HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1937-11-05, Page 5tis
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Dic Pavell o i
;MsAual Romane.
Uondil, uesda : we�ead
v Temple "le Din
Arthur Treacher 7 Jean Hershol
Shirley ,brings one of ftetloft�a:'base
loved ehttraeters to 'life owl the'
eMat. Wed f 4v. Q at 4.15 p.m.
Next 'Phnreday, Friday. 'Sat'ur'day
Eddie Cantor
Jim Lang Roland Young, Lo Ise
ItlevIck A Comedy Drama.
Matinees Sat: & Holidays at 3 p.m.
Next ,Sunday .morning, Nov. 7th, at
St. Andrew's .Chuucih, Dr. Wilford
will speak. Dr. Wilford spent three
terms as a medical missionary in
West China, is a personal friend of
Chiang Kai Shek, the generalissimo
of the Chinese armies. He is well ex-
quaintee with the present state of af-
fairs in China. It will be a Tars 'priv-
ilege to meet andhear him.
Bible School' will be held at 10 a.m.;
next Sunday on account of the Crest,
epee of Dr. Wilford. After beet Sun-
day the school will meet %t- the close
of themorning service.
Mr. and Mrs. John, Seeley have re-
turned to their ?home in. Leaden after
spending a fortnight with the form-
er's „sister, Mrs. Austin.
Miss Glenn, of Toronto spent a few
days with her cousin, Mrs. Beatty.
The many friends of Mr. John Rath
well will he pleased to know ne is
improving slowly. "
Mrs. Rathwell, 'ef Southwold, in
company with- her son, Charlie, of
Lcndon, -spent a "few days with Mrs.
M. Reid.
Mr. and Mrs. Layton and little son;
arrompanied by Miss Beatty, of Lon-
don, ::pent Sunday with the letter's
mother and sister.. •
Sunday, Oct. 31st, having been ob-
eerved as the 75th anniversary of. St.
John's Church, Holy Communion was
held in the morning in charge of the
Rector, Rev. W. G. Bugler, and in the
evening' Rev. Mr. Mess, of Chatham,
was the speaker. Mr. Mess was a
st'trdent here twenty-four years ago.
The choir of Trinity Church, Bayfield,
took' charge of the music. On Mon
day night there was a parish Hal-
lowe'en party in Bayfield in the form
of a birthday party for St. Joffn'E
Church, Varna, and St. James? Church,
Middleton, • being the 77th annivers-
ary of St. James' Church. A real
good time was enjoyed by young and
Mr. Samuel ,Baker has purchased
the house and lot -yen • Edward Street
owned by Miss Elizabeth Truemner
end occupied et? Mr. S..M. Anderson
and .family. -
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston are
moving into the home at the north
end of the village recently purchased
from the executors of the Mary E.
Stelck estate.
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Dowson
have moved into the village from their
farm in Stanley and are occupying
the home recently vacated by Mr. and
Mrs. P. Rowe.
Mrs. Frieda Thomson, who has
been visiting relatives here, .left for
her Thome at Fielding, Sask., en Tues-
A meeting was held on Friday ev-
ening at the town hall to reorganize
• the Band. A working committee was
appointed and, a canvass will be made
for new members..
• The storehouse just east of the
hardware store operated by Johnston
& Kalbfleisch, has been moved to the
northeast corner of the lot, and this
will give freer' access '.to the new
service station being erected by Mr.
Ward Fritz. The roof has been plac-
ed on the new building and the in-
terior finishing is under way.
Mr. Henry Adkins left on Monday
on a trip to London, England, to visit
his mother. He expects to return
home in two or three months.
wiiir. Jacob Weide has moved to
town from Dashwoodand is occupy-
ing a portion, of the house' on Edward
Street owned by A. H. Peck.
Mr. Everett Heist. has purchased
the Rey'nold's property at Sarepta
'from Mr. Horatio Reynolds and gets
immediate possession.
Mr. and Mrs. John Herdman cele-
brated their Chir ieth' wedding anni-
versary on Saturday evening last.
Their family presented them with an
Aladdin lamp.
Miss Margaret Johns visited with
friends in Clinton on Sunday.
The Young People's Union paid a
visit to the James St. Y6'uiig People
In Exeter on Thursday evening of last
week and were quite royally enter
Mr. and Mra. Harry Johns have
been confined, to their bode with bad
Misses Ebhelene and Eilene Johns
entertained a number of friends to a
,Hallowe'en party.,on Saturday even -
Mr. and Mrs. Enos Herdman, of
near Varna were visitors on Thurs-
day* eventing last with Mr. and Mrs.
Wan. Bradshaw.
We are' sorry to report that Mr.
Teddy Johns was - taken to Victoria
Hottpital, London, on Friday morning.
Mr. and Mrs: A. C. Whitlock of St.
Thomas, were visitors in this vicin-
ety on Sunday.
•• Mt.. Alex. Latta had the misfortune
'bot have ' theligaments in This right
arnt- badlY twisted. Where 'it oaiig'ht in
ithe. belt .4eti the tete/Ishii) crueller olt,
1+'ridsy morn'irlg of la,st 'week.
Mr. and Mrs. John -rletdMen, were
Monday visitors 'With'. Mr. and airs.
Rolland Scqui,re neat elutondale`
Mrs.,•:Robert Dentistet, of Landon,
atad..I)2iss . Terence 'Gegixr, of Mani-
toba, whited rec'en'tly et tJbe Nolte Of
w lli , aid Mrs. T William.:
'11h+a : orni' 'aiippei, *tit. utas ,.held
You Simply Ca
of' New, ReIiabIe
Here's Your Big Opportunity
For Unusual Values in
13.95 to 27.50
These are Overcoat values it will pay you to see. We
have never offered finer values in such rare quality fab-
rics, smart styling and fine tailoring.
• Browns
A Greys
• Blacks
• Mixtures
• Melton • Raglans
• Elesiolt • Balmacaans
• Friez • Guards
• Tweeds • Ulsters
le.i. ir;
Values That Have
variety, style, SnlartnesS,
Women's Coats
15.00 to 35.00
The most important styles are here. You can buy
your Coat here with confidence in the style, the material,
the colors, the workmanship, the price.
• Black • Sable • Velours
• Brown • Fox • Suedes
• Navy • Persian • Duvetyne
• Green • Wolf • Tweed
Stanfield's Rib
Wool $1.75
Stanfield's Combs$2.95'
Heavy Cotton
Combinations $1.50
Penman's Combs. $1.50
Fleece Shirts and
Drawers ........79c
Men's Blanket Cloth or
Melton. Black, Wine,
Navy, Brown. 3.95
All sizes
Also $4,95. and $5,50
Grey ribbed wool, good.
weight, built for wear;
Also 35c and 50c
"Wearbest," extra qual-
ity checked flannelette.
Pink, Blue, Gold,
Mauve. Large size.
Much more for 50
little more
Rayon, 52 x 52; good
assortment, attractive
patterns and colors ;
fast 59C
colors y
Also 69c and 79c
Two or three-piece, fine
botany w o 01; Wine,.
Navy, Black,
Mauve, Green. .11..g 5
Up to $12,50
Extra quality W o 01
Felt, permanent block.
Brown, Grey,
Navy. All sizes . t .9 a
Also Fur Felts
$2.95. $3.50
Sweepstake Brand, col-
lar attached; good ma-
terials. All 1 •®®
colors • j
Also $1,50 and $1,95
Fine Sweaters, plain or
fancy, with or without
collars. Extra 3
Good quality Flannel-
ette. Pink and Blue.
Made with feet. 85c
Sizes 2, 4, 6
In eight beautiful col-
ors, finest wools, satin
ends; ornamen- nc
tal and useful
Also $9,95 and $9,50
Good flannelette, long
sleeves, fancy y o k e,
button front
Out sizes
in the church last Tuesday evening,
proved• very successful. Over four
hundred people were fed. ' A very
high class program was providedtbly,
five artists from Centennial Church,
London. About two hundred and
thirty-five dollars was, cleared from
the Sunday services and the fowl
supper. 2
ladies quilted a quilt and a dainty
lunch was served by the hostess, as-
listed by Mrs. Albert Traviss and
Mrs. Freeman Hackwele
Missionary Speaks
At the morning service of Duff's
United .Church on Sunday, Oct. 31st,
Rev. Dr: Mitchell, of North Hoban,
who has been in the mission fields. in
China for over 40 years, spoke on the
eubjeet of "Then and Now," telling
of the conditions in China and how
theyhave improved since he first
wento China. He said- there was
still need for more workers in China.
Mr. .and Mrs. Albert Mitchell, of
Winchelsea, visited with �, and Mrs.
B. B. Stephenson. -
Mrs. W. Millson, Sr., and Mr. and
Mrs. W. Millson, Jr.-, of .Cleveland,
peat a few days with Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Lindy and Mr. David' Millson,
Mr. and Mrs. Logan,,of Blyth, visit-
ed with Mr. and Mrs. Leo tephenson
on Sunday.
Sunday in Wing+hem.
M s. J. Addison and Grace and
Gladys, of Clinton, spent Sunday with
friends in the village.
Miss Irene Snyder, of London, vis-
ited at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hill and family
of Stratford, spent the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Cornisth.•
Miss Beatrice Armstrong spent Sun-
day with Grace Dalrymple.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gemmell, of
Tuckersmith, visited Mrs. Jas. O'Brien
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hill, of Stanley,
and Mr. and Mrs. F. Skelton and fam-
ily, of St. Marys, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. F. Skelton.
Mrs. Wm. Edmunds, of Seaforth, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. T. H. Wheel-
er and Mr. Wheeler,
Mrs. Lawarson, of Bayfield, visited
Mrs. A. Hohner am Monday.
and Mrs. G. Knight, of Clinton,
spent Suh'da with Mr. and Mrs. J.
Miss Jessie Cameron, •of Clanton,
spent Sunday with Miss Anna Aik
The anniversary services held last
Sunday were a complete success, the
weather being ideal. The auditorium
was filled at both services. The ser-
mons preached by Rev. W. P. Lane,
of Goderich, were very interesting and
inspirational. The choir, under the
leadersdhtp of Mrs. W. McBeath, pro-
vided excellent music which was much
appreciated. They were assisted by
Mr. David Carr, of Si. Andrew's
'Chut'eh' London.
Rev. Mr. Reid, a missionary on aur-mes.
lough from China, will give art ad-
dress next Sunday morning.
The Thankoffering and diamond
(jubilee of the Women's Missionary
Society will be hell on Wednesday,
10th, at 2.30, in the United!
Church. A cordial invitation is ex-
tended to all former members of the
Auxiliary, Kelly Circle, Mission Band
aid Associate Helpers. The guest
speaker for the day Will be the Pres-
byterlei Mrs. (Rev,) Garth
mer, of Lotelesboro, feminiscenees
of the work of e� past ears *Ili be
ven .by+ former inenttbers. After the
sahibs s Ioneh wi11 'be e:erved,
County [Iuroi.
Tr '
easttrer s Sale of L
p" ,-
By virtue of a warrant issued under the hand of the '
County of Huron and having the seal of the said Corporation
to bearing date the Eleventh day of August, 1937, and to me -
mending me to levy on the lands hereunder enumerated, for
taxes respectively due thereon, together with costs.
Notice is beret y given that in accordance with the Assn
shall. proceed to sell by public auction the said land's,.or so m
be sufficient for the payment of the taxes thereon, unite
sooner paid.
The sale will commence at the Court House, Goderich,
December 7th, 1937, at the (hour of two o'clock in the aften
journed sale, if bees nary, will be held at the same hour and p
' of the County
Goderich, August 17, 1937.
The community regrets the depar-
ture of Dr. Keith McGregor for To-
?onto where he lies been appointed
to the sof Ontario Mental Hos-
pital. Dr. Stuart. McGregor *ill take
care of the practise for the present.
Miss Helen Krauskopf is- visiting
friends in Detroit.
Mr. Don Benninger, Si..a
College, Toronto, was a visitor with
his mother over the week end'.Mr.
Mrs. Harold Smuck, Kitchener, is
visiting, with her- parents, Mr. and
Mrs. T. J. Molyneux.
Mr. Joseph McDonnell was a weekTreasurer
end visitor in. Detroit. •
The fowl suppers held at—St. Pat-
rick's Church and at Zion during the
week were very largely attended.'•
Mr. Neil Tyndall, of London, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. Tyndall.
Little Margaret Zapfe was taken to
Seaforth Hospital on Saturday ill with
pneumonia. Her many friend's hope
she will soon -be better.may
Mrs. Tames Allen, of Egmomdville,
spent Sunday with Mrs. J. McQueen.
Dr. Wm. Aikenhead, of Toronto,
spent Sunday with Ali`, and Mrs. T.
B. Baird.
T1re many friends of Miss Nora
Eyre are glad to know she is improv-
ins in health.
.Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Wright and
daughter, of Seaforth, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Hanley spent Sun-
dray with Miss M, Swan and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Moore and family
of Egmondville, spent Sunday with
Mrs. Mary McKenzie.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Halstead and Floyd
of Stratford, spent the week -end in
the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kaiser, of De-
troit, and Mr. and Mrs. i. Kaiser and
Mr. and Mrs. Zuefib, of Hensel', vis-
iced the McIntosh family on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Consitt and Ray
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H.
Mtss B. Armstrong and Miss Grace
Dalrymple and R. Dalrymple open
Sunday in Hibbert.
Miss E, Grainger and Jean Watson,
nurses -et -training iat Strath rd, spent
Sunday at their homes here.
Mr. and Mrs. T. SO hiilbie, of Zurich,
spent Sunday .with Mr. and Mrs. G.
Miss Dora Addison 1`8yl'atOr to
Myth en Butt ed'ay'.
Mr. and M . p'
ra. . BOO Spent
The anniversary.services held in
Constnce Un4tedd Church ot1 Sunday
last were a splendid success. Rev.
R W Craw, of McKillop, was in
charge of -the morning service • and
gave a splendid 'message. The choir
sang two anthems and' Miss Ivy Sim-
mans and Miss Edith Britton sang a
duet, "The Beautiful City." Rev. A.
W. Shepherd, of Egmendville, preach-
ed in the evening and.gave an inspir-
ing addsees. The choir sang one num-
ber and Mr. J. T. Scott sang a solo,
"Love Eternal." There was also a
men's quartette, Jas. T. Scott, Kelso
Adams, Sam Scott and Wm. Britton
sang, "I Want My Life to Tell." •
Among those visiting in the con-
niunity on Sunday were: Rev. R. W.
Craw and Mrs. Craw and Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Watson, Londeaboro, with Mr.
and Mrs. W. Britton; Mr. and Mrs. B.
Lobb and family, t•Iolmesville; Mr.
and Mrs: Heck, Lond'esboro,`with Mr.
and Mrs. Dottie; Mr. and Mrs. Toll,
Auburn, Mr. and Mrs. T. Adams and
Lillian . Adams, Mrs., Younglilut and
family and Miss Edith Stewart, Clin-
ton, 'with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dex-
ter; Miss L. Maines end Mr. henry
Adams and Miss Edith Stewart, C1in-
ton, at' the home of Mr} and Mrs.
Charles Dexter; Me and Mrs. George
Theinpeon a and Miss Ethel, Mrs. Mer-
ell, of Londuesbero, and etfr: and Mrs,
,Roe, of liiarloek, with Mr. and Mrs.
tenijamtin -Snell; Mr. and Mrs. ,11.dy
Law>san, lluron, Read, With Mr. and
. Mgrs. Earl Lawson; Miss Marian Lala;
eon with Miao bonolda Adniria.
Name Description Years' in Arrears Taxes
Theodore Wlalper Pt. Lot 1, Con. 1 1934 10.59
P. Enright Estate S. E. Pt. Lot 6,
Con. 10 1934-5-6 1.62
Theo. Holland • N. Pt. Lot 23,
Con. N, 14 1934 2134
Mr. and Mrs'. Henry Last of ,Wind-
sor spent the week -end with Mr. and
Mre. R. W. Hoy.,
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kreig, of Pres-
ton, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ben-
nett oh Sunday.
The Y. P. S;,,of Duff's Umfted Church
held their regular meeting on Sunday
evening, Oct. 31st, Blairmore Shaw
preside*. A fine topic on "Hymn's"
was given by Isabel Ritchie. A. very
interesting talk wa$' given by the pas-
tor, Rev. Chas, Cumming.
The Walton Group of the W. M. S.
of buff's' 'United Church met at the
home. of Mes.Fred Rutledge on: Thuile-
flay', Get. 28th. Mts. W. leaekwell
wedded. . The Meeting °Pend With
the repeating of the 23rd ?saint in
unison. Mrs. (Rev.) Cumming ,led in
laray'et. Aftier the dingifVg' of She
.yiMet, "What a 1rriettd We -11eVe it1
Yes ' besineet Wall slii cttd'se+ri:, The
Flynat Lot 11, Con. b 1933- 4 6 22.75
Geo. Flynn Lots 50-54, Cetr
tralia 19341-6 9.31
S. S. Cooper Bet. Pt. Lot 10, Con. 3.; •
H. R. S. . 1183-41-4-6 4.41
Yuan G. Smillie Let 213, Malts Air. 1934 7132
+W !
Ail the Rote described above are patented.
•President, A W. re KINE;
Treasurees (Mee, G1odene'h. i,
Augia�sb � , -
Published in Oho O tte get* 4, 193?
Warden of -the
attached there -
directed, com-
the arrears of
isement Act, I
uch thereof as
s the same be
on Tuesday,
oon. The ad -
ace two weeks
of Huron.
Costs Total
2.26 . 12 E6
2.25 3.111i
2:56 23.93
• 2:57 25,22
2.25 111.15$