HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1937-10-29, Page 6i, ­ "I'll", I '11.1-,"I"', �t IV—- '"' , , . .1� .... I , I �." I kl­,1�11��1­77 11-d"111111,. ,,,,- ! !�. "_,", � �`; � ;. Z' �i� �1, : , "t �,�­" , ,,q ,�Miv, I . � � " , 1, I A 'j" " , 1. 11�1 - i ,�, � ! . . " � I I I 14111 I ;, , �­, "I '��,, "I, I . I � '::1 ,, "I li� � ",;, 4 "I '.. . ,�, , : 11 .. .1 I I �-;, .�Wl_ ". : . I I I I I � . " 1, , * � 11117 V, ,. �� ­,�_ ,:'K,i"�lli�.111-��,l�ii"�_-"y �A,�_�,,­.� , ��,�e, 1 ." � , ! 4,: , I I I . , I " - . I 11 .1 . , ,�� , �, 4.VIT� .. --11,1-11'--'_"-,', , . � i 01 I ­­,�111�11111:111111 1-..--,-,,,,11 I 11­,F!IPI ,­,­., "', ­­­­ --1 I.— ,4, , i . � A"* I n­!''­'..""'."�' . . I � - ­­­,­­­,�­ ... ...... ­­ . .... .. ;4"�; , it't . 6i I . I . . :I 11 j � I I � �, " ; , � " I I , "�, . � . �, '' : . " ��­ 41 '' I , � . , 1.1, , 1 1� "A" I � ,,* 0, v .1 , C". � 11 �,,,.�i� ,( .. . .... �,:,��,,� �,, 1,�A. � �­ .1 ,� ". 77". �1� , , TV% _ - 'I, , 1111 , ag. i 11, I I . I � ,,, 11 . I . ,4. . * � � W -A . " ­�., ;, . �� , �.' � . - i err''Aig � 1� � I .. .1 � . "I . I . I 9 .... I , , C I . ,� , ,,:: � , . I � I . . � ... . It, 1W , 11 � �� �: " " I i � I I ., � jj�e . � I 41 1; , I :;. ., � I " 1'. f '"xi !11 .. , j,1L � , , _%, . , " ; .. "I 1. � , ,� 'n - , �_ I I I :­ . , r, I I � Cd . 1. 4� � �11 v . . 4 "vi % ,,.� � � . . 4, . I , :bo I r- � � - WMI A -1i"::: " I Ncrn � 'a 1.41" - ,, " 'h0l's "'k ,, I I ;% , I - . I 7"Cl.- I .,;.O� -1 , oe-�, .�, 7- , 4 '�. PA L, ., i , 4 [hi U0 I I , . I . 1, , 11k ,A�w ,�. , � '' 41 11 .­ - ' � ­ 1, . I 11". '_! �:_ ,' " 11, "I'll ; 1, I I 41 . ..., �... ."..., , . t q In* Ii "', t 4! I$,: L, I . . . ;; _ "I �111;, . "Ill., , , . I , D119'eat) 11101i I , , I i " , , Protow . re to a group mraest, 0. Aftlisor In Awsr's I i , .sur, 411. 9 y , 4�q.,�, ; _ . 9. � �11' ghtipa thq 1� -S�qv* with . V _im I . I * I , I . I . ­ , � . . "I . I , O.A. - abQ I . � face. e,:: , KI: I I- � ­ I . I 0sh. 44r, '7404, �; . 1, "I R, iv , woman , ut wtc�er., . �, . . .1 1, VA�At'. 't L " ' , IlItty Q�T _ ,� I . ofDoJet , 'Qu . - � �. .. , . : ­ 1. I I ­_ ., , ,,, 1. I � . It,", P� � '4111 -11-W-W camp�lan �9, Wit,* au't 14n9rance,, rVai , YOU 44' it!" he- excilatmed. ' � I . _. -1 I X 4 And o , . I J" Y, I I I . � -1 . IMA I � ' I � 11 �i '41, �.,A and Negbociti, _! � . I i I "You'll scare the life out of them. As 110411 piaks�'boiirly into deeper. ' ,iahelo_iwe . . . oero a0d orew, repillping ,they Were. - .1 I I . . : V � . � I . � I ', , Id - I I . . , axig " 044t4nd0c fe4ture tralipoid, W_- beeii q d wi I 11 : _ I . ielze. . th 11 11 #40 . � , I I YOU11 give them caa-ceropliQbia.11 , , ,military . 10VOW(guellt In Phima, a of, pxvisent-day Fwr ta�,n a � 1. � I . .� .. . r - � 4,111�!' . , V,ag wator.y_ a#d I � ;-'� . ! t, �� -, .1 ; , ratbLer 4 ' many ha,4 appirbutl I . . , y � 'I'm 1 emurred at thist augge* threefold demou drives her oil. The .Mopeover, Britalip b" just. entered others by V1190tJ . or , - �ZN I. I . � Xf� lv� By . tion ibut I' had, no real 11g. , P, I . 0 vqm­ ., � - I I � I ": V 1, � .. � , I . . � -x�­` - 1111611ment cent.ral tactoPs are these;, the, tre� ',the gnal stage In the,comistractiou of mittini dwde I I � . � I I I � I , t juicKe. I . I 1. I . �1. . I I ter, . I . . - . ) "I J. W. S. McCullough, M.P., D.P.H. mendtaus -pressure luside'l-apan; the ,hem . hem-& -from ftigapore rible: I So.m*. - had- ea, ette . rs-to, I 1 � , I .. � wherewith, to .counter my frlen4's em- , � , ..'� "j, ,,�� � . I .� .. defense ste I ��! . I PbAft a4vice. I Pondered with some imminent rep,urrectlon f Ch. ,a; t e . .. ,1 , ­ - I � ,t,�.. , , I,— iiii 0 14 h to 1p, _. Of .1�t:t(, - , I I I �:._ � .1 1. Sec I easiness about the matter. Hongtong....M11141=4 Of Pounds their faxmajUJ�4 I these I man, � " . .. I., . . . . . .1 I ,Mtary Cancer Committee , less lukewarm PoWiesof Brita,in and have eA- ini in g,6rtifications. �r ed to get,, - , I believe , pW#n ' � I 11� . I 11 � I . be Lg Ordlqaryaonstj ,. ben" y". ' , WIN , ` ' I At the 01000 of the leoture'wililch Russia with regard to the Far East. A powerful British armada is about a theX were - " � ; r down, b 'K4 ' i - I fterward delivere* -to the � rel4tives, ut . 111"!a'ALL-BRI-m . . ,� - THE HEALTH 'LEAGUE OF CANADA was listened to with great intexest by Of thieve tihiree faictors, the first is to appear in Far Eastern watera to I shall never torget the xpresslofi eat , I . 04 f�o . . A �� ,� - I ", " � � � , . I , 111: - . an audience of some k5O bright and the. most powerfoil. Terrified millions, 'e", r!"PlArly nmake* *, _ . , e , I ����� i , ,, - guard British interests,., Which of borror ,upon some, of their 4a i." I . I '' , I , .1 are I I � - 1, 1, ' - -A, ., 4*114 ..,�, � r ,, , � ,� i.', . -e top iliA , I I � -�., �, __- intelligent women, I 'tried an exPeri- rii �6r, shed- betweein, the nQallsiones,' , *onu'ir 0, I 11 j;10 '- I _ ,4, � irowang by leaps -and, hounds. it Bij- ' I ,asked gdm It lie found- i a '11 h �, '' ��, "4 r � ' ';'.' , �. ') 1 I', '­.(­­,' r , . . 1�; ! �� I V, I 1-'. I ' ' 1 went wfth them, one w(hich has since of low N6agee and steadily rising liv- =�%!O 5 L i �� , . . ' , , �i. I .I -,­ QUACK REMEDIES able cancer into one- for Whiell, notih_ been re ,tam means -business in the Par East, feaddirg inside the wrecked ats. ,� I ., 'I, � I ated soores, of times. I ,told' lug costs, haveto be welievedt--reliev- however, it da, safe to confrobt , � RU . pe , , ac., "o, I 'b - � - - her "Oh, yes,', b6 said) "There were . I f I � - " *31,11 - lug can be done -because it has come the -audience of, the w�arning. I had re- ed quick-ly,andleffectively. Otherwise with a fait accompli. And, that's what pretty weird scenes imide -the I I , ­ . INIll " ... .... ... 11111 . TIZare 18 a 109i0n Of "cancer Cures." to the doctor too late'. . I I � 1,�t'V lso., ceivied. "Now," I said, 'I should like it will Ibo tbo late.' . I boats. I 0 1 � F ss. I : 11.�_;-, I - Me are Put '_fbrVard `bY un�,SeruPu­ It is not the ignorant " . Japan Is daill1g. I often disturbed big crabs, somp of I 61 I lous pidrsons, greedy for Money. Oth- alone who to ask you, if,.atter hearing what I - The industrialization - an essent- .., ,, � I I - 11 Of �, I .1 Pursue the will-o-the�wlaplof the can,- have to say about cancer, is youirfear ially agricultural Country 4as carried st Along with British' dill�aidfnaughts them a foot across,oand lolbst&� 26 1 .. . � * 9 I , ,, - I . I w J , .1 py ' �! ore are -exploited by the ignorant who I cer -'cuxW'. ; � eaming In -to the China Sea there inches or so long. I found so6T.es of I I I i- 1: � ,.: Its adherents are seen of It Increased?" In its wake exactly the same, prob- will -be Soviet Oattleallips which are conger eols, Eppme of them seven to I , �� I 0 r li ,il- .. , J'l . -have been ' led to believe that the` unt only among t4e uneducated and There was a unanimous dissent to lems with which Westeru countries being built in United, States ,ship- eight feet 10M all. busily feeding. :. . 1, � � ,.--have a cure. A cure for cancer may unintelligent, but among the -well-od- anything of :Vhe, kind. The o "ej . � . I , �0�1� vary f a, the harmless w0m n have had to grapple during the last Yard's with sIxteemilich guns, match- They give one a bit of a I . 4 - � . I - rob 9 kind, such as reated and highly intelligent. There githered 1bout me, asked all manner, c * shock.", . -11116A I � r . - - . il,�' sorrel or violet leaveg or molasses , and is a motto among ,those Vbo are in- of pertinent questions about cance entury. But Japan jumped with- a ing the pride of the .1apariese navy. - The greatest depth to which 'Miller . I" -14.4 1 . I I ;,- . . . . r singleleap, into the industrial age, � She TW, then-, was -the very last min- went to -reach subma nes was '2-lu . . I ,�` . .. . a host of ,others, to the hdg4ly injui- terested in the. problem Of cancer: and evinced the stron ' . I! I I . . . . . . . 1, �, I , .1� 'Wi - Pa , I , th d gest deSirG to has to face all its problems in concen- ute tbc�act, the very last dhopiceto be feet, and, 'his descriptions of .crawling ,.� ..' , ( W ',�� dous made of taxtar emetic,'arseuic It is - "Fight Cancer tli Knowl 1. rn n a hortest possible time, trated intonalty,, . � . lt,'��, and sulphate of zinc. Some are tak- edge.,, I the information they could. Nei- _ taken. Rising Sun was in imminent on handsand knees in, a mile field in - ., ' ", 6", . The 111OPe the Public learn v I suporcapi- danger of set.ti g. reserves ,the pItch ,darkness in search of 4 a : - - If . I , I . Caneer'the sooner tiler on, this occasion nor on inany talism. Patriotism !a super it oti ,in; fu - li , bee drawu to push ahead� sunken vessel, are more thrilling than I . � �,., . en by the mouth; others are for ex� and know about Capitalism .in Japan is n -0 � , Fi in last . I i , I , � -�. lar nature, has there and. po rty is, o ve ty. Same in North ,Cbdn,a and to Paralyze .. I .. I I , V, *,; �. tornal use. They appear as fluids, -will fear ,of the malady clivappezm others Of a a!= Pat Tj 6 ads eve n I � , . _ the , any imagined by any writer of, adven- . _____ . .!:,�, special appkiances. -test indication that a five families of fabulou§ ered C ll 4 ne ae government ture stories. Creeping among all t $ . 11. pills, ointments, Pastes, Plasters and Them was - scarcely a dent made in been the 411gh ve sup rpo, r , , ,� - - the armour wealth hold lbewild � i,k, I oftuberculosds until, about truthful statement 'Of the f&CtL'3 about between them -a monopoly' Of Indus- through simultaneo the -class for, contestants under Is - �� -,� Al I Qualified medical men have been 30 Years ago, Anti -tuberculosis Socie- cancer, induced cancer6phobla. us action In Sbang- sorts of shellfish, huge Conger eels al arquis , , .1 � trial Production, tradle, banking and hai. At home the people of Japan andr -other denizens of the',sea bottom, 16, , .�­, �.. ,; . 'a 6 I 1� . years of age. Don d M , I , � 4 . known to exploit this and that serum ties beg n the education, of The �public The facts about cancer, -are Te -as- transportation. And along with bu - ar be ,g d p�dl into a fit of super- sometimes across ,sands and again 1 . � ­.- � . y a In , O. Sunderland won first Money.- The - 6 � or othertype -of cure. So-called elee- ill the -control -of the Whit& Plague. -lug in that they Offer -high hope Ing, selling, -shipping, banking, this patriotism.- And while ,the industrial breast -deep in swirling sea plants, ,� I - ', " 1,,4, award for the -beat land, turned by a j . 1.,�� trical qpplIano@,s_are included in the Kno,4edge Of the magnificent re- to the victim if .he or she 'has, been l,ittlia clique of finance barons has boa Wellington County boy under twenty, I 1; I I r I armament of the cancer -cures, Faith sult�q sea still ,suspect that the'army is was surely a thrilling experience of - � gained from the early treatment taken in hand sit an early stage Of been 'controlling the Diet and ruling 'getting too much glory out of this lonieliness and danger. All the coudi- went to Eddie Shannon, of Cliffiard. I r . . I I— . healing, Christian Science, special of cancerby means of surgery and ir- the disease. Widespread knowled Japan. Industrial raw materials were situation, while a p . Sandy Hun -ter, Molaileliton, won the I , I " ge . . . . . j,',. diets, ompresslon, of the cancerous ra.diat,on will give the cancer c m . voluntary contnribu- tions, for an, accident re res n't in 4 �� . r L. . ; 7; " mass, injections of vaAous matters in- couragt� in the fight against tins d,ead� this happy condition ot things. . e T. Eaton. Trophyl for the beat plowed �; . vi ti about cance is the surest avenue to bough,t abroad�­wholesale, 'Ch, aply ; tion,s to the war fund- are being given diving and Miller had several narrow ,I ". . . worked up by cheap laborers; sold -rather reluctantly, as yet, 'new fac- ear -apes. land byht Dufferin County boy. ' , I 4. i,r 14,". 1 , to the tumour have all promised a ly foe. The cancer Patient bas'notli- -Next article: "Prospect for the abroa&--wholesale, cheaply. tories in, North China -are already be- That mutiny sometimes occurred On Thursday the -third day, Ferguar, . IE ,� .tt . . . I cure. When the w4ter was Secre- Ing to gain, by recourse -io cancer Cancer Patient." � I �', I A 1".... 0", But things have changed. Japan ing run by the Japanese. on board the U-boats was., indicated was Invaded by a CrOw,d Of 45,000 .' , , I � I �,,: - . �ary of the Ontario Royal CommissioD, cures., On the contraxy he has much Readers ,desiring the compiet,D sot is Confronted With higher trade bar- Monopoly ca 'talis. 'wants. peace-, 'by the fact that -as Miller I ente people* tlh�a, biggest oriowd� in -the his- I .ff on Cancer, he had l"urldrOds 'Of these to lose by the waste of time involved, ,of Dr- McCullough's Cancer artides riers ahroad, and With rising Taw -ma- to be, ,sure. 13 P1 ,red, t4x� tory oi the -Plowing match.. Th I . ta- I. I � ,III �, " � ut here is the -last, the conning tower of One s1iibmadiie" be E � � �, ��3� I ,cures" brought lio him. In ,every in the trial, of such, remedies. mayllave same�bY writing the Health terial prices .that off o e ,voc ed all four sides -of the Bft1'b14!T= I I I �; . 1Y last Chance. Facing d -is- found that the commander, hanging I 11 . . . ,. . -e producer, willo .Is, en- -aster or the trenches, the Japanese onto a handle, had, been shot three where the ,tests were held, for',com- 1. - case the inventor was looking forr League of Calladti, 105 Bond' Street, of the Japaries e t th, margin irr ab with a revolver from below, 11 " money. In no case was he or she Toronto, Ont. tirely dependent on, foreign, key ma- nation ,Chooses the latter, giving the petitive sod-turming, with boys enter- : J, f T. ,; I " , � r , ', willing to disclose the secret in order . 11CANCEROPHOBIA11 � I bines . _. . , I that the cure might scientifically be . . -0 terials. As a consequence, retail army a free hand to blast away at while -attempting to make his escape in t inter -county junior match ,_ . - �7 prices at home have -gone up, brin ,Trn,nkdnd"s Inellowest, m . leceiving the greatest sup - 1, Vestod� . .11 L 9- ost mature, at the moment the vessel was hit and probab- � � - ,,�� , - . Cancellophobia means fear of can- ing a higher cost of living for the ,and' most beautiful civilization. sunk. . port. Alex. Black, Puslinick grand , _. ;, [ 1 6 �,�, � The best that can be said of some ceir. - Tbds. fear. is �pr - Dates To Remember 'Simultaneously One of tbe most mysterious discov- - I I ". . I �,., t � esent to some de individual family.. . � champion for the past two years, won J , - ": , 'Of these Measures is that they do no gree in -every adult person; it.is par- Ottawa Winter Fair�-Nov. Rh to there has been- an increase in work- the George P. Graban Trophy. His ", .: .. . . - - , I . 1,01�Z Larm. to the patient beyond the rais- ticularly existent a4mOng women. Ev- 12th. Ing hours due to the rising industrial I t eries, however, was- made by ,Miller . . , I � . ��� .�, _. brother, Leonwd Black, captured top , �:, lllg of false hopes and the delaying of erything possible ,should be done to � pfoduction, especially in the war in- in -a sunken submarine off the. Ork- honors in the Class . for walking plows __ ­' , I I "I., I I I . ,S neys. He found that the whole crew .- -- , I ''I" rational treatment. Of others it must moderate this fear. Wben the writer Royal Winter Fair, Toronto -Nov. dustries, and industrial wages have a field of 36. �. . - 11, . I � . ,,, . be said that they cause much pain began his campaign of lectur � in4 about 16th to 24th. . . been on the down grade all the time. The World War was composed of officers. On search- 111 . . � 1, 'I W.: � :.., , �,�'. and discomfort and hasten the inevit- cancer some years ago, he ha�pened I . The trouble with wages isi that they . Ing around he found a quantity of ne4t . t I'll I .., ve. the level. of agri- e . I . I.G y": . a ble 611CL Of all of these quack reme- to meet on a railway train ,a medi Interriatio 1. Livestock Exposition Cannot rise abo leather suitcases. Seve,al'of thebehe - I ��_ 1111 1, _ Cal and Grain Show, Chi6ago-Nov. 27th cultural D .ep-Sea 8p � opened, finding to his surprise that Fall Fertilizing of Pastures . ., ,:� id-Jes it is true ,that t1reY we a waste friend of,college days. Horace Blank standa,Tds. For if they - ­­ y � ; . r v 1, � � � . . ' each case ,Contained a couple of suits , . I il, Of money amid Of Precious time. A few was a genial chap,Pdebonair, immacu- to Dec. 4th. shDirld, a flood of unskilled labor (Condensed, from The Saturday Evell- of smart civilian Clothes, ohirtt, Col- The value of the application of I l ,),. ".1, week's delay in the Use of quack late and clever. He was at the time, Guelph Winter Fair -Nov. 30th to would pour into the cities. Andi al- ing - . I .. , ,�'* � � .1 . remedy may suffice to convert a cur- and had been for many. years, the Dec. 2nd 1-1 though the peasants have lately been Post in Reader's Digest) lars, cravats and shoes, together with fertilizers in the fall ,to paskures and I - " ��,: . I ... �1, . . I . . � I I I . . a little better off because ,of increas- I sums1of money and other things. It alfalfa, and' partfcuh��ly to permanent � 1 �-c. . ��,,, . - \ was evidently the intention of that Pastures, is ,becoming .more generally - I � . . .! I . ;�.. � . . . . . - ­ ed incomes, from silk and agricultural . I � 1.1, . - - I Nothing was more striking during mysterious crew to land somewillere recognized. The fertilizers used for �'. I � products, most of the increase is eat- , a Pos , ing omi osed . 1. 1�, . . � t4.e ,Great War than the accuracy of, on 'the � British coast and abandon thi pur e be c p of phos- , ,,�. . . en away by 1hungry landlords. The the knowledge gained by the British their vessel_�but -with 'What motive phates. and potd0lies, do not leech I I ­ I . .1 .1 - I 1'1:,�.., . ,� � � government, in�'-order to placate the Naval intelligence Department of the still remains a mystery. Was, it Some frOM, Winter allows and rains, and -the .,:, 11 , peas -ant, who is the'father not Only movements I . . - � . of the German, war ves- great attempted coup of espionage Plant food, they supply is read� to. I 'I, It . I ­ �. I . of the workier but of the soldier too, I . . . ... ::;;;, . � sells, their signal codes, and the exact which failed? give the desired results with the amt I I ' .. �, . � I . I I . I recently decreased hi& taxation and- locality of each mine field as It was I Diver Miller continued, 'his, -visits to growth in the spring. Further, the I r 'e.�,:, ­ . . I I increased urban, taxes. But bigher "So prompt and accura:te was the sunken enemy submarines until fall. Application is a saving of time I �l, ". . . 11 I laid. . . . "". . I ­ I taxes ori.the industrial basses do not the information, gained, from i ,es I . -1 souri, the Armistice. But while engaged in in the spring Wherl, so many- other .11 ­ . . I i: �. . . better the lot of their warkers, who which were kept secret even from .1 , . 4'1� . this work, he was also dieliping to farm operations -demand, attentiom - I , �'., I . have staged their first walk -outs and the naval officers themselves, that it recover gold worth 95,Q00,000 on The application.may be made,either i �, .,?,., I . .... I . ... even4it-ins. ' f , . ". . . �� ., . I I ..... I " . In this atmosphere of high tension was no uncommon. thing for a mine board the sunken steamer Laurentic. before or at -ter the freeze up. I I 1 7'� The slpeciially balanced fertilizers . ,, 1, I I � . field laid by the ,enemy one day to Miller and his fellow divers worked �, .�, .. I .j there has risen a third power, filling be destroyed by the Allies,,tbe next. ,at intervals ovel- a period of three for this 11.111`-1108-� recommended by the I J I _ ..- I . ­ , 1:-, � I - --- --- -_ IIIIII � the gap betweell, capital and labor: The Britisih Secret Servldc�,vvaz giv- yearg--at One time while the ,enemy Provincial Fertilizer BDardis are 0-12-6, 1 ,11'-,..:�, . . . . I I . � b the army. Used) as an instrument Of e, the cmdit for obtaining this infor. were ci�ntinutally laying mines in the 0-12-10, 0-12-15, 0-16-6, 0-16-10 and 6-16- 1 A I .... ­: I - . Jal imperialism, fighting t the I �� ... ��:';. � � I I industri mation The'Admirailty Preserved its close ricinity-and recovered more -12, to W applied at ,the rate at at ,. , i I , . battles for monopoly Capitalism dur. secret 'for years., but finally d1scl(.)s, t4gn 24,000,000 in bullion, from the least 300 Pounds per acre. it would . I I �. . . � I , .1 - 4.1.. .. ing a number of years, the army fin- ed, . ,�� �,_ . I . � . . 1".111 . � . an ,official chapter of, secret his- wreck. . ­ be wasteful to apply a complete ter- A . ?. , � � . I I ally has turned into ,an independent tory az exciting as ,any pieCe of seii- 'By command of King George Mil- ,tilizer in- the fall, that is, .one con- � ",,*,I . l . Power, challenging tYcoons aa,6. poll- slational fiction. In 1914 - there was lei- wene with his wife one nl�rliing taining, nitrogen in add4ftiou -to the. � . c 1, , . 11 "I', , � , . . � I . I tici;�ns. The army's Putach of Febru- in the -n.,avy , diver named F. C. mii- to Duckingibam Palace. At His Ma- phosphoric acid and potash, as most � . , ,­­; I I . I., � - -1 - I ary, 1936,. was significant. These ler, who had been found, to be very j,sty's request, Miller related the (� - . . ,,,, 11 ... . . . . .x. of the nitrogen would lie lost by -leech- ; � I—- .`.�,: . farmer -son soldiers had come from Proficient, full of cool Courage, fear- citing sto;�y of his exploits,,'much as nlatio'n before plant ; . . . "o". . , . . -44s,trps,sed -rural areas, leavi'ng -a poor less and able to -withstand atmos- lie has told it to- me. to which Flis I . �11 I __ . �'. growth, had started, .in the spring. t .1 1.0, i � home behind; garrisoned in the met. Plie�ic pressure at greater depths tiba ' ­ �i= - * " I .,�, ", , . I . I - ropolis, they were rr Majesty listened with great interest, . . I . , � I suddenly faced J - , . most men. He had been diving in- The King bestowed upon him two . I . � I Ith the wealth, displayed. by the fin- structor at Whale Islair<1, and lie soon decorations and complimented him "This World is good�," shouted, the . � ".. ­ . � . � . . wi , %,...­ . I anciers. Their revolt was a simple attracted the attention of his super. upon his unfailing bravery. , - . I .. I and natural reaction. . Navy Chaplain, "I See good in . all ... ��.'­ - It was ly . I I I ��,_ .� � I I.I.. 0 - . 01ind Ors' by his daring. 1�`� � . 0 .. � . to collapse because no major soc,,'al things.,, ­ I ) k 4 . . . . ­ One -day it occurred, to the Admir- - . Sailor On; the reax): ii"Can you age ;111 I 11 � I ,was back of it., The families back alty to send down Diver TVIMer t,-.) a . I I I I ..: . I � I . ' _?,N. home had never seen, the 1`uxurY 0f German. TJ-bo.%t Virbich had! ,been snuk 0% &--h Cn good in a fog?,, � I ' I . I ,,, . . � ..'f"... the City; had no reason to revolt a- off the Kentish coast, in order to . ­.. . . , , �- , � . . ., I.. . gainst sonrethin�, unknown. Fail rm Nutca I . I I 11� But'the bring up information concerning cer- '. . . I I �,� .. , . � . I 11 � ., I . , 1.:��. ons. 1 c event was indicative.- of the present. tain apparatus ,on board. Miller de- . W,r,: . e 'S struggle, w,h.ich is not a sfruggle be- ,acended, to tl�e subm Poor, Seed Crops , ,a , A . � � I I . I— arine, got in by . 1_1.: . , 11 ,� . .� twee'n peasant and, industrial produc- a great hole In the 6 I . . - . . hull and witth the As a result -of the.extren e d,Y.E!s-s 0 : A I 11". -,"6 . .. I or -they are too far from ,each other aid of his, Powerful electric ]amp . .. . , I. 1. .. ­ .:�� . . --but between the rising force of the gmi ' ex- 'in the ,summer ,of 1936 arrcl� the la.ck . . . I 11, %� � . � lied .the apparatus.. Suddenly lie of. sufficient snow cover last winter, . . . , I 1� . _�,, . . . , army and the dwindling ; & . � . __ - . , . . 0 . , . power o - saw aft a door to the officers'. quar- the 1937 clover seed, crops in, Canada . , . ` . I 0 1 0 ' , 1 f mO 0 � -I.- . . DOPoly capitalism. - __ - � . I .. �11 I - ., ters, This be forced oDen, and dis- axe the -poorest in'many years. In a . I - - C , , . Al,l ,the army wants is to rule. But covered an i,ron box, which he t fact, total failures are repoirted, over - - - ,� I the Only justificati . OOR - �,Al� on for military rule 'to the surface. It contain large arleas, of Ontario --and Quebec I . � I � I "."._ . for 'the. I - 1 , , ," 1 always thas been military ed . several . � . ., - . I glory. The books and ,loose papers. Judge the I ,,, 'ml. � . army must Produce victories it which normally produce large 'quanti- . I J 1� I .11"" " . . I 0 it delight of -the officers .'when, they re- ties of clover seed. This is particu- " 1, . I . I es Wallis to keep in, Power. And- ftl- alized that the books co LONDON and WINGH" .. : .... .., � 1. though the industrialists are benefit. - urtained, two larly true of alsike in Ontario and .1 I ,�,�, I secret .codes u -sed' in I he Ge South I zl,, - . - riman i ed clover in Quebec. - For Canada as, ;, . :;1 . I . 1, P.M. I ? , 1,;� . I �_, - � . . . ted by the tountry's increased fight- Navy ,together watli a third ,One usedt a whole, the, red clover seed, produe- 1.55 1 .14,. . I . ft�g capacity, ,their ideas about econ- to (:;�mmunicate -with the Higth Seas tion is not wEpected, to e , ,;., . 0 . 1. . I- �� �, , onlics, ,differ uch from the army's. pleet, Belgrave .................... I , � - I , I 2.11 I I - . 1101IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIII So the strides of the army have spell ' . , �. . , . . . - .� while the loose shoots were cj�lllt. of normal, while alsike will be Blyt, . .......... " I ., I . ed panic for the tycoons; :1 part of a -plan of a mine fleldl laid 011� even less, I I .. .............. .. 2.23 '. � P.ii�. I . . .. in 19"' ly three days before. Londesboro ................. 2.30' . . . I - It." . . there was such am, alarming flight ot� Because of its, deep rooted I ;� ". . tharav- Clinton ......... � ........... I ,,,, . Mffler�s exploit at once I &09. . , �i, .: I ed. to the ter, alfalfa resisted last year's drought i .4 �, I capital., out of Japan that state control formation of a spe Dr�lcefleld .................... 3.2�7 - �i,�_ . I . 11 I -) 0 . I I . of foreign exchange had to be intro. cial flying squad. much better, and considerable seed Kippe . ....................... .. � i 1 . . duced, . complete with diving apparatus. readv 3.36 I ? � ' 11 , " trom the first cutting of the 1937 crop Bensall ...................... I " .. �, I : to proceed to ,any point on, the BTI- has b,6',e,n harvested in Ontaxio. There Exeter '. 1 3.41 . �, Help the Lions Hel ' 'Others , . Since thell th-ings,' 'have grown tish coast near 'which an enemy sub� has been little seed, however from I_ *.*. --. - - R -_- L Z�,. .. ' .11.1 , p 0 . - i-. 3.56 .. � 7 I � �� I . , , I I . . worse. The urban, proletariat . , '�,' * ... � i I I was marine Was -sunk. - skond crop alfalfa. rth I ,g�' I " moving'toward orgaW7,ation. Indus- A f-,da,Ys later a U-boat was. sunk A fair crop of sweet clover seed. is ' 11 A -M. I . ;. ' , ­ ­ ;1 1� ' -1 try was faced with sbrinking markets ()if the Yorkshire Coast, and thither also -in prospect. Timdthiy seed .pro- .Ux6ter .. 6 ...... 10.34 "� :, I .. �,, 1, I abroad,, higher production costs at went �bhe Partv w-ith all speed. Fx- duction ig,about normal Howall ........ *:::::::*:::: 10.45 t � , ' R�,,�11'* I " . Every ticketpurchased means - home. A growing POPulatioril-produc- amination of the hull '1�y the diver substantial carryover fir and with tht, ..... :.... - 10.52 � 1, . . . t 0 1 Om last year Brucefleld .. .. 11.00 111,41� . big 239 babies an hourl--had to be showed oilly a small hole into which there will be no Shortage of see& (d Clinton . ..... *.*.* * * * " * " * " * 1. I . , _ . -, � . fed. Andl Industrial Plapts Could not 11.47 . �,!,.­,.; .1 it was Nossible to crawl, whereup- this kin& * I I , I I,' . � pradu�o and export as quickly as ie- on Mill 1 Londesboro, . .... *,.* ., ., * * , * , * .... 12.04 "I ��'. i. � mitt-aricea were ,due for their raw ma- of the co eddled to blast -off the. top I ,1"_ �- .... 1. additional funds with which He, had, taken I . .1. ... . lining tower. \1 - -_ ---. � Blyth ........................ 12.13 . 1 41- 1 . terials. Gold reserves, already thin, down with him a guncotton. ,charge, . I t� I ij-;� .. . ; "�,'� ". I . I ., . . Belgmve .................... 1124 . I, � were rapidly drained, T -he bud'get together with a firing circuit. He at- Plowing MatQh Results . ........ * 12.45 �, '1�1 -1. '- I ' * w". , , / . I was "'balanced," bhro.ugh such a vast tached the charge and; returning to I . I 11 � - ;-,..- I _. . .- ' �, *'­ amount of bonds that the"pliblic waa� the surl&,, ordered, it exploded. All previolisriecords, for entries and . �. - ., " � . ,..... I C.N.R. TIME TABLE I - ., ,� .11 . to continue their work, not able to absorb tirain The govern- On descending again, he fourid tihe attendlance were shattered t the 24th 6 , � ", 1. f I , . . .1 . � . a East i _ , I � ment, through its banks, had' to buy lid of the conning tower blown, off International Plowing Match in. Fer- . , . A.M. P.M. I . -1 "'. I them The yen was on the Point Of and the body Of a G � n ea an Go-derich _ . , . I � . t"t � -,, . '' collapsing; Japan on the erma 8 M gus last week. Although- the weather .......... 6.40 2.30 , 11p. -11 I I I � . vorge� . Of 'w5tb his hg�id above the top of the was ,not (too favorable, 25,000 spiecta, Clinton ,. P, I 11 ­ __ - __ � . . . I I catastrophe, � . .............. 7.03 9.00 f 1. 1� , _ rt; , ­ lower, as illough. pqeTIng put Climb- tors were on brand the second, day w 11 _ - . . I Seatorth .............. 7.17 3.16. I - � . . Inflation would spell disaster for Ing Into the vessel, he pusbe-d*Wmaelf whoh- 2a6 elitrountv pairticipated. . � 111 I I IIIIIIIIIIII[ ��� Japan because the whole economic among the impriaon9d c . John Capton,-'Of 081fimtehen Indian I 1�f,., I I I .. � '* i� I Dublin 7.29 3.29. 1 I. 1� . 1114, orpses, which Mitchell .... I, 1, �V,.$ � � � , . , . , . �. � I . . I . I structure of the country ..has been at. ,once Crowded ar Reserve, won the Mitch -ell F. Hepburn ­**":::::-:::: �� 7.37 3.41 , �, g'q, " ` , . �- . . 11 built up on the- Process -of Manufac" Ound. him, attract- West , .. 1. 1*.,� , , : , � 1 1 trophY andi first place in, Class One on, � �� 1. - I .. . ed probably by ,the- air In his ,dress, Mitchell ............. I w i /� I 11, .:, . turdlig foreign raw. the,decond ,day,. Ile was 11.06 9.28 1 Ivp , . .. Materials, which , ,M'11�:11� so that be bad to tie them with, lan�' one of elgh- , �11 . �c I JJUDHn ............... 11.14 9.36 , . ,� V .� " "'. I . , I tee� Indianis -competing, in ,the match i .1.1 cannot be bought with, a Yen any fur. Yards before he Could search the 16, Wy, 4 " , , . ,V p I 0 �'c ., . .111. 11 I � . i 0 ther devaludted than it, Isat the pres- terfor. At last be fOu-nd, the strong- in, Which warq, entered .the best ,V1 l.30 9.47 1 ,. " . I I . � �. 'IV" 1`17,�:�. "'i � V11::: I . . . . -A �Iii,k , I - I ow - N � l le man cou ties eventy Clinton ............... 11.46 10.00 % I , S111 ., ; . ent rate of exchange. But was It ab- box, ,and -with Considerable difficulty, ino" from Y n . S Ooderich ...... � ...... 12jog 1025 1- 19 'If ... � I., � �,? . I 90141telY ne6essary to buy these raw managed'to get dt outside the wreck, I �J I# .1 � . tractbrs were -pressed Into ,service and � I . �.j,. ., _'� , Y, : I ,materials abroadf If one could -get 147 tOaM9 Welie entered in the events ' ' . "I 1� 11r, . i",i� ',"!��,,., �.`,, : . � . attach a rope to It and' then give the '.. �, -",;, j,tt!� t bold of tbe�m withoilt pay�ng the I , . price, , , __; , 1,� . or taiarn-drawn Pl6wsL Two teams. Of - X. TFM TL ,,r. " "", I.;,!, . ot . en ro, signal to haul up . . . The box con- f � . C -P ABLE e 1, �: .,�� .. .... � . . . 110 Much the better. There wag. �',Tiorth tatn,ed a set of new codes, an Oxen completed, ,the fledd. ,The com- Eal5t . I . . . I , � -:."?; -" ," �t, ", � �11-"', �, �, .. . . � . I China, temPtingbn ,situated acrose the of Iwo complete new d plans. Petitions oil stubb,167*ere.hold.on the I . . P"M 1. , 11 . " , , . . L X:.:�1�1'1, �,.: , " . . . I ,mine fields. , .., I ��;;, ��;,,.:,. . 1 ;11.1 � 1, � � . , , � " ,­ DRR+OW sea, rich In Iron, salt and cot� T*b4 extitem Bftfty ram _fiws. ' , , 'i I I GWerlch ..... , ,;'�,�,:'­!', "t I . -ton. Also N ent at�,the Admitralty 4JVI :, 1� I . . I . 1 �;,',,�,`;I',,�3�,� �,, . us w�as,%n Organ-� 'Over this farther coup Ca -A be iilfidg. y � . I I ; Orth M H6917Y HaMMOnd', 93 -Year-old, Haldi- Moftet .... ................ . 11'',!, ��, . . . , " , ,,, 17 ''I", ,,,, I "J,t' ", : ift, I I � I . 'zed 'Country, f�bickly settled with R Iliad. From that m,D1nollt Div . 4.24 .I. , i4, , _ . ., . I . . ":­­­*­::* 4.331 i � t6i . , mand 'CduutY ftrmer, drove his oton. Mcda,w ,,,. , , , �, , , I 6 : er Nil . 1, "'�_It I 11, � I Population that could produce raw lerdescendied to'every,sunkeii tT_bOgt While -the Hagersville veteran plowed, Aabwn ..... * ........ ***' A,X","I"It" I 111.1", ��e,�f 1 . 1. I I . . , , U I . 1, I ... VM1 M,",'�',,���,,����"'�����."�, , " I 4.42, t � , �,',. , materials And could absorb.Javaaese that Could be 1,06ated In, order t,6 ob. ............ ­.: 4.52 ; , � , I I 14, -­_&, �J,l 1 I . lV�� " ,� �V,, , , U "I", � I Commodities- Hers, was relief for tain possession 4 the famillar strattg t, . ?�;`iV*�4�� , 111, 111'1'.�."��,�' I . I .. � ............... I 't, �", , , with his ancient equipment, an 1.1. Blyth ...... I�el .1 yeatold boy from Bra,mppton handled Walton ', 111r, yftll ',,X�,,11 , , ,:::: . I I I 11 .11, the slamin-9 labor situation; boo hex. Itinken ,Ger. .41...-... ... - ............. 6.05 I I , , 11��; "l, "o ". � �.J� -" "'. "I I . I allse, a, trActOr In, COMPedtiOn with ,94 en- VeNaug.ht , � I �, 11 . . No fewer than. 60 9 .. 61.16 � 1, L * ... * ... ­ "" * " ` 11(1", V 51 � ,,, � � , , I dlifferent frttm' rural, Mandmila, here 'rnan',aubdiarine, did Miller oXP1,Or,e, go trants. He Was the you�vgoat Plough- ,Toronto .. z ............. ­... 9.00 1) I �� , I I I 11 I , � . . r I 11�_ 1. . 0 �er ,_, , wa& a 100WW71 *IUV's great number that . p blo ��, I -� ... , I t y 11 I �� "" �11��' % 1, ­�­.��.,;� ; � ,% , � . . " '. i��""", , '! �, 11 I . � " ' the mpect of tho boges C6,&g,In MAU dri.the groandig. �� 11 ,�, 4 iij o ,,, � , _ 4 I I . I . _ _ � , . ..";."'L, :_ '. � . ,,, I . West I 8�. " 1.11 ���, : 1''. t �, �. 1�11 "I, .11 . . . . i .� �. of established commercial undetiltak.- JDg their ptetious Th0`1180alft Of fans followed Lemiftel, 1) f � � .4, � r .. . I 'C1669 (Which - Were . .. - A.X . I I I f '­ �, 'r.,' ; ' " �' .1 . .11o", . I fit" tbiat 094r4fYd faclilitloo foe absorb. �o cobUffUoidigy being altered) mIlle, Vaq8116kl%' Of Satb"Ilai,-ea the 98- Totanto ..... \ � , ,.1. . , I . . . � � ,1,1;,1_ � ,� �'. Space d6nated by The Huran Exposlt6r ) . � , . Ing Some 'df J""'a erkt'6" 1a;bOT snp. Plans and offichtl ordei,so bieca,tio, duit6 P694`01a . ................ 8.90 0 11 �,��' '11 , I . , . � 1. I � . I . �.. plowman dravig 4111,Oxed-draW-11 MaNaught, ............. ...... 12.03 1 1 � "I'll, , I I , ,. I I I � , . ­,�'r .. ,�',� .. - I . I I I . 11) : : , I 1. '. . . I � "" 11 � '_.- I I _ 'V&n81,okl6 AA,po& -Valtion, ....... 12AS t � 1. . �Pii SO the blrnW Mareh6d IWO the fa'Millar to higi � I P1'O*, 85.YeStv 01-4. . I � � it�, I I '01s,fts aouith of ,the Oreat Wall, ; 'i I "'' �'�, 11 ", Ll I., I I I I I I r , ,�� ­ . - . . . � � *a * k 11.1F '� �11 11 �,,�"` I As in Iftstalwe of 1hiv 'I'lipi It'h keen Vpetigion and, 8lyth .': * ` '­­ ­ * ..,, ":� , _,,_,­ . . -W. � � . I I d 112041 his fitluto I—* ....... 12,22 I � - I , . � . . -�Ii....­­ , _. . I .1 " 0 ; :, �e, '' Ir , , � . .. I 'QuIck-attift -was, impevativ# - not Maid* Miller Went dio*,11, ,one 4bVoliing 11% 670 I on " ith16 ,guide stake , Ilb'Vor AtIbUft ............ 11.32 � .1 � � � . 1, � : "� 4", " , - �, � �. , I . � . , . . . . I . . I . �. . I I . I . Ohly boom ........... i ) . I ,, � I - ""A ftaMa 1!r6 Utdi* ,j ....... , I �Ittt I . '. "i", -i� -,-t. X,� ��!'! " �i�.,, ,�' . .. I r . . . I .. , , 196 ,6f tibb u6:6d ,f6t roftdf. 4it to a U�boitvf wbith had, beoli 9�ll& �fr Vai bldfO th" ­ 19.40 '� Tl`i. " ", I M111"i � , ; ��'!"%', - . N"', 10 " I.. , I in 0, N 1111 , I's 44y 1 I a6t "I'lli", '? , 1.40 bu Q4 t , 1, I " � I igp�, ii�-I,� I , 'i I t � , 1 ��,� L ,t , I 'A' , �, , , i I ­� I It, � 1, ,4 "'" ", � N,, " , , I .1 � I . I I � I I I . 41, :.- '0'p , 11-11"I" � . 11"if "I", 1 071, AbafAi"", .,,��NIV�,ii,�,;",..i�A�,f,�-.,ih�. 'A, 1�� .... .... _­_ �. ; I , .; ..'' I .�; ... : . 1 0 1%6, of. rjfh,6­�t�i,6t, �.wx't ...... �2111.11­� ­­..,,­­ 11.1- I I'�....�,-":,�"l'.1,�'.."�,���.",.,�,��l". ", 1�'­!_ J 1, ­­. I lie 'blit 64yftu*6 of dhinai� ra)Ad 116VOr Afid b*v*1; Iblo*11'.,61t tj.,# #ft. .ibb d6ad atitig-bt, .,&" Modibet ..-*.444'..., , I I ­ I 1. 11 - I � . % , I , , , , .... 6 J,46 4.. " , ... 0 . . ­ .'. . , JLg,46 ; . t��;,, , , ,,, � . Jr ,,, , '' I , 1, : iftdiift I tw'd6k aftftuflosIW6. Chl. Ulft itowtr enfiilro(f alid I 1) � ,, , ,,.?";,6v,X!�,�I, �� .11 � I I I �1 .�, " , I I ­ � �,:- 1. I I I'll � 1. I I ro"4� tho; 11 TVIN44ai 660 *6ft &01%d I'll 06"ital ....'..."'i ......... 12.95 . �, , 1`,'�,_�`,_g�k�', ,:.1, I I ,� , I I Y, . - " ... .1 . � , " ',�,; . '' � ",.,� 11'�` I *,,� i,� J , -; ,�� . I . I 11 I ,..: 't 11 �. I .. I - . . I'll � ,; 0 I , . __ ,., I I � � I I . I I , % I � j il 1 .�4 , . . � 4. � ` �. � . I .1 , I I I I . . 11 , I � �, � I �;, � I 11 I � � "I � i I., 'I, 11 , .1 ­ I r I 1. ., '' _ '. , : �, 11, I I I I . I .. . . ,� " ". , 'I I .. � ,:� � f " " '' I _,., e, I I .1 :, I 1. . I . . I � I I 1. il I �� , �L�� ,j I " , ,, � , "', r , � , ., , , '' I— I , . �r I . . I I ,. �, . � " �,!, L � , : � - �'�;, I � ,': I , I �� `� ­�:L4, 41� �:, , '. " ". . � I ,­ ;I ,­ 1'. '' ''. , - . I � * 1- 1, I , ,� . . � �,,,�,,� . . , ... I ,� . t �11,', I ?.I. -1., I � , f, i i� - I 'I �. J- , . ,,, .", I I L.,.i , � " ;i� ,i � ,, �tn. , � , ... , " "��' ,� � " ,:, ;, . ", , . . ., I . , , �, I � ".. I " �i"". ­ I . . .1 . �; ,�� ,�', 1 .� ', , " �, , I" ­ "',11" '��' '.­­­­,�­', ' q, , 4�'�;,,,,Y, i ��,,;., ��'4�", �,, I �,�� ": �.' � ,��,,,�. , , . I .1, I I r "., i'� 661 t , ", I I �'1'1� ..'r-1 - , ,,, 'I" ' , I �� - ��',(,-,,,.;;;:,�,�t�!� 1,�",(i., ,� � .111 ii)) ; W, . �, �, , , z 1i ,t; �,� t, 1�,-� , , . '1'� _ I I,, � ", I;, �,­_, � ... 4 4$,., , W , �; , I lk'�, ,� f �,'��"i'A�,,�":�4;��lil;:�����".';;4 ' ,�'jl . Wf` - � , '� �flll?$'�,'�4M ��,,� N � r, �� I Lun?;��,,,N-41 �',,� �� , I