The Huron Expositor, 1937-09-17, Page 34 W . IF I 'A A 4 4 4 MR. No 10 'IT I IT 1'�, A,� ILI F., 0 Accolfte New.!Po 1109a ir "Tot Aix years 1 S14 e, III , . I - 4".4 Iii lm.-4wa 9A. the 1�4_k �AW#r ioi.1i "to' t, '; r, :4e j�,Iqe f, # 4, 1 4'",40(110 11fts "M mitewili.. RX, 166 1,* 7 WA 404 kW- Water Ma' TV0,Wl'i opivg M ft" vaot eight y0axa hap been el, My, at -Omvd-Deall. The, ". TA**" =Q40e ftial, Nay for about 04 led at the 0eft Alie*941144 8400r- AW4=8 ie 2 5 000:10M k1070. 'As Oki. "0 xrloi, miles Tbar4a4' fr-Q1A and it 7haotert4inly,clor 0 " . . . 4, . �, #VbD �A V V0 a bag,' t4m, London, bas reaIgnea H through Kiloi to the Mab e:WOM, F� M her post- _Mrg. Reman U 04#eps. , tiqu VO4 I r, d�'U, 44rx� tion and aceeked a Position dn. the dff nn.. WaIr hwa A, Univenity er TIMAftreatei.. OIL . auk, iaaca Hospit4l. at Ann. AA)6r, Teots prote tha�,XeljqgWs ATj,, has 1) Mi e Lad With Proken A R 'is safe and �00ctivia t�r o9r, ei.m lilla* IV'. k w6m., 2no, b. so Oftbh ell: spent a couple B PAN Tt r rm of Grand 10 weel W. With beer parents Prior to I - rQctlug common comstipAtiou. leaving forilxer new positionpwetei Mve-y"x-old Donald P RuIngton, Within fh6. body, A14,13RAN ab-, sm,of Mg. 4nd. Mrs. Qiials! Penning- Councillor 'Cra—f .P at or Pa =ba twice itst in vulaf"" b -u, wargoe near 4 mul b irw Thur0- -and gently exorcisei and cleanfles- __1WW_ _0 ire - 11 :�,_ Roade Taken Over By. Province% day. last and calinly an4ouuced, wMh the,'�hitestinea. It' also furnishes- forq%11�,ther of '(311 H craw out a tear or a wbAmper, "Mummy, vitamin B to tone the inteitine% ford, Of town., V 6 evrea: Two now roads -have been taken mly am hurts awfgl.,, Mrs. Pefilltug- and iron for the,blood, tug �t bie-hommumut treet, Bramp-., over -by the provincial, dhapartment in fou"was" inclined t9 ignore this balm Just eat two tablespoonfuls daily, toa,� 04t., Mr.., Was in his Ahis vommunItY. The road sunning statevient.,of.her youngest Pon,, utter- either as a cereal with� m1lR 'or eighty-second, year. Tkv funeral was ed 09 matter-of-faetly, Nit It w4s soon cream, or in'ecitikeil dishes. Three beld from his later res%enee, Bramp- discovered tliat the childs right arm times daily in'severe cases. You'll ton, Wednesday afterp&n, Interment w4o_brolcen! The family doctor was find this*food far better th" habjt� in Brampton cemetery. - Wingham cailed,' X-rayp'were taken and' two -formlyeills and drugs. ALL-B&�N Advance -Times. fractures of the afrm- between wrist is Sol 11 all groc@rs. Made by, Kellogg n�lr ndg t Found D t and, elbow, were revealed. T�e little ead in ' Mp, or Car -boy Gail he was Playing with some Jack Gallagher, 33-yqar-DId son of friends when he was pushed from a 'Albert Gallagher, of "the Wroxeter vfkrandah. He fell nearly five feet, tug badly cut in addition to the two gmrel road,, near- Sa1V=, was found his arm striking an ash Pile and, bem breaks. He walked- all the way home, in his ear de,4d id 4 -gravel pit near aursiug.his broken arm, and proVed Wroxeter on, Monday. : The men, a himself a real little soldier even when widoweT, had been maissing from taken to the hospital *ohave his arm his home since last Friday. Friends al screery _put In a cast�Godterlch Signal. conducted a search to no avail and 6 Alvra Me a. few I e ol nvp Atioxis give t of ale Farms Sold the'liody. was found �by ebanee on F the effec" t #.,i I A h 1 1- - Monday. -Brussels Post At the ction. sale of the real es - in, swivelli, ey Qf I,- +,6p ally shaD itu P, -14 1 Successful Students S s tate.of the late'Willi-am Witzel, of �?Mrifww i ged tE te tt 14f, same I Stephen, on Fddiay last, the south The. following Pupils of Elizabeth ed faci half of lot 14, concesision. 12, dbntain- Mills, A.T.O.M., were successful in gy pard e for scrrng Ws. Ing 50 aor�ees, was sold to'Mr. Alex. piano examinations held in Blyth In zes, so get Imed Neeb for $1,15N. Th -ft auctioneer was connection with Toronto Coneerva� Mr. Frank Taylor. On MWdzy Mi. tory: Grade VIII, Jean Phillips, hon - Taylor disposed, of the 100 -acre farm, ors; Grade VI, Norma Daer; Grade !3,eing lot -12, concession .13, -to, Mr. ry, Frances -Johnston, honors; Isobel Matthew Clark for $2,350.' - Exeter McGill; Grade III, Glen Tasker, hon- Timesi-Advocale. ors; Grader"11, Lloyil Tibsker, honors.' Few Accidents#,' Now Record . Only -one -accident w4s reported 'ov- Celebrates 55th Wedding Anniversary er.1the Lab -or Day week -end by Go,in- 0ongratulations are extended to Mr. ty Traffir Officer Norman Lever; the and Mrs.. Alex. Osbornei who on Tun - y orn Accident involving a father and son. day observed their 55th weddiing an - anodised Ala The smaghup occurred near Holmes- niversary. A unique feature -of the P ortant part. ville when Ben, Hellier, of Clinton, It- occasion -is that eight. per -sons who ge fitted through tempted, to pass a car driven by lit� were at -the wedding are still very wnr( tem of ventil * at C=4 father, W. H. Heffier. The son's, car much alive,. and all take a keen in - skidded, crashing Into his father's terest in the affairs of the day. Thi s ca� and both careened into the ditch, is somethiing to be proud of, and X the elder Helliei% car clipping off a believe. !(is a recordr.-.431in-ton News- Hydro- pole. No -one was hurt, but Record. the cars-, were damaged extensively.- I Camplielf- Irwin Zurich Herald, The. *marriage of Msry. Hazel, daugh- did Will at Halifax Meets ter of Mrs. Irwin and the late Thomaz A Dort Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin,.of Easl!Wawancish, I to James Geo�ge Smith, formerly- of Wingham, Melville Campbell. eon -of Mrs. Camp - now of HaUfax, w�,q Jearned.to swim bell, and the late.Charles Campbell, -of 0 0 at the C.P.R. brIW here, did ve,.y Morris, was,celebmted!,by Rev. J. B. W611 at' recent contests 'at Ha:llfajr� Townsend . -at the United 0hureb, Doo, , who has- just turned 13 years Manse, -Be�grave, on Saturday, Aug. old. at the annual water sports came 28th. After a trin, toMuskoka and 0 Of firat in. the 25 yards*swim for boys' Eastern, Ontario, Mr. anil Mm. Camp - 14 and under, and won the 50 -yard -s bell will re-edide.on the:groom's farm, goo swim for boys, under 16. He was also 1st hne Of'M()Trls�Godorich Star. got 'a member of the teaah that won the Killed In Rdhd Accid : ent Monday mixed relay of IGO yards. Don evi- go, in the price of 'steel have dently is as good on, land as in the . Mrs. William Dougherty, aged, 20, of ecesal d a'slight increase in- the OPP 1�,201 I water. At the Junior Bov Scouts East Street . , Goderlch_was instantly cost of metal roofing, but it actually killed on Monday night, and, her sis- CC:osts Youless.relativel3r, to buy Rib- meet he came first"in the 100 vards, U or Tite-Lap roofin today than pLAO high jump arild broad Jump._*Wing.. ter, Miss Mary Lightley�:aged 18, it did in i.93a. ham Ad-vance-TIlMes. oritically injured wbell+ the car in Look atthesefigures. Here is what which. they were riddl it cost you in commodities to buy Turnberry'Man on Important Work ,g, driven by R, Harold Livermore, of ldi$ntion, hurtled �-,RAl or.Xte-�: roofing Write us fordetailsorseeyour -The Winnipeg Free Press, recently over.and over on, High"', N , 8 two 93 as P. Xto foday.. banker. He will welcome you. Q contained, an article. that is of -inter- miles east of Goderich colli Cost of 100 sq. ft. n6ofing"-- diaig- 19S3 2937 Use STATITE LED-IJEDNAR.S. -est to--people--of tWg, district as- car driven by - B14 Bradley, Ir bond- positively cerns Robert Weir, son of Mr. and of Goderlob. 6.85 bu. 5.6 bu,, seals the� nail -hole. A drive Livermore was thrown Oats 14 bu. 9.875 hu. crew nail that holds like a Mrs. John Weir, 6th concession of clear of the road, but suffered broken Bar'sv, bull1dog. - - Turnberry. Mr. Weir is on the staff ribs and wrlst, severe head*, Injuries B.- do JAMESWAY POULTRY of t -he University of Alberta and he �nd,, lacerations, and his c6ndition al- So- f to EQUIPMENT works in comsection with the re- "" I t. . so is described, as serio�ig.-Goderich Ive No matter how large or small search and devq1opment of Agricul- Signal. two best roofing values. your flock, there is Jamesway ture and is in charge of 9,000 plotv.- : equipment of every Ve Burned By Acid'Water to suit your needs exa Y. 'Winglia-m Advance -Times, Rib-Rcill and Tite-La� Roofing -Easy tyut on right 11 cial, n in ubi . ey save ,�i for .7ei'- 'IMeT Son o - over yoUr+O rO ,._ and poq, ho". Bayfield Store Robbed -W- ­ Robin , tw year Id son oney y 640e cost. W . for 1� of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robinson. of 9 Besure ett ng e S.P. Thieves -early Wednesday morn - product an ave 0 ts Colborne township, was returned to Ing made a clean-up at 'Geo. Ba.ech-. We home on . Sumday from hospita) at There -are ins u uccessiful The Preston Fertillator le?.s -general store -at Bayfield, oper- ' imitators I S go ard rafter attached to your seed drill London, where he wa's undergoing Sideand measureme for fiee cost enables you to sow. fortilizer ated by Sam Wideonibe, when 'they treatment for a badly burned, throat. lap. "estimate. with your fall whesit. �,g- end broke in the front door and loaded, The liftle boy in some 'unexplained are We car with approximately ;75.00 way found acid water from. an auto EdSte= StEVI PMdJXtS =h of cigarettes, chewing battery and swallowed a small quan- tiqht� 911m, can - 706 Guelph Street Factories also)al dy an#, many varieties of grocerdes tity PRESTON, ONTARIO MONTREAL and TORONTO --Goderich Signal, and citnpbd goods. Before leaving the vi age, e �leves a. so r4D e open a las r *no .6 On Friday evening Miss Leah Griff was the gue4t.of honor at a surprise dinner party held,- at Gordon Woug's Cafe prioi to -her leaving1for her new home at Stratford.. During the even- ing a VireWell'mesaage' was read by Miss Amy Mair, and Miss Vera Wilk- ins.presentedthe guestpf honor with ....... a dainty. evendug bag.. Miss Griff ihifiked her friends for their lovely 'gift and' their good, wishes. The guesti of the evening included, Mrs. (Rev.) -S, R. McClung and the Misses Amy Mair, Ann, Strauphan, Eva Scott, Alberta Osbaldeston, Ve-Inta. Reynolds, Beatrice Campbell,` Gladys Hutchison and Vera Wilklns.-Goderi�h- Sign -al' T, OF ib lridla.*s export trade to Canada for pvto many Years has been- based on the demand'for two products typical of In -did, namely, tea and jute. MCSC to- toes Pedigree . live sto I ek registered by 110 �t "'he ot i0a,"& I,— tso—, tVI all I XTV Canadian Nationel Live Stock Re- ltok_ ey j,�Vos, a to -.-,TJe370­_ od, cords, approved'by the Dominion Min - k:,011 Is -ter of Agriculture, for -the first sev- sel, - os'L Va kts ISV?' We . To. 1:eT0 agt. 'l. months of 1937 included 2,907 S� V, VS 0e, 1,. 1, , me en ,(Aov� W6 vo )r `110S, ,jX,.0L1D e X.. horses, 22,334 cattle, 3,901 sheep, 3,443 ea WoT , es -436 01C. silla- eixw:,�,- aelall, to. "'hoo moice swine, 5,899 foxes, 4,298 dogs, 903 1011W OeT 'Lua ld�e, 011�rL iovt 0� i!Nov-, 6, Cop� Vqa� -91ST, C,00 0 Se- poultry, and 58 goats�-to,tal­43,638. 0 %tj -%yasc, so bc- U, 0 0% "Double -working" apple trees is a Do N." ea, mN .1c ..Ltu Vre? TO hortibultural practice which, has not o(so, - W­,,�theC been used to.any extent In- Canada tiAs Toto. but Is employed' generall In -the Y 0" oea". At e United States, Poland, germany and 1; ��a*e-0A% J 2� IT go'c' "Double-w6rking" simply G_ 't. W- 0AP 00 a 0!� to - L- all, Holland. Op_u 1 100 ;V�t 1- & jvudr- 'j% C "U %*Y RD V EAfr*, means bbat trees are twice budded or YGAX� �.0- 0111, t1he--;vLa I grafted, in contrast to thbr one opera, to 00* --,o 11. "t to .5ol- 0aut-iijapw 1 16 10 &C 0, its ,, . M, S low standard nurssrY trees, A tion. In �a IXQ" e0P".- lt;i ty. -gol,,Ex -4 2; Pamphlet showing how f5e, miAod of "double-workinWl is carried -out i o"k, to., 00 eipple )e by 00. boa been Prepared'and may be obtain - be 00- low- ul 'd or eill ex 9 ckd on request from the Publicity and jevl�l too eaell el- 1P.- W.11111-611 01 Extension Branch of -the Department 1 40' vo-scl gr W- at Ottawa. 0 101010,1401, to' (TI19 P",firitea '_619'W-1� t4,,tj6"bIIC'5V1 by los ibilt I W1.1 N. Arrive �rrom West wo Joe- orli'l 1.) . §ix Camille$ from Southern Sm*at- 14DTO OF IF U�"' wlg�. I q 'U" :chewan arrived at Brl,ghi�n'ln North- vA, umberland 0ounty receritly, with '11 6t. caTaloads of chattelo, Including 52 cat - 00, 40 korsea, furniturel finpleme-rits, traotom, etc. The" faml9ft are we. OYMENT. CO MISSILON log pla-14d on, Ontarlo, " ratimi lban NAT,10* NAL91MOL Dowd farms and are bdbg camd for 1rot by Oro Saslatchewan ab**MeAt un- .4)40kme tal they * -C" IyL 'Z MFFFW"klc�� 1P, Suppose it were r loved one YOU being ivade:ready for the.climak of ai­&' grim struggle with Death.- Rrudously you await tho,o* Utco;L"" _,h6p Ing wjUnotfQfl,.,yQ Ur 14:111' against hope —praying that these men in white Rf" is, in their hands, -but all their sldU,, and all t e -, pe W h ir 't c teed knowled would be powerless should those operating room lights gp,iout. at &.-Critbu� .moment. But those lights will not fail . n6r will the power -to operatei the delicate electrical apparatus used in modern �Iurqery tpaay. Outside the olberating xi�iom is an organizatiofL of highly trained Rydiili men, whose,duty it is to see that. nothing is allowed to interru dr .. Rt Hy.. - o', service, and to be ready for instant action in any unfa reseen ernergency. P The service which Hydro provides to, and widens the, scope of, medical science in Ontario is the Some service that brings so many corriforts aric! conveniences within the rooms 'of your own home — lowered .41 production costs to inclustry--greater utility and . facilities tocommerce a greater measure of prosperity to all in Ontario. 1A, The Hydro of today is striving ta -extend the,biot 4efits of low cost electricity everywhere in the Province and to makin g every effort to still furthei'reauce pow'er co sts. P Rs a partner in this gigantic enterprise you should be vitally interested in these efforts. ®R' 49 HYDRO' ELECTRIC POWER CUMMISSIOW 374A j TELEPHONE TALKS' IN TH9 WATSON, FAMII�Y- T 4 Al ..N X "v 4 UJ ur home, "on cam e ak- 11-1 OB The big br he news. V;ith Nv as riONV at last a C1 at 01 b'g Manager ut Father 1),Partme && Your 'n salary Muriel' jAcrease 3,,,(l tc(l, beoll aeligl', UV9,, WM be ot call biln ,Why like thi 6 his wise- news Afla ,ertainlY listance- aeman '. ds I Long call Aunt Woe Vm about ito Mary, too, familY have, W.tson The good tO sprwd Low Night Rates begin found fitat 2ncy, Long every evening at s6ven, and apply. ALL DAY SUNDAY! am , Or Ift emerge tee is indtspe Digtal - hot Itgeof 60 M. J. HAMIRK, Ard YOU makittg L.Ug pistauce Manager 4 UJ n, 4 UJ