HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1937-12-31, Page 4gnrgZIVVVVlrgrtrRVZTAVVVVVVIMVRzl New Year Greetings vat, 46e 444 .4-4 7'4'94 '.149 7 • .411, 7 t WO r • dcraft.ELEMPLELWILLURIVIAttaltrEtAtitaittlkati The holiday season presents a pleasant oppor- tunity to express our appreciation of your friendship. May our service prove to be a factor' in the Prosperity we wish you during 1938! GEO. A. SILLS & SON Hardware 410,% Phone 56- Seaforth bs,' bal be: Fla, be' bs; 39* 0111111:2MTVRAIMITIVIMITAVVTITTO May Happiness Be Yours *94 eta ;11 *99 494 • .•49 In bidding fareWell to the Old Year and wel- coming the New J. A. WESTCOTT, Jeweller extends to all friends the wish for Happiness and Prosperity. MELEULIMELEMEtattitaautEtkitaiLitalkli114.6 #1. 30 fe,„I ;•••44, r COMES THE HOUR Riding through the space of time comes, the hour when 1938 makes its bow to this world of ours. At that very second we with to extend to you our Sin- cere greetings of A HAPPY NEW YEAR • ,? W. E. K.ERSLAKE Seaforth - Ont. `A. p'ril yr:3 ".7." Pr "itALAV atitt ' S. inserted at new low cash rates: Naluml. Cambia IRveid••-•Per wend: 1 Cent % Cent Cent iteam canna awe ensertion 25 Cents ' figure,i1Sind abbreviation counts as eine word. Tet '1441,,401174teledrittla Notices -6 cent per ivoixl. Minimum, 50 mats per week. to a Box Number. care of The illuron EX1013611:01; for 10 cent» er week will be charged if ads in above cleat ars not paid by the the week in which the ad wee ran. ,tkiatla inserted free of charge. to creditors. Etc. -Rates on applioatioa. 5 Wanted Lost and Found GENERAL 11131:1SE" QTEER STRAYED ONTO LOT 34, CON. 14, Milia. E. A. MeM.ASTER. la m.,gineep. Owner may have same by 86554 moving ply and paying charges. Apply to MAT ARMSTRONG, Londeerboro. 3654x2 ,Errty For Sale tt-4Fusg.k ito 8 ROOMS. fAAlilltiasig, 'tnendation, electric lights, water, tote. The late Chaa. Hohlbein , kw MRS. RICHARDS, opposite 3651x5 Farms For Bale VAIRM FOR 1A'. -THIS FARM CON- J•e":'-"thalins 50 acres, being composed of WV4 „tor Lot 9, Omwersion 2. Township of Tucker' scaltilt4 Ope that farm is a comfortable frame dwelt* bank barn, cement silo. large driv- ligt.ehed and large. well-equiPped henhouse. amino& 421114 situated 2 miles from Hefei and % mile from school. This iS 63i0VAle the best 56nere L11.214114 in Terckersmith wad ea' it will be weed right. should meet with ready. sale. HENRY HORTON, Box 246. Hensil. • 86544 'WARMS FOR SALE OR RENT - TWO j•-"' grant farms: '75 acres, S% Lot 10, Con. 11. McEillop, and 50 acres, S'4 Lot 19, Con. 2. Hibbert. Always plenty of water. Chas. HoMbein tate: Apply to MBS. RICH - ARDS,• onto:lite Collegiate. .3651x5 rfr, 7. Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED Totamms WILL BE REOEIVED UP TO 4. January 15, 1938, ;for 10 cords 15 -inch bard &rite wood, Sor S. S. No. 3; Hulletb. MRS. LEO STEPHENSON, Secretary -Treasurer, R. R. N. 1„ Clinton. 3655-1 TENDERS WANTED "[MINDERS WILL BE R9XIEIVBD UNTIL •x• January 19, 1918, for 15 cords body wood, etwonle and beech, 16 Sucher long, to be de- livered at Cavan Church, Winthrop. Alm estretaking for 1988. WM. R. SOMERVILLE, R. R. No. 4. Walton. 3655x2 Notices NOTICE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF HURON ooa lOatiadattj W141' dertiattre tin*: The Stir O1oud, Pedlar:" Tho Tail Driver, Gieff:- 'MUNI& WSW WM, One; AR Kling. - Parrish: Knight Withollii .Aranw, Hilton. NMI- Fictionl-This .Ontario, Ilial; More Leaves From, Laatera Lane, McClung; Robinson Of Enghtnd, Drielrwater; History of the Canadian Pacific, Gab - bons; Seven League Boots, H,alibur- tome Arctic. Trader, Godeela 10,000 Leagues Over the Sea, Robinson. ,Puv- enile-By the Light of the Study Laanp, Keene; The Clue in the Diary, Keene; The Secret Staircase, Keene; Miss Billy, Porter; 'Mies Billy Mee ried, Porter; Miss Billy's Decislea, Parter; Adventures of Bobby Orde, White; Raggedry Anne's Magical Wish, Gruelle; Raggedy Anne's •Wishing Pebble, Gruelle;Sunbonnet Babies in Northern Gepee Land, rover; Sun- bonnet Bablea A, B, C Book, Grover; Wide Awake Rhynes, Herring; Four Little Kittens, Frees; Wilbelimund's Wish, Wilson; Little Phillippe of Bel- gium, Brandeis; The Dutch Twins, Perkins;, Patsy Anne and Her Happy Times, King; Ting -Ling and Mee -Too, Keto. PUBLIC NOTICE LS HEREBY GIVEN that the following is an abstract of the eLecifion receipts and expenses of Alexander 111cor, a,, candidate at the Election to the Legialative Assembly, held the 0th day of October, 1937, ne furnished me by his official agent. E. Illoweliffe. RECEIPTS Election contribution, Paymenteceettn. gift, advance or deposit ex in amount or value 450.00 EKPENSES ne Hull rent, printing, advertising and postage .4 226.77 Candidate, perstonal 100.00 6326.77 This notice is given pursuant to the re- quirements of S. 199 (2) of the Election Act. ,Dated at Seaforth, this 28th day of Decem- ber, 1937; KEITH M. MeLEAN, Returning Ofilocre Births BffiOADEFOOT-Ire \\ Scott Meracerial Hospital, Seaforth, on December Mil, to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Broaelfoot, a son. HE SALL Mr. Andrew Murray, both former residents of Alensall, but now residents of Regina, Sask., arevisit- ing with their Many relatives. Mr. .Murray is a eon of the late James Murray, of Hensall, while Mrs. Mur- ray is the sister of- Mrs. Andrew Dou- gall and Mrs. Fred Bengough, of Hen- ea11. It is over 20 years since Mr. Murray visited' hem and he notes many elks Miss Amy Lammie, of Windsor, spent Christmas holidays. with her sister, Mrs William Lammie. The Misses Amy and Greta Laramie are speeding a few days this week with their brother, Mr. Ray Laramie, of Exeter. Miss Lois Johnston, of Brussels, and Mr. Casey Hudeou, of Listowel, were Christmas visitors with Mr: and e Mrs. George Hudson. Mr. Alonzo Ortwein and wife, of Detroit, and .Mr. Milton; Ortw$n, ot landan, were week -end visitor at the theme of their parents, Mr. and lira J. Ortweirs Dr. A. R. Campbell, of the village, was visited during the past week by taaraaf bis aaPheaat from St. Cathar- Mee. Miss Melfiear; ef Poplar Hill, and Mr. Keith Baker; of London, were week -end visitors at the some of Mr. and MS& 'Mark Drysdale. Mr. Ray Paterdon, of Tononto, visa- ed his' parents here dur1ng tale past 4at week. ' Mr. Colin S. Hudson, who has been - very poorly for the prat year, is keep- ing faIi11I3 well and was visited by f" 13101111/41173,.44 its family from London, or* the Weekend. Me; and Mrs. Moffat, of Brucefiekl, spent Christmas with their relatives here, Mrs. Peter Fisher and daughter, Miss -Eleanor. Mr. and- Mrs. Abbot, of Detroit, were lime for Christmas at the tome . of Ilea Abatat'S aatenta Mr. and .Mrs. George. b. Petty and spent bhat day in St. Marys with Mr. Petty's dangliter, WS. Smith. Mrs, T. J. Berry .spent Christmas in Windsor with her two stms,. Wilson and Eddiy, Wilson and his wife going to Windsor to ,spend the day from their tame in 'faro:atm Messrs. Harry and Will Duckett, of London, were callers at the, home of Mrs. IL J. Paterson on Monday last, Mra Joseph Hudgen, who is in lie Wer Veterazis' Hospital at Toronto, is at his home here spending , week or •sra holidays 'before returniug, • to Toronto,. and his Many relatliese and friends here are pleased t' mek him again. Mrs. Alba Johnston, was on, Sunday last visited by her !daughter and son,- itelaW, Mr. and Mr. Douglas • and memberre Of their farnIlY from Hyde Park, also by athetarelatives. Meer blinnh? Reid spent the holt, das hi IA:Won with, • her brother, .4ohtt,.. and bla tardily. Min. A. Sarah* was visited by raiteraberit of her bratty during the 04; 4ek. A large crowd., e*ended the now opemr rink on MoUday wreak* /set Loy skating to the Mimic by the were visited by members of their family from Stratford, Kincardine and Listowel. Miss Marion Sinelair and brother, Norman, now at present in Toronto, were holiday guests with their par- ents, Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Sinclair. Mr. aind Mrs-. Joseph Hudson on Christmas day entertained some 30 relatives and Mende. Mr. William Liadenfield, of Billings, Montana, a one-time resident of Hen- sel', is spending a few weeks here with his many relatives and friends. Mrs. Carrie Beillantyne and Miss Katie Scott entertained during the holidays a' rateiber of each 'of 'their relatives and friends. Mr. and lairs. William Simpson and Miss Mae spent.the week -end with their grandmother, MTS. R. Bonthron. and other relatives in Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. H. Arnold were on Christmas day visited by Mrs. Mac- Arthur, of London, Mr. Arnold's sis- ter and Members of her family. AS is the yearly custom ofeChrist- teas day, the birthday of their fatter, Mr. J. W. 01 tweet, the • sons and daughters • of Mir. and Mrs. Ortwein spent the day there' at the parental home. The Hensall Public library will re- open: following the Christmas holi- days, en Tuesday, Jan. 4th. The Sunday school entertainment of St. Paul's Anglican Church proved a very'pleasing event recently. Rev. M. A. Hunt, the ohairman, introduced •e following program: Play, "The Story of Bethlehem," by the scholars of ,te Sunday eehool; reading, Fred oe ies ; song,, 'trolly Night," Mona " s and Shir Wolff; read4ngs by 4,onta. MeEwan,.,Shirley and Helen Wolff; selections on .blie guitar by George Pearce and George Ramsay on ther mouth organ. Santa Claus was also present and from a beauti- fully decorated tree distributed many gifts. School Entertains On Wednesday mites/mon of last week the CihrIstanas concert of the public sehool wen' ,held in the.three roones of the seheal, namely, that of Mr. - Claudio Biowes, Principal, and Miss Mattie Dais and Miss Beryl Pfaff, assistant teachers, and was largely attended. The interesting, program was one of the beat in re- cent years and includeda stirring songs, readings, plays and acts. At the close af the program Santa Claus appeared, delighting the hearts of the children, as well as others who were -remembered from. the • tree. A. lunch was served to all attending, which included very many of the parents, relatives and friends of the scholla.re. Mr. More, Principal of the Cemtinuation school, also took advantage of the occasion to serve a tasty lunch to his, pupils and their friends?, Receive New Books( Nev books .have been received at the Mensal Ptiblic Library as follows: Fiction -Home For. Cludettras, Doug- las; Pinkney's Garden, Bell; Swift Waters, Pnrmenter; The City of Dell," ikaidge; New Wine at Cock- Orritv, BMA; The Crooked Farrow, 1101101; Hardligifs CialIelies, Larking - Mt; Andrea, IttereigatealltaladaY FM' 7.024 A Lantern 4 Her Hand, Aldrich; nt,tall &naiad the, evening sett, the Wall of the Conestoga, Datthent; Presbyter*. Church It's a Great World, Maim, Next ;'•eveiing.• ",Time rWe, .1•Ire Parrott; The Mainor' onte •,at'Snina'"ato• 0-tfivg, titargaitt Itings of Beaten 1(1% i I II attifla: larneuter; Bine Martgotdai. 1. APIA' Motigo, te- •larteadi; "'Vag-t1e:1 the Om* .,God Speak, ..00tit0116116; dio•s.. "Dare, tbortilaikt; In toila. ; The Ebb Tide, MeV,. Christmas School Reports . Room I: Grade VIII - Marion Drummond 82, Reta Bell 79, Donald' Joynt 74, Allen Crerar 68, June Saun- dercock 64, Margaret Sangster 64, Emily Hoskin 64, Robert Cameron 63, Audrey Twitchell 62, Cecil Kipfer 61, Shirley Twitchell 56, Robert Sangster 55, Jahn Shepherd 55. Grade VII - Roes Kennedy 70, Ross Greene 68, Carl Darters 68, Bob Nicol 67, Robert Hess 66, Gordon Campbell 65, Ray- mond laiggins 64, Lola Maclaren 61, Joe Marks 60, Jim Clark 53, Shirley Pair .•: rn 51, Maxino, Purdy: 50, *John : Grade 1714 -Marion MacLar- en,_ k.Mona. Heiden: 83, Mildred Brock 79,Altauglan- Corbett 78, Donald Wil- liapF26, Jim Sangster 74, Elaine Hos- hdre.273, -Helen Sakners 68. --(0. H. Biowes PrinelpsL.. Room II: Grade V' -Lenore Norm- inton 88, Patsy McDonell 81, Donald Shepherd 74, • Shrbley Hedden 73, Mar- ion Sangster 7r, Noma Sangster 71, George Otterbeire 68, Ruth Hess 65, Gloria Twitchell 64, Alpine MacEwen 60, Alvin, &male 60, Mildred Puede 59, Marion Greene 58, *Java Drysdale 56, Mabel Fairbairn 55. Grade IV-Helan Wolff 76, Mina MacEwen 74, Donald MacArthur 69, Derma MacEwen 68, Shirley Wolff 66, George Beer 62, *Douglas Cook 60, Beverly MeClin- chey -51. *Absent For exams. -M. A. Ellis, Teacher: Room III: Grade In --Ronald Moir 85, Lida Moir 79, Junior Hedden 7S, Ja,ck Stapleton:, 78, Ronald Hedden 77, Ruth Young 76, Roy Hedden, 71, Ross Jinks 59. Grade II -Joyce Broderick 90, June Kennedy 84, Billy Campbell 83, Doris Buchanan 82, Elaine Carlile 81, Billy Mickle 78, Freddie Robinson 68, Dorothy McNaughton 67. Grade II Junior= Jim Stapleton 82,, Laura Sangster 79, Mama Greene 78, Harold Wolff 7L Grade 1 -Betty Moir 90, Donald McKinnon 89, Marguerite Moore 88, Eleanor Cook 86, Bernice Jinks 84, Charles Fee 83, , Eleanor Venner 82, Johnny gangster 80, Jack Lavender 77, 'Harry Stapleton 61. - Beret Pfaff, Teacher. The 'many relatives and friends will regret to ,learn that Mrs. Mary Me- Kaig was taken seriously ill this week with a severe attack of appe discitis and an operation performed St. Joseph's Hospitai, London, by Dr. Donald Steer, and at date of writing is progressing favorably. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was observed at the United Church Sunday morning lost. A feature of the morning service was the choir be- ing augmented, by a junior choir, and two duets were sung by them, the first by Patsy McDonnell and Rath Hess and Jimmy Rowcleffe and Ross Kennedy, and at the evening service the soloists in ,..the anthem were, tak- en by Mrs., Hess, Mr. H. Horton, Mr. W. 0. Goodwin and Dr. Rev. Mr. Sinclair delivered two very fine dfrcourses. Enjoy Christmas Concert The annual Sunday school enter- tainment of the United Church was held in the auditorium. of the church on Thursday evening, which was very attractive with Christmas decorations including two very brilliantly lighted Christmas The superintendent, Dr. L G. S , r 'deli. A feature of the ev daring balancing acts by 'Is of Mr. R. J. Moore's class s the continuation school. Among t pr ntatioa made during the evening that of a beautiful illustrated le to Miss Jennie Murray, from the Junior Bible Class of which she is .the teacher. Rev. Mr. Sinclair spoke brietly,', af- ter which Santa Claus appeared; in person, delighting the children with the numerous presents distributed. Carmel S, S. Presents Fine Program Th -e' Christmas entertainment at Carmel Church Included the follow- ing program: Opening chorus; ad- dresses of welcome by Audry Camp- bell and Betty Moir; recitations by Jothnny Sangster, Danahl McKinnon, Larry Hutton, Elmer Campbell; Don- ald MOUSSeall, Audry Dick, Marion McLaren, Freddie Robinson, Andrew Dougall, Dougall, Mildred. Purdy, Billy Campbell, Miss B. Pfaff; songs by Gordon Moir, Jean Young, Aileen Mann, Mrs. Hedden and Em- ily id' Elaine Hoskins, Margaret Dou- gall enterv'iew with Santa Claus Ruth Young and Junior Hedden; tam - amines, The Shepherds, Mrs. Roy lataicLarents class; Chr1gtnas, Thoughts., lass Irene Hoggarth's ekes's; address by Superintendent, Mr. Moir; a Christman Conspiracy, Sandy McArthur and Ronald Moir; awing Wood, Mr. Davidstm's class; Sugar Plumb Drill, Mrs, Young'S nlass; song, Miv$. Geo. Walker's piano solo, Haien Dick; play, "An Agreeable .Christmas Mistake": Caste, Bob Cam - span, Ross Green, Gordon Campbell, Margaret Sangster, Margaret 13e11, Alice Pfaff. Allre, E. L. Mtokle was hostess re- tendy to a delightful birthday party at her home herd for her toting son, Billy, on his seventh birthday, Miter. Wait% &Ulan of his little friends. Isk, happy time was spent in gable% af- ter whleli a dainty Jonah was served'. Mira Jean Bellithrgn, of London, lora teliday guest with her parents, Mr. and t Mte,4„, W. Bonthron. Lee Molds*, of Clianworth, IS Spehding a, week bere with relatives 1046111404.1itatillot on /*ago 5) • - • t.e." eate: e ,,••• • 4, • 4. ••••••• •• •-• • HAPPY NEW YEAR Our sincere wish is that you and yours may be blessed with Health a n d Happi- ness for many years to come. JOHN BACH Electrical Appliances and Repairs McCormick -Deers leg Agency. SEARlitieTH - ONTARIO r- r•-• r- re re t re t- WE'RE WISHING YOU May the star of your fond- est desires be ever In 'the ascenclaut, and burning brightly threrughout t th e New Year; may the Now Year bring you blessings far beyond your \ hopes; "May these reward e all be yours. That's what we are wishing you. • SEAFORTH BARGAIN STORE S. Shinan 1"17 -.tet •••••.ij,•-.4 ;•el Sincere Wishes Our cordial greetings go out to you in the hope that the, New Year will be Bigger, Brighter and More Prosperou-s than any before. H. C, BOX House Furniture Undertaking •• •••- . . • _ r -Tr•-.--: • ..,•••• ..••• • -= -,•• • .•-•• rte CrAlOrtiVVVVVAIIVIAVVVIIVITIMITVV,4 ur Compliments We esire to extend to you the Compliments of the Season and express our sincere wishes for yo r prosperity the coming year, with a con- e uance of the cordial relations existing be- - een *us. SMITH'S SHOE STORE Nit to Regent Theatre Seaforth be," 11 be') be" be" be be' lea tna j• ea .t .1 • N. • Happy New Year ; I Accept our cordial wish for your abupdant prosperity and Contentment as your lot and as the lot of all your friends during 1938. W. A. CRIC111. Bakery and Confectionery Seaforth t a 4V: aarear--- re re' rearaara reara re eara re-?. arara reara rer 41:41113111111111114111M111 :a! Greetings At this holiday season we feel deeply grateful for the consideration you have so kindly ex- tended to us in the past year, and take this op7 portunity to wish you A Very Prosperous and Happy New Year d4 al a4 JOHN J. SCLATER ati ELEMEEILEP.ILEEZLELELIMMEMELELIVI, Coal and Coke Seaforth TO OUR FR NDS Raw out the Old, Ring in the New. Another year dawns witli renewed hopes for all inatkind. For all our friends we wish for them A Happy and Prosperous 1938 McDONALD'S BAKERY Phone 70 - Seaforth 4 a , '4.•., a". . • ' ;IC . „„; rr.,444 • 0.04kattUZZIttatAftftltd„aftattilttliftelttg$ HAPPY NEW YEAR! Three tittle words, sincere and true, bring our mast sincere good wishes to all of our friends and Patrons itt greeting. 1938. Thal' te: alyaPPY NEW YEAR!" 1het Now Year unfold Health, Happiness and Prosperity: fer aU. We thank an tor their Joyal patronage during the past sPe,at W. C. BARBER -4, 'Roges DeForest Crosley Radios - Repairs Phone 11, Seaforth 1471 7777, 474,, r re re r- 1' • • r. rr r r-• rf. •-a t Vat eg,',1•';.; .r. F." tP WHAT THE. DOCTOR ORDERED! Old Doctor 1937 has order- ed a grand New Year, and a Happy One. And we join with the Obi Doc in wishing HEALTH HAPPINESS SUCCESS McGAVIN'S GROCERY Phone 95 - Seaforth gtg"XrZrWTAVVVVVVVVVVIZFRTIVVITM' ate ••11/1 4! ar. 4wq (!".! ,;iteg ara ;ea Another Year 4, inspires anew the old wish that you,, and all those dear to you, will share in the happiness and joys of this season and throughout th, comilig year. • • Commercial' Hotel SEAFORTH ei.A.M.1/.112„121Eltlitraa aa, b.: ba, 33, be' aaattattalataaaati 'et4 4.9 994 WCWOLIVOCOMVP THE BEST! Happiness, Health and an entire year full ofo.bounteous, blessings. -\!( These are the things we wish for you and yours throughout the New Year of, 1938. SILVER CREEK DAIRY E. B. GOUDIE - Prop. Phone 144,r 2 13112RVVVVVIIVVAII"VVVITV'Zilr4VRTt21 azi HAPPY NEW YEAR,t ALL! Resounding the joy that we All fel with the turning of the old . . and the advent_of the New Year and its pretnises of better times, the bells peal out our sincerc greetings to all our friends and patrons . S. "Happy New Year!" We thank all for thcliloval support which we shall strive to reward with better service dur- ing 198. W. It. SMITH Grockes Phone 12 Seaforth a50.0111/11ELthiftletkitioti 7 „Is 41I,in • • I .A to •