HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1937-07-16, Page 7•
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1101,P, EiY GE
4.0F11.115 RANCEYw K4
-40bE111011- • !MUSSELS
• a-trt
Successor to John H. Best
Barrister, Solicitore, Notary Public
Beaforth - Ontario -
(Cipotioned frOTO hist Week).
"I underatand that my bloodthirsty
• ward would have . abet the as dear
"yes, 1 would,'"' Leonia aaerred,
"Mat would have taught . him a les -
"It would indeed,".agreed his Grace.
"Will -you•shoot him for me, please,
-"Certainly not, infant. .1 shall be
delighted to zee the dear Comte."
Rupert looked at him sharply.
"I've swore. to have his blood, Jus-
His Grapesmiled.
am tlefOre you, my dear, by some
twenty, years, but 1 bide my time."
"Ay; so 1 guessed. What's your
'game, Avon?"
- "One day I will tell you, „Rupert.
Not tiaday."
"Well, I don't • envy him if you've
your claws on him," said Rupert
"No, I think he is not to be envied,'
said his Grace. "He should be 'here
soon now. Infant, a trona has been
carried to your chamber. Oblige me
by dressing yourself once Mora .a la
jeune fillet. You will find a package
sent by my Lady Fanny, -which Con-
tains, I believe, a sprigged muslin.
Put it on: it should suit yqu."
"Why, Monseigneur, did you bring
my clothes?" cried Leonie.
"I did, my child."
"By Gad, youee an efficient devil!"
remarked Rupert. "Come, Justin!
Tell us your part in, the venture."
."Yes, Monseigneur, please!" Leonie
"There is very little to tell," sigh-
ed his 'Grace. "My share in the chase
is woefully unexciting." .
"Lees have it!" requested Rupert.
"What brought you down to Avon so
opportunely? Demme, there's some-
thing uncanny about you, Satanas, so
there is!"
Lecenie fired up at that.
."YoU shall not call item by_ that
name!" she • said fiereely_ "You only
dare to do it because you are ill and
I ,cannot fight you!"
"'My esteemed ward, what is this
lamentable talk of fighting? I trust
you are not 14 the' habit of fighting
Rupert?" „.
"Oh, no, Monseigneur, I only did it.
et • -He just ran, and hid behind a
chair.' He was afraid!"
• "Small wonder!" retorted Rupert.
"She's a wild -cat, Justin. It's Have -
at -your before you know where you
are, Von, my oath it ie!"
"If seems I stayed away too long,"
said his Grace sternly..
"Yes, Monseigneur, much; mueh too
long!" said Leonia kissing his liand.
"But I was good -oh, many times!"
His Graice's lips twitched.- At Once
the dimtPIe PeePed out -
"I knew you were not really angry!".
Leonie said. "Now tell us What you
The Duke flicked her cheek with
on.e finger..•
came bome, my infant, to filed
my house invaded by the Merivales,
your dueitna being prostrate with the
"Bah, she is a fool!" said Leonie
scornfully. e "Why was Milor' Merl -
vale there?'
"I was about to tell you, my dear.
wlin you interrupted me with your
stricture upon my cousin.' My Lord
and Lady Merivaie were there to help
find yea." 1 -
"Faith, it mist have been a merry
meeting!" put en the irrepressible
-It was not without its amusing
side. From them I learned of your
"Did yon thick we had eloped?"
Rupert inquired.
"That explanation did present itself
to me," admitted his Grace.
"Eloped?" Leonie echoed. 'With
Rupert? Ale bait, I would as soon
elope with the ot& goat in tbe field!"
"If It comes to that, I'd as soon
elope with a tigress!" retorted Rup-
ert. "Sooner, by Gad!"
"When this interehange of civilities
is over," said his Grace languidly, "I
will continue. But do not bet me in-
terrupt you."
"Ay, go on," said Rupert. "What
"Next, my children, Mr. Manvers
bounced In upon us. • I fear that Mr.
Martvers is not pleased with you, Rup-
ert, or with me but let that Pass.
From him I gatheredthat yea Rup-
ert, had gone off in pursuit of a, coach
containing a French gentleman. Af-
ter that it 'WES, easy. 1 journeyed that
night to Southampton' -you did not
think to board the Queen, boy?"
"I remembered her, but I was in no
mood to waste' time riding to South-
ampton. Go en."
"Few which 1 thank yo*. You would
undoubtedly have sold her had you
taken her to Prance. I crossed in
her yesterday, and came into Le
Havre at stmdown. There, my chil-
dren, I •make sundry inquiries, and
Mon aIso I spent the night. Prom
the innkeeper 1 learned that Sainte
Vire had set off with Leconte by coach
for Rouen at two in the afternoon,
and further that you, Rupert, had hir-
ed a borae half ail hoer Or more later
-by the way, have you still that
horse, or bete it already gone the Way
of its. replier?"
"No, It's here right enough" chuck-
led Rupert.
"You amaze Me. All Ms, I say, I
lear1-1rom the irmkeeper. It was
rather tole late then fer me to set out
in search of Yon,and`, mereoVer, I
hail expected you te arrive at Le
Ifwre. When you did itott arrive I
feared that you, RUM% had failed to
Catch my very dear friend !Mint -Vire
So thin ntOrning, ray ohildres, I tot*
coach along this road to Rotten, and
COWS tilion. ft drlic" tits &goo
4 *Agee • 4 °Iednded 411' SIM ". 15, a aPaa
" flu) tOr'
*I! aft* Ii0741401
Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col-
lege. University of Toronto. All dis-
eases of domestic animals treated by
Die most" modern principlea Charges
reasonable. Day or night calls
rareunptly attended to. Office on. Main
Street, Henault, opposite Town Hall.
Thenee11. Breeder of Scottish Ter-
ries% Inverness Kennels, Hensall.
12 -ss
Graduate of Faculty of Medicene,
Iffedversity of Western Ontario. Mem-
ber of College of Physicians and
Burgeons of Ontario. Office, 43 Gado -
eh% Street, West. Phone 37.
Successor to Dr. Charles Mackay.
DR, ..711. C. SPROAT •
Physician - Surgeon
Mame SD -W. Office John SL, Seaforth.
Mee and residexute, Goderich St.,
east of the United Church, Seaforth.
}hone 46. Coroner for the County of
Graduate of University of Torrmto
lineulty of Medicine, member of Col -
liege of Physicians and Surgeons' of
Ontario; pass graduate course in
Chicago Clinical Sabtool of Chicago;
eal Opthabnie Hospital, London,
Eingland; University Hospital, Lon-
don, England. Office-13ack of Do -
inion Bank, Seaforth., Phone No. 6.
Plight tails answered from residence,
irtatta Street, Seaforth.
wap scarcely wiee ,ivf.2111 • very clear
blend to leave his' coach lying about
for me to find but it if3 poseible, of
dkl not awed mg,
"He Is a fool, lidonseisneur. He 'did
not know even that I was ProfeudOg
to be atileep,"
'• • •
• v "
illrattiate of the University of Toron-
lia, Faculty of Medicine
Member of College of Physicians
am.d Stirge0196 of Ontario; graduate of
/ew York Post Graduate School and
taelnatet Hospital, New York. Of -
dee on High Street, Seaforth. Phone
TM (Mee rally equipped for X-ray
diagneeis and ultra short wave elec-
t:rat treatmeiat, Ultra Violet Sun Lamp
treatments, and Infra Red electric
treatment. Nurse in attendance.
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medisine, University
Mite assistant Ne;ar 'York Opthal-
Mi end Aural Instittite; Moorefield's
Rye and Golden Square Throat Hos-
London, Eng. At Commercial
, Motel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in
leach mouth, from 1.30 p.m. to 4.30
/p.m. 50 Waterloo Street; South, Strat-
"According to you; my Infant, the
world is peopled by .foola l• believe
you have reason. To resume. It seem-
ed Probable that Leonia had escap-
ed; further it seemed prohlable that
she had escaped towards Le Havre.
But since neither of You had arrived
at that port I guested that. you were
concealed somewhere On the road to
Le Havre. 'Therefore, Mes enfants, I
drove bablraidotig that road until
came to a lane that gave cin to it.
Down this' lane I proceeded."
'We wept across the field," Leonia
cut in. •
"A shorter way, no dbubt, but one
could bardly expeet a eoach to take
it. At the hamlet I came upon they
knew nothing of you. I drove on', fend
came at length, byadevious ways, to
tale place. The luck, you see, favor-
ed me.- Let us hope that my very
dear friend will be equally fortunate.
Infant, go and change your clothe."
"Yes, ••Monsegneur. What ale we
going to die now?"
"That -remains to be seen," said
Avon. "Away -with you!"
• Leonie departed. His Grace looked
at Rupert.
"My young madman, has a surgeon
seen your wound?",
"Ay, he. came last night, cOnfound
"What. said lie?"
"Oh, naught! He'll "come again to-
"rom -your expression I am led to
"efer that he prophesied some days
in bed far you, alai."
'Ten, plague take hin! But rebel;
be well enough by to -Morrow."
"You will remain there, nevertb.e-
less, until the worthy surgeon permits
you to rise. must send for Harriet?'
"Lord, must you? Why?"
'ITo chaperon my ward," said his
Grace -calmly. "I -hope my letter will
not bring about a fresh attack of the
vapours. Gaston, had best start for
Le Havre at once." He rose. "I
want pery ink and paper. I suppose
I shall find them 'downstairs. You
would be the better for an: hour's
sleep, my dear"
"But whit of SaintVire?" Rupert
"The so dear Comte is lit all pro-
bability scouring the country -side. I
hope to see `him soon."' .
"Ay, but what will you do?".
"I? I shalt do precisely nothing."
"rd give a pony to see his face
when hefteds you here!"
"Yes, I do rert 'think he Will be
pleased," said Ms Grace, and went
illandnate of Faculty of Medicine
Erstiversity ta Western Ontario. Mem
her of College of Physicians and
Someone of Ontario. Full equip
zsent, Mending am ultra short wav
met -
Wince Ring Street, Beaman. Phon
45ensall- 56%
Grace a ,
detri11-., haysyou„ seflt
She 0101R34.4,*
Will not Oonle‹tili,140
Wihy aro Ave going to .
"At.weli Rtglo a..tii14670Apre, ehi
abont her Peck, ./Olt reVileAr "Yeltr,
to your apologiee
"Oh, Moneeignear, t you!" she ,,,,,,11",c/7 ne1.0_11.1e1t.,,.: !CV` 414V,. OM'
gOld in a ;gasp, end ll the long 7,..1:r ,,, ,,Yx.111' °"'",04: to ' tUe. TOO •,'
steles _between IngLeagi 44. "Tnel are •V "%,41_ '- '
b.etuitifull I love thein, ob, much! 47 1111:41*elgoel14-a-Vre*Onet - .
bowed to
, A ,,
. i i I 11) gt,...4i :
;#;; ;1'''":
Woukt you like me to 'itgy to yea,' think # will he fort amusant. Shall 44 154oeltee. W
y- 'llet kiss yottriha, nd?" 1 " to 1/4144Mr°9'' "24' 4°14K 7441
or maI i
His Grace smiled. 2.,,,.., , The Duke's browit twitehed .ttegeth. Ot/nlet illle .4)100?" .atd nHStOQk '
"will do both," said.,,:!..eonie, yeao;,„11.*:.,wea,i.iiif. satorliivleleo.troyo.L:rietewill. .t.Laemi_est.„, vyVbtiaesh- Mtitall:60.7etoxelho:triniif:ardrnid,,?aiel vet": ",not"Htfilisa;:i:miL ioeil_.,
"You need do. neittrar,7infant.." er.
one little - foot peeping •from beneath ,
sauk down with shirts 'OatsPread anal
Let me imp re
Me Grace took MOM .: -•".• .J
0,thee miDujEtein4fibouanticed, sap.. dThlu9sahe.e tkiassstelyd Leenie PeePed at him?
'"And -and, the Alaison.Chourval?" "Strange kali. one mitY be WO. Saintatare'S
she Inepected his Grace'd"clothes. 4Apid e take you there?" His ,Grace on,". he said. "Iiikellessete are se In' .,, :::01:011,r,tai'rAA f,a' ::1..: i
"That is a nice dress, I think," she was stilly:eftsrohoToitmeogn2n:. eigneurh decen,, mile:, .:e.fnt, :Sewalikut-a. aabV:eire'un'leostalfinte.veeyon.donorti Ceil:7„:„..:,e,,4+"7:ap'lltil743'n,....1),010:,:u).",:par7731,0.':''',:.: d. 1,,,,,
- - -Yea dc, not'llud it sor Ms Gisce sbee.40.,, . ,,;(_, ,
neur, I feel very brave. now. What thbu,:.:4017:11adt
Avon bowed.
"1 like it" Leoele said. sent me -to wait fer you 131, the veal- ‘7-1111e11111e5. • , -'; ' ? , • a master:thee: sataread,e,..:a.e 04 o.
get the Matson Chourval. It would be
You !will most assuredly for. on salver sticks from lea pocket and Maaisore2e•Mo-,eemegaint -ki ,ape,,,,
wlhelfeoromestidro, to that pig.. pers"oM:sess:gn.
"I shall have the honor of present- interes,ting to know what you made what can have brought the COrate de. °paw
waved it langid- dly. . 'One wonders itsoutt:,:a*Arr w_gelat:t4:prey2000.., ;04i,:t4,;00
"Let 114m have your halightieet curt- ofaniitcre place, I think." IS it eitot? 'It One. never Imo -wear
ing you, my dear," Avon answered. 'Very little, Monseigneur. R is not
sy, it is a little game we play." there trifling ailments Mak& Mit,gr
suddenly , to. quite- large ,proPerA,
"Yea? But I do not -want to curtsy "No, infant, you are rightr=
I have known a Mere alit creop
to him. I want to inakehim.sorry." not a nice place, nor was I -nice -
the lungs, and atrike a inan down
"Believe me, he will the very ear- to take you there. Mat is not the
ry, but the time is not yet. Bear in world you shill enter."
. pthleasanve71YPrrspon-atthellfe;feloriiit'a,W
nmoiwnds,emat eyfilesleau, trahayt you, have not till areu
very: dear friend." / c,,, to• baejs"rt,1;egged Leonie. "Shall eprmag suddentlY to his feet. 2,
°, bah, what is this?"- she de- °certainlyma belle." , tarain"Curgsehlyseua,ilircu.
Ali'Ve no proof!"" be
man.ded. "I know him well, and he ° ,
cried. ' • _. • • :- .„: „.•,,..,„
nows me!" , And will you dance with rae?"
"Strive to -cultivate a little intagina, en'io'Hugb. to
Y dear,laimyour
thereyrsrihIlandte, Von
willllantUp went his Grace's brows. Eiiie,!,;-:
eyes moOked. • '-', ''''
"f assure you, dear Comte, I. have'
known such a case." - • • ..
Saint -Vire pulled himself tegether,', '', •
with an effort.
"It will not happen -to me, I think, .' ..
he said thickly.
"Why, we 'Drill hope not," agreed.
--ethetru137kke.dotwn.": -before 114thisappo:wnailite! I 's
hhianosT:auwhrbsre.intooli,thicie. your permission, snwiemv1
Camw renelthig the lash between
Will leave you. I have wasted en-
ough time already. Mademoiselle,
your serva.nt!" He spat thewords
out, snatched up _his gloves, -rand went
blindly to.the door. • :
"So soon?" mourned hie Grace: "1-t
shall hope to have the felicity of
seeing you in Paris. I must ereseat '
my ward to your so charming Wife:" •
Saint -Vire flung open the, door, and
twisted the handle viciously. He look-
ed hack -with.. a ,sneer.
"You are full of plans, nesieur. We ° :,, .,•,,,
will hope that none Of ' them go
"Certainly," bowed Avon. ' "Why
should they?" ,
'There is sometimes --a flaw!'"
snapped Saint -Vire. ,
Om 3. A. PficTAGGART
Graduate Rend College of Dental
Illargeons, Toronto. Office at Hensel',
Oat. P'hene 10
Licensed Auctioneer
in farm and household
M1e"Prices reasonable: For dates
' glad lhilenttation, write of. Phone Har-
be.Phase Seaforth, or
lippleiit The Expositor Office.
• 124S
IF. W.,
liteeineeg.atteatatiem tor Perth an4
*dog solitifted
*WO tith iiNgteittl*„Iftliii SOO,
• Itetil **Ai ;14/40$1tY. too nd ett
• "itY'vey dem, fdasidPs settekirit
Samt-Vire -to this unsophisticated
spot." •
, "I came on, business. de Duc.
One also -wonders what can have
brought the Duc of Avon here."
"But business, dear Comte, bustle
ness!" said Avon, gently. •
"I come to retrieve someHproPer-
tt-I lost at -Le Havre!" said the
Comte. wildly.
"How ;singular!" remarked AVeig. "I
canto on precisely the same errand.
Our paths seem fated t�--er-orosi,
my dear Comte."
Saint -Vire set his teeth.
"Yes, m'sieur? On -on the same
errand, you say?" He forced a laugh.
unlike yours, may property was stolen
"Singular indeed!"
"Quite remarkable) is It not! But
from me. I hold it in-er-teusta!
"Inaeed, riesimer?" The Comte's
mouth was unpleasantly dry', and it
was evident that he was at a loss to
know what to say.
'I trust, dear Comte, that you have
folind year property?" Avon's Wee
was silky.
"Net yet," ,aaint-Vire answered:
His Grace poured out the third
glees of wine, and offered it to him.
Mdthanically the Comte accepted At.
"Let us hope that I may be able
to restore it to yen" said his Grace
and sipped meditatively at Isis wine.
Saint -Vire choketit •
shill spare no pains," continued
bib -Grace. "The _village is not a targe
hunting -ground, to be sure. You know
that it is here, I suppose?"
"Yes -no ---1 do not know. It is not
worth your trouble, rcesieur."
"Oh, my dear Comber protested les
Gmee, "if it is worth so much en-
deaerour-" bis eyes dickered to those
mud -caked, boots ----so much endeave
our on, your part, I am sure it is also "You be -wilder me," said' his Grace.
worth my attraction. "Are we speaking of your lest jewel
The Comte seemed to choose ha or my plans -dr both? I should warn ,
words, carefully. you that I am something of a judge
"I have reason to think, nesieur, of pr-ecious stories, dear Comte.""
that it is one of those jewels that "Yes, anaieur?" The flush mounted
"I trust not," answered Avon. i.e0 Sible that you are labouring uoderea
Saint-Vire's face again. "It is pea-
than," sighed his Grace. "The so dear
Comte stole my page, Leon. Yon are «if
have no need of me."
you do not dance with Me I
my ward, Mademoiselle de Bonnard,"
won't dance at all," she - announced
said Leonie doubtfully. 'I
• - "You will, Monseigneur,. won't you?"
must be polite, enin?" •• "Perhaps," he said.
"Very Pate' ellidt And remember "I do • not like perhaps," she said.
you and I are here for our health. We «premise!.
know naught of abdurations, or evil "You are really very .exigeante,'" he
drinks, or evens-er--pigspersons. Can eemslined "I am past the age of
you play .the game of pretence?" ewng. , .
"But yes, Monseigneur! Will he "Eh Hear; Leonie tilted her chin.
pretend, do yeti think?" tote young to dance. Nous
"I have( reason to think, child, that e"tlee'je am
. •
he will follow my lead.7„ ' "You, •my infant," said .his Grace
'Why,. MOneigneur"',0
"Becatilie, 'child, he has a secret severely, "are a very naughty wilful
ehild. I do not know why I, bear
which he suspects I share. But since with yn,
it it a highly discreditable secret he "Ne,, Monseigneur. , And will you
would not like me to think that he
you .7'Z knowledge
easof Iit.seeWtuye• fewnceay, .diyane: taWitahnitnirer
"Quite incorrigible," he murmured.
clearly, he moves in darkness." A horse came clattering hp the
"Oh, I steel" she said- "He will be street, and paused: at the inn door.
surprised to. find you .ieest-ce pas?" "Monsseigneur-do .aen think -is it
The Discomfiture of the Comte de
Saint -Vire
Mine host and hostess, of the Black
Bull at Le Dennier had never before
entertained such quality at their hum-
ble inn. Madame sent a serving man
running hot -foot to her neighbor, Ma-
dame Tournoise, and presently that
lady came hurrying in with her daugh-
ter to aid Madame in her prepare -
tions. When she heard that no less
a personao than an English Duke,
with his entourage, had arrived at the
inn she was round -eyed in wonder -
meet, and when his Grace came slow
ly down the stairs clad in a coat of
palest lavender, with lacing of silver,
and a silver waistcoat, amethysts in
Grace tossed a kat purse to him. "At
his lace, and on his fingers', she stood
staring open-mouthed. Portsmouth, on your way to Avon; you
His Grace went to the little par-
lour, and sent for writing materials.
Mine host came bustling with the Ink
horn, and desired to know whether
Menseigneur vietuld take -any refres
meat. His Grace bespoke a bottle of
canary wine, and three glasses, aed
sat him down to write to his cousin.
A'faint smile /levered about -his lips.
"My Very Dear Cousin,-
"I rather think he will," agreed his -her Lefeae asked nervously.
Grace. He Went to the table and gg.n somau-yew; lily dear. The game
poured put two glasses of canary. One begins!,
of them he gave to Leon -le. "My dear,
1 drink to your -tate deliverance." "I am not feeling -quite so brave,
What shall I drinli to?",- She put her ,
head on one side. ' Moneeigneur."
He rose, and speke softly.
"You will not disgrace yourself, or
"Oh, I thank you, ',Monseigneur!
"Vone, I will me, infant. Thegre is naught to fear."
just drink to mon cher .-seigneur!"
"Quite neat," said ethieDuke. "Nem, Monseigneur."
ton? A /a bonne home! You will The landlord entered.
"Monseigneur, it is M. le Doeteur
.0jouucerne.”y back to Avon, Gaston, at to see milar'."
"How disappeenting„" said his
Gaton's face fell. Grace. "I will come. Stay here;
"But yes, Monseigneur." ' , child and if my' very dear friend
"Bearing with you this. letter to my
ramin. She will accompany you to my ward!,
should crane, remember that you are
France again." - and behave with proper
Gaston brightened prceptibly. "Yes, Mon.seigneur," She faltered.
"Farther, you will go to Milor' Mer- eyon wen. come back soon, won't
i -vale and obtain from him the Clothes your
of miler' Rupert. If is understood?" "Assuredly." His Grace went out
"All Mika' Rupert's, clothes, Mon-
seigneur?" asked Gaston aghast. ^with a swish of silken. skirts. Leonie
regarded her
milor's valet also. I had wellnigh toes. .dowa0verahgaeaind,' inandRUpert's chamber,
"All of them. If be is there,•bring
forgot Mademoiselle Leonie's maid. she beard footsteps, and the muffled
reasThessure edsignsherofa the
Instruct her to pack the rest of mad- tit opfrc"aiimeesity.
emoiselle's clothes, and, bring
and thene-them here." her' tle, bat when. eigaina sim heard the
clatter of hoofs on the cobbled. street
Gaston blinked rapidly.
he said
with some of the delicate color left her
"Yes, Monseigneur,"
an effort. Cheeks.
"You will board the Silver Gueee, ptg"Tpheirss e she
istbinougvbetry. t.ru,mtehustehiagt_
charges by coach to Portsmouth." His play tee game a little by myself, I
Deur does net come -He wants me to
of course; and you will convey your
think. Eh len, Leonie, courage!"
She could hear SainaVire's voice
upraised in anger outide. Then came
quick, heavy tread, the door was
flung open, suid be stood upon the
threshold. His boots were caked with
Mud and his coat bespattered; be
carried aarlding-whip with gloves, and
his cravat a.ad hair were in disorder.
Leonie looked at him in some haut-
eur, copying Lady Fanny's manner tq
a nicety. For an instant it seemed
that the Comte did not recognize her;
then he came striding forward, his
face dark with passion.
"You thought you had tricked, me,
madam page, did you not? I am not
so easily worstea. I do not know
sheyyouayoabitiaiyont: uthoosetbtur,e- clothes
Leonie mime to her feet and let her
eyes wander over him.
"Maieur is in error," she said.
"This is a private room."
"Very prettily played," be sneered
"but I am no foot to be put off by
those airs an,d graeest, dome, where's
your cloak? I've no time to waste!"
She steod, her ground.
"I do not understand' you, m'sleur.
This is an intrusion." She rolled) the
word off her tongue, and was pardon, -
ably pleased with it.
The Comte grasped) her arm, and
shook her slightly.
"Your cloak! Quickly, now, or it
will be the worse for you."
Much of her icy politeness left Le -
"Bah! Take your hand away from
my arm!" She said fiercely. "How
dare you tottch me?"
He reined her forward, an arm a-
bout her waist.
"Have done! The game is up, my
dear. You will do better to submit
quietly. I shall not •liturt you if you
do as I say."
From the doorway came the faint
rustle of silk. A ootil, haughty voice
"You mistake, M'sieur. Have the
goodness to unhand my Ward."
The Comte jumped as though he
had been shot, and Rheeled abOut, a
band 60 his sword hilt. Avon stood
Just inaide iike roon4 quissinfe-glasa
"I trust that by the time you re -
satire this massive you will have re-
overed from the sad indiePosition
which ,had ovadaken you when I had
the pleasureA seeing you, three days
since. am desolatal to be &piled, to
put you to added inconvenience,' but
I believe I must request you to join
rse here. as soon as may be.. Gaston,
who brings this letter, will eiscort
you. Pray pack your trunks for a
long stay, for I havte some notion of
aroceeding in, due course to Paris. My
ward, you *will be reliev'd to hear, bit
with me' in this charming village,
company with my Lord Rupert.
"I have Jae Honour, my dear Cous-
in, to be
"Yr most devot"d, humble ,ansi obed-
ient servant.
His Grace signed his name with a
flourish, still smiling. The door op-
ened, and Leerifie came in, all in
foaming w-hite ,with• a blue
ash about her waist, anti a blue rib -
and in her hair.
"Mensigheur, is it not hind of
Lady Fanny to send me this pretty
dress? I look nice, do you not think?'
The Duke put up his glass.
"My child, yOu look charming. Lady
Fanny's taste is unimpeachable." He
rose, and picked lip a flat vehret case
from the tett. "I beg yon -will ae-
ebot • thin Mare of my affec-
tion for you, infant."
Leonie Skipped tip to him.
"Another present, 6fonseigneur2
thinik you are very kind yriate! What
is it, I wander?"
Hie Chace oPeitedthe ease. Lefties
lips forMedl a soinidless Ohl
the Nike lifted the okra .
flair bet et *telif.et, and *stied thous
$1 A.. ttAtit.tit,
will seek out a certain roan horse."
"Don Dieu!" muttered Gaston. "A
roan horse, Monseigneur, yes."
"A roan horse belonging to one
r. Manvers of Crosby Hall, sold by
Milor Rupert] on Monday. Yon will
buy it back." Another purse followed
the first. "The price is of no mom-
ent You wit have the animal con-
veyed to Crosby Hall, with Milo? Rup-
ert's compliments and-er---thanks.
That aleo -is understood?"
"Yes, Monseigneur," seAd Gaston
"Bien. This is, I think, Wednes-
day. You will be here again no later
than Monday. Send' Meekin. to me
now. Iron may go."
The groom came speedily.
"Your Grace sent for me?"
"I diet Yon will start for Paris, my
friend, within the hour." -
"Ay, your Grace."
"To apprise the admirable Walker
of my doming, you will bring hater
with you the large berline, the small-
er travelling coach, and a light chaise
for my Lord Rupert's, baggage. You
will arrange for change of horses to
await me at Rouen, at Tign, and at
Pontoise.. shall rest at the Coq
d'Or at Rouen for one night.'"
"Very good, your Grace. Which day
am, I to ten the landlord?"
" have not the least idea," seal
the Duke. "But when come I shall
require four bedchambers, a private
parlor, and quarters for my servants.
I trust remake myself plain?"
"Yes, your Orme."
`That 10 all," said MOIL
Meekin bowed, and went out.
. ' 4
"Veyons," said Leonie from her
seat by the fire. "It eitree me great
pleasure t8 hear you say Do thir-do
that! I like to bear them answer
Only, 'Yee, Inetweigneur.'and ga so
quickly to do your bidding."
Avon ermited.
"I have only once la stiylite had a
, Meant bit Mine employ Ivh0 dared: to
question my commands,” he said. ,
Leonie looked eP in ail in-
gbeenee: "Mo. was AM; litonseld-
5A edge 1 had, my detlir,
'11aer,0 1b M1lt-
gar esti itstrkio, btit
containl-a flaw"
•delusion., M. be Due-. The game is hot '
played out yet."
it was a jewel? Now that vvhicti was
stolen from me is in the nature of a
'weapon?' "By go. means," said the Duke.
svaeidhasdaintrvigory,oclgoafodr-- "Which reminds me that have not
hopetune tfindyouit'tia' inquired after yaw so enchanting son.
ed, but holding fast to his self-con-
"Yes, my dear Comte, yea Chance
favors me nearly, always. Strange.
Let me assure you that I shall' do my
utmost to -reptore your -jewel, I
think you said it was? --your jewel to
"It -is not likely that you will find
it," said Saint -Vire, between his teeth.
"You forget the element of Chance,
dear °orate. I am a great believer in
my luck."
"lay property -Can hardiy interest
you, M. le Due" •
"On the contrary," sweetly replied
his Grace, "it' would afford me great
Pleasure to be able to assist you in
the matter." He glanced towards Le-
onie, who Stood by the table, listen-
ing with a puzzled frown, to the quick
give and take of words. "I have quite.
a happy -shall we say, knaelit--of
finding lost-er-eiroperty."
Saint -Vire turned livid. His hand
shook as he raised, his glass to his
lips. Avon regarded him in exagger-
ated concerti.
"My,dear Comte, surely you are un-
w‘etl?" Again his eyes went to Saint-
Vire's boots. "You must have come
a long way, dear Comte," he said so-
licitously. "No doubt you are eadly
The Comte spluttered anti set down,
his glass with a snap.
"As -you say. I -I am not entirely
myself. I have been. suffering from
a-sliat indisposition, wbich has
confined me to my room, these last
three days."
"It is really most remarkable," mar-
velled his Grace. "My brother I
think you know him? Ye% ratite so
-is at this Moment above -stairs, also
suffering from a aligh.t indisposition.
I fear there must be something un-
heatby in the air of this place. You
find it a trifle sultry, perhaps?"
"Nt at all, m'aieur'" snarled Saint
"No? These annoying disorders, I
believe, have a way of overtaking one
in any climate."'
"As nay lord Rupert found," said
Saint -Vire harshly. "I trust his -in-
disposition has not given him a dis-
taste for my country."
"Quite the reverse," said his Grace
blandly. "He is agog to proceed to
Paris. and I, dear Comte, believe
firmly In thetaold remedy; the hair of
theThdeogv.e."inelistood) out on Saint-VIre's
"Indeed? It le to be hoped that my TOronto
lord does net act tathly" Ileaught
Pray how does he?
The Comte showed; hist teeth.
"He is very weN, m'sieur. I feel no
anxiety on his bebalf. Your servant!
The door shut with slam. •
(Continued Next Week)
*. diallea" vitiate Saint.
Blyth .........
Exeter 10.34
Heneall• 10.45
Kippen 10.52
Brucefield 11.00
Clinton 11.47
Londesboro 12.04
Blyth 12.13
Belgrave 12.24
Wingham 12.45
Godmich 4.20
McGaw .. .
Auburn ..........
Blyth 432
McNaught • • • • • • •• g4
Toronto . 9OOE,
West • .
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him,dear denite1 atiand-as it were • .
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far ettla *Oita SO Ailkt* tell itto, aut „Itiogoatt • 4. 44 44 ••• .• • 4,4 ri:444C,
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