HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-01-14, Page 7;�...... 4. -, % ,�?,- ,,,. ,­,; , �,,, '11�j,l 116 � I � I ... .... �, , , ��,J� 1�e�'�ttt,lji� ,,i%,�i r,i�.`47i�,�O i',"'t"lcq"",A�,)�-"t�'!,,,",� , , � - ", $',���lt��,��l,����,�l�,�',Q�q�,,',;'�"i'�I . ...... �,!,,i�% 4'1;,1--,0 ­� 4,i., W, ", " 9%�, � 't �� , ... `4;4t,'(.;­­,�,g -`141' .j� � , lt� �, ., ,,,(�,,Jr 7 ,`:J? ­X�;J� , t',� , , , 1, �,: �,� .�,��-�,&, , . , , I.t � " , , ` i' , l�.�.-�,���l�'��,,,�-";�.���!i;"��,, ,� �'�, v 1,� �� ""011"tV.1v, � , . , - , ,,, , '. , .., � I � ,J: �,�. � i,� I � , , A ,�.,;"�,,t "", ;! i 4� -, .1, I "I', i,-�: i�.Iti ,V Nl�`,� �'T" � , ".4, � I " ', 11 4., , 1"' , " 1. 14 � ,Alf'61' ' '', ..". , . I, ., �, *',�`,,' 05,16,;"I'�'.1 , � I ,. :, ,�;, . , , " " i � ,:" 7 � ." I � � , I - � � �T, , � �, :"I � "n � " I , , ,� , . , ,,, � .1 �M, , -1 ! Jr, I .... . o - � - ---. �., d - ,", � 'N ...... 7 1- � 1; - I . ...... �i­' , _. - __, --1-1 � . - '. __ ", - �, I 11 .11 I �i�;---,-:-;,� ­ � i-, M �, ;�� ; , , y'. ��;-,.- ,� . �; � , i . ", �14 .... " , ji 1 , � � , , , - 6, I , �. . . �j � 3, ti "', �.," ; � � i I , ; � ,�� . ,�� , � i , . ,�� , � i , I ., . � I . - � A . . , : . I ., -1 1: � ) . I I i � . . , 1� " " iz . ,.: . I , �f�,qwl�ill -11 - . , , . `,'­� � I 4 � . � , �, 11 I- 1 , I ,� 1��,'�,� ­�: �4, . I - . .1 t - : ­ - . - ­ ­ I , ­ , "' " - - I., , . ."Aya­& *da. : -, . . , .I., I "; 1� _ i , "', ". . .., .. , , , 1, 11 � , *� - Swnemto,alnq "Im. m MAY4- -, . ,. . .., ,,". � t, . , . L,e , "'. � . . - ft 0 1 0 kwv " -, ; I OcIt"4'. ,11 R, - ., - � )m 'O _ " - andi X9%Jl*`W', t rw� SeUvIt6is' for , . am ,pqm,, won Bi0ko - kmkoe 4-0 rear- of - 00 Poaftl`04 aalk-k *AfIC04- ' xonq 1, _; � I to i�o. .�, . , I - 1, - 1.,. _ ; ­ 1, . I 1 "-,6-, 1. . ­­­ . � I , - . I I , . - . . ­ I ­i� - . ., . . '. I - J-:11 V� '. , 109YA BOWDY . . - I .__ � RARRI[STERS, .SOLICITORS, :ETC.-.. . � !_ I . � LOFTUS E. DANCEY, K.C. . ' I . I P. J. BOLSBY. . .� I - ' "' i GODERIGH . .,.�_ BRUSSELS . I - ,ZnA., 1"6 I I I . .1.. , . . � , , . � I , . ELMER D. BELL, S.A. .. Successor to John 14. Best ,- I Barrister,%Solicitor,,Notary Pu!p I I �Jic. I � ­.. Seafoxth .. Ontario . . . � - . � 12--36 1 .. __ -, I !.., I I ' I — .�r VIETERWARY �Z.. ./ . , . . �� I . A. R. CAMPBELL, V.S. , Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col- . loge, University ---of -Torubto. All dis- the most modlern-tPrinedples. Charges reasonable. - Day or night calls promptly, attended to. , Office on Main Street, Hlensall, 0 site I Town' Hall. I � ppo Phone 116. Breeder" Of Scottish Ter- riers, Inverness Kennels, Heneall.' '. " I . 121-36 � . — . . I . I . . . �. I . MEDICAL. — - , __ , . '611. GILBItRT C. JARROTT�., Graj.patig, of Faculty, of Medicine, � University of Westem Ontario. Mem- ber of College of ' Physicians - Surgeons of Ontario. Office, 43 God rich. Street West. Phone 37. Successor to Dr. Charles Mackay. - . 12-36 . . I . . DR. W. C. SPROAT ,Physician - Surgeon ' . " .. . . I Phone 90-W. Office John St., Seaforth. I . I L . 12--36 . _ . % DR. F. J. BURROWS Office amd residence, Goderich St., east of the United Church, Seaforth. Phone 46. Coroner for the County of Huron. I 1. 12-36 DR. HUGH � H. ROSS L Graduate of Unitersity of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine, member -of Col- , lege of Ph7sicians and Surgeons uf Ontario; pass graduate course in, Chicago Clinical School of* Chicago ; Royal Opthalmie Hospital, London, f England; University Hospital, Lon- I don, England. Office --Back ,of Do- minion Bar*, Seaforth.' Phone No. 5. Night calls an-swered from residence,' Victoria Street, Sleaforth. I . li 12-36, 6 I I / � I , . DR. E. A. McMASTER 411r2diuiffe-of thi University of toron- P to, Faculty of Medicine ... f (I *ember of College of Physicians a and Surgeons of Ontario; grud"te of New York Post Graduate School and 1i Lying -In, Hospital, New York. Of- ,,i fice on High Street, Seaforth. Pliorl�e p 27. Office fully equipped for X-ray � diagnosis and u-Itra. short wave elec- I trietreatment, Ultra Violet Sun b9inp a treatments, and Infra Red electric o treatm,6nt Nurse in attendance. b I t2-36 a . . - . DR. F. J. R. FORSTER c I - ­ ^ Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in MedIcIn% University u of'Toroncto. I Late assistaxA New York Opthal- " mei. and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye and Golden Square Throat H4?s-, � pitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, 01rd, Wednesday in c ,, eaefi montla, from'1.30 p.m. to 4.30 t pA& 53 Waterloo Street South, Strat- rr ford, - A 12j36 S I P � . - — - I . DR. DONALD G. STEER q I Graduate of Faculty of Medicine t University of Western Ontario. Mern- b bar of College of Physicians and i; Surgeons .of Ontario. Full pqtip- ment, including an ultra short wave DROL I Off -lee King Street, Hensall. Phone nensail ta - � I - � 12-N 1 . 81 ; I 0 .DENTAL _ . I ih DR. J. A; McTAGGART h _. t Graduate Royal College of Dental c S,urgeous, Toronto. Offfice at � Hens . all, b OBIL Phone 10& 1 12-36 . I I � 1. 1. I t, � n . -AUCTIONURS b] -1 's 0 I h Licensed Auctionee � . - . Specialist in farm, and usehold Palm. Priem reasonable -kr dates n and informiatiou, Write or phone Har- S old Date. *Phone 149, Seaforth, or apply at The Expositor Office. � P . 12-46 . h . ti � - , . - - I . I F. W. A . HRENS a ' 1. tAcensed s.%r*tJodeek for' Perth and ' . 1rumn Cmznum' Sales mildted. P ftfiaa, on, opplleadon� , Parm Stock Chattels 4ftd A�eal Iftaf,* Prroperij ft It. If., fft 4, Mt-Whe% Pboxo 094 r 16. A001y at tbis, 0 , filee. . 11 ';',.,�_,,; - I � 041" b . 1. . I I A� I I ��7,11, ,W'.�,.�11,1�,, '111"-- 111 I 8 11 11, ­" .. .. .... ­ � �1, "P� llm� '1.11� I "..".1M �.. I ��.'�,%,��, `,5-"�A,N'�"-.�!;, ...... 5- , , , 4 ;�,'� . . ,� . , i ."I , 1 ','_,;,�; X�i � ,�jT7!�7,;11, , i!W4, I . . . -� � ", ­ ;�, it c � ,.��;'!" �, , `�'t-,0j*.", 7�,�­�� ,�, "@ ,� uj , Fi%'("",�"P�"PV-�,Ai,,P�4W,�i,,P'4�,�� M.�tl� ,,, �� , , � : � ."" . 1� � � ( 1�i '�t, I �. ,,, 1�0, . 1� 1� ,; , :," . . ,: MWIP.."R "RIA , I 1", L, _��, 11, .1 I i12 �, , I �­'.�,t,`11 "i TM ", 11 'i _ I ,.,�, 1� IiX � . A�., " - � ..... . 1- � �. � ,.'V,� �:1, ,�;,!�"7',;F,�","",�� �, 6"- � . 'T'S., , , AN,', , 5, , I it;; i'll � I 'I �,5, ­ - , � ., ;�f� , I w!'. g, �� �, 4 _, " ,- I=_ ­ - I ��� _ � �� � , "I , .mmWIMITIM , " , . I. � 11 1,,i I � 11�1�1 "I .. I . 11 ��4,�, ;,­_� ;� , �_. , ,*,� �i# .,. 1. ��, ;I'LL � , , : " I., 4-i�,gq, "'," , � .1 .� I I �,.,, . 1 �, "', �� ,% A,"F�t`tl�, f,',,,�,",,�t;-�Z - I "It - 11 �` 11 1 11 � ,,, _V "o" , - I � �, ,. , . ��",�, f.t _ - 14Z� 11 �, 1045, w� 1 F4" ', - - � , , � " " 7 , " , ; "".. �, "i'�, ,f ,'.� I ;� , I N 4 , .. I 'i ! I t� I , .1. , ., 'r , , � "'� 2 vi, ,��, �11 ��, " . L _ " "',, , � � . I �',�.,��'r 4 ft ""A ", �- ­ ... - � t, ,� 1�� �,­ �, I art "I i,; , , � . . . . . . -��'��I`�$�4 'I R"iRl" I ` 4 0, ,�41t�'� �,4;_ - 'VWI�`;!,�I`ilellzi , . . " "'! �"P ." '1�'��� ,� "" .-I. . - , . " � J,T"Q�"I" .4 � ­ "I 11 �1� . I " k-N)r .%. .Aft"", - $00" 'Fif �, 11�'�X.11,:" . � "I ... " �11 . I V1,11" ip.* � . ,� I.. i ""! 4-,,','b' -. i �,W_,, , p 9 - ..�j,.� ' ' �)Uy '. -,.��j* A V - , -,f � � .11, , 301MA& YJ, (A , L� - ;P�,q4., . 17L211 1". i t. � , i; � I !�,�:: 00 . � A ,,, i �", M"'If , "14 .1t1%2W,,tq, 1� . ... I ... . ,;; .1� P.,,_ -0-1; ', W, , W , IT � 111i 7 I 1.�, I - � ,. ". . , Et ' 1* I . ';, 4 ` I 'i � . . '' : 'I'll _ - "I - -4 ,4pv 1 ��1§111 I I . ­ :�M I i, #,T, r" - j� , 0tv i"A N � . - ' vmq"i, I 11 ,&;�� "" , �,",,�, �", . , ,". ,,, � � Attit lip 10. # 4,1,W111i"11ik,V , ? .g,� . , , .g � I 3 I �I%1� i or �n*, Xa.,:J1,V4--, A - I "" , , , . 140gJ411111M.11i 'O ,��ji -� , I � " ' ' '� �`: � ;;% .. .. . �, � .:!. 9' .� ,� � "I - . I !,­e.V�. -T��";­:,i" ,,�, , - ti,l " �'!!'­,,­ �,�t4 1 t , I . I . I '. - . - ;. . . X I , krqt 0­,qw,so 4,�p �, ARq� ,`,,�� *A� �(JJ4 � _ "I I , IIAM .1 �, o , . ` 11'� , � � ' � " '*�% d I , .. _'; 'F . ! � 'I" p I � I.- . , �� I : ..", � - 4;i;Z; ""I'l ,1� � 1, , � '' . 9." .' I � "I., k I I i , , I .11 �__ I - 4, �i A ., -r­Q'1 "I ',I," I 11 , I -, �,� I � . '' I � . � . I . " � I . : - 1!_� 1 11 . 14. _ _ " , , ­ _. " "t""' � 11 I : � I I .. . . I -- I IV1111 Q .. . : . I . * , "I' It . I . ... I I I � , . � , . �: "I 0 , _ �, ", ,�' 14", . "".", I. . 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"' �1,�,;;- .r , ; I � : ...: � , ., , , I Slav T111 . �! ,,, �3,v 4�4," �, ,�,J,, " , t,; _ ��, e... �,,�.!",�,.; ": �, �',' " *"-It � , ,,W I � 1 4 A " ��",,,�", P"p, , , � ... . ­ � . ­ ow""P"I"., ,, � j, -,I ­§ �L�11; I � , .... .. �. I - �_ .W " 'I" XW� . .1 P , ! ­ mapled. He wQ0I4vRt bavv i"� � . �� �$A!4-,,.-.t4,.",.,,--,!"Kll.14, _', , ;��WMWXV 11111 - --*A 1. � -1. " . I ­ 11 ,:.7 04010�11 i% . gg,r, � �� : 0, 1, : , , � t - It '9 ,,, � . — _�;�� , � :`t,�,�,-� ­- . Abilw I - , -"-,��,�!- "I ��61', 4 ? , , 4 . `L1 I I , ''I I 1'�:,: 111, �­ " , "g . ..... 11;Ply - -: � ',.7,�;­ ', I M me If hq��ba4n,11 ... I . . qwCof�A-.�A, , A ,�r,' , , I . I , , " ') I , �. _1-111 R 1. ��,,,,.,,]..,,�,,.��,,,,,-,,.,,,.,�,,, "g�l '. - . � . 11bV1. , , led" - I Jim angry 41 ar n. biff It' � .,­ WaO 'al MOD* " I t614 �blln �A �_- * �� 1W4# "A"Awrm-'AP-W,IX4p��,," r, Z1,11 I.. was riisally "' " & "�"Jfi' - i1r . L , W; i, 111" 1, , , . i I , ) � . � olly, i ,,, 1. , 9 ., . . , ,�,,,I,r !w� ' - t g time about ,. :a pla,gp *Iot Wei 11 � Position - - , - '� It, will pv­a $r '' 4 -or ac , ,, I ' 'T y talike4- a Ion sueu r , U's 0W.W. ,_.- �� I 6HAPTVA, C .. eat as � 14, oWl 1 � on lag TWENTY-ONE , - ,,,�,A . , .4 .��,.,, _0 . . ­ :,, - ;1 , , . . 'A ''" I ­_ -11, 1�0 -­ . , , . , I it; nell Inch-. HameeWs ous. But 34st as he * t,U , -:r__ _ auO b0o­fqr­frAy. . , , , -, . .� .'V,.,;, �`, �*�,�,,.,, k"Ti . i I " - . wu�p qW, 0 nt .ili6,. I . ru,wem, TAbbit � 4 . . . ''. ,: . .,�,,,,�",.".:�i ��­ - , it -, �. 1.1 I 1. parting.w, . tal � I ) just- ex- ­i� Suddenly �� 11;,", Tg� . . ord,6 were; . �� of speakipg to her, geswl .H tupre, WAS tak "gi b 1ptp� . 1,� - 11 ., i so Vubr ProwleO to dc , . I . -0 I � .11 111.1 I . . -Y* - ChTf-s! 11 f -�' -go ,Mr. i, k5g,'Pp " 2, It took a-munt][096.4awber of small ' "Reme*ber. I pay �',tvheiil 4,_P - g1ban � ;,�,a 40 Z "I �.-- � . ., you ainy timef she shouldn't be, stavueo, shed ac%,Y as I tell , leave� ro* . -T Z4310d, . ""; _o details Jin�- ly to arouse distrqat J,u .. I I ,_, lix: t �4 $v " � I b" 7,�f6i" I 'L, - ADD Mr. Petersen! " .0416�1 Aw .100,4 * � 0, I lip, to the dim !0 m of.a man w1jo, .He was rather amusod, at her so 11 f , 0 1 .� "'. , - 1 _ , _� Iftad, , .. , �, N .'��,. 4�� A,!. . Mr. Pvt*Fam .. I . 01nnitY, I I . . .1 . , , '� 1: , , 4, ... ­,­', - An - PeteraW,s: ,had materializea trow t I , , � . , I �O Xre tr tb % V, '.�-A �,�' 'r . I 11 In b" -beginning, them was the : � . I ,twilight, I .e,.`bvaW7; � 113 1 � I I . t- � . . . . . . . . I . "Nonsense! " ',"he kiss6d him seveiii i7s'. . 1"Wilatelver 4131odl " he � 11 I " �, L� I'll, 1.11"y I I YOU think -Iwneeessary,'� � "W I alatteW.. ,,Tmg �ai� , � �,:, � , � "' 0'� ,�,�,t,,� ."IS ,., . �t . ,e .. . , - , �, �� U*�W, 11 - roa4 chf�ken. Mrs. Hansen, who Nevertheless, he, felt ,Vbliged - letersen WAR I 0. he "gad, Indulgently. ' . 1, "; Jftt Was eUt L , �­ ......... ., � . I., now � I . . .___-_41 abort--by--a �#VA.ntiAel . - � - - ,Xr,-- P near::�,enough 't . ­' " , ' . eessary. 11 I - . i ,, , , 1� �'�,: �,T,� ��, ,,�'­-,;X�� "! "t, � , , , — , -, V bric6 more ruled the kitchen, cam" to to consIder -his 'thing seribusly. I-Itr"dear WOrA glthoug�k he -could ,..It is�--very ne � , thet 4qbd ; ­ - 11.11 �. ""t-, I" �. '�,` 1.1-11"- ,,, " t'44 t, . every - ve writ, civWaf his am. Tlia bro ,_ I I , . q,--�"­P.,-��p ,,, I .I I ., � . I �.":`,`,­ ?W�jt� , d I him in great distress. - - sat alone In the kitahen4 and reflect- not distb�,gujsh, the man. I ._WW Min- ten 8 note, and - I want you to take s*aydng' like ,a reed. 4 SilddOnly'._,61� ..'. I 1, . x-.% W �1 , . . . "Mr. Petersen!" sbe' � 't, . , . �, ", � ... ­,;�'l 1, .�, . It,, . cried, - "it's ed until bed Mmei, but cpiuldr�'t ,reach We's voiceL which most aeWunded,.bim it to him in that ame, - place- -in the la � at --ilis , ­ b .....� 1", ; " � gonel, The ,Whole thing! A . , ­ Psed and -'fell ... feet i�Ab()A I'm � $&4o ' I-, 11 �� . - ,.,. . , � beauti- unfy sort of conclusion., Igra. Hansen -it was not her voice; ii had tones wood Ahis afternoon at five. Audi, sciam '... " , !,- , 'A �119"WB111111 . I -A I � fill whole roast c1hicken I put into the was absolutely above suspi I . I -11 ..... . -.-.. 0. It "ho I A - 4W RIO . . 11 X. - - Al". M -W.4 -A � - cion;ualeas _hd had never befo - 'Chris, donet talk to him, donet tell , , � I � 'W, .-�'. 01W., I 0 ,. ,. re heard, neker ini L � . rV , , I�W�='t'�'i` ;?r,, �� U..' A� ice chest with my own han& this she had,suddlenly gone mad, and, , than"evve, 09P00*01" i0l, I � �e I . that aglued; it wa's gaY6 tender; full Of, a,, ,him anything ---any, single thin�until ', He was fally.,. occupk�4_ *t,)� ,this able � a4di,q jrwi� ;�W ... r" very morning.*, ,j ... ." ;"_ F�`,� , q �; R1119 Jho couldn't accept. SandTa never beautiflil briavery, ­ _ , ,.,,. hV.s­read it, Not -jank6himi. - It's, very other sufferee'-for a �D it -� � did a&Ojnv4l. he&, ,M)B, � , _ iii@'., , I * �� 11 I'll , � . I . . . I I., �Wi,fe R A041 lo I .'� � �, t, ael'. r fth �A' , "Trumps," he suggested, "or Miah- 'wanted -food, and 'anyway, shp would "My darling boy!" she ` important for him, to learn it all irom all the PT,Dper,' W�n t , w .� , "', � � .ug Ime, He A�,',, " � I've , go, hr& , Alen W2 mwn� i-eiv, WP a .. Paid, " .. . .,_ . I me—from ,the note. Promise!,, - eter hinj ' 11" ­­1­L,._.-�_._, , ', Don't wOrrY-., Go �M&-IJUY an- have been'discovered. Michael had no only an ipstant. To your cold'cI4&V�ng slapped his ilisfids, forced �' ' ' , ,,'t:' ;, , ­ � I " ", 7 ,0 obher."' ., I 11 ....... "t-, I �­ -7 � ,� �_ ' �'��*,�,�. 1- , . .. i ._ C 6 !w. i qppcwtunitles, tram,ps coul4ntt 'remain up at all'?" ­­, "Very well, my,qW11 biia;v 'down hjs­ft%)at until lie �,re, . I CHAPTIDa" rwnv*, m, , 11. , _ ..... _­ qily . I . I . TWENTY -M . I 1, And that marked the begioning, Af- Invisible, stTay dogg wouldiii't rifle "Hocw'o Sapdra?-- bp asked cuTtly "You see, I ki,&i jus:t bow to men- vive& Then, he hatch, - Mrs. . .1. ,f , . I I � 14., .1 n 1, , , . . ad Hansen I 1, � I ", �,, ­ -,� '' � ,.� e. , -,_�` � � 11, :",.,.,!i.,,,, ,��? 'ter that she missed �omething almost the apple barrel, wouldn't and His voice was, hoarse and, weak - � ago h#, sothat he won't be toomuch aid' Ohe,_�ru4de him drink hot swa � 'he daY,s that f,.0l10w5e&,.'­W, "" . I � . . P T .. len , da�,s 0 . *. 3040*0", 11 ,� every:day, 'and', it mearly ' madd her � in- couldn't be so ni-oply discriminating. , "Splendildl I've brought.you a lit- shockeld., Amd vou'd better take year and'- . . ek- � bread. and ..libutter There gold " - ' f t . ' starts. She never -talked of anything Hts�,mind� �dwojt upon MI=ie, he ro.. tle somebliIng to eat, dear. you musi pocket 1kashlIgLt or yv�,, .1 be_, %V_=,r­&, 46i5u! Upptadm_ Resolutely tb4 happl�zt �h . e Was .ovapvt%'� Y, I-, , , .L giV4119 � Q,, 'PItersen. kept his 11.1 - I , � . . . . . . . ,.,, I ... ��� .... 11 IL ., . , 4 ;11� , , '' ... � ... , "'10% , " .. .. " �`__ . else; to Mi. PeterseD, to Mrs. Peter- membered' bli-ings he,. ba,d, read or ,qo all you can to keep. up your the lett to t4110 wrong poilsou." Mind, aw,dY Minnie was .augeh '11w'W'.�­ " " . ,, I Mr. V s6n, to her own �husband or even- . m,Htr',W0.d ...... , - -1, - '�­ , - 9DAe;, '7-,,8_ ­, r , L I I 'LL I "I ­ .... . ,to- 'heard about �1110rbid CrAviligs, for cer- strength. For just a httle�_.while long- . . 11' . from Minnl.6, and, clung to Mrs. Han:- preoccupied, ajtr,,bad,� , , ]W'� 1. . .1 11 Sandra. - . . ,t�,in things to eat, abaht temporary er." , �. � I . ,. I her whor-,Oveir Sho'went.* . 4 SIX, 1 0-%, � �,.0140 ­­ 4111, "It 'isn't , tramps," she Insisted. weri-tal derangements,. ' .. Privately Mr.. Petersen, considered gen',"i'followed gande, gar, affieedomAte, 10m,111111", ' , " , f .__"­­ . ,a,A_:iiuiI , - , �xNf`;�,;15v .. . . . But that 'I'm, God! Minnie! " he gr9aa- it ,a preposterous� errand. very Ilea to, 1St0,.""',"�, �,: I I. 1, MY He get ,)ff Her calmness, her ordinariness sdlac� get weg- "' ,,,,.� . . , �4; "'Phere Fve never stirred out of my idea filled, him with such,alarm. an ' ­i'W 11�1. I "I " " d ed', "I wish I were dead! And OdN as well as th6 fact that she was in bed ,for esome.weeks,,`but,that1*, k ", " Kitchen, the whole morning, and- that' 0 'YOU at dija�lf­Past four with the note -and . . %; .rt,,',�ff�� t 11 . , � 1�1 ,,, -1, �i I I I Xol, , _ "M - ---'-4 4. - s6 liked ­ i,.:,�;11,%,U� , A ,�, t_jr � . , ��177_� _ L , - . uneasiness that he refused t cousid- too. And Sandra. a woman. Re questione ­­ ft. ,`hb " F , L � � . . . . . loaf -of bread'a gone!" , le, It's too "much for made his way through the windy t .. d her Md-AUte- no burden; - It i W,� hit,- '�'N�g or it. He evolved a diabolic dog, ac- , n ---., 11 I tll�i_ �'­:__ ',i_t�, - . , � ­ � I " ,, � L',;: "�, �., , - . ly -about A14M and'�what she tlioAght tiny son be#deber and- Ii : =4 I 1-11 I light to -t-he wood.- At first he couldn't " , ',,!��_ -1 6.W bo., -_,-1 - . , . . I Sherould not make anyone realize tuaily invented, excuses far it, . . . 'tDon't, doift, my dearest! Just a find the fellow,- at last he discovered he needeo,,Withoui listening to her quietly Pla.ying nearby,, a ., guitude of It, the ,hair-raising . ' � the, ma . replies. It was only her reassuring, tentend and bliesfal for " af�j '""' $ _ej_�,'�l�," ZL�; Il libbJe wilikle, longer. I oughtto,go,xiow, him sitting on'a.fallen log a feV feet ( 11 1 4, AT,4 I � mystery. Minnie took the attitude The very ,next I day he found out, really . . . . But I can't -leave You" 'from the path, s,unk iii,apepthy. voice he needed, ,, , � hour. I ­ - ­ - . ,... . ', -j"_K , � ;- , - ?, �, �,�;!;,-- , , , ,:;� . I . . ,�? �1,;`� ,-"& , 11 _ . I I 1 . , . i� At I.. ,, .. . � , - that Mrs. Hansen muist be .and was like this. Say one word to comfort "Is "Thoi�0 now!" she exclainiecL "Mr. : She dev . _;,�;;p quite, ,by accident. He was going, to � I your Pame Defoe?" he asked ' . elop(gd- a, great to h, ��,., I : �� � ,� " I It, . , . " . mistaken; Mr. 'Petersen, suspectedt lunch at the Eagle H me dear. .. Tell me you'll be brave, � . . . wn." being read Alomd, to;' all ev inle � " . ;,� ._'�, Miebtael. The poor woman was des- ouse with a ra- . ... __ The mon jumped up. Petersen, the doctoil& coming do * :�, ��,, , �S ­ ') . 11111 � : �__­ r.%�, . I I li,�-�Q � . '! .11 � . 14,_ , . . perate. - I I just a -little while l�onger.�' � � . "I She's dead! " he thoiight-� "' �7 _W -afternoon', Quo : , 0,; I I � " , I . "What is it?" he asked. "Have YOU' 4 r-\' PkW�t­of' 'e - � �4 bliter important client and be hurried ' .1 .� home to put on -a clean collar an "I am brave," be 'an.sw But the ,doctor wt . the, ; , �0,­ �`.! � "'All the years I've been, -d his ere'd griln- a message from hei?ll . siniffing. ' men COW d be seen, sittlng . .. i 1 �'11� L I . 5, . , , here!" she IY. "It I weren't, I shouldfn�t be here" "A fine boy! " he said. I . b I I 11 I �,�: I'll -1 '' . . : I fte flannel trousers, worn handed- him,. th. I.' � ': � ", -shed wha ,taste:w4s astdim, -�,, - , � nioarved, '�and, never a bit Of trouble oneri Once more she kissed film, I Mr. Petersen e DOLe � with a book. Her .d �; . .. � -, . only on semi-official occasions. Min- �and -the flashlig,ht by whLie V . '� .1 ` " r11 I" like this,!" . __11 . I h to read ingly c4tholic; as a -idoatter 4�1�0-t,;� � " -'.,r"'1.2? I 1: ""', � .� 1. Die was taking a bath, "Good-bye, my dearest!". pe said, PresentIy,'as dawn was breaking, she dIdn7t care in the.1 . . , "' �1;"A '.1 4, She wag nbt superstitious, but the -so �he didn't it, 8.13d, with no little curiosity, tried east what,was. . �1. 11�, V,;;;.�t � f'_ .. 11 "i , 1 I R - _ �,�,'�",��. , ", , , ,�,, little e1w "I 1� -I , , � 18i even cal-I.LoUt to a:&k ,her where his " Keep. lip Your courage! God bless to study his ap,pear4nee in the the .,,nurse came running downstairs read� or pay much h 1 6" - 'i ystery began to terrify her; bread, , 11 I it so 4!ng � .r.'t'l.10. , - � . ' - , t" 1�,,, IL '. I � : � 6 ,,� wouldn't h a v e you! I'll see you to -morrow as usual- Spot of light. But couldn't.. could to Mr. Peters . aa she - could, se t, �� ­,�,� 'it things were. She , _eziL .. cure the unint ,,-..,., gee . I WMp - , �,,�­,,,., q . ­ ." .I .. ­ ,,, ��, _, ,�,�,;', 1, . moat, fruit, all sort of things, vanish- 11 You not a minute!" 6d, conipanionship of one of:1114t Wen- '" ' " ;, - ed utterly, and with regularity. She kj@pwn atyway. Ile was accusto (I And eat that nice,' beef, won't you? Do more th,, a thin,, niaylgo foT J I : I - an . , PA . . l. i r' rue You 'need it so!"' Ste said. I . . ' ,. . , 1, t " . �,:,�,Z�,� �t,�,,i conridered Minnie! grossly garelese'to to searching patiently for eve y art elli-tching theletter. It seemed a long She OAIY Npurbed td.see them * there ,�. ,V,t� ' . Lqke solittle ivteresft; the more she icle when it waa, required. . She turned. -away and retraced her on , e. , . She was looking worn and j2(led, safe and happy. I . I I. . :, . I ­f"'T �h. I , , I ,..L;1Z.q.",,� '1;L'1... - , , , I 5., I. 'ILL . . -�I:�,`.i ".. I T" �Ar .. ., . He went through his own bur steps, through. the wood and through Presently -the flashlight for the first tim not ilmmaeu- Mrs. Hansen managed, the hb�se ,. '', ean , . was extin, and, &I . :. I ... Slaw of ber, the more shep despised drawers ai�d ibis own closet the settlement. She was ,hurrying and, guished and, the little wood I"tely ateat. S -he was - . human now. 4 j�,i I , "I". ,Ii ­ I I her. �;nyway. On, in vai and Sandra to perfeca,on.,, Theqroi ' - ' '�� , " � " � ;`4 ­ .. I , ; was, very , C.","i . , �� -, . 1. ­ ", -her Teturm, Minnie, ri ,breathing painfliffY, and Mr. Peter- d,,k,',,d still. Mr. Peterse Mr. Petersen tOOk-it upon himself wasWt a bother ,or an annoyance frain . 1.1.�,. ,��,; then he went to look in Minnie's .ap- n. respect- 4' V�1;1. . , . ."." . ,. MI;1I D �r had turned. everything over to her, sent -heard a gasping little sob now ed the feelings of the sen, to invite Alec to come with him, one da" end, to another. cept I 1, . r, i never so much as 'ordered, a meal. palling, wqx-drobe, sittive bro- ,. I 111 �_ " and, then. I .1 _kux ' ` `2 I .... "It will do you good, my boy,- "',`�Iil'l I ", She offended, further by always ,siritiag, & On the shelf there, lying on a piece . � ther forr a long time but !he coulda't I � he tbald Mr. Peter6en felt a bit disturbed ta . ,, 1 ­ He -was afraid of startling her too �vait there all night.' . . ,.�t I upstairs, just rocking Or embroidei- . newk:paper, behind ber best. ha'i, said. ... aboit the brother's state ,of health.. � , ::,; , . R, , ,�� , , .-:� ._ M ng there in, the bedroom, in a bed ld leg of lamb. much by speaking just then. He wait- "Shall '"We be getting along?" he So 'they entered .the room together, J�e '.had taken' , great',liking to the. % .1 it . . I - ed until she wa.s, slowly climbing tho sai . I together -had their first glimpse of the fellow, and he hated to � . A corpse could' scarcely 6ve terri- " 0,, pleasantly. ' see bim, so . ragglodi - wrapper,- with -her ,hair In an fled him more. In a panic he. softod hill above the- tracks . before he came Out of -the dark came that hoarse 4ewly-born little man. He was as-leep, despondent . . . .. . _ ­,,� ,g 4" - I , , I d� �;,�� - untidy knot, until lat6 in- the after- up with her. I .. . . � ..1- -:-, " noon, when sib* made a supreme ef- 'his caP and rushed, out of the house arid pitiful 'voice: his 'red, wizened little face screwed I I . . , �,,,�, �A '' * .1 "i�% � I I . 1 . .. . I . �,, 1. "Minnie!" he said as gently as pos- up into a look of,comical misery, his (Continued Next wook) I 1.111, "I fort, dressed herself and went ,out for as he was; and Minnie never knew: "Who arQ you?" it asked. . -1 "; i �[ ., '", I sible, "who was t,hat9­ I � . . . , ;;,_ � a walk. . he ,bad been ,home at all. � ' "Petersen," he answered. tinry dIaTk-red claws stretched, up. The I "t, Her aprpearance sliocked-­Mrs. � Han- She looked at him wildly; her eyes ' "The man -the man that Mini3de-" nurse assured them that he'Was largo - I I . — ­ ... � :­ � . ; , . ��, , " I'll CHAPTERTW,ENTY made him think of a terriffied horse, and'that he was.healthy. I �, 4 �., ' ., sen- Immeasurably, her brazen disre- -TWO "Her diusband ; yes. Are you ' 1. I . . rd for her "condition," her unsuit- I . arid ghe quivered like one. . ready?" , -- - Minnie was lying flat on he;- batk, , I . . . I �. � . � !�, _� . I U..'V�l "Chris,!" she cried. "You dien't-l" , ... , I :!,��, .. 1,i,., ,,, ,, 1 . �.. It may be said, with perfect truth " The man came abreast ,of him, and with a long braid of hair Over each COUGH39 DISTEMPER ­ , "' , , able clothes. Her treatment of San- And abruptly and mechanic shouldler, framing ,a very pale and I I I Is :9, " that Mr. Petergen: was haunted by the ally beg"n began walking by his side with Weary . , I " il� ­ , ". I dra. t,o.o,.-Sucjh unwisdom -she had nev- I to screarn, shriek after sbriek. ai.d heavy steps. grave face. She was exhausted an:d BAOKM vwiwb , , 1 , ­��.kll- - I,. i �1:1..., .If 1,62t, 2. , . "I.t. see "Stop! Stop!-" ,he .implored in "Is s1he so very Ill?" he asked. victorious, aware that ... bav* thet- d*k -- h, -.".11 FIT, ., -n. The, Qhild was, ailing half leg of lamb; it gave him sleepless . . lip time with c Ids and coughs- she nights. He couldn't imagine why it . I - . I 7_, I R, ,P I . I 2XVLL = I 'I sh, = tue x1ab. : , � __,".?z , - I . �,,�?` ,.,, [ � fee t was there. He' di-ea,dful anxiety. -Calm,, yourself! "No-oo," said- Petersen. "Not very. a lexture L �irffh was forc-ver getting her poor littl would stop in the mid- * I I e had- accomplished a masterly I � wet. and going ab t f h in that 01%,PJ serious work in his office; and Never mind? Don't tell :rne; Only Can't loo,k for peqAfect health, I sup- thing. 'Mus had "she replied to all .r breed- . . � :�'111&4 "' stop! Stop! Please, Minnie!" Pose, in her condition," 4oubts or questions whatever that 660�M C01ho - . - - , . ,f4 "; � ,,� L I '", � way; she ate nOtbi ,%.'.0ped, .he contemplate tW-6 mystery. Could it be I 11 M. -P- It, .- la�_P� 1. ��% . - - .r—&Y ""I "K . S -he couldn't now. Thede 'in the might a -rise wdthin'Mr. Petersen. She - , I ­."-.7,,1,V,�Nr1 � I � ,,, M" rok - . -, Aras badly dressedNer ,hair was nev- connected with her peculiar efforts ' "What condition?" "0010'rat I .%.t;��:k.'_ "f eep. p4m. , " �, -at ecorromY? road, where the Slav ony could "There's a baby coming in a few was tM,,Piotber of his son; she had Abesom in hommi cattle, ob r. �ilfi-,�' � 11 - - . I .: A`;�,, I , , .r taken care of, but fqII over her Or a Plot against Mrs. - ; ; bow 1, �.. ; � 1", bear -here and coming establM �A,' i,!� I Or absolute madn ? rushing to wit- .6ed a claim upon his heart - Plb*y "d dOX& 'It is' 1 _,�­ t", ace in a silky tangle, she dida L .let Han`gen? VAG � 4 we-eks, you know.', - quiddy it gft resufts In the =oav - n�,,f ness, she had a frightful .43yaterical and, upon his conscience which he . . .;��" ,- I V 6arly errough sloop. Mrs. Hanson did It was sigDificant-more so than be He was surprised her brother I casm --t- 2Wr , , , ! .. -that he didn't dare to ask at'6ck. Mr. Peter"n sent pomeme 'hadV t noticed', -refleeted-that he ,could never deny. He not only loved v do In a � W--,. ,� �!,, ., . � Wt , ,realized , Mot. -t ,� ­� " what she could for her, incurring ,:, . , then, I= = W, � ­.� t Minniet'abolit it. At the bottom of his fter one of the old stat'orr� hacks, had,' only .Seen her In her, he reverenced, her. A deep con� @be Soo. I W. �­.� * - . .1, I, d nn,ie's relentless batredv­­ , . the dark. .,� ", an . ` - �'If. " I can't see how you stood tobat od- beAk.,­ d got her home at last. He was "The doctor tells no viction, belonging to a somewhat Old- - ­­ - . .. I . ,� in, spite of his affection and 1. :­, I dripping with perspiration and alto- .' . mtQ there's i I � ­.!�,7,,!, :: t", , ',-; admiration for her, he was perff?,,ctly cauee for worry," he went on. .e ,j . 1,1- �, 1, Gns. interfering woman so H fashioned brand of Socialism, of the KEATING'S PHARMACY . �:',,, , ,aJoug," she gether in a bad state when the doctor sacrednew. of mothevhood�ll lay in . �. - aid to :Petersen. "As sWn as I,m ,aware that Minnie Y�as'a woman cap- was curiously anxious to ioassure tib o r " !, came; he was s killed Min- . 1111', ": i � , 1, I I �ill � vell, she'll. go, I can, promise yout- able of anything and' everything. . feliow; be was mov ,I by a great I �1�1. I Die. I . -, � , iiut There was nothing . , ' ' .� , , ..t, He,tried to defend Mrs. Hansen � she wouldn't. do pity for him which he -ould not have ..' �'J'�, , " She was -not allowed to Wk that " "I. 11 vith no success. And she, on ber He went about for days, witp the leg � explained: Simply Chat his voice, his I _�..."�, , 231,� * night; a trained nurse came and took i I -- - , � ,,i, , , 11� � � - - .� art., made' as ifakiffy v6iled, Inzintia- of lamb ou-bis, c6us cl e -ace, "mis6rably I ni;tnue'r,' the very atmos,phere about CteSNAPSNO T1 QJ I L . ,a,- . I charge of her, and kept Petersen- .� 11 ioEs against her mistress- as she Imaginting that he bad in some way Out hlil'l, seemed tragic and teddible. - .� ". of tbt- re-om, Ile didn't go to bed at -L � "., ared. Mr. Petersen was not- comfort- wronged Minnie by finding it. I Tibey went on. toward the house,' � ".". "j" I ��,, ." , � , , � ble. . The losses! continued. But he nev- all; he sat in his study, in dreadful Petersen talking cheerfully, neither I - , � " �'i � i 11 I � . ..... ' anguish. LEARN YOUA LIGHTING ,�,'i"11 One evening be was sitting in his er looked in tfh,e closet again. Im-ag- I e.\-a(,tihg nor 'expecting replies; from - I ,.'t . I I., ,; ination balked 'at t - , 4 4 � . ; , brary while Minnje lay on the sofa, -be prospect. When In, the morning the nurse came his compantlon. They entered the hall _....1-1.1.,...,." 11 I .1 . V lill 0 � "'.7", .., I . of apple ...., ..� . ,;;�� '. Mrs.. Hansen reported a dish' down and told him ,he nidFlit see his ��W�*,%%P...-... .,_1.11', � �.. � W :",;F'­ � - '. . �,Z , � " :th closed eyes and little Sandra was d' he turmod, for the first time, w .: ::. W I P"I", - -, ­Nfl;­ -:,�:�14:,X :$17 01W.S �.�gm ..�,,�'11 Sal 1c;11_*1i11.i,r":1' "I. . ., � ..M�'%'$��,.:tt�2, -�- ;;�, ; ....... --,.. . �N, . �.v . ., i I . . -ing in a low sauce arid three pork chops mi ing, ok at him- ,.� ..... ­­.­ I �. . ,�11,11' .. ... .. �', ­ ,� , laying at bis feet, talk wife for a few ,minutes. He tried to T11, * Wi�',;,'� ­,'..,��,` , , I ,� . '. . C compos -e himself; lie soaked his great *0 *:,:�-,;.,--.' 11 114 1 - " ,� , , .. �� ,�, . ___, ,� ' . W� �. . ....... W."', _1111-1-11- . n' . 1. � . , .. -A.�-g,.­ .. ­:, ix",J oice to her doll's. It was a a dreadful vision of them behind Min- Yellow Like a madman,,t, like a ghost_so j��,:��&,'.��.,::!"'.� *I. - . , .k.,W � rfer q MI' 11.1 1-N, . .... I—` �, , , -K ine; .,:'�o �: I . , .. . ..... I - . ..... ... . �� 1."� " I - . - ,� eared, up R .=� . . _` -- � ..". ."�, nle's bat flasthed across, ibis brain. He head, ­in c,QX, water until Ill- (J.!md,ly pa -le and haggard and ruin!�d ;P_ - _g, . I __1 Irs. Hansen had"long ago cl , , ?�� .. ,__.._--::_,4-,.; ,,;, Vl�' hair lay s;16ek as a -s-eal; be swal- - MX:.4-:;':,.':;::".z-­:�, .4 - , ,;.e.,�":*�,'-'-ii�:;.."-i:-�i'.iii��, li....'*'; � �� , ..41M, %1� nd- gone home to the new cottage,- I , -t b,ear to look at �.,­..­­. .4 tried his best to mollify Mrs. Hansen . He couldu' �'.:** .'*:§"�ii�,m � 4 ,�.....*.,�....:N. �*`., - - . *,., '0.-,;�1:,-._-1 -�'Ij-,..'�.- g: .. . I - . . .:. ,�. . . . . �,��:,� lowect a glass of brandy, but notbin-9 '1�; 7 ., ne, of Mr. Petersen's--which, her hus, to assure her that he knew she bad 'Re turned away, but found t,he Ilk' � wi......­ .. , 00��;��-�MMX.��,, 4___�, .. I ,indi had bought upon Mtunle'.iA­arrIv- no �hand in the -business. He felt in- helped, thim. He so dreaded wt�at he inn'go still in his. eyes. the tall, lean " .. .. .. .... ��.­.-:mk­-�'.. : 11 , might hear. �M. ---- M 1. The house was quiet; tilfore was tolerably guilty before that honesE fellow with his fint-fea,tured face, his ', '2�­,N-g " �.; ,� ..... ... gg I Minnie loved that man, NZ matter _�:,;g -;�,, , I ,'I �1.r.� ,:_ . .1 or the moment a little peace and wodharlL Eie was a changed M�M, arv] 9: eat grey eyes, so sunken. and .4um- . �6?. ; ' .0 _­ ... - . � ... . 11 ,,, le.' Petersen was enjoying it. I Thein he knew It. He Aiad fallen, into a sort what she .said,, she couldTi',t make him Inous. his straggling bear(C his, ruf- W -p -m.. . � "I, . -1 doubt that. Her words, above all, her tied hair, "all his ishabbinins and �:..';�­x-,-', � � .;' ame a rap at the back door. I-Je was of daze of astonishniont, like a man . . I voice . . . She must have been meet- . .. . .-.'Irj,�,� u�&ised to see, Hansep. who has undeniably seen a ghost. etchedness. . . I �, 4`w�,� An impovs4ble situatioll, and end ing that incredible, that undmaginable "' I ... I --- ,,,`­�,, Could I have maybe one, two min, I ad lover for weeks, feeding him He N�ahted to propose a bath and .. .., I 4 "".�,,,iq� tes?" be asked solemnly. by a still more incredible revelation. i * * a s,have befo,re, going in to Minnie; . . .'�",,�,� &f, 2. He was not in- the le;kst angry at her. . . . . , . �!� "Of course!-" said Mr. Petersen. Quitt, by mcident. he learned where the poor devil wasn't a flt object for . . ,,��,iji, On the contrary he feft ;'4.1,,�t,;, Come in! We'll sit dowu In the kit- the lec ,;'1,1�1� ; of lamb and all its associ- very, very ther gaze. But Ile diviwed the morbid '. 1.11 � h6n, rimot to disturb Mrs, Petersen. 4tes ,bad gone. I gorry foT tier. But he did not waut sensitiveness of the famighed crea- . I . .; �1�i I to see her, or to hear whiit she was ture, and was afraid of hurting birn. ,i,,,�.� ovO What'st wrong?" Minnie's, health was causing him a ;� ' Haneen took a clrar� in. a maniner ,great deal of' anxiety. She was in p going to say. If it were, only pos- As ,lie hesitated, litti(I Sandira me I 1,- � . " � 1,; I ., I i i omlyintiDg gociallstic equality with Perpetual state of exhaustion aird sible for her to b* restore,d to oheallh in from the kit'6fien. 'r � �, I , ,-,,� and then to vanish! . 01 :%­;;,.� _ he, politenese due to a, much -d, it _ He caught het violently in his _M- . ., ricber worry, and, refused. to be relieve , . �. 4 He couldn't speak, He went over ` ; �.*K*.� �!.J"Io I ian% I was'lone of her most sacred principles ns. - - �. 1 " � " to her bedside and stood looking down HrE , ,.,�. i-- . :1 "It's t that it was not ouly meritorious but "Sandra!" lie "Don't' .,. I... I �, i, ihi s wa)y," he said, "my Wife was worn, pale, more cried. , you ". I �1; a duty for a domestic at. her. She I -now tne?" . 1. .,. ';r'*� he is. badly upset, about 'this but3�i. absolutely h . 11,�l . I troubled than ever. But -she met big , N1114 " house -loving woman to tire herself �,� ... " � ess." she looked up into big face. ! ��,'. I ­A;�ii glaiice;_ $,be had not the look of a "No," she wh1impered. frightened. . ,..,. � "What business?" Mr., Petersen en- out every day. In addition to doing a gu4ity"woniarb. " ".,-,�t��t� u'red-, with a sinking heart, surmis- ��reat Triany tasks, which Mrs. H&.nsen . " Put'me down!" .1 I.,.","�', "Y&11, have to b told 1. I � .. - - ". r, �,�il�, Tig- an,dther miserable'disturbance be- had pleuty of time and ability to do, $1 now," sAbe III . �_, .1.1 I ­t�Vl said. '"I wanted to wait --but I sup- -".�­ I , "?N, �,een bho two'wamen, an unusually she would' take a walk, every after., His interview. With- Minnde was very . I . I ,�,I,!! � T pose you wouldn't consent—?" . : I � il.,'j�f� ad one if their men had 4tO be drag- noon. even if It rained, be doctor ' 11 brief, for the mirse -sent him out I "! ,';,�T' I . ., ,�, ed into it. ' . said it was too muoh 'for her, advia- "You needn't tell me anything'— vd-thout ceremony, and follow him I I I �,,`UV �; - . "Losing aJl these things. She tbinles ed, her resting more, 'but altfiough sib e he began. downstairs. . ed . I .. I ,�,,�"t,;A, 11 She closed her eyes wearily. -:, "'..."..'. .,��",tt , - �t ill �, ,,� , i:. , , I , . . . . list4ned to him sweetly. &he sald af- "Mr. Petersen," she said, 'T . .. ,_!%�%, )aybe you begin to suspect her. "You'd never trust me . He's in �910- ­.�, .,.. " , I 1�;,,�?� Mr, Petersen's face flushed. tr-rward to Mr. Petersen that she ' '" ing to telephone for the doctor." .. , �., : ....., .... . "; lj�� " 11 ,,):�i, . .. .. � .. my brother. We'v,e never spoken of � I . I ;,", �. ; , il,7,� ,�",,� . "Nonsense, Hansen,!" knew what was goocl for herself bet- him , . . he's cav-1 im a The two men, looked at hor in Careful ligilting, low and to one.side, gives this'lilcharacter pol-frait" its . ." ;i�,�;' ' ,. . ��,� "Nonsense all right," said Hansen, ter than all the doctors, on earth. She great alarm. I - . . :4�',,!',I,,,� w-digg. r , - .)or fellow. I unusual"firelight effect. ' . . � "Ib'i","", I 1. ., , 1. �'e;��"",,t`, 4-th. slow Obstinacy. , 'But that's wbat-'Nk Ouldn't even take Sandra with her Through drinking. ta,t�ier wouldn't "Is she worse?" asked Mr. Peter- � !" I I., he tilifilk.4' First one thing, then an- on these, walks; she, said ghe had to sen. AVE you ever tried shooting no direct light shines into the cam- �:;,�',�'V';': * let us .see him, or ni , Con him, And ....­ "N"J"';�,,;., , 11, ,� I ,o,,jj, ther Is every, day going." be alone, for her nerves. -Mr.. Peter- "She'll soon. be better," answered H era lens. ­ ," Grandma was just as harsh Even . away a WhOI6 roll of film on one , . I "I 5"'i . , Z His English grew more-, and move ,skean warned ber of rough eba.r4eters ' the. nurse, with a smile. Try as many positions as tho . I , � alting, but he wouldn't for worlds from the 'brick yards and solemnly Frankie turned against him . . . 11 , Mr. Petersen caught her arm as she subject, not changing its position in length of the film roll allows. When . . . .J,�I.�,',­4� ;". She paused ,a moment and feebly the least but merely altering the way . ''", .,_ _ ,� .. � �-� P .- P P - . ave used his and Mr. Petersen's, na- cautloaipd'her to guard again�3t being was going. I the pictures are developed and print- . .. �:�,,P 11 .; wiped, the tears. from her closed eyes. . .� I t the light strikes It? . 1. ,,,�11 "'tit lve tongue. They must under all cir- frightewpd; certain, roa:d!s sbe was nov- "You don't mean�--it's beginning ed, the differences will astound you. � "', �1,1' "But I've alwOrs seen. so much good It may seem foolish and extrava- .. ;��, �'.,,,,` umstances preserve, the illusion ()f or to take, and, she sf " �,� �,�'�L , � 11 �,,� Od she wouldn't. now?" he asked. "I thought - thnme ,,, I,j In Wm. I've alivays, been, so rund. or I I Study them and you will learn what - ,1� �,, � eing Americans,, So that she was alarmed and annoy, him, gant but it can be one of the most . !", pl''_;i�, poor fellow!� . . . So Inlich, weeks mare at least—r I . can, be done wlth7--Itght when it Is . � 1� �.,V ,, For ten, 'twelve years You know us ed one ,day to see ,her crossing- the ; . The nurse smiled again, important photographic lessons you . I .... � I,,',' I t goo& --going to waste! " properly used. . I ;,� I . . I I 1� � L qw, Mr. Petersen," he went on.. "All rallwaT-tta-dIts and starting off down "I shouldn't,be surpr�sod)P' she said. ever took. . . % I 6!, I "But, Minnie, if You'd only spoken . . I It you don't like still life, try 9, !, ; , 'I',, ,: h, -is a queer.business and the very Worst of all, the forbidden m ,, I I I , � - "� same, this to e -.t- I Mrr. Petersen felt utterly frightened Try it on thip theory: that the ob- series of portraits, using, the �-siilne I I I ,��__�­� � I a YS He had happened -to - go *0'vef ,. " , , , , , k -old woman'sht& doesn't like It. She W, - I and firelpt He l6oked about in vain . It .. . ... .� * - I I couldWt. It woiildn�t have been , jects in -a picture have no real In- person and the same, pos6 blre,lff� :- - . l, , "..�,�, Inks maybe very? soon, you beg -in to in that direction himself to see one' fair to:'him. Re's very proud, in, his for comfort, saw only the ver� pro- terest'in themselves but that all the fereut angles of lighting. Firom"pic- . '11.;��',rl�,%&L , , it, uVect -her." - . of the comradc-4 who wanted, to build- . fessilonal nurse anrd Alec, I , � ,.,�%,,.A�,t � t,'.. 'way.." _ more alarm- is In the waY they are ture to picture,'-faclai epression I �,!,',',�,, 1 1; ' "But It tell you Tdi ,never guspy6ct a boupe. At first Ire didn't ke'llevet big Mr. Petersen sat down beside her, ed than himself. � I . , `,"', �,;: ' ��: fj�; eyes; It couldWt be Min-nde in .the lighted -how the light strikes, how .will vary astonishingly -dead With - :, - - , ' "' I::.. 0".11 ,. er,11 ,Xr. Petersen insisted. - "Will it be -bad?" he asked, the I I "' . L - �A'The Missis coqlld.'i dusk of a raw October day: deliberl and tried-, in_nAong sdIente, to adjust shadows are cast. Or, in the w6r4s, Patfrout light, sinister *Itli the -light, - , - ­., � I I. hims-elf ,to thl' -co nurve, -but $the Went-, hurr'ying upstairs, . " . - ,�,.;: ", `� � '. "Nonsonse!" he said again, but he atelY and unnecessarily wAlking sI He was agelous of . In. He followed Af6r, but wasAt't of a great French photograiher', that low and directly in ttb'hto 6ttkAltd, ; - ' '� . NV ,'I a .great relief, a terrible burden, be-' aga -L,,,,';'_ ��, Impressloni uporr the stolid th the subject Is nothing, the lighting -or even terrified with Ae light.,foW : ,%,!Ai��,I,t � I rough- that,, wTetch' 'd quarter of . liftedi from him. And im -feeling alJowed to come Into ,the room. .1 " �� �T;, �� c a die to , ­ , 1. � �,W_,�,c . wede-nbr upon himself. drunken Slays. Ilut it was surely her 1. Is everything. and -bo one sido-, slid- tp., dfi - I.. : . "Anyway, Mr. Petersen, I want to Jb . at . . . ! Re thurried, after,her. 7 -guilt In the presience -of the, poor , "YouYll anly make ohw Inervious' - ' .. . I . I , t", ... ... �', , little *.Oman,. How ceirld he for an Oe nurke,tolfl him, severely. lly�'u Take a photoflood lamp in a re- The sime is trite oil"It's5idit"pes, ... . it. ;�� I - " ' ";. ,� ' � I :.tt",,"4',,'�',�l ay ,you any time you� are thinking SlIe was a long way in advance, and must be sensible now, Mr. Pete Rector and aTrangp a number of Vith each hour of the diy t they' I.L� .11 _4'1� .t , ��,?,', justant have suspected M rsen. '­, �_',�":"!"��'ll�'l�;�i��,�,�lI ' '�,*:I' ;11,q,:X11 innip, re- ,dew . ,t,A ."J".1, �vlfe Is taking somethine. Any before he had caught ber up she h4d; 8,�ec ble, and trot Worry me, Tive. got,my hand �, , 4, � �y '._ �z.L , t,T' �1, 17 � - d ta _, .c J small objects -say some fruit aDfil- change, -the deep,-.'-iftdrftin$'Ah14 11 .; . I . . 14,'4�X,11. 1,1,:, A onscientious, rhaternal � lk­,,'�::� ,,,$,;:�,,,;� mtd� you would, think. she got & chi ek- turned off the maltIll-,roa wbere the % I" from a b9_w,1-on a white,table Awindlink into n&w *,Aik -g.r, . .1.4, 7—il ,-. Minnie, of having a lover! Fililry, full"! " � . �,­"* -,­:;..�,�J�1'10 ;,�11 it ok what, you just tell me, Mr., Pet. wretched hovels were, ',and entered. ar ;W,4�.. 111 � 1� ,I" 14:11��,­ I- ,� - . I vile, prepostepous Ideal . So he went ddw,n again �Tkd'mot top. Have enbugh general.toqm light agairlt Iht6 the #.faftd6hr 'Of :` , I � 11 '�­ �. � , "I" _ V � � ." �`_n-,­ qq,� Men, and, I pay You." little woo& I . I ". .�_,�, I ,,��, `�, oim """"," the. doctor coming in, He, ficlo ,had- to -give detail in the shadows. " I , Light is the !Aiot66*plipV.0,',�i� ,t'�11't�t,11,1­, . �m - - I ! , v "I I I " � ­ .1 j�, � , , ,�.��),� I'll 1W , , P ," - . ..... ... "' I'- ,�,�, IR, 4 , , , "i" ""' � * , "', , " ­� , 11 , - , 0 -,�-. � ­-,� 49, 1 ' .t ,,-, " , '. -�- - " ; ` � ,, , - ' - '. - " �-., , .� .� 4"," _ 14, '� , "�;��:: 'I ,M I �i , ��,!,;i:�, , , , V �,� , , i�,,,,,� ,,,, "' " �'(, " , , , � I I - �"':, - I I I � ,,,� I R, 1� �1 """ �,�� , -, nil�11, '1P �f, 111�1 P�'4'�',�, , , "I � �,I' �1 1'�,,�� 'I "Put I tell "a,rdt never think go." It wasD quite dark there, undol- t1le, "Wo'll find - Professional chedrfulness so -A"f. w6w, set'iyp your cameta. firmly fixg � matof,fal "Ot. I-— ,&% - . , .,� I ��, . _��4;`­j!'�jjl,��'��i�,�� a way to holp your bro- thd - . �- , " ., , I I .11 . _�, ill,&' 01tid "A . _ . :-.1,11,11.- , 1'.It.,,.'�L,� *,""- .he Paid, � 00ft to endure. .1 ,. ."'��1�i ',,�,��44��5`��""�,A "Mitybe- sometime you could, Mr. trees, and very stAll; there wago a I ther, my. -46d � . __ With Elie light right Wilde. It, for *hi& 1f6'in16d#1A5Ia0,p16tAAA.1 `�� " 14,4' "'p, 11,t"4 : � I ... _1 � -�i �1'11 otorgetxlf I I faintly marked paythi, which bho..work-. - She r&ched -ftt a callo66d and "Take a - drinX.11 be adivisei, "aild- Your first picture. take another with , It, Leiih WhatAI kh I A ',. ,., '� " . . khtllullk;,44 , ii,�"�Qt �"�;til "';"4 Mr, -PetersqW' understood men sonvopme.'s used ast.ia'shok'nut hot little hand (and put it"14toi b&L out- for a walk. We doi?& need the light far to th I., I ­�,­ - 1h'i`K§-;,, Ajho'!�,��*Nk ,,�11�, ;,t,,'; 11jr 1. what he . � , � , . . i I 90 ei lb 10nd Mill up. ,I . . I I , ,,�,�,,� . . - __ " ft Lliol"'"t kfiO ,1�� . . t6 the bAftyards In. slubim,�r,- ," ighle'saidi, llv� 0'" N'. I I I I'll I 11 11 �1� - eant., b4 ,�dhiqa rhat I "Want 'iti yqut, �1, ... 14" � ­ I �, �,., . . . &�� �. ,;, ti�;, N,3,��%Vl I . " . I . � I Take one With the li�ght diiisot OV& pfod, I . I alcy, VO I ..I", %'1;'.""J11i`"1 ,%ketro �otl a,r&' with a new w;if and. quite 6w6rtedl at this, timei ... of the to -1*4ve, b4m, WNm tradier �&"y eytJ ..,He w 11 . I - .1 dop 6910 .1 , I �w I., . - , 6 .., , ,�,­,�­,,",­",�r 1-11111 111- ;i 1� - � '41 �b . � A I . ,�., ".,� I", ­­ "I � ,10111111101 llv�,` �, I I 01 Ot back ints' -his. attiiir otco tho ga "t. 1h ok6 , ill" 6 I , *T_�,;� � .'��'i,��'��,�l,"i?.)"','�,F,,,',,�������,� %� ­ . ng, to think ye ' I bjee ikd t 41 . , , ',.0 �, ", ;'�,',,�,,��­�ilr,.%'.. � . at- A inat of seddlon, ,,, . � 1, � 1, 4 of" 4, li� , I " , I'll I .... ... . phat 'she thylkst $ou're, gol leave� under- Where I cau look aft6t�'him.'r -Ms�p I?lk mor4% 4td, woo ,01 1. � � I , I., J�bi . , ., 1 i� � �� �T'�3 �il " - "�'. .1-1111? 410X111 , , 61, i vait, � �, . ok�_�.r.', - .,­­�'. � . 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