HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1937-09-24, Page 3�7, i, q4P t�, ec, on Of pigeons-ia. Williams. H�rnesis? Special, B. Williams and 0. ­'PT V A6 I , i qnoay haxsh� words. hgve been Temqv- 5. V(* V V, big s4ndiAg maqlxf� .04, the WQrk-77 4'' Bruspelis Post, Mro.,,Dore, Miss 1AN,;n1` �IgAon; fruit To Have Purnpier 0 -P pa, Cre I A bumper bow crop, averaging 18 tq*t -to- -20- -bushels - to,-tW, being - fee W harvested. in. I$outh laiiron unider ideal brook; ewe hwvi.ug raised lambs. -this weather opuditAous. Xfte bean aere- the A age tbari. last ;ran lias, �7, i, q4P t�, I it '. Mi"i ec, on Of pigeons-ia. Williams. H�rnesis? Special, B. Williams and Water .061ora - Uggocape, mis. qnoay haxsh� words. hgve been Temqv- od. Xr. HaTry, Hart, og Seaforth, 7dth Dor(�, Miss Livings, seapc4pe. big s4ndiAg maqlxf� .04, the WQrk-77 . . . . . . . . Bruspelis Post, Mro.,,Dore, Miss 1AN,;n1` �IgAon; fruit To Have Purnpier 0 -P pa, Cre I A bumper bow crop, averaging 18 H. Truemner; St. Lawrence, Mrs. -to- -20- -bushels - to,-tW, being - sOn; original study­(�Oeuped), Wm. harvested. in. I$outh laiiron unider ideal brook; ewe hwvi.ug raised lambs. -this weather opuditAous. Xfte bean aere- age tbari. last Mrs. Dore, Ken Wo6d;f'lany subjeots. and the quplity. ip'excellont. The price ling ewe, ---.C. Daribiripok, Preston bear- is $1,50 a"bushel, as compared. witb $2 a year ago. ParmeTs axe -iA ho ingotone. hurry to sell their whe.at, bolding'it, brook. -for a better price.. Present figure at Manufadt6rers and ImplevAnts Hensiall le -$i.10 per bushel;- standard. Ject, Ken Wood, Jobo Dalrymple -Barley fit for malting is. bringing 6a I it '. Mi"i cents, but like wheat, farmers are boldinig, it for a better price 'Offer- ings, at the mills are far' �16�6�,, those of a yew ago. Present price,'of oats Is 40 cputs�Bxei Times-Advoate. Ctiiild Killed By Fathero/b Truck Mrs. A. S. Davis and Mrs. Henry Smith, 9fi, town., have received wofd of the death of their, iippliew's daugh-, )ter who was inistantly killed at Dtui, B. C., under the wheels of a heavy logging truck driven, by her f athe'r, Mr. Fred, Ptanlake. Mr. Stanlake was backing the truck. into.his yard when the accident occurred-. The child was 14 months old. Mr. Fred Stanlake is a son of, dbester'a nd the late Mrs. Stanlake, formerly of Donalda, Alta. -Exeter Times -Advocate. Transferred to Sarnia Mr. W. J. Burke, an Exeter boy, who has been, residing with 'his mother, Mrs. Win. Burke, of Lon -don, left Monday for Sarnia to take over the inamagement of the Imperial,Vae- atre, one of the two Famous Plaver hous6s. in that city. Mr. Burke has been the, Popular young manager of the Palace Theatre in, East London. - Exeter TiMes-Advocate. Wins Two Champion Awards Mr. Ephraim Snell monopolizedd the awards in the Leicesters -division. at the Western 'Fatr. In addition to ex- obibiting the champion ram a ni d cham- pion ewe, Mr.. Snell also won seven flrsts�Clinton- News -Record. Awaits Owner of.'Diamond Mr. Bert Williams, a former Wing- hamiter, who conducted a cleaning a -id pressing business in Walkerton, found a -diamond ring which had,come out of some unknown pierson'.- garment into t he suction machine. A few years ago Bert pressed a suit of clothes that had $48 6oncealed In, one of the pockets. One time he found two $5 gold, Rieeer., in another suit. He -has also handed back to customers sleveral watches that were lieft in suits. He estimates, he h4s found about $50 in loose change in the Vock- ets 0 his customers LWingham. Ad- vance -Times. ' Peculiar Tomatoes We have (in display in our window three tomaWes that are of the freak.' variety. One gz)iywm by Mrs. George Wvlle, Qf Wroxeter, is an.--octuplpt. Light tomatoes all growing -from the -one stem. The other two were grown by David Finlay, of,town., One is a ,quint, five grown off one atem, and the other is a triplet.-Wingham Ad- vance-Thries. Sparks Caused Fire Shortly before the 'noon hour on Wednesday last week fire broke out on the roof at the 'homd of Councillor J. H. Crawford. A spark from the chimney from the fire place ignited the shingles. It started to blaze mer- rily as the rooF was very diry. It was quickly extinguished, however, on the arrival of the firemen who confined, the fire to a small portion,of theroof. The w4ter damage was not extensive. Mr. and "Mrs. Crawford we re in Brampton at the time attending the funerai of Mr. Crawford's fabher.- Wingham Advance -Times. Dr. W. J. Reid Seriously. Ili SUffering a heart attack, Dr. Wes- ley S. Reid is critically ill at his home, "the,Castle," on St. George's Crescent. On Sunday morning Dr. Reid's son�- inqqw, Cms Hough, of Detroit, brought a heart specialist to Good- rich in his Waco plane and returned to Detroit the same afternoon to JIY back to Goderloh 'with a photographic apparatus for taking pictures of the humaa heart.-Goderich Sigrial. A Cordial Send -Off The local staff of the Canadian Na- tional Railways met in the office of -6he agent on Saturday afternoon and presented Horace Elvidge, a former staff member, who has f�cently been transferred. -to Owen Bound, with a Parker, fountain -Pen and pencil set. The Presentation was made by the agent, Mr. J. L. Taylor, who read an ;-n-"a �ified_­,&_Sx_ti( year, and worked - to sqeh d. fying. - The government no besitation In �Iding, 2 yeage 91, " W 1� W. J. JVAP'i 17 or gs!M�49? one 7W X. 1 :1404. o1010ma. Rawiltou & $OIL, Mary bjiai�4rood,.mare ac.co*t Vanie'd -by foal, E,. , yolla *.� tM", foaIr ed ln$0,36, R Yellow; A 11-y or gelding, 2 years old,, E. . YeU, filly Or jeld" 'pe g4rj, pq,; p, '91 year i, B. Yellow; telam, 9 Yellow and 2nd; ftloinui; F. Steeper, Wagon I-Toroeip-Brood, MarO aecoln- paq�, by, foal, N. Scott and 2nd; foal, foaled in. 0�7 N.'ScGtt, J. Hod, gns, N. Scott; flHy or golding, vuruv years old, G, J. TIAQ and 9nd,,1. Stahl; filly or gelding, 2. years old, F. Steep- er, fiUy or gelding, l'year old,, G. Heywood; -single wago%i horse, Win. Decker and 2-nidi,� B. Williama; pair kwagon horses in harness and car- xqage;-- Wim., Decker, B. Williams G. Thiel; diplorna, W. Decker. Roadsters --Foal, Ibaled i4 1937, F. Smith; filly or gelding, 3 yipars, old, Currie & Turvitt; filly or gelding, 2 years old, F. Smith ,; filly -or gelding, I- year old, W. J.' pale; 1)air road. sters in harness and buggy, Q ri 4-r- -a & '.Vurvitt; single -roadster in 'liiarness and buggy, Currie and Turvitt and 2nd; best farmers, outfit in harness and buggy, C. Godbolt, Currie & Tur- vitt; Coronation badge, Win. Hamil- ton.& Sioni; Donald Burn -W Special, C. Rowe; John Millers, Special, E. Yel- low- Godbolt's, Sp�ecial-, N. Scott, H. iitirLte�,, J. Hodgins., N. Scott; Hoop. er's.,Special, CurTie & Turvitt; Dr. Stewart's Special, Win. Bowden. Judge ­W. S. Stead -man, Petrolid. cattle, Shortfhornso--Aged cow, W. Oestrich. er and 2nd; two year old 'heifer, W. O"tredcher & 2ndl;'one year old heif- er, W. Oestreicher & 2nd; heifer calf, W Oestreicher & ftd, J. M. Glenn; bull calf, W. Oestreicber and 2nd-, bull ' 1 year and over, W. Oestreicher RZ 2nd-, bull, 2 years and ovof-', X.. Oetstrelober;.,herdl, W. Oestreicher, P, Dinxing: thiee andmala from one, sire, W. Oestreicher and 2nd, A. Park; dliploma, W, Oestreicher; Massey-Har- ris-Srwcial, W. OiastTeicher. Polled Angust--Aged- cow, P..Dear- irg; 2 -year-old heifeT, P. Dearing-, I- ,7ear-old heifer, P. Dearing; heifer calf, P. Dearing; bull calf, P. Dear- ing;. bull, I year or over, P. Dearing, J,4rseys­A.-ed cow, G.. Timmine; 2-' year-old heifer, G. Timmins, F. Eller- ington; 1 -year-old heifer, G. Timmins; he-ifer calf,, G. Timmins and, 2nd; bull calt, G.,Timamins and- 2-nd; Exeter Creamery Special, G. Timmins, 0. Me - Laren. Grad,esi--Aged cow, 0. MeLaren and 2nd and; 3 -rd; 1 -year-old heifer, -O. Me - Laren - ; 1 -year-old steer, 0-. MeLaren; three animals from. one sire, W. Oes- treicher '& Znd,�A. Park; best ani-Imal, any age, W. Oestrei0i baby beef, operi, A. Park and 2nad, W. Oestreich- P,r, A. Park; Traquadrls Special, W. Oestrei0her; Lindenfield's Special, W. Oestreicber and 2nd; Viningl,s, Spec- ial, A. Park. � Judge .. Charters, Seaforth. Milk Grading Contest -Ladies, Mrs. M. Pym, Mrs, L. Hirtzel; lboys--H. T. Cadmiure, Marold Davis, Ross Skin. ner. Sheep Donset Horned -Aged ram, C. Dan. brook; sheariing ram, C. Danbro,6k; ram lamb, Preston Dearing, C. D�n� "0 % Axts A""14,111M, _774tuo"o �i, I nal leo '04 11411ey", F N P Pck,e* WAs'' 4_viatstouli,�,ifruit or ve;7 d stww"Ken V06t Mrs. Dor6� Mlsg U'Vingsion l�t ortrait, R. -IN ec, on Of pigeons-ia. Williams. H�rnesis? Special, B. Williams and Water .061ora - Uggocape, mis. Son; Harness' Special, O'Brien Bros.- Dor(�, Miss Livings, seapc4pe. . . . . . . . . Laird's Special, Ken Woods; Laird' ; Mro.,,Dore, Miss 1AN,;n1` �IgAon; fruit or flowers, bery Wqo44,.'MIss Living- H. Truemner; St. Lawrence, Mrs. sOn; original study­(�Oeuped), Wm. brook; ewe hwvi.ug raised lambs. -this Peii Miss Livinga.0ne; poftrait, year, Preston Deaxing amd 2nd; shear- Mrs. Dore, Ken Wo6d;f'lany subjeots. O'BrieVis gipeciat X Yellow. ling ewe, ---.C. Daribiripok, Preston bear- �not listed above, Mrs. Dore_MI'sa Liv- ing; ewe la.mb,'P. Deari ng, C. Dan- ingotone. brook. Miscellas,06us�-Pastel, any - sub - Manufadt6rers and ImplevAnts Oxford Dikged ram, S. P. Ject, Ken Wood, Jobo Dalrymple 1k I Pym- & Son, s-hearling Tam, W. Hen,- charcoal, scene or Study, Mrs. Dore, Beatty, Mrs. Dallby, TAMW&Ite ry and 2nd; ram lamb, W. Henry, S. Miss Livingstone; Pen And ink sketch, . J, Pym & Sons;' ewe having raised William Pendiale, Mr,% . 'E. Parsons; lambs thd-s-year, W. Henry, S. J. Pym -0ened drawing, scerie,, Ken Wood, Jbneb & May; *0011eA YAM, South-,] & Sons; shearling ewe, S. J. Pym & Miss Livingstone; SepJ4 spen6, John Sons and 2nd;' ewe Iamb, S.. J, pym Dalrymple, Miss Livingstone; cray- cents, but like wheat, farmers are boldinig, it for a better price 'Offer- ings, at the mills are far' �16�6�,, those of a yew ago. Present price,'of oats Is 40 cputs�Bxei Times-Advoate. Ctiiild Killed By Fathero/b Truck Mrs. A. S. Davis and Mrs. Henry Smith, 9fi, town., have received wofd of the death of their, iippliew's daugh-, )ter who was inistantly killed at Dtui, B. C., under the wheels of a heavy logging truck driven, by her f athe'r, Mr. Fred, Ptanlake. Mr. Stanlake was backing the truck. into.his yard when the accident occurred-. The child was 14 months old. Mr. Fred Stanlake is a son of, dbester'a nd the late Mrs. Stanlake, formerly of Donalda, Alta. -Exeter Times -Advocate. Transferred to Sarnia Mr. W. J. Burke, an Exeter boy, who has been, residing with 'his mother, Mrs. Win. Burke, of Lon -don, left Monday for Sarnia to take over the inamagement of the Imperial,Vae- atre, one of the two Famous Plaver hous6s. in that city. Mr. Burke has been the, Popular young manager of the Palace Theatre in, East London. - Exeter TiMes-Advocate. Wins Two Champion Awards Mr. Ephraim Snell monopolizedd the awards in the Leicesters -division. at the Western 'Fatr. In addition to ex- obibiting the champion ram a ni d cham- pion ewe, Mr.. Snell also won seven flrsts�Clinton- News -Record. Awaits Owner of.'Diamond Mr. Bert Williams, a former Wing- hamiter, who conducted a cleaning a -id pressing business in Walkerton, found a -diamond ring which had,come out of some unknown pierson'.- garment into t he suction machine. A few years ago Bert pressed a suit of clothes that had $48 6oncealed In, one of the pockets. One time he found two $5 gold, Rieeer., in another suit. He -has also handed back to customers sleveral watches that were lieft in suits. He estimates, he h4s found about $50 in loose change in the Vock- ets 0 his customers LWingham. Ad- vance -Times. ' Peculiar Tomatoes We have (in display in our window three tomaWes that are of the freak.' variety. One gz)iywm by Mrs. George Wvlle, Qf Wroxeter, is an.--octuplpt. Light tomatoes all growing -from the -one stem. The other two were grown by David Finlay, of,town., One is a ,quint, five grown off one atem, and the other is a triplet.-Wingham Ad- vance-Thries. Sparks Caused Fire Shortly before the 'noon hour on Wednesday last week fire broke out on the roof at the 'homd of Councillor J. H. Crawford. A spark from the chimney from the fire place ignited the shingles. It started to blaze mer- rily as the rooF was very diry. It was quickly extinguished, however, on the arrival of the firemen who confined, the fire to a small portion,of theroof. The w4ter damage was not extensive. Mr. and "Mrs. Crawford we re in Brampton at the time attending the funerai of Mr. Crawford's fabher.- Wingham Advance -Times. Dr. W. J. Reid Seriously. Ili SUffering a heart attack, Dr. Wes- ley S. Reid is critically ill at his home, "the,Castle," on St. George's Crescent. On Sunday morning Dr. Reid's son�- inqqw, Cms Hough, of Detroit, brought a heart specialist to Good- rich in his Waco plane and returned to Detroit the same afternoon to JIY back to Goderloh 'with a photographic apparatus for taking pictures of the humaa heart.-Goderich Sigrial. A Cordial Send -Off The local staff of the Canadian Na- tional Railways met in the office of -6he agent on Saturday afternoon and presented Horace Elvidge, a former staff member, who has f�cently been transferred. -to Owen Bound, with a Parker, fountain -Pen and pencil set. The Presentation was made by the agent, Mr. J. L. Taylor, who read an ;-n-"a �ified_­,&_Sx_ti( year, and worked - to sqeh d. fying. - The government no besitation In �Iding, 2 yeage 91, " W 1� W. J. JVAP'i 17 or gs!M�49? one 7W X. 1 :1404. o1010ma. Rawiltou & $OIL, Mary bjiai�4rood,.mare ac.co*t Vanie'd -by foal, E,. , yolla *.� tM", foaIr ed ln$0,36, R Yellow; A 11-y or gelding, 2 years old,, E. . YeU, filly Or jeld" 'pe g4rj, pq,; p, '91 year i, B. Yellow; telam, 9 Yellow and 2nd; ftloinui; F. Steeper, Wagon I-Toroeip-Brood, MarO aecoln- paq�, by, foal, N. Scott and 2nd; foal, foaled in. 0�7 N.'ScGtt, J. Hod, gns, N. Scott; flHy or golding, vuruv years old, G, J. TIAQ and 9nd,,1. Stahl; filly or gelding, 2. years old, F. Steep- er, fiUy or gelding, l'year old,, G. Heywood; -single wago%i horse, Win. Decker and 2-nidi,� B. Williama; pair kwagon horses in harness and car- xqage;-- Wim., Decker, B. Williams G. Thiel; diplorna, W. Decker. Roadsters --Foal, Ibaled i4 1937, F. Smith; filly or gelding, 3 yipars, old, Currie & Turvitt; filly or gelding, 2 years old, F. Smith ,; filly -or gelding, I- year old, W. J.' pale; 1)air road. sters in harness and buggy, Q ri 4-r- -a & '.Vurvitt; single -roadster in 'liiarness and buggy, Currie and Turvitt and 2nd; best farmers, outfit in harness and buggy, C. Godbolt, Currie & Tur- vitt; Coronation badge, Win. Hamil- ton.& Sioni; Donald Burn -W Special, C. Rowe; John Millers, Special, E. Yel- low- Godbolt's, Sp�ecial-, N. Scott, H. iitirLte�,, J. Hodgins., N. Scott; Hoop. er's.,Special, CurTie & Turvitt; Dr. Stewart's Special, Win. Bowden. Judge ­W. S. Stead -man, Petrolid. cattle, Shortfhornso--Aged cow, W. Oestrich. er and 2nd; two year old 'heifer, W. O"tredcher & 2ndl;'one year old heif- er, W. Oestreicher & 2nd; heifer calf, W Oestreicher & ftd, J. M. Glenn; bull calf, W. Oestreicber and 2nd-, bull ' 1 year and over, W. Oestreicher RZ 2nd-, bull, 2 years and ovof-', X.. Oetstrelober;.,herdl, W. Oestreicher, P, Dinxing: thiee andmala from one, sire, W. Oestreicher and 2nd, A. Park; dliploma, W, Oestreicher; Massey-Har- ris-Srwcial, W. OiastTeicher. Polled Angust--Aged- cow, P..Dear- irg; 2 -year-old heifeT, P. Dearing-, I- ,7ear-old heifer, P. Dearing; heifer calf, P. Dearing; bull calf, P. Dear- ing;. bull, I year or over, P. Dearing, J,4rseys­A.-ed cow, G.. Timmine; 2-' year-old heifer, G. Timmins, F. Eller- ington; 1 -year-old heifer, G. Timmins; he-ifer calf,, G. Timmins and, 2nd; bull calt, G.,Timamins and- 2-nd; Exeter Creamery Special, G. Timmins, 0. Me - Laren. Grad,esi--Aged cow, 0. MeLaren and 2nd and; 3 -rd; 1 -year-old heifer, -O. Me - Laren - ; 1 -year-old steer, 0-. MeLaren; three animals from. one sire, W. Oes- treicher '& Znd,�A. Park; best ani-Imal, any age, W. Oestrei0i baby beef, operi, A. Park and 2nad, W. Oestreich- P,r, A. Park; Traquadrls Special, W. Oestrei0her; Lindenfield's Special, W. Oestreicber and 2nd; Viningl,s, Spec- ial, A. Park. � Judge .. Charters, Seaforth. Milk Grading Contest -Ladies, Mrs. M. Pym, Mrs, L. Hirtzel; lboys--H. T. Cadmiure, Marold Davis, Ross Skin. ner. Sheep Donset Horned -Aged ram, C. Dan. brook; sheariing ram, C. Danbro,6k; ram lamb, Preston Dearing, C. D�n� "0 % Axts A""14,111M, _774tuo"o �i, I nal leo '04 11411ey", F N P Pck,e* WAs'' 4_viatstouli,�,ifruit or ve;7 d stww"Ken V06t Mrs. Dor6� Mlsg U'Vingsion l�t ortrait, R. -IN N. g". �!NA& , gg� Lo K;V, 411fto 00, Vp 6f No fumes worry you when you'heat with HAWCO. ..You'll 6 delighted with this "bafer, cleaner. money -saving Coke.'. Lasts so loi easy to regulate. And so light'orc the shovel. it's a pleasure to har�d[le. Leaves much less ash than other hard fuels. Try a ton- of RMCO, the dust- lew. smokeless, wasteless Coke. Order fiOM your local HMCO dealer -- he deserves your fuel. business. HAMICOCOKE sold in Seafortit by-.' .Wm. Ament John- J.- Sclater Ernest L. Box N. Cluff & Son ym0u. 1 H. Dearing; Roses., collection, Mrs. Rocks-, (cc & al) H. Doan, (er & p) Habe-rer, Mrs. li4eytwood K. Wood,; any other variety Plymouth single, Robt. Sanders, Mrs. Beavers; Rocks, (cr & p) Ken Wood; White Sulvia W. Dearing, Mrs. G. Mae- N y 0 A 0 1 5 Y 0 U F1 S U S E I T or Wyandottes, (c & b) D. Graham, Lean;',Stockg� Mrs,. Heywood; Sweet P) 0. Battler, G. Yelland; any Peas, W. H. Dearing, Mrs. Beaver&; .-other variety Wyandottes, (c & b)� Verbenas, W. H. Dearing, Mrs. M6 - O'Brien Brue., K. Wood; S. C. Rhode Lean; Zinnias, crested or curled, W. T I A 1:)-A J' AGiN S __ ' S, ke) . �Vc ems, I,— WooU, (h & er) J. Kochemis and. 2nd, (p) K. Wood, J. Kochem.s; Buff Leghorns, (cr & p) Ken- Wood and 2nd; Brown Legliorns (e) K. Wood, (h) J. Koch - ems, K. Wood, (er) 0. Battler, (p) 0. Battler, K.- Wood; any other var- lety. Leghorns, (c & h.) J. Kocheins, 1-1. Doan, (er & p) K. Wood-, J. Koch- emis; Black Minhorcas, (di) J. Koch - ems, 0. Battler, (cr &- 0) 0. Battli3r, K. Wood,; White Minorcas, (b, cr & P) H. DesiaTdine and 2nd; Affdalu- sians, (e, h, er & p) 0. Battler; An- conas, (c & h) 0. Battler, K. Wood, (er) J. Kochems), K. Wood.-, (p) -J. Kochems and, 2nd; G. S. Hamburgs, (c) K. Wood, O'Brien Bros., (h) O'Brient Broa and, ?,nd, (cr) K. Wood; Black Hamburgs, (c) O'Brien Bros., 0. Battler, (h, CT & P) O'Brien, Bros. and 2nd; Campines, Silver; (h) 0. Battler; Polands, Golden, (.h) O'Brien. Bros., (er & p) K. Wood;- Polands Silver, (c & hi) K. Wood; B. B. R�� 'Game,, (c, h, cr & p) O'Brien Bros. and, 2nd; Duckwing Game, (c h er & p).O'Brien Bros. and 2nd; aiiy.bli- -er variety game, (e) K. Wood, J. Kocherns, (h,.cr..& p) J. Kocherns, K. Wood; Bantame, Game, (c & h) O'Brien Bros., J. Kocherns; Golden ,Seabright,Ae, h, cr & p) D. Graham; Silver Seabright, (c, cr & p) H. Doan, (Ili) H. Doan, J. Kochems; Houdans, (c & h) O'Brien Bros., K. Wood, (er) K. Wood, (p) O'Brien Bros. and 2nd; Red Caps� (c and h) W. Bowden; Sam- albra Game, (c & h) O'Brien Bros.; White Rocks, (c & h) 6. Graham, (er & p) 0. Batiler, D. Graham; Black Giant% (c) D. Graham, H. Do,anl (h, er & p) D. Grabam, K. Wood; any q)ther variety fowl, (c & h) J. Nochems arid 2nd, (cr & p)- D. Wil- liams and 2nd. TurkeYisi­Bronize Turkeys, (e, h, er & P) K. Woodi; any other variety turkeys, (c, b, er & p) K. Wood, Geese -Bremen geese, (c, h, . er & p): X. Wood; Toulouse geese. c & h) W. Bowden,; any other variety geese,, (c &' h) 0. Battler, (cr an -d p) C. RoWe. --T)u,ckz­Pekin ducks fel 0 Battler address tendering to Mr. Elvidge the good wishes of the staff. iVr. Elvid�e- in a few well-chosen. femarks express- ed his,appreciation -bf the gift, He leaves Goderich with the best wishes of his fellow employees and carrying -with him many pleasant recollections of his associations with them while stationed here.-Goderich Signal. Over 100 Attend Corn Roast The LadIW Aid of Knox Presby- teria�n Chirroh, held a successful corn roast in� the orchard of Mr. Arthur Hincks on Tuesday evening, Sept. 9. The weather was ideal for the occa- sion and over a hundred partook of the corn which war, prepared with the use of two large kettles; also hot ,dogs and ice cream were seryed. ThZ�- evening was spent in playing games and community singing under the di- rection of Mrs. J. K. West -Mitchell Aavocate. Little Girl Injured On Sunday the little dailghter of Mrs. Cass McCormick (Olive'Allen), of Muncie, Ind., fell from a moving car aftd suffered a pai-afully scraped head and. fate and body bruises. The little girl In some manner unlatched the rear door of the car and- was tose- ed to the, road as the wind swung the door openL Mrs. McCormick was vis- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Den Allen, at the time.-Goderich Signal. Rev. Wm. Moore Receives Call Rev. Wm Moore, of MelvAle Presw -byterian Church, has received a call by the congregation -of Puce and PCs- sex'In. the Chatham Pregbytery. The induction. will be !held on September 30th at St.'Andre�*'s Cturch at Puce. -Brussels Post. e age a fast t. , Pe fixid. g IL Dearing, - 2nd: Zinnias, Dahlia flowered, Mrs. Heywood., Mrs. E, Pym; Zinnias, Mrs. Heywood, Mrs. E. Parsona; collection of Annuals, W H Dearing; collection of peren, *W. ff. Dearing, Mrs. Irywood; bride's bouquet, W. H. Dearing; bas,1 het cut flowers, Mrs. George Jaques, Mrs. Heywood; hand, -bouquet, Mrs. Haberer; novelty in cut flowers, W.' H. Deartrig. Xudge--J. J. Brown, Luean. Grain and Seeds Fall wheat, w hitt-, W. R. Dougall, Hilton Truenmer; fall wheat, red, Mil,nie Rader, H. A. Fuse; any var- iety spring wheat, Milne Radier, H. Truendner; six -rowed baTIey, Herb. Desjardinp, Jacob Battler; white oats, W. -R. Dougall, H. Desiardine; -timothy -seed, H. Truemner, 'Mrs. 0. Cunninigham; white- beans, M. Rader, J. Battler; clover seed, W. R, Don - gal.], Mrs. Curminigham; -ensilage- corn, Harold Cudmore; large p6a;s, Ken woiyd ' s,..Mrs. Cunningham.; small peas, .Alilne Rader, Ken Wood-. Jtidges-H. J. Hunter, Rid. Coates. Horticultural Products Apples�-Six varieties winter apples, Mrs. 0. Dailey, Laitbwaite & Sou; 4 varieties fall apples, Laithwalte & Son; fall apples, any varlety, Mrs. E. Pym, Laithwalte & Son; Rhode Isliand Greenings, H. Truemner Mrs. Dailey; Northern Spies, H. 'Cu�more, Laithwaite & Son-, -Golden- Russets, P. Cud -more, Laithwaits & Son, ; Spitzbnrgs, H. Cudmore, Laithwaite & Son; Baldwins, Laithwaite & Son, Mrs, Dailey; Westfield Seek-no-rur- thee, Mr9. Dailey, Laithwaite & Son; Snow Applies, Mrs. Dailey, Laithwaite & Son; Gravensteins, Laithwaite & Son, Mrs. Dailey; Golverts� Mrs. Dail- ey; Pall Pippins, Mrs. Dailey; King of Tompkine, J. Battlier, Mrs. Dailey; Alexanders, Mrs. Dailey', Mrs. C. StmR; Canadian Red, 1. Battler, La!t!h- Waite & Son; Ribston Pippitis, Mrs. Dailey, H. Cudmiore; WAgners, Mrs. *ith the Dailey, H. Cudmmore; Grimes G. Plp- ded, (h) 1 Kochems, 0. Battler, (cr & p) pins, R. Truieniner, MrR. Dailey, Maid - 0. Battler, J. Kochems; Roden ducks, an's Blush, Mrs. Dailey- Ben Davis, t (c), ff. Doan, W.Obowden, cr W - 14. Cudanore, Mrs. Daiiie;� Oni rk ]Bowden, H. Doan; any oth ex- vt"If3LY Laithwaite & Son., Mrs. Dailey; Weal- rl ducks, (c & b) 0. Battler, X. Wood, (er & p) 0. Battler. thy, M�a. Dailey, W. R. Douggil, r*_11 �A Duchess of Oldenburg, Laithwaite, & ec, on Of pigeons-ia. Williams. H�rnesis? Special, B. Williams and Water .061ora - Uggocape, mis. Son; Harness' Special, O'Brien Bros.- Dor(�, Miss Livings, seapc4pe. . . . . . . . . Laird's Special, Ken Woods; Laird' ; Mro.,,Dore, Miss 1AN,;n1` �IgAon; fruit or flowers, bery Wqo44,.'MIss Living- H. Truemner; St. Lawrence, Mrs. sOn; original study­(�Oeuped), Wm. brook; ewe hwvi.ug raised lambs. -this Peii Miss Livinga.0ne; poftrait, year, Preston Deaxing amd 2nd; shear- Mrs. Dore, Ken Wo6d;f'lany subjeots. O'BrieVis gipeciat X Yellow. ling ewe, ---.C. Daribiripok, Preston bear- �not listed above, Mrs. Dore_MI'sa Liv- ing; ewe la.mb,'P. Deari ng, C. Dan- ingotone. brook. Miscellas,06us�-Pastel, any - sub - Manufadt6rers and ImplevAnts Oxford Dikged ram, S. P. Ject, Ken Wood, Jobo Dalrymple And that lo A kbd-for- Pym- & Son, s-hearling Tam, W. Hen,- charcoal, scene or Study, Mrs. Dore, Beatty, Mrs. Dallby, TAMW&Ite ry and 2nd; ram lamb, W. Henry, S. Miss Livingstone; Pen And ink sketch, . J, Pym & Sons;' ewe having raised William Pendiale, Mr,% . 'E. Parsons; lambs thd-s-year, W. Henry, S. J. Pym -0ened drawing, scerie,, Ken Wood, Jbneb & May; *0011eA YAM, South-,] & Sons; shearling ewe, S. J. Pym & Miss Livingstone; SepJ4 spen6, John Sons and 2nd;' ewe Iamb, S.. J, pym Dalrymple, Miss Livingstone; cray- & Sons, W. Henry� on study, Mies lAvIfist011e, Kan Shropshire Downs --Aged ram, A. Wood. Steeper. . Art , Crafts--�Sealirijg wax exhibit, Liucohis-Aged -ram, A. Steeper & *iss Livingstone, Mft. H. pulss; Son; shearling -ram A. Steeper & wicker work, Mrs. . D. Warwick, Son; ram lamb, A. Steeper & Son,; Mrs. J. Jaques;; paintiing on glass or ewe having raised lambs this year, wood', Mrs. H. Fuss, Mrs. 1), S. A. Steeper & Son; shearling ewe, A. Hackney; stencil design on any ma - Steeper & Son-; ewe lambi A. Steeper t6tiall John Dalrymple, Miss Living- & Son. stone; any new craft, � Mrs. E. par- Leicestersi--Aged. ram, DJ Graham& sOn's, Capt. Bedford; wood carving, Son and 2nd; sbeaTling �rarn, D. Gra- Capt. Bedford, .ham & Son, W. Rorineriberg; ram PhOtograPhs�-Collecdon of amatenr lamb, D. Graham & Son and 2i4d; e -we snaps, Mra. Dore, Miss White; dis- *-having' raised, Iambs this year, D. Play -of pbotographic views, Miss Graham & Son, W. Ronnenberg; White. s1hearling ewe, D. Gra ham� & Son and Judg-Miss Adeale, Hunter. 2111d; -ewe lamb,. D. Graham & Son and 2nd; Sweepp.take I s, A. D. Steeper, W., Flowers Penhale, W. . N. Henry. Foliage, 3 varieties, Mrs. E. Law, Pigs son; novelty in Potted Plants, Mrs. P. Haberer, W. H. Dearing. I .- Yorkshire-Bo.ar, 2 years old and 0it Flqwers�-Suapdragonq, Mrs,. E. over, A. Warner; boar, I yearold and Heywood,- W. H.. Dearing; Asters, col - under 2, A. Warner, W, Rounenberg; lection, W., H. Dearing; Asters, white, boar, under I ydar, A. Warner and W. H. Dearing, Mrs. P. Haberer; As - 2nd; sow, 2 years old and over A ters, mauve, Mrs. Haberer, W.. H. Warner -and 2nd; sow, I Year old"'Ind Dearing; Asters, purple,. W. H, Dear - under 2, A. Warner, W.. Rorinenberg; ing, R-bert Sanders; Asters, pink w..-. ' sow, under I year, A. Warner, F. R111-- H_ Dearing, Mrs. HtOerer; A.S�era, lerington Ostrich plume, collection, Mrs. �Hab. Tamwortb�-Boar, 2 Yea:rs old- and Cxer, W. H., Dearing; Coxcombs, W. -over, R. Manson; boax,,1 year oldiand H. Dearing, Mrs. E. Parsons; Cox- imider 2, C. Dacabrook; boar, undel- 1 comb, feathered, W. H. Dearqng; Cos. - ye I ar, R. Manson ind 2u(f.- sow I year MOB, -Single and double, W. H. Dear- oldand under 2 R , Man�on a`n'd 2nd- Ing; Dahlias, decorative variety, Mrs. sow, under� 1 ;�ax, C. Danbrook, 'j. Haberer, Gibbs Yellandis; Dahlias, Maneon. Cartlis 'Variety, Mrs. Hhberer, 4ibbs Bacon Type -Pair bacon typ� pi�,s I Yellands; Dahlias, Pompom variety, any breed, C. Danbrook, V. Ellering- G. Yelland; Diauthuq or Pinks, Mrs. ton. I I . Heywood, W. H. Dearing; Gladiolus,, Jud1ge­-H. J. Hunter, Exeter. best one named variety, Robt. San- ders, Mrs. Heywood; Gladiolus, best Poultry 6 spikes, Mrs. Heywood'; Gladiolus, T4 ight Brailiamas (ei O'Brien Bros:, best collection, Mrs, Heywood; Im- patiens, or Balsams, W. 11. Dearing; (h) O'Bri,en Bros. and 2nd, (er) D. Graham, R. Wood, (p) K, Wood; Marigolds, Afnc=, Mrs,. Heywood, any vallety Cochins, �c) - 14. Doan, (h) W. H. Dearing; Marigold, French, W. Dearing; Phlox Drummondi Mrs. K. Wood ' J. Koohems; Silver -,Gr,,,y E. Parsons, W. H. D�&arfng; Petunia, Dorkings, (c, cr & p) J. Kochems, D. Graham, (b) J. Koch4me, 0. Battler; single. W. H. Dearing, Mr -s. E. Pym; .Buff OrphingtGns-, (h) J. Kochems, ter & ri� Tr UT -A n, a 'Di i Petunias, double, W.' H. Dearing; Pansies, Mrs. Gienn MacLean. W. N. g". �!NA& , gg� Lo K;V, 411fto 00, Vp 6f No fumes worry you when you'heat with HAWCO. ..You'll 6 delighted with this "bafer, cleaner. money -saving Coke.'. Lasts so loi easy to regulate. And so light'orc the shovel. it's a pleasure to har�d[le. Leaves much less ash than other hard fuels. Try a ton- of RMCO, the dust- lew. smokeless, wasteless Coke. Order fiOM your local HMCO dealer -- he deserves your fuel. business. HAMICOCOKE sold in Seafortit by-.' .Wm. Ament John- J.- Sclater Ernest L. Box N. Cluff & Son ym0u. 1 H. Dearing; Roses., collection, Mrs. Rocks-, (cc & al) H. Doan, (er & p) Habe-rer, Mrs. li4eytwood K. Wood,; any other variety Plymouth single, Robt. Sanders, Mrs. Beavers; Rocks, (cr & p) Ken Wood; White Sulvia W. Dearing, Mrs. G. Mae- N y 0 A 0 1 5 Y 0 U F1 S U S E I T or Wyandottes, (c & b) D. Graham, Lean;',Stockg� Mrs,. Heywood; Sweet P) 0. Battler, G. Yelland; any Peas, W. H. Dearing, Mrs. Beaver&; .-other variety Wyandottes, (c & b)� Verbenas, W. H. Dearing, Mrs. M6 - O'Brien Brue., K. Wood; S. C. Rhode Lean; Zinnias, crested or curled, W. T I A 1:)-A J' AGiN S __ ' S, ke) . �Vc ems, I,— WooU, (h & er) J. Kochemis and. 2nd, (p) K. Wood, J. Kochem.s; Buff Leghorns, (cr & p) Ken- Wood and 2nd; Brown Legliorns (e) K. Wood, (h) J. Koch - ems, K. Wood, (er) 0. Battler, (p) 0. Battler, K.- Wood; any other var- lety. Leghorns, (c & h.) J. Kocheins, 1-1. Doan, (er & p) K. Wood-, J. Koch- emis; Black Minhorcas, (di) J. Koch - ems, 0. Battler, (cr &- 0) 0. Battli3r, K. Wood,; White Minorcas, (b, cr & P) H. DesiaTdine and 2nd; Affdalu- sians, (e, h, er & p) 0. Battler; An- conas, (c & h) 0. Battler, K. Wood, (er) J. Kochems), K. Wood.-, (p) -J. Kochems and, 2nd; G. S. Hamburgs, (c) K. Wood, O'Brien Bros., (h) O'Brient Broa and, ?,nd, (cr) K. Wood; Black Hamburgs, (c) O'Brien Bros., 0. Battler, (h, CT & P) O'Brien, Bros. and 2nd; Campines, Silver; (h) 0. Battler; Polands, Golden, (.h) O'Brien. Bros., (er & p) K. Wood;- Polands Silver, (c & hi) K. Wood; B. B. R�� 'Game,, (c, h, cr & p) O'Brien Bros. and, 2nd; Duckwing Game, (c h er & p).O'Brien Bros. and 2nd; aiiy.bli- -er variety game, (e) K. Wood, J. Kocherns, (h,.cr..& p) J. Kocherns, K. Wood; Bantame, Game, (c & h) O'Brien Bros., J. Kocherns; Golden ,Seabright,Ae, h, cr & p) D. Graham; Silver Seabright, (c, cr & p) H. Doan, (Ili) H. Doan, J. Kochems; Houdans, (c & h) O'Brien Bros., K. Wood, (er) K. Wood, (p) O'Brien Bros. and 2nd; Red Caps� (c and h) W. Bowden; Sam- albra Game, (c & h) O'Brien Bros.; White Rocks, (c & h) 6. Graham, (er & p) 0. Batiler, D. Graham; Black Giant% (c) D. Graham, H. Do,anl (h, er & p) D. Grabam, K. Wood; any q)ther variety fowl, (c & h) J. Nochems arid 2nd, (cr & p)- D. Wil- liams and 2nd. TurkeYisi­Bronize Turkeys, (e, h, er & P) K. Woodi; any other variety turkeys, (c, b, er & p) K. Wood, Geese -Bremen geese, (c, h, . er & p): X. Wood; Toulouse geese. c & h) W. Bowden,; any other variety geese,, (c &' h) 0. Battler, (cr an -d p) C. RoWe. --T)u,ckz­Pekin ducks fel 0 Battler address tendering to Mr. Elvidge the good wishes of the staff. iVr. Elvid�e- in a few well-chosen. femarks express- ed his,appreciation -bf the gift, He leaves Goderich with the best wishes of his fellow employees and carrying -with him many pleasant recollections of his associations with them while stationed here.-Goderich Signal. Over 100 Attend Corn Roast The LadIW Aid of Knox Presby- teria�n Chirroh, held a successful corn roast in� the orchard of Mr. Arthur Hincks on Tuesday evening, Sept. 9. The weather was ideal for the occa- sion and over a hundred partook of the corn which war, prepared with the use of two large kettles; also hot ,dogs and ice cream were seryed. ThZ�- evening was spent in playing games and community singing under the di- rection of Mrs. J. K. West -Mitchell Aavocate. Little Girl Injured On Sunday the little dailghter of Mrs. Cass McCormick (Olive'Allen), of Muncie, Ind., fell from a moving car aftd suffered a pai-afully scraped head and. fate and body bruises. The little girl In some manner unlatched the rear door of the car and- was tose- ed to the, road as the wind swung the door openL Mrs. McCormick was vis- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Den Allen, at the time.-Goderich Signal. Rev. Wm. Moore Receives Call Rev. Wm Moore, of MelvAle Presw -byterian Church, has received a call by the congregation -of Puce and PCs- sex'In. the Chatham Pregbytery. The induction. will be !held on September 30th at St.'Andre�*'s Cturch at Puce. -Brussels Post. e age a fast t. , Pe fixid. g IL Dearing, - 2nd: Zinnias, Dahlia flowered, Mrs. Heywood., Mrs. E, Pym; Zinnias, Mrs. Heywood, Mrs. E. Parsona; collection of Annuals, W H Dearing; collection of peren, *W. ff. Dearing, Mrs. Irywood; bride's bouquet, W. H. Dearing; bas,1 het cut flowers, Mrs. George Jaques, Mrs. Heywood; hand, -bouquet, Mrs. Haberer; novelty in cut flowers, W.' H. Deartrig. Xudge--J. J. Brown, Luean. Grain and Seeds Fall wheat, w hitt-, W. R. Dougall, Hilton Truenmer; fall wheat, red, Mil,nie Rader, H. A. Fuse; any var- iety spring wheat, Milne Radier, H. Truendner; six -rowed baTIey, Herb. Desjardinp, Jacob Battler; white oats, W. -R. Dougall, H. Desiardine; -timothy -seed, H. Truemner, 'Mrs. 0. Cunninigham; white- beans, M. Rader, J. Battler; clover seed, W. R, Don - gal.], Mrs. Curminigham; -ensilage- corn, Harold Cudmore; large p6a;s, Ken woiyd ' s,..Mrs. Cunningham.; small peas, .Alilne Rader, Ken Wood-. Jtidges-H. J. Hunter, Rid. Coates. Horticultural Products Apples�-Six varieties winter apples, Mrs. 0. Dailey, Laitbwaite & Sou; 4 varieties fall apples, Laithwalte & Son; fall apples, any varlety, Mrs. E. Pym, Laithwalte & Son; Rhode Isliand Greenings, H. Truemner Mrs. Dailey; Northern Spies, H. 'Cu�more, Laithwaite & Son-, -Golden- Russets, P. Cud -more, Laithwaits & Son, ; Spitzbnrgs, H. Cudmore, Laithwaite & Son; Baldwins, Laithwaite & Son, Mrs, Dailey; Westfield Seek-no-rur- thee, Mr9. Dailey, Laithwaite & Son; Snow Applies, Mrs. Dailey, Laithwaite & Son; Gravensteins, Laithwaite & Son, Mrs. Dailey; Golverts� Mrs. Dail- ey; Pall Pippins, Mrs. Dailey; King of Tompkine, J. Battlier, Mrs. Dailey; Alexanders, Mrs. Dailey', Mrs. C. StmR; Canadian Red, 1. Battler, La!t!h- Waite & Son; Ribston Pippitis, Mrs. Dailey, H. Cudmiore; WAgners, Mrs. *ith the Dailey, H. Cudmmore; Grimes G. Plp- ded, (h) 1 Kochems, 0. Battler, (cr & p) pins, R. Truieniner, MrR. Dailey, Maid - 0. Battler, J. Kochems; Roden ducks, an's Blush, Mrs. Dailey- Ben Davis, t (c), ff. Doan, W.Obowden, cr W - 14. Cudanore, Mrs. Daiiie;� Oni rk ]Bowden, H. Doan; any oth ex- vt"If3LY Laithwaite & Son., Mrs. Dailey; Weal- rl ducks, (c & b) 0. Battler, X. Wood, (er & p) 0. Battler. thy, M�a. Dailey, W. R. Douggil, r*_11 �A Duchess of Oldenburg, Laithwaite, & Whether you are at home, or on the, street, on trains, street can or motor, in church or theatre -Hydro plays an essential part in your safety, and the pro- tection of your property. Police and rire Department signal systems render immediate service in emer- gency. Traffic lights permit control and safety on our streets. Wig -wag systems flash and signal the danger of approaching trains. Better lighted streets make crime difficult. Inadaition to thesemany guardians of your safety, Hydro goes still farther. Every,electrical appliance or device must be approved by the H. E. P. C. Testing and Inspection Department before it goes into your home---�every piece of electrical equipment is made as free of hazard as scientific knowledge and highly -trained technicians can make them., J In addition to being an important factor in your safety, and the protec tion of your pioperiv, Hyclro is making every effort to ostend the benefits of low cost power throughout the Province of Ontario. The96 efforts are made in V*Ur best interests, and their success will affect Vour prosperity. You should, therefore, be vitally interested in Hydko and what it is doing for you. HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER COMMISM, "N W15A A 000, _N, �0 V. N j� ec, on Of pigeons-ia. Williams. H�rnesis? Special, B. Williams and Aon, Mrs. Dailey; Blenheim, Pippins, Son; Harness' Special, O'Brien Bros.- Laithwalte & Sion; Craliburg, Mrs, Laird's Special, Ken Woods; Laird' ; Dailey; Talman Sweet, Mrm Dailey, Special, pair geese, 0. Rowe; Laird'a H. Truemner; St. Lawrence, Mrs. fteclaA, Y011119,011ickana, Ken Woods,. Dailey. Ai , #d O'BrieVis gipeciat X Yellow. Pears,--WInter pears, Mrs. Dail6y, Judge -L O'Brien; Exeter, -taftlitiraite, & Son; fall Oearp Mrs. k.§,g . Iving. r6& b# - Manufadt6rers and ImplevAnts Dailey, Lialthwalte &., Port; Plemish And that lo A kbd-for- Beatty, Mrs. Dallby, TAMW&Ite �entmtxkv abd regt within Manketa, all wool,, southloott arog., Son.; Duch4ss of Ani Lalth- 9 1he''. eh!p�, whakft Jbneb & May; *0011eA YAM, South-,] Waite &- goli" ialapwo ft*6flie, Jr. bat, Cott gros., Mies may" tahor tug.] Uar, LeftVatu sulk; 11weo CIL 0 :r� 6 K; _XU1! Whether you are at home, or on the, street, on trains, street can or motor, in church or theatre -Hydro plays an essential part in your safety, and the pro- tection of your property. Police and rire Department signal systems render immediate service in emer- gency. Traffic lights permit control and safety on our streets. Wig -wag systems flash and signal the danger of approaching trains. Better lighted streets make crime difficult. Inadaition to thesemany guardians of your safety, Hydro goes still farther. Every,electrical appliance or device must be approved by the H. E. P. C. Testing and Inspection Department before it goes into your home---�every piece of electrical equipment is made as free of hazard as scientific knowledge and highly -trained technicians can make them., J In addition to being an important factor in your safety, and the protec tion of your pioperiv, Hyclro is making every effort to ostend the benefits of low cost power throughout the Province of Ontario. The96 efforts are made in V*Ur best interests, and their success will affect Vour prosperity. You should, therefore, be vitally interested in Hydko and what it is doing for you. HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER COMMISM, "N W15A A 000, _N, �0 V. N j�