HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-01-28, Page 5- ­ ­ , , ,� ; I , ""'.4 ",v" t. ., . , U 41"", 11,11", . , . R 11�', � " , � ,"d, , , . I � I );; . . � , , ` �', . "I � ,,, �,!I'!,` ;� ;"".-.�,.�,,,�,�"",.�,.�,,'�,�,�,�,,,�""�,,�.""",","��i �;"'�,� "�11` ",", I � ; � �� ,.;. , . .1 1, �( tl�, � 1� I 1�1' �1' , �' 1. i� " , ; � ," - 1"'� `�,-�`% :' I � 1� � -111.11 �' , "k'141 , F lli�7 �z,'�,,� .1, " I " ­1­__1_W:,WV , " [�,,!I'!,' "., .k,.,! � 1, , - : -, �,��, 7 � "", V ,A- _9 "I'�.11.11111-"�".,.�.�.-.,.,"-�,-�,�L,�";,.-,� ... I— ..... -1----__-- _­_ .11 .11 11.1.11-1 -1-1-1,- 1-1-1 "I -11, lil 01J,2'� 1��,� i 14L �... R, , '� . - "'ll -, ,,;m,."!.,.,"�, ��:� �',:,",.!,,,,'t�--'!', , 11" , �,��g��',,� k�-;""�"'�','i��,,�?,'f,',�..,,,��,,,,,i-�""'!, �'+ - _1k "I . 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F, 7- ','� 1" f �� �� " 1P.- _11: tl� �"' im 4 "' eq, 1A0W "04MOrMs, P;i,T1. '��,�'� , , �; ". ,� V%,r".`r f o 4 , 3,4 44 ,�­ I , ,ii,,, -,,�� ,'f .,,,�� " �',�'41` 10 "",� izw W" ��p; �i� !",�, . , ., .,,,�', � ,,, - " �W; 014 I ,� , ­� - �� "�, "A - � . I .111 ,�iq Y'��,,!�� ,�i� ';,t-,,1 ""� " � 11'1'1i,�`11'1'1�11i; . I , lv� �,iv 0110 N"� '105P - �7, '' - . ,i,�, ,�'�, 1­,1,111,�, __ , , a PIRA w, -.1 � , - I ­ , 1141A 19F4, k"AVW.Wlip�w ,;� fo I ;W �,.4 1-,��" . , 1�i­,4 k '77 �3��.�,`yi.';�,,�nilp , , �,, , , � - ­,­ ,� � . "!",�ft ,4 , "dui �, � " ! ,1* I 1war 1-11: , ; I ttrk " .1 F4 - ,- , ,,, 4 ,,� t ��4) ", 0 ��!�:�! �' j�",,'! W_ .., ,, �.� ,AN , - ..... 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I Qj� i't-., � garift Boy 11, 0. �, ., , . - " I V.1 W - 11 , '' �ei,,�;,L, , 101 . " , - ,! , 0 'bar , , AWK, . 1104W$4;��; 5 11L." , "����;,�',.��,,i,,,�',���Z�i,,,,'i,,, --l- I , I M� " T I 1, - u8b W 'I . - I . "114" 1� dwoi. -,"oo?, " " `i.'�;V� , "' J or. 66 expect ,1117, W '4, A�a Beemw 6 407 Is, -d does � not , , I . M �IL -'�..'���'�,,�,�,",.,,".'i�,,i,,i�,�i� """ "U."I", ... - , . I , ' - - CIV,Iftr �M' AA,i—. - , I -9 4 F ty loyotw�.�* , , b . j - � ON mazo � ." .1 q te. � !��,,,,`,��,,;i�,�,, , & " I ..'.Aff , ed. . WA R -W " a I �� _ . _ F 4 1 , 0 ok, 0 I" +'F+,,W+,.': -'_#MP_))J)%" , -14199, .- .1 . , -, - 0� eA,,'.'W1*0 how 1700 J�Qry �, motov Ice; I I ., . I t � I I . ii� 1,0 ._ co " .1 - ­�­­ - �, ", W,6 _ I I A'. , 14 1 , _ "J".44V4,; -- , , �06. I I . I I I - i I W ' " �, -,,1r,r,7TT-1,,1&f 11. ; - 1� :I-- , 4 1; , � ��' '.,7; ' I : . r- .' "'i .- I I I - " , � � 7;� I f�ffql*w�� W0C11qft.A.#tv1V I v I I I . I -'em ' ' - I - -- - , -T, "s-4 , I '� ii_,'!� ."Et"O -1 � 111 �11 . . . . . "'I., . ALLAH' 1_1�,` . I � �%,', , I ' " : ��g,� � " ; , A�. I obligp rd,. I 11 .. 38im th-4 it is Xdt;qL,M1t1A 1, - " .. , �.,�,. , �� p6.. with WWOm- -0. oi.� � w . , � V I . � I . .1 . I '' '01 411I W, Teo, .as . 1. � """ "' """ ' - . 2 � . 0 -,* �*, � ,­,�. . . '. v �, �i i. , , ''I ���' . , , Ty - �d. - ,qm. r "'�i,"&,�,,�'ll,�,�oll,;dl";�t,� . , , . A , . _tionq . . L�, Sawa. UP, 0:W40,qt Vrft!01W,:,M1ft, in life I . I. � . . iiarpb,nitallow,*.� , - � .. ig_,��-. � g 1,,,;J!,,,��,,, g . . . I -!- ,� WY)p . , � I 1 . I ,� 1 16 11�' I I con Inches Thick I . I . I , �)�" W I I $1 , _ ,, . , _,� . . . � :',%"'� I" I 0 4, . . I � , -r , .L" I . � , _ . , _ _ . �, : , , . ", �, 11 . . � I ,��- ,�, �,,; , , ,,'.K,'�� " � �, NO � A ,gorgeous '.. I I ' 1, .11 I . . -strai Ithan flotion., Iffloo - ' , ,,, , -, , I i� , �� ­ . T" .-I, I I , � I 1. I.. I 7 �'.. " , '4.111 ;; _':" I�o sixt 11'11111'10*�" � , , C"10 41 .,, _ ., A , f - Trulik 10 I , _4 . .7 .11, POI - 8S., I . 'tbo, � - . M0­*hoi,for"'Wve. dW 4,440 1. , .1 vA, �- ,'�­ _� !.­�,'� ,,,�. , , ­­;;� I I I � � . . � . .1 ,1, 7�� , ,..:� 1_1� .11 I I 1 Iwo I TQ0N " ��, I r9bue' - THE *P#Lk,;" At TH.r - . I , � , �,) 50 i1i., , irom the , plent�fttl, , - ,:. . - I .= M9,I40 - . . �., - ,,., ­, I.­',;� ,,`1V:',- ,& � , T11u j,— ... , , '. Vho ,W,0i4 that, d befall �, . I ., � 1 I R �':�f,llhe Ar0jc6i to be, drawn ... I . "I 0 " 1. , .4" . 4 " , is * p, , I � "'. 1 �` . � . �­, I � I . ..... . I .11 - -1 I I - , a . ..... ... 1,11 . I I . L . � R I . � I I � 9� , I I . � � - : . , . - 3 � I i -Today., 'Fk(!� . sli0*1 1-I'ver .MUD season, waq "bauled lby�­C. I . - balF , , ;, ,!:-11% - � .,;. , '' .1 I -,�� �". � ,,6,2� 1 � I . , . _111:11% ,� . . . . I , I , - , : TA pier a tbousagqxold thou OmLj . ApP14 mw_rjow V� risgar4ted, as . . 11 , -, " I . , Bell,amy L " fleftv Furnao�'. ' �,ObteWn Monday anorullug. W, Diys. ' A, We 1n',0W,p with -the IMIAtte not. , Wao�,Aqver lo 11 . all* '4M 'f ftitg, I . . I . : � (,:' , �, � " ­ . , ­ r. .,�� ­ , dfilir Jot . , .,, , , ang t46 c.#e � I � , _4%wat a , I I 1,� ,,�. , , . .R,Iwit rT,netro" . Ice, di-ef ig000d,,qualjty� and about. only 'does good toolo work, 14 "I � -nd best-io , � - . ­ , i -1*1 . T Lk 6 o � , ,�, P 1, , �, �,� ".�, ,L FORIVERp . I;* . I is also ,, . , �' I, `_!�,­;, ..... ... �,.� � . " '14twbia, IM 'tefgO - d� I . 'L L . 4�,grace ikthia, Wi:'; beca ,if 1, IT I it, ,�,��," . I . � -ensi - I .1 fhao - e -y - t .p bigh. g4 '! " '1-_, 'I' L-,, "'' 1- A1,00 - , , - �16 Inc*h*s.,.Jn'tjuekae4s, IrWs is, early Proficient in ble, I , I , � Orlilcipall . 4w , ,,, . 0 DO it,so ;""11:.0 ,w. 'I ... . , ft ., .1 - 1� � vaiva. . " _ _, "" # ,"� �Zi' 1, 1,�, . .. ible -pan'. bring-. plgoai,' , % �, P", ",;4,v#q,q## . _, 4-11 i . I "ALL AMEFIIC . . -11. *,L 0 , * , . W ,b nothing . 1 4:9, , A "O, � . - , . A t a' I M 17 ��-,%�� ... I ,GAN 6W.E HEARTIE JA thq,,�,se;asou,foq7,.produxftg Jo Tbaull, God, to .1 .ad OF, b. I M101V A F111 . J ­ , , v faWfAliat"throa,vita AD A I I . . Ir J; I -, . Dy.,i" thi ,LI har .0alned, .StresS the an! . fr,JJ'S,.,,,.W­ ,, . -, ' i " "I . _ I 1� With 'an all-star Uwst; cheii Advocate. � s_M't_1 W1861)), eons i Istp. in knowing what , a'' , . U and- ,C �" ie�, .0, I 04i, I - �4�#' - Vffiiwr-��;�",�;,�� , I . . -1.11.-11 ,,, US! , . ,' ,fou!!�. , y I 41i, .. . Corniho-iiii"Her Husband Liew, .,. . . � .to do. SM11, cbmist* ilk , wing,how , ., - _!p�.,��IPVI Vk - . ,:.JI0,'4.r,�VoX,,­ ' ` - 1- . I . . I . r , - - z. � � 111.1 t .��!.`� i LLL . . I I . 4 . I � . . . � kuo I 1� ? . - id "A A isesse and rala- Y -9w XV-07"'Poo '91 �� . I I Virine qonsists, in- doingii- �;, �,� � .' . * * ., s.. Houghton. mil 44141 to- grow-th - , I? . goes to Portland Canal ;one "' to'do, It. .' , -, I . . �, I . .1 9"I't-A 11--.1 I i "" 1� ­­_', I . I .. . I . t, . .. eb , bo4y rm - . . It"d -Wl* �00' " _'� " 1, if I lo. ..�. - .1 1 I I , ". � !P ., , '. , I � I . , iialawe to disease;, vita . "IR -, ii - Lf VR� �.:a �� � -W - ' � , Ay r - I to ii�,Owth, pal - 1111i . � , I - !. ­: , , - n 1100W.1111, I ; . Mi.` and- Mrs. ,Fred Portero ie, .AtA at - 0,,eli paeasure� - .A i,�TW min, R, lip, easonift . re"'I. .111*�"'yr­ ­ , " , I � . . . I , , , I'll I ' will ' jag the mark, t _� I fin here an autheat . ..,I;- , .. I . eld id 'Pu I I iI, - ceived a letter -,d*ing the . wook, tr all you' Come, lftuni* Your Va t on We morn, lates'appi�t:ite� sad promotes good d - I ''I. 9m in _ 1. I . ,,4 . thelr,, son, - Reg, who lett short y.- b,( L . * . tug tide, I gestion, ­�nod- vitamin. C prpvoeAts, . up , I W I I 1; . 4 �� , . I p. * * And' sail fmm Suk, inigh ' Scurvy Mud also, assists i . . . . I . � foie ",Christmas for Trail ,D.C., wh&e t away! . tooth. dt- I Suit 1h , Bri - a - �- ."­ 1; � ­ . The - wise adventurer has -a i6�1 Oncl Vith, a ,good stout )kbiit it js,,joyl to veliapnitent, � Uelpift to P "' . � Ill, Seen in' he 'had beein sent �by the ( In. eopking, ,P revent tooth . XTA1 .:. the. -, � .1-0 olidat. .Carries a Conipi .. I ,1- "i 11 ..�', ' "i , ,S ' . - . L -1. � � I . � . ,ed Smelters for whom hew, viously . 11. . rilde I- I I decay. Pies lose none tic �that win , we., . �� . I � � � . ' .1 rep4e"', 'Come- - - I ... , , � I , . 11111-111.0 -''-' �,11, wo�ke(llln Xorthern, oni kinortly 04 thef""billOws 'Of -life so free and of their virtues. - , .. I , , . C I � I Sal � . .. t , - , To live a lio. io iffidi ever is sad and ,wido,� - ..", .� � . ,,­ I arrived there he ­ received *a bi,tt . I .. .., , z'.. ., , - Apple Pudding '(Old Fashioned,) I bave yoixr suit or,coat ' - �916�, I er thing. � �, �, .� � I " . . " ounitypapert" xft'13r��b`e . - And here is a ne,W-bor-n day! 4 large tart Canadiano-growA apples made for d 1' 1�0 ; . . I - I .­_­ tT�tnsf�y'to the " Portland Canal Zone, * *. - *- ; I I teaspoon ground c' . I you an an "I . . in Alasta. Reg left Vancouver by lunanion YIDI - I 1 *4 1 1 - . . I I ' I � . 11—nand-cut and Ud'. -i I ,wN I __�i . - I The's4ddeot thing do to be,, 'endow- Wbere'er ;.ou tarp�'- - Lting 1 -teaspoon Salt .� � . L -I I � � � I -at on December 26th, sad nine days ed. with -liberty ,to do as 'we please, I your ques 4.. 6red to yawr measuiv- ill I I . " . Prow- . oz. btale bread crumbo ' �! Q were taken in the -trip. Trav . .. L'�)"Ily Dashwdod Lady Wins Blanket 611149- and t4en to please too, do Lae wrong =46ut b T' . 1"'i I � % &,rated nutin s - y ip, Top's ' ��, ,�,�,�',i�',,,���'�'�,",'�",',,�,',�"-"."�, 0 . . � up the Portland Canal, he went in thing. . I I To the East and the Orient seas, � 4 eggs. , 6g . . , . .�S, ��­ ­ ­­,�.­ ,,I &t � I ' union cmfismaL I , , , � , 11 . � I 'Mrs. Whr�. Gossman won's., beautt- several miles past .�Stewaort, -where his .. To the West . where the sessons ebb . I I . 4 �f�,111.11;�.. Mi g,-��.� .Pare and chop apples; th . __ .�. .� � * * * , And flow, , � , ­', 4 nax wi 11 .11 . , I I ful blankiet jn,.�,a dTawing conducted work W411 be, carried qn.. - Mitchell . When. Divine trutlitouch-es it. man it To the South, where the lotus blo, crumbs. at I of e 9 9 d r .... "i, f�, g '.by the Robin 11166-d' Flour at Obathfwn. Advocate. I .-..- 1, . enlightens and quickens all nis. pow- I S_ ,-be 70 Im 9 g li btlyan . ... -1 1.1.111. . 1� . . . I � I ­ ,, � � .� ", �. ,; I -111 I 11, The dra,wing, consisted of completing . -soms blow,, , , add -to crumbs; then add salt, cinna- I ��., - � . . ere. . ­.. I ­­.. ­.. . .'' A, . ".4-,, .� I � � - _11 �. "ir" 11 ' ... - ; .� I . I ol-000000000lolooll0000looloo I , mon, and nutmeg; thq ' stir in care- . � ', ,,�:. �,'�,� ,1'? 5�;_, , I a man's faca,by dmiring']a -nose. We , I . . .1 10 ok, * Or the fa)r. Antipoi ip I . . �1. , R, , .. - . I I , ,--�.,t �� -11 . I I .congratulate Mrs-. Gossman. -l"'Elk,titer - -_ ­ � . I . ' fu,IIY 'the whites of eggs beat&_ �tltff,, I . . . F-tice , ,,,,y-,e. ­.,1 ''Ill i" F, .. . . MANLEY ,. .. Patience is bitter,, but its fruit is i . I. � .. :,,L"�. 11 -11*�­ I I 1. Cam "11- , : ' ( ��, i' �.-.. ' 1 4 1114mes!Advoclate. . 1. .. Fling out Your Sags to the fresheA. Mix thi6orOughlY; St in' a :' 4 ,.�, �1' . , t.,`� �. � -, ` � . I I I sweet.-�Riiuoseau. . ing wind, ' � greased mouldl-for, three hours. Serve I . .% � I . , - ' 11, : . .. I � . . - ,K:�,,;,,,,41,�?L I 4_ I . . , ". .Cast oVer4 Our:burg 1. . I . �. V - '. ", - ,,,�'- '�': ', ,, I . I A gloom , I.- , . ,, '. ., - - -,,It,' �, � , . � . . 6anadlan Legion Officers, -.�! , . I . - With Rove at the:Jbp of the mast, 'with custard, O'len-lon'saace. I ­�. � ". �.��'. %; ��_, -,- . . ., 14�fl M d - ting when. the -sad Trifles make.*. UP the happiness or Leave all .1 .I. 1". . , ,�,O -'Cares I � 1;-.114 , ­,,11.,,�;, . _.. . . news was - . your - I I , , .�i!.,,; � I 1. "' I . - , f I sarx Apples a la Parlsienne , .1 . � The X_xeteor"braneh of the Canadian iiacei�ed. of fhe 'death of the misery of mortal life, ,ows and �� I 1. I" �...., . I . . .,., ,'. , " ��, behind; . . Pare, severil sour * Canddrlan�gwwn- � , I ,­.,?�', . I , :- _ "�A., '.. ,., 1 � Mr. , 0a. ii0land, who -was, in - the ��, . I ;, , ­$`2�4,9-9,5 ' � ' - N . "I . . . ., -pail on,,and,y*u'abaIi flaig�7 apples; out them In. half crosavpiseaud , - I '�'L ;. ;, 2 � r �:�, . Legion recently held, their election of ' ' Sail on, . -Y . I'll I . Ill I., .. 7� 1 ,r .. . -4officers which resulted as fc,llbws:� .. . . I . � I �-i� , 11, prim�s� bf heai(]�,Wboki he. -was r oken Mien -must decide on what they -w I ­ I ..' '' " . st - I I . - I ,,�.;. " , - , , I ', The Port ,of your DregaEs � at last. remove'the cores. C6ok the apples- I 11 . �� ... '� � I .­ � . : I .wItb,:Pneum0nl4 and .was 11.1 oxrly� a Act 66, and tthen they are , . . � :� -" , t , - � �, _4 ­. .� I I . I Foresidept; Samuel Dougall; past pres� � ,, - - , -able. to'act . f -A Le*Ig Milligan in until teu-der In a syrup madoe of�,-,oneo I . 1 . I . ..1. I I � ;- .� I .� . I I ` T4, C.., 1;ew days. Much �syin�athy­is felt for with vigor in what they ought to do. . .. . ��`��..:�:�,'.�, 111, idenk W0. E. Mlddleit. vice. I., .11 kii.,, cup of...ougar and 1 cup boiling.wa, I 11. . 1. . I . , , I . , .. . . '' 'fe and. Inall' childr I "The British. Wee . . . ; ,,, - ,�­p _. 1. . .�, I , ��!'. I ,G. Clark; �2fid �Iee, - R. E. Pooler,. his , w; ,f6ur s en in -Mencius. I .1 ter, being careful -to,,retain-the-ehapeo .. � . I '. ., - , . 1. .. � 71 ;1. i i th-is their hour- of Sad affliction. I, - * -V $ . � I .r , 01t - k, 1., Hey. FOURTE)EN MISTAKES TO AVOID . r1p ,A6IL I , i, - '� I Sergeanot­*­Arms,. I -yv - :ii of the gp�ples. Drain the apples and -- � Top T I .i,', �'�-, . 'C I �,� 6 learn, that Mr Lot -him who regr,dto a lose of 'time . I . . �. . I 11. --1 ,. 3, I -, 4 ' I x" , a' ITF01 I , , , . i'm , ,,�,.� ,00d,; I , '�"'L � - ,�'��, I lutAve members: Cliff Bil,itfteil, . We ,r,�, P&Med t . I .. I �, . �,, . . . _� I ., ,� -, � , ." . G. I I ,your own Stan- set, each 1half apple on a round of �, ,�"L, �'��i.Nl. , , I Sia Me -John Afuirray.and Mrs. Joha'A.:Eck. =Jai Proper Use of .that which -is to To attempt � to fiefo� - ' , � ��,�.:.Iiii , � I I I .. ..: � . , Coebirane . and, ,Arthur; AdJt. - ke SPr nkled, kghtly � .. -41 ' t lli4,-'.�Xer littlw diughter-are �ro- Como in,the future.-O'Conneill. d'axdls,of right and wyong, and expect Stale 131)01190 ca , . I , . - S "' � 1� �, - " .1 " I , ,�Offlic6r, Thbe , Pryide,;, see 4reis, U., "' . I 11 . . everybody to conforO to them. I with orange juice, and either orange I - �. _..._._1' I " � * * * 1, � . . I . ,,­ '� - "i, ressllng_li Stewa' ' . --U 11 . 9 i �' , Vora:bly. unden the doctor's A Bro'& eaf I Easton.-Exetfor, Times-,", yoocake. ,.- . . ry marm4laide. Cover ' apple, . I 1. � I . -1 . or$ �Wfl ... , or peach . -,, I . I To f � �',!,, I.. . 1. n', ":".1.. ." - ., ineasi the enjoyment � "I , . . , "" "" � - to I . , . I t.1.1 1 �, .4(��. 1 ".,IV . .111 ..'i That is a fine type of courage .. I � I � . . -.41. 1 . . 4 " ;'�, . , ,,, �' � ,, I . -Z.1%. - own. , -4.i�gbe and some chopped i_ . I I I'll .1, . .1 1­ �d 0 1 .J , or others by your with a m,q . ! . '.. Presented WM nalri,6 ., , ,4v ft�14&04� thavy-44b reduced the which is displayed in unnumbered , ,, , . I ,'I ", ,. , ' i ' I .. ,V, . , , , P:., I �, i, , , , 1 I - To expect uniformf in I I . I I '. 14t, 1 ,V of opim-04" almonds. BTc;W.n in the oven to a del- U, , � . mes where there is devotion sa"ri. :1 _ I . 1� I . . ',;. 1-11 I Snowdrifts but Ca -r 96�vl,60'ig still at ho . - . — I . , ":70ol, 11 Mr. Josiah Geiger was, 'pleasantly a Standstill, while-sifeighing I I 8 fair flee and Something about wh' no Eals, NwAd, . !care' brown. Serve either hot or . ,_�. . I I - .- ,_ I . ich I . I ; '% ., - . .L '_ Q01d. I . .. � surerl"d on Sunday. during the class To look for judgnVnt and, experi, I . . I I I ", Z., '. add the water a -little at a tim . I I ... �,',��_ 1. until one reaches, th& highways whicfi one knows anYthiD9 but God. ence in youth I . Apple Roly-poly . e. Beat precist,sd-, , "Irli . �. .�p�,��., �: - ,' li� L . * * .* I 1. �',_ 1, , � ,­&, I �� . perlo4 whenthe members of his Sun ­ I . I I I dl.A�l , A-�, :,' ", , - have, bee�'u cleane well, set aside in a cold, Place for 2 Roots are ..� 11,�, ,4 . , � d off by the snow- I To ende or rarely sliced or valodi. �,�2,'., ' � . av to inpuld all disposi- Pairs'- I and slice Dortir Canadl=' hours, then fold in the beaten white , 1,�.',*��,� 11111. , ,...Tie clay school class met in -the basement plows. and thus isolates up from. the If a million people talked for twelve . - - .11 I ­. , Io 'It6raoss'-for the, , I . 11 months the energy generated would tions alike, growj� appes. Roll a rich baking - � when led ..A 1� por the Rvangelic4l. Church and- 'pres- towne; but the country businessmen I of the' e9gk T%e batter must be that "the outst',132(11331,1 Vi .�. ,� � , . Not to yield, in unimportant trdfles. powder. diough y2 inch thick.� - -Lay the thi k. . '4..f 1, I _� IS aLiQ" , ��, ' ". , ' ,� , I I � � ' �� � - , - . � �ented theJr teacher With a 'beautiful are g&t.iing the benefit, but it looks Wil a .small cup of tea. -Sir 'VMam .. c If vot soft enough, add white feeding. is Q4�benoeficial"eff�4,oa�-Itlkv .�,� �­ - I toccasionta Chair, showing, tbeir appr' '' To took for perfei in our own sliced apples ou, the dough and roll ef ,another egg. I t.110 ..��& e- at present that w Bragg. - .1 . ' ' ' ' f3vft "', 0, . . . e are in for another , . ­ . . ­ 11 ��_ �.. - ­ - actions. . ;4 as for Jellyo-roll. Tuck in the ends tei and gums resulting ' : - N. ` ' " h * . . ,* 0 - I I .. - M. lees t ei snow, storm which, ., , ,;" I ciation for the faithful s4iv* y wili'fill'up the cuts * X006 Fritters --- .: ' �' :' 'r��' . To-- worry ourselves s and-pZick deeply with fork. Place OIL, page, CC *, ,,, I teacher has given tiom these pa Whea-6bildr,n. and . ��'� ... F, . Rt on the highways an&-_._.agaih make are a trial to their and other we, quar'ber I necessary biting iliqG-fhe whole ropi-I 1�, I "" . ver . �, , � I years.'Mr. Geiger fit��a very able man- sleigliffig possible. parents we may expect the about wdiat caiindt b6 remedied. a plate dredged with flour; 'co' Cainadl�pr The piiinciple, values of roots, in tbw.-. .111 .11- th 4 , . parents grown apples; roll in powdered sugar, . . .. " - . I 1�1 1, . . I 'if,7'e, can, all that with a cloth and, steam 45 minutes. ration for horses are- :,,�� I i� ner thanked'. - is class. for the gift, � in return. to be a trial'to their cobil- , and dip in, fritter batter. ]3�efore 1. . ;11 ... Q i, I ., ��. I . -needs ali�e�ation.' ' Serve,wlth sugar and cream or a gug- 1. Increase . pabstability. - ,��, . 4'. . , � Zurich. Uerald. ' . dren. , 1. ar hasAime to dissolve, � _�,�.- , "', . V I . fry,,in deep I Not to make allowances for the sauce. , 2. Form a succulent additigpidgwi- _�,,Z_ gy , � . �, " Uts . "', � ,� I WINTHROP I * * * ­ fat like dOughn - Roll in Powdered .; . el", 11 " ",,�4 weakness of others. . Apple Fritter, Batter ly d4asirable, f0iminj as it does 4& ?,,,' I - I ., A ... 1. . I Former Brucefield Boy Honored The politician who represents only 'sugar before serving. serve hot. food in the na,th.Al ' _U.1;__,& . :111�!ul_ 15 I 1. � To consider anytlifing Imipoasibol . .---------- � i . 1, 1�11 "I I I __­�_ tho,se, wbo voted for him -is too . . I., - �� , 11 . - Our. January thaw didn't last vefy small a 2 eggs . I - " ... or I .., �.�, , �� . . I �,4 . . Thoprnton Mustard, well,knowu to I ,which we ourselves daanot perform. A speck of salt A . — formL 11 . .9, I become a statesman. I I � � 1I.-A'O I .'' Ill 1?1� � ,- , ­ , I -many in this comm3inity, has recent- Ipug. Old,'Man Winter followed right to nod % cup cold water . 3. Assists -An "or in� the 0'. 11�,,'.� I lgi, . . I To believe only wbq the finite mi " It"i, . I . � - . I I . "M ly been commissioned by the Minister ,behind with a cold, blustery win& People shoould be taught that ,fl can grasp. . I I I cup flour Field Roots For Horses . . goestibility of c%Tse iiaddeors. ;. 1.�"".�g I I � �11 ". . " : . ­.. .� ,of Education to reorganize the The stag eucbx.e was not very well , .,.,- �--, * U . work . To live as if the moment, the time, ,� tablespoon�s. melted, butter Turnipa and carilots; are the most 4. h wid gum. - - ­," ��� � In Grades VII andi'VIII of" the foublic attended Monday night on'account of they keep their minds op ,, Beonefitoi,Ati� -test . ,I, I, . en When � . ., . �, !� , � �, .1 . I the roads and. raiu. "'The Jprize win- they are Young they will a the day were so important 4 that It I teasp000L Sugar. commonly used of field roots as -feed, 5, Am sl*ftW laxatj*% , - � 1. ,�,­� ., , ... � I . lways keep - - I I a te, h000ls. Mr. ustar V 11� tl,.­� � ners 'were: Partners most open, and that ol would live for ever. Stir salt -An egg yolk, add butter for horses. There is zio questl'Onl as 6. Chealwds -the ratioVL. ') , " ,�!�� . d age is only a gum I ­! I � , ,0 , , �,,� - ,� _�) in Ili r a last year of preparing I gaMP4.1 I come out_ slowly, -then sugar, and when �ell to -the, value of field. roots as '1411 19 To estimate people by a feed for 7. FbT= -a spUnodid touic or con(V,_ ',� �,',f�, I bert Dodds and, George mer holiday. -Miss, Maude Royden. I .- . . ,!,,�" - . I ��J " e "new prGgram for Gmdeo -1 to V1 Ito Smith; side quality, for I,t is that within mixed, stir. in the flour slowlyi; Then horses, a value which Is too I-ittle ap- tioner. I ��s ��- " i� which went into iiffro, last September.' lone hands, Bili Alexander. ' . I 1- . - 111--i- ; I I... �1�� - .- I . which makes the mian'-A . � ��, � � . t - . . Londion I I -, V 'It is 4 mark'of high esteem in which Don't forget the euchre and dance There i-s,no place where,. -earth's sor- '.1 - I I ... if�� .. I � . , . , �, � � �. Judge. i I 1W ........ 000low. ii�', . this Friday night. I rows 11 .. � � - I . " ,� . � I I- A,!�.-,, "I'll I.: 11 Mr. Musbard's, profeenlobal, ability Is, " , I � - - - - . �. . � ". � , . . I �11, , .held, that I he -is thus entrusted with Winthrop hockey team, defeated St. Are more felt than in,eHeaven; I I - I .1, ___ , ; -0 ­ ....., � , - o." ; ; � I I . I'll � I e (f- Columban Saturday night. Th There is no Place whibre earth's fail- � ). / . I . C;d�t' .,� � I .��,,, the responsibility -of pla'nning the , e score . . . r 11 .. .. _­, I.. ­ I -_ ',"T, ,�, ..... 11. .. ings .. I , L_ .. � . ( , ,,,�, . ,� .1 . _r - 'I � at ' ' �, ,- ucation of all the boys and girls 'of was 6-1. . . I I , . . L _,'J � ,e - . ­'..'­ . ;%,", � , � . . I . , .-the-Frovince. Ells old friends i2ere ...We arv.pleased to hear Mr. Angus Have Such Id,ndly judgment given. in, . I ". �, ,� ... _�_"-.1�1- I . I . . . ,­ I - I if, Wre, who iinderwent a . I . � -F. W. Faber. 5 � �:o .. , , �, 1, I offer configratuladons on, the honor seri,ou-3 O.P- I in'te Ne I -11. "'t" . � , W � �� 1. , eration in, Victoria 14tos,pital, London . 9 . .1, - .1 P, I 'SO � -MORE EGG-S�BET.TERt!a0N1k401kG,S` .�.". I given him and wish blm continue( I - I i I 1, is"doing fine. It is easy to see that a great self- I , I .1 _19.1 .,.�, ­� success. in his- important work.-Clin- I I I � -11'.. . ;..,A, - The W. M. S. and Ladles," Aid of reliance must work a revolution. in , �. , , , , ton News-RecoordL . I - ,i � L,, Xi ;0' N I I � Cavan Church wilt hold, their regular the offoices, and relations of men; -in � . 1-4 ?"Ill I .. I .. I . - , 0 I- I . . . 1. - I . I Returns To Clinton meeting at the home Of Mrs. 'Russel hheir religion, in their pursuitg, their Recipes . . WITH ' Ix— . . "i" S - , . �,�1-1, I Holman on Thursday, Feb. 3rd: modes of living, their associations, in -W . - � I I .. �'N, - ' . . I � " ,1, 4 1 ,;;,p 11 . . . . .. - . . 1! --- I - --- . , -1 " ", I I Dr. J. A. Addison has recently re- their Property, In their speculative After several ibdurs'of out -door win- - ... - .. �­. . turned to Clinton from Victoria, D.C., views.-F.m4rson. ter sport, the first tbft most I - : , , � ,2. ­;,�. , .� - - , .. , . . I . . . .. " � I .. 11,7 � - 11 . .. E-RSM1yM__.1._ � . - - � mrsons I . . . - .. . . � . . , .4 . � . , I I "' " '-- _*fierii -fie _M�W been d6fitilk- sk;fffiai�69t- . . A-111ink ,of 4fid�vpant­wkhets­thay returd ` �. ,, �` , � i"!!! ' . .. graduate w . ork in the Rokal""Jubile-e- TUCK 11 . I . �: � --- ; "�­ I . home is food. - This, is quite natural . j;��11., I I . I I 11111111110011IM11111111MM I . ,.", � , ., L ," Tihe- sound of the woodcutteVs` axe -because the crisp fresh air is ,bound - . . N - , ITospita1 He. Is s6aling 4n -med,ica) :,:!�, , S HURm GAH'm EG AKER .M " A, I . ­�,M . I.e.. . I .. '' . .. I , 1,;� -practice w1th Dr. Hearn, whose health .., , ", - . I . I I . . .� - ,� # - . . I .j", , ." .., .,: ., -� ­ 0 � , . . . I . . ." I . can be heard on all sildes these days. to createt an -'appetite and the exercise I .., ,'�� ,., , ­.,.`�, I'll:. .. ... . . " . . � I ..,. I" , 11 . . � 1.'Lj� 'blw not been good! for some time' SE AFORTH VOUNG MAN , 1..--'.11 .." . ' . I �, "': 1 ,,-.%'.71- '' 11� I . , . ,�' . � . ''I, ".1'''..: .. . .. 'I . Dr. .: The January ,thaw,' long expected, I � uses up �coinsfderRbleo heat and energy . I ", " . I . jo".,e. �,, I A4dison Is'quite well known in to I ..:. ,��'.­,`,,-.-., ..�.... I - wn has ,really come aild' there are many (Continued from Page 1), which must be replaced.' 1-1 i """. " - �. �., .-, " " � �, b % . . . . . . I - �J"'��'4� � I � .,­ . It4 ",*4, . " .. . , .I . ; 'i, ;. I .. . . . 1-1�,,` � " NCENTRATE" 1. " �Jji, ,� -, IX � '. L. 11 .. '- I -a,.4 his parents have resided here� for huge banks to be thawed. as many towns that he had been en- Something nourishing, something 1 i,"4 . ,,��',,!., .1 11 t '".. .1, . . . ­ � . . " .. , ,,.. a - 1, .1. I . 1. .��T&, . . .. " . .11 � � . .. I I I .1 I `X , ..... . 1, . , . '.. .'' 11:. � "' . - - . I . . - ­� - . " . � i : , . . 1. I . . I � . . L ., . . .4 " several -years. His many friends are Mr. Giff. Crieh is under the doc- rolled as; a pupil. hot, something quickly prepa�red are : , . , . " . . .. . . I , . -_ - �',I,�! I - I . I �-,,,w'j glad to welcome him ,back to Ontario tor,s care. We hope for a speed -e Like -other boys, he early began a the three requisites of food on such ' . I +',,1i_ I -It ". . y r - I . - I covery. oolkWion of. stamps',- -but here the an occasion. Cheese dishes, hot I . 1"V Agialm-Clinton News-illecord. . . , ,­ . li.��.]', . I . .1. im,larity ends.. Carmichael took his The balanced feeding of poultry results in c6lasistent proffin, That's, ..21 Mr. F. Whitmore, of Lumley, spent ' sioupso and, toastedi, sandwiches all 1,�Vll . ,. Killed BY Flying Pieces of -Saw 1. Q, - , ' , .;`�'4 �i, _J � , 't=P collection. seriously and consid- intake satisfying ini&winter "anacks!" because you get higher egg production and higher percentage .of ,,. ,:,:;� 4�'?i . the week -end under'the parental roof. S ,,� ered it a business until to -day that and, wbeir itecompauled by -a hot milk . - I I , � �, T", " 'Struck by flying piece A HOAR FROST REVERIE � 1� I': .e of a buzz "' � saw �wbicih shattered during �6pora- What can surpass, the glistening beauty businessi -employs a full-time lateno. drink leave nothimg-to be desired. Hatchability and at.the same time you lower your feedizig costs! -s,;� . - �1�a,� ,_ -, Of hoar frost on thq bedges,, . grapher and enjoys a weekly mail of The Milk Utilization Service, Do- . . J" .1 N, . � tiono at William Solder's Colborne ,nearly 500 retters. minlon Department of Agriculture, ��,'_ I Township farm, Clifford Allen, w,ts Or pearly diamonds on, the trees . . '�', ," , /' First edition of the rn�igazine came Suggests: I ,;'�', ; . , Instantly killed. Jagged. pieces 'Of . the When the sun shines on the ledges? Here is what 1"t does f, . ,�i�',".�l ' I oP the presses in, April, 1935, and Walsh Rarebit I . � I - I .. C't'. =1111 ­­� . saw, 'which burst Vftbout warning, ` consisted of 16 pages and 500 coVies. I . I , 1W cut d-deply into Alkmls neck ,amd, gnul- The roofs all ilp and, down th6 I -and 1 tablespoon. butter . . - t "'t, � I � . . In the interveming two and a half I tablespoon flour I � �) . .".IN I . .').1111 I ,ders and be died Instantly. -Wing. Are all, aslant iry gleamy glares, years it has more than doubled -n, . . '� . I For'they are changed by Winter's wand . I cup rich milk or thin Cream . - , ��,5�i liam Advance -Times. , , . ..... . 3 . . S.Ize, while the Issue -now totals ne�r- 2 cups, -grated obeeaeo, . 1111111111111111111e , e.1, - Into most un,famillar flairs, . �­I,j 1 ly 6,0010 copies. I ,t�, I Suffered Scalp Wound I Y4 tea,fpoon, salt I I., . � V,! When he first became a publisber, . , �. �F.E� Perhaps in some secluded spot as well as a -collector, young Car- 1/8 ,teispoon mustard � Dear Sirs: , .;!, -While working in Wiloon's bush at Few grains cayenne 00#1000 �4 . � .. , TvIntechurch on Monday morning, There may be siglits moresplendid, michael was careful to keep the fact 1 egg. I Two years ago, I was having very poor hatches and heard of your . 1�1,11 ­ . . . . ;,��,� J But out among the bushes bare from his family. I'll, _. .. IM&kb a Sauce of butter, flour and I Shur -Gain Egmaker Hatchability Concentrate, s6, I tried it. It was . I , 'i'-.� . Wesley Leggatt waa hit on the b6ad I . .�. �,z � ., I I ,", . Jack Frost worksmiracles uneuded. "I dian't have any money and I mil'k. Add grated cheese and se"on- too late in the season to expect any big results,.. but I was il ised - . �., by a dead limb -that fell from a tree didn't know how ,it was going to� vvaprk I � surpri I 7 - . - and Suffered a severe Scalp wotind. ings. Pour some of hot sauce over to see such a wonderful improvement in both hatchability and vitality. 11�%t . I The rustic hollows are agleam out, so I took the magazines home iSt 4 . . ': ;, beaten egg. Return to double boiler� I liked it so well that,last year I ins ed on all my flock owners feeding '.1;!", - , �­ ,�,� 1 4 The, wound which is eight Inches in, With numerous IV crystals, sond, put them under my bed. How- and cook a minute or two. Serve on . � I ""��,_ -lit . Jeng-Th, runs from the forehead, back And trees con all sid-Orre bedecked, ever, mly father soon found them, but it, commenging at the staq of the season. I never had a healthier � . � ��', I � "With silver -she d icicles. when it went over and started to trast or cral3kers. I lot of chickens than 4 had in 1937, and lots of them- - . ,',,� " ..� - - , I � . I 1� , I I . .It, I . Oyster Stew � ,��, . I I . - — make money, it was, all right with . My flock owners also had exceptionally good egg' production. I 1. �i ,��.,�� . I'Mg There's .not Z`m1or(f .wonderful him," he recalled. I plot oysters 1�,X-i`� . _".-, Than this Itween earth and sky, The office -of this, world-wide busi- 4 cups milk and oyster liquor Practically all of them use y6ur regular Egmaker Laying Concentrate ,�%'� i �,,�� - , , I No biiman- hand Could, fashion thus neas is s�tlll in a room of the Pa - .q tablespoons bufter . . up until the time they switch to the Shul- Gain Hatchability, and it t"%'�; I . rson inbs' pleases them -very much to be able to obtain good production and at ,. , I A picture rare,uo matf er how be try! age, but Is '�rathier crowded," the 1/4 cup cracker cru . 1, I'll � !,�,J: - I . _MARTAA. youthful stamp executive adinitted. In Salt and.popper. the same time, a premium for hatching ego. . 4�4,.:,!: ., , I �,_; - � I'll . . I -0 I Carefully Pick -over oyisters. Rea I . .1 , 1� I I � : ,,;� . addition to his fiall-ttme Stenographer I 6ve no hesitaiion in recommending your Shur -Gain er " I 1�", ''.., ,,,� tAt�,�, I 14 I I -40. I . be finds It necessary to hire five or milk amd oyster liquor. . Sessop with .. . Mj� " . . ; .1 IL" I six., otbienbelpEirs at Publication times, salt' add, pepper. , Vfteu scaledladd Poultry Concentrate for uniformly high egg. production, Zd'your, . ­­�;�t'lj� ,, -, Hatchability Concentrate for an abundance of healthy, vigorout .. iA.l - I ffach of,tbe more than, 5,000,,mem- butter and oysters. Cook until oys- , I � P ,)P . 4 � .11 I , . I 1,10 q I , ; � bers Pay an annual membership fee ters are PlUlnp and edges begin to chickens. � Of .: -,t PLAY OPENING -GAMES of one dollar. For this they receive Curl, Add cracker Crumbs just be- . I I . 1) N . 4 � � I I Yours very truly, . I. s., �' �; , � , "A; ... the magazine and answers to their fore 196riving. - 4 ", I 11 I �:, (Continued from Pa�`gs` 1) -- queries. An additional, -25 cents pro- Creamy Eggs an Toast I (Sgd.) J. E. McKinley V � - : ,!i, ' - . . I _ . �. ��, t, . . . 1. ,., - � ". front of the goal the puck went vides them with ,the 84 -page year 3 qgf-9 ' . . I � Zurich, _04itario. . , '.�,' ii �� . Wool -in " . 'Is "'.. 0 - 11�119 - on Smith to give the Tigers -the lead., book, which, among otber things, lists *3 teaspoons butter I 1 .16 .1. 'M 11 I I "', I - .__� the names and address - _- . 11 ... I STR . ar 'I is es of all the % teaspoon salt I . .1, - . I '� & �L , , ..., N �. Im-lbe third period Chesney again: members, .11 Few grains - Pepper ... ::-_-_ I ','� ,,, I . f I 11 . . itushed up alone and in, went the rub- . Stamp collecting bas, Paid Car- 2/3 cup milk . . - � - S00101111 . - ___:�, . . . _. 1�' .. I kk _. � ., r Igts ad -car ber to tie the score. Then Quialm�n - . . ,:, , 4 .1oiltow. sunme to di I . "� � , ,� , , " . . . me., ThdO to -1 ,31,4, michael dilvidends with whicli he has ' TOR -St. . . . - , , .''N"', , , , , " , ,., U e I rushed tip and scored to win the . - , . I I 11 - . "I � `A, ­ , ­ been enabled to satisfy a long stand- Beat P-998 Mightily. Add butter, sidd� - See yotw Shur -Gain dealer —he will show ' ' how , �",�XA'j I I , skiM ketm on ,isern sands. YOU I ?,I , ' ' ,: 'tiij��'4�,f�. game for the Tigeors. Chesney, Mae- I , � � "I", �,� ssion for tMvelling. Two years sonings and millk. Cook over hot wa- � . " . ,"", -4f'%� f6r. ,s *low vacation or a n ing pa. . .. . .. , , 1. "'2 "',&! - - , '3A 1, -1 & sm there is never a re the Stars. J., ago he -toured the, Gaispe'Pieninsula ter. - As mixtve coRgIllates around -,�. . ' L' . I , , ,� t�,,. I Lean and Quin)a wbi to friake greater profits by using a balanced raflon.' ,, . , �.T 0,,,��,,, *Z%a=" - And COMM 1� I I � � � � . , I :� . , ,,,, .. I,, Moore was the referee., . I . . - i..'' . X,.`nr � Hvins ' and early this ye& he spent some sides and ,bottom dratr It.away, with � % I ... _ij�'L�; "I , � 1 �" I I � are'veti, atq4tram The third game 'Went to the Beav- time in Florl,da, �returnjng to Wash. a 'Spoon. omtlnue until an of the . 1. I I � , Ri� .,� 1 ,� , �� . - . I ; �,,C,., i � . � 11`:-1 T_ �'. ". ; ,.��, 'i .1 es era, 2-1, over ,the Maroons, In the Ington in tIm16 to ,see the Inaugi �niixture is cooked. seor�oe on togult- ` T"T' * ,C"�,,,1,10 � I Choose iba-r own route. Far first period, Flannery ,shot from the tion of ,president Roosevelt. SHOUR-GAIN EGMAKER CON�CEW 11. ., il; f APPI ditieftorviatheCanadian I rl)bds Ga ndsh with -parsley. , - , . � , IuJ ' I . I ­... --- :L".� . .: : = - Vic- .cornier to score. Then.Phillips socor- spring. he attended- the Coronation Torasted Ha'm and Clidete Sandwilch .� . . I I �) ";�';­, I .� f- j� one e& on a Ione rush and t4e period oend- LoOdon, Spent some weeks on tbA Placei thin -layer of ftm and thin I I .1 . I , ;1 � t0r1*_t*:$;; For -sale' by: §� IT, . I . 11 . ­ , � �.,.: ,�� k , , , . ., . , I .� - , , . ", � I . ... - . , 1, ,,�,, ,o . . . - ihW bixh dirdcdmw , I ad 1-1. In the second- period there Continent and continued 46wn to layer of cl-�ei6aebetw�ft tw(j i;ncw i3f I � . - . " I - I .� _,__ .� � I " 11 il . � - .. ,t� Y�', ., , . I . . - . . , i , I , - lrw� i, '!, . - - . I I " " , �%, . was vol score. In the third perloill Africa.-'- Throug6ut his travels h,,� buttered toast. ,Serve hot with chin ,�! �, I, .. ­ ' . . .. .1. I . I . �� , . i i , . _R .� : LL, I1WF91Wtf*AT1&N Hildebi sdtii,ed to give bbe.9eav- hias come in contact with loading sauce ,or CatAur.. . - , ­ ... I 11 . � ,� "i'l . . - I , . . I . 4 AS TO 11011IND TRIP frs the gaffb. C. Pinder refereed. plillatetisits of'the world in ad&ftfon I Creamed ChIck6n on Toast, 1. . . I , . . 1, , ­ I. I ,:1 ".�,..":"`,r, ft,, . .1 .�� , 'T 11 � "", � - , ,,, ­ �:,, I Both g6allea were good, to meeting mam T^ I r, f,,,... ,,,�,,�",,� """, ,y members of his club. 2 tableopoong butter .1 - I 11 I..!, ­ � . . �,­� 1,,,m,�t�, �f,�p.�,q 11 . , * aIWOA91:11FARE � Won4,by . in ry int.0, I ,�­ 11 . . ' . . Ch tonCreame' ,,Cl'p , ­-'�; �:�­r�il��Ii�r�q I I 9hhe fourth game was the Despite faterrupFlaoiils to his, School- I bul) MIlk & . . 1'. ' , ',$I,�%'.` - .. I I I , , �,�', .Nt4.14 "� ", I � :,,I,,r ' � '4-i, �,� , ,,--,,- . � " , � I I . * TOORIST -VARE - I.- . �. � .� .1 . '� ,�!4':,J�,,',;�,�.,;,,':''� :1�1' . 111 I , the best exhibition in,g, ,and, the long b6ium .6f'wbl,k en- 2 tables . 1. I .-I, ,;, " - � 11 � ­ � ':,,I,r , " �,,�,,,,,,,,,,,,�,r,,,,�;j,�.i��,',,I 11 6'edAt'sk Mitt, _ Redwings, 4-2 1n, Powns flour I '' ' � ' '-' i "' " � �' ", z, , * ,,� %,� ,,� I 1. ��,�,�Q �'�,�.,;,�l,.,".A"",�,,,;,�t�-,, � 4, O�W - ,,,!� �i , ,11:�, V I I I of Q11 Goals were �cored ,taited in, looking after* the *aftialra of 1% cupo freshly Cooked or cauned, ' I , ,� � -,�i,fi ,r1",.,]-'1 , '! ,�,j,WQ . ,.f I !!1. 4 ­ �, � - " , t 1, I ,,�,M'_,A -1 11A I ­ I ,1- , , '. i ,',i,,­',�g� � I , '1�t_V,17 A I "I'll, i, � � o6y At*"# _J .. ,. Viorbing. ' - , ..,'­., I.. � _. - ;', I __ I'� N�',��il�4014��I�','�� . It, _1001 2o, , , , nd the elub� and- Its MAgazirie, Clifford has Chiekel, t ju. pol - ;'g , , " . - bv Elliott, ,George Hildebrit , S'mltJ1 ' ' t cu Coss, , j�Sj�,:­', 't�,�,��p�",` : � � t �,, , ILL ­ ��, .� ­,�.. �t kept up�� Ms. studies and, this option . I. _, ,�,,r:,.,�,. i�., Rxl'��`[,V�i,:,�, "� 1 ,14� 4, , - ,Ij�L,Ri,,� . '9,,,, ,",, . , �, .1, S , " � , " I I ­­ . n1d 10111oft for the lRedwing;s, Coombs I 9 salt "O pt�ppeor­ " .-..,.---, ,, � `,;1,44�`. I I . , . , ­ , 1-1-, I 9" . and -your Lo'cal-F ed Staie r A�,,_�,�i,q�,�1111'11��, ,�,O�,�,,,e '. . . � I I 11 1. .. ­­�­j.',;.,�..,�� �, t - t I ated from' the Se,06fth Colleg- Melt 6utter. �Teiid' in flour flu . . � , ­ - 1. . 1 1. . k ��,',',S,g.�, 'k". J�, "P., 0,1�1��;,, , ­1� I and Dro7n we.1,6_,giso gogl�gette,ro gradu � d .11 ` I % . �� I - , ,;I Is , , I E "" , " ,, , , � , , , , �4 , �� ' ., , 1111111111ok11kokF . I I I � I : , 11 I , '1�1", � . r �, , it 11 � , 1, � 1 i , �. p", , �, , i 41 11 � , , I " i � 11 Nrr , . I' , 1i *1 0""' I I I A.� t. . 1, , U17 I . _ �, late Institute, Ria finak. ekaminatioffs geasoning#', d . lk , . � .. . 1,� �� � 7 ; " , 11� . . , T V L, . Peilwtf�s, were 'givell to. Drom�n an - . 11 � ­ , ., I 1 �1.11, . Ad w awl . . - , ,,�%, �� � 11 � w6re written in, luu6, two,days; kitbr iWe ud,1ftl,'mIxt,Uj0, �t .. , . 1_ -, ,. I I", -, , � ,,,, , I I . I it, , � ­', � � I . . DUE � 'r , . , , . " -- . � ­�,',N,' , . , [�),, 1,�A. "T � NeSpadden. .1. Canisron-wag-ttie re, . coo� &� , I . , , . . ,,�` , ,,,,,,., " ". "", ''I' " , I -_ ,,�, ­ . !_ 1;�;.,` - I I . �� � I-, 1, "i ":",. , , ,,, �. .�,;: , ­� 1 - 0 o ]J, �,., I I .. 4 . . I ,.. 1. rl�'�:::'­�i� aj`101 1511 I red ... I - - " his riaturb from his-'ev,4roetto trip.." , thf*4 jn� ......... 11 I'll ..... . . . . . 11-1....- I.... 1� I., ;��­. I ­::r� ;_ .., , ,.. ,:,,,�,'.,,�, . 111. t . � I . I fe, , . �, 11 Aal I C= lab ILL t ; , �� r, . ­.- ­___ 1. - .. I . , � . . ­,., I .."; , , ­­_­ ... J I . - �, ".. � ... I. r .. I . " _ r " r - 1, �� � _7­�,,� ;� I . I ,_ ���, . . I -7 " _ �,,,j ".. � , �� 41�,;�. 1 ,I �,ii ��' , .", ­ r . I ��:` ., "' '' . , A jt� � , _­­ -7'—', �� ;�', ,I i, ""t .� � - �;''. . �,�,.,c �1' . I - . 11 ­`.',­�.�77, "�;��:,* 1",",� N.11,-'-.,:,1,, ,_­i;� � � ­ I : . I 11, ". 0, .. � 114 . , lii, �­ " - !.14'' ., , ,� �I el� ,"'J'�..'?0.�,-T,14i" 'r­&'jQ1'141`V "�,,r .1 ,., �, , -1.1. I I � I - * ­ " " 1. '_�p �., ,� _,,,I,1!J`,�, ,"� �, . . I I , 'I 1, ­""' "J"i, �r, ., ,v, """iyl- j',�I ,� , , ' 1, ��'N"��,,,,�,"�41,',�,�"%.'��',,�,!"",;t�, , "' X, , A��,,-Nq-�I,�,� i ;, , ., 1. 111 . . . . � . I .. 1. - , � � ,, - �`,­ , � �,��.'.r�,�' K, ,,�� ,, �111� �::-,_ ,,, ��,�.,'�.­:_._:, , � � I . , . ­ � I "'! , . .� 'd -,, I q 1"'."li,l'-4 ,�,, : . t I ­.. , � -.1, � . . ", . ,, I �, ­ � . . 14,,­� _,_�.�,�, �,, ,."I I .;. �;4­ ', , 1�,4�!& �, , �. �, 1 - � "" sk, I- � ... - , , ".. . . I I y . , . .;.,.'.4 .';"�,�t I ,.I $ ""I, .;_ , ;�, . �,��, �, �,, � , -, - , �, ; . . � � 'i � I , i. �,;i . ., 1. 1. ,�� ` '7 .. . I . I., - ':�­, , ­";;",, , , - " -, -, J� I - I'll ­V"_,_j'­-61,��, , ", , , 1 I'll , ,',,I n", ��­ ,, .1 - �1 , ,� , , ,�i ", , I . , � �",�,, � -,­ ­. C - lv,,�,,�,� , ""i!"",iari , .. � I �' � ,,, , �� I �,�,�,,). - ji�i, '. '�,,.q,,�,',�, F, ,. �,­�.;. � I": . �­ , ­ 1, 1. 'I;kl.".�',T4'i�-'�ly.'�.�"r" �,'�,', :�j�% _�, i'r I , 11��Ii , " jr�,�,�! "411 1 �111,..i" �f� �, 4,�'J'�i,,�,,�,�,�� [��'i_. -� " ..... � . , - � � 7, � , ". -1---- "'.""', '' .:�_ � I, : ,f 1111 - f�'_'I'Ij�f�';�,41'ij�'�.,` .... �,, . ',4�,J �S". ,�,`111­'�!'!'A . 'T '', -j,�­J,il�",.,�,,� ". ,� �,:­ ...... ,�'I.t'q,e . I � �,,' I" , � I r -$7 ��4j " �1, ")" f'�'­ i,;,�tv, ',,;,�, ­ , � ',�� I 1, 11 1 , , , , `f%�, % ',,��t ,,p� ,; , , ,':i,,, "': �. J,,*.,'-:,-, I I., 1,! . 't �j� �' j�,�qA W , . , ..., , - .� ,. ,',�' , . ., � �,h �J:iit&,' r, !, I , � �� , k,'!i,� .,�til'r 5�9,,,'&,��'.,�It'R "!"I �,�,��, ,,% , `�; 1`-','g'.� `*,�", "' i !",\ j 'A , X `,1`111k� , I .-:1-, "O, I " , ". "', ,, , �� �'. , , m�i�'.'�� , 41,11'. qWW1'T13f,,�)f1,1r I I ��`,�!�`,I�!$�', � ." . . " '. � ,V ", 1� 1, ,,,, ` PfOk, ", ""1 . . . . . , , ,:,.�., ", t, . � r �) �,( ,--, � - I ,,, ,,, -1- " �v , 'e. I , � t", I I "I � , ,It , I .— q"�,R�.,�," 'j,"I'lig, 4,1111�fllll , , , , , � , � ,1 IF , � ��. , " ,�, "' �: , , 'I , ,� ;,01"q , ,,,, , � � � , I N, 0'."I'l , ' ' , - , '�,i!'�!& i� '2 t, , , ;. _ J� 11 , ,,� v;'. �17o,W,lt .� *, .,-,,c � , , .1 ,�:; �,;,-,',,�_;,/�:!�,i'�,",� 'I ­,`� !i,,�,��t �,t�i�"��!,'k�,�',�,,,,',,�� 11�!��g" ", � .. , " , .,',,�)i1N-1",, , '. 'F� �;,%­ -, � :ir'. ,; , '.4, , ,,, q�,,.�,i,�,,,;, , " , li`� , ,,i , � ! - , - t "I'l V,,,�,i,,,�, .Li .............. ___ - ___ "'4i"Al �',11%`.,,T­11WV.4AP � , , A ',��11! 2!11 �,'��'11Q=i� I I " g , ,� ,,, ! , , �,: ME .2-�."i.-M-2— �, . " ,J,�!!iq�'� .� ,� , :1 " " ""x'. , �121_1_1_11 �__, I— �� — .nL&;�Iog& , �l�":�pe,"t,".��:"I;f,,"..",��y"''I��."')��,�'ji�-"�'i�,'�,'�,"e"."- �� I ; � , 41;.,_P`�.,�.`,-`�;,, 1116,11 11 �� .ill�!, .1 � !,`�W�4,`1�5�,i� .�, ", !!,� I :! ., -?.0 U"d I