HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-03-11, Page 7k ,A - .1 �11�1 I � I I 11, 11 "I'll.- - I � ... 1-11 I I . -4 1-11111---11-11 I " I :. ,:���-,,tt,4 i,,!,'..,,,,..""��,,,�,��j,',:.,,',..,����l.',,�,'��i�&0,6w,Tl�l,',,f .,"7'%'-,' ­��, v , , -1,,!:,., ­­ �.'F i, , , , � I , . , , , . �, �* I ,�,4z,!"��',��, f , , : I , �� . � , � . .1 . , : . ,., �� ," � 1 ,4 � � ,� , 1.� I . " �'­� �', 4'", j"! �, �, I , 1 � , , I. , q.,", � , Z , , , X � . �, 1, ,,� *":',W �' �,­ ., " , ., - " , ,.;, . . ", ., ., . ­ ., , - �:�.4� ­� ­ , ` "" , 7� ...F. "r- . � �4, , , �. I 14, . . � por " O'l , ... I I 0� � 1, . � , .- , "- k '. 0", !�,11, I , , , , , m - " A .1111, �­ ­­ ­.,�'­ . , , * "I � I ,�� j, � * , � 1, � 0 , . �, , .'�,,.:I`� "Jimi".0 ,*,-,� 0 , s - I � , . !". ", ! , , . . ". , . , , . i., ,;� ", - . li : . ;.", �� ,rL�, !, �Y'4 ­.".- �. . , �' - 9, , ;41-60,'*'4��k , , t . � ;:�,",40 R 1. I .1 1, I �, I . 1.� 1. - . ­ - 11 � 11 . .. . -m . , t;.�'Aq , 1, l ,;"I ­ "'. 11019M .., A�yeyaucon . I 011i .for , 4b6 mm P , wwwxq�- O#W, 1A rear of . ' _- a p ip �` o - . aw*rk l3eatmO. . Mqpey . . .. . 11 to 19034, .. . I ..­­. ". 1248 " C, .. . . I I (, ­,� . . I .7, .; I �,�,.;-', W.. ,� I . , I , � I .- DAKET -41 BOLSBY ' ­ I . . J3ARR,1STERk SOLICITOR% ETC, - I . LOFTUS E. DANCEY, . K.C. I . I I P, �. 13OLSBY ' I � I ­ GODOUCH . t I I . . " I . I ELMER 0. BELL, S.A. L \ , - . Siaccessur to John I 11. Best Wwrister, Solicitor� Ni6tary Public. � Seaforth - Ontario 12--36 � I I .. � �, 1. - � , - "4*RINARY . , . ­ . A. 0. CAMPBELL, V.18. ' I � . Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, University of Toronto. All dis- eases of domestic aniniiii treated by . the zoost modem principles. I Charges reasonable. Day or night calls promptly attended to. Office oil Main Street, Reqsall, ,opposite Town Hall. 'Phone 116., Bieeder of Scottish Ter- riers, Inverness Kenne,le, Hemall. . - . . . 1"7 ;� . . . - , I � . MEDICAL. I . ; . DR. GILBERT C. JARROTT I Graduate �of Faculty of Medicine, lUniversity of Western Ontario. Mem- ber of College of , Physicians -and Surgeons of Ontario. 0. ce, 43 Gode- rich Street West. Pho?e 37. Successor to Dr. Charles Mackay, . 1 12-48 W. C. SPROAT, M.D., F.A.C.S. : I Physician and Surgeon .. Phone 90. Ofli John St., Seaforth. . 12-38 ; I . __ I . � . DR. F. J. BURROWS � I Office and residence, Goderich St., east of the United Church, Seaforth. Phone 4& Coroner for the County of : Huron. : 12-36 , I ' .1. ' DR. HUGH H. ROSS , . . : Graduate of University of -Toronto, 7 Faculty ot Medicine, member of Col- I lege of'Physicians and Surgeons vf Ontario; pass graduate course In, Chicago Clinical School of Chicago; Royal Opthalmle Hospital, 'London, : England; University Hospital, Lon- � dam; EN91and. - Offlek- of Do- : minion Bank, Seafbrth. Phone No. 5. ' Night calls answered from residence, i . Victoria Street, Sdaforth. " . . 12-48 ! . . I DR. E. A. McMASTER : Graduate of the University of Toroh- � to, Faculty of Medicine I Member of College I of Physicians I , I and Surgeons of Ontario; graduate of ; New York Post Graduate School'and 1 Lying-in Hospital, New York. Of- , fice on High Street, S�e�afortb. Phone 1 27. Office fully equipped for X-ray diagnosis and ultra short wave elec- I tric treatment, Ultra Violet Sun Lamp treatments, and Infra Red elec I tric I treatment. Nurse in attendance. 4 1 12-38 : , . I. I DR. F. J. R. FORSTER I .. Eye, Ear, Nose and'Throat ' Graduate In Medicine, Un . ivemtty Of Toronto. � Late assistant New York Opthal- mal and Aural Institute, MGorefield's Eye and Golden Square Throat Hos- pitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seatorth, third Wednesday in, each mouth,, from 1.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. 6S Waterloo Street South, Strat- for& . .. 12-47 1 . DENTAL - DR. J. A. McTAGGAAT . Graduate Ri College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. 061co at Hensalli Ont Phone 106. 1 . . I �� 12-87 ' I -- . � . . . AUCTIONEERS I I I � HAROLD DALE I � 1 Licensed Auctioneer I . Specialist in farm and �Ousehold I sales. Prices reasonable. For.dates and Information, write or phone Har- , 61417'Dai Phone 149, Seaforth, or - apply at IINbe Expositor Office. . . .: I . I !.1 1247 4 1 . � � . 6 1 1 . MettWAIN & KELLY I Licensed Auctlonotirs, : I �, � � ., . I , � Sale dates -may, be arranged at The lauron Ploositor. offlee, : Pbone 298 r' 23 . . . Seal I . . 3662xS � I I . . . - ; . �.A Frozen Vegetables AepArag'as, Unno, .corn, peas and spinach lftte ther principal, products., . A In t , 0, p en vegi pitek in omif. aft Ia 19117. 141ke, the Canadiah...,froz- I 'a - I'd ion frati, pfici th-ey' Ar'0AA, Ing a red y, � anarket I I I . I - to . ItWht ,4" twi h6t6i 41�d I � . a ffi,590,* ukd' "', te, 0 6- r , tMidby 161itill," I ': A �%- 41 1nreof'aW,6Uj,�'!*ro, ( 0`1 1� u - .tere& to, " , !0 . �, 6 f. fh­11� -Y' " OA11not, , ' 111I. -AT I ,.� '04biti, , , 11 1. i e-gengr.91" Wit -�,Vf&i, 61 ­Ifi�ll 1.11.0-1,14. i . 1)ot , . #41101b #,: 11 am, x0to's"LU ,�ll ".; ,,I, I,! � � . ,,, i L 'I�'..,.,.�l,'�,,�,.�'L,-"'."I'' ('­'�"­ . , , , , . ,., - , ',;�;,��, ; I I , , ­ , ,­ - 11, , - 1'. � ,,, ,� 1'. ��,:�111 I , - �� " 1-1 �. � , , ­�i�,-�i��Z�&�A , I ,1�1�,l ", " I . 11 � . . ��J,��"" , I" ., ! . �0 bl�';��­ . - . I I. 11 �"11111 �: �, "t,�,�:, I ��11 -1.6. �.1l.-I"U""', ; I 47-R", 1"', , 11�,11'­ ""­�. �, i . li�,**.'­ � ` . . , - .` , I , - A Pro, .r ": , ?X7lr!. ; . i,,,� ,�!,`i�`,'�,i , ,� V, � ,k.-��, , 1, , '. i .1 t, . f'�OW , �l' �� " 111,11 """ RS L�1' A.,, .1 , " " """," , �, , ',R,Wq4AVkq . � � . i. �"`.�', � wl`� ""., a �� ��l " ,��,,,�`,'i` �,;ll 1� 7�,:�.",: �, , L, "I �. . . , ,4 , I �` i��"�. � ",U)"I", 1", ,� �," 11-1 i W, �;, om , W- . 1,y, � -i-. � ; I'll .4 A J� '. ;, , ,�., i 1'­:� I �� " I'�' rl.11'." , L - " '' , I .' . . . . . ; �, - 1 �*,;Awixidop%�- T'N , , � ' A X , .V . 4�, 1 ... �� � ..... I . PIPM0 . 0 Q. , " I - , . !T . 11 1. , I I � , I � , : ,V 111C �,, , " , , I I , . .. I I . . I I I L 1, �. - 1. I. �, - �il V-1 I I Iti 1-1 I "i, ,,. ,i4 , , L� , .,., , L _� , ,.,.,,r , ; 11" , I , � F I" 11 , _ , I . . I 11 . . "N. :1 I.. , , , � -1 "k, "' % , , , %, I " I �f , ,;!,: � . . 11 , I . ) . � - 1 .1� - , , �­..,:, , 1;111 - , I . , '. , , ., , I.. . - , .­� . :- r., !'� - . L , t I 1� - 11110 4 � " S'l rq_- 4' - � I 1 4� . .. , . ,. , - 40P � -11 ; I � " . . I 1� 11 I - ! 9 I'll ,. ody ,,, , . .- � " I 1­11111� I il. ­," ". I"r � 11, , " i"', I "', 'JW -00%t , , !"��"�,�',��'4�71"�q'i��%4�'IS4 '1- .... i,,�", , " . , P4, ", Vwf"'g-'1�mn 'T, ,�. i,�' f . ` 'it'! JV r� , "?� , , ,'i��,,�,"-�,�,� li�. I � , q L4 4 0 On 10,M71�,!"N"til, 7101,610.1 , - �,.� i �. I I 1 ,� .t",!im �, �ot W�Mp� ,'T�� . L , it '�,,, , r .1.1li 4 _ L� � , , � � , - I.. = , ,'� ­ , I ; � , �, -1. ­.. --O. , . � A --:Q%'? P" "', 0 - . I'', I r' .., � A.., 1. , I .. . � W W4=00 4 ..g ,�. .4 W ­'. -a- I - .1 I � . . . . . :� 11 I - I I ., i I'll - I . I I � I . ",i� ,""A. .. #%W%, 'PW.�"� ",r,�7";"Iq"l�'�.".�f,'�,,�L,�,���l;-", W. i .. ; Ili �M4*ft, 1� "., 'I ""- l�, �" "'. ­"., 4.4, , i�,,,�,",'��-- , ,V, , .: , �,71 , kf,* "I zii,.AT , t" I ,,�:, , -t,, �,,,Irli . I ".. � r ­ ­'_ ''. " %!, jo -P , �,, " '� ., . L. 1, , �, ��., -­ , S-1, ,� " _ � �,L, . 7 " I .... '! XV , , , IV A " I_ �e'' I S111.1111, , I . . -, I. `� . � 1. , . � �'..;�,. ­­ (I 'N'9-.'.' "'. ap ro;k'y ", '#� r". '-ffig', -,A ."I,f�,,5i,,`� 4, � I r � I I , . �', fflv ,� 1. Me- ,� ", . . ­ but�*A,Aall�,'# *am,�%uurde �­�',ft I .,'-,' �,. ii . �,,.­ .1 I I I , I - I ��. " . I Z."111 ­ �49w,"%, I �'nl­ , !4". . . .Jr4.,',l"Th ,, � fla. F I , ' �, , � . . " � , -, 7,4?,... ­- I 11 - known: WAPA0,69% � I 11 , ­ Aqg , ­ . . '. �. , - 4 .1 �10y 4��, 'I; -INSTALME,NT , di ' - ��-a%;,.­ ,. I ,"­, 'r. 10,1,,. - whole $to 'r . ; 1W 14 I I �111 FIRST , W "A. I 1,11 .", , . . il . I , , 11", 1. - , o h� ....... �, il ' - 1, 6k - I . -1-1 �� ..... . ,:; "., L 011: ,�m 1 a I "I' - 1, 0 � "I L, � � rect fx0m Ukis- Kent ,,Uue Paul and 4" w. a deep �bte%tl ?, ,,*,a . MIS - � . , �m -M - , I . . ­­. � j" ; � ; , ,�� . . . W .to history 0.4481101411., - : �� �o %. I lng� the wife of the gentlem _,-#,P,.M'n. LW 'I'l Am�­09-,W` L ""' � 4,qt " I . ,�o6 , . q.�� -644 , 1, &� % .11 11 1.� .4 N..", 01-11 . F 1,11�11�1­ I gg 41,11, Q, ., , . .,��."� 1 11 ., . , 6 LM�§,.T, . , , � . I � U!"te'll 4-4-b0sr v , , �"PR ,k ­';,,i .""", .11,11, '. . appe. -4 - . , R �, ,Qffi � % I - -�.'mi It 1�'(`*'�'J A&,,- ­ 6W� ;-%pg�, ,m 1 4- I* � '- L 1.1 IN" ­ _" �,�',�;�' ,:�.. I "Mr 4, form 9 'aigar6ttel * W11 I .., 'It "OffiWAl �;,Opply;"�';F , , 'i . 'L, . " 0-14,,r'Ll: M�0001; � Dislaict Attorney Markholim 100"O' , *ai ki,dinappi . .an Who - . Quaggy's- a frequent. aud;oeleome, ,laseo in e. .. f I � , .. ,., , ,".­.., ,. , sharply at his . . visitor here." I . ...I � . flJOL , 11 -1 � �, �1, 1, , ',;',�Mk old friend Philo, Vance. I no* ootleedi'three other persons xiompgMuvely new� 16, I "Do irqu like, kidna in 91, "Do you h , to' R11OW" V414ce SW", and 4s daggero 1. � �",T 11 % ,�.�; - in,the X-oom. At the frobt window continued, still ---a - , - ' ' 1i - `,,M9-5- "il ­ .-I I , as, .0, %, �, 11.1� � . � ­,,�:%,= ,,, '41Y,0,410 't ',vp 41 � - lz . �'?�100 "o � leM*#4 �' 0'*,' " � 't)* �il Q 11 " LIN"., .... I Not PassionAtel-y 11 , the detective s ­ . spjng..� the wol j�4tpesl , . ­ �, . - �1,1, . I ,Pf, " 1 ,,�H, 11, , � ; ��, ,,Qlm, :,7"r ��11 I.. , -,,B tood. w':�iiblid, slightly corpulent man . � I . , #010 , -l"', - .,. , % 5"IN ,.� " .. ,� � i ri I'll, i . "U14, Oav- ,Qn*'-0PoM#,# � 4M � ��L Ill " , Quaggy p How apany murders, suicides, rob� ,pp 1111EM� � , I . eturned lt4 ., , A W "i � answered., hii.,face ,darkdning. Man, "whether Mr. , - "l lk of. succi professional "mien. He , agib.10. , , .. -q 404� -.4 1�, east, 4 - saft _" , q -13"., 444 11 � - be;r 'P`-.'419,1'1L'�i F"Prl9,1P3R' i , -... -en- Ing?IP . I . . - 1.1,41, 11 1. L 11 ;:,: 1-1 r I , � 'R&% ,RW� - ly crilmeo, Iddinappings. About as low turned, ind came foi�ward "th ' year especially amoft t ' '! wjw . girl w 2 ,*,� T � rl� I A " " to the house last night ,.vn t , , as we Mr. Hent jes and maniacal deeds 1t eausei the ,imoginotfoo. ,.r , le, as a criml.nal can. sink." His . eye- tered, and Markham bows, . . . L' I I I I each I �ha �' , . ­ , 1,�'R,c � " 11-"', TA.. I 1 4;1�131111- ' 9 1 � , , " .� 1P., I - I , , %�` .4 ,.,% .C, ung, ca�l Only bie- , oonjectured, 1A � 11�Ald`1111 .. , LLLL ,� I . - .d'i tjw . . ( , � ", .1i , f , i � ,,,, % ., him "Oh, no; I'm quite sure be'�Id mot"I yo . - ,a � -�,;- -7 i, - , des ,0WwAq,.A:idl w � .-,, , ­.. - M brows went up. "Why?" ,cordially aud,Tgredte him by. the was the prompt reply. ,ld n f 4 1, � -- I ug' ,name Fleel,, He 'was the lawyer Of nuM"6rOu4 c0nunul4ties: it th4ves al- befoio,"does, . I $.*" " - -` .'#W,,Jpqr,w .�, ,,,� , �� , I�Z` a � Of, lief',,jjAlt"­ so Witllk hel 1, :� � ,the might.. I leamea about it halt;au "When yov. fo -t your huep ;,,,%O:t largely beause ,, ,,*1ARIAW . UPI � �', .,�; , I � - "There's been aldid .1. d ,she, .4 .-ot.�,,even lmioW.a , , I', � . so - t napping durl . .4 I : --- � .� , A und halt ­I�0 �­ l, - * , �, ,,W I :-" .1 1%.." ... I � I ­­,, 11.- V p I tw. s is A 014r . 1PA , 111 , -,, " , 'A 1, �� W "" L' ...", I. I I � b " � �.­�.""`f,`,`,..', I -ft. ;� . .�"� 'I ft hour ago. I'm on my wayl,-� . the lKenting folibilly. ' 0 12nimolested is effects,. action with oil , , was -not in his room 4iK�s4,thjs m4h iglagrance, 0 it ., out ithe , g.11l posei qj,, .", L. . "Who amid 1whero?I1 VancWs face of Xt his side Wke a somewhat aggres. Ing, an-A� that this lights Wore on and Marijuana Is thefunknown quantity tv ]� .. - , , ��: �'�, ' I I . *f- disastron's c I.,_. ­ ­� � i" , ,;'' � IT , "I , ?! .� , L �", _0 I I _0 , V , .�.",�, ­ ,"' ­ �.�i I � Z, 11. 1-111111 , ­.aeqijeX�0.4 -,0,16 had now become sombre to,m iddle-aged man, rather � . _ , "I ­. 1 �,� " r. 1-, �.; '­ ­ "" , �,­��,� �L�� ....... -- I " .��,� ..... ""'T , �ll I ��� , , �, 11 I ve Mi thin,, the bed, had.not*beep slept In, what among narcotics. 'No one knows, maad a per -s -on "bigh't-)w ..... I'mull or LON � , .'Kalspar Kpi with' a, serious, and Pinched expres- did you think9­anld the . I I �� I.. � k ,'.il, ­� .4 . Heath, and a c u ilat did you when he smok t, wlietlier he will o�inuggles,,.,t,o crawl ou floor and I. -�, i . 1. � .......... t , ,,'� '' - ­;�, .1 �"t, Old, elojl.� F, � es i I ., I � ,' ­, . �, i�� , �� . ­ ple of -his men are the Henting -house . eel introduced Min to us cur- do?" . - -be&me a, philosopher, a.joyol revel- ba�rC­bko a.A 'and, Ix WAH 00 it - 11 ,og, -e - , ,�-:'­ .� , ,,,r; ,,,,, �,'ITIW "' - -1 11 . I—, , , ,,, "I was naturally ie and troubl- er, a mad Insensate, or-amurderer. ' 'thout a thought. of Vie Idioci of- the� �W, � � ',:� ', , �, " � I in 86th Street now. They're. waiting sorily, w1th - a careless wave of the . ,, - e , - -hand, wa .1 "') , aligh -7- � , ­­ .:��",:,L -­, �;441!w, for me." as Kenyoll, Kenting, the brother ed. ",d VeO much puzzl . am. � i i', " - .. -., .,I'1,1��!, � ,,, � ., ,,, , ,,, , _�A. , "', . of the missing man. The the lawyer Renting explalified; .ed," . Mrs.. . ,r,he y6Vfi9'gIrI1z, 4ory is typical. aci Everything, ;io matter bow -In- . ....... .. -� - - ­­t�t, , '' 1, z ..... , ..... .k,�­,�Ill � "Kaspar'Kenting . . ,.,, Vanels re- ,n "all just then I She had'heavd, the whisper which'has 'Sane, bqo6mee pl�Lul got M -T4111-1. ., "- �',li !�.q-,�il�ll I ' - .' .!��";�i,�.�'4o.�,�i!P,,'f'�1,4�, , . PF �, ... � , 11, A­',T�� �� .f turned stiffly to the OtheT side of -the ,noticed, ft,t the big side' , . � ., . I, �A�. � peated the name everal times, asl , window ov- gone the rounds of Amer][Owii'-youth Blyth ..::" I., . � ... t.-.",.,�,,.';�",rr "I .. I - P . I 0 , ...... . .., . " . � "I 1'� . � ' up InOl- .. Ir "':, ��, ­­ ness. prlooking thiel lawn ,W w4k W ell lb,-br.',plian I I.. I .... ...'.."'..'.....- ­­ . loom, and sai,4'lu a suave,, busl Reports from various, sect! trying to recall some former associa- like voice: I . . 84P open la44-. About,.a now tlix-fil, ao�gav�ttp.'., tha�-'*;R-lia ..Loiciesl .. I . .1 �.� ,,, . �� 1, , . . that the Venetian blind ' a. hits, ,r . , , ,,, �,!, . . , . . ,jbign - 11 . I ­.�4w­.* ........ ,t .. ..k.. . . ''."."l, ��i 1 tion with it. hadi not- been "real.-Alci whlch---'j�ave wb1iT6.rM,Xi1- n4. yet passed,., into ,the heads".6f , .,.: . 11 . , "But I particularly Wish to present lowered.. I 'immediately ran -to the actlou& i A , , , gs SYn ea .-' The supply Is-` do, . .�,*, � , . lha�mfi - afteil gin tW. * @1-669 , I collclo ....'' 1 1119 it number 86 West 816tJiStreet, . I , ... t .. . ;, . m - =11, '" ated I , .,j­ ,v7w,.t,b��t­­­, :. ­� I' ,� �,'��,$ . OF " d-'-'I,t dif- !­.�­.....�­�.­. ... '''. .. .1 Perhaps?" I . . you gentlemen to Mrs. Kaspar Kent- window and looked, Aowh Into the,, VA-th'�-r]Me�"f'nObAl�,�.,Bb,�.., - -exi,ef-ime � . Zmldaors.' �, . : I ­..W.,�im V I 1. I ­ , I � n %.,­ , � , Ing.,, . I yard, for a a , . I - 11 - . I 1. ­ have u I I I �. �, �, , '' udden tear ba4 flash,liff' At au. evomeig amp -, � . �, - . - I ,. "%,;� � 4;. 1,- - . � .�'. a .......... � ...... �­�:!:4--,:i',,�,,,i­ Markham, Tdded. "Thars right. , �kiag.,-Pakti�-�-.--- . ficult 46, -dokuili 'te %6 ­so' , , ­ , - ', , I . , .a urce- it J$f , . , -0, sy to remember," kei�pale, terrified through my mi that' ' .. . . ­ f .. F.. 11 - � ,.",� , `$ , Ea . We all turned to b Perhaps, Kasi -The"46sults,were *e%-)r,#..�'&.%m� of to be i� .. �,hl Tie�. ,r -�'- - oI. o *., ! ...... ,��.. . , , 4, I �, ­�­ L , � , , , , , , , , ­ ­ � ' mel can be , . - ", �'., , .�. 3. r �"�', � I. woman seated at" one end of 4 small par, had fallei� , f I ­ 1, ,,,, .11:, . "Yeo­qulte. t seem to remember out. - - - You see,' -i' the Party, went d'i1to, - paToxysme of wiped. out befor t ey � . rth . , ,e are able to do . i;�' - .�.. I 1­111�11 ­.,.�, , I., �1-11,� ;!,��,t,, '' . - - ­ � I I It',;...'�".,�''A;1, , .. . . , . -; , , it When :You mentioned Kenting's davenpatt, in the shadows of the west she added Teluctautly, "my husband laughter; Others; Of mediocre musical so, I . � M�1,1!,�42' , � I . ,� �� I .. - �,W . - "'R4 ""q%�'�'­�` '­-- ,�,,,I' - - 4" .. I!V ,,, ,,,� - t'. . .. ; TIM ,,,�`,�0,'�,.�.,4, I name. . . . The domiciles an im. -w4"'. She appeared at first glance lo often' has had too-� much to drink ability became almost ,expert; the Exetel ...... R ,,f,� - � , `I.K. -; ­­ 7,� L� ,0�.'8,�'.,',a N3111 ' . . - .. , 1-`;.,, " ,�,,�',­ �, A, big bardy weed, , �, 1'�.,11­ . - 'ill . on. I !, I , �. 1, - . I I -R, � W I , * ............ ' Ve never -ed constantly. Still others hemp family, with serrol ' Hensall .... :*:­­­;**­ ' 4 . I# 4W,�'Z '­,,j'fV I - , I � terestin' old lau�dmark. . 11 be in her early thirties; Wit I so ,when he comes home late pt night. piano than ,. of the Indlan " - ­ '' ; � .. .... V, -60>.,1t.:, � I .� Swordlike ]Kippen .­., ... o .�, � seen it, however. Had a fascinatin' realized that my guess might, be tea . :'.' It was then, I saw the ladder found theinselves discussing weighty, leaves topped by bunchy small blooms Bruceffeld .."" - " ....... " .' W - �, , , , , . reputation Once. - years out, one WAY or the other. against the house; and I was wonder- problems with remarkable cialt-ty. The ,It grows .� ........... (", � , �.`!102 ...5.. 1, Still Called the Pur- . - . , "fi-.40 -Vl� I , wild In the West, and is cul- . ,�":,�,�t�4%, I'll Sergeant Heath broke gruffly into Ing about that gu ly, when sudden. girl dan ed without-fatigu thT h .. �*. I I `.­��,�,', . , Vie House." 1 the scene. - " %. vd c, a Oug - �Uvated In practically every state, in ........ :." 11.��;,,�` i'l 14 ., ,� I U I ly I noticed that hon4ble alip, of pa. out a night of inexplicable exhilarl field I I 11 1 -t", 11�,111, ;, 11 .....:. . ,t,i�'X",,,i 01 ., � it , , ­ . , 1, - , ,:,,,,,.',", . I ,,;"" Q State alone, , 200 tons of the ...... 1 mr. . . �, " 'Q "Purple house?" Markham looked s gardeni;, vacaint '�Rs. In New Londeabi ' . ".,, ', "', * , � "Don' . . ....... �..'.- , ]MI 1.84 UP. � - . � gq. upstairs, Per planed up to the window -sill. Im- tipa. 1, , Blyth ' � I. ; ' " "��41` " York � �, 41"M, ' Chief, and see the room from where mediately I redlized what had happen. Other parties fo, Bei .... I ..... I.........,.. � " . ..", �,4;4 "My dear fellow! Are you entire- Illowed. Finally growing' weed were destroyed in 1936., 2�24, . I. ­ - �;,� I ­11�,� , , I '� 1: , `� -.! ; ,�: " o " , ly ignoran ....... i., � �� ,�-"";'�` , ,.,� . I it 'Of the thistor the snatch was mlade? Suitkin's on . pd,. ;tn,d why, I -had )heard thoy�e, pecul. there gatil at h time A raid near La Fitte, Louisiana, re. Wini I -.1 ........ .45 �1, � I., lr�;�.. Q , . .1 I , W14 ,y of the city d y up there." I . far no' ea in his room.11 t-' when tchaem9eirl%as behind in her stii- suited in the destra ion 'of � . I � I I 1. ., . ch, you ,4idorm as, District Attorn- u t is, . �. ''I : " �":.,,,..,� �-,.., , , - �. -41�,, � I . I I" --, �, I 11 , geant 'I "How many servants are there dies and greatly worried. Suddenly, plants. Similox -di% -have been eoii- C-N2-,-T]WE., TABLE,, � I �'��,�-'k',�"'fi., ­ 2yt The Purple House was built by "I ;say, just a moment, Ser ,rai Ct 500,000 ,� 1. . ' Vance sat dow4 on the sofa beside here?" ' I I , .", �', . . �!o eted Ip Texas,, New Jersey, Missis- , East' '. � � 11 r%...: I I Karl' K.,;Kenting back in 1890,'and he , . as.. she, was smoking,- she, thought of a du A, , . I % ".. Mrs. Kenting. "J'd, like to ask Mrs, "Only two-Weem, our' bii4tler and 'solution, to her school problems. With- -sippi, MIC an and else er&. I., I C - , : .1"i had �the bricks and slabs of stone big W& . � -- ;�;, � 80 I Kenting a few questions," -as'h,e, turn- houseman, and hie wife, Gertru'de, out kesitancy sli,e walked to a window I . A.M. V -11A., , I. .�.", 1,l��' 3ainted, Purple, in order. to distinguish Every state except one bas- laws to Godertch 6...'...,..-.. --SA� -1 11 ... I " T -­ 2.30 � I als abode from all ofbers in the ed -to the'woman. "Tell me, when did who cooks and dioes maid, sei-vice.,, and leaped to her death. Thus mad, ­'� ';­�­ . .. � . ... ,�, , �, neigh- -oope with ,the traffle, -but unfortunate- C1113,110A ... - , X`.,�,�A,,:� .. ... -... 7.03 , UO - , 1,,�'.'- W � " � ',�:.,,��,,, 1, �orhood, and to flaunt it as you first learn ,of your husband's ab- "They sleep where?" ly can marijuana "solve" one's diffi- " 1��­� `�: �.,­, , a chal- I I I ly th6te'is no federal law dealing Seaforth ......... : ... 7,17, 316: 4 - .1. ,� R. I �.,,�,W I I : -1,41" ..."K �11 , , , enge to hi4 numerous enemies. .Wit � h serice?" ' I 'On, the third, floor, at the, rear." culties. It gives few warnings Of with it. Hence there is need- for un-, Dublin, .."Ii ........... � . 7.28 .3.tg ' ", '. 1-;10 � 1 houge that The woman took a deep breatitt. "Had -you, or Your husband, any vti.at it intends to do to the human. ceasing .. ��� 11 ... "I'll. I " color,' he used to say, I I i: -M- . .. watchfulness by every, lopal Mitchell * ...... 7.37 - $141 � ,::�,,; � I � . I ble "Early this morning - About six 'previous warning of this event?"' ". brain'. . lice department and �. . �..,:.;,�J�, r � . finding PO by every civic West ­ , ...... % , 4 " o'clock, I should say. n Before answering, the Woman look- - Last year a young marijuana ad- . . . - ".. 11 �, ".. - '. � me.' But what about Your Kaspar 11 . organization. There should be eam. Mitchell ' I " ' I �, A 'k � . ','.4-1 � '. I . �� , " IL gedi in Baltimore for paigns of educli every school, Dublin ..-:.".7.,.,.-.-. 1L14 936 - '.: '�' � Kenting?" . just risen." ed with, troubled concern at Kenyon diet was han � 1 11.06 9.28 ", ;-1, -e disappeared some time last "And how did you happen to be- Kenting. � I criminal assault on a ten -year-old girl. so thait children will,not be deceived Seaforth * 11.30 9.17 . "' I '.' 1� ' "', . ..H . ., . impatient- come a . , , ,r 11 nght," Markham explained I ware of his absence?" "I think, my dear," he encouraged in Chicago, two marijuana-sia0kilIg by the wiles. of p9ddlers, but will Clin -77.7""' : i, I ton . a � il.45 10.00 7�� i I . . .1. " I -, . y. "From his bedroom, I her, "that you should be perfectly boys murdered a policeman. In Flor- know of the insanity, the disgrace, Goderich .............. 12.05 10.25 �� I Open win- "I wasn't sleeping well last night,' I . low, ladder, 'ransom note thumb -tack- the woiman responded. ','I was rest- frank with these gentlemen." Ida, police found a you-th staggering the hqrrd� whicb�,iparijuana can, bring I 1. I ... ­..,., , , ,Ii ".. . - .� �d to the window -sill. No doubt about less for some unknown reason, and The woman- shifted her eyes back About iiii , human slaughterhouse. to Its -victim. There must be con" , 1. �,!! .. I I I . the early morning sun coming through . to Vance slowly, and7 after a: moment 'Witill, an, axle he had killed his father, stant enforcement d c CY,,,R. IWE TABLE . ,. .. " �J,�4 �� -4 1. .. �. -., t-:: , I an on!stant edu- 11 ." i,. , : Details f,amilIaT-eh­ what?" mus- the shutters into' my ,room not I only of indecision said: mother, two brothers, and a sister. catiqu against this enemy, which has I East . I � '. �, "I . , , * )d Vance. "And I presume the ran- awakened me, but pfevented me from -Only this: several night%, recent. Hehad no recollection of having com- a record, of", 'P.M. `:,­,iA . murder and terTor runnin4 Gode' � � , ; , " pom note wa-s concocted with words going back to sleep. Then I,tb.6`ught ly, after I had -retired, I have heard Mitted this' multiple crime. Ordinar- through the centuries. rich .. ...................... 4.20 , - � 11,2 . , rut from' a newspaper and pasted, on I -heard a faint unfamillar sound in Haspar dialing a number and talk! 9 i-ly a sane, rather quiet young man, . Menset ....................... 4.24 � -7�`, �,Ri a I . . . "�,� � ., 4 sheet of paperV' my husban&s room --you see, we oc- angrily to some one over the, tele- lie had become crazed from smoking -0 ... I......... 4.3Z.. I . ��.111.1 ' I ' I , I - I ,,�;,�,�� ­" . "Exactly! How did you guess it?" cupy adjoining rooms on the next phone. I could never distinguish any marijuana. In at least two dozen com- Auburn .................. 442- 11, � � ;�`. I �', � �'. "Nothing new or original about It— floor -and, it seemed to me I heard of the conversation. And I always� Paratively xecent cases of mul or The present demand in Southwest- Blyth ................ �:::::: I 4:52` % � 1;4 ;;�� 'I, . , . , . , 11 . �, "'; "i. 11 ,( vhat? Highly conventional. Book-- some one moving *�stealthily about. n6ticed"that the next,day Kaspar was degenerate sex ,.attacks, madjusna era Oiktario is good for red clover, Walton ..................... 5.05 , ".. ... I "Vi", � - sh, In fact. I -low didlyou learhabout There was the unmistakable sound- of in, a terrible humor And seemed wor. proved to be a contirdbuting cause, alfalfa, alsike and, sweet clover, and MeNaught ..................... 5.15 . :11.��'. I � , 01, ' footsteps across the flooi-thA L,4, ried and Agitated about something. In Ohio a gang of seven addict�, all. fair for dinothy. Domestic red clov- Toronto ..................... 9.00 . , : :),.. .. :-U " "Eldridge Fleel was waiting at my-.;jtp..some one walking around in soft Twice I tried, to find out what the less than) 20, were caught after a ser- . er will be supplanted by imported West . . . -`t' , . . - , 11 1� �Q, I I �,-,, �, . )ffice when I arrived this 'morning. -slippers. I trouble was, and asked him to ex- ies of 38 holdups. The boys' story seed to a great extent this sell on A,&.. . 'I., �. le's the lawyer for the Keating fam- "I got up, threw a dressing -gown plain, the phone calls; but each time wiis typical -of conditions in -many cit- amount ,of the scarcity of supply and Toronto ...................... 8.30 . � . . ,,.' " ,1�1�, '. �' ly. One of the execul.tbirs for the, old around me, and went to, the door he assured m6 nothing whatever was ies- One of them said. tbey,had first the price factor. Supply of all seed, M,cNaught ..................... 12.03 ��,`,,jlf, � .. , , . ''A", , . nan's'estate. K"par Kenting's wife which connects our two rooms.' I wrong." . I learned about "reefers" in high school except dmothy, is becoming scarce. Wlalton .......... � ........... 12.13 . .� � �� I � ,11 taturailly ,n6tified him at once at his called to my.busb,spd, but there was "Was there nothing else recently buying th& cigarettes at hamburger Estimated quantities still in growers' Blyth ........................ 12-23 �. . ,,, iome-called h1m, before he was up-, no response ,of any kind -and I re. which You can recall, and 'which might etand.a, and from peddlers who bung hands are: Red, clover, 60,000 lbs.; Auburn ..................... . 12.32 . I I ..� � , g " ,,, . "Level-headed chap, �his Fleel?" alized that eve'rylliffig had suddenly be helpful now?" around the school. He told,of "booth alfalfa, 190,000, lbs. �, alsike, 34,000 ll�s.; McGaw ...................... 12.40 . ­.'� I '111 � . . I "Oh, yes,, I've known the man for become quiet in the room. By this "Yes, there -was." The woman nod-, iclints', where you could get a cigar- sweet clover, 200,000 tbs., and, timo-, m-enget ............. I ......... 12.46 . I 1, �.. I',- , , I '. ,: ,ears. Good lawyer. He was wealthy time I was panicky; so I pulled open ded with a show of vigor. "About a atte and a sandwich for a quarter, thy, 875,000 lbs. I GDderkU ..................... 12.55 - � .� :­ � - .1 � ' . . ­ �� aid influential once, but was badly the door quickly and entered the week ago a strange, rough -looking and. of the shabby apartments of wo- � I . ­ '. � 1 I , - I�L dt by the depress-io,ni I got in touch room . . . . " I mail ca,rqe here to -see Katipar - he r,-,cn who provided the cigarettes and kN, . I � . �' 1. Fr,. . .QP vith Sergeant Heath immediately, "Just what kind of .sound was it looked to me lij'ie an underworld, char- vooms where boys and Or -Is might , I ,I"*% . . I", "- I . . 1� � r. in �l 11 "" �,­ ,. ti,o,n, �Mrs. acte When tb e an left til .1 � ", 1. I. , . Lad be went up to the house with that first caught-1-oul- atten lie use smoke -1hem. . 1. . eSNAPS140T ,cull LIL.-O,k, ��Z I heard him say �;" ,� I'leel. I told them I'd, be there as Kentirl to Kaspar in a loud Pis recollect4on of the crimes be . - il'.,', �: % � ; � :: I oon as I could. I dropped off here, "I don't ku exactly. tone, "there are ways of getting had, eommitteed was hazy. "When -'­­.: ;�', I OW It might ".. �,?� l hinking k " have been some one moving a chair, thingsl' It wasn't just a statement You get ,to ,floating,' i .. liard to keep Picturing Children Indoors .111-1. ..". . , t . -the words sounded terribly u track Of things. if I 1. ! killed some- . IV, 'J 4 "By the way, do you know this or dropping something," nfrie'n'd- -1 . W " oung Kaspar Keating?" ly.1.,'Almo,st like , ­: � . . . . . . I'll "Could it have 6een a, scuffle of � threat." body on one of bhose j,)bs, I'd never I I "Has there been an(ything fueblier?" have known it. Sometimes it was -L, 11" " " "Slightly," Vance answered ab- some kind -I mean, did it sound Is - � . - .,;,0,11, O'Ler before I realized that I'd even I -, $­ tractly. "I've run into the johnnie if more than one Person might have ...:;",.��-1"�:--.",?,z,."i:ri.,:,;:.;:".;;Iit�,'��.� ,... "., ., :. ::;�.;;.,.:::. , , '. 4,N1 , (Continued Next Week) . 1)(en out Of my room." ­��:�­.:�;Z ­,­�O,::- ­ 11 ,�, . . ,:;-r, 1:.'.�.,..:.X.1., .,.­;�. M,�� , � M"......�.:. I_ e -re and there, 'L,specially at Old Kin- been making the ril ':::*�:�.,.,.�­,�.,, , , - ... I 5 It is the . .. ­,�, , ... I ;;� ,�,,...",,:.;.:,�': Aid's Casino ,and at the race -tracks. "I don't think so. It was useless destruction of .:: :�:.. :�� �:l���:.-'��.����,i;:,-"!,�"-��,.-m m. ' over too ------q0-- . :. ;� .. .... :.l.. . ,­­5'-..1­;..N�1,,..� �'�"��'�4' Caspar's a gambler and pretty-nmob quickly for that." ymith which, is so beartbreaking to .. *,"x:. . -1: 7, .:.:".:'­:;' - ......".. . . . - . , :, I I ,��," . !!:"-::::i;;:: ,2;- .;: , , :::;�`.��.�� 1�f� nf,M ­ - , u nll of as who labor in the field of g!��]::,�:�.�',:�j:.'.�� .. :1 , - - -V KI . ..I�:j�r:;:' I..". ", . ne'er-do-well., Always hard ' p. And "When, you entered the room, were Records Reveal Cost -, narcotic su �­ .1,... III;— ­ ::es". ;."�; .�: I ppression. The drug acts �*.-;'. -:"-:�­,:::.;1-: � " .:..;:-.'��.- n. -;-�,,.�. �'1�1%1 Call imagine tibe lights on?" , ­;.%.;...;;;.�� 1111.1". � rusted by no one. . � �.�.'-,�,.;i:i.ii7�:::i:��.�i:�i�:���i����i, ::, ', , �, `92 v-hy any on '.Yes," .,the woman hastened to an- - us an almost overpowering stimulant xa...: I ­::,��, �!, e would want ,to pay a Of Raising Pullets ,.;..,.;::.;::.-:.�,�,�!,.!�l..:C.:;:.. .,:: I,` 1. �, ­­ .. : ,:: . . ansom for him." .:t,:.:�:::�:,.:"..:i:.z:::.,...�::.: . ­ �T: upon the immature brain. There are "�;�::.,�,3i,",,��;ii�i"i".":. . i � ..i��:�,*4"��".,.."i..,..,�.:::�i-�� I.., ... I 4o,l swer arilmatedly. "That was th ' . ......­ 1­� ,�R e cur- In order to ascei :�1:...".­,.­-,-,-.-,.... 1. "Can't really blame t1h;e chapple for ious thing about it. Not only, was -tain the cost of numerous cases on record like that - ";:�.�c�;-.".c�.';*!:!:i:i:�i'��".,;- ­­ � - %­�,';:;,;:::�,1::::-"1 - - I . . - - , .��, ': ileing such a blighter. raising pullets to maturity, that is of an AtlantA boy who robbed his - �... 1. e-xr:­,-5- , , ..�'.- . .­."'.'..., . . �­,� .:!�� '5--- " " Old Karl K., the chandelier burning brightly, but the age at which they lay their first rather'9 safeLof 'thbl:184nds of dollars 11: . 11 V Al2M. ­­' ,­P,� , 1, he author of his being, was a bit the lig,ht beside the bed also., They - 'm '. IN11 peer -himself, - Had mo,re than en- were a ghastly yellow in the da�_ eggs, a record of ' all,fe.ed, coal -and in jewelry and casili. Of high school I . I 11 �",'] ugh money, . . .." I litter used was kept during the 1937 are, this boy' apparently had been , . . . . . . �'­ I , -arid left it all 'to the Ilght.- . ,.. ­­ - - ­ ­ " ,ldef son, Kenyon K., to dole out to "And arl strange thing was season at the experimental station, headed, for an honest career. Gradu- . ., ,:::. I I .- -1 . I S111111nerland, B. C. aily, howe,ver, bis- father noticed in , 1- . ... ... . � -1 ; , , . � ,::�t, , . . �� . I .. ' �1� I I . Star!ing with 680 W`bite Wyandotte him spells of shakiness, succeeded by �-- . I �.�Xf� ,, . - . . ­ L�4� I G., I . .1- . I—- . �1, chicks hatched ':on three different periods When the boy would assume . ,�- , . , "I'll .... s. � � NAL"­10ENTING, USPAR dales, Abril 6, 14 and, 29, respectively, a grandiose manner and engage in ei- . .. I . � . .� 4 1 P .1 � - I and- bi�ooded under coal brooders, 391 mssive,laughteT and extravagant con- - All.` . 1. � , . ''I'll, .... ... , 0 "' I ;'. r~ wo.-e sold as broilers and roasters, and versation. When. these act -ions final- - I . I "IN ADDR.Uss ,86 IFest Awth Street �1. few as ready -to -lay pallets. These ly were climaxed 'by robbery tli�e ... ,,, lit, Lti��! � ...... �­. Mi 114111 ....... ...... . . . ::� I latter bave been included for purpos- father went at. llua- son;s problem in .. 1 I " �3 --. ,--! ! I I 1. - A - - --and found tho cause if it in . �i 1 22 � es of experiment at their actual earnest c - . � ,� "ra -.�Ar.. a marijuana peddler who cat 4:,�,� � , I 71L 2� i weights and the prevailing live price .red to . , . I I .�,%%,,� i I a"s -=� per pound. - Mortality, caused- Mostly I . I �, !- Z7 PI-Sappearance: Evid I Uly 20 . school children. I I . "Ill., , by ,hawks and coyol accounted"for In Los Angeles a: boy of 17 ki . I I �4� " tied . X- I;.,,, . . ' . �111111111 .... � . .... 2 I I a once Of kldna 1 48 birds. The balance of 241 repres- a policeman who,had been his great .. . ­.­..,;­ -.34 " I r I . . - :::::::: .... �: 5 . . . '' . 11111111 by El ents the number of pallets coming !n. friend. A girl of 15 ran away "in 'i : .. . "I in . &i . � . . ­ I I'll . . .., .s . to laying from home ,and was picked up w4th five . ­ . '. ,.,� �T' INC .. ... ..... , , , eel September 2ad on- ill ... ��; - M ­­­ ­ 4, ��.-� ­­ ,,' 14 _0 young men'ta a marijuana dlen in Do- 1, I- 111KX? . ".. 1, � , ,,'��y , Wards. No eggs laid by these birds ... - I ­ . I ... I.. -------_ Se"Zt. Ifel .- I , , % "' , . , . . th (jig, c1de 13urgaU) and have been credited, as such inclusion troit. A Chicago mother, watching Floodlight from almost directly overhead makes the child"s figure stand ,.,,Z 7 01-s would only create a fictitious profit lier ,daughter die as an indirect re- , I I � -4 � I . . flyps off.t6, I or unfa I irly� reduce the cost of rear- sult of mairijuama addiction, told offl- out against a background of rich shadow. The picture was snapped when . . ,'. �,,� 11 . .... . ... - , . . the subject had forgotten there war. a camera near. N. , ing. cers that at least 50 of the girl's .1 � . ,�," . b,l,wx ov N . ' friends' were slaves of the narcotic � I �­ . ,,, -l; , , r, The number of chicks brooded ' ARENTS usually. think of out. the flood bulbs, and'as soon as he " � rrr .! �,�, I , �, - The same sort of report comes I P doors and sunny summer days as Is absorbed in'them, and uncon- r ;v ibight easily have been cared for b�' . n , I �, I I -- two brooders instead of three if batqb� from cities all over the country. In the proper place and time for pictur- SCIOUS Of the camera -snap goes the , � - I � .1 I 1, " : , . . I . �� " " r . Ing dates allowed this, thereby redue- New Orleans, of 437 persone of vary- . true. shutter and the Pi r -1 I I 11 . Caspar�is he saw fit. I imagine he that the bedi had not been slept in." Ing the amount and cost',of Oal us Ing ages arrested for a wide ranike of ing children, and once this was cture is ril � - .1� _ ­ � -� .�� . c There is a,variety of lighting ar- ��, tasn't seen fit very often. or very Vance's eyebrows rose sli�htly. ed. � crimes, 125 were addicts. Of thdoty- Before the advent of fast'films and rangements one can use on child pie- . ';'1;g 1� ,. aluch." . "Do you know what time Mr. Kent- As anyone knows who lip -,)t poultry seven murderers, 17 used marijuana. electric light bulbs especially de- .1�1 , '�4 tutes. For a cheerful, joyous effect,. �.A�, f� "That may all be vary Interesting," ing'came to" his bedrooim last nipi ], 1937, feed prices were high. Wheat The weed was known to the anoient signed for amateur photography, .. I J��I� ,,,, darloham. grumbled; "but I;ve got to The woman hesltate�d Greeks. Homer wrote Wi . a moment for this experiment cost $50.00 per that it Made . everything In the picture should be . `11':Ia ,,et to 86th Strebi. daytIlme Was the only time snap- i , 21 Tilfis may Prove and flashed' a glance at Kenyon Kent- t men forget their homes and turned light in tone, -and there should be . I OR`, on, home -mixed. developer mash of - shooters could work. TPday that -is e,�en . . �`ji§',i . crucial case, and,. I cdhIt affordi to Ing. them into swine. In, Persia in IQ90 11. illumination, witA* no deep 'I" , �. ,, I 7:,L"�R �' �F,: which large quantities were consumed , longer the cas shadows. How9ver. when a dramatic I 1)''I guore ILI' ,no Jook6d somewhat ap- "Oh, yes," she said, hurriedly- "I cost $50.00 per ton. ' . -was foundedi the military and rel-ig- no 8. ,%� n 1� 1. wallingly. at Vance'. heard him come in.. It must have, In order that the figures may be lous, ordler of tbe Assassins, whose Nowadays, pleasing 6b!I,d pictures effect Is desired, illumination can be �, � 11� ­;,� , ' I history is. one of cruelty and murder., may be taken Inside the home either restricted to the 'bhild'q face'and , 1�!Z. "';L, , : . Vance rose likewise and crushed been -soon after three this, morning. of some benefit to those poultry -keep- Its members wore confirmed users of by day or night, and more amateurs halir� with everything else in deep . I ",'il r" j lut his cigarette. I heard ,him enter his bedroom and rs who raise their pallets from pur- 1:1 :, e�Al, 11 ", "Oh, by all means," Vance drawl- turn on the lightsi. Then I heard him haehlsh7 taking their name' from the are taking them. This is partly be- a3hadow. This tends to give the Im- .i�, 11.- R. � - - 4. "I'll be delighted to toddle along. telephoiding -to some one in an angry chased day-old chicks, the cost of the Arabic "haslisibas,hin.." It `- st hashish - cause the home provides an ideal set- pressloif of a very small child In a � . . I � I . �­ LL Phough I can't even vaguely imagine voice. original 680 chicks has ,been, ' reckon- wihdch"causes� Moros and Malays . . I �.. �. "I ' " Right iafter that I fell as,leep ed At $14.00 per Imud-ted, the to ting for pictures one wants to keep, very large room� sometimes,". tf- . 1, , , ,;,, I - ."". , , vhy kidnappers ,should select Kaspar again. I ,:, , approxi- "min ti atd engage in violent and hOtpgrapher ine,sa which Is more,apa .1. 11',.J41N 11� . mate price of ,heavy breeds,, in the .. ,., - �, K6ntlng, 'The Kentings are no longer "You sa Le was out last n4ght. Do , I bloody deeds. and partly -because the P feet of lonel , :, I 1�n Y Okanagan Valley. In -calculating the can control his light to MAkb pic. pealing than ,if the picture were � , I � , 4 n,',':' L reputedly wealthy family. By the you know where or with whom?" .- ' , i I .. ?-11. )y, do you know . cost of raising the birds, no charge Although, an aniclent drug, the Mon- more Interesting. . ­­­ . . � ". .1 . tures bright and carefree. I , , ]�,ow much, ransom I I I ace.,.of Marijuana is comparatively s !�,� il �, "A 'now gambling casino was open- � I .0 � vas demanded?" I has,been made for labour. - new ,to ithe United States. It came !n , d amateur i Beautiful ",high -key" effects can . "I "I � I � ost of Raising Puflets To Maturity from Mexico, and swept across the flood bulbs are .so powerful .that the be obtained,04th the child on 9, Witl?.. . �, "Fifty thousand. But You'll see tile ed In Jersey kesterday, and my b 9- C ­ . , 1, iote, when ,we get there. Nothing,s Oand was invited to be a guest at the *0 camera worker can put two of them dow-seat where daylight didusab . ., . . f, ,1�1 .1 U Estimated -cost.,680 chicks ...$ 95" eountry'-with Incredible speed,. In 1931 � ..�'.,'�,�' . wen touched,.' Heath0tnows I'm coll opening coiiiomlonles. His� friend Mt. Brooder coal;'I'900 The . ...... 14.01 the marijuana. file of the United Sitates in reflectors three tb four feet from through the curtains, and. bright ' . . ` 1.1,-, :, ng.,� � -Quaggy called for him,' about nine Little, 800 lbs. . : ............ Cuu Narcotic Bureau was less' than Iwo ........ his subject, and take snapshots, as -floodlight inside 80 that thsrb. ate I .".. �; " ��, 1� , , ­Fffty.thousand . . . 11 Vance pour- o'clock-" .1, Cb1ck feed, 784 tbs . ......... 24.481 iii,fies thick. The .traffic's, most., rap- h would outdoors, with. an ordinary � no darkilreas or,MassOd -of ObAd6W. 1. I , I '-1 i� I I" � I—; " �4, , � ��',�, . "Please repeat the name Of! your Developer masb, 8,398 Ms.... 167.96 'R ' of Tho. childN6 "Clothing should, be light " ' . . 1 7.1', , 1,, xd himlself a pony of his 'Napoleon id growth came in 1935 amd 1936, and llil camera. The , camerl Is, -', ".., %­ I rkh't . I 1. 1'�, - -1 ,� , , *gnae. "That's most Interestil .Not husband's friend." I Whole gralb, 4,600 Ibs . ...... � lull.'Ju to,dhy our r9orts crowd inany large course, loaded with supersensitive- In4olor. -Good talay-0 ',A,,�09 .1 I I I ""'. ,,...;� Will glV6.4plet � R.w , L ,,,, "Quaggy-Porter Quaggy. He's a � , ll,Wdt 1 ,,, ;­ ';"�,� � L -n untidy sumil what?" . I . . cabinets.. They 1 -indicate that high film and Its Ions set at the I " 1' ' 1, . .� ,�. very trustworthy and, loyal man .$410.60 argest ul*!,'�4# , AlrAc 111. 11 �n�� , 1, ,, �� I �,� ,:�� � ,,, i - 11.6 turned to me. I and school'situdents pardeularly are the white,ind It ,.,� W" -an W11 ,� � �', ,­., �,,:L� � "I ... " � I �, ", !i " ".."'I.:: . , l# , , - - I've never Objected to my- husband'sn Sale , Opening. OtUefcameras can be used � � , *; i ":' �,,, of broilers and, roasters, I �,�, �� ;"" A,,�'�'���,:3 I �� , do 'ydn care to come along pe,by of the reefer peddlers. at 1/25 second shutter speed and, iftst enoug ,� iN, kni tho � , ", � ,�, "And , 11, , .11; �1. ��­, ,r,�'�i-L �, � , 1�'1111 "I", iran? It may prove more bacinatin; .. 302.62 1 � tti�kA�luitibd�1,111$;��-�i�,,',,,;,"',,�����,, 90in� out witbi him, He has. been 1,602 lb s . .......... 4% �11- 4 , ". , `�� , '", , i I I � � I �� 11 I I I I * Among those who first spread Its f.8 or fX1 long opening.. I �M, � . � I I or sicadnto IL�,�,,��, :ban it sounds." , . mo�re or less a friend -of the family, � -- use were musicians. They, brought . t1dA the winlao , � '1� ,,��' �, 1� ,Despite My jaccumill work, I for -severail. Years,', And, he, -alw Cost of ralslAg 241 pullets-. $168.98 Ability to tAke snapshots like 7- I wan, .arrinci; � i ,],'Q I 1��. ��.�L­Irl, "'.1"', , ays the habit northward with the surge 1110 111 i",�Iif,'E',,%4 seems 'to'sknow just how to handle Cost per pullet --44.39 cents. Is a great hd1p 19, obtaining natural, I I -1 , -� i� Vvasi glad of the Invitation. - I I of "bov, mul demanding Players, of ; 1 , . � ,,, �#','�'t , I 11 ,"I "" ,� lk,,H'01�,' N"I-11 31 , �� ! , " , ILI I �� � I ii I I . 4 � I .. � I �1� , i'll I �tll , " , " , , , , I � I '11" � 11 I - , ". � � ., . WW - , , ' �­­ ' I "' ""' , , -, A , " � " I �-- "I, , "I I i12,111'111`11 � ii I i �. , � I . The� $lergoant lea us'lAto a giftffy my hubband, when 'he shows, an Jn- .'i , .11,:4.11.11- ''Onal ability, especially In imi unPosed'61tild"pictlareg. -It 19 ad long,' f ' t ' 1 � , R,i,�,*. I - . excepti oftweb"I ,dx, 1, . et tiftessiry, to titia itnel arr Ud 1�;V, �,��,�,��,'. I I I I ' ' , -�` �; , I I -VA, , -�t 11'411`��.N, 11,Avdfi*i,�rool jgegtod lidmiself at , S clinattion to go a little too far in,his, PrOvIsati,6U. Along the Mexican, hot- I 11 . 1-t 11 3"!4 -11��! ; P6We#4"* 601*64611d.16,111ibld, ,- 1, �� �V�,1171�1`ill ,. , ,M --his, *tell, Ns drinkinig," I "I& your wife having. 44y. ouce, ,0* � LIN - ,,�,l 1�.",­�, ­, all Sheoliewi dol and drow out I ess, In der and In sOuthern. seaport, cities, It ,­ ­­ , " -- 11, . , ­�', I .1'. I A& 'Mr. Quaggyjive?" . : 'i � Ah.. uo; ,4 1 Ili, ,�, I , � j1h; littib bl' I&t)h,&,,bOftd not�- "Whell does, leArning to drl" a 40ar?" ' ,� , lbad long beell kn#'"- that the 'drug I v6* 6aiv, -N it t6kk, 0 . � I - �, I.b, 1� . � I . I .; � I'll, 11:��,� I - ` "O I , . 9W MUM, , , - ' Tl�­,F `n'n`� i "' I � " - 1; , .., ...... I'll , ��� """ 4, 71-1-11-.--,.-.1 ­­­. I'll -1 I&W "Ohisfi" fil said to ' flj' ' "Just Up the Street near Central I . . 1. , , �,.%;­­ ; , . "��"*�-7" L "ll 1!-4 lf;� %, � PAA coami, is be ti#g to Ulm Ax ting oft'.06t lw� 0".!qlvo .v4lt�,.?� 0 , 1l, ,19,44 ., i;'&i'14�` .1 I a 1 , , .!, ­' $ :14�1[* 1h,01 11 - I, Odfilk I" , I'll, t L "r 64 , . I , �� 11 ;.t --L ­�."­­­ , ": , ", " ".. " � , fibbe, YoWd bettek �Jet the I PATk West At t1w Nodfughl . , ,.", Zu -AV=?� � �=ho 12 I ", �. I ­ , " ,11:�11 ll'.,�:� � :',; I .1, -, I "... . - I . , Ot ; I �,''� �';' 'T r�'1�14-1.1';qjhl�,� ��110�1,�­�W,,,",'#�� .-� .7 19:;1�11 . .� . .. . I . , _� , , , Vo '' , ,,,��kgl,,�4 , I , � , I 1- .. I . I � ,l�,,, , "L'' , ,I ­ � 6,, � I " L � �"A �,s e ., 11'.., 1111'�,,;­4yT,­­V L ,Wll�,"L" I . . I-- I - �. ; . I . � 1, ��., I �;$"`L ", , ''. '. , �� I I . ­ , I . .1 I . l' . . ­ 11 . - . .. � :, ­ �, .:, ,, , �,�,l� ;�"',,�'. ��,�;) lhll� ,A;� , , ,� .",I , ,, g ­��iia I . " 1. . .. I . , . I ; "I'll., ­ ­,�­.;�!, �4ij,,�;t . M i � '141�1�,�­ ,., I . I � I... I , ­ I ,,, l, � �l" ' " " �'L j.­� ... . .... 'y I I �� � . , I , . . I I I I , I � , �' ­...'�,,' ,,L "'��"J. " . , I I , �, , I � , � � 11.; �, . , -f. -t, L j� ", "; �'�., ,4- I I � i e , , , , - ""I '.-�,�� , "", , "" , � I �,,�,;, !.� ,��, 4 \ I ly , - I - lo pt , 1, - , - , , I :11 . 1. '. � " . � 1. . I , " I , '� � � - I �� - , -'.�!,, i "�."I'.,�,�,,L-�'.�.'I�"�,"(.':T,�I �­"!'�, �!L ' ' , ", , ,,,��',�'�;", � -, , - �', , " , "' *�i� ��,,�',��­ �� ... , ,­ ,� , � " , , , , I , N '� �:1�4'f ' � ., j: � 'I "' �" "' '��" ""� �"W­:­�`­ ' ' � '': ' '-'� ,,,, I'.,.. l 6,,,c .l,'�.Ii�.. , . . . , ,�,,�'.4 �� �,,'.' " � ,�,I, " I , !. 'A , , "" ') ,� �5 ,16'A�, -1 �,�,.,'��,,',',,�i.,4,k4,,,,,,,�,.,ti,��'t;'$A��'LirC�'?��,,""..,4,�,�,jl,6.""",i-1,,�,k�?;,��)'���,�,�*�*,,,i !,§ ; Z 11 I .1 , 'A ,'�,i�'.� -r. , ; 1,��, , 1 �, , ,� , , ,;,,. -P "; �X'11,`-- I lll'�w� ,- I., ,%) I I . ." , , "'"' ,�,,,��&­lvt�,,� ' � ' " ''! ,� 11 I - ., , " .�] i ­,� �j , . 1�, I , ,;:� '�, � � 11 .,�, e,n k , _