HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1937-09-24, Page 7!­ T , , il� , 11�1 A, ,i 11 NNO­117 t,i,�,�!�%""l' i;�,',', , ,.' � ,� 1 �* '�!��'�",', 111,� , I 1 -5, !�,�:`.`�,` :`.'I,.��', , �!,�i.,` � /'I �, -, '. -'t - , 'i - , ,�q" ,,,�,� .g 1 0�,,,P,',�� ,�,'�,�����#li�,��"1117�'�d�����',��l',�'T'llf�"-i�,,�'I'7�14 , I ,:� , , , ." W � ." � ., .r , � 1� :� - 11_1��;, I I , , , A 1, V \'�,,4�1",,'­ jlr�­ 1�14 ... I , . ., t, )�M, . I �� , - . , , . - . �., , � , , L . � � , . � . , - .:i': " I I ,,l, - I I'l . ., , ,�'�, . , . ., ,; . I't", , , . " ". f, , , , � I " , ft" , , 4. , T: , �,�l I'll � I , �.� �,� , ", r� , , , I ,,,��'�101.',,��,% �� �., I , ,,� l � ','�,,��g - , , , "! - I I � , . I ,, 4� 41, ., � , , - '�, I: j I ; � , I �, , . , ,3 ., 60� O!, - �`Irrl , 1, �, " 11, �14�"., � I _t"�; 1; "I I - - - L, , . �4� �� 4, , � , , o � �, .�,' " �-j , ) ,� I I . � ,,. M � I I , � �.� � . . 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I � ,�� , '4 � �� � : I � I I - I - - �' . I � I , .,;� ,. bb I L . I " 1;,� , , , , , , 1 , , 'T �,, If' : � ,�, . -1 . � I I . I... 1, I '0�', " 1%, �r " "_ It , , � �, . . . � ) . " ", , , , , . � " ,d,�� ?� , ,k -,i�`,�,, ,�a, �:` �I�",�. �,�,,f,S;0,1. I � I, � I . 00 I ., , . I � . I . I . I, , -7 :; 1 ; . - _ - _­ . . Stoop Ing R. 0. Hayis , , : C '' �! � .�, , .�� �, - " I ; . I �i ., I . . I -1 , - , ; , � ! I - . `� � � � � " , , I I � . , . . I , , , , � , I - I I , � , . �:�-, � ', , � . . i�, tu': � I )11 I ._� i . : � l , , j ,."�.,, y , I �,.,; � ,� 'f , 'A !", ,';.� . IV , -.�� ; . . , , , , , . , i�� "" " - . 11 . . Va'rr1StQV6,,S,01I0itQrs,, Couveyappers , . . . � �, � . ;� !t,�,,�'p �� �1, ,, � I , , � . 8 , , � , �� ": , � �� l �,i, � . �� i .11 .... , I 1! �: I'll k I - . . - I . I I �T , �'s 11 . . I � I Q . . Vi" - W 'spilestors - , I - , . I , , , I � tpq'x, WP #0 ,. � 0 I'l . _,",,' - � I �.'sg I. jiii� , otgries PubU.c. . , . , , I I Ow ", % 11. 11 . Ar;', j,7jr' , V1, I ,, � , for , I Ar I I'll, - "� - I , - C, '� � M I .. OF - 419;F `t,,,:,,- - �,;�, ( ' 'h� & i? .,�u p", ".,i�', - � ) I , , , I - 1 , ,,, . I '10 'N,�L Tir ' "� 65 , . �. , 0, ,VM , 'k , 0, I I I r. I I " . ., 11 , , 4, , P4,11 344 , ""' , . . . � , Ponziption Bank, Ogice, in reo of I � - . . .. . � � I I 11, "', I � - �:� �, � ., ." I . . �t . J`,V .. ,.. " " , ", - . � � Z . . � I I "i 0,!k. PLqQpl#"VA,Q,��-,#o,,4,,,:.t4,,�. ,'i'�,,,�-,,�,, I � A'.. 06 '. . 1 �,i � , , . , . � . I 11 � �.. I . I , V,w Dowligon Bank, seatorm, Money . . � . IL .. � 1. I ' 4 " ,!,, , '6� . , J4sQ*fK":Jf I � ' "�' '� � . . I . .1 I- 1. . . I .. I . I I . . . . -1, I I . ,, . , I , �,R,l . I . . . . ___/ � , � . .. �, - � I I 1. � . . � 1 4-t�' ,.ie. 't� JA1,Q ' I., " ' ' ' " , ,i",t. , , Rl), ll *P - loan. . - . . I I ,%; 1, � , 1". ,.�Vlr,e�:.$'f - .�t, . I . . , , "$�,,L �, ' � �*`" ,,very, 0,7 I' 1 . :" " __ 1 ,44 MY , I �J%f k" �-,11,, it, ' . . , I . � . y . : q? _C �g . , : 't, 1. I . . . I 1"11 � 71 , #A .���,,�� �, � . � ' * ' � I !,!' - 144y." 11 " " . ,.- " , I � - , , 1, , . I - I , 04 74 - -,�, "", . -111 1. f��,�:,k . � . ­ I - B -E HEYE... 4 . �-�, '�, %w ... 4 �,V 'I', , L, I 1, 11. , .00 X GEQRG,E*TT R ",Oeiveo,c:qoao,�ku.4"0e.!*"�b,wlI 'i#4,;1 I � . I I :� :, . - ,.-, 1, I � . � � , , '. � the, 4.6 14. Roquesi! , T.Uov gldtd, � . I . � __ I .. � __ � , _,� �', L �. �: 11 �, ��, . . I 1. I ; I , , : , �:"qv, . IF . $ 11 I I I . I I . � 11 ­ ".. ­­ 11 �i# ,., a ,eat W�Jic;q W. . , 177-1 `��,�!kl , . . . . I � _­ - ___ — 4 , ir I .: LLL .. .�.,',,',, _ DANCEY &, .1301SBY , 1�_ i 11 I � � �, �, ­­_� M furns."i­ � .. � . l �­­­­_r_ , J. . � ,,, " - �� � IL ­% — � I 0 . 1! 1BARIfIS''TERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. I �. . I ­_ ' I 1. I '. - "'. I it. ­ - I . 1. I I , i "I, I � ..:.7 I'll - - :J _. � sTlague tQLe Y%).!1i #4" F'aA J, � I ,� �,.'� . . � ; .4�Wi­ . . . _ , "L' ,� . . I y . I � , �". .11, I I I , - eur." . I . Ruperi "W1111 YOU" lblawvo 0 t; " -:" ",j" Igglolo ---M I Amand. sat dOWIT WOPMr. , I . .111­13,-�oz, � .. (Continued-Irpm last.week) . Noi . . I , , , , . ,:��PL41'S " � - " , I .. . .... "I,", 1. , -%gs_. .- -.1. - , LOFTUS 9. DANCEY, K.C. . , , ,,, � ­ , 1. , , �� t, " -.,...'�..-.-�--.,.-..-..--,�----,-,------,�...--�--,---�-..-�.., ­., _­­­_ . I -Toxiy-?!----------*----='--�.�.--"� .L 1. "; "...".11 -, . y ­_­ ..,..14tl-�aM-,Roa.�..I-aug-r-y-�!L-,--h,er--'answ-,PP�w, ----mBlft--bU,t-�-dld--lie-set�-oitt-lxr-b,!.&-infl, '', I '' "? '�;, � ,� . � , 4_�" . I ..JJWM . 11,6 - ? . "I thought tliiW_�EW_��1_,_1bi1a­4,_fi­_ - it, PoSsible, Leonfe, I area'a he . no , ti�iuqt surely " , dy�, I - th4ak yoq,.scamp, " . ,. ., I.,;.. I "o, 1.� � . ­­� ,,Iil­,��'�11::�r'�:, A - :! . P. J. BOLSBY ,ii were 0" gaid. f!" - � - " , 11 I'll _i�:, � .; - ,- . � . bored ,him too, -long," Avon replied. would not t*6 you as my mistress. 1have returned here A -tat t0:1 change it I have ceased to, answer the I.dt- , ;: ;;': . , 0 I GODERICH . I S "You, did it! I -I' know you did' 'It!" That is not how I think of you." ' for somethilug mo re , convehabi " tore," said Fanny'., "People have'befou ;.,,,, , .i., o I'll . ii ... "I 1 ll , . 1. . , �'�. I I ,,�S­ L 11 , Q � , she said exultiantjy4 "You meant him , ii 11 I _S, ­ ...... ,S, I L.A".,:,.14 ,S, . . 11 "7 very kind, but ,In truth i e4unia hope I t,:- . , . I � I I . .A".V,.14,� .A".V,.14,� , � , "�". �,,."A I 11 'I , .11- . e ,,',1,'�'__,:.., v ""': .. 11',,�,' . - . to the that night!!' ­ I I You do not love ,ihe?" she said, "He diiiih1t," Fancy Te~ posItive- - . 'i�:�., I I . 11, �, , " ,,, ­,,,,,,,"� A , I flice. a chi � ly. "That gold dress is; 'not 1. his.tolfreply to all.", I . I ! ,4l",�,'-'In, V. 'I'll . .1 I � . I I �, � , , .. 1�1� �, ""'. �' �t� . I I ,Iwv,l�,��,, 1, ­ - !, . "I didi,, lebildL11 I vll�,�, ,� I , , .1,� I �.� , 06, , W 4 . . .,. 1, I i ��`�.�, 11111�;,�,, N ­_�_.11, � .,', "'All ­'. � , `A�y and released ber hands-. "It is not "Fl, i " cried Arp "Is be Inquisitive, is, what 1 stay!" I -, I - '-"7:! ,, "'­�� -11, '. ;Pf - t,,l� � "Was Rupert th Aad � I 111W �, " - "Too—well to marry,you,l, lie suld, room. We looked." . . *Kind?" snorted, Ruplart. '"Damned T , I . . I '� �'L. . _ ­ ii,,,�N` t'�%; ­. . , - .' A 1, I I . 11 ''Ill ;t�, �, � -ere? I ' . , !�M. , ,!�, . V,�11 1, Y . M. (V, ',"�,'� , I I—, . ELMER D. BELL, B.A. - _*ud. I 'k of nerve I , 'a if �' '1',�',. !,`_ 10 11 Fanny? How Rupert must have lyei� Vosgi4bl,.,,,,- � travelling throughl Fran" Jn it?" "Armand, what becomes of . de rorce biin lioi;� of ., - I 11 -1 ., ", - , . Lac , ,go , - - il� �1'i":, -t, SM. I , malleog mom ��, P I � 10 "LUift'';.('.."'.;��A . . ) I", 1- . 111�40 , � ";, ( , .­­ 'k, .' .jt� , I .�, li�� - r�� ' ,a. I , 3- P aw, "O" le =_�hegl ��.,.­T'4':1111 - " " mind pi 4 , � play, any signs of the. unholy ecstasy , ��,: 1 11,11 1111 i:, 't , - 0 It I � couragei loss, of. hope 44. loss of � 1, R - , , , �,�i .1 1.� I ; . Succi6tor to John H. Best pleased!" She stayed quite still, looking down "I should hardly think 4i Daveni- Valine—I meam, Bounard, ' ?11 � , .4 rVQuQ qi� ' ' , #gamil 4 , % I . I I I "Moderately, child,. He did not dis- Armand laid, down his fork. confidence. . Fear, 'of 0 iii . toio I tha- , 17 1; I - I I k , . at the marks of We fingers, about her ant was amused, "He W01 -have halt� "If you will. belieVie me, ,the bol I of-losing.th i Q1 t , , I I 1, , ,;;;; . ' Almost glad!" lie said. I )reakdown, fear , , , � 1�111� 4 , I Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public I wrists with a little wise-amile. ed somewhere for the night,, and'if I �y Is . fear that. you willi neve b h If I .. - ou appear 0 feel-." "He under. I r e we, ' QJXIWMU13qWt#�� I ' "You will take me to this mother know aught of Justin. lie ,did not set . _ � 4 _- 7 . stood not in again—these beset you by day 44 - W."o"voa iltiv�'isfig , I � � Seaforth. - Ontario She tncked her hind in hisr, and ,the least what was to- I .. � . . .4w"�I%i I and uncle whom I do not know9" out without some, baggage." , lit . iaitsis that it, ispot, R '. Im"M 111� . I nig . I ", I 11 . . ,� I Itf. "A" '11� I ward, E � -� _`Xgl ."OE, ........ I . I . "Yes," he said curtly. I . ,� �M­Xfx�i MW��,R.,'�.�,N, .. 2"6 smiled trustingly up -at him, Madame du _-Deffand's, tha . �,�q­ y - , at ' .7 "", " . . Armand looke .round, hellAessly. _t� . . - It - ma,kes the', � 0""" 4 - ,�' ;_ � - � . di You become restless =4 cannot ,71 "'W".. : "Monseigneur, he wag a pig -person. "Monseigneur, I would' rather stay ' "And not one of you in night, but when I explained, the nijit. � slitlep. Appetite is *ckl . . . I 11-1 � - � . his confl- j. , e: and ftes- restores 'v2gpr',t6, �ft.�4,4FF,'yi6 '" """ � "'Pi � - Now tell me how it happened.. ter. fo.him�-whatt do You think he ,� I li,,"F'i . ches, neuralgim - �, tem �briugp "I ., . WhO here," she. said'. �`Sintce you do Tiot donee'! " he. said. "It becomes serious! i - tion is upset. .Rege, . . �a, � , 1� , d #, . VETERINARY *aa there?" want me I will. not go back. C'est Three ti aid?" I - .,; " I mes have I comi sest and neuritis may ftturb your peace co4fidence. ani - .S:; '7�,i.,,-',,l�,;;,',',,',,- "We were all of ii� Athore, 'babe, ev- "Four," said my lady wearily. � "We don't know," said Rupert. .1 .1 I . . . L ,, L . ' ;:, `�':�,�,­,�, , � I 1. flu, tout cola." - A ,sob rose in her 11W I I 1. . 1. .� f . L �: I " 1. '' ;;; z',�­ - Merivale. 've enough mystery without you �i ,J .. ;. Zne" � %f,., , W Sim, � " *L.'. I � I I . en M. Marling, and Milorl 'madame? Four times,, trying to start a fresh one, stap me " - 714w . . ., ,�', . throat. "You bought me, Monsi - "Is it so, , Zpar No*_Pala 0", ­ . Lt. I . I .1 i I , " t,: � I , ., � , � r� 1� , A. . R. CAMPBELL, V4. For the rest there was Conde, tke de nour, and I am"yours, till r die. I told ffien, I have come to see If You have if. we've not!,, . � . . ffin , " ' I'll, '_ " ,�' I , , , , ' ,,, ' w l`� I , ,�,,,� , I . -,.,,, I ,� , - Graduate of,Ontario Veterinary, Col- la Roques, ,the d"Aiguillons, the Saint- you—once—that it was so. You do news of him, and, of my ni What , "Rupert!" My lady fro . Wned upon I - a, I Z 'V ' '' 1. I :. L "�, . .1ege, UniveiSity of Toronto. All dls� Vires; including Armand; Lavi not remember?" can. have happened, think your DIRL CHASE ,NL R', ... . `,.o T, � , - d"Anvau—in fai infant, all the "I remember every word, you have Daveluarit .looked at him. him. "Rude biiii . � I . ,. .:;�!,,,­'. "' " ­ , � rip, � . ­ ,111191.11 . I 'Ie I; �� � ,,, ,.. . I . I :"'I L' ­ -d ­'J � . ,:eases of doiApsltic animals treated by world." I spoken to me." "We try not to think, Armand. Be. "He said," Armand, went on,, " 'At � � ,; — . . I I I I., ,::", I .,.;,: �� ", � I , . the most modern principles.. Charges ,, ' last, At last I may have a'farm!", He I � . .1 I 11 " _.",.__� , � Did Lady Fanny And'. ,the others . "Monseigneur, 1-1 do. not want tv Reve me, our anxiety Is as great I . �, I . " 'e'll, , , I _ '. , . ­. reasonable. Day or night calls . as looked PounA impressively. "Did, you "Faith, he must have startled. the I soclation has just been announic ._�,��,,�,,,` . I, promptly attended to. Office on Main, know that you were going to kill the be a buFloen to you.' You aro,tired Yours. We do not know wheth6r Le- ever ,bear the like .of it?" countryi ... chuckled Rup , �� �, I " - . ' , 4 . pi -g -person, Monseigneur?" 0 of—of thaving a ward, and—and I oi�le be alive or ,dead." . I friend-, no," ,,, rt, sr. ' e ", HensaIll, opposite Town Hall. �7 The Atlantic section. ,of the, A. I Street, "Never," said Daventant gravely. . "No, in](. ,he hlfs]�T4 A' Carron' manag' ,�,')� I "Infant, pray do not go through the would rather, leave you than stay to Lady Fanny blew her noso and - I .. -, �,�,!� -eeder of Scottish Ter- _ . Ictiltural , , ,`:,,�.�-'� Phone 116. Bi - MA, so?" Grace. "I chauged It for more sober can Society of Agn . I riers, Inverness Kennels, 'Herisall. world, saying that I killed, him.." weary you. But I cannot go back to cleared. her throat, . .1 "I shall buy him, a farm, of course, germ I ents, at the first halt. Armand., accovding :to- -Mr.: 4 I I I ­ . I Carvoi ___;.t�,,'_­ I �1. 11 . � ", � �� �11 . I I IP � 12-36 . "No, Monselgneur. But did they Paris. I cannot! I shall be quite—hap- "And, we can't do anything! 11 she and settle money upon him. I su'g- is -all well?" . haE made arrangements tor -hiAdd - . �k'. � " � '� .... . know?" py�ere with M. de Beaupre, but I said. -"We must Just sit idle, wait- gested that he might wish to remain , "Completely, Justin,! My sister anfia4l, conivention ,in Toronto thi��,� ;' ,:;'Q / I �� L�' "iV I . . I "They knew.that I meant to strike .cannot bear to go back alone—to the Ing!" ' . In'Patis and assured him of my pro- wrote her confession aa soon as she year at a time, when, they w,�R be abilp � I., ­��g,�i,,, - I 1 ,,�.6 �, - , . %.,1,1,�, 'L I ,_,.'l!' - �.-_ 11 MEDICAL that night. They were all vely blood- world I have lived in with you." Marling patted her bei tection but no! He hates town -life, was able, amd,mine erstwhile nei�hew tio &vote 0, constdombi portioni -of� �: L '��'�` " . .0 'I, :�,: � . . . .... , ' , ,,:. . thirsty." He looked: across at her. She saw "You at least have not been, idle, If you�'Please,!" is to� have a farm, and, 'retire from -So- their time to studying this, renow-fied I I "'f%;, . -,;.,�� I . 11 - I .. , - %_:,:0',,! "Vraiment? Even k Marllng?'!- his hand clenched, hard onAus onuff- my love." "Mad," said Rupert with conviction. ciety. I owe "- .. I zlll� I I "Erven lie,"'nodded A -von. "You see box. . . You a debt of gratitude . agricultural event, which each year is, �.. � �,,i, ­`�, . ,­. 5,��',!,� .1 DR. GIL13ERT C. JARROTT I "No. indeed!" Armand turned, lo Merivale started up. w1iich I can never 'hope to -repay." ' having its fame carried I � ", l I farther alleld.' 1;1 I . V, � " "" I , �,,.� . I .1. ma fille, they all love you." "Child, you do not know me. you her. "Madame, Your kindness ,to my "Usten!" he said sharply. Hie Grace poured himself out a The plowing match is being held� " . I ',I �1�1 4' ' . - � ' I i - � � . �, .1, � . Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, She I blushed. have created a mythical beini my unfortunate sister Overwhelms me! I Outside, in the hall was some ,stir, glass of burgundy. ".1 ��'. ".. , this year at fterims, from. Octobera�.. .1 I.. ��,', 4, ' ' I.;. it, 1'�Ay'q ,:;��:�Z �:, I 11.11 i I �� rniverfAty of Western OntAirlo. Mom- " "Oh . . . ! WhA did you wear, likeness, whom you. have 'set up as a can find no words! That you should as of an arrival. Those in, the dining "I have taken ,payment, my dear,'tol 15 in the centre Of Vilestem On, I I �11�lwi, - "Ifif IN ,"', ,, _ bar of * College, of Physicians and Monseigneur?"' god. It Is not 1. Many timles, infant, have brought her -here, and housed, Toi S ' I king half shame- in theperson of your niece," he said, taxio, wi has been, described . is�� . i " � � I I , �; � 2 Surgeons, I I I 'can Only thank�­ fa,, p "the beet large farming area ,in, Can- 4 , -il' - of Ontario. Office, 43 Gode- �'Thus the female mind,", murmur- I have, told you that I am no hero' -her—Madame cedly :a;��eaeh atloo and smiled. I ;.� � . "Oh, fiddle!" said Pari reviving. I 1��� ,.I, . . I . ., � I . - ii Street West. Phone 37. ed his Grace. "I wore gold, infant-, but I think You ,have not,believed me. call!r," Fa_.y ZIML . Au sure Then Leanie came in, and went at � Oda.- .1 I . 1, Z " Ai_� t . 'L 11: Id � , Successor to Dr. Charles Mackay. and emeqads." I I tell you now that I am no fit mate "What else could, I dio? She is, in no it; 'bo'n-ly once to Avon's side. The A.S.A.E. is a body, of agricui. , ."';,", . I I " '. I -_ I . . I.-Ii,.1.1.1. I '* - '. 12-3 . 6 ' "I know. It is a very fine dress, for You. There are twenty years be- fit case to be alone, I IdD assure you � The door was flung open, and, his "My mother desires to be left a- tua,al experts which represents chem- . ,, ,!�'. ,.. I 1,� ��;, . I . . that one. Go 6n, please Monseigneur. tween us, And those years have not At one time I feared she was like ?o Grace of Avon stood upon, the thresh- lionei she said gravely. The, sparkle Ical, electrical and intachinery `, . ,,,�'.-'. - � "Rilliert, and Hugh stood by -the been. well -spent by me. My reputation die of her hysterics, -poor . I organiz- : .1 . 1� I . ,§oul! She hold, booted. and spurred, and great- came into her eyes Again, "Oh, I am ations interested in farm problems.. it . I ��, ,,;� . . DR. W. C. SPROAT I 11 __. I. ­­ . . , � , 7-.!,r� " I I I . d1ocii.," said -his Grace, "and Merivale is dam -aged beyond repair, child.' I has seen a priest, and since she -wrote coated. Beside ,him, her hand in, his, so very pleased to see you all again!" also ifteludes in i-ts membership niany . , . 1. � ,,,r� , I . . Physician, - Surgeon engaged Saint-Vire in pleasant eon- come of vicious. stock, and I have her coafessi �n I do think she is eas- was Leonde, flushed and radiant. She Rupert nudged Davenant., I . I . "', .P I ,, .�, , I - I agricultural experts ,from state ci ­,,., I ,..��., , " �, ;­ I I verse. Lady Fanny had your mother brought no boi to the name I bear. ier. If only Justin would .send us had shed her cloak and hat, and her "Look at Justin's, face"' ,h,e whis- leges throughout -a- . "I,"...",'' . . f * the Atlantic se � ,��,",� r. . I Phone 90-W,.Office John St.� Seaforth. in 'hand. I told them your story,� Do you know what men. call me? I word. I cannot sleep o' nights for bright curls -were tumbled. . pered. "Did you ever see aught to bmi . . .�,,",,.,`�:w I .. 11 '�,,�­ �. . . i "!;�,� " I ��., .� 11 .., 11 .� I � . 12-36 child. That is, all." Qarned that ,nickname, child; I have thinking of what may, have befallen There was an outcry. FanU ran equal the pride of him? Leonie, I'm In considering a suitable time, an ' ' -,,�:�� � d 11 ��,J; . I . I "Voyonsr!" she ,exclaimed. "It is even been proud of it. To no waineu that poor, poor ohild!" . forward; exclaiming incoherently; ,R -,i- devilish, hungry, and with Your, per- I �,,,� . , ,� . place for the convenition4 *the diTee- . ��i,, DR. F. J. BURROWS nothing! When: you - had, ,told them have I been faithful; behind me lies Davenent stirred the fire to a blaze. pert waved his napkin over his bead. mission I'll on with my capon.11 , to _'T',_��,� go , r, Of this -noted, assoclationi, found .' , - . . . - . ,,". . ,, I . . what happened?" �. ve * "In truth," he saAd., "there can be 'What didJ tell You?" he shouted. "I am very hungry too," she nod- that almost ! , :: " �� I , ".. - scandal upon sordid scandal. I ha. . every aspect of the activ 111�` I _ I ­:.","R,i�; - Office and residence, Goderich St., , ,, � .1,11"; ,""',; 1� 1, ,. , , j I Your mot -her collapsed. you get,e, wealth, but I squandered one fortune no ease, for any Of us, until *we know "Mademoiselle -de Saint-Vire!" deld. "Madame, you have no idea .how ities in. which they Are ip-te-Testod Will � :.:.44 , , I I . ,e�isi of the United, Church, Seaforth. my child, .1 let them think that you In my youth, and won my present her to be safe." I-119 smile wbut awry. His Grace' raised One white hand. nice it is to be a married lady!" I �� 10 I I Phone 46. Coronerlor the County of be includied tin the annual ,plowing - . � ','.L�� " ,.. I I , o I bad drowned yourself. She cried out fortune it play. You have seen per- "The house is like a tomb since she holding them in check. A curiowily - "Ohi have I not indeed?" cried, my m&tch at . � I,, r . 1� -'r . I." I Uuron. proud smile hovered ,aboiit his inti lady. "How am I to take that?" She ergus I I ,�;N , - ' "' then, aild Saint-Vi,re, since she had haps: the best of ime; you liave not left it." .. . � I;;, " . . 12A6 . Tller4� they will be able to study . . ­��tA ... "No one answered him. Rupert "No, Rupert," the said, and bowed led Leonie to her own place at the �:i,v�,� . I t4po_ betrayed him, shot ,himself." seeir the 'worst.- Infa=, you are wor- . ,many questions- of farm cultivation �:� ,, . I "I -have the honor to present toot Of -the table. "Sit down, my I Z, l" I "'It must have been, very exciting," thy of a better husbandt. I would give, walked I% to an. uncomfortable '4idl- slightly. a ag, m w ­ - ��_ ' . . . I I . I DR. HUGH -.H. ROSS she remarked. "I wish I had 'been you a boy who might come to you 'ence.- . � I " to you all—mv Duch�ess." .. love! " . ., . and im ii e ent hich , for g0nera- .�,,.__ . .,.,. W - "Hey, in the dumps -,again,?" "Tbunder an" turf!" ,gasped Rupert, "Madame, that is ,,,, tions, have kept Ontario farmersi Ju .. .I.. I - .111, I . � a clean heart, not one who was -life said I where you �sat. . . ��!�.ill I Graduate of University of Toronto there. I am sorry for Madame de ith the front rank of successful agneul- 1. , Leornie said,. I �,� � Faculty of Medicine, member of Col- Saint-Vire, a little, but I am g�lad that bred up in vice from his, cradle." breezily. "Wihat, Armand here agairi and surged forward. . .,,�.Z' ,,, 1. , .� � ". 1. "My sweet, I am a guest. in your � 1� I . One large tear glistened. on the end Yould, best come and, live with us, and Fanny reached, Le-onle, first. turists. I , � ��`, � lege of Physicians and Surgeons of tb& pig -person is dead. V%rhat will the At the farm machinery . . .. �,!", . � 11 Ontario; pass graduate' course in Vicomte do? I think it is very sad of,,h,er lashes. ha' done with it!" "Oh, my sweet life.! I am so glad house now," said Fanny, and, curtsied. I demonstra- , � ,� ' ' '. �,� � . tuh, Monseignour, you need ' not "I don't know how you can fiEd —1 cari believe , where did you Leor.'e looked at Avon, inquiringly. tions, held each year in conjunction ", 4,', 1 1� 11�1,�', ... I 1�4 I Chicago Clinical School of Chicago ; for him." I - I with the match and, rated by exilidbi- . �,� I noyal opthalmie Hospital, London, "I believe the will not be sorry," re- have told me this! I know—I have al- the heart to laugh, Rupert!", said my find her. Justin? Silly, silly child! We "Ye�� ii, ant. Sit down." " , ', � � , , , , �.�� , " I lady. �� - � have been in such a taking—Kies me "Voyons, I feel very Important!" tons as second to none In the world I ^1', i:,�'. � England; University Hospital Lou- plied Avon. "ND doubt your uncle Way'a kndwn, and still I love you for '4kTHTVJt16ti§ 'of tbi iy�,: visiting 111. , . ,�, I ' I don, England. Office—Back of Do- will. make provision. for him." do not want a boy. I want only,--Mou- ' "Why not" ,replied ,the graceless again, my love!" � Le, nie said, sci hci)rself in the � . . ­'�q, . '. seigneur." ., . . mi agTicultural engineers, from the Pnit, -1 '. . Rupert, .co Ing to the fire. "Justin Rupert, pushed her aside. , high-backedr chair. "Rupert shall sit .11 1�, I . I nainion Bank, Seaforth,_ Phone No. 5' Her eyes.,sparkled. '.. "Leontie, you ,will do well to.consid- told us that he knew where.Leonic . "Hey, you little . madcap! " he said, beside me ori One side, and—andi.---l' ed States, will be able to see the most . ... ,,�., Night calls answered from residence, "Voyons, I have a family, it seems T . - not the kissed her soundly. _"What a sis- she debated --:I'M. de Saint -1 inean, COMPletO ,range of folectrical and oth- I ,�;, X , � . '.1 . er. You are first woman 'In had gone, and I don't see him'faill'u- and - ",_ " . Victoria Street, Seaforth. Now many 'uncles -have 1, Monseig- . I " .on the other." er machines which have made such a '. ., ". I I now, Fan, damme,'I don't? ter you have given me, Justin! I my uncle, ll.L . I -1 lay a ' on to successful .1 � , . . . I .1 12-36 neui my life.." I . Ill knew you'd f,fl 1-.c,rT But married al- "Ve.ry prettily done, my dear," nod- tremendous contributil 1. , She smiled through her tears. monkey he'll briri back before . . ' � I.. .� .i :� � "Lain not iluite s.'ure, infant. On ready, egad! " �;�­ 7 �i7! , ) it does!" ded her lady -ship aInd- went to a seat farming throughout �Canada. � : .,;�� I ... . your 'fatherl-3 side you have one uncle "Monseigneur, I would so much ra- the week's out, safe and: souncL" . - ,� � D R. E. A. McMASTER ther be the last woman than the "If- he finds her," Marling sai(l Merivale thrust him away. on Avori right. Officials of the Ontario Plowineifs .. . �, . . . and an aunt, who i's, married On Your -My dear little Leonie!" he said. "And'stince I am now a Duchess.', Association stated -recently that all .1 A" � . . % ,:��; I . . � ' trist," she said. quietly. "It's more than a' week now . Graduate of the University of Toron- mother�s side you have several un,cles, I "Infant, it's madiies's,!" Rupert." I . I "Justin, I f,olicitate you! . . .... said Leonie, twinkling, "Rupert must available space originally set aside. ' � .. �,� I S I " , � 111 , I - , to, Faculty of M.ddi I cine I think, and, probably many aunts and ,$lie came to him, and put her hand "That's, right, Edward,," retorted his Then Marling and Daveriant in their treat me with reslii &est -co pas, for exhibits and demonstrations in the - I ", -.. "I"'. I oci turn pushed fohA-ard. Armand grasli- Monseigri con,cesii area had -been reserved,al- I � : 1 ��,,'- I. � on his arra. lordsti "Look on, the cheerful side! ion: Z ,., I' ,.. 41 11 I Member of College of Physicians She shook -her bead\\-\ - , "Monseigneur,, I do not think that Stap me if ever I met ,such, a gloomy ed Avon's hand. Avon smiled at henacross the table. most Immediately after registTat . 1 - ,. 1. I 1. � and Surgeons of Ontario; graduate of "I find it very hard, to understand I can live with -out you. I mu,st.have fellow!. We don't know how far Jus- "And my permission?" he as,ked. "You 'have only to say the word, opened, and that so many Additional � �]�_A I � ,., - New York Post Graduate School and it all, Monseigneur. And, you knew? with mock dignity. . I .. mignanue, and he shall, be cast forth." applications for space bad been,' re- - :1 '..N I I 7ou to take care of me, and to love tin may have had to go.�, I �� l , I . _" - I Lying4n .Hospital, New -York. Of- How did you know? Why did you not Avon snapped his fingers. "Respect bet damned"" said Rupert. ceived, that it had been found neces- . 111. . . I �� me, and to scold me when, I am mala- "But he's- sent us no word, Rupert!- 1. )�'111 , fee on Hi914 Street, Seaforth. Phone tell ni � � . "So much for your permission, my "I'll have you, remember you're my sary ito. enlarge extensively the ,�, I.',' �, I droite." . . Fanny said anxiougly. "This silence """i ... .27. Office fully equipped, for X-ray His Grace looked down. at his snuff- I ,dear Armand,", he said, . and lobl�ed sister now, ,child! Lord, where are grounds set aside for the farm ma- . . ,,,I'. 1, � I I - . Involuntarily his.band, went to them. frightens me!" " . , 1�1 � � , . I � - ' box. - "Rupert would be ,a more fitting Rupert regarded her in some sur- vociferous, family. I in hand. "I give You all a toast!" he able that there will be almaost 100 (,x- . %�,-! diagnosis and ultra short wave elec� across at Leonie, surrounded by the my wits -l" He sprang up, wineglass chini demonstration. It is, prob- , . . . I I I tric treatment, Ultra Violet Sun La-mp "My child,, when I bought you from bride,groom," be said bitterly. prise. 1. -_ 1. -:I I... . treatments, and Infra Red electric the estimable Jearl, it "Where was she?" Afmand tugged, -staid. "The Duthess, of Avon!" hilifits and tcytber,.00ncesgdong,_ oplerat- . ", , '. I 1� , Her eyes ,flashed. � "Lord, and did. you ever know Jus- at his sleeve,. They rose as ,one. ing at Fergus when the match opens I 11f, : -1 I . treatment. Nurse in, attendance. saw your likeness to the Slaint-Vire." tin is�eiilt ward of what be would; His Gra.6e ., X � � "Ali, bah!" she said scornfully. ','Ru. be was still watching Le- "The Duchess! "_ -Daverant bowed. on, October 12thi. ' � �. i 12-36, -He ,paused. "I thought to u' o pert is a si boy' like the Prince fie at?" he - demanded, -"He'll play his . � . . �,:: ','� 1, i ... I I I , " . I oni . "My dearest sister!" Fanny cried. . �' :::::: .L'--..', � . -, \ a weapon, to _'.er—punishh1mfor Concle! If you do not marry me, Mon- own game, mark my words! He�s not "Where was si Where I had, ex- "My wife!" said big Grace softly. — ,.,� i��vE' 11 I . sometbinlp�--he had! once done to me. " . . .11.t. , , . I seigneur, I will not marry anyone!" one to tak& others into bds confidence pected her to be. In, Anjou, with the Leonie stood, up, blushing, and tak- , I . ., "I 11 DR. F. J. R. FORSTER "I�—is that whyti you mad"e "That would be a pity," he said. and, ,he don't need a y holp.,, He Cune I spoke of," he said'. "Well, Ing Rupert's hand, jumped on to her LONDON and WINGHAM .."Ill.; . I me your ward, and gave me so many, "We sa* th P ' . South .1 ,� �;" Eye, Ear, Noser.and Throat ' "Mignonne, are you—sure?" chuckled. at On, Tuesda . ,..;. 11 . I . Y Fanny? Have I your approvial?" chair. ,� -.,.��11 . . . . many thrings?" ghe asked in a small She :61odded; a tremulous smile last, so we did! The man likes to She embraced him. - "Thank you very miuch!" she said. " I P.M. I : . , �� I;, � I . Graduate in, Medicine, Universit,y voice. curved her lips. . keep us in the dark, and that's �dl "My dear,: 'tis, what I planned for "May I give a toast, please?" Wingham. ................... :1.55 , ­,� I'' .I- . I . Tto . I I He rose, and went to the. window, "Ob, Monseigneur, I ,never thought there is to.4t." you.niontligi ago! But to be married "Ay, bless you!" said Rupert Be -Wave ..................... 2.11 . . " "')., I Late. assistant New York Opthal- and stood looking out. that you would be so very blind!" she A -lackey announced my Lord Meri- thus secretly when I had dreamed of "Mouseigneur!", Leonle, said, and Blyth .............................. 2.23 ��!;t) , ', .. "Not entireIyj" he said, and forgot � � Londesboro .................. 2.30 .1 l"."I. inel and Au�al Jastitute, Moorefield's said. vale and Anthony came in. a truly magnificent wedding! It's too made him a quaint little bow. "Oh, . -1 , '' to drawl. . . ' Clinton ........... � ......... 3.08 .1. . ��;, 11 .1, o % Eye and Golden, Square Throat Hos- His, Grace looked. deep into her eyes "No news?". be asked, bowing over bad, I declare! -Dear, dear child! I .wher'e, is my glass? Rupert, hand it 1: N � pitals, London, Eng. At Commercial She looked at him wistfully. . and then went -down ,On,. one knee, Fanny's, hand. Brucefield ........ �'.... ,...... 3.27 1 �:". '' � " I _. could woep for joy!" up to me quickly! " , - . , ..'�,",, "Was, it a little because you liked and raised her hand to, h1s lips. "No, alas!" . Kippen ........................ 3.35 :�L ... , I I . �Iotel, seaforth, third Wednesday in , A hush- fell. In the doorway, The Du�e's health was, duly drunk. . I I -, � each month, from 1.30 p.m. to 4.30 me,.Monseigri "Little one," he said, very low, Aupert made room for MY lord . On shrinking, Madame de Sairi "And now," said Leonie, "I drink to Bensall ..................... 3.41 :,. I I I - � ''I I � , k "Afterwards. When icarue -to know -1,siiice you will stoop totwed me, I the coucti. Exeter ...................... S.55 . s',' p.m. 53 Waterloo Street Soutb, Strat- ' 1. stood, her eyes fixed, on Leornie. T4,ere Rupert, because he has been very � .% . "Pan's in the dumps I he was, a mciment's, uncomfortable sil- good, and. useful to me!" North � , ��', .. ford. You, child." . pledge you my word that you shall I . 11, o ', . 12-36 � I not in the future have cause to -regre,t said. "I'm telling her sh over I�N i "Here's to you, brave, lad!" said his - ' . I A.M. .. She twisted her handkerchief. e shoul - 1_ eace. Then Leonie went forward and .. . � . 11 "Am I—Will, you—still let me be it.,, - ­ more faith in Justin." He wagged, his put out her hand with pretty thesi- lordship gravely. "Wiliat now, minx?" Exeter ........................ :10.34 ­ I ;� _ N. I , your ward:?" . � "He's won every tric tancy. .� I DR. DONALD G. STEER Ar. insistent hand tugged at his finger at her. � Still-porched upon the chair Leonie Hensi ............ � ......... 10.45 ,� I I I HP was silent for a.Moment. shoulder. He rose, and opefied. wide in the game, Pan, and be wou 0, "Ma—ri she said. said gleefully: Kippen ....................... 10.52 1 . I . I "My dear, you have a mother now.. his arms. Leonle flung berself into Justin an the lost tliie last." Madame gave a shattering sob, and "Voyons, I get higher and, Nigher in Blirucefield ................... 11.00 I �, I Graduate Of Faculty of Medicine I . . '' 'University of,Western Ontario. M and an uncle, who will care -for yi them, and they closed about her, and "Faith, I believe Rupert to ht," clung to her. Leon.ie put an arm ali the world! " Clinton ...................... 11.47 1 :,.,--,,i , em- ' ,� R '.1 I 4 �her I "Yes?" she said. I her lips met his. I Merivale agreed. "I am fast . ng bout her waist, and led her quietly "Yoo'll fall off the chair if you jurnp Londesibloro, I ................... 12.04, rs,� . of College of Physicians and ' �1_ �,, I-Ils'Grace's profile was stbrii. I M. de- Beaupre entered softly, and to think Avon ouinipotent." . -1 out. like ,that, si-ily chit!" Rupert warned Blyth . , I ..................... 12.13 .1 �4,,#_ " i Surgeons of Ontario � Full equip- ' -.1 ,�,,11� � , inent, including an ultra short wave "They will be very good to you, ma seeing, prepared to depart in haste. ey. I Fanny's ,handkerchief appeared. her. Belgrave ............ � ........ 12.24 . "I , fille," he said evenly. "Having them But they had heard the opening of "He Is a very dangerous 11;�11 he "That dear, sweet chii she said.. "Do not interrupt me," said Leortle Wingham ..................... 12.45 �,i&�',� .1 . # I- I - alet. I - . —you cannot still, be my wari the door, and they fell apart. saidt. "It will be long before I forget Daventaut took Avou's hand, and reprovingly. "I am making a speech." ­ I .�! I , I Phone .r I . Office King Street, Hensalll. . � 11 I I I "N -need I have them?" she asked, He beamed upon them. the happenings- at that soiree." wrung it. - "Lord, s -ave us, what next will you . . ,-4 Iteasall 56. ' "Er bien, mes enfants?" 1. Rupert wa � rt said, unrepentant. I . ,:� '' 11 I . I 1 12-36 6 pathetic catch in her voice. . .- s disgusted. ,,iiistin, I cannot find word,s to tell be at?" RuPe C.N.R. TIME TABLE � � , His Grace did not smile. . His Grace took Leonlie's hands in "Y'know, Edward, you're a kili-joy,', you how glad I ani "Tais-tori, imbecile! . . . First,, I � I;; I ' . . � 1� ­­ . ­�, A I . "I am afraid. so, infant. They want -his and led her forward. he said. "My dear Hugh, this Is most uri was a peasant, and then I became a East . I �',W,i ' . �, �� ,, I 11 "Mon pere," he said, "I want you to Fanny shuddered, . pected," .drawled hi Grace. "I made 'page. Then, Iwas made Monseigneur's I A.M. P.M. " . _j I . You. YOU see. - �. "Ob, Edward, pray do 'not ,Speak Of sure of a despondent head -stake." ward, and, now I am a Duchess! I am Godlorich ............ 6.40 2.30 I.,� I I V- I DENTAL "Do they?" She rose also, and the wed'us." . : irr! sparkle was gone from her eyes. "Of a suroty, mon fils.," said De it! It was horrible, horoblel" Hugh laughed. become very respectable, n'estoe pas." Clinton .............. 7.03 , S.00 I "'I" , . ._� 0 h .1 � "They do not know me, MiDneeigneur." peaupre calmly, and stroked Loonie's "I do not wish to speak Ill of the "No, no, my friend, not this tiri His Grace was at her side, and lift- Soaforth ............. 7.17- - 9.16 I �, "', � , ., � DR. J. A. McTAGGART * "They are your family, child." cheek. "I am waiting to do so." dead," Da.venant. said, ,,bilj i,t was.— You have learned to love another bet- ed her down from, the cbeir. Dublin ............... 7.28 3.29, , .'':�� 11 I " "I do not -want them." I - . "My infant," he said, "duchesses (io Mitchell .............. 7.37 3.41, .1 �,.,", � - - ter, than, ,yourself at last, and I be- , " 4 '4 justice." -_ � . I Graduate Royal C011ege of, Dental I Iteve that you will make your Duchess uot dance on chairs, nor ro, ,they call West .11 , � I 1, Sargeoss, Toronto. .OfU,co at H,snaall, At that he turned, and came to CHAPTER XXXII "Ay, and he did, it well, ,by,G-gd!,, - d husband-," . their brothers 'imbecile'." ... ,11.06 9.tS s - 1, 4 k her, and,. took her .hands. stald Rupert. "I can gee him now, a 900 1, ' � ��.,. . . -Ont. Phone 3:06. , "My di he said, "It will be best His Grace of Avon Astonishes Every standing there like—damme, like an "It Is nifue Intention," said his Leonle twinkled Irrepressibly. Dublin ............. i. IL14 9.36 ­�,, Q j I 11, I . . 12-3. One .for the Lai Time executl6nerl But he was Grace, and struggled out of .his coat. ,,"I do," she staid firmly. I SieRfOrth ............. 11.80 9.41 ," ,�� ,, , I ��, . � . ,,, ",for You to go to them, believe me. . devilish, oh, There was a tinge of color in, his Palpert shook his head at 'her. 'Clinton' .............. 11.46 10.00 ,_�i�., , �, I . I I ii�l I I I -1 "My dear Comte," said Fanny, in R he was, devilish! - He had me fai �%, M4 .— One day I thidilic you will meet a ' ,-, _,�, I a A I I 11 11 make voice of long-suffering, "I have cheeks, but he put up, his, glfasg In ,,justinlis, in the r t of it," he, said, Goderich ........ * ..... 12.05 10.25 11-1 _J10t ated, I give You my word!" ""You'll have, - a our ways, spit- I .11:�, -1 younger man'than I who wi 1v "�, _,: �1�`�, I UCTIONEERS I . . tibe old! maii and surveyed Ole . , , %,� "'.. h, ­�,, A -You happy." seen Justin since that tor,rible, night" The door opened. rOomi. "My house seems - to be Te- fire. No more bouquett f -in Princes I �,J ; 4 % Armand threw out his banda. . ,�� 44�: " , � .A . " �;,�", , 11. , N � - �� , - Two gnat toars welled ill of people," he observ- of the Blood, eh, Justin? Dignity! - I �., I . . � up! . Le- "But it is over a Week -ago! " he "Madiame est sei bowed a lack- markably fu C.Pit. This TABLE � , I 1 . . ori -eyes looked piteously into the ei�. Fanny rose. sible we were expected?" That's the tbin,gl You must lot your F-ait � I " , , % . . " 11 I . ''. ti�,, � . , . 'N' Licensed Auctioneer Dukela. , . I 'You'll i with us, Comtte? And: "Expected?" echied Rupert. "Stap hair grow too, and speak to Me PO- P.M. "" , (,i 'N' - k cried. "Where Is be? Where is the ed. "Is it pos - � I child?" I I , . .� I - " 1, �. . � ,,moti.z4�,ign�6UT-1)1,eA,se--A'D not talk you; Anthony4" .. 440 .� � 4 1, I- HAROLt) OALE M Arrialge! I I Lady Fanny cast up her eyes. Dav_� I �j,,. into, but that's rich! We've dione Iftely. I'll be pinked, an' I'll have a � '.. ,I,. � I i " . . . . to me .of she whispered:. "I trespass upon, your expect you for the p,pt sister who tells all My friends 111m an M`euset ..................... 4 I 4124 , ;,, 2A � 11 enaut It was who answered. . � I �.! I fttschlist, in farm end household "Child—" No clasp on her hands, ,, Armand protested. . ten ,days, I'll have you knowl lee imbecile! Politeness, my lady, and MOGAW - -P ....... � ............... . Z'99-1 ,:� �,:.� '� I . 1, it we know, Armand, we should be - �, 4.40 ". i Itli .&161;. Prices rbasoftable. For dates tightened. "I want you -to forget me. . "Devil a bit,- man", sidid. rt.' ire" well for you to go careering off some of your husband's, hau Auburn ........................ ".. - I .: ,, . more at ease, I assure you. The last ,,rt's; . . Rupo . ghtinessi � � . 1­l� . . . . . ,� I .1 . I am no, proper man for you. You . .',4"� ' ' 11" ` Md information, write or phone Har- Avon�sl bospitalftj you treapails to Anjou, but it's mighty poor sport That's what ,kou Must have, Isn't it, Illyth ..................... I......." 4AI I '.1 L 11 . . I � 1 I k� , ,,, Z,�i , 11 V44 . , -, �1�1 7 .��,�'., i v I ,O)di Dale. ]Phone i4b, - . Setaforth, or will be wiser not to think of mi we. saw of Avon was At Madame du on, and our patience.". for us. What with Armand hopping Pan?" Waltm ..­$ .............. A-- 61 Ait , _11 I I . , I ; � appily At Th'. Exp(mittor Ofticet. ,'Mon Deffland's," � I '/.� 0-i. . selgi I never thought that , Fanny laughed). In and out like a Jack-Iti-the-box, and "Ali, bah!" said the DuCheas Of AV- MONSUgibt -----'---...._4.. 6"I �,��.,,,i� I 77,� A 1, "Where, ffid, he .go?" demanded Ar- .. . , I li liqi. ,,. . - . I - 12-86 you wmild marry ine," siho, sa.M slimp- Disig6eable boy! 'Comte, will jou Madame, upstairs with the vititours, on. . Tomtd it..v.-k , -40' 6,40; -.,��6` '' 4 1 1 1 .1 mand, "Did he not return here -at 0 . � I �. I 0. I I . I 1, � �,;l - � 11 , I �& r 11 I . - ,-.-. ly. " But It — you wanted me — I . ve me your arm? , I protest I am and half Paxis, forcing its way'lli 'to� Tilt Xxt) I. I � . , ,�,� , , I -� � , 1 ,�', � 1, . � s4 rip,rf I �, , 4 I, - I I thought perhaps you would — taice a11T, I ' . ally Amongst somalay of you men!,, nose out- the mystery, the house Is a -0 .- 0 , . 41,�,,�, � ,'$V,"'�,,, � , .; � 1. , . � , , L .,.I V, " . F. W. AHRENS ' . —imitill. Marfing shook hIN head, ' , ' "What of Madame?" MarliAg asked veritable ants' nest. I bei Merl- Irorldi , . 6 .. � " *.i 4, .14 V , 111111��,, - 1, �� 1, " 6 , � . I I I - - I me . r wearied you.,, , ,'He vai�tldbed," 6 said. "We __" I ! Intertiationbi Plowing, match �*-lii -1 'L��,,�, � ,-� . � I . 1-:... .. I #',L ' . . There 'Was a MOMOi sIlli Then knew as aho passed, lidim. I � vale aill sileeps with do mateliet, for . moijaught .... *'..� .... 4 i,.�� 4 � � i"i, . I Ucensed auctioneer Vir PeT -aiid- lids Grace smoke, to harshl set Out for Anjou "81he hast a trMt -,& V&fi, on't f9ee ,alm oiiere at Draws U, S. AgriculturlItta r ..� ..-49 iiiii. * 6411 11 145, 'Hilb6n; 4 �i6, 1, ly that Lei that he In"at ,to , In, her r66ii, I d breakfast, . , * ,.V,",A ,*. I *01", I . I t # 141tod. oul'o 'i �tairtled. afti�r the f3aftoo, in search of LoOnle, ny repi "I cannot,indu ' ilole Lord I " t Further ly,60OW016A or, the 616111MI b, � I " . ­ �111­i'll 1� - II C0Unt1W_ , , , .44­�..­AlA1ww..664* 'ill , , I I W ,�� , ., h ! , I � .l.". 111- .. I. I I'll 11 . . I � , I I , I � , :1 " , , � I � I I ,, I I I 1`1� J ... � I I I . I - .il ,-,� , �i" 1� ... .5,�,. 1�1'm-1 � 11 0 ­tLl' "'Ill E_1',1�t1.111!1,_,, 1) I- - I ill rq �,qg � � I 4, 9 V ­ tA � . J;,,,-,�',','.. � I I vd��# oft­ap�vii � P rottat T.WaAlt to knto*," sa,14 �Nrll- Advift9c MAIL& &n4 ,,, . . . .14II, . �-`*Wdk but ho did not tell us-loxhotly vfi6re 'hier to 111tibrad, 11! � � I 1, ',�.d , ,,you W'.6 not ,tot Wk in that fash. Jdift, us "t, end Indeed, I twii-k-sho, Is Idbift �,,..114�k*ik.%,4.*.,ii�ik4b"i�i�)i,��',, ; - , .1 I 1 tili 10. I . vale, igh0ting, h4a lord6hip, "Is. this - VArft 1 =40ry odadsom''16t, I 'r ", �1141'Aft* a .... 4,%,* 614.�. 41:#*"��i,��1�i ',"'V 11 1 1", ri Y 6t1d; 4ed I oftitle, Ir the VVa9 b6ftdi- His, ftlet It, with, UISA,, bette'r Mons." , , " 1.� I . � ,Jfi OkUft'd I I , I I .1 I 1,11".N"I'llf" .�i,,�.� I 10411 _ rty" 1000 Leonia You indierstand'wo?" ftim 5,6 *0 I . , , I I I I - I -�:� I I � I � " * 116, 4, UK oil. Phoito 694 r 6, W, I .. 11­S,.,f:J . '1-4 Am Aotryi ti LIMU"I'M� I I � Imar �mr an tat ;N *' ii`*� *L*ll' IiU �!�,, I I lt -i— and he b0i takeo the, light . . wmtt Ifito the I " � 36ur I I )_ � . , 0i I ).. : 'to , at thl =4 � ll � I WIM Is all ft ItuoW, I . 1 4' *00i - i "Altewbtb 2W . I '4,6140* , , t did. solt Atean. to ftsam ymu ammo . . I � . ,,, I . . � *04 fleMe , - fcc .1 I - I , ,. 1�1. � � ­,­,.� ,, .�-.� I i , , . �. �'� .11, 11 1�­ � "I I " , lo.".11,1­11 11..�� .. . � , �, , " I . , 't � %� I " (,��.. � � � - , - wy�! "A I C �!,,,�,: I ,,,��l ..� , , .;'.,� ,ii,�P�Vi,,J,� . ... . ...... "'. �t �.'�I�� � . ­, I ; ',, 1"�,,�',4,1,�' '­�.f4, pl,�" I ',�) �� I , ", , , I ,�,, / . "'...14" ,,� - ,��,,_ - , . ; , ��;,- - , �q W101, 'I . - , wo , I , ,'�''.;' '','­� ,��L, � '­ , ' ; �' , I 1 �` " . , � - I , , .� L .. 1 � , ., 1� i� Ill ­'. 411,11 i��"�_�', ,,,_ 1, � � . I I �', ,,,�, 11. -'I, �11 l� l, ` - -, I -1 � t,4 , I ' , ��,� , �j,'� �q,!,,�Y�:,.�, ,,, " �, . "g,"'L, ",l .V,-'-', tM'. �li,�K:. 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