HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-02-25, Page 5�t'! $ ".L �.,;� ,:,q ; 10i It" �i 14�11,�,, , ��O,',!IX . . . . . . . . ,,�� ,?,� �i,64i. �,. , f. ;.11R,,;�;;j ; ��'i;y �� �111 : ,., I ,];", " �p;�,-��,��,� . ".'­; 1 . ,,, J. ; I�R'0'lrl 11l1PA',','&!'j, I jw�,�,g�,,.,,, �,�-,,,�,�i���,,-�-l�,rA���,,--��,,,�"-!!!�, ,,,%'�� 11111 ij�' I �i,� % . ,, , ��,,�,,:,� 1". : � 11�1, �,��,��,,.'��,4,�'.,,',.,�,,��l� 'I�:,)T.,",�;���,�'ll"�ll",�.4,��,P�'�i�,,�.'I"��,'�,,7iK,,,i����,���I'�,',',,,�'i , . -W , � , ,:!i. 111� " ���, � �­ . . "I V;;�'­�41�.";,Trl­.: .1 Ap. .��;"-,�114�'ll���I'll'�'I'll",�lli'-"�.4t;,I,ip�l;l��""'�, � P "I . , ."." " I "I Z 11 �411' " I'�'�"11"i,-,--",""�""t""�'I'��-14911,�$"�',�1-11 - "A S', .14���":�eii""I��,.���ll,�ll.�l!i��,�'.!;.��ii�,,,,,��,,!F�,-,��j'tn,4�) '1'��,,�a"!�',�'l -,-;,�t�,,,�,��,t,mpi.,J�ilk�,,,,,!�f�,�)�"),["",�t��,',',k�'.�,,,- ',,�,,'�',`,!1,1.',-� , - " " .,. I , ---11 . . . . . . . . . . ...... 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''..., I ­­,, ­ �. - 1111 I'll I -1 , '," I- " , , "r"., , 't - ,­ -1 i"'41, "", " - - ,, 110C. , "", .1�o'!­ � :�­ - �11'31 �,�,�,."R.',"�'f �. ,� ,� �"4 �� E'5,if �,�,�7,,, ,.,��, '. d Alp""'gCtv wga,��i �,` , 11 , '' �:' ',�5W, 1110R,111"IP" :!! R5�i-`� �� ,'�-,���,�,�,",,,,;�',,'?7"',,,!,);,����"li,""�"";"��',"��� ,Ax,'� �7�4"A,�,' ii ". .',k,�,Vli ZR,��,;. .,� 'i 'I., -1�,�.,,", ­"!j��5 '141�,� �", � ,�.,,,,'�� . . 1,� '­ � ,�Ii7,�i�,,,i,',Ii,'�,,��.,'�l�- ,l!,-jf� ... ... . 4 - I 1,11 ,�ll,�0i""I��y�O"�ll,�,���,�,�llvl��I'l"?�.��",14"1�I 4111'1'1;�� �,�­,� �, ,,� ",�il"V',21" �. '. ,,� � ; , , . I " "I'l ), � I $ - , , . I I I � , It, ­11,­� � , ­ , , �q l a I I , I "2,,A,�,',.,,�, ,�,,, ,� ��,N. �,',,,, '?g,�,, , * ,11 , , . �" , , q.1011=1I =­��, I . I �,101�i,.� , ;­ , �:1 ,1� , -� , ., 1. . - I , , � . --1 � .. g,�* - I , - - , i'�� 1"' " ` .W. i !4�",:-,��.., ,., ,� , - .1 I '. . - 4, 1, I , 1� , I ,­ .�, . .� I t", , , I 'N' , .'#,�� I I �, �& !#�,�.. , ,.-,,��,i,� ., ,� � ;i��5�-,:., 1. �',4 ,,'.',� I � � � I 1P d - � � - � :J I �� I !!Ft;`,',,;f ­." ,i . . .. . . - * -,,. "', , i 11 �,� ­.�� I I 11 .1.1 : I , , ,,, , 7 � .. ,. ,� �,�-�oq.,g- , 5-,�&i,�, f �" 1"gre" P ­ -.-P -1 - � 1, , !. �­�!,`!,:t . ( 14 .� , ! t � .. .�p , ". � ,� , , � A ''�.. , 4 � it' �, q 0 � .� , I � , " 7,1i 11-111. �� $ J�,k : " I's .;-- I'" k" lV';�,;� . , I . , , I , " I � �,,�� � . .,�, ; ­� 1, , 4 , M -1r, ASWWNAM,i­� i, ��' _ ­,� 1 . 1�� i, I -, '. 1 , ( I &IN i W. , . , � � " . "" I , � .. , ­ , , 01 . .., � � .�, , " , L, , � ­ -, ;� . 1. . , "al- 01 � � : ,� �� ��][,�,�� :i 1, �,'­,"� ,-�Or",-7� �..',�; "i'mi -,,, -1.11 �v,j,'�O,,,y­ . . .-g" ­ I -1:1, , " � �, , . ... ,�4 , , , '��'i� , � - I ; . . . � - I � �, . , � r � ... t 0 � cow . .4, '' - �: I � . I �,� 11 ... I 1. "'. il �4,­-,,� : �`.� � i'l".1; �� � .'.., k, , I J , ,,, (� I � 11 0��'A%0,-,�#."­ a ; , .. . ­ . , "�'. ,". � �. , , ". - - ,... ,�, A , � ,�� .. . , , * 11 "",­ �I 11 .. ­­ I .1- - , � .�­. " A - - , % 'A '.. , ��- - .. . . . , � 11 I 1� ,. , . , .1,74 ", . , � � ­ . �,. " % , . A 04F. 4 � � �.-, 1-7 , . , '1� ) '.cA"* ,Z', � I -,� �': �;",�� ,� " ; i4l , , ,. , I � I i �N, -tl � ­.� , . ., . I ". .1,",". -6,, ..'.1, ''. " , , " " ­( , �. i,� , ',�,, ­­ ""' lz� 1�' " * 14 , , ,� Ill .,�11101 , ...", 1-4 I � 4 *1 ''. I , I � I � � � k, I �­� , . � 1�1,'71ks;4;vk 11, ... ,�,. " -, ­ - , , , I, , , , , , " I � - I,, * , I � - - I - - , , , -1 IM, W � � � � � � � qk,w 111111 , . . . I Iff 1"'; . . . ­ 'If, �' . & � I � -- , ') 1�,�', F, . � - ; 'T�� ." ... �,� Iff ,�l �� " -1 , ff;`� r " ': r,'� W., 1,1; � I ' I.IrM-,,+.�'J,!;, I I ­34,­'l­�� � p":!F7,3. '* , j�Kr �� * . , ,­'�­5 �L �,,�,;,� "4,��L,T` , , 1; .". f .. 11­'�, .- I "­ � , I .. � I 1. . I. � . � 1'1,­�W -�&,,��'l -'i . " .I,,.,,. C �. 4� ,�,�: "I �, I I I � - I "' , �11"`, I . . .1 , , , "" .... 11 ­­­` " , - " " I . . wo 4 . W M ." 4 � , - I �.'.,�'F.,:;,. W. I , ir I � M � �A­.q pa y I 1�­ I .P... ., , I � !)V4.0 P4 � I t day , W*4 " �M)w tter -0, -0 � - ." ,A , . lip ", '' .,O I - 1. �, I , I I , , � IV ' ' �p eatlaii �% '. �, . " . ', P��-:,- TON" ,i4Ies'--;jj`,W8*t' � %`017i, Various xotho& ,r �I . " �i* 4 A_ "! " � , '. - t 0Q - In` ... ... I , I pi , " ��,­ 43v ­" I I c,�, ,. POW40- , 66" .", . , I I #1� 'f FOR- :� A "' hi i " ' , e I .1 ;i, . I . PY'"T, 01mcultir", � '' , . , " 111111.!� �, , I ��-11 , I . �, I � , 'JG4 , ' "'"'%All .,U . .+ . , . I , " 1,W - I.V1,141P-4, I 11 - t 11P 0 ..� ,, 'O -,Q,aklO, F.rjk-- � , . Tbare-4xv, - .16,41 01 1. 1. �1.1�1 .r j" , , � � - li , 11. ... I I * ��Y� i. a �', : W e �, � MO.. t,wea­' - k , , �11 – , ` � .1 . o _ . _* �In��.O,aq - fik'r , *, T�� M � " ", � 'N .,-`MPoqZ%,M4mWi k,%ranarne, ,* , - I Shown. ­ ., -­ .1 .0 .1 4 � . . - � . , ., . , , . I , - I It', � re"', - .,-_.. lln-.01111 1. -1 It , " I f.. , � . ��,";�, 1 !"'. 11 � - I I � .- P �. I I'll I *0 ton'" cow ef'o"ned pwer4r , 'P , ov , , � - """ - I . � `�A� , . I trageillea 'in -0�6 , . X, 49r,pooft pe-,' I 0 . ; , - , llniuda­o� � , I 'I, I j -,*A 1490le I MOO ow"al"Ift I �1-1 . , , 11, k ­--­-- a -W . I WOt T8001ve , but, UoQrtbe_ , thp wo ".'*Ut,,'1'p1U,,r0 ... - - . -1, � I , � '. �� , r I , . Uot�;"� .p po4sr 11 . � lese'r the man. who koo*4- AhtUro ... *�U kjo ' " .) . _ AtIOA " , ,�-,��' i I 7,ap' �nuv*er of boad -feet in lop Ill vM,upt* ofXpep "I � 'r ­p ";.ri� 1, I - . ,,J� , edectA74 � I ­:,� �, , ­.�,� '40" # I , � V f Lad' the overwhelming balance .be�oejx, , ( I � �'., 4�, ��, I � . !,.QWF 511v 19VONUMV U4 � Wo " 11 I :J� I ".'L ,; -, � , I . �,., 1P4,V.W11#,, IMU I 10, Computed! from, a log rulothat givesi . � e" -P", . �.. � , , 1 vl . 1% ---7" "FtT- FOR A XING i , on the side of -beauty, joy, aul spiri. 1� . I - " - - � [�', ; . '.. .1 ), I .1 , 01.0, number .6f board feet for 160 of I . . ffir �* ��# ; I' , , , . 7., . ­ ,��l ,% I , , . � ... ­�,­­, I I , . . - Kelen',Mack - 'Paul, K01 -;j- OX�feut diameter�, and longlis. There tual communi,on. 14ye and #qodiw#. - I �,,,, , , I 'A *r b1*d10Ai, JAV,,%, I I . ;j,,ire the fain)- ;, ­f,��` �,,, � . , �� I . . I #�",v#ver - uporl I � � ' � * ,* 0 . , r .,�.�, �, �­ :�, I I I I I , :�.,,*Plromude and ftanu4k o0sipl log --xqles In, use.- and' 4ho . =MP9f qvery givio dqi7 of man-, , �­ , - ' ,_ . - I -- .11 . . . . . . . .. �� �, . I I h A . boh.rd feet assigneil'by the . Jumping Ot conclusions 0 abqut,the , , I - .- - I � ,�. , �' I � . . . . . . �, "" � 1 ,;I, ?I � � - GOOD �CMEDY , � , I . .. . .. ..... . , , ""'' .- - . -,",­­ � !tft only mental exeWso some people � �- , ­ * * � yyt, � l'- � � � . ., �s;, j �� F, 11101141 , I I .� -11�ngr- , ­ *. ,,�, " valrious -rules � TO � hay � - . . . Ill 11 I .., ­� I to logs of the .604ne s1ze take. I . I I .P, your - nellibboes, respect -1 I ,1�rYcovaide*bly. The bunr Aatural- . I , ", W R�,, ,a 0 1��IIFK �*U "' - � Ome Blondes Are Van " , , op, � . I I 0 ,perousrl,. . y I . and- goodwill VhdWd.1,=eau more to � , -.1. r.71, " T.".. � . , 1. 'The Green Llubt .� . 1'.. I . �, I.:,� . �, ­,"', 1, I ­ I I ... I... . I.- 1. I ly w.,ishob to use y$6111, tb4Vi-a*0iUe4Wq which Us can - , " ,,,, 11 . . . .. ". . ", ­.,rl " " , '; I . 'A log � rule tb4t give$ Reop,41te stream of life - "S , W WM ... ... . � 1: . 1W low ,values and the sellor pief . pure by gjve.f4j,you��, �f.,." �1,, ,­ I Z �! " 1:� �; i .",�r"eO.2-,13?".,1� OR I g .....­ . - I . I I er one carefully guarding the - � ­ . . I jr�,, , I. ". � 1. r that'gl*es high values. ; . I * ­,��.. I I I � I � -,""".�4',4' -� �t;� I 1;,'. I I .. . . 0 * . I .k -.'# "*. �* t . ! � . . .1 1. .. ­� r . � �',',.� � I . . i, I 11 . � T '­ . . � :1 - .. 4 1 ; 1�". � I . � . ml�� e - diameter of the log In meas- Let�us 04.11001�voursielves. No agp; 1, . I I , r� 4, . "I . I --i- ur4i 14sidethe bark at the small end. The. sum total of life Is not rwb- es of inft% ty from tempta-' I . - "I �. i:p, ,", 1,14 � tIODL ! Th6ro I � , , # I - TUCKERSMITH i ­. I . raW ed merely by adding dollar to dollar. as*or us AV ,,perlft 11 . I 0 .. -h, I 'I L I "? . I ' -M-0000=1 IDebbo; that Is, ,an- 8.8 Inch log is en- middle life, an& tn'old gge. ; I F., ­ 111 � The diameters are nded -to who.t: . . I q, * *, '.. . in - You* , � I � � ­* 11 - Mr.. and Mrs. F. Townsend. visited tered as 9 inches and an 8.3 inch log p Your thougthtsi will not always be 4' . 0 0 0 1".. ­ .. 1'�2 . - leasant. it nk only of -pleasure. . . . . � ��, .1 I i ,with Mr. and Mrs. William ,Wise, Of as 8 Inches. . you thl, There are two ways to I e- �� '711! "I ifil�11� ,- I , M, ­ � ,: The length is measured stop a . I . � I ... "I 111�iV*P��M,V'-`.� 40 I . 1 I" N loderich Twp.,'on Wednesday last. I , I "' ' and logo are usually out I.b g, 10, 12, There is 80methin-gAhe matter with clock. " One Is $0 smash It. Tbs, qther . � , , I I .1 .d., , '' , ;;,J.,k4,,,,,�:,"� ­ " . . Mr. and Mrs. Doig, of Wroxeter,, i�re Axs - , I . , ,' ­ � �. , , . I . ' I ,., , , " "" '. . . . ­--�,,'­ �.�,i,.,% � .":y � I I 'I - I I . , ,,�, ,­-,�,,, 4eaming to - live "an the Ashton farm be cut 3 -to 4- Inch" Wnger In order to get ahead, f heart, � the spent spftngij.­,,,: That stops the, I I INT -1 - 9 RAM I 1 I I . �1�t",� ­�llk I Wor 16 foot lengthe. Lbgs sholii(f Is to let it run;'dowx . . V 01 , - en, education? wIRCh Allows the head t --forget t6 wAud � , - 1 '.6 , -�i I . , - w- � , , I I . AbqUt-.-maT-Ch­-1st - . - � . O the � 1 ma, �:, : f',q � I . � - -that.-the boards nidy,be squared to I 0 , ow *� home, too That stops more homes I I .%, .. -`W I I "I., , ", "P"�,;r, . . 1. . I . � A TASK I .,the even, ioot lengths. The number A life In tune witb the Infinite not -than Infidelity, dloes., -; We need to , , , . .... �� "" ;�-� , 1� � �, ,�­ ,,�� i .. . of board Yeei. In the log is taken- from only does goodi solo work, but is also take time ,to wind, the spent springs. I . j! 1, 'To each of us a.t")k is glve% the log rule. U�oduettons, � * * I'*- . Quality o,'f ,,course, but most -at" ; I ! 1--1 ... I ..... I for defects proficient in ensemble. I . � * � I 0 I . . � I . 11- I 'To some it is -to gliape-and mould such as crook rot, etc., are -made: for a 'a * As a;: teacher, apparently there is tractive is the conventional .�, R11)"i . A. character which will untold each log wheh it is measured,. A sk3ale i Make friends of L-ood'books- they -no subatitsta for 6-1d — Experileuce. . - RWMI I , , . I . I . I I I I . � , . � . . . , : I I , I . I . � . I . I I All virtues about which we have been stick has- the log scale printed oxi, It, can keep a secret, �Lnd. will �eveal As far back as I Can- remember fqlks , ,f"w -4 ,. '. . I ; ll ... 111W&7111,.� . I .. . neat patterns and the gorgeous q-��12�1..'�hN.14"- �Iv " told. . I and Itia, used for measuring the diem- many a secret to you. were saying; "Experience is the great , I � � , , A03-- I . . I 11�1.11, .11, ; 4 . .". ­.'� eters of the logs. 1� . I . : , I a teacher." In some ways, I suppose it I . , ., T" ? . . 11. � � �1' I ­j,�� 'To some It is to stand' so firm, . I floral d4mlogns that fai *. ihout, �..`­ '' � �".,"�'f . Doyle Rule . I Insure against a obaIlow- midd by i� -A' Proper d�ai& heIRful thing to re. 4.0 ,.� 1, � 11 ,F,. I ". - "� � . I �­, .Against the wrongs which flood the The Doyle rule -has been , d altbiough he char I I . .� �...'�i*� � � land, . , �, the legal keeping open, the channels which lead Tileadaber, an gto the is go � I ;',` i� , rule In Ontario since 1879, and, most to the Ocean of good literature, I heaviest fees, one is compelled to ad- 9.9 at you. 0 ." �� I I i I I . - .1 I �% � �. ",:L, VI I � . .. ,:L."", -And mar our youth� on, every hand I 0. L , _1A �, , ,� . I � , W%'., , I I -OU - ** 0 * mit that thib'DrIce is not,tbo great If !!��"�7:"-'4 W PM tsp�� .-I�m �� � 11-�.. , " ' � .. � - fvll� I . , Nei I I , - ­ I VI.. L " �, I I , _ .4 �4* X � gYel ,, avy " � , I I iured' I 'h better the lesson 113 really learne, Some- I uvej een i l6iwv : ,� :1 'That some may from disgrace be li�ld. Mahis rule. I ". &�4* , "I dm satisfied it"'Is a muc .4. ,%.%I- I : -;*orld thai 1 1 �­ I To- others It ma;k. be, to speak r� , . or - * - �' �7.1 1. -. ;:--1,1 I ` : ly low ". lues for - logs in _ the l0we t Was fifty years ago."- limes the proe4gh.hs,Tath costly to .; . diameter, classes. . . Williarn Allen Wqilte. Is � I I -, , , , �, �, 7 . .1 , , I � , � � I others, and they May Doi agree; I ,,, �, .. . ,I �.... , no, .11 . but and dozens of interme iatop , "I'' In accents clear, witli cheerful to . ., ,, , I I � �� ,� ­� �, �1� . I . I 11 , " � I Vo those who from the.,right - have . /-� Scribner Rule ,, . , . 11 the pnineiple -remains the same. , . ,�,� ll. I I ...�, k�,�' lr . .. - I tl .. . I I 1�',T' . . . The Scribner Rube�gipp -much hlgh� - It is a pleasant thing to dream of * -� *- '' , .1, , . I I .1 -g . strayed - shades. They re iloriou's", tQ, - �,­ ' I � I ,; Ah;,N ' " 'doing great things; "it is a better and , . ,�-� q.1'. 411�1 1 - i , . ­­ � . 'y . ., � , . '. I � I ,;,�., . er values than 06, Doyle' for logs'iri This reminds we of,the story which . . * I ­:, - -, �., . A -And gone the ways of vice alone. . - -so � . X10.111 .., ? , I . I I the lower diameter � classes'. . more,practical thing to wake up and Fabre, the naturalist tells about his 16ok at- color fast and guar#nw , . ') . . I , . �,., � , , ,�.,�' - g , 4 .111, ,� -, " I 1,111,i�111 I �,­­ .; � ' 'To others it -may be; to wield Doyle -Scribner -Rule do them -sometimes." 1. Introduction to' cbemWxy. The les- I P . .. , I I I I �Y,S , *' * * I . . - . . 1. � ­ I., � V,,6 ". , " . j, : l . �­ �: I . " ..., ` . ,� - I -Ah Influence that shall shield . The values 'of the Doyle rule are son. ended, apparently, .in &6 bur!st- teed to 'wear � I i- . � . � . �'-,:14 -- I used for � The graduatin . . 0 . I .. .. , � . . . ', 5 . � I I . . I ... �� . � ..... I'll ;:Some'mother's son from sin and woe , 9 class of 1915 of the Ing of a glass 'tube, with the result � I I I . 1; . All tt � ,logs up to 28 inches in -daam- . I 9199� ,�, 1- I . ! I I 1. ,i-, - : � ��U � ,� I , . . . , �V­ high school Of Menasha, Wisconsin, that m�tost of -big fellpw-papils 'were . ­ . :,� .... �-�� -And help him right from wrong to -oter ana above 28 inches the Scrib- . ,,, I . . ��­ I � � " , . I I . . i . I ;,�', ' know. . .ner values 'are- ujged,. had this ,distinctive ,class motto- "The hurt. one was, almost blinded, the .1 . ; I � ", ,.� w", N , , .1 �, I Y111.111 I . . I - . . ".. , I I . . 1-9. �, � -international Lqq elevator to Success is no�j ruufilhg:-� lecturees clothes TV burnt to pi , �". "I Rule we ec- - . - - �,.L 2" . "". .. I I I 11 ,­�,-*S,� ­ ,,­L�A 1 So let us each with minds alert, The International rule gives values take the stairs," . es, and thb lecture -room was oplash- I . , " . . � I � " .r � , , � , qM, "'?, !,v & . , 'ro see the heights whin Can be gain- I . . ' . .1 � 1: 1-:,�'!:�,"', � .. , I ,,, . " , I � led --with I I . . . . I I 11� that'are close -to what �an be sawn ' staInG. The lesson was "' " " , . "'.1.0 � ed * A visitor 'to a ligh-thouse said to ' .& I I - 'I'' out by using good, methods. It is fair the really finished' that day. Yeari after- � . , �. 11�111, IS, � , . � , , " . �­,� -1 .. 1� l,.,.,'L I ,v 23y those who sordidness ddsdain, - and sell4r. keeper: "Are you ,not afraid to ­. ],-��, �,,�, , . . 1: �",.A 11 � ." ": �,�,,n, � to both buyet wards, Pabre -went back to -that room, New Snring Shades inWomen s - Strive the faltering to reclaim, live here? It 'must be a dreadfully i A- - ,. . I - I . I 1, I Comparison of Log Rules lonely and dangerous place to be �"' as a pupil, but.as, a master, and l: I I 1. � fe I - 1�1:11A 4 - ,, ` , I . . .1 I-. I : ­� � The values given are for 16 -loot - found -that tihe &jiasbes were still, I . I i : 11.�, ,And let us, too, not be afraid constantly in." : . .1 a . 1, I . . , ­ � i � "To voice opinions staunch and strong logs, Only. "We never think of ourselves here. Ahere. . F ..'�',�, , N a . ��: ,�!�,.�, � -Against those things Which tend to �. I., I . 0 * * YOU must see -the new 11 t c per shades, 1 -they -M I wrong � Rule You see, We know that we are per- he true friend is for ever chal� . ' op i . , , ,, I- - -. ,;; . .�, : � � ""I. � . � L. I fectly safe; and only think of keep- T I , , 11 I " �1 , 1. � And have o'erwhelmed us� tartoo long. 6 f - a to Ing our lamps burning brightly, and lenging us to our best. If you-4ave, so entirely new and di erent. C r e p es., chiffonsi' :� ,�., ,�:.,­".", �, I - � lil - ,"I I".." MARTHA Diameter M .2.g If- i mad Waxwick Dee'pinj's "Exiles," YOU , 3� >­ w C of keeping the reflectors clear so ., Ail" " 2� "' � I I, The Turner's Church y1joung people inside o , Service w ", "W- ''. '', � A I : ,-;V, � ;-A ; " o 0 '5- �r- .2 that those in danger may he saNed," will recall the nature of the frien& � eightsg appearance plus wear, and MI the �68t , �,;; Jr., a I , -, ; bark W 0, . 4J ship of the heroine Billy Brown for' . �,� ��`, 1M � ,. :held a meeting on, Tuesdh*3r night at was the reply. I I � I , . '. , I ...... , �­ � I I -Awdiich the pastor, Rev. G. G. Burton, Inches Board Foot Contents * * * - Thomas Isherwood� the semi -invalid makes: . Kayser, Weldrest, Pen= ApAn I I ­.;,i� ­,, ' I I . I I'll, ' ..'' ,�'., .... �i ... 111,4 11n,4*, , , , ", , � �, by , �� � I , . 4 �. ,,� 9 ,gave a missionary,tklk illustrated nt 6 - - - I - 8 - It's up the hill to what you.,Want sent to Italy for his health. There V . 100" � , I � I.. , I wcoloured slides, -showing differ . 4 Is mans 13:0C C . 4"." e and there's no way of cheating It; was, ,nothing just comfortable and. .. Orient, Sandra, Phantom .-Ili� , " I ,-, , ". .. . 8 , 16 32 � . '%, " 1. I , "��,' I I xy work in the It's a bit by bit, with pluck and gri t, easy in- Billy's kanduess. "She, was . 1. I �. _phases of the,pAssloxa 10 36' 54 36 64 75-- 0 1 .111, :.."Ps -1 N �Canadlan West . among the Ukranians. 15 121 142 121 157 and facing care and meeting it; not were eake 'with iced sugar on. it," . y � y I -.� , � I I . � : . 1 %� '11"i ­ I � I . . It's wind along and grind along, and, says the author. "She made the in- ....... '11,33 . 1 ", I 1 20� 256 280 256 290 ' . . . .. ,� ", ", , ... w 11 stand the burning thirst of it, cipient slac�er, in him .feel old and . --- - .. - � � ;,-11 , 25. 441 i 459 441 4.62 -­ . I �,�J... ... "I � . .. . I . � . ­. I ; . . � -,'i��, ��.. I. I mnnm� . 9 �� - I , � . WALTON \ NOT ,gount the cost, for he is lost tired." Again, "There was that in - I �. "I., I I ��; 11 ... I a . 30 676 657 657 674 ,.. , who thinks he gets the worst of him that ached -to live up to Billy . ­ ��� ""I., .. I I , ��,,..'�. " 0 � 25 961 876 876. 930 .. ­., . . . . . . . . . 11 �� � � , At the regular meeting of the Y. P. it.-I�dgar A. Guest. . .1 ­ I � ....... ........... ,� I . . . and challenged.' It was a . I I I �., ,� !",�`, - ,;Z" 4,5;' , " r� �S, -of Duff's United Church Sunday * * * - . . . I LLL I . ...; I I great moment (oij ... Thomas w1hen he , "" "" � � � I , , I - ­ ..;", , 10 ,,, I 1. � ,�evening, -Feb. 2Gtk Alvin McDonald The late John Bu"oughs, the great exclaimed, "Do you,think rin' going , �� N &., � ",'I I : . ,N . I i 11 � w, 11 , � " , ,,, - I ,,, . 1.1y.. f��;� . Field Crop Convention "My life dias to be content with an easy attitude?" - �� . 1 7 5 �Treslded The topic was given , by naturalist, once said: . . .� ,�, � I .1 ".. -Sl� . � ­ 1, 11 W� -Mary Buchanan. A story was read Organizadon of district asslocia- been more or less detached f ram the . . . I have to satisfy something in- . � � I . .. I ,. ", �, . .; . � 1. � , ,$M Ili ;. �, ­N�M 1y Arthur Bewley,and Mr. Cumming tions to promote the growing of bet- life about me. I have not been a her- myself!" There is �courage born of 1. .w" . ,,,�U I , I I , . . � . jgave, a tal �tinj closed with ter seed in Ontari ew 0 0 , e . R , .k., The mee o, was, urged by Alex mA; solitude and a certon constitu- bompanionship.', , - S ,��"'4-11. . . � . . .),L I .. 1�1'-r " I ,cia hymn and the Mizpah benediction. M. Stewlart, piesi'dent of th6:,TIb'Td- fi-o-nal,ti,m-fadti'a�lid.,ST2�ifi,kiijelf6lfi iill­ ­ - -* *�, * - - , . I I I I .9 . ­- I g,�,,", � . �,`% . . I . I.. I ;,;­� ,.1-,;,,.V 11, ..... Mr. and, Mrs. Charles Sellers, Frank Crop Associatdon at the annual mebt- itinds of strife, have kept me in. the THE BRIDGE YOU'LL NEVER , � �-,31"'i&E', ,. "VER . 1-4 4, .1 .. ., � .1-f4p . I � �:Sellers and Mrs. Ward Sellers and -Ing in Toronto. With the province di- bypaths, Tather than on the great - CROSS - - �IMI )Q�,00 � . I i -i � '! Jittle daughter, and Mrs. Roy Sellers vid,ed into zones the particular prob- highways of life. , . '. While I delv- lt;s what we tbi nk that Makes! the world 14, I � , -Ig" � .11.1 --1,41 V -&7 . �spent the week -end- in Kitchener. loins of soil and climate could. be stu- . .. I ... t1d I did not lose sight of the sky Seem s-q,t or — to vnill t - that the -'an +-'----f-'­V-- #,I- I ., �. .rg , � ,� " ;, Mr& J. Sellers, who Is In the K- &, 'W. Hospital, Kitchener, is somewhat Umprbved. Those taking advantage of the ape- .elal excursion to Toronto ,to atteud the hockey game Saturday, Feb. 19th, -were: *rs. Rutledge and Leslie, Mr. W. C. Bennett, Ronnie Bennett, Clay- ton Sellers, Bob Smalldon, George died by local groups. Representatives from these group% could then discuss at the general convention -the larger problems of sale and distribution of seed. It was decided to ask for great- er financial aid to carry out experi- mental work. One of the matters de- manding atten-thon. Is ,a method, of controlling seL-d-borno diseas overhead." ' . . .�, 1. I.... -1 Success cons.ists not so much In sitting up nights as ,being awake in the daytime. . * * * � Think straight and act straight it you want real success. 41 Your 'mind may color all things gr4 Or make'them 'radiant hue. Be glad to -day, be troo and wise, Distinguish gold fr�)n dross; Waste neither time nor thought about The bridge you'll never C��ss. , . . - There's useful work for you to do, � MW JIUMes .Uha. ,auue iromeray- i0i,M-, - , ��f,,;g Court House and install lavatories At the age of sik'weeks she came to ­�, �:�r34��,,,� � ,� there, in order to take over presebt, Iramada with her -parents and tbedr U :.,�. !,,, : '� "Al . 1, � , . ��%�,. 1: upstairs 'lavatory space for Offices, is children- This was a memomblo voy- . �,.,��,� ... �,,! � �,ll not feasible inthatthe sewerage sys- age. TQey crossed the oftan' in at * * ' ',4,.k,; !'i'v4" �, "V111. torn is not deep enough. The floor of saffing velmel whicb, took alk to - t.gij . sw . - the ex6avation, it is said, would per- on weeks to make the trip. IMey en� . 1:,g . " � "Ni" ... force be about five -feet below the countered stormy weather and fta , 11��;7� ti�o I 11� ... � sewer pipes. Mt. Ballantyne stated trip was much delaye4. , Wbeft � ; , -tl ;0 I - . I * * - For band- and brain and heart; ' UUaL 110 anQ U. A. noulertson, X- P- Pomey,Dy, faml-ly, arrived in C�anad-a� . , -1 �1. I . I . .-McArthur, Gilbert McCallum-, Bert Dr. G. P. McRostie outlined the People and pine' are usoles� when. There's urgent bu=4 service, too, for North Huron, would visdt Col. they settled firat in t tfo J, , ' M. Procter Heads H. S. Board S ra rd vx& � I , � And6rson� Mr. and Mrs. lbos. Hack- er6p testing program which bad been they Ime their heads. . , . �,�, " -well and family, Mr. J. Hackwell, Ed- In which to tak& your part Denison, dnspector of legal offices, to ,tben moved to St. Marys. From S4 1; !';I- , , . , , . proposed a year ago and on which egular meeting of the High discuss the feasibility oY building a Marys the family moved to Doux". ." .' Make every opportunity At' th4b r ". . - ' ":: � ��i I A so he Pertb County, 'Whore, Ur- I � I., .:5tb and -Bernice Hackwell and Mr. some pr h To avoid. criticism, think nothing, A worthwhile gain, not loss; School Board held on. Monday night, wing on the Cou HOU -4� T wing Townghip, .. 11 .. Elmer Hackwell. The train left I .1 I . I . '' I � � � I'll `� � I �tL I on sof surveys made in Western On- say noLhing, do nothing, be nothing. The. best is YOUTS, so do not fear Mr. Miller Procter, who has been could house offices for the Children's Pomeroy was engaged as caretaker at ,.� . . , .1 -b- � 'Walton about four o'clock Saturday tarlo and, the countries between To- The bridge you'll never cross. chairman Of the board for the past Aid Inspector police and the Magi- a'n. Anglican Chureb. In :L860 Hannah " � ', I . zafternolon .and returned about I a.m., ronto and, Kingston a number of It Is far better to live our pat- . onci and,on,ehalf yeir-R, was re-elected strate, lea 44 the one room at pres- Marle Pomeroy mamrie,L John ' ' , 1)) I 'Sunday , -:'111", . .. mornling. " — San& .,�i . 1::, , I zones have been, marked, off. Atteri- r1otism than to parade it. If life seems drab and difficult, chairman for the ensuing year. The ent occupied by all for its original erg and settled. OW th : ... � : 4 the , , ", b. 20th, Rev. � I . LL � , 4 , -1 , �� C M t I ez I., On Sunday morning, Fe - following are the officers and com- purpose, the acconalmodati n of t- r I t Lem ,� I . don has beert given to &fferences of Just face it with a will, 0 wl 3 d eancession " � 11, Gala- I , I! ,. ­, :,�� Mr. Cumming chose for his text, climate so that sorn� uniformity of Belnq� ignorant, and being also ig- You do not have to Work alone, mittees for the ensuing year: Chair- Tresses and of the grand jurT�---�Gode- M ­ - ;a . I �"!��,N I I -tians 5-2?,; "But the fruit of the spir- conditions in each zone can be de- im-rarit that you are ignorant, Is com- Since God Is with You Still. miari, Miller Procter; secretary, W. A. rich Signal -Star. I To. Sanders bag 190, AAL eontlemms I -It Is love, joy, peace, long suffering, resident with the ,��Iixfd� of CHM , r��,�� ". I pended upon. The corn growing area pound Ignorance. ' Press gn with courage toward- the goal Galbraith; treasurer, A. Cosons; tru- . e�T,',',, . ;gentleness, goodness, faith." Nurse Stricken I Year. -Exeter Tlibes-Advocate. ,��4, "I I . of Esse,r, and Kent and -the Magara ant officer, Chief G. Aiken; finance . �!­ Mr. Harold Smalldonl, Jack, Bob . With Truth your shield emboss: rrrr q. -it After a serious illnessof more Goderich Yotmg Man Purchase Bakery �� ,;�� ,,, fru belt are striking examples of Choose a fe'w friends, selecting Be, strong, look up, and! just ignore committee, Capt. W. ,J. Adams, FL)r. ' . . � '� zzand Betty Smalldon visited Mr. Small- . 1�� ... I T, . I ..... -don's mother at Ethel on Sunday. crops adopted to certain areas. Dr. tbein at least as carefully as you The bridge you'll never cross. G. Ross, W. H. French; propeftY com- ,a week, in wblch she hovered at Another business change tookplaea , "'I'll;, I I McRostio thinks there is a possibility v­culd flowers. mittee, W. W. Armstrong. W. ,X. Hen- dQath's door, vdodm of viridens strep- in Mitchell on Thursday of Iasi weelt :� 1 ,,�, 1� , L. I � I I . - of produoin turndp seed in a strip of ' Here is some sane advice which I dersou, Dr. G. Ross; school manage- tococcus, W." IrWe Taylor. nurse -in- virben the Home Bake , owned an& _- ' �," " . :l,' , q_ ! " land bordering on -Lake Huron and How often lately have you goneout. came across'while; re-readipg an old ment, W. 1-L French, Dr. Parker,.. training at AlexandTa Hospital, is con- ot,erated. by Mi. Curtis Id tv 1. ', L I as So �'Z as . I EGMONDVILL9 ' d and Ara- ��, , Goorgian Bay where conditions are Adams.�-W`Irrgharn Ad- sidlered well on the road LW L; � ' . of your way to listen to lovely music? book. -If you have got'to, Many I -r- Capt- W- S- . Messrs. Russell ' !., " ' I'll "O - - � - � 1, ,,,, � Egmondville W.M.S. Meets ....... similar t.o those in Nova Scotia. Or have you gorged your appetite ons in the fire, take a few Out. you vance-Times. Miss Taylor, only 19 years of age, is -()-Td�-Domk--­at--G lericb. bakery., .". -ri . a popular nartse at the 'hospital, a was opened se� mO tbs (Much di�rpend-6nce bag been placed ,era��me.�hs ago h$ . .�,,�! The Februai-j meeting of the W. M. with notliiLg but jazz? won't injure the fire or the'other ir- � 1� . "i I I 1 '9, Egniondville, was bold in the ves .,on. the thousands of tests conducted ons. They will get,more beat. Be Has'Flne C(Alection Of Old Coins favorite wtth patients and dier fel- the Hoflich Block by Messrs. Curtis , ,��', . . -1 - * - on small plots ,throughout Ontario. "Not for a day, definite in your aim. Aim att what W4 . hile in the office the other day low -nurses. Sbe was in training only and Brediu, the latter withdraviW - � . � -try of the church, Mrs. Allen preeld- . " �11 Tbe&e have Inddeated in, a general about seven montha, when. strickon. from the firm some tL,me ago, wbibt , ­ ,. iseern. my way, you can hit. Don't consult your rela- Walton showed us some . "­ . . ) ,.,i ing. The meeting opened with Hymn - ,Can I d Mr. John .;;:�. I Z10. 'Mrs. Hlaney took the devotional way the best yielding varieties. To Riit thUl surely know- tives. Consult yourself. The great samples fr9m. big col f with an ill-fiess diagnosed as Pneu- Mr. Curtis continued on in busluesp I I - I monia. She becamae, worse and last until he sold to the new proprdetarg- ,L! 'leaflet, "T get. more accurate data twenty-five . �.L! ,! r �1110' Who gives the day workers are usually early risers. Get 'coins and' apart from the rarity of ,�. -he Church in'Action In the larger plots' were tried last year by Week a test was made to determine -Mitchell. Advocate- �', I , Nation." The Scripture was rea.)i by Will show the way, something done beforb breakfast. the ;��plv.s show -a to us, the history ': students of the Agricultural College. the type of serum needed to combat .:��-111. �Ii I . , '31ra. FL Chesney, Sr,, and, Mrs. J. For- So I securely g*.11 � Give your bedPOSts, Plenty of room- of bow they came into his possession the Illness. On Friday -'the serum bad Hand Sdverely Injured . .',,� . � :rest; prayer by Mrs. R. McGonigle Results so far have been satisfactory . -John Oxeabam. You will enjoy life -all the better, but proved very interesting. Mr. Walton's 1. � �,,,�) ... . - I ;and Mrs. James Allan� took the'studv and obtained at modorate cost. There it you lie in bed lale,�atter getting -home was in Bedfordshire, England, not arrived, but an oxygen tent bad Mr. Geo. Hepburn, while operating: %'K, - . "',", 1 took. Hyanta 519 was. subg and Vile were also fourteen: supervised tests Doing right can be made actually there early in .the moitaing, you will and was situated on a hill which at been borrowed from Wingham &Gspi- a pl,aner in the work shop on his . ,­'­" �, . I I mieeting closed with prayer. with fertildzers which cost -about $30 more thrilling than doing wrong, It find the other fellow the same, morn- one tim-e was a Roman encamprrient tal and this undoulAedly carried the farm an F'Mday lAst, had the misfor- .1 . i "', , I . each and were 85 per cent. reliable. You doubt it, read the lives of great Ing "on the Job" before you,. As a boy he had a babit of mrn-ag' Young student 'nurse through the tune to get his right, hand caug* int ,!j �N ,ff�, Rust of oats- has become ,one of - -, ,- :�,,�� explorers Inventors, scientists, and so ' * 0 * Ing around as boys, will, and dug up '."rst period of her illnes;s. Hope was the maehin,e. About. hQf of. the thuMT& ... , .. L , I I I ­e'e, I ­ .. . the major 'enemdes of the grain grow- f. ­ Not so very long ago we were tak. almost abandoned, but the, serum, a.r- and the tip of the index finger ivere " 'I'll . QlariP. COLUMAN ' orth. . part of the Collection now in big pos- .'% . ­ i�', I , . I er dn Eastern Canada. There were, � Ing off our hats to the "Go-getter," sesgion.a It is true some of them Lare rived early Sunday morning by spe. taken off. Mr. Hepburn was brougbt * ; . "IR" I beavy losses We of ' : ��: I I . Mrs, Henry. Foley apd two children, in the harvest of 1937, The trouble lies not with the nurn- but now we are seeki4g the company, badly mutilated so th�Lt they are of cial train-GOderich Signal -Star. ^ to Exeter and treated at thiii ofil �, ,I d to' ton and wisely so, of the less ostentatious l,ittl.e value to collectors, but others Dr. Fletcher -Exeter Times,Advocatft --43:6 some field's being reduce her of people in the world, but with Ninety -Sixth Milestone .1­4;�,i, . ;.S� I I returned to their home at Kinkora. af- er acre, Fortunately and ,more 'Practical "Go4giver." In are of great value� one coin be has I I . 144 ter a lengthy visit With the former's bushels or less p the kind of people. It is not a surplus I ­­' �( . Smtaiais Severe Bevises e`,fl, I I -mother, Mrs. Jobn Downey. � there are a few varieties that are re- this connection it Is of special inter- is worth $50, and others are scaled Mrs. Hannah Marie Sanders is to- 0�k, ., I ot craantity in �eople, but 9, deficit in I I", % V, a 1 ­'�,� , l� ,,,,, ,0 sistant to the disease Which may est. to read what Vash, Young, according to their rarity. - Clinton day ,celebrating her 96th birthday Last Wednesday m1glit Mrs. W. JL , f, 111.1 Mr. and Mrs. Jos. O'Reilly and -ti quality *hIch makes the trouble. psychologist, salesMaV, and Wrl r . ' ,,A��, 1. .4children, of Detroit, are visiting the show Itself tber on the stem or leaf. to News -Record. aunfver"ry at the -home of he)r son- McLagan had t&e misfortune to fan . :,*4��, lei 1. ,;,��!,r,!, 11 :, 4 Dr. a H -Newman, Dominion Coreal- ,lies to say: : "This wear and tear of in-law and daughter, 'Mr. and Mrs. when rising from. her chair, striking .1 ,g;v" * , , �,, t� ' Mr. Frank Melady. . ",,I; , �. ,t, � � I � , ­illt, , latter!s father, !at Of the Central Experimettal Farm We ude the phrase "onjoy yours,elf," go-getting I% so generally recognized Choir Stages Surprise Party George Walker, 2nd, Concession Of her hip'and sustaining severe brulftg* �-11% ', � I ''Miss Hilda Kennedy, of ,Stratford, and it is a true -one, for such a man that'a prominent writer and profes- . . 41,��,.��, has collected -results of supervised Stephen, where she has resided for and, a cut over one eye. she Wa* . -ilrl ,�'.., I'll, 11 � ��� visited With Mr. an(% X-ra.-Angus Kon- can never really enjoy anything but sor with, one of the leading universf- On Tuesday evening members, of windw , �,t,�.',l Z, 1 tests on. farms in Eastern Ontario 79 years. She is the oldest wopian alone for almost ,three bours, "I I'll r,t,l ,,,",,I- ,�., � . �peft. - himself. All outWdie meffferials for ties advises people 1.11 ,,-i� ,,, ' " 111. V, 9- ,e%fdent -in the district. She wis she was founKL While still confined to ' ­q,,��� ' past borty to give the Ontaxio Stf*et Church cboipqmw i v I � The social in the parish ball. last and finds that the old varieties are "I, N�M a- � ; �,;�,,� , ` . 6njoment are of little or no use, if up active salesmanship. He 'says ed a, surprise party at the home of -.��:'14�' ILI susceptible and anay have to be di �orn in Devonshire, England, Feb� 17, her bed, she is able to akwo bar ftttp ., �,�J'i ',',,. I I I "week'was largely attendedl and much . the man ihimself, In his Inmost na�, that eomplicat6d dealings with people, Mr. 13. J. Gibbings on the occasion �, 12ki 1 I � T" . � '. carded, at least in, areas where this 1842, being - the second youngest of now and it da hoped shei will som kjo! "­!,!,;�'� �Jl- j y J ' tur6, !a discontented, envious or7neaD­ and attempts to iufinefieia-tlii�m, are of his birthday, ind presented him :�i,q�,,�;� iStudy Clubs have been. organized disease is a bontrolling factor, and . , , 'J'N" I I . too exhausting. in this, the protes- with a ,gift as a Mal"k of tho esteem four sons and eleven daughters of around agalix--lMitchell Adfteot& ' , , "", . .� f rul�rt-free rocts grown In their place. . . 1. :,1,WA,1, in this parIgh under the direction o . I , ;,,c , i ��i',, , In which he is held. H. P. PInniateel . ��� ­ 11 . - fjor is both right and wrong; Tight In �, , 1,; 11 I � . . . . I- 1- . 11 . ;,�,iV ' ' , .Re'v., J. Dantzer, with Mr. and Mrs. ' As rust ' ratfier than 8011, seems to ErNm have gJV6n, better i6sults in po far as Iiis remarks applT to go -get- spoke briefly of the int�&rest shown in I � I. . , , , lv��,' - I I ,� �� , , I ..". � L� �! - ., I , �1� . John Sbea, as President and Leader. be the determining factor in Obtain- ydelds than other abrts. ting. but elitifely' In -correct It -he the w,ork of the Choir,' and of tbe . I . 11 N " I : , , ��,',,, I � , . I . , I . 1 1,4�F,*,�,,,�� 1 Already several dlac6sions have been Ing good crops in many districts, Dr. Spring wheat Which Is, grown tO a thinks th6 same generalization C91k 'splendid service Tendered by the lead- , " . , , " I I " ' ' .. �, -4,,- I g N '. ' ' � . ` -,q . "� � % �,),`,,-�4�� . , ",""I"N' beld within, tho parish, proving to Lie Newman has taken ,steps to Map Out limited ex�ent In Eastern Canada, be .m,.ad,e Of g40 -giving." er, who replied ln� his, usual good " �, �� ", 'I & ". ,��, I I I Very. 14stractive as well -as entertain- the areas W13ere the stems are attack- chiefly. f or P�ultr7i feed, also needs f r form, reviewing, some of the events � , ,,,�f�,9NOT��,��,,, . ed and �vhere the leaf Is affected. . - I 1.1,V111A Ing. - I , be rust resistant. Huron and" Marqu'.s Z . ..M­� � x t�, I �1�111111 lit may bp of 4111teVeSt, to know how which hav? taken place durtng his FARMS FOR ,SAL ,:, ;'.'v.'.XR,�-�, I . With this Information It WIV' be Pos- so well -known to Eastern farmers, the edftobitl '-we" ,started, Back in association with 'ftbe 43hoir for the I , '..­�­,' �L­,." ,,�;.,, i I �&J`,� , . "I �V,, ��j,�.lq, 0. I .. I ,�� I � 1- , i " '�"",�l:�",�11;4 . slbl I � . .j., , , � '' 1. e,.to recomimefid varieties that can -not bl� d6pended upon. its they are the stone age an editor bad cW]ed p"t fifty years. A social time con- . � "6,4., � . �"?,�V,,,.­i. . 4iu,.#, .4 � .. " A,Z-04','."; � , � ,,,�I.,�,ji�',",'�',;l . I ihow �ecolletq may be grown with relative safety'. both susceptible to stem rust. Good farm!§ for siati6 In Druce, Ffidrml.njv�r,""�� ! 't, �, !:��A te4(,"Af4 "Dia some news about the elan bully. Af- eluded the evening's activities.-Clin- �, ,,,, %INI��,�-,,,,� � . jyoo� notice uj§,ifa", , , " , � , " �.��, ,� -, ,-,�� , . " ,, How great a gain may result is seen t6aooTrablo CIS�hl VAYU*Ut Will he &6MD _ 576,& Q,X �',�g,,,,��, �';� , ,� j,".1-1,10111. 11�'1'11;TN­1;, . 1. I ,,�J,,I��,� - wig with a big club. beat on the stone I � .�, , I -,06,�?­&�i�t . I I 2darle was at the " ,danee last ni ' ght? In a Case at Winchester whefd a varl- ter closing time -the bulli'.came howl-, ton News -Record'. ance arratk&d at 4% interewL Write, me, ktatti*464k. , ! , 4* I I . I . ,�, 5, "k., �� ,,� - I . t"' i . I 1,� I ,- .,you don't say. ,'Why, 1. never no ,pty resistant to leaf rust went 0 "Bring In tbo�oyaters, I told you. to door of the editor's CaVe, ar�d about- Propose New Wing For Coprt House Mono. . � . I I I " �,, - -� I ti6ed a single thing On her breath.11 I I . �, - -; ,,,�,, !,�", 4 ,���,� ,�",,_. I . I L . . I . 1, � .. .... . �'��' , I , buohel$ tq the acre, �Whlle Victory open." said, the head of the. hausebol#- ,od: ­�hoev,a�- wcrot*tbat piece about . I I, . I, 1��,, 'l." ,,�,�,,� I I . I � I I I .­­.­..��,g ,�'f.�,Vp, I new suggestign of the additioTr . . "I ... 11 I , � �. 0, gave ohlk 8 busheig. At the Ottatva gro pkfofit.�,� out hero?,, Tke editor A OLIVER HEMM, I . ,;"��­­, ,�1`44,�., 1 . D!14� come . I , �,�, '. ", � "u.;�'.0,;&i�t, . . I I - . , ., 11111",'..'' -.11 . � . " 1 I ,,, 'Experimental Farm It Is, #lanned to "There they are,11 repll6d. the new mvkin of a wing to the ,Odurt, houso to To- ,� , ,­'. . � 'i" ili�1111111111�' I'Keop,;.Your bc ' �) 'That's m��.Weotife, girls, 'I alwa-s shOuted 'back- 1, . lasoector tor CoMthiWandr of �­i 7L ' " .1 ... `i��`��,, . dr;dly -Victory for Vanguard, and- at maid, proudly. "It took me long alk - I lierb ul" coogeaton, of office space, '­.�­ ,,;i,'� '' ' , av"Iel tf,gJV4. her kisses to keei) her a U we� N4111 be ont'in, a minuto.1 I or" , Al, -1 . llrrl�'..�11 . L *' � � - 1 t al 0641); *19 r0- time to clean them, but I've dd ') It advanced by .. R. R. 3, SaUtAeLS; - �1. I'V', � 1. � � I "I J P 111.011,11,4. I 1. I he ,x6mlitville, Soho Baltantyvn% , , .. , V�C�1�1, - I �, 11 � . , for a, jKilreii be I 11 .- -.1 � , 11 I" ,. . ��Aoi* ­, , . bully, thinking a 9#A# Wa* abob , :. � "". -1 ofa- at liast, AvA throvM all the ifisidea to em,drg�% hm,viedly ­ � , .. .� I I ", ", �,��,"�,'�"�,�,:- "; t,�!!,�,'N' I � , .. I . . Ill --I", '1,,';P4 �,,�!!;Ii. ­ ' L,;> � I -Ii 'iWd ;om-mlended. - Vveft� 'Outside the The t I 'U"' "ar , I � ; I Sloath Hulz " 1. 11 "W;O�Y4­ U,t$ t&1199 W?'# " � ftarried gway 'P.P., � - ,1� , "' ', �111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0`1111'11'­�1121 11 "I � 1111�� .... �'�111-11N 11 I " �;,� 4so; ,Ulw�wd waft id Iilw'� I d, With nat' ' TAnark and awayl'- - W" I* t6vrh wib�,J(U$7. it is hdid -1 ... ­ - 11. -111.11 1111-1 ­­ ­lT- ,�.,�,�L,"�11.111.1�"...",.".,.---�"L'�t.l..",�,:,.! . ? ". ; . tricts 4ftecte, .; W, Kogh -460 Wt�-44" NOW&, I ­ � . I. , I ,Aj . . . . . . . "' .,Ii,,,����rv!,��,,,,.A"tT�',fi��,*?�,�� 1. 11 � 1. I . , . I I I � .... 1 I . � o'L' �, � 1. " . - . I I .,tI , . . I , . I ,�, X . 0 � , 1�;' , ,­, 4,� . , I � . P . I I ..'' I , ". ­q"j. � . ., � , - - 4 ;� . 11 �11 I I'' �J, " .�.. , " ." I , , , . . I., .:� . . , , ; � , ""' .. . . I I I . ", 4 �, 1, , , 1? : �.;,�� 4. ­ � , � . . . I I , - I ,� I I ll, , � I � 1, 1� I . 1. -. I � . ". I I 011 I , I—.. I , . I .. . , � " �� , � � "'� I � , , , , �, 'I, ; �, .4. "k " � , ­ I t, ", � , "��, '' ��1�1'1 ,�� ��,,,,.�,,­%, 1� , ,�. � .�l?�',�; '�"I;'Il"'.'L, �,�I:'I'� j_'rij; � ^ I , k �, �, �') ,� � 4 ". 11 � , ,, � �, ", 1 I ! ��'f 1�oll. ; � 4'.�'.��)`V�l ­�,�, 1 �,, 1111�M 13" , �, -1 ­.--------- ­­-