HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1937-07-30, Page 1�, j, , .., F "", ,,._ .4, ,� q)'JRf11'!11,! -, 1410� � %�,�!4 �, �,n I I , , - , �,,N,�,:�,,'� . ,,0! P�� I � ,41 . lt�'14111K�44� !�,��S�11'1 � 11 1;11�4l'i�lp-�.iw�',��,t��,'T�l�ll,)Vl���i���T.I����[,�,; g"zggi��;" _,�'11111',�'illf'�111� 11, 10 14 �i' 11011,� A1901114101011111�111�, 'A'. "'I'l , -, ,,�," g'�', w"".nx � o �, ',��,,,�,�,.�,�",',�.','��,'T�', ,,,,,�"",,�,','.',','.,,'��,',',Z,',,Rww, "�. 2"'. , , , " I 10,1W il'lfl-�'ffl � , , � ,;i � _ ., " ";`�,� I 1 11EN I q� I I M; , �, ,q,��,"W) nlz%,'� w� MAMM"', � �, m "'� . ,, ;�� , , ", �, �N , __212'2� , +." - I .1�1�1.�,., ""I �.,", III— � m,� '�?R­Tl r. i��71 i'� ��;,',,; , " _,"',""'. ", I ,��, 1p, �;� t.'� 11'pj)r,.�', Fi, �,� ­J�'­ .,;J , '�` , --r "­­.. "e'ur'":�1, "I". - " ­­ , ­ ­ � i � ,�".',`�'%'2',� "y: '�`�� c " ��,'��,!� .q, P�411 ,�,;olr;�,J�� - " :, �r, ,� � � - - � ­ ­ n — : ­qf,-, , , '141 � �j 1�,tmp�lr ��"Fi_11'1�1�1 g,r";�'I'M!" 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"I I k"g&gk;', . - I .F, 4!`(�i'iM �_­__,, , , � ,�* _S.�� +,e -,r - � W." ".., " 0 . A' "I 11. I ­ � � �, —, 21 �r4�'�,_ 0_ I _­ . I - ----- ­ 11 _� '�, W� � ,�, I ;Pt - - 1, _______!!,;._ _. ____ - --- . __, .1 w - - ., - �. . �, . . �. I �.� I . '. . , . 0. - , "I- , � " -:� ., , " , " , � , "' � ,� ,7� .. , , ,� ." . , �,g � " ­" ii , " ."p"'."; � ��,� ',ii,'�,,;��-�,� ,� , ,,, 11 � . 1, " " -07 � . " � �:!. ff"O. , ,,, �*i6puty-seventh V, W.., -.1 41"', I . I � . . , i �i '�' . ,.", - I. -i- I 7� 1 ., �� , 90" f $7 " , . , I . 0 � �).. I ., "", I I"! , I ;; ,; � I .. . . f""If-­�, � N . I . , F I , I , X I mi � - 17'� � . :,! , � " . , I 11 I . � I . " . . 0. 14, 1 - , - � !:. -t' �,' rA,i.­�,,,��­.�7. �,�,� ".1"i; "�e�-'.� _11 I , _#%_,�,-", , �%X' iA,,--­ � . 1_--_,.,__, llml '. ,_ 11, i" � 0. . I I I 1. � , - " , - ,, " ; I ".z VIlitile Number 364 ' : . . , I . -,,,; � - �,_' q -_ ­. . Al . : , � , , . I. I 1. 1. I'7''', : : 1-----'_ .. .... __.11---1-1- ... 1-11 1- _111--.____,_ .1.11 .1 1.1-1-1-11.1 --- 1. ­­ ­,­ - I..- 1. 11 #.�, Ill. I .I.I.. 11, � ''."�..-..-�II."-,�,��--","�.11,11.11�'. I � . ­� - I �, - - -.1.1'.11.1-11 - , I . , . .,­v.,,,.�,,�,­�yp,;�' W� ! ,__ � 6, . � "', - 111`1­11W�11_,, ""�Irf�ll,",-'���',��",:""",�',���!,r��?�t�.,'�lI ". T� g�i'T,l . � . . . ­ � . , . I ,;, .1. .1 li:'p " , � �. , i .5. , 20 � I I .. I � , . . � . . . I I I . � " -1 .1 I ", I ��; , , 4 , . " , , ,�__ _ I .. . . ­ � , . . I .1�t, ��t��11 E - - . . _1&1. I t,*��4� �= - , �.� , 7 " . .., . I V - .1 , . ' " , - , I I , , . � ., ,_ . 1: ,: ,� �:� ��,�, ­ � �K3 I ___ - ­ . � I � � I � ___7,�7 - . :. -1 I ,V ;­ . . � , . " �'k 1, - " ON­�I:Qwn " .... .. 11W . 11 - . A --.-- � ,�,,�!'�'l I . —CIDENTS I 1. . � - I 1, ' 11 , NING" . _­­ . : I I -,. I I rvlq I T 14P 0 - i � ,� � . X4 �� %* � PIA A_N -, Q � � ,�� ,I .", 0(�, "'; 0 ,_H. a�i -` I., ­ � % I - AC .- I .11, "I ''. - t W� . , I ­._ I . — I �­­ I I 1,11." � 4; . " � I , � , I- 41 --1 — - . � i. ''.1.1 "'', , , -x,, .1 �;i� g�& , I I ., ,V" � le.., 11 I , ,� I �! 41, � 0 . 0. " , A &.111, --;� � . " I ! 1,111 , 11�� '�11111111111" -1 � �, , 0 a nc 11 ` I . I �, . INITY -AIR. M - , Over . Ci t 3 I . I . 11, , I � 1 NEA1`2, _� , . -... I'� 1 4X` , I.. ,. 'M ". ,. . , CQU d I . L 0 f, , , _,�', � ,- , � ...." ',Nk I , , . � .� . � , _ I 0 . I % I 0 1 . I . I . . I * " I "',41 " ��w I i , ,_ 11 , - - , ��M R VES TURING WEE1 �4 � A n or I I .1 , . I I 11 .,u f Your, M ol-neyisclann IS - 0", NPLIE-�` 1�1*�,-,` 1. Ii. , I P, � , � -M -1111'119� N1 I 1 M,7;, 9 � � I I 1 4,�`� t. � .14 �1'1�33`7,� V� � . , . > 11 I . � � ­___ 0 . I . 11 �­�',,­ . � 11.1: � 11 01 --- - . I ' I 7- ' I - . ­" ' .1 IM,41'r W , 4 1 - I . On M -P- Family Escapes- 'it ;-�VVAWRA , E � R.J. Deaehih4u; Hur � --*, th Dlf-' , 1�444%.A .�, West Wawanosh' Farmer e. * 0 6 0 0 � . - R I I NVV�, , . , �. 11-0 . -11 ��. ��, �.. .11 , . �-V,' ,,, '!" ., - - . 31 , 71, 4 � 1-U I ' 6 . . I - , . � Discourses on Advantages ficulty As F.h, . , I � . I '�11 , , I I � . . � � I , � nd Tavistock Man I - . , . :. , 9 I - a . I 11 " � � I.- . L . 11 I I -J? ""?. ­��,�QgX I I I Pt Of Town -Life Over City I V. , I � I .I ... '. 1. , I ,­�'i "I r , g _ I . Honey Pla Rapidl ', I - ': .1,1 � _,. � ,. .,�.. I . _ �,* 11 Are Victims.. . . . , 1.'­��,, , 1, . b I., . I . I ­. �i� � I � .� . .., � 111 �,�. 4MF,PO;�;�,,'L�`�, ,. 1��,� k , I- �__.. � ------- - . Most. people .are dependent on Life. - �1: IN, � � 1, . I I - . LITTLE INS, �, CE -� I " bee. for their honey, but the - Vl. . I'j I pp I I I INQUE9TS ORDERED 11 Ili � . L_ .. .... PLAX�' �,::, _' '' . . . Misses Brine, , Goderich Street, I , 4 1,i� . .... ,'.,,'­-,'z�� �411 i,:; I - - . . I _' ", - _".'i*L'1_ , .�. . � -, �, . . ��­"",'­'­7, - I'll 'j. I . - . at their ARE A REAL � I I . I ,'�,�;, ,__ ,j have eL flower In bloom . I I.` 77"', , � ;1 " - , , , , . ' - _ . ,� f4l", , . Awakened f rom sleep ,,Oen 119bt- . . IWA�.CTEW0. "M (044 , � I 'i'll �. George Naylor, 65,,,of Last WaWan- residence that drips pure honey. I - . 1W I - " nqre� �01!.0 '-W"L " I - I lt:16 � I PART OF NATION ning struck theix boijite about 10 .e A 66A, . ., . I , " : .. , go. W,L � 1. � I . osh Town -ship, Huron County, was The plant is known as HaYa � o'clock Wedmesd4y alghti-,4he family -%e4.4M%.td6,,-v. " I ... , L,- T­�`q` � killed; his son, Gotdon, and, five Other Carmosa ort Wax Plant. 1. ;' I AR, 4 '*�, , , , - . - The. = ,, I I , of Peter Diechert. Jr.;: or, the. 04A4 �, . , � . I persons injured, Ju a car crash at the (By R. J. Deachlitiag) Line, near Zurich'. a marrow. es- � � �, - I , , I ,�� F -ninth concession road and- the di fi. 0 0 . . I . I had i game' I I �. � .. 1 . ".. k"'. . - as the large. residende wen -it up hall. , i -, � - Sion' line of East alo,di West Wnwanogh 9 0 0 91 For years I lived in cities -large, caps 1. . . _� �', ,�_ ,�:,;` ,�'�, 4 " Townships early Wednesday after- - I medium and small. Now I live-in a in flasies. . . Arm :11 Q-1 " ill�t I ' "' fif I 11 . Mr. Diechert heard- .'a voise that � I for, ibo:�-p , Ill , � 4 ROOM, ' I town andjike it. Tbere'ar& reasons d eu I 1. I -11'.., Ii. ' . . . I I -1 Four -Of the injured, lnicludl�g Wn why I sh&,ld, TVutft",to­,,t6l1 I Was -sounde 1ike an explosion in the. ,Atic� - ., .1� I - � ,.;. 11. e , 4 I -l - ngha i. UNIDENTIFIED I 41-6,�,. . - �, � but paid'ino ,attenboTc; A few mom- a. r, , ` h " t i. . 'is, g;-oity with , . I.. , ; 1 1 j 0 � . ­ ��:;'qm?,'S�1� W�, 'R P 11", ; im"J. , `�,g , - --,'. % , . NocCool, proprietor of The m W� in . 1;1 . � never ____ - - - - - ents later'the upper, 114,6r. was 16mass , SVAFORT ''.. � " � w - , -,. i -'Of actiO4 .. _­_ , I , ,, _�,, . . - Advance -Times; his wi inn U 111611 D 111"ll � all M.� mechanical foi3O�P' , , -hA - , of,flames and, the- fgraily'611! seven chil- chrl�de P'� , , R,enuJe,1*,jg�:i,X -,,Km.!W1r1­114-T491W, , # . . Wingham 0; C I - � ­� ;_ I '. , . � gy �,`jf,'- - — � , k ", �, �,q. ", " , I � �4, ", another, w6re brought to lta� MasVed' fuss, tts' f�ebl� 2" compijg�_ dren, 'escaped with ,Only ifid Clothes on Zb.; F4 W1,1110�-.3b..,, 1,,%_:,_p, "U""', Mi'll,%1,4 .4� .. 14_� I fe, and his. 'N � I , "' " . ru R A I 10 I . � , Q - ,,,I kil I 'We should, . nio.tild , to our ., ,x _�_,, -, W, ' ` a I . a�, i -:� Hospital by Dr. NVUH in Connell, . � nients. I ..� ",�4,`�."'� . . their backs. ; F. Siksi,,si.p�,,�_. X*, V's'light;'A'. -,P:40, , � _ . . I � . ­�� _ ., �.1 'j�T. ' � . ' . ". - �;,l �, . I �'- Wra, John McConi, mothe'r of the " needs the piace''we liv"ut this - . - ' I ,;��V ._Jr, -,L , . ' I ' "rhe Zurich'ftr6 brigade wag called - � . r.f.; sub., Tbm,4111 " �­ 'I." ' " i�!, I �:�i�; . I , I ,;;r",.'�, -10 . 't ff d ' ' caii't be done fii th6_clty"�-the city . ',,?I , " I ,�;, 1.;!�� %�;,�;;. . I—. ­ � , ,:" .!, . I ,driver of the WijiWx4m car, su ere to the blaze'but the fire W,reached 11 �� "I d CL1XtOM­-XrDona7d, ..8b.;, W140" �� .!, . , i . y, - I Police Believe His Condition fashions ourlives to7 'aits varying I I � ,, ,. .., 11 il-W!t'; ,.� " ,.,,�,, � , � '. , ", - :.,-,,, ,!�, .�., -, wagg,;, J -. W. na, , . 2h.1 C-1 41 , . - " severe.shock and at first was feared . h er such proportions that thib firemen . Ha , . , "'. I I,- � _fg .] ki . 1W ­"ANAII I J, to have suffered .concussion and bead w Ims' But let us,, together, go ov I , I "I !�' . 1 I I Results From Loss of ' were unable to save thie'� buiMing. . e.f.; Hatigon-i lb.; - Hovey; r,f ,'� xiootGi�,-!� ,,�,�.,��,l�,�i"�',,�,:�'�'�;""�,'� . � I I.. .1 . : "- " ��.,, p;,- I" . .. . 1, � �. * I 4- * , . .. ­ ,,� , , ,,.�; . I , a few of the AdvantAgeB. of the town : , 4", ; " . '' ' '. . �X, , finjones. . So e of the contents were renioved . I I � I - son., S.s,;- S.tok: P. � I : , " , ,, :��,��,�:�,. ;."., ", . . 1pi� � Z . I .1 I .�;',,',,.,�, r.', . ,,.,� r.'. . in . . ; z". ,.,� r'._,, . . . %­. I . Mrs.'Jean MoCool, wife ,of the driv- I Memory. - . the "hope "t we maymake them in I . -v `TI I—. ­ I.. I - _,,, I I bf neighbors who assisted the fire- The above pictures show ii�� - � eams , -e- - , "I : � .. ..... �, ...... , kewp of ,the Seaforth Lions Park Fo6tWil- T ,,, �`,�,�;-. , " er, escaped with a sprained anklQ', stand -forth in cleaxer light . 1. 3ri I . ,�L:._,�,` � I and swimming pool Where the annual water carnival was held Wed- Havi�ag pr ygd the , first - �A�71�` V . ' - I . . ,of,_ 't 417 . I _�,�.� �, . I ''. �� , . and Mr. McCool with,knee abrasions.* One is the cold logical fact that'In Mir, loss Is, estimated at-rver $3,_000, ' nesfty evening. The- upper -pictu rels;vl view 'looking east, showing home and h - ` a in, t6� ,, -r"". ,­%, �; , , 1��,,%i,-Ql ,� 11 I received a telephone call , game , 81�=4 . �` t.`� � . , � " t. 4_1 . I 'Thomaa C. Foran, of West Wawan- Chief Snell 1 Ji7V"i" � � �_ 1, . I , ,,�;'�-"".. I the town living'coets less -in other - '�nd oma Coor e 9. 0 , ,.. ` .. . , a portion of which is ci�g e island, - beyond that- the large ;fInals in South� IfuVn'Sjo ' L " ' " ' ;i;�;�q I wag ad-�I a , fred by in a portion of the bridge to th :, , ,, , �; .,�,,�;" I esh, .driver of the Car in. the rea, late Wedueeday eve si 9 him ., . ,,a, q .i; .,Y�'i��;, a, L ��,�,6 ' _., � I � ,, 'I., � I words, one gets, More for, what ,one suranee. . .1 � . I cement swimming P0 In ihe lo wei� photo is shown the picturesque grouping the tbm' s' ar,6� .in _:1 i � 1; , I I . . , , 1: L �e:,�:';j �­ � ­ _., I . .... I I , seat of. which Mr. Naylor, fatally in- that ,the man found *agdering at the gives. In the cities we pay much fof " Of. they sta.rted, the game�. , Id . ,.,. , '!,'. . I jurep, was riding alone, hadi his, nose C.NJL station Monday everi.53� was This Is the second,009 , Silver Creek as it windsto the swfirming pool. The picture was pla�#_,1u,.,1,,J # . ... �'Ii�, .. Floll Which e park. - , , - I,, . 1, A sev- Edward Bearrard And that be ­.had ,Ilitl,�'. In the town we.get a run for fire hits strucl� the IXect[brt family. taken from the -new entrance to th V 10�­�q,�-`� � I ". . . � fon Friday evening finishdug,VIE��; i*k ' ""e � I I .,�, I '. I 1,; _ �­;, ­ I - I ; b,rolwn, , Gordon Naylor suffered y escaped, from the Ontario Hospital Our Money- A lot, one hundred feet One year ago tbelr barn *AB destroy- I .- . forth had, an edge in -team 1? m�! .., , � ":, .,." "o, iiii . . and bruises. The , ' I "I, � I I . . ],. �. �:,_, . .1 -1 . . . , � L..."', A I ,ere 14coratigns- I,ondon, on Sunday. I , wide and two hundred feet deep, ed with a large loss. . . . I ' , . : , I. -P The first half flnIsbed,:a, blankL'and­ C.�'.,­,­ . , �. .1 I were taken to their homes, Mr. Nay- I seems like a fafm�in a.city. it would- . - ' I . � � . e. than lidt - over - _,,!, , � "", " . . . Tae cha.rg,e of vagrancy the second was mar , _�;,_ , jar, Sr., dying at the Naiylor,bome. 1 !'17 1, - ' ' - , - I ` I I 'Mr. dy"been preferred a that had eost'almost as much. 'In the town it I . . . '. . I Rain Force.& '-P " ­`tponement * when Dale scored for d1inton 1w -;a I , I -�- , � t � . , . .1 , - ' , ' 4 gainat him will be � I 1 �,. - �,­ , � ., - I . - Mr. McCool and Sherbon . �costs� relatively little and gives more , ' - . . I .. I �­` � I. �' a close In shot from ta scrlmmage.* Nlc�,' , :-";� ��' � , , were going to Goderich to bowl. The withdrawn, Chief Snell stated. - - . is, open to - lers, . 0 �- 1 ois,on's squait then put. 4.1 thi6y- '12" � 1. ':.� 1 , "It . . ering around, the C.N_R_ ��OY and gati,afaCtiOn. It seaforth &Dw- - . - �.­P. ,crash, was seven miles north of An- Foundwand the air and,the sun. Grass, fruit and, - 11 . - -play and within one, "13A ,, 1-;k' I I ,. . ,� yi ­ � I Lions Water C a- fn iv'' I�io - .1; v . .1 burn in East Wavmnosh. Dr. Weir, station here Mondsk cv`ening� by Sta- - flowers grow better. If you doubt my P 0"Im � A' . % . .1. . � , I nUT9 � ,.::: � I ,. . I I I I - ."I �_ I -, ..� : 11 �1. ,.. . I tinie D. S11161 found an ,opening �,.'tq, � �� . . man wbb � . . I � I . �.:".1;11 � I I .of Auburn,' and Dr. Connell, Wing- tion Agent W R_1.'Pla111,'a statement, come up and see Me some- I Win-:116vitiv I I ,. �M ' - ' . -_ * " ' ' 4U 1 1 beat ,Wllson for t&e knottlug. seor& , �.., 11 liam, were called- and atttended Mr. said he wap-E�. ii�do, 'hweved bY po- tfine," bi July when 'strawberries and . "I I I , ' "4-9 , , , "; I . I I . . . ne� - �t it. was � the best soccer gu* �spelx:ld . . ,.�, R , . ­ - - . .. . Until Wed, . s�d y , Nu , , . � . . I . � � . I . .: I . _ I 1 '4�., � z!;ayior, who wAs' found to have ci4ti- lice to he suff�ring from loss Of DieM- �raspherftes are, ripe, or in October At the big Sootch- .doubles bowling - � season. 1-1 i �� "Ai I..�� ­" � �, I I I �, I., . ' - ory was looked UP On � .. I .., 1, I ' ..�� Z, I � I eel, bead InjuAws. . a vagrancv 'when the com-la ready for the pot. .tourriament, iu Goderieli '.bu Weduo&- . ,. - I .. � � 4DUNTON-0oal, Wilson; b��. B. � I` I . . � � i .�, �1. . . . ­ _-Z7, Traffic Officer Norman Lever, of; CIIZC;�, and 00 T*sdai incruing tak- ' then building and maintenance cost day,, J. E. - V41lis . a I . E.. Briglit Club Experiences, C Me 0 % 0 0. jj' 0 1Lay.tba.-,-0at0.ma,n.; -half baeW, R." P --p--_ � - - � ' , I - .1 a . - , I 9P-_ 1 1 .-I-111 I I 11 I on, hivestigated'theoraeh asid an en 0 �countV-. jail, Goderj�h, wbile po- less in the town, . thaii the e e the wione -0 -M I I .� �_. � I!. ": V,lb�-W . ,ity. Wer ra. of the,' irst event, . I 1 4 �-� I - per, sun.; forwards G I . .�.. in .r. . " � I i, �.�.Lityto,0,� I MT4 , - .. , I I iiulb4i . � , - I,)_ i I., - 1. - InWest will.be held-, by'.,Coroner Dr. liCq's6ek, Means Of idleuttfYiug hIML Taxes inay be nominally pigh, eapec- bringing home thip P ity V As ', i .1 , I *.''.�,�..� ' - . . ;4"Blile L ikli,'Ross Lever,. I - " I � ' � . 1. - ­ � I . .un our trophy Hard' ", .1 �.n, . ,1 . I � Luck , I : . � . I I � , . . . IL C. RedmKmd. Both ears'were bad-, t 4C�tmstabip EL Snell I . : ". ,f �;; I.. . I . 1. , . 11 . %.­:,�;;l I When. Chie ially of late years, but valuatione are and the individual, -priA � of. I two . 4 . ,,;,� ,. - Lin'dtay 'Golqubouid, I . i��-, - _' , . . 1, �: ­ I Grip�'House 11 , , �..' I' �Jr �. - - , - . . . � - '_111 � I 1jr damaged, the McOool car. being fouvd. the nian heapbeared'iU,-a daze lower and that iLll ifoportint item handsome occaslaiial,cli. Carnival For ­ I . .. nAFOHTH--,�-G%0al. Bell,; ba As : I . , .1 - . - . � . . ' `11�* I - - i - . I . . I , . � ii! ,., , en . � . � ,�,�� urred within g ,btder to get hi's clothes , � 1k.6 .th I 1. , fatal co*4Z6,.Occ . . - �'�� - . I _10CIM& I . �.,�. and. 44 , ,co � � six 'rs, of Seaforth bit wb�irs: took 1 ddressed' . to e, -Undl ; ,half bibirs, .11 I I . ,*i,.U.uy of having to ., /Z� � � I * � - . emstence is nof:so gr PAI I I lnlawder�, �** i� , . I . I ,O td ihir *', I . cessive Year. ,. A, ord, r0j" L , ' . .`1 - . 7216 , � . a town as it is- in a cit Transpo,f- ,part ,in the tQUrnament. ; .1 .� I 11-1 and X. Mcholo - kil " . w - . � - , tel , Seaferth.11 a . I '- I ' 'I,", . . L . 11 I I . 1. � I - blished ,in . I I I ��,­, . el -9,11t, Of - ". .. I � I : StZlt I - i I Cop , ury*. POI D. F. and " Consitt., , .,�i -aimed- to -have orkid Itatio, cost'. 'Grip House - _ ,n : y.' .; ,�orw4rds., de the___Naj*� ho". Mr. Nay- and bag.' He',bl les . oars;:and I I . . Askdd where he intended t a ar . I 0 1 1 ,y of the'Mere . . . ,: , 1�� 1. Jor w" a life -loft readdent of,East UP:jIbrth. .� a1xi e never pressed Into.servioe.' , . .1. ­ -1 ` Leids, Eng!"d ' � h�ed I-& Refere I I pinpson,�' I . . ! I . I - * ' ' I t . :, . I 1: "�,_' � CROWD F09CED TO'. I I th I - . � old; . ,,,,,f'-. . W039�01[106h.' - ` - p -11 1. week by Mr. iW. 7"Dur4necce; , ,,�, �; ,. , , go� -he said: "lPsuad&" You are closer to, the sources of i -_ ' go UM borne, Seafpr`t1r;,, . ' , 'i'i I I 4 1 . . I I ba . I CArdfully -dressed,j ,the ma, appears ply of 'the necessities of life ,'44d I . in, whose ..r � 1. . � � . I I I .. "I 11 I., , I ... , . . ilKilled- Wthr s0wood � ' Toronto 0141 p �ys - - shEX StEmuria .., ry, now occupies the A . .'.,'- -4 1 . . � � ." -.:., I I . _. . , 11 . , : I I .1 I . ". . . 1�4'i�l - 1% �0� I ! � 1. . _ - . . .,-J,�­_. _ ,:. 10, L 1. �.N­.,'; nare;i4 lvaber,�'Zj, youngest son of I tDII-be abeqC45 years of age. 'TO: 19 ' III 4 ` , ', , , :_ � - "'�dlng, which ivas formerly- 1he � : � " �,, ' . I . ,� , there ari6 waye -of ciAtinj costs'v&c ' . � � I � ,n I I � . 1�, �, . Mr. id Mrs. M � .-B. Faber, of Tavi- aboat 11vip, feet. ten. inches: .in I : , - I - . , '7'!r' �', : �­ ­,�"J,,` , . � 11 "I . '� "�­', I ,­,_ " , __ I . . . , -�?,,, . - I I - ' 4 = V�.W� - ;�� .. ��,. 1 I,, � . ,.,,�!,."� I i * . al: 1, -, . ' ..14 the � I � , I 06 . " ..: . . ., ;". � . - , ". i -0 -4 ' ' ; � la � JWght", �, ` - , . . . � -Bl&�' ' ; _'� - . �­­ ... cannot be,'done �p Plari� .. - Q,t�­'"Qgsc. _i we i A.t nate�, '. - 1. � . �i'., �;�-,.-,z . .�, � . ". yolldg ,sithlete, 09 , l4T1K1!T�.ceXdfr-& . , _­ � t � F�r UM, e - - ''. r. . . - - I L,� "",': _ . "�11;�,Ml� I I I ". ... �� popula�, (if an4.. Wolgh _J35. PQUuAs. Ho �. peaUs. - � In. � . I .1 ,, , ax succo.= . ' ,�_",�i stock, and . . 4�' 113M ty You AreF..calleid. -ixponT t6 . . third y ' , . , I ­`T11'kL';' " "I .1. ­ � 0 *Wch r6aftk�-�Wftise send Mgj"I�,.­,�,�, - . " �: � �­ �­".L ­'-A�'��'.... .. 1�quietgl_r I , aul-ediaLcated, *Wce.,W 'f�fii1Iy'-'116r-- v, . I .�', " - the annual Lions Club w.ater carnival . 1, I . f " .Jea .- th le'""', -01.", 0 , =at village, was latally-4nitiredcahort­ , �� � I , keep up with the &tL4j,. . , I 1r, NOT) I I I , . '. .1 . SeaforttL . . I :',; ... �;411 , aturday' after-' � f bund he' ' 'was 'in neb* of f aDd. There .The Huron Old, BOW As�iibclation 0, Wednesday .night was. paiij�d out. ture � Post '�al�dr- 0 . . . ,,, - ,��. .. . . , _: 1. . - i , I ly. . atter four o'clock S � I I I.. � sonally; I don't like'th6iii. 'They think oX:Toronto a . re putting On x bI& earn- The club will repeat the carnival On wdrked for''Mr. Kennedy in . 1891. . ; . 4 1 . I 11� "",�;, - - I . i .1 .ndion when the light Toadaber .he.,Was was nf�_Ipouqy or gjjy"11LUa,Zi% ot I - dahti- 1, -.Ore of their clothes th I . I - I I I- 1. . . ,4x: they - do .H. Stobbs, 22 Aybqarth Terrace, I _,.-Ie,� �� . ival -on Civic Holiday, Monday,!, Aug. Wed.nes ay evening, August 111h, . 1. ;_-.11 . ;in- Ion ill his clothing. I I .Prjj'*i . -: '' .1 driving Made two'eomplete turns ficat of their thoughts; quitei frequently I 11 d Leeds, 9 York, England." Win Contest I I -�� a. " to 'the diteb, - . . . . .. I . 2ud, in connection with the Old Rome when the midway, booths and dance . . . I � . �, - -:i,LL, � pinning the driver be I ., F ' —0— I wonder if they -really think. The. *,� , .. .,!" �,, ' I � . ed in an ambu- , . larger the, city the higher stand- ek_in :Goderich. will be fil operation and the sper-tacu- I . � � : .1 �': ; meath it The lad, die 4 � . the Seai -0. residents were among thiii ' "' �',�4 'I � ­ . I 1ance ' 0 ,the night caxaival will have five lar firew,orks, ddsplay will be slidum. * 0 0 - 0 * 0 4 e -i inners i ..,! . . . . . . .1 ' � ' - 'those wh CaR af- bands and four orchestras and -will ]Rain o6mmtyn ed falling shortly be- , �­� , . I while being rushed to a London ard of li.ving for , , . 1. rz�itle M� �n o, con�4esi con, ; I ,.�' . . I— I 14mvital later in, the afternoon. Well Known Cleric' I IC ducted by a Chathi-in chick hat I .1, I The fatality occurred on, the Dash- I . - . (Continued on Page 4) . be headed 'by -the 91st Highlanders fore the conclusion of thw water . . � chory- - .11 !", . :", ., ,� - I .. . . 1, I .lot HalAnt and theii pipers I . - Included'in, the list of winners were) I '. : f,,, , , , ,:r -wood gravel road between Exeter and . . sports and within half an hour wwi -111' :�,,� . Dies in Goderich -0 Special OIL -being,, given for; Mrs- Annie Watson and Mr. Wi �:�,,��' �m �. � I . . � (Continued on Page 4) . .1 , prizes are coming down in torrents. The, crowd L 00 B* A. MEMBERS Rutledge. . , . ��;Ij' . . I . the best old-tyme .daricing -team in . . � , w M . I . ... I I � I ,of more, than 1,000 people, who. we' e . . I , - I ,. I" I I —0— . Huron County and silver cups are bo' already in the Park, were forced to 4P_ . . �� '.:1,. aeon Jones -Bateman 4 I - - I I 1-1 � . "i � I Ven. Archdc I . ,.,Legion Will Attend Ing donated for the best watzers, and run- for cover . , � . .1 , . 11�_ clergyman I I . . I I U wl, C , ,:. 14, . I ' fox trotters in the county. In addi- HOLD, ANN AL PICNI . I �,.�� I .. I Padre of t�e Great War,' Had . I �5 I and beloved U,e e­:�'-7 contiatied clear . . I I .. .1.1 _1 I 'ngl"A ' - Seaforth Writer , I , Is Found'Guilty of of the ChUreli of r L Zonie Meeting tion, the tug-of-war for the-Huron,'Old there woui . I . died Wednesday' aftern6on in Ws 73rd I . .d htor� Leen� a record, crowd . I , .:�.:, . . ., .1 I Boys, cup will take place at 7.30 with ' . I � "I' . .1 I � - I . g a long and Interest . the committee stated. Cars conticued Outing at Harbor Park, . - . �` �,� I I , _�_, � I I Reckless Driving year, thus endin d . four team from the County compet- to of Coll- I t . - , I . . .1 ing careeT'in which he ga�v4� value.-' The annual zorne service of the I DoesRadio Scri ,".., 1 o iDg against the GGderich firemen who tinning the carnival .h, .. P .�;! � service to the Church and the Em�, Canadian 1,40on will be held at Har- ad been aban- Goderich,. is Q, reatly . I I ..1. - ­ " � .1 at present hold the cup. doned. ",:� ei I � . A Gilbert and Sullivan -air Tuesday pfre. He was well known in S 'for bor Park, Godericb, There will be epeeftil vaudeville The Lions Club 1 -as run into -hard Enjoyed. Mabel Broughton Billett, well known ,�:",,"-. I Ili", . I 4� I .wj*?, . � ,, pervaded police court here as Arthur having takeh services at St.,Tbo � ;1 at 3 p.m., on Sunday shows and much fi,oiae.�making, the Ifick with its annual water carni+al ' ____ - __ . writer and - former resid6ut of Eg-, . :: '-.!�,, . . . I ". � . Perry, Minton district farmer, unstit- Church on, Many occasiond. - afternoon, August 11. night program starting at 7.30 and which is held to assist in detrayicg mondville,. bag been chosen to write � I � 11 � . I I � . I I 1�.O_B_A., I tbP radio broadcast script for the CAty "IS; . I ame ., al speaker lasting until midnigbt. . the cost Of maintaining the together with their families, 'held! . '. 1 �� � 111 . � t, ee&"Iy defended himself on a �He was �,n"T Wales and c I The spec park. .Two Members of the Seafarth I 7 tt t I ' t. I of Kamloop's, British Columbia on,* :� " I weckless� driving charge. -to Godericl y-rdne ,,Xrs ago . � will he Rev. Cap The Mayors j6f Clintoa� Ssafortb years ago rain and cold .weather fore- their annual picnic at Harbor P,,k,J . ,� I 11 The charge arose following an ac- and with i . mcePti-on , years Sydney Lanibert, of and Wingharri will be on special floats ed . cancellation of, the event, while hundredth anniversary celebr�tlnu to ,I ,41� ­ � Goderioli, ,on Thursday afternoon. Per-�.b. held gnat 3,d. This _,Y�ill be a 11 . I -ci�t on. the evendng of July 2nd in spent overseas, bad, lived ,here ever Christie Street Hos- accompanied by their bands and re- last effectiyely I An ' I , , - : 'A oclintom Perry, &Iicd claimed, drove , . prital, Toronto. The , year a cloudburst at- I �� �, since He is survived, by ,has widow A . presen-tatives of the Huron Old, Boys . .home. feet weather resulted in a large eosiat to coast broadcast from CRd. :1 �, * * I , I ,his car into one driven by,Mlss Eliza- He was a well! read and Much trav-.� Seaforth branch will chased the ,crowd teudanc6. ,� I , I . . Association of Toronto, and the Hur- Winners in tbe'events were: Boys' . . _-, Victoria, B. C_ the time to be ar- � ,1 . 1 Zeth Forrest, also of. Clinton,. �elled man, who ha'd served, Ws church attend -the service on, County Junior Association of To- I I . � I 1. I .�'., ,� , . � . I Evide,nee given by Miss Forrest, in many. countries. of the. world, IA- and members are re- ronto. I tub race, 12 and! under, Cliff Ross, Sports for -the young and vigorous, nounced tbrougtL I the usual radio I 11�'�'..` ' her father, William Forrest, Douglas eluding Italy and Mexico ,City. t6 qu6sted to meet at tbLe Town Hall at Jack Fralser; girls' 4awim race, 16 and and contests for the older members news. '1- � I , I . e indulged fn. and an enjoyable Mrs. Billett, well known in Seaforth , 4 Free�man and Constables Lever and p.m. The Sea!)Drth Highlanders I under, Frances Matthews, Helen Pig- wer . � "i- � . I ,� 1. was, an. interesting conversati(mahst I loc^ � . ddving, 12 and, under, Bill session at7 the� heavily laden supper as a Canadian professional wrdter, is , , : � :, 11 , � I premlin, of Clinton, indicated that ,and possessed of a most''6nigaging Bawd will accompany t.h e al � eon; boys' -a' swim race, table was very much enjoyed, at present resident ,Df the Vicola Val- � . , Carter, Cliff Ross; boy I ;; 1. � ,. 11 ... I I f, I Perry, had been, driving an irregular personality. � J branch. Lady Golfers open, Doug. Puddy, Andy Calder,' The results of races were: Chil- ley, B. C., doing radio work for CRC, I ,, ': � "urge until he %truck the Forrest At thi outbreak of war, Arclidbacon - Victoria, B. C. I �::,�. . ... . I .11, , car forcing it into the ddteh. The Point 0— 12 and under, Betty dren under 5, Wilma McLearz; 5 to . I I I-. � I .1 . Jones -Bateman went to England and Matthews, Kathleen 1101111C.!s; � ,�, ,of impact �vag nearly five feet past Win at Goderich "', d"' boys' 10, Lois Harrison; 10 to 15, Clare I — . i�: I I tre of the read, Constable joined the chaplain services ,of the . swim,. 12 and under, Donald 0 , Westeott; married men, Scott Hab- clothes pin race, Scott Habkir � k; . . I "I " the cen p British army, seeing service in the Crich amily 16 years, I .- 1;11 . 14eve,r's evidenc showed. and hospitals. . . Playing In the annual ladiiW tourn- Bill Cart!ej:; girls' dive, el" kirk and Norval Bell; inarried WO- necktie race, Mrs. M. Stewart a:nd . . �;.',. z, 11 , I .. X1, eelis ago had se, . lines ament of the Maitland Golf Club, en pigeon, Frances Matth,E�-v,-s; duck men, Mrs. A. Harrison; kick the slip- Me]. Clarka There was a peanut , . . . Perry, who tW w - — '' . �� , Picnics at Bayfield Goderich, on, Friday, a team of Sea- ra:ce, boys, 12 and under, T_ Wilbee; per Mrs. A. Harrison and Mrs. A. scramble and all the cluldren receiv- �� 11 . ,cured a hard, won adjou-nment be- —__ -1 - I . - � 1- , ,ruusFe of baying, defended himself and duty of every one, when trouble de, forth ladies *on, first prize for low ,boys' Open diiek -ace, Howard Car- Wevtcott; peanut race, Jack Meakins; ed suckers. - I , �': . ft,, velops in his car, to stob. He imPos- h- I 1:1 ' 1. � 4 . 4mreftilly examined each witness. Wednesday, July 21st, proved) to be gross. The players were: Mrs. F. roll; girls, swim, 12 and under*, Kat I , 0 A� �__. . I , Betty Matbhews;. girls' - - �, I . " claimed that a wheel of his car. hnd C -d a fine of $10 and coats. I e an ideal day for the Crich reunion S41.1s, Mrs. _R_ G_ Meir, Mrs. J. K. B. leen Holmes ;,...� # I been tampeT�edl withi . Claimin the whole business to b . Helen Pigeon, Frun ;; tand this caus,-.,d �. picnic, held in Jowett's Grove, Bay- Brown and Miss, Florence Laidlaw. dive, open, � ces .,� I � I ry, aCCOM- I . Matthews; boys' dive, I and Under. Death of John R.- Govemlock I ;: 1, ,the car to pull to the left. a deliberate frameUp, Per irt field. Every branch of the family of —0— I I - . I �, J. in finding him . guilty, Magistrate J. panled by his wife, left the cot I . Doug. hllips; boys' . e� , I - Jb.hn, Crich, ,who settled in the West P% 0 � %��;, , -at it is the room, first ,however Paying the fine. . dive, open, Melvin Merriam, ' Andy : . ..; �f , A- Xakinig remarked th . end of Tuckewrsmlth as a pioneer in Helen Pig- rings back Old Memories' "" . I I I I . I W�Ls well repres�ented. I Calder; gtris, swim, open, b � . �­,��.11 I 0 . I ... 1838, . �,-,t Manley News I . . I �1'1 � . I eon. . � ,. . 4 1 1� I .. .. I �J � % ,� I I one -hundred and, thirty sat down 0 ,me late rain' wag worth its weight o, M*mbers Of the committee in I — I . �.. I # lunch- Recognition of the oldest per- . , I I . , 11� I i�l I K e' -Papal in gold, even if It delayed the har- eharge were Uous N. ,C. Card -no, J. Editor, Huron Expositor: somewhere iLfter 7 o'Plock. A whole . . , 11 � 1, Masse .Family" ec Ive son, present went to Mrs. Whitfibld .� �� ,�:,4 , , .1 . vest and. threshing operations. Many ,� $ 0 7;,� . . -e6mt , M. McMtilau, C,, M. Smith, and FL T!;. Dear SIT: The following news' 4tem drove of town boys Vere there al- ., 111� I q,� . , . ..", Crich- The Youngest Person pi ' i", I I . was Joseph Crich, a great great krand- are waiting for the new'stipPly of Smith. � . in, a daily paper caught MY eye, and ready at work. Mr. Govenlock r6cely- -.�,� I ..: , I ��, I . .g --or son of. the pioneer's son, Joseph. I —0 . I . � , I I'D' I e s s 1, ft. At Big Ceremonv grain as the reserve has all been us- 1 . it awakened a whole trany of memor- ed ine kindly and I was glad. that lit, . I ed. up. . ies: assigned me one of the 0 -rod, drills � � - " - - Young Mr. Douglas-, of Saskatchewan, The manty friends of Mr. Henry ' SEAFORT1_1, July 27. -The fun- some distance away from the town � � . , I �'. - - .� Twenty-one childTen In 27 yearg. Therese, 21, now working In Detroit received the prize for coming ,the weittepsen are pleased to learn that Staff a Inslitute eral, of John R. Govenlock, who boys. I guess he sbrewdly. came to i . � �� -. . longest distance. He belongs to the be Is as well as can be expected af- ",� . I I I 17hat is the r&ord of Mr. and Mrs. -were presented family of.the pioneer's son, Samuel. I . died in London In his 871h Year, the conclusion that I was a -shy c,cuii- ''I I Four priests supported the canopy ter ibis accident- was held to Maitlandbank Gems' try lad and* would not feel at ease . .1. onezfme Masse, of HarOir County -P I erton Smith, of Toronto, great Picnics at Bayfield ,111 I .1 mgjtr St. Xosepli, says the Toronto )of white and gold under whf,ch an- E V tery. . � th�e years_ arnong the noisy town tello*s. The �� ... 0, I to- great grandson of William Crich, was . I �, ," I , . I carrying the large an I — . " ��,,,,, �., � I Star; Sunday file- family celebrated otber walked . I it took me back ever - I sum of five cents a drill was paid fov ,., �- . �, . I I , "I.", IDst exaltingthing that has hg -p-, ,graphed, picture of his holiness. Queen also present. O"ftft - ` ` The Stafra junior Institute held would think.to qhout 187.0, -to where .the tqinning. I was, instructed how .. � 11 Z �� A � A � ". 4ho M, ' . A well-planned, Prog*ram of sports 3 1 . �. � � I f I ".1.4, , � i, -poned, to ftem gince they were Ineor- Maers vidtUre was, ,brought $0 , the carried out, providing fun f6r ev- lba.. . . their annual Picnic In Bayffeld on a farmer was directing the operations far apart to thin the oarrots, and � ,. � 1.1�.:::,, � ." I '' ., . spring. 1= unddr 6 canopy of, the royal was IREM, I e ih�d then left to ,myself. .� . . . . . . I " ­ . 11 4 e erybody. A laughing,bontest, In which �' , . ,�. I .,� into a company this � July 21st. The afternoon was SPOut of a lot Of t0wu boys whom 'bt . � I : , 1 are .presented, with a' signed, , ,..supported. 1�y Mrs. Masses fiv :, , . in bathing and sports. After a dcl- engaged to thin carrots. I May be [ - All day, long I crawled -iflong -an MY' � ", 4 " , : I I I , I , - 4=0 qV, , _Mr M�s� Mrs. Ernest Crich, of Pontiac, Mich., - 0 f t.�,' _', 9 sisters s. Fred Sesanon, . %J ", i V 1, T." . �'.., . L 9&-ti&V or Iftid Holiness, pope, lilux. licious basket lunch, a softball ga.me mistaken, after this lapse of time, but liande and knees, steadily .&h& eoa*� ;� 11 � Oyf�, $ � Was winner ever the many contest- I . that the farm,eT Was ful-ly wrining '11* ;L, 'f''.. ; �WN I fW thp-AkAoli of Loud(iu� John Luke N*h, Mrs. Armon' D0110MY, enjoyed and the remainder of it is my bellef " stopping �Lt toon 0114 I I ��11,1. -r.JFI * '' , the evening was ap,6nt in dancing. the John R.,G ad ". �_ ,", � 11iomyAs Irladc 4ftd, 4 letter and Pie- Mr§,,_� p ery- .1 . wo7s M Brisson 'and," Mrs. Adolphe 2At$, Was . . ovenlock mentioned in long enough to eat 'i,he liflich fli I—, � . , i .... i.,, , L and picture from one voted, right heartily that there be . not he, brought along. The afternooit, sun . .11'.. � ­X,�v�,'j�, _",ju -. The letter. Winners In,the dliferent sports ev- the above notice. I It it were , �.�' , 17�1 , , i?,q Queen Mothet B:idouf �­ � I a ys tato 1, 40 '.� � I - , another reunion in 1038. Letters of I bat name- began to get lower, and the other "�L .�',., .... 41 � ,., .. %% , , ,�_. Queen Mary, Were received after the . , - 3611F." ., _ m4n Ej . gr g were read -from W, � elite were: young men'A race, Har- it would be a relittive Of t � . . I k , .,., 1: I �� peraons attended Masse flftb�LIIY Msm6ger, ' ,k el eetin .. . Maxy '� ' � ]kore" %,%n'-f1,b# �Biil Drown; young lad- The iarm was a mile andi a half or boys -bad passed. slid: repassed Md.% .. ',-.,` , ,. I , , V. ,j4,0 ' �:,� �, . - '. ,-.,�� dejo.r� of the Crich Lincoln, Bitigh-amptioni, X,' Y., Coal' old Coleman, .. � "I - I ., thi� h#pr4%.ss1V#­" , , y hold- on the bridge, had sent her a I . e and from Mr. Pitmk*0rieli,".w"A's�M90, tea, race, Wilma Hamilton, Marion two miles north, of Sentorth, on the tumber-of times, adding tb tho liuwk� .�.: , "li, ,,;I-�, 1, 1. , ,�p � . .il'4 �., '', W . �� . Id `Ils campl#fed, while I iifllt , , � � �15`,,�',jl Mrwn of I§t j4t�es Cman Catholic family, P Ont. I - .� Drake; needle and thread race, Eldon way -to Brussels. . ber of A 1 1,4,�. . 11, 1 '4 . I V,� I #% Ak the parish wis "extremely Int6tostda." - _ ' - my #rat 'dril, rt,44 " -, ,, ."; "ti" , V�; �'l '� ' g §ear "'! . "'. "s, I# "hurch r*�§U e; , As The officers fot:'16,8"ehs -big , .1 , le , in,A D' - wlildh the Barbour and, Mary Allen, Alex, Rus- Somehow 1, a bby`- Of about eight Or orawlied. alrong I A I I *A,§'_ - " .. - ,X�'11�1, '44 4 I . The six-eonmed h0use In hard, nine years, Vf age,� lbitrned, that t Or, go ,bgore Zwd the iovvlt ��1�44' ,, ,;� � , I I �­ Ill I . I I , Vf1d9t nei. iL. k4t1iiiad, ,end oft '�Xbios Wwn0tid,i ' ' . -- � sell and Wilma HautltOn;; blow to- . .i ). . vll� amilY MARZ`09 I . , ,� I �, -Meir `n*m�i,, morhboi* -of the f live was, full of thd slound of are: Pikd,ent, �. Ernest Ross, Harold Oolemi"; t4ree. Mr. Govenlock wito hiring boys 'finilshed thloted'ay, "4-. to-te Off 4 gow,' , "� - y i, i, '. ��­,,11 1, , � � affeet1ded the, stairs to the veraiid,i on 1,urrying feet,"d ?alamm ng,4&odr en$,'�� ��,, A�, For -, I 6,­� V, 14 � legged raM Mary A. Hamilton 4nd thin carrots. I was 11-MbR110118, to staft i�ob, Nit homle, Just'as I it It, 1,tAll%c,'�,��X q, ­ prepared flot t�", cere,Monj , so ato Ini,ght inorli-I e ook 1�hy fif%t ., � a a,ly, -A1,41 "I vrh%CU the blabbli sat respl6i�dellt In the fam* - 'JR Harold ,suiau, Wilma Ha.ulilton and �o earn M"OY, nd 6b ., i""'im, I Crldii� S"forth; -- stor,144 . � " � 4 Sunday. - spet. 1* � , . 'I � , ,,I foWj of the chlldtr6n, , M* CrIeli Clinton; tto I .)., I ,. 11, - � I r I Juno, i 1%6V4MJ0d'k Came dv& 1 . ?" a Iva 5 I I modriet, .robepr and- a tuaghtficeAt gold - " . ' Eldon Allqn; callln'g the man to din- ,tng (I expect It would be In, I I , , "' , - I tI � It hii� . �0 .. 2=0 , "I ML� Q - I . . i � "' ,_ ,_ - I I 11 .� `� , I I �11� I ­" . I .- _- ,", , � P�a; � �� , = I � 2 I , , � I . i pive, L - 4,:�6- nrh'.16'Crlch� ,,�: Xltft, to 41jeelve 11413 blegiling Alad- 2 � I 11�, . -ft 02Y bOM0 on ths'""Mill ftad. it, 0W."'KbOy '0111,19 I had ; UIAWO",,�: 11 mt,r_VI%d .job leaved 17 childrou'ali& -Weh, sports, cobftl� , . . 'I tw A `1� , , �'A'1' 01".1 �1. ner, Mary A. Itamfitolli, Wilm Min- 10 , , 0 a ��Jh I 0 * ' ' P , at'home, but tWe war§ 11O ON "VIM, MR : . � ad A 4uartoW,*, , Of t 16twil"? I ii'did, 1141"Mild'd&I W # � rbreShing mitaft psaturo of th '000 916tit f I ,in - � , He , ,�,, .1n; t. I I I . I I 'I-, � � 1. Z�', ,titon; kick the, sUpper Mitry Allen, mile All _.. # _% 0'9b6nd1,! r, r., '. I I ' ' MWLAOA� p'.­06ji_9,1-, th6 &O'L,, A, hAd ' .' - 11 I , � fation. .! A0611001fted 661 living, 0 � I I. �, -e ""'t"'. - ,''d ., . 4 *k 'i ! h*40 W , �-1, ,, �.�'­,�'; ��.' I.. ' ,; Q - M -11"11i _1 1� I I f, Ernest Ross, 4nA Mary Man, Lqdat , to the G6V#n1OC 1wh' 11 tWite q I I *1 : 91-1 ,�!� . , I I . I , 20*0. 0AW91416 ��a#.4#,' t1s., wffe, eon , 11. 1� 'I, ,,�. ., ; �:, I , , , , , .Regg motaran, sliliper Acttiiibl% V1116, tO trot bai%&Rb w , I �. 111",� . , ft, #r6ty Child thl �11614ft- I", M A §:. ��, I , , . - 1. F ," .1 I W06-401WID ad 10 isokiii clog' -as adidsted ltssilf td-�OWIUOM I I ,� I . ,� '- - .."I . (lutte "A% - Mid. 'I 'r L� I �404V#Sx "I", ,:,�",:_ . MOW V, d1h I vaf, '. A, , r " , ,,, , , I , baw - q, I � ft " � - , , . ( . I IWOM " �. 44artb 1 �� _i, ilsk ,, floftltiy! , , - _ - , I ih��of 4y h ", � ", . , , & 0 , � 3 Ao,wiii�m IM6X I'MiA , , ( , �W�W­ 11 , . , V I , I " N5 ii��`: " ­ v , 5"Ns . I -4., I I ,�, � �­j g, I - , � '01, 641.14d,10 i 11 4 �., = . , F vw,A&�'. I I , �,'it ''�. _ I- 0 ,:. , � § , I . � . 1'1'� , . , ­:j�,,-' W I � 1, I , I � , �. , , . ,v,)o ". Y, '' , I � , 1 Y11 .11 , ,7�'k, . ( . . ,�: i,., , p � , �,,, '. . . I . � . I 11 1. I 11 . , , . 1111w, 400�4� tho ""Abn 1 if, .(MA"U0, li�;Pkk& 31, � � I , I . I I, - . � I 411an A11411% IV - ��'. - - ,�­ , ': -. ­ . I I I . I I I I . , . . I . 1 ,'� �� , � , �, , , ,',.,r,;"A�;` ,,v��,, " :�, � I , , . . . I . 'Ll I 1.1 1,fo­, 1. 1. I . 11 ,,, ,�, ,,�­ "f '�.`U�,Ml �� I I . I L . ,4 . - , �;­ I . I I . . 1 4, ' , ' ' " ' ' "' " �'j ", il �k I ' �7, � 1; � � � ,.,�; . I - 41, !I 11 � � '�" �'_,�'',, ;V": , �m ��"�,,�,��'. L"" , , 11 I - , � 4 , 9 , " �, I. . .)�� .;t 1'�",` L., , . " _ : . ", ,, .'j".,",6"�I� "��:,,­,Wj � 1, " L�,, '_, ­: L " � 1. ,;") " , , � � q', -,� , �� I � . � L. _, 4, ",!i,,,, ,� q �, 011, 1.� lk,il ...... � , ", �,.A .. ��.­.�1�:J` .,.,.! �3.��,,,���,,,,-�.�,�,�,.,�,,.-,, .,��', �, 11.11 r � I ,� , - � I I � , � , . I , , I . 1, . c , , I I - , � , " ", , I , . 1. . . � _"..q� , :'� " , � 11 , , �1 � , �, I' 1.1 V � I , , ,� � " .1, %. �: I , ", ", ": ,:e`,� I " , . - I , .:, , �. "I � I � � . , , � , � .1 1.� � � 1;1 -i � ��,,"� � ­,­ 1;� -',i:-,7` , .1 I �1­ I _1 ' i ,�' 4% I., �N,"; ,,� ", I" * ". " , �. 11�1111. � , i,l I , � . I . �., ir . 1; �,,,��,. I I t,'-�i , � I .� , _� � , � , - �� 1 , 0� ,�_f,c ",ill - � , �:: L" I _1 111 -t I .,:, � i , � , � 1"j, 13,1� I 11,�." .. 1, .: ­�,0�, I ­.. ,,, � -1, , , .,.�,: j �. , - �,�! '11-1, 1�i