HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1937-12-17, Page 4stFvt,:i 55. ".• r ", 4, • rg, iifled Ads will be inserted t new low cash rates: 8s1r., Wanted, teat seed Found, Owing bstrePte, Mink lat week 1 Cant • 25wec week Cwia • Mitennuta charge, Orat Insertarn 25 Cez4s Each ii•ture, initial end abbreviation counts tto one word. Card ef Thanks, In Mensoriara Notices -6 cent per wand. Affinivaten, 50 cents per week. Enquiries Xlthy be dieted to a Box Number, care of The Huron ExPositor, for 10 cents extra - 10 cents additional per week wal be t'largerl if ads in above dam Eire not paid by the • Saturday night in the week w which ram ad was run. Births. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales, Notice te. Creditors, Etc.—Rates on application. Articles For Sale Agents Wanted TOR SALE --2 PORTLAND GOITERS. AL - so set -heavy team. sleighs' with Platform W. E. BUTT, Kippen. 3652-2 Heti Wanted MAID •WAELTED—MAID FOR GENERAL 4T -L housework, dealt preferreiL Apply to Box 151, Expoarron orric.g. 3653x1 For Sale FIFTEEN ACRE§ BUSH FOR SALE, CON - 'acting of (IVY land cedar, hemlock, birch, elm, maple, beech, etc. Please apply before December 2.5th, if ziossible. MRS. ALICE FERGUSON, Freshic St., Clinton. 3653x2 Property For Sale -fi-tOR SALE 23E HOUSE; • 8 ROOMS, "L cement foundation, electric lights. water, etc., barn and 6 lobs. The late Chas. Hohlbein Estate- Apply to MRS. RICHARDS, opposite the Gollegiate. ' 3651x5 Coming Events, 0111RISTMAS CONCERT — S. S. NO. 3, Tueker,eaith school concert wR1 be held in Brucefield Hall on Monday, December 20, et 7.45., Admission 1,5e. 3653x1 rEIRISTMAS TREE AND CONCERT—S. S. No. 1, Hallett, on Tuesday evening, De- cember 2Lst, at 8 pm. Admission 15c. 3653x1 Notices CBIELISTMAS TREES — ANYONE FOUND • taking Chi -Moms trees from the 'bush on bilA Lot 5, Tuckerinnith, 'will be prosecuted. OLIVER •McKAY. 3653x2 MOTICE—ALL BOOKS MUST BE RE- "" turned to the Public Library on or be- fore December 24th. GRETA THOMPSON, Librarian. 3652-2 ALT I SALT 1 SALT I—AS THE SNOW has prohibited us from snaking further deliveries of watt we will have a truck load of Loose Salt opplosibe the Queen's Hotel, Seaforth, I,21 Wed.Theidal 'afternoon, December 22nd. Attractive prices. Bring pour bags. SPROAT & SEIROA.T. Phone 136-2. 36534 NOMINATION MEETING Township of_ McKillop THE ANNUAL MEETING OF rilti RATE - payers of Oie Townhill of Mel05101) for the nomination of Mates for the office of Reeve and ComoeifldrBflor the year 1938, will be held at Winthrop Hall Pm Monday,. Decem- ber 27tik, 1957, from 1 to 2 o'clock If more persons are nominated than are required to fill t3ie-sewer:11 offices, a poll will be held on Almada*, January 3rd, 1938, be- tween the hems off 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., at the following Plows: • 'Poll Nb. 1—James Carlin's House, Lot 10, Con. 5; James Nolan, D.R.O.: William Ma- loney, P.C. Poll No, 2—Joseph Blogg's House, Lot 25, Con. 4; Ross Murdie, D.R.O.; Mrs. Georg - Eaton, PC. Poll No. 3—joseph Snvith'S House, Lat 10, Con. 12: Henry Etenaiewies, e.R.O.; Ebner Derinfa, P.C. won Na. 4-1;•8ehool House No. 7, Lot 26, Wei a Auntartale, MEAL: Willis Dundee. 40/Ot MeNIALY, Oki*. 8683-2 NOMINA1I1I9N,.MEETING _Township of.', Tilckersmith TEE ANNUAL_MEETING OP THE MEC- • fors of the Township of Tuckeransith for the nomination of candidates for the office • of Reeve and Councillors for the year 1988, will be held at Walker's Hall, Brucefield, on • Monday, December 27th, 1987, from 1 to 2 p.m. If a poll be necessary such poll shall be opened on Monday, January 3rd, 1938, be- tween the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 pm. at •the following places and by the following tattiness: No. 1—At Firmigan's Vacant Store, D.R.O., Harry Stewart; Clerk, Joseph McLellan. No. 2—At S. S. No, 8: D.R.O., Edward Brown; Clerk, Roy Mr:Gdoch. No. 3—At S. S. Na 4: D.R.O., Joseph Crich: Clerk, Roy Brown, Nb. 4—At S. S. No.. 3: D.R.O., Thomas Chapman; Clerk, Jr W. McIntosh. No. 5-8. S. No. 1: D.R.O., R. D. Bell: Clerk, M. Treenail. 11431 6 --At S. S. Ne. 9: D.R.O., Hugh Me- Mi/lari: Clerk, William J. Martin. D. F. IlloGRiEGO_R, Clerk. 3653-5 Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Joseph Murphy, late of the Township of Hibbert, in the Countr of Perth, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-third day of October, A. D., 1937. TAKE NOTICE THAT ALL PERSONS having any claims in demands against the estate of the above deceased must forward Particulars and proof of same. verified by statutory declaration, to the undermentioned Solirlitor (Oa or before the 27th day of De- cembor nextafter which date the undermen- tioned administrator will proceed to distri- bute the estate witb regard only to those elabna which the§ shall then have received notice. DATED at Seaferth this Sth day of De- zember, A. D., 1987. JOHN- AMMO', Aatiateattator. Ba ae; lialleitan MUM D. tigieft nth, Ontario. 8052-8 . • i..ittitOADFOOT 'VD TIEM .rde and we- ary clause or "Olf /Adel reread. it(,:tnrtiettvrttle tolt, , 1927,- f the said lite teats or whirl ea ee itl.ilisSIXELN 1 --WANT TO BEI 1ER YOUR . patitron ? Then write us ! Start with 825.00 assortment and realize a successful. independent, Iptiofitable tidying! NO •RISK UNDER OUR CONDITIONS 1 OUTSTAND- ING profits for the willing worker! Cholas territories available. ACT NOW FOR RE- SULTS! Free pairtimulars. FAMILEX CO., 570 St,. Clement at, Montreal. 3658-1 WANTED --AMBITIOUS EUJSTLER. SELL Rawleigh Products. Sales way up this year. Needed every home. Easily sold. Pleasant work. Should start earning 1630.60 weekly Land increase rapidly. We teach YOU how. RAWLEIGH'S, Dept. ML -363-50-14 Montreal, Canada. 3653-1 Farms For Sale 'ARM FOR SALE -76 ACRES, NEAR Dublin, on Highway No. 8. Bank 'barn, Straw shed, frame house. Possession given at once. " Also 100 acre grass fann, 4 miles iron Seaforth. Apply 168 Nelson Street, Stratford. 8651x3 pARMS FOR SALE OR RENT — TWO grass farms: 75 acres, STA Lot 10, Con. 11, McKillop, and 50 acres, Sirb Lot 19, Con. 2. Hibbert, Always Wont; at water. Chas. Hohlbein Estate. Apply to MRS. RICH - ARDS, opposite Collegiate. 3651x5 Births 1VIORRIS—At Mrs. It. Paterson's Honpital at Hansa. on December 1015, tO Mr. MI Mrs. James Mort -a, a daughter. Melva Joaaa. BAUERMAN—In McKillop, on Saturday. No- vember 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bauer - man, a daughter—Betty Joanne. - Deaths NEIL—En Sr.sforth, on Tuesday, December 14th, Oscar Netil. •SPINS431•11,1.1•1111111121.131. CONSTANCE 4414441•Z.1121,,,,,,,a11%.4141141.41114o44Amt. Mr. Leo Stephenson drove Mrs. Wm. Clark and Mrs. Howard Arm- strong to Toronto to attend the fun- eral of Mrs- Clark's- sister, Mrs. Bor- rett. The sympathy of a large circle of friends is e3aettded to them in their recent bereavement. On Monday night the home of Mr. Iiiraard Morrison and son, on the 7th come:mien of Huflett, was burn- ed to the ground They were awak- ered by the fire and escaped only in very little clothing. It was caused .by an overheated pipe. Owing to the storm and bad roads, the teacher at S. S. No. 3, Miss Gladys Coleman, did not get home, nor did Miss Doneld'a Adams from Clinton. The Kinbunu road will be opened this week for cars. WINTHROP "AMINI011•1111 The Sunday school Christmas con - cart will be held in the church on Wedireaday evening, December 22nd. The snowplows are busy opening up the roads after the big snow storm. We are pleased to hear Mrs. John McClure is improving after a severe i I In ess. Mrs. Bullard went to London Mon- day meriting to spend a week with her mother, who is. ill. Mr. Roger McClure, of Belgrave, le visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McClure. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Eaton have re- • turted home after spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs, Alonzo Spa rl,ng. The Christmas concert at No: 6 school house will be held Tuesday evening. KJPPEN The Sunday sebool concert - at St. Andrew's Churoh will be held on Thursday, December 23rd. PheMission Circle held a very de- lightful evening in the school room - on Tuesday, Dec. 7th. A good attend- ance was present and after a splen- did "pot luck' supper, the evening was devoted' to contests and sing songs. Mrs. Rasa Broadfoot gap some well chosen piano selection's'. The special speaker, Mrs. Glenn Broadfoot, gave a very interesting aceOunt of her trip to Europe and seeing the Passion Play, The meeting closed by repeat- ing the Mizpa:h benediction. Further announcement will be made concern.ing the January meeting. egammimatromi 1MM~ vseeencl HILLSGREEN ens. Mr. Jarmo Morris is wearing a fine sreile these dans, A baby girl arriv- ed during the week at the hospital of Mrs. R. Paterson, Bewail. Miss Mina Love was called to Kip - Pen Saturday marring owing to the illness of her sister-in-law, Mos. I. Jarrobt. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery in this community. Blies Annie Jarrott called on meta- tives 1 Herres 1 one day during the week, Mr. Charles Robinson attended the funeral of a relative at Mitchell dur- ing the week-etul. , His. wife, 'Mrs. Robinson, is Spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Deddi and young son la Lontkira, Mr. laint Reichert has been called to his mothers bedside, Mrs. John lielehert,"of Zurich, owing to a weak - tees at -her advanced age. She is atal bap* in this - coMMunite. Wind 'was received of the death of Mitt Mary Matibes,on, forinerla Of Clinton, but new of the West. She Wasr altorsdiate Of Miss Dolly Hag. an, 1tN., tit the titne 01 her training at the Clinton, Hospital. *8. S NO, Stanley, (Artiste:es eta Merit14 be halt, liett Vreit, ''boettriong; Dee, • OM; ot 8 „, . Tile roads running ettet -and west: in tide district are very heavily drlftr ed and have been in many It.4tees simply impassable. The highway*, hOWever, have been, for the most part, kept in a pretty good condition and are giving work to many in dewing. There was quite a good attendance in the United Church on Sunday ev- erting last, to hear Cyrus Gates, the popular radio speaker and singer, ae- eornPanying himself en the harp. The many relatives and friends of Mrs. Richard , Blatchford will regret to learn that- she suffered a stroke at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jinks, of this village, with whom she has made her home for some •time past. following the death of her hiss - band. .•- Miss Lolous McClinchey, bride -elect of !his village, was presented by Miss EMs' Sunday School class with a 1'andsome water set, the gift being sent to her home- by one of the class of which Lolous is a member, accompanied by expressions of best wishes for her future married life. The Mission Circle of the Hensall United Church met at the home of Miss Mary Clark an evening or so ago. After an appetizing 'lunch was served, the meeting opened with the singing of "Silent. Night" and the motto for the evening; Dorothy Mc- Queen led in prayer and Erma Kipfer read the Scripture lesson, after which the hymn., "Joy to the World" was sung,. followed by a prayer by Elva McQueen, Goldie Cross and Margaret Tudor. The business pant of the meeting was then taken up, including the minutes of the last meeting and the roll call. Then followed the in- stallation of the new officers for the year 1938, as follows; President, Elva MeQueen,; vice-pres., Mary Clark; sec., Erma Kipfer; treas., Norma Cook; pianist, Goldie Cross; press sec., Barbara Shepherds, lunch com- mittee, Pearl Harpole, Margariet Fu - dor; sick committee, Audrey Twit - ("hell, Mary Goodwin. and June Saun- dereock. Miss Irene Douglass then gave the topic on 'The Other Wise Man," after which the meeting closed by singing the ihymn, "It Cams Upon, a Midnight Clear," and the Lard's Prayer in unison. On Monday last Mr. T. C. Joynt, accompanied b his aunt, Mrs. Alice Joynt, motor tol Luoknow to attend the funeral f their uncle, Mr. John ae Joynt, a past M.L.A.,. and a-. most widely known and prosperous resi- dent of that, place for many years, 'who. passed away in his 82nd year. The deceased was well known in this district and highly respected for his most active, prosperous and worthy life. • With continuing cold -,--frosty wea- ther it is expected, that there may be skating on the new open .air rink at the park grounds on the earning Sat- urday evening; and a carnival and real public opening will very shortly thereafter be held. Santa Claus is slated to be here on Thursday afternoon, Dec. 23rd, to, of- ficiate at the Coram.unity Christmas Tree and to see that all the children are well looked after in. the way of gifts. There will be a program at which, the resident ministers and others will give short and appropri- ate addresses, and the Peed will, it doubt, enliven. the °ea:talon with stirring music. Mr. and Mrsl. James Meelinchey, of Hen,sall, announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Lolus Mary,- to Mr. John Mervyn Russell Thiney, only son. of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Tin- ney, • of the Township of .Hay, ._the raarriage to take place shortly, Miss Minnie Reid was in Goderich on Monday lest attending the fun- eral of her cousin., the . late Miss Matheson, who was only ill a very short titue, first taking flu, followed by pneumonia, :which developed. into heart failure,..thlniniediate cause of her death. ., The animal scheol. conce'rt of the schools will be held on -Wednesday, Dec. 22nd, for which, a•very fine pro- gram is being provided. The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per will be observed in the United Church on the last Sunday of the For hristmas A Rogers OR Majestic Radio! • Beautifully design- ed Models that will please the whole fam- ily. Prices range from $84.50 Battery Models from $54-.50 wet. Barber PHONE 401 : SEAFOrirl Authorized , Aogers-Majestie Dealer . 72 22 St. Paul's Anglican Chureb, Will held serViee Ola Saturder, Christmas Bay,at 10 o'clock, and Mr the stlgt7, Sunder, *will held their regular Christmen service, with eDeefal 'taltusio. Special Christmas services Will be held in the -.United Church with spe- cial Christmas, music by the choir. At the evening service the choir will' present at very special' musical pro- gram. Rev. A. ' Sinclair's subleets will be: 11 a.m., "Gbristrna* Supii ; 7 p.m., "The Christmas Mee - sage." Mr. Cyrus Gates, of Toronto,. radio preacher ,and singer, spoke to a large: audiendeafin the 'United Ohl/l'ebi OIL _Sunday night. Mr. Gates sang two solos whidh were appreciated by all. He gave a very iateresting address on "Tbe Three S's an Strength," il- lustrating his sermon by, •three Old ''.'eatament characters, Samson, Solo- mon and Samuel. An offering was taken in aid of his radio broadcast*, over CFRB. Mr. William Dow, of Windsor, is here this week visiting his parents, Mr. and'hirs. William Dow. Mr. Dow's father, who is well advanced in years, is and bast been verY 1/1 for some time. Mr. William Fee was this week spending ,bome daya.ln London: Mr. and "Mrs. John Bolton, of Hen: sail; Mrs. John Stewart and Mrs. Snell, of Exeter, and Mr. Hogan, of Lucknow, left Wednesday by bus for Florida to spend the winter months, and their many relatives and friends wish theta a safe trip and pleasant time. • Mr, ' v,ix; A. melIoonSa 4411 40)4114ter#, Para*, and *Aldred. Were is bandlett WS we 00114ifig a dear With relative* Mr. and UM: igme-4 W. BOnthrou Were also ecent 'detors ia Loudon. IYIrnt chittieg. trt Dominion Oity, ataitabaa accompanied by her daugh- ter, Mrs. Barkerville. of Airnaut, Mau. are visaing with Mrs, Ostberg's as- ter, Mre. Jae. B. Simpsea, of this vil- age. • The Womeaes AUrriliat7 of St- ,Auglican Ohureh met at the home of the Misses,' Saralh and Mary Fee for their animal meeting en Tuesday last and election of officers for the incoming year. AU reports submitted were of a very 'satisfac- tory manner, and the *Moen elected were: Presildent, Miss Sarah Fee; vice-president, Mrs. Maulkineon; sec- retary, Mrs. John Varley; treasurer, Miss Mary Fee; Dorcas secretary, Miss Amy Reynolds. • Mr.. Fred Smiallacombe expects have his nevi restaurant and ice dream panlor opened the first part of next week. He had intended to have the opening on Saturday of this week but was 'delayed with equipment. Celebrates 84th Birthday Mrs, Robert Bonthron, a pioneer resident of Heneall, quietly celebrat- ed her .84th birthday on Saturday. The widow of the late Robert Bon- thron, she was a daughter of the late James White who was widely known as a buyer and exhibitor of horses. Mr. and Mrs. Bonthron, early resi- dents of Rodgerville, south of Hea- sail, moved here early in the village's hisi,-ry. Mr. Bonthron was engaged i• general store bard:leas, following PAVVVVIIVRVAVIZ VVITUVVVVVVVIV.2',' b.; ;el t!,L4 ate ,1714 • ti.<4 ,1i ;ea AT CARDNO'S CHRISTMAS CANDY CHRISTMAS NUTS Special Mixture with c.,. Special Mixture with 4 Creams, per lb. I ill; Pecans, 2 lb.' Special Grocers' Mix 10C Per 10 Cut Rodte/Light or Dark per lb ' 19c Chris -tries Gunn Drops, per lb. 15c Christi:0as Kissed Fresh Roasted, Peanuts /Per' lb. 19c per Tb 10c Filberts, Almonds and Walnuts, per lb. Large Washed Brazils per /h. 39c 20c 30c NEW SUNKIST ORANGES at 19c, 29c, 39c and 49c per 'Dozen FOR CHRISTMAS DINNER CRDSSE & BLACKWELL'S C. & B, DATE AND NUT 'ItREAD, per Tin C & B PICKLE WALNUTS 20 -ounce jar TABFrE FIGS Per package lec 76c loc 20c CANADA DRY GINGER ALE large , CALIFORNIA GRAPES 2 pounds ' -).'Freili Lettuce, Celery, Carrots, Cabbage and. Cranberries • Cardno's Grocery Phone 82 : : Seaforth 4 • f 1,4 be! itap," 1,42 r14,' 2)5 ba! Os? b 44 Isri: aitaltaattAltatataattaaattaaaaaaw , r- trAv AAA fr.r, (." , • • • , ro . • SEAPO1tH P, 4 (*OA P404 , .4k1A . 2- a fototatePo ot MA ather, --J04408,, 4Ontbrap. , Mr,a, Bela the -MP *Or ot 04,1argfb faMily of Atere and dattgittendala wOnd0004 well preserved and untily *tett and aettve enter feet, witb .bar mind aff tOight and 'elearat eiodeYg 'Ye b its fullest sense, and le alert- to. all that is' tn.-11E+0ring in the conere*ty and- coUtthry. Because of the severe wea- ther some members of her UMW' at a distance were prevented from at- tending her birthdttY, (With) Mrs. Jam McMartin. of Barrie, .crula be - o..••••xsam••....••sx,mna•xjrA Out, itoi • t'Ooa, Ixowa.ver; by fetter gifts of all hind; bora and friatudet' gliaL the day to WhirbarlaW '.111WOP ftgatia Plan' Speolnl Seryleek";;,.; Spoodal Chrletlaaa oorplogo,w111 be held In Carmel Preeityterigin .1110hurc, h on Sunday gati will inelnde 11pee/al =laic -by the choir. At the- Owing service the junior ohoir wilt 'contra. bute a number of aelectione.' gh bout y TR. Si IS Shoes, Slippers •if Goloshes, Moccasins 5s! ri N Skating Outfits Rubbers, RubberBoots Mfl, A Choice Assortment for Every Member If the il P Family, at Pleasing Prices . i• ,F,,,,,ani, I mar d po -pe fa orites, the of t - with i soles and ha- wl, : .. ,, OTHER STYLE 05C SGizre'res3andito 8W Im'e-•- Made Popular D'Orsay Slip r i ea lining. ssoftleather with inah moh- Cuban. tPadded 'leather soles and . 4 sic or Patient leather. Blue, thls. COLORFUL and COMFORTABLE for LADIES , Popular Juliet Slippers, the ideal Slipper for dold weather, in colors Black,- Blue, Brown, and Grey. Fur -trim, leather soles and rubber heels. Sizes 4-8 "GAYTEES" • Acclaimed - Canada's Finest Golohes. Velvet with Fur trim or with Fur collar. BItick er Brown., High or low heels..HE at$ es 32,t45, $2 o8..6.9t . i,28! OTHERS Fine Fere -Cosy Slippers, great Cosy Slippers bboa-drawn col- ; soft padded Are, Brown, is$ AT 69c & 49c Smooth Leather Hie; Cut Slippers, Low Durso 'Heels; soft padded leather soles. Black or Blue. Sizes 3 to 8 ..... S1.19 Velvet Slippers, Coral silk Ithing, padded insoles, velvet covered. heels. Silver gypsy seam and trim,. Ac Sizes 4 to 8 ....:,.. COSY SLIPPERS FOR LITTLE FEET padded Felt leather ltsiipper0soles heel; s—no strap,soft Silk pom, Blue or- Red. Sizes 8-13 . atUt; .1 • '• English made Warm Camel Shade, Arctic cloth with slide fastener front. Combination felt anti leather sole. Fleecy lining Sizes 8 to 10 99C Cosy Felt Cavalier Slippers Blue, Red and Rose; White'. lambs wool polka.; soft padded soles. • •• 596' Sizes 8 to 13 Blue Broeeded Corduroy one, trap, Chrome leather sole,, fleece lined, poinpom on vamp. In Gift poxes. 59c Sizes 8 to 10 SIZES 11 to 2 69c EXCELLENT GIVI1S FOR MEN AND BOYS Fancy Leather Indian Head Slippers, soft padded soles and hels; warin lining, fringe cel- lar. Me's sizes 6 to 10 .... 95c • Boys' Sizes 11 to 13 75c Brown Kid Rom.eos, -Elastic sides, flexible heavy soles, rub her heels. Size e to 11s $2,25 Also in. High Grade Soft Kid Leather with turn soles te) for meta Sizes 6 to 1 .. 118111.11 IOU Looking For Useful Gifts? Santa will surely come to this Store! MEN'S SPATS — Grey Felt. Sizes 6t0 10 Fawn or e5c OTHERS AT $1.50 Warm Arctic Cloth Slippers, fleecy, warm lined, combination felt and leather solea English made. Fa.wri or Grey colors, for men. Sizes 6 to 11 $1.2,5 Brown Soft Leather, padded leather soles enidi •heels. Warm lined. Men's sizes 98c 6 to 11 Boys' sizes 1 to 5 89c ELK MOCCASINS—Girls' and Boys', $1.36; Ladies' and Miss,. Horsehide High Cut... $2.50 i„ $1.65. Men's '14 SKATING OR HOCKEY OUT- 14 FITS — Black Leather wi t h strongy .stitched reinforced sup- ports and regulation Tube' Skates. Ladies' 9325 Boys' $2.98 mezes$3275 CHILDREN'S arid MISSS' VELVET G00081444'*"Bili'ilathia Sizes 8 to 10% 9245 Sizes 11 to 2 • $2,85 • Mar • ••••,, r eta 4* .)a• , -i-- 2721 ,rA•' • '45 • • 1 , 0,