HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1937-07-02, Page 8. 171,71'11�71.191W,rr, �11 M1rT?7 r`17171'? T7T Y77 . F, , 77, , 17 ... t'll�"-,F,n,"",-,-;,-�""'�,,,-,,�,�,�,��rtil�V���,,;,--��; ,�X .V�:[ � , ik,�,� ��,�,:;,,�,Pl�,,�-I'l��,i,il.l�p�IR;.Iy�,�,i�'7-,� ,` ­ ,� , .;­`,�111.i)11141 ;��,,,' I r rioN � ''� § - 1 yr -)";J;�nX ,:,;,�,,'tM,,,1):�.,.k , , ;�,,Jlkit,,�,� ­ —M I` "� ,�i", 4;,,!�,94�", ,� "P. , " j, , '�,,',�1�1,,,,, �'J't , .r 77!57,- .,T-. �, 7"(". .1 .i,�� "4 ,�', " � . �!,� ���! ............ j"A'j�l,�, �,I� �,,7,�.,?i",�il.,-,E��l,"P,T""�iiI �,��i���"'�,v4-,���,��,,,I�',�',��,T�7 � " i " .7 - '� , Tl"'J,;,Fl"ll,,",,��,,�k,,t�ill,�,'���,:�,'�;,!,! �7,;` % i�� .� : '�,T,,.," I ��� � , , � , . , ,,; , �i,il� ,Z� ,r,. � "', : R11�111 �,�t �,�i�,i�`,-,'i,';il, i", �. � - ,,,I ,. il,�, '.9,fl , 1�111 � e,�, � � " , � , , , , ,,,�,T� �, ��,�,� , "­."; 1�,?e � 4�;J�,`�b'1�11� . '�,y­'�, 'I , I �: , , I . 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I I � ­­ ­ ........ -­­;"Jr� - I *� I 1.11 III t"11-11.1,1- , � ", ". �,,­,,;­ � ' ' I ,...� oqf­ I W'ANJ W�,ij�� ;�,..'�i'-.�����,�,,,,�,,�,,,��',F i i � # , N ` , . �� ..., I ��`; 11 1'1�� ,�� "I �. � : . . , ;i't'ilk. �,5,1 ­��, . , I . � , " I ., 'I'll 1. I 1, �, ,1'00,­,-,� , 11, I , g, �� , J,U�A'Y 2� 1937, 0", .! � I I ,� . A ,� ���,f�riii;�)P,�4'i'�;61,�,4���,,��.,;,,,,,i��";I�,���,",;�, �­,.,,,' �, I Vi,A�*W,1�11� �11T�1, ltll� I ". � . jt�::­ t',�',�,,­: ": �, 1 I , ,4J ; ., � I � I , �111 il -11—--... 1. 11 11 1. I..."', I11-'----.1 -111-... ,I." III— 1, 1.11-1-- --.---.I-- ..... . ... �. ­­ 111.11-1.- "',­­­ 11 .1-1.111 '­-, ,.-,,.,I ­ -1­11­11111­� 1.1-1, ­­­"­­-­ , .... ...... . ;­­, i I .RMR110.1000111011, iliRiio�ll,gi;...15i,i�ii..R.".I,I. ". 1.1 �"', , "U" - -'e"', I ­­ %,� .. ... .. � ,�,*T,�,� 1-!-7- 11 ,.;111;�- , i. '.,,,�?�'�s,i;�',gir I 1,�I,"­ .,, ...... ; ly,111 �,��, ,,Yk� " I :: I I . . ,, �,, !it. ,?�01i,,� , 1�.IfIIKTII �' I .�Ill'..,!"'�'.")�"r�i""'�'I �'T,V`�N,110A'kl , , ! I - I I III, ., -,W,`i'�,R,�V,W,C�� I !, � , � : . I ,.r I��., , - " ,,� ",", 1-1-111.1 1, 1 �, �1 I - � .1 . ; �,,�,� � . . r� , lyn . . I "i, ;11 il .1 11.1 4�," lid"'i R,i,� gqi 111-11- I �, I, , T'; I *Iv� ljp�" ., . . . � I .;, , - pop" , � ^L-077, , , ?I* "" I 9"'10FT'iI 'h1w'. R"A V,14,1' �'� ­­ , , ii-,�f'�141 �, I I, . ,,v,.,� .T11 � ,,,, T, � , ­­ .., �, M. W � p,� `� 11�1 A, L'Q,V,E � Y, SUMMER HAT, � , ,., . T ,%"-qk*gd,'P0�st41,CA m-, , "I ­ I I L 17vi�"��,n."�!,4� � 1� � I,— - ... � . . . . '� , ­ " . - I ,�.,, "I A114M9VIFF W 11 1 4 ,-X � Pa, I 0 11 I *�,91 -1 ­'­. � � 'gl'T . , I lell" -�, , 1 W14vilp � I � t 0: .9 , ##Auour clusoa . . . "VI'T­­ ��, _­:�'­ ­­X�11 I ,�t, ,� -1 o -4 , �, VA ---,---, - I .111,11, I Mi , g-,V,-:"�­­­,­ ­­.,,g4i ­=� , I - , .1 � . " '�p .11 ­,,­ ".,:, �'... I - , ­ % , I ­­- ­ I �� -�, i, ­ �., , I. �14-armplpllpti , - KMF4�111. � A, ,, -7X-':, 1 1 ..., Id - - �� . .. . . ,I, IN ly�l 711, . .... ------- . "I ,,',h . I -..�4��rl�r.- -- , . I - ­---­­.-­.- -I--- , r,?!t-l­­, 4 .4 . act �%Ad , ��, � " � �,'j�j�j ,� 9 ql�wx , ,— I . t-4FA ., "'. , "N' , , , ��.. I 'A Qqu 0 ."Ap"'" A,. A4, 4., urraw.s., qr.�TW2040 � vrr­ �-,-,-- � � � O... . ,­� 1. -­­. -,ma-- .� . I ­­ -�. - ­. ­ .­­ 11.1 1. :01. I , 1:�' It" i --:� - - ,! ��Nl 1 Z 49 �..,' i"", ar � � ft�. � '94 -,�, Ar"I", , 1 —St.,, "TWOr 101 0. � 00'' vp.'�P,b­=4 wAt'PI - wo, 1ta,qr. '. , .7-7-��-,:� �t - - 1 '', - �­N.-OIAI e , r , � 11,".1 � 11 , 4T, 1 - ,,x1T,--.-A-�,1,t,wm M01, - . I . - .i�. �'1.71­ ; I I , 1p " , 7P, .*,I.", ­111111'�'k . , 1, I 11 11 �� � � 1 ,, , ZK �, U ,�� ��.' ;- -,- � ,-,- , '! - -1 I . � ,,, ,119"', N ­ � ", " , . , I �Pr.,' F " . � I ... �� 1 ,, PKX , , '. . � � .- : �-, , , .11 ­ �.. � I - , � ��, I , ,I ,!,; , I 1. . ,I . , 11 , .6 . . 1� � , I- .. . � - - . Al" I ,,,,I , , I �,viv , " "t � . : V �' ., 11 4. ROW. W , 9v " . I . 'T ,� 10; .N- I 1 7� , , ,#N,:'' ­­N,-- dltyw`,�,tt ­v"i, ,�, ttp�l�� . , � 4th--$U]Xd4 .$ �7c'MOR.'), 1 ,:, , "'.. 1, I " !i , �� " � :.Poiamquio"A ,.* Wi§-Ed4i �lg#�,t, . 'duug .-, .,� . "i � . 11 ,. 414. , 47%��,� , '. ,q. I I . 41� '1'X'&T . , 1-0 4,nx; Holy U &m�, , ,� Iutor: of Mi I . - . . � � `1, 1 IF,— ­­­­-, ,��1­1; I ­ ­ . I �, I I , -- , , - � I - -- . 49PL � , � C � . I �q. r I I 60" e A 1k,11we" int 4" , . 1. � " . , � . ;,' � � � I , " � , . I I . , , "; � , . I � ;� i . I I ." I11W � � OL * P . �, I I . � I I , �. . � 141 11� �:. - ". I , . . , , � f Sob W v I , .1 §V,4,�;,6,z'l�'i" ,�­­.�,,*15, "s'ermon topic. � I 11 --- Atd, MrO �w ATIgat -11 I, .., I i.�., ` " .. I W , I 111 "IV, � LO I V - "I M Zl- 11 I � i I ,, . has­takea -a . . . . � "W 1, f " , . . :�, RNII�V,,Vk. 1,,.�!!',,,­��j-.­ ,I.. I . evening spirvicea imil'411 WOrnbers are PQS0I04'w#b the, branch -office of The . ', I - , - � �k Weber, I d 1* or 4 � - . .­,., I ­ ed .` " I N''. I . A . , I I �� I , -M " , IFA I M.-. I �. 1�11�1:- 411 Uumiltop, .. , r:11119117141 -le . I I rJeAds I I 1.0s . y . - '0 : a . I , I i ,��-­ "9111il" 11'�,­�-, I � , . , . , -- "V, , Ov�# .", � Service- Telegram"im I . I �. . I t , : f . leie fQ ( , r4 , ,hes I' " , , 4 fOr , � ., do� 23c reti,ueated to attend morning e Mr., Jack Dunlop and. Mi. CliAord ' ' , , . " ; 0', .: I . . I "Al , -L ....... P'. I M " tuls w"U. . I I I I . 1) I ., 11 . . � — C'�auon V. Appleyaxd, Rector. I - ! . I ' - 0.� - . . 4 Mr. 0-4, gre. J. Swarz. of, V,etrol I 11. 01 . Y fill , " , , , .. 4. few , ores: , . how;e ., ,, K.. L I - Monday for Sudbury. . t � - Scores: c ... � , 3050-�� �, wery left oA - . - I-, ` I ... ".. 98'. Ito " M W" 0 , _WWAT First Presbyterian * Mr. amd Mrs. Robert B. Laidlaw .-. . I axe up I � ­� ­ I , �11 I I . I . . �, . I . 4 , , ,�AX44 ' end ng the week � with tile lat- . �1- . ­ , , - � : Northside' United ChRr'c'h.j-TUe Unit- I G:01) . . I I . � �.-) , . � I , , . : � . i�l-,I.iN;,,� ; ver-,' - 1.W11;V4,,t0r .... �. '.the of Sacramento, California, are visiting I . I toes mother, Mral*;`Vuss�. . .1 ,,, :0 .. . .- - � 1, I . ,,,, ,0� t4 1 2%, G,A$ - , , I . I I : . :i'P .�k � �, 8"", ,4',, 1 : � - . ,ed Church and - Presbyte, lan the former's, sisters, Mrs. John Smith Maw Ethel Hess, visited friends at I . 0 1 � I . I I . I .. -1 �,',) �� 'OL&Tk XAR$RXAJ- 7,,(: -Courch share in this note oouce.niiag , . I I :1 �- I 9 ,��,��'J ".o I Tuck6- London and Woodstock the past, week. � � � �;; I I Q, "'Pi ,,,�", ol I -, .; -�., I -unint ­0ces for the four Sundays, in Hullett and Mrs.; R. Doig,,. . . I . .. 1, '26 I., � , - , I . �, Mrs. Henry Fau�t� daugilitel- '19 , N 0, la"I 0 ! -1 -, ,; ��� I � . ,a so. . . ;, . 134&'�,­ ",F� I "Ill,pp, , . - 14, r Sundays ''i.n. A),�9- SWIM H -WESTON ' � � � . ?tnd ­­ � I - 111111111111111" FASHION'S -NEWES7. I . .."NW -.1 .111 I . ., , 0 , * 1 4 I ­� � ",".I I C' -I I ' I ' July �uijd the fou. I I * Miss C. Horan, Of Sudbury, is , 6On­1n4a,w,. of MtcWgiii, visited reia- I . � 116. .. SUMMER SWAGGM - �� ��,l ,j�,,�V � � ,,M 1� ,1kytP.. , OKM HADDIE A i ,­ . . ;, I ust. J�Iollo*iug tbe happy exp­-1enc3 I - Stita6u . . � .�� - a I � I I . , ,� q .2,5C I shem , � , !I : .. services last summer, the spending the holidays at the home of I I . tives hepe li�.t week.. . I I . $ � I . � . 1. - 'her -mother, Mrs. Jobji Hora ,, SEAFORTH -- --. . I � . L11`11'111. grom 1.11 .......... � ...... a I --- - � ,� - . I 15; to Lta I . R � I 0 "'4 � I Of U1310it , — COAT I , , . � � .1 I I :: , 1. I�:­ Sessions of both churches have un- . GODERI.& ST. : �� '"' �. I �'. - : I - ' I r L � - . - ­ - - I _f- ", - I � � ­­­ ­­ , 1, —� ­ .�11 I -- - . 011 w --011A v -e-- ­ -- -- - . P. I ­ SE . , .1 , . . "I .1 --on ' 11IILL1$7GIJtEEX-- - - --- - - ------y---- --- _ - L.�f' Y. .1, . I �BRAND BAKING 7p4w�. 116 &ulmously agrc4 to double the pro- a, Miss Margaret McKellar and Miss . ­ L . .; - ­.. '- . T I ear ... N. 11 I " - 1XV4 ­ .... 11 ............. . . grain thIts immediate #ummer. The Alice DovereUx entertained for Mi 1. - . ,� I 1��­,� . I � - . 4 I i .;� L� � . � - Margaret Ross, bride-electi on Tues, Was Miss Avila Flannl� gan.. sister, of I'll . � �, 1111111IMP41111111111M . . something real jaunty. . I � ­y,�,,, . , I I �� , I,.,.. 1.1;�.J� ,, ,, WIX ORVIAX MIX . Sunday ithools,� willl meet as usual. - ffired in pin . . . , -- �� ��,, ,w, � � - veLope afferingi will be carel for day and Friday 'evenings of last week the bx)idp,. qad she was a . t Mr. Robert Passmore, - of Hengall, Tim . I . I . . . . � . 1; 11:1 I r:" ,� .1, 43IN-aages ... � ................. 25C. En I and $iWe with mohair bat, aad delivered a very, excellent i . - � � . . $2195 - I., . . . as,usiial by collectors from tjhe tw,) .at a cup and saucer and a inipcellan- Satin a §emopa, at QUES TION . . , C, ;, � . � I � Carried ;i bouquet of carnations. The the Hillsgrl@ea. Church pri SW :: I 1.3 �, i,r ; MINW-8 PL&TE, SALMON. - aC cl.urches. The loose Offering will bE e I . . � � STRING KNIT & OTHER, - . � ous shower. . . . iday af- I , , �,Ili� �, , .2i ' 9 Mr.. Gibson White, of Walker. groolasmaU was, Mr. Patrick Maloney, ternoon., � OF ; . . . � . . . . �,�� ... p Morning and eve". I I . . � ,,, ": :, Aw-ves-2 ,-tor ............. divided fifty-fifty, IOU W04 held � ,.SMART WASH SUITS - I I— . . I I . . I " 1. . I . ing s,ervices: Sunday, July 4t1i. in ville Collegiate staff, is. spending the ,9f McKAqp.. A recelyt The strawberry social was a grand WHAT . . , I - � ��, I 'Wow - 11-1 as - ' fl�` I , � . . the Urited Cktirch with Mr. - 5 e Feast in h.olil"ys with his mother, Mrs. M. at the home of the bride where a success In every way. It w a fine . White, iCream, And other � . � . F,umptuoust - wedding' breakfast /wa6 evening and a wonderful tdt`111011t. The TO,WEAR ' - , I * I — I I . .. � ............... ....... 25c charge and the ministry of masw in White, -1. . - - ..-- 11 � 1. -- � .. : 1, , a. popular sk0ps. . , �.. - I I A 1111 ... 1, I . nerve& Mr. arid MM - Maloney wil I was very well given, everyone 6n. CAN EASILY , . 4, � �-,; . J �� ,� �L-- charge of the choir of the United e Mr. and, Mrs. WillfaLm Fahrar and " pay . . ,. . . I Me on the gr`00mrs faxin in M00� Joying it. The ladIeEp o Ild $$'95" � .. �­11 . R -Removes evOry� Church. - Morning sermon: "That A,. family, of Hamilton; Mrs. Fred Stade, Pes' �f the church I . .­'.. . I BE. - . I . $3.50 a a .� . . "I �T' -1 . � rJuag IiLl Shape Of grease. din- together,Uuparalleled Fact of History, Mrs. Hugo Hesch, Miss Nadine, of iOP. were delighted with the proceeda, - ,: I ,. . I I . i �,�;,-�' Maekage .................... LUG Jesus Christ." ,At the evening service Hanover; Mrs. E. Zubpr and Miss Dename - O'Rourke ,. Mrs, John E. McEwen, of Rengall, SAT 19FACTORILY -. STRING LACE DRESSES - � ... . . . , I 1,:�, Arnha, of Walkerton, spent the week- and Mrs. Mina Love visited at the . . ' , �11 W)RP HAND CLEANER and by invitation from Orangii Lily On-Mouday, June 28th, St. Patrick's . C'ol and lovely fok Summer , �: pe 1�st end with Mr. and Mrs. J. S'- Barry. � home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love� and 0 . I �. . , = ............. : ........ 26c Todge, No. 712, L.O.B.A-, Mr. Cburch-DubUn, was the scene ,of a . ' i 111� 13 a 7T will ghe the annuaJ sermom Sub- 9 Miss Mary Case, who has�, been pretty weddl�;,g when Margaret family. I IN . \ wear. $1 AS and $1.98 . . � I ,�,: , Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Jarrott and Mr. . . � ,�`� � -M- ect, "Of Our Faith Are Not visiting her parents, Mr. And Mrs' E' O'Rourke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. . I , - . JAVEL POWDER� akes one j ­ We OUR , "I ��111 -� gdIlm javel water .......... 25C Asbame&- ,other L,fte, in thi�� .vi_ C. C,Ise, has returned to Roxbury, N. Thom" .0%ourke, of Dublii4 was and Mrs. James Jarrott and Mrs' 11' - RE �. � Scores of Dresses , t h, at, - 1.�%..'., . Y.- - I . MCMUrtrle, of Kippen, visited with STO 4 � 11,i.. , .. I . wrilty have been -invited, 'Also the Mr. and Mrs. J, R. Devereux and un'ted',In- ma riage to Mr. Gaustlin Mr6 and Mrs, Ross Dick 'at, speak .for themselves re--. I 1,111. I MASTER FEEDS have been wonder- ,r_4;rls, Juvenile Band of London. It 0 Doname, of Zurich,. Rev. J. B. - . . Smiths, . .., ,I I . .. children, of Cincinatti, and Miss Hel- ville. - - . � , � 41D gardizig style* and season I lt�, � IUL. Try them and see! . ught to prove a service worth wbile Floulkes, po4ormed the ceremony. , 11 1. in every way and, more especially, en Devereux, of Chicago, were the Mr. and, Mrs. Gen. Dalrymple, of / - I . I.. 11�,: guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Devereux The bride was given away by her Chilsel-hurst, visited their dau,-,bter . .- � ableness, including . sheer I 1 .,.131� I- the assertion Of our, faith, Martia father and was gowned in. ivo . . . ... .11 1, ry Satin I . . . ,(��,�, A. C. Routledge this week. I and soix-in,law, Mr. ,And Mrs. Ward . chi ons. . �.,,.­ ­ I Luther's word comes to the fore: trimmed with white lace. floor length I - - I k , 4., P14ONE 166, "Wherefore it is very nee * Miss :Mary 4ackson, of Acton, and Forrest. � . -- f I 7�.,�. - I .. carried white and red. earna- '­ I @411S8 to $Blftl=- - , " ��i, 1. I essary that Mr. Fred, Jackson, of Merrickville,* veil, and Schools closed on Tuesday for ;the *L , W%7. . �"! I � ; . this faith be kept in continual pra,�- tions. The bridesmaid was Katherine � I I I 11 . . . . . �111 � � . I , , . . t;ce and Public ex6rcise." Heartiest are spending,the holidays at the home O'Rourke, wearing baby blue Chiffon, Summer vacation. -1 I . 2 . � I., 11 �,�";,:"J � Market Hogs! welcome to all services. I of their mother, Mrs, L. C. Jackson. foor length, with hat, gloves and Mr... -And Mrs. D. F. Anderson and . 0 * I I .. . ,, . I I 0 Mr. Frank Carlin, of London, was daughter, Pearl, of Varna, called on . . I,— - . 4�1 1, ". � I Faster *Gains! Lower Feed Con- - Gorwill ­Ros the guest of'his sister, miss Dolly `1 to match. She carried a single friends in the Vicinity. I I # I LL.,, %! - ��pfion. Greater Feediibg Econ- s-lu a setting of car- Carlin, ,on Sunday. spray of sweet p6as. Miss Mary � GLOVES — HOSIERY —,BELTS —, NECKWEAR T,,, � . nations, delphiniums, Peonies , and F(,a I le Played the wedding music. Mrs. . I � . t:�,,, . I I 1� . .. ,, ­ ��,­ 10my? The new Master Complete ferns, the marriage of Margaret Rob- 0 Miss Beryl Beckett, of .Sarnia, is CORSETS — LINGERIE- . . I A I - � .. ,j.`� . rs. Joseph Melady was the soloist. The .... W--.W� . . ,;. 1 Feeding System for hogs is sWeeping a ,guest at the home of Mr. and M groomsman, was Dennis Dename, bro- I � " son Ross, daughter of. Dr. 11 H. Ross - . I � 0;11,i�,,!�­,... Ontario? Nothing else but water is and the late Mrs. Ross, and Dr. John, H. C. Box. . . I ' ­ 0 ,,�,j. I ther of the gmom, of Zurich. The wed- WALTON ' . ,- Assortments at their best now. I . - 1, , .", �" � I ,r.eeded when you feed Master Pig A. Gorwill, son of Mrs. E. Gorwill,and . 0 Miss Mary Carron-, of Chatham., din . � " ,.,., I Marter, Master Pig Grower, Master the late Mr. Gorwill, ,Of Loudon� took is spending the holidays with he, g dinner was served at the Cora- . . . I .. ".1 . riercial Hotel, Seaforth, and approxi- . Something Special in Curtain Materials for �,our win- - k 11 , �;.,, -.. Pig Finisher! Here's how simple the place Wednesday, June 30th, at the grandmother, M r I � .,rs. W. J. .Jones. mately twenty-five guests were .pres- ' ' ' ;.1 .111, � Smith - Lewington . 1. .. ,;�41,,:� Waster Complete System is: Feed home of the bride's parent. Rev. J. 0., Miss Dolly Carlin visited with ent. TNe happy couple wilL live in. .. do4s, at two popular prices, ........ 215c and 59(: a Yard. - -1 �, Master Pig Starter up to 10, weeks, friends in Stratford this week. . � I 4 11 , � Gor-ill, of Gravenhurst, �brother of . Zurich where the groom has a Mi- I . ,��'.I� Then change to Master Pig Grower till the groom, an . * Mrs. Mrs, - A very beautiful wedding was soi- . ,�:e,', , Stewart McIn.tqsh. l I . I .: i-1. your pigs average 150 pounds, finW! ficiated. d Rev. H. C. Feast of- ery business. - Church, Wal- I �1- I I 141 - Miss Margaret, McKellar Keith Dillon, Miss Marguerite McIn- . I . emadzed, in St. George's I . . . . . . 'I'' ithern for top market quality with Played the wedding tosb, Miss Leona Nelson, Miss Helen tou, when Rev. John Graham united . I Q A 'Iblaster Pig Finis�er. Use these feeds music and ae- Wanemaker and Mis,s Mckrgaret Shaar � 0 -� in holy matrimony Gladys Eleanor, � � 11 compari-led Misses Alice and Joan . . I ,: 11 vwt. dry or in self feeders. Nothing Devexeaux who Sang, .., Love you of Detroit, are spending two wee,l ZURICH - . (I Ill 1-1 is' . Only daughterof Mr. and Ars. Arthur .. . I 11 1, 'else �but water is needed to produce Truly" duri:;gg the signing of the holidays at Bayfield. Oman Lewington,'bof Walton, and Cecil Mel. q �­, M&C'TAVI.0317TS '. he . A well -attended sti-awberry social drum, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Z I, . - " � ��. ,99 that will grade out at the, t%p- register. The bride, given * Mr. Jack Zimmerman, Of Milver- was held, in the basement of Urc�f I - i I I � ,., ,on the rail or ,�,n foot! Get full par- riage In mtaf- ton, is a guest at the home of Mr. 'the Smith, of , Woodstock. The - ch - I . . .11 11 - . by,her uncle, Dr. Sh"feri of . Evangelical ,tliurub I 1�,,�,. ticulars next time yo&"re in. I& and, Mrs. H.. E. Smith. - 0M Tuesday cv- was a. veritable. bower of flowers% �, � W. Bangor, Mich., due to the illness of ening. McKillop ,on, "Sunday June 20th,, Eliz- . Scene, outp,01A of �mptre. T�Iegram.. . ,... . , I (her father, wore a silk marquisette 0 Mr. Stewart McIntosh, Mr. Keith A number from town attended the which made a picturesque setting for abeth Hillen, beloveii wife of Mr. Jas. received: "Major Tough I Nutt, Ilon," 0 . ,�'. � � ,I, 1 '. the ceremony. Mr. R. Matthews,, of , ous Tues, litinter, met with fttal acciftnt." , I A -,C. Routledge dress with dainty rows of gathered Dillon, Mr. and �mrs. E. Reanie, of De- Liberal convention held at Hensall on. Woodstock, off4clated at the organ and H Morrison. On the Previ . 'W";', 11 �, . White transparent velvet ov t, troit, spent the week -end here and in Thursday. . . day Mrs. Morrison suffered a severe Reply sent: "Send body at on,ce.- - t �1.0­1 . . . er Bayfield . I pla,yed the bridal chorus from Lohen- ... I I . .. , I th ,�, grun as e ,bridal party. te ed the I ., � slit)- Her emh"�idered BrusffeLsauelnt 9 Mr. and Mrs. George -The Iocaljanior baseball team lost , en r stroke and in spite of the tenderest Later box arrives containing body .. I ­�. as I Mlls, and lovo and care, it -soon became evident of dead -lion. . . I ....... ..� R veil w caught with a tiara of or. to Seaforth ion Monday evening by 6hurch, preceded -by the two ushers, 4 j� . . .�, ange blossoms. She carried ,so ng that She could not rally. Although a Telegram, sent:- "Don7t want lioa� I �, � "; � , � .. Sweet, Mi . Rhia, and Mrs. Elizabeth Broad- the score of. 12 to S. The game wals Fred wid Stanley Lewi ton, brothers seml-invalid f.or several, years, her ill- send TOugili-Nutt.," I , I .;�., � I .not heart roses, lily of t foot, of the Mi" Road', a�re motoring played at Searorth. I 11.'R,� �; 1, I Mr orist , he valley aAd fbr� I , 1',� 1. I of the bride Little Faye Matthews, ness - borne with great patience and Reply ri�ceived, "Tough,Nutt "N'g"%,�,;, to Edmonton on July :tr,t.' in- () .."I�k�,.I�,,. , get"ne-120ts and wore. as her only Mr. C. Eckart enjoyed a feast The many feends of Dr. A. J. Mae- of Woodstock', mAde a,m,ost winsome C)hTIstian fortitude, sh.8 ,%%s ab to I 11 . ,, . ,� I. .,Lr�­. We are agents"for many of. the' adornment a lovely -tiger-eye 'ring, th� 0 . Kinnon- wiffbe -pleased to hear that flo lo a the on. � . I I .:� 1� gtJ4 I wer girl in a Kate. - Greenaway 1. ,��: p gift of the groom- Attending t,b of new potatoes ory June 2 which � . . I until tho fatal hour and - -� I ­ � N .CHdest and Strongest Insurance e . dress of pale ,green -silk net over go around I I a I ." I were grdwu in his garden. . . I � " , , �1, I Cwnpanies, representing both bride was Miss Helen Hamilton, her I I . taf- her keen interest in her fi�iend.E(, her 1. I . ,�. . . . feta, flnAshed with 'a Pink 6atin, sash 'home and ber church continued una- . � , I I . I '11, Tarliff and Non -Tariff, �.Vho are Cousin, 'Who was 9,Owned in a'pink . -10 I`0 PAM by 00 and carrying' a dainty basket a The young wife was. a little nervous . , " . . .."I,� �� . offering the' Lowest lkaid,s in, silk organdy redingote over pink sat- . fg&. 0 LLOYD'S S; . f pan- liked. Mrs. Morrison, the youngest *hen She gave bar first dinner pezty;-. t ,;,- . . history� . I - in with a large felt Picture hat. She I i $25 Reward T-HYMOLATRD -eS and sunset roses. On� hbr hair daughter of the late Mr.' aild"Mrs. "John, darling," sfio,sai& to ,her hus- I -- ...t. I.; I OUR POLICIES PROTECT . carried a Colonial- bouquet of blue CONSTANCE " I any ­ ­ CORN SALVX, fm She wore a pink floral wreath. Mika James Hillen, of McKillop, was band, repToachfully, !'do look attier I I 1�.": � --- c&rn '" =m"s TH]&Y c"not remOve, Bett-k Ballantyne, of Woodstock, made born a -early 64i years agbon the same, , �� � I I "�,,� 1- I OUR SERVICE IS COMPLETE cornflowers and pink rose buds. The. with two w9ndegful new 2d.tific prepara- d'ainty. bridlesmaid in. he ' poor Mr. Brown. He's helping bim- I I I Mr. and, Mrs. 'E. Williams and lion for CORN8 OR,CALLOUSR& it at. a . r floor Concession Oil which she Spent the . I I 1 UMM6 and ironviiw paW wiab AM s"11- length, -�dreg,S of -Pale Pink point self to everything!", � ,,,, �I . I " I �­'.-�� � best man, wii Mr. Robert Rided, of Valerie, ,of Brantford, and M.r. and Be"' - greater ptart of her life. A . � . I . �, � � WATSON-&, REID L(3nd , a college classmate ,of . _graduate 11r, � ,on . . � If,: . '114. A. REID - 'Proprietor the 14M. Oliver Ferguson visited at the cation- Vor.*aiv: �j�,, . . ' d'esprit,,trimmed with sky ll,lue rib- ,of .the Seaforth Collegiate when tije .. � I - I I.. .. 1- � k�", -.I . � , . I '' � 917'00111- The igrOom's gift to the best ,home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fer KEATINGIS PHARNIACY - Seaforth bons. Her hat was a large model in late Mi. C.' Clarkson was . I . .. I . . . r � I 1,'�,,: . guson. 1 17V " � - . � � . ,principal, . Cl,�'.,, � . Ph6ne 214 - : �: Seitforth man was - pocket kodak, and to the ' Mr. and Mrs. LeoStephe spent . : . . pink straw trimm:ed) with blue, and she taught for some Years In Colfi4g- I. 4 ?,:, . . 9,'-;-��. SPECIALfSTi IN ALL LINES OF SO1016ts and Pianist, sterling carved the weei-end in Guelph. noon 1 t � 'y". . silver sandals were worn. .She e�,r- woo . � . bracelets. After the ceremony a . I . - ­ - I ' I .d, Niagam Falls arid Lucan High I I ' � 1,'�4 INSURANCE . wedding dirin,e4. was serve rs. James Butson, Miss � . - Schools,, being married to,her now b&. ' � ,,�,, . . �, . 4 to the Mr. and M' ried an old4ashioned nosegay of I—_ ., . .�.. . � I bridal party and immediate relatives. * blue curnflowers .aad . ,, , I , "'I . I Dorpthy Armour arid Mr. Ted Chirl . Talisman roses, reaved husband January 1,, 1900. She ! I . . W. , ' I .��, I I ,9> .<> -C,. <> 0 .0. <> <> .:> .0 <> .�> Later the bride and groo ton, of London, visited.,Vith, Mr. and Watch For ill-- Miss, Ruby Tucker, of Wood. was a loyal and faith.ful member of il) ... in 1eft by I 11 I Farmells' I' ' , ­ Mrs. E. Adams. . stock, was the graceful mald of lion- Ca�yea 'United -Church throp, and . .0 I � - �<> I ,0 motor for a two weeks' motor trip to ' _ , Win . , ,::: 11 , d'Mrs. Leo Stephenson at- . .1 'Or g0wncd in, forget-me-not blue silk a life mem, x of the W M. S- Be- ; a: . Al r. an . � . I . I be , . ' , ' . - '41> &, T. Holmes & Son -0 Boston and other American 6tieo, . , 'net over taffetta with pink trimmingg. "Stol) loslag moneyowith t - , - , . . .�' . � tended the Gorwill . sides her husb )ur deep - I 1�10r her going -away ,outfit -Rose wedidi g in and,, to whom ( 14 � 40. the -bride C6forth -on Wednesd,ay of thasin . - V. ; ,, . FUNERAL SERVICE 0 .5 - week. sympathy is extended, there re- , ..,. � . wore a wine . Her hat was of matching mobair and est . I I . . " �.` � - A> Main treet, Seaforth 0 chiffon dress, white I 11 . "White. Magic," Mr sandals were silver brocade. he s ,two sisters, -' . . . ltl�'� , 44> . <> Shsrks,kin figger COat, silvei'lox fur -� - — also carriedi an old fashioned nosegay. Mrs. Jarhes Kerr and Mrs. Robe -an old cream se arator. # 11 I i . IM it 1, :,l d- and, a white felt off-the-fac . p . � T I<> S. T- Hoirries, residence -c> 9 hat. A I I . ..., . corsage of orchids completed he Os- I KIPPEN . . � The beautiful Young bride was escort. Archibald, of Seaforth, and one bro- I . I ­ , . 11 ��,11�' � <>. GOderich Street, West; phone -0 t e. The guests included: R r c I I I . I � ed. by her father, who gave her in th-er Mr. C.. A. Hinen, ,of McKillop" T' ..., 1<> No- 119-W, Charles Holmes' ev. J. ' `. �� ,,,, . �,; I : I .C> Announ6ernent marriage, and she made An *exquisite The'funeral, service, conducted. by, 1her . resi Street, <> rwill and Mrs. Gorwill, of Graven- 'and Mrs. J. Penfold announce CARDNO'S HALL 3 Pastor, 'Rev. Mr. Morrow, was held . * , .1 i � . Goderich 0. A saving ,of only a , 111�. . dence, , Mr- I Picture in ther- bridal gow, of whit .,, . . .1 I .11" .11. ,0 East; phone No. 3os. A:> rst;, mr- and M__ Hugh Berry, Mr. the engagement of their daughter, I silk net over taffetta. Guests wers from the family'residence,on Wednes- . t I . i 1 !,��, .,. � � '<>, Ambulance Service <> a d Mrs. William Berry and Miss Philippa Catherine, to Mr. Menno Present from.Milton, WOOdstock'vand day afteracon. to the I * few cents per milk- , "N": I I � A ice Sinith, of Brucefleld; I TUESD At JULY 61h ' tber points,. Maitlandbaink. � ... ", � - Adjustable ho§-pital bed for <> _ M1`§- E- Ste . � , ..�,� �<> I glile, Jr., son, of Mr. and Mrs. Men- � I �. . C Among the guests was ,.."" . �A> I rent. -0. Gorwill and daughter, Miss I cemetery.' Mrs..J, 'M. Govenlock con- , . . I .",-, " ,<> will, of London; Dr. a J'E�an GO' no Steckle, Of Zurich- The marriage - �K . I the bride's grandmother, Mrs. Lew- t,ributed a touching solo,- "The Beauti-, i � ��,, .Nipht calls, Phone 309,.� <> nd Mrs. Sbae- will take Place at their home at, west lr49t`Ou, Of MM014 now in her eighty- ful Garden,of Prayer." The pallbear- 3 , , at 8 P.nL .. I * ing-will pay for a � I .Iy� fer and son, Jack, Of Bangor, Mich.; M . �1 '40, Da& calls pborie 119-J. .0, ontrose on, July 17th. ' - . sixth year. �, I , I .1.; . .<> ChaTgie� moderate. 40. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephen�on, Kin- - I I . 1 ­ The Y. ero were Mess,rs. D. Boyd� R. Meft,- L . . I ..... I, I � ,FURTHER IPARTICULARS P. S. of Duff's hurch. held. lane, T.' Leemaing, " -ef�Q�, of List-owel. ' . . am . I I .<> . 12-3C? <> burn, Miss Sha M. Elliott. Will! I ,,� . I their closing meeting for the summer Johnston and P. Little. Some ' nf . I 1 <> <> <> <> <>,<> <> ,c> 0 0 <> <> Among those who entertained for the I LATER. ; . ., IiI "I � WINTHROP. I raOlIths in the auditorium of the those whiD atten . I I 9 , "I I --l'.... I bride previous to her marriage were ded from a Aistance New ' . � I :: ;-I.. � - - - I church on Sunday evening, June 27di, were: Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hilidn,'of I i ''. Miss Alice Pev6reaux a miseellan- 'rry '' `,- ­ ,�:,. I . " Be picking and haYir4g is the or- , ' - -- The president, Betty Drager, presid. Detroit; Mrs, Sharp% Mrs. Weiland, I , , I s shower, and 'I;W Margaret - I I : � 11 ". I . M Me- der -of the day. � . ­ � 11 . - I �� A> . . - . ed and the meeting.was opened with Toronto; Mr. and ]Mrs.,Roy Morripon,. I I . ,,�> Kollar, a cup.and saucer Shower. Schools have close tb . the Doxology and the Lord's, Prayer KitchelbeFr; haston. Mr. . :,�,­ ,<>' ,d, for , , ' De Laval " e sum- ­ I V H. C. BOX <> . Mrs. J. H. ito - . ��, 10 FUNERAL SERVICE <> :==== - mer vacation. The kiddles will mako GOOD EQUIP111ENT fc-Peated ill unison, followed by ,the and Mrs. George Johnston,, Mr. and , .1 ". I - -eY, hey" now. The teacheri- will. , , I sirging of a hymn, "Unto the Hills Mrs. Alf.. Johnstmi, Mr. arid Mrs. M. . ,) I., 11 14> Licensed Embalmer 4> LOCAL 19CIEPS - also enjoy 9, -few holidays , . ' Around Do I Lyft TTP." The, Scriptare ElliOtt, Varil)a;' ,Mr. and Mrs. Will 11 , . * - -,,,� I ,� � "> Ambulance Service - <> - The garden party 'held at Cavaq I makes a Good far.mer Better i,ou, 1,ove,bs- was read by St,i,,'-t Jelly and daught,er, Mr. and Mr�. Mor. Sep­ar�tor . I'll . I . ��:t. , , I<> Hospital Bed <> 0 Miss Frances Weekes, Of Toron, Church list Friday night was well at. -McCORMICK,- DEERING FARM Brya,ns; a quartette by Messrs. G'po. ris 1017, Mr. and, Mrs. Arthur White, . � 111�,�. � i , - . . , `��­ . ,<> Tnth adjustable rachet ,oper­,,4c> to, is the gueit of Miss M. W. Mae- tended. The program was enjoyed by MACHINERY and EQUIPMENT Ramsay, John McDonald, George M,�- Sh-elbourne; Mr. Jame, Elliott, Mrs. . . 't`;' - ,<> * ated spring for rent. <> kay. � all. I offers every I i new Impr Arthur and Kenneth Ritchie, sang Alex- Morrison, Mr. Radcliffe, At- We carrP a. complete line f - , ��` . ovement I- I .1 .. 1," ,<> Night Calls Day. Calls �0, 0 Mr. Ho� �ard Kerr, of Oshawa, Mrs. Sparling spent a few days available and renders unequalled "Almost Persuaded." The treasurer's wood; Mr. and Mrs. Priest, Mr. and. . ,I � I and Mr. Leslie Kerr, of Tor witb her daughter, I of De Lavall Separators I " 11 ,<> Phone 175. Phone 43. -0 -onto, were Mrs.. W. Elliott, of servfi�e anywhere. . .� report Waa given by 11�qrbert Trav!ss, Mrs. McEweri, Hensall; Messrs. Peter � 11 - I , �: I, , , .. 4c> i2-afi .c> week -end guests at the home oftheir Wallateville. ' Buy Genuine.J.H.C. Machinery and -Af,ter the singing of the hymn, --c)n, and Harold Doig, Mrs. AsMon, Mrs,. and parts. I I I . I. ".., I I *<> -0 <>.<,> ,10; 0 <> 0 �0 00 <> Parents, Mr. and, Mrft. James Kerr. The road will sloon be all paved to Repairs from your'Local Dealer ward Chzisti,au Soldiers,- the - spere- Ste-aurt,--Fordwlch; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. I . . i �,��:�, - . 0 Miss Alison Feast, Of N,edharn, SeFt,forth, which will be a great im. . I tary's report was given by Beth Shan. Morrison, Mrs. Win.. Ross, Mrs. Jar- , �O'�., . JOHN-BACH non. The offering was received and VfS, rClint-; Mr. and Mrs. J. H, ,Gal- Easp term, S ­Call on -us I �1 .,q ,I , Mass-, is spending the holidays with Provement, I . I , 'I", '<>'<> <> 'O <> 0 '0� <> <> < > Z<> <> her parents at the Manse . Main St. SEAFORTH Phone 17 sn antbem, "C"Owll Him" was give, bralth, Mr.'and Mrs. Geo. Muldoon, for a demonstration . - -1 ,", <> '�> 10 Mrs. Perley BanburY, Of Winnd- I .. .. . a6z4-tf by the ell-oir under the":Iea�lersihip 0 Brussels; Mr. , ra. R t. - I . � � ! ��' , — I f � . 1��­ , �<>- -0 . and M Ob John I :i WALKER'S peg, is a guest at the home of her . Ille organist, Mrs. stane, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Johnstone, g!.,�. I I DUBLIN . � . Harvey Brown Blyth; Mr. o,nd I . 0 .1 I .,��,, I"> FUNERAL SERVICE <> lather, Dr. F. J, Burrows. - " Mfs� Ma;�garet Cumn'2ng Offered pray4 i io, -- Mrs. Elmer McDou. . .. I, f , � ,,U�! 0 Mis8es Mary and IMPORTANT NOTICE er arid, Rev. Mr. Cosens gall, Mr. and Mrs-. H. Youngblut,' Au- , �. I'V "". <> W. JiWALKER and .C>. DOrothY Lee, Father John McConn-ell, Of �- I I 4if dllnb�n, . ... I � "I ' of H49ibgate, were the week Seran- ACCOUNTS, NOTES Euve asplendid address O'll "The Mo -1- burn; Mr. Ed. Elliott, Mitcy�ell; -Miss F,2- �4:> JOHN R. WALkER, Jr. .0 -end guests to", Pa., is svending -his vacation �t I VTL Youth," - " "'i I 1'i I.,. ,C� Licenswi Embalmers and <> of Mr. and Mrs. K,M. McLean. C0. which was much appri,,cj- McEachreD, Mt. Forest. The flower I . ! I - i 6 I .. � I 0 Mr- W. C. T. morson, of Toronto, the home of his Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Our collectiffid department i atied. A duet ,was given bearers were Messrs. S. Hillen, R. . I ��,!�,�11 <> Funeral Directors., -�> . a. re- V Mrs. Col �, , .. t" I i D, Mcconmell. suit of years it Flngland and Miss Ml,gare Patrick, B. Hemingway, .. 0 F. a . �,,� I" 1, 11"? ,(> Day or Night Calls Promptly <> s a guest at the home of h s daugh, of successful :xperi. t Hab- ..Earl Ross., - -- I v ter, Mrs. J, H. Best, in kirk Of 'WilathraP. Afte- the use of Axma�n, G. �, �cl' M�> , 6TI , Mrs. Hunter, Toronto, is with her, . I I y ' I I . . aft aedl. <> . Ime colld6fing local or out -of. Charles Woods, Herman, r �,".' , ,,<> , 0 Master Buddy Clark, of Montreal, mother, Mrs. Real(>, Johnstion, W. ': - 4 1 Your Anchor Hold?" n PHONE 102 Seaforth �, PHONE 67 <> town accounts., the- bymn, "Will Sholdlee, Ed:'Godkla, A i !." , "� 'Mr. and Mrs.. James Hanley, Toron� � Rnv. Mr. Co,r�ns close,I ,, . � � . . 10 22-36 0 Is spending his holidays with bis - No collec,Ion, no charge - . he WhIte, M. Jelly and Reg. LItt14. i " 1, to; and Mr. Pat McOQ-.el,l were mebting .; :­,;� ,<> -4>, *, 0 0 0 <> <> <> <>.0 0 grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. j. C. week i with the benediction. . . I - �11%1 end visitors at their're'spective homes. Mail your list of accounts to -day to I . . . I . I Greig. ' � . I Mr. Jim Murrav . 1, ,,; �,� - I . I I . Who has, been v41- " �11111111 . . I � 11 J.'� ,'� "'Ir", , . � I . I * Mi" Bess Grieve, o Mr. Fred Forrester has purchased , � ' iting-with Mr. and Mrs., Ke th *Rut. . 011111111111111111101111mminw, ..., � f Chatbarn nue I I . I I I ... ,14t . , a beautiful Buick car. Burke's C011eCting AgenCY b-690, Toronto, haS ret,i-ned home. . � III , �. I ! 11 I I .., VRE?&KILLOP MUT C011egiRte staff, is "Pending the boli- 'Mr. Ted, Car-rall spent the week- (License 176) Mr. and Mrs. . . I 0 71 1 �11 � UAL ­ '' - * 11 ... :, IF. Rutlp " 0 1 - " ,(!ge spent. ­: E INSURANCE. COW. -4 Mrs. T:, M. Grieve uP-4&Y fn Toronto and .p,,t Hope. - �,� .1 ys at the thome Of her Parents, Mr. end at his home in Guelph. kEAD OFF1691,; SEAFORTH, ONT. S - I , I � V,f.- , " . ,WM and � I §V,l ,,, i ��� - �, ,I!,��"- . I 'T, FO � ----- Mrs. Lloyd Port I 14": I . I . 6r, of Brussels, h,ave . � I I �51.!. I � , . .. . — Mies Horrigan, spent a fe . w days in � -. �, rel Urned, hom . . . � in � I Vi�:,., � . Miss Ella Elder Is holidaying at .� � - 3618ria Mr. Joseph B911nett and ft litE,,?., A� I , NT. po*rt Severn. . ug I .. I VIV E . O- Miss Addie McDougall, who has St. Marys, recently. . . 6r visiting i-ela,t1rt;,, Re. . O'pen, , f ,I . .. e aft I .. � - " - 11 �..,. I . I �1 , I ., . 6PPIOMS: b Maloney - Flannigan . THE SECOND I 11, 9 (' I 1, �;,", 1, .. ," . set' the guest, -of the Mis,let, Brine �, I DIVISION I In London and St. Tho,,n,,,.. . . � .. ;,,I,,�.' I I . . 11 � . M llr0g( I e CbU AT Mr.. and-Mrsf. . . I- 141. 'Aft N -00t, 3 Sb$06rth - Pres. and:�Othor relatives and fri nds, left St. Patrick's, Church, Dublin, -ware JO6, Dav'lds,on, Lon, *11 21 111�". . .;, 11 , N or, Bru , don, and' Mr. and Mrs. Th,osr Watson, I r� " - � route to her home in the scene of a very pretty, ,wedding COUNIV:'Or utyftot4 i�,,� i',,��. Wfti v4d, SeafOrth - Sec.-Treas. Regina. on Tuesday, 1une 29th, at 9 o'clock Offire in qdj�hofttfidoft Mink Build- � ")I St- T60111aS, spent the -week-end I . I � � tb 'A, - , I c6field - Vice-PreS. this week en - Yoh are Ifivited to Ingpect The Niw Store , I. . � , t'l!". " , ­ , . - , - . .. , I " �WvNTS,, �, inir, Seaforft Office .hours: Tues- W�Itb relatl%res. . . I , , . ­\' ' ' . I . I 1.1 1 4 047 , I �. i .1 . 0 Mr. Ryerson Hartry, of Wealand Wilien Theresa, daughter of Mr. anas d . " � v Ila , I ?., , ,;­,� � - �� . ny, Thutgdp d So 4y, 1.30 P.M, I if . �1, , , T. � I- TA6Xerch IP .spending t,he holidays at his hom� Mm. James Flannigan, t w Mr. and Mrs, A filke New Stock ofieln I "k #1f, IL.P- 1, Dublin; of Lagan =Jr = -7.90 p.m. - Hoy and Mr. eTurnisniffird f i, ­ 2, , ev , I and I I - � ­ ­ , I % 50. ,�k ­ , � I . .L 11 9� - I ".. ., grdc,edeld,; E,_R. Jarmouth, here. I Townohdp 1wasi u matri- to 9 P.M. ip� ,I- . . William XeHY, arid son Jimmy . . I I . I . . . ''... 1 1 Niw.s, . I . I,,, , � 214ted, In holy I , I . . ,,,, I *,!! I s;srnt Sunday 1D Port Alb . �� % t i" '�� " '4t" Watt 131*,ft; 0. P. I 0 Dr., Shafer, of PAngor, Mleh, is a 1110" to i?mtk8i Malon,ey, ,.,, of the 11 I ert, . � �, '"ne code- ' M Milton yo g, of 4�111k-'� �­ # I W. `J, y", 91flest at the home of nil, H. H, Lgoss. late - -Mr. 9nd, Tdm Patrfek I , J r. , and �Mrs: , , , See the " her e -Minint., Tom Thumb Piahm, g'g'�, I 1'11�1" " , 11 � ". * Mr- 0. A. Jackgon left Wedri,e,,. or. Maloney, L C. C�!AVBERLAIN ' C'nomarty, and 'mr. 2�nd ul, . . I I ck " I '.... I. is,1�6'�!...­ . . I I rKillop Towns-hil). Rev. J. 13. , Mrs. ltd. I ' �� � �,�" � I- 'I - M-'" 10ming for Quebec, from wlier,o Fro lies, 'Dublirt, berfhrmed the cer�.e- throy, gpen,,. , F I , . .q " -, 0 "t " ,'i,!� ftg� "i m '' pne, ii 41 ), I " I � .; Seaforth lrowO gM� ft'Mdly, 46?*Stfa 1. /�'N, ( I I., d,eo � be,gails for- Enr,np9,.,Vlsltin . Y.- =88, -MATY'BoAle, orgari!Aj of . I ;� '111 . ,. �. the week-Ohd with Mrg, Thos,. youn ' . � I . " I 1, I k ' ' " �, 11, � I nsurance 0 Friday and. Saturday' July 2 and`3 - � � ' 400 - ' 9 Denmark 2p* ANNOUNCE'S I I . , I . il �, "I 4� ft.0'X' t -1 I.. . I I 11 "I, A I I V" -I rgjh'; *(3 140r*dY, Sweden and RU the cht1fdJ1,.pJgy tfiis Wedding MU the arelwo 0 , 0 - - I , . . 9. 1, , . I � 11 � I � . 9 - . , , 4 i 1"$nh1fte6 lifisinem I I I AW", A . ames mn" 891a, and' wIll , gle, Adtat therin4ditou df w��400� , . ­ I ,. ., . 4 ? ;",� 41tallaw, IMOXW10 , I I - ittedcovoly "wriod. 16ft mablas� ui� ##, t1vio 0ni&6o&d s6r,. - . . I �. .I- I. I 11�1 I FURNIT I URE ' I ft. F4W'huA1;ftg W(ime� I ., � ". " I , avand, a. month In, Eftv,Aild before � Th . I of A e 'fi 11 . . i", bmw�,�' iwt� *6,"fwk , 46 6 b4d-6,' who ,,��Aa, Ov611, q�#4y ,,y —Ar —mpntdi&� to,our pirmous Jokellf. -1 , � , �, ..I 11 01 -her faffi,ef wu .. , , I 11 I ILLO 1, 0" � , , , , i I � I *1 � � I W� Im R I I q : I I I, I I , � � I gi "ft In All 1100,� 1 - - . I � I XeK P ,, - � ��,�. .., L - I I . - WOO,- L , I . I .. "L I . �� � llir '001 A dud gi),ftj, I . L. - I " , . , ift0ldii - lough tehihg . I I . � .� .1 - 116 �1;,, g, atd - idar, utj�­ StAFOAT I I � �� . 01111111ift I 1� I . .. -, , , "'IC -11, i6 , it f1hil *ft", 'ifia fteo� . 01'- ` 4.,,,,� ,�.60MAIO - - ..m . jul , STOJJnNE ' . ,,,I,�,�, 441� I �, �: *,,Xwo, k. 0. mealo-tand, It It,ory SA11i tHmimed? with 1"o, floby, 111111ilimilliwilvell", � �- -- , . I .1 10, X 041 , 'I 0 T, I , J,W Iq,.14oftJ ' ' L ... . , I �, � !A pog, , - :� , h is , -11,", I :,: I , 1� - I I , � .. tg�j WUP�.A �, �., ".0 W Il ig 7� . 1, ) �,Imo 1 t i L� ,,meb. '­',� 4 I . I ,I I " #W,pb4. 'W,6j*, *66k ,, 6gd� �t",; )ft4e 'ftftiddl A 1$t).t1d,flet, ,6f � W I j, ­ . � 66h' I . I 1. I . I I ��'�:, ­,,�,'I`;�­"?' 1 g4 . � I , , I �, , K " . . , gi!t' , 1 1, I 'I, . , " I , �'11�1 �` " L ,� �� ' 1 .4 , Julo* � 0 1 )i�� :,',�,�,­,�: ,��,,41­,' , � -*,� " � ,% '4' ' ., I , i ' .1.1 .1 I - � 1. I ' -kl: ""�' 'J' ­ 'Ll � L , 1.� � Il,,� ,�� �' 1� ... I '­ ". .11 :,",' . 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