HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-01-28, Page 8, . , , , � - � .6-l", rWF , , �­­ "' ",,�' � "H" ?. kl�!'l � 00 ,��,�"),'X- v,�,�,zal, i,� � I . , I., _ � i ";.Wj"�- -t ", � ,��,�t.­�%�', " ­,�.­ 1_4;�4'.":;;,q,.`�o;, N,'�,'., , , , �,.�.,� �1� :11- ,­',1�1�4�?j'�,�,',3%1� i , 1,1'�­,!',� P,�W , M", , , 1-11111111 11,11� 47"",',�, ,.*.; � �: ��'�,'."�?'Ri� � .. � 'I : , , , , � *4 , , ,� , � ", - , ,11 ,� ,.�'. � � " ­­�,�, I ,. I .1 � , I , , . �! � ,, ­,� I ,1� , , , 1011.4;.4 1 , 1� ... I I ; o � ; , , i : , " I'll, � ,�',!,j, , , ff'. li V., 1�,! :� V,,J,',��4, - , � - , 4 , , � 1.� k ., �, ­ � " ", A", � - � 91�' , 7,i:V"W­ 'V',I,­­1, y , ,-� f , , " . 'g, � IR3,� i' t.".2 ." '4"�7i1" 1-1 � , " �, , t"I: ""i , 4,";,�,Z ;,­�7�,;,,� X " .,�­ :1 ,� : .1 ,'�"" .1 'I, I . . , " , 4 �, 1; - ;� !�. 1_ � �, - . , � I , 1, �Itl� . "".; �,� � i ,"';'111; � . I � v, :� I ",:� " � ,, I , , 2 , � . 11 I ; �,,I` 1,��, , 4�111 %41�,y .1 �, I I " , ­ � , ,�� 1 :,4.' 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I � ,­ 1. -11. - I I A , ;'� I ��, , , 11. . . ,� I -AIM' 4i-AVI',,�� , � "',,­,�!­ W, ­ ILI � , v ,; ,­ . _' ­. �74. ". � .1 —11 " ,,­,�!­ , , - '� . "., � ", .. 1-1111, ..",",I"t" 0%, , "� � ,,­,�!­ I .11" . .. . . I., 01", I : ,� , M"iP,,,,-,R1,P, ."; . ,�e , ", . ., ­Vl , , I A , , - _���4­ * �� , ) i. ,�, ,J'.,`_5", , , �, �Z� ", ""A . A, � "!, I 11 . . . , v , ,xie�,�0 i, , :, I I . j, � I I . . , ,_ �', � � 1. ! lil. 11 I � I , 11 ­�,,O . I , .1. �,�t,� . �r, V,- I ­ g'_,' I ­� t� __ , _ I - I - __ ­­­ I ­­­­ � � '0io*01, rnvk�', I I ,11. I 4�:- I Il" - .�, I , - , F�`., ­ . wt, I I � .11 ,4,�Rjij��,J�ili�i� ! ; .i W opk �s 91 I- ',�,, 1 ' ' , ­ � pi In 'k4nd' 1. �. ­ .___,._ �, �, '.. ­­..­... , . .1. . I �;­;,, 1. .. 5 � � -1 I ,. ,�� , 1�111`�'V,� .. .""', " ..;_. " ,:� ''. . i" �,T_ 41 ''I pio , . '�, 1, "j, _ - —, . . ,01 � I 'L" 1, �701��`� ,��`,�, �,;,� ,il ,�'it.7 '%. ''. , * , - , 4, " �: ,� , " . ��, . I - "... ­ � 1. �­'.,, 7 _n , li,�','� ��, '' "N'. , i ',- � " . �, , , ", , � : I : "I'll I . I IVII I,— � � 1.,� - - - IV V ,�' I ,qk'� : "." IFTINT � I 0 -,., ��� �!��,V.7777' xi 41heat, oimaol Of Slaft, . IN I :"", JL,V�!�'�L " "".'. ""I I I ,`,�", � I , ;",41" � 4, 11� " 1 11��,�111' , ,4 -00" ow - 0 , ".. , , . I , All�i'1`1�111'11 4,131k I � tilix Aftwel meas2ro, mbew- ­004� i ' 1,).�1 �iO, ks, '! .�i�� 0. I 4 i 1, � t . I Mo � It O'd I. I I � �11111#41?1 �\' A I 'I, � ­­ I '' IF, � W" ` 1* I aj* TOO., W0. % ;, - " " ''-;,4" lk'­'�,, "''. '' T11 ", . , , �, . �, - ,_ . , � � - a- .11, , . L ;,� -� ,,,,,- "�,�,�',T�.�,�,Y��,�.'��,�,'�'! �. � "' " '.­�'�. f . , Iillu,,!;,­,� " _ - ­­­­ ­­ " - , �, �� � �, " I , -11 ,,, - " _."r..". ',��­' ­­ � o0mA#10311 4 V401A. 1 � I , .. I _' .. ...: ''to ,, _ .., ,� . . _.. IVIM11 - 'k ,� JK,".'. 'L I ��'.� " - , � ­- , , - I 'I . I . - . , , �4 . ��. iWor go% '00PItal Aid I I I I 11 I I.. � I I , ­ , ' ­ . . .1 .r I 11 I - -1. � I . ,!�, , ;; I . -1 I �. ­� 1- I � .... �, , : N I.' I ;%,&,;�kt�. � . _0 ., ;' . ­�.-. 'A' -1. � I .1 i�,9 .,k�.; '. , .. 11 ,_'1:111 .. 0 I $4, ta . 14 ,.�, , 11%4k,1X,1'11T" . , R: � ,t �� �, � , `iPAN.,,,N�f;1PR': .. I . . � , 1;_ of the !,I ,. � � . , , �q T.Ji� Mguk , �WqXge#?Z :"'�'�_, -11-1111. --1 -1. - , � 1-0. I, " 'i, C .."I , , _ . ,,, . I!, ,x " ''I , - i . 1P , I. IN:; " i I -, I.— ,� I � IF � , C �­ . 11 __ ;I �, �� , , .g.,- - , $� "LI , :� - . *Lr jij�O'JU . , r .. 11 I � . ­ I r -.1 ... j1.:.11 I t "' . I - � I ,,�. q '. . ,,�,,,­,, ",k,... ., - , ' , ''I'l _ � - "O =ii.0,11 , 1. I ,- ,I �', � �'., . I . , � . I ,� � ,qp I . I �. . . . .%�, �,�I , I I I , -1 IV - ­ ., �,4ij,g" Xemorl 'kii . I I I 4 ­ r ­ I:, 1,----- 1, ­ . " A, ,, 5,o, A" � ,, ,�,p Ho��Wq. IA4d ti� So6tt ,ub 'in= �� )p 1� '. , , �. . � . ­ 0 - -41 11 ,.. � , 11 , t�. I . . I ff , requit 44 114dimiaton -.'M �' 4 a I 1. _. .,;. I .. . I � .1 .. I 1� 11 � - - I I I , . . , , � � �L I Boagninton ClUb .ln.-- an intop6club �� .1 L , "� 1, I � I I I iZ�Z­l 'In 11- .1 11 i .1 �. , , , � I I � ­,Aill­ _r, "r, .. I . � . , .1 1, , i��, I I.". I , I _y Haill'i . Taesdiy for Ottawa, I to attend, the I... , P i, tournament ca,-, t I . 11 R , � . �IWI.4 - '11�`WA .1..1 , �� 1, he stxatford dpull� b, �` . . . I ,�' ,*d, ,� ' ,""�� . � . . .. 11 -11- I r \ ,A� -.b — 4_ �'i � � 1. 'm � L�, -, , ,"Al ,,, - li. - . I 0 , . 1JU . 1. I . t I ,I � ... I . , , I Librw , I .AV1 - I. g; 11 . 11. .. ��11 1� � .t , , .41 ,day . I 11 ' '"" "I , d' " -28. ` ', � " , - '. "�'-E,'�_ , ' _r 51'""_�01, ' r L �: .�L�.,;;, _ al. Hog , I I " . 2 � , . - ',�� , . " . , gj , , tio , � _, rU "f, . Feb. . - 'C' a- 11"Al I �. 'WOW , . , ��,,-g" 'i i rI 11 I WW., be, beld. OIL -Thum, Ing ,dgaiu�sf 4th�.e ,stj,.atfqrd, � , '�1'11 I,1 _ " I -� J -,n I.' .. a ", - I , %hil, �gg '. - , , Pit .1 �� I!­,� �. I I gQQ4 0 �. ". , li�:. : I $K at 3�301 - ­p�r, in the, Carn)sAic, "I"', , . � I "", ­4-tara�'�! W. k QW,diug M-PvL left 0 , , �,?,',C a Mr. . . ., , . - ,, ^ . . , n" ,,., I 1, , . , 'f. W, Ilu , #,A y . . I W 1.g ,,�� .,�� I H , .�oujgh, . eaten, . r -1 � I , _ ; ­tll_....­ .... . . es . . I . ­ . ; . I . . . I . , , 4� � , " 5' ,2, ,� 2,9 1. 1'� , I - Meeu.-The first imeeting PPea . I . . . � '. . - - 14.p in, events, Seatqpth gave the - - , ' " ,!, .11 I '. 1, I I � L- I I f - , ... to . r I , ,�� : eInt S SiOU ,of Parllauw�k which .Thursday night. . I - ,4 I """" I" , � I W. M. S. I - , . ' 11 , , ..I.- . R"tford Club a battle :,_ Go I dft � , I. . g,4 11, I . " � , .�� Ize -7' A Good 1hine .* "A. i� i, - 1'-v -­­­ - , �d on Thursday. I __ In iR,11 : _ ,7� i�l 11 , *. "o r. Q04 1 I, .k, . M�, � "of the W. M. S. f*r.,,,1938_was,.�1Ae1d in open, 11 ", �, 11 I �od I ,_ ,� "I., � �,#�O , AA - ?, 4 �. In the mews, I . T I., SOU 1i Mr. Thomas L. Gillespie after ' . .­,;­­�­,-__�� . - -qf- 'himues s, .LJU which- henors w , I 0 � -, , . g � . I , � The , L - double ,�,d,,, and j4, (ho,,mixe, ' � I , - P ­. ­.. . - . . .... .­. Tuesday ore even' S . . _ 11'1,� 1--." 1- First Presbyterian Church - -end at his - ." . ,,, W-V � I . V . , . _ I ", B. . 'h te'ruo left On, Monday for KempiltvilIP, to ' .jde - - ,4 __ .1 . . preddeat� ape�4#g the week , I, I , Jan. 24th. TAV OCK ..�Iyj_div . � , 4, d0ubl", . . . I. - .., . . �' , ��� I , � . . .1-Ir'91 "__AR WU � DMP' opened the .. I . I I . . I . ents, �� - � � , � I .,�: I . , , '.�: . 1�. , -, I Ili I ­., . � Mv.1,. Robert Vb0hatt I . tale,6,' charge of the Bray Hatchery , . 11 . � I Vhere Stratford) took. six- -� ev — � . . � " '' . V , Ila. , - passage . ­ ' , , Sga,IU,,%t f In the lad- � . . . . " I . 111.1 I . �-,, �'... "..'.. �: .... - � ,_k_N,e for, Seaforth. I I ... � 1. � . . . .1 . . I , I � �, I I. . . �'l M, 'k, k'� .. 11 - 3$11 and prayor, after whic ' c,_ '-%RTH . I ­, ,,, I I ,, � 1 , V I '"'W", ' r .. I . I " " " , ­ k, .1 - , " ' �J'50 aeeffiig,�Oth , New Yeal's ere . . ,� MI - t 'has lesf, doubles, Str . " I h �, Al A %J , atfor'd won five of the .. '' ,. I '. , ift ..... , h different it , 6, SE - 11.� , , . I -_ - I'll, 4' " i I 1-RAWBBRUY:4A,* arising from the 0 idr. Robert Scarlett, who �" .. I 10?"; I I �' . I, . iingiches, �. I . - I __ _ffi."Nw� "� __,:. - . , '250, , .,w of t'491now - 1. six I .. ... I � , 1. I , ............ . Aeum'0044 .-It __ I- . _�_. 1. , . — . 1. . � �, ." � " 1, I � , .1 . I . . 11,11,11,11, , . . I � �1;1i` I I �� , r I—), . 0 ow" , .- were been seriously ill With P , P ' . � I I I � "'J"""'L11'' .; 1?resbyteriial meeting in Clinton Street,, is now alki"X4k SWOith " Following are the-reWts, of thb I . . i� I & p r bur . I , , ill". ,.., . -_ ,ram S home ,on C Ch � � ­ . I I— . i , I M,�K CHiCI-Mg HAD-� 2 1. . "I I ', . fiC discussed. A_well..,grep red to 'Al ' , � 11 . I 0.1 : , . I,, 4 1 1, " � 1- .. � -, , . . ' somewhat bettb�. . � I � night's play: . .. I . . . 41i . '", , � Tins ......... . OR *'The� Wa� -1 * The Wom, I . . 11 �, ��', _� ..'. � r of Aiayer," was giyl-'n I W . I :: I., � 1. 1 4" �. � I ., follow- �Ws Association of TUES Y., Feb. I 41 , ­ , �Vl Hp"I.vs ..; . � 5.0 bY' Mrs. 34jaes Kekr.'o,.Ad the . : Mixed Doubles - . I I .. ,'. , " . �, . " " ' Northarde United Church intend hold- I . . 1,,��, 1, . I - IT ­ of.her grioupl:'Mys� Chas- I - ,,,. I I I S' F11" r% " LE I 1,00POPQ 1, FAIRM - un, aA - - ' " V-- 111 I , � -`Q,,-_ .l'---.1;._­,�1 ......... :-..��. - - iv,g;i"bA . �� � ,�,.!'1_1. � , *111,11 '. n the School I lwwm� . 1, ., I . I . I . " 10CA. 1 A Bickle, Mrs, iDavisanud. Ing a Valentine sxi�per I . - i .3 T � . Vorrance, and WOO;d, Seaforth,' de- I I... I .. , � 4 1. t, � � . 26C Mrs. John Beattie. � - room I - - I Dale, Stritford, � ' ale-i,n, Bruce, Huron p,nd Perth Counties., A -11. "�` A I Goocl farms for lil 11 .11 berhart, Mrs., of the chu�ch .on Mbn7day even- I footed' ,Holmes said a . .."I, , I,, a. 'a for ....... � ..... _ '.. . . I Ing, Febru,ary 14Q, ,. 2 A win ov,4�r Tavistock will Put 1�_8; Hays and Cluff, SeafOrth, de- reasouable­c&sh1,TAkmeht will be accepted and terans, for the bal- 11 I . . l 11 I I 1, � o " nd M and stating y;oqr require- .11 ", ,­�. ... . N.. MALTPM MILK 4 Sunday. ,Dr. a . .rs. E. A, McMaster . .. �if .1,-' E, S ,�, , 3,5 For Next . the seavj�i%An the -PI8Y-0f,f6-. feated Robinson and McIntyre, Strat- aACO arranged at 4% int4est. Wifte'me, . 7r�.:"" . 1, , . ..... �� ........ C Sermorni SubJcqts Mrs. R. E. McKenzie were . . I I . 2711 . .i. I I .�. . ....... . ... .1 "Chu ReCter, Mr. and ' .�..' � 'Y� . , ,I - �*' -,.. ., -St. Thomas rch--The -end, . Give. theib ybur support and ford, 11-15, 15�jj 15-11; MacTavia,h Monts.. . _'. . . - . I r ' ,i - I . . I - " , ", in Debroit over the week eajor�i, defeated Barmi . . I I � 1�, "', , , t� "fi, � Choice' and meaty; ,, C Rev. R. P. D. Hurtord, D.D. 11 a.m., and Grieve, S . ;, I * Mr. -Stewart Geddes., of London, see a real gaTe of hockey 1 , . I .1 I � � ....... 25 subject, ­Uudl the Spirit be ,Poured I . ber aud' Woodcock, Stratford, 15-6,' I HEMINGWAY, , I � '-� �, .1 lbs . ............. 1,1 . I the week-eud with his Parents, . 1 . OLIVER: .. . �;.* ,,�� , sub. spent 11-15, 15-8; McKenzie and Woods, I I 1. . I I C%, I :,,�* _11 N44 pogn,& BEANS 25- Upon Us From on High"; 7 p.iu-, Mr. and. M re. Ernest Geddes. ADMISSION: . defiated Forster and Kn,ech- � . In . I . Agricultural Loans , - ..", C j,ct, "The Mass Movement in India-" 15C Seafortli, e . 6pector lior Commigsioner of .. I I _',� I ­ 3 ., '.. I ........ e The*.mauy frien:49-Of Mrs. John AbULTA 2�0 .� HILDREN , .- I I �, " ill I ',,,,t,�i� I 4,�­­.. � I . I . C 1, I I tel, Strdtford, 15-4, 15-8-,' 'Clark and] R. R. 3, BRUSSELS I or PHONE �34, BRUSSELS ... 1 1,,". , � Sunday School at 10 a.m- I that Sibe is I . __ - �fo't'do 1,16X I I , * -,, 1. . 3658-6 , '� "'� "I ,, I ' � L" 2 ..... I .", .C. I L .00AP , Lamb will regret to learn - - - 1. . , 8' -�Sorvices . --- , I , �0 0 . "' ,A8ft I I ki e � serinigeour, Stratford, dE - I I I L I � I .� I " Ift IQ ................ Sun- seri. 11 . i garth and Burrows, SLeafo . I , 4 . I " � 25C Narthside Ux'*ted 'Chllrcb,�: , , - I . ously ill at �he Present tim - rth, 15-12if � --- , , ,� , akes . I as usuali at 11 ajtiL� and -7 p.m. 4 Arthur Eklommide, oi'kamil- � �, - -_ -_ 11. I'll" .CIAO,�IC iDL'EANSER; � T. A. i B(i,­ ' " I :L,�-:Li; Yeandle and Tout, -Stratford,'1 I I 1. ­ I . . , 1. ­ �� '.... t ...... 9C ", sChool' at 2.30 P-m�Rev- ton, spo�iit the, week -end with his fam- - I I I I of dpreated Bandy andi Southgate, Sea- . I . .. . 4 11 ­,- �, '2 Tins ....... ­� ... Coxmichael, Minister. . sion Circle was'held at thD h0rae I - � I � . e , .. . - �, - yierian Church - Mr. HY here- * -5-9,15-18; Wingfield and Wing- lajs�:on lasit year'.s, business, Still is' � . V.. NALF TIME SHOE 11;01ASH � I 0 c� I �Flrs.t Presb ' vty of 9 Mr. Francij§. -Devereaux, Univers- Eva pburoso,-on Saturday afternoon forbli, I ted Southgate 'dieteat�d Souiligate and Close "' . cially and have � � 10 ... Tin I Of, Western Ontario, spent the -'Ith twent�,t;DUV.' members present. field, Stra , defea _'S1 " ........... I- .1 ... * .... -11% - ­ J."O.Me McKay, tford - -10, 1§40; 15-11; Knechtel,.and Wingfield, tr1t-',-1'1n good altape finian I I I LYE , ­ ,. I I Wiiaiatiern Ontario, will P presidedt.,,, a ed' Den -holm' and South-larranged the FaU,Fair- dates for the --OEM I k Dempsey, Stratford, defeat- Thursday in SeP- "', I I ' I'll reacki at both RY ek-end at the home 6f his mother, w . _ . haa ,and, Deniholm, Seaforth, 15 �-- ­ The M xy Johns, ford, defeat I I 1, 0 aer�ices ca. S1111day. At the evening we . I 1;r _ . ...... I I 'i' Mrs. F. Devereaux. - , charge of t*meeting Which 'was Par, ;, arroch, Seaforth 15-'2 gate, 154, 15-1; Piaskall and T01t, last Wednesday and ,: J , . . . ... - ri h. ., I k_ 2 Tins ............. . - choir will be,assisted by I ed and D I I . t I -D. B. CLEANM­-�Hurts dirt service the I 9 Mr. � Indianna, q iritill, fixel*imu, ,-Ilphe, Church's t Stratford, - " ' defeated McKellar 'and t . 11 I I J. J. _Hatt, of . poned i I ynard and Ton , - _�., ember, 28th and 29th. - I . 5_9� Ma stfttford, Weston, Percy Was- i �olding, viOliuir,�- rayer by Mrs. ; Grieve and IY,rr-. Messrs. George I 413 � . only -at Till, . J ........... 1 15b .Mr. Arthur C is a guest this' Week at the home Of One -FDItndallliinf�- and p defeated Stevens and �Cliose, Seaforth, cluff, 15-8. 16-9 McLennan axe visiting"_", . .. t'. , - ­ - I -a. , , , Mr.R, J. Winter. Mr. Hapt is, an Old (Rev.) PeuT*Ej4- The devotional leaf- 15-2, 15-2; Laza.rus, 'and ,McKellar, defeated Barber and'. D . empsey, Strat- ton and Dick . 11 . ­ , jgpgom SALTS . I soli of the late let, s,Tbe Churc ' was read 5-9, 1512. . friends in, 'Detroit. - I., , . . L 25c Missi�)n Band Meets -The regular Seafort U. in- ,Action," Seaforth, defeated. Fee and Barker, fOrd', I '. ,6 Poundw . � ......... I ... I .... 1. S r p ur . I � - I - Mrs. Fred -Bake,r ,hi�ng visited � I I '1� ,� � . the Alert MiSSIOn Baild James Hatt, one �Of the Pioneer bus" by Marion Mljfter�- C I t e readings Lratford, 15-13,, 15-3. - - ,6eks, � �; meetlUg ,Of �, . . I - - fr4ondis SULPHUR. . , -, , . I fflk , ted Church took ness men Of Seaforth. In Connection ,'P-*th' bbe, devotional S . I I i in London the past few w "I t . 11L, r, pounds, - , .'. : ................ IL10 -of Northstoie Uki t e Miss Dorothy Goldlng,­Uuiv�fmity leaflet were ,. : , 110(mans 12:1 by Jean I returned, 'home Saturday. ,,, ;;;; � .. place on Tuesday With Janie MOffa the we Men's Doubles BAYFIE14D �rlalted,friends in r 11 I - WASTEWS RED HEAD I open- of Western Ontario, spent ek I -1 pett�r 1:5-9 by Eva PeurWe; .Mrs. Featherston . . I k � � i Davas; I w , '... .1 . , " yfield London .'the p�ng week. L.,.. ` I LAYING MASH - . � ....... IPA..65 I, the Chair. Tale meeting was I at her bome bere. . I IL Peter 3:15 -by Hatel Johns; EP111- ' '- The annual meeting of tbe.Ba ­�, .1 , i) ih, . (e �', I . . ,ed with the call to Worship, whicL -has - Barker and. Forster, Stf�atford, ., de - the Town' Mr. and � I L . T,fie Lord's & Mr. Charles Holmes, Who sdans 2:10 bY Ina VOM" 11 Corinth e and Hays, 15-12,15-8;. Cemetery Co, was. held tin Mrs. Dalton Smith, -of In- � I .111, � "I. ' ollowed, by a hylmlll� reited, Dorranc pa,re-uts,, Mr.- and .. I ugh Al- iana,9:7.by ed Veal. Laurie Fo-.d nellmes and Yeandle Stratfbx' , de- Hall Bayfleld, on, Monday, Jan. 17�h. gerooll, . visited 'her over the ­' - I .11, 7 pw,�r`aye'r was repeated in unison. The been, confined to his.home tbro � - " . d, "I - , - . A. C. Routledge. 'for the past two weeks, is now n r." joate.d Ma,lb,viah an-WIleggarthi, 18 w,11, the following officers and dl- Mr& Wilblam Higgins . ho I re I., � I I minutes were read, by the seprot,ary, ness read a4 ar4he'K.,"asoole Balf, Pionee -16, OL I . I 1. ,;� I PHONE `166 I ,ed Ala expects to be .. , ' P f938: - wt,ek-end. % - � .. i � -1-1 I 11 . Margaret Pet -hick, and 1h6" roll call n,eaIrly reCovel . I Heralds who -responded were Doris -and Park, Stratford,, 4e. rectors weie' a:p ointed, for I I I . - 115-11; Clarke Miss Helen, Gale, of Marmpra, hav- - I a. sue Johns' I * a , . . , Ilu I �'. . Business was - "d ohn-s, 'on Trinidad-; I Dor,rauce and MacTav- dent . th " i H ; then .dis back to business in. a few days. c, e le and Southgate, 15-17, President, Jas. H. Reid; vice-presi- -was takePa- Mr, Louis Jackson, ,qf the Bank' Elfo'4 On & j' 1 fea'ed M K nz _ Chas. B. Middleton; secretary- Ing Spent, the pajs�,t, three weelm wit � cussed', and Freddie Weedmark gave ' 0 1 oir Africa; Bile" ta, Rev. and, Mrs. Gale', . I ;11, SPECIALIZE .. of Commerce, Woodstock' is $13'et'ding Gladys SkibW,,, on West Oh-inal and, 18-16, '15-12; -E,%Erwia; Directors, D. bpr grandparen 1, . WE , 1, 1, Script e, reading. . Mrs. Parsons Y's at the &Ij�e of ,his . ' The hyroin, isb dofeated'RObinaou and Wingfield, treasurer, A. Robt. ,Scetcilimer, J. returned to ,her- hom-e ort, Saturday. I � I ' le -owed by his belida h " ' IN 'FIRE, AUTO I ,� . .1 ' Elsie McLeod and Eiel:pn Geri! �' �� . MOBILE' CAS- . I, pra'yrr. This was fell Dorothy JObM,", i6n �Japan. Stratford, 15-8, .158, 15-8; Crich and- 11. McNaughton, I 1. I working Preparing Valeu- mother Mrs. L. C. Jackson., ,.O Maste,r,.Let Me Walk Wi�h. Thee" Bandy, defeated Anderson and Mayi­ J. Richardson, John Hudle, Alf. WoSt­ . 1 UX.LTY, GUARANTEE BONDS, ri - 0 ]j;. Charles Dickson, of London, was, sung and.Aftery Johns gave three 'or; Sexton, Robt. hardt are vistiting friends in Goderich . I 11, . D SICKNESS, a 14 ' ' are to be sent to a LhOs -14, 645, 15-7; lake, Wm. Scotcbm, I . AdCIDENT A N . tines Zhioch spent the week -end, with hds.paxents, very intereatiqg stories from the first nard, Stratford, 17 ated Ing- Orr. I this week. . � I 1- - . , , - . I I L Stevens and Lazarus defe � URG .1, ' -_ 11, . LARY, WINDSTORM. 1,pital, w. ere it -is hoped, they will Dicksom.� chapter of 0143 XtudY book, "Mon and diam, and Fee, Stratford, 15-13, 15-6. Theaunual jx�eetlng of the B � '.i' , , li -1 a ies-who _ _1 Mr, and Mrs. Thomas . ayfield �F., representing OOMPa" 91ve I bring cheer. - — women of Par' Horizons." Tile roll I � Agricultural Society was held- in the ___,"_� . . . ­ ' Securkty with Service. I . ----------- 411� I - ­ . was ai��*_ered by "SuggestiOm Ladies, Doubles , . Town Hall, Bdyfi,4d, on Wednesday, . ... 11 ... �­ . I . . can - KIPPEN . - Also Agents for Ontario Thresh- -Seaforth friends DUBLIN - I for Improyem�,gnjt in the Circle." Min -1 � I I jan� i9th'.'" A good attendance of % I -------- - I .. ". , insurance., Dies in Halifax. - . Dale and Woodcock, Stratford, de- Th Fast Womeals Institute I - _,�­ eirtneWs Mutual Fire will learn with real regret oE1 the wm�_ utes of the e*ectitive meeting WbY6 . a Ig 15_,�_ rue,nibers were ,on, hand when officers ' -e KiPPen I f invitod . le IL . _ud Cluff , , _ ' -, information gladly giveri. 22nd at General The annual meeting of the 'local read, also sonie busineSs dealt wlith. feated Wood _11 ' , ted for 1938. will entertain a number * � death on January L Stratford, d , and directors were appoin th '... Com-PiDT was held on meetifig blosed, with the 117111n, KIr'echtel . �:. Kathleen - , G, and Wingfield, 7. JobA McClure having'been in 1.,he guests In Watson',% Hall On W0111113- a i- Hospital" Halifax, of Telephone The ws, 15'-2, 15-' . . ", , c, WATSON & REED ; Music will b, by � .. M. A,� REID - Proprietor Russell, ,&`ideat daughter of the late Wednesday last. The auditors' re- ,,Falth Of our. Fathers." Lunch was feated Grieve and Burro re, Stratford, pir-osident's chair for the past eleven day of next week, and a short pro- �� . . 1, . ed, which shows Scritingeour and McInty years, retired- and was made honor- Collins' Orchestra H th Cpptain and Mrs. j .S. Roberts, of port was represent served tat -the Close. � , . � Ion , McLeod as I iP�.'' : Seafor ed finailcial — ary president. other officers, are:- gram will include . �j, . Phone 214 Seaforth, where she was born. and the company to be in go a '7' SPECIALISTS IN ALL LINES OF The ladies will pro - e, . as -much loved because of -,her bright, 6onditl&n. All the ,directors, and, of- .. ' President, William S-Varks; list vice- gliest speaker. .. - . I ", w , ` INSURANCE __ She was married ficials were reappointed 1;j acciama- I . pres., Fred Middleton; 2nd vice-pres., vide lun,eb. � , I � . .It�'", I amiable disposition. . . f Toronto . ary, A. I,. Er -_ . le _� <> � 'I twent , years agd to Arthur Russell, tion. r, an 1i uron, Old Boy& o I Bert Dunn; secret win; - , - __ - I � I. "' -, 11 �cv 0 <> ­<�, <> 0 <> .0 -C' �C* .0 tarrl,stter of Red Deer, Alberta, and M .d Mrs. Marti Klinklia-mmer � � - .-.,. . . I . ­ I . treasurer, James H. Roild,;� Directors: a Ir .1 �'.. � -0; I <> e Judge Russell, and ,Mrs. James Shea wera Sunday ome T. M. Woods, Shm Houston, Ed" Fos- HILLSGREEN I I � 1�2 I n 'a" 01 visitors In London. I ponsors Annual''At-h ___ . - . ��!., - 'Q' S. T.� Hohnes �C*' ValifoL, the yrne returned to her .. . & Son and is survived by one,101 ter, Mrs. Thias. Snowderij William R. "'. - . '' �, RVICE <> I — arl Deihl, Robert PaLl- The roads have beem real soft t -his- " '.- " -0 FUNERAL -SE . and two daughters in Halifax and al- Mrs, William B after atteudin the I Stephenson, C ise, Mrs, Gee. Little, week with the January thaw and rain. � h <> so two sisters, Mrs.'C. N. Heway, To- home in Detroit the Mrs. Alex. Jo1h33!stOn,.IMr.'an1d Mrs. R. hale, W. W. W I ,� ", ,0 'Main street, Seaforth . aunt, Mrs. Thomas The ,S&tIJ 'ainnual At -Rome bf M be ears aro__�begi=ing to run a lilt- I ,k " .:> . 4> route, and Mrs- A. Claptraim, 0 fuDeral of her I ciation Of To- F. Ferguson, 'Mr. and Mrs. R. Me- John Rathwell, A. H. Warner, T. -; T . . . I .. " " . Huron Old 93ols Asso If � ,0, a. T. Holitues, residence 4> Metuchen, New Jersey. The funeral Moylan. Kinney, Mrs. H. *ustard, Mrs. D. Snowden, Mrs. Fred MeDwen, Frank ile, but not too swiftlY as Yet- I I IN . Miss Rita Stapleton is spending a ronto, in 00nithIction'with the Huron � 13. Keegan, Mrs. Fred Middleton, 'Mrs. Miss K. DalryMple, Kippen, (East), f , . ! � . .. 4;> Goderich Street� West; phone <> service wa4 held 'ill the Cathedral stion, was held Thompson, Mrs. R. Bond,, Mrs. � - . �. , . L -k witih her parents, Mr. and' Mrs. County, junior"Associ, E. F'ydell,' Miss Anne Ed. Foster, Harold Stinson., John E. I -g vislIting relativee iin this Vicinity P11 .<> Na 119-W. Cha-rles HoIM'W "�> Halifax and the body wa's then taken we . ­ c Tkuple, Yonge St. aTL,d Flynn, Mrs. " u Birthday PaTtl0s. miat 'bees and I . !", I - . at Masoni crittendeq,, Miss Grace StitVing, Miss Hiiward; auditors, John R. Camero � :P _4�> residence, Gadericb, Street, �� by train to Montreal for cremation, William Stapleton t arid RAta Dorres- Davenpact, Rd,,�Torovto, With the us- The Fair butchering are in full SwID9 ,in this _f�'-.'� - .4> East; phone N9 . e Misses Margare I , Mdaa Fannie Patterson, and Ernie , Featherston- I i� . . 308. Burial will tak" place in�'xhe family ford- visited their sister, nal large . , �gat Ag. The dituc# fl'00r Lavina Knox - . . . .d:> . Ambulanct Service o plot in Maitlandbank coinOterrY, Sea-. tyli, dot Strat L ' � I than the usftl Misses E. and. L. Farrow, Miss E. Board, although going back a *few dol- vicinitYr" ­� "ff­­`:'1 ."%' 'I I I I . week. & ! � ` miliore � . I � . . ., 4i> Adjustable ­j-9pitat- bed for. <> forth Mrs. A. Kramer, during the wa's OCCUP I IT, . Stewart, Mt,ls I _ .- " a . . -cm, 4aimilton, Miss Helen 4 11i"111 I . . . I Congratulations are extended too d�o gfi ,tbw ,ds were not I f6 ", .10� " rent. . .<> 9 I number, al , "'i., L. McLaughlin, Miss E. McLaughlin, � - . I .. u ` I . Night calls, Phone 308. <> . . ­ tb Dubi- Hockeyt Club on their Guc- as well POVIDiff-dd- Stan St. John's and- many Others. � u � ill_ " , � .1. _40� orch.strs prov?ded the music and, in i'l, .. 'A -, . �I .. . calls, Phone 119-J. �' 1:> Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary. - A: cessive victories. , No5tes .. ... I �,;,., - _ pular prize dance . -_ .. - ___._.__ _ .1.1 � I -0� Charges moderate, <> very pleasant evepi 9 was SPeat On Mrs. Carbert, of Seaforth, was .a addition to the po The annual Church service Of the ___._ I I ge 12-47 arbara Kiritmall recent visitor with her daughter,MIS. numbers, thez�liuevltable "Big AIYPIO'* I . I 00 I"' .0 ,C> Tuesday when the B . . Ass-0-6ation- willi. boL be,ld, at -St.� Pa-al'a -- - " i, � �.,,I, , . I ;i illf�111. . d . I -, ­­ auch .iW.PVJden,e,e_- -- of Preiabyte,,rdan,Ch ' . 11 1. .. . I'll r . �., - I * ,0 <>- 0 <> <> I-'> Auxiliary of First Presbyterian George Hollan . w9§_j___-_ - urch, Bathurst St., on I � I . � �. <> <> <> <> <". 0 ­ -,.-,.--. � -- ----- - I Franklin Belden v, R. C. '. . C �, — Church entertained their frieudg...-Lia.a _ - -_­ President G. 'j3el. S , _ , '. _ __ __ .._... I - . - -_ . a S-unday I evening, Feb. 6th. Re I I I I . � .­ le � .....m� Jho Senior Ag�b,clation, and Mr - ., I ., . . . � i�', _C,;.- _;0 ... ��­.�> - <5 ­;�57-�& ,> pot­­111'�k supper. About 100 PeOP - erm,id, Chaplain of the Assoc�a- ,� 'i � � � ___�,O�_, ' den received, the gu -hile XT MeD ' . A4(� i�. I � 4__ '0, .0, n.t. The McLean group I eats, w - K. Agw"Amw . I . i!li . .0. were pr?s-, WALTON I r,ceiv- ti -on, will officiate. 11 ,,, ,. I <> ting which lmnwn� Sta,uhury and Miss Doris Hill ' . 41�1i'* ... ... 0 . . .1 <> were in charge Of the mee �_ ­ - . tion. The annual picnic of the Associa- 1 ... .. . - '��',' �0 H. C. BOX ' fullowed, with Mrs. W. A. Wright Brya,ns- - Drager ed for the JUVIor, Associa foj-- tion will be theld in the area immedi- I PLEASANT " <> g thoso. presenf were the n ately west of the Dominion Govern- f . I � �1. 1, . -,q,� I, .<> FUNERAL SER:VICE presiding. Mrs- J. A. Munn, the new , Amon ­:.. I �., �,,i, !, ,, noon, jam. 22, No lowing: Mr. -and Mrs. G. F. Belde . 1. PERSONAL 'i �, � <> I Licensed Embalmer , spoke a few words at the on, Saturday after ment Building, Exhibition Park, on ..1. - ? �t',,. .0 . Service <> I P='.<nin,t� of the meeting with - the ,Man.se of Duff's LIDited Church, Wal- M.r: and Mrs..W. A. Buchanan, Mr. Saturday, June 116- !'. ­ " �1� . -Ambulance . et bUL and Mrs. W. A.' Camipbell, SERVICE' I ��:,. , bat al) would work together ton, was the scene of the qui Mr. J. A. "I I C', _0� Hospital Bed <> 1 h--- t coming year. prp ,Iisabetb McLaren, Mr. R. S. Sheppard', Mr- F. Principal J. A. Cameron, EarIscourt � TEA .. . . � , with ,adjustable rachet oper- <> foi� the good during the ,tty wedding of Helena F reath, Public School, was a booster f43r his 0 ... - , arious (13,iAty), Mrs- Floody, Mr, and Bayfieldi­-as. a summer "gob" Sharpe, Seaforkh.. I . I " 4t�p the v yqpngest *dauphter of -Mrs. B. H. MCC ---- I I <> Reports Were given by home town- ::: 11 . , I - n Stan - I � _0 ated ,sp fug for rent. rager, Walton, and tdie I . : 1, ..'i> .�> conveners. "During tbe husiness Per- L) ate Charles Rev. R. C. McDermdd, Mr. K. resort. . - , . �,�, Might Calls Day C ,alls - H. brager, to Russell wmam, son -of bury,,Mr. and Mrs. John Moon, Mr. On aci6bunt of the d-eath of a near nc aa I . W . 'r 2,',�,; , .0- Phone 175, Phone 43. <> iod it was decided- to �ave J. Fred sels. and Mrs,,. L. . , M.r. and Mrs. A. G. Smith _� . . H 'Ll"", 12-37 <> erick Goforth, P -S -11"t On, March 15tb. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bryaris, Brus I � M, Pringle Mr. and,Mrs- , - .3. relative, ; 0 11 "I'll evening They were united in marriage bY'Rev, E� #: B, Durkran, Mr.'�ltid Mrs. H. �,, _*- I � i .. . � 1. the I ted from being in attend- . � ,!-.i!-, ,<> <). <* ,0 <> 0 �0 0 0 ,0- ,0� A pleasaft feature ,Of I S11 I , �9:' , .0 . - was the presentation of a life MOM- Charle� Cumming­114111Aer Of - the Stowe, Dr. jila Mrs. H. J. Hedging, ance and lihey wore much anissed. & ­ � I :' - I John MacTavish. ell1irch, - The bride looked lovely in j. G. Ferguson, Dr. and :-,.%, . . . . . 1E Dr. and Mrs. ' %­ I I vrk��, , berwhip to Mrs. ' Mr, H. M. Jackson, vice-president .1111MW ! . I � � es, Cre. n. Mrs. Byron Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. . . I , .j a navy blue pe gow The couple 7 . . , f;I. . I � .1 <> Mrs. M. A. Reid gave the addr . re unattended. F0110wing the cet.t` I:T. C.- ffloan, W - J. Dunsfield, and) Egmenolville old"boy, was a big � ,� �";�,; <> and Mrs. J. E. Daley made the pres- we . and, Mrs asset on the floor during the evening. - � . �',,,,,i,, )nmy Mr. and Mr& Bryans left ori a les, Mr. and Mrs. Values eftective � I W.- 40), 1 WALKER'S , ' ,riVation' Miss H. Mu. -ay sang 'a very Mr. and Mrs. E. Co 113rown�' gets things going with a - I y . 11.#1 t, I ,0 'fine S401 -o entitled, "An Evendnig Pmy- ]Ioney,moon trip to Tormto, Hamil- S. M. Wi,*ena, Mr. and, Mrs. G. Gard- . .1. .. . . I . until Sot'. night, I I , I , , , For travelling tile . rush. ....... " e ::1 ­ Jan. 2�1.' 1 '<> ]FUNERAL SERVICE <> er.' accompanied by Mrs. M. R. Ren- . alt. .. M. . Willson met witIl an ae- . I .. I Iner (Regina Mrs. D. D. .. . I � W: � ton and (� ),� Mr. and Mrs, G 14 � `_ , 11 , _��,,�,,, ", ,-,,,,, ,��i'.11 . I 11 : i - � 1, , , I �* . ? , " 4� 1 4 , ,- t4lm 4 :, ! .0, rtl& f , JAI= "" .1, I "�. � : I I t 11 I I - I. - . L , 5~1 I ,I', I " I I � 1,111m ,�­ I �. � I � I , 11 . I y , , I � I , i I - - ! 1 � "i , -11 - I , "I I I , I I , I I i , ��l I I t&'�� . <> W. J. WALKER and _ bride wty a muskrat cosit with navy hesuoy, Mr. Aid Mrs. G. Thompson,, . ..,..% I I . 11�ill �-, 0 nie. Miss E. Trout gave a splendid blue ts'SoAes. ', C Mr. and ciden t w lien ready 'to come and was . � . .. 1. .. -0 JOHN R. WALKER, Jr. I Scarlett, obliged I to - I I I I ,�> topic On .-'Confession, Consecration Mr. and Mrs. -M. remain at home. .. � I ,�, - -, Licensed. Embalmers and At the� y. _p, #. of Duff,s. United , '4a"a, Mr. D, D. Wilson, I . - , .0 I It . I " - <D1 I �Xerilp Mr. D. 1). Wils.n, Pas President BEAUTIFUL I R, � * Fu,neral Directors. . I.& Jan,. 2STd,tbe n J. A. Cameron. Mr. H. M. Jack- � .:> M, r1M -� verses 7 to 14. � Mrs. 'rdi, rihil� Bewley, presid- and Entry Secretary of the Winter §','4 and commulitou.,,, bakefi from second _0 Mrs. W. t, I , Chu roh S ,;w", <> Chronicles, I P;resid-eutt , r, son, Mr.'and Mrs. W. D. Sprinks, Mr, LAMP FOR ONLY I �1 .0 Day or Night Calls promptly d the Association with ,� * I . al i "" attended. . I <> Fran4i Kling read the Scripture le-';- 'r"digging th(, byttah, "O God, Fair, presente ��i ,,,r � -0 ed. Afte and M,rs. James Saul, Mr. and Mrs. . HALF PRICE with $5.00 in , as I -%. Beverly Beaton the Glad f Bethel," Mary Buchanan read tile the beautINI bad1ges for the evening. %F,,, ;�,' P 4�> PHONE 67 <> son, aud)'Mi, 0 Guy, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Pater- � sl Ask Manager for . ., - - - F. W. Wig,- S -28. Alvin J. D- Thanks, 'D. DA . grocerie I w ,,, ".I, I I 011.1 ,� . , <> Tidings Prayer, � NO& ,Cri,Aure, Oene5is 1:26 . . Ah" I .0* -0 and I- , 12 7 urre-at events. This meet� � ­ I Mr. and Mrs. Laughton, Mr. trade card. I . Nlp,, the tonic "An Age ton Mr J H. Laughton represented the . ,f!�', IiQ. � . 0. 111�11;i. , 0 0 � li.,,," , h., P%;,, 'A,� . 1,1��, . - � I �� �,�, I 1, Z L .�t �,, i�,�,K?v, DIVISION Ing was a Splendid start in the neiv year, a9d, it is hoped that the attend- aluce go,111 be continued througholit the year. -al" I tvic onam ,a, I For Man." Rev. Mr. Cumming gave a talic and the meeting closed -with tb, hymn, "Lead On, 0 King Etern- and the MizPajh benediction- -Mrs, 0. H. HaSid, Mr. and- Mrs. E_ Cha leg Ste,kart, Mr. and Mills, Mr. r, .. �, I . . -tnient, while W. D. Post Off ice Depai Sprinks represento5d the Customs Branch. Th�3 refreshments Were Served in - ---)L— Custom Sawing 11 ...... r", I ... �,,­ . THE SECOND I .01M. At .tIhe morning service- of Duff's the spacious dining room at Widnight 0 ii,I �:o I 4�, , , I COURT -­�,:, � ITnitedi Cburch Rev. Mr. Cumiming custom Sgw,ing will be done in under Vbe supel-viBion, of Mrs. D. . ,��', ,� � , I,J��L,4_ COUNW OF EWRON , Death of Thomas Smale�ln the ' ch,use foi, his text OPbeslaus 5-18: CLINTON and SAYFIELD as us- .Thompson, Mrs. L. M. Pringle, Mrs. ,�,V'L�, 1,��%-� � - 0j5,4 1,� th. 1)eminjoa Bank gufld-. death of Mx. Tkh,cxmias Smale. which oc- ,,And be not drunk with wine where. ual during the coming season. 4 H.,,B. Stowe and their committee. ,.N, .. Oiffice hvw,s*- Tues- , 4"s" �I. �, . im simforth. Cu ial Hospital on rred at Scott Memor I but be filled with tibe � IDIDdNa h I 0+ — -t n­11ler Old, . � i I V � , . I I bl, . � k . vi ,I. I f 0 I J , � . I tl � ,,, � 11 I XV I der, Thumdair and SAtwilay. 1.30 P -m- 1LI S ex" I ". ivitclu Wic"N �� , r. c ar es e - , I . b, �� , - Thursday, January 27th, Seaforth has spirit." - I ' Boy., excelled himself on the dance . L .,'..�, .� . t, S pm. fttardxy ovdaing, 7.30 P.=� . . ' � ,�, - �. L to # VJ31. . lost one.,of ,her oldest and most high- . Mr. James Murray spent Stmday in BAYFIF-0) oke of the Old times and %6T FANCY KETA L Tql; . .,;. �,-­ Cent' -al ,floor. He #Pp . . I !.,'� I eMp, On Thursday -y th. I . , in 25 . I ly eate . Phone 624 r 4, Clinton SALMOIT 3Ti 9 . ; ..., I . ,d i;midonts. [;I I 365gx3, ,cf, Jopathaij Mil,ler, the big hotel man. . I I, . I - A � . I : 1] � 1",", .1. IID AIN Of Iast,week,,Mr. Smale had.the mis Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Clark and Dr. "Belden, formerly of Clinton and - I 'Ummt4o; J I � I I EE P I � I . ' .. . Soaforth, makes an ideal Pre WJ&LT O. , - - A15% AL , FR lVi-lb I'll", 'i, - C CHAMBERL dauphter, Glorria, of Brussels, spent sident, PLAIN OR IODIZED Drams. I I I , E fortune. -to" fall 'while entering his - , I � I, . -" .. 3 . i Insurance Age�cles' � Seaforth ,home and fracture Iiis hip. He. W, 9 Simil". In the village. ,./I and Mr.. Belden with ,ber'experlence . I I ;", . mmiidiatelY t k ' to thl 'bOsPltal, Miss Mildred Hoerle, of heidblborg �� 1. .�`,,,' I uch at his Nature Lecture in Women's, Club work, makes an ex- I I I ,ANNOUNCES . � I ,e a en 1_1 � . '�4,,F.l Z:, ' I 1. OVILK PEAWCUT lb. i ,� I I b,ut the shock proved too - -t. I ;, Isw varebme of the imuraned budaviii is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Setlers � IWACAR .6 - I—., I g, - — itute oresent cedoul 'assistan ON , ,,�01'&,I. -r Women's Inst I . ­ , e��,Mcfi , . , of ft" & Meir, a14 tbo odditi— of advanced age, and death. ensued � a I The Junio M,;J�4,. . — - _. ... 11 Dr�' BeAden's bitthday was on Janu- . I � / I I I I V�!� - 1&ar compifles to our WAS". facut., week later. The deceased was bom . PIGGOTT ' I I � ,,,�"Y'l Ima easb4i'as to xive unexedled fer- , ... __ . JOHN W. ary 20,th, and Past President W. A. W"KA ETS I / W lb. - .6 � . Y�"&�,R,i�. . �,)-1,1. . in Dawmaurville 86 �ealrs ago but I ' I <��,�N I V106 In all flues. . Campbell's birthday was On Janual-Y AM I I 1 .4 "&,`,�,,', I I ___TL ', "L. . ' Stf,ffa with his family when STAFFA ' . CANADIAN NATURALIST � �ij1. ­ --- 1. , Aj�i't'' '.L. . came to __ . :: .1. 4 ­�40, " -fAF0Fl1TI4 ' 19tlL At mddudght the -tra play- , -,-, ,�f�, OL : ONTARIO, orches . ,. 11 ,,�`5,Tq, , � - I and thi"greater part of - ,king $1 , , . 18_" quite young Mrs.- -schii. Livinoto Of spe� W ustrat- I . " , , �-,,Vj 1. .,.jn,n Bird Frlen& of Field %�,,��;­ I . Mr. and ne, and land. beautifUllY Ht ed a ,couple of special numbers an,J . . I -`,1`,�1,"11.- . thut district- F t ­WHITE ISEANS lb, .5 W,J,�,,J1X4,,i:- his life was spent in of � I I �,,�gg'_ � , appeals - �, *1 " �11 � - . .1 . d. This Nature Lecture the two old-timers received an ova � . ,,,,`,�,,xv - .1 ... . cat succe3s- Staffa, celebrated their 60th wedding e .1 , I I . I . � . 11 � ,',�,Z,!el 1. I.. _ ,. � I , � !! i !, . I mainlry years 'he farmed m sary �,n Monday of this week. to all. Seafortl, tion- . .1. 11 1� �, ,,, . . I "-I �", ' , I . the amnliver V lz..i , ,,1`1�,A,;.; * I . -M,eX1I OP MUTUAL Jully there gud In' 1912 went to . I - I - , - , �q6, ,�`,L�A�, have b PUBLIC LIBRARY HALL, I _- 011"t), . , . ,,� � ', , "". .. I LL few Mr. and Mrs. Livingstone een I. Mr. Gardiner, of ,,Regina, one of the %Paz E ]PRV1 S I 1�.Ili ,I I . I , i�`�!,4,p . West, where he� formed for a , it f the I . , , - " es eu,s f or . --i , V= INSURANCE �CWY- ,years before his ret,ie�meuit In 1919, r id 1 ,�-,r7 �� pp� Monday, lam 31, 8. ,P.m. organizers of the Saskateftelvan As- I � ,;q-v . .. I " :,"', t o the v I age - ' ' I—— ,41'I` ,, . During the afterno gs . Iiii ceks and 25 -cents sociation, of tbe *TTdro 176 "S" . ,11%1i ­V - , , I . a Old Boys, was �, � F , ,�, .I 4'110,i, -0�­' I .. , .1 . . I I � when he came to S-iaf6rth, wb4� he 47 years, on many Admi ion' � I CALIF . - i-, 0 ; I . - 1. I I . -ORANGES .,.29c doz�. - ­ ,-, , I p0q�il'.'IiP,; � 1. . I � I friends and, neighbors called, to ex- present, and with Mrs. Gardiner, Cook . � . , I . I ,,r�',,� , , AFORTH, 0 to reside until ,his' death, . � . � . I- I "'Ld.��;"#,`­­j.. "git a OFF16F_ ,, , $I- NTo cotitinued, I ;f,tk1'1,4�1i+'. .. ". A I ­ . was t6nd - an, active part !in the p"cee ings. . . 1"'P� � I "I.,, �� . ." � S. LGE-..q*1 . `,;�,,` �,v�­.�_ --.---1, Sma4e - �.. . . ' "' - � 2 , , .. I -1. _­ I About sixtY yefift ago Mr. �, congratulafluaii., , d, CALIF. ORANGE � doZ* - I, I I , 'roffl, E"'*.1 . 1 united la, tnarriage, to M19,9,Hlizabeth I . � -1 a Mr. R. Mcl�C4nney, of the Montreal ' .- .. 44kc I'll I �, �, �, 1 I .. ­ . � I I 110, I , , I I I -I 11 � , Ortlefts- Ion Daily Star, wgs early oil the job and �,� ' ' T" . I 'i'V"?f"I?.� I � t - 11 , �,�, '4_4. , ' " .. W , I � t " - � I ­ I I ,,,,,;,Oil ",,:.L �� , - I - . . C 0Z. , . � , I . or* - Pres. Neal, who preApteased him in OctO s Attent CALIF. ORXN,qES M ED. 45 d ' ' ��;,111�110`it� ! k4ji�'-tW64di6of , S %8Z , - Famer - I � I I I � . . stayed until the end, . . I . ? -: 11, I viol - 11 , ��­ ­ -"dov 4toylltn. 5 $0-Aforth - VIOO-Prm bo�r, 1980, but he Is survived by 0, - - , I d I . � I . . " - , I � .1 - 11 � , , -Miss, Doris Hill an - I , 0 " �, - - I , , ,­ ,� � �q - "' ­­ff t, 11 Ve 6,'4 " ELIMVILLE Class* X. stanbury, ", 1 No", ­ A,,: Itald - qoo�.,%Ort,h, -.Sod.-Trew. fatilly of five son4 alld'tfiieO a 9 - ,' r each of First CALIF LEMON.S LG .,W,�,!,' ____ ­ .1 - � ;�_ , Hunicen, I—— We ha ,,, �'. " " ., ,, . I ell, - . I'M AWro'll", t. 29c doz. " � i , " , edyn, V, H. MeCreAth Assisted H. M. Wick � . . - �,v I I _ � "', �� , �'. Co�l, R*6 and nut size . .1 I 04".., ,,', � ­ . " - -;, ters, Mro. Jaines, Bagn 07MBy, of near Slel- . .Hard, M B - , , "", I I ,,, , , I , 1-1 I, � . I � Mr. Jadlab . I .I. - I . I_ � ,�l leg i ��IU1114� ;�.Ii,il 11., I 1� � I OVOTS. � . I - -_ ­001MROW"imatiff � 111.1", , # mlbifw; � Dadiman, Lucky, . ahottly�-ojf -care at $12-40. We ena ai'bead of the prograni COMMit- ... � ____ , . I . I ,� ,hen 1t, TL - 1, j� fd*�n cufttomsm .%t tee and thdre waw Plenty of Voti'VIW' . I . ,-i"Rilyi 1�1111 I, ,*jj�,IWOX,Oto Sisk. Mrs. Basil bumej ,hired witli IVI r. Jackson W[odds Ing ., , ,. , ,eZR�C-1,l . , I , abilut , 1,0,ve � , I a / I .1 "'ig�'."&go;i;�f" , - , U, -it.; Mrs. Waltof Ray.ss, . -to L .� I . Celeiry L6ftuci�'CAu,I4flowe)r,,' Ot'den , 1 141� �#61io 00116001010�1, 11; , , . I -I, ��§,� � �. , " fi S a " *111 deliver , I ,� � . - [,$,r,§I�� 1*1 for a year. alli eve -pang, - ,� Beans,' Tomato " �""?jM'�'�', ;0,`: � L I# . t._� 141;%Vgj��,,. -w.m"A, Umnitobs; Mt. George , ", First quallt$r Coke, es, �ew 'barrots, .1 " r., ,pt ,- - I . .. ''i ,I F.,� , ." , h 9. 0 41nes"WA , % , 0, ip�! 06 - -Go took the first � . .1 . . I , N "��ii �, 0*11,41", ", 't� , , Officers of t1m., Mission B6,nd for $1.3.00 off earA . .lkhUbarb� Be 11. , k iz. , - .r. Zd.Ward' FAMale, $11,20, "The kArInerS, price.11 beltv . Sorge Thompi�bn . . hpi. 'Pardhips. � !1,!L1;j'1""1' ,,, I , , , . . I ,�'-v ,-,!�g. 141 " '1*1,06,,O�� SnIalt, HensAll; Mi - 11 . .� J gA, '4, , th,jg year are as, follows. President, . I ,�a", -g' I , - Mr.. Ho I 1.01), #* nygia&, � I S W#- nd �� , ,�I, ft. �, 1� � ITY sm:mc� me- , ton, prize In tbe, ,tatn1g; * euchre, sfecond :: I % -, � " - ,,�_', I I in town, # . , .."'i" �- �,, " � , I , , � ,;�, I ;,�!Z, I. 40 � I I � ,Jl6nson, Sask" �, of De. O1.A Jo Batiloue eret �L .... I .i I ­ � - ­,­ ...�. * - - hn?x, miteMfosldent, If, $10m "'TS6 fttM4f9 PrIZA 9404119 to V� 14 Mdlls. MISS. J#an 1, - NA U 4, , P'�)NiTro Y6,10 , " , I 11 � 9�,q'�,,,��%nall, ­ Mak, . Alberta Lump" - -, , -, �� . I , . ,� _ ­$a#k.; Mr, 9,611 " . . - �, ` i'I�)'D uw ,,,, - I �r - C6td § �Cjarke; redorffittg sfttisiarY ISsibelle ­ . ", . il�. "e "I 11 80M. . . ' Olue '#,';.,deI4vt;rleg $16.$0--,ff6-r -ACOt.t,wm;flvst prilie in the ladi#%� , . I 0 , I& 11 � I I U4 0 ' ­ I 't I ­ . ; I" I , 'tr4o,ftf­40d, Mr. FTOAR Snmle, at b - r1i6e,"­ tow._ I I 11 I S 1- I 1) � ,114;vA '11%, ­: I... '"I , fw, ItWd from . *er; - .,0ok.r'0A#ctA,luk � " ipe&etarY. r) - .1 I . �_4� I $ � z,r , L Aft*lf , 6ur-,'*60d, 14twaty,140a. I All euefim - , I .,', V�"4�4l,-Qo,'�, .. , � % deoftw;Sfrebt 60 $;it; 10WAW11 Coulagi, AroWuftt , Annie 01v to4-�'� " Try . � -1 , , i1tho tVip41-00V1d14 14000-Mly Pteg­ .. I I i ., * � �'i',�-O­,l � I . f:i, " , `� , ;,�L'%­ - . "I � � W L � � ) 1, ", , " Ig".4 . fW4Z V teOft i -WA "d 3?0�#9, Posh.,* �� h �� - . . "I _idofi4,te'd ; 'I r ­ .,, 1 , ", �� b6* . , I$ '­­ ' I, , "' .V1110 M�- �� � '�,.'�'V� r 040k, � *wbeh I' , r i*IL:"ji�*1 �'W,6"4'.�� �, 3 , jftiftg . 0 -t 1,'�"A, WLg,eM. 1. , , - r 4 : , � " , -fA,Q'1, ,,"r I I I � � � 'k4�, - tIox sftrotaf,2�, - , I ,. vth6!i6d1(%_.__. � I ,Q", . � ��­,�,,�ij!­,:L r� . �,':,'�I�W",4 1113 r. Oft , ,�� ,,'(�,, , j"en,6�,tdfjf I talte, 'a 1;� i iW'�,*01.,,,-�,bb­ ... I aftd .8 ' .TWIt �* StA# A,T�tf FAR111117VkV I �,., , " Ill . (Uo��O'df 11 ',, , ,6116.; L,_._ _, .. .... ���1111, �. . --.---- --''-..,. 1. L , 11111'4� . � ltk& , "ai U6W,i&) OVII, AJ610­�WV,W- �: WbfN I i 1, "I 11 �; 11 i�,�'&&agkk�:,s k ,I 1. ) "' .. ,W , 1, kda"t, "&&� � ,.' - 40A , _Mj�,.,,,�, ., . 4. 4 - 0;­bY � � . , I 9 ,66�:4 �"`!`,W , , 111. t I 0�dft 14 �, Uil. .1 , . 'r A , ­ 4;1" "I -, ;� i I �- ", I - t . T.&AW I . "ff',.J'. X, Al 190b.".'r SQ�l ,�J'- ' QT1$1A"rVIV0)d I , ,.; � � .1 I ., -L, i - .flbi"' 11rd66 - , I :, � I i I � ­,,'�' .", - , ­ rn4?LA0' 33RA' ' 1,;,g, ­ 1. � I " I r, � I ft*;�Vj..I,, X`I�Z!,Wyp, . l . L,", I . , 0 _ . .. .. .. i�', , �, t,��,! I " . "I., I 1.1m, ,;_ 1;i" ,­�,�,; . ��, _ , , *i� ik , �,',­, ­ 11 �� 1% � I , 11 �� ­,'­ :�­Il'�2�.'.,I ".., '4' 64" ,j- 1'. I "" ­,"",.�L,'', . I " I �",� .. #tj r "'' .4 " - " _ t.j, I, V.., , I � �.'�,,�,;'�i_ � ii, 4.­­�, i:�; I.;"" r" I . , ­ - i, : ;�" � � -,;,�,,� � � _ . �;;,,A!:, - " -1 �;�.�.,­`.t . I . , , '64, I , , i , " � �,�,� I , , a _ , �. Ii" ,, �,:,� , ,�., ." �"" , . � , , .. , �t���,�Y.i,,,��e4,;�,�,�'-�,,,"�o"�,'*,��,,t-.,. ,�,,,.,;" I , -,�,T -_6j,,,", ..... I'JAIM,��­ 111�1 11;,".., �) -Sh"12 e, '4, ',,'[��t�;�_, _� �, A '.. ., ,� � '11� , - � %,ii ki',�i.... �!; �,` , `w �, , - - ­ I �� � I 01.11009 - '10 0", �`�,,, _ . ; ,�, M. ,,,, � ­..: ", . I : ;I �.�, " I � I I - � 11.11�;Ii, , I , _15L,'_ar."!,.�w, ..'"f," ,,,,,,,",,,',',,'-,',,�,,.,,,,,,'r,; �. � " ��, - 0 I I � r 1 :, 7", , ; , , � �, � , �,", 00 �40 _',;;1,: I '. ,y�r �,,';��