HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-02-18, Page 2-, , ", �, I ; ". , " ­ , " , ,, �� 11�1 � " , - . � . I . , , , , T �� I T. �!,,Iq�. I 'W'M,4111�, , � , 11 � 1�y 11,111 . ,� , , 1�.. .1 , 1 11��,, (,��,�-,I,,�," " , , , , , , . ., I I , , ,� ,,,,,, Pi "" , , , n , 1,� ,;-JI, I , , � , " 4�'. "'�-,il��'�i";,����,����,,,i;,,� �,� V�%­"' "'; ,�,_1:14,j, A,'IA,Ir��'�,,',_;`­,!;� " . , �, � ), ., . 4. , I . , q�l �'�*, �, �� .1 o , ,�,,, ._,,1--'.',1' ""' ­ , � " , " .." r�,, . ­ I 6 - ­­" " �;�., � �_ "I , I � �, '" ,4`1111611114 �,, ? W , ,� - "4P. ,� I � I V, ,�Jd ,.-,I 11 11 . , � :ri � � , � ,;.,;,�� ,,,,�,,,,g;,��, ;,�,,�,�:,� ",","�� 1�:il -�, 4, �',-,-.,�7i�'IK,-­, , ',4'�,�,�,,�'V,,� , "� �` , [`1 - , , , , , 'i�l,� ,11 .,��::' , 4'il I 1.11, ­111�., I... � , w �,,� , , , o" , _', , � � 4 , �� " I ` �'1�1 , `� 1�,�`-, I , , " ��, , - . I I , . . , . �; . ,,,' ,. I I . - 4. , ;!�W,j -I " : �1: . , � . - f I w. 11 I , .. .,o , 4 . 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I � I � 1. r. . . � '', 111- 1. I _-k1111 I . I.- 1,��tt'l %111, a E" t _h, � ��'� "O' . - _.i.1", ,, - F 'M 11 .1 � ­ i . , g7."; ,� 47-',r_.__ � I I � . `:1 '. * I , -, r I ,-.1"g, '11­ffl�`j,,�`,`; , ', I., � - , I IV ­ . I . ". -f,�, ,5'%4'1%g ;�19,4'­, , I . . I . I v I - 111,4;14i^�' %�,!,'��p .�. _''� ,�, 1j;8Jt0,lj6,4 'Im � . Alberta -Prev4er, r . _ ., � � '. , ,- - � �4, , I,. . . XW___ 1 , az-V 0 .L I . I ,�,��,�',� f.m'._ , , " d *s a � �.1'1­­­­ . �', I I , 1`.',,,�V�ffi�,�.,V 6 0 ,-,I 14"V$': mone 01iffe, rW of �L" '' �A , 0 1 ,, �,­ ,,,,,,,, "' -, f, 7- . "" A I A!7-' �.. . V­­� �,�, -, ':v,. . - . '. , ''.1 0 , ..., � f ,". ��, I , I.. � , � , ,�q -the eyes of the ' ' . .. --y ��.,.­ �,­�" .: 4 , I , .. ; --OF I . . � I � . ­. .... � "I -1, I Mai * . - - �Mts' �, " ' ' . . I 0 1. I I �, � . .1. .. . , -or , - 1, Nessts. PoweR and U, �win were -not , , 'Al , ,) . L' , I - . . I " ., ,I . , . , I 11, .1, , "�� .� X&ean, & - � __ I 11' re PiTmv 1016kod . (ft --11- 0 , A I'' .... . From . rill, _,_ 11, X . I . I I -.1,141 I I - � D , IP..", 1� 1, " . i 10 . ,"or'* J. Boyle) . �. .111, , I,, �4 ', I . - - ;. �V � gmay of libbl,. t6id Ue expressed the ,',,', � ,. ,� . . I __. .� : I 4 Seaforti� Ontario, ev- . . Tbe NO . � . .. I I I . I __1 .. . I I- ,­, at . . . I � ;K" . . . . . . . . , . , . _�O � I .I- '' 11 .. ount3r - - , .. . � I �_ . 11 � �� `__ A Black Eye For the C .,, 'i tuation in t&se - `__ "These .L & .. , I .... ,;; 51 words: , .. - .. � -i . ­ , , ;, �_: ..., 4 ?FP . � . ���, a afternoon. by McLean . . I I Twent* a Agc6 ­ - I- '44a " ra I -at the'vil- I,onideaboro, . , . #vo Year ­.:�!. I y_ I . ,Veb. � 11, 1938- , .�, . men who" are "well known and highly,, �. � ...I-,��,.;_q . . r . . I I NCLE N . yoi� couldn't try ledown, , .. . �,, . - . 04§9'' . - _. _ - -_ ,;,� .. .I, ,_ - 7"1- - � - -I.". �.~ � 1 . , I ,- .�,,,, J . ... .. . . � :,spected, were sentenced to hard . -j ,,� . I lage and make a nice, WY, sum Out .30�xposltor: -, . ., � I I ",,,""I'll ",""I'll, "I", � , I IN, � `� Believe It or mot, but my Uncle Ned of 116 .,Why you could sell your pr - The Editor, The Mmn "� �,­p ,�"`, I . .1 , "', I "g-111, . . o . . . . I . � .­_� I I I �� ­ '14ur i . L I . . ., I i�", ;g�'l , . From,'�Ir,6ij!! on Expositor 'iZ been visiting with me ever since. duc "�he � parso , w e,- d old - , , I I'll, , . "'n ��,, : labor beemise the leaflet ' ,to to Ws if an " b. , n rates, $1.50 a year in'" '. - , "r I . . ...-. 7 I y. -is -one of these , ..... I., � ".. ,-W'4 v issued a - t, I ir'1­1 ft - sir. have seen In Your pa- ,,, N ", ,, .. scripti,o J FOr�qry 24, 18M m,oaft Uncle Ned, Mrs. Tattle, -and all the rest ot.th6se Dear 1� . I I "I'll", � ... ��i' I ­ more or less.. humorou§, where am- 'r.terhas been appoint, feUOWS that just about rVabie a ov- e ladle that have their per the minutes of I the 'January ses- I . . �, .$2.0 r L ., I 1. 1. � � faN, I - 'i" N,) eign, . 0 ayea . Single . 0 ,M.� 01 _1,,,,,,­,,.0#4n�',e; for . Mr. Josepitta J 11 fin S social .sion of the Huron County Clouncil, au,d . ". . �,,�, if biguous words might be giVen a ser- ed asseimor �of, the Village of myth or the worlxl iu the course of their Meetings at your place." . I . . �1. "i" , i -' '., I . � �. . 11: �­11 ,� i I I . 3ad, them am OVM � , 1�,:,�Im­.V, I—- es 4 cents each. ly "I for this yeaj� OA, A salary of $40. , first forty, years, and then. keep oil- ',Ll was beginning to get-anx,ious MY- I have irt I ,FOP __ �,. ; ..- ious meanin * I . ft�r reading, It see" -2 ','�( 7 � ­ I . -k And a , to me . " 8 , - I_,- ,�, . — . I 9- The cOn�avt for furnishing the spending the restof their life'Ju tell- Wf, because.1 knew that there was ' co fi6i "I I . wiholo �he Members of the County U 1: �,V - ',,`.:, _, .. . A The courts, however, apparently Township of #ay with- lumber has Ing people about it. ?some deviltry back of this . L . I y%.,F41f,,,., , 'I N411 , L - R,�, I, . . 11 . 4' 1 1 . . . . . I � I � ,�, 1. . I %.,,I�­ ­ -home sort of never did . i, �1� tt�,K�, � , "'. I ,4dJ6 ,Mr. Robert - Bell, of Being a stolid, stay -at iilust'bave Joined a union, .and, gone, _`.... : � .` Advertising rates o failed to detect any hifthor in the. I on a kit down strike 'to boost, every-' 2. 50'', � n application. � been aw".e Echeme.' Uncle. Ned, he � . I'll .. . 00 ­'.��,­ " I alL '. The.'.�,.price is: For cedar, a fellow I just sit and take in all the' have much use� for her, and he always 1 j4 1. ..... I'll-, �,�, � , . � . . I , 11 L t. ''� , . . � . ' . ., U m,�,.,,, ". _. . - - - - -1 leaflet wider discussion. Nor tire , H1 -14:06q pe�': A- -for -t he tell& It's sort I tiling up. .. I � I � . , ". � R �,�,.t,­ . " I " 1, , $ .,96j. feet, 061d red different yarns �tha . war, planning how he would shock 4 - �, .R, �VTV: '� , , I k"...- ­_­­ � I some day, that she would The first thing the council did, wa:6,- � 11 17 .1 beech, $8-f'", ,��v6red. � ' ,' . of-tefftf,:hing to .4" 1 11 �111� '. , .4 , a breezy old 1,ffil�,;, SEAFORTH Friday, I February 18 they alone in that. In fact, any one .1 her so bad to raise the -salary, or . ��111�, .: , . ) I d warden�s . I � , ,"'. I iql .� . I Mr. J. W.;Zhaw, son of Mr. John fellow rep in and istir up the ordin- never cc�me back and ask him an.y I "I - � . . . . . i , . , . � , I .1ght call it, to $125.00k . ,._� ", . ­ who has read that leaflet would have � sh�w, .1. B - 11 6, you m o 1.,F, 'It. I . - — , 0, and lately Prin� aTy, Placid fe'of the - neighborhood more of 'those -Ying questions bonu ,, . i , I . I Pi Of 'befc,I-e L-i.s Jr. ..c .. 'XIII, ,IL". - . � - seat was warm in the cba I N;�", , I . . I 1 to possess a very highl� developed ci pal of Blyth Public. School, has been and Lazy Meadowls. hers. ­ ­ I The Warden gets paid for everythlug� .1- ; . I -_ _­ W, - , ,Will, The Crops Sufler ? engaged in, �Toranto by. General Miss Nettie §titch,bas been the vil- -Well, Miss Nettie," be went on to I . ,� I 4� � I I .11 funny -bone to see any umor in it Growald asAutor to his two sons. lage gossip for as long as I can re- � he does. He is On all Committees,. I . . ­ I ,,, .... ,t,,1:,, I . say, 1. -and mile- . I I � g.� �"_ .- , this here girl and myself used 11, � '... . ... - , � . and be gets his daY's Pay , % ,_ � either. Mr., Johm, Kay, son of Mr. T. M. member, She sits knitting beside th'e, . . N.�,�,_, . _ We have h4d a long winter and a w � window In her house, just off to go ,�nt And chase blue bullfrogs age. Also he is supposed to 90 to�, . I . I � .... AD � Kay,, Reev,j� of Usborne, has been ap- front 1 gP,��-.. lot of snow. And the latter'is good In plain words the object- of I . for four mileg and then gather up the doderioll twice .every month, an& ' -1 , E Ki` � ", . . . pointed pomm*ster at Farquhar, in Main Street and she has a mirror ar- hops. Wi�­'vrould add ten gallons of . I .;;,R,` I Mesar& Powell and Unwin was, ap- place of Mr. Robert Gardiner " who ranged ,in such a way as to see even more, if he is needed, to sign papers,. I ., �, __, _ 1. I 11.. I. for -the wheat amd gra-4a­,erops -they I.. ­ I . 11 . I I caustic to that, a gallon of wood shel- l.. ... i 1".. '.."';- � . . � - resigned. � what is going on The coupcil also raised, the official'86 . ..'... ­ . , , - twenty, per cent. And � 'i, , parently, to *do as much halm as pos- I bediind her. she Jac and a bar of home-made soap." 1, I � I I 11 . , _,,� tell us. A nice warm blanket of ' 1. � pay from ten, to . . , N , , ., , . � M�. Edward t1inchley, Seaforth, has heard that Uncle Ned was out at Lazy Nettie gasped- but the kept right on V,ben on Friday afternoon, in the last. ��� . � � , , , , , . M 14;' � �. ...., ,,, I sible to some particular opponents received the agency for Watson's im- Mqadows, so but sh4; drops, trying to going. .- I � I'Nv 1, , mow over the fields helps a lot,Ahose en- -# I I . . . . . .111 �. � . plements andi now dying hours of the session, they I I �, � o Om they named ' , I . ";,�._ . of Social Credit, wh occupies the ware- make it appear as if she just happen- "We used to boil it for tv�o days, I � I 1g, .�,-�, ". with experience say. .. tel*dt-Into an agreement with two, , 1, ; I -111-,1. . eyes of �ooins on, Goderich Street, formerly ea'along. and then we would strain, the whole outsiders to equalize the assess,_neat , i \ �� I ":. 4, ,,:.L. But the blanket of snow has kept in their. leaflet. And in the :occupied by Mr. James A -'Wilson. This rambling uncle of mine took ' socks ,of the county; at a cost of $7,000.00, 1 , ,, I 1� 4 0, . - g- f, mixture �hraugft one of thosZ I � _� !, ,,.,,,, � .&bout &*'Thursday the handsome o-ne look at her and I guess he figur- . I -hen we without even considering .L. Just tdo � . .. .- ` , 1.1i", ,,, I *the frost out of the groUnd, and now the law, defamation of character is , that this girl would knit. T I �� "". R , ­... . w fac-tory.'beldfiging to Mr. Broad- ed her out, and decided to give her would put a grasshopper in each bot- think that they could not Pick three . " " tl� I a ne� . . .-P- 11:11 rather serious offenee. Particw'.Ir- � foot was discovered to be on fire and comething to talk about. He squinted Lie for a kick. Then, of course, we men raised up in the county, quite I'�. '11W .;. . there is no snow covering the field& I I , 91,�` I . ,� .", I ly so when it is indulged in ,by a :immense, volumes of d,ense stmoke a3ittle at me and then started: ". I " .., .The � frost will vet into the ground , would have to test it, by pouring it qualified to equalize the assessmenly . .. : ," - C� . , burst�from the' building� - 'Well, sir, Miss, Nettie, you remind I . I, . � 1. I ;1"_ I Blow and what will it do to the *h n+ British e " ert and a Member -of the into the kitchen sink. If it took the Previously -the council had sat 'a . �, �, �. " , . . . eat, Xp . . One day recently Mr. Robt. Mattice live of the fillest girl I e' er knew . . ." , " 1� � � �?' � eoamel off the zink, we knew it was whole day, ,or more, cousideriirg . a ,� - � ­ .? , her forlorn fea- ..eady to sell." small sum of $100.00, as damages for I � .1 the clover and the grass- Legislature, who d o a r should of Brussels, With ,Mr. James' Lawr- Nettie tried to sovew v � , Se " 1. I'll, 11..'�' I . - . I . The sun is beginning to shed a Et- possess enough education, poise and . 'ence as helper, turned fifty horsesh-,s tures 'into a wisp of a smile, and lie ' Nettie was just ab6ut ready to a fire which had- started,on a county, I " . � .. I I � I 11 . 11 I in one haur.,, just rambled- on. "Yes, Miss Nettie, scream, but Ned finished it off with: road, as I understand it, and burned ' I .. - ' . I", ,�,� Ve heat these days, and they tell us personality to know better. Mr. John Weir, of Seaforth, has sold si,e was one of -those there creatures ... Ili, poor girl had to ga­to, jail, the grass off T. Nolan's farm and in- I .. � I I Cou .,, �� * � . -, 4 . "I 1111��­. , , that MlA-day ' - . 'Of course all Men are liabIe to his farm on the gravel road in Me- � that are just plumb helpful. She. had thougl� A policemail found -her jured some cattle. Mr. Nolan put in I . . I . � � p� ,:. � , . , 1;_ I pun and midnight frostt�, .1 KII-lop, Township toMr. George Dor- a good business sense too, and she: d . imbing up a: lamp post and sbe told a claim for that amount and the cou'a- I 11 I - I ­.~-__-_� 1111�1� can do a pile,, of damage to grass make rm-stakes and even the, courts, rauce for $6,500. Mr. Robert McKer- .used to knit socks, too, to help me bint that three yellow hippoppotami cil could have settledo the matter- kir, ," . . ,, i I �11 I .. . ' � , , . . . �� ". when there is no blanket to -the'Alberta Premier is reported as' -- cher -has sold his farm on the 4th out 1� .my business.- (COM � . ..", � crops, I i COnt"SiOn W ­XT. JOhn laRgillY L ia� couldn't keep from gsk- viere following her. She made the ten minutes, if it was a just cfalm,. I I I 11, . a ing,'are not infallible. Perhaps I . 1 __.9r- . Nettie i . mistake of drinking some of the stuff and if it' was not, they could have� , -, . I. protect,them. I . 8 y � the SUM of $6,000. . . Ing a questii>n� them . - . Iterself." '. I I . .. ­ thrown it out in less time. . . . I I W.rs. 0. J. I ­ y . An th n the are not but they have the last Messrs. Blatchford '& Brown, our "What kind of a bisiness was this, . . . gai , there are others . 9 I . _A I . At. the 4 1". I � t the June session of 1929, the, �,,��, . old established -and reliance carria.-e Mistel. Ned?" I don't know where the moral or county council Passed a by-law to =eek Chai R, � case. And when the mak,ers, am having ,material Placed "It wiis a real 'energetic sort of a philosophy is in that story, and I have an equalization of the county, I I ,day last, t �1_,� �,, . who tell,us that snow blankets don't , say in every I . I �"­ I 11 ,,� I',-, I help the crops at, -all. - That some of courts pronounce Messrs. Powell on the �grouird in Hensall for the eree- bus.iness, Miss Nettie," he t6ld -her, guess you will. have to find, that out as it had been over twenty years since I . with MTS. . r" . � , , ,, " - tion of afiothei new d*elling in thq "and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if I foi, yourself. I . . . �..., l the best,crops we have ever hid f61- and Unwin's brand of humor,to be spring� � . I � there had been one, and there ka(f returned fc � 11 C . I -_ - -_ .- I . I., been a lot of changes in, those years, - Regient I , NU , ��n lowed a winter without much snow. defamatory Jibel—well, that label -is A twd-year-did' daught'er of Mr. Ww. . . I �.��".'.,. . I 1§11111111111101111 I was one of the members of the Miss Emil, 'S. � 11 I � , �: Personally, we don't know enough likely to sti6k. , The two gentlemen Carter, of Walton-, died on Saturday . �1. I . - -­ county council at that time, and at I . IDunlop; in "I I . I � , , N, I of diphtheirla. that session the coun,cil p"sed a by- � rwin; see , 7 . may continue to call it humor if they Mr. George Best and wife, Thomas 0 0 law appointing three men. as valua- . . standard-bE 01 I q, about, it to be a 1ollower of eithor . 'O JUST A SMILE OR TWO '9 ­ . . P,_ � � , 0� :, please, but by now they must know Morrison and George Williamson and - �� _­ I. ., �4­ ;, I Ashfield, school of thought But we will tors. Charlie Stewart, of councillors, P"..", sister left Walton, on Friday to 90 to � . was one -a Canadian Scotchman, rais- I F. A. Naft 11'' . , I , . � I -.1-1 watch results, and perhaps W,E�,w-fl it is very expensive humor. I -train at Mistress: "That brooch '111., bet that You never saw any ed up with the county, and the Scotequ , W. G. Ma, � , , J Manitoba. They took the I have I " �1, � , 1� . . . . I . ,_., tell you more., about it later M . . Gor�e and had with them six horses, missed for some time has, been foun'd dancing ,like that back in the nine- think deeply before they speak or do- Miss Belle �.��, ­., . . ,,� . - . . ���� '11P � 0 11 a qi6iantky of farming implements and in Your trunk." . ties, eh, Uncle?" an-ything. Brown, Mr , . - effects. "I am so glad, ma'am. It "'Once but th,e place was raidled.1' William McQuillan, was the secon& I I , Mc1aubhlij , , ��,f other howehold Maid: ,�'..", ` ' ,, " � - ,-�,� . . Mx, Thomas McMichael, on the 2nd you hadn't found it, you might ,have . �11, �, - * 0 6 War Is,A n Expensive Gam! e ' man appointe"ne of those upstand- M. Field, : , , la, . eling it." . . - 1�, %�:, I concewion of HulletL dias sold his suspected- somebody of ste � . Ing Irishmen raised, up with the coun- F. R. Red( ." young stallioir 'to Mr. McMurchle V . "Delighted to have met you, Mrs. t .ection of ... 1 . �� . " . . W Pe Good To The Tourists The people of Canada; imagine that from Dakota for the sum of $300, Jimmie: "Dad, why don't more hnir Higgins," gushed the new resideLt. 7 The other one was William Coates; . . � .Star. I �, '! 11 Zil. . . I On Monday afternoon last as Thos. grow on your head?" . "Do come over and see us, one night of Usborne. He was a Canadian EiLg-. I . , I A . theyare supporting a tax burden on ''I , 111.1,��­ Every Canadi;a , citizen should go Ou McMillan, son of Mr. John McMillan, Dad (very bald): "Why' doesn't soon." listbrilan, also raised Jn the county, . . Citizen I ., I , I , I _ 1, "So sorry, dear," replied Mrs. I I . . 1 .... 1� their shoulders that is heavy en gh M.P., w4s assisUng in lifting a straw grass grow ou the' street?" Hfg. and a statesman. � pbllowln� . ...... I ... ,::: �,, � I o for any human beings to bear. And cutter from the barn door. to , the Jimmie: "It must be because it gins, ',but, we never go anywhere. The Englishmen are '1306ken of as, -day nIght .) 1, ­ - -', to the , forei ' 6,1eigh, the, Machine slipped and the -Ilrough the You see, my husband is partially par- , , . .11, . kind and courteous can't push its way up t the best statesmen in the world-, tmt . . Band held ...­, gn there is some justification for that whole weight coming mi his arm fric- concrete." alyzed." .. ".: I I .'.. ,­,,� tourists who, in ever increasing I thought there should have been' a ''I 0 . "Oh, don't let that worry you. My I . vohich the , �0 I ,,, �,,,,.�," belief too. ­ tuTed the bone of his right arm mid- German on that committee, because ec�ed: Pr - " 11 ��. ��Ik,. , are visiting our . way between i ' he eflbow and shoulder. ,, Uncle and niece stood watching the husband is that way more thaUL half A the Germans are Industrious and a I . vice-preadd, .. But if the citizens .of Canada were ung people dance about them. his time " , ," , . . 31111%Z�, country. . Mr. Pen of the 8th concession of Y�P fine class of people in this county, taryAreasu: �5,t.! ''I citizens of Japan instead of Cana- Hibbert, is putting up a new bank I - . and Owen Geiger, of H-ensall, would . I . and librar. g.,� , . �� '§,�,�,, And the reason why is because ham. Mr. William Morrison, of the - - � - ____ ", � �. ­ .%, dians, they would really learn some- ' � have been. a good man. for, the job. I man., Eric' . �., I I 9th concession, is also Putting up a 7) sat with him in the county counciF . 61 "I � these foreign tourists are good to us. 0 , ", k5kY` � thing about taxes, and, possibly, fine barn and MT. James Morrison. is Wi . ngbam . ,. 10'..6i., ,_ I for a number of years. When he �ets , I , �,�, I 91 rais4ng his e a WHOIS TO BLAME? � 0,01111 . Amazin y good and generous as we I . . 4OVI-IR .ag$1 .p�ddipg .� kAt-. - ,. � - . . . W that German. collar- on zround` his ' . I � 'Ificlue 'N* I something about war as well., R ,,� -, learn. -from the Dominion Bureau of Chen.' a (Contributed by J. Boyd -Thomas) I 0 Deck, with the front corners turueT � , . I I �.,' "' .. For Japan is at war. And war is 0 - :�r down and,his sideburns combed orut, . . 'Me ven i: �'.'� I 11 �� �` - . . . . , �'.. 11, . ,J Statistics. ' . I he always P I the inquev , -,�,,, an expensive game. So expensive, From The' Huron Exv,4,)sitor roves there is sound yudg� I ILL, ��, �. - bers on Ti ,�., � Travelling tourists entering Can _ , We were discussing the present will be dead long before then!" mn ense ihside ,',,..'' I 1. Into the -d , , I in fact, that the Japanese people are February 21, 1913 ' 7 . social dnd economic situation and Can we blarne the young man for 0 f t1h eTn - � ,�` ,1_"�, � ada at oce an ports numbered 15,115 . . who died ""'14 "� '' being ground into the earth with Charlie McKenzie, of Varna, bad were !amenting what we termed 'the feeling the way lie did about a situa- Thosethri�e men- went all over the r,!,, I .. 1% I— 'in 1937, and the -se tourists spent an I the misfortune will-ile skating to fall "un ' -ty that surnmer and, put their re- down an , ,.. ,.�J , I . moral condition of affairs" as tio-il whdch not only made it impos- poun � Ag,- - taxes. on the ice a.nd break hiz, arm i Glove Wei ��,,�, estimated amount of $13,899,000, .ust !hey relate to our young people. As sible for himself and his father to port before the county council at the . , ,11,1`��!' � - I "IR! -.. . But the Japanese -Government'or above the wrist- if to give painful point to our cor- ge! work, but which made them, for December in-eeting. Some of the- I . . as follows ;"T",.,�, . which was over $3,000,000 more than ' TI -re Exeter Times says !hat four- tention we heard a story of a min- the time belng,-­dependent oil -he members thought that the assessment Inquire iiii 11;�.,v the military and'fi aval powers, which - Douglas f , . Leen hundred tons of sugar' beets isler who, in the course -of his duties, ilioagre earnings of the motier and lr,:�,�.��, - their fellow tourists spent the year . . I of their municipal! ties was raised wo I . .-�11,0-,.�, . g that unhappy coun- grown in that vicini death fron ,­�­ I ever is runnin ty were shipped called ,4t a house. And 'Chatted with wife? Who is to blame? And vrh -high, bilt all got together,and set- ,,�,',V, before. lacerations _�,,. 0 Xli�,.�, . . � try, do* not believe that they .have frow that station recently. It req,Lir- a tath(r and son, both of whom weie -will prevent that unhappy atti - . I I . tu,le tied fhe matter very agreeably by ad- I . ��'f,'g�,' " J falling abc '1�, I ,�, � T,ourists entering by rail number- - ed, two tr9ins of 55 cars ea,.h to re- out of -woi`k and badly discouraged. Loin becoming more general? Justing them some, ���All.- broken all the,backs ot all their peo 't Vie cost was in the neighborhoocl tor shaft �­,�.;. . -and these tourists are es- move them T�e price paid to ihe The niotliei was out scrubbing by Lbe A leading journalist, and keen 1". . 'Works. I 11,�� ,, �11� � ed'894,956; ` . , 1, ­�­� ._. . I pie yet. So they are. adding another faTmers was iw the neighborhood of hour, the only way possible at the stud-6nt of present day affairs, OnS-Dec- of $1,60-0 and the equalization has I i-,.. . . � wag not W ,��'. atad .to have spent $53,429,000 " $65,000. time to inalItt a litt,le money to pay ivlly as they relate to our Ca been, the same ever since, and that . ", ­ . . nadi.an . "..'t 1. I I straw, or rather quite a few more Jam Py6us and Mr. Thomas a part of the rent. ' Presently she're- youth, has charged that: ]even Years. Furtber, 1, ,of the ace, ,111�1, . Mr. Wili is over e ��,,,,��, while here. I . We find n -c '1,4,,. 1) straws, to -the tax burdens. . Pybus, both residents of Usborne, fell hirred, tired out. A very scanty "War and greed have to some de- think it would be just as well to leave "'� ", ­, -� ' ,, ­k�-_ , .1 part of an .i,�,j, The tourists entering Canada by victims to the dread disease pneu- meal. awaited the three. , The young gree wrecked two gen, rati,011-9 (" Al� 11. I To that end thb Japanese Finance e � of it as it is at the present time. We . lessness -o. "It ,`:�,,_ steamer were 267,566, and they spent ' monia last week- man went to a table drawer and Young Canadians. Financial papers all kniow bile values of the town and himself. I %�,�!'�,-, � I Ministry has approved plans for a 'aThe opening of -the new school took bringing out the picture of a Coin- boast of ,the security Q& our banks farm Property in LIAS county has 'de- . .. , - �"O", - $20,164,000. a I � (tuTc, 4ollie, ",0", . place at Kippen on, Tuesday when In- munistic leader, said: and are silent a to the, insecurity of pre,ciated In value at least one-third' .,�,�,�4,',,, There, were 3,127 352 automobiles ',-special "luxury" tax of from ten to spector Tom, Mr. F. Ross, ST., secre- our citizeiis. In face of since that time, but I fail to s,ft that fulti charg, " ,,�?,I�o: 7 "Th6re's my leader . . . He's present-day . I as possib '�,.'66�.� , fifteen per cent. of the value which Udry-Lrpasurer and .a number of needs partylsm parad-es any town or bo-wnshdP has fallen downi , ��,. any m �`,P" ' entered -Canada for a periodnot ex- a the one to get us out of itself razn- ; " will apply to some,forty-six articles. ' friends were present. , .. this mess. pant and unaba,shed, The ' ore than any one of the rest in. . Times. � " n-� . . . I'm fot-bloodY revolution!" press of . . �,,(,P,— teeding forty-eig�t hours, and there The following. pupils-, of Miss A_ ' . the country .reflects despair ratb the county. ;�4,:� , t�r I ,�, �,el`il And here are some of the "luxury" Poster, -,music teacheri of Varna, have Realizing that was- neither L the time than ,hope. No doubt that the Assessment Art: . I . i"'il 1, were 1,383,130 automobiles for a per- Some of the rich are be- I.T,?, � , . articles': Hats, footwear, umbrel successfully passed, the examination nor the plaVe for hot argument the coming richer and Most of SaY9 that after five years a new val.: � Whittlin , , 41�.�16P ­ iod not exceeding sixty days. And las, of the London, England, Coll�go of =`nisber counselled patience and are becoming poorer, the poor nation- must be made, or anly munic,i- I I I 'bobby wit i%,'-',, Riots are in- �.��,,�,�,: . these automobile tourists spent $182,- watches, fountain pens, clocks, toilet AtuWk, in piano: Missies Emma Hig- waiting un -til world conditions could creasing. Strong leadership is imper- pality may cause trouble. 'Me Assess- town, aind �'zi,,�;',� � � .7��,p,; . articleg, canes, upholstery and lugg- gimi, Elizabeth Scott and Mary Smil- right themselves. �The young fello.,V, ative." Inent Act was all right when, it was I . ,carved wi .,��W,;,, framed away back when the couaty teresting i ��,,.Ilj;'�,,. 112,000 of their moneywhile in Can- lie, all of Bilucefield, passed their little more tiliall a big boy replied: Who will give that Leadership? l.."fi: gage, electric falls and refrigerators, Primary examination, and- Miss Des- "That's too slow! Besides, my mother, That is the present 'new. A few Years sbowed a big . I '. ,'' burning quest4on. improvement in every municipalit, ��"/�, I ada. I was these objE _i, ,, , . , 1,�-"!:,l gramaphone records -etc." ete sie Older, of Kippen, passed her in- I � y .,n I the windo -,, v � � 9 . . -, .." Altogether the foreign tourists termedlate. 4 _ - those days, but as I have said,1 t�_ I . ware stor ,� " , � ��,�': ' liquor, automo- 0* .11 � Of course matches, Damage which1will reach abrout one Past eleven Years have brought no . , very intri, �j. �vho entered Canada in 1937 spent et an'd rese �,�,, �� , "i, rved, but faithful and il'�.,.,��, biles and things'4ike that were taxed 'th.iusand dollars;was eaus4a from a - - .-�_ changes to either towns or townships,,. I the part o -1 , I "I .� 15'�": '' $293-00 000., 1_� : 11 in le smaller circle of his chos- . ,,`,��`,, 11 � by 'overheated pipes in eii. friends. ,other than that all have gone back -most intri -�,i 42, long' ago. These new taxes which � " started Family members who 11�.��-.,,,�,"%.' That is a prodigious amount of Lhe stere of Jones a M4y, of Exeter. Seen in-- the Preceded him in death are his par- alike. I I oxen, with .�",�'V', levied are "luxury" taxes. . At the June session, Of the county miniature. .,�bq- � , are now A irink of the Seaforth Curling Club . ,ents, four brothem, John, ­ 'a . nl,aney and well worth looking after, sars. Geo.,E. Hen6ar- I ( Thomas and Christiav, James, ��tl�,��fi I also four sis- . e �%, ... ­�"l , 11 Even to live must he a luxury in Ja- Composed ,of Me Council this matter Is taken up " ry . I from a, s . , " . ""�!O'�, , isift it? I son, A. E. bes, T. ters, Elizabeth, .Martlaret, Delia and year. The council gOes into commIt.. ,eral piece I ,.,?��­ . For Johnson and C. OuntyPapers - tee of the whole and a by frame. t , 11_1;�� IV pan. . ,�!,Z;,',,.;:, John. Beattie, are in Guelph this week I Agnes. Surviving are several nepil- -law is pa.3s- - I I " ; �. I . ed to deal wi , .1, 4 L' 10 � How would you like it, Canada? fin-Jehing up a bouepiol in that eity. - ___ - - . -I---.---.__-,__.- , ews and nieces scattered In distant � th the equalization. if I ­jal ­ � as 0: 7 ,,,, .1 � I I this by-law is . works. wi �, I I I . I . Mr. George St6wart has taken the I Parts of Canada and the United Passed unanimlously on,a� I . . , �,' ;" I , . _ , cr__ seafoi th agen for the Massey -,Har- " Married Fifty-one Years States,, except Edgar Wil . year, the same as the Year before,, buckets, Et -, .,., �, - .cy _:$,� Lxpensive Humor - - - - __ - __ lis, who re- how can any I zle a per" ,� ',',-,,J ris Co. sides �,n, Exeter. The f Reeve of any muilizi- I � , I'?, . .1 1 . uneral took pality cause any trouble? B . .ever put "';, ,,, WHAT OTHERPAPED SAY. '4r. W- J. Duncan 'has moved into Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Campbell, twor place OIL Monday from bhe home of ut I t: ��,� "; : , "'; I W ", �. "" - I Mr.. Unwin, member of .the Alberta . a El fins his nemv premises, the Grip Hotel pro- of Aitchell's, nloat highly respected Mr. Charles, Guenther with Rev.' 11. ould be Wise to have the yeas a i I , within, bo, . ... .. . 4 ad I , ,�, :"444' '. � , i 1�i � ' ;' �, , 4�gislature' for .the constituency qf I perty, and has ibis machinery all at ,cit1z4as,,- were fifty-one' '"ars mar- E. R;Dppel, pastor Of the Evangelical na" takem tb ey werf ... �;, , �' , 4`4 1. . � .- , . -ay W.M4 I ,& . work. ri�o on Wednesday, February ' 9tb. church offlclatinj� Interment took I think it a black eye* to the ,,o,,, , I pi It ", 1, � I ty for the council to think that. there' zer towns, ::­ 11,�14", " Edson, and Mr.'Powell, a resident of ' Miss Elitabeth Pybus, sister of Mr. D0w`a hilrough the � years they have place at Exeter cemetery. The pall- ... 11 � Glad To Be Rid Of It? m1ade a host of friends, all of whorn bearers were Ha,r G I I 1;�?_V­ -- -_ - I and, � - but who,, has for . I . are not three men in it, qualifle�[ to, . � . . .of Many. _o,y,j�'Iei, � . William Pybiw aW Mr. Thomas py , "" , some I Y uentber Melvin , C,,� ., .1 .iTl�l 2'1--. '.., ,bus, who p6losed away, last week, has will join in wishing them many more Guenther, Ervin Guenther, '11, ac S sweitzer - , 'r , . (Ottawa Journal) Ma 0 an equatizWOU. e f t 1 , �'4;',� , '3 1, . , , ,,, , ' I , ­ . � I onths, bden , acting . as Social Credit I . Dr. R. H. k - . tion in on 'N 1 An amendment W the B. now 21so.passed on.-.,. years of haopiness and prosperity In Taylor, Milton Webb and Sidn Bak- we have 1 t of men, right- and left -X',J.,�,4�,�, , . N -A, Act must be pre- . ey '09 I . i!',g%,�g � : ', Mr. Wm. Carter, of Ifullett, - slipped their wedded 106. Mr. And Mrs. Gamp- er.-Ex�fer Thailes-Advocate. - this . , I . don store "RIM o the Alb6rta Government, ctded by an address ftorn 'the I -rouse of Com- across 04114Y, Englisli, Irl.4,h� ,11r�,!Vi:, , .. r t ' '4 L ; � I III;., y � � I �., I . I L , � , � ... ... ; � llyt,� e, �1'11 .1 . . * * on the tee a'few days'ago and frac. bell are both'endoying fairly good Scotch and German,, and aalthorough- , I .. that gbDtb � I'll mono and Senate to the Imperial Parliament I "i"",314i", .. . Fort Sa*skatchewa � Wins Overseas Essay Contest--- _IY qualified and compet.h.t. . � I ,.,�','� ,1. ... I . n jail on 1. I tured his Itnee cAp. ...... heUltb. They have haVpry dispositions . that seve , �� .4, . ', ��,�,.!':. ��' L �, praying' %�,��, I that the change be authorized (the 1 ��,'� �, , .,�­ . " oommittee-of and always greet their friends most connection with the Overseas Thanking You Mr. Editor, for Your , ,�Z­X-,�,.��, 1 . The road wd bridge In I . . ion to ke( 1��r , �N � . B. Ing . , . ;'';?�M­ , "; , . "Ursday of last Week to serve three .A. Act Is a British statute). But the th Education League tour last summer valuable space, 'I remain, 1. ter Viinef .�,,,V,, i�, i ­ ,, i . � the Huron. County Council, accompaW cordially�Mltcheli Advocate. . lw�,�4,'�,�',�, C " Jwd . six months, 'respectivel , on Is Just a formality. We cajY;t see,the b**Hal , . which one of our local students, Keith . . �!��,,,XI;4?f', - � , . I y PaAamient refusing any such r - led Oy Warden -McKay, met in Wing- - . Triplet Calves Alt Doln(I Well . . Your$ truly., � I � !�'�.�'�"'� equest, or`ddi . - ,�.,� �:'�Ir' " � ng ham on Sa�turday. . The 6jef'bifelness Triplet, cal k6GIOning, had, the priviijag,6 to ea. I I MAT. ARMSTRONG' . 1, ,��,�,,,M,k , 1P . .1 -g defamatory anything 4else but gravatt � it. 'Perbaps they . ves, were born of -a fjur- joy', visitiag England, Scotland, and, I . !, �, 1;%�;'�-,­ A##es of , publishin ng I %�Y,,��,,R was In connection with ­ the best hani cow belonging to Win, Brydges I ., �'. I " , , , I I I :, , , , " " Is .,:I . would be glad to be rid of the B.N.A, Act alto,- �i�"'l 0 1 1 :�;;,,."�, �5,i�,,,',:,"-�Alwl .. . .1 I - - Germany, various com iti-O I I I 't ; .1, . , 1, � I , , � . Pot as were ...... I , - , . I � Rg,",�,'�v�v_ , W 1e grare. The .con 0 11 . . ,, . . gether. . . means of doing the county'q� gbare In one mile. . rth. of ] I du ted con Shi I I I I :. "� Thbit *99 the 96ntence imposed on 0 NSting of essays, diar- rked Res 'Cii4j2117 ,�,'Wt-!:,;"�, " , re pairf 1;9 the Prairl " ROI'd going into ,Mlves are all fully developed, good ies, . S�, 0 .. PonsibAfty -, ,� .1 I �,, l�,,..,,I�,,X�",,,"14,�ll..''ji�"lit*cv�,�.. �, . JL,�_ I . wingliam L Mounted Photographs and i3nap- . . . - � 'I, �",,4"4 ' 'by sIzo and, are doing well. The caives Shot albums. R. R. 2, Druss&s,,FO�. 10, 1938 � I r�o� ' � , X.w,�k,;,,. � .,J�,,�, � ... � ',",-�f*'&' . . , Xg, , ,,* th 'Albditac6ur1s, retIMrnin - ith 0 mpe,t ai L Id '. . L�� t",,,� �12­ �!�N . !:, " , , RestraiinW Influence 9 have created a great deal of 1hterest this week Tecelved VVOrd that he and I . �, " :q,,,��f�,7,7 , 7, , � , I 1 'I) �, . KO 0 ed . "M , 1� - - - 1 ,W, ,�.,, A The Editor, ,rhe Huron Ex � "n toi ikh " ' I . ��j­�`3k`;.�4�,?'# ". i!6' -,*h,1 ,' was uph6ld by . � I ,�, ", , Aw 1i iko � . I I from the lnduetiotD servi . vositor: � I , , . ,,, I " ,;, Qy, , � " �.­ '. I 'Ir ON in Eg' in. this di�trict and maRy -have bseli' William L. Chapman, of the Port'Ar- Dear Sir, Be,fore the .; I I ..�r�5101 ,.�.,j!V . I . ., , " " ' . I . . I (Bos6on Transcrip,t) . I �L,40,11 I.; Co. 4A , week , '- . Meadville, was struck by the Shaft to see tb se. three fin speclmens,.�- thar COI,I te d b li,,§,�ihi,�.,, I . recent ses- -, . , ­; .." , , ,�, , "I ji, ,: I I - . The Japanese people are told that their OMn- of a vehicle as, it patied dier, knock- eeD Placed first Sion of the county Couneil', I exvlain:.-,� . ��,,',�,,, � �" 1 4 . egia , , ha - � � I�R-, W411-1_,.,' ��4� - " �". . .Brussels Post. in thoo-'essay coat I I - , , ", *L�� - � ,, ,w , the try to only a byipothetical enemy of the yTnIt. ' .1 � �. �- I _ _d, Ing her dowzL 'Me .olelgh'pamed'ov- es't- Congratulations ed to -'the Inenilberg the.,fUt.t; concern , I", I I ,; � , ,1,"4, �';'­l I , '� .Itk� , i - L P� Math of WM-Willis '4re due Keith who Ilot �Dnly _ 'L.� .N, I . -, - 11� V',,�, � . States,.. That. may,13,o true tag kr a . f,4,r�i��,'.,140ffi 1' C " 1. � It - -1-1,&_. - * ag" _0 mual bog- - e0 her and her , � and was fractured , , " ' any inte-rek,ti3ij 11� I . .7 Mi , 'I �,L�,� ). :1' P I Its, Aon of . _ . ' $', 'U" !0 W I - dA060 are, condern�A There is, E'torJOR 16 Wt. grag�s and chttle on lh�: Vtrm,"16 *6y By vir, �,." ,Y�11,�j,',,.�;,i, ,,, -,J�;,,- ` M , no diaposition �ear 116 shoulder. � W-1-111'Am wil- - . Ur and back bTought' 'ng'a if"sl fire that bliriled both, �' . . ­_ I , . X15:i,V'..`14,�, .,� &�t,,, j�ohffi-o�ptttln- _ . . In this 111fatid SWeS to go to War with JapaiL ft rM c1stor t - ­ 11�� � 15V ,�� . Hay pChim trip, addivessin ��,�,13, 11 ",:'. � " . , � Mesm*. Dan ZhAnall-An and George M Wil to was born in, 9 sielveral 'orgaa� IbVM,Shlp, apd'also that the fire -had , ' - . 0A "I , , 1 1 � "" -71, , - ii�01�1_1 liver to h, !WO'�',!�J'Y, 1.4, � . I "I I would tAlro- 9, great, Z*Adurb of pro,%�Ocatfotj to I . TbVIdefifl) ne&T Izatiww of the town but also merlted I P �$_", nl� . � -McCartney have r#tdrA6d froii 'their. I on December -a hiq� � ,��,,� , , " j,qlf 1*1'01��, I '4� _ 'S"M' 'filtc"thb 1101dS from the roltd,,, 1',-'Q,4�, , "; , I ','. ''i"'V041111 ') . died lin I'll suoh , " � ;�,�@,� 1� g ,f ,r tp#10,10 , 1h . *11.0 L . :� . the caufx , ,, !A Lt ;1 _ , " � i A, strong eanvy the Old, 06UJ400141' ; 11 16,' 1860, and! Dasbw6od fi I ,Place in- the essay cOa, indigestll� , i� I 'Pff� *� ""J"' .�"11,,`. J ,4" . ,"0696� 06 AIMerifta, ittitude. . `6*11bg to the careiessness of the coun, . , ra , . vr" the home. of Mr. -Charles Giietthe test. Mal6r'Ne '�('1'7`1'p_'11�1110 ��"", ;",,o . W-04 ft - ' -qJ6-4ftAWd6t0 tO IA'OVOCAU06. It doUlAlow oxer. V tk of ri () "_ . � . ��, �L `1�" t"Irtso fjt� opees. ` . this thrie i 1 0.�I' -i y, who S0eOfap&nIa&thO, tY VOW, em�l I . ­� 04 , g��Z','�.'4-,' L$t'M� � , ­,n�,,,,;,;1., ,,, , q!",�",� a I' ,4 -1 I I O' L . 04 il , V�$ .."', *0�� ..F.'P. varso � - - %, 1938, where, lit bgd bOP9 ou their trip .last sUmimeq:,, . r I I I . _ "' " . VW I , - dlw#� a reaftining influftee "upon .Japanese, Mill. the tftnat,6 wlaor ,or 16 114106606 I Olfer6d! to halve my Id#W With the . .. 1� Wl�,, ","'. ,.", , 1'z " f ,,,�'A,w "I, ­ I _,taty, 4XJreWt0..,, So dOIft*L'It plays ito for on P41i'mhey will 3��,,�,5 -,� "k I "I Aly A , '7 " , , ­_ giVe out the awgrdf& Ou - . "� �1'11'.� 4"OL"O �,`,� _��, ,� . Made his Wins, f6r the pa6t 40 'kekrg. I . ,,,zX,,' I I I "' I ­ I I -, *AdWd AV'$56 his r6turu c6d#Y In th1d, 110fOrtutiate aqor� ,,he, . oldill, - - "" - #01�k 1%, 11 P I,." . � part fit gold *atth­ ah,d, dkdW ,­ : L� 11�,'V, I , Of !11�1 I I . I 11";4�_ � I I ��'. - , . ; 1 .17 . ,30� L ffi, ' ,"I" , toi 16fily - a fe* ;dAy;g Illfie 4�1 He Wag ' OW"16f *hA 11"ttare' they will b6, Mr. &OV16r 11 ' ' I 0 , 11 , 7:: � ­ . � f. liolti6ft, dot -bb". be, �6#ftlbbkbd *mld -," " , , 6'� 61 8th year df, Ifft Englatd $10 Keith 'does, n& V ., - � W-Atcb 0 -6 .. . ot ­'�,`,V�.!` " g, , �1, ,.6 , . t h *&Piog. 010,1r, q6tattep 61fly stical eyeAty, , ­Otrered 'hY the Iid� �­J. - . f '_ d d6ilt, vvith, mik itgntLtit - - " N , K'4"'L�ji�kg, ,Cl� U40) I—- "", , .� 4i , , , � / 'I & 'Wdtll , Rio 0096d &�My. in h1,9 7 1o&m8,Ab UN IV I t � ;A�. �� I I � ,,, -a � 111� � kn F,ItA�,�,$,NA";i,�, - ,It 11 iN', .,y , -, ��;j � F . ... ;; -,� . Ah ,i �,,, 6 �:-;, q . " g I , . . "�,N�1;4�." ,�R...',� � �;�,�.�,i�!, � ", ,gi i�� ,. for 66 .,',',ft . ", �111,1�9� � I I " QIT- "' eal J, 6AMed AtM ,eA&,6 jo lJ4§h ,6d Mittb*4 A&VOcat&. - i � - We'vaid me � I odiding 01h&AIM dbbo mob, '* puzzle Wffl6h:*8&' adv"Otu&'.. 114*10 � "I No "Ift"Vift I. � . .4 ., um" . , ' ' ' I W , , � �,l 1 -4 ., . 'I ' Z' ' , , wo &&tj 7 6ill '611 1, Z I "" _�� , *r " �, ,�� I I ,.: , ,�� I I . 00 A pwror, Iti �Ikiblle he U'aw _y I , , ''I . . , I I VIP% I.. I ' ' , I ,,�� , .tll �1'11 � Pfov Ar . _ . ,6QW& - 1� �;1'1111�1�,4�� At ,� 76h 'Page , 1) ' - , - �11__ 1-.M' -1 , L _� , .. . i, " ,� . I � � "(0ft'tJh'd04 I " � - _- �� 17 .�, � , . " � , , - I 5o; , . . . 1, ., 64"".' ,:� 1�. �­­ �," I': * , 1� "; , 1. #�"i-,"a R , , 1, ", 112 11 , ,F .�� "r7ii,,1,�,"" 11. ��,,Ze __ 7,�J,T�, 77X'f,!�, 0; , ­ f" w ii 40 f r, I ,��', . t 0 p � , , � , , , �4 ed n tto I . � ""' " ""Ll 1'� :,,�,� , � ; � ",e""",.,��' - �� "�,�� L� , ", - I - � I ", I 11 �. , -111. -_-N, I . .. . I I 11 I "' ' .4' ' , ... , , � , , , � - - , I I � (06itfiiuod' bu p4go g), � I I '. 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