HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-01-28, Page 3I '. �4��,�"'j"Q,.,�"",,. Wf-,4i;��-?�; I " ",;�,.;�!'�7i 1 1i ,- � , , I , i�:-,",.1.­,.': ...... ��."."�.�.���:"t�4"1'4",,VOP�,�-1w�I , , 11 '11 �!i " , 3�� I , , ,; . , 2 , "", . - � �� - r! ,'M -A,),8 i�5,�` 1R., 1 'N'..' SN. N�f,"-t#00,11 F &11.�,?, �-p,,.;,,. *, ;`��,,)�1-1­1�:AQJV 'I � f� � " �' " 14% 11951 'VIP 1`111111W ."110 Affi'� - 1,11111 . `q�'-, 11��It�ll , A 4-'.�Z, . , 4 1 , , , X 1�­M If � �r , �;­ , , . r '11"'I . �:: .1 X&1d1"1'1,;. - I ; 14 � I 51"r,"111XI 0, �0 1� - I. � , , I R§,��,,, kll&�,� . C, I . is . I :�11.i0kl I .1 , , , .1 , "' '01111111U � , .' L ... ��11 11 ,� "I -1�1110112 11111"', " ,2, "' I I . , ., " � .. 11 ... 11��. - 1,1 i 1"'W �, A 11 'T14 , , , 1. . " I. 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I I I I i . �� � 01 11 � I , , -:*�. � " -a ",-.*'j - , , , $ . � ,e I T �Mocftv .. - - �� , ( ­ .;,7- 4 I . -- - - aw .: . ,;� , .. . . I X �' tjt�ft.; . # -.I*, . t ­� , , 44, gone, .-7 . .S ­". , ­;. I � ; i , ­ I .'ry #...: -, ­ i - � . to; ,� .. . . .1 � I . . . . . . . . - � .1��.� ,7 ;..::,,,� � I L i�e � i . � lz �. . .. L. % .*. ­ ".' . L -, , . I . ... . ­ _jj"­ � . . I . �. , ­ '� 1"VANC ' ' "' I 1. I . ­ , ", .... -7W ,il,�114 '$' ­ , A , '' Ism,, for , - , � ­;�-% * P %. � UE 4,04 -�* ­- , , ­', .�� . :.i.!..!.1.7 Tt. � , 7 : ­ �­­� . ..... ......... : I ,... , . I year. Etee. ve " jobm* . .. I ,,'.� ,.,'F , - , ­ ..; 74-14, ;r . I Wid, fbi ­ I . �,.`i',-4 . ,. , it , , W , * 40 — ..''. - . '011 ekt� . .� '' . ., , : ond.., s" gvvvilr. ,.V,QTO . 4 . . . . . ."; . 1. , I - wilsi =rt. TWCAM .­�',� :"�'-' s �, �b6 Mr. . . . #1 s4broo �."* th - *r'"betudiati., - , 19. w I �� . R." ., 111 � . � �oo W. .. I or` R AWNI", �, "� . US . * ,. . I , N." .. '* . I '.. 13*00A-1 , - 00P " we , r -y" ""ll -A. I ,14'read "' I -?"�il4',M � I , lav,;;;;�stiii of* 01 .. -.10 1­11i'1­11-ka '' , I 1. . I\ I I!, . . " . ailc ,the 1.0,11 "' 6E . ;.'r," 11in"0 4� I .. � , , , -cil r�av M .04 "t w"tAer * -for , I I . . .�, � ,.� , ,,, �E - � L . I kort 1#9 has t even W. il", � . . :` ` :,.!" .. ,'. ''. '. . �, -7,-, , � . I. . * � I... . ­40or'tiou to ul*"-�:)P91 We -odlinic - - -ftrj4 - , .. �." , 11 .. . W , ; . to "give 009 X. . id��Oilng kudhiperibdo thie "pabli *as,cow -' ­ : ;; -ed . , , . "0__ :28*tt-Sevonfto I'i I � � ,Pndc*ed-,&,*eniis* 09.1it -311&.� I - I., ,4 C �, . !�­ , !�� " . I � Aegeribs, I I . -S ei� . 1� ii, . I I . . � ­­ ­ ­—'. .10utmm'71. I ­­ .ble. ­jxv b'-Ou" .. . 11. t4*iAACau9es.'dosu6d,j6r a W0'0-'W04W I ,e "M I � �� 11 . I ., .­;�­. 11, , ,,, I . I , , "o .. . . ..".I... ­ I �Ir ­Ift­ 1.11 .. it 11 . WS, Sup w4u, ­ 4 '01 Mept -or Vh 111. � . � I . .i; 2". ., 6 1 1 yerllod� froW­Aj)r11 1-6t of *`a, 7,110; Q i ' '.. '' X ' 11 0 , 0. I I X71. I �� but , . '. .. '' 11' : , "' -;, I . .%. .. . . f , . . - 1. !! , -.0pMby, were �'P".Wetkt _.'Nlr. e. In , . . , . wak Presented tb lbosbare! A'a at, � :- � - I . . ;�, I I . � 1- I ?" I To . as we do.; uot-o'doWer it fair -to A*V4. MQ9X ,spoke to cou4ca iV0414 I I 0 1 b . 0 auger gnu 1.4,;.� 1-11-1- . 1. . . . . I. ., � . ; Zi�, I.. I , I I I. I -y. 16 �w I ­.. the -*1 �,L inieeting";bold'in'Torouto . . .. . 1. �. 0 0 I., , . L.M, Mrr � , ,`,!'. " . - t .. . . . . � . -'L , W''. .. .�, �� , "', V . . . r* Usilftat]4016'01! C641AY 841d I)QW0061P Pro. . I on Wed.ue9fty,,,,UAi'S6th was,a�very . . .1. . . I li . -did in , ­, residents. to pay a fu ebr*) CUT ja my as.1 - my 1bubg., k �,. 11 . y 3� , . , , . , " . .. 7. ..�.iv.icl-� � i . - � J i � I I . 1, 1. -, � . ; , �N,.. -,-i,: �,�,'A, 1ingto, the coniffitlim. of % the.mftii� Leg- . , WlbkrernA I to talpe Krugch�Bn-,Saltd, ' i I I � �;,;"gk;g�� I �,,, I , I I 11, qp. 6. .'Following Us M&ess the satlofi�ctoriy.�'ne, ftistially in the imi,. - . 1� .... '�. I. . ..-.:.. ,o�-,. '', . . ., . . . , - . ­.­ , Deposits � .,..4.....�'P.P.,. -- agri", I � � 1, " Isladve Commirttee. � I, found it did =6 more -good ttain, all pro,vement in.. I . �j . . .� .�� j i . . t&I'lowing.moi,tion-was read: Eckert - - . Commercial- loans 400. , '**""*""*""*-"'*""--,--*-*--*,,,—*,*,,,, .1.-r - ; Mr. Erskin - I e, Ibb County Treasurer, MCN -all: Thai Messrs, . 11110 other -1hedicine I hadl'tgkon � put the VDwth io deviosiW that the figures � . Depositsj�;'6 Banks,....�­...A ............ � ...... i,! .... I . � � I I .-+-4 i'-%. -,14+— P � ft ­t ."A. OIL . Mogg and It 16- -'A . . I ­ , I . . i- , ­ -. :1 ,",�;�-,� 11 RE I JJL ,, -,V-. . I . . . , I � V- I . f -1, Quifflian m ,let with the WaPden's Com- '-`�ly` * `-Y, 390W,lou., - ­ . &,votes mit.irctlijaunn . ............... iiiiii.4 ...... . � .............. a..'-4, . . '�edom fro .Y?' ., .;F ­..,.r, -,'-i,.1 , , .i I .. " . � fr. - , ..M I . , " .11�� at 1.30, japf. 'CwTled. � ,pajA . I , . . motion of Reeves Eckert aind Sanders mItteg ­,evlen, during -wet Current Loans and Discounts in - Letters of Credi4 Acceptdnm and Sundry Ombee i,� ii.. 0. . the report * ­i7adbtited and, wIll .. ....- Ifte ,li , .., as , be ' weather, and can heartily recommend, ­ �. . . I , 11 . - i �� I 1.. 11 I I . Reeve Watson , inquired Canada now.10tal $4�L516,264. In the ' , , A what re- .. % ". I . ineth-ded in the prinbed minutes. ­ - Fe schen Salts to afiyone who'suffidrs .Statement %or t.IW previ ' - hey . I , � 1. �.. . . I . i, I.. - ., �qum"Ioni County Officer rgason. - . ous year t � I 11 - . . . � I& i iy.� � I'll . recedve& The Clerk replied the'an,i from rheuma � '006,396, so -that, therb is aim '. . � -- . I I "�Wi 'p, The Treasurer sled presented &­ 1. tI0m-"`-7-X- 9- , were $34, CapitaL *Reserve guid Undivided Profift ................... � ..... . . .... , , , XF . SUMmary, � - .­,"-, . �, -.�z�j"�;4 "I of the General Account for � Rheumatic Conditions ame'oft�q ... the inereqse of $7319,85A. s ' ' ', I � I �� I 1- -- �t p swe'r Would ,be supplied before the L , TW is an in, "...., I-* . � , . . Ult Of an SX,co . . � I � � ...,.. I I., 4 .1 I G -the year � 1937, and on,#motlon of present sessions ends. Pee . es of urle acid -'in the Crease of alMost 22% which, Tefects ... -'.f . . . . . -1 * � . 9 I �., I �, I 11,1�1�'.., Reeves Mawhinney iand J. - H. Swtt, :­ ... Reev 0 bo Two e.dientq in ihii) Bank's constructftoac�vitiea odd '. . . . . . 0 .. I ,� .. Fj Ei . ., ' dy of the ingr, . I �, " e Fraymb inquired Who gh uld , - ' , , � ,;, .%, ,.11 I . -the report was adopted and will be pay the biDS-Pitall- expfailses of: an iil� Krusichen Salti'hive the Power of dis-, the inlPro1ren*At,­I4 Canadian Com- ., I .." . : -,%?y , i-� I" C.,.�-,' '. 7 1 1. . ­ ... " "' .. - - ".., . . .. , -included' - the ,printed. I 1. . . 11 ,,, I . I ­ �� � .." . I ", ..� , . In minutes, -Tho: digeat .Patient at -ter he bus been. in solving,�.�xlc acidt crystalsi. Othei: tn- merce, in tifi6i. past 114"Mouths. � . I I A$�"s , - - I � ; - � 11r, , ­ ". . ;L . . . . . . . I - �, I , - , . . . . . . . �. I .... �,­ , I .... i . gredienfd 'in these Salts Assist Nature "Cash Assets ,amounted to $27,567,- I I . . . .. ,...,4 .- 1, I. , � . .N V I . I � 11 ­­��', , � i. I I �;� , I Tamsurer also pa,esented a report of hospital' 90 days.. The Clerk replied to expel 't h e dii i d crintals. N7, or 21-720/, of .Public . I . -4in ......... $ 270670v� , . . � . *tho ,estimated 'expenditure for tho that ,the County is requi solve I . ... Liabilities ,Cash on Hand.and in Banks, ittc.lu .� red to '' g Bank of Cai� ...... . , ..� 33r . 105 , 'O �. I 1.1v year 1938. This report was referred Pay ,through the- natural e1jannels... - ­­­­­: while Immedfiitel�* 'AvalIab10-7Aisde'f9­­ Deposit witli 1;64ter of Financm . .............................. . ,`A I I., after 90 days, but only when. d*jease . ­ - � . �. I I . tRalling -$9.1,440,340 o _ . . ........... . .......... 1. I I ��� �� �,W, I -to -the Finanes Committee. . . ,,ri 73% of Public Go#ernment and Other Securities .......... ... 1. � " � �11­1­111 " ­ , , -11.. - . Is., �4. coptimbu I I. .. .- lasai tP . ....................... I . ;­A,�'�, ", . qs,,one. If'the patient, , 9 54",742 , "I., � -11.1 & . Mr. J. M. Gbvenlock, the Inspector' leaves the hospital and , Liabilities, - The,,,Bauk's total , I -,ii­-.-r""---- - , , ,,, I ... I.. , . . , - " I � ".j , . Aurus, the journ. to meet at 10 a.m.,. Friday. Car- now staj�,d at .$144 '' . . CAU Loans ................. 10 ................... "..; ..................... i .............. I ........... ...­ . . �` �� . �, ­`;, g - . , , , - . - 11'4-;,� � g "I � - , -, . � .11 �. ­ . � ". `� 1i . I . . - 1. ­ :-1 , . .1 / � '. : 1� ...".; . of the Huron County Home,.preseat- , apply, unth., go P��-. . � . .049,657. 1 . : .. .19, - I 1 17, � N 90-daY clausei does not . During the year thpr I A,, -�"-'11: , , �,,, , , -ed bb report and -on mlotion of Reeves . . e has been- on. I . I . ­ .. . � ", .,�: ,,,-,., d! continuous days In - ''. I I . � I", , O.V.; 1- Y, . . �7,,,, 'Friday Increase of $5,303,900. tn WWI' deposits . . . 1. ... � Bryan and Armstrong, _��. h", oe .11. .1 ' $ 91*5,346 1 . ,­ I . 111-�"A V& - . . �, 11- - ,, "" � I . - . '' ­ ' ' " 11 2 , � -v � �. - fl'.-.�� the 1096ft. 'Was'. cui+ed. . . � ­­ "'. 4465 " �.� si,.�, the � -1 . Commifag Loans and Discoun4 ... .................... qtt ........... �..4'#,:.�..... 4U ... . , ,.. .� T - . by ,the public.. The:r appear,ft the '.. � . . " �, I 'I !; `-l-, ,�,,V: � ;tdDpted and wM be Included III & *vw, for. ,601 -;,TO K" foll .� "Ah�cume& a r I . Bank Pr,kith-Ews, ................... T,, .......... ­­....... , , . ', � - i: � i: � � ,..Who 9hpul Nialkifig '' -' , p , ovilp . z, W a e0d atement .4 $117,7#3 1 ........... V ........................ l. ..��5 : :,; :; "iN I . , .present.st 11,320 as , .'' ,:, ,,:�Z::' �';', �, �1 - - prinw, n4notbig. � , - p6is"required to aid thepationt? The an4..'&iv1t *R4,iav Indiiated- Andrew comp I , i0skldoo ,,� � I i'M Reeve MeNall, chair' . ". "I atied -to $112,478,420 last: year. I Liabilities of Customers und Letters, of Credit, Acceptance '\. ­,­­­,-. � 44, . I . �- I ­ . M—�M:­ of th'Oftlerk rephed the 1,6ounty 'is,", ,re- Shelihord�,,\Pondjevsibioro, thanking colunii The llankl� Investment Pillitfolio, I . ? I . . ., " . ". 7-, , � and Sundry Other Ant . ...... I ....... ,j. . I I .. 'llurion, Oounty ,Home VommWee for svonalble. for,any extra e(fiMpment Cil for $100\9'rant as, per motion, adopt- has*,bOn efilairged since the'#ravlous ' ...., .-..-.,L ......... !.�...1,­....­ � Z-$78�.140, � . � - . 1,11 . "4�' - , .: � .. I IM .. . . � . 1 �'.T I . , , `iB . . - 1. . , . ( .. � ill. vierbally ., � ,, `� I ,,prosented a .- L . . �'. '1 : I ,. ; e �i,,-- . -t-fis year 1937, asked for, apailt�' from --'the charige. of e4 at the November session,, and J4� year -j btateftout. T.*" inves-ttuen" ­-, . I ­ I I : . . �,,x . %, ,% . )F . brief report of Me w�kk ,ft'it ,mme $1;75 penAlay payable to any regular d1irded, In the Cciu�ty Read Commit- odom-prise 1­Dq I I I I I : 0� . I , . . i.� . . minion, 'and PketiWal z===NzQ;agM=W , , 1. I : �� �, "" � I . I , . I ,.� ,; � ,lbelore -hio'committeib and ,Wh-gt was hospital ,or- t1.5Q per day to iL Shniii tee, Filed,. Government bonds and high gr.d& do- i%' , I 1� 11 � : , il, I . �. �doue - by - ther-said tcomm�ftteei. , . . a, , I The General Manager, '. ,� . . I . . I . - Mr. 311as. .B. Reyndlo, dzoler . tarlumL', He intimated ithat the pnr� Reeve Azinstrong enquired as �o dqkIt1e9'.t6taRmg $K�048,741, an, it&- .1 -1 V--. I—— I I I ., The Dominion Bank. � ,L . 1, .i �- , �,�`- � I . . I . I . t? 1� � ........ �6��, 11 91�6' z4ftse of 'call -Pere or'-sizaar ,eamip. 'wheu� the 014 Age * PenfAlotm and 66sise during the year of $-%509,830, -1 . .1 ­­ . . 11 1,11.. . -sented his report respecting Orisou- ment to assist patients �n hospitals Mothers "Allowunces Board- were go- -The saim of $100,000 was written'on I I ­ Toronto, onitario. I .. 11 �! .... ." . 1. . �� !, .40 �' � � .. , 1. .. �iers and on motion .of Reeves Turner. . , . I I I., I: ". ., , 11, . .4 . , 11 � is Tery often a* saving beeadste it Ing Into operation. 'Me Clerk replied Bank Premises 'Account which noir , , " We ort that we have exammed the above condensed Bal[ance Sheecas at December ' m . - �­ .1-4 , � 1, I ,iandi Kpys the report was, adopted and . .e rep 'A � . migbi; be.the Corrective means ;where- he Old. not know, but that the member stanft at $5,685,000. 1 . , . I ' .: . I I ; l: ...... 1, ' . 1 31, 1937, and compared it with the books and vouchers at Head Office and with the certified I � � . I...., ­ . , .. ­­ I NVIII be included In the printed - MIIL- by patients might leave hospital much for',Nprith Huron bad advised him the, , ,Caal Loans outslde�, ot, , 0=*U - jro returns from the Branches. We have exuained the cash, and the securities representing the I I .... � ­, .;� .lutes. , I. 97 - � ' �V, earlier. .., . I ' � I ... i'?,i,", , I I names of, the committee would -be re� lower by $1, k2fto,'4"'Cali �0��In Bank's investments, held at the I -lead Oflice and certain,of the laiger.Braniahes as -4t D�cem, � . I . :�, - . ,.A.-.;-' � 1�, . I Canada axe $3,719,051 , . . I., ,�: ... .... . P.w. Scott - Livermore - That a That a grant of $25 Celved shortly. " . � less thin * leat I her 31, 1937, and in addition we examined the cash and the s6curities held at "in of ' . ` . .1 . �, -grant of $500.00 be -paid to the Agri- be *glve� to the For(�Aryxentral-�Coui. Reeve Willson enquired when two yeaj!�. L . L...' , ' � the important Branches during �the year. We have obtained an the information ., i.P�e�.01: , 4caltural Ropm tative's office; .$900 I I and eVlan. . � . . . . P", W gen s,ervatiou Committee. Executive. Com- or three. constables, all go In one car N . et prolits after ynaking pirvvWwn � . ations that we have,required,,and inour opinion the transactionst of the Bank which have . . I --- 1� i, -to the Junior ixtenslon Fund, and $15 mittee. -- � ' . . doeq,. each one receive mileage and for Domiaon -pad Provincial Gove=� . . come under our, notice have been 4idiiit the powen of,the Banki, I . . I I "i'l to each 964adl fair witl2in the county. Ebkert - Keys: That the Property pay and Is the ownbri .and diriver of ment taxes were $9711oW, compared i I . "., . I . , . I . � 1 RxeChtivicy Cbm*odttee . .... .... .: I Clommittee tbned with $951,278 at the,doge of 19s6, an I In our opinion the Balance Sheet dh4ose, th. true condition of the Bank and - . .. ...", � investigate the heating the Cox paid? The Clerk oul . is a . . -1.1-T, �, MoNall - Sand": .. That the. usuat indr Be �of $25,5$0. ; Out of profits shown by the books of the BanL . I . . . � .... I , �.-�,, ­ I . . ,%3rAtem j of the jwl and ago the mag- the procedure adopted by the--Audlt. on . 1. I . I I . ­�­' . . I ., . I , I . .k. 1. grants be given,to all libraries in the istrate!s' office and -toilets' tn. the Board In- such Cases. I $700,060 was providett for .dividends, A- B. SHMPHIMD, p.C-A., 1. I . . . �:-`, �, -1 ­ . � licoula-ty. Ellecutive - committee. . a contri . of Pea, Marwick, Mitchell & Co . ­ ` I court house and report to council he Brown - ,V- H. Scott: That the ques- button of $75,000 was made to - Toronto, Ontario. I I . �. vi ' I � 11 � ' .. the Officers, Pension rand, and. $100, . W. D. GLENDINNING, C -A, . I 1, . I I 11 . . . -,..11 I Aftim- L H.' Scott: That we grant fore end, of prBsent -session. Proper- tion. of the' renumeration, for mileage 17th January, 1938. of Glendinning, Gray & Roberts I �., " I I . . .. ..­�11 4 426 to the East Huron Women!49 In- ty Committee. 1-1 I . `-­ - of county constablea, be referred to 000 . was wTiltten off Bank Promises . I I 1, I . . I � 11 ........ ��'. � - �­� .. , � .�� Account, leaving a balance S.f $101,836 . I I I I . ::: .'��,, - jetitaft. Executive Committee. Livermore ­McMlI: That the'coua- the Legislative Committee to bring in ­ -,"i" -1 ' ' . I �� . ". I .... If . to be added to Profit and Lose Ac- - . ;;T.�,. MacKay - Aerr: That Egmiondville I cil purchase a uni, o7 jacket for the n report. Carried.. I count, which now stinde at $770,615. ­ - . Ill I. . ..'%ii�i, , I 'bridge be.iAspe -' 3 . -1 I .. �,11... .. 11 .�,!ted', Py Road Commit janitor to bt n special occa- ' Ini response to an inquiry by Ree,we . , ,.. , , . - I ' - I ----- - � ., tee. , . I The Bank's Paid jUp Capital m ". I -.i"m=i , . . . . . . j� , slons. Property Coml�ftlttee. I I Watson on the 2,0th inist. reopeoting $7,000,000, and AeBerve Fund and Un�- - #- . . I I -:1 I Eckert - Kejo- That F. L. ' I . � . I—— .� � �' �.'d - I R Dav"i- Brown - Tdrner: That this county cons,table's fees, the Clerk presented di � Profits $7,770,$15. " . . . I . I , ,� : I ,son be reappointed to the Winigham Idled . I i... rG,sneral council. of Huron Petition the Labor a detailed .statement to council. . ,- . Office Specialty Co., baL reg- Provincial Highways after abstenee, 0; no. bwn in to=& ­ -14-1 ' Hospital Board for one year. DeDartment of -the Ontario Govern- The Clerk inquired whether council ---i'"' -- istry office contract .... 1,740.09 Receipts . .� ... J. , I .. . �, ,-Ciasiziell, . . I I during the year,. 0; no. oN,deaths ldur- �T�; ­ . M., . W Burroughs, " �; : Ment to amend the Youth Training wished amendments made to the bly do now ,resolvo Itself Into a Cheque writer.. 189.00 JazL 3,-- balance in ben.k,,..$ 18.10 lag the year; 12; no. abse'puded -dar- 3, t, kerr: That the Clerk, . "ill . . . . . � . M, ' 1k Davidson - Dunlop, Tomb sfts� ........ -- Deb. aciet... .03 Ing the 7*ar, 1; no. dis -bariVift , . r, . � Programme so that Ite -provisions may Sthmddug Rutes and Regulations, be- nifttee 2oom Transfer from . during,-- , :� -41"reasurer amid Caretaker each' be - I as of the whole to take into - I "I vvIlply to the boy'of 16 whohas been fore ni-new suppily was printed'. consideration the question of equaliz-' Transfer -to Exchange acelt. 200.00 1937 county vates .......... 1.5,49L88 (Continded'on, Page 6) -�4.:: - -granted -the usual two weeks' vacation I h ; ,during the coming BuAmeir, same to cut off the'Mdtherso Allowance. Leg- ' Eckert - J. H. Scott: That the nevf' ation and -that the Warden remain in D18001tuts ................. 377.30 . ,..,- . ....,", , I . I - I . - '.. � I rangement isilative Committee. supply of rules and, regulations be or-, the -chair. Carried. 2,857.21 . $15,512.01 - . - -� . .", � be taken when suitable ar Keys.- MacKay: fEat the Doparj­ dered printed without further change.' J. 9. Scott - Passm6re: Bank loans paid .......... 105,000.00 D166ursements , , ,;...-, - ... 11 - I I ,­ TbSt the ma,eijaneous ......... * COUGN$p, M - " ,t.'; �, .... , -can be Made -for, their absence. Car" menit of Illg4wayls be petitioned to A supplementary report of the Ex- committee rise and report that .they 9.9.87 Paid owing ,to Gen. Aect.....f ...... 706.o6 - I i -,t. , .. , . I riled. . Debentures ............... ­ 12,950.46 BR9"0 . 1;,j, I � pay at least 75 per cent. subsidy on ecutive Committee respecting an, ac- have agreed to enter into an ,.agree- I I � .11, I I , � L'. - . .� , Bryans - Toner: That the Good- the Cost of bridges and culverts in count of T. W. Nolan for $325,00 was ment to valuate -the County propert7. $247,769.98 Dee I . 31, balance in bank.. 1,862.65 . I -b"e.unt **, Ala " �'; . � , . - � �� �,! MoMb Oorulm�ffslon be asked to look the o6mities and townships (due to read to coldneff--and on motion re. Carried. - County -P zl6v-cu& UWANSO :�� , I ever Cons. 14 and 15, Towns -hip of Home . . 1 $15 em of 9oW1W,.39W=06 . I I the fgMt -of the beavj Iciads). and that read clause --- by clause with .Reeve The chairman of Jho committee . ,513.01 . 6`121611111 . ­ ,,,,, , '. � , ' U1111146 , ". Saiwick, as a Connecting link of Count- Receipts - I., . :". R� .11 � , � ' Report. of Inspector ix -s =---"---.X-40_ , � 44 t, , �,,�­, 11 I." . *�i �., a copy of this resolution be sjj�- foi "Arr&4rong in, the Chair. The yeas when c9unell Po=`Med-AXe`PC&te1L' T116 J.�n. 1, bal. In bank ....... $ 2,302.44 - I , " ,, � ty Road 39 with County Rcdd 30. our local members and also -to 00 The ln`spft�w� of the Huron County . 11bilol, � q� "'i., .... and nays being asked for, they were committee of the wbolo,". had un, From inmates � venbu , 'i, , � , ­ I , �­ I .! - ............ 11,598.48 411111111111111111111011, in barnawk � .. .. . .. �, '11 I I " Good RM516 ODMIM158401Y. ' - - . .­ .. � " various county council&. Good Roads recorded as follows: Yeas -Reeves d,er c6naideration, Rome respectfully presents the . . �� ­ . I 1.1��,,­, .H,,�A. Keys Inquired, not to the.,cost Compmee. I .. the..qndstioin of eq- Old Age Pensions ......... 6,257.42 f01- -= ,nd dbm A �i, . ! 1,��' " � �� "... , , ` � L � 't" to the county of each municipality Brown, Cardiff, Eckert, Frayne, Keys, ualization and has dirkated, me to re- Sal, ,of live stock & produce 6,644.05 lowing as his report for the year end- resuka in as . " , I -..,.1412 Frayne - Wilson: That we Consider. Scott (J. H.), Sbaddic'k. Wilson. Nays port they bad' agreed tq!qp.t.e an Sund" I tIV9111. 11-1 we . �'��. . I . -r..jnto - . . ..; ... �­.,., ii.. �,.. I.... ... .go...20- lag­De0..A1­.19A7: .Total amobgr tWo L I i -pf to-do I ft I ., - L.-. .- - I. for indigent L*tlents in�ho ­ h a AiW or ­-- ` .1 ... .... - Won , --§Q4AJ-S-Thg at this- session. Alw mwat.-eacnomica ---Reeves--Arm9tmng-,­BrY0ffd, IYX*jd. -agre,6i9iEUf6­Vi-i the vounty pro- a inmates admitted since opening 'of = ZV remedim a mantb to-do. , V0 '1"��2 , � JaIL W=k &be sLo(L ame XXV 4* , �.:� 1, ­CTeirk- �re '!W- ' id reply before method Of exterminating the weeds son, Feagan, Grain, Haacke, Johnston, party, The Warden then stated the' $26,832.59 the House, 806; -no. of inmates ow , I, the session, ended.' .. 1 on our County roade and the advIsa, Kerr, Lam1port, Leiper, Livet1nore, question and the report was,adopted., 1, 1937, 94; no. admaitted for the . first I 1) � (Peter W. Scott eniquiied If tbe � .� , Disbursements KgATINGIS PHARMACY � - �4-J0 y bility of purchasing,s. weed "My6r. MaWhinney, MacKay, McNall, Pass- MdNall - Sanders: That )3ylaw No. Funerals and graves ...... $ , 726.25 time during year, 18; no. re -admitted � .... .... ­­ . " 4�',",v� ., . . ..1 �'k,; cu- . . . � ! M� , - tbooks and Papers, and, other do Good Roads Committee. more,, Sanders, Scott (P.W.), Stew- 10, fbdng allowances to- be paid to Live stock and feed ....... 6,332.92 1 , I tn;§ � .. I .­ . "v§ I � , � "N' iments, located In the garret of this Armatrong - "ba -port, That we art, Toner; Turner, Watson: 8 yeast members of the Hurlon. County Old O.A.P. to Inmates ......... 644.00 , , fouililling bad been removed to the ask the Good RoM- Commission to 21 neys. The recommendation was Age Pensions and Mothers' Allowance :nimatea estates Paid ...... 2,271.56 . . mm� , . ' ' � � , � ,vaults.of Westem University of T,,on- add to their system the Goshen Line �berefore lost. ­ . Local board,; that Bylaw No. 11 ftx- Hornto mainitenanjee ..... 12,200.21 , I , 4;. 11 ,.� ". 4WESTERN CaWdZI. . ,1,,'�,.& . 3:1% ,dkm. Thd Clerk replied that the pa, from Zurich South to Sarelyta and. Prior to the motion for adjourn- Ing allowances to be paid to county capital adiditions .......... 2,200.0y" � I � 11 , i. , -pare have not yet been removed but south from Dashwood on Cons.. 12 and ment Reeve Brown, expressed his constables. CoMmAt6e pay Mats . ....... 204.81 v? i- i . J''. I ' � t,�%� .f,Decic7l Balyain .4, � ithat NR*tiera 113ulversity bad agreed 18 to Mount Carmel on the boundary wil.Mignteiss to withdraw a motion re- The Striking Committee reported as Dec. 3L balance in bank ... 2,252,84 * , il I Z-� ­*� J - , .� ��!,, I : .... ! I I - � Huron and Middlesex s-pecting renumeration for mileage of I , -�i 11 line between . . ­ -� "I".. ,",-1 � g . . ea. county eonstabl6s, which was refer- Striking Committee . I '. 11 i F Count! Good, Roadis Commission. . $26,832.59 js �,' E XCU RS1 ONS � '::,j e CKNX, WING9AM . 1 ,.�, , w';A'. - Mawhinney: That this red to the Legislative Commlittp,,e. followg: Executive Committee- I - A, I � Wilso,n L. E. IL- I.,.-- I o�, I '12W Kcs. .,249.9 Metres council 90 on record as emphatically This is later covered by Bylaw No. It. Cardiff, F. L. Davidson, J. H. Scott, E. ,County Highways . mi....'; . . � ­ ' . i I . t.. 'WEEKLY PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS ti Receipts ­ ,`� . a- Jan. 1, balance fty bank %-�T I � �, " , .'. A,R � 1 , pr0tes ng to the Attorney General In Sanders' - Grain:'Tbat we, 1he mem- D. Brown, Richard Johnston. Legi From all Statidfts in Eastern Canada " . ,�,�&l regard to Crown Attorneys being paid bers of the% county council of .... $ 142.15 ii,Ni� Iftildlay, Jani 28 -'11 a.m., ,"Clip- the lative Conim4ttee-W. D. Sanders, 1936 subsidy, 46,710.59 . GOING DAILY —FEB. 19 —MAR. S *16 dusive � ,:�,,�,,, b -k a fee system. We consider the County of Huron, express our gin- Goo. Armatt6n.g,W. C. Ker.r, OdWard * , . pingso% 1.2 noon, Canadian Farm and, 1936 gas ta,x'rel;�ie".", " ­.' 189.90 1 Sl!�� ", practise of payinj a fee to Crown dere regret at the serious illness'lof I-amport, Peter W. Scott. Return Limit: 4$ days . "I qj; i ITame, Hour; 12.45 p.mi., Sun -Ray Pro- Finance Bank -loans ............... 145,000.00 . o:.., I �.eili grsm�, 1, Stuart Ilamblln7s, HillbdlMes',' Attorneys when there is an ad�otrrn- Mr. Seager, at London, and hope for Committeo--H. A. Keyst, Chas. Mae- � . . . . . . . . . . I , . Sundry revenue ........... 5,622.49 -;,P , I 11 . 041 1.15, Capsulles of Melo,17. ment of a case, to be detrimental to bis's-peedy necqvery. Catried. Kay, R. E. Shaddick, Gilbert Fmyne TICKETS GOOD IN 1� ,1;0, 1937 county rates . .......... 75,261.00 .", 11. I Saturday, Jan. 29-10.30 a.m., ' . 'D l' administra- Eckert - MacKay: . That the prac- Fred Watson-. Education Com�mltte'� I 111 C, OACFIFS at fares approximately I We per milet. � .. 11 , . I I � - Icated. -to Shuit-Ins"; 12 noon, Canadian tion of justice. We hereby request tise of paying county constables '36c -Fred Livermore, T. C. Wilson., A. $272,926AS. 0 TOURIST SLEEPING CARS at fares appi-oximately I %c per mile. -\" , .11 ,;! � 1, ',!, ,:, I Farm and Home Hour; 12.45 p.m., that all Crown Attorneys be paid a ppr ,hour as an -option from 15c per E.- Toner, Jas. Lelper, Percy Pass- Disburstments * STANDARD SLEEPING CARS at fares approximately I %c per Q.: \ � . . . '', ,.,!. "'' CKNX 11111 -billies,; 7, Wes McKnight. stated salary, also that a copy -of this nitile for time as ibas be.k paid -in the more. Property Committoo-Robelt 1936 loans paid ........... $50,000.00 COST OF ACCOrAMODATION IN SLEEPINr. CARS ADOfflONAL . ­'! . 1� Sunday, Jani. 30-11 a.m., Wingham resolution be sent to thV Department pest, be co�itinaed and that a by-la.W Turner, Gilbert Fnbyme, H. A. KeyjL Voucher payments ........ 146,832.74 T-562 11 L", , .1, ", ­ . ,�Iil � � , I p.m., "Histor at Toronto and toall county councils he prepared. to accoirdlancE 'R- E. -Shaddick, Geo. Armstrong, Committee pay lists ...... 495.20 il�;�. , United ChuTch; y �. - Ca�rj ed. I BAGGAGECheckett. Stopovers atPli�rt Arthur, Armstrong, ChmWo and wesL . ,Wxts. Skto,zg . , �. Comes to Life"; 1.15, Sundtay Island- for thel� approval. Legislative Com. J. H. Scott - Turner: TbAt: a by. Colim,ty Home Comimittee---4,. A- Bry- D. L. interest ' 3,412.03 Car resffnWww. md aU NWmalim Imm any agau. ASK F0,R aAArDj9M ,. �� V, , ........ .111%, � ,pra; 2, Jack Herd at the Organ; 7, mittioe. ' law -be passed to fix the renumeration, ana, J. M. Eckert, Richard Johnston. 1937 loans pajd** .............. 70,000.00 - I I I ,+1 ""I" I 4; ' '14 , - 1 ��4.3 Zt. Andfrew'gi -Church. Watson - Armstrour That the of the Old, Age Pensions and Mothers' J. H. Scott, T. C. Wilson, Agricul Dee. 31, bank balance ..... 2,186.16 L � - ''" - . �;;, Monday, Jan. 31�-11.15 a.m., Carson e Pins, tural Conlmittee­-P. W. Scott, Frf,d A 'I EA] I I I rJ1' -d . �', M ,ounty take over town line between, Allowance Board at $4.25 per day - I , 11.� ., .Rl I _, 'I L:, -e Livdr wart, Ed. Lam,- I I 1;,�.01.�, Robison's Pioneers; 12.45 p.m., Royal Hiny amid Stanley from No. 4 Highway 10c po�r mil one way necessarily If . $272,926.13 ;� . more, W. 3. S, F-1 to] 6 A ,A " I Chefs,; 1.15, Capsules of Melody; 7.45, _ . , Um I 11 11 to Blue Water Highway. Good Roads trayelled. Carried. -`JY6rt,�W. D. Sandief1j. ChUdiren's She]- I 4 71 ' . I , ''I � I ' � I . I 43 - Stuart Illamblin's Hfillbillies. ComanIssdon Cardiff - Feagan: That the ter -F. L. Davidson, L. E. Cardiff, . .".% -al- - A"", . . Tutesdayq Feb. I—lo.3o a.m., Church ''MciT,Tall - Armsitrong: Mhat we peti- ized, as-s-essment of 1937 be . confirmed, Wilmot ffaatke. Wardiews Commit - of 'the. Air; 112,45 p.mx, The'Praide tj�on the Paiovincial Legisilature to ,as'the equalized asse0sment for 1938. tle&-W. J. Stiewart, J. A. Bryans, 1. Ra)blbaers; 7.30, Benny. & Mark; '9, amend the Munacipal Voters' Act. At,,Carried. I M. Pokort, Jae. Lelper, Robt. Turner. Brussels val. Wingham. Hockey. the present d e We owner of a pro- ShaddIck - Bryans: That all motor Good Road& --Goo. C. Feagan, Ches- .M ter Mawhinney, Roland Grain, Grim-* Wednesday, Feb. 2 t-- 11.30 a.m., perty two yearsin arrears of taxes Is arcidents ,on our -county highways be Inal Auddt—Judge T. 111. 0ostello, J. ,,Hold the Press!" 12.45 p.m., Rjoyal not pernodtted to ,Vote. At the same 1h,vestigated by our county traffic of- M; Roberts, Goo. McNall. 1. ()hefj;;'j.j5,- Capsules of Melody; 7.80, time the tenant of"Ahis property Is a ficer. N. tever. Carried. , Jack Herdi at the Organ. I year behind In his rent and primarily Cardiff -'McNall: That the cie�k, Sfimmary, General Account Thursday, Feb. 3-10.30 a.m., Chiuxch responsible for tbe',owner being in, Treasuitr and Wa,rdien be a commit- Statement of Receipts andi Disburse- . of the Air; 12 noon, Canadian Farm arrears of laxesi, anid yet he, is prer- feip so that the, mep in. charge of eq- , & Home Hour. . I ments, Jan- I to Dee. 31, 1937: 11 . mitted to vote. We therefore. petitioni ualization can from. time to time,* if Receipts - . , * the Legislature to change -the act ac� necet;saxy, get their ,instructions azIld General County Rates, .... $$86328 , 1.9 . 401*%!"Gjj_jjpWwwjF Vr - cordinglyl. Legislative Corn-Ittee. receive Information. Carried. Secondary school rates ... 44"o-.0 1 I , I Mr. Nolan, of, Grey Township, ad- The reliort of the Property Comimit- Licenses .................. 989.60 I drresped ,council respecting damage by tee was ,read with Reeve Davidson in Registry Office ........... 2,565.73 * I ­ LINK.* " . ­ fire ito lb4s, property and fi ' or which he the chair and- adopted with the fol. AdministrationoJustlee ,... 4,509.70. . .. ­ . t ' n .. . 825.36 ... ­..." . Is asking compensation from the lowin� amendments: The recomm-en- Ma-gistraes fl. es . .... I ; .. � � county. He was required- to present dation .... wais....,altered, to read that the Division, CIDUrt'-findb ...... 34.26 . , . 4# I his hill in dletall to the County Clerk. puilthase of a uniform be left h 113.62 1-1 . � This accoubt asiked for $3% and was "the Property Committee to decide. It From Twps., re hospitAls.. 3,937.60 - f . . referred to the Executive Committee was recommended that the Property 144.30 .1. NADA-1193, . for consideration. I Committee obtain an estimate of'the Goo- Deny'er, O,A-P- acet-. . 112.15 - IM-10011AL VORA Coo ClIntGn, cost of a new hPatInF system I INSPI11ING P1100 M " . r hoo 6.00 Mr. Goo. 11. Elliott' 'of at - -1111, I I � Warden- in 1924, addires"d.coufiell ga0i and an'eati6nate 41he cost re- B'a'nk loans ............... 105,000-00 - � . I I f , WAY 10 p.m. E.S.T. , briefly by .irequeat. Mr. McLetod,Ag- 4pecting moving the laboratories to From! Prov. Hya. Aecto .... 700.00 - , . . I , -- . ,)� .. . ,i 44 �� .. I ricultural Repr4��sentatfvo, Addressed the basement so that the Magistrate .�- Stag` - CB,L, council briefly respecting TefOresttaii May ihave his own office upstairs' and- -� $247,927.01 , ­ CFpL . , V, : owl.. tlon-",imatters, I � that. the co-operation of the town erdraft, Doe. 21 .......... 14'2.97 � . .. �. - . I I Eckert - Mawhinney: That wead- council be sought. ResPettAng the Disbursements . I . . .­ . I . I general remarks of the- COmmittee's Overdraft, Jan. I ......... $ 9,620.56, -= Obildren's Aid Society .... 4,576.20 ,� - I ­ ; . . .1 - I ... . . . rcport, it was suggesteil tb6t the Pro. Mqtborsl Allowances ...... 5,750.60 . ' I . . pdrty Committee recommeind an ir: , �. .1 1 Ild Age Pen,al-pne ........ 6,133.88 "I I I IPA r 1 6`9" "' salary of 10 Per 'Comt. fol AdimIndstration jus;tice' .... 18,739.50 ; 'a. "M]WERS air AT* ENTION ! the Turnkey to the Department, Gralits ....'­,­­....... 3,245.00 � -, I " . , -DP the report of the Plnanco-.Com�mjp Schools ................... 51,615.73, . , � I—— WE RAMOV-9 j," HOMES AND CATTLE - tee was read And adopted.' Tl�a .�e­ 642.25 , I I I... , * . . ­ I . . . ,Xallvs fbr.pr6inpt ftrvice. � portof the Good, Roadff 'Comralssion jall . ........ . I ,� 1 I . � I . t . . ........ I a....,.. 31RIA06 I I . -jjT#14 r ­ wa?s read;,Vvfth� Reeve MeNall I'n the Municipal Gov't . .......... 16,1�07.40 . nvalp WAIft I zlktv�+ AI'A"gm,f MaaMAIA AvA..al. I --- - I . I � "'NOW THERE ARE FOUR 11 . ' ' ,�-­ 0 6 0 Say Owners of the "Other Three" � Leading Lowest 01riced''Cars. I . . .1 . � For years, buyers of lowest priced cars ave ' by took 9 i steadier, too ... the motor smoother and � been guided the sound a .Vieter. A beue�-car, all around!" I . I at all three." It was good advice, for they, are all I good ears, these thrm They have given a big 1F.er of "Cai Coo (najAp on reqiiiitst): - "Those brakes make a hii"with me. You money's worth to millions. really STOP in this Hudsowv­ . quicker I * , * * But now, listen to what owners of these three and ;tAighter. An easier car to handle, tar- * , Safer and sturdier all the way,.in my :' have to say ... a group of average owners who I liked their cars and thought they had the big- . opinioniin I— * * * g�st money's worth on the market . . . until What is this new lowest priced ear which clared * we asked them td try out a new lowest priced invite aide -by -side comparisons by me4 vNj # " ) car. The ' y tested it side by side with a new 1938 women who had bought and "re, swisfiedoith I model of the cat they had been driving. The the "oWer threer ff is TH NEW OUR I , following statemeints are typical'of what these 112, soon to be announced. I � . owners said: .., . � . * * *, I I . I #. " 0 Owner of "Car A' (name on request)- -'rm . Arst preview of ther new Hudson 112 Will be. surprised at the difference . . .ayour new , held here this weeL Come avid see a conibina. .! car wins- easily. The motor never sebrus to tion ot size, room, smooth Performance, stardi- strain a bit, at any speed. The steering is ness god safety, onthe one hanil,and pe-markably , . great ... much less road shock.." low cost of ownership -and opeVWon oij the other i ; i Owner of,'Car Boo (name on request) - "A . lot roomier car than mine, and the baxse.t . I ... such ag has neiver been ollbreA in any other .. � A� lowest priced ear. A better Jetd for your doula-6 - "I . l, � . .� � . . is more comfortable. The Iffidson 112 is IIUDSW 1116MRS OF ; � = ... Aft ib46ED � ., . I . . ' t"$ I . ', I i , � ". - :1, COOK BROS., HENSALU JAIN. t7 , �, I I I,; I.. : ,�,,-­, L .1 ­ � .I - �' . . . I , , I 1. .. I . . . , " ­.­­... , ` . � � � . 02, :;;;=;;;;!1"�i 1� - 1- - 1. I 11.1'... 11 . . 44. # limmajf tuuu alu"PEea w9tu. the following Printing, advtg. sAd vintage 1,078.17 ­ . . . - . . ", ", . 1, -­`­. ---V'111".56., ft' ­ I . . ..... � � . . . - . � ,,, . -- ­ � , I . I , . . 1. ...'....".11.-11 ­,, j . . � .. TELEPRONE'COLLECT, SEAVORTH 1& 1 amendimentz: Moved, by ,Reev4 &Ic- County Property ............ 1,590jos - I I I - -- , , soit , * �. .� , I -q' -uln'WW'st I all . 1. �­; W ffi�i I ­ ­ '-A' I . � , ,�.,. ,­� I , . � ,� . 4. 1 � . - � I . - / ert, seconded by Reeve J. H. Scott, Insuran'66 "Ifitat, light, tole. 9,161.41 .1 . .. . " ­A4,1§66lAtt 0 %'ir-m .i I ­ - ­ i, :,�.OXTAWQ., T CO. - that the Good, Roads Committee be Hospitals t ............ ��-.�,- '21,gn.go .1 ,� . I I � ". , ")I 1�.X r., ,I 1, � .. ., . .� , . , I . '* p t� .., ,,,�.�,��,;ijj,j�' , W a- . , ... - . the committee to take,oharge of the BnL 1036,add Vt. 1937 audit.. 826.00 C06k Bros., , H-6na. ' """ . I I . $ dthp . , , � 144f �0) '.', " . BE. . . . I ­ . 4 .i. ", ',. I . . , � .., I 1. , Rt b ,4 15j, k . OUT, 1, . L . I I . . . , ­ , .q;, . ­ . I ONTARIO. &'flilop tonih Property. It0s, J066-ston, com %rer ­ . � " ,t� . 'I." ,. ­",,, 1i '410""'"MAN , ,. . .� ,,,, , " I ,. �, �,­ I � I I , . . -�:::-­ 7- lm ,, I.. ",.,z ...... - . � I I . . ...... --1 I .... 11.1-1-.1- -11-1- ��.111,��l.-I."�1.11.1-11111.,�l".�,�...""... 1-1 ... 'i , : '09.441 . . I � 11 -----I- - , 1. ­­' . 1. . . '. j Mkoft , Titrnet: That the Womi. InspoetiW '.,.*..-o,ii , I -1....1i..- .1. :1 1, .... , I . * 7 � " .ill . tl , W " I ..-. 14 . , , I . IDbftiblltora 1 ­ . -4 .1, �a iw- , .. C 4.6 . . �� �� � . - . . . .1 - I - - I . . 1. I . I I ., , .... I '). " ­", �1-11 ".. :., I ,� . . 1-1�--, . . " '. . . �-. � ..." t ­ -­�� ­ , 1'..,.,:'1, I I 1. %, 1� �.. , , '.. " ­­", .. I - , '' � "'I". , - -i-1 ­1i1..1 " I ­�,. ',,­j,-�..,;,�1­jj-­ . - . , "'.­" ­ " ­-,�R­. 'T. 11 � e i:­�. � , ��.J.�R . " I, "I,;i"., '�t.�,W, , ,�, , 46 , . ,.ill,', W ,, ON '. ',k`.,."1f`,7"` " .�A�,4'­, OR V. ,Zil�.,,,�,', t��).�,.Y��ti,'.�r,f;:"4�.',�'F,Ll,�.',�,,,IR�I , � i'ligAt'. , � wi�, I . 'i , , . . W ­ , � III!, , ., , � . �"�j',,.','�&,, 'N ;!i,'r,�,,, -4 j."", ­, "' V �. . '. I , - ; ,,,,, - , " - ""A -, �;..r -1 ��',,; �,! �,;��",."",?",�,.A"�,11� ,�. . , , ��111 11 - - .ip 99 ,,��,,����,-��,,,',�..�,ii��-��,,,,��"",L��,�,�., `��,,��,'i,t0 bR A "'r -i".4 V ," , , , `,,4-,'.,,4'1 . " ,,-:�.-',il.'e,��i,��,�,,.-�,.,t,.,�,,-,�,,,,-�;,.".,.!�;'-�,�,l�.,�t,d�,,�,t, i'mr-M."?��".'e"­ ""i'li :WVAP ". �',,,,�� ) - A" *� " - ,� ,,.'* 'i -,1,,,i,., , , , ,�� � ;�, - i ,6, 1�,'11 `� " , , ,� � , , i . I . " ­!' ,­�,*"i­ I . - .z ,,At,�. tita,"i 4", , -� * i � 64�, , ,i; � � ­ ,� . . , � ., , I ` "-,", ,� 4 "" th`i TM NY� . . . I . I -� -1 - . .1 . I . . I . . . I . I � " � 1� . , , . --� - , "', .�, ,, .k ,,;�,,�,?;;;!�'��,:, ,� 'g. I I .� 10 , ", I . . I I 4 1 " ., �, �. ,,, i,; � � . f , ,��, �� . , ," ';­�' , � I , � I , ,w-1, : . , . � ­ . ". 4, 4W. ,�;:"j � .,,',,,A, 7-. ,:� � , , , : I - . �.­. . -,�. , - . , 1.06, ki?, ; ` , , , , . , ; - I ".1 . ,11n�.. I 1� , I'( ,4�.,., 1 1 �,Jtr �, t � 6 , - .. I 1.� R;� �4,-, , , , ,4 i �,,�i�.�""Vi'���,�k-i��--a��ii,�"!,...,. ,V�� : , ,.�';­' - . ,..;i, �: �,,,,,�Aff �'"k',� � ," 4., �,��,l , ,,� .. �P,k, ,,1`*"::! ,:.� �*�, ,�-, � � , , ,��",Ah , ,,�,, , Tvp"�,�,�.�,,��tl',",."A."..",4, X� �,!�-,,,: ", .,4`,f : .