HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1937-09-10, Page 1� '11.1111 1i I W11 Ir � - �"M� �j, S'., , r . . ., . 4 � I � I I ,;��, . , 1, '. " y ­ .4 � It - " I .M �11 11 I ­,k,5,4iVk-,'P � ;, 17t f �,Allil'� � 1, . .. 11 1: I , ." "I , "-,.:- : "' � � .) ", �11,iqt "t, -0, 1�!',' I , .�­ � ",_", �­:`�,�,��.; ,", ,`��'"Z!` �;� ., . - J* , , ` � -� 11Z &.1 11A '. t 101� I, ,.. i , , � I 11 . .01 , �-, I , ",�,,�, I 1, I � I I �. I , I 1, ., � 11: & . , I g �, . ,, , , . I ` �;- - �1�1 i � . , I " � , %� I `�� , . e ., � i " — � ,,, 4 1 A, , ,,, 4 V'zil"W 1, , 1. �;, ." . , ,., Is.,", ;.,.,N.! , I � I '! ,.i ,�,,�� 'j,", I , . i4;� s. �, , - -.'! - ,,,, �� ,­�T'- .'�:� , .. . �, 1'r ,,� ­�,! , �: - ,, �� I 14"', �� " � 11 i�. . �, .� ,�­ " ,. , ,� ., " � '. . . I r", t�.� �� � .., . ,�, � - ., , " 11��kc .. , � V ,, �� �, . 1 .,v "'., , � , - , �1, �, � I . � , . , ';, , , -. I - I : : � ,� ". . � .i" �111 , I I . 1`11 "', JL zr .. , , t , � I . . . . 1. 1. . 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"I I 1. , �­ �� . -, ' I , : .1, X.�, ';�. �,, � o;,T,"� i* i- , , '- , ' ' � ' � -v , . �, ! `Z � ;, . . .. � ., , - �,01 . ; I ,�. I , � , 1� a * o I . 04ty'-stpr VeAr �;'IO I � I .- I �. 1; '. '' � ' ''. � I I I � , I . .. .­­ 1. 610� . :�, I �'- I I � " 1, I . I I . '. , ,� .. . I . . — . ; 1,., A,V, . 1 15,� 93 ' -0�;: - '. �, : !;� ��." � lIi , ; I �W" �N ,� ,. ., : � . I . . I '.0 : i :g FO ; . . �, - ­! � -, - � r 0439 . - � %,+4�:.FP1 OPP, , 1, . .� , I I � � I I , , 3."r r Iz ;4 , 1, .��, " 1��, , �,:: , I , . I - k , 11 . I . . , I ;,�,,� -, � : --!, � ". , . * , � � .. , . . -.1 �1.1 � I , . 'i I i, � ,,, : , ''... �, t.:'4' "': ": i`;�, � � -�� � . ,. - � , . � I ". - I , 011, .1""." .;, �.-, I . .. I i 111"'j I . - � . I I � " --14.111 :�", e!� I I 1. I..", ,,, - � 11 .1 -11 1-11.1-1-1.1-1- - I 1-11 ...". � I. -All ­ I'll 11-11 - 41 1-1-1-11i ... � .. .... ­... ­ . , ..."..­-, ..- . I I I I - -1-11".. 1- ­­ "..""11;,", I-- ­­ -, - I -� �, ".. . , - I ". 0, � 1, 1�. . 1. 7 i 7-:., I � ,�'­Y.��­-��­­ 11�. " 1.�­� ,,, � A3,!, 1 I � . ..... .1. . - . . . I i, �i T,�",­ ���11,­: , 1, 1, :.111 . . I 11 i , ,. . , 5 , 11 I " � � , I ., �; . 1. � � - . , '� . , 11", , . ! . I . , ,. , ; .1, �; :'111 I ; , ; ­. � "N' I I I . I . I I . 1. , .1 . . I '. ... I 11 . - I ,,,,,I,,�,'�;,. r , e I .� . , .1 .1 � ,I 1.,� ��'. I- �,'--VIIM �.., , . . , � 14�, , � .. -.1 I I , ,41 . I i . . �11-.-. : 1, 0 , DS. I HiOto To— F1,9 -'e. . IN, I , ;­ I " .. HOSPITAL AID � 01 I—, . a , 11 , verar � I ,,,.,,ry .,,s . - , I �, � -- ��"t�-.� I .. 11.-1-111. 1 . . I �. � , .� - . I . I "I .... � - .11 ­ . pp::.:- ­ �� , ­1�1111 I I �� I-. I ` I ,;'k � I .. . I . � -; � I .1, ��VF�� -­� 1 .. 1. - - , ,­ " :,i,­�', l�., �, , A..* � 11 J � I ,I..*- : - -------- - 11 ,-.,I '�­ . - � '. .. ... ­ A R ". . I , Jff�,w ­- '""' " ''.:�, ,�Wz.c 0, � - �1'11 I "' , I -C ; . 7 ", lit I'll I . 1. I I ... I I ..., . 1 . I,., . � , ..i I -1 . ".. "";`� , ­ " " � ,. . ;" li"' . ---- --V J UIN - ---- ' ; --.I*. ­,.� ., A:." .. �� : T, . M -� I .� , ,',� .. - . A i-- ,� , �­ �N-----t---'-R'-'-"i-i6---",C--a----n'cii, ate, Vin "', � , t NU IL p i I , ME � , F r , , %W 1.11 C � . "; 4$ , ­ � q . ... 1. I I . . . - 11 ., �, 1�, .11 - � 11'' ..." cl ,., � I ­,".. ­r�� ­;,� � ''. . ,��r,,,� 1, . I Ir ..5; I . ­: �, ,X , ,;� - � . � ,a � M I 1':��! I .. ­. "', , - " '" 1, ­�, , ''. 1. 9111t & !�:, ,, , I ,,, " ,�,t S I .W . - � 4 0 '­ .�,� � " -- . � . . '10 ,� .. . . . - n End&se D 3 ay, . 1, . lao, I "r, ELECT HFICERS . r.R. fi6bb " - � " lor RECTION , . ,., .. ugham, - , - I , . . . . I . � I � r 1 .wx: -, 11 . � I. "'If - . I . , 77�1 . ­ " 1 4 �..., - I " � ­;" ,''. fpx " ­ - . � . —0 I . I I , � - .11. , 11 ,, I .. ,;: ''. ." pl"?, . � .1 " " ", I 0 1 1 ... . '' . 11 I L'k";." , 1z . . . ­ I � ,- %. -1. � ­ , ��;1.1�,�..,.,.,�,,""���'',-.', -.111 ... ... . �<,!�­­ I ,,� I . � I . . I i I . � . � 11, 11. �., ,.. "�"'� � --1 �,-��� �­�, ., . ''I 1; I I ­­ -11 W .Mrs. . I ��, 11, - 1. ­�­w­ 1 'O " I. ,- I ` , ft-aft'VaidON, 0 Conservative C a n d i d a t e Made - Necessary 1, �v Death Andrew - Ta . 'If 'O. 0 I* ON 4P 4 .1 NO , �,, ci. .0 M IF, 'L 211`1�* 1`1 Ile W. ,C. Sproat is Elect- 0 0, * 0 . � .,,w . y1or �.,P4� :Oit ,, � I � -1 I 'Ile A-, . , 4 ... 11 , .."..'", .'­,­­'1MP !111, I ' , � It t- : .11, L ,, � 7 11 I � - b..�i - , ., 1".. . � , .1. .� , li.o ed President For Com- Tells Meeting,, He - Will. Last Week if '* , , ic �,, 4 rem N6ar '19nd oil: 1,� �= ...... � I .Wor G 1� � I m, ­ . . , , �, I'M � 0 . �.L I � ­ .PP ,- t;� '.11", INN "' , I i � I I , , ' , '' ­ - . I . - � 1!-M. � IM -14, & - . � i. IWI:. .. 41 Oi."T�:,.`�h!, � " I I , ­i"%t"q, -t � ... ". "I, - . I � . 1,-.,'A 11 I , �'. �, . . I — :-,.L" � . ., I I I ,,� ,, ! , �-.; - , ­ ­�.,'*,�,%?, " a 11 , ,.. I age Roo . ms. - . - "; � '� 2�,� . I ,� . R.- 11 ­ I- ��,,k,t?"' AP- "­�­ ' ' ing Ye�tr. ' . I I . I , . � 11) - Tq�rnament.Jllei 'I ­­ ' -n . . I .. . .io ''i 101 ,'� " 7 Clinic He1j) Clos�: RUron Bever- A. D. Suther114 - ­� �,:` I" Sh I - ­ ', " 4 , �nd . ,'.C!5,�. I . , , I . . � � V . . A khai � , Tit" , - "' " — I I � � T-0 �l-silu$,-,."��:�'�,%�,:,��;,---, ,,�.,`!�I`i' - I . I The Seaforth, Olintot) and God- �! I . . I I lx �­;; . , , m� ��".�"�,�, "14 i, I . , I he ,w side �,',qf, Se forth?s � ,',',,',,�",�, ,A'�� I . - , est �:;,t,�;,;,,`,,,i�� R,� ", '' ' .. I . ,.�e­,T"Llt�­�";,:;.; ' ' �"'.�;'t ,,,� �,,,, $jr��,".'%'.� erich Lions Clubs kre holding . ' ""' * ' I , 11 I ", .1 , �0,0,�, liqr,,�,��,;�,`,,'*�L:, "�".�,`, ;,1,­jk1'-,1'­.� r..J I . - - . , , , , , , ,"Ot. I I ­ . �. ,.­ � , , , 'A'0V,gg , , r� i - , . .� I , .dj��, . -:,, , �, "R RS - . . - ' ' s a 1p Ir .,L - . �, HA � 220 MEMBE I I clinic for crippled ., . HAVE FIFTEEM-', �,',�DAYS FINAL:GAME WILL main-stre,et ha ..'shanoal ,p - V L,, I I . . � I � ­'� I , , ; , �, ��IIY - ,.� "' '", "OL - �.,­ ,, -I , , -"'y . their 'annua . I -111, �. I . . � . , ore , ] � , � -e . � .( 11 I - - .... � .. pearance'to it since workmen 1 ,[ :, �t � 'T ft, ), 1, , ohi(dren; of,Huron C,punty at Scott CLAIM" C.T.A. I . . .,�;,� :0 , . , , ""'. V_/.� -1 , ­��, " - � - . -,:*�­,, BE. P]�AYED LATFX,. . out the sidewalk, and telephone �. , , �` I—— : 1. - ,� .­­'4�',"r'T,,,­,,�'J ' HoWng, ttheir. ailitivall -wirleting * in Memoilal. Hospital, ,Seaforth, on Notice has been. glyen,., a nom- I . i � -' 1 I �1-17.i ". � � . .:Z�`�, ��!­,;­ .. I ­, � I � . . and Hydro crews cornmenc�4: lay- ' I 11 ­ 11 I 1,1�1 Carnegie Hall ptember 28th, at 11 WAS NOT RESPECTED ingtion meeting' of tb.e' of Sea- I I . Meeting in -1 �Q - glitl*.� 1; �P% 3 -1, ,T�ursday afteirnoort, Tuesday, Se .. 11 . - nl,;.X* .44" 1 ��, � ' IT19 conduits and buiJdi . It I "I'll ILI 11 .W`944 `,' �,,-­ - . - , -,. J - . " , ­:i""M; . , ing man. 4es -1 'a. pome wy ..,,. I — . p . 4, lz� , an- 'holes Officials expect. to have Presideat BuCb6M"­of" ­,:,­­­'­­.��" 'members of -the Women's Hospital a.m. Dr. George Ramsay, of Lon- . forth'will be heldaii- I evening Death Intervened to -bring the, I a --- - %te-ell , �:,,�';� . - ' . . Of this week for the' p .. -of nolu- nual Seaforth Lawn Bowling Club Tip - -Q t44, 1 urew . �L j,;IN, � . � �- 11 . -11,�1114*vil$�­­;.:! �,,";;.,t I Aid heard encollragingi reports on,the don, will be in charge._ The clinic, The caudddature of Dr. R� HiAbs ' ever;4,hing in order and,the mess - owml� IV! D. shauiiian, is free to any parents �w - ou�6: ciller. If Top Taflors,doutjes tourney ihere to I FOOt"I Lp; . io havw t1ug, a Mayor =4 I ,_ ;i;j,�,'teard �'$t,v )5 1�:! �,,;;t Taylor, Liberal -Conservative nominee ina _aejj�­ �, ___ ' , year's activities. X's. cleaned up within three we A �k _� �!�� I , 0 L':�,:L.�!': r . ' I .eks. pivt#s.X ,agaJast St. Columbap, ��:,�,,),,�,'.,�.,, I L presidept, was In the chair- 1 a crippled child. , Parents are ask- In Huron in the forthcoming provint- an election, 'to neces - . � will he . an abrupt close on Monday evening. . I I Ime ; , � , � I..L�,,, . . 4 , I I :j,r� ,g . I., ': , . �, � ' .. Mrs. E � H.. Close, treasurer, in her ed to gei in touch with Lion H. cial,election, was, efi-dorsed by tem- Juelu on the foklowin: T -b � y, Sept. The tournament was, Within a few forth., ,game. 1, . �, '. 1. . . I., 1'r "'. "''t, I 1: 1 7. . --- . . I - L I � ., ,r ,: I �. . � �1. o.f L - d Mat ,In the recent T. Edwards, Goderich; Lion H. 1411ut: forces of the riding at 161in. .. - "I . . games of being co3ieluded When An- 0 0 40 19 40 0 Ar,th.�r N.i.cholSOUL and -'r& - 'ReJ1'.,J,e­ ,,,,��" ,�;,. -17- .. I I I I... � I I � � 1, I : � � , I p . I . . I . . . .. 1-1 � . , . 3r4eport, -showe IMI a . he norniiia ­ I *as drew Taylor, 64, Wfngba�m hotolkeep� . I , � , � .. tion . . resent6d Seatorth at the ineg#p -'�."'j'44;�,ij�" M. Monteith, Clinton; Lion F.' J. Inton Monaay, , T tion L ' 1 , i L P . - 1, - ,,,- �,�,,�,4. , 22o members had .been se- . . meetirg in Cli I I ­ .­ ; . . 'J "' � �,4�, .1 4zinpaign Gym made nepossary , a .. th last oF­ while telling his, pairtuer, Omar '11 L,)-,Lo�-"ibi"�'.W,�,����",L," ,,,, ,,I,,' ' , . The footbx ' LL ,,, �_ ,� jj -,�.". jr-Vre& The .sodlal activities during Bechely, Seaforth, or­ylaa TbL- action was ,taken. following Dr. . ion ttee 0,f'the�ft - .- .,I", ,� 'a ' " , ,4 con 1 ­, ,". ,V, " IV "; A,WoeiatiO4 ba' "I ­ ' ,­ ,, -also of WIlugham, how to. r . . ,,, 'No men as- Mayor A. D. S-* an,j� , ' "L�'�! , ­ L,4, "!�", . , _ , phi ]Er&zeigrbve, J'Otie ,�­ , . . .the family physician. L Taylor's statemient"carcerning 'his at- w"qek of ." I forth Ath ' -04111.1-11 - , statutes require the i n ta be pla7i� shot, was stricken, w0h a heart � -1- 1, �,�. I'm.", . — ;�Sr wer� �� bridge party at 4!4 .- HEN,,SALL BA relutfivrb�",,;% I .,�t',,..4�: -1.0 :,jik-.eUchre,iV .the badmin� es will be received. � t I . . I the following stateminiv � ;_,,!�-�,-�,`,,.Z.4', . . . titude bo the Canada Temperance Ac , I.,-- - � " . . , " . I" - I � . 'if' �,111. . RX FALLS .,� L� ", � ,. , -O.F. bal 'tal tea ort the I . . filled within fift6en �, attack and- pitched forward. to Ike I . � � . I , L , . , � I �1. '"'. "I z4",�.":'. . - -. . . .�� � . - .11, . Itou rooms arid,. a hosin temperance in general. and. the pros- � . -the meeting; ' I I '�'L il,�­10,�,- L . At a apb,cial meeting 6- nell on green-. He. Was dead when doctors, . I'JL�;�,"," ',�",��",­'?,Q , ­11he " I .",T. , lawn of . , 0 0 0 0 ent tomperanee legislation in particiv� . -� John j. who were in the gallery: reached protest - , .1�7 I � ­­-­ -1-. -`­�.�,4Z, '& - Gifts tid the %hospital included two I � - I . -111- -- 'Ah ­­ , I , ,cott Memorial Hospital. . , . him. P E vA, F IS ,b�:st, � 40 0 Saturday, the ,resignad I I R Y iu LAN against t " .�"i, LLL . , I= 11 I I "i, lax,. � . . ban, Beat % ,: t"T I �41 .. � I ...... � Cluff, as, a councillor, w"�,� accepted. 'The Witighain pair were bowling I ;�., ,o game was.,. .. ''L. .,�, . ,L�,�'. .,�� 'Plectric ' I ' "' ting against M. McKellar and J4DIm Beat- L I Walton -on -TiieBd4,� night, Sept L _ 11th � . '! I ,;.�, . .beating Pade,L thiree sets of L Dr. Taylor stat6d that he would', if �C(mncllltor Cluff has beeh# May- I . I . ­ ­­ 11 . ;6 , #L ,�."" . . . '" , " -he te& cp4tsa g -0f,.,, , �,'N,111. .., elected, use Its vote and Influence " t prot"t . commit , a ", , �,n � I L 1". lio� .1 .., I I 1. ... "'J'i . opfety -bed sides, an electric mdy.pr for . in or for tN past seven mo,*� �,* but in tio, Seeorth, and it was their just Owner Found Vnc6ns'ei ' ": "L, t.:11N,­ . L � �", . , * IOUs three Walton -men Sen"L by,44,e, " , ��,,­A, "�­ . 'c , 11 .- �, , tbo: kitch-en and- 15 woollen blankets. IGOLF CLUBS CO TO . the'llouse ,to further in. every.-Yay order 'for lum to. carry, 111W as Mayor game before going into the finals L I ­ �'/, 4 . . assing ,of legislation closing F! I . Pred - I ` - ` .� ,, il., , 'A , 11 11 At'(Xilristmas small gifts were sent to . . the P ,the 4t was necessary forthim fj$, The balance of the games were:i.- Suffering From8moke . .9ident, who:is also fi,6m wal - -, , 1� ". ��L- I k -resign- as ' 0 L .L . . ,� .' "`;'-' . L . I ­,:. ,:,'.6 , . I I beverage rooms In Huron, -as he was councillor "knation. mediately cancelled. They will be . "The committee upheld the refereeif I :��!­ . of tihO'hospital and each L ., �1, , , . , :. ,, , i�. _ L the staff . -1.1 L I ' previous to n*15 . L . - �:��2'4,pg . I ., patient ,�, . . WINGHAN' LUDY conacientiGus In. the, -belief that they e played here during the next week. and Shock. I decision in disallowing the -dlspute6 :­.­ A� , , ., I � . 6 - ­ � I - . I " :, z " - :-1 ig : I . I " I � '. .1. ��I,%, L . -ore a menace to the yonth of ,the —P FortY-six pairs from clubs through- goak therefore -the SeaforibL team b t L�, ,� ,. � L �� . " �,!,�,,k �,!�,4 , I , - .1 . \ Officers Named . country. I I �, out Western Ontario took part in. the Plumban fair. and squaTe, 2-1., " .. , �:,�"':,,�",� , .. � ,j,� , . . .1 � . Fire completely destroyed the I.me S�-. C' . . I :1� ­­,;.�i� . ,�.' The protest of barred ,, ­% ... ,,;�. . , ��.,,� , I'i I I 00cers L I . -- - -? i tourney Which, is, a well known, and bank barn on 'the )mmftte�k'al&OL. ' ' I ,� � � The people o -tbisi county, he said, Institu � "I Members Eni Social Ev- te Spe 'er ited annual event- Telfer Roweliffe, a short distance soubh Of � - m ,1�;�,,' % - elected' .for the ensuing OY farm of Archie - I I . �, . yeam were: ' PreeldeDt, Mrs. W.' C. . ' voted out the bar room by the C.T.A. - 01 I eagerly awai Tom Sills from future playine-b6cause.. " & a �,­ ' , �, - -1111.1 . , overduj% - � .- 11�11 tL - . ening,-. Followed BY metihod and tIds decision. should be . - and Moise, Exeter couple, and, - � -be arnved, home five da7so'i , : i.'ii,;��I�t - - - 6on, , I . - 11 ,� % '' � I.Y. ,aproat; 1st vice, Mi.. D. H. WI wl�, Hensall, -on No, 4 -Highway,' rly � �. �,!,�k:��A, ., . 1. ea , ��,`�, I -1 Recalls Old ames ners of the Tip Top trop throwing him, out in....the fin � "... � . - iespecte& In, makitij. this statement . by in 1936, Friday.- evening. 419, etir, � . ,. : ..X, ., . , �: " 01 I. , . 2nd vice, ,Mrs. M. A- Reid; recording . Dra*. . . . ,.''i.:,`,N . � ­,� . ...... 0 I secretary, Miss Mary L. Hays; eor7- . � I . 'he had the assurance of Mr. Rowa, � 11. - 1. I were Present to defend the Cups but Found Uncoil�ous und,6r a'tree, Mr -he bad played four semi-fi-nal, games. ". , � . .-."�, I ,1­�­ . . - , I - * I �11:� I.. , l-esponding seexletary, Mrs. F. S. Brug- - I . I .- I his leader, that Ids party., if elelated, Mem rs of . junj *Omen.s were heated out. . The committee, ordered the St. Cdlum-, . I -'­ . I . be the � I � - RoweEffe was suffering from smok ban ga.me.to be replayed, with'Aft I �1, . , Mrs. E- H. Closel,,'ex- ' membem of the seatorth Golf and would recognize C.T.A. counties as Institute meeti of Mar- - Prize witiners of fii�t division: 1st, and shock = was rushed to Be e y- . ,ger; treasurer � ' ng I Ott I I - ��:, - � "I , . , Missei �Dlive' Laid- Country Club held a4L endoyable ev2 dry territory. James Ballantyrie, the garet Leybourne a=,�nje ,'I fifty gate receipts. . . . �v I ,� I � . ecutive officers, esday. Libera � : . . after, Dr. MeTaggait, W. Good -win, Hensall. Memorial Hospital, Seaforth,,. He had � �,:�. I :: , I I noon, hea�N an, interesti" talk on the fire "Under the -above circumstances ,, I f I., law, 'Gretta Rose, Mrs. )9. A, McM[as- ening at the club on, Weft I nominee, was not present. I F Second- prize in first division 'Went to been alone in the barn when ­L,�. , - "... ter and, Mrs, J. Finiayson; purchasing ponowing cards, the dr -w for the R. P. Watson, the , president, ex- "Housework. in the Ear1y.,.'.,,_..D4y1e, by M. A. Humber and, H.'Schwaab, of broke but, but succeedled, in -releasing the management of the Seaforth team . '. " I . 1 ,, ­rll- I . . . pressed ,the opinion that the- temper-. Mrs. Paul Doig. . , livestock. - . . ­11..�111 eommittee, Miss Wilson, Mrs. D. set of clubs, for which tickets had Stratford; third prize in ArA divi- refuses -to 'play ' the St Columban, �,� h, I . L. . 4; . Shanahan and Mrs. E -11 Close; so- be , was ance people would welcome the day -Mrs. Dodg told ber. bea�617s , a b%lensall Inigade respondedto a call game over after they have a:lready . ­ � . ,,-it sold during the SummeT. . . of the sion., A, MeRa and Ii. Reid, Guellp"..1; I I., �'l . . - I . . .t., I , ­t,�, . ,- holding v,beu the liquor question, could be. set- hardships pioneers had faced in fourth Prize in- first division was won but Were p O � . ", I" ", . ciai committee, Mrs. K., M. McLean, held, Mrs. Duval, Wingharn, . � doing , owerl4ms to do anythin,g w n I . � I ` . 14 ., . . " . . �1' � .1. ­ I , . ,;, . . Lve a tied outside' of party politics. Beer their di6tisework. by Reesor imud Burns of Markham. other than prevent the blaze from I . .1 . ;, ) .'Mrs. R. J. Sproat, and Mr�'i. E. Chap- the lucky ticket. She Will rece It was nt,Vessary to , .1 . I I ., ���,�$ 1 1 . . .-0 I , � � :,. �,� - authorities in, Huron had -been issued irak,�, ' . ,- '. 1 7 , ,�, � , inan; vikiting cournn'ttee, Mrs. A- set of matched clubs. . soap betore Washing; cooking The tournament was held up and spreading. The building, together , I . .. , ",­ - - s . . . I in deflince of the expressed will of was done In open fireplaces�,,,aud floors the winners will be declared at a lat, with the eeaso grain, and I ,,- ,. ,. , � I .�, " L U, . Held aad Mr& w. F. McMillan. Cup competitions are nearing Com- I 11115 . I ­ " . - , . . I 1; ` � � �,, I I - ;,;,., � the people of th6 "dry" majority in were scrubbed with. sand. .."T.hreshing er date. Dr.'McTa�ggart and-, 0. Hazel- ments, is a complete loss, a portion I .1 . pletion. iLt the club and winners for . ' News of Varna�:" . .�,",� I . , I � ) 0 � 4 the county as tli6 last vote was Over in -the early days . , . . ;n;, � . the five . I , �,.,,.`�, I I I � trophi��that are annualIv 11,000.. . . meant 4Ei�, N�sit. 'from grove will play off for the trophy . and Of Which is covered, by insurance. I .. 1. 2 . � I ­ . <��. i I compe,Le4 for,v,MI be determined with- the thresbAng gang for two'ireeks dur- Tip Top Tailor suits. . ' � The barn whi�h also housed, the ' - -:�"""' . Rev.,W. A. Bremner, Brulcefield, th6 ing which time the thres6era would Second -prize in .second division dairy wkbich Mr. Roweliffe has con- The 3na*. frioncrs -of Mr. A., Austin . I. . j,"', � . . , I News of Wi A,�ton I. tihe next two week& � secretary, said, that Mir. Repburn- did eat several.pigs and cattlel�,. went to W. J. Duncan and C, P. Sills! ducted for a -mumber of .be sorry to. -know that owing to �'. ,­�Ilf ... I ', . L , - . win , ;.". f", - . � years, was I I . ­.," . � I � . % . - . - - ii,ot need to have adopted the baby Other rs on the program in, Seaforth; third�,. prize in second. dilri- modern, in every respect. It I. -the ,seriousness ,of his illness'it.was. - . .1 ­::�� . �-J . . - , I 0— 1, `��, - _ I " ., I � nun" tim, � tak ; . ":, -Week-end visitors: Mr. and Mm R. As left On 'hi's 'doorstep by -the Henry cluded a solb, "Great Grdodad,', by sion, A. Gardiner and S. Deem, Sa,7�: thought the fire originated, from spon- _" � *e# � � ­­;. ��.. I I I t . . . t�h� to h,ave� I . .? . "" . . ��. 1� � k - V, Drager, Charles . : and Dianne, of Government, but that he could' 'havA 'Miss Jean Gemmel], and.% reading-, nda; fourth prize in second division, tan-eOu-S 00mbustIOEL - I al. . ­ I 1. 1. .1, � . I � -� : ,., 1� , ��­ 1. . , , � ... I � . lHold Sho'wer'For tepudiated it as he had the ,Hydro ­Dhe Pedestrian" by M&'I:�W. Cole- Unsworth and Germain, Sarnia. . go - great was the blaze that people Mr. and -Mrs. Roy Brooks, of Kin .1 :,1 . . DoQu, and Miss lVarbara, Doherty, of -I t . . I . 9- . . , . . � 1. . . " . ,, . ^ I- I onist other Acts of 'the former QOver11­ niam The r.oR call was W"eread' by Scores were: J. Bart -hell and Gun- frO111,411diesi in every direction, were ston� visited: with Mr., and.*r�.� lugep�,. 1. 1. : 11 z 0 . . 1, '. � I � . with MT&, Cbarlw Drager � ; I . I . ­ ,� I , 1, 1.11, �, . I : �-zp I � � .rrest6* ili,n� Bride -4 I e ment. . I I mee_ Ad, ,ng I L'�� 1. . 11 I ,� I I : I : .. x1red'and Honaii�,lUttled&b. of Toro')- D6 b - .. 2 p - by the fla Oin �ist iL .: 1. � , U, ,:, . a helpful, proverb or vem&' ning, Granton - lus 32; Ed. WU=' a tracted � I , , - a I � :1, I I . I - t I . . " . . I �,, I 1.11 -1 . , I 11 . t�­Iji ''. I .. . 'c �� �,, 1-7. ­-,,� I , , - , .,­�, *i�ii,,,,,A, � .. '. " , . .1----11 . � to,, vnth, � "Dr. A. .T.- Irwin, of �T&Ont refer, � - " ", � awir parika.* . . . - I . A. short course in. Z,Z,i�ffl�n M.1k,b,.,,. 4 i ' The.W-A., Of St. JohWA.0 , A , ­�'�, �,';',' ,I I ,. ,. �Mr��: =d -Mrs, . - i - 11 11 I � . � 01 .. -plus 45; Relsor and -ads were soon crowded, with - eam. - - � �. - ", - � .1 — , 'T"'li, - . � . I I at the home Mrs. -M. att�y . on'. ': ­�,,%,,il Pl. D.�Rutledge, Mr. and kk, -Tha.maz red to the enormous amount of money of wool is being plapa-ed-, �4y,,'*he in- Burns, Markham, 6 plus 50; F.� Whitea I of = , �, ;,�',' , - . I I �.., :, �, - � . � Mr. and Mrs. James KrgwkOPf and h-Ofug spent for liquor aind the ever- stitute for the -latter part of Obtaber. hall and P. Cowan, St. Petersburg, 5 st, 26th. ' . -, � ' Xr%�'Roy Ben� Augu '. ­ ,rtoyden With Mr. and, . . I , I .1 � .."I" . I -1-1 James, Jr, are visiting in, Det-roit. g loft of life in, accidents I plus 44; W. T. Campbell and Spence, 4A � � oett-, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Watson,, . Increasin I Turnbull, of Seafortb, in com, , �. - , . mond and Wx- Cra*- due largely ,to drurtk6ri drrvers. 'Mr. , - . � L,­ ef St. Tbomas, With Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mr. John Redut � - . - Llstowel, 6 plus 49; I,. H. Ellis, Wood- panyr with her daughter and, son -in- : , - � ­ "I I News of Crornarty Mrs' . � . , I Bennett - Mrs. Lawrence Forsyth, of foM, London, were vW,Wm at the Hepburn has O�ver-rufed the wish of .;4c.ck, 4 plu-s 46; A. McRae and: 'D. law, of Toronto, called on Mrs,. Inges I � - i: � i.. LL� � .. . 'Tbronto: With her parent., Mr. and home of Mr. James Redmond dwing the people in 0,19 county and his ac- -% .. . I - , I i I I Reid, Guelph, -6 plus 51; Dr. McTag-- � - . - . - � , an Monday. . . . , ,,�, . Choir Enioys - I . ­ . ­­.� " 'Mrs. R. W. Hoy; Mr. and, Mrs, Hour tb,- week, I Iti-on, in placing beer parlors here was ­ . I gart and: Goodwin, Hensall, 6 plus 53; Mrs. S. Miller returned ,home after At a meeting of the congregaflon. I .", � " y ­ . 1. . 1711, A miscellaneous shower was tend- an outrage to democracy," he declar- R. J. Clark and Draper, Clinton, 5 plus qpPirding three weelv%' holidays in of the United � Church; Varna, they d,e- . � !"'. .'' , . LaeL of Windsor, with Mr. and Mrs. I I ,Corn Rosist -1 � P, W.­,H;,oy; the Misse.9 McLeodt, of ened to Miss Loretta Delaney at her ed. . 47; Donald Rite and Irwin, Wingliam, Grimsby and St. Catharines with cidled to have a hot fowl supper' on . "'. � . � i'41, ."i I ' 1. 1,�'�i I � 1petroft. with Mr. and Mrs. Harold home on Friday everung. The, bride- T'he -Temperance people were ready . 4 Plus 49; J. G. Mwkle and Mac Me- friends. � I Thursday, Oct. 14th. : . :�'.. � I . I � i I . sellers- lo -be was the recipiefit of many beau- to accept the Premjei�'s suggestion to Ideal weather and beautiful sur- Gregor, St. 'Marks, 4 plus 33; M. A. Mrs. Ruth Tivett returned from a , Week -end vis-itors: Mrs. Fultoe, of . � I ,,, I . � d tiful gifts and, graciously voiced bier have the C.T-A- referred to the Bu. rqundings aided materially in the I -lumber and H. Schwook, Stratford-, pleasant holiday witdi Mr. and Mrs. Sarnia, with her sister, Mrs. L. Beatz , - I I . ,I, . ,[;; , I !, Mr. and MTs. Charles Sellers an appreciation. A delightful lunch Was preme Court of Chnada. . pleasure of the Northaide United* 6 plus -52; A. Chapmau and H-Whita- Colby, at Dundas, and while there ty; Mr- and Mrs. Jack. Watson, VAI :�.�', , , i sm Clayton, spent the week -end in I .�,; . " � served to the guests- The resolution, to endorse Dr. Tay- Church ,choir, enjoying .a corn and haJI, Lon(:on, ,r, r lu, 43;, F. Sills and spent a day at the Toronto Exhibi- Dar, with Mrs,. Mossop; ,Mrs. Walker' - -:,:. "M !! 1., , I �, � A . Weldelbeng with relatires. I Visitors over ,the boliduy, week -end Ter was moved, by W. H. Lobb and weinew reast last Thursday, evening - � I . ., . . F. Sills, Sr., Se..`O,�h, 2 plus 33; W. tion, also a ,day at ,s.. and son-, of Hens�all, with Mr. and - f 'Miss Both Shatmon has retuxtred .Niagara FaIL �'11" hicludedt: Mr. and Mrs. Robt. ByTne, seconded by Rev. J. W. P6am -6,t the dipme of Mr. and Mra.� Joseph G. Willis and J. Hotham, Seafortb­ 4 , �, I I - humle after spending a few,weeks in I Mr. and Mrs. Wrn­ G�in%, of. Dann Mrs, Grassick; Mr. and M,s, John. 'I., _ -�11 Others who were heard at the and m ' plug 43; A. Hotto and S. Haley, St. vill,e, -visited with .the. Bruce family Seeley of London guests of Mrs. 'A. . ., Detroit, with Mrs. Byrne and Air. and r. Sam Scott, Roxboro. Seated I �;�� - , r'. ". ,.� IT-Granta. . -- .1 Mrs. Peter Ryan; Miss EMw�Glark, of meeting were W. G. Medd, Exeter, ar0und, a large bonfire,- songe and Marys, 5 plus 42; W. J. Molix and Oil Sunday. . Austin; ­Mm Turnbull, of Seaforth, ��. ­ I I � I I . - Miss'Margaret Cumming bas secur- Allendale,' with her atiot, Mrs. Maye; fQrmer'M.L.A. for South Huron; Miss gaines were enjoyed- Lunch was un- Dinty '31oore, Mitchell, 0; Snell and - and son-in-law, �of Toronto, with Mr. - -�-­'.` �,,,M I . 1, 1, I , ed a ,school at, Hallburtoi�, on,t. M,r. RobL McCormick, Detroit, at the 'Josie Saunders, of Goderich, Whose de*r the supervision of Miss Maigaret Tanton, Exeter, 4 plus, 47; Ed Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Alla n -d Mrs. A. Inges; Mr. and Mrs. R�iy- I I . .�,,,z , � . Blight . �. ,31� , 1. � � � The Young Peavle's Society of home of Mr. Jas, KrauRkGpf; Mr. J� . partied by Th , Jr., -P , Satur- a ,��. I . Os- n1anie was Put in nomiriatioti, at the Crieh. aud Cutibbertson, Mitchell, 6 plus 47; 014as ent mond at the home of Mr. Geo. Beatty, . . 'a'i'l X)uffV United Church, held thedr OP- Carpenter, Chatham, Mr. Ralph Dill Liberal convention at Ii 0— day at the Toronto Exhibition. I . 'N' . . ensall last M. R. Renmde and Reg.. Reid,, Seatorth Sr.; Misses Irene, Mary and Do ' I I r'! �,, . ris I , �),� � ". � I . Mr. and Mrs. John Kemp and sorts, li"U .�� � ening meeting On Sunday evening, of Stratford,, Miss Eleanor Gormley, week, and A. T: Cooper, Clinton. I , Dale' Chuter and- Mr. and M��[" T. Chuter ­�,­ , 4 plus 46; H. J,effrey and L I : . "� � , (; September 5tb� The presld�ent, Misp London, Miss Rose McConnell, Det- A motion to place an independent y Senlorth, 2 plus 33; M. Saunders, Ex- Roy and LloyJ, left Thurs,day 911 a at the home Of their parentN; Mr. and , , J I . - �� i ! 1 Betty Drager,, pmgided. The Scrip- trodt, M.r. Pak McConnell, Toronto, Eit c,"didato in the field was defeated. Returns to Stanle eter, 2 plus 33; G. 131-ock,and Shep- motor trip to different pairts the Mrs. McAllister and, children, in com- - ."�vi4l i, ture from tbe-8th chapter of Daut2r- their respective homes; Brother Au -11- :.1 . , �9 ,� I ,�, �. .1"', , ,! -is motfta�', - —* I herd, HersaII, 2 plus 34; J. J- Cluff and West- 'pany with Mrs. McAllister, 'Sr., guests !%T,le '. ' ­. enemy, was read by Arthur Bewley ustine, Montreal', with ai From Burnt West, �1� . J.,A)Iorscy, Seaforth, 2 plus 41; Wes. Mr. and Mrs. Bearrie, of Acton, vis- of Ildr. and Mrs. D. Anderson. � i �,�,­,',� I amd Bkdrmore Shaw offered, pri7er. Mrs. M. Cronin,; Mr. and Mrs, James .. I I �,�,�� I ''I �! . . Litt -and Newcombe, Stratford, 4 plus ited with. Mrs. MacIntos-b on Monday. Mr. Alvin Elliott, of ' Kitchener, I A �,,, . I I . 11 ;�'.it , � . A duet by Miss Isabel Ritchie and Hatiley, Toranto, with Mr. i�;d Mr. Robt. E.'Robinson, of Carlyle, 52-. . ,;,� ' .11: � �., Mrs- Hay Townshi� S. Kemp and Cook, Listowel, 4 Mr. John, Houghton, of Rarriston, sperit the week -end Wfth his parents. I - �,.,'. Xisi 104thel- Shaw was well rendered. W� J. Hanley; Miss Annie Maloney, . I Sask., arrived, helle last week with, a I , , . I - plt1s 51; F.. Burwell and Griffith, Sar- spent a few days holidays at the par- Mrs. Broadfoot a14 James, of Hills-' 1�1 ;­ I , t, " ,,� � I i I A v&ort talk was giveb,bythe pastor, London., With Miss Hanlon; Mr. and cur load of cattle from the dried -out n1a, 2 plus 40; A. Gardner and S. Deem. ental -home last week. green, visited :at the home Of Mrs. M. :,tl� �,, I I . . . umnAng, -he, purchased blae , , �, ,, � . Rev. CharleU C and Mr. Hart- Mrs. Clayton Hill, Chicago, with Mr. . Council Mee'ts al-ea,and, while here' Sa:r* 6 plus 55; M. Aikenbead, Lon- Miss Elsie Chittick, of St. Marys, Bcatty. - " ­' , :, I ,�! . - - " I ,�,." , hK . 'i,11�1,041 I t �k , ( '� 1� . ��,� ,�', I " �� ,., , I � , I , I. , , , , , , I , 1� ; � , �i % �, �, I . . I , , , , � z, , , ;� �; � , , , � ; �1 , , , '. . . � . " 1, , I , � � I ,. 1 ; , � I � T L , , ", . , , '' ", 1* , . lei,, of ClItAort, pubilic school inspec- and Mro. James Shea; Mr. and Mrs. f" of Mr. W. J. Dowsori and in -tends don,'2 plus, 20; W. Moise and, Telfer, visited with Mr. Robertson on Sun -day. . . �,: I I , �11 I . ,Jor, gave a spleadlidi addresc� alBo Matt. McCarthy, Detroit, with, Mr. and - The regular monthly meeting of mo-,nng here with his famAly this fall. Exeter, 2 Plus 37; H.. Urisworth and ; A � 0 ,I, I I . I � -.1 ,i! showing a sot of lantern slides on the Mrs: M. McCarthy; Mr. and Mrs. Jno. the counel-I ,of the Township of Hay It is 29 years since be moved to the ��"V'm.airt, S�rttia. 6 plus 52; Rev. Me- ' * .. , . . -Holy Land. I[enny, f3etrott, I with Mr. and, Mrs. ' West. i . ; The sobaolmist-vess, had just recely- . :',,, , I was held in the Town Hall, Gwin and Dr- Thompson, Clinton, 6 I.." . . Zurich, on - .. * , . !1�1� Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Loc1c, of.Oshawa, Frank Kenny; Miss 'Teresa Delaney, T, AnniVersatry services will be held, at Agitated Lover: "Is it true. that ed her pay, and little Jaharty look7el ....:":, I . . I .I inatted, with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ben- Goderich, with Mr. and Mrs. James . esday, Sept. 7th, with all the mem- Goshen United Church on- Sunday, plus 51; D. Haz4�4grove and Taylor, h lot his fortune?" keenily tio see� what ,was in theoven- I �;l I.' ' - 4 i� Sea. I Delaney. - . . bers present. The minutes of Ifte Sept. 12th at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. 'AN,.gliam; A. Houston, Sarnia, 4 plus .His Lady Love (cighing): "Yes- velope as she apened it. I . I .. :1, t. I . . . '0-- '"T RHair of Thames Road , tAi:at 11 �, I I ... August meeting'were adopted as read. . 1 43; C. P. Sibla and W. J. Duccart, Sea- all is, swept away, but you *a -re left, After ,a whitle he asked: "Is .", � ;; 1� , (� , J! � � A fter - - disposting of the dommunic-- . . I I fortill, 8 plus, 49; Dr. Bechely and R. Percy,­d,ear!" youll, salary, Miss9" .1 , Aionts the following resolutions wi 11 be the special speaker for the * I o', I , 11, were J. Sproat, Seaforth, 2 plus 45;, J. J. � I Passed: That J. W. Merrier be giv- day. ... Broderick and Johnstone, Seaforth, 2 Agit�ted Lover: "Great Jupiter! I "It is, Johnriy." . 11 . . ,�,, � en a private teleplione line.to .his Mr. and MrEL Herb. Smith event ehouldsay I am left!" I "But, teacher, where do you work?" ".�Ll plus 30; W, .Hart and G. Muir, Sea- , . �1.1 house do. Me farm south of Zurich the week-eud With the latter's sister, forth, 4 plus 42; Close arnd;�Hotnies, -- - I ,� "! . I :: " , I .1 I , . - upon the condition ttat he pays far Mrs. Mary Hlndes� near Chatbarn. Seaforth, 2 plus, 33; Beattie and Mc- I 4 I la"r and material .. Mrs. J. Collins, wbo has, spent th,6 K,-Ilar, Seaforth; Doherty and Bar- *10% � 1::.. , .. . Tequi red in " pro- Zurich DistrAkA Pleased When ­�i pa-st few weeks with ber motheri Mrs, ber Seafor 0; Reid and Reid Sea- . . ',),� vidAT-g same. Til t ith- final assess- q . I -11 I (. 'his widow, was W. Arniotrsbong, has returned to her I I I . .-,-,�o � -Me Tuneral of the late WdIliant McArthur. Mrs. Park,,.. ment on the Black Creek be fixed, at fcrth, 4 plus 48; Stewart and Heiney, ,��,' � . home in ltoadon. 10'' James PaTk, of San Franciaw, Calif., in. receipt of man,y telegrams of sym- 90 per Cent. of the ordigirial assess- � I Markham, 4 plus 48; D. Rae and Por- Government Assumes Road L',..". . �.r I I 4eknaffian, war,veteran, Who was, kill- pathy front relatives .and frieDdff in Ment for the year 1937. That the by- 0 i- .1 . ter, Wingham, 6 plus 51 I 11 . . ; w�ttey,and . 1, �: I I - t' ed. in a car crash near Shake4veare Siano Francisco ,and 'other placm. At law pro"iding fof the drainage work . Lewis, Exeter, 4 plus 47; Durst and I 1 `;I, Defirdto announcement has been and Mrs. Wi ' I ... .. ..���,i mm Wednesdayof last week, WdA'held the grave all the comrades in Pns-- Petitioned for -by Charles Alidworth Davidson, Wrqxeter, 4 plus 41. . Ilia= Grenier, south 4if �,:),. .1 I ".­, . .. �­, , made that the road between Hens,011 Zurich, and) Laurent Que-nneville, of :��`�".�111 jan'Fridlay.at 2 13 -ML from the Adme ing the grave dwopped a poppy on the a" others and for ba,rrowlog the nec- Winthrop Societie's - I . ;;!. � . of his ygiXents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald casket. Although imf,ortim�ioir meet- essarylunds for paying for tile work . � and, St. Josep1h wIR be taken ov,eT by Detrodt. A social time was -held at . : .... I ,;', i the latter's the Pr-crince as a part of the high- the thome of the bride's parents after �� ­ 11 . L . .. , lftrk, a short distance north Of Hen- ing, wlt�t, the accident which caused be;, provisionally Passed and that a Ho'd Meeting troit, spent'sundoLs, with . � and, althou, . brother, Mr. John Buffitird. way system in the near future. This the ceremony- Mr. and M�rs. Quen� I � . Z � MU an Highway No. 4, :i.l.. I � I .gb bis sudiffen deatk he was an expert court of revision to consider appeals, 't . , � a prdvatei one, was largetr attended motorist, as was testified by W9 hav- if any, be held at bhe Town Hall, Zur- Mrs. John Arihstrong, of London, W. M. S. and Ladies' Aid will be a connectAng link between neville- will reside in Detroit. - � . "I � 11". ' 1W, manT relatives and Intimate ing reeelved from Ids employers, The ich. on Monday evening, October 11, spent the week -end with her daugh- The reguair mealiig of Viese two flighways Numbers ,4 and 21 and Tiede - Ge4nas I . . ; "I fri6nds. Tito SeTvice, at the thome4tas Parity Chain Store, of Sian FrancdSOO, 1937. at eigbit,,Wdlock in the evening. ter, Mrs. Fergus Bullard. � . sociefies 'was held at the home of should pnt�v'e a *big improvientent and The -wedding took place at LonddR . ;, : �� 1) I I Mrs. Allan Ross. Mrs. Hililen presid- convenience to the residents of this on Saturday of Grace, daughter Of . 11 I , Igbidmted by Rev. W. A. Young, Pas- a gold cup and pin for bavIng tAlVeln ,That accounts coveting payments for Mrs. Peter M�Cowtan, of Roxboro, 1 ;77'. ed and silent tyrayer was held for the section. The road at present is. a Mr. and Mrs. 16seph,'Gellnaa ­�., ,, *w of Carmel PresbyteTiam Church, 37,G00miles in illbeir omploy with0tit Township Roads, HAY Telephone Sys- Is spending a few days with her'par- . , north I "L..)' 'J� safety of missionaries in China. The county road but very little work has or Zurich, and M -r. A. Tiede, of Lou- ... �� . ,; ­,nnsan, who gave a very impr6asive an acef-defit of any kind. 4 will be tem, Charity and, Relief and General ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton. roll call was answeredl by a verse on been done on It during the past four don., A number of relatives and �, � � ,,,4ffi*b*Mr6o exprezgIng the high estimin ree-alied that Jim,' -together with his Acic6uttts be passed, as. follows:- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Somem, of D -e I , I , " , I I charity. During the,'business period or five years. friends from Zwiah and vicinity ,at- � " ik. . ;,W]Ach the deceased was. heM, 31-ot Wife, motai*d h San liYanklado r& Township Roads - G. Fress, signs, Mrs. Ernest Toll and Mrs. R. Ma- Late Mrs. Jos. Schwa rtzent rube r tended the nuptisla. Mr. and, Mrs. I ". - . I 0fd teran who bad fserv-�. cently to tis,ft ,his parents after an $4.50; L. Schlibe & So,n, ...' *I ,as, a war ve trucking . .� ,&d''$6t 1hree years overseas In the absence -,of ei-tht years, He was barn poles, $5,95; Stgd1a & We4d,o, nect., Co., material, '$167.20; H. G,. Hess, Clure were appointed delegates to go After a short illness, Lavina, wife Tiede will rerAde In London. '%,,� , . . ,� : . � �. I , � i0reit Whr, and who in every Sense fit Cr6martY-bat spent mok of Me $1.45; W. 'Parr*611, Rd. 18, $lS.3 , 0: F. salaxy, etc�, $222.92- E. R. Guenther, to the Presbyterial at Bru6efield ,on Of Joseph Schwartzentruber died at Labor Day passed,. off 4 tuedy itb Zur- I . �A VrAhe t rm W" d stalwart sol- borlwod days In Hensall and vicinity C. Kalbftelach, lum(6er, Rd,. 14, $91.49; cartage, $2.20; Boil T, lephou 0O., September 29th. Mrs. John, Boyd, sr., Clinton hosTdtal last Friday. Deceas- ich. Many of the residbnts, pabse�d. I I .t "I . I e I " , � Aer. IN1164, IN= highly, respected, fot il�49 'Vk7� j. E111 ' toll June to Xuly, $345.51. 1- L' rity took charge Ok the. meeting. The ed bad undergone a serious, operation the day out of town, � .. .,� L . 4 president of and WAS 'Ott. Poles, R,,.I,&. 13-14. $38.50- '91 .�,L! .4 .4 ta � 4 . .,�! I ,gan, t,sgjoa�7�(Xidted tihe service matt -of flue Physique ADd very pop& Coleman, RdL % $1.2.30: C. Aldwo, 190unty of fluron, hospitalliation, by Miss Bessale Hillen, followed by an ed to rally. Born in Oxford County and Mr. A. W. Mbrga)i, Clerk of Vs- . , , -At,,�. 'E. Toll. 45 ]�Par`,§ ago she had lived In, the borne, were present at the nybeting , , , ,�! .... ,! ,! ,! ,! ,! ,! ,��, " " � and Re] el�--E. Hendoick, reit' $,3.50- Scripture lesson iwas taken frorff Job -a a few days before her detaitli, but fall- Mr. G. Westeott, Reeve of Usbarne, , � -tW EX4Dt1sr4T9 �1# ;brauch of the Cmli- med,T excellent qualities, and- w9s S ff. Stbin-bat1h, Road,Supt., $22.05; ... , !,�� , , "I , �, , , ,., r .,,''� � , 14,h in, the family In'- $V.10; W. Hay, -allowance, $to.og, p. Interesting readJng by Mrs. . 'L I at � the grave, wav, ' .�Ild WM01Y known- Mich SM- Rds. 2.8. $5.82; R. Miller, , Rd. 0. � , , . N., Me -Isaac, burial ludigent, $go. Gon.,Mrs. Robert McFarlane took the Township of Hay for over twenty, of the I -lay council ,on Tuesday An,d I I I I I -q&t at 4 ", , �blve cordVades PdUlly IV extended to I -W belredvM $11-70; E, Muipbell. Road, 1, $1,@.S6, � I , , I , - � �fomoft , WC 1 ve sons, arid tillsco%seel th ,., " . . . I'll .., C ,., . d I ,., " 11�, I , ��1111�� , , - ', . 'p 0 " I 94noug the wffe� his Parents, atid sister (Jessie)p G eral Aceounts-2 ' h H d lights, thpic and Miss Eddth Hilion gave an y,ears. Her husband, B e Aiff'woftlh �Munielpat . vort, fiovn�r b04�­,t I .� . Broek. bolts and spilces, $jg.90 ; '� n one daughter survive.' The funeral Dtain in %*-b4(,,',h -the Township ,6f itj�- . 1, . I "t . , , . , � � , I , I I , 1, , th from the Mrs. Donald M*61011non, of 116fteall. creome wn, ban $4. n, Pay Igst, Instrumental. Sentence Prayers were -,,,,� I ,. ea­*jWV&-, ft , 294 TcSiemyro' , � ,,� .... 3-11 1 176=1 tilbut, , Hvv Telobb6no S-ntem, , t , to , . . � ..., I., ­ ",­ � '- g , 110. 25 anid one , Zurldt Dritih, $14.06; H 6� Iven by Mrs. Roy Patrick and Miss was held on Sunday art�ernoon from borne is Ititeteste,& . I I .. - 1� ,�. I ., . I �.;: 5M t " � , ;1', � "g', . S�M prgueSSW N, 'Mr. Park's Xkther and his �b4�arod $3.50: T. Mvf4mor,e Rd. 18, ,"3.46;J,5G. I ' . R ler, see. gi 1� "". :�,,� I a on ward M. S., $10.56; 11, 06rri- H. Elliott The meetlnj� closedl with% her late h6ifie On, the ft�rm. south of The .I .. �� 1�2 � � I ftiym the tet-Iletigall Legtjoh, post, *,Ife both received .1ulurleo,'Ib. the I Thiel. Z. P' V-.'Streefe, $1 ,39: R. d a a' .., '11.1 . ;J4`� , . 0# w4�1.1 _ Irony otheVj froin, lidigtiv,eg. ,motor seddent, wllfch� cost hibi M.4 'Adams. Rd. 10, $9.40, labor oil, p<qpq, veau, ditcoln'k,, St. Joseph, $6.96; 1p. the Loydra Prayer in unison. Attrtchi, Interment taking place in the In ,the - - " ,�d; J, ' land jeltudi. The Last Post and Rer Iffe. � . � I , I Seh*a1m, Arst award SX.S.,417.50; Th6 LadleW , di of Cavab Chumb Idlentionite demetery. . played L : 1� I 1,1; �,�, Vd, 14, SSA; 0. lefrr". "Od, � 15., t -al a n Qu6nnevIlle - Gr*nler ,day cv- I �,,�'11?11',�[:. .�. , Death of Miss efafa.voltghd , '� V. l4wartbeatruber, 3rdi award S.M.S., Intend holding I home-c0oldug s le I I ..... . 11 , r � **zso *orej'swnded- by lihe lr6mpetdrn - . 24,20-, TT. A. PfIlo. Rd. 14, $12,49,- X , ' 1*06t" , 10 I ;f , i �,l �., . $7.66. 1M6-:t*6uftlI ad)ourn I k utledgo's vs,efUt Stofe On Saturday, An J'Ut0rA%tJ.ng event took Place (it Will be , 4- �A 1 46f "eftton Ptigt, Thd "Mearbr's The death ocMT,ed at go - k�' 7 ' to I ,� -A"', . 'thl', ' . Alto It. Q Chuv6h, bWeh, 4ii. Satur- game 'I �, 1: , -1 f;O�V m�. , �� I 6tt iie�!l Alor, A#4 10' $9.1�. p.. C#m��61,1; , 11 61 , - , , I . ft%f6rfft, On, 1VO-S&Y',11d 14, $1,�.TQ., '90,,", V' I - :� i)h "Had'dki, Ootober 4 � 'it I 86' Sept; 19th, � - W,eft ,06nit" WwaW MUM galft orial 1100i , h -,o 119"111 L - h­�­ I 11,�'; ., I eep I 91" *4 1, &XIOR- 'i 1 6 , - I I I woloek it ths'di . .4, A, , ­�,], I ,J'��i . al w"Itt, wil", V,&Vs of ,WOO dhft V61hud I., . — ... .,�P',­' , " I �� ,,�,�'�', ")� �,i-!,'�R)`, , V., _ 1,111 , �, '' . , 'Al I r vq�, "4,4�� �, Jhl 1, -, ,,, ,,;;�Jji " 14 j� �,f J�. I 1, . (Collumod " ' 0, , "I ,,.* . � � ,�, ,. ,� ., ''. � � I �� gl,,.,�,'­ ,� .;I, . ,7"n,!,� �p � WVUM -0 %W - W1-6A~*,,'4, Oft" I , at church wal boheldon 06tol*r 3. warriagb An"�tte, ftfl,gh%ot,,.,,dt.M,r.,I,iiltilue th6 be9%fflhg,,Of , .f�,TLI ""�`! , `�,��' i� .� N ... . i , Of skat#r, A." A U01*441 ad 0y'dudy 4�& PA9* ,A) . i � dlisftt", -it , I , " 'I, 00k, � -�J, " I , t;i -I -I* (hy- d**, "on no*, L. Povo,q, ubited, in 0'I'th t. .. �,�.�k,­­V� . % Wi The Annivem , , . v6uga, 'r, �. d tj A . i k6mom,�� try ffotvdee� . "i'a . 1, - �Ithoffi;,�,,',j �, I ­ ­ . 1. I . , ­­ 1. .1 " � � , � " , , . " 1061 I ,,I .I. .i . S I '1� 1 41 14 1 , I L' � ". 'I � - , ... % � . . 't, - " I �., I.: 1� .1.11, ."�, I ;. ,1 "'*-4 � o��,, ".., . � - "', — ,;;�, ., 11 I I � � ( ,.� .A,�, X ­ 1� " � "'�: '::1111 I .t, . "' .1 . . - '; - I- I I � - . .1 I .1 . . I - I. I. '', "?".��% I il - I � I � I , � 4 - I I ., �, I I ­ - 11 �11N. -i, ,nz".""",�,,,�"."��.�",�"bN�A.,,, �,. , . I . � I I , - � I I .. "I 'i I., , 4' , , , , - " �71' , �� , . I I I , � .. I I i� * ;� L I I �, 1�;­ � 1;�,q,.,',,� . , ", �w I , , -�,,,�L . ' L � , , I I " L � - I �. . � � ,. � I . . , , , 1 4 , . t. . , I . �, . I '. � , , , I I I . . r .- . I - . � ., i�', `�.�� 11, .�,� , , . , ,, . : I " ,� I � , � , . . . . . I ,, f: L' 0 :� ; , , , � , , . - , I I . I 1 . 1�,: � . . , , , . � � , V� , ,. , , ­ , ", I J �1. 114'r. �` . , � , , . �?-,. I'll 0 �', t , I , I . '. � ";';�', I �. , � j- '0; - `� " , " 1�1 . 6 .�,�k',L ,-�, .. , , . I 4 , , 1 . � � ", , Vui�� , %, , I , J'� ' � �� � ��.%,� ;, �­ 'L . I , , , I , I I . .1 � 11, . I I . � �, , r, ., ,, . I � I , . . j4­1AY, It, I " . - , , , 1 ' �, - " 1*' ;,L�' ,,� " ,; 'i , � I "I �, I ,,�, �. �, . I I � , - �- I �1, ;., ,:, , N )A ., I . � �' , *,"r'. :. , " �," " '.,(�,`t , , ��­�' �, , .11. 1� . ; . � , , ;­ " � ,% 'i�,l Na, � n, ,,� , , ., � . ,� ', � . . .4 ,_, �L� , I � I , � - I I "��q L, � , �' : ',',�� , , �, ,:�f�L ,�'_' � ., , �1% j�,�', ; �'j;31 1� P i� i t'� -�� 1, ",.,!!,% " , ", � ,,, '. " , ,�, - - , 'y .qj. !� Al. , , i , mip". , - tea4� ,,, , , - 11,,,4�, I , �,.".�,a,'�&�,q��w�tY.'��,f,<,qnk; l�,,.v4,,!.,.�,:k�,,.A�l%�,V,�,i.,K,N�),k'M�'���4'1�I'l��ki�,�W�.' ­i�111­.111.1' , , 1111�, � , , - -M 1.11�� � it .... A " I " I X��6"',.1;0,,M "",.% ,2, �,'.,,,�.f,4,,,,�­ ,.,'4%.,kk4:L�, �i?a��, 9.1." ,,,',�,,(,.',,,�,���.�.;iA,�li',ii�,, �,,,��,;�,v,t�f,,��t",�,.�4!�,,,,,,,,I,,,�'n;, , I 11W ,-'Ll'i 411� I - 11-11 "I --1 %, ­­ �, ­­-A:A� Y�'t��!,,,,,'I','�����,11,,F,L�.:Zzi " 11� I 1�1' � '4 � �; 4� , , , � I " , , , , ,: , �' ,:�'., "'i, ", �" I � . f , , I - , - , , , � .�,, ', "f . � , " �1, � , , , Z., ';�`, IL .1!1 , , , � " :�L � I L, I 9 "P, � ). , ;, ., I I I I I , I ., .s : � , . -1 1 . 1-111 , �, , , ! , , '. , -. �; I 1:1�, ��I, ,�' ,�111 " I!!..". 4'. �jll,li -Aft � - A;� 0 �,�4. I; , I : � �', � ", . �, . . , 4"" ,,.NL� , , I . I I I ',"'t , , � . i , � .. ,� ., , 11 I i�'11 ., " " I ,� , , , , �, � 0 , � , . , , . �,.,,,� �, , , ,,��,� , , " 'i N , g, , , r, f, ,V 011'�% � I IAI.;.&,A� ­111?11;�,W, "!'�M,l �, �'. . , ". 'k 0 � �4� 11