HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-02-25, Page 2�, ,� I '1?1;�Mm­!�i�,'�,4 ��'�J�4`1'2­1�"' ­-��, ,��'Ib'� ... ... �,,"'.'-,�,, ., �7i .1,�,�%,�;,,"z,,i,��,,�.il"."I...�.,.-. I 11'1­.Vt', ", , I :;� � '. ,,,,,,, ­,V4,J,,­­ V rillik"q 411�g, ow, ,,'��,,I�A� ,�",�! V_?.::�`��11!11`11�, ",.."I., -, � _,_, ,,­­­!�­'_ �,,­'1';,.-_1.­­ �.-,�'',�,,�.�-I'll�k���1?1'�.,.'.�,,'��.,�,,��"!"",�� I'- 11 ,�­'f,1111111 T T',�, ��', J]oj ,� , � I _1.7T­tNV�,.­.­ , I , '. ,': ,, I � _�, . �_)� � yl.;J��I,�I)Z�;,,n ,��;�f,lil�,-,��'lli���,,��'��.�"IT - ",If��-.',�,,IA�,�:��-,�""-""�"*,(���,,�,';�,,��,��",�',:I� I'll ." X - �. � " 1� i, " :4�.`�I!z 'V1!`.J1:f, ��:,�J;�,��,, ,�i ')V . , I � , . � 4 "'J, '] !. V.tl!�,"Ili�. � "",­, ,,� ,, , ,­ , "�1171 , ,;t , .1 I", , � � r % , .1 ,. I �, f, , ,,,iv­,,$� � � 141r,41%, "­�l ,.� � , , 1 � 1-1 � , � ,, , ;;�, � - , � , ,-4.., ��11110r_ll I'l, �,,,,04 ", � �.� ��� �' ,,% -, , "� � � ­ . 1 I ��, I 1. . I ­�:..­ '. -11 I .. .­ ; " I � .. 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It ",�­-­�,,,' � t-� � � _ I 1; I". .­ �­_11111.1v.l fl�.­­_.­ � I I I �1- �'111 , 1,� , , � . . �_ � , ,, I ,, . , I !; J04i' ­ 11 I I . � 1. ll. :'', i ,4 , , � '� 3��Y I , , , wl�� �i ., �, a ti. . " � , . �4 . I T . "I . " . �'. . ­ I P " I i. , , ���'�'i��,,����,�.-�""�'���-,���,!,�-,�V�.�. .W I ,�.. - - -A -, , ;Agoue I I ,�. . 0 ,T..,,,A � -...1-._. - � I 44i"", , 1!114 1. 4: � 4; , . I . At I , ". I . .. �7,�� "! I I 7 , . - 4 "I . I I 1: . ". I I , -. ,4U -�,41!, ,- ", . - -, - d b,y ;R nord- 0 ­­ . . . ..- I W , , . "' , , . ,q ,_,�`_�"it,ii�e,�� '04 # K ­ � , " �: ­ r I �,�s, ��_ �.'� � - , i -44.41M.14 i,vdrl� ea ows o _.� �� 4 ��,,�� IF7Q] RX"it WIN"IFS X,Qrf: '..; � � �j-st-��jsnp ­--�st . ,., o hi Ite , *�:11 4 ; . _�1:4: � , , I . , 10, �� I ,., ,, I— Orm f t a *b , I � � t'lk k ��40 * 'i -, , - I ,,4', I !� 1� ,, , , . 7. � I , - I 1 , " " I , -, �� . e I . � 11 _ , , ,,� , . pw , � - I " , .'ot�ia Z _�_ _ , , I " 11�_0,4,�"­'," " �� , �4 lei -, , It, for 4 , ip - � .�'i S aw _1 I � _ - ,�, .',�'_ ,I. � '' , !;�,Qi;,y,t.4��'lli�j;�.�,,4.c4�lln",�"41I , � ,b . ., � il-I.."Jo, 4i I �111�� . j,l 'T'l h,�;�g � A- 'N " � . I , . -tP � I , ",­­ I 071 " L . 40, ,. I.,%', -7 .. .. � � I - - I , - _ M', �q�,V%51,i�160 A14, r,l,�, I , . I.. . I and W6 ' . Intel T .. I. , , I ­,", 411 1944' N."'A Pile4 u '10 0. m O' - . � (W 0) -- , , , . I 11 `-,'n ��,`V, �,R I I ap , . p: drifts four MOO I ,,)* ,, . ­ .1 _7 H rrs.1 , / ­ ,,,_4: �;, . ,�._ � "', �,l IRW ..ft ,J,�". " � M-1 t It".. I 11. !1q , _,� I - ; �_ ".� - . I ... I . I , " I ... 1XV � 'It 410. - - - 00, R_ I 1. 'r. 0-1 li�.)�k­ � . . I . ­ . -1 . Dfiti ` , , P, 0, " A . � n 0, - I . ­ � ­ ... ,,�) : I 1. ,_ 1, 4��;,�,t .,�V­'­;­1 "th . U ft- - 61 — **s - 4 ,�,,-,� , On � . . �, , I " 0 * ... .... . , .� 7'.."powitur iPV N� "AK. i ­� -q - �, I - fe6t high all 6ver the- district,, . '. � , 'The 140" I *` Fifty ai I � . . I , P � -10 t Soafor. J ', ,','a , ',�'�i.N� AIAIII�' , It" " M ...... � , I 4 I 11 ."'.111-_ A - Eisex County is not so. very . 1.1, � y -five Year* Ago. '. I I �i".. . I I .� � .... . I es , 11 � I .,�5,,, 411*3� � ,.W. � �b�. �XcUm . , - nd )Tvvent ik�`,, I N �## . I I .1. '" - - - "T1 M MURYHY'S STORE- sale -bills a4#) notices of church I . ,� . , I � 'W", ... . 11%� It ­ _ ... �, . . . 1 U,it,,,�, � r : .. . far. away from, I ' knd, this is 4 ­ 1 . - ­ - 'j�tfa;wa, Q4 'Ob. ,14, 193& _ "', I IT,; afternoW' On � . t., IF r �. Uy � . _ _ � - _ . I k3 P ", I I -.-.ere-,, j.... I I I "I There arej hom col- , - �."��,'�11 4 tertallimputs., . . ... I Vil . I- ____ 'M I . , , " ' .. i"t"', 114�, L,v ��, " . , sitting d4. behind the ,ars, and,hairpins, soda crackers 4u,4� I - , �. . I I 1. 1". . I- was just -i a­pdltior, The Auron Expositor: , .%, .. , ,bnly the month of February. Afi�- I I . I I 1. �.... R ", , I., ..a, store to -day ,pop .cases, mieat and patent medl- ' .2 .4 � . ,;7�1. ., , r I From The ` ku'ron Expositor stove in Tim Mtirphr I "MINIQf1i �L#,-11�_ , .Jr. I I ,t�',, 0 r- , , '' . � -�xad IwyoUr i0suei oc I", ­ . � �� - ­­, 6-111 I I 14i; -1 . t. I , 1 I 11111,�� � '14 -11 '"', 11 t, ,� - . , thing, may happen yet-- anything but 6 and emoking,Awuy, when he exploded clues. of course now; thi6y're not ills, Dehr Sir: I ­­­. , � . I " I �'i - . . . '. , .nary rial entitled, . " 1,111"'! 1, 'a $1,60 .6i year in Fab 28,1913 , ' 15 1" I I I � Ini; - g t1h FaIjir lith an edito_ '. -1 g I , , , rlv,,," ,on rates, . " . � � 19*ry . a Awalax bomb -shell in. my. ear. Now .1aped all to e er. . . , . . -11 I . year., ' � I always drop in- there for- a clt�Lt There Is , fine, lold,box-stove I �� , I "I 1??�y, ­ -1 � . spring- 1,WdU, it Make) a Difference?" X ,"��,@ We . f.'' � '' I I- with .. ... I I aq. e, � foreign ' $2 ' '00 a' SiPgle - - - If listory repeats, we are sure, to A '�box social!� wus, hold In Cavau while I'm waiting for a load, of grist; a frout of nile&-that lots you,see the fear that , th did I I fftU0--tG­ , I , , , � . 'r , , ... I � 1, ,I, LAL6­4'cents eacfi. " - 1. , , 04ureh, Wintlixop; on' Friday, evening I and -Tim generally fluft time- to dTOP flames. Grouped arguad that stove state cli�arly the e_Whips.- . . I L . G 1?NF1,Q.W_',1KJ .1 -1 . . t, and Feb-' U, " t, ,:T '' : avie a blizZard or two r tp - Among L , � h , I I I and ,was 1prgely � at ppiled. Ey ke � 1�mV,JA, - . �, I I over and have A chat,, between the there is old , I , ,, .. " . _ I - s, t, "',", - � ", . Lau - � 111. I I'll , , L tio li i -it ;1 " .1.1. I five or six comfortable You suggetsf..thut , . y f ctiO4. in " - "I ,',,;_�. " � i I � . . . ruar.y and March blizzards arp,about those, who lurl"bed the. splendid pro- - es when he i,�' waiting, on ecus- rocking chairsi maide out of vinegar SUPIXWU&� amMRUM n, whet e -4 . I il, , - I _ - ­ _. . I gram wervi. :M#fts Eva Sco�t, Mad— � . � � I I , , . ,mm, or the fit-, ,.. i, ,�.�1�1�41�7 tomers. , barrels. And I,m, here t I ne can er"im- � , 0 qeli you tfp be fired by the big Q 1. t �.,:, ".; , I ,; ertising rates on application. thp, meanest things o , 1. t, "I . �, '.14, -jv,,% .4 " . " . bury; Marian A��Xett, Of WinthTOP; "Well, Phil," he says, easing down that ytoyi, -can't fluid a more c6m-fort- tle gum "Whips!, never funo ion 11 , - - ."., , - 1,z, - �. ,, I 1. — te n winter. little* ,Miss - Thon1pson, Mrs. W. W. , , 13�` �,.­ ­. , e in a Canadia in -to that old barrel rocking, chair, able chair to sit ini. . . this capacity, nor do -they- attempt to I Z.,­�.�;1111� "I o. I.,, _ � I ' Meredith. Mm,19cGuire, Miss Cardno ,,I'm going to have the old place re- . influence members Ift 'regard to th& . 't �� `�r� I - Of course aqw, I know that the I, .." ,_-1 I . GIRTH, Friday,, February 2.5 Don't pay too much attention to and" Miss Murray, of Seaforth; - Miss . �'. ,,, I � '�, 1�.;_� . . I . - modelled." store will be changed. I should have way4hey vote. I I I 2. ­��:,­ , the new sprin styles and the wo- ma -bel Bullard and Mr. Alex- Cuthill. -of "WhiPo" Is ta� . I � . , , . .9 I I was. so excited- that I let 1W corn- realized, that before, but a person' The object the ,X; ."'. �_. . I . i 11 ,,, 7 - Mr. 11111.01nas Brown,, of Seaforth, was I 11 6 6 ;, � .�.4 "��, �. . .men s straw--hAts in the'neWspaper . cob slither on to the floor. I jusit- gets in the'liabit of dropping in there -provide system and order to our meth- � I , , �,,,.:!,. .,. ess. -When a sub- . , , thv auctioneer. tried tQ, talk, and -my Adam's apple , Not Ver . . advertisements. Take it easy for 'a 'Me Robeat Bell Engine ebate in'the House of' I ,��.,,�' , q Encouraging at that stor6. The surroundings are od of doing bushi 5"" �, _& Thresher �� ,�,:�:. ". fiept coming up in my neck and near wu r as home. .I' j6ct is up for 4 4 J st about as familia ye 11'.� , ' Company have had a motor Installed me. . . .. , - � ,A,t,�,� , Commonst�you might, make It'a 'catcbr. 1 ,.�',Y, , � an. Ill heireafter rim the wOOd­wOrk- "You see, Phil,". Tim went on to Why, I remember when. Tim's dad as catch can? perfop cc. . Ju -,, , ". while, men. Just as long as you c choking been used to that store� Jor' years. 9,� Chancellor Hitler's speech on Sun, and wi that. I �,,,,�,, , . " .11 ,. .�� - Women can' wear anything. That Ing branch of the establishment with "the women. folks, are might 'be 'ten member - i �;, , day last, in which he demanded the say, ii'Ot APt bad it. In fact the store thECsWt chaag- case, there S, I �,V;N, I ', " I , has been'proven long ago. So let hydro electric current. like they used, to be. Time was, when ed much ,since then. speak On. one side before one wotildl . i� . . I ��',,,`�% return of German'colonim -And the: I ' Dr. F. 3'. Burrows and Messrs. Col- they would hand the mm a; list and bo get used to be hea�rd,ji6on the other, but by ar- I,��' , - them wear their winter clothes. -for a ' gon and IEL S. Hays and Robert McIn- . It's kind of hard, t I ,�_' . . ' ' - I .. T � �V,. �_,. resigilation. of Anthony 1�den, Brit- depend on the, r4qrekeeperAo fill it the speak �Wll­ , . I I : 1_�',�.�,: �' ,�bh Foteign�' S e"cretat - e of while Ion " Say two or - three ­ tosh were, taTbronto .this, week tak- . . some of the ijuprovements, which j-angement with the Whips, .1 ger- � . , out. ' Now, they have all different come along." To us Old timers . . . ,ers are distributed, so -that each side, I I , I 1'�,-;�-, " _, , 1. 1 7, becaust I .., , . Ing flu the great auto show. kinds, of products that they want to well, they seem to thiuk'that w,e,.old "gets fair representation on the floor* . �. , P- 'with Premier Chamber- months. - '� Miss Mai4 Dickson, Pupil of Miss buy. They want, everything to be fellows are trying to retard imprdvd- ,of the House, so .that 'they are not pl�,'­'k'­ - - his break I . ', - :, , - kept out in'the Open on shelves, and xho,t- and progress, but I don!it think all bunched together, as they might E�,1"-'11'.t,-. __1a Don't be, in' A hurry. No matter i. 'faze' Winbbr, hasipaused. her second , . . .1 . in .bec:�iuse.,the latter irr'-deterin;'mr- i L gmde theory wtbh first class bouors it has to be dbile up in a sanitary that is"the case. Like the majority be if Pasliament were xidt'ruled by, I _ "_ I ' what the'weather looks or feels like�" '' for London Conservatory of Muslc4 . . 1� . "I . lai ne ' ,,I . 4 way, and packaged in the factory. My of people in this world, we are sort system and' -order. . . 11`11� , , * , gotiat'ons, for a settlement ,,,, ,spring isn't here yet. ,� The first carnival of �the season was Opposition, down the line here has -a I .. 1. I I 17,� I t slip Out in addition to that, the Whips en- � � with Italy ,. should proceed . at once,., - . I field �16 the rink on Friday evening. . of opposed to seeing comfor � I . . I �� . - . 1. I .1 I The following were� the prize winners: new store . ,. . " � -of ,our grasp. - deavour to have the members, -pres-, I . ,�, without any further guarantees an .0 I Ladies? cha��Acter, . Edith Strasser He just s,*t of bunched his shoul- It's -not going to keem, much like ent when votes are pending. That is, I ,� , ��%.; � ", � . . ; der's and I knew that* maybe Tim�ll home to come into that store and thei try ,to have tilie, full voting. ::, the part of Italy, and regardless of ' � I , . . ladies' coralo, Elazel Reid; girls,under - suffering find that a furnace has, been Installed. strength of their party represented- .. , , - . . I I business ,had been sort Of . , � I . I ," �' - 4*st, are not very encouraging pew& Wffl Ontario Follow Suit? Irk, MaT -7 McLeam;, comic; Thelma ' re'not ve, , . this last while, Women folks get I feel sort of. certain that . the barrel If this we do then perhAps a. '.1 . . . And'ganadians,'although we. are . � I Pethick�' gents' character, Ben Druf- some strange ideas. rockers will be gone too. Evorythtug -snap . vote might i)e called, and m, � . I . I , In a recent editorial� the Oshawa fey; comic, 0. Crich; boys, under 15, 1 looked around the store then and will be displayed in show counters, party defeated, not because of any- -1 � . -far, from the scenes of action, are character, Stanley Hays; comic, Gor- Net kind of examined everything. It's ' . �:, I don Willis; ,mile race, Joe Sins. The J and.that box of'ashes that served as change of public opiniom or in tbc- I , , . ,' 1. I news. Some Times. says: "The Provincip of Que- not any 'too bright in, there in the a, ppittoon, will be.away.�'The crack- opinion of the Haue, but because� 1. -titally interested in that I . judges were Mr. and, Mrs. L. T. De- daytime, and,. all those jackets that � . I ;1� bee may have. started something that Lacey, Mr& Uvingstone and Mr. G. I ers will be in sanitary boxes and mlembem halmpen to be absent fronz. .�� , . will be on � the side of the British 4 1 ' ' �., I are hanging up on that pole, near the those Oatmeal and sugar barrels won't the'Ohamber when a vote was called- , I . 1, . I ­ � . I , ep across ,- P , Mr. W1 't seem' to help it any, be there any more. Tim will probab- %ere is- a great deal of unfairnems , 1�� _1 will swe the, Province ­ f , A, Sills ' , ndow, don t �Fremier, and others.will be on the Ont,ario before very long. � We are . Wri Alex. Wright, sont of Mr. Chas. The , counters�are always, Piled' UP, ly be dressed up in a white coat, and in the public attitude towards Parlia� I . , , ��_. " side of Mr. Eden. And both, from . . ght, of the 2nd concession of with smocks ani overalls, becaus'6 apron and h6'11 be so busy that, he ment and sometin1les it is reflected, in? � I � . .. _. referring to Oe excluding of women Ttt&ersW#h,' ba,s orented Mr. 'Alex.- ", , their viewpoint, willbe on the -right ­ . - ; ' W�airs farm Tim is i6nerally Pretty busy and he, won7t have time to talk. He'll be too the'pregiO, Parliament is a place or . . ......_ � . from beverage roorm�, The way in, leaves' ,that pile out there to keep . . _.,2dJ , I Ts who- t .. ife of course. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Coleman, Jr., any of his customers from getting busy thinking- abou&�new'ways of im- hard work -and earnest conecleatious , - I ;,�­�-- . . . . which women, particularly young: of Tuckersmith, were made the reeip- proving his store. I study for mosit Of the inembe � . , I , . tired waiting for him. attend it. It is not a sbam battle --it. ;�­,. . But after all, what can Canadians women, have'been flocking into the, jents of a'grantle shower at the home There is an old-fashioned- whip The blacksmith shop a.rage is an earnest di�cussion, of Public is-' �� . I . I . I � � do about it? Wen, there is one thing of Mr. and WErm. Thos. Townsend. ;rack hanging down from the ceiling . . . Tim?s store will be modern and sues afid'in proportion to� the !in-. 1. . , beverage rooms of the Pk-6vince, has While hauling -hay, out of Mr. John with 'some Whips that Tim,hAs. had too sanitary to have an old I .... .. I ' I �� � . ,-they can do --one thing theyshould Poster's, barn, recently, the,team. Mr. I fellow portitn,e of the issue involved, I ven- . - . . I I I been dfogusting to the average citi- John Hey, I Sr., was driving, ran. away -there e5,rer since thorse and' buggy like me sitting around . . . Shucks! ture to suggest that there is less, time- I � , do—and that, to use �a very common, , days went out. The board partition VVhat's a fellow going to do when .1 . C. , Zen. This sort of thing can not go and he had the misfortune to break �. wasted In the House of Common_-� . , � if inelegant expressioni; is to keep his arm. 1. I . in front �.of his little office where .he ,he's, waiting for his grist from the than there is in our municipal coun- t , � their shirts on. � To attend to our . on Tor very long with -out the public. . Thomas McGregor, of Brussels, Te- re pasted up with mill? . I - cils or la the big business institutes � . ceived'the news that his brother, . . of the country, I . . i , .own Canadian business', in a buki- reacting to it�-and in the end ,iboli- . . 1. � - . . I Yours sincerely, I . . . . . ­ James, had met with a.fatal ac'eident __ . * - .1 . -like way, nd leave to the Brit- tion will have to come." at Selwood, Junction, Parry Sound Dis- R. J. DF,,�CHXAN, . . , mess a 11 . We, in the country do not see as trict, wilitle engaged as engineer at & 'D JUST A SMILE OR TWO * M.P ,for North Hurcia- � �. ish. authorities, who are more com- - much of the evil spoken of as do the mill. . 6 0 0 1 I I l-, nt judges, the direction of the , Daniel Regele, of Leadbury', has �, � � . � . pete I . ' I . I . .1. British foreign policy. � people in the larger towns and cities. ' been, busily engaged hauling 12 -inch ,Constable: "Sorry, but you'll have 'Wife: "I `,iris,h I had talent; I'm Equalization Of 'Huroit 11. � That is not to say that the evil i� not tile. He Is getting a thousand . of to be ,summoned for driving at fifty just ,itching to write." The Editor, The Hui -on Expositor: . British statesmen have undoi*t- 'these for idrainage purposes. miles an hour." Husband: "Well, wby don't you sit . A. . , I ,. ;,.� . 'he past; per- with us. It is. We might go fiir- Mr. George Roe, of Leadbury, had Motorist: "Make It eighty, officer! down and try scratching a little?" - I - . I . i ' I edly made mistakes in 1, ­­ ther, however, and �Ray that the dis-, a bee hauling logs from do sell this car!" 0 Dear Sir: I notice in a neww-- , . -haps, they will make some -mistakes " MeNaugpt station.. I . 0 Man: "Do you believe in luck9" paper that the eqi­lizaticu of Hurom I . I I ting part is not so'much the way got to cut , , I should say I"do. will o I � .. gum Mr. H_ Reynolds, ori Hay, has sold Hubby: I'We�re simply , Friend: ",Well cost $7#QOO.00. If you will exam-- I , in � the present, and even in the fa- . � . . I � I young girls are patronizing beer par- -- his farm to Mr. John Triebner of down expenses, Ethel. Couldn't you See that. fat woman in. the big hat ine Bylaw No, 9, 1927,, you will sVe ,-. - ture, bdt British statesmen are the tlie-y - � -in Stephen., for the sum of $6,400. ' "niake a permanent wave last a weeh and the red dress? Well,. I once ask- the equalization of 1926-27,. to vaIua- . . . : . ' . tors was about $1,600.00; cast to so-- . . .. best statesmen the world over." We 4ors, as the condition are Mr. T. D. Pinkney, who has been or -two loager?" - ad her to be my wife." - ____ 11.� when they flock out of them. again. proprietor of the Royal Hotel for sev- I . licitors about $2,000, and- the speaker, I � 4� , " 11. believe we...can safely leave it to I - We might go still,furtherand say eiral yeari%tt intends retiring at I the 0 9 said total codt $5,090.00. , ,' I I � I them. . close of tha...11cense year. Is the County Council going to cut it I . . . : I 1. I that unless Mr. Hepburn --pays a lit- 0 ADEBT WE OWE 0 but all extra cost this tinire? Who ls�, � , a The following word6 were clipped, ' 0 going to ,Pay our several townshilly. I I I I 0 tle more attention—and very soon 0 I � � (By J. Boyd,Tbomas) - - � ,�,, . .1. . from a copy �of .the Regina Leader: I ... .. councils and assessors for their time- �, 1� % ­ too—to the way in which beer par-' "it was a great treat tobear mr. Win. i spent with the v.&luators?---Ale& 4=11s, I ". - � 11 T� Hay4f'silvery,,-elear and,sweet ted-, _=M1111111111111111111111111111 - � . . . I . I Something - 101f A Record aild. solicitors for any munlelpality ap- ' ,'V�. lors are being -run'ifi a majorit'y of or voice once more, He 'was soloist During the course of more than a to remind, us that but for the inter- pealing9 � 1% �, . . . . ' . . V - not eq- ­ , � The good people of the village Gf to in the "Sanctus." .-AU-to this was tak- quarter of a century in the service of ventign id the right moment an -d the One speaker said Huron Is I ... :_ the country districts, he is going . !, . en out: "Owing to lii�oevere cold, Mr. one establishment, one meets many tactful handling of our case by the ualized. I wonder it there, Is a man I I .1 ;1-1 ]Dublin, who are our neighbors on � . lose the - support of those districts. A. D. Sturock was, unable to sing and people representing all shades of sort -of friend who understood us and living who.has knowledge so profoundr - i". the east, hold somewhat of a record ' And that is his main support in On- Mr. Scott Hays took h,is place, giving opinion, various theories and, now and liked us all the same, We -might still and minute that he can, say with auth- !", ......' 11 . 4.:. . a satisfactory drainlatic interpretation then, impossible and painful prejudic- be very lonesome and unwanted. ority what the proper valuation of- . �If�, .. for long living. - - I tario. * I of the "Evening Star" and a solo es. As one well-known writer has Furbliermore, it is within the bounds his town townslilp isi an' 4 I . L . , : i , And what is alsothe point. If the from "Tannihauster." Both of -these pointed.. ou,t,. these, latter "think they of possibility that many of us might . 4�. Twenty per cent. of the residents ­ . young men were sons of Mr- and Mrs. are, thinking when in reality they are easily have grown self-centred and ev- with an -other intell gently. Surely we- , I I " ;�` has the authority to merely readjusting bbeir prejudices." en very selfish hadi it not been that must not confuse the assemvinent of I ". 'that village are, it is creditably -Government T. E. Iftys, of Seaforth. a township with the equ . u1iihtion of w. �, ': . *1 . of I more worth �11111 say what th6 brewers shall charge . . By and large, however, the great ma- a friend, seeing in us y isaid, over the Wee score and ten I 0 jority of people with whom I have possibilities, patiently and persistent- county. It there is such a man im !"_ I our county who has sp�nt his time too- I . ��1.1, - mark, over seventy years of age. Still for theik war4s—and it has been a . made contacts are beyond question IY dTeW US out of ourselves and led, make so Intensive a study of our, I ... ... I From The Huron, Expositor 'reasonable and' friendly. it would ap- us gradually to think and speak ob- ', �, , I bette 'there are,several residents in gener ge-�-ii should have the . pear that an increasing' number of jectively rather than subjectively of county that -be could say. that any- r. . " 17, . ' 1,.11_, I March 2, 1883 township or town -was two or 'three, . �11 . � . that village who are over the ninety - authority to set the quality of those persons are honestly trying to "Win those things upon which it seemed hundred thousand dollars too high or- I I P'L -1 I " wares as well. To say that the brew- Mr. D. M. Radcliffe leaves Seaforth friends And influence, people," as Dale our very living depended. After all ,. . mark, , but who are 'still hale and � . for the Northwest in two weeks. He Carnegie puts it. In the main I be- friendship in its, highest form can low, then it is too bad that our coun- .. A . cil could not recognize his ability an& . . . !" �V ers shall sell only real beer, and not has been appointed Inspector Of Ag lieve this is a hopeful sigu. It is well never be confined to the likes and dis- ­ hearty; still able to do business; to - nt that�man and our friend Mat— ,,'�!-, � . the wash the most -of themarebeing encies for the North American Life to remember that there is a sense in likes. of one or two persons; it Mu t aPPOi I I . . �, I . thew Arm -strong to do the job. JL� ivork and to play. whdc,h we cannot entirely dispense have height and breadth, lackiu- I Insurance Company froW Port Arthur 0 - 1'�", g d1spens- with friends and, the good -will of our whicb, there c.tn be no depth, an:d If we are not going to have m �f,;. All of these people have spent paid for, and which is bein to the Pacific coast. Me place will be ii ­.glibore and business, i ithout these health -giving qualities change of considerable ext . f . .1, I I ed in the beer paxlors.-` taken by Mr. WmL'Copp. el associate,% w �1.1."'11�1 their'live-s, in the district They are Two frame stores In wingliAni on arad r(ght now there is m1ore of, it ,n life must' ultimately lose its true all the bother? Mr. Mogg said: "If' I . . I the world than we think., ,The radio, meaning and become dTab and ter- the 1927 equalization had been cot- ' i!,,., ' the sons and daughters of the pio, I the Main Street were burned on Sun- ' - ,� " I I the beat movies, somp hdgh-class per- ribly uninteresting. ,, rectly made, you could take the sAtme ;p T' 1111111111 . X,, neers who "Came. out, from Ireland � day morning." They were occupied by iodicale and now a growing tendency Oh,, yes! We all owe an eternal assessment." Has Mr. 'Mogg knowl­ 4 . I ,� . lor, and F. Halloway, . S 'Mr. J. Mude, tai � , �`�Y­ ' when'Canada was a wilderness and in. good fiction all indicate the wbolie- debt of gratitude to our friends who edge -that it was act correct? Aniff, c", . I � insurance agent; Wm Allen, barber, someness and cliaracterl-buliding qual- have in many ways iftifluenced us for where did, be get. th2it knowledge?' � I j�.�,:�' . who have made the distrie't what it WHAT OTHER PAPERS SAY: and q. Fawcett, tailor. ities to be found in loyal friendships. gooT , The Poet expresses It perfect. He also says: "All disputes Will be, �, - A taffy party was held at the [home ., . "' Once in a while one meets the ly 'In the lines: I settled before the County Council and Ili,�-,��,"­ is to -day. . � , of Mr. Clark, of Efflisgreen, on Mon- .'grouch," that unfortunate fellow with "And since I have no gold to give, will not go before a j�udge and save - . - I . I ��"',':t ­ It was 'not easy work, that Inoneer- Were . � Coming To It . day evening. the proverbial chip on, hie shoulder, And love alone mitst make amends, expense.." What Is his authority for- . i,� . . � 1, "'',t . . A very pleasant and, enjoyable ev- for whom, however, we can at least My prayer is dully, while I live— , that ste,tement? % . �"'�, Mg. But it was necessary wark, (Wasli Post) ening was spent at the residence Of 11 I �p;", . . be thankiful, inasmuch as -he serves God make me worthy of my friends!, 11 It seqms to the writer that with so� I . lt!��'� and none 'Shunned it. Neither did I ­ MT. T. Min, Whiten, on Wed- . I ., eagy a 9,uncil who are supposed ta� ;Ie�,�t'., , -What are the people of this, country coming . . . ,�,' . nesday of last week when a large ' $ . V�'4 - they complain. It would not have , to?" asks a writer. The answer is easy. They're - - , - . ____ be representative Of the, County as Er , I ','��` � . . I g to the point where they will , crowd assembled to present Mr. and .1 . ,._ eventually comin Mrs. McFadzean. with twb handsome 0 0 * whole, that we can expect a largei�' ­ I I lk�­ been any use if they had, and those number of gentlemen eel -ling oil roy­ ,�k,k - , ', �,� 4 have tried all, plans and Panaceas in an "n UC- clialris and a settee. I , * The Position, of the Farmer. alties, gold stocks and shares.. im- . , RZ ' pioneers knew it. - 0 1 it �, I - ,��11, cessful effort to get something for nothing, and . It Is n,ot Often that Bruceflield had . ",?.V. then they are going to have to roll up their . antomizer factories, ,etc., calling orm �-',",�; ... One had to work in thosedays or as an exciting a time as ou Monday 0 - A speech by R. J. Deachman, M.P. for North Hijr6h, in the Houjie It us for a Couple Of years if they thlnk� I ".�.". sleeves and, go to work for a liv#Lg. night about 11 O'clock when the peo- 0 of' Commons. .. . - " � V . , . WO have any money left to invest— " �.t�',,',-,,; � starve. There was- no relief to fall ple were airouzed by the dread cr� of . . . I I V,m , . � I 11,11. I 0 1 . . �i,�g'..,' I . . I Time will tell! I 5k�* lack on, nor anytking else, except . fire. It was found that,the house.on. , I 1� I Station Street, west of Mr. Thomp- A HULL T RATEPAYER. , , 1 �,�`,',�� the kindness of neighbors in times of Invipstin son's, was in a bl' For sixty years we have budgeted duction had risen, to $1,335, still a de - 15, .0-- ent in Houses . aze. 8, . ET . I t�N�, .1 I fairly steadily for depressed agricul- ellue from 1630, but a substantial In. , . I . '. �,,%-,'.' . . , , -extremity, and neighbors -were kind. (Vancouver Province) . � 'Mr. George Baird, Jr_�iof Brucefield, -_ -_ -_ - . ;;'�',�,, � . ....... .. . I tura) coridtitions. We hav'e the fruits crease of $370 over the low level of �, I I has decided to startt a: general storlD ?I I I 11:_ But it was, work that built bone of that situation to -day. The' average 1932. 1 am going to be fair in this i'.1.1�1!,� I In bullffings, erected for rent or for sale, the in his'stand, lately occupied by Mr. P I . �,,�",,�,,��� - .1 farmer In. the province of Ontaxio-I also, and say that the government I i',h',,,,�, ., and muscle; thAt taught self .reli- . economic factor enters at once. If there is .no F. O'Neil. I Seen inthe ,-,. L'Ir'�,>Y 1. .­­., amI dealing now with the Ontario cannot take the full credit flor that I I i�,ZM;, ren00% Feb, � 18th, , I �'�'�Itj,.,-.. -The pioneers were more in- 'profit in prospect there will be no building. And On Saturday to I I.. *1 �!�lk,,L�,.,. . mce, I , e� !� �, '.. . If taies are too high, the profit wiffbe eliminst- * Mr. J. Whiteman, St., v6s lu "KippeA fi because I happen to represent increase, because'part. of it was th . I 1. . ", . , - - - an Ontario constituency, but what I result of natural, cause.9, and agricul- Y1, . - �',!` �,,',�, r . dependent than we. . They did� not ed. ^ It follows, of course; that a reduction of tax aid after transacting some ,busines5 to urge in regard to ? �j�J'Lj�%', . . as he thought, put his pocket book ank going ,the On- ittre, Is still left lbi -a depressed condi- County "r apers , I `2?§': � �, - have much, but'..:they appreelated . � , es to a reasonable level- will stimulate building 'Ao be app '110 I I i 1"et.*', . , ilch,ble . V. I ? 1 by restoring -the possibility of profit, It will al- containing $76 in cash and, a note for tario farmer ought tion, which is.something still to he !, ,�IJ;7 . . . , _.-­.--­-­.0­­_.-_-� . - � I . *' I ,,�,,,,i - 4. , . at they did have; appreciated it to after , � I I . lc"­:,,*� � - so stimulate buildIng by, home -owners by making 55150, in an inside vocket, but to the other provinces, -although In faced. . �"11 !��, , . . ' , ", .. - " �, R,1`�!,,, - ' their reaching hoide found it e m�dssing. I . 0" ' ' it e,copipanically possible for people to Ow . to b thi� piesent circumstances Ontario is As I thave, Pointed out 'that was �­,��t��.,,,,' , , , * Curling At Toronto ,. , e � 'the gross return. Then the farmyer .11 th full, because it was of theirt own " � � � Ile could get, to itrace of it. an Mon. the -pick of,,the bunch. Conclltious� �"; , ' ,,, �,.. � . . I. I. �L " 1� ," ,'�i " : , I ; , . I . -1 iown. homes. � � � rm,.averag- . 'Vans, T. H. Gibson, Dr. A_ " lb..�.Zi­ making. . . . There is not Muchi dispute about the effect of day Mt. J. Hagan and son;t of Mile- here are better than in the \t other had to par taxes on -his. fa J. J. L I � i'0',.111;11, '. I . 11 W. Irwigi, Donald, A ' . . ��%.m,.,,� ,,, - green, called '�Wd restored it to the provinces, partly because of iltural Ing $100. He had to buy feed, cost- ae (skil?) are at � IJL' .1, . I The - . . I I I ­ , , se old residents of Dublin de- lower taxes. The problem Is to get, them dowa� ' � _,�,p ,K"l .1 !" 1. � Owner. . . advantages, climatic condItloms and oo� Ing $90; fertilizer, $15; ' the I "UX"', �� , 1k . - Ontario Donsplel being litid'in, . ;"�,�,��J��,i!",, , I I . spraying m;t J��.,�;',�, .,�-, I . " �,,,�� theit l6itkevity., and we honor 0 ... . ,on the forth. The ii,verage, fArmer lit the terials, $3; seed, $24; TO nito. In their first game they went I -1 ��,',' -t 11.�� " .01301a � I I Tih)o curlingipbonsplel opened power and . rO � �,I! 1,�� � ! � � Seafdrth rink ion, Monday lai3t. This province of Ontario, according to the light, $6; labour, Including board,for down, in the Royal York event fl -6; !�,�'; ;,� ,,� in It , V ,,s_- � � ;em � � ,� -, �"I'l I , I I . I* I Australian Cheese is the-hrat affair of the kind that b6t; centus of 1931, had- aw illivestinent of labour, $156. Then ,there should be to a atroAg Brpokline, MaSE(,., four. InL . I , , -, .1 . I . I �`�',� , , ff,"979,''- He haff'7119 acres of land-'Tiie An allowance for maintenance and cip. the Seagram event M4� whitewashed I I ­, .. 1, , I— . � . � been beld In thig part of the country, - . _t". t".�,,.''.. ' 'L 4,_ . ,," ction per firm erating elMouses, of ImplemAuts, in- Unionville 6y a score of I2-6.­wtng_ . .1� li,,' I . . (Brandon Sun) and it was gratifying to know that it value of hisl produ was , I . Z31 - , .... ' grorn produ& cluding gasi oil, twine, repairs, and so 'ii� Advan01-Tinleg, - I A . ,��1.1_ ,�',.%�".%'.. ­­ ' , 11 r-. ! was a very successful one. Seaft $1,585 Ili 1930,; ,that Is 1M.:1 ��4,%,­i -,,-, � ,DoWt,-D4e..1ft.A11urrg According -to official figures, total ,exports or I f, "', �, , , ­­-, ii , . .� '. I " ".'..", . � ., .,.�, . won the first prl�e, a silver tankard; tioD and takew no account of the cost forth, whic�- would �moumt to at least ' "Going To Waiford . 0 . ,W�", � I I , I I I , I I J,,��,11� 1 I � , L, a 1, . 1, .. ... cliesse from Australia in, the IL936-37 season I . I � �,�jn '!� ,',�,�t�,, ,. � Paris, 2n,d pd2e; 4 of prodtaction or of the cost of living. $100. Threshing would- ave I 1�i_. Ir - aving amounte , rage $95, �, ,ii".1 Vi ' Uss 911a Link, of town, has. ae- . 4,11 ... d to 6,271 ions, writes, Prederick'Palmer, , silver taukard� and. ­ ,, I �,111 11"'Al , , ', lor A week, wer haVe bee St. M -A t, 1rd,-iA, pair of -eurling It represents the value of the Products and 0,6'depreciation, on his buildings , ( . .11,11, ,- . q CePied 0, Position- in Watford, In the, I 111P , ;�,­ �, , , I ryf N,I ,,i " � , , I, � I 1 4 Canadian trade commissioner at Melbourne, Oil iP."MAi'd"6� . . ,., 11. ,,�,,,',10,�T, ilar . mOd'.. *"U"o With stones. Those, ,41dng part 'in 'Sp* produced out the farm� EvAllb,ble for and equIputent would anicin '71N,',�.�a'g'&,�!,. , V "'Ofi-oly � � I . Australiam, -dairy pro- A. 'it to at mlllilftOrY and, T-eaO.io-weat deVart, - I - �;1'14;.W,_"', "I", I .1 I , i� 1; � 41, , I -f. r 1-1 . 1, 16; "I . the farm. I ', ' I ,g ii I W'':�­b� ,$ b6ft alft' the recomutendation of the forth were: 0 ' , Wilson, John Wefi� Wei ei . for ,consumption Out "east $165- -With' an Investment in ment of - A.- Brown, -&- Go.' She will * I et,1,4,1,�;!,,,',,,!,� .*w6 -board -now, regulaitloAs .ibaire .be6n, brought . . . _ I . ,,, '',,­,girt...,,�, 11 "I', � ... I . '_., ­;�,_ �. -71 " .A. I � I . I . I . 4 iZ, �.- 4-m"IV-, into op6ration Providing -for . Uniformity in the Geo. Patterson,'JTH.,Lyons, aldp; M In 1932 that value'of production had Mai farm of $7,200, he 9tight to be b6gin 1h;6f ne* 'duties next Monday. I ' - AjidteW, e per evAt. interest, and, I , IWI��1�16'i-� IAV!�,1141)0­0 , , , 7, '�11 �. R U *" siw, color, and eratijig of cheese.for exVort. In,- C. .Coleman, AleX, Witgon, sunik to $964; itha.t Is, It declined by entitled to Av, Mh§s' Link ,has ,many friends in jgx,3. I '00, � I , 11 .1 11 . I �,;�"111,� 1, , " . , I � � , X.- �,;�'�] " , � , I I 0 14, I I I. .1 � .... �, 11 Young, R. Comanopi skip, Thos6r of, $61; Ili two years. It you Add, &It those items of "I'll , I? ' ' I ��-" 4 1 , �, , . i6 t1w , 1, - for the''beifto- together, you have $979 of expt-uses i . � " .V",'14,,Mfq " Nn., , 6W �. . -k- -the board shiow6dr that the -8f all will 4 i �!. -� ,'k!"?;X0 §` & di(i vestlgatI609 n1taide b tPr alid the-6est wishes � � . _ _ "."I'll 1. " I , ;.4�ik, , 11 'I, ,� . "' A . J# _i,4'",d�jtIld 80_Vound sft6o. friends: This � , I I 0 I . A " ",", ,... -- dem�MO 'woo mostly for , "' , `� 6k, . ' ' - -011 fhat fttlm If the fam,6r was n, t � .- , ,� ,! " " , . ­a,i. 'N "I"', �, . Hensall were: VVhj. Cfiaxteft, 3'. Xo_ porfilit bit to say this I yli� W711 N ,, � I ,, . I )VI_5 j,g�n 'd , �i 4 I , . , JA the trilited, X1119dom &HOW, her& -Exeter Tinies-Advocate. " . m"ih �,, !�i I I , i X !�V 11 ....I � " 4 �, "I .1 I _" A t , Coad, A�60 ,Wm,� hidier, sw,v, � tv, of, my aons6rvidve, 41 " , . I , , , ; r��.A - R, "14. , 71 ­ 11 . %. t, , , '. , Ulrddi -the 66W . U�'MVA, _�,' I ,, I , 11 ,� ­- - I A,�It,?�,) ,F"?. '�� _,. , V1 n � Mc-Af Mur ,, IL problem 19 too big tomake It- a prti- 11." 10�111"" # , �. - �, ,,,, - ,,� � ,X�,#'�i,; . ', 11.1 , ' , � - , f �,��_ , - '4WP . ,. Q,$ 11 , � . . � - gttions, iftie#e sizes only ,Aro'ptl tt to'be 4 ­ g6tilug W&K 631 the money luvo . HP61(hiah Home Sold I r, 1,,J,,",t4,, �11­11111�,�, WWAa.W" f', MbLean;�-R. -at- , 11 " , , 1't,'! I I .11, ,,, 1$* �� Vail #a ' '' a, I'am nof d'hij.-tting th& edA �M#was PaPlig. ,?r ,��,4,'I""�, ,,�, , , " ��,, I � I "I-' I .1 . . � .. 11. � , , I Donthrou $1 al e0nil" #an. Agsuo,. An , I bee, SL � � 11 � I . I I . ftseg,­Wben tbet . ", �, �, .. I � - I ,�, I WK , , " -F%­ft0 - I- 19 I, ii i -I � , � , . . , , J4 ­­­ � 006ft6d, ��eptihg 1u; �,svetfgt oa �,& -,as,�OolA' .60, tlj`3 It 0, , IN g I . .$'1'(�",,1. t, I R "". 1, , , . 'd#"r KiMt 6f vbmmelto� the ex, . I I .. so 90V - �,.�;�",r q � , . . � �M,,!,� ' 41*0' *049 1110 f`11661np R 11 r. AUVA Acklueterf', of togan& kn& ,�$!�!�.�`�.0; ,� . '91 1 , � , , � I-V ffil .1 . , ,, ,,r,_��,, i ,,, ;�,�R�11 �� laa- .;. d :1 "' 'T�bel Reclaman. house on Quo �, 'A o Mntl*o... j,i I ". " _ ,.,O � :1, 'g.., " , M 0 nd ,.J' "_!�I�W , , , , � , I jt,� � "pt. �,g,e, F ­ . , - . ,,, , " _0 0 Interest on gmort. " Ily 10 , '! , , , 41" * , " - . .. . J, �i,� , , - "I I '_'��,,��" I I �,�,!� , -meiwed- on Mo"i*, ad. dissed with iho ft,tite, re; Saturdar afternoon to� ' I � 1, gh, n, ,, at $'%.g4o and 4f"� Q 'th6oe Ito . I L wk I�W.,,# 6 xhi�l sunalOn, . fft�V,arioi de4. I .'' ,I) ".1 , '. 09 knpi J 1", ,,, , r �� � I , �tftb I W e , . I 1. 'Wednesday .1 I 10 . glIA11ty foi, 0o aedlfa& In:, the - ;i r,� � #4 `,",I.!'�j; loll".X � 1� . M I , Va- . I �,� 4 1�1!x %, I '��,T ',"� , ", vis di-omel, ktos, Tfiie-*�gti#uo. wo'r4odrel . ,9061i . . ,A AX � !,,,,,,,;,1,-"_, - 11 'I'll I I -&edi , -, - ,�, , "i , I I `1 givIe & bov 60", ,W,6 t "! fll, �a!",�&tA' � , , " .'! r fe�' t6k 66 Vem ' 04 1 , , � , - , , � ' 'i I , goi�� �:r t . ��,,�, ­ :1 1, , tut, Ah'100 " hoopo, Oull, " 1wedt.. to - , , I , . ,�,,�;4" ,� , i #e,,t*d, �Y6'jj@ ', ­' ,*rPrAft, d 164WA& *as $369, or less h6tifI616`16 -bo bedurdbd , by M.r au& . �0,,W�,;",�r�,!,�o ,& ,,, ,, kt. Whi Dr.od0ibt6.,WbIbb t6ok-olaeb, 4 , " 116 f6lft6es i6t, 4uW')n9'd_A_ t -j- fijvapdffitlt� Vorsae�sfojj *a8­91V6u,'Th6 !��111%�;� _ .1 � '. "", I , !T , "'L, , � ... � � , , ,", . " , . � , � :� M 41 I' "A - , , 11 , , I , I , �11,*,, , , _ � 1,1, � , �1 * filit th'', - to" thi t*nftrr pl!*w go. ;; 'r - ._ � MI"W", -1 _1 . ,of th;,.= 601,' A*ift the _tllf"Q`p � )144 ."', I lj.�" , �� �i, 4�0#�;O�k** � :�., ' 4`1 . ", " ,,� ,�,i i =',�,k­­­ .. . ... Rropl�,,�g -. . ,It W. , "I'll 11�111'1'111`�', , � �", � , 61 a ram pw' - , 0'-' Ul&,n1410r---W1t0h01l; AhVboafer, ,- . I ., , '# 33 11 , . I iorAW 4"tht 16A" *Aot .," , . , ;1' . ., . - ,. .I . . : �, I . ; ,.I I 1. 1. . - ' � , '.. ,; , ; � "I '�� .t 1 4 11 I I . : �. . , I I � I . I � I , , I , I I I . � , I ;,,..�� , � ";,P, I I , , I � , , , . I . I . . I "', � ;1 , - ­, . -, _ ,� .1 . � : , , �,,�. : , " , ,� -, , I � " . �. , I I . �11� I , 1 I � �!�: ,Pffl!i,�, .M1 41w, - ­ : I I . . I , - . I . I ,. , I , I I , 1 11 .: , I ­: .;, " , ,� . :1 I � � �j , V, I ; , , , . : , " . ":� . , 11 I . , , . , . � �r �, . � - I , , " I, '!Jj"' 7- 7,,K,,'T5 ,� I 1, ; . . , ; I � I 1� I . 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