HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-02-25, Page 4%11, -, , . I t �­, ,� " . ", '.."'. � I . " �-, ., � I'.. _ , ,� fi';��Ii. I ­­­­ �i 'g-,,�i.,��­�-,�, "t . . .... :,�i�'.!� �k'? "`�t �� '%� "% 1, . . , , �i , - 11�; 0-1.1t- - .---1 . - �,-. ','g)"V­__ I ", filll�%'�' �' A'�r r , �it I . .j. � , . . 1, , ...,,,�, 10 CRj .1 1, .� � --,; , . v . . , , III'.. 'g, 'I ',�g"";"��',W;11'- , . ��,-,�,.`. � 'i�.",,P�.'�!A��l't"���-111,�'ll'����'�lqil�k�""A�1-113,�,�I -'� 10 q .1 �?'i - , - I . I I . T 7 , _ . , , "r v�,_ .1 , , � Afi? )1W ,.�.� 3 ��nj�,F.. , ,iivivr�', - ,� . ., ,:, � � "", .'.Akl�,',�,�,�? ,"�� � ,�,,4 , , _11 i 'I '? I , � � ,',� 11 1�, F:1 'A' - , ­ . I ­� - I % - � , i �t�;. ... ,,'. . , r I .." � . �, ol _ - a��'�j , , I ��,P, I ; �1:� � ,.� ., , , :. � � . . ! � 6 ,"', _MIAN X- ­ . 11 .:1 ,� �i'lti 'lli 11- , I . I , I 1. - �, 1. , . I l. _,��It­ * 4 � . . .� I � , .1. . � , �' �J �1: -'.;:,!t:% . : 11 7__W11_L_ I .. I % i I 11 , I . - k , i f?"'I", , wy, I . 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I . I I � I � - .,:I'll ��ri , l,;., , ,_­ _­­ ,;� � _ ;11�1 11 ... '-- ,i � , I , , _ ", , , - 14� � I � � - , t,p I ­ � , C I 'I M [,. �', I , , .1, I � I . � I . 11 . i * -_ I I . .... , 1, e 11 I , If � '. "'�,` , 1. ." - ., . . I . �. I ". . 1. , . . I 111,1� .1 , B". — .. t IC � �, I _,X . I F.!, ._� I I I I .. l. I , -_ - _ ---b � I second londeg sor ,the, past w . 4 ; 't" A ,,, I-, "�. � vl� I I 1 �� 11 . � 11. I � ­­ -, . ­­.. b �. le W � . I . ; -,�� . � � . � I � I,---- ­­,", _ 11" re,00lvk" - oivtor SO ' , , , � ,�. " . . 1 711ill" , , ,,, �� : :, . � ". � " � � ... �_, , I "' ,,I,�.­, t �. ", I , �' , &I.Ar, L. M,,= ,�,,,, I . , I - w -1 .. 1. ;"11111 I I 31 't. , 00-blio Leads .. � � . reading 4rld*1�-4oW'be,q ,, r, oef*ge Hodsi* -ere . . � I * - . peg for dla- X ." 17 � 4_X*, � . , : IN � ^A I'll M, S A i`�,*% 41. , r,� . ", I �­� " If "I 11 . " " �­' �, '' . I TAT " cussion 4Vr. , d' by their AA 9 . L ... 1, ,�� 1 4 silted over, the woelx,en A A .1 , `5 � � � ... I I - , (Coniftued Jumul-E.""a JLI , - - ,r -d .1 . .. . '11, . I a .. .. . , I � I Thp H*USOAU400,400'lito 6mmlt- 0ou',, Cas.ok Hu, Soft, ot Ustowel, ao- ,-�_,* ,.. I.. -�,.,',. i-,,�l'iP��t.., _ 11 . . I i: I , , I 1. � �. -0 � 0. _' '. �� I �;, �, , I . I . I " �, 411411"Of 1, I 'Sig deal of deliy It was decided,'to have -discuss the resolu,v COMA ­ I � r � , ­ I . 4i,'A , . I A " k vi 1", IV.,"" 6 W.R_ L:,Iyrit �­;', '. I , � I Ad � allI04 by alli ,4, * , .. I R .� �� L� . tee,of tbld'WhoI6 tq on , , L 'I", P �", .X � . � . I— I - . I the �two of them, but by this time the I., ft . �' RN � . , "Lo I � , I tion of the Maistei Of nuance ie- Dr. A. TL Campbell, wuo has 'b�en 11 � ; � , , " . _Li - - - - - - - - - I'll � ... .... �­.. , . . k �, . ;�,,,;­.­,g,g­� I- ­ - 11 I to be found. ,, al,dIng the F!armers�`Qr"torsl Ar- Confined to big h6rue fo 11 ", 11 'l , -*ft-" - MAP, - ----ftn - ­ - � -me--% - referees were nowhere r a Couple Or ed,- ' . `;4'-�Iv"­' , 7-,1 % I i � ,� ­ . 1, , i, , ,4, , I ." . � � ­ ,; 'C'.'.,R*1'14 I , , It ` ' Al 0[flldebragd - was ` persuaded to I g I ' � are 11 11, , , , ­ . M 11, .- , I 04� �� ­ 111k6li 11 1!1 [:�,. . " - Ig", _Ne-, imej *d at new low colvxistes; iiii, - over. -the (lutiew-ot ,bell. -linger. . -_ d i � O'k , , " . I � 41 _ I I ' �'­ .--..-,...c this,act has outlived ItS' ple*e to report, .regaining big , US- I.. '­,"', . . 1�', A A. I . " �!,. I �, ... VI 0 , , �'. I _'L , � �. � -delay v.aa. causcd when the , . 11 . I ­ I r L L . '", , w 11 I d the Minisitei -1 his ually fine healtb. , ,!',�, 4 V., , . dwa. rAngemerit 'Act. There Is at strong 'so waeke ,through Illnesil, 10, w,e: . � " , .. - - ,. L1_1 ,.0- ­­ , , . � '! . �_ , . )7" 1i 1, i5.' ( :'� 15, Atiotber, I - . 0 0% =ft . .. � ­­., 11 . 44­94wA& t,*Pbw,Xv-b#. Eum—Per w*nL-'* " - " - . � . ggersou -AAer . 0 ­­ '17 . I Usefulness an A ,,, I . , Feb. L rpsolution 0 . 11 ,�� , �11'; t _"�4� . t ; � 4 1 !�� L.".W �_ . Dublin goalie, Jvan 91 _ i T-bursia'y' _ seek L iomake amendments Mrs,.-Ailice Joynt on Sunday last TOO 664 Agricultural Oq�lctr, ... 1, " 1. . I 1 4 I'll, . "4 . . . . . : : , . �. lt. . I . . S �_,... ... � �.i,KKR,,� " _!­,,� ... I.. J 001341 � . getting into a slight 'argument *it4 1- -11" . � I , I , � �! L, ,?,q " �: I rl.,�, which in, time will wipe the act, Off visited. one ,of her Sons at Byron', ' Will hold their Annual So", ShOW Its � I �V� .A'Huron �,,� I � ,. Ud = .. i Gent I er private' mem- , , ! ��i'T' t , ........ L"".. .. ... . I , t We& .,� ...... ****' i own his outfit To­(1ay,,-w,as, alloth the �statute books. Wom all sides of ,Miss Jolinston, Of! Brussels, was a � . ...... I thei . I I.. .1 ZL, � I !"_ aid . . . . . . r - - L- - ,� � ' V-11son Allen, thraw. d _, ­­ ., ......... ... : A'r,eiat' ., I " -1 L " ' , "' "" . i"u,"" . ..... 26 CASIV01 ;` 2 - and heedless of the pleag of "Ufa �te$M­ beirs'. dwk -� as Usk Us- the House J Mrs. t? , Lt LL r ; �, . �. � I W409] . . - cotaplaints were made re- visitor at the home of Mr. and ­ I r . r . , �� . .. . . 'tf I - .0 44� '�'aad: -tal the House � , - I ." ... ,11i, ,,�,,,, ,,,:., !� I - i J*W cod Abbrov4tiaii oyanin ai one'word. * teried fo _p,rop,osals of different kinds " ��', I'll "� ,, ,, .... !� - ni�ates refused to play. Dan McCarthy I , i,P, , �, "''iIL I garding injustices Which have crop- George Hudson on, Sunday last. ' , �,, 7 ce6t veir word. NUmumak. So —to v- weeL although never having played in goal by private- Animbers, seeking, as they Mr. Thomas Wei h is engaged wit,, Town LHaUp Hep"N ... , 41�1' '10"N = 14umbqr, . .9 0. H.rup H.0.0.r. 1. 10 CeSt. l . , I . �­ p:4 �," ��,q ", 10 1_� � =� ped up un4pr the, administration, of a I . I I llil�l .� '' L:,��.Aqfifinii4es mw,r twVdiiinciticl to, a ' ,� � "I .1 1- . I- _��. ­ . I I h, . I T, before, donned the pads and upheld believe, to improve Our whole ecOxl- the. Act and th� Minister is endeay. Ws staff of men In the sawing Of a - . - � I . . I ,: I.: . , - , ' " ' 'ft /I I I 1. 1.0 q C a I Will U . charged it adii iu above cwarv, not Paid by the his team. omic situatldh� oring to_hive the bill so formed that large number -of 1,098 in his mill yaos ' I ... : ouuo�at vi��*4 - , 4.1i dea ad . . Dublin outScored the Kippen boys The ftr�stl`on the list WaS T. C. FRIDAY - ''I �.� , nuft,ft the wook in. W1 any one Provinico'can drop It if it so preparatory.Acithe large 511i0luentSOf I .. LL fl, riages and Pow0w 'inoerted .free Of charge. : . " M - � % . 11 , I , ,� 9 Za=. 00*0 to omift I - Etc­--�Lates - applicaidom I I in ,the first period 2 to 1. Stapleton Church's bill ,to make it a criminal desires. L 'i lumber which he makes from time to -v2.5 th � �, ., tallied the , first, followed by a g9al offeripe tii;lelrive a car if under the� The House spent some time on the ii-ig. I Februm— . . I I I 1. � I *V ll� -., FArin, St�mk . For Sale . . ,)j� - ­. _' — -a, I .0 Y UNG COW, F ,#T � Goop" 0 FO�ffl1e%jng,'s"`: 'hA ;'it. pp)y PAT NIGH. - I r 't 3663XI R;3aw07 Sweet, �P . . I 1-1 I 11, 1� I - -_ ­ � I �. . "' "' 16" FRESHEN FO� otl I;` .. D , W z_ ' - ,, Sealorth. in week. _ft.mp.140 !X` 2, W. p. THOMPSON, V_dj�.,8, ISeilortli- . . 3663-1 1 . ­ . �_ Wanted I . . � – I , I )­RARM OF 100 TO 200 ACRES, .1 11 I - I .' I , 0 , ibe land, 4joad - wuter supply. well .. ,�,SnA,7�- ��'Ijnildings; bush. AXWaY tO I 148. EXPOMTOR OFTIVE, Soaforth. . __ . ��_ ­-- 366axi � ---------- _­�� i- , , I , Card of 1hanks , � . I _,;. �, --- _ . I TM FAMIlLy Op TIM L&TS VMLLILM tr . - ds for Kr�se w%fi-, tto ih*xk itheir Irien th,eir,mi,,, a,03 of kinonleBB ,during the re- 0'at iuneBb, 4W aeaft -se the�r, father' also ame who sent 903ial tMl?latles� �ewd Mime who baned eaxB . ; $663XI � . -1 ____ . I I lh,Xemoriam IffELSH-IN T1JQ - 1. ORY OF OUR dear melther. Zfta.' Thomas WeJsh. who MOSSed ,,,u,y Ww year iago� Fe� 26, .1937. 1 ,Tla but. ta year MOD to-daY ' ,' ' ' Since God caVed ylri Wi-lav, And we who a7ved you --t of 811 I M@3B -you more eack day --Gadky nyibacd. by her Rusbacad and Fam- ily. 3663-1 .. — , - '.,. I __ For Sale - ' . rR, &AI OR EXCHANGE - 10 - E , . orm ft% Tuck� Will sell night ,hea, or Lwin excbkLage on subwban or oth�,'pjfop�ty, Mwdrebmhly with 2 lor more scres of Ian& aeviy w Box 144, EXPOSI- TOR OMCE. t 3NZ-2 - For Rent "i 17,AM FOR RENT -FIFTY ACRES OF - __ good 1�,,rs� land, on oancessiDn 9, HUI Zen; has been PaStM- JODr 9-t 8 YeMM- On -B.B, 'are 6 , P.M,., -rp=w house and bank harn - also supply of good water. Apply F_ E: PHHAAPS, 43 Woodmount Av-. Toronto. 1 3663-4 1 __ Property F0' r Sale . I FVR SAL -E.- AME HOUSE, 9 ROOMS, I jCem�Mft Jountj�tion. elejetric lightB,' water, et(-,, barn lFwd 6 20U. The htte, Mas. 11ohlbein . EAwbr_..App&y to MRS. RICHARDS, opposite tb�, tl caael��.� . I . SCG236 I . ...�,, ., - ___ — .1 :, For Sali�,"'Rent - I F= faxins: 75 OA�,, !§'Ik Lot 10, COn- .11, Mt�Killop. Wid �50 qh-e% SY2 Lot f9, Con. 0, Hibbeet A1,=Ws jd� of water- Cha�_ .H4,XbeLa Eht.*- Apx� to -AIRS. RICH - ARDS, vmostho colleglaltlm 2662xG — —_ 'Farms For Sale " Births , �6e I - by Harold Nicholson. and then D. 'Sh Influence of liquor. Some sections Or estimates of the Minister of Heal -M I - A . numb�r ��of pedestrians suffered . - .1 I ' - Kerslake put' the Irish. up again � .. . Carroll's pos. , I the bill Would weaken the Present aw and other sections would strength- . The passing of estimates gives the J members' an .Opportunity to pry i&o falls on the extremely fey s1dewallit, on Thursday of last week, but fortu- L __ , . I ' . . . 11 , '.� PRIZE. _�1,1811" ' ",, � LANNIGAN--la Timmin-ll' - - on Folimeav io. §�.Xr. and mwB. J. mannigan. (nee Besaile t�), F ­__ .... � Len O'Brien scored the only two on. However, Parliament wRs,ot ,one I tdie administration Of It e Act, and, , n4tely apart from bruises 'and cuts', I . . ..... . .. is Bon, Wuliaea ."gbir �l ;OUDW­Jn Sec%bt Xemprgal Reslatd. Sea- goals of the second period single- handed� It looked, ratber'dar�k for mind in ,regard to the necessity of strengthen-lng .the law and the Min- this.was done to -day by many. mem- there were no ,broken bon I es� . The dlDllowing Prizeii vim be awanlas am the, best s-aawles of Seed exhibited in scowd- forth, on F�ebruary� 24ad.',bD Mr� and Mrs. -EL B. Goudi., a daugfiter. ­ the Dublin team, but they came back lstQr-of' -justice assured the House bers. Inideed', after spending practic- any all day these estimates, the -tak Mr. John Craig was en to Vic- toria 'Hospital at London a few days anre with the xWes governing Seed Faim- I ciDyms_4ir-sebtit memorial Howitai, Sea- in the third with two more, to salt - at his department were, now work- t'E ,on committee could only report progress the interests of his bealth, amd I',-, _ lob 2nd 5rd 4th 'Wr Xonth, an FrMay, February ISth, to Mr. exW Aim Elmore A- Keyes. (nee Florence the game away 4 to 3' when Staple- , I Ing on amendments to the law as it as no items had been finally disposed ag?.In it he may be able to I bm. Fam W.Wdat.... s2in - SLS* Thomson), of Stwdey Twv., a son. ,ton, Se- again tallied on a pass frqui now stands. - '_ . z I . Is of. .. ., � � expected ,that return home during',this weelL I bus., Spi�kw Wtbleh4 2.26 ,Llry 1Z4 . A. V . ............. UNN--Tn Scott Montonw Hoelpltal, ,&rth, on Februalry ,2ath. ,to 31r� and am. Kerslake and Wallace scored, on a , �shot.' Regarded an peculiar -Premier ' HepburWa action In writing to a Con- Private members' hour from.�,9' to _9 .._ 'Jap- .T.her, will be , song Service in __ ---'-- I tw. Earay Oatii.._ 3_25 2.76 Z25 L66, 2-W 1.60 Uugft Rhua a daughter (Martha Edythe,). back hand �­ ESmondville 5, Kinburn 3' and -having placed on- the was wholly taken up with the ian Church, on Ahe Carmel Presbyter . % I bw- Lhtis Oats ---- -0-2S 2-16 1 bus. HuUeo O�eW e25 JLU Lr�$ On � Tuesday evening Egmendville gtressmau,. Congressiona-1 record his plans for a alnese question, and was falked. out by four IAberal members. conidng Sunday evening, Feb. '27tht busily . - - I Ix, ]�,,,,,, 6.Towed am 2�jz� - -g�Z Lig bus. Field Pew M5 L75 L56 ­ . Deaths gained a ,place in the race for the division into Lake Superior Certain, and for which tille choir is prac- . I i .... I bua. AWd Beam . � 2.26 (LIS LW I.. I McMillan Cuo'by giving the Kbiburn team a 5 to 3 defeat. The Kin -burn . had, they waters,that run the other way. This ' I aroused the curiosity of John R-. -Mae- Nicol (Conservative), who sought in- . Monday, Feb. 22 tisirig for. 1, The services In the United ChurcI. on Sunday last were featured by 4 I bus. Yellow V" or . . StowwbmW Bea= .. 2.as L76 1.50 i bus. Soya zoans ,.. z2S L75 1.90 PORTERFEUAI),-In Sonforth, -an Saturtlay, FehbLua�,y 1%h� msey n...,L welved vrife of Rvber*'PDA�Ek�K dn hew 7Srd year. � boys nothing to lose as were .1 already in the playoffs. Kinburn scor- formation on the question from the . .1, ­ I 11 , merl's. choir, both morning and even- r I 'i�_� bue. TUabav S -d MS ."s 1-50 11 bus Red 0overgoed =5 L76 LSD BLAM--lin Tteckertneith, on Fehruaxy 14th. ' e& - t&e first when Alvin Dale made a Prime Minister. The Government at' this capital Ing. At the morning service Dr, Jvan 12 - . Ila bua. sweet ckvee 4essie June Bta@r. -in ber 62nd year. I Sea- lone rush. A. McLean returned with The Prime Minister assured the shows no incluiation to talk out Of §millie contributed a fine solo which Seed ............... 2.00 1.00 KEyms,__.j_n scott wtiaw.a Hleepitai.' oarth. oo, FIrldlay, Febrteary 18th, the, in- one on a pass -from Bob Geminell and House that,all correspondence would turn regarding the highly perturbed was much enjoyed, as was also a flne 1/2 bus. Amuffa. Seed.. 2.25 1.75 L60 � , 1-W 1fant Bon of Mr. mid- Mrs. Elmore A� Key�, Mae Ir ,,,,t,.l added another on Bob ' -be tabled si�me time next week. The - conditions overseas. This was Mani- solo by Mr. Walter Spencer, while yl�, b-- -4lbikO Seed - - 2-26 1-7r' 1 bus. pvttaitod;l la" . 01 staaAw Towngdp- Venus' pass. L question ,,diqcussed and conside red of fested to -day. The split in the British the pastor, Rev. A_ Sinclair, gave ex- I tim� vittridw ....... Za& L75 1X9 � . 0 In the second,- C. Rintoul scored most iTitportance was the immigration, Cabinet is treated as an, affair of cellen-t digoourses both moriling and � I bm. p6watoes, ganer- . I the only goal when he picked up the of.Japani��se to the Province of British , British domestic politics. It is for- evening.. The pastor int ends giving . , al crop .... * 125 111-Irp 1-50 Moelt leraUtiable Seaforth Pik Are loose puck. Messenger scored on, a Columbia. . 11r. King was anxious to tunate for Canada at the present time that *e have a Prinle Minister who on coming Sunday evenings, atistory ,jf favorite hymus, the different of Grain mid Seeds.. Sweewtalee Radon ' I . pass from, M. Rintoul and then Mae avoid th ' Is discussion as the whole sit- the of Rintoul shot home the - fifth. Bun uation in world corldffions� is extreme- thinks' Seriously before, he sp�eaks as faiths of religion. X" Sang service RULES AND REGULATiONS (Continued from Page 1) Riley and Fred Riley came back with ly critical; however, the'mover of res- the wbole world conditions are suc;n will also feature ,the occasion, I (I -AU -156 eulbarled for .compeagan Mina I two for Kinburn, but the time was olutioU cil, Independent) was (X'r. N that a few thoughtless words may Itural mad] ccnriers are rejoicing in bw.,e been grown by 4w exhaAtor within one about antateur radio tran�mlsslon. it the almost up., so their chances or tlei,ng , delter,Tgjj�d to. go on_ Quite a num. easily stir up trouble ,that may not have The improved state of the roads fol- year prevaou, to The endubitibn. All extallita appeaxed on August 18, after re- ill , e count were fading. Kinburn made ber spoke on the resolution, Mr. King be so easily ended - Attempts lowing the heavy rains, as they cart of Be" Bkm be� heid tw bi revrftem"ve at porter -had gone on the air for the a -hard try in the last five minutes, closing'the 'debate try adJourning it been made in'this House to draw Out now use their cars in, many sections the.AbWl queeatZty of su& seed offered for sale bv the exhibitor. The Secretwy of tb�- first time over V_E3GI, operated from . but the F,gmondville squad, held them 1 . W at I p.m. -he Government on extremely 4eli- in this district. S,ociety' may take an& vres6rve­,mu*V1a from " United Church rvanse at K ore ,_%t r ". sea efess. . Th e orgaiAtation known as the Per- -Cate situatiOI213. Realth Offleer Dr. Ivan Smillie l7as each *xhibit -for mferemee in cue, -of dispaw by Rev, R. Kaith Lov�-. it was quite I Winthrop 3, Kippen 1 forming'Rights Society, Seems to give I Mr. Woodsworth to -day directed a b"n vaccinating a large number of aribme tfrom 4#w s4caf seed by exhAitor. 2_ComVoU*" most become nminb6% of a night. The reporter has been vast- Winthrop nosed the Kippen team the state department a good deal of question to the Prime Minister as to the pupRw of the schools here.. . the Society by paying wo the"Trdaffiver *45re- ly intrigued with t&e whole idea ever out of the race in the second game trouble. it gets the rights to thou- whether he could say anything conern- A meeting of the Executive Of th�e of, efther previms to or at the time of nwk- since aud serves warning that unless I on Tuesday evening with a 3 to I sands of songs and- musical nurribers ing, Canada�s responsibilities as a n Western Branch of the Bible Society V IL .*g entrw% d. 0 suirt'olf $LOS c0c - drastic,, restrictions are imposed, he score. It was a fast, clean game with the musi and anyone�'uging c must member of th-e League of Nations. was held at the home of ICev. W. A. 3 -No premlinno eb%X be swavdad oul es - hibihi thut conitain weed seed, which, in abe may w -rite, tilat only thi% batch of neither team showing any great have a license to do so. Tdie com- Mr. King refused to be baited and as- Young of sarmel Presbyterian, Church opinion of Ibe in4we are of a no*i&w oature- words, but another some time on � strength,,over the other. Rae Carter ' plaints against the organliation have sured the member that Canada's pol- on, Friday ev�ning last, to, receive re- $�-N!, exhibitur shaR receive 1320,110 in - radio transmission. , In Seaforth he held conference*1th drew first blood on Bill Farquharson's been many and Mr- Esling has an I e as last year. -How- icy -was the'same ports and to arrange for a public o". prize ,any c5m, �, ,All samvlea most be carrec* labelte4 pass shortly after the first period be- amendment before the House which 'ex. ever, in- aiiswer- to a question on the meeting which was held Wednes,day w4th the name of the variety, the amount of Edmund, Daly and Ian E. (Mack) Mac- gan. Beavers, of Kippen, tied the will get strong support. The Bill Order Paper, illumination was shedon. evening, and was addressed by the -seed fo,r sale and the- .eHiuc vri,,-_ Graiu not Tavish. They were in process ,of count and the period finished. I to 1. empts certain organizations, and earn- this question hagarding a matter Rev. Dennie Bright, or London, the 1�s thm 05 busbAs For miae_ emoept Spri= building new instrilments for VEVA. 'have Stan Nicholls and Rae Carter ,each pels the organization to Supply all Us- which caused quite a furor last fall. secretary. Wheal% 10 bashtb; Abike� Timothy and Clover, not gess tWas 3 bushe,16; Ah'alfa, Z Ed's station, Ed is going to ,gpt a. goal in the second. to give the ers with a complete list of their COPY- Over at the League there' was a vote An interesting featnre following the bushel�; Early po&toes, not 5ces dran 6 bush- "�ometjhing there." It is a beautiful northern lads the edge of the count rig%t, numbers. This debate will Con- taken regarding readmitting Spain to qunday sehool service in the United els: Libbe Potatoes. not less lfih�vn 2,5 bushels - metal ,panel leaded down with the g ,into the third. Although striv- going tinue some, day in the nea I ,� r future. I the League. The vote was closed and Cbure.,h on Sunday morning last was 6 --In owe of diispute, di. statuithrir declara- tion that fte above ruleo lhave been dmpTW I I finest gadgets obtainable. I Ing with all their hockey might, ,-, * * * Spair lost out. Canada was accused the distributing by Dr. 1. . Smillie, with inny be required from,cach or any ez- That these boys know what th,--y neither team could bulge the twine Friday, Feb. 18 of not supporting Spain, but Mr. King superintendent, assisted by Mr. S. W. , hibibor af seed . are about may be shown in that," Ed in the final frame. A record was set The fimt matter dealt with to -day made it clear to -day that the very, op- Ortweim of the Robert Reti-kels diplo- ' 7 --All ekbOAta for comopefitio03 for p6aw graduate,d In radio vaggineering at up in Tuesday's game .as there was was the appointment of audabors for posite (happened and, incidentally mar, and amls for 1,937 for those who must be delivered at the Tow;� Hall. Hew;W% not later than 12 o!clock. noon, and shaU not Washington and is qr�ne of the ve, , Fy InAsti- only one penalty given out in the two Showed that [ill the trouble stirred up had, a perfect attendance for that be Tembved until the 4h6se of the Falir at 4 I - for the spring work when it comes. few Canadian members of the tute of Radio Engineers. Mack has games that were played. was entirely unwarranted. I year. The names were read, by Dr. . — I 1. AD4WION ar . lield a transmitting license since 1M--- - --�---------------,----���--�---.,-,--.-.--,. ­_.."'. One of the biggest hits of the seaT it was a very Calm day in the . House. Private members had contsol Sro,illde and the distribution was, made byt Mr. Ortwei ri, who has the d-listine- . I DR. A. R. CAMPBELL - President -has conimunieated with every contin- Ake . Award $6,000 Z� n "'ar"n" ,jlI__be__he1d "61b .. Watson7s, Hall Tuesday difil nearly -the who,le-,day-, was spent tion of -ibolding the large Robert � X. M. MCLEAN - . Secretary ent' except Asia (which for in on evening" in discussing western rehabilitation Reikes diploma an, completed, sbor- . I . . � strange reason is blank -to his efforts) (Continued from Page 1) March 1st, when Pierre Muir's 9 -piece sollemes. Denton, Massey (Conserva- Ing a perfect attendance for twenty — and is now on the Way to making motorcycle was at the south boundary band, dire'died by Bruce pick formt�r-.' tive) and Robert Mrin (Liberal. Hall - years, a ills _ Ainction wel I I to be envied, Hospital, London, on Wednesday radio into a career-. When, these boys of the Intersection when the car lY of Terftce Gardens, Hamiit.., will 'music. fax) plunged into tho debate but were -Mr. T. D. Wren has added a fine morning, in her 33rd year. Mrs. Ven- put things together, thingg work- . , sitruck him. He said be was, in Scott furnish thi� This is one of the Clearly discussing matters �4iclt was refrigerator to his grocery and ner bad. been in ill health for some � Memorial Hospital at Seafdrth for most outstanding likeness of Guy . from being Connected with the .large which. will enable bim the better to time and went to visit her idister, I- I I tbre,e ALn,d a half ,weeks. Lombardo. that has been theard. All i -far Subject under discussion. carry on his increasing meat busi- Mrs. McLeod, in Dearborn,' Mich., . I Ed had one of the first rachos in Dr. John Gorwill, now of London, those wlt6 enjoy dancing will, no doubt, belwell repaid io attend this The Prime Minister to -day named ness- I where she contracted -`Pneumonia. She this Vart'c'f the country and bas ,.,t but who was practising in Seaforth dance it be far to the special corrinuttee of the House The League of the United Church was ti�ought in a heated ambulance bee.,ii rating such a lot of years, last September at the time of the ac- the as will superIor anT that ftst taken, place In- these to thoroughly investigate Civil Service met in the school room of the church to London, where sbe,died on W.,ednc--- day Vennees either. His icy of the moment N a cident, was called as plah4tiff's . parts for a long time. affairs. The twenty-five members who on Monday evening last with a fair morning. Mrs. maiden specially, built receiving set, the vit- next witness. He said, he found Wat- attendarim After the opening exer- name was Isabelle May, daughter of son lvinp, on the road and nart of his The many friends of Miss Edna will compose the committee are as 4l,, fil v-11 1.1� ; Mn Richard Haskett atnA the late 'V� 1'11� . als of which are Interchangeable as left foot torn off, wa_g u . Dayman,' of the 2nd Concession of follows : Messrs. Beaubien, Betts, ' e' - o ng ympam -as g - F111 . - 1� . . FARM FTOR 'SA.LF,-150 ACRES GOOD a unit instead of- In separate I , , nil�pr Reid's It". i en,: A very interesting topic, ,,Wo- Christeria, Haskett, of Parkhill- She I ,,,,� __ Coi s ar. He said amputation ,pf��rt of Tu,ckersmith, will be glad, to learn Boulanger, Brooks, Clark (York Sud- men of the Bible,' by Mrg. A. Filsbie; leaves her huaband and one daugh- .1,1,� aand, well' drained and fenced, 1,0t 5-1 as usual. It will pick up practically e �l ,"I Coabewioa� ii, W,est ,half of Lat 5. conves- al)y sIrt of trave,l-wegry wave which 'the leg -was necessary to',sa,ve the tba�t she is rauch improved after be- bury), Fournier, Hull, Glen, Golding, Piano solo by Miss Elva McQueen. A ter, Eleanor, six years old, Iterfather, � I r four Cleaver, Deaoliman, Donnelly, Elliott ' I—, .1, .i. 10r,'MR.S.. Tuckamnifth. Sitavbed cornes to rest thereabouts. It is so man's life, because of severe injuries Ing on the ,sick list for some timie. special feature ,of the meeting was one sister, -Mrs. Norman McLeod, of . 11, � . � I I 'Res ,hvm Seaflorth. . , a&L 7 . wo (Kiaidersley), Green, Jean Lacroix 11 .... . miles from dis� , .. I to the tissues but be added it will be Mr. Edgar Butt, of the village, that of a contest in. charge of the Dearborn, Mich.; one brother, Allan, P � A . , Good buildingB; 25 ocreh good hardwood , L­!nsidve that an aerial of three i�neh- midsummer before the can c get posed of five good bead ,Gf cattle to (Quebpe, Montmorency), Lawson, Mae- . , .."t " - �-'. baBb; 10 acres fan vbeatt; 25 ac" fall Fs will mean the difference betWeeon an .1 diir- Innis, MacNeil, McNiven (Regina pastor, Rev. A. Sinclair, on the first Haskett, of Parkhill; one aunt, Mrs. 1, Vftagl6ed, balance seeded dawn, ANGUS Mr. Wm. Devereaux, of tSeaforth, J "t, . getting a station and not getting it. a, artificial limb on the stump. three chapters of the Gospel of St. Eq. Charlton, and two Ube,jeg, Nea .1"I't M,Kn4NOx. a. IL ,IacL�_2, Kippen- Pbone County Traffic Officer Norman Lev- ing the past week. These, along with City), Mulock, ,O'Neffl, Poole, Pouliot, gl�, I Luki�. The service was brought to a and John Chisholm, of Parkhill. The . ,.;, 3662x3 The'tuning dial alone, nothing else, -art, Tomlinson. 11 Ily ,, I 1�� 138 r 83, Seaforth. , er of Clinton, said he was called to several more, ,were trucked to the To- . Ste,A Ing of a bymn and funeral will take place from ,her late �,:) , . . just a black dial. c ron,to stock market. close by the singi 0 ost $25, and the 11 � I'll, 1, — outfit bou&ed in a case smaller than the scene of the accident and as a re. the beneffiction. barn,& in Hensall On Friday at 2 V.m- �- �, I., 11, t. '. � V �- � �,, many table standard, radios is ,trio I re sult of his investigations found the The funieral of the late Sessie Jane Interment will be made in likeTag- ��­.l.: Salesiman Wanted point of impact was about IS inches Blair was held .privately from the Tuesday, Feb. 22 74th Birthday Celebration gart's Cemetery. I .��._ ��J . �, . I I -_ --- efficient than certain amateur sets from the west edge a home of the deceased's sister, Mrs. The Bible. 9oeiety held a very in- , �, I f Highway No. % 'I", WANTED­t�- W- YOU A -BE INTER- retailing at cearly $500. Robert J. Elgle, on Wpanesday last It is quite clear that when the A very pleasant ev Ing was spent teresting and -well attended meeting ", 1�� " I .. '. l, I , MXZ� �.a becoming esslaciated with 4 and 18 feet south of the centre, of _ I on *,, l, a "'g' "That's London, Eng." said Ed , nd: ! !fl p4igressive aimugmatuninir eumern. then - � . Cas- the Brucefleld intersection. He said to Hensall Union Cemetery. The ser- Prime Minister announced the pexson- at the ihome, of Mr. a Mrs. Levi on Wednesday evening. Rev. W. A- .... �.'P. ally twirling the dial. , "That tele- I 1, , �', , wr2te TO�DAYI ,O -m 200 tabnent*-Y-mlati- u . .. -ices were 'conducted by Rev, E. F. nek of tber CMI Service investigating Rands, of Henaall, on Monday of this ", , ' ". minal,ti3iiietprodimu netl an aigb%. . Big, quick. graph operator is Dutch., Up here no marks on the pavement indicated v ere'they entertained a num- Young led in Prayer and- t1le Scripture M . application of auto brakes but that he Chandler, of St. Andrew's' Unlited committee to the' House, a committee week wh ,1�4,c, vr1o6ts'. repeat owebl'�,- Eq'Xitllucrt i`d�- we can get some of the air ports' " . . lesson was taken by Rev- W. A. Sizzl­ "� Church. � wbio he had, selected Monday, he ber of guests in bonor of Mrs. Rands' clair. Miss K. Drysdale sang a ple�ts- . �, �� . able for country wate You Vey cash for 'Stations flipped in and out of aud- found intermittent marks' showing ap- Mr. Howard Clark, who has for 14he. made a start on a pretty big and im- father, Wil celebrated big 74th birth- Ing solo entitled, "Into a Tent Where I 111.1 0 .�, . yoi�r goode. Suaceed or return them and get . plication of brakes of the motorcycle � rxi " - crdi& For ciomwete, umftottlars mtd free I ibility, hundreds of them. -me 60,000 day on Sun ay A mber f a d ,., �,, , �.S.! I estal,,Xua ,Vft�bot "igwti.n- FAMILEX Ed recalled once chatting with an for 71 feet north of the point of im, past year been employed by Mr. Robt. portalat inquiry. It affects so d , 110 I ID big, I � a Gypsy Boy Lay.1, Rev, W. A_ ,5 W .� , I � Elgie, has accepted. a position with all over the country; their services friends had a dainty tea at 6.30 when Young sang a solo, "Just For To- � ". � , CIO., 570 SL 0emenit, V(P� to bed Pact' the Winona Nursery and will leave In involve an outlay by.the public trea- the table was decorated with a cake ," ,,, � . � . . SG63-1 ainateur who was just -going ��_"�" I . day" and was accompanied by miss 'All , � in Australia,. -1hey talked about. this 1, I the course of a short time to take sury of about .70,000,000 per year al. and candles. In t1re evening more K. Drysdale.,' ,Mr. J. W. Ortwein. l%u�' — 11 �, I ' , , "t, friend's came in and it was spent in I.. � and that. Then Ed switched over to "I'll, � . I Auction Sales I KIPPEN over his now duties. though the average� salary is not ar- President of the society, made a fine N lil .1 far in the Interior of Africa. The 6,p- � into bld-time games that Mr. Robisoia Chairman and expressed words or ­ . . Rev. and, Mrs. E. F. Chandler, of rived at by dividing one figure -111 - � erator there, a big game hunter, was - , I I .- , �1.1 AVCTION SlALE,OF HORSES -AT COLE'S just getting up, His mail took a Death of Jessie Jane Blair the M,anse, entertained a number of another. played, in his earlier days. About 12 praise to the ministers Who had giv- ",'�, A� I the young people on Friday evening Normally this investigation will be' p.m., a dainty lunch was served with I... I 'Livery Stable�, Erik Strook Strword, . . ­�, month to reach the coast where a The death orcurred on February a three-storey cake which was center en much help. ,Rev. Dennie Bright, of , �Z,,!,, . ont_ on vrid;w. -Febrmry ?Z, - 1938, 35 Ont- of. last weekv and all report a splen� into the Civil Service of Canada and - London, presented a numbiin of fine " ��. . �,b,, � ,� tarjo bred horses, cly<ks h,nd Percherons; al- st�eamer only called ovee every three 14th of a much esteemed resident ,of did social evening. tAhe A"et wh ed on the table with 74 candies. burn- , . _ Iso - ,I Registered 2 year - ,Tuckersireith, in, tibe person of Jessie ich overns it. Actually slides on the publishing and, deliver- . a fe,w,ainted tdame, ,noriths. I g I :. . Mr- Thomas Butt,,of the village, 1. cad Clyde mare and 2 Regisfared Clyde mam - . � Ing 'brightly. After lunch was over l. li�_ The African wmateur ("amateur" Jan,e Blair, in her 62nd, year.4 She was . it will concern ill employees of th Ing of Bibles'in the differjout Coun- � risinw. � 'S'Mrs Old- , Terms --cash. J. C. born in Tuckersmith and was the was in Toronto during tbe pazt. week. Government, whether they are of the Mr. -Abe Case gave an address in tries. Mr. Ortwein has been work- , �'_ Ily mearis "lover") confessed be friend, of king status of Civil Ser , . DILL, Proprietor: M. Rolh, Auctioneer. rea Mr. Russell Brown and ran vants or honor of Mr. Robison, 4boping he Ing in the interests of the society. for 'Rli,! ,O , . 3693xl bated? women and hinted darkly t,hat daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Skeen Blair - Greenway, spent Sunday at the employees in lower grades, many of 28' years "d has been 41.41 ..�?, 17 i 1. . one"Of horne would be spared to see a good many � ch them was responsible for his She spent all her life with her sister, of the former's sister and brother -in- them on part time. . more birthdays, then presented birn most of that tlmqr;- president I z 11 � ,UCTiON SALE ON THURSDAY, !4- Mrs. Robert El ie, and suffered a law, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Mousseau, with a number of very beautiful gift& ?I' . A ard, at .1 p.m_ at L'A 19, Concess d to write 91 I During that time 1. ,or 1, jungle burial. He promise " stroke about five weeks ago, ,from of the village. I from his' neighbors and f0ends, after bas given -liberally both of blig � � , suanley To7mship, I nine nar* of Brumseld but bis mail serv-i-ce has not had time . Since a good many years the merit he ., � . ,,, I 1. on No� 4 Mghwqy. combtjra of %tock and to function yet. . which she did not recover. She leaves A number of the farmers, of this system has applied to the system, which -Mrs. Kirk Hutton sang a Solo, time and talents, . C a few IV%" eirt,&m. Hors4es--Chb%e 3-3rear- . I to -mourn her loss, two brothers, Dav- district are engaging men for the home think this is not true, and others following which all sang, "For He's a The Hensall Band hold a dance on �� 4 old Clyde ir�are� 1400 Ms.. clean le=cd 4 -year- * * .* id Blair, Tuxford, Sask-, and, Robert . Wednesday evoming w .1111, . I 161d horse, 130 Zs.; .12-,year,old horee, 1360 , summer. ­ would like to see more patronage ap- Jolly Qood Fellow," and gave him a .bleb was well �!' ­­. .4 1 B.*. ccdt TjEqng .1, yelpi. Cattle --2 fresh I Elair, of Edmonton, and one sister, ' poiatments allowed. But I think the attended. Shorty Grant and big ,or - I ,. A Winter has again, made its appear- number of cbeers, Mr, Robison ��, . cows country on the whole desires efflel- vided the music. The bat- , �, 11 i - eowh, 4 fretih beiferl,, -. 13 ImVers and Once Ed went out to repair a local Mrs- Robert Ellgie. The fumeral took ance after a few (lays of blianked them all for their kindness chestra pro .. ....... F. , . l'A to conia in in. March; 6 heifem and cows to 6i3ring-like I . ''. � place on, Wednesday, Feb, 16th, with ency and sound business principles ' loon dance was won by Mrs. Kirk ,; � her. No d ou bt anal spoke of hi " � in receiver. He spread out an assort weat it will be a great , _ 'I" 9 receiving --not ­ ,��.t win,() in carly in April: I beffer to "me I . giv- Hutton and Mrs. Sam R,enn!6 won the Q'I". , I cow mout of tool*, including pincers wlilch uterment in Hensall Union Cemetery. applied to this vast machine, and let Ing The party broke up in the we �, �";, � I '' . -latter p"Q of Avmi: i cow in July, help to the fall wheat and fresh geed- * . �- " , 3k,t Sept�amber: 2-ydafnpld Hereford bufl: 7 ,11 ,_ I seemed to rouse great Interest in th, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Kyle and daugh- ll. us hope that this opinion will have sm spotlight dance. .1 e' I I ing if it Is blanketed with snow for a a' hours of the morning. ,.l, . bred Yoting -,q,,,,ee, I brood sow duL ter, Wilma, to the south of -the vil- I full support of the committee. To -day 1.1-11 . Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Paterson ando �,,. . ". I � ,. � lwell 2z set's owiler. . . . few weeks. I ­ ", ... I � oni;e of Stale; 1 broad t.aw 10, days later; ith relatives nd friends rs'. Venner .11., � - lage. visited w a was largely spent on the estimates Death of M Mrs. B6ngough spent the we�&_eud in .;z % .,�'. I vhijifity ehnn�w fi6�n 5o .to Go tba. This. is "I got a bad tooth," said the oun- . Mrs. James Dayman, of the village, . I .. �.. In Windsor and Detroit during the of the Minister of Mines and Resure- . Listowel. - � I., * a chlaice lot W sta& affid will p-witively he or "I wish you'd obook on it with visited at the ho . ­ .", I � � ' 1� W! I . modd. go ou*Ide pfOck allowed on place day past week. I .. Me ter es. , . We are called upon to report the , The home-made cooking, ,sale ,held ­�11 'I'K ior "le. TerirB-�. SCOW DAVIDSON, thern pincers there.', Find son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert I '11, sad ,60�0A of one of our young peo- 0, I � T"; . I Mr. Robert Dinsdale,:who quite re- However, during private members under the aulplces:'Of Mrs. P.'A. Nan- " ��, .,�. e," said Ed. Green, of Dutton, 4'during the past- I I pie in the p6rsoo. ;1'��,�� ,,,.; . priQpnetor; Gea IL Elli.tA Auctioneer "I gave hint servic " 3663-1 Anothdr time he was trying to sell cently moved to the village, is having I of Mrs. Lloyd Ven- son's group in Mr. Galng§te?� StA)re, ,.'4, "",, k hour from 8 to 9, the House accepted who pas ,I 4 TT. ll �,,: I . his home wired for electricity and al- wee . I ner, sed away In St, Joseph's was very successfuL �, a receiver. , 'Institute Meets the amendment of Mr. Esling (Cons.), I I ,4",t, — I --.'t - "I might do business If you'll take r -o intends in the near future to make On WedueSday afternoon the -Kip- an. amendment which will clip the i� ? `,'6� . Notices wbat I got oll a trade�" the prospeot 2, number of Improvements to the pen Eazt W. 1. met, at the &ome of W1&gs'-of the Performing 1110lits So- . , �". . -1- . 0 1 � m., �, � __ . . - - bargained. I � outsido of the house. The wiring is Mrs, W. IT., McLean, when there was diet�*, afid this was needed- . , —0 �," $Vq,GER SMVXE PURPRESENTATIVE So., they retired to a barn, where 'being done.by Messrs. Alex- McMur- . 11 I � I I . " a . .1 . a good attendance of members and I I- - I ROUND TRIP BARG IN - � ?;; . . . . . . ,T,,�4 , . WE adl weekly ap W,�ftBou & Rew'". 'Ru a the prospect ,displayed his trade-in trio and Howard Hyde. rARES I �,, 11 � , I �111,1t,,. ., I ouire if you are f1pt4tes" rin a now or use I Mr. Dav-A Kilpatrick, of the Lon- several visitors. The presld�mt open,_ ' . ­­ 9 I .- �,,,�,,� ", unused 11.1,�,,?,". I mlachka-k. , Free eirtbnwitea Wiven on repair 11 ed the meeting and all r�epeated the 4 - - , , I ,� A�,,­­ . don road sc',-thl, who ha�s disposed of V.i�"A . ,4' :- ` From SEAFOIDIM �". .0", warlL SG48xl and, unmarked. I Im I :. I I � I his farm, is holding an, auction sale Lord's Prayer, after which several , . - AL%. � , ... 1, � , , 1�,!L - � - I "I thad n-6 truck with me, so the se ectioris from -the song Bneet were Du and I To 'Oshawa, Bowmanville, Port �,�, I TOWN OF SEAFOWrii deal waa'6ff­§aid, Ed. of farm stock and Implements on Fri- Lathaua.�,au - IWAR. 4 & 5 ,�,r . Mr, and .Mrs. _0�.g I ...� sung.' Urs%,; Willtam. Martin gave the PRL & SAT. v-, �� - t, ,� I at iiack's "Erback," which day, March 4th. Miss Gladys,.Beatty,, of London, spent � t Hope, C61bourg, Tro*�* Jet , I I I 11 — Over 1111- Bible reading �nd Mrs. P I- 0.1. - . Mr, Clifford Watzon, id the village, G* McLean Sun -day with .MrA.'.IAith4m!s mother, Belleville, Napanee, Kingston, Ganarraque, Brook*jIlell.p , ". � . . , 0 ,.� L der other circumstances would be call- gave a. talkl on the VoUrse in Bilyman- �, I rei&tt' Mor. ' o - . Mrs. L. teatt�,, rl8burg, Cornwall, Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterboro, Can*b ijll�Ord, Nisw- . . , ,_ , � TAX PRE -PAYMENT RE- ed a del, the receiver poured out and Sister, Margaret, of Seat rth, at 9blip. Many, uses for ,did paper were - Mr. VIc'L&'and Miss Gemmell, of market, POnetang, C011ingwood, Meafbrd, Bardo. , ,�, ,� , . I words from here and there. � tended the funeral of the late Geor ONN lil . 1, . , 90 given, in at!Awer46 ther roll, call. The - I hftd& . ,,#)!J:11� (N.", � (. I CEIPTS FOR 193A Merrier, of D"bwood, on, Friday last. Tufteramith, ,spent .Sunday with Mr. Gtavenhurst, BlUcebridgO, Huntsville, 'Callauder North '.,L,�� . t "i " . . "Say" said Mack, halting the dial, motto, "A *Inaor never quite.,,, was I Bay, ftrry - �-,�,` I ­��, , , , I I . � I I Miss Helen drandler, of Blenheim, and Mrs. Beatty# 45t, Sound, SudburT, L'Dnglac, GeraI&OD, Jell�&6� Ueardmor6 Ft wilftm. L, """" 11A, " l 1111 "'there's a fellow I waut to talk to." I ,Z, '. ., 1, . ... "I 44� 1,�� I I I ' given by Mrs. Doig. Mrs.' Hugh Me- St. John�g Anglican Church are -_ \ - - 1 4 --- ,� , , , I � P111, . ;;_�i - � spent the week -end, at the ,home Of _ .11 , , .", - I Ills transmitter tubes glowed. Tile I Gregor then favored with tw,a� good holding 9, social evening ,on Tuesday, . OgONT L ill, 11 0,0";.. I "' .11 .� Cruik. her parents, Rev. and Mrs. .E. F. � 1 '2,- ,,,,, . I �Imwtwwill. pay 4 �er "fellow," it seems, "was 13111 . i L '0 ta.­?, � .&AM , I .DTAO,J,� -readings Willich were Much eu byed. March, Ist. . S A'P" MARCH'' 5th - to T I - 6-t',l'' tllt,';�,�",'. _�­- � . . , ��& M I. ,�­, I " , , 1- , " shank, .of Wirighlaim, talking to "]Black, Chandler, of the vlllage- � short paper I I .1 I - . � .1, " " L 06 , � �' ',#pA Several good horses throu*hout the � � ti , , , - , � I toll L -I, , n a M. 6 on "Other Peace Projects." Mrs.. Win. � -id.— - __ - - _� rantford, ChathaM Olir,slev. C;in Durham fteter, Pen"# = � ". P ,l -.-,, 0 AU9 le- (Inst name never disclosed') of L Also to 8 e?��,' .... I .. "I �,,, K1.11 � -I . -1 -11 � . .Goderich, Guelph, H&mI I ,�, " t"', "' "o � ed off vvibh U19 I I , . " - ": '14',"."" %, e,ra are picking up I Ingersoll, Kincar- .v I L"!'� 11)3A1 V93AD7, Gait. "Bill" sign, trt6t tire chinging hands and 1A Sinclair und Mia. J. Sludlift ilvb'as I Itar, IT'anover, I'larristoo '. - _ ,paid 11 . . diate, Kitchener, London,,Ltstowel,,, Mitchell, r4la ra ftllg, 0*8W, 11 1,� ti !;n, '1� ,,, , , , ,; I . ga � ­:,. MON1101 , ,011t. AWICs transmitter bummed , numner of farm their flrdt,'nuirlber, "The Old. Cross" * YMNSALL . ,, I'll, �,.n, �,l`,� � , ,.,� 11'Al11*1T: I , , ".., . � - I hello $011116 good stoCk, so as to bet, ready , __ - . � , ...'', ­ ­ 1. I . I Sound, Paisley, Palmerston, Parts, Portt Higiii, M. Caths,rin rj, St � __ - "VE . '9Nx, . '�tt. �r�� �- 1,--.1 I and resvon:dol with\ "The. 9panish e , 4i ol ir �1 to -1�, .,,A., s4d bill 'N X- vt NX �­J' I . I . ed to � Mar", Sat'11104' SOutho,169ton, Stratford, Strathroy, walketton, Wiar- � , , ,,, im, I .,p 1". � . I i Ing MMI " I '1'14v. Mr. Young. gave a Rev. �L,* 811fWair was. call" , 0, r* _ � ,,,, ., 81,11'.call bi,ga�, . . � . Cavalier!' 1 '7 �-,; . f X1 " � t,',W_� ,,o:_,� � !,Z, .i� ��,g�� " �&W,�;,,,� , filneiial ,of a late friend In ton, Wifigliam, Woodstock. - ,�z �444� - I , , 1, 1 illl;,.�111 "I " , "V,P,M,11 said tlid' receiver, "Hello, '-.bill" to conviL'7 his. regardg to AC- Veri inteirostittg ,talk bh 'the revised tend' the I I 0 ,� , IX.56tifito I L - Xutt.A.- " % I ,;,� 1. . i�.. � ­ L jhis� f4rmer chargo_,At.-I Cc .- . 7, ,,,-,q,� �,­ ','� .... �!,. MUk"I" . 4"I'atailos, in Wing -ham, patticularly CGUr,80 -of study In, Our Schools. ,Mrg. � 'I .� ..... � . ". Ill �',!�� , � " 41, ' I � . . 1, res, rn I , - � 11 , ,� , 0- 1� ' t `#M 6611oWe d a fri audl� Harry Boyle., I I Young theA, ftug, A 6OUP16 of golog, Tuesday I Infernixflon, Tickets, con"It ne""t AS&" S"In "I I , . ii�.,,�,.,.',j�.,W M�� , , .1 . 11­�' . im t6,�­Noo ,,4i-�t arid hug ��Iolldedt -ano W e rt th ­ 0131010W list of ; deftiriattelm . . I "M � 11 - T ther radio evelUng. ,Which brought thle P`togr1ftr tO a close' le regr t 'to repo . e present ill- see I .1, _ . . I V = afto=oon. �1, in, . a , Per F* Rtft I �41 " 0 ", ',�;� 11 V.011 I f h � , 41, Ek') 11 , 4 . 11P �z "M , , ,.. 100 , 11 ' k� .:�,.::��, ", 'had t ed a de' nless of Mr. Thomas Hudson', one 6f " .1 � , . %�lll' � � - , "'. ,''. .. , IW"d the last "49W -they cl -and' Mack saI4 .they' * 'Plan 'au .. I � ( . . Adults 760, Children 4ft) . �,,1.3.�,­-14"'Ii­' � ,� 11, �, , -� nd While 'thd hostesses sery . m1hinium, FAr0s; A ffl`,� ­ 4 Vjone6t Matdeuts and . 11, ,t� I I , " , 14,11, . f& -W kltt�116r6at, "Nieklo" brolto Iii twk to instalt.,�t. ortal)16 trajft�ittejr licioug jun,eh,�,g ­#jfitr�y C61it6st was our, ilospeoted I 11 .1 ' . ' " . I I I!, ­ I " , I i , I ' .. :. i . . ��11 - �, % �, �.Z',., "l, �; I , � ,,,, � - i � . � �� I , . � : I I j;.,"':�Nl� ��* 1 '.." ­ I I I . . ,.,i . , .� 1, - , W;'- to 40'U6 thela A - Ift"i �&Il Custol"'o I 1, ­ I I ' 10, N ' ,�, -.­ , �,!� .1 , ­ 1, . '� .1� Allu , -*&-k eo)lvefiation�g w1falb"af-Ithli of ; , &IF , A I....1-111-- L" .., 0''PT mlfhi�'A; fo* .4kAA.­WWts' lao t&' W, dA, AUdina6fle this i0fta"r, alid Very much ,6ift,16�kdd Tho bext� me6t tfost, he may, 8064, rogain Vs oil ac� � ;, : A * - 'kig"l7mg g, , 'A pl;,41 ,46 " 00 I 11. p, �t I , 6t''twb Co "N N T "' . 1�1�111�`�71Z,11'1�11*1� 1 ­ 14. ,, , ­ - I � A Mal' I . .1, 'ton ­ .. 1, ,�, _� , ' , "61, JWht­ and , I I .1� I - I I... I . d � 40 Aideft' hi ,'�� ....... . ,� , . �: ',�,:,,-.. ,'-,I; ._ ;. t". t� ,,,� -.0 � �'.­ilAgV 1,141 ""' �, ". - 6 .. , 6: ",%. C, , .. �- I mral"In! 0*14 I �� [ , � "', �, -,4W, --1Q-# 1, . � 11 � .. ..,-. . , �* .�, I qn �'-,,W* ,"tIt I - : _W �,)g � "'gay. , ,� ­ ,. .t 1. I 1. . 1_ . . �,, �� 4,,'�;:'' f - ,-­ �,l .- I . q p � A� t"JVp-l�3 r- I a'A., ,­­ I A .11 �'­, 1 �' " ,, I I I., . . � 1A ,­­;:",�!�'.4� 11 I I 11 ,!:,._1�1'1, , e .1 1. .. I I "., .""�` .. "I "t, 'f, j.1, v I It, ilry"'Mm"P, ,,, V.;�0�tl' ��, I , '' � 11, I ,_ I F,i,�, ". li'1141 j�,�.". RIA, ,� , , , ­ I _��. t . I I . t, : �-:� :V,',, ''.­ F. ,� �,;, ',.', , � ; 'tPl - . 11 I il'­'Ii I , I ", .1 - . .. . ,� ". 1. I , , .. I " ,"�, I I ;­­'_� .1 . .1 r ,, � .. . `��.�­ , ""', . � ... � ',� , , . , "p'. " -, .!A. ._ " 'y IV , . . .., , . � � I W", I I I I i� " W , N.?% � I � I �;, X1 I , .; , I 1";13 1- Iff: � '1� I 110, I P'Nggki�,;�--� '� " � �1 +­ V �; L�', '�,_� ­'. ­_�� . 1� ��: , ` , , _�� ­ ," . 4 , I , 01,,'1,41�� , 't, J�, " , - .,-,,t,,!.* tM. �4,N",, III " 1;�,,� ,,, ,Nl 1, "I'll" "I 3111.1 "" , � ., I �, ! q'� " 11,11.; � , , ,�,�6.',,�.�, ,,, ,,!��, - ,,� ,�Ii-"j-�, l 0" � "... ')"�,�,,;,:�l�;K,�,�k,.""Ii,�'V'�,.�t '��,,'l; ­,,.�­ 'C�,:WVl1',1l"A t - " L� *.,,':k�t!Wl�e,pi�,U,�V�.Yl�ii,�,l�7l.iW� ,n"_, , " " ,Zg 1 I T,,,,,,6r . . . . . ,� ,.:.��,.""�..i;�',,'.�,i"::",i , "".. � "'.0, � . , ,:. P� tr, �, � Wlif�;� Vdm � `111f6llklf AT, �i'?V 101 1�',Nrw` " . v ,� %`§ I - .11.1--l-I.I.. , �-,X& , I .1 . ­, , , � A� l, �S' . ­ , ,.�.�', N, ul'.. k � '! . § "I �_,.�2kie;,­ I ,V�r4�`Z.Xl," �� 1 01��4�1 6 '. , K07 �-1. 7.1'. N I . - L�.AQTM t ,�' ::: �. I r 11,11 0.1 , 01.111 'Itt � V.23.4� _11111111-1 'UN111 . __.. , � �;;, "I""', j, - �ol;�!, . . . . . . . . tl I 1! . . . . . . . ! ''.....-11 , �;.�,��, .. .. � � I'll, A ! .1.11, : ll4'f,V,'AZ . I , " ',,�.,,,; . ... ". . �; �,��,;!�� I", _.� . . . . . . . . � I t �...� .. . ... �' - ''I'll "'!, I M', .11,.t--- ... �', "" I. -I -Vs.."', �� ,�.. I'll I— ­� , �M��,�.`�'irg�; I ..... : tL . ill ��; t 0 .... -.0 I., ,... t, �`ie , "M I i � . I'll §Yt� ,� I % _Tl� !Wd, , - -&MU, :��, �� E 11 k����������� , . , ,V i 1f,; . - . , , . I t'� , ; . � , �7, �­ tl --i *. " . . ,!, �1,1.11 It I � r, I.' It ,:.�., l , . . I.A.'' , . A"'... ., 1. .1 . .� , .. .. . . , . . ltk . ­­W� 56 � . . . . . . � .1 I'll '�'!..'K § 11 4 _'�tww At � . ;; '' 1 I k. , I . I - * . , -N, I , %�'I, I % .. I. -Ii. 1. I I . �10. , 11 : l - . I I .� .... I t �., 11 . � I , 1-111111 I li '. ,, I . I N i, � .. � I I . � " .­�­ . I r 1, ; 111�0 I . I . , I � I � I I I , . . 11� I I . � I I I I - - , ,;., I ,. I , � I I I . I I I 1-1-.1-1.1 � � I I I . I I , I I , , . I I I . I . . � . I I . I . , . I , I . I � I .111, . I . . IP 1