HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1937-07-30, Page 21-1.j, ,,, � 1�1­1 1� f?,n, q i,l�','� � �: I !"', "' J, III—— " .11 1, - : jll'i .11 f� ,�,� 11 , L K, -�­' i�� -1, ,,,, . ,,, �� ,,��, �..,; , ,.- �, """ " , . � "", ���"":,�';��,''��,"'�'�;,,,,�.,,,,, �, - I I "I ­ .1-1 -�� , , � ,�',�l � ���,'�, , ,-, , ,:, , , , -f "�11'111111111111 ,� �,N-."'k�,:,-.,-'�, , 11 �, ',,� I � � --I,', ill� 11", ';yj; I i lj;� ,!�, ,, �.,,,�q,� �, , .�?,. 1'1�,�: 'I', "I',"", 11.il " . ., ", , -, � , ,,, , '. " "I . 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I , P . . , I I ­ � I'll. � �,� ii I � , ., te i - :�,:,��,;:', , . , . .0 t �'r � . - . - 17 " 4�1% . , ,_.�' q"�', ­, , - - � V i:�il: �,; ,; � W: 'I � �:;� ,*� 1,"� . � , I . � , �' I -- I �1. ;� , ', , ":0, � I , .1 �,, I r ., ..7�- ---4-,-i;- - � Y"�' - "! r W�� 't�",�, [�' ,�iy , ,z��z;�,=­�­jz� "t �­,­­,:." ::, r � . � If. "I , I I - , 1,r , f , r.t ­­­ ­_ I . r . r , - � , ;I " "', 11 , � , ­T� . �, . I . ,� I � . I �. 1� j, ; " . . ­ ,� , �J, 11 ... .. �� " , _ , . I � , 11 k-,�,I, 11 '. N 1�1,w ", � ."I"', ,.., I - - !0 '10 '- " , � . �,�- E#�,'��, L - �_ . � , . I . ­ - 114�� "'f­,� 1� "' ')* ] -J -��J,;860 r ... - V `=` VA �e s* -) -c"', , , -7 T�; 1� ---!I"P�-, � ­ " & � :.777.7��� - ­ . 119,01 - I , 7 V 50pn— 0- '.1 , �X 7�� :, , !i ;1 . ��' ­::� . . .. ," ; �, IF,- - , oft '�: ' "' " --' F ­ 1� , " , I . � , 14 , "r,% - :., ­. -- ­. 1W " "I I,.", ..'R� , I , , r f I X, to E . � � �, . ­ E � r V ­­ ­­­­ , , �, � �.,, il, ; � , �'4- - L�'- ­­ ". I .11 I I'll. ,I!! -11,11 � I -­ )168" - - i - I . '' . 1. ... . � TIV 77 �1;, .-A, _ _ 1. . ` 1, " , I' " 70 -'r, ,� - . , ,� ,�. " I , � , . ,. " .. -,-. � ,11 4 I t . , , I - ,;Ir tn � , . -ii ,� - - . I ,. I ­­ ,�,- i,�,'­­ 41 C , ­ " ';J,')L ", �, 'k r �. 4 X'.� , - , * - . ' . ­ 10, ,7 �­,, , ��-,,, ,; ­ 1. 1. rr � ,.­, ,f� ­­ I , flg ­ , I . ' '. . , . I I � �, - J" . . 17 ;­ . .1 . 11 1.� I ,�.,,., �'- 1; - . . R , �., , , - . 1 . - -­­­­­­,,,,... --1-- ... ­ ­­, " , . , '�.'rr'.�r�l-_,".,�"11-,-,��,��,,��'.-"i� . ...... : '�'�,'� '�$' ". i5s I . I ( , -1.1 .. , 1�11N.r:i I 10m:w., I i "', �� " , ��t i,:� �� -- r , � �, .. M ilk-�I", 't �.. I'L �.­ J , .., i , I - , !., I - ,; � ­�' I ,rl ­,,". , C;,,,,,,,J0, � 1, , . . , r1r . , k ,�� . ,Ae G -4 I . . , r ­ i 11 1% . "--a ." .,I �� %,!,�$ 9 V , Id, _� , '8;Lh'�',V' , � � , 1�� I , I ,40 , )�,-,V�'�.';", of T h0b! . , me dosr 3, �t - , , . , r � r I ,)`�,41%ldk P'�N ,, �,V� . . a r � . 11 . . . r .1 -r : I 1�1 rrr . " � I . . � _ge ieftl 0,10C '�ff %,M* . AV ; ' - . ; � "I i " '11" . , , � , , I R, X I . . , . I , _ Ut nine I 'a, . i: Ct �A �60 � "I �.. eel, . "? 'Al ePha , 140 a Editor. : ..... . 4ady b4,d 'bee I , '44 - .". . . . - aiinimped that .n � ­% ­ V$C*r 'a � , ." 1','�4�,§,, '��'.'��' 1,1'�'(11" ­ , ev- f - �- � ,# . -to - a" - � � As ci�r�, stiAlat h I I .- .. �� 11 , . 1,11 Ift, . 11ft � I," , ., * . . . . . I I . 1". XA* - Ile, In Peru ,%Ad !r ,b, , . I tario, W , wou 1�- , ". ", AAW 44" . 4 , . . M�Wdqcinal Product obtained frout feyer,wh R�,qo pliglit , r, . ,�, g , 0,6��,� r 4�1 1, v , - -- 4 . at 'to ,7 tion In , uta be, laAd in - , , - f "I'fl �? ," W week �; Dia, �ou' ever Imaw O,at, Q41 , . � 4144te , 0. & " * " . �0 ��. '. , , " - .1 , , NIP, "Ied i, A , r-th" 0 " K . Id . 04 �, IM tW0.47," the, Wk of the pJn04Qv%4 tr6e. -It is, � fLe -romedy W10 with t0i � T44 b , � ­ YeWX 04*-- jr, � �i ;- 0-,, , "I I , we be, , . I .. . _ . I � . - ;Co ,� i, . �, y Oct , of'this yeai. oer, ves; Wso call(4 As I I �Tl; r a afte=oou by- McLewi In tact, � 80 Idgy prized wa, tprao,dy foF . , lo. �ts pork becanlAe "., �1, A - "" �'�­ , ..� - . 11 . ,r 1 - ,� I ' M 0 .­ a I V W I - . fi" � d4 � I � , I. . . - ..... Im.. 0'�F,q - " ~.% W 4 . - wer thi. . - ar In '"; A own A� " li, eq-lle election day 'was, even nam- I. I , , tain ever's and malan& that triie '0.�, 0 Jesuit md4slonae-0.4 brought , Cht t . ... -.1 � ... I � . I I . . . ItQme."O'A4�'41�trj'o r .: . 4,1111. - � 11. �, I . I - r . . I-,sh Gory6roment ordem it to be JxeA it to I 'Ute4 It.'r '' . r � $1 . � . 0 V� I I From ,The Huron Expositor 1. I I I I I r r . aal,v) ,v' .India. Then it lell Into rraotWak, disuse ' UP4,own- cafoc.�was . �, . �X .." I . ed. , - I , � A local , tb��pcenp� : 'r` ,, ,'�, , �:, - '. . r . . -:Oki, Palo in every DOS'. . . of a ioud &04 exielte4. quarrel On P ., I 4� rate$ "Cen ,,, ",10,11,89rlp. on ., $i. ,r I . - � The - of , - in Europe Until again brouglit to pubis ' 'Priontaij , � ". lb,.�. ,�- , I.., 50 a year in . The prediction Of the Globe and I ,4uly 29'r 1W . , , tree is a naovt south Am Tuesday xUbt.whou, twdz , . ­ . I I I . . . . . M` , erica. wbore I grew wiid and unat- lie attpntloO�'.by an English apother ' i i t . , ­ r y I , t , or , . e ver - . 'tol" Into � a heated, arguWout `r'ogard.�­ � ­­, �P,.'f (�Agn, $2.00 4 Year Single Mail, which is bell ved to be in . . . ' - 4� . "", . 'r I . Recently ,,,, r CA Ro who quVe4 ing this writs and, demW 8� Of thee"", . I � I ," '4 cents ege . � close touch Base Line* RMIeM extracted from one in Java leg$ r than 41indraq y�oars Charles' U,,of a fever in IQ78.. #fter �. . . t ., � 0 1 ' Mr. W. R� "Way., of the ,(ended until t e Datch graltivate' it cary, bert ' Talbot, , , . ... 10 1- .. h with the Government� . . one . . I Clk.i4ese oPPo$JtIQ,4 to the ,,InVP*onfX.-r - ­� . . ' , " i . ago., r .1miler to tZabe otbor evidnent persons, *4 the, QOU0 . , I ' , . � Z`�'!L�-11 --.'-.---, are s � r 11 I—— I—- - - .�­-M- - I may, berlg�h y and from,"o The leaves 1 ,9 lthw -Ups.� The two. alm(mt came- - � I �..� i�, r r- � � j.- - Qr ,it_ -may be - -wrong. hive 42 pmWds of Uwe - tinest Inel-qddtg th4i Dauphin., bud f ' , . 1. � '- ­­ -r , _othero, �*­ ,� 9 laurel arid the tragran blos. I . I -before being,' Sop I o& ... tising rates on ap younds, all,from 1WV-LW . 1tLhe—­1­­--- - -W-Ult 4.' 1 he -barif lionef Itted from- the � dr iii -to blow., _ai*t r. It ",,,.:% I � �­!, .plication. For the better part of the year per ,t,sy, , .1 11,01M UA -a -Louis-, -141; . . L. " - are pink a , g, , "'0148 - Cbong-NV16w, - but-Teeent- - . - ,'- A . , v! I'll, 11 . . � I Mr. James Pattei-Aon, of the* LoW IS not used until foe trees are s.!x purchased ,the secret. !"Thus the . . I "qW, ".i ,4 .,y-', .paper has be6n harping'daily �aj 1Y rvturu d, trova a trip to China, was r . � that I -d follow- avoption-of quinine as a medicine i r �. . , gr,,..� p, , itS, Wr t, of tile Opinion that It would be folly - 1. 11 'i �� "I" I '­ � I ' I ���� don Road, uioar BVueefteld, has aree ye*rs old. The earl- metal ,P� , Friday, July 30, 1937. ork e h Am).108.11 Indians aa,--ured. - . I- Uw;,,%��,­'. 41 on the'C.rI.O. and all & AP- � ed his mamttiol:4 new baa -41. size 0 by 01 11 th '�Out ' for the Chinese, who he claimed 'were . � -, 1',.,#;1 , , I — . ,%,. abr to down ti -he �,ree.. Had this The plantations of ciriefibna trees . . . * . I . .0,14�­ " Cut . , q4, ". r , "I �, � , ,� , . , pare --it would like to see an elec- $5, with brick basement. - The mason. di Ot fil- condlti�n fo,� a scrap, to op- 4 l ,&',., W04 � I ntly 6 -day'ln In ia, and a' L � .1"..".- ��"!,:- ; . work was done by Mr. Copp of Sea- pricedure gone on tbo -Ivrger of ex- under cultivation, to pose the Japanese. He is an . . ,�, 1- �4%�,-`,,,,:v . - . t4o L Rains CaMe ardent I A . - I T :." tion thiq year wi the 'C1.0 --r -$ 1� forhh, an - _tb woodwork by Mr. Kest- tir.eden was 1--inerl 'bral Chiang Kal Sliek . � � Li,,r­ ,,,.,-. r.'r . . �th --a _the , --d a . . t, ba, the preq- Ceylon owe their origin tio.Clements followed of Gefi 11. ��,, 1, -,r t.4 ' . And . - romo­�-' - ,zia' bark I'Ir Xla;�kham,­an . gliv all . , ac - ' - I I 6 - -- ett w is to 0 En I_ lim , who hil.ro- . . "" . . issue. Naturally the Globe and Mail ing of the same PI - , ay d advanced his case wit�.inany ifild 41 I 11 I r'', � . 1. � in 1860 �" , V ". r . Mr. D. D. Wilson.'Seaforth,- is er- s'r:rs covering the do v - ,'ed part wit i duced the trees in -to India . forceful arguments. Chong wast op - V.7 ft",".1.Z,i�:,..1 ,.- ers. have been , is C.I.O. minded. Its owner made ecting a large bank barn Out the Ad- mose until the wound 1.-1s. aLd through man's perseverance .in Posed by Jim Wong, ,ivho, although ) ,�,,�: ,. ­ " Huron, County farm . . .,�'i.r,,, ' I � 'JC.�i . .1he Indians -of Peru called the trees growing this precious bark, the price � I r �.,: ' atinLy themselves and each the money with which he purchased a�n,farm, the frame of which twas I L not a recent visitor to his ,b6m�la.n.C, . . & ��-- ,. ', ..v.ongratul , I 4 V-,; . I I �-i ; 1-11. vaised on Saturday. Mr. Jas. Kyle 'KI-na" and the nams, ciaLliona orrig- iq raw only one -thirtieth of that which has kept abreast of the news throug i I .11 .L " �,,� ".'., that paper out of the mines in North- r I .-.. � . bumper crops,- the good I � I � other on the has the work1n, hand. inated after the Codnw%s of ChIn- w-evailed In 1870. ' ' a Chinese, newspaper and, bus formed ", lqi­ , -, . .. v to Peru. Over 10Q,000 ounces Of quinine salts his own I ' �, - � ��` -. ,��,,,,,, :­��p and the perfect harvest wea- ,-, , ern Ontario. Its present editor made Mr. James Cooper, of'Kippen, rais- qbA�pi 'Vide of the vice, Y we . - . Opinions. He was, almost I . I ­,,,�,V . ,nces "i .ed one , � I . r 'readf to sh-ow Chong whatr tho-�Cbin- - .. I r I Of the largest barris in this biqpglit it to Europe ;n 1639. r The , re imported into Canada last year !�`,, _r 1; his inoney out of the broker,3ge bus - . I . . . � , I 1. . ther this year. /I part of the country last week. Thei ` . � I ese wculd do to the Japs when the I -. I � - . � ­,. ' .Ri� � 11 . � ­ L , K-1. , .: I , , 11 A. I ----- - I 1-1 � ­ ... FS ness connected with those mines. framework was done by Mr. James - '' 1. .. mmaw verbat'duel was. Interrupted, The feud � � , At least they were until a few daY � . . I , �. , r .. - . r . 11-1, .11 , workrVan. , .. . , was broken up before the boys,cam-@� 4 . " , , 01 11 - I . , 11 . I r � �. ��, A T&e trustees of School .See I e I . - 14, Stanley, have re-en,gaged- Mr. D. 4) . 0 own' convictions and, they are still on: : � . 11 . For owner and editor should fear an in - A SMILE OR TWOr �' to blows,- but each one beld to his � I go. And then the rains came. It is the nature of things that both tion, No. , A "I'' .1 tunately, �he� hay has been cut . JUST , . I 11',. and Most Of it is in the barn. And - Camipbeld-ae teacher for 1889. He is. I . the "buts."—God,prich Star. I ,X,�;t.- . r . vasion of the C.I.O. into the north I to receive $20 Of an advance for the . . � # ; I 11 - '' ... I—— I Blost, of the wheat was cut and stook- ern mines and bend ever effort to coming year. "Some say it's murder, sir, and!,. A small girl of three suddenly Milk In the Ditch �� ­ y . � , I I... � I m Lounaborry and Nichol,, of some suicide. And ther burst out crying at dinner. 0 " ., . 'I., . I Mess &a some that � . ..i. it -won7t suffer too -much. prevent it. And what better way of . . I wm. Long, Beamiller,milkinan, was: . "I I . f4 so -the Hensall Mills, Purchased from Mr. aren't sure if there's been, -any grime "Why, Betty," said her mother, , � I 1; 1111,��!�'�� . ` but the oats and the barley am- achievingthat end than by a general John. Caldwell, of Tuckersinith, the at alv�—Short Story. what is the matter?" the victim of a hit,and-run driver on I 1.11 . . . " . � !"" L '"� , -down.. Beaten ields, k :1 11 ,�, new wheat of the' sea- But we suspect there's been some 110h,11 sobbed Betty, "my teeth trod Tuesday ndght, while bringing his i- __ flat in -many f election with the C.I.O. as the issue?. first "Dad 'Of truckload ou,milk to Goderfeb. Long - . .. . . . ­ , . ­ M - 11,� . dirty work somewhere. on ury tongue." ­ . . was crowded to the side of the road � ..""-� � - � which means uneven ripening and - ' Or, perhaps the Globe and Mail 'Mr. A. Geiger, of the Blind Line, 0 1 0 i El`�. . I , . 0 . i �� � . -.1 by an. approaching,car, which struck . � � - .; .'. ark to harvest. Arid . - a feeler, and not Stanaey, it few days ago sold a mare "Sammy," asked the teacher, "how Professor: If I say 1. week,, , ­� 1�i. � long, hard w . was just putting out and colt fov. the thandsoine sum Of many make a million?" you the rearof ,his light truck in passing - I ��� .11 �� I . ". crops, here - and there, have � amm, thirilk of seven days. Then it I 68-Y and toppled it Into the ditch. The 6. I ... ''k I . -other an inspired one at that. If so it must $2 I 4-0- 11NOt , many," answered S y "thifty days?' what do you t4ink of? truck was damaged- as it rolled over*- � - I ­ I ". . - Watson, of Seaforth,' quickly. . . � . . � I ; .�� 1. affered too.: I Mr. Josiah . Student: Jail. � and Milk ran down the ditch, but the- . " . .:',,­: ' f L while assisting at the raising of Mr. 0 I— it Tnight have been worse, bow- ,&S ,driver was uninjure&- Long was. able ' " . . I that feeler's redeption. , ar -as Wilson!s barn On Saturday, had his . . . I � ol, I . Fabber--I never smoked when, I 0 I to give the Investigating officer, Coun- I/ - .- 't, I 1- �, . r. A lot. worse,, if that is a,w ' foot injured by a stick of timber fall- Mistress: "Now, -14: �. eve . I 1". we have seen from newspaper re- was your age. I hope you will be Ada, if the mas- ty Traffic Offloer Norman Lever.' a:-� . . `1 , � . I I ��,,. : ing on it - ter brings home some more friends, good description of the car whic1r.- I I �,, .1 M r. rt. And remember the pa.c;- able to say that W your son when . U. ;"�, comfo ports, and still better from conversa- ­ I Tuck- ... 1. .1, . . . . . . . � ., � Four pupils from- S. S. NO -10, You grow UP- � I are you sure youre quite prepared?" caused the damage.—Goderich Star. � . . �.. "I I Awes will benefit. * They really need- . . tions in the country, the prospects of ersmith, wrotle the recent examina- I Son—Not with such a straight Sace I Maid: "Quite su�el,s g I ani; my bag 11 , I . -and . � On Trip To- Holyt Land I . ,111,11 . I tion to the iligh school at Clinton I d ' � / - . , ed raim as you do, Dad. i is already PackE 7' � ',­, a general election in October or any- an passed creditably' namely: Chas.. . . i - 11 , * ", . I .,.. I I I I "tta, Angus Roberts4-, Wm. Dobsoa � � i 11 . Rev. J. B. Moore, of Grand Bend, 11 11 � � I I 111!:. . . 0 other time Ws -year, did not meet 111111111111 following the sery�ce Sunday evend I I ,.11 �. . I I QWAR� , ,� . I � and Walter Connor. . 11 � . I ng I 1111-1�'� . I with a very warm. reception. A field, in Harpurbey caught fire ' Rideau Banks Speaks of B.N.A. left for London to join, Rev. M. A. J- t . % � . �',�`, - Joseph T. Clark Is Dead I from a paping engine oD Wednesday Revision in Toronto Saturday 0 Waters On a trip to the Holy Land.- . , ­'. .. , As a matter of fact th6 C.I.O., * GO SLOWLY. I . ... � "I'. I .1 � ., 1. and. the denizens ,*f the suburb had is � . N ight. , 0 They sailed Tuesday from, New York " 6 , . I . . . . � , , " - ::i.1, ­ I Joseph T. Clark, for nearly forty however it may agitate the minds of , � a lively,time fighting the fire, but no . . . . and, after touchink'at the Azores they :.., I , � - - . . dwellers- manufacturers, alid serious: damage ips done. " ,. . � I . . wo will sail through the Straits. -of Gib- I I I , 1, years editor of the Toronto RailY ci�y � . Sea-- raltax; across 'the Mediterranean to it , I There were 79; tickets solffi at .., � Is As the old, adage "Look beforiEr you trifle naively -in mamr cases, that I I ��, I I "'I.-.- .i� 8tar, died at'.his summer home at Go - mine owner . will never be- an elec- fortb, itatiGn for the Niagara exclir- leap' still applies, even in the auguq� problems will be solved . by Rome sort Naples In Italy. They expect to - . . I "I',".. 11'1�1 I "I Rome, Bay.early Friday morning, in tion issue in the .country consthuen- ' sion on Thursday. . .1 realm of national affairs, the time -of magic, simply by the process 'of , spend four days in Egypt visiting'the - - . I I . I '. ­ . . ­ John McIntosh, teacher at Shines I Py,ramida and, other Points� of Interest- I , .� � . cles. These constituencies want ta at would seem opportune for off6ring a transferring them from the provincial For four weeks, they will tour'Pales- - � . ! � , � . � 1. - , . . 1kis 71st year. �- . ,school, Morris, is engaged to teach few wor�ft of gentle counsel against to the Weral arena. . I tine and will sl5and a dtay at'Alahens il 11. . For two generations Mr. Clark know why an election two years be- cranbrook ,next year. . % the Use of rose-colored glasse' when Now, it is not unreasonable, to ask ­ I .. t . �­ � . ­ . . � . McGregor, of -the 6th in Greece. Before returnIng,lif war I - I �11�, I . 4 1 . outsUmding , is necessary; why the. ex- " ' 'nea"' r stitutional jliit what is this subtle quality of cOnditious in Italy will permit, they . I � 'has been one of the . r(A-MlOn. I , t.,", I � . ' concession ,of McKillop, had a valu- .. . pre-eminenci) that lies in the Federal e Peet to spend about a week In, tha;t I I ., - *11 . was lyinc ;, i it � ,:"­� I journalistic editors.of Canada,, with I pense of such An election, and why . able horse dtie recently. It The late Mark Twain, iA one of bis ]Parliament, as o,ompared with the 1. ­ . � . I dead in the stable when he went to country.. 'Mr. Moore expects to be In . I.. , 10-.., . tion. One of business should be disrupted when it more obvious moments, referred to Provincial Assemblies. Certainly It his own pulpit the first Sunday in A 1 ­'� = ­ �' I I � , E', international reputa . feed it - �' . - the weather as. something about earinat be in the individual personn 91 October. During -the month Of ' I .,.,: . is Mr. 'Walliam Jamieson, of the Hur Aug- I - I . ,­� '.' the'old school. who came up from. ti-ying to get back on 'its feet ren Road, 11-ttilett, passed to, his long wihioih. everyone talked, but about of the respective bodies, for there -Ust the camp services. will be cou� , "' � . . - ­ - . �, . . . which . � it'. 1. I stick'and.the type ewe to oc�cu- again, and sees some prospect of no one did anything. The con- is no vital distinction between, your tinued at Grand Bend with. various . , � Ue . kome oft, Saturday evening, at the . I I I �,." . . . . , stitution stands in very much the Dominion and your pt-ovincial 1991s- ministers -in che�rge­of the services�. 1,-. I . . � getting there, . age Of 8 yo�Lrs. He Was a native of � . .., the editorial chair. ' I same position. In recent years no lator. Take the two of them to- Exeter, Times -Advocate. � � . . � I � I I '. '. Py c,,eotiano, and came to Cansda In --- I , � . journalisnf-in all it 13has- I There is little I project -has received, more ardent 'lip gether and they are altogether like- ,i,,'�,, . , He knew or no doubt that in' 1842, making his home On the Hur- service from politicians -of every par- Iv to be Indistingulehable in either .. Joins Creamery Staff I . �. . � l',, � � . almost as - the event of an election* this fall an Road. .. ' . I I . '111 ,.&ea, and human nature I , .. py than the broad proposition to. their mediocrity or their ability. ' . � I I � . I e,l . I -1 -6trangely alike more- I I . ­� � I . well. A powerfud writer, gifted I Pretnier Hepburn. would, be return- 0 . . . bring , the allegedly archaic British They., will be . An important addition to the opler-- . N , � '...111�. ­­ , . 111, 1, *t1i a greitsense d., , e wou ' ' North A�rnerlca Act up to date. There over,'In their well-tralned, respofisb ating staff of the Clinton, Creamery,' 1',:-� vd -, irllh�i Mia bit- 1. �d to -power. But h - ^ Id be re-� - b , I � . , F,.. The Huron Expositor has been amazing surface unanimity to the party whip, Irrespective of t e a 'branch unit of Canada Packers, � I I 11 '4444, 1 , I ­ "- premion, his editorials havia held - turned with a greatly reduced ma- - on the question., In the last session quarter from which it may be crack. Limited, has been, made. V, Cr6igh- " .- , , 4�i, 7 . August Z 1911 . of Parliament M. P.'e who ha � ton Gibson, whq for seven years, was I I "'..: I . oss Canada -yeur upon- , - jority. 'Make no mistake about that. , � I ­�. . .1 aeir place acr known, to hold up the I -louse for hours Purtbermoro, the d4erence be- engaged in ln��ucti6n and ii�specbom, I -. �m I �- � I . . On Xcuday-, July 22nd, uPwardz Of V . .... �.-.j I Year. They. sparkled. I Previous to the list , elecition the to protest ,,Painst an improper com- tween the two bodies cannot be one work with the Dairy Branch of tho,- . �i I , - 11 q. . 4 ' 700 high, school cadets, Boy S,Gouta I I with, , One does not Department of Agriculture in ithe Man- I . ,� � . ma in a minor statute, vied one of collective wMiern. . - � But when occasion, demand4 h-- ' Henry Government passed. a Redis- -and public school boys, ,accompanied . " . another -in expressing their zeal' for a reed to be an advanced student of itoba -00vernment, has been a oiat- . * 11-Y I . I . PP I I , 11 111­,Z�,;� could be anything but humorou&., .fribution bill that sadly cut, carved by cadet inspectors, tea.dh&s, school general overhaul of the sacred dianAi- Canadian history to realize that, � bow- ed to superintend the butter'inalciag I i . I .,. I . inspectors and clergymen, foregather- .0 . ( � . � ,, 1, and hived the country constittienclesj,,t,, ed on Carling,,; Heights, London, for " of the Father& of -Con,fedeTa- ever much the record of the country's here.—Clintorf News -Record. A ; . I ,­ . F,ven caustic and biting, although . .. . . 4 - I :% � . '. . ­­ I tion: And in no party in the Com- Progress -is to -be admired, the Federal .1 . . ! . , . � . I .. "�.;,. iaever vindictive. He, was a doughtY while at the -.same -time giving undue , lobe first of i i vbat win undoubtedly be mons was there a single individual Parliament has been far from -exercis- Noted Inventor Dead I i I . ".. . . I an. annual camp in, Military District ' . . I .�. . I resentation to the city constituen- J , 'No. I with the temerity to avow himself an Ing a monopoly of wise couns - L I I ,t��% fighter, but a fair foe. , - rep - . ­ opponent of change. +,I . I el at all Marquis Guglielmo Marconi" I P . I I . , 4 . 1 ,�..,4.1 . I It is, however; for the very human ciesi., , That bill. is still in effect and Walter A., wilson, of Dungannon, mes. For instance, there is its who- Invented wireless telegraphy I . . . . . , I "I" � : .. has been) appointed clerk.of the town- Yet to date, nothing lies been done. judgment upon the matter of rallwav when he was only twenty-one yearst � I I , 1�",;� -sympathy, -the humor, will be if there is an election on this- ship of west - wavranosh. to succeed What' is more, so, far as anyone � on policy, which has left us with Our old ,died sudden-ly ,at the ancient pal- , 1� i . "" ­' touck the . I 'Parliament Hill wiho is at all in touch Present transportation problem. Or. alcoin d6wn, town Rome where he lir- 'S �, I t�..;., : . � �11,, fa I If, with realities can discern, there is if you live in the vicinity of Toronto . ed and worked-, -on Tuesday, July 2& . . �,11' * and the understanding which he IL I I .W. S. Mccrostl'. . . ' ' 11 " L - the ' .L : " I � Hazel Elgie, of KIPI)eu, secured Do likelihood of anything being done and wani�fb see the monument to the Thus passes �a great man who -has 4 . . L L I wrote into his editorials which m�de , - It is true,that no such Redistribu- scholarship taking the hightesf'marks . . I ..... ­� � , . em so looked forward to' and by tiom bill ha I fee.,ured, at'seaforth. Also' Mr. Mur- -Certainly not at ail early date. Wisdom of the Federal Parliament, contributed, much to the Progress and., ! �� . �,'��,: . th s ever yet n- Fisher and Miss May McGregor Should this situation not give us j1j8t look about'you. That is to say, comfort of humanity. It was in V149, , 15 � I . .,�- ray . I ' _, - - . - I . . . . . -L't, L which he will be long remembered- . ment that is alr.eady'doomed.' But of Tuckeramitli, wilio. have been at- pause for reflection? Should it not take a stroll 'up Yonge Street and look year 1901 that his first wireless mes­ I � " I.,. I at theiNew.mirket Canal. '. I ". I - terCing Seaforth Collegiate Institute ,�uggest, at least" the possibility that . rage spanned the ocean, and from 0 � I I � �, j`�, As Editor of The.Star,. Air. Clark such a bill ha� within it the pos'sibili- have passed their entrance to Norm ','i wb,ere such surface naulmity exis+,,4, But, you may say, these th-ings,such then on his life was Oevoted to -tha- s 1. I 1. Vies of greatly reducing or,of there must i 1. , 1� I wrote thousands of editorials; all of` ileper reason for 0 , � . .., � even school with, honors. d as third transcontinental railways improvement Of *irleless telegraphy-. 11 � . ."� where' tWo were enough and- New- —Clinton New . ". -1 , 1. I. t interesting, many of them bri - wiping out the majority of the gov- A young led, son of Mr. L. C. Jack- cur failure to progress? Is it possib',p ' , s -Record. -�i,, - Otem . son, Seaforth, wNle playing, bad the ,hRer all, that the Fathers of Con- hrarket canals which were only a I i i 1�. we misfortune t6 spralin the ligaments of federation builded better than they '. � I ... liant. But --he never wrote, a mean ernment that ' nt in -to power under criminal w2Me"Of Public monles'be- Induction of Rev. Gordon Peddie� . � w . ., knew and, that 'we, at the bottom long to the past. The Dominion pa�-- � I I 1-1, one_ . 1b it, when the next election day comeg. one of his legs and ,.has since beeu of I . ":.�­ . I I . I . . our hearts, realize the fact, even iament to -day is a reformed body Rev'. Gordon A. Pedie, of Toront(7- -� - .�i,11­ I The Pendulum of . . ( laid up. eri,the error of Its ways* for some years past in, the Peace Riv- . I �.. ��, 0 public opinion Mr. D. F. McGregor, of Tucker-' vvben we aro most anxious to -M,a� V., I ch as se , ,`X� . I I er diftriet, was formall inducted Into, .. . .i ­ . . thor handiwork our whipping -boy and and repented,. y ­ ' Wp�',�. , ­ I - -- swung to its are when it elected emith, has -been appointed a Director the Pastorate -of Clinton and Bayfield I - i . of the McKillop Fire Insurance Com- visit upon at, the Penalty for the inis- Well, how 10119 ago was the Hudson Oilll". I I . Huron Familp Honored Premier Hepburn. By the laws of takeq we &a.ve made? Day Railway.? And, for that matter, Presbyterj�an churches in the Clintont t ,;,;,." I . . k pany�. to fill the vacancy caused, by , . ,� . Church Wednesday nighL Both eon� $ I., I :'�, Ch'ambly Canal pro. , �h,,� � how about the . ,'!" ,. -nor natur "rer Ject, etarted Only last session and 'i". . I A unique as well as a great ho e it is now Swinging back Mr. William Chiebhey,­wbo has' been, Without going so far as 'to an gregatLons were well represented at I this qwestion, wholly in the affirms. (I , ,�;� , ,, . I . appointed an agent of the company. , estinedf to cost upwards of $10,000,- th,6 service. Moderator of Hurola I ,� , 1 lx�.. family on again., and however slow the swing I I was paid a 1juron County Mr. George McCartney, Mill Road, tive, we can at least be sure�' that Ptesbytery, Rev. W. A. Young, Hen— ),�, " . , 000 before it is completed? . And , �� , . . may appear to be, the movement is , Tuckersmith1k: -has disposed of his theie is a case against oonstitutioi-ial I I �"-. �.­� '" , 1, ,"", I . �Sunday, when the apostolic blessing -sail, was in d the-, , ; , 4" *ck carnage mare to a revision --and that it is ,one WhIC13 , WIlen' it Is oornplkedlts only Passible � I �`,� there. Make no mistake about that. ' "'O efrict will be to make the Deeper Induction sermon. *".v. Dr. J. IL. .1 - -1 1."��i �,,Ii of His Holiness'Pope Pius XI was * Stratford buier for $�75. .. meritq our thoughtful collisiderati,,n r, , . Barivett Goderich, add . ressed the min ­ I �. I � , I,-, Ifidson. route a more Interitse colm- I - � . � �1.1 I wn e I - .�, ;., ntario's laxgest Make no mistake, either, about the Mr. Harvey Sparling, of the 4th before we run pell-mell do unt.ri' d petitor with the all -Canada St Ister, and Rev. D. J. Lane, - Knox: ) I i bestowed upon 0 bas fall wheat paYhs. I I 1,; -I- � I .1. 'family, that of Mr. and Airs. . I .. It 1: fact that the Premier's main strength "' of "', *Lawrence route for the shipment ' Church, Goderieth, the people.' The, . .1.1 Onezime . measuring 5,feet 5 inches and timo- It may be admitted 'at the outset 3f 11, , .. 1�1111 . lies in' the country consttuencies. thy measuring 5 feet 7 inches, Oin,. ihe intmedlate obstacle to con- Western, graint! ceremony of induction was perforin- F 11 - �P,, Masse, and their twenty-one chil, � We'should-have said -that ed by-Jhe Moderator and, the. formar * ' I 11" LLL ' ,. . Miss Annie Shanahan, of Hullett, flf�tlational .reform in. the past baq would/be ,,,,,,, He is a farmeri Not'Only that, the .' its only Permanent .effect. A more intrydilction to members of sesslonst�' I � � . � . dren. ,. . . . was the winner of the goldeross don- been the anxietJ of -provincial politi- ePb6nieral result which, ho * I . Prid the congregations was, made, by- i .,. I � I . , The impressive and dignified cere- country feels he has the farmer's ated by Rev. Father Gunn, of Clinton. clans to maintain their own StatM . wever, is , I "I , . . . . 4 - to ,the pupil of the separate school and importance unimpaired and to Probably not without its ,own. degree Clerk of Session,, P, W. McKenzie.— a I 0, ,� ,.�'- , jnony was held.. .in �front of lle,�. w and his interests at hear . obtaining thiD highest marks in the Preserve the preci tro of importance, is the- popularity Clinton News -Record. . EY . , , I I .- � Ous pa nage which It may be expected to bring to .1 . � . I - I I � �, , �,�� �t, Vather Marchand's h6m I -To Have Armory on Newgate Street. �, 11 e Wside the because he has fulfilled his election, ept-ance P.vainitationsp. madhine over which they exery .secon- ITon. P. J. A. Cardin, Minister of Pub- . � , I i,,�,', �: - promises to them. As long as �lie � no Clinton municipal authorities trOl. But -to concede this" js� � . 11� �!1�1 large Catholic church at Drysdale, - 'have purchased a street sweeper to -acknowledge that not to lie Works, in whose riding the bulk 4iord baff been, i �,- . 11 ,.�,, . � . . I . . the constitutional of. the work will 'be carriedi out. I received -from the- ., - co t h Ids that faith the Premier be used on the new niacadam. reformers have -Proven their case. Department of Public Works. that the� , X�l I ! u n ry o ,fi - on the Blue Water Highway, and ov- - v ­� I .LLL',' �� - No, the sad truth Is that. the !louse Government is prepared to take over I � All �)­­ , . is mod'erately safe, but he should not - ' - Miss Ethel Williams. of Seaforth Rather again, the inference should of Commons �as not I yet brought forth a Portion of the National S-hipbuildinw' , I , ' " - : er, Wo thousand people attended to has passed her examinations. at & ,�e tc, ihe contra:ry, For surely public sufflcle�t of the fruits meet for re- # . . I '! � � . ; . pay homage and witness the beitow- take any long chances on it, Stratford Business, College with hoh- Opinion In the provinces.. could, only plant on, Newgat,o Street and convert � . � 8 I I . � ? 1, I . , pentauce to justify one in saying it into an armory for the training ot' 1: ", ;�'. � I ors and has recetved a diploma. be Induced to support th&-politiciapt, confidently that It is, a eb I � �;' , . - 's dele- However, as we say, Premier Hep - Ag. �,�­ 1. at, of the blessing by the Pope There was a sligbt.frost Thuradia; ln'�an attitudle, safeguarding their tauged body. "C" Company, Middlesex-Haron regi- I , /. I . �i,7 �­,'. , . Right Rever- "blirn has the say. When he says warning, but no damagi was done. � .own selfish Interests if the publi�, The testimony 1,'rather be c0lltrarv. ment. Terms agre*ed to -are $800 a -A . ,.,,�41 , " � St#d representative, _ I namely, that its ,membora are Still Year for the first five years and an ' I Rit, I �. , � . I ' � I v��,?�-," , . .1-;jrA4ohn Thomas Kidd, Aishop of there will be an October election of Mr. Xoseph Abell,.. well knowrr resi- felt, mI the same tim, that more im, tl;o same meTry, attractive set of 0 . . . " �. " I , . . . . . . .. ' I dent of Seaforlft, and who *as acting Portarit Interests 'Were also beiiip, national menders tor'wihose extrava- ption for another five years at $6001, 1 � . - ;0 , U."don. . course, we will believe him. But un. as engineer at Labatt's Brewery In served. in otheor 'Word - . a year. , The oetneilt building has I I -��,,' I " � 11. � 4 . � .s, ,the provincial gances *the Public 1500ts, the bill. long been vicant and I has an excel- �?!'­;.-�;,�� ', I Twenty-one children is an unusual til he does say it, we . are a little in- � London, was fbnnd� dead In the An- politicians must have behind them in I I �, 11 �� , I �-,,, 3 � � 11 ' I I gine room. He bad- been overcome recent years some nlea�ure of public It may be granted, -therefore, that lent layout for an, armoity. , A spactous� A 1� 1� � � . . _ 11) "J", �.­ ­*Wly and Mr. 4nd:Mrs. Masse are clined to take the Globe and Mail�sl � . to trauk6r a Problem from the drill Mll *M. OCCUpy:_theL ground floor_ - I 11 , .. � .1 .1 . 4 . With gns. support to enable them to block so I "R, k, ,,, . . prov4xicial to the federal . It IN 5 - I I . arena 0 , I 1b,", , , I Mr. Mgfn Rees, of Zurich, made a eff"tively the clamorous crus , is no .41j)doxi a, high, balcony will be a llne� I., t6. be eon atulated, more - say so witfi a few -, sins of Wt. ".. % I �- � 1 �,- �.� ,�- , - i6jA4.1,g J, , , ade for to assure it a greater -measure of wise of, j6ffic6g. Work ;vV.1lI comencs� I . � ­ " '' '', ,,, , � , , . I ,,, V '' y . gr I gr I I . Aplendid Aovdn,g at*tfte Seaforth Col- a 116Wer sad" better,B.N.A. I � ,� 'I ,.,k, - """. . . 1� 11 - F�,,,,�,, . - ,, )4fttdatly so because every one of I . . . . 'gome of ' eona4d6ration. The constitutJohal re. j3hortly. Itlid, will -be &mplet this, 11 I � I I . .. � ­ � - . � .. I.. . ­-- 1. , . leglate, passing bla recent exalAs and, Wltat might be 6d . 0 . 11 " .. . ".. ,� ,.. � 0' 61 .� -h 14 . I. mosiom I --- 111MIl deration the lo' former will reply, however, that the 161I.--Goderlelf gignal.,; I I , , '. �, , # � , I I I winning fbo ,#�ld inefti. 1*1 a that would cause a car6- quality of the consideration is not . � I "­­­ .�* ty-one a strong, noriml . I I I � .. : L I., " 1. , . .11 - I I % 16"-,�- -.`�,'�', - �,;, �:! i � �,�, �'­":, , Mr. Hefiry,?Vougal, of de London ful People to hesitate before allowing tile 6 the � I # , 11 � L . 1. * , , " . . . . . . ­ , bjeet 'Of. change; that'what � .. 196ya V&Yegit did 0166k � I ,) M " I 1�..� , , I Road, tTAborn#`,1 f# 4WVr0V1n9 his home balldc- Which are not necessarily un. I,, being sought, Inttead� is un.lform� �. I "W", � 1. , , ; !.� . , I I , , � 51 "'. I'll I I . WN � 1�1 � , 1 "I I ", , , . , � 1�11'1 I " , ltw I IRA - PAPERSIAT � �, �- h . "t iy child, and t '6 whole a . W T I OTHER . I i ..'�,,�.";,/,���l�'I'll.,�*004"�.P,- I I I ­ � ""'i an'' krg. Robert Davidson, are. -, , ,­�Jjpy- tway. . by raising add 66,ding to the kitchen holy to -tinker with the sacred, , - I � ,p,,) ,,, � , . , - � � a 'T'" ItY Of, regulation across ,the entire . Mr. d I ,, , "' ,,:,"i; , . wlftimn� - of (his house. . . 1,11'.�,,�, 1'K1,.; -,Rt .e . I I . .. . stnlm'Out which the %%tt'here fashlon Dominion for Droblem#� Pails, I 1,01 , ,wel � Iituffl a gre not un- I . ed? � I � which are enjoying their visit At Burks .1 " - I I 1. 41 AW* . . . Thow Useful Whik Unes . . I �V�4�;;ii"' � ' ' Probably, the first and gro t4nadfah- - Wido In their ocope. I ,Mnskoka, and Mr. Davidson Is Im- � If , *0 ,A -',,',,AA,R,0b-# I district Mr. , .1 . I r� - � atost � I . * A . , - , . � I I I I 11 ,-At fitat might, that geomg a more proving in health. ' They expect t& � I " ,a 1;AAR9 ,. *Roov"6 -dr th,er tovm- I . erfri, (bododliv), -, *,I *" the most Point In MsPect to *1hf8h.b&e eftftob, ,e" s - , otorn to Mitchell abdut the fir t f . , 1. zl� I- I 4 �­ "I.,. I - abl ifth :�; #* . I . I (Woo0stdolk 19161;�Ifloa-novlo*) Mgolll . . Ott 6, P1,6068400yu slid, : to , land I , I I 'C". 1-1 �,.,If, , � ­ , . I . shIV Of the 00milflon Shbuttl deroafid' ZZ ; - , . , - , -, , I . � . I Voptftr girl lif,i6tit; 06 conold6raMe ofornsefli, �S,,6,Ptember. Bob b" Purdl , PT I Aluiftbef, of wotot'Wi ate ' . IVW that'si the fiftf I's tho 60,6rforlty: Of tyl.0 . giahilfather'si clock from a , "i , , -, 'e", 64" I'dIT& dight, t6 the i , on, 11� , .. 1W probf,bef6re, it ganctions, wi�, etatte , - I ,,, &0 I" ""i I'VE'Al, ". , , , "' ,,, I 4,d6ted, by str4fford - , I , iat !is ftdd#§A40 - we ato ,gG410031am, I I ; , f , . mov lmelAd .� 19 I I I I . I . , I " , # - ods"nqg"'00. "d-Iferald " tifelig, the A66easltf ' V10001n bf I ... I . . . 1. I I I t'ho. po&hd ParJf#Jfi6bt tJ4 .0 . omiploti,101 �,,,O I 1* I 1 �, . I , . ft ,ta Ill, ..."111 11 " P, 111,11 .", I . � � � I 1,4t . .. I I., I I ' VA � , , *. . , I "I 11 - 7 "O'' :, hks = . iAkffto do'lodr1*4 -of h ,k a ft d - . 0 . 6�lpa`"d �". ith: *Ill 4, oiv6m. 11idli 41 , :h � tindred yearo* old. The old clock. I -1. , , �i�, " - - of *hIt& - ft* � --A,#dked 11 b in, 13ork's. Palls whith is over thfee� , . ". I ftk I id'you 'Dold.- is #O&S 11 � � - t" " tl "o ", X� , " , .4 I , �,,­, !, . � , I , , , W .1 i 0 k 00041- 7 ��h '. : �:­,;!, C . � 'IT , .., "U"M �t . .1 . . � ' , 11 M �q �r .t, " , '1�j 4, �fl, *W,*dV,s6if4d �� -4eo 6146V�oi* I 6#1�1 I I , # w1flo, I , fth' ffii6 *liki6fn of, , tfi,,o tV016114 , 11, ,, VIW69, ,preVe � a, fbot i tall, figg arriveffi I I I ,,,, I Th a , 1�! so VA#t 16M or It 66V JOW A#Oeftl� "I � . 4� 11 , �' q Z t�,�' �`,;" I 1,f. 4 , " Q�J' . . -1 4 . ��,' �. . , , , , . ! I " ,-, I � , , � --- � . � OW112% 'I I P 7 J ; I '16y1h6, ­ . I -iv , ," 1 ". �1111'JVIMK,� ` � ,, 0§1 I is , , � � . I Legfolitu,r4. $06f Mh ' 16tIf*, 14 . , , ,;�,, f t I O'd - flofid,111 &00 kd Wit, � . � , 6r,;1,8b0,%1, , , , , 11 I P �IAIRI . Wt "r F � 91 i�., 6t, , eftftl, god' Aft .. - . V , d#g�4. " ­*oox� fafw��of-;%&"Ij�-k , L Ult,0611 - UY oxPr .9 djO, It , ig, .111 b&- ' 11 �, '111 . . , soo'4, 40,� A#d k1w b600 , t , , W W,,�-,#1hf0A1 , . Tra-- �, -., , - , , � IF, tMV " � " 10' , 461iii, " M, id,: io Ift .6i "Op .... � 11 IUM . , I " A � , �'. 14 , , A : M*6� to I P10 . '66t &­,,,jtjib��o a Nio K 10 I iWW6 tA ,.',Ifd? . V. - Vill' "Sop", Ao�*'h .D , " Z . I � An fti . M16 f , "*$16116*64 .1,14WOOM, ,a Mr III I I P ,,,, 1 , , "Idwg*,or � tile At 414 W411 916r� I'll , do"Ot'Athi , a 4W1r0,;,d";,.;dV" I 'r 0) K-004 10", - ,­ I T 1 'lot , . , 1;11 11 �i'�, " �, .. " , � , ,11 21'. L, - I lot 1 .7, , 41 ) �, �, M', � V i, ., , 4� It . , ,�,.L 1614'411`sft�nr , ­ ­ � 0,60'.h'.. "'', , , A b "'' 1 i Fy' x I . � � I � Uffifto ,V­,6fit1A#0#f4h4 ­j�td' - . � W , , 10VIV010 W; , i5r#m " "I I. - i il,flt,.., ".""I"", ,W A 0140 � V yX ­­ � ., 1� Wed: 6. ,"'111 " , "': �., n- i � -­ . tl 11 ... I �11 No' W `,Xmam�""05 C, W-11,01 ,'.,� I �'�, V 1". " - !�� I; S, 1%W � "'4j��",j* "4, ;T " " ' r� 11 I I "I 'Ir . , , . , . � Nii� I . , , -: , � , � " � . . � I . , , , , 'L ! � � � 11 I - - " , , � I 1', �� " , i- , .., , ,�, , .�' I . . I ��� 11 ,, � . � , . , . . " � "k -�,J �, , ) 'L 1, , ­, , ,q eg,�"P� , ��� , . , , . 11 I g ,top � 11, Ir . � I I 1 '4 0 � � 0 I , ' - - ' ��' , � . . '. � � :, " , N", ', , 10 71�1�. 1; I ,, , '. � t ,,, ,,, 4, N ��,�,��,,��,,,�",',���i,i�i.""";����'i'A�,��'5,"�i��.��,,�- I � , , , I I IiN 0 '­ , . ,,, , .. " , '1i � . , , I � . , 11 4 1 . � , � , IK* � . 1,11. R ,�, #11" ` 4" ,�,` it ,.!,,, " � , ­:� 9 -4k " "� , '� t" , . , -.1 : , , R�N,%^, 5,�!T , I - MMOAC1 . f"; ,qmp op , "� , ,, , : ��­:` .1 I ""' � �,�;,;, 16 ,."111"�` � �41 , " I , ,,'.` ,,,, " ", , I", ,,�,��,�, �, ­� �,,� 5 ..!,,�,, =41,7n,,� ii WV6f,"11,4*0 �­i,#,,., � , " 60� 06,ft Ili , , I& I , , I 11 I I WA 40 � . , . , , , , ,�;,�J�,V! F�� ,,�, " "Im M, ,.��i,p%; .t, , , .0111, A , oiit "bWomi,ifbitt - -Mo ,, A 76ft,j i ralgjj�, $tt,""MitaltOyll AdVftiate. � I , V,10P � � IT Noff&wl 14� 11+0 '' - "fia;iQ t , 2 ;� ,,�; �:i, ��%,' ­�P,�W,,J I .. w W- C , , k-, , "' ­ :-, �50 � , 011"'i 0. of , , ," " , . , 012 � ,, . ", � - , ,6r6 , - , " ",, 10­'� V, , U), , - I 1- I . " ,,� ,,- , �, ,�i� ,, ,q . " ", , I � *11'a M �,` ��; M - , , ­', "�,� , � ,p � . ... - . q ,,,,,, ,� , ."�4' ,� i, , -Ifl.; I �-�. j I .V', ", � ,� N, � 11 - .11 , ", gi I I "IfIf 1,, . !� ,� ' L . ' I - , - f� � 1% i , , �.f, , . , � .V, � , r i , , , " 1 , , � ,� ... , �,, - ,1.1':, , �� ! 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