HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1937-12-10, Page 5ii I n 4 • a s i 4 4 4 J• 4 4 4 1. a r. • 4 4 a 4 , .4 r • • • a • 4 a • r , . 4 4 h 4 olt#iid Golemaa. " Maddclfe Carroll, 10RI8ONE,R OF gt?,NDA" ,v ith . Dougiaa..Pnlrban�lye.. ,urcY niltb laylelt Plata*. :a1R R911 a!U e- Mondayt. Tueed4 .y Wednesday .- Marion Otavles clerk Gable,, to "'CAIN AND,." Roscoe Karns MAi3I=#Allen Jenkins It's the romantic battle OA' centnr NEWS. uAR.TOON ' Next Thursday, Friday, $ turdayl Pat O'Brien - Humphrey Bona Ann Sheridan "THE GREAT O'MALLEY" ;�• Coming - "Forty-five Fathers"' ' Mr.' and Mrs. Bruce Walker, bridal .couple of last week, are getting nice ly settled now on their farm on the Parr Line. We welcome Mrs. Walk -er (nee Annie Cochrane), formerly` 01 this community, to our midst again. Congratulations and best wishes! Hydro is.•coming to a few farmers in this Cominiunity before many ,more weeks. Messrs. -Frank Hagan, Gor don Love and R. 1VIeAlidster are the ones to install it on the Parr Line al present, and they are making the'+ preparations for the hydroman and linemen ,at •present. . Mr. Allan Cochrane was in Seaford d'uning the week. CHISELHURST Dearing - Chappel The home -of Mr. and: Mrs. Davie Chappel was the scene of a prett} wedding on Saturday, Dec. 4th, -wh'er thirty guests assembled' at the brane which was attractively decorated wits ;pink and white estreaoriers and a white wedding bell: The bride, Janet Viola was given in marriage by her Pathe to Charles Edward Dearing, son o: Mrs. John McDonald, of Staffa, ane ;.the late •Mr. Fred Dearing. The cera mony which took plaee under an arcl ..of evergreens, was performed by the Rev. A. Sinclair, of Hensall. The bride ,was charmingly attired in a dress o. coronation blue with . white trim , -mugs with a shoulderette of Tali anan roses. Miss ErIa Treffry, t Cromarty; as brideslm'aid, was dresses in a royal blue dress trimmed with coral and a shoulderette of carna- tions. The .bridegroom was attended .by ,Mr.- Gerald Fitzgerald, of Exeter. Mrs. EdwardChappel; of Cromarty, played the .wedding. music. Following • the , ceremony a wedding dinner was served to the immediate relatives, the 'Misses 'Margaret Fitzgerald, 'Juin Wright, Margaret Treffry being wait - y . l f fid}• t iNr I't , i4i� � ✓� �„�;LI .."Y, „^; 714 d, S aUyer compact; 49 "" . , r,. - *an, a s:Il-yer el ette:'' e lighter. AMr' Mrs.: '•If: en a start unotlor Aril, mike bride trav-: ening in a blue ehht With "maatehtng- aiecesso'rles. .Upon their cetera. 'OW will reside In Exeter. The beat wish- es of the 0040xxadrythe .aro extended to. them. EL IMVILLE Some very interesting lantern"elldee ,showing Old Country scenes, were shown in the church on Fridiay even- ing of last week -. Mr. and Mrs. Rich. Johne and Res- ole were in London on. Sunday to see Mrs.. Johns' sister, Miss, Ruby Miners, of Exeter, who recently underwent an 1 operation for ttbryroid tee bre in St. Joseph's • HospitaL We are pleased to, report that she is Malting a ,satin- factory recovery and .,eaepeets to 'be home shortly. Abeu.t forty young people were en- ntertained at the home of Howard. and tertained Mary Johns on Tuesday evening of last week. A. short program was • given with Gladys Johns in charge. 1' A verse of each of two hymns were sung. Mr. Wes.. Johns led in prayer; ' the Scripture lesson, Acts 3:1-10, was, read by Elgin Skinner; Marion Min- ers read a poem, "Such as I Have." A Biblical contest was worked •'out and Lorne Elford sang two numbers accompanying ,himself on the guitar. After singing a verse of another ri hymn, several games were enjoyed. A ,dadney lunch was served at the close. CROMARTY Winners At Guelph Messrs. James Scott and son, the well known horse breeders and ex- hibitors of this place, madea splen- plendid showing at the recent Guelph Win- did ' ter Fair. Ina class of seventeen they ' took first for light draft gelding; 6th f in the heavy gelding class, and 2nd for !draft team in a very sarong class. i •just previous • to the Fair, the Messrs. Scott sold a yearling filly and a three-year-old filly t , Giant ' Somers & Son, of Aylmer. B5th these ffillies were show animals.. OICa USBORNE `FREE SERVICE OLD, DISABLED -'OR DEAD HORSES - OR CATTLE '..1emoved promptly and efficiently,. Snob' phone"COLLECT" M. WILLIAM • S ONE SONS L .. HONE- 21 •;., INGERSOLL PHOIYI`''219 MITCHELL - 411111411 he "Buy of the Season ONLY--- $4235 It's a New , Radio MODEL PH - 51 See this new PHONOLA. It's a "standout." Five tubes - covers standard broadcast band. Compare it for power, tone, selectivity. You've never beard such fine performance from a set priced so low. And look at that cabinet of lustre - finished black walnut! Come in see, it, hear it - today! Remember- it@UAutit '15, THE KEYNOTE 61F PHONOLA I OYER MODELS $0.75 to $475.00 11bsral Allowance on Your Present Set DALY'S Garage PHONE 102 SEAFORTH D.5 , 'o Shop Early 3.3334 333/1 0'1/ Ypu.r-Chostmas. SAVE . TIME, '.SAVE WORRY • • S Bring your Gift List to Stewart. Bros. You will be delighted how lasily, and Economically we can satisfactorily fill your every need. Two big stores'` overflowing with Useful, Sensible, Acceptable, Clever, New Christthas Gifts you will be proud to give at prices you will gladly pay. "W The last regular monthly, meeting was held in the Township Hall on Saturday, Dec. 4th, all members pres- ent. The minutes of November 6th were read and adopted. The follow- ing correspondlence was. read and dis- posed of as indicated:• From J. A. Marshall, Chief Engineer, Department of Highways, me clearing sites at railway crossings; not applicable to Usborne Township. From E.: A. Hor- ton, Deputy Minister of Public Wel- fare, . advising against organized mun- icipal relief in Usbornee Connell , de- cided to take no action in organizing relief at present. From Canadian Legion, Exeter, .requesting payment of ;;wreath at cenotaph; ,granted. From John .Rogers, Mitchell,' offering Usbarne.the opportunity• to purchase copies of the Municipal and. Award Drains -prepared by the late John Rogers, C.E., for the township! Clerk reported„ Usborne Township , files complete From Agricultural Repres- entative, re . reforestration: riled un.. til• °nominattion meeting. , Clerk •reported; objection -,by 'Bell Telephone Co. to school section tax- es: No action. •Rebate of error in J. M. 'Glenn's assessment on...Mitchell Dram amounting to $8.57 ijras.-, approv- ed. Weed 'Inspector 'Nelson Coultas presented his annual repert..for ser- vices' and mileage amounting to $22.135. Account. passed on olotion by Beery and Ballantyne. Harold Bali requested, permission for 'the boys in Eleeville neighborhood to hold a sup - .per in -the township hall on. December. 14t11, relative to annual sparrow n_etch: Request granted. The Road _Superintendent's voucher for t h e month of November amounting ao $1,345.69 was examined and approved'. Treasurer's report: County treas- urer, taxes and penalty, $346.89; Col- lector, 1937 taxes, $2,900.00; bank In- terest, $10.95; Provincial Election, booth rental, $8.00; drain assessment, $76.15; lane gravel, $47.48. Payment -Road ,Superdntendent's'/voueher, 51,- 345.59;- salaries .• and allowances, $494.86; relief, $10.00; indigent hospi- tal accounts, $7; premium, public lia- bility bond, $94.65; repairing and decorating hall, $37.00; fuel for hall, $5.50; miscellaneous, $19.91. The council adjourned to meet ac- cording to statute on December 15th, at 10 a.m.-A. W. Morgan, Clerk. -4 Men's Plaid 1,25 to 1.50 Scarfs Extra Imported and Domestic Plaid and Tartan Scarfs, '56 inches long. Pure Wool; bright, attractive, dressy, in a beautiful Christmas Box .......... i!f 3;71/ eed 444 .44 't[4 .{f 33(4 {4 'v4 3;.14 In conclusion, remember there wouldn't he nearly so many accident's if people would avoid the wet spots at the side of the road. • He was at a 'fountain pen counter making a purchase. "You see," he said, "I am buying`this,for my wife." "A surprise, eh?" "I'll say , se. She's expecting a ear!" • Judge: "Witness says you neither slowed drown or tried to avoid the pedestrian." Motorist: "I took all precautions, Your Honor. I blew my horn eel. cursed him." • •r4 Nil 334 Nil .r4 '7" They're not tenting to -night on the old camp ground -but they're having a dei'Gil of a time trying to dance in their trailers. • In the bid days you could tell a bad man by looking at the niches in his gun handle. To -day you Look at his fenders. •• FARMERS - ATTENTION! WE REMOVE DEAD HORSES AND CATTLE Call us for prompt service. Our Men Will Shoot Old and Disabled Animals. TELEPHONE` COLLECT, SEAFORTH 15 ONTARIO TALLOW Cb. SEA ' O O ONTARIO, "4 'Y/ 'l/ 7', ,•334 `,.t4 {/ 0!t4 ,N ,''/4 'Nr4 .3333/ � L7 "4 ;qp , "r4 '4 i'// }rflogialutalm, eta , , it u Men's Broadcloth Pyjamas The smartest color combinations you evir saw. A wide range of clever all-over effects and novelty patterns. All sizes in a Silver and Green Box. Men's Sox In a Fancy Box Quality Sox, Penman's Hole Proof, Mercury. Bright new patterns. All -wool, wear guaranteed. • Men's Boxed Christmas Ties The very choicest of the season's quality. Silks in the new- est and most attractive patterns and colors. BOYS' SMART TIES Men's Christmas Sliirts. IX=BEAUTIFUL Ba#S English and Canadian Broadcloth Shirtsi, made by Forsyth, Ar- row, Tooke or Warrendale, We never lied more attractive pat- terns and colors. Every shirt full size and built for.wear. BOYS' SHIRTS, TIES, SOX, PYJAMAS You will get a Gift here at a very reasonable price that any boy would like. For Women Give Hosiery Every woman appreciates and is sure to use hosiery, especially the. high grade we carry, in dainty box- es. All the new colors and weights. Silk Hose Cashmere Hose 75-c to 31.50 49c to 31.25 Women's Gloves InaSmartBox- Kid Gloves, neat, dressy, durable..; All the new Fall and Winter shades. ' All sizes - $1,95 Fabric Gloves, all .colbrs..5gc to 31 Fur Lined Gloves 33.75 GIFTS FOR BABY We have made extra`' preparation in Baby's Gifts. You'll like them. 15c to $2.50 31.00 31.50 $1.95 25c 51.50 to 33.50 50c to 75c 50c to $1.00 5 Men's DressingGowns Plain olors .or :fancy checks, smartly trimngd. All new shades and designs. • ;All sizes,:;. ' $2.50 $5.50 '07 50 $9.50 >r. .MS's Dress'`lbves ._ �.. i.59 1. i'? SL.: Men's . smooth_ Capeskin; clean cut,: rWeU Omade, neat f tti> ;g, warn 3,1,44/1 jdome ,l , V.' •o1' . � '.,,, p , OVlt3D, Black; Grey: Hanhiefs - Plain or riitiytl I:inene, im- ported direct' f$om Ireland. Separately or Boxed. 5c 15c • 25c 50e Give Her a DeLuxe Gift__ A Kimona Here is a gift with the \personal touch. Sure to be appreciated because always useful, convenient and comfortable. Rich, lux- urious colorings, smartly tailored and attractively trimmed. All ----sizes and colors. Cloths are Fancy Eiderdown, Wool, - Wool, Flannels, Moire Silks, Heavy Weight Satins. 'Handkerchiefs ---Extra Christmas Values Fine Linens with plain hemstitching, dainty lace edge or motif corners, in White or. colors. They are simply beautiful. . Glamorous' Undies In Yuletide Boxes Here are intimate Gifts that will thrill the heart of any Woman or -Miss: Silk, Satin, Crepe, Rayon or Velva Suede, Vests, Panties, Bloomers, Pyjamas, Nighties, Dance Sets. • - Gifts for the. -Home MOTHER WILL APPRECIATE THESE Bridge Sets $1.00 t° 31.35 Bath Towels 3gc to 31.00 'linen 'Towels 506 to $1.00 Cates, pair 50c to :$150 .Cotton 'Sheets, pair. 3215 to 34,75 -.Bed Spreadi 33.95 5c to 50c 59c to $1.95 1 95 to • BLANXETS Flannelette (Ibex) $2.39 Over - Wool Bic& GIVE THE HOME Stewart Bros. • tat