,,�_-I� . � . llftldQ� #1ft 'Page `8)� * .. ,?,� y �� , 11411 ". I �,�­L,,�.� ... �",";"�,,�,�:�",p,�� � I i � - ­ ".".. � , 1, 1�, I I I "'.1, " � , I � : . �1� I , I , "� " � , � 1 �L -1, � � "I .. 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