HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1937-07-16, Page 3,- , I , , . ---1-1---....1.- I .. ... .... � ....... . il ; , .. - , I , .. 11 211.��. - . " � .. �,- � ,;... -,11 �.' I : , I 11 . , , "I - 1. I 'i 11 i � , '. ��: 4,1 � .... I'll , I 1C. , " .,5 �1 .1 , I ... I �1111 i " , ,,v R - � I � " " ;111: P, , �. . .. I I ��,� , .. I'll , , i - I � " I , ... - 4 R ,� � . "?, FA I . I � I :, ..: *�4, ,,.� . .. .... A�, , , , " , `� t, , I I : �,!­�... N111 ; I . . � ... . h*.I "? 1. ­.� , ­ . � , '� ::: '. , - - 1�:­1111,1.14:*�111�v M-, � . � 1� ­� ;�I: � , I . , . ; ,�'. � � . , . I 1, � ,. . , � . I to :.1 I , � . , , , �111 . . , � , , I I � ! ,�, :, � ,':, If . ,:: I I " , . I I � I . .. I � ; , A . . . �: I I � , 1. ; '' , � OKI 1. I � - . .., � ; . ,� . ­ . . .4 I... .1 �. .1.1. . 1-...-... 1 -7 -= -Pill.,-. ­: ,-:��­;--- .:�,.-: .7 ­- �- -�.l ------ ? ­ ­� .- . . , . ; I ; . I., I . . . . I � . I - . � . I- 11,�7�. 04 4 44, 1 . . '� 4�i . . "' .. ­ . . ? . :. ., , � . .. tfr; �. � . . �. �'. ,,, . . o' �* , . t : " I . I I . . . � �. . - � I .. , 0� %0 �'. I " i � I . . r, t . . . . I I I 0 �4 . � 3 I , I . � . . . I ., , 'i 0.1 01 11, . . . 1. . . . . 14 ; - .. I I I V* ­ .: . � I I I T 01 No . I... 111��.� i . ..., � . . . . . 6 1 .1 . ., . I I I . - , � .. . . " "I . / I . I , ior � I � I . I , I , I r . a -V4 . . . Voluntary . Hospitaiiza.fiq A. �# . 1� . . ­ . A *0 � ARTICLE k1l I . ­ , . A - .. �Ry Dr. A. Moir) .'. . . . . . . 4 �1 9 I . . This article contaips the answers . tat quest -ions by prospeclive stu)xerib- . 4 �-U, . . . - tews, end follows natur,ally Artiteks I I �, and Il which isav� -been publislited. . Question 1: Why has there bests ", 1� P. . , 7 . so much- interest showii'recontly,, all 1 I � " 14' 11 � ever Canada, in this plan 4 hospit;iii- - ization? . j .... A "L Answer: ,To'try to bring about 4 . better distribution, 'of 'health serrm"c's'. . i 1 . Economists are striving for a bett*r . . distribution of wealth. ,Through the I 4 1. . faulty distribution of products we '� have'the anomalous condition.of IiLlf I I I - grain elevatpes on the one hand and empty rAGm2chs on the other. And 4. 1 . I ­ .so -with -this question 'of h6spitaliz.&­ 1 4 � * tion, thousands who are sick and iq , Reed of hospital care'eannot. evard . 4 - . -�e have it, wtAie hund,red6 .0f un*V&� � ployed, nurses are trained @;nd- reekdy 4 , 1, to give it. And so this plan is de- . vised to bring these two classes to - 4 � k . . tother, to the great advantage of I both. . 1. .P ., . I , , V . I Question 2: Is the plan meeting -with opproval.? . A �� Answer: We.'have yet *to hear of .. I . ..any serious criticism. Because It is 4 $t ]primarily for the man. of simnli or -moderate, means,, and gives linan0al 4 1� securjty to these, it .1s; as several . . have said, "Just what we've been hop - 0 .. . . ing fiar." .,We have heard comagents I from reeves and ex7reeves, from doe_ , A . . tors, lawyers and, bankers, farineVe . A . I .� and .merchants, and none -have ex - I . psessed adverse cr . itictism. We are 4 .. I organizing under the supervision and . . ady.1ce,of the Provincial Minister of 4 " . . JUealth and -his Deputy. With batU of I I %,(' . & - . � I i'hese , we have reeently consulted a" , - t1hey �have approved our plan. A , . - . Questbon 3: Can an efflcienl'ser� � I " [�. . -vice be maintained'on. Such a low. . - imentioned rate to subserjbers? . . . ' I I Answer,: We think itt..can. In any I 4 'I. . event, a high grade of. service will be -4 '.v . xnaintalned, ,even if there should be a , ' for the first year. ' ' I I - Ifinincial loss, i . Question 4: Who are eligible to 4 . ,# lbsoo-me mem-bers? � . � I � , . I .., . . . Answer: Practically every one --of . 11 ,e with a few excepidons. 0 1 * .. . any ag f .1.1 i I . . murse for iAe protection of all, we � cantiot accept those who are vaentalir .1 . . I ', ly deranged or those with disease in � . . - any infectious stage. . , 9 4� Question ' 5., Ara those accepted, I 1, - classified?, I I I . .0 .. � * . Answer: Yes.- Those in Class A , :. . �wili include the great . majority, viz: .1 I .1, ,nose favm ages 2 to 70, who are in I t dordinary good health, have no chronic ,I 1 - I . ailment, and. so, far as they know, �, -01 � 'tave 110 immediate neecl for opera, . A . .tion or hospitalization,. These will be . I . enlisted at, �5 and $2 as ' mentioned In- . . It . previx)us exticles. .Class B will is- . I ,elude -those "under 2 and ever 70 .0 I . years, as well as, thoqp between those I . .uges, who have certain c&roade all- # I jmentg. Class B. subscribers 'Way ell- � :list at the Same rate as those in Class J 0 . A, but in case of hospitalization ,thQy . . � ,will be- chprged one-11-alf of our'regu- # * I .Ur rate to non -subscribers. (Oar rate I ..to non�subseribers is $2,50 per day). 4 I ... 401ass. C are those who on ' accoUu* . Of age. or phyai�al. condition are almost - i - - A . � . 1. I :.,sure to . require� hospital -case. 'Pro - I � . :gpeetdv6 matemity cases are alstit in . I accept- - Ahts class. Tpose, too,.will be accept, 4 � .� .ed, "but at a special rate over that 4uoted for the other classes. q , . Question 6: Should sickne,se ex- . ' - I .,eeed the three weeks' Jim -it of free 4 . ,g3t�rvice, 1,9 any provision made? � Answer: yes:. Any. overtiaie, will - , # . ,31)e charged for at one4alf the rate to I I . I ,mQn-subscribers. - A I I I . ' Question 7: Should. some extra0rd- I . :1nary condition nece,sadtate.a patient . 4 . 0 � goji�g to'so;me distant hospital, is . he . . gme to do so? ...­ . 4 , � Answer: Yes, and his subse.riptitan, I . � � -wig be refunded. . . A ,� Question 8' Will the family Physi, a " I . OLM kave ponolsal eWAW 0 119W patient Im the la-PsUitaK .. 4 1 11 Answer: Yese and he will have a : i 3graduate nurse to keep -him I& close ' 4 �0 4such. with the progress of his . patient. ... a I ,� Question 9: H6W WOUld you goar.d .:against subs � cribers coming to the Isox- , , pital for minor aiilmento? . AnsWor: We can, tT I USt to thQ, dOe� � P. 0,4. a-1- those who two 71 ,-�� % - - ,� �;,� � . ...... �.� - ;� ... , ,, ­,,;,�'. ..r�� . . 1! , � ,�,� t-;' '�,�'!�:. I ., F-17­�,;, ,7,� , p � I , �, . ,� " - , I ­,', . . , . .. "�, , .. : - I I I , . , I . . I I . . I ,� . � " � ': I I I . I.f I . I , 11 . , 7 . . 11 ­: I � - - I . 11.1 �, � . .1 .1 V4 ­�' . �. . . - � . 0� . / � , : . . , . . I . , � . ..... . . . . . . . . . I � . " . ]Plan, For $90h Hwim - I I : . . . . I 0 . � . . , .1. . I . . . . , - - I I I . � �"ffi or WE, phyalclan so desire*. *=1isipAp surgery, negivqlogy, eye. sisr, nose. Qimd throat, heart disease, X-ray (port -able) and radium have al ready done, satisfactq;y work theKet, and at moderate ,rate'$'. I . . I . Question Ii: YVIII nonnsubscribers . still be admitted to the hospital? . Answer: Yeo, at the Previous rate of $��.50 per day. . . I Question. 12: What is.' the present status of Huron Springs Hospital? Answer. It Is duly licen.-sed and . . fully approved to. conduct a, 10-Dou I sVirvice for surgical, medical and ma- � tomity.,cases. As we stated before, we ,have ac- ebmmodation for only oneout of eight cases from South Huron who will re- quire to go to a hospital during the coming year, and to give yqu , prece- dpace In this as well as to help us in the furtherance of our plans, we are-adffing a,form, which we ask you, if i0tertested, to -cut out -and, mail or . gkve us shortly. The forqms explains itself. - - Form I Date............................ I I .hm considering the Hospltaiiza- tion Plan at Humn, Springs for my- self, my wi , fe, and ......... dependent children. Should I decide* before August 31st to -subscribe, I would like my applimtiitan to be as. from date mention . ed above.' Should I fully de- clile to Subscribe I will notify you a - few days ahead, as, to what date w , e will came to .the Hospital to be list- ed' in Proper grade and, to receive contract. i , signature ...... ­ ........... ... I ........ . . We tbduk our publisher for this great courtesy and libe-ral space which he bus given us to give his nmny readers this logical '.pri�senta- .1don of a matter Which has become site of intellijent interest to all. I � I I - .ELrMVrL . LE, ,.. . - -- - ,. . . . '(Intendied for last - week) - Visitors in the community during the past week were:' Mr. and Mrs., David Bradshaw, of Toronto, with Mr. I and . Mm. Wm. Bradshaw;, Mr. and Mis...George Peni,ose and family, of Montreal, , also Mr. and Mrs. -Thomas Penrose and, family of UamilSon with Rev. aiad Mrs. Penrose; Misses Ella Routly and Ruth Webber of London . with. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. -Routly;' Mr. Irwin O'Reilly of Sarnia Witai Mr. Clifton Brock, . The Cornish family held.a rt�tunlon at the home of Mr. abd Mrs. John, Comish on Thursday last. . '31r. and Mrs. 1ohn ' Herdmau., also Mr. and, Mrs. Wm. Bradisba;w and . David, attended the funeral of the late Mrs.'CollingWood of Ham:i1ton, wtb.icb wax held trom -the hom4 of.Mr. and Mrs. William Horney, di Itippen, last Tkursday. .. . . . . � . . � � VARNA. ,11'. . `tt1111111111 111111111111111111111 . .. . (Intended for lasf week . ) ' ­Xr. Harold- Elliott has returned hems from Rouyn Mines, Quebec, to assist his father with the harvest.' ,"Mr. Cecil Wiley, of Detroit, is re- zewing old- acquaintances in and a- round Varna. - ,Mrs. Keyes and -daughter, Dorothy, of Nashville, Tenn., are the gue;sts of . -miss Logan- � Mr. and Mrs. George Woods and little daughteri ot,'Torzonto,. In eom- pany, with Mr. ands -Mrs. Bob Woods, of Listowel, and little son, visited their uncle, Mr. George Beatty, Sr,, on. SuRday. I . Miwa Frank -to Mossop, I& company i vOqk her aunt, Mrs. Watson, motored to VaIdOOr, Quebec, to Join Mr. Wet - son at Burlamse. M11 Cecil Wiley, of Detroit, is re- newiInclacquaintances In and axound y1affma. . I HIBBERT. . 1111111111111111111111111111111111 I �qr' �,� .4 . ,Ipw : 1 % - . 'PIW!,P ,, .0, , ," . pe; , ': ,: , , , . ., : -� , . . .1 . I I � , . , . . I . . I- I.P41 *V.0­1P1$,V1R.QIt� EN4010 - . , I . . ,,, . � . I , . L �1�,,�� , I Pi, 0, �ftqolv 0 .;V0 , , , . I 11 � L "�, - W" -aucceabipt-la, passlujk,'100. "60,001 ... � Council ,e-*1am1"%,qt0 at 1.0adton. re� . O.Atly. ­ Dr. 1W " ' ' �qulrpj o 0. M � . . f� RIW -0 .. . iiy, *as 4100­11ivesii4f 4t`tbe couh- oil toxam-Inations.,.-Wivaum ,iAvauipo- Tftiw. I . .. .. . . , - � 1. . I . I I � Passed B.A, . Exams ha,,.RngI*W , 1, .:.. I - . I � Dr.. and Mrs. kedmo�dt ttave just . ricelve'd' *orok � tkat tbeir . Agu . ght*, Mildired, lime been sucoessfal in occur - Ing a B;whiklor & Art* degre6t' at CamWdge University-, England., ati , the .recent exa*nations. Mrs. Red. , Mond I -oft on July. 2nd for England to spend -a few weeks with �hor daughter � before - � b-1- - ^---A.- - Tm ,� 1. P IN � -, I My, 1 q ,"I ,.''. �y,ggr--A.X"vW I 6,�. .. 11 �,�,F A I �, X., , � . '. ,� , j0J,&­L. ' r�:L ,, , *P, , � '', "* O."", '' ,. � � I I I �1 , - ... , � . � ,h � ."N I , , , -� '' � �� . ,. , . ii � ", � � *1 . 1.1,111'' " --- �� - Z. . .. "" - , J.y,,;#Pdw,Q K ow,0w; �41""-O,Wop "16 - "�," guou 4U,e,j,% 1 . ri ` 'I " Am* ".g i - 117 404". ",*,�.` , I., ,I . " ".!,� ,4" .11 i, L 40,4040", .o,.,",,I 911 ­. " ,� I MW0f'P.W,11 , ,�r 'I ".;v � � W* 11, ,...,"we# -�e I .6. -, �"".' !- - .�L4414 , I axtn-1�0.'.-i�;: ?­,­ ­rnmf,�g7--- a---,- .7 It, � . .1 - --pFii;0M..�P.,�yg! . I � I . ,W*W*1the" " � 'dA,.,A1&-1gL4X,, � 0- I I : sorbei twl" its v�; , � . ;elf ',,.JPwqterai4 ­ - 1:$ - h ', , esbAca. w -f", , .A,�,, t . - 1� " 0 Jon wil ,* 1_� -% VA ft ­i I I � 9 1. � �w � 110 . I ' Eat. two ,Ubleq�'. Oouftls dAilyr'.:, � I Tluw t4nea dailyi-Iftff severe easm Serve as a .cereaV'Iwith mi;k or . I cream or in recipe I q. Sold by All ' . grocers. Made an4;:gzmranteed by Kellogg in London-. . . 4 1. I � I � " 1 -. ", - 1W A �. ­�IW�01. .1 I I. �.,* -, li­k:�""�, "I' "O ": ,t ,� '. 1:. . . AM. , .� , , , , 0, $ Y, I . � Jp'.."", i ­,* " I 1.1 , , � "Vn', i'11114 �­ 0,*111'' -1., ,.,,. !, �� , 6 - mr, , .. .. I , f" , , f . I 1 114ft ly, ", � � � I .1 � : , � *4 1 1 : '.," , s --�l ,.. , �� -1 �,� , �', - 'j` - I �, , a -o 1- - I - I i I I - , 1. I., 1. :�,i ­ � 04 I ,� . � 41 -11 i, ­., i: '�� . .1 . �., � � � . . ;. " I I ­., I I ". I 1� . I I F , I �1 I � 11"', - . " , .11 .1-1 - � �, .. I .�� ­ 1. "I 11- LI�,-'I,�,�7"%P,r�,�'Ir",.I-.,, �.: S � � 11-` , -11, � . ��,`�*. , 11." . 1, , ­ � �r7" ... "i;Y ',',,'4' ` I �1� ,� . , . � I . ­� ­' "". .., 1 .§,,, .11 , �, - :.,; ,�, , ­ , ,, �, � . : �' . I '; �,17t,,;'� . L . ? 1. �1 M. ., . � 1, ", ,.,, . , , I � - . - ; � , 11, � I W?, . ...... , . "... , ., , - ,i . . .. , ,­., .- � I . . � I ', . , " , � . . ; � ". , 1 'F4 I .. .1 L'. I I . I ... I'll 11 , ' I , . � 1. , ­ I "�, �� R V .1 . - � . 11 111 CIA= S. , , , , �, 4'. ., P', '.-l-, �95;1 , I . : I � 1 � . & I ­ �, -1� 11 : "' ­ , � , I I 1. - , , I . I . .. L .. ,�; . � � ' - W." . , , - - -� 11, . . r , � I . d . I 1, . , , ,. I � . . ,.� ; , .1 .., - .. ,1q, � , - �� Z , �. 0, . I . ! � ­ I I.;, a t. � r, . . � j�,'­�o5,,�'1!.,�,,� ''o, I . . 4^0 1. � I ; , . .� ­ " ­ � , I ''. ::: I'll 1 . I , , �. . .. . . I . . , , ,­� � -�, , -`�, ",'; I I o , n, -.1 , 1, I � , ) , , , � � ,­ ­� ­ , I .11 . 11511W.. r.,11A . �­ .. �: I . . -1 ., I , li d,: r, J, . I . . �., ..,t '. , , , , I . .1 ,.Z. . 1, . . ,. '. � � I 1. �� , �, '! . . . , �'I �1, , , , . . , I . l.... � ��, . � . I I �p; I., ­ 0 , - *K*,ow . - ,'� �,,,' -�:,' .. . . . I 0 . I ''I !!,'�� � I- 1, . I �� . spedat - " . , , .. .I . ...... I ... ... W". . 1 , , ­ - I ";, 1','�fk� . 1. I � . ,�. . ­ 1. 11 .1 ,� �":., � . � . (.1 I I � � . . . . ..� . �1- - - , , ";1",-'I , - � . ,, I 1. ..� .1 -f-A-RIES' . . �1 ii *W.0At-` � ­� I.. '. . I I 11if";X �­ �, �. � ,,- , "I ... �: I � I , � I .11 I I... . . I . I . - .. .; � 11 . . I i, : �;, ,,, . . . .; � 1. 16. SATWI 81111108 I. ­. �. 1.;;''%-0W1'.1..-. I I . . . a . 'I'll . . d . , � lcycllc . I , ,�� ­ .11, 11 . t, 41.5- � -: � I '. �� �� . ,week-ead - ' - . I. I I - � 11 I -, - I . 0, �-j F'. ' ,, ' ham, Advamee-Times. . afternoon and hoping,�-�,thecte would be .r .. .... .. 72t I %, I . , " !71, 1 I 11 h I., - .... .1 I I , la.r. Ypecial . .. - . . I . . I "I I ' , , :Ir . . . 11 , . . . I , . '. - another W. 1. pIa40­' yvar. � -. I . . . I �, ' 'L "�,-, "I Burned -By Flaming Wax . . I � � I --- ­ :L `1: "I'll ", .. I . Death of Mm Am_ Coll ingwood - � .� LADIEW: PU RK I .'� , '' �'s , ....", � � , " !.�&�,'�, Lo � 130TANY � WOOL , MEN111W 'U'. �1�1'1 '! I . Elamtfft,(�t' ' L .. , . I . . . �,;. :L,�L Mrs.', "A'' , . Tbo death occurre# In,, . . . s f-�.�', ! . Forbes was badly buxned . I . I , ... 2# LLL I- I - I L 2 patr, Of Von W., only I— b. flaming wa,x on Wednesday even- General Hospital on$unduy, June 27' ' " . . IRATHWG SUM -"., Saills In t1d L .. .., �­-,;'* " . I I . - . LUglast week. -,A,dish containing wax of Amu, Horney, wide* of the tate Jas. , . I . . �­- .0. I" I � . - I ".; . . . �,­'­.�. I . , :-111 4.. Collingwood, In her `58th yew. Sbof , I I � ,., W as on the stove and, became over- ­ Week-ond - ' *7 ;. ;1 �, heated and, brokeoiub:In sameg. Mr. had been in poor health for tke past ,, . 'ISIMM40,10'.1 ........... 400A , 1.140 ; 1. I ! . seven yeaxs, but biuiB her suffering I I L 'L ' t ... -� Forbes in attempting to L - ' ,f� carry it out- ' . . L L Q1 . aide upset the d-Ish and uncomaplain-ingly. The deceased was - . LADIES, FAST. . ATMRWEAR L !'1,71 0 � some of the the eldest, dau ,�, � molten wax sPatteredlon Mrs. Forbes' ghter of lbhe lots Mr.4 COLOR,PRINT . 1. . I . . �1?1 left arm and lln�,I), -causing painful and Mrs. Ckarles Henry Hornen and I Shorts and tops, . 1. was, bom on the 4th, concess - 48c , I ; .1 f���. I . isit. 446f- I .Housedttesr" . :;, . 1, 1, ...'i 9� burns. She was at once rushed to 1, , . I .. . �::;, I � ia , "I' I � . but. the L ... .. CHILDREN'S . � � ki'*W - ly the doctor for treatment, Usborne in the, yearA884, where she . I . )& I I .q. !-,.I I- I . lived. umtll she LWaS -uni-ted in liI44r- I bt,Tns are, so severe that she ,is un- . � . � SOCKIES ; ;;;; ,t,::1, � able to walk. We -are pleased to re- ,rJage with her Late - husband,, in the - I � I SHX SOX .. il; ; I - , - Port that she is now year 1901. After theiv marr-lage, they � I FUncy toM''elastic, or '' . ,., j, . !A', - X4 PTOgroSging faV'- resided, in Exeter and Bmutford, and , I 0 , � ;r, 11V.3� orably.-WIngham dvance-Times. . . plain, week -end special ­ Pancy patteme, , weeh-end I .............. ..­;" A . I .. .. �11, � . .., ,-�J�I,r'l . thirty years ago they­pmoved to Ham- � . � ,,��, : 4�11, 11,1,12i . . I L Special � I'll . , ; �� ;.� �11'�-,! Mon where she has Ai4ce resided' , pair for 25C 11 �` . L . . **' ar SArns . - .,Her : 2 !�,� n* I I :� ", ',,��!,,' ,, ,� , I : i'� , � .... I -. : . � :, , . husband predeceased 1her thirteen, ,:,,' I -� 15c ; ,;1-11 1� I . �t­y, "I'll . ­­­ --1 1� �, ,-11 All that remdins of a fine, new car years age. She was "a valued mem. - " : . il,'7, belonging to 1 ' FLANNELETrE ' ' ' 7. . -1 A �,"' " .�; � .r.. ., oe Ma&in er, Blan- bar of Calvary United� Churck Ham- ...... .. � I ,� : �;' i r, g . . 9 ... '..? I .. ''. I .L' ..... .., '. , I �­t'L'., t'', t''l, I shard Street, is a charred boqy. T-ak. iltonj and leaves to mourn, her k)m Week -End Special, 10c'Yard WORK SHOW ...... 11 ,�� 1':'Lt�;­ ­... ­ . . I . �,.�;.�J��'; I Ing fire last week the entire inside one 4Tmghtor, Mrs. U-1ta Stone, and . L I I " , I ,.�z Leatlb&r sole, week-eud , ,:. '. .k , was burnt, while the oatsi6a, except two SOns, Mervin a6d Aldwizi, and Only 5 yards to a custommer. Magog, P �� �:, �­ ,�, � . Special . -I- 11 ��:, .1 I .-,,�,;, the hood and front fenders, is char- 'nine gramdchildTen, all of Hamilton, - ' . I ,,. �­ . , �!71, .. I - , . . ..... . I , , ," red. He'had only purebased. the car She is also survived, by tbree'sisters, . .,-.111' I � �­ I �,;.'Zl , 3c yard, 2 yards for 25c $IL.88 ' .. I .-- I ., :,­ �L . � about three weeks previous.-7mitchall Mrst. Lottie Colwell, . Cargill; Mrs. . . I . - L I I ... I �. .�. � � %1--.1 . , , . ;.. f, - .J&11vocate. . William, Wilson, Sarnia, and Mrs. LADIES, � I 4 . I . I.., L �� F..L� � . � ... . I William Motz, Crediton, and two br,4- WHUE SHOES Zinmerkak Combs . L, L:: jr I e, � I ­� 1 1. ,�� . . L I ,,,, `L . L � , Injured in Fall thers,- William J., of Kippen, aad .Ed- . L I , .,.LL. . , , , . " �� gar of Port Colbome. - A Service, cow 4�arpi, Ties, Oxfords, Shoft' sleeveg and short 11 - . . . � "'., I 1, 11111.�,, Friends of Mrs. Pi C.'Hord will re- ducled by Rev.- AR,. .. Puraps ........................... $1.47 - kegs. . I �`,, � - grq�t to -learn that she fell down the Ward, of Calvary - I L . .�­,', I . - . ".. ", , L . . . .11, collar steps of -her ,home on Saturday United Church, was -held in tb, W,i-' . I . . 46c r ; I ,.L..", lace Funeral Chapel, Hamilton, - I .r . ­ L� - ,.� I , - morning, recedvivg a L bad shaking up whence the body was braught to . I . . I I 1, . . � ,.,!,, �,L � . I . "I ­ '', ­� and injuries to - her ;head, back and h the 11�11! I . .,111t�,L��,; "I I " .1 . '�,�'l L L W orne of her brother, Wm. Wornqwl --- ---1111:11 . 1i I W'M. . Fortunately no bones were I � ­ .',A,,� - � , Kiippep, where a service was held on ) - 1. . . I . . . . I L . , I . . . ,�. 11 . I broken, but she was confined to bed !ph�ur.day . afternoon . - , L , ;;­:,�,� ": ,� ": for three days as a. result.-mitchell ,..du.t"d b,y ' . .. .. I I . I ­ . . 1, , L �.�e I ""',­., L . _ ., $2@.61�_ , A_ J.'KaW kiffing t&ree_ The report,r �­ �All I u. Advocate. I. Rev. Mr. Chandler, with Werment in ,passedt Misat Bylaw No. 6, 11397, auth- age, exclee, etc v= ", t- ,- . I ; , , "I I . xeter 'cemetery. The Pallboareft orizing -the Reeve and Treasurer to fleisch, Division Court 91-ttlags, $20 ; to glaring. headlights, and * black..- Oiksi- � � �,,11111LLI pe"Jise* .... .rf4liM �"L. , ., . . were four brothers,in-law:'. rMoNaas borrow up to $10,000.00 from the Bank Ward Fritz, Division Court sittings, .Pift1t, I did not.see the L,�,:,­, ' L r -is. WLein, Won. M.otz, of Montreal, Zurich, to meet current $20. The council adjolfrued to Meet bnM I VMS about f t fro - �;,­ . pollingwood, Ch. . five ee m thein:t' ,: I �;'�.. I I . . -, , , Wm. Wilson,, and two.mephews, Thos. .expenditures until taxes are Paid, be again on Tuesday, August, 2nd, at L30 In ,case after ease, eyewitngssm. ,me'. . I BRUCEFIELD , ..�I, . . .... '%*�, I 11 ­­�. I ThoMipsou L and Mae Gambltee. The ,read three t4m.es and finally passed. o'clock In the afternaon�A- F. APES, Police officers -testify -that .. .. .... I . r'-., . . k:: L Pe �drtvdr L �:, � � .. �­��,­, , . (Intended for last week) flow-er bearers were Archie Persons, That Bylaw NoL 7, 1997, Providing that Cler . made alrautiie effort to. avdid, the .W -'-1 .'' ;:",, ... " I ' , Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Cann, of Win- Eldon Jartott, John Cochrane, waiter the Bell Telephone Cc &ball have the, I I ddent ait the last moment. .Bat in_ I . ,,.,�n �,��, - "". * . - ; rliT)eg, viAted Mr. and Mrs. J Failrbairn, Herbert Jones, Allan.Jodm- privilege of constructing its lines. up- 410 L variably hi I s speed was too great - i I � i, � ames . � ,�LL", , � I : .111, O'Brien last week. . Eton and, Arthur Ricker. Tbom pres- on the highways, streets, bridges and' in tite daek, the 'pupil of the, -q, .1 eye, I �, , Mr. and Mrs. C. Halste,ffi and FloyU ent. from a distance *6re: Mrs- Ldla other public places of *be Tovniship %eH You Drive After Duk must expand to , ----d-um to gathm I L ..... I - , , '� ,,, - of StrattGrd Spent Sunday with Mr. Stone, Mr. and MM Mervin Colling- of gay be'read, three times and, fin, - . as much light as possible, and'whe& ... � I., -,­ . . :1 " , �� and, Mrs% T H. Wheeler. , wood and family, M ' -and Mrs. Aid- ally passed. That the petition of (By Harold, G. Hogman in Liboerty) a. brAlimt beam strikes - that wide,op�-- . I !11�., r.,, . 1, ��`, . , . I . ... Miss MaXim9son of Detroit visit- win Collingwood and family, and Mr. Charles, Aldwarih and others r6quest- I ene& pupff'-one is p0nfully dazzle& . I �'..'�-, ' , . ed her father, Mr. C. D. SimpsDn on Per"c' - Laity, all of . Hamilton; Mrs. ibg the 'n of a municipal 1, �'�'- Y, - conatruct&o Tlbxete out of four cam enter their Fur4fter,. the 1KqA1 expandsz-abw4, CO " .. :,k";' '; ...... I'll ...... 7� 1".. ­�­ Saturday. I Lottie Colwell, Miss Ruili Colwelk Mr. drain, affecting Lot $, Con, 2; Lots 6 gamges at sundown. But ,of 36,000 times slower than it contracts' ' .If it. :. " L"��' I . Mr. and Mrs.' John Kaiser and. Earl and Mrs. Thomes Thompson, Mr. and and 7, Con. 3; Lots 7 and 8, 06n. 4; motor fatalities last year, 20,GM oc-- needs one sixteenth of a second No a , .., I . :� . � of Detroit, Vslted friends in the ,,I,_ Mrs-. Mae Gamble, all of Cargill;� Mr. Lot 6, Con. 6; the lands owned. by -the curred at night -nearly 1-1,000 be- contract under the impact of a brg-, ., - -"� . _ I "'r. lage. . .and, *rs. William Wilson, Mrs. Noi-- C.19.13- -and township toatils, all inqw tween 5 pmL and 9 p.m- The death Bunt itea"ght it will need* 1, .j":,"', , , . ' _ . . I appremd- - " , ,-;.L� Miss Anna Alkenhead is spending man Benson aad' Mrs. Thos. Havers, Township of H -.w, be .reppived and rate for the evening. rush hours is mately three and three-quarter sm- . .. �, ,, . I the week In London, , of Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. WvL -Matz, that G. A. Mcipubbin, O.L.S., of.Cbat- more than. 100 per cent greater in onds -to expand enougb to enable UW. ... LL"i * - I L and 'Gwen ham, be( appointed as Engineer to winter, wimn it is dark, thm, I& sam-. to see <0 the dim. road'after th.a a& � ;� 1. Mr. amd Mrs. Frank el Credi6n;, William Iforney, L M ' ' . :.'L children,-, of Stratf,bril, 'spent Sunday Sound; Mrs. Ernest Kneeshaw, Mea- make, an examination of the arm to mer, when It is light- Sixty-nine per lending car has passed, Should we . lw - ' , - ,. ' "' " I with Mr. and, Mrs. F. Skelton. ford; Mrs. Joseph Carter, Auburn; be, drained, and prepare a re cent. Of those killed' at night are he 'travelling 40 miles an hour our.- .11 -, p9t��., '111� 0 . . Mr. N. J. McLaren, of High River, Mrs. Duncan Drummond, Miss Kath- plans, specifications and estimates of pedestrians.. As a nation, we have car would move 220 feet during tjgw. ' . ':,!� , Alberta, visited -friends in the village. leen Brown, Allsa Craig' RA)bort Hor- the dhOnage Work and make an as- failed to grasp the fact that as the partial blindness. And a lot at ­�, ­ , L . . '­ � . Miss Cudmore, of Portland,'Oregon, ney, Chris. Balsden, London; Bd. sossment of tte, lands and.. roads 11- sun goes down, so must oux speed. things can happen in 220 feet! .. ." I I Is visiting 'Mr. and Mm Jas. Moodie; Balsden, Stratford. . able to be assessed for outlet .and We are simply driving too fast for. , Tbe .kilest UglAs often depreckda, ...", .. 11 ... �� - 'I" . 11 . . . The Sacrami;it of the Loril's Sup- I . benefii That the following raLtes be our eyes. 60 Per eftt. in six months under. tbw ..., I . ;­ !,�',' ---- Per is to be ,observed next Su . . - mitttttttt,,ttttttttttttttttttttt struck and. levied Gn, the .rateable �pro- Studies by the State of Miclilgd.x, care accorded them by the . , .1 . nday, . , aVer.qW'----- 11 L::: I July �Jlth, at the morning service. HILLSGREEN party of the. Township of May for the and the University of Maryland show- driver. Even assuming per -feet equW- q; :­ . .e ,.. . -1 . -, - ��, Preparatory service on li'riday, evening I I year 1*37 and that the Clerk prepare ed that the averagespeed on improv- meat movement counplicates the mat- , . ': , . I L ' � al 8.15. Rev. Mr. Craw, of McKillop, - (Intended for last'week) a bylaw confirming same for pessing ed highways was 43.3 m.p.h. during' ter- In one tesL it was shown, . that. .11. '. . " . . at tNe next meeting of the counlGil: the day and 41.5 at night. Ten per while a driver could see a pedeGtrlam, �:.. will conduct -the services. During the summer months the ser, I , I .", I Mrs. Annie McDonald and grandL.- County rates, all purposes, 525 mills; cent of the'eare th,ecked were -doing 90 feet away in.the glow of -his at&- , .� - 7 . - � ,. ' �, I , . vice at the Hillsgreen, Church Vill be township rate, W110 mills; unenwloy- 601at night. ti*nary L Car'S fig%tS he lCiMW uot RM'. ' . 1.*�',�.;. , daughter, of Dundee, are visiting held at 9.45 aam. Tlae Sunday school I -1k � I ­:,` I I *.illage and, d ­lt - - � � ,- ... t Felief rate- 2/10 mills; township -The fundamental point. is that tbe, bim.-mote, than 65- feet- away" -.1N ­ - - friends in the men ,, W-hewl- �-­*, OPIMIUM Y ,plenic will be held alt Bayfield I .1;, , on? .. . .. 1, I" this week. r6ad rate, 2.5 mills: general school poorer the light, the m6re sluggish driving 35 m.pJL And at 35 ,�t - Tuesday afternoon, July'20th. - I MVA�1. , ,,� I, . . 1. �� I ' � rate 3 millo:, Zurich Police Village the eye and the slower the reswase. you can't stop in Jew thalk 11111, . , . Mr. and, Mrs. Gpant 1,6fe oZ Lan- - I I . . I . fteL . ��­ ,.�4 1. . -- - I I rate 8 mills; DasbwoGd Police yil On, top of this, the eyestraIR eonee- ,*nien the weather the -,road-, Um . .,.�4, * _ .. , 11 Sing Mich visited with ,his broither, i;j� 6 =111s; and the following spe- quent to night driving induces an un- headlights, brakeg,'-iires and,&,-rw - I .... �­ �� � TUCKERSMITH Mr. 'and Rrs. Ross Love, Mm. M-ina , . ,.�� - I . e - eial levies for school eactions: U. S. believable amount of nervous- fatigue axe all In perfect condition, 40 w-inly I - . . - - . Lov returning with ,her son to Lan Speea ' I I (Intended for last week) . . . I S. -No. 1, 1.5 mills; S. S. No. 2, 1.1 which dulls both -eyes and brain. Vou is absolutely the maximum Safe "!.­ .... �' . sing for a visit . I . ­�-,­ .", millit; S. S. No. 7, 3.5 mills; S. S. Nk can't -possibly be as'good a driver in k night. But 69 per cent. of pam , ,��i­ ­ .. Mr. Aubrey Carter has goxie to Mr. James 03chrane, of. Toronto, 8 1405 millm U. S. S. No. '9, none; '�tke dark as in daylight. Hence your care checked on the highway 18*� . ',*-, . Guelph to take, the -summer course. visited his sister, Pbla' and brother; - - . i�. S. No. 10, 2.5 mills; S. $. No. 11, spbe� should be moderated. fiective, lights. 'Equipped with 20- , Mr. and Mm C. S. Hawke, of Clin, Allan. . � I �,�l . :�, . 1 2.9 taills; S. S. No. 12, 2.1 mile; U, nifle-sa-hour headUglitts, the averagw 41" -.. ton, spent Dominion Day with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. & Blade, of Petrolt, S. S. No- 13, none; S. S. N '. I Better head -lights won!t solve the motorist insists upon dritving-4* to 40 L . '.;-,,� " . I and-M.m. F. Townsend. . visited at -the ,home of Mrs. Love and- ,8. Problem. Any ear can� equipped miles as hour afteridark. No wonftr. I � I "I � . No. 4, 6/10 mills; S� ,�6�6,' 1.5 be . .;.. . ,,, . "I . ' L, M184 Dorothy Reinke Spent several family. millv; S. S. ,f4o. 3, 9/10 mills; S. S.. .with lamps that will show clearly 500 then, that on poorly lig-bted higkwa" �', I days last week with Miss Sadie Bail. Mr. and Mrs. W. Davidson attead- -11; U. S. S. .No. 15, 3.3 mIlls; V. feet ahead, tut on the road uneven where cmgestlou =1 I doesn7t prevail but ":;. ed.the Davidson picnic on Satunlay. S. S. No. 16, 4.4 mills; Sep. S. S. No. topography bounces that Igilli I speed does, the night fatality rate, is - ... 'I., .­, � I - - A number from this community at- beam over an exeesslvP- MAW', haP- 26 Umes higher,than the day rate "', . the L 1, 10 miNe. That accounts ,covesing _ ,,,, I I KIMEN' tended reception at the Kippou, payments on township, a, charity hazard maintenance permits tbe Jamps- . � , I %,":4L � , Fall on Friday night for Mr. and MTs. and seliiif, My Te1e-1)1=0.e; land, gen, to get -out of 4,11gnmeAt' 'Me spoket, .11 i (Intended -few last week) John Sdnckdr- I . epal accow2ts be passed as Per vouch- 4. that the tacouling dwwer is b - ---------- do- : . . . . . 11. I , I Kippen East W. 1. Meets Mr. Wm. Herney's sister Of lumil- ers: Townisbfp Roads-Lonidon Stru, ­aad under those emilibom; your q'­ i:� . On Saturday afternoon, June 26bb, ton, was buried from bis,homia to Ex- Steel, iron for culvert, $213.66; W. F* thazard is just about as great as it it A I . I Kippen East W. 1. held their annual eter cemetery on Tbursday last. Jennison, bal. trucking, Rd. 1)g, $6,l)0; were you who couldn't see. Weeder*s ' '., ." picnic in Jowett's Grove, Bayfiteld. Mr. John Soldan visited rela.tives at M. C-orriveau, pay h4t, culveft, Rd. 10, Old as this glare problem is, we I , I ��, � � The . weatherman favored., with an , Hyde Park. $Aj2.55; A. Reichert,. Rd. ,1?,' $5.50; A. still doet seem to gr&W the fact that Powsmy.me of the most sanseav- , . Mrs. Charles Robinson visited her .1 ideal .picnic day and about els-hity-five folks . &t Mitchell- I . Smith, Rd. 8, $7�80; N. Foster, RA 6, the fil,st, thing to do its, glow down. Re- tory Impiaments for the contral io*- �� gFownups and children came to spend $8.25; 2. Ropp, Rd. 2. $7.80; E. Canrp� cGrda show that the dazzled drlv:or weeds in a growing grain crop im ': ..... . the ifterikoon. Mr. and Mrs.. Levi Les -lie, of Sit. bell, Rd. 1, $93.52; a J. Thiel, Z. P. V. does everything else but that, HeCe what is known as the finger W 1. .­? . , . I Some enjoyed bath- eader- �;� i . .,A , ing; ' Marys, and M�. Titomas L,6611e, of $8.40; T. Steinbach, Rd. 8, $2.50; R. is a random report which says thal This implement consisft or e� otheri 'found their pleasupe 'P -,t U.- -1,11-1 -- frj­T�T& . A-4" kik- � 4 -1.1. � .A a serks 1 ".. :'11 11 I � MOM, . .., I ` Adaina, Rd. 10, $13.60; jI. Steinbach, V , rev ng a out. 0 mv.b., cm m.w, shm�r tj�eLlj- w.u-jun .:, 4 i. 4 �, . throwing bmseshoes and other pre- t . . Yerm & ,��, - . idden oT nearly go., and ovdimW nded for last -week) was blinded by two approaching cam very- ligbit harrow. The finger wee& "I .� :11 .. bed,rii - (lide he week. � :'� I ' ferred the ball fieldL The swings and 11oad Supt, $43.05; J. M.'Zilar, Road ..4', & . � I ;isubjjacts Of hospitalization N611 be re.- R4bbert council met In reguGr ses- tepters attracted.' the.little folks ulatil Mr. Victor Dinnin, former teacher 10, $5.00; S. Ireland, crashing and and plowed into a truck. ahead of er may be toed to advantage QU 2R- 1 , �1'1, . Aceived. slon at Staffa Township Hall on Mon- about four .o'clock when. the president of S. G. No. -7. Sftn,ley, has acceeted4 'Jilng, six4.77; L. SeWi(bo & Son, him in spite of two tall -lights. One 'nun] weeds, shortly after germlnatjov�, ,�, li�� I true -katn ; Question 10: May subscribers have the position ,of Principal, In tbie Zur- tmckimg dead. both before and, after the g ,�., A - I I with all members Pries- r6u-nded up tke crowd and began -the ich st0hool, .lumber, $2.70;' G. Surerus, 1. I -the benefit ,of "Specialists" \eaxe at , ' _ Many are -.vorry to' Here is anotber where the blibided bas owerged an4 until the tarop is .1 0 , *at, the Reeve presiding. The min- sports. The flust,raze was for little See Rd. 9, *7.17; G. J. Thiel, cartage for :L, 1juron Sprtigs Hospital? him leave this section, as'be has driver rage down four pedestrians, game L" to four twbes higit- 11�, A . . . 11 Was of the previous meetft were tots and, was *ell, filled. All- got off taught for the, past five YeAlm, but , steel, $1.77; A. We4n, ba). ecile, Z.P.V. . ". I , � ,Answer,' Yes. AmTope w4om t e read and- confirmed and a number of to -a good start but ,difficulties came $3.93; Johnston and Kelbileisela, ce- I . -1 4 " communications dealt with sati4tac- amd dl in the centre of the work. blin in Iiis new inent, Rd. 10, $57.240; F. E. Denomane,. � . . . . . �� - some stopp;V' the best wisfies follow I . I I'� i � � . � tor0y. Resolutions were passed 'as field, some MI and others returned to . Rd. 10, $4.60; 0. GrAb, PA. 6, $5.90; . � .. �', 1. * .1 � follows: Adfopting the engineer's re- -the ,starting point, finally Harold; � P. Neuschwanger, RdL 7, $9.10; E. � . ; � L I .. part -on the Murphy Dfain and in- Taylor reached the gqal and so was, Oesch, Rd. 8, !P11.75; Domdnlon, Road . . I ��, I :� I - �.Iil . " � � stnteting the Clerk -to advertise for winner In the race. .,T.be winners In 131AY I Macliantery Co., mpairs to crusher, . . I .� � " ; , I . tendem for eicavatiag appmximately the other .races wer6i ' 'Girls, under 9 $42.94; H. Fuss, Rd. 5, $26.42; W. . . . . 11 11 �� I I . - ' ' I 11#1W , . � I " -:%,.� , 6W cubic, yards according to plans years, -Shirley Cald*611; boys under (Intended'for hat week) Farrell, Rd, -18, $1.60: T. Dinsmore, Z, I . A - �,�§ I �� "....,., . �' I I.— - specifications. Provisionally .a, 8 Years, Grant McL to , 18- - �,: I � ... 1:*�::i;:�::i� �i�,�:ii: .;: I and rwfps TEETH �'r, - .. . ean; b ys, 8, to 13, The regular monthly, meeting of the Rd. 18, $9.00; C. Aldworth, Roads 1. .. . Aqw, I , 1, , - . "I.; �:-:;­­;::.­ . d1optling the engineer's report from Ronald Caldwell; three-legged race, 3. $5.25; P. Campbell, Rd.. 14, $39.13; . .. .1 , : - I 11 -1 It -....: ; council of th Towns-bip of Ray was . I . ­�,��­ h, 1�' ., cif on the Ken McLean and Hut§h Doi P T. Welsh, gravel, $109.52-, Johnston A,*- t I � ,�. �, ��, Tuckermith Towns -hip coun - .1 ,�. 11 g"�ouplee hold in -the Township Hall,, Zurich, on �1 I 1: :�, . Tyndtall: Drain. Concurring with the slIpp6r race, Laum trrameer and, liar- & galbileisch, acet., $19.40. Charity SPARKLINGU I "I J� .) 1�1 . . Monday, July Sth, with. AR the mem- W � 6 :� : Mirs. Turn- and Rellefi--E. Headrick, house rent, I . , �' � - .� regot0tion of Fullerton townsbip coun- ver Jacobi; eandle race, . . � .��: A , . 1. I .11 i:� ell foTv*rded to the Department of �bull, Harry Caldwell; fafladleal race, bers present. The -minutes of-- tb I mot*h, $3.50; W. Hay, &114�wonce, I . I � ,. " � � �,..: � 11 , June meeting were adlopted as �� � . , ... $.'.. Highways,, asking that the course of Mits. Broad-f6ot, Mm. Turnbull; mar- month, $20. Hay Te4ephone Systerri . , .7 ��.'..' * Alter disbosift of the aummum . �,:� �� I . M- I � 1�! t No. 23 Highway du th' Town of Mit- ried couple?.s Mee, Mr. -and Mrs. . -Bell TelephOnd-7,0o.. tolls and dirse- k . � I .. ­.....O.�* e P'n- tions the following , . , I I i%'. X chall. be altered. That. the engineer's der; clothes pin, race, Mr#. Turnoun, resoluMna W'51* tortes, $145.98; H. ,G. Hess, salary, 1 . .. � I I ** , il I � . ; � labor, etc., $116.84.-, ,postage, excise, � I . 11 " - :, I .... , report on tho , B�trus' DrWo be Illed for Glen McLean; kicking the slipper, I I 1-1 ... ' Mder, H. Norris; biscuit race etc., $15.22; E .R. Guenther, cartage, , � I the present. Increaeling the lirice of M.M. ., 1-1 - I ' . I . 4 �p � � � � gravel from 10c to 12c per yard, and Carl Stioneman, Jack Norris. After 1 $9,50; Northern Electric Co., material 1 . � . �'," I.,— �'­ ,;� that Be per yard- be afloWed for re- the races thd laffies injoyed a good A41 - $657.92; P. Mclaaac, 3 months mlwy. .� ­ I . , � ", ) I - --- - I ,., ,,, 1. � y I *dylng heading. Road expense, game of softb&ll and ,then all Mat $695.20; G. J. Thiel, earkagei, $4,40; .1, . � � ,-, , I I � It it ., I- I �, " � -91, I . �V .­ � . $1,419, general expedse" $181,' A" di-, d6wh to well laden tables t�Vd after � . : 1. Workments Compensation, assessmo;ht I . .�'�'�" I , � ce -to the good ., ,; �% *§,�j, d;��' . - .. reet relief. orders $29 were Idsued.. The all had- ' done justl .t $IC69. Cenerfa Accounto-Zurich Hy- S� �011�41��,,��o�,N` "M 4 1. . meeting adlourned until Monday, Aug. OiinP, the men bad tpelr fm at . I ---.- -- - -� dM ball lights, $4.54;- C. L. SmItU, 11., I . " � ­ - TO I - I . , �. 211d, at I tp.m. - Kathle6u ftewy.* softball .and them, all started �home. �, a � ,Wntlng and advertising, $73.615; 361m- . .", ili,�`Nip '% L' � , . I ; ". U, I . L .:�.,��" -,;,, ;,�,4�', �";�;,��, 0 '. I 1 , '. V , A " . a I lj­ -- . . . �� I ",�dW�,"'m,lk"j-1 - " L "', ,,',,��,'. . - - . I I . - �,�, �j,­.'­ I � .� , , . I nt6n & lCalbfifliuk, at&. $1.0; p -Wt- I �*,, . - 11 1 WMd. havlfti sbant i V, � OR ��,1�4 "."i'i � - 1. "I ..; ,; . I : '. � , , , UU9010, Clork.. ..Ory ewoyatdi ,� � % - ---`4111- . " . , �' ' . ,, PIN', - 1"Xi".W","I'g,",� �.,, , $, 4 I; -,�'W. � . I I I � . % . �, . I 11, . :. . X : . I . '�' I . 1. �,:$N .'�',t,',,��t ­ . . I . , :,. . . � . . � ­ I I. . I I . . .�4, . .. , �': . I * � I ' L,, � , "i 11 . it tv. , .. . . I I I . �. I I . � I I I . � � I . I I . I . I . . . � I �, �"! I � I . L� 14 �, , "' . W , � ... �` . I , :� .L '. " 4 ,�� . , , L � I I . I I . '. " ,�.� : I .1. I . . I t . " 1; . I I . k .1. I I I . � . . I I I .1 I . I .: � ; , " � I I ; ���'L, �i � . � . . . I I � . . .1 . I '� . , Aew . "... 1, 1. . - , ! I I I . � . . : . e, , A rp��,,g -� .1 � I , 1, . , ., ,.� , :. - , ;:7J , � .1 :1 , � I . .: � ta " I �k t ,', , I � . � .11 I - .;:,�', r ", ­ ,: � " , 11 .J., .i 7, ,'�, ". � ,W46? M O."i M!- 4' �P,��, ,�" "' , - ".,-'A �, , u., .1 - "" "" I � . ­ 41 � U 4 � 0, , I M I ,; .., I , , -­". ,� I I " � .1 . . . I 'I'll" � I I 1; 4 �� , , ` '4�&-�,, "' �' '; W �� "' ", i!, ��, 111 , 11 L", 'a, " � , �, i I- I � � � ,� `0 I I 1.111 i4ili, 1'� �, , it",N",L,N)A,*),�.��, , ... ... I � 1. � 1. . . � i 0'� I 11 ­ I I . ­ --