HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1937-09-10, Page 31'
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retayitiO ,OUt TOkl, 43141).AO!!4`
034 4.,130 .1,0140. dirli*Kgr !,'
Tiilbte're rea3,05,.. .4 igot it a! good
(Many tiMOS When I Wain a ho yr My
10.103er1104cpa 401"400 1110,'......15490_,
circle a Way tnat 1404 134 ePO141.,t
'view of the floor; With MY' attrillagil
pierced by his bony blarege, Then Ine
Undid my britches and administered
With a firma hand, plutrishment that left
sI with with an• entirely different y.
point on life. It's tele that I ate my
meals for the n04 few days standlg
*IP, and whey,. I sat I deposited 111Y -
self in a very gentle way on;. SlOtae-
-thing -iittiter-e-Taft and soOtEing to the
•injured portion of my 'body, Give
Your saucy Sue a liberal dose of such
medicine, and the cure is guaranteed:
It takes rt, great many warps out of
human. nature..
My "mental meandering" is done
for the week.
One pad kills flies all day and every
day for 2 or 3 weeks. 3 pads in eac.b
tracket. No spraying, no stickiness,
rid bad odor. Ask your Druggist,
Grocery or General Store.
THE WILSON FLY PAD CO., Hamilton, Ont.
•rai,n For Years
awft 4*P,I0A •PAP .04.
lady in Mir OW VIX., ;OW 1131'50.Wad
PQM her arms other:-.1Sarte Of 410
hodY.'Then she started te bake
gtoetrhoo Saps, and neer $lite sends
the ,following letter her own. band.
wniting: • • •
"I have suffered from TheIBPati411/
since 1931, 'At first, I felt acute Mb
in both tame. I 'Or:AIWA-Or agepfij
pain.. It grew wore% and grating*
crept down to the tips of my fingers.
Next it reached my knees and tinkled'
which made me quite helpless for a
bug period. A friend recommended.
me 'to take Krusethen Salts. I find
..they do me more good than any. other
'Medicine, liniment or ointment I 'ev
or -used. This is my ,sen writing,
though I am in my 84th year."—
(Mrs.) H.
• The pains and stiffness of 'rheu-
matism are often caused by deposits
of needle -pointed uric acid crystals
in the muscles' and joints. Kruschen
Sants,, stimulate your liver 'and kid-
neys to healthy, regular action, and
assist them to get rid of the excess
uric aed which is frequently the
cause of your suffering.
Mr. H. K. Dither, Clerk of Steph-
en Township, received official notice
on Wednesday that the Provincial
Department of Highways have taken
over the road from Stratihroy to Park-
hill, through Greenway to Grand
Bend. The road became a provincial
highway on September 1. — Exeter
• \ ,
tohum cattle
for winter feedings`l.
Are you considering buyingWestern cattle
for winter feeding, as encouraged' by the
Department of Agriculture? This Bank
gladly co-operates with farmers in arrang-
ing for the purchase and winter feeding of -
cattle, and extends loans at moderate rates.
Whatever your plans, have a talk with our
'Branch Manager who you will find interest-
ed and pleased to discuss them with you.
E. C. Boswell . -• - Manager
$32;000 PRIZE LIST
PLAN for a day or two at Western Ontario's
own exhibition. This year will surpass all
• previous -efforts for agricultural, industrial, mien.
tific and home exhibits.
BIRV/Tir air SEPT. 13-18 p. JACKSON
Y E A R..
: •
‘..•„. L. •
..14 •
Pee. Pa er
: •
under the
Get the finest roofing
money can buy on easy
payments. spread over
three years. Tite.Lap and
Rib Roll roofings are
durable, handsome in
appearance, fire -proof,;
even lightning -proof if
erected according to the
Lightning Rod Act. Buy
from a compel* that has
served you honestly for
years—whose products
set the pace—Eastern
Steel Products Limited
Both Titelnp and Rib -
Roll are easily put on
over your old roof. They
save you money by cut -
upkeep costa, pro.
C your mobs and
livestom. Be sure to get
sumind the genuine R.S.P. ord.
end Non duct. Send ridge and
se raftereseasurements for
weather free cottestiMate.
A drive -screw nail, develop-
ment of the Preston Led.
Hod Nail. Takes ten times as
much force to draw it out of
a sheathing heard as a stan-
dard barbeop roofing nail.
Write for literature on the
famous tfaineaway Poultry
Equipment. Complete line of
• Incubators, brooder stoves,
poultry honer) equipment of
all kinds. Specialieta
ventilation and houaing for
attached to your seetlArill
enables you to Bove fertilizer
with your fall wheat.
"' BistertiS 1Prothicts
7 t Guitsh SIAM imite Paderlesslofil
13 No T
„ kitagArLar
win ,
"WatlfitirstianfriS ,
••• Atirr,
T :
Pn op-
irco(rooVOP3-ropold 4400-
„ .Alffigfr Ell?lif44.014.04
Pet -Lt, WIN,/ fioTO 04,110.01.4K a
.X10404 gotta Wen' hat* OittlexP by
OnalAg dog WM0 ootogro
• Irt.•,•..'•
, • • i•
that-o,f3:o rr pot howe, The lititte
was rtiSit.. to a Clinton .decter ast
a gaffing Wound in her neck, a•.fnitz
tion of, an inch from the. jugular '*ein
was Wooed. Lacerations. th
chiid'e back else were attended. I
Is not brown what projupted the at
...tack 4ho crake, roughbred-i
ing ordinarily quiet, it' is owneeb
Mr e. W. Morrow, of Windsor.—Gede-
rich Star.
Teeswater Boy Died From ParalYsi
Infantile paralysis was theieause o
one death in Teeswater. Robert Blair
aged eight, sou Of Mr. and Mrs'. Alla
ie Blair, died in Victoria Hospital
London, early Saturday morning
half hour after being adtaitted to th
hospital. Robert was take on
Tuesday evening last week and 'wa
rushed to London during the late -
hours of Friday. It is believed that
he contracted the disease while on a
visit to Toronto. A playmate of Rob-
ert's in Teeswater, amon. of Mr. and
Mrs. J. Armstrong, was stricken, on
Thursday. So far, no new cases have
developed in Teeswater. No cases of
paralysis have developed here and tbe
authorities are 'hoping that there will
be no outhreak.—Wingham Advance -
Accepts Pesition Here
Mr. Hugh Cuming, of Lucknow,
has accepted a position in Charles
Swanson's barber shop and comment
ed his 'duties on Monday. Hugh's
home is in Blyth 'but for many years
he 'has been a resident of Lucknow.
Hugh was a member ef the Dramatic
Club, bowling and baseball clubs in
Lucknow. We extend a hearty wel-
eOrae.—Wingham Advance -Times.
Music At the High School
Miss Tena Reid', A.T.C.M., has
been engaged by the Wingham High
School Board as music teacher. The
classes in music will be 'held in the
first and second forme. Miss Reid
will commence her duties' at the be-
ginning of the fall term..—Wingham
Gas Thieves At Brussels
Car. owners at Brussels 'complain of
the theft of gasoline from their cars:
One victim says, as reported by the
Brussels Post: "If any person de-
sires to see a circus of real acting
and language that echoes' through the
main streets, I don't think there are
many nights that this don't occur on
Brussels Main Street during the week.
You would. think that there was no
law or order of any sort in Brussels.
Some day the police of Goderich are
going to Rake a clean-up and it would
he a shanielf, any of our local boys
had to 'go over there and deposit
some of their good money with the
judge, because he is not in the habit
of giving it back."—Goderich: Signal.
Batkin - McKnight
The home • of Mr. and Mrs. J. T.
McKnight was the 'scene of a pretty
autumn wedding at three o'clock Wed,
needay afternoon, September 1, when
their only daughter, Isabel May, Was
united in marriage to Mr. Lloyd P.
Batkin, youngest son of Me and Mrs.
.Tehn Batkin, of Goderich, Township.
—Clinton News -Record. 14
House Purchasel
Mr. Henry Strang, for aany 'years
Clerk of the Township of Usborne,
has purchased' the residence of,' the
late Thomas Jones. Miss' Jones, ex-
escrutrix for the estate of 'her father,
is 'holding an auction sale of the
household effects 'on Saturday next.—
Exeter Times -Advocate.
New Sidewalk
Workmen are busy on the new
sidewalk this. week, all the old pave-
ment being torn up from Levy's cor-
ner to Thiel's Garage on the south
side of the Main Street. The new
walk is being laid at present—Mit-
chell Advocate.
Lad Bieaks Leg
While playing at the' small dam be-
low Main Street bridge On Saturday
afternoon,- Tommy Jordan, son og
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jordan, of the
west ward, broke his. leg. He had
been jumping across a hole in the
cement at the bottom of the dam
when he slipped and struck his 'leg
on the side of, the hole, sustaining the
Injury. Bert Kempston of the Ed-
munds & Cook garage, -heard his
cries and went down. to the dam to
assist him, taking hint to Dr. K. W.
McLandress' office. He was later
taken, to t'he Stratford Hospital 'here
the fracture was set. The Wound
was below the kneed—Mitchell Advo -
New Signals At Lighthouse Point
Light and basket storm signals 'have
once more been erected at "Light-
house Point" overlooking the Water-
front from the high beck of Lake Hit.r1
on. Last year the huge signal pole
was 'blown .down during a gale and
facilities have but' recently been re-
placed. A "cone" and "drum" fly by
day to warn of stormy weather and
now these are replaced by light at
night. For the benefit of the land-
lubber—drum over 'inverted cone
rioters easterly gales and righted cone
Over drum means westerly gales. At
night white light over red for east-
erly and red light over white for
westerly gales. The steamer Super-
ior arrived on Tuesday with 85,000
bushels of wheat for the elevator. The
vessel cleared for Pelee Island Tues-
day night and will call at this port
again on the up -trip on Friday for a
cargo of salt. Although there are tito
signs of activity yet, it is rumored
that the stetariaer Royalton will be
manned to 'enter the coaling' trade.
The Royalton has been: idle at this
port all yeter.—Goderloh Signal. -
Dr. J. N. Gunn Dies
Dr. 3. N. Gunn, aged .58, aprom-
inent doctor. of Calgary, died Thurs-
day of last week. 'Mrs. Gunn, a na-
tive of Exeter, wherie maiden name
was Miss Anna Martin, will have
the .sytapathy.of many Mettle 'here.
During Mrs. Guen'e early life She
lived with her parents in the Caven
Presbyterian Manse and at' one thee
taught in the !Neter 'Titbit() school.
Dr. Gunn wad a noted Canadian eye
Speelelist 'He served tP1Bretitli4 With
, the W.h. Field A,mbulturee. Brigade
tetilligo Woad fee .reithetr (ft IPA
For a tempting dessert, with no
fuss or bother ... four delicious
individual servings,. in assorted
flavours if you wish. They slip out
of their wrappers with all their
fresh -from -the -freezer 'goodness
•preserved intact! .
Dealers displaying the
Borden's MelOrol sign
have genulaelifelOrol
Ice Cream- Ask for it by
name. "
He held the tank of colonel. For
his services he was awarded the Dis-
tinguished Service ortter, Dr. Gann
was one of the first members of the
medical profession to' euggest 'blood
transfusion 'as a means of saving
life early in the Great :War. He was
born at Beaverton, Ont., and was edu-
cated at the University of Toronto
and went West in.' 1907. The news
of Dr. Gunia's death came as a sur-
prise. He with his wife and family
had only recently returned to their
home from a trip to the Maritime.
provinces and the Labrador coast. it
was while attending the convention
of the' Canadian Weekly Newspaper
Association in Halifax on August 14
that the editor of the TImes-Adirocate
had the pleasnre ot meeting Dr. Gunn
arid renewing the acquaintance of
Mts. Gunn when she made enquiry
for many of the old friends here. At
that time their son Ian was just ready
to leave the Halifax Hospital follow-
ing an operation, ;for an attack of
appendicitis.—Ember Times -Advocate.
Department of HealthofOntario
The' 'Department of Health has a sufficient supply of Convalescent Serum, for present
demands. This serum is obtained from persons who have previously suffered from Mil
attack of "infantile paralysis".
In anticipation of further requirements the Department now requests
that persons who are willing to -provide blood for this purpose (donors)
register with the medical officer of health in their district.
The Department remunerates donors on the basis of Ten Dollars. for 100 cubic
centimeters; the usual amount withdrawn from one donor is 200 cubic centimeters.
This can be readily obtained without discomfort or ill effects to the donor.
Children under fourteen years of age are not eligible. Persons who have suffered
an attack of the disease during the present year are also not eligible. Those persona
fourteen years of age and over who have suffered an attack within the past twenty-five
years and who show some definite evidence of resulting paralysis, are requested to
provide the medical officer of health with their name and address.
Those who have already acted as donors need not rester again.
Vilen a clinic is to be held, donors will be notified through their medical officer
of health.
• • 1