The Huron Expositor, 1937-09-03, Page 3M _Cei, RP M loi V �44, c1:,?..13 I'#", nelk' FFIRIT �12 ­�eZ .4 d - pi T" q� 1010! -Or "i, �, I W11 � *70 ki, Snio�, 00W ta. �oaft'!W�boipx Od u4u*y�, W4 Z Awr 9 vkl 44 'the.. R ;u te p Tv el' gois 'toet, ta, - ,_ f t9me. , spi 4_ber 4 .0. 'Tew�s, a was Q, 5.:_ "Ag, Wo%, 9 9—MURO fo',W Supdaq,11�09t, Mm. Ryan� is i�p . od 'to 1XV0 001barup tovm­ :T �q,d 04,W., U; 1 _T44, .10 qT; IT # mg 0 Wq. Wvv NfteaU Aot*% were rmalred Owl il%.� �ew,: A i"'PA"41d , I * lip Liberal "Ato c gas4i.i4il 0 W f the Mir. 0, A. Robertson., member Of the )*. -4 blald;0 Of A , 110011 atop "an N'as, -jot Was . rer CUntOn leut tk was, dv, the. re� caudidate'for h�ron rupe ridb.9 pablug the,wi, l4ndIll *bqXL it. Tevolv� �1.1 gliko" A. W 60 1pr leaders.. The�'gle M, x* a." 111=184my, Sept. 7-11.0 a.m., Flai­ '$tqx MR4 AV, -W-sliw - -HOUT; - Review; &45, T ugs S GlipjA W14 by. W4KIneSday, ISept. j;-1.0.30 aim, �d Mira, g And X Church of the Air; 1, p,v�., Stuart, '11bi-11-les; 6.45, Itesawateir IM Tmaleer, ."d A, pitne Laxative T Review; 7.15, Harry J. Bole, ILI, HILI V Ms. Chronic constipation has to do. value of 4'real medicine whioh Thursday, gept, . 9 — 11.15 - a.m., ==a" WIS with themolon or large intestlae.. not, only 60ects a thorough cleanii- HILLSG TUAless, the large. bowel is thor- ing of the colon or large bowel, but Strike Up the Band; 11.45, Farmars, About sbDt en Top"Mo of the'Xis- oughly emptied from time to also arouses the liver and kidneys _Hour; $ pba., Qladys PI piano; allon :Circ�e ware,ebitertained bjq� the Dr. and Mrs. 'John A Hagan a4d time you become a victim of to. etiv.1ty in filtering� poisons' 8.30, CKNX Hill-Billilles. Zi!011 UISsion Circle.",, -at the 751on. sion, John-, of � Chlca,90, -are' guestS at chronic constipation and poison- from the blood. Friday, Sept. 10-410.30 a.m., Aalva- Chm� on Friday atl�eimom- Wt... v -his brother, Frauk and the home of !ng of the system which results Once you have proven the tion Army Hour. Mr. and Mrs. WeWbgtoo.-Belll aqd aisters, Mdssez Dolly and xary�,mg,, m colitis or other serioills diseases., merits of Di. Chase's Kidney- baby, of Debroft. visl*d- vAth relatives .av was visited Liver Pills you will never. ret M litst week. Mrs. Robeft Ste Mild or "sissy`� laxatives mere- in the vililige ly cause a movement of the to the use of "sissy" laxatives. ed suddenly, cutting pis thead and Miss Lama Fbrd 141spendinga. few by pej�&tives from Lucknow duning the -bowels,without effeleting a thor- Used regularly once a week this throwtug hini to thesloping barn roof, weeks at the,Jhoma ef-Mr. James -Gard- week. ouih cleaning out. of the colon or medicine ensures pW-e blood and He rollied down the roof abd shot over iner at Farqubar. Mr. and Mrs. E. Cbabiberlalm and freedom fro: n large -bowel. For this reason m. constipation a d bhe,,eays&, but hia. 30-foot'fa�ll to the Mx. Fred Loiig, of:%. near Atwood, Mrs. Portarlield, of SeI vdalted- y6u/are misled into thinking that the. pains, - aches and serious ground Was broken by a straw stack, slyeat week- - enit. at the bome Of 'relatives Ill the vi during the. �T` ihe you are d9ing all can to over- cUseases which accompany it. by which hie Joleted in easy stages A(,,. Wm, jbns. cindty nd,poisoned Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, Come a constipaten to the ground. Smith suffered only ,Mr. Joshua JQhna' -and Mae Alina week. ondition -of the system. in spent the week -end, at the c 35 eta., at all druggists or The Dr. inor bruises in, the actual fall.— Johns, WT. James Cochrane, of Toronto, Those wh6,� kno* Dr. Chase's A. . W. Chase Medicine! Co., of EXOter, v1slited wibbu Mr. and home v Kidney -Liver Pills appreciate the Limited, Oakville, Canada Goderich Star. Mrs. Henry Johns ou*TuOsday Of last his brother,, Allan. A Landmark Removed week. Mr. aud Mrs. Clifford Moir visited 'Me iold Wek andi etone power- at the homleof Mr. and, MTs..G. Love. Gordon Moir been,.viisiting has house on the river bank -opposite the dam' bas been torn down and the WPIEN The schools opened on Wednesday pumphouse machinery has been re - 1. ireld. thel dth teachers and pupfls back to theiT rhoved. The workof. demolishing the The Hippen Mast, W. r w 'all C4iii6d buildling was &iie 'by. a � London August meeting at.theboane of Was wtudies aftec A, w1ell-spent, 4oiiiday.. From -S RaMorw wrecldng conipany.—Exeter Times- Sarah Sinclair on Tilesd�ay evening Mr. and "Mm - John Dodds- amd GOING DAILY—. SEFT MWIftr-Ai, _6910S ghter Jean, of Landidn, calls& on Advocate. �vith a good aftend"�ce. Tlhe Preal- dau Rotwn Limit s- 46 days - debit opened the meeting and aq1. join- Mr. and Mrs. G. RobinsonL New House Sta rted Miss Edna Cochrane, R.N., left for ed in singing the 14wdftte Ode and Excavation for t fundation of Dr. then repeating the .,L*rXs Prayer. Montreal wh6rd she" has a position TICKETS GOOD IN Co*au'a -rue.-A - 1111 on the cor- Wes Erma Workmm-'gays," the Bible for a few weeks. 0 COACEIES at fares swroxialts"17 ic permile. V iw,l nor of Andrew and Victoria Streets is immy 13roadfoot M.r. and Mrs. John Love and Mr 0 TOUUM SLKEPING CARS at filires appro=WatelY 069 Per readiing"ind. Mester -J _10, nearing completion. The contract for favored,wdth a coup,16'of songs with and, Mrs. Hiigh Love, Mrs. J: Love, 0 BrAMAIM SLEEPING CARSat fares approximately 13jeVerma the erection,of the building has been gultar The motto, and, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love attended COST OF ACCOMMODATION IN SLIEEPMG�CARS ADD010 let by tender to Mr. Kalbfleisoh, of OnAg wortb a a picnte at Stratford on Wednesday "An oume of preventi Zurich.—Exeter Times-Advooate. pound of cureP by 1%rs. Broadfoat, last of the Jove, family. ORL ASK FM Ic H th man preventive Mr. and MrsI. W. Huxtable, of den- 2yCk&.SkWS8C4rrCS0V090 I 85.0adduwWaas I Swfomilimyce Fleming. 6arn Burned dealt wi, -y sfifipfL -by their nieces, ek, measures we nidght uie and. avoid tiaXa, accompanied 111� M oil Thursday morning of last we stly curesi, Mrs. Rathburn Misses, Margaret and Jean Love, who during a sharp. electrical storml, U, mom 9 hav,; be barn. on the 0. E. Fleming property on read the induAtes, of"the last me4tm en visiting them, brought them River and the TOR call *41l responded home during -the week. the north bank -of the Maitland was, struck by. lightning and immed- R lately burst in-to.flamee. Oats stoted ......... IMER in the barn, the, )revious, day and, a quantity of straw were a total loss as (e, thelyam burned to its. foundation. l� a ilea There wusf no machinery or -stock -in' the the 'building. A few 'years ago Fleming barn was considered the larg- but it -t in thi's part, of the country, es into disrepair. PAIKAGE was allowed to fall 4 The barn struck by the bolt of light q niag was but, recently rebuilt.--Gode- rich Slignah' Pnopos� New Roadway At a special meeting of the munl- N� cipal council Tuesday evening an Dr. J. W. Brown - arrangement with - Ing -was confir. MLed whereby . the 091A vvrctase, a:, strip of property 26 feet wide between Dr. Browang's block and Gladnian & Stanbury's law office from Main to William Stfeets. - The price agreed upon,is, the , price at which the pro- perty is assessed. The council will A open up a one-way street with a four - For years, you have bought and used Chal- foot siliewalk along one side. The. now on the property is to be Je' ge Corn Starch because you could always barn n torn down and the fence north. of the present property is to be removed to xp ,rely qn. it to give- you perfect results. Now the south side of the new .-roadway. -your g arch in its new Reeve W. D. Sanders, and C III -an �ouenc�i lors Dign and- Southcod w .attractive package, with.1he familiar trade pointed acommlittee-to close the -deal saTy papers drawn and havethe neces I ..... 1 +1k_ 4V�^o+�vy him* winAav a III rocer has this Corn St L�n and then. backed 115 feet before being R EN 11M1111ii ill 11� I � UN RIF brought to a halt... Fred Cook, -of iiear Holmeaville, owned the steer, but It ell N escaped through a fence fivin the '4 farm of Rob,L&rt Rlchard�Wlnghern AKIvance-TImee. 'of the vi tims in this hoWible smash ? How would YOU Faints At Church Service How would you like to be one c suff ered . a fainting spell like to be. strapped to a cot in some emergency hospital ward— writhirig� half out W%en he You 4e while aftenidibg the evening service of your mind with pain. These ghastly tragedies are caused by those Of at Knox Preabyitertan 0hurcb on Sun- s—without regard for the sI of others I f who drive recklessly�who take chance day, Mr. Samuel Heddle was carried a reckless driver. Ifyou am froVi the auditorium and, removed by 'APU know in your own heart whether or not you are Increases in the 0 SIVI*, Alexandra hospital, necessitated a Is ght one In t 0 P ambulance to costofmetalroo utita -wtbiere 'he Is reported to be on the costsyouleflo.re to buy "AW TO DRIVE WITH CARE 9 mend4 --- God*rich Sign -al. DECIDE "Oh. VIC,, ir, ff Lockattheisfisures-Herei8whit . ­ - Rattler's Strike Fatal St es, taking chances Of any kind- Settle down it coStyoulneonnhodities to buY op cutting in, passing on hills or cury Itib-M)a or,. Tits -Lar_ roofing Write us for detw1sorse'eyour oid trouble. You know the rules for safe driving. Stick The old, belW that !a rAttleabake to safe, sane driving—and av in.1938 as comrarei totod"' banker,, He wM weloome YOU1 lied. We are always sounds before striking Is dis- ng your license suspended Or cance J Cost A -lib 94. ft R680119 Ufe STATITE LEE�HED MAILS. to them — or run the risk of havi 1998 1.931 Leltd on the head Positively scohnited an the mind of Kenneth Mur-, �J' "it Beef 220 lbs. 112lbs my, of Stokes Bay' sint-6 -the death of going to put reckless drivers off the. road and keep them 00. &11Z neias the n6fl-hole. A drive I Wheat 6:0 ba. holds like a his son, K&I Mr. Murray wals,'In Mdw., t�own on Moaday with Malcolm and tL Be 9 9. AP449SWAY POUL'My John Graham, of GoderWh, wlih whoin -OPerate So, do t t ng. it n d 19QUIPMENT be , has been 'fighting this sleason.- Mr. Motorists will Co jr9of to. YO ...... ... a Of a da's or sumll t 0140 No niatter how large Murra3II'gaid, this son was picking ber- d a to the =st roo y ties. your fibek thite in JalneswaY praent of ev ry ries near bdo 6,ome last weak *hen When you see a motorist driving in a manner 91190TOU Rib -Roll and Tite-LSO 11ftit Srdur need: X pubfic, take his number, make a careful notI6 df, the actual time 0"AP10 he stepped in a rattlesnakes nut. Rooling—Eaw Wut on right Speb9dista in it%WbatOtS, vsn- *Atliout warning one of the reptiles and piacei and when you reach your, destination write to ovft. yonf'old roO -'IMBY save tilation and 1potiltrY bough*. DEPARTMEMOF cattinig uoke C60t. write for utdrature, struck,, sIn1klnFg Its fangs 4n the boy's the Motor Vehicles Branch, Department of Highways, Toronto. money DY X", )Wotor Vekido A -MA L. Vets. knee. He limped home, but said noth- givirig full details. - We do not invite reports of 1nIn9r d lot Ond h4v6 no reqL do-Tortillator I TARIO e 4-0 bi, Unquece9ofid Th$L PrIaSt yotir lodd drill Ing,until the next day, a9parently not in6ingements..,pf the traffic laLws; you are requested to IWO 0" I get, d fg&&hd1== 6, ot eftabled You to 6n* Ottiligm realizing.the danger Of the bite, and ad nit thenta fteo c Frotmd ludgmint. VVp will deal adequatelY with 0#Wt&rsf with yoft fail wheat. it was, when his Ithee swel W. alatni- JOgly that be told -his ator A tor Wa Immediately palis do" d d the raftriet abd at bo$, was -given aftry -ittahtiolk, but it MQ�L atid TORONTO W" too late 116 died 48"i V.j 'W��