HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-01-14, Page 4� "', :� 'i �. 1­1�, . , ­ , q �,Wl' [`� I , I -1 I , - i4l � . I , , �.,�,­ ­'­-.�,�i��q :", `�; , , J �, lil"t 1�j "; �a i , �, � . ."� � ; " '' � ! ", , . . - .,��'1­11� !, ", ir, , , IANI�,11- - "I . I --,J ­ ­ , , " -.1-111-1. ,�, ,'.- - ,.", . �t., � �, 4 ,..,;�, ­', ., ': pi!-'�,V' " �,' �j��,7fli �i�j�l$l� �',� : , If , , � . . I ."' ',,,�,�,�,, -,�!�"`�11�, .!v'c6 " -,' ;1� .."I �3a ., - ";� . 0 ..t.", " . � ­Q­�,,,, .""., �, � ,?It,, 1� " 1� " , ,, , 6"�', " ��.. ", �� ,�,",­", "-11 . . 11 .. i'll, "I .1 - 11 'i . '. ,..i. ;, , - , ," , PI 6. ; "ll' I , .,!, . , 1p . ��... "'T'll �, i ,�,Ill' 71 7�i i�lr'il �111.' , - - ,�,�,,',".',�,�,i��,�,',,�,,��,,�t,;,� : ��,l�.!"��,-,,,�:",."�,,,,,,-,,"�,'.-.-',���",i�,,I��,�:�� ,� ll,,',,� 1 l, -., �,-, �, , ': ; .. .... . � :,' :` :, . 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'll, I I ".1 " 0 , 4 - �,�,� " " ­!r�',',`t� -;;;;��;- ,:- �, .1 � I . ..� . ,� � , �, '� . - , �;��,­,,: , � . ,��. I . " " , ,`�, ,,, . , t4 U , 1A. . im qlbv a - 4o'� "o � I" 4 -11, �� , 'A . . a, 1;ep p-4 . I. , "': i, . � '-��,, i:l,;j,,'�it',�.�­�, �,- . " "; , �.F S"W, R .,,I ,. it I ", ;, � P , . , ''t7,;,l , ;."""', 'I, .l . -�­ ­�­ . ,. -, �, " ,, - . ,-, �,! . ... , i . . " planwitv for * trip to , �*-* I ?, � '014 . . . ­. . U . . " , ", ", ­­. 11 ­� I I . . I U-33; W"Weels Bakery, 1, I �1'�. , T- -1 - r� . 'no0do in WtOe -400, " - : I - t i), ­ P I ., �� . , � .,. , .. , i ZOO 'T 4- '.., �, , ,, - " .,,I'll . :� 1. 0 so �111; ,:, I "I ;, I - , "' � � , , . - I 0 , , � , , �'� �,, L ::,, . - ­ -0) , I — M, 11 1, 7, . 11��, 'lie" future. , I PIK' - g� � I 11 �, I ­ il�, ,,,, 11 � princess, 1191W. Ong w4) kjl, � "g-A'J. i Ad , . ' ­6;�*." - 1-1-- 0 1 V � F, '1�1' wgng,"� � I �, � . I I—. ' 4-9 ­00'� I - t, �Il" , � R01411 4 00�. 410411 -,, W. . . * , ;pot . I - , '010o. � TAP� " ''. 11 0 1 i, I : '"', I 11! 4i ,%,� 09.1 ,,, , 11 , - , ,� $ 1, 'if 11,�',��'�,�, Id , . -, 04 91, I .10 a';' 6.0b , eii t-Ak - visitful; se,ed: pe - 11. , 10.6.0 I . . , � , . . (,.I edl 0 *y Old'. F, 05" , - I I 1� � ", l, ,,,t �` , , . ,1111 1 4".00. Geneml A6. "' �. � tire , � " � ... , I Uay" allowairive", , " , , -1 �l I I I M I �, "� . , igs Mildred McDon , , I., , 1.0, t ... " � ift .tA,Sf-",WrJ# 404i lth#, � �,�, - , ­­ -E;mploi.yers, - . �. - 'Past, - -1 � , ­� P 1�kk: A�W. � ­­ , , 4�1".'� , ",. , P oquut,q Liability Assur MW out the 11 � I 414"At I , - �0111 I..".,%, , 1 ,4 - , 4- I" V , bef sister, MrVa�or-p IAU&6� 0! .4nated i X, ,= . ,.I . . � '� ,. 2, �r � , ­ . , 1111�i , Of . I, , " - S - A . r10 boad,440; :�wm- llv., Therw qAme� to Me, to-41i"Uh -, * , . . � ., 1� - Qlftbf� , . "�­` ,E �� -1, . K, � ;�, ace Oo. trimuh . � I � P ,,,, I Ill, 11.1-11 --,"-,--L'-` � , . - Mao-., - � � -­ . 0. .: \ fun toile volt W" ' � ­ ­ , , I . " �% � � " . , ­ " -� ,� ­,­,1�1i'q'i!­1,i11 �-,��­"1'1177i 1-r-7 -t-T!" -, , . &�,��, , A. ;1,1-111 11�, 1. ;;� 0,1 �`. f 1;ftll��� . inatign Q Tolroitto. ',- . 1; . pp.Auses, $10; reklateklug Wtuoao I �� 'so, *on - y'artA ai­ ,", ­ . 1;�',yg '�'4�l,�:,4-1,..� � �'�l 1, , .. The fmm2& t . I The Y -004g People' a thio. tia,ra, of � 11791all ealla. v,.T,, VX; I . ,, I I . III ­�� il I . �* q - worted at, new -low. . ­ - -W I - . � a Le,pe R, "I 1101" ,00:.00� , ', cash,. rates -; birth.�-- - diteatho '.&W marriages,"1937, , 14, yout I 44 . � . ,. " - � ­ ". 1. , Xg 06. bri,sK I- Invited 10 enjoy, a tobog�WUng bridef boi4djlet 'wag. qoplosed pt,palla . ,,�i�;­ . 1. . . I . �1� I baeu, . V9 , ' - . I ,gg . . . , � 1"gla", "I -V1 l I I , 11 ill I I , . ­ $2-P,- The coun�ll -to ineet larrOver, MAO of ,,- . ". -!;�t 1��W. , r" � I ., "W� - -adjourned . I I ' ' esday isy,:. Blies. so ' - ' : , -- . ... .. W1, - . I .11, loot 4*4 FOWR4. v0song. XV10046 nke07� werilli 1�' . . again on Monday, Flab. 7. at I o1clocli ' , I 21he same lj�"et.,'@ppo.d �,gi�ls wegN *.bere. . , ,. , , � par13 I . 44), ber as =40 . . �]'ii',6�1�A%All l $ � ,. I � I . weik.� . lbb". rt,dib, I ,',,. 9X I 0 , 31 I -, . of ,next 1 �Z,g,,�;, �' .at, 0hiselhwot on Tu so " l g I AIT'... � , 1 . i �'111 11 I � ening . "t. - honc&, and 6 k ' - , I , " , "'' ww � 1. . t hlr� ""' , I 11'�, �01 �"��­ 44 �;O,**, : , - .. �;,� �; '10 in --*,o 4ftemoon for the r4ilfix * - , , , The glirlio, we used to hnow* elected a 'Pin _ tweta. � 1.0 111K�). . 12 S , I I " ,�. 1. ­ . .......... 1 ......... We am ,pl4wed,to rep , 11 I ,-,"If", , ". �Ir I . - ,.ort " , '. ,,, . ... ..., ....... ­­..... a counw- monthly sittIng.-­�A. F. Hess, Clerk. I )hot , ; , � 041 . I Wtt,D knew -ka Is word- ;�'thougld , . . . It of tais"Village, gown of. floor IM04. Wift a, Att" I Ili , ' ".." �:' ,4,d; I - CWA . 1. . ) � 'onow. . .1 .� . I , ' , � . 'A,2— U I `1"'� L ' .Wow . - I I ..... I ............ . I � . . 1,0114 Rowoliffe, gout , "IT,001,1111"T., , . :.:: 26 Omits , �l . I lt� Pure ar� tbe­dr.1veiW , is faproving from an i%tTAe,W,0f PlOur, , b0Uuet'40ceqsor1eS. She . I ", - I " lv�,,` ­aRquam � Amwse. A ­ 1-1 i 1. I 11 � I .1 I �. . I . I I—- -1 .. jacket and du , I , ow . . . ' I j: � I . . , , I 1, , I . i I I . ' . ,his room for �carried an arm bouquet, Of' Briarleliffe . , I I , � WOOL . ' . . .1 F --U ftim inWall and alibMv4atboo. OMMU as, one I . I 'boi, b isy tA4t loonfined him to ; % '-"'­,J&,,-,i" , . I H19XSALL P�� , - . Who h0ped,. uj;�'a& etter be, �: I ' I 1, . , 'i ,I . i IU UWAOCiM Xo%�,,= per wogr& Ninisawa, fio cents per week. � I . I . . several weeks. ..' . roseo. Miss Doris 06ok' and Miss I 1 l ­v . IThS HurQWZXposltor� &r 0 c=1W . I � A �Uii'iq " Iong,of. .. I )he -past week Jean T s ,,, I I �i ­. I . I . Those girls- of .�%, I I 0 f", , IT lqwo� ....... dircaUd to a ,.,, owe of . , - .. I—— ------ � . . , , dukIA9 t I I 100 I 1, " . . . I., The council 1-1 � F-1. � - -4" 1� � �'; i ,4, RM be cblaravd it && in above eftsis am not gold by the E;aebre Dance, Heo*all Tawn Hall, ., , I Just lkie the best of glAs to,fty, . ,e :11 . . ... ... T� . . ' of -the driessed, alike in lavendlax taffet.0, WM . � .].. a t1=4 par, week will. .- . have ,been reples1shing 80MIO I .11, 1. '8q.0i - . -­­ifo kno I ;b(kw' 0 IN, " N' ��,� .... ... J,�, Z "in wb h fto ad was — � odiy' Jan. 19th, 8.30 P.M., aus. - - ..i, � The ones we!re glad ,.w. ­ ­­ ... I .. . � . _�AVOU.Wiy X � � I . strest fire tan that were ,becoming silver accessories and eawrie( I'll ,, " , VA33B thib,We* do - ot charge., - ­ . - We4u .1 . , ,% ­ ,­ 1 , Xmisain ,ad. Dam"' bwarimd ... toss - I 6;��11;;.- of Commerce. Pro- tf -, . I . � , *ce 4b Orodiwrn, Ebr.­Uxbos Qh a/MAW91006 , -ces . . . .. . L . Mizi . �, Z . � P, I � low.. I . : - quete of Jobafta HUI rom I i K� I 140M � . ,Icee&,,J.u,,addI-Iensolll3fin�d. Good priz- . Young men were 9`1er'6, ou,r forniev chumi% il cted . go slim e. il ." 1, -1 " `.'. . . . ,� , ,, . . ­ I r , . . , . Mr. Owen GeJW,­,,who Ilas been Lou Horsley a 02 wer 914, , '. , l . . . . . . ­ . es,, Oldi, new -time dancing; musid by I � J,ij, . Brigh��nd alert were, thw­ ­-­ , , , ,­ ore a:pla* taffeta floor length Ox ... - .., :1 l,.,., . . . . . arm Stock For Sale Personal,, �-11- ehive,ITO� ponfinwv to dils, room toi"'i"Jilumber ,of vl -000 a ... I A - - . ,.O, amd,Juk as cloaai - and i6Airled � - . Sb)Grt7­Graat- and) b s 10-plece'band. ,� As , , � I ;; .. I I . �i'.­. weeiks throuib a very severe cold, with, .White accessories " . . 1------------------7 - - - LZSSONS--INDI- General admission, 36c. Lunch pro- - 'AS 'a theeariler dan ­­ ­�­­ . 'but, bas been a basket of 'rose petils.' Howard � , ..OAUD,-47 qMN16% WEIGHMG 70 T4AWA,I1-AX . GUITAR I I . � . . continues i,., Improve, A 0 11 . I v parues leave vided, ( 3657-1 -- 'still -condlined to the biouse. Warren, of .PovUAc, assitsted Mr, Tay- � . � ­:-Il,14i$,1�11, I : po-olmls. Apply 1P PAT 3[UR"Y. IL IL � y —luma les�bne. InitereA4 ' I 41114.1.� 5 I :Sos1WrW . , ose -, 5-L ROY ... of-- I ago . . - 11, . , Phom 18 .2m -1D R: .EL Cl , ,11A , � We Played the games : kong" 1, . Mpg. E& McQueen, was in London lor. as,­Lhellt man. U:ahoi* were Harm .. ". I . ", 1 8657XI W Zl�hc.owanstowu. 36574 ,,,, 01. t '11'. . , I.. I , I .A,1 , . I The rqt,ular meefting of the Hensall ,And we agaIn w,pre young,- A- I + - Ir . ­.. Grace'and Edwin. Gw4 , of Berkley. . I I - - - , "" ===.--' I - I I Tenders Wanted - .: , — Tap ERS Floa THE PURCIL&SE OF 8 ce= ,9 ,hard ,body wa�d. at least half TUaplft.,14 invh1pZ:.1oog. dijlj�ered to S- S . No. 1 7. Tualmijaimit I ti. twinn,be re-wo until J-- ary 25th by A� NICHOLSON, a S-Jbrth- Sddr4ba*-WTWs—. : 3657-2 -: . - - . 'TENDERS WANTED � � . . ,. TWDMS WaLL W, VMCJaVF,D UP TO , Felimaw list, laq,� f,or 8 cords body wood. inisple ,and .beddi. 12 inches l(mg. to, be deHv;erW­by AprU 11ok dior S, S- XM. 1. Tuck- .rsmith, JQHN PEPP-Eako S-1et-Y-T-- ler. & R. No....14 Kippen- 365lx2 . I �. 11 I.." .... 11: -----6- .. i I . 1. Prqp��Iy For.. Sale , IW.QR EPALF-4RAM HOUSE- S ROOMS - cement touod.tloo, electric, lights, wat-. etc., barn and 6 lots. The late Cl—'HOhlbela Estate, Apply toMRS, RICHARMS, 000 -lite the Cbllegliotp- . I 3"iX5 , — — I HOUSE FOR SALE' . DwELL' OF T= LATE 'sA=L . Broa&oot� %ov1W garden aud barn at I , . .11, ply - , EffaAER D. � BETA,,' ... � . Seaferith. I . . 1 3657-3 1 I � -- 1. — . — , � ­ � . Farms For Sale I 1 'MR VAWT - , F SIA Lot 10, Con- 1�w S% Lot 19, Cos. 2 of watea% Ghiei- to M2& RICH ­ .0 A S, opposirte I C-91� 3651x5 .1 .1 � . - . I . I Notices - . 'I . I � — A—, School Board was held In, the toulnell cham,bers, on Friday evening, when Our heart& were filled with gayety, . ' . I . "I I Our ne"es w1th telisiOli stmug. ,/'� one _y - . Miss Florcbce Welsh sang, a solo in the Ulifted Chumch On Sunday 1, I 'and Carroll Lovett, Of P!fttiac, ­ lm� * A I I riiedlately following. tbei' wedding a , . ­ Agents . . -�JWanted — officers f r 1 38' were appointed as 0 9 f-611-ows: Chairman, Rev. W. A. I � I I ', 4 Old sweethe�rrts in, a fond embrace, ,.� Morning ,last that was much, enjoyed. The annual congregatio4al meeting reception for one hundred guests was .; ., lield. at the church. .9rs. Warrener � I . I I MAN FOR� ' RAW- ��-ABLE WA��,. le&h Rvote soo wn5unrem 200 easilY Young; secretary-trewurer, A. L. . .1 were filled. with ecetasy, . .... of the United Church will be beld,on, .. , chose for her daughter's vredding a' It & stold household tafteissities. soles way up this Case; truant officer, J. W. Ortwein; Old chums, renewed their earlier days . I the last evening of "tlffj�'niontb- ; I floor length gown of powder blue,with � year. We teach you bDw; supply sales, ad- veritising ilibeiraturg-­all yW* need. Thousands caretaker, GeA>rge Hudson; musical instructor, Sam Rennie. Members of in glad felicity- . I . , � . The Hensall- Senior Institute held -k adeessoiies and - a 'corsage of- - - " 0 nav . 'Brilarcliffe earn ,$30 to $100 weekly. RAVVLFJJC,WS,� Dept. ML -M3 -G -A. Montreal, Canads, , the - ' Board are: George Hess, W. 0. % - " Then, one by one, they vanished all I their regular month -ly miaetbig on, last, Jan. lith, at roses. M,rs. Taylor mother I - a 0 of the bridegroom, wore, a W40�17 leng,h 1 367-1, I Goodwin, J 'An Shepherd, Alfred Clark . , . And I alone was left, " I �,.,., Tuesday evening . the h6me of Miss, Gladys Luker. Mrs,.� gown of mIdlidght ,blue with navy ac- i and Joseph Flynn. Mr. George Hess, tertairl.0,.Ahe ' , 1�1 My heart was said, old friends were gone, 1, 1, I � M. Drysdale presided. The meeting e. " cessories and- a similar corsage. The — ­ � Annual Meetings, as: retiring chairman,, ,en Board to an, oysiter supper at the I felt as one bereft.- I I I ., � 1114 I .open(ed with the siu,ging of the Insti-, briii .0 southern motor -il co Olie'left for a . . . ­ — Kosy Korner Restaurant 461-16wing the m eeting. I I I , , I . I W. .H. JOHNSTON.' ExetAw, Orrit. . I tute Ode, followed by ihe' Lot'd;s Prayer. Business matters were then . " 41 trip ,following the recePtiOD, The official opening of the skating 11 4 1 . Wednesday . . ANNUAL 31EETMG OF - , . -rkultura-1 Soc� will be held in field Ag The,calrnival, which marks tbe'of- 11 a- . . d1altrussed. berelde- The InstltuW,meni rink took place on. even- I the 76" Hall, VVWnetday, January 19th, at I p.m. for the ele§ction of officers and direc- fidah,opemdrig of the' new open-air rison, of London, was present at a Mr.'and, Mrs. James Paterson SpeVt n cided ito send clothi 9 to ? ? ? ?, The Piano duet, Miss lig in the form of a skating carmdvaJ. . i 11 I . The gensall Band was in attendance tars, flDr 19S8, reicjiving,reydrts of 1937, etc. skati,rig .rink, to be held on, ,Wed�, es� regular' m4�od�g and stressed the the week -and with, relatives and Ont. pavgram: irene Hoggarth Mrs. W. A- L 'and there was a lairige er-owd.. .The A- E. ERW,IN, Sei=:"ry. , . 365'-' — day, Jan, 12th, is looked forward to with very much interest and i,large atten�larrm is ,anticipated', A feature work of,the Little Helpers, in Janu- axy, 1936, at our regular meeting, which was held on, the 9th, the. 43rd friends in Kitchener. I . Rev. W. A. Young, pastor of C=6 mel Presbyterian,l,, Church, was recent- and. Young; the topic, "New Yeax's Re50- lutions," was most ably- taken 'by . . prize winners were as follows: LadleW I ... I character or comic, Mrs. Fergusm; 9 .1 ANNUAL MEETING � �1 �1 I ANNUAL MEWWO OF THE SEA- THE I of the Program will be a number of , I anniversary, Mrs. G. C. Petty was ly made the reaWient of a number Of Miss Mattie Elitist; Mrs. .��qha McDon,­ girls' faticy or comic, Joyce Broder- . I � ick; character, SajA 116mile; ­ I forth Acricultuxtal S&fety will -he hold FridaT, exciting­,r� for which good prizes . � presented with a silver bowj filled Chirist�mas. gi.ft& from the -1,1171--ent,­ R- ,.;-n,c- 'fed dexapastratioalbf a (wilt aid gave a " in gents, I ,�. ., . ,boys' corhic, Jack Drysdale; girW in the Carnegie Library, SeaJbrtb, on January 21s4 at.2, p.To.., pWiness: Firian- I 1. ' are.offered. The Citizens' Band will e 45 yeal with rose,buds. During ith 's ladles have held the 6f- cieties and organization'; c 'L . with file church, in recogriftioa ,ol the pattern. and quit imak,J46 violin t - I solo by Miss Greta Lamm�ib, accom- race- Frances Roche, Llstowel; boys' , , , . . &­" . ofilpers for cial aftsiberuent and eledtion 1938. HUMPE[REY SNE1AI,, Priesiid.nt, MRS, be in . attendance to enliven the prG- cetedings, the following fice of Presidemit- � , M.rs. - Clegg, Mrs. great intexest and help both he and . . -4ber. parlied. by' Migs,Eleanoi M The . 11. I . " . race, Jim Campbell; nien's raze, Rua- - J. A.'IMRR, Secreltory. . 3657-1 - - . . . Mrs. McKay, Mrs, Garrett, his1wife, Mrs. Young, had given dur- milDitto, I'What�&4r You do, '00 it kind- sel Heddeu; free-for-all, Roy Brock; I � Celebrate 45th Anniversary Doherty,, We, Edwards, Mies .S. Fee, Mrs. Pep--,in,g . the past yean . ' I rby Miss b6l�rlyi Pfaff. ly,11 was itake# the singing novelty race, Cart Dataxs. The judges I 4 - were Dr. Bryce and Mr. Siebert, .of� .,, ANNUAL MEETING . P ler, Mrs. Clark ,and Miss S. ,Fee Mr. and Mrs. Clarence shepherd, . The meeting closed with � 0 .1 � . rJOE ANNUAL MEETING OF I SOUTH A very interesting meeting was held . - in St. Anglican againk,taking the office in 1935. In of Hayrietsville, near London, spent fol ed- by of "God Save the Kin I gl­ ,,1. low Zurich-, and Miss Irene Dmglas, Men- , I � Hurion Agrikultural Society will be held Piaul's . Church Sunday 1927 we accepted, Mr. Kent as our the week -end with Mr. John Shepherd., a dainty lunch. 1P I I .Ball. * It, in the Commel.iLial HbteL Hensan, on satur- afternoon, it being the forty-fifth an., prayer, -partner. Mr. Kent was for.Clareuce's father. 11 The martrda.ge took pli recently 10, ,. In' the hockey match played, with I day, ianuaM 15th, 1938, at 2 p.m., for the niversawy of the W. A- of that church. . ovi�r twenty years, Principal,,, of St, The Misses Lilly and Ddith.-Mc- in Pontiac, MiclL, of Missi" Evelyn N. qrediton- last week, Hensall won 4-2 a ). . purpose of rekm2tiviiing the Uirectors' and Audi- 1 reports, the de,tion. of difee,tors The missdonary ladies of the'UnItL-d Peter's Indian School, Grouard I Al- .... Ewen, of Kitchener, have returned to � Wagrener, dauigibiter of Mie -and Mrs. . aiad onn Friday night Zurich won 6-3- ' for the current year,'and the transaction of Church ana Carmel Presbyterian � berta. H�- is now retired and living the city after spending h6lidayla, -With 'JR. Warrener, N-'., fogrmer *eU known Edward Corbett met with a serious I I A other business. Dr. A. R- CAMPBEL4 Churtbi were invited to attend. Rev. in Alix, Alberta. In 1937 we accept- their brother, John E., of the London Hasall residents, to Willi am H. Tay- accident last week when in the bush - Presittlent; K- M- M&L]E�AN, Secretary. 1,, . 3656-2 Mr. Hunter, Rectior of Hensall and ed Miss Alice Hall, of Carcross, Yu- Road Highwa,y, just south of Hensall. lori Jr., afso ,of Pontiac. Two hundred He ,had a now axe and hd accidental- 4 A "t � . , �, i Exeter Church, was present and op� en,ed the , meeting. The secretary, lion, as our prayer partner. The so- . member- ciety has never had 'a large I pent 66- Mrs. WiDiam SangEft6r TU , ' day last !a Lo.don�V,lt.r , � '-�bal,n, guests witnepsed ,the service which wds perfornW I , d, i,by, Rev.. Leland L. ut his fo6t, sever .his big toe. ly e . ing I . Two men carried him out of the bush ,- 4k I -----­­­— -- . Miss Mary Fee, gave a very Interest- ship, but ,we feel that our Heavenly ­ Mr. aud Mrs, Majlon,, pastSi�,'lof tho church, before and took him to the piffice of -Dr. . & . Ing account of the ,society from 1893 January, 1938, which was a full a unt of the work and was- well a Father- has blessed ,our efforts to help and encourage our missionaries west of, hiplyerr, have gone to, 14ew Orleans to spend the ,Wnter months. . ban ed Ndth p4lims and'bas- an altur k - kets of bridal rioses. . Mrs. MarioD .0. Fletcher, Exeter, wherd it wks dress- . , ed. I 1, . . . Harvey, Kippen, . . . LOV19G MEMORY OF ARTH-,TX in their work. ' Many letters of- a,p- -AUss Logan, -of Varna, isi�v'fting is wasqtlie organist kiid Mrs. Merle Mon- Mr. and Mrs, of I 0 r dear mo,ther, itane Davis Hoggarth, 'fe of the late Wifliarn Hoggarth, who pass- given. The gu.es,t speaker, Miss Me- preciation have been received from . her nicce, Mlss,jrene Douglas,'.1of this roe, sang "At Dawnift,?' and "Oh have moved, to Hensa& - I . . . ed awa(y one year age, Januqzy� 13. 1937 Na,ughtorr, of London, is Diocesan Sec. time to. tinfe from Mr. MidKUeto,n, � , " I , � . I � . ; '.1 ""'' I l . retary�Treasurer for the Junior W. A. Principal of St. Paulls, School, and .. . . � W � I . . I � � N. MONEY IV LOAN -TO PROGRESSrV7 ra 0 a very interesting I 11,�','�l ". its orrAy a gr,ave but it still meeds cam b nchL-s, and gay � ;�., als6-frionl Mr. Kent and- Miss Hall, our -- -- -. 1111111111111111 . a . , K � 'fi uo outside debt, residing on Ror the on* we quved lies sleeping there; as - 11 " - ifarmadrs MA �ccount of a meeting, she attended , . I "P,W E - . , 501 FA)-.Tw maty forget her now she is gone prayer partner. The motto of the W. I01� q property wD& lbulldbig& Loamo UP tO how' lonw. delegate to the annual meeting of _ I � I I I S, k"'. . per ceut. A. is, "The love of Christ carlstrain- 61 r�l I 1, of present sales value of farm- I -B�t we'll nevor fomi�t no matter . I I .. .", " Apply EUMR D. 4W.T& Seafortb­ I -In foridesit memlary, "The Fact the Dominion Auxiliary Board of the, 'Avon- . I . >* . I �,i,§lt-,' I , I , � 96564, 36-57-1 Woman's Auxili ' r=th us." As our work has been I � 1. I derfully blessed In the part, we trust . . I * `,,�,';�L�,? . � .., , . I.. ­ ary, he,ld in St. Paul's � . . ? � li. " I I Parish H a I 1, H a I i I I I I � I . 0 . .. l.a.A,., , .Nova I �""':� I . that the blessing of God will rest up- I . , I . I I I . I * r �ndeavom in the future." � i.�' .4-13k. ,Scotia. Miss Fee's interesting story 1- . . THE SIX -HAND BUCHRE:FANS WISH TO of the establishment and growth of '" '" I i -14Q;!'- &r� ,, convey their sincere 8-yinpathy to Mid. , ffiw�,l ,. th- society follows:,. "The Woman's .. Arrange Hockey Schedule I ­' '54-l' Albert Edler and family in their late 6-e �, A 4 ., ", � W I , ,,�16— - - - reavemeDt of a l'ovirm husband and kind Auxiliary of St. Paul's Anglican %, �-. �� , . . t 41".. . I , father, sad hope ,that -God will be their con- Church, Hensall, was organized out At a nadeting,held in Hensall Thurs- . , �­J�L. I I I I , . . , solation in this their hour of sad affli 1, at� ..., 1:.11 � tion. (Signed) CON ECKART. ic- January- 9, 1893, during tije *Incum. day evening in the Town Hal . . . 1 �i - I ..;;;;;; �� .. 8657xi bencY of Rev. E. Softly. The ladles terided by delegates from ,-Credltorl, , n . � . . 11 , : 4�, .1 11 It . met at the. home of Mrs. G. C. Petty, E.xeteri Zurich and Hensiall, it was 1. . I .. ,;, I �Ji�,'�'Ii . . .. � .... 111,111, - Miss Cross was present and exp,Wn- decided to reviye the old Cyclone . � . � 11"1�1.1 I . . ed the constitution, after which the Hockey League with teams from ... ... Birffis ; I . I 11 I . ,� I J." �:: . .1 . following officers were ,elected: Presi- Creditoo, Exeter, Zurich, and, Hensall . . I "Id J,J,�­,' I MEETING OF HURON . 1. delit, Mrs. Clegg; 'viice-pres., taking pUl .and a.] . so play a single . . . . 1, , Mies I I . I 1, i,,,- 1 71 . � EATON -ft Mr-Rillop, an January 3rd, to ]Blanche ­ s.chedufa, A�Iay-offs to be first and . . I '�- miss I ,�­ Petty; recording sec., 1111� 1 -COUNTY COUNCIL Mr. and Mrs. Walter Labini, the gift of h , , P, B. Hodgims,; correspondilng - see. Mis-S third tearils and second and fourth, .. . . . 'I ", , . baby bov. ' 11orn-e-and-ligme games, goals to count, I le I, ­ ..... ,i, - . - J` � I GRUNDAETT-In Srobt Meravocial Hospital. J. Johnston.; treasureir, Miss M �. 1, - r HURON COUX- . Sj;a� , , 1�;,,i � . ; IM NFXr MEETING OF_ -1 Seaforth, on January 111tra *o Mr. and acombe, which office she held until winner in the schedule to receive a � I 111;` I * CounWil vrM be, held in the Councit Mrs. Percy Grammett, ' luckersmith, a December, 1916, when ehe was elected Rilver cup, also the finalists. ; 0 . ,�V, Chov&ws, Court EGoose, Godemb. commerve- . of ; � I . Y� � ing Tluesday, Jimeary 18tk at 2 vim 60M. I i . . 1 '4 -1 . . XoNAInbi-ln Scott MemiorW Hospital. Sea- Pr'es'dent. The minutes of .the second - Th,6 following ,officials, were ap- TO " ,, - forth, on January 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. MeetIng Teoord- eleven members pres- PQinted: Honorary presiftits, W. IL . 4 . i�"i All accounito, notices h deputauons' APL L�,J- McNaim of F4rmci:ad1viHe. a, son. ent. We'still have one charter amem- . I I I ,,11�: � plications. tendom and after business requir- Golding, M.P. alid James Billantyne, I - , 'xe I P . l,'��.­,', — M.L.A.;_presid,ent, James Dowey, L - . /11" I �),, &W atbmtMan of 4xuamil should be im the ber, Mro. G. & Pettk "of whom we are - "j �., . hands of the Coumdw Clerk by January 15th. justly proud, she b�ing one of -, our ter; vite-president, Stanley Tudor, I -, "I . . . . . �.�,,,, - . J. M. ROBERTS, County Clerk, "I Deaths most faithful and oulargetic members. Hensall;. secretary-breasurer, ji-roy . . it V- . I , ��,-z — " . . — , l'.11 . I - We extend congratulations to Mrs. O'Brien, Zurich. i. r I , , 1.�'i I cwd-q,�h '"t EDUM-En SeaMwvi, on Saturday, January may be spared � I . '. I . �` -11 1. � . , 865&2 8W Albert, Edward BMW in his 49thsrear. Peitty and trust she Schedule' I . . .L;i " . . 4, � - 0 . . many years to help carry on the work 4 & , !�, �% . — .1 I I . i,5- . . � . I I Dash wood and 1,0 cents per Mile she.loves so well. Many forlmer mew. Jan. 7-Hensall at Zurich. I V 1. � � ��,`,',�, . one bers have moved from.the parish. and J am. II-Zur-ich at, Exeter. 0, " ,!�!'�,�t way; 50 cents, for disinfecting a r -1 . ;�. ,, ' ,�', many have been called to higher ser- L-Credi-ton at Hensall. I . . , �� , I . � 4. L. ng Zurich, vice, , The first money, $1.00 for Mis- Jan. 17-' Hensall at Exeter. ;�:� MANLEY, Jan.'19 , house; $2.00 for rispeed 'i , -, - . ..,lit . $1.50 for Dashwood and $100 for . I i.� ""i", ­ I Mr. John A- Eekart lies built a plea- Bl.ake, and 10 cents per mile one way, sions, was forwarded to Messrs. Bir- Jan. 19 -Zurich at Crediton. I . 4 ) "l,"', ney and' Bell, church wardens, All Jan. 241_EXe'ter at Hensall. �,��, surie FAeigh with, a t" and eqdIpped. I L , ,� nd that the Clerk prepare -the nec- .,,4��,L,.., ,o a Saints' Church, Morris, Manitoba. The Jan. 24-Exoter at Zurich. ," . 0 1 1. , "" l; Nktibi a d,err,osit4 on the windshield , ary bylaiv condrining same for 1 1, - , � �,� " n0ke visibility clear In tlfe coldest 's's first missionwT work of the society F,.,4 � Passling at next council meeting. That Jan. 27 -Exeter -at Cred4tion. I �, " of weather, which is run by an elec- was done for Mr. Hope, of Battleford. Jan, 28 --Zurich at Henpall, 0 h l 1§ ��,�;.. - trid battery. I the flDliowing me appointed pourid- Two barreis, of new � and second-hand Jam 3V­Offiaditon at Z11rich. And make certain your Stationery requirements are up to par. I , - I , 1�:.�, .� ­ We are pleased to learn, that Mr. keepers for 1938: ' J. F. Ingram, W. clothing Were shipped to hi Feb. 2-He"all at Crediton. 1 4 � �t 1 k"7 '. - I John Murray is ,recovering from his Alexander, S. Schroeder, C. Greb, W. society worked toi him for three Feb. 7 -Crediton at Exeter. I ' I I t, J. Johnston,, S. Hoffman, G. Becker, A 1. late illness. Years, after will-ich. w�rk was done for , Let us, suggest methods by which you could speed up., your book- . # 4 � ";'. t, . We are glad to ,hear that Mrs. Jno. D. Swartzentruber, Roy Merner, Fer- Mr. Jas. Tayd,or, Sunday Lake, Mls- Mr. Alexander Sparks, of the vil- . . '. I ... , "i 11. l . Tu�nbull and- Filbert Denomme, siolL Work was also done for Mr. . " "'� A. Eckart and her little daughtetare gus , lage, received the first of this week i� 4 & 11111, 1�: and Bert XlopiD as stock yaluer; and keeping by the use of printed forms, or a modern led " i .. . 1. I I recovering from their late illness, be,- Swadnson, of Omokserlo. As ti -me the sad message of the death his son, . � . I ger system. � . �, . ,� , ­­! the following as fence viewers: C. I -T. went on a bale of clothing was sent I d 11 �.� Archie, of Detroft, and left at once I i��l l . Ing U4 'I I 1i ��, ,, qer the doctor's care, I l#!�4;", ,� � � 1.�; ­ , - . Blackwell� A. Pfaff, J. Eckstela'and each Year to a missi6mary In, the for that city. Mr. Sparks had just I 1 ,2KV. N - j!$,"`X"'�,f,`�. I 1. 411. C A- .Hendrick, and that the Clerk pre- Northwest. As this work grew ane returned from &pending a week or so Pbone 41 for samples, information; prices. , I 0 I � L,:l,, 1. pare -the- neeessary byllaw confirming Obirlstmias and, New Yea:r holidays, � �­10,�'� I 11 , 4M, appeals .came In, ,the society under- -,A,�, L HAI appolintments,for passing at -,the next ' ). ,i,iptf,�., . . with his,son at Detr6lt, where his son 1 4 � �gjm took to clothe a boy and -a girl'in liP;�I, 1" . - ­ . 1.11, � .�k council m1peting. That the Reeve and Sti Paul's Se has lived for soMe years, holding a I . . .. ... IAM;- hool, Blood, Reserve, Al- , ,!:,,-11. ,, . , 75w Arst meedng of ,the council of Clerk be authorized to sign and sub- berta. During the past years a good, pos4tion theri�,--a44 while -he had 0 i l�,,,,I%,,­.�, , the ToWwhip, of Hay for the year InJt to the Minister of Highways the iling bealth for some time ' * LETTER HEADS - ,,��.,Q, 9PIendid outflt of clothing has been been in fa . ­ "ll�,.n,r,�,, A ........ t�, , I - 1938 was held in the Town Hall Zur- petition of the -council of -the Town� Ided for a girl in this whool. As past, his father found him very bright I 0 IN I . 'CA Provi ' . . i ��Illjl��,, Monday, Zen. 1&.h, at �1�ven ',,hip of Ray sbotwing'that, during the the woik of the Dominion W. A. In. and hopeful, so that the message of t �, ,��ijj��'��'j;!� 4f,� � on . I . :Yt �l�,,.", year 19,37 thoere, haz biden expended un, 0 ENVELOPES 11111-11" lock -in the f6mnbOn as provided creased -ore appe-�IEP have been made his death came as a great shook to '. I A 6 . , ;;,:"�`;; . . 'unlf�clpjtl * township roads and, streets in Zurioh W the ,brAnches, 'viz., The General bim. Archle was a very ,bright and . I � ,.�l!,�, for thei.,.* - Acit. The fol- . . ��, i. , ting . 111,4'J" ,I ' f ,.f;iAsEr1bed to the -declamdou the sum of $7,164.95 and reques Maintenance Pledge, ,, Undted Thank- clever young mant and spent his edrly . I W .,��i,,!,' I �N�V�,,,.,;, . I ' I 0 LEDGER SHEETS AND BINDERS . '1'-Lt��:'�"L 0 . : Reeve, George Armstrong; the ,statutory grant on that amount offering, Bursarles Pledge, Diocesan boyhood years in Hensall. i1e, leaves �4 1 , .. , It, t, � I . ,R". 1 0 * h . - �l A, am, Poland Geiger, Frei J. according to the Ontario Improvement fieft Uniform Fund, Boot Fum-d and to moum his death in the city., his I . 1. � 1�, �1* I Hkberi#� Villiam, Haugh and Max dnients thereto. - That many minor appeals have to be met. young wife, also*a brother in the - . 11 _A�q and amen . ,,, :�I'ik,',,�,O��,, I became ByNiw No. l,'1938, ,providing for to- For a number ,of years when we bad West and his father In this village. I . ). , 0 BILL AND CHARGE FORMS I ,� I ' I I ­ . I TumbAift , 911le �counoll then, ­�', ".. . , �1� �,, �,� ­ orgWtedi, Xumekous communications tal expenoffiture on townehlp� roadis for !, ,�, 'r, .1�i;;j 1,111, �'. More Members, liberal con.tributions The League of the Uniteq Church - ., I 0 � ,, 11, , 4&r,6 i&sposied of during the sittini, 1.938 not eitceeding the sum of $11'. held its first New Year meidtllng on I " " . were made to - budget ap- I 0 COUNTER CHECK BOOKS I I I '. , the chunch �',�;."; , . ,� Th� follipwing resolutions were,, pass- 000j00 be read three times and"finally, � intme,"t. Four lice moinberer cer- Monday everding last, with a. good at- . �t, ,:,,. , 1.11, Pa;ise(L That de Clerk subscribe for P01 - 11 �11111 'A .; :" , I ed, That tilia following be appointed tiftutest have been 1�reseanted: vi -j.: tendance. The ,topic was- very ably .. . I 1, :.. - ". I , ,�, t I � ,.,,�, � , i�� , :' ­.'. I as affielfas J)or, the towm!ship, of Hay nine copies of the Mundeipal World: Mrs. W. J. Dolierty, in 1 taken ,0y Rev. A. Sinclair. A -part 0 ORDER FORMS j� -'�iii�j,,,g!v,., -1 916; the late rom th ope I � ng and � - I It' I ll'i,;�[­i, ­Aor,. 19d9:, -Clerk And Treasur*r, A. 1. Reeve, four councillors, clerk, asseqw Mr& Brooks, in 1920; Mrs. G. C. Pet- f , e U . ?�A";. L , '' , .11. A66gWl W H. Edigbeffer. sor.. tax collector and read superin, closing exercis,: I . . I I 1 4 4 . - , Hew-, , - ty in 1927, �aftd Mrs, G , Simpson, In es the following was the program: I - 0 ,,,g r,l , ' I i,,'04 .,�. 6drulk'k-Ig I I . . - ; 11 l" , ,f,, lk,1.11 j. kbrecht; Weed ter.dent. , That Pirstbrook, Monteith 1930. Each life mern'b&ship, costs Piano Instrumental. by. Miss McMur- . 0 STATEMENTS; . 4 6 Q; � " . . � � , ' I ... Q; ­­ . ...... � ... . I ,��,,;, � ,George Merner; Member of & lCo., chartered, accountants, Strat- $28.00, In Jainuary, 1928, the Socle, chl vo 1 .a Inspector ty e; cat duet, 'Miss, Greta Lem ,,-11 .11, 11''�� . ,,, .,..�', �� , �, " , SankAry ford, be appoinited,to audit the town- celebrated, the 36th anniversary ,of mde and Mrs. Bmoderick; ipaino solo 11 0 . ., I �i "'; 1,"�'� "I. ; . 9 f HeRalik J. Geiger, .. * TAG&\ . �,,',i-`."." . =1 Z ; Fmitgtu Vvial*% B.,. C. ship and Weph6ne aeeouih.4 2af the the founding of the organization, Rev. by little gilue Mlekle. ` . I . . , I ,i;' 0, �! " : == Zttridh�� Aid,— vicinity, J4, P, Township of Hay for 1937. That Uy- P. -W. Schaffter, of Wingliam,",heing Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Murray, of ...., .. # � !.,l`,a l', I . , - I - e LABELS . I'��, - I ".), .PAU, Daih*06d ."d. viciAl-ty C, F law No. 11, 1937, author Ilng thib the special speaker. 'Wrnph'a, boy, he, Regina, Sask., who are visiting' �rela, . -11 i i�Ki` , . I � , , �, 1,; i6 I "I %". , , I., 'a $� : Reet-e-.aad CVerk to sign the; bill of Nved in Indl-a-gild u& I I ��, I . Pat .. - didol .Aitindance gff"r; * tiveg and frieddain different parts,of - . , ,""'4 .111.11 I i . ,,,,14�4�,�, 1-i A . . elmtood the dus. . . I . �,:: ��, . . I 0 COPY PAPER .. � ;', . ..... �.,,,�,':..' . ;,,,.,�.,� " vagt� %blvifsioi�,. 'W.. A. Dougall-, sale covering ,purchase ,of, line and toms of �the .people., He deecribed Ontario, and, who were here for S .11 ,, ,r rl,,­j,r, ,,, . ­ I 11A. t ,l , , - . . W 11 I . 111 -1W � *�­. , . .11.11 ,�,, , I., "111 I ." 1� - �,;��]*lsfof, 0 a equipment .from the , Tuckerismith the work of the - Missionaries. and � told couple Of weeks visiting In the village . A 0 , ,�§;11�1�v I i ,.,,A6rhtr,- mnd I ­�V 'L� - .-- � I , W.", T , , , . 10 Q *KU.—el ­ze0e*ftiT MuWailpal Tele' rict, left hero- on -Sunday last . I . 6 . . . , ,."'. � �*Wd . i -:-, ,��, -'of the,gtedt sacritfices made �by bih&m it;C;11�104�114111 I ­]g,*.,,r':J.­0 .,'�, ., lw to An-danYthing --- -- you need in your biisiness. 4 4 "Al? ii���'o..ik""d.,i.","".��;.4 . . phone -System be read and ddst I 1� " It". Im A ; A, -6wia- three tffqws,. god, passed. I .1 � "W r , I .. .. , 100 . ,� 'Ple ,,next � �t:�,'4121 I , 10, I - printed , i , , �11�'1:4�11 1W 1 " That the In October, 1930, Misi Isaac, mission- to visit with their son, In Detroit. . 1. , .- ` , ,11i,,,,T.)7g,�%'�'. � I - , -1, � .% , I, I, , 41*10 11 Mqw Andrew. Moir 1, quite poorly, I 1�,,,,! �'�%"j L', 4,1% . ,,,-&"Ointments. Clerk purchase a 'set of the 1937 Rie, arY On, furlough from Japan, gaye an � I '. . I � I . . . . 0 1 ­� . � '' . I I �L, �'�&­the lown- vised Siattites of Oritario for title of address on Japili, dealing, with the' ci�nflrIied to her xwm which It Is ex- . ,-Q11 �1111l, v, � � w.c � AC00#W1 r., ,ft . I .-1 ,�,�,"r � A, , " .,4 " , � �i� lfl��. : , , � ' i,12`�M,!­'�.,�,,�� , ,,,, '' � toll W, N., , ,'&�d as f6l. towineMp ,6121da,te. That the -annual customs of the people and her work Peeted wilt 60-foisome weeffav, ", " ,,,­�,`l,�'. # 'I'll -4 1 - I %. . " ­'P'­­­lJ- , , " I. I t,"��­�., - �e­ ,., ., � Mr, �nd, .. I Sli p a, f D e f. 1-.�14­1, , . ..., ailli'­w - - 'er for town,. 'Meeting of ;fhe, sibserilwft of the Hay In the kindergaftm vchools. in Janilt. aMm Will. ro go . . , , , , - . ApAw-bim"iff --jx 'of ' .. I The- � , I i�!�,t',,,.',-.��,��""7"i,F�� �",'�,'.%',,:,�%', i A -,W,- , 4y Telephone, Municip, to D' . 1, , , �';�$', 'i fs, � �. ­-,.dK,� 4960 " ir Il il T41epho" System be held, ary, i933, a special e 9 was held t th th - .1. � ,�Mi L ,-.� �,�,',',,>,`,l� , , " L"�', , , ic me tin rolt, spene the- past week wl e - . V111 ---. # I , . t­'�, .. 1� . l' �`Ii',�Iwol. for: Town WV Roada�, at the Tb*n Hall, - Monday, In the church to celebm'te the 40th grandmothbre Mrs. Robert tonthroft, I -.1 . -. . I � . !, , 0 Zurich, on I � . . . ­ il,", �,'; "it"r, i, . 6 6 - 0 . , ro�,, It,",,!.. " �;!qkr- 't ",ii 1 . . - " miic�,%, , , �',11.q , ,,, - 1, t *,k*, #00 dhd Postage; - MW `7, 1938, ai 2 o"0106k 111 the after- anniversary of the organization, Rev. of this *fflitge- . .. I 0 11 - ', - A . N � , , . . .. ...... d" , , A" n.m., " . "" , � .,� 5l"',- ,,, I-,'' .. - 1 & '0, = , $46, for traAA-lents, ,nooft­ That bhe fidenty bond of $10' - X-3. Bowi6p, of tondion betmg the Mr. James MoVw9,11,'90* of Mi., VIM.. 91 !"��-11;'­­. VIA". 'W11 - , , / �,!J,Jpl�,Sil!'��!"��. -.0 0 1� I , . . ir a , � " , "" " . , r;. I ­ 4aiq- 2'5 00WO: �tOr 000.60 WxdIng the township tr�easur- special avo I , �,` - �261%1 �, I I ... ed the growth Mrs. Rugh"'McEl*en, has returned to I � -,*'! � " . , IJF�Iy'lli(qi,�"I�'� L.,�ll , 'I 1, mk�W, He trac ' . � . � . " . 4 to : ;,� '. -, i oea,oe. 36 er wfiA, thift -Umployert? Liability As- �of the Domlnt6n W. A. from its di, teg`111130 h -is Unfv��ty­�tudko 4t To- * I ., , 40. I q�,r,r,.ki'�,­m,­y a - . I Huron Ex'posit9r, � . I 0 1 L"��'�'Y',�;?",g�4X,.P"�.�,,,, "I" i"A' P -.. . I . . 1� . .-- I , n Awa -i -ow '* �,-*., � . � lz 1. 11 I � . - .�70 '�il# -Jt-,2'�'#Jii�o,06,,� bovievewed; for otie,yabLe. igifial band, of -seven womon to its 'rdlit/6 ifter 60,64dInga ' the � i, d, A , . ' -1 - 'd .. . ..... . t"'LIA lg,?,'��,',,�?Wjl�r,���,,�q,;"J_/,r,o,,,,,I,t oft� - bolidayi. , ", '"il L�"�', � , _ # - .jk0Wj$JA#1�M in , . I I'l��'r�"'�!�"�",4��L���'*",,'r� -i*'q �".k V W" ; ", , 'J, , p�w,,,4 ii@ ,.,e, ' -,--,d , Tlaat Aicc"tts ooviling payments -for thousands of- m6mbors, t1horl, e ask. here with Mal pitdiftfv, , . .. . ,; -- I . �,7,�,A�',.'­1;1�il�I�L�,� . i �`%'U�Viki Haa '143"ON 14 . I . � �, , ( ..- ­ , " 1' -0 - ' or -uni,6 ' ... i" "" All?&,�q 414411'1�ii' ' '�[l'�4 11AIr TolopifttiAe -System, 6harity and ed ,us not to be d1wour4ed, thotigh. Vhr�otlg hiqat error in : a I I �,�,,,,,lj� ,�I� , '- go 'il'l' �".,V ';# , ftwit, f , , IKI!Ktill" �l ,��,,"" % fi a iy#it4rg) .-,Established t860 ' ,,pq,;,i;­,,,,,, i , * .�4 'i, '. � i�4��"` �,'�4",�', .0 gttn , �,% "�',�' , , ­ , - .,­ I , . ­ � . , , 19, i, I * - , � - I I - , aell4f�,' g6neml " I �.. ..... � ..­ I r �,4,� � 'N' "Ir poftAilon A "to J4. I . ',,� " � , 1$�, .�., " i V accounts be pisa- our numbers -were #MAIL By ,plWag Ut WeWs f�Alb of thei'rOPOtt f the . - . I , 11 ig. - s ' iWV61 . . . Zalephonia� f 4 , 0 t I . I I i, ­ij',"�k?�J,,.!�,' 011W �'; ��,i; -, -1 ; 'a , Q to a e I . � L ­­­­ ,�� ') , i-: . . , -, ­,� - ,�,,,,;� I,-, k.­­,�­­ 0100wl . W " vouchers, ft* our bAnd fix Christ% W0,66uld dogrbat 'fLxqk,,.kh , . . -", $0 , ,� � 91r ip die, itiotind -t - all t6r . "k, � ,.�g� , 1� , , I � j� , , , � _ ­ . t i�� , " � I I , , , , , .p - I . ��,� � , ,, .1 , ', "; , ''A . b, ­�� ,,, . 10 4. ,;;§ -i-,"it" g,MA I .. "' '�,� ., , 11 ��, T � ' ' ' 1 4;- , "� �V owi#,� I , $1, 101 ; - '�` "' T '' .4 "wn, , - 10 , � � ­ ,f ", a � V .rda�, thiligo ter X44jba� He gave a mojf'i help I &� , I � ,f'."6�L,v I , � '' feft-Mortharil' lodttld, "06 the ara bf .MJ� ' Pred � ' t -1 . -11 I � .... - 141. !� 1�­­ , "­qldrii , I I 1&§ 7"O. 1 to lr4e'ad. jjt-'l � ' : I I ­ � . ...". . .'fk'p . ' Gdeft , � I . I I - .1`�;�' 'I, tit W, 11 ­ ,V W .110. �'� `fj'�I�W'.,�' , Ili` , gy * 4\ I 'l4'i'�Liii�" , hft,� ,. ,�l'. t7'j"W: $941t 6' 9 ' ' ithor" cgri6, teftftift , idrei* on his work "'I 6 Iroort I th hL - . "��,�� .� .� ,'!',��F , ", ,,, A " . 10 . f M " ao� IxItt, Z �Vi"",� Siaftw t . .11 ',.,� I .1l I �w ;, I � I . - �, `Oar4 � " -, 0 1 7 , and - k9ld- " i . , " I- � � I .� � � 14"p, . . � � ,� 1'� -111111 ...... , ­J�,�,' ­­,;�,'4'l � , gf,k, MR � � _ , JP L 0 1 � / � �1� '. 0`11 M.W110 W91, W1141, " Will, - ­ dif " ,.� , �,,�,?',�,'�,,i',"��,'. 1114 "W " = 4 . gge, e�flt 'C' r, ; AlAtaut F11, 6he -late Bifallop, re"o-adift I lipiwad"6f,w, � r -� . . 1, - I . j;,�g" ". , I .9 bbD � 016J., 10 y I 1, I A, 6� " I , ,­ . ��. -g ,%?',�7il, " '. , ,"'. -, . - �': " 1, '4 �' � ­- 1.t I " - --j ..... .. ;L� � - ­1� i , "". ­ I I'll. -1 1-1 ­ 1-.1"... I'll, �� ­ r �. ,,, . I—- -.1.1 ­ I.. ...­ � � � �'-�' 'j.", r - �, . � . . , I -- - - .1 , , ­­ " ., �",�! ""." ,11 dd ,; , -, , 0 .fikb&* ",� j%A, & &Mptfg. � 1n dr, 1994� Mft -1ta InleAdig, ­6q,t I'siP" "" " ' - 1� 1�1­ 'a.,,tA� " 6�"­ 21, f �0�a�' m 00`7, ,,, .1� ". . I,- - �.., " � C ;;�6&;. od,j�,;,j,4,6011 11 zeul� � , 11 � ­ 1. . ", I : "I' Ill � 99100060 A I � *, � . -,�,�J,­.­­ 11­111,,�,!­ ., , 4 e, I . � " " � ,�2, . , \ , . I'— . . , I I I I 11 ,�,7",,�";,, .. A # ,l 60f I ,,, ill " � .L'1,� , " . ­,''. , Z ­ �e ,,, 7 r "' , I I ' , , I "', . � I �, , 1. - ).. . k . I ­ � . , I -, . 1� i -1 -­,., � ,�Ll` " ;�4 , ­�­ ­ 1, . ._ 'J: . �, �, " .. 4- -�.'� ,,,,., � � , "", %f A.,:, " , .1 I �. It .�. : 0,11.2awl" " . I j . -" ,1�'�­� �i., . - " , � , , ,,, .''� . �ol,.' ­.� ' . ' l ' ,.; i ,,,r, I ------,,411,-- -f.. ,j . " ll4 � i ­ 4- 1 . I I ." I � 1, - , t , . . I 11"? 1� �,'� ­� . . I �. t, ­�""I`L ,,."­ Z . I . ,,�.; V, � I'll � .1; � �', " q � , � � . - r . �'� 'L '('ll � ' , , " ,,, ,��;,�' , I 0 .... I ,?� l� �; - ," � � ­ . . - , , , ­ , -1,:�,,,`1,`-k,i�, � &)�-' j�;.i,',�I;i .�� � "; -1:, - I . i I , "'J*�,Il'�Z­,� , J-, " � -1 . . , C , ­ ­ 11 - ", ,VJ­ -: ,i '.. . - I ." . I .. ,, .r - ' � , ". .1 ? 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