HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1937-12-31, Page 6�, W�e� r 0 Aftf 77 MOWN W, 'y W W 7,719L OLD (0020.wad i*9 X). (0munned from page 3) -wat C"et VW* Now Yquithi, Ankle lrijqred in Fall . , 004.0 p0s, am deac'endiu; (the sits way from I q r7VqM=,1t! =0 Eperlo� 'VUvUty While 09A to the '040. J - VA lt�ha.: #� a;,P. 'U" , bam bit we�k'kT. Roy Plum, - b�40 'ape. of vefte, shaped LoudQu Road, Ili some 4% TOO many men to -day feel thed outall steel 4rov. 11110 large, �4 the time --can't work, hate to Cup wom- manner; slipped from- one step to an� rammer of 00 type Is u bard vitality to the things other and -his toot became lodged in I ar.,W'W haven't the Ze wood block vovqre4 with an Iron. shoe "" "R" m'Q-" I of, "d 0 0 used to do. A weak unhedithy liver bettilud the stop with art cleaw., the. - they . painful 10jur- I makes t1he "Ot ra.samer Ma ;;.1 caused by modem living, "it foods, lack of ies. The lodged foot received a -sev, the "PIL 72110" three wstir Wt ppiagop, ap.d._a@t41 exercise, is the chief reason. Tow liver i3 ere wrenchiag, injuring the 11ga- 1i POundS 414 Can, -be Mado y the storehouse for glucose or the "energy ments and badly spraining the ankle. blackniadth or p1po cutter. too, All part" of the food you eat,4t supplies energy Although thrown off balance, Mr. 19.Jow''. to Judge Voll to muscles, tissoes and slands- If it is not Iluanateel was able to save blinself -47, In a lbot patt, - willicli re, do erirw re iiloi*- strong sad active no wouder you feel al4l from failing to the -bottom, andl in all wria.-Im bard ih;'wet Weather is, fit for 14 IF Z"Y'"'Wo- 4H Take I'Fruil�&.#ivesll, it will bad- up Your probability saved him elf fr.%>m more rammed 'earth . wane. Dimettiv Ever like nothing eke will. Youll he &or- serious Induries.—Clinton Naws-Re� emehing a dry Jump -of soil betwee'aft Didd'si -A Pilb prised 40W young you soon feel. Zric, 50c, cord. RUMMY all Dniggbft Hold Successful 9ing4 the fingers is another indication, birt to prove that the earth Is Suitable for, LnrER The Canadian L69ion dield their building. following test should be $130. Thifil amount should COVer all FRUIT-A-TIVESTABLEM second bingo of the season on Tues- mada Place a small Wooden tub with- Iron parts and baselmlidthft, lumber' day night and as a resuIrt, there were outa bottom -in a hole In t1he ground and' CarPentry'. QuOlterlinch, irOWPIP8 wany finte fowl carried home for in which a flat stone has been set. To and Ordinary "tee" :fittings will stervq�:�,,�. ww that of the 15000 victims of �ucer on the North.Amorican Con- Christmas, The members were hi -h- prevent bursting, the spacb around for the mold "itiebars," eliminating neilt every year, a third to one�ihalf ly pleased with the success of the the tub should be All -ed with wall blackemithlog. event And, the patmone were equally Pipin' -rammed earth. The soll to be tested a satleI14�d. The fir"t door Prize Was should then -be rammed into the tub, . Provision, for the soil -pipe, electric won by Miss Emma Simale, a fine 4_A6 I -_+41 A+ �4_1_ 141, C�Aiii+ aNniiIA be 4-ArPAAI�y m",a jim Ur- .v turkey, and Mrs, John Hill won the metal, then -removed'. If when the the original plans, Tke pipes and con-' second door prize, a smoking stand. maturia -moisture dec ase, 5, it con- dults can . be placed against the inside '!)he money ansde� will be used for tinues to lilo, " ity, then it surface of the molds wlgch will. ran - in rd! cliaritablI6. '11'arP0885—I'litchell AdvO- is fit for building. PuEblays are not der them more accessible and the cate. suitable because of excess shrinkage rammed, earth, will hold them in I and pure sand will not blaxi. A mix- place. 'Bulkheads must be set in the ture of the two is goo(L:, 7,, forme at door, wdudoW and other op.- CKNX, WINGHAM Foundations enings to withstand the pressure exe- 1200 Kcs. 249.9 Metres A concrete or stone wall must be ated, by ramming. , WEEKLY PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS built to go bfilow, the frost line. Lay The - earth -is shovelled Into the the foundation 4 Inches wider than form In 4 -inch layers. The most skill - Friday, Dec. 31�-12 noon, Canadian the eartb wall . do to be; that is, for ful workman sbouldbe placed at the Farm & Home Hour;,6.45 P.M., JIM— an 184uth wall lays a �34uch founda- corner to sea that -the form does not my and Bob: 8, Rom Cardiff's Accor- .,dou up to or slightly.bigh6r than the swerve from line or level. The e-arth dion Orebeetra. "' ace level. The rammed oarth in the corner and closeto the side of Saturday, Jan. 1-12 noou� Cana, VW.1 9 must, be off of the ground. Ou the form should be rammed first and dian Parra & Home How: 12.4' P.m' of,this lay a 2 -Inch section ofcon- -then the rest of the sumftce. The I strokes should crow one another 66 Clid-�X 11ilI-BdlIles;'7, W -:1- crate e�actly as wide as the wall is 8.30, Ukeleile Bars. Hili -me.. to be' Tibe -width -Is Important as as to press In all direetions. The Sunday, Jsai. 2�-11 a.m., 'VVlngh never tqg� the mold, must later be laid piumb ramming, should be rapid but "His y United Church; 1 pm, and, true, and claipp to the course at irr unison,. The men must not keep Comes To Life"; 1.15, Sunday Island- the start. You Are erecting a -house -time in striking the earth por drive ere; 2, Jack Herd, at the organ; * 7, whdch will last for centuries if you iheavy iblows. When -the rammera St. Andrer%�'a Presbyterian Church. use care. bring forth, a singing sound, it is time Monday,. Jair. 3-10.30 -a.m., Church To make the molds, you need Eix to plabe another.4 Inches of soil in of the Air; 112 noon, Canadian Farryi planks 11/2 inches thick and about jo the form. Layer after layer Is rum- & Home H6ur; 12.45 1Y.m., Royal feet long and- 9 inches wide�with med hard undl. the form 1-9 full and Chefs; 1.15, Capsules of Melody; 8, �50 feet of 2 by 4 --all planed timber. level with the top, and the form can Kenneth Rentoul; 8.30, Little German Tfhess�-jganks arp, nailed Gn stout bat, then. be taken part and reset for the Band, tens. 'They are held togetter by 4 next wall, by knocking the keys -or TuosdAy, Jan. 4-10.30 a.rn., 'ChurclL pairs of posta 3 inches by 3 . inches. pine ou-t of the bolts. Tdi-e top of of the Air; 12 noop, Canadian Farm which are connected above and. be- the lower course walls should be & HonieHour; 7.30, "C.11ppings?1; 8.15, low with debars of flat iron I% by J/4 toughened and slightly moistened so Radio and.Movie Gossip. incQL The tiebars have -at each end that the next layer of earth will ad - Wednesday, 4an. 5-10.30 am., a certain number of 1 -inch holes here to that already, in place. Thus Church of the Air; 12 noon, Cana- punabed -in them toxecelvo plus for section, by section the walls are rais- dian Farm & Home Hour; 12.45 p.m., the purpose of. preventing the posts ed.to �the desired, dieight. Carry the Royal Chefs; 1.15, Capsules, of Mel- from -slipping off. By changing the -first course al -I around t1he building ody; 7.30 p.m., Jack Herd, at -the or- pins, i walls of any given -size can be *And, when this is completed start the Fan. obtainedL second course. It is exaebly . the Thdisday, Jan,. 6­10.30a.m., Church, Although commonly confined to same system followed. in laying brick of the Air; 12 noon, Canadian Furm, one or two-story buildings pise walls or masonry. & Home ROUT. have been, carried fifty feet high, as The -top of the eartliwork on which in a church in. France which. was 80 it is proposed to erect'another see - feet lo f 33g,. 40 feet wide with walls 18 tion should be well molEptened and of these victims could be saved by inchea thick. If the building -is to be covered With wet bags while waiting early diagnosis and prompt treatment. 40 feet high, the bottam walls should for the completion. of the next layer Do not fear cancer., lbather fear be 22 'Inches thick; for' the second to bd jet upon it, and, if this section delay in securin g'advice and Areat- 'story, -the wall may be 18 inches adjoins one- already built, the ends ment. thick, and for the third -story, 1.4 of the latter should be beveled off so Next article, "Cancer and, �hd Hu- inches thick. as not,to form a straight Joint.' nian Race." The Ramming Work i3egi�s The jearth is fiMt beaften down <Readers desiring the complete jet Place in the mold board's any see,- with a V-shaped ramnier and then of Dr. McCullough's Cancer articles tion pieces for doorways or Windows surfaced, with a fiat4iattoraed one; may have same by writing -the Health wbich will reach to the foundadoir. the sides of tbe molds are rammed League of Canada, 105 Bond Street, in order to provide opendugs_in, the with a' spadle-shaped- rammer. The Toronto, Ont.). earth wall for tNe floor joists, wood- doors And window frames are correct - on blocks df the proper dimension ly set in the molds and anchored in - CANCER AND THE HUMAN'RACE sfaould- be placed inside -the mold at to the walls by long hoop -iron ties, Doctor Bonne,' Professor of pathol- the correct positions where the beams while -the walloare, going up. ogy In the School of Medicine, Java, are to come, and--iightly nailed to Boards in the earth, Wall, will be as writes some interesting things con- the mold- boards..Tdie floor joists may sound in 100 yeam as on the day they corniffig the'incideace of cancer in the be set as soon as the -blocks are re- were placed in the wall. The rammed extremely brdmitive, t1he simply prim- moved. The joist -recesses should be earth over, doorar and window (!Pan- itive and, the eastern , races with large enough to permit the circula- ings, sihoUld Test ou heavr wood ire - whom be is acquainted. tion of adr. All openingsi In the wall% Inforcement and 34uch Georgia - p no Examples of the extreifiely priml- must be foreseen and blocked off in Will last for canturdes. the mold-. The openings must be Once properly rammed� the earth tive are the pygray. papuans, of Ne* made the exact. size. is so solid. that It will siipport from Guinea and the obiriginal Indians In It made by a carpenter a , of 10 to 30 tons pen square foot. Beam, South America. --Mo mieslonaries,. no inldb should eed ost may be set At­'ouce when the mold na OXC 4��,( governnient, no money, no nails nor is removed', and t&e.heaviest root and metal implements- have ever reached floor timbers may be put In place In hhese -U4 Th -v fl- -at the fAoh+ of A, white Man. As to disease among given; recitations; VIN-ir'solos;- drills, It single famIlT is generally finished 15VRD offers two new cars for 1938— the motoring satisfaction at low Ford prices. proyed Ford V-,8 performance. Whatever them we havent the faintest idea. one "by six girls depicting Grandma�s In About 2 Weeks. Two men, new to JU Standard Ford V-8 and the De Luxe The Standard, is even lower priced than price you pay, you get a car built soundly I The simply 01mitive I are those early days; and one upside doWn, drill the work and therefore proceeding within reach of goverqment, trade and by six boys, which were exceedingly slowly, completed a, sixroom house Ford V -a. They are different in appear- the De Luxe.� It is a brilliant, modern car. to serve you well.... That's the Ford way. civilization. Among such are the well done; d1lalogues; plane solo;. a ixf, 26 days. With a -power plant, I[ ance — but built to the same standard of It has graceful new Imes' and well-tail6red FOR LOW DELIVERED PRICES SEE YOUR coastal Indians : of the Gulanas in history of S. S. No. 6 was given by; believe 4 men could dd.-the work in mechanical excellence — on the same 112- interiors. It gives you the sam� basic ad- LocAL FORD DEALER South America, mancy negro 'tribes ;n Mi � Jamieson, which was very in, about 3 working days, by using air - Be inch wheelbase. vantages, of the 85 -horsepower Ford V-8 De Lme,Foril V.Ifmodels are Coupe, TuJor Central Africa, t4e coastal Papuana teresting to the adult Audience; piano compressors to do the mraming, or in Because people liked our 1937 car so engine. bedan,.Fordor Sedan, Convertible Coupe, club of New Guinea, the Dajakeof COILtral -duet- presentation of prizes for the 8 to 10 days with hand ramming. Coupe, Convertible Club Coupe, Phaeton ancl Borneo, and the aboriginal tpulatiGn ;;;�jp work. Much. credit i's due the � If plaeber is destred-for your inner well, they bought more than of any other Before Ford made V -type 8 -cylinder en- of Australia. teacher, Miss Jainlesor4- for her an- WA116,just apply it as you would on Convertible Sedan. make. They like& ­17t_8 looks, its smo�th gines 'available to every on.-, they were The indisgionary d th& govern- tiring efforts and, to Miss B, Grieve, lath. it sticks, tightly if you give it' Standard Ford V-8 is available in three mod- In t doctor fie. .141tit'le or no ca;ncer of ClInton, who is tJhe musical dIr;_,c_ additional poldiing su4ace by scoring performance, and the Nay it handled. We used only in expensive cars. Sin6e then, els: Coupe, Sedan and Fordor'Sedan g these ple, nGtbecausd. tor for he . a work with t1he pupils, it with a mke. have improved on that car in the newly four million Ford owners have learned the Ford sells a fully equippe&tar at the lowest Fm ie�lpleht they r' in For outside walls the cheapest fin - do not have cancer, but because they Many parents And friends were pres� styled Standard Ford V-& genuine enjoyment of driving an 8-cylin- possible price. The prices on De Luxe models comult a doctor with -great rel3lct- Ish to a waterproof coating made from dude twin tail lights, two wi—nd-eh-i-eTa wipers, ance. Camcer Is not often 4a,een eni and endoyed the afternoon. old 1% gallon, unalacked lime, 3% gallons But some folks wanted still more size der car wiN_a_1Fr_ound,*c6nbmy. The low in , Santa came at the close of the pro - two sub visors, twin electric horns, cigar am ngst tal nelther'la diabetee, boiling water, and % -pound- of com- gram and in his usual, good style lighter, de luxe steering wheel, glove comport- 4 Za= mon tallo*, mixed thoroughly, adding and style, with the same fundamental Ford prices of the De Luxe and.Standard cars In, �,,=�?mhqsis of the liver and greeted -the pupils and helped unload esigned mpke it easy -'for you to ste into the went clock and lock, chrome wheel bandi� in many o er internal diseases. As the the Christmas tree, whieh he found enough waier to Imure easy handling advantages. For them, wo 6�e d P addition to front and rear bumpers and guards, belief Ill evil spirits dies away and hga ly'laden. with a brugh, a ziew De Luxe line. V-8 class. spare wheel and tire and tube, tire lock, and these people consult A doctor cancer vi Master J. Carnochan. Fireplaces may be finished In *m_ ............ The De Luxe Ford V- 8 Sedans are longer FIT YOUR CAR TO YOUR NEEDS headlight beam indicator. of, the gen-Ital organs oj'­the inouth received I the prize for pdrfect Attend- med- earth walls in exactly the same ance. with more room, larger luggage space, With twi) distinct designs, two body sizes Prices on Standard models include front -Rud Is discovered. fashion they are finished with Any The getieral. mortality -among the other walls, and' if the house is belug rear bumper-s-a-nJ 'guards, spare wheel and tire and finer appointments. be Luxe cars :and two price ranges, you'll find a 1938 and tube, tire lotk, one tail light, one wind- eastern nations, is, much higher than built In the summer, It will be dry -horsepower Ford car to fit your personal rt�eds exactly. McKILLOP enough tor oecuparicy—VAthin 10 dayl; are equippeacotith the 85 in Wesftem Europe end North Ameri- shield wiper, one sun visor, cigar lighter, ca. The chance of dying after completion. Ford V- 8 engine. They provide "more Whatever one you choose, you get time- headlight beam indicator, and two horns. much -greater. Consequently the ii�uin- Tte bou1sing probtem. has all at (Int"ded for lost week) bar of persons of -advanced (caveer) School Siiction No. 8 held their once become an acute national "need,, age axe less, thian, in westem eiviliza- Christmas concert last and while a world-wide search has aturday, dom Fewer are left to have cancer. which was a grand Wecess, under the been, going on for lower-cost building Dr. Bonne, from ence supervision of -the tescher, Miss Annie ale, we have actually found a lidep -iast exPeri materl among the 06ople of the East, finds Beer. , She left for her home in Ful_ superior product right under our feet. that there Is 4's remarkably high fre, larton 7bwngbip last Wednesday. —(A. B.'Lee, in Coronet). quency oT Primary livel, cancer - in Miss 'Mary Mien )Dornpsey, -from various parts of the troplefl; that Gt0ph teaching s&ff, Is spending her, F 1, stomach and gastric ulcer cancer,,re Cbristmas yacation,with- heT father, W4111 almost totally absent aroggg the Ila- Mr. F. Dempasy. L-eiw About th New 1938 For'd,.V=8 Cars tive Malay, Population of -dava -but AWA e oomfift in male Male". He.,coti- his Christmas -boxes to the good kid - Santa Claus 'willZUve good sleigh - that cancer of the skin of the legs Is Ing with his reindeer to distribute USTEN... cludes that 5 when the cancer r9te In dies, this: Ch�dsdmaa. the East Is remloulated for a popula. Some -cars have niade� their way don of sbandard- age, the total mor6 out to town, and If we will have no tslatT Is In, accord with the usual more - snow storms the roads -will be figureS for Waste= countries, The CANA In good shape for all kinds of traf- Information Available about the Incla IMPZRI den -09 of cancer Indicates that It Is fie. poor, wbite and, Misses Angela, Bessle and, Clare 0, d'seaso of riah and Eckert, whe are teachers 'b-' Y_ to �P.M. &S.T. black, brown, or yellow; that races - Hibbert, n,�'- TRIDA aide, Unwood and Irsol( and People all over t1he world have, �,Xte W "It their Chrdstmas vaca... it, educor In about equal proportions. Ing [�TATIONOckcscpm 'a their Mentz, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. a r a e Next Article-­"CObeer of LIV and. Mouth." Mokart t (Readers. dedflng 08 ftlnplete set of rw- MCCUROU010 CwWar articles in"bave, game b# wrifli*tba, Health Leagize. of' FARMERS ATT ENTION 1. cabadw._ 105 Bond, street, Pord Sales - and Service Toront,�, Out.) A bgA AND OAMU Call us f ot pt roui '66, Aire invited -to ect t fie Y Wap his Gread Impr'oved C ar at �Jf*4ilded, for tivA Our men -Will. Shoot Old, and Disabled Animals. 0 T19L9P14'XPJ 00�,, '90T SEAPORTH'15 Olt Til'oday Aft6illoon, Dad, 21st, a % -Your convenience , - .L 1 - fine lrublic school e6ftoft prestnto at S. .8, No. fl�, With Mr.7 ONTARIO. -am 4EA, VRTH w6man, Ao ohairman, The ptortz i'a �W 0hift q�­?4' AIR 4 ­ii AaWn � 4. I - M � IN jumps, ooras or w4expWried may be danger signala'and, that tuue- 'Crusade Iv consultation of 4'doptor may ward Irreparable,tre;gedy. 'The viis, q# Grewt scourp jority of the fwtal cases pf cancer, JJ they had been detected W, would btl the with Knowledge bavw been gg *-A 0a0paign to Wipe Out Ignorance, Fear euxq& Fear of cancer is not. to ber�eu&ur- aged but one must remembgr that such fear is unlikely to kill. Cancer, :f neglected, is sure to kill. People 3._W, S. McCullough, M.D., D.P.H. used -to fear tuberculosis, They have got over this i4are They 21. Secretary Cancer Commutee -have learned that tubercul-osie is a preventaVe and curable disease, Cancer, too, is preventable and THE HEALTH LEAGUE OF CANADA taken In the early stgge, curable. Fear of or will not'do nearly so mueb herm as delay. lb, The Health League of Canada CANCER AND FEAR problem requiring education :and thro4gh this, series of articles aj24 warning." For this reason, there is -with the co-oper�tioa of, the Imperia'. New York Herald -Tribune gi eat pronidse of the prevention' X r I I . - of I Out that since Cancer is, our- -death family tragedy re ordLer, Daughters of the' Empt , I- �­; , suffering, and x'n giving a wide publicity to the sub A; tAken in time. thousands of in the crusade just launched' by the' ject of cancer. mew die from it every Women's Fleld Army against cancer A -mighty blow will have been giv ight have saved their lives No better means of propaganda could en ican:cer when the public begin talk. r asooahla care and foresight. be found than to persuade women ev- Ing about it among themselves. Ii -this journal SaYs. "is" a erywbere to tell other womed� that should give courage to the -public tc 0 Aftf 77 MOWN W, 'y W W 7,719L OLD (0020.wad i*9 X). (0munned from page 3) -wat C"et VW* Now Yquithi, Ankle lrijqred in Fall . , 004.0 p0s, am deac'endiu; (the sits way from I q r7VqM=,1t! =0 Eperlo� 'VUvUty While 09A to the '040. J - VA lt�ha.: #� a;,P. 'U" , bam bit we�k'kT. Roy Plum, - b�40 'ape. of vefte, shaped LoudQu Road, Ili some 4% TOO many men to -day feel thed outall steel 4rov. 11110 large, �4 the time --can't work, hate to Cup wom- manner; slipped from- one step to an� rammer of 00 type Is u bard vitality to the things other and -his toot became lodged in I ar.,W'W haven't the Ze wood block vovqre4 with an Iron. shoe "" "R" m'Q-" I of, "d 0 0 used to do. A weak unhedithy liver bettilud the stop with art cleaw., the. - they . painful 10jur- I makes t1he "Ot ra.samer Ma ;;.1 caused by modem living, "it foods, lack of ies. The lodged foot received a -sev, the "PIL 72110" three wstir Wt ppiagop, ap.d._a@t41 exercise, is the chief reason. Tow liver i3 ere wrenchiag, injuring the 11ga- 1i POundS 414 Can, -be Mado y the storehouse for glucose or the "energy ments and badly spraining the ankle. blackniadth or p1po cutter. too, All part" of the food you eat,4t supplies energy Although thrown off balance, Mr. 19.Jow''. to Judge Voll to muscles, tissoes and slands- If it is not Iluanateel was able to save blinself -47, In a lbot patt, - willicli re, do erirw re iiloi*- strong sad active no wouder you feel al4l from failing to the -bottom, andl in all wria.-Im bard ih;'wet Weather is, fit for 14 IF Z"Y'"'Wo- 4H Take I'Fruil�&.#ivesll, it will bad- up Your probability saved him elf fr.%>m more rammed 'earth . wane. Dimettiv Ever like nothing eke will. Youll he &or- serious Induries.—Clinton Naws-Re� emehing a dry Jump -of soil betwee'aft Didd'si -A Pilb prised 40W young you soon feel. Zric, 50c, cord. RUMMY all Dniggbft Hold Successful 9ing4 the fingers is another indication, birt to prove that the earth Is Suitable for, LnrER The Canadian L69ion dield their building. following test should be $130. Thifil amount should COVer all FRUIT-A-TIVESTABLEM second bingo of the season on Tues- mada Place a small Wooden tub with- Iron parts and baselmlidthft, lumber' day night and as a resuIrt, there were outa bottom -in a hole In t1he ground and' CarPentry'. QuOlterlinch, irOWPIP8 wany finte fowl carried home for in which a flat stone has been set. To and Ordinary "tee" :fittings will stervq�:�,,�. ww that of the 15000 victims of �ucer on the North.Amorican Con- Christmas, The members were hi -h- prevent bursting, the spacb around for the mold "itiebars," eliminating neilt every year, a third to one�ihalf ly pleased with the success of the the tub should be All -ed with wall blackemithlog. event And, the patmone were equally Pipin' -rammed earth. The soll to be tested a satleI14�d. The fir"t door Prize Was should then -be rammed into the tub, . Provision, for the soil -pipe, electric won by Miss Emma Simale, a fine 4_A6 I -_+41 A+ �4_1_ 141, C�Aiii+ aNniiIA be 4-ArPAAI�y m",a jim Ur- .v turkey, and Mrs, John Hill won the metal, then -removed'. If when the the original plans, Tke pipes and con-' second door prize, a smoking stand. maturia -moisture dec ase, 5, it con- dults can . be placed against the inside '!)he money ansde� will be used for tinues to lilo, " ity, then it surface of the molds wlgch will. ran - in rd! cliaritablI6. '11'arP0885—I'litchell AdvO- is fit for building. PuEblays are not der them more accessible and the cate. suitable because of excess shrinkage rammed, earth, will hold them in I and pure sand will not blaxi. A mix- place. 'Bulkheads must be set in the ture of the two is goo(L:, 7,, forme at door, wdudoW and other op.- CKNX, WINGHAM Foundations enings to withstand the pressure exe- 1200 Kcs. 249.9 Metres A concrete or stone wall must be ated, by ramming. , WEEKLY PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS built to go bfilow, the frost line. Lay The - earth -is shovelled Into the the foundation 4 Inches wider than form In 4 -inch layers. The most skill - Friday, Dec. 31�-12 noon, Canadian the eartb wall . do to be; that is, for ful workman sbouldbe placed at the Farm & Home Hour;,6.45 P.M., JIM— an 184uth wall lays a �34uch founda- corner to sea that -the form does not my and Bob: 8, Rom Cardiff's Accor- .,dou up to or slightly.bigh6r than the swerve from line or level. The e-arth dion Orebeetra. "' ace level. The rammed oarth in the corner and closeto the side of Saturday, Jan. 1-12 noou� Cana, VW.1 9 must, be off of the ground. Ou the form should be rammed first and dian Parra & Home How: 12.4' P.m' of,this lay a 2 -Inch section ofcon- -then the rest of the sumftce. The I strokes should crow one another 66 Clid-�X 11ilI-BdlIles;'7, W -:1- crate e�actly as wide as the wall is 8.30, Ukeleile Bars. Hili -me.. to be' Tibe -width -Is Important as as to press In all direetions. The Sunday, Jsai. 2�-11 a.m., 'VVlngh never tqg� the mold, must later be laid piumb ramming, should be rapid but "His y United Church; 1 pm, and, true, and claipp to the course at irr unison,. The men must not keep Comes To Life"; 1.15, Sunday Island- the start. You Are erecting a -house -time in striking the earth por drive ere; 2, Jack Herd, at the organ; * 7, whdch will last for centuries if you iheavy iblows. When -the rammera St. Andrer%�'a Presbyterian Church. use care. bring forth, a singing sound, it is time Monday,. Jair. 3-10.30 -a.m., Church To make the molds, you need Eix to plabe another.4 Inches of soil in of the Air; 112 noon, Canadian Farryi planks 11/2 inches thick and about jo the form. Layer after layer Is rum- & Home H6ur; 12.45 1Y.m., Royal feet long and- 9 inches wide�with med hard undl. the form 1-9 full and Chefs; 1.15, Capsules of Melody; 8, �50 feet of 2 by 4 --all planed timber. level with the top, and the form can Kenneth Rentoul; 8.30, Little German Tfhess�-jganks arp, nailed Gn stout bat, then. be taken part and reset for the Band, tens. 'They are held togetter by 4 next wall, by knocking the keys -or TuosdAy, Jan. 4-10.30 a.rn., 'ChurclL pairs of posta 3 inches by 3 . inches. pine ou-t of the bolts. Tdi-e top of of the Air; 12 noop, Canadian Farm which are connected above and. be- the lower course walls should be & HonieHour; 7.30, "C.11ppings?1; 8.15, low with debars of flat iron I% by J/4 toughened and slightly moistened so Radio and.Movie Gossip. incQL The tiebars have -at each end that the next layer of earth will ad - Wednesday, 4an. 5-10.30 am., a certain number of 1 -inch holes here to that already, in place. Thus Church of the Air; 12 noon, Cana- punabed -in them toxecelvo plus for section, by section the walls are rais- dian Farm & Home Hour; 12.45 p.m., the purpose of. preventing the posts ed.to �the desired, dieight. Carry the Royal Chefs; 1.15, Capsules, of Mel- from -slipping off. By changing the -first course al -I around t1he building ody; 7.30 p.m., Jack Herd, at -the or- pins, i walls of any given -size can be *And, when this is completed start the Fan. obtainedL second course. It is exaebly . the Thdisday, Jan,. 6­10.30a.m., Church, Although commonly confined to same system followed. in laying brick of the Air; 12 noon, Canadian Furm, one or two-story buildings pise walls or masonry. & Home ROUT. have been, carried fifty feet high, as The -top of the eartliwork on which in a church in. France which. was 80 it is proposed to erect'another see - feet lo f 33g,. 40 feet wide with walls 18 tion should be well molEptened and of these victims could be saved by inchea thick. If the building -is to be covered With wet bags while waiting early diagnosis and prompt treatment. 40 feet high, the bottam walls should for the completion. of the next layer Do not fear cancer., lbather fear be 22 'Inches thick; for' the second to bd jet upon it, and, if this section delay in securin g'advice and Areat- 'story, -the wall may be 18 inches adjoins one- already built, the ends ment. thick, and for the third -story, 1.4 of the latter should be beveled off so Next article, "Cancer and, �hd Hu- inches thick. as not,to form a straight Joint.' nian Race." The Ramming Work i3egi�s The jearth is fiMt beaften down <Readers desiring the complete jet Place in the mold board's any see,- with a V-shaped ramnier and then of Dr. McCullough's Cancer articles tion pieces for doorways or Windows surfaced, with a fiat4iattoraed one; may have same by writing -the Health wbich will reach to the foundadoir. the sides of tbe molds are rammed League of Canada, 105 Bond Street, in order to provide opendugs_in, the with a' spadle-shaped- rammer. The Toronto, Ont.). earth wall for tNe floor joists, wood- doors And window frames are correct - on blocks df the proper dimension ly set in the molds and anchored in - CANCER AND THE HUMAN'RACE sfaould- be placed inside -the mold at to the walls by long hoop -iron ties, Doctor Bonne,' Professor of pathol- the correct positions where the beams while -the walloare, going up. ogy In the School of Medicine, Java, are to come, and--iightly nailed to Boards in the earth, Wall, will be as writes some interesting things con- the mold- boards..Tdie floor joists may sound in 100 yeam as on the day they corniffig the'incideace of cancer in the be set as soon as the -blocks are re- were placed in the wall. The rammed extremely brdmitive, t1he simply prim- moved. The joist -recesses should be earth over, doorar and window (!Pan- itive and, the eastern , races with large enough to permit the circula- ings, sihoUld Test ou heavr wood ire - whom be is acquainted. tion of adr. All openingsi In the wall% Inforcement and 34uch Georgia - p no Examples of the extreifiely priml- must be foreseen and blocked off in Will last for canturdes. the mold-. The openings must be Once properly rammed� the earth tive are the pygray. papuans, of Ne* made the exact. size. is so solid. that It will siipport from Guinea and the obiriginal Indians In It made by a carpenter a , of 10 to 30 tons pen square foot. Beam, South America. --Mo mieslonaries,. no inldb should eed ost may be set At­'ouce when the mold na OXC 4��,( governnient, no money, no nails nor is removed', and t&e.heaviest root and metal implements- have ever reached floor timbers may be put In place In hhese -U4 Th -v fl- -at the fAoh+ of A, white Man. As to disease among given; recitations; VIN-ir'solos;- drills, It single famIlT is generally finished 15VRD offers two new cars for 1938— the motoring satisfaction at low Ford prices. proyed Ford V-,8 performance. Whatever them we havent the faintest idea. one "by six girls depicting Grandma�s In About 2 Weeks. Two men, new to JU Standard Ford V-8 and the De Luxe The Standard, is even lower priced than price you pay, you get a car built soundly I The simply 01mitive I are those early days; and one upside doWn, drill the work and therefore proceeding within reach of goverqment, trade and by six boys, which were exceedingly slowly, completed a, sixroom house Ford V -a. They are different in appear- the De Luxe.� It is a brilliant, modern car. to serve you well.... That's the Ford way. civilization. Among such are the well done; d1lalogues; plane solo;. a ixf, 26 days. With a -power plant, I[ ance — but built to the same standard of It has graceful new Imes' and well-tail6red FOR LOW DELIVERED PRICES SEE YOUR coastal Indians : of the Gulanas in history of S. S. No. 6 was given by; believe 4 men could dd.-the work in mechanical excellence — on the same 112- interiors. It gives you the sam� basic ad- LocAL FORD DEALER South America, mancy negro 'tribes ;n Mi � Jamieson, which was very in, about 3 working days, by using air - Be inch wheelbase. vantages, of the 85 -horsepower Ford V-8 De Lme,Foril V.Ifmodels are Coupe, TuJor Central Africa, t4e coastal Papuana teresting to the adult Audience; piano compressors to do the mraming, or in Because people liked our 1937 car so engine. bedan,.Fordor Sedan, Convertible Coupe, club of New Guinea, the Dajakeof COILtral -duet- presentation of prizes for the 8 to 10 days with hand ramming. Coupe, Convertible Club Coupe, Phaeton ancl Borneo, and the aboriginal tpulatiGn ;;;�jp work. Much. credit i's due the � If plaeber is destred-for your inner well, they bought more than of any other Before Ford made V -type 8 -cylinder en- of Australia. teacher, Miss Jainlesor4- for her an- WA116,just apply it as you would on Convertible Sedan. make. They like& ­17t_8 looks, its smo�th gines 'available to every on.-, they were The indisgionary d th& govern- tiring efforts and, to Miss B, Grieve, lath. it sticks, tightly if you give it' Standard Ford V-8 is available in three mod- In t doctor fie. .141tit'le or no ca;ncer of ClInton, who is tJhe musical dIr;_,c_ additional poldiing su4ace by scoring performance, and the Nay it handled. We used only in expensive cars. Sin6e then, els: Coupe, Sedan and Fordor'Sedan g these ple, nGtbecausd. tor for he . a work with t1he pupils, it with a mke. have improved on that car in the newly four million Ford owners have learned the Ford sells a fully equippe&tar at the lowest Fm ie�lpleht they r' in For outside walls the cheapest fin - do not have cancer, but because they Many parents And friends were pres� styled Standard Ford V-& genuine enjoyment of driving an 8-cylin- possible price. The prices on De Luxe models comult a doctor with -great rel3lct- Ish to a waterproof coating made from dude twin tail lights, two wi—nd-eh-i-eTa wipers, ance. Camcer Is not often 4a,een eni and endoyed the afternoon. old 1% gallon, unalacked lime, 3% gallons But some folks wanted still more size der car wiN_a_1Fr_ound,*c6nbmy. The low in , Santa came at the close of the pro - two sub visors, twin electric horns, cigar am ngst tal nelther'la diabetee, boiling water, and % -pound- of com- gram and in his usual, good style lighter, de luxe steering wheel, glove comport- 4 Za= mon tallo*, mixed thoroughly, adding and style, with the same fundamental Ford prices of the De Luxe and.Standard cars In, �,,=�?mhqsis of the liver and greeted -the pupils and helped unload esigned mpke it easy -'for you to ste into the went clock and lock, chrome wheel bandi� in many o er internal diseases. As the the Christmas tree, whieh he found enough waier to Imure easy handling advantages. For them, wo 6�e d P addition to front and rear bumpers and guards, belief Ill evil spirits dies away and hga ly'laden. with a brugh, a ziew De Luxe line. V-8 class. spare wheel and tire and tube, tire lock, and these people consult A doctor cancer vi Master J. Carnochan. Fireplaces may be finished In *m_ ............ The De Luxe Ford V- 8 Sedans are longer FIT YOUR CAR TO YOUR NEEDS headlight beam indicator. of, the gen-Ital organs oj'­the inouth received I the prize for pdrfect Attend- med- earth walls in exactly the same ance. with more room, larger luggage space, With twi) distinct designs, two body sizes Prices on Standard models include front -Rud Is discovered. fashion they are finished with Any The getieral. mortality -among the other walls, and' if the house is belug rear bumper-s-a-nJ 'guards, spare wheel and tire and finer appointments. be Luxe cars :and two price ranges, you'll find a 1938 and tube, tire lotk, one tail light, one wind- eastern nations, is, much higher than built In the summer, It will be dry -horsepower Ford car to fit your personal rt�eds exactly. McKILLOP enough tor oecuparicy—VAthin 10 dayl; are equippeacotith the 85 in Wesftem Europe end North Ameri- shield wiper, one sun visor, cigar lighter, ca. The chance of dying after completion. Ford V- 8 engine. They provide "more Whatever one you choose, you get time- headlight beam indicator, and two horns. much -greater. Consequently the ii�uin- Tte bou1sing probtem. has all at (Int"ded for lost week) bar of persons of -advanced (caveer) School Siiction No. 8 held their once become an acute national "need,, age axe less, thian, in westem eiviliza- Christmas concert last and while a world-wide search has aturday, dom Fewer are left to have cancer. which was a grand Wecess, under the been, going on for lower-cost building Dr. Bonne, from ence supervision of -the tescher, Miss Annie ale, we have actually found a lidep -iast exPeri materl among the 06ople of the East, finds Beer. , She left for her home in Ful_ superior product right under our feet. that there Is 4's remarkably high fre, larton 7bwngbip last Wednesday. —(A. B.'Lee, in Coronet). quency oT Primary livel, cancer - in Miss 'Mary Mien )Dornpsey, -from various parts of the troplefl; that Gt0ph teaching s&ff, Is spending her, F 1, stomach and gastric ulcer cancer,,re Cbristmas yacation,with- heT father, W4111 almost totally absent aroggg the Ila- Mr. F. Dempasy. L-eiw About th New 1938 For'd,.V=8 Cars tive Malay, Population of -dava -but AWA e oomfift in male Male". He.,coti- his Christmas -boxes to the good kid - Santa Claus 'willZUve good sleigh - that cancer of the skin of the legs Is Ing with his reindeer to distribute USTEN... cludes that 5 when the cancer r9te In dies, this: Ch�dsdmaa. the East Is remloulated for a popula. Some -cars have niade� their way don of sbandard- age, the total mor6 out to town, and If we will have no tslatT Is In, accord with the usual more - snow storms the roads -will be figureS for Waste= countries, The CANA In good shape for all kinds of traf- Information Available about the Incla IMPZRI den -09 of cancer Indicates that It Is fie. poor, wbite and, Misses Angela, Bessle and, Clare 0, d'seaso of riah and Eckert, whe are teachers 'b-' Y_ to �P.M. &S.T. black, brown, or yellow; that races - Hibbert, n,�'- TRIDA aide, Unwood and Irsol( and People all over t1he world have, �,Xte W "It their Chrdstmas vaca... it, educor In about equal proportions. Ing [�TATIONOckcscpm 'a their Mentz, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. a r a e Next Article-­"CObeer of LIV and. Mouth." Mokart t (Readers. dedflng 08 ftlnplete set of rw- MCCUROU010 CwWar articles in"bave, game b# wrifli*tba, Health Leagize. of' FARMERS ATT ENTION 1. cabadw._ 105 Bond, street, Pord Sales - and Service Toront,�, Out.) A bgA AND OAMU Call us f ot pt roui '66, Aire invited -to ect t fie Y Wap his Gread Impr'oved C ar at �Jf*4ilded, for tivA Our men -Will. Shoot Old, and Disabled Animals. 0 T19L9P14'XPJ 00�,, '90T SEAPORTH'15 Olt Til'oday Aft6illoon, Dad, 21st, a % -Your convenience , - .L 1 - fine lrublic school e6ftoft prestnto at S. .8, No. fl�, With Mr.7 ONTARIO. -am 4EA, VRTH w6man, Ao ohairman, The ptortz i'a �W 0hift q�­?4' AIR 4 ­ii AaWn � 4. I - M � IN