HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-03-11, Page 2�', , , .� ,�"'�"."��",""�,�I'll��.",��ill,"', � ... I - . :1, , � �,�, , 1. . .1 ."I -7."'", - . ... !,­ , . �. PK;f��,'11 w ��j;�'T�, W.� 11� - I ,�v,.."",�"-":.V,-"�,q��;4�.�,�,,�l,ii,� .,,,'�;.qg'fL g �,,V,��,,rf -,-,-"",,AJ.T,.�,7[,I"q�p��"Ir"",!��.�'l", , e . I '' I . 1. . 1?-.,,111� .� I", ...... . . �� , , , 1,71A � *A , 10 0311 I �� 1:1.d i' " ;, � I . i � � �.�....!, .;-. .1 .11, ­ � - ,g� 0 , . . . . , : 1" I 1�.�,:, , to R112k,V��11'1 ".�,114?"��",If�j��(,�l',�"Ni;,Pi,."�;.',�-�,*,'V�",,�'i�,,I��i 1,41�A,MV,V rj-0�11�:-"`;Q,1� , k 1" . it!N , �, I � 1. � 0 1""Irl jT,Ncr:, 111(T,,.�­'ty - .,I , I . .1 � - " . � 1� I I ". � , , I �1� �� It, AM I , I ,"'. i.,-*,"- ',"", , , .. , : , I : I " . .1 , %- R 11F, , " , v ". ', !"I'd, .. I'- � L, � 3Z4, . I a I ��­r � " 1.0, �111 I * 11 '. � � :" ,, . �, ��, 'g,"t N'S � , . T L - 6;;� E., , �* .411�u:"; ... 1; ', f, 1- , I � �,� �, ,� �, 1 " ii I , " "' '' - , I 11 . .1 I ., � , " - , , , � , , . 11 , � , ­ , I �111 , , � 4 1 �, i . ". ". '', I . I , . , - : 11 L, . . , .1 .. � I , � , , , A, "I 'e, I - . 11 , . I ­ ­', � � 1. . I " , - - ,­ , � 11� ", ,�, � , � ,- '. ., ­ ,. I � I . . I �, . - I . . - I , , �.;�.,� I " . � I . A, PIWI .. , : �: ,% .11� , ­i� ,� - .;xft .,4- �s- , " I . , . � : � , � I I I I I ­,", ,,, , N#N ,-�4;'?,�� , ,�� , ­ " I . ,� .� '). . . " . , oi r' ­� I " i, � , .� 1. . I . -.1. . . � N I � I "20"A'2�, ��, , I 11 ".r , .... I !;W.- , . I;- � , � I , � . - -- I ----­­­-,.­', 'I �ii: 1:1:1: III I F 11 ­ .. - I � ­. I I - ­­­,­,'-­­- -1-11-11-1-111- -1; .ioi.., , : -111111 ... ­­­'. , L ... ... � , ��'Ii,,:*, :1�1:11 �-0.1cl-l-�-1-1�1--l'I'll�1--i-�1,1�...". ­ ­­­-.­,­­­.­ ...... . -­ .11 ... . '�,", ­n"'J"", -.,. , '... ­ I . Q'­.:�­; I.... 1-1r, . I I ­ ­ " � 11 4q,mm 11 I ... � .1 ­: ­ ­­. I.. I 1. ... I L � � ...., .. ", ­ ­ , �11 ,,,, ."T . M 14", ­ , I . . �000*r . I 1� , �U.7.'� ",7.. 11 ,r!'7'r,;�T",�.T­r,, I XRi.,� .17 ,- I �i:.,N, la � ," "Ivffil�,Z� � . ��,§,'1'11. . �� ". , 7""*op�0' " � � �� , "� �' , � 7 : 11", :.1... �, � ,1, , �� � � . , � , . � :,; �� " " -. � , � I I , , ". � F , I...L I iiIM *�� , , , _21�1­'IiLl��,-�IIELI L- I � � � ,,i� �, -,,-4 , 1, - - � � ,�,;, ; ­.. . ,; , . I - - -- . I I . , , I . . . I 't W. �00 , I : L I !�,' T I It W,q " t ­ — I'll 1-1 ,,, '. ­­, , - ,,;, ­ ". , ­­­­'. "t , , , ( ; � � ,. �­, � ,0,� . , ­ . '� I X, �' . - 1,�?7 � , IW41* �;,."� ., ft—Rmte,% dfidame. tode .1. I 11 ,�"* N"', ''o , . '" �,jj . I � � -ar., ,., � . - 7 -.­­­­.­. . , � & ; , . ", 0 . *won ,,p ­ , � ... � . 'i" ?�­­­­­. � , ., � ­­ 1,� ... ­ ­­ ' T�� ' � ' o, � I "I . - A , , �, , I z ,. *4; .44 "' , I - , , - � .1illc ml�,. I -, ,,* P1 - , I i "",%, "", 1A M �.,� . , , -1, , I ,�, *1 J bw; howoo rgd I . . . . . . . ... - m m,mry , � 1wo 04 LA . .1�,, to - " - � 1'�': , � .� Ing 'Out from, , '014 , .. I �, IM ,'4v, � .. ­ ' M-111 , I , �, , � , im. . I . ,S.I* Itf, , i I pad ird 11 I i t. V '' � .. ,�i ­:��, � , the bi$bw,,4 ,! 1, � -1 � , p1beem, w �tbq .... ", I �', I -- f Omer _ 1. . .r � 'r-11 - - ;..i L, ��,'1111, 1...�'Iiri�, 11 W '' �T � . - � ....... . �� " J0 4. or ,;O� � d OD 00 o!v 6 I , I *PT �;q , . ... . L=1Y1 - ... S . In � . . . , , I I .Y , i�", "', , , , , W owk I 10 W 410W . M � ,, ,,, , ". . . "m 4 , , .1 I . ,� ,,,, � I - " ,W , �, Ago,od it WA xfA =Va beilp =TiTed. , ,A , , " i 11. : , � i, 0,01, " " uQuee , � . 7 � , - vuua FXM .0. �. . I 1W *1wry A.- ZP010 - . 0, Zbat ,t'he I re fed, 09 -­ � gil� I , I � ' ' jvumoo" "40", .. , �­ .. � . , . . weo@ ,haa - M . . �:,r r�g""fgvn I . , ,:,�,Ij 9 �wo ­ , , ,��­ 410.1w W., V ,Mo. 1,4009 I I 61 W , 'r- �,,C,'Rpv " , 9'3pr � I I rlrj�,.f fft, ­ : �,bplr M XOTI110 . I'M W-0, . 014 have time to : " - , *Vle "* a, �-gr,,,�,g;,�, 11 I ." , o y "d - "a, � I ''I . . � ­ �. :M 11 li 3, I on$ for -their own oaf ety� - MO - L , I . ­.. - I . I., ��. . I I I.. fxo= taw 2ecidezt i"'Y"': , "' � , , , k g � toe;;�a W'" . �,Alk - . ,","', � I , pre � �17�� , ; I . . , ," ".., �=. 4 Ago'. Y�i ,"111" . "veya bruises WX SH " �,,­ i� � I , ""F A-,. ... '06, 11 ,ed 11,`11- '17 ,-,,, I . . I � ". �. , . ". I . 1�,'��.111 or � � -� , " ��­*"- ­. . , . , I . . , ' Wbi 'p sh -1 - ,� Stay ind kee - ead lof a nd ' � " ;�baut pwveii�s and vitamhu and Me and suff,eT , . _ , — - � -ad from 0,'Vw-ftrad colUx- � 404� , .� . I . I I . , --MWJA of the sQA, and well - ,. ., I eux auffea �),,��j�,k�' , I I I 1111- 1i I � . I. .- �. 1 .Laa veek­ve had 40me. of these bad b,�,M try -Ing W ten him f3ome. bone. Tbewtea - tQP -g ­,�, I .1. . " , . , 14 or something fte that, - 11 � . ,be car W" . ,.�W27,1'4"'ATSW, ,, ompvw"0010o �� ba of t :,?,�,ig ", �V�,. I I 1 "I"'O." - I Swing dam, that resull,;M V=g from ole vwe, he came in, ,bqt badly cruelled "d tbe ghm iu tie I � ,,­ , ,, i ", " I I , 111111" i , , ��, I � 11. 'IF. , '' I , I �,�".J p4 . 0. .- In fact, we doift beHeve tba , �� ., , Z �w 46 � t­bm " "�*'Wm Expcxl� ' ,ss6�'Ag� ,. ,#:;�1,4,�ks �y , ,;, ,- year f ,a gemexa fog. R etarte& d6wn.2�yKmd &,,, jaa pl ds , .. '!;.",k�,'�i�",R'-Ii,�.,�,'�".'�""��,,"��� 1. _ximL f--"�p: " � L'f',,kl . y ,woul ,t listen to jne� windShield amid Mine Of the '&Y1ndQW% �, I 9k , k%!, . 11 - 1; . 1, kw;7- f"'.1 it - d- low ,g� "' , . � 0,4 -& -14,19 I-— i !,r. A' . , � would,iw* many red ban - cars, "Wroh 113 V* =and&*4 that botrdtd* bet -eau at al. -He -*,*uld,pWp foT a split f�ee­ ,chattOrOd Into bits, E -the me'R , 0A . and. - L�ay �L mb-acle ... , 61 ­ - � , ,,, -1.11 I ... . , I -a yew' ,& ,� either on the concewdon roa& or w nobea aws, au -ta,d Unwaeb -NeU2abm H%gipz Ilea- ,md aud tben startoff -�A a high ePeOd fscalwd B0140ns WUTY,48' - X I . . . . . . . . . . �� -4 A'.�z&*n+,c� Z111.2 . . d"'5 1) -Agab4 -%-Iihqut even XI-vdng me Ume Me car belonged to a TorantO trav- . .... I ..�,� . -, �, ­ 1-7-1 — boy =d bm of *r, Davld 90", Of - aud It vVread up gro=4 4- -,a 1. '31 T,W I". �..4 , - � lx*bways. There are some people ge,., bin %kp,til you -vanildn't 'see the ba,rn to p I ','I 1, ,1 get ,,w,01,d i,,*p ,nd,waye. eller und -the men w0TO but fOr a� , ,"""O J')V�Q­l � . '', � ", ­-­ ---.,. , �4­1. 1 ; ­ ­ I . r "I'll, . � . , that ymage, box been,appointed , - 916ulle Art -1 just gave up and let him -Ide 1. *�*" , *ho.- Ile to b� s, " hat ,nor the'4rivsing shed-, ' when Me' 4celdevi happen,K. � 114A, � Wk, , 11 - I talk. It I , - ., � ­kVaWnW *f th'�� 'MovWAC L4gbi 61m - T,he car was M ured for Hitl - 'r , ID'a 2md Viater C=ikv*Bfw c�'K,tucardine I �,R, C*171CU re'tary petemaked IlLe au U,had of refuge wkh was warm on the south silae of the 0 Go ou� . � It, *, Fridav, March, 11, W38 - i mighty few who I I want to W L, X" 11� � .. �� I I 1-1 --1 ,,, . �. . Cotin C=pboll, -of Manslwd TwY- f0`w9nerz EX07i'ag, the geneml at- drivjAg,tihed and I awt of relaxed on Emner Tlmes�Ad,vooale. �r � , 41,§0 � , 1*1' 1-----.--.. I -i- . I - - , M0*UeMe--1tb VDMXM P's. load of gilat I . bad just � . 11 �,­ J.!�,c — 1 ,4 ", �,, - Just quite aB conspilmous as that, and ,.-bz,, .ut owpjqw, in wo brash re- top',of, that . , IN t Lmknow Girl In Bombed Area 'A �1� I,", . ­ - -11 , ,'�, ,., Fog ij� ,quite, peculiar, It jmst,�,eems Wought f3vm the ndla, and lot h1m b ­` . ,.�t,' "'� " 1 (11" �;, ' the L'. " " , .1 A& &nneU Refires FrOM ` those few could be safely Wt to omfjy, fen a tro�, in wbleh n1w, coom to voll '- and b3llovy ;6�n'i � - " had Their XWOL while y,m can't see� Yluu. aud- tail- of counse, now and, again I'd MIBS Dorothy Dougkia, of 101clMow, � " �� �� I .. � terider mercies of the -small boy. And - 2ys hear a ,few woxts that I understood ,t,11 Im wu in t , ", .."'..., �,, � � --- you can a1w � 11 ':,, I . - Mr. Jofin A� .TaoUov. who Practir- district, ii� 14 -Tam- , I ,.�� . . I . Lee*MNA . , I - ed a ,, In MM qV VXW a few yea,,s manage to bear bater. I fo 0 bb ' . I ,,, � 11. ,, wo,uldn't the latter enjoy it? - TA and and tben' I would sort of Prick UP My sul, Formosa, attached'. to the anisd'Ink " left 110- stable door own � . . that 6 a and reu* � uctedi by the Presbyterian ,III �, . .� � 7.. Rom M H, Demett, lea 'er of . ago, has been aqpo��ed to a Jufte, the top haff .4 ae door , L. ears- He pped Jast � - !,�11 I d I . and ,,d. int " school cond 0:,��,��,'�` I � tu,Alberta, wftb, headquartew at I , , hi6 pocket "for a book . . . church In Canada, Me School is im ,� ,. I � I 0 , - SUP , � I . juot as;zooa aB that cald and, damp- .,N �,',� 1. Coxwrvatfvo partY in Canada � , ow, for your -Particular Soil I ,the cent,re -- . ,, " . . . ... �.' � . I i6elleod, I of the area which wa& ''i '. . &ats ish air started rolling in -they- ttarted would re, , . , 'S' " , �J , , `� �L ; . . � X�, John IA0rhWr, Of H48�nJMJJ, _ummen,l a -,�', � bombed by Chinese planes recently- , , , �, I.W�111�� I . W 11 and.-Pefin"o miniaer from . "'i-71 " ''I ­; I'm -� 4,v�l, M 111�1 I Where Ne, -d ? beeg awarded tae'eural mall matract ttxwlimg� 'Of 00uMe 11. whell'ever th-, t -Young fellow," I said at i;t, -I 1,116s Douglas is a cousin, .of Mrs. G- �,Ikg, I if', 'MO to - u resignp,d the. lead- � - I happens you always b�vl� 0) bavO ,a would recommend when you call ,1111`414 -, I - -AA ­ , , WW�1, , - W4, h - I . I from Hensall and Mr William 1.4un " at 'a Davidson, of town, - wingham. - ; :1 "" I . - -�ra ,k 11 - your, vance-Tin2eB, ,� , � . � I , " I . -ia . . . 1.�,�.,4 ­A901V of W IrArty. In a gnianimous decision the Su- mie hao been xwarded Abe n SI ,he j�tabie started- man i I " , , - real orehe . . . and the, rest of - 11 1� '', con place ,,that you as IrBt whethel VIIIN'. .�r`­ � . . the Lolks down at t `b�a his fe,tili.er bought or not. , .1111. ,..`�`. . � I WMA from KIPPM �� - .... "I'll, ... I'll, , , , it was made kywwn at preme Court of Canada has pro- W� �,W. R" Coje� L Of ,Me tead office Sir Trimothy, the fare of our GaW- I - ardc� mine last Fall t,olu Ed. Saw Herd of 16 Doer .� ," � * . . ,- I �,�,,.,.Ifig deois I 11 4�;� "' �, - ' � "' e F,Ugfne =d herd,'Jed the bass section- GrOut"r, Hiiwkswn, ,the Inill-man- - I'm just sor- � W &�, #-v -smatented porker, add a te w ry for you, bmau,se YOU 1>.."""., �, ontpronele of Ahe CorwervatiVe, . nounced the bank tax, credit regula- s�Iaff of tbe Robt B 11 1.1 . 1. I � Tj�re�h,, Co_ j3cagorM has been, ap, our di put up a Mr. anil, Miw. Selah Brechenridge�. . I I'll . , 'r . I r, 'legislati , - h Mr ......... ,;� *­� � , ,� ... 1 ,44 � " , ,; lie4& e held In Ottawa last tion and press control . poln�w manamr or tbe winmipeg grunts for good ineasure; A --q edle, mi&ty fine atory, but you want to while returning from a visit wit " - , '111.'­.e"�,-�=. I n ­ the original old grey m2are, ."whinmys- -be L*e the'early 'bird: Get in first and Mrs. Oliver Stokes, Glenannan, N ''. , 9- bra=h =4 gMerall4Manager � !;, *'11 " . ,!*Ond, and whik Mr. BenneWs- a few times . . . and ae oi4 until I be, you'll get the worm:' en Thursday laot, met Nelson Under- - . , passed by the Alberta Social Creffit for tte _V,- I 11. I ��� 11 . . i I ania may '.., . . , : I I �, westoam ftQV*0es1 I , 11 P - tbe top of the door shut- , "� �'.11 -�,�� . ... I wasp ps, not Government to bf unconstitutionaL We understand tbat �Mr, Dan Shana- swIng .... � . I wood -and his son, C.eorge, and to- , , , , , 1 4 W � eeTie and ye, I "Ill, ',P- , . -a re- gether they counted sixteen deer- `,,�, , have bec Aw of land Y"'re is s0metbing m . ��,, Uft . The decision was not unexpected. ban ww have about 600 ac I11 tF,;�, , �. , . in pasture this season. - I terious about a N& Away across the crossing Mr. A. Bacon's farm on the , W11- � " ,III . . . . . . I Vith eyAreme regret, if ii9t -a Even the former Attorney General is alm Ued,, ,,5jood that the Eg, valley V m,4 ..... W4r Neighbor Higgins Mrs. Phil has the broodex eet up Howick-Turnberry boundary, north of .. . I . � i , -1 . � . . it , c sed " calling his dogp It just Seems to come in the broodea- house, and there's a Salem. This last few yeaTs deer havt-- I . ,, I ".4" "' - RUN -"aoiAhing approaching iim.ii- of the Alberta Government point�d . monovffie urewery is to toe IQ . . . . . ,rit, _ a and comes fine bunch ob young chicks in the,e. become. more plentiful I a this district. � down and Vbat It ha& been disposed sweeping I" On thit fog, �� 11 I , 1�� , oWnatilon by the rank and file of the I out the flaws in this legislation to of to tbo BrewerW Assoch,alon. right up close to you, and you cau,t I like to watch them running around ." but to see sixteen, at one time is m , ,. , , I � I .." - ,�,jl,:,' . WO . from. under that canopy,'and cheeping, , . . norvel experience. - Wingham A& I , ir . - But he was ,roa re "', V ; . I the Alberta Premier. I i MF., jake Sp -turned to Baltic- seem to t"ll where it's coming -a d and they certainly don't seem to have vance-Times. I ­ I ��� 4 He the distance a & �glr,� � . ford, S�eak- - wa, accompanied by Away off in ko a '.­T�� , ''ith Mr. 'Bennett gone, ' there not listened -to. lie was just fired, ,,,,, brother, R*W, who . recent, -I. starts baying, and you never heard a worry in the world, I .... �� 6�,t . . y (is- .1 I . - �� �, I - :� . � -Ville. such a long drawn-out and mournful There's some sort of fascination. in . Arm Caught in Buz Saw .� , wo -t like- a bunch , , Wd appear to be a singular Ink In all,probability Mr. Aberhart posed of MO business in Egmopd � ,,, ,��,, , . � Mk*sro. R- 13, Cloyealock and L. 0, sound in all your life. watching chicks. Jus . , - - of the ultimate fate , - Mr. Reber Snell had his right,arm- � a I I It makes a person wonder when . �,-,' , f Uaderfship material to fill his, ' was well aware th.e of down with sticks and they keep "I'll, ,�.,� I CbarleswioTth revently. purchooed two me creeping in, just what th, badly mangled when It came in cou- - _ continually running in and around �� 1111111- , " -1al Credit extra ifine standard bred StallilDlio and fog 00 . 5 �, tact witli a buzz saw while, say.lng .. �i.. , oLace. I t is probably due to the that was awaiting his Soc �in,i scratching in the straw. . ..21 1; ,J. , , I results would be if that harmle6B! fog . I . -, — , at Mr. Bennett was not only - legislation., But Mr. Aberhart had a colt at ChlcagQ� . It's' changed a lot from the times wood at his farm in Hibbert Town- , ,.�� .­... 1"t th . .. � Mift Campbell, of t,de WILgam pick_ were a poisvi, gas- That's. a mighty "biddies" m6ther I , 1111'�� ,1,�� 11 n Premier but a one -may! �, to do something, and if he, could ard millinery dePartMeat in Calgary, morbid thought . . . and it gjve� wben �� 'all the ship. The accident happened Friday . . . P�,..',' . '':­ a ow -ma � .1 , I. - I. the shivers to think of it! chickens on the farm. Nowadays, it's -last-' Mr. Snell got his ;0eeve caught I ­: me . 11 ­P�'� , Hie so dominated his Cabinet force the onus of disallowance upon who spent surne months here with her , old-fashioned to -let the hens' r�eth6 _ iii`�"tbe Gaw, drawing the arm in. He 1. �.Vv; party., . parento, Mr. and Mrs. -A, M. Cawi)bell, * W, * � � , I I ,�L chickens.' In fatt, under the.presert. was brought to the office of Dr. Dun- , " , , , -- , ,� `­ atid his followers in the House of the Dominion. Government, he would -dias nAurned to the West� I hen can,t, ,even lop and from there was taken to SL �., - . ' Now that the concession roads have system of things, a I I I , , �,;., , Mr. Wm. Byrne drove "The Pond" ,,, �� Commom and the country that there -, 6e, doing a good deaL -1 op h e've hatch out a *flock. of chickees:6 Oh, Joseph's Hospital, "adon. He is � �,� d". . � � ' hockey team to. Hensall On Monday been having, the salesmen are start- )Pell, everything has to 'change but getting along Zlicely.-F.x-eter Times— � ,," , ., I "" w= little opportunity for the train-' ' However, it was the Supreme 10 .. ?. . �.". �evening when they played a match 1 ng to Pon,. in. Mrst of aN, I had, a sometimes I wonder what the' hens Advocate. .�, 11 ,�111 � ed I I �,�A3 � x.7 Ing ,and developnwnt of his iieutl-,�- Court and not Mr. King who threw ,with the Zurich ,club, :which result fertilizer -salesman . . . Mighty flne th�nk of this propositip , .W u of not,being Goderich Bridge Club 1. ". I eore of 7 to 5 in favor of 7.ur- sounding chap, too, and he talked able to raise chickens. . .� I in a e 1 "El ii�!:. auto, . out the Alberta legislation, and be- Ich. I I . . I I At the weekly duplicate hold by- � : , , , I , ,�,� , ;,.----. I . I In spite of that, however, there are ing a artyr to the Courts of Can- � . Mr. James &wan. held a very suc- I t e Goderich Bridge Club Monday ev- . , , �. In 11, '��.: . - -- i M, , cess,tu-I Fiale of thoroughbred Short- L , -emug, the following were winners:- 1� 1". able -men in the Conjw,rvative ada—and � martyr to the King Gov- ,�, ,, 1�. many horV cattle on his farm near Sea- 0 lst, Mrs. Geo. Copeland Alm. D. D- ,,,' lt,41,7'i � 'Party, and among the prominent ernment are two very different forth on Thursday of laet week,­de- * JUST A SMILE OR TWO 0 Moctpey, Plus 6; ?,Ud, Mrs. A. A. Nie- - I � ,,, " l ' - * ol arml Mr. N. C. Lanaway, plus 5:',.21; , , 11 .., spite the fact that it was the coldest - I I (N 1. ,,�,�,'. navlfl;s mentiohed to wear the mantle . thingsy as far as public confidence and stormiest day of the season. tnree palm tied for third place: Mrs- ", I 1� � ''. , . - � , -11 '�Idit Judge 6 , lic votes are concernedL Most ,of the, animals were purchased I , I,' `I.- , of Mr. Bennett are Mr. Meighen, a and pub Customer: "I warn you, I shan't be en to visitors. An old lady .escorted A. C. Hunter and Mrs. E. Baker, plus, 0 , t by Ifuronites. In a -ion to the sales ajl,le to pay for this suit for three by a sailor was making a tour of th� ;": ostello, and Mr. Croft - 't � � Ir", . former. Premier ; Dr. Manion,. a., %The road is open to Mr. Aberhai made by Mr. Cowan, Mr. John A, Wil- Months." . � sh:p. The sailor was bored' stiff an. Stratford, plus 3; Miss E, T, Mae- , I , "", former Member of. the Cabirlet; Slen- to appeal to the Privy Council'. But son disposed of a number of'thorongb- 'failor: "Oh, that's all right, sir. zw'pring a thousand and one ques- Naughton and P. F. Carey, plus 3- ... I I �" , - King w � ill bred cattle which were purchased by Don't, you worry." 0 Another game will be beld next Mon ­ 41 ator McRae, who organized the party Mr, Frank McConnell, of Dublin, and "Thanks, when will it be ready?" day evening.--Goderich Signal -Star. �"., will he? Or, perhapK, Mr. . �,J,L, , . - I -1 �, - 'I,; 1. mr, josepb Scott, or Roxboro, 'in three months, sir," . A self-styled �, " tor the succeRsful election of 1930; do it for him. In either event there reforiner was watch- , Pageant Piani�t Killed ,,�� � 1, w, " r , . I , . .1 , en m the town 9 -11 Ing a trench u rw,'��,, W. 1), Herridge, a 1),rother-in-law of is no possibility'of a reversed judg- , 't a 1w A e0t'D9 of being d'g by modern �11. 's %, council it was decided to make in- ti,,,. machine method- .,He said to the sup- Four Stratford young men were ar- � - 1,11".1 . Xr, Bennett, and a former Libei�al; ment, - Mr. Aberbart will have to try quiries as to the Possible purchase of - most instantly killed ,Thursday whea 1111� - Just before leaving to go ashore erimendent: �� ... , . I I . a stre(4 sweeping machju,e- 1. the car in w44ch they were riding wa-� .. ; 1,.,L-.-- 10, AkPherson, a member of the something else. He also knows that, . 0- said: "Ah, my man, you have not This machine has taken jobs from " -11 . I . . . struck by a- C.NJZ- train at a levat � . ��� , � �,­.: I former Conservative Government in I and, undoubtedly will keep, on try- * told me what your duties are on this iz;eores of men. Why don't you junk crossing a nitile west of Stratford. The .i I 11 � � 1�'. � , . w0mierful sbip." I tha'. machine and put on -o hund1red victims were: Carl Allan, 18, driver - I ,�], ,� "W01, you sei-,, mum," replied be, I 5 I 11,!�]' . $jskatchewan; J. Earl Lawson, also ing to bedevil Mr. King. From The Huron Expositor ru,�n in that ditch with shovels?" ......... � ,,-', . . Vs, Cabinet; Earl Whiere next, will he go? And what I . March 16, 1888 11 when we gets orders to dive J, ha,q , 'I'lle superintendent promptly re-, of the car; Milton Peonike, 19; Jack- .. 1'�.;,­o of Mr. Bennet to run forward and hold her nose io!-ted: "Or better still, why not put Pichardson, 24, and QI,en Campbell, 1. .... I Z� Mate[ lal for the construction of the t I .1 4 1111� -- ,,.J?Amp, Ontario Conservative leader, will he do? He can advoc�L 'the * , 0own." a thousand men in there with 17. Richardson Was Well 4kaown,im, - . I � � t h� '(Amir 's t'a - Godericb, having been, the pianist for �. "", . Itogerrson factory at Blyth I Tbe. subruaiiae was in port and op-, spc)cins! - I -- I .111 .. .. I separation of Alberta from , rest bc.Ang laid on 9P grQU4i�t -The site F . the Pageamt Of Old Ffc,me week hel-,-- I �, and Mr., Denton Massey. -- ., I., - 1, I'! . : ... I, ` I I Is adjaoelit to i'lle flax mill. . . -- in Augbs,t last-Goderich Signal -Star- ­17 . , a At Oe IaFA meeting of the MeKil- . �,-­, .ro the -1 Y mind, the wonder is riot of the Dominion, which is tS6 only 111111011iliillliii� "I'll �,%,. � ' I Winner, in Post Lucky Draw Contest I, V at .Mr. Bennett's rt"Isig-nation, but . hope for his Social Credit theories. [of) council, tendery were presented 0 1 � a".'g- 4 �Pf `� a ., . '' ­ , P 1, �11', . that he ever assumed such h6avy re- But we doubt,very much if the peo- ' for furulF.I&Ig timber for a bridge at Building A. Better World Owing to the couditioa of the- li, , " , Winthrop, -when the tender of Lewis * 0 roads and dnclement weather, the Post I 11 "I � 0, 11.i�­ sponsi bili ties as the thankless, task of pie of that Province will follow him McDonald wag accept(A for $�50. * . (By J. Boyd -Thomas') 0 has thougiht it desirable to extend tli(�r � , " � 11� . , v " �. . , , . N , f, �. � a party leader entail. A mati of great that far, or even half way there. " Mr. Joseph �Ronnard and Mr. Rok. . � time of the lucky draw offer until Sat- . W I , Luker, of Flilisgreen, each held wood il 2n,,d, so all may avail -1 , 1, - I . , 11�� ,� ", � urday, Apr ,�4.'.p " wealth; of great husifleas ability, and Arid he can hang on to the fruits hect4 last wf,ek. I themselves of this opportubaty to win- , . 1.1,41, ' ' � We all ri(,*-d to set apart Rome defin- the Price deman,d-,A in personal sac: -!- I sY a leader, in his profession he might of office as long as it.is possible, by The tbird an,un-al meoting of the one of the valuable prizes. Special � �, I I ite tirrio for seasons of quiet and per- fice in order that the results weekly prize winners were: Leslie - 'i" � , Hisron Prei6byterial Society of the Which I'll, �,,,: - ill.. "", have� cruployed his time, hiti talents hook,or crook I to do so, Aside from W.M.S, was he�ld in the Egmoadville jods when we can give our&elves to their exponents advocate may be zlc- Biermes, R -P, 2, Bly-th; Ed. Pollard - F, �- g - more sobOr Laid constructive thinking compliMied, . I !�,�; . . I doing just that, however, we can not, Church on Tuesday. Mrs Thoma � R.R.4, BrusGels; Mrs, A- Forrest, R- .." and his money in other directioms i" - , ' s than we are accustomed to permit Perhaps thp whole matter resolves R. 2, Bluevale.-Br e Po . I 11, I � � . Fair, of Clinton, occupiewd the cl�alr usrs IS st I I ,�, ro.fit to ' at this distance, see much hope for al -d a chair of young I ourselves to do. in a world of hustle Itself into oni, simple, ,if rather point. . .� � . . with great� pleasure an4 P adles, with " - and busLl(- and in which all too many ed quesdon: , Before we may reas,on- Former Brussels Man Dies in Spain I . --- I �.�,­.­ himself, But he chose otheewia), either Social Credit or Mr. Aber- Miss Graham at the organ, added vuioenq claim priority,of hearing, thl-,w ably hope to achieve any lasting re- Word was received here by We- .% I . muoh to the Interest of the meeting. . I'll, .. " � and by that choice Canada has un- hart, and -we doubt very much if he.- , exceedlingly difficuft it is to discpm- suits sohould we not humbly corifes4s gram of th,e .1 � The officers were as follows: Presi- death of J. EaruesL . ., ' 6,�� I � - . dent, Mrs. Thos. Fair, Clinton; vice- Inate, at t1rn(-q, between "as-ses Ithat t,hat it is one of individual respon&i- Coehr,=e, 33, who was kitied in ac- , � can see -much either. "f" - doubtedly 1)enefitted. Mr. Befinett bray and g(,ntle,rnen who speak low!" bility and Uliat each of us is person- tion i a Spai - - Re was the son of � - , L,-, . I pre%ldent, Mrs. A. Stow4trt, Clinton -, n- % !:� Uke inost exercls,c-s, mental or physi- ally concern( -,d ivith "the great cor- : not be a succes,,iful politi i 2nd vice-president, Mrs. G ,FlcAcher, Mr. and Mr Robert Cochrane, 16th, r" may . clan, . ' s* ,; lbu h . I 0 . 11aborne; Pwcretary, Mi" Slln0t, An- cal, the wholesome habit of me-dita- porate sin -s of our nation and civiliza- concession of Grey. He wag one of I-V! " . I ,t e is an abl -b conscientious det*on, Sleafortb; treasurer, Mrs, M. tion�4s largely, a matter of cultivation tion,"? With this thought in mind at seven members of the Mackenzif­ c I I I . staWsman and Cana(ia' has be'en the � A Little Too, Much Ice Y� McLean, Seafortb. d ce the c,outinuance ,& this Lenten season, may I commend papineau Battalion recently killed: " V X,9' wihdgh may be d(Aermined from the ,to my readers the statement of Doc- fighbing for the Government forces on: �; q -,- I'll I .1 ,rkher for the forty-two years of his fee is all right in -its place. Say in Messrs, John McMillan, Jolm Ken- benefits derived. . tor William Tomple, Archbishop ()f tile Teruel front, in Spaiq3,. He left 1, . 'woy and James McTavish, of Tuck- ��i%,�W�.��, " puoHc life, � t.(fY,mIth' Lent is an, occasion.'for meditation York, 'who I ,have recently been, read- Windsor, wberre be was at that time, . .� '.;� . I . 1::::: �,;; , � rinks and rivers and ponds, and ice , and DougaId,,,McMltIan, of and reflectiou, It is a period of sev- ing: I �.. I . ' Stlift left on; Wednesday last for living, last May to join the In-terna- " �, ,11;� . , . .1.1 . � I t 3 , enal weeks during the year when "The great evils that do not come i��-�.­­*, I I 0 houses, and ice boxes, and even in Brifish Columbia, tional brigade. He leave§ to moura - ",rr'. I'.; ; . . I I . the bottom of tAll glasses. Wil -Ilam McCal,l, of" Morris,, while Cihiistiah people all over the world at from positive Perverted conscience, his deAth,his wife, a former Moucrieff- � ... . ... - � ... ...... certain intervals during the day, May come from the mere fact that - the - '41 '' i teaming wood to Brussels, met with I . I /,W im, ,NtSl.. ". Mo Rather Good Ideas But one can have too much of 1 a .1 ,%top, look and lister!" as it were to worldly standard is no higher than it g1r, s Mo �a and, father and &is­ 1,�� � , 14. � what might have been a very serious t Mr� D\. L'ftns� Bruss,els.�- ." .1111 accident. The load upoet, fadtenin 0- � ,.V, I ' . . 9 of pe e , � -) ,� - e provisions 9 Mr. McC401 under It and had not a Qualify I For Gold Awards ." � . . the claims of the higher and more Is. So long as some millions B,r�,.els " "."Pl. We readthat one of th ood thing. And we have been hav- worthy ,things, As, such, it should be pie liVing together are perhaps quite ... 4 ",�j� r ,� , � n- privilege not lightly to be regarded. reasonably gk-nerous, but always with , ing a little too much ic� for our own- lother temm;ter relewAed him he would a - 5,144", . in the,new -AustTalian traffie'law is J To Qualifyi for a gold award in tho, . � , � " � I �1.i ' have been fferlomly Injured Be that as It may, ar4 whe1her ,or not the limit that tibeir generosity must " !,,n., � , .I- that when a motor driver iti convict- good, as well as that of tho general- � 11 Mr. William Unbicirk, of'MeRillop, der ourselves devout church- not seriously impair heir own bappl- minion MarksWen Competition , . , &� ..", we consi t) V11 e'n, vi. 'T., - P I,% '.. I ed of the offence'of speeding, a gov- pulblie. hat; sold his farm on the 5th conces. men or churchwomen, I have a feel- ness, so that they remain self-centred kamts must submit ten,targets scor- 1�. I '... �, C, , I ernor may be ordered to be inKtalled Vor'- nearly a month now people Aon to Mr. William Johnson, of the Ing that ti)e, minds. of an ever-4nere,,is- at heart, so long there will be these Ing 98 or Over Out of a Possible boo; R �, I Or- �131 1 , i4a,me line, for the supi of $5,000. it Ing number of people are turning, as things, or the things, that lu a d�jff ShrtipLg is done with .22 ca.lfl�ro rif- ,�, q",-.1 �, 1, . Wt his car which will prevent the have been falling all over the side- cottaias� 100 acres, except w never bero,e, to questions of vital im- ent order would correspond, to tb les at a range Of twenty-five yards, ... . .. �;, I flat is em "g, ..,;, portance.-in the corporate life of the -wars, slums, and sweated industry ­and,no res,ts may be ui;ed. This call%. ! �10 ,P en taken, -off for the Mange irounds of to , , �, -wir from, travelling faffter than 30 walks, and cars and horses have be community, On every hand one hoars You may do something bar for accurate shooting, P14111-1 Rev. Mr. Musgrove. the and, to &,fe-' 11-o'g"t, � In . ,,k"� skidding all over the roads and hilgh- about the movements and organiza- out'by means of legislation when f6ur members �Lt the local shooting , 4�1� infles an hour. �., Tho tWenty-ninth annual meetingof gl�. . peo- ' ., , ,A M,W , tionis which are operating in the in� pie feel that the evil cannot bb or the gold. it - .e ,,�, , . � -ovincial Grand Orangej,odg'e6f 'If, . � ways. ­ the Pt toler- 1"". i , ' That is'a raither good idea. And And all -on account of the ice Weaterw Ontarlo opened In Toronto terests of a better world'. There are &ted at all. Legislation is really the ward. They 'are: Ferg. VanEgmond, ,`;, on; Tuesday last. The following are ­�' ' ' there iA another one we would like Ithasn't been safe to walk and it FeIlowRhip Groups, Youth Movements fruit of moral advance, and not tho Elwood EPPs, Reg. Smith and Sid- , and numerous Social Agencies whose cause of it. Tile thing that most of m , " "m � ThOmPs6h." They will now co pete. ."� �',;� � � ( hasn't been Aafe to drive. And it tho delegates , registered from the "',I)N.Y., to draw attention 'to. And that is, ' vAninty: Robert Mahood and B, 9. Plans and programmes are based on us have to become seusqtive about is for silver teaspoous. To 4ualify they llt` " hasn't been good for business, for the Ideal of Building a Better World, our Individual respansibility for the must submit ten t � , .11 �i . Ae order of a jtidge in California, , Cook, Howick; A, woodman and- W. argets, each scor. " �'i , All of which Is, beyond question, a great corporate gib,g Of our nation and Ing 100.-Cli,nton, Ntws�Record. " " *1 " .1 - Who orders that a red band be ' , crops or anything else, except for Magill, Morris; John Moopey, Grey-, healthy and most encouraging sign of civilization: individual responabillity Retires From Active Business- ...! 11, , I . . , John and Robprt Scarlett, McKillop- .� I the times. One Is tempted, however, for corporate sin, because It is our !;�- ­��, 14� . valntOd a6urld the car of every driv- the doctors, the v6,t,% and the. gar-_ J. Well% Saitford;, E. Ijawson, sea, . A-nother buMaes% change, toolc .placw ., "I �1, . I to asic wheth4r all these plans are share in; it that allows the bhdag to I "I !"; .. ,; '. " I . or who lim, been convicted more than 4g6s. fOrth'; W . Y. Robison, J, E. Robison ' ast week o0eadGfied by the retfrc- W i,.,,�, I a deep-rooted In the oodl -of' the heart- go on, our share and the sihare of m,ent from " � �. . . . ud J. SOMOTVIlle, KlActon, and & : active businesis, ,of May -Or !" , i"Ll � of rookless driving. . Of course what is one Man's meat . felt destre, and a willingniess to pay others just like us." " ". " " I " - I � .. .: 4 ," OX100 ''I Floody, Clinton, 1. I George McLean. Mr. McUan. has . - . I --- 11 . . , , M .. ,�. � Thift-k,mflea an hour wag real - la another man'A poison.. . 11 -at -one, Sprout- TvlacRay-At the residende . ---, suffered ill health during the � , W. ,� , . , .,- -- past. , ��?6; � , of ther brida'a father, Tueftersmith, on . I I ­ - . I winter, being I ,", . . I confined, to Ms, home . .. Iii _ OW ad Aen cars fir " can, have too much of either, and 'as the 14th Inat. by Rev. Mr. Graham, ­ D' Ou -V11119 -4tdbt1nt,, he -hAs7: d6cjde�d * to� .,�; � ope st,came into u�e, �he home of Mr. and, Mrs% Henry 4;, , . .11 I �­ say, we have been having just a Mr. Alexander SProlit; to Te"ie -- Steckle, Stantley Township, the occa� sever his. conneoti.nu, Witll� th - 'F ,....,,.4nd emah for soffie 'time after. But , - we 0 flt,m �.' I � ,­ . ; 11ttl 'too4,MUCh sion being th,eir forty-fifth,. wedding of Mcl,e ;;;;;,. Z'�' 1. vrg e some yearis ago. Now- ., e , i ZoUrth�dhugfiti)r of Hugh MacKay, I al i Seedin the aDnlviarsary� � the children 'all being est has an & Hawes, And hUi, In -ter $4 , . 0 quit, � of TuckersmIth. I beewt6keu over by his fo'r- I . � . � r". ..: I I .' �LJWA44X,ty _MJJ �o� our generhl !',good. Armstrong - Rogeraon.---4t tiib ' 4 present. A most epioyable social ev. bler 1, I . . ­.. ps an hour ofi our Par- typ , partner; Lloyd. ... .E. TT,awes. The � 41,11, " I ", 11 .1 I ­­ . � . ening was spent by. all preseut. The bu I ".. � 11 I . !,'j� I �R.,-,;..�;,.'.. I 111. I . ". .. � .11 - I . sonage, Londesboro, by Rev. D. Rog.' - -%`1n'esB boo been conductedir a,q a� .. - .�, 0 -.0 �­ . � E �, W01310 hold'up trafficand, � . Of's, OU tile 9th ITWIL, Mr. Matthow q parents were Presented, -with a valu- hardware store for mny yeit.rs-, Prior. i�; - '' .1'.. 1. I I 11 . � Coun apers . � 1-111" .". . .Ii,�,, ., ��:� ft, ­� � . I � . � , , ," I � able and appreciated, gift. A, dainty to the purphase by Messrs. McLeall I ,�� I -1 ", I - ..,,�� , a Mo W'16, Public safe;- - Armstrb'dig, f6 MIRA Ann Elizabeth ' I. , i , A . 'p-, I , I , �. DaC I . I I ......".., .... 1.­111..�, I lunch was then served "', - , � , P . - after- whid'a P� 1-11 - �.­ I � 1: US- Rog -#on, both, of Hullett. & Hawes in 1014 It was, CoUd'actp,d by , � .. . I I I I esPective I .11 11 ,*., , , . 11 I . - J. and H. filelds .. - - t. t I 0.11 PAPERS ,. for OV6� � efe�bn '­�, '' - - , , , . I � . I wusnp. -ffl . they -all returned to their r . � '10 TIRAJOTHEt sau, ­, I . L; I ­ h � I 6 i � � 0 At G I ood Road I a Co6v6ntlon homes, with the exception of Mr. and �,..� :1100 on all concession yefars an !. p,T,eviou,s to that, time . w -y, 11 , "! 1. . . I 1 I I , -, � . I I Mrs. A. Martin, of Waterloo, wli,& 1,e- hardware �d bu Ed,n ee , V, I , � , 1plrjuliv 0,13out 13ght'and I I � I . The two poltdomen aht In their radio Hamm County repr�;entatfves at, mained till S=da3r,-,Z11ri0I11,HqraIj. S; WW conOucted In � 441 ,­�� �­, , . Would Mean Separittion tending the anmuai good rokds con- thds stand by Kyl,& & Barn,,tt.-Mit- 1� Y, , thoAustra � . '. I" . I � I ehell Advocate� . T ", t to 41difts . car an'd Ifstened to I the anuouncer's veiii1oh. ,at Toronto lasit weilt were Auto Accid'ent � ,� � . - (r.ond"r vrea P1,06) , tow 0 command� I . � I - 1. -1161�­ Dmion ro4da , , "Callfug.,Car 19. Calling Car 18. County E41neer T. R, Patterson, . I Marks An6ther Milestone I , .. , �� 11, .., ­' I � I . 11 � ov*,.":. aft - I" 0 �Al Whrilen W. H'aacke and Reoves, Gen. ighborg extended �, %&\1j;,t , , . t I I I!, -;% %--,,,,q .,­, 4 -P - , 1, jbig V I -ter Mawhinney and Rol- MeRst's. W. J. Melville and W. Sil- gongratutati-6 NIPM11 viulk ou fhoQ ­... , seatto Owdit. It (to tLu hftbrferont�,t wittt. 1j()MJ,,u. oe beolAtting Rye, ­­. , oox were W [*Vy on, tho occasi of 40 , I 401161,1011tion it 140 � U44,011Y Iro.ppo, Able to "roroo.... man is ggliting Wftj jfe. T,al�e Feagan� Ches PdbrUary` 28rd' to - 1. '' ,; A!", dowh to Tho, n faets, are fliat und r tho Conadlan, CIO to 16 Loula BOIA01t Boulolvard. ' ,On Friday afternoon last while Frl-61W�g and ne , , ", M � I " ­ 41i I _ I 4uld 'Gt�in, of th4 tkodft, cornmla4ffin 6to ' ring 80uth'in 4n, -OldsL Mro; W., .T. , n's on' on I ��-,�,&g,zgv 4; 4i 10p, mcp0h4fty, 400,,�tjshig, �J,r: Ab6l,lowt, w1at 0=10D 906101 '' "GO111" 1QUirraulVd tho Atst ida#i and Re��,ett George gogail," Fr64 MOI1110 8 with ,the tomer Ut ,%be, ,her "#t birthdAy. U,�,i Yedr, mark- ', ' Capdlff, beside$ whool, the dri#42�r toot.,edlittol"Of tile Ing the edghtleth Tolegione Mrs-. Lei� . � "o 1. Owlt ov- a ,4, - ­ -, Mou" W W6 people,of 1. Tbatra awhill,* :� -, . Da,V1d,$36n g,nd L, t. , , I : - I . I 1 44 � I , I � I I I . � 0 � : � I , . . , I I I I I I � � . � ,t�o'iq,��q,,� ` C��.. �0 to 0004 I � . I ar and, It took to th6dj�L*h dbout a W&Fj ,Lt; hot6,6 ,to , "g,"', 11 , 1011 "What?" aAod his' ptwtibr. .,A 14,rgo number of t6wnsthip ,road mp, ("I hef friends when , � , A ,�­"'�­,­i-. "��;, , ,, ,; F Aw 011oh, a 'mov,6. in (my , % V, ­ , " � ,,� ,�",.�. 1"S��,� 4�., n1all alttt�lng Ilia Wjt�-q w1t;1V a obo&,,, erIntendolitt, -��rlch, xuwald.. I hRlf mile 903h Of tOW-bLi" The &16h -Jcjj�go nj-U1nbjDt� call,ed jby 11'�r M . . -1. #0 010 1100ty of 8001,41 oradit *01114 �nrit worTt �'- . I to en Ml� 11 I " ". ­­ I—— .... �0 , ,, . , . . :19 Aboft Was Itidopotidbut lt,'is ono ()t * is fouf6r five fek deop at tho PW6 r e * 1, 41RAW111 011ort(RI OW *bt bilift6ft 0616brAte Atlinlvorba,ry. ��*Jftf -,do*=Y-'. in fi , W?) , I � . I .1 I , Topl� ,1 and ,the -ear turr"06 6f6r 4DU fie, ' ' Mid Obli , . ssed to .,0,1,4 Atle voiwako, Oita ovor 00 oft'O.O. 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