HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1937-09-10, Page 5ae
A 0
Iran, Dunn and ,
Melvin D►auota
M'on.,..Tu ems 1,3. 141.5
Grace Moore¢ Cary' Geallt-1,
Alice Magill:Olen. In
He didn't like sinsersaiee he tail for hest
Thur! ,. Ph1 +t 1.6., 17 18
-"-Arce-"Fad --.- n ►meche.itl. •
with the Rita. Brothers - Rubinoff'
A Muscat Cusped' oak -Mane bran.
!Tel RM OFF '.1'HE M ON"
(Continued.from Page 4)
Miss Bernice Jinks, young daugh-
ter of Mr, arra Mrs. Manley Jam, had
her tonsils removed at Dr. Steer's, ot.
d'a,1,b� ` 11t`•
,Blt►wes,,'��I� �
e *4*
'Qecbn',le pia nth
;'09.1 n& eattoheit ;# + itlakl'ilvia
iieeiy ' Ol'aud'ette a s k$
ter With bee Mather tvhfineihe
tUnat0 ato4er t alecxtr+red
'The Icop llltion of Bobb*, Gook .and
P *'le Fleteller, who at.: present aro
pnl1tente {tT9 ,Vialteria,. liospitaf,. Lqn-
'deli, -loth having Oeu,'s,$rtgken with.
infalntiie eat ais ,,..*a.holleYe,_ve r
satisfactory, both ulakiitg•: 'a ldi.,Pre-
gress a a it •. s .expected they will be
home intihe near future with Ansi ate:
ioue: results following.,
Dr. " Harry aoynt; of this village, is
aaa'sisiting', Dr,-• Taylor, at Dashwood,
with his 'practise for, a feiv weeks
during Dr. Taylor's coming 'campaign,
In Which he will run as a Liberal-
Ooneervative in the Coming Ontario
Mr. ,and Mrs. M. d. Drysdale, Mr.
and :Mrs. G. M: • Case and Mr. and
Nisi.E. Drummond enjoyed a delight-
ful weekend motor trig, too Taber-
mory, leaving on Sunday morning and
oaxrbars far 1h F
the inrtechltits o t' '
212^6 , , $26.5Q 'perton,
0.:2 6 .. • peg, to
0 -18 -ti igloo
7a5Q per
Alt pnces cash ab station, bag
v� included, r SHING. ES
We have stilt a limited number of
5X B; C.eShingles;i t l.30 -Per 1 chi.
CO '
OurSeptember. TIC on
�Pt 18A,First Class
'Hard Coal, stove or nut siae,;'is
$12.40 delivered, or $11.80 at shed.
Alberta Lump,• off ear early Oc-
tober, Fanners $10.20, Delivered
All Prices Cash.
The Seaforth Fanners' Club
J. H. SCOTT - Secretary.
t'their 40ga.
Bert* (have refute
delightful p onmerr bola
11t ea lig TS Wale i t Ti ronl i,
Pleat at the home " Mr. silt fir'
k,'.17^nlld) I�lumganonwd¢ uftIy.
1 . -L. C Siafrill; -: eterned-
a pleasant w , a tteation spelet
with relatives in TO, ranto and Detroit.
Mr; Fred Sma11aoasabe has accept-
edt a aositiOu as, grattabuyer forCook.
Bros, card will ea doubt give exeSileilt
service. ,
Mr. George Brook • sad Sam Muer
have this year as utilial a very large
yield of tot itoee aa; . the returns of
over 400 plants. 'shay, have also sold
a Large quantity of •V;•ery fine vaviety,
bethg experts tin the:Pdrlture.
Mins Ruth Hedd!gn; was• taken ser -
lousily ill on Sataralak. with an wemte
attack of appendicitie and rushed to
St. Joseph's Hospital,,,Landon, for an
emergency operation; and at date of
writing is progressing favorable.
returning Monday ev alinig, While at
Tobermory they stayed at Belrose inn
The Drysdale reunion was held; at
Part Heron; Mich., recently and a
very enjoyable time were spent with
about 70 present. Dlrrieg the busi-
ness meeting the officers elected for
the 1988 reunion are as follows: Fres-
ident, Mr. George Howard, Exeter;
vice-president, ,Mr. M. G. Drysdale ;
secretary, Mrs. M. G. Drysdale, Hen -
Mr. Lloyd Ortweiu, who bas been
spenciling the past week witch his
grandparent's, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Ortwein, returned to his home on
Monday. Lloyd .;has been lifeguard
for the past three months at the
themes. River, London.
We believe Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Wren
purpose moving into the east apart-
ment room of the ° Petty block, im-
mediately west of the post office.
' Miss Mar net Johnston spent Sun-
day the gust of her sister and. bro-
ther-in-law; 'Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Doug-
las, at }lade Park.
Mr. Bob Drysdale, accompranied by
his sister, Mass Kathryn, motored to
Ridgetown^on Saturday and spent the
week -end and holiday with friends
there. .
Miss Margaret Ha,bkirk, of Detroit,
is a guest with Mrs. R. Bonthron and
Mrs. L; Simpson.
Miss Grace Brack. has returned "o
London following a pleasant week -end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Mrs. A. Scruton was visited by her
daughter, Miss Joyce, of Toronto, ov-
er the ,week -end.
The 'item in last week's issue re-
ferring to the repainting of dwelling
,on Queen St. should have read; as
done by Mr. Dow, not Drew.
Dr. and Mrs. Lindsay, of London,
called on friends here on Monday,
Labor Day.
The Government, taking over the
road between Hensall and St. Joseph,
passing through Zurich, a stretch of a
little over 10 miles, will mean im
proved roadway in the near future
and which is a road very largely
travelled. '
Mr. Alfred Taylor has completed
Are you a little short of
help became the bay has gone
off to School and a little short of
power in the busy season? Whit
you need Is a now FORDSON. It's
a tractor that is compact enough
to get around the side.hllla and is
and out of the draws. Yet it has
tremendous power for its size.
Power to handle almost any im-
plement you will ever want to
use. Power coupled with econ-
omy. Never eats when It's Idle. Has
a governor as standard
that saves the fuel waste of a rac-
ing engine. And a choice of three
fuel systems. There are a lot of
important features in the new
FoRDSON that we'll be glad to
show you.
Mr. Peter O'SulOnvan bag ' d a
Dublin telephone tno;talied at this
home, and any customers wishing
him may have the call reversed.
- 3639-1
- , to knit with Monarch 'Yarns,
Monarch Yarns are. guaranguaranteed
To every Purchaser of *march Y d kg
eve away absolutely freea new "
We leave in stock thelollowing
MONARCH ANDALUSIAN -1 dunce ; ball
MONARCH BOUCLE -1.1 ounce ball
MONARCH TWEED-1ounce ball'
-IVIONA'RCH FAIRY -1 ounce ball
MONARCH S`I'ARLITE--1 ounce ball
MONARCH DOVE -1 ounce bail ,
MONARCH BUTTERFLY -1 ounce 'ball
MONARCH DOWN -2 ounce 'ball _
MONARCH JUMBO --2 ounce ball . t.:
Miss Velma Squires, of Whalen,
visited on Sunday with Miss Lula
Now on Display at
Phone 102
And Hepburn said:
What has happened to the promises Hepburn made
to the farmers of' Ontario before he was elected?
Hepburn Promised the Farmers:
A special session of the legislature to deal with farm relief problems
immediately after the election.
What Hepburn Did:
Nothing! He said: "The farmers must stand on their own feet."y
Hepburn Promised the Farmers:
Help in improving livestock, grants to help agriculture.
What Hepburn Did:
He wiped out the Farm Loan Board—stopped bonuses for pure bred
sires and grants- to junior judging competitions—cut off $300,000 in
grants made by the previous government to aid the farmer. .
Hepburn Promised the Farmers:
Wider markets and better marketing facilities.
What Hepburn Did:
He closed the marketing agencies at Montreal, Wmnipeg and in the
Maritimes—closed Ontario House in London, England, which had created
markets thereby increasing Ontario farmers' annual income by $10,000,000.
Hepburn Promised the Farmers:
A string of cold storage warehouses across Ontario, for the benefit of the
What HepbUrn Did:
Hepburn Promised the Fatmers:
Ri,duced taxation.
He collected in taxation 80% more than was collected in the last year of .4
the Conservative Government, of which the farmers paid their share.
What is Sauce for the Goose
... Is Sauce for the Gander
BUT—while Mr. Hepbursi was saying
to the farmer "you must stand on your
own feet" and was cutting off $300,000
in agricultpral bonuses, he was passing
on a holm-a:to Sir James Dunn of the
Algoma Steel Corporation.of almost a
like amount of the taVityers' money.
Agriculture and industry are both
vitally necessary to the prosperity and
welfare of the Canadian people, The
farmer says, however, that "what' is
eauce for the goose is sauce for the
gander,— why take away our bonus to
bonus Sir James Dunn?"
YOu Can, Trust Rowe
Labor Day visitors the vicinity
Allen Craig, with Mr. and Mrs. G.
Love and family; Ma. H. Fisher, of
Toronto and friend frorn London with
friends; Me. and Mrs: Grant Love, of
Lansing, Mich-, and hie mother with
Mr. 'and Mns. Rees Loye.
Rev. John Richardson, a former
miniater„at Hillsgreen Church, renew-
ed acquaintances at the morning ser-
vice -on Sunday:
The W.M.S. and Baby Band met in
the church on, Wedmeeday afternoon.
Anniversary service?, Will be held
in the Hillsgreen Chureh On. Sunday,
Sept. 13tb. Rev. R. Re:Comer will be
the guest speeker. a,
1111111. ,411111111111.1.11111MMIZIMININEINI
Death of John Shannon
Mr. John Shannon, an old resident
oflacKillop, 'passed. away at the home;
of his daughter, Mrs. Errol H•abkirk,
on September 2trude He was born on
elle fourth ooncessient,' or lacKilloP
andr was in his 81st year. In his,
youth be taught school, but farmed
until he went to nee with alsedaugh-
ter. He was married to Miss Mar-
garet Fulton, of Grey Township,. who
.died thirty years ago. There are left
to mourn his pessing, two daughters,
Mrs. R. D. Hanrison, Montreal, and
Mrs. Errol Habkirk; three sonseinugh
Shataton,.Walton; Sol. Shaanon, Hui -
lett, and John Sheraton, McKillop; al-
.. so two sisters, Mrs. John L. Hender-
son and Miss Margaret•Shannon, both
of Egmendville. • He was for several
years one -'of the township officials
and was a member of the Walton
'United Church.. The funeral taok
place on September_Atb; to Brussels
cemetery with Rev. Merles Cum-
ming, of Walton, and Rev. R. Craw,
of McKillop, officiating. .The pall-
bearers were Mesars. Hugh Shannon,
Shanaon, Jack Shannon, Alex.
lacEwanaand R. B. Harrison, Mon-
At the meeting of the W.11,13. and
W.A. held at Mrs, Wilmore Seott on
Hensall • Wednesday, Sept. 15
Carlow. Friday. Sept. 17
Belgrav Tuesday, Stet. 21
Ford oh. Wedneaday, Sept. 22
St. Helens Tuesday; Sept. 28
Currie's Corners..Wediresday, Rept. 29
Ansa Craig
London (Western
New Hamburg
Parkhill 4
St. Merya
Oct. 5. 6
Sept. 29, 30
Sept. 17, 18
Sept. 30, Oct. 1
Oct. 7, 8
Ode 7
Seat. 20, 21
Sept. 17, 18
Sept. 16, 17
Oet. 5, 6
Sept. 22, 23
Sept. 23, 24
Sept. 21, 22
Seat. 16, 11
Sept. 28, 29
Sept. 17, 18
Oct. 4-6
Sept. 27, 28
Sept. 24
Sept. 23, 24
Sept. 20-22
Sept. 10, 11
Sept. 28, 29
Seat .21, 22
StPt. 200, 24
We have been fortunate in purchasing a large
quantity of New Fall Suits at a substantial dis-
count. Beautifully tailored dark worsteds, in black,
brown and blue; striped and checked patterns, in
boTth single and double breasted styles. Also stand-
ard suits for the big man. Don't miss this big bar-
gain sale!
Men's New Fall Hats
They're,here! The new Velours, Silver Tips, Tweed Ef- 2 95
feets and regular Felts, in the popular Fall shades. Sizes • tO
Auguat 26th, it was decided to hold
the 70th anniversary service on Sun-
day, October 17th, and ccoatinue with
a fowl supper on Tuesday, Oct. 19th.
Mrs. W. Shannon was bathe chair and
Mrs; IL W. Craw andl Mrs. Arnold
Scott' read Soripture passages. Mrs.
N. 'R. DOITalit se Miss Essie Dor-
ranee contrib. readings and Miss
Elizabeth Henderson sang a solo.
Mrs. Ross Murdie led in prayer' and
then took the- chair for -the W. A.
meeting. MM. 'Craw offered her horne
for theaneeting to be 'held on Sept.
2nd. This meeting had a good at-
tendance as it wa,s 'a joint meeting of
Bethel and Duff Churches. Mrs. El-
don Kerr read the devotional leaflet,
followed with prayer by 'Mrs. Craw-
ford,\of Bethel. Mes.el. E. Daley and
Miss Dennis eeng solos; Mrs. Mills,
"One of the Missionary Doctoys."
Mrs. C. Henderson read an appropri-
ate- hymn. Daring the business per,
tad it was decided to hold a acme -
cooking sale on the first Saturday an
tob e r. The mee ti ng was closed
with the Loed's Prayer in unison
which was followed- by lunch served
by the hostess a,nd social committee.
.Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Weitersen and
family, of Detroit, spent Labor Day'
week -end with his parents, Nia'1,and
Mr: atil Mrs.' Catel Mikel and fam-
ily, of Fullerton, sp.ent Sundae with
Mr. arud Mre. Jerry Doerr.
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Stevens. and son,
of Detroit, spent Labor Daye week-
ena with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Koehler
and other friends.
Mr. and Mre. Wm. Hoegy and Marie
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wes.
Father Fullerton,.
,- visited with friends in this vi -
(Intended for last week)
Mr. and Mee. Hen.ry 'Koehler re-
turned home After stpending a week
with Mr. and Mrs., Andrew Steinacher
hi Stratford.
Mr. and Mre. Charles Eggert, Della
and -NOTMlallt MD& Joy Reuther spent
Sunday evith Mr. and Mrs. Edwin
Glasser at New Hambung.
alies Joy Reuther has returned te
her home in Walston.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Stoskopf and
family, of Fullerton., spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs.. Cheri. Regele.
Mr. and Mrs. 'William Koehler end
family a,nd Mr. and Mee Henry Koeh-
ler spent Sanity with Mr. aid aire.
them tor waek. .
Ex -tends a jai/Dation to attend the
On Friday and Saturday
September 17 and 18, 1937
Complimentary Tieteer to salool Chileren and Teachers will be areenetee on application te
the Secretary. TWO TRIALS OF SPEED -327 Trot or Pace, purse 575.60: 2.22 Trot or
Pace, purse $75.00. Entrance money ,added. Trotters allowed 5 seconds.. Amateur Contest
Friday Evening, Sept 17th: Danchig, $7, $9. 52: Old lime Music, 57, $4, 52. Bacon Hogs
judged on rai/. Bacon Hog Judging Competition : 52, 51.50. 51, See. Ferris 'Wheel mut
Morry-Co-Roand. Grand Baby Show Sat, Sept 15, at 2.30. Dance in Agricultural Hall Bag-
urday, evening. Sept. 18th. "Red" Rahrs Rulers of Rhythm Orchestra. "'Waikiki Wedding'.
nt Regent 'Theatre. Sept 17th and 18th. Saturday eimning shows, 6, 8,1.9. Exhibit Depart-
ment of ChemistrY, 0.A.C., Guelph. L. E. O'Neill, Ieive Stock Brassch, Toronto, will open
the Fair Friday evening, - Send post card for Prize List.
Vice -Pres.: MRS. A.ILIE. SMITH. Spetettiry-Treasnrer, Now Hamburg.
- No ono would think of marketing their bogs weigbing 100 to
125 lbs. and it is just as foolish to sell chickens without fully grow-
ing them fitSt and -then properly finishing them.
Welailnished chickene 'always bring a Premium and this year
-looks like an exceptionally favourable year, particularly In view or
the abundance of feed,
Examine tbe following pricesl and decka now that yon are go-
ing to properly finish your chickens and -thereby obtain die most
money for both your chickens and grain.
we are Pairing at present—
Chickens Milkfed A. Selected A. Selected IL
Over 6 lbs. each 26 24 22