HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1937-07-02, Page 7I 4 , I I , I , I , I , I I I I I . I I I , I I , I . , J , I . I , . I I . , 4 I � , I 0 I I, ., I I :t, , . I I . ef, ]_ i�:! 1`1_�;­! i- , 1� I � ,;1 A�7 � "� A , " , %�'. 11. 1�1,?,,?�,17 . 1- 1. � , I ­ , - � ,,�� V I,` �, ­­ ". , ,:41�r- , ��'� , kt1I1&1 Au" u,''.", �­. R , .11 �, . � 1. . � . . 7�k,F�T"-!, �,� ;1 - . . �� %M, A ` X%;, --� P��il'4 1 1 ,� , '4 , � , rll� '_11K'0!1;, 0&,IR, �� g4�,; 11 . I.TT"..., I­111.1'111�, ,"'q , . ...... , ". v'.. - (,�,-,, . � �� ... �,j'�"!; i , ". I . ..7i , "I I'll; 6`�11�hl i _1 " 11. ,� "k ... - : , k �, . �,`RIPI . I, �, " 'g, �1�,,`, V ;,!; :�,,,,,� I : , I . _ , , �� , ��,,J ��"­ ,. I , ,, I �; p: 1,$',�� . 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I I - �, I 11 , P, , . ,,#, wg, IiO i'4,,'g I � !, !: 1, 1, 4 ,. � ..h ,, �� '' � , , , " .R � 11 : '! , 7 0 I . � I # ..""',"AR 10"_". I WWI' ­ . . *00 -.111, ,� I"'J", � , � . Ow "010'ar",14 . , , �' � �� , F, N411.0" l0o . I, _ , 'k,�,, . Pq MR � ,,, - -9,4 lw_�K', O."e; I,% 4�0`ftl 1 V �,b, � I N .1 P� �, - __ �. I , . - � , I I I: -�,;,, , �, , _ I _ . 1; ��, ", -�,. " �', � � � I I 1, , . .1 ,__ '', ; � I . :.­� � � � 1 . � . il . ��� " , �-I; — '��. . ., , , ,., I 'i � A*N�" 0111441 510-141 , �` I a krl�'5 W � 11'�, �.� � q ,. I � "'T T,1�111r, . I . � , K 'I" �?111 I 1,1i . � . �':� ,,'� , -'.. r , I . , . 11,1K4 R � 1w, .Q,M�T�,: . I ,. , , .1 �� �k� �­ � - ., 11.1 ", �, .', _ � _. '. ,. ., , . . 'I, I .� ,�, 1; � -,:;; 1. U, 4,1,,,��11, i ., iI'J,R7A ", mn ... I , '�,�P,� '�,!,.),��, _ -.1 10 , 15";;'! P,!XV;1vA.""t.'-,:�J , pit� , . " "' � j­r�': . .. � 5A I , I'� I . . . I .. " � 2"" .1 _F '' 1 _ - i �11 . . . I'll. � .. I , , , , . ?I', . , "O").Ff, , I iij .111. 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I I, � �'­'­; . . . . . . �� Ilt'.,::.�-.111,111.�:11""""T"lf"''�",F",."���, . I -_ IFI- i.-�.11�,-�.,.:"".�,�,�..%,."?�,.��,l� I'll. � � ...... "i,- , �' IS- �, R 11,"J Mt%&", -',U;,;, 11, 1�111,,Iifty.,�,;," . I _1 I I I � P �;_� "'�!,!: ­. � AW.M%, � ."WAM10 , �"!'�' , �11 .1 , in ft ,,; 5 I "' 'I " " --1 'I"" I"' ''IL, ­­ .- ­ ­ 1. 11 , I'.. .�� 11 ­­-­,.'­'�,!­­'­ ­­ I , 41v .... 11 I 'y , " � . �_ I � ­ � %T,im � .111, , "'im , .''d ­ . 11�1'1,­' . ,� ` ,,,�:�'��t ,V.", 41 1,109w; tip4t- It., . , 'Wf,­ --"A _,r 1. �: , , ?,�?:J " I , , , , J.'sTufm 4OLIMTORS, ETC . . - ­:. ­ ,.­ ­ � r ; - 11 P"W ,, 0 , � "' , �@'.','�, I .� , I is"R I 1, I ,,,7,� , - " , . I I . I" 11!-�, — � ,,, nm, k; !,,,'�,,q­ I., . . 1� . ... I (.0 Ina I , ,4 , ;, �,f MAU— I ­ - I . �.t e , . , 1, $1 ' L 1* 1, #QUUced on , AA OMAN �, . � I : jjot­�*ie�), , , Mr., - anvers, -kioa Q� *40 in`*,n�ai wt: -, � � " " I i : "M , �� % I , ��, � � I - I M_r� �� �, , _ 'I; " . . - LbFTU8 X, PANCEY,1 K-04 '' . , � I _1 j: -;,. OU114. _ - . . .11 'Wre'"'M10I t4 tw-FIM, 41, 1�1. I 64,1,14 IR -1,11 . . , , . � . , �y� " � . �r - .11�,M­ 1 I'M L R. PRV w, �11 I , � .. .11 lit I � Alb" , , , W.", - I I , . , ft,amr-jA09 �: ", 11 5t, I" . . " 11,11.9"' 5,#'-1 ­ T1 , I �,,,q­­' - .7"W IZ � .0 accord AVA 4, 4 .J W, A%hj T#pp y,ou'are Dord 100grt"' At viorw0um 0WOSW;�"o'k po-u-mi", : 4A.'.1500404 VRR'9900 v '' S4�4, . , , _ . ,. Wavers! -,00; pro 09 : 'k orae. ls� ja_,�, � bab,1 . 0 , _ � k with *A . ad: , 1, A a 11 � IN 4. 0011"Opy . - !�d . , ., 10.1" ." nifter deserted -the allIAK 1. , 5,r, and. brother 1,11 � Aijp� mft v41dd Rupert 440i"tak -an it 10T. =_00 WIR" ,�.hll �, . "' "�� = - TA .., � - " niil�,*. tim.'s . ue,.alr,, believe . I �.�.!M, � , r . - BRUSSELS � - great tront ,,,my 4110iortu otively. , -��. Wed it, At WWI __�: j IV IF , _ I . . GODERICK - , hurried injolbp� bAll, .1 , , . .�� , 1�111q�g !Ifl� . �r il� ,,, . . ,4e "A44r.1 44_-eW 'to t, wpy �T,T.�, ,.Pmw W_ Wlp, ;,,4 - - . , I , I : . � @ ,, 1 �t, . 3-31 � __ __Mr__.X 11._� HOW 'he , 111111­,�,� ­ .i, , � -�QPQU ,.td ipt . avv -dil--W,-"L,,�--TA,en---;mm-*,,ww..Mjk.- .: � , -1 I I., " et - - � 'I .. , '. , " _� , ,� ,,,, ; . , ' ' . 4. 0, anid h6, made , - . ,�a',�V,;­��FF',, � , . . - ---.-.--.-. ­­_.... ­ - Aq,qr_�StODd ' Lwhat_ --ta­kW -1 -,tl - * 0 oove r me, drink . - "I". 1� r - ,�­ �1.-f.-, , , �_4 _W , I � � -7-- �i----- ­:� ­ . - - --k- ---- : . 1 ,4 _-I. Q_Ilftqe� ., ' ___4 I-deiaana�, ow ,a anoo - - taw -,W - jt�. 4440, '' I . , I i - ,Okrt" 'a I � " I , , . i . . . ,. I I I . . stepped. -bis Qrace.lof Avon, e+�*Aut In 'Sald, Mr. "Whetre Is, . I 11 ".. .. ,; i, I i . . . 14�vors. . my, nearest choir , F%- im WIV, � � X,�F. ' k � . .e '. ?".: � * ", W�igh,! Con , he 44,041 ft?'�:', Pigr , �'Pj��4,W'ba U LW,A,V(,;1W# , "r,�.!­" a otiat'of fin -purple, velvet, laced _ � , , �Y_ . .1 ,,, J� .11,1111, . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - I'll � . . . . - "'d ,. .. . . . ' roan . � � . "Takenf-tAliou i�y hk#p to France, '*Ash I W -bat tb'e4?'- P' ' * Att,rVA; 0410:ol _q . , Axw , . 440 � " il , , ::- �1111­1­ ­6&t , I I W, "h gold, ,a. Wlauy�Caped' gr . ., Wwb_�,_ ­�.'�I­! ;�:�'��_,`T-­_r� 11 K,111 11 11 �1 ,� I I ELMER,P. BELL., B.A. ,Coat, "I-filivenet the least idea" sald.,I�Is air? Ob.. dtlq moustriogs! it's mon� ",* anything moral:". ft','Q,, - � ,4 4ra brobsnd � . ­­�i� _,j'R'Wg,(41 ' . I � . P ,.� .''! -',,. �: . - I . over �all, wom - carelessly. ppen, "d gTrace placidlY. ' 111. am. not even sure strous!" ,. , . . _ turi,ie -, 11 lx�.k'�, ,­ . -� , � $_ "N'Ir& L - I -, ,­Si� I'll, - 11,1�, j " ­­ �.,, . W'Iook at�Yhe clock qu tho Ma . ino 1 v I Succomar to John H; Best polished topboots, - on Ills Teet, He *ol ' 'a e swoke "%4*1,�Auai �lle r� 4's,"," 01 . I 1. . that,l know what you are tEolking a� "For Giidf k A �� be-qp , _ _, �­ Mllli tk I . . I I . paused on the threshold and ral, d boav, . . � . ' ,Pm. qx- piece., and frowned,,. "Moa Dieu, what- tated. Waileing at -3,4& 40 Ills"', 1W "'Ill V77771111 M �11'1. . I � plicit!" begged deriv4I "Why has Is thig'? I to-'the'-ploex, � . . " . 414. 1�x � Marriffter, Solieltoro, Notary Pu011c�. his eye .4,, .It I She weat' 4nd Moro div bent ,or.jer-, h 'ilil �`, "' gi, � , ,, , %�r,,, L,,uut ;Apek­�, - I ,tqu i to. spr4ey the Me4vW, as. - -,Falth, I'm sure I doWt! " chuckled, SOlUt-VITO; run off with1l"T,00nle? He regarded, t A 1 U%pe,dz�,J�n! 1 i-,.,_ ­.L 0 , glas.q ,. � ,, " .. 6 r . . .... - . ,ha . I � J, I I fleaflorth , - Ontario I '11),ear,­Me!" he� said, laAguldly., "An Werivale. . I . .d not even.see I fixedy. "Sotter. 0114'ad- ildr breathing WA titeb, A, ". I_ , # ,,,;�,. ;i I . . . ' , 1A , �r.", 11 AM! � . d')Ky roan, horse, re is it? "on the contrary 11 s4ld Avon, 1%e It wits " .him ftearat � " My unexpe,6ted bopour� Your ladYalilp's a hoi!,';� drestsed it, "How can you ,be no -on? the road, abuttinO, 'Pho, , ,­ �`�:# 1, L .W 12-8111 61ri Wbe' I iroon when . "�i "I , �', I t". 1� I J I I . , - , he Made me = � - I I " 4 . ift-toted aervaut.." Answer ine -that!" I � . xje(mlle, 1:1 " MIt"I", ,.� , " , , , I . ' Ithdtiti n,,ndi -� 1_m � � ""r4M,141*rl�11;Ti, ,: - I I -, has seen her - tiaMs, " that evil, pig-wask Tu no :4 -the melee wIthd4t,,:.-%-W41 IS I . ,�",�,"�v;,A,�!�,�,�'P.7,�-A,.Wp"?.F;;�M'', - 11 i � "Ohlortil!" said, Merivalis, for all,the "'I fear You will. beve to hold me Jeanifer,rose to -her 1`6�t a', I ;; I L' , , ,,, � I . . world like a Iraeful boy. . .P - � . . 1. .Cautiously she o#.e. a I f#',� M410PAW I . ", . excuftd,"- Said the Dake' "I know , "Gh, Sir, he WEI not 161rm her.; � - The steady tiekingL gave hei the - __ � i . . ', :1he i d ,,Q�at-tt . X4-14�, 1�,% .... I . , � . orj ,; ,;'I:,I� . ?. , .. ,.. . I . to I - , ?_",.'It,"�;�`t', "",.!."� .. . I - The, MOU "'Ab',`,,I# 0013. '�_�Q.l 1".. I ...40 , ft" . d fiery ' -horse. in fact, "NO, the will not hAi=-' 114, my SbJ& Pu� her b6a'' on one aide. slipped ,out, emu Iow , I � I , , Iq . . . . . . . . - . I VETERINARY � His Grace's lips quivered, but Jen- nothing about your, ,v . . . . . 'OP11 . . I I rou " $04 , _ _ � �., I "?� � . '4 . i W. far lilushe red. Merivale I am not_at the momellt, Interested ladY," Avon repIffed, amd"ibere was a S�, and .ntr, , , . fr"j:..'; � "' I—, ,ti,. �­ .1 . . . . 11 In your, llorse "C$omment? Voy6w, I do tot un- were At the'litorses '�mlofeqp �f ('�1�4f4` 'I?, �P. - . . . . , " AA _ ,,,'�­T 6' ,- 7 �� 11 � ,,.�,�,7,�� ­­, 7,7&10� ""'. ''I . 4 � TmveA=,F -tG .t-1,9 ;,:, �', L I . ", - r I ", �F.��',%� u- � one Of , " NO' �"" A,ifi,-"Wwww, ". I . I � � - Mr. Manvers raised 7Xis fists heav- be no time for -that. 194 has Rupert eyes widenea --- od'A= I in to�m6rrow?'! - Vie; Plunging leaders, Bent alot, On by - ,,,, _ S. "YOU must deem this an unwarrant - re _�A e , I f4ght by I A. R. CAMPBELL, Y. . went, forward. . I -roan �T otherwise.', glint In,lils, eyes. "You e, the � will derstand thfa at � all. . -6nfe , .h r Vitre .was hiddew f!rom her � �_,;, T; , ,, �0�. party.� 1 4thiookiw" :, , " ,_,, ed, Intrusion, Duke," he began atiffly. eawards. � -1 hard, on his heelw--and'!ine." she,wondered, - '7 am In to-morrOW ! most double- She tied down the, road, � tiI-46,,gn 'vi;� �,,,,%, '� I , ., � �.ou .k�f , g 11 craftate of Ontardo veterbwT 001- ,,Not at all,' bo -his Grace. "I "Interested In it!" he spluttered. 4'Yoifll go?" � _4 !, , lil logo, Univensity of Tonmto.� All dlf* I plr, A�!A, F11 ,;1�iW,F7,J,,- , , ed." ,.. "I . Tlhat . mian Made me go to sieeii,. and keeping to.. the difelli, and coming 'Yousithink 'rd, run,: T wM,-a', ,* lai,,. I , ... - "'My horse -has been Stolen!" '�Of course I shall. gq�' Follow my I have &I-ept All day,and ndght! Sacre presently upon, a gap In . the high ' easy - fC*t j%,., 'XIMAXII-MV1, , ", eases of domestic animals treated by am cbarm _ _ � gr .. ­� . � *U',mmet modern principles. Charges Merivale returned the bow. "You have all my sympathy," ya� , example, and, Place Your trust in blue, hat I am angry with that man! he4ge, Pushed lier way through,li in- tale,,for"'the 1ov*`,,9 J'6101(,..��A� ", I � 4 .� .* I 11 ,t 11,101 ,�, �1,1'� .1;1� I'll �. I . I " .111, ... I, ��� 4,; .1 reasonable. night, calls . "'I was summoned to Madam Field's gd,bis Grace. ,,But I fall to see what Rupert. It seemis, I sbiall live to be I Am\ glad that I bit him. Doubtless to the field, beyond. ,She wao dliXIden, , nd ord, �sltpj�p&aui I " I Day or . , The as I , . 4�0` assistance," he sai& "Otherwise I concern It, is of mine!' grateful to him yet.", 1, -he means to kill, me, but why? Per- now from , the road, but she k ,�TU,p, I Wemptly attended to. Office on Main , new his lordaiip,, aud�,,'44'-".,.-,19)9,��,u"c�,tw.Agx�, VN I',, ," __ � �, 1� 01�i 1� ,Uuu9_ZA "L' ',,� should not be here, believe Me." Mr. Manvers thumped the table. . "Alastair, What in. God's, name does haPs RuPert-will come and save me thatat any moment Saint -Vire, Might orde slid, - to theI g�ow; i"" " "" , W 111 $ fiftr0at, HeUMIL opposite Town Hall- .Leisurely the Duke divested him- . "Stolen, Sir . , by- your brotper, Lord all this mean?" demanded, Me vale. but I think that I will save, myself, dls6o,v�er -her es I �.- �1; I : ;., � 1� . I I 34mue 116, Breeder of Scottish Ter- . ri cape,and sheran, on, trembling. ", ...0- .-, iself of this greatcoat-, and shook out Rupert Alastair, this very day!" "Rupert ,himself a I . I . .; � lnom . , , � 1. � 1A , - " �. I x� "re was a and not wait for Rupert, for I do not dizzy and, trembling, back along th� ­molv Dieu _­­ file� ... , ,vit"P41"gl � , I hi Ji I what�� " 'es_.caP,%­,-, �I wifts, Inveraess Kennels, Hensall, 'bere ". 1. _--t-P, �_TtM_3_44:�,' . . . 12-86 a ruffl�es. His words brought aboolle a sudden mystery as, soon as he -saw Leonle,s want .0. -be killed by this Comte." -She Way they had come. looking wildly the landlord.- "Th- �� o.,A. ,.", � '. I . . , , , .. . .ww.01 . '�." 1::, I � �� .� "But shall we not repair to the silence. I I likeness to $aint-Vire.­ . . w , , , * �..��`, ­ . I considered. "No, mayihap he does noi round for some hiding place. The field Heetor! . Take-.- mweuro,l .I 11.0 ­.At'. , , "At, ;..4 '� . — . wst, -,.;,, � I'll, .... . . ' withdrawing room?" - he suggested. "Continue!" requested his- G.17.6ice. ,"So Rupert saw thiat?%I appear to want to kill, me. But if he does not s�retohed away on eltilper side; the 14p bear him %�:,` " � ,- kha-M4,t�,�`.,'?��" me W ., ... .i . gi�est., 0, 6f I'll, , �. . "You are saying, I think, that you ,,you interest us now exceedingly. diuvis Underrated Rupert's intelligence. -Grand, Dieu, can itt be that he elopes . I I . ��A ., %% � I - MEDICAL . betuld in the road was some hundred ber.11 I ,. � �; i: , " �: I �� 'It I �, . I _-, � " ,; " �OW.N, , , ", . � ,�,'�A, came, -to my. cousln?s assistanve?" I:Je Where, when, how, and why did. Lord I believe I cam! satisfy your curiosity. with. me? ]No, that Ist- and there wiw no "Devil take.you, leaiI6 �,,6, . I � not possible, yards further ,on,. . my 11 I �. �, � �7� ­ . �a� . i,, I 4 �,�,., � � . f .1 I " led the way to the withdrawing room, Rupert steal Your horse?!" Come with me into ther library, My because he believes I am a boy. .And sign.of human, habitation, or friendly lone!" swore Rupert. .1 c4iii ­ 11 . A ..i. ,� -­111,�ltl . " I . - Field, "He stole, It in the village, sir,'this dear M r . ­ ­ `.`M " . and bowed I K�,,�,,'�'f � . . , �11!�!� '�:�.'� ��,.,�,'�',,�'�'f , . I _ �.11�:.� . 1-., . them in. Madam e bale." ... I do not think that he can love me woodland'. walk!" ' I I.:. . I. .__ �. ,i,'�`ie 1, . I ��,,�'.� I I 1�,.:6,'.'f,��g , ''P., I ­ �,�_Ili`U, apmg.!'. �., .F &. .- . ., I DR. GtLBERT C. JARROTT seeing ,him, gave a shriek and fell mornirg! And I may say, Sir, that Past enmity was' fork0ttem Anth- very much." Her eyes, twinkled Imp- Then in, the distance she beard, the But'the landlord, a, Practical" , , , "'."'g, �,,-' - �,:,,�i"q ,6�, �. , , ,"..' �2 '' I , , 1�11' I . I back upon her cushions. ' I consider it a gross impertinence! a ony went to the door. Mr. Malivers ishly. "',Now I will go," She said. sound ,of a horse'& hoofs oil the hard Saw that .he was almost. fainUI4�;7�R����.�.-I�.-',iii,�",,� , I '_i�%�`§,, , . ", � �,�_ I Craduate of ,Faculty of Medicine, .,,O,h, mercy, Itis Justin!" she cried. Piece ,6f__frfsoIeni6e -t)hat infuriates me! sprang up. � 'was fast, dnd the win. r d 11 thout , ­ ado, ­ '' 1�'.`-�!'�-�q�`I� Vniversiv of western OntaTlo. Mem- . . But the door. IDA ga; opting from the direction of bore him wi inure. I up. ; �lh* e-,,,����,,,'.�,-��,!�����.�"",�,�,,,�49 Jenmdfer went to her. I r am a calm man, Sir, but when I re- "But all thisi doesn't help me to my dowsi too small to allow her to es- Le irL-re. She peeped through the stai'rs to a little chumber un.&r,'th"'4 1111:1��,,, I d , 0. ­;:Ili:"�" . - � I... '... Jar ef. Oonege of Physicians an "Hush, Madam! Calm, yourself!" eiv sach a message from a man of horse!" he said bitterly.. cape through:them. The twinkledied hedge, wondering whether she dared eav - i'z' � , "" , I; .7 � I c c 1 '�- �'��­ "' ��- Surgeons - 1't,�. '-i llk­"��4,, I .... of ontArio. Offi e, 43 GGde &P.-:1ne and the ostler-4aidi h I . "q, �.. ­ "You, appear to be strangely afflict- b of title­jl I With his band ou ,the door Avon and the small month set mutinously. call upon this furious rider to stop lordship on the bed," and Leanrle,,_ ",f" . I I muft Street, WesL Phone 37. . ed, opusin," remarked hie Grace. "04,01le Ieft a message, did he?" paused, and looked back. !'Parpleu, mals, c'est infame! He and assist ,her. Title horse tame on'llim knees,beside him � . �, �� Mackay. "Gh � -�:`."'," ", . . ,i,, , . �,, I . Sfteessor to M Charles 12-36 Justim-­oh cousin! I bid no interposed Merivale. . .'My g6od Sir," -he said: haughtfly, locks ahe in, enfin,! Olh,, I am very round the bend., She ,saw a familiar "Oh, '-but he is wounde6d � -to d , �:.i.'�-Ji�',,��',,­ : ��: .1, , " . -notion! So innocent they seemed!. I _ ,;, , 14 I I I �, . I � ': '. .­ . .1 " - , ff ** ,i - I I "With the blacksmith, Sir!, my "I am weaTy of. yout-horse. It has angry!" She laid her finger on her blue coat, muddied over, a torn ruf- she cried. "Help -me *Ith-�W' III_:` ":,..'I _If I �_ � . . . can scarce believe groom rode over on. the roan to the served lta� tuTTO' and-, Shall; be restpyed lips. "If I had a dagger I would kill fle, hild a dark handsome young face Rupert opened his eyes. I L _. . " � �'.�, , I; . DR. W. C. SPROAT "Inatocent! Of course they were!" villag,0, and the ,horse casting a Shoe, jo you." He went out with Merivale him, but I 'have no dagger, tant pis. gushed And excited, . . I.. I . � . I I, . " � :�(, i�-- �� I . snorted Merivale. "Have done with. he ,took him ,to the Smith, very pro- and, shut. the door behind, him. "So. What then?" She paused. "I am a She tore her way thTough the hedge ' ' (Ountinue"'ext Week) 1. . ,.. _.. � :f�t,� Fibyllildan - Surgeon - I . . .,.:, I, .�,��;4�, . tilds elopq_,ment foolery! It's were perly! While Coggin was shoeing the One Moment, Anthony. Johnson!" .little frightened, I thillk," she con- flew out -into the roact. and waved her - . . 1, � .. . . . .n, .. ,�.sl',,`,, � '. , 40 1 1 ­ 0 a . ch-Ild?s talk!" ' , animal my follow walked on to Paw-, The butler came forward. . fessed. "I must escape .from this -hands. .� , , ,L,. ,. : �L�,',, . .1 ; C �, �. ��L��7��.'�' I . , �_ I . I . , . I . I .� ­�� !":1, , _ % phmb WWI. Office John, St., Seaforth. "Oh, AnthonT, do you ,think so in- ley to execute my commalidt." He "Your Grace?" wicked, person. It Will be better, per- . Rupert, j'y. sitils!" she I I . - . �.: i �.,,' . ;, , ,; 1, � , I .1, . . 12-36 . ' . "Rupelm ... 1 '. I ; I I I : :j";',it' . -heavily. "When he return- "Bid them 'harness Thun �Sftrie - . - Summary .' * .'-� � �".,;�`, .. deed?" said Jennifer thankfully. . breathed derbolt haps, if I am still asIl,eep." ke� � I Crop Repoil I I I I ,.", . ,I . I � .��I I 111, I I - I -_i- . .-o DFL F. J. ,BURROWS "I do not wish to seem importun, ed, the ,horse Was gone! The Smith and Blue- Peter to the curricle at once. Footsteps soandeil. 0 u I c k a a Rupert. -pulled up, - wrenching his - Potatoes ­The late ,spring .Vnwt.,�An - .1121,111, 1 ate," said the Duk I . '. I ...... �J - _� , . . IS, "but I should --damu 'him for a fool! -tells me that Place m Is "Valilise -I&OC, and tell- thought Leonle returned. to her couch, horse. back upon its ha h ,.and u . I- t of , -- I - _: --�-:�-!L, . I 7 rge , ime es nuSuoa amoun rainfall delayo, I 1. � . . I ,� " 1, � - !"', , ''. I"..:" ,,�-,� , �'11 , 1 ­""­ . tMee, and residence, Goderich St., like an explanation. Where, may I Lard Rupert insisted on taking tiie. one of the women to , pack some covered herself with her cloak and let out -a whoop of triumplx � .Planting of early-- -potatoes in many - '': , " ` I '4'. 414A of the United Church, Sealorth. ask, Is my ward,?" borse--my hors'e, slr!�--and' left his clothes for Mistress Leonie.� Within lay down, with closed, eyes. A key "Quick! Oh, quick?"' Leonle Paul- districts, And a number 'of ff": , . ,:,.,��',�'4'," , �,�',��,-` , ., Are ,. ". ,-"��;�,, , : . . . , _ 1.�:, I . . X%wo 4& Coroner for the County -.of "That," said Mertivale, "is the very compliments for me, and big - his half an, hout, Jobilson4l" grated; in- the lock, and some one en- ed, and ran to -lils stirrup, . spotty due to some. rotting of sed" ­*,.�;�. �141 . � I e, .1 :... 1. . .1 :.- 4., . . . , , I., .,�', . A " . . . Marco. . L . I root of the matter," , . thanks 6r the, loan 'of MY horse!" "Very good', your Grace," bowed the Aered. Leonle heard Saint-Vire's He -hoisted her up'b6fore him., Up to the present time growih_­ij��i" � � "'� I L, � , ,�, , . ... � . � , ��, ,� , ( �,� �,� �,� �'�, � , . :,�, I" The Duke stood very still. "Very Proper," said his Grace. - old mian. voice. . "Where is he? Where's, that black been, slow,, but with *arnl weath, .. 111. �, . .Pray, . - . . � �..'� - I . inue. I "How did and Plenty of soil moisture mlore'Mp- , � '. L'..;;- � 'I !'Indeed!" be Isaid, softly. "Danime, Sir, It's, monstrous!" "And now, Merivale,, this way.- "Bring de'Jeuner. here, Victor, and scountdrel?`t'he demanded. "I , I � . I � . . , . . I. :��:.n I . DR. 11UGH H. ROSS conti - Couslin� I must request you A gargling laugh came from jen- "By Gad, you're a cool devip,, ej� I . :11, . . - do not let any enter. The child still yom­t-� id development may be expected. It, . .:, -,�­�, I , , ,::"� It . to cease your lamentations,." nifer. claimed iWerivale and "lowed ,him gleeps.7 'I-, . "Tinn., tarn!" she commande&. "He is too early -yet,'-to'Predict � wilent'-the . 1�, I ,,. lGradUats Of Univer8itY of Toronto Madam's noisy Subs, abated. She "Ok was there ever such, a boy?" to the library. 'Rien, m1sleur." . . is there, with that .coach, and there date -of the ear -1-Y potato, crop will be. ­.; "::,2;" , :�, ' "I ' 11, . . JbFullY Of MediciD% member Of 001- clutched'Jenalfer's hand, and sniffed she cried. "M- at in, the wprld should His Grace -went to his desk and, ex- "Now, 'Who is Victor?" wondered are three others! Gh, quickly Rup- ready for market. The acreage. of . :-;3`1 I '! --- - 3W Of Physicians and. Surge0w'of dolefully. . ,� he want with y1o' . I" � I ur horse, Sir?" tracted from it a brace of,gold-mount- Leonie. "It is the servant, I suppose. ert!" File Pulled the horse round late potatoes will be about the. same ­ 1:1., , . 1. , I,, , , , I .. :;;;�j� 1 I Ontario; Pass graduate .400urse' In "I know nothing ,pore than this," Mr. Manvers. scowled at her. ' ed pistols. . Dieu me sauve!" . but Rupert held it In kill. . as, last yew, put Planting will be' . I I;; �'� I I � . I - i . I ,., I 1. CNrayo, Clinical School of Chicago, said Ifferivale. �Sbe and Rupert "Exactly, madam! Exactly! Wbit ,'Triefly,. Anthony, the, matter Is The Comte"came to -her side, and "�No, demine, r1i have hisi blogd, somewhat later, Man - usual is . ,1 ' ftIrmers , 1, I Rera - opthalmle Hoxh.dtal, Jmndon, 'have been absent since eleven o'clock -did be want with my horse? The this: - Leonia - is Salnrt-y�lre's, daugh- bent over. her, listening to her breath- Leon -le. I've sworn�—" have been bus�, trying 'to get their ' . �..�.'11'1' . 3"Und; Uidjersity HospitaL . Lou- this morning.- - man's mad., and 9hould'be clapped up! ter.- . in 1,(-onie tried to still the ulloom- "Rupert, there are three with him . . .. . . �vti, , I _. 19. earlier crops `SowTL . I I . ­ I �_,.�,._ FAgland. _ Onice--Back, of ]DO- . � -, � , I " , . don. '-Rupert?- said Ills Grace. - C09,9108 tells me he came running In-' "I never knewb� �i(_i­a daughter!" for,tably hard beating of her heart. and, you have no sworlik Now he has Sugar, Beets--APPrOximAtely 30,000 , �33., I =dmdea Bajtl�, SeafortlL ,Phone No.S. ,-I should have told Yom that Ru to the village like one demented,with "Noo' . � .�L;; � . P_ ne knew. You thought -be had Evidently the Comte 'noticed nothing Seen! Nom de Dieu,'en avant!" acres ,of sugar beets have been con- . ­ , � I . m,* . WIgM eaW answered from Tesidente, ert has been staying with us these no -hat to 'his head! And not one of a son, perbaiis?", . unusuaI,'f4Dr.he._i3xoved- away again. He looked over &Is shoulder, undle- tracted- for this season by tht6 two I:`1 I . . I - I , .. .r . Vftbwu Street Seatortlit. past three weeks.7 ' ftose gaping fools had -the sense to. "Yes. Well, - naturally! I've seen Presently Le9die"heard the'chink of cided. LeGnIe saw saint -Vire match factories at Chatham and , Wallace. - -,�. I '­�, $ 1 .1 I � 12416 "You amaze me," ,said, Avom His stop him from seizing my horse! A the.'boy many times." , crockery'. � a pistol kom ,his packet and drove fiurg as compared with 36,000 acres . �`,I'kl­ I ... I.. . � 44 . , i ��. eyes were as hard as agates. He turn- set of idiots, air!" "He is no more Saint-Virels, eon ­lt is very hard that I must listen her heels into the Illorse's, flanks' in I h last year. -The -soil, in general, is,jn� �� ", I . I wit . . ", i DIL E. A. McMASTER ed, and put his snuff-box down on the. 'T call, well believe it," said Avon. than you are," said his Grace, snap- to this pig,person eating, when I am all her might. - The animal leaped excellent condition 'but frequent, rain- 1-.6.1111 1 .... 1. I . i72 .:: . table. "The mystery would seem,_to "But I do not yet see -how Your in- ping the,breech of one of his pistols. so hungry," she ref!4�cted. "Oh, but forward; something 'gang Past Leon- falls have d,elayed, seeding, andabout ,,�,, I I . r .i. , 40radkoft of the University. of Tore*- be solved," ' he said evenly.. formation can help us." "His name, is, Bonnard." I will make him very sorry!" Ile's chteek, searching it; there was a 20 per cent. of the intended- aexteage I i ��i / . ­_�, I i to, Faculty of Medicine � "Sirf"' It was Jennifer who spoke. Mr. Manverts, fought with himself. "Good God, Alastair, do you mean "Whent,wil-I m7sleur have the horses terrific oath from Rupert, and the remained -to. be seeded on June IsL I 1.411� � ; I . His Grace looked at he� indifferent- "Sir, I am not come here to -bell) to tell. me that Safrit-Vire bad the put to?" inquired Victor. horse bolted with them down the Precipitation for the, nionth of Muy * I . ," , I,, 11 I I., I A149211ber Of College Of Physicians ly. "If you are -thinking that -that you!" be ra "I have come to de- audiacity to exchange the children? ,"Oho!" thought Leonie. "We trav- road- , A second. -explosion, came, and at Chatham aniounted to 2.76 Inclies. ' I. �� , ged,. : and Surgeons Of Ontario; graduate Of t,bey have eloped, I am sure ---oh, I mand my -horse!" - . . Because of ATmand?" el further, then!" . I . I � . ". ."it, Leonie tel,t Rupert hi-rch'in the sad- Thinning is already under Way '00I . . ,!"'N , New'Twk Post Graduate School and Dm sure tbat 'tis, not -so! � .1,11 11 111V H 'Stich a "I *ould, give It you had I it in my "I am delighted to find,that-vou uu- "There is no need for haste now," dle, and heard,the quick intake of his early. planted fields and there is ev- I � � . � - -1 See Bgspital, New York. Of- notion was never in either -of -their possession," said his Grace kindly.. derstand the situation so well,- said Saint -Vire an,sweredi. "That young breata. . ery indication of, ,a good crop. Con- � .�, . .1. -, I% 7 4,L�t. It - Street­Seaf01;M 'Phone heafis,!" . -1. I "Unfortunitely Lord, Rupert has "I beg you will let it go fool, Alastair, would not follow us to "Touche, Wgad!" he gasped. "On - tract Prices are the same as in 1936, � �:: . I -ray " . t,� � your the Duke. . , �11' - . 27. 4Meo fully equipped for X -So? Avon looked from one to horse." � no further, for the time is not yet. ­,V France. We will start, at two." with you, -you madcap!" ra,mely, $5.25 m1nim'um for ,factory , .. . `�i�.,� 'F ",,, - I I I ,,�, � . . I lion .. � ;; i .. diagneins and ultra short wave elec- the other. "Pray enlighte'no me!" "Then, I want its recovery!" "Very well, but what a piece of vil- Leorile's eyes nearly flow open. She "Laisse moi, laisse' moi!" she cried delivery, and $4.50 for weigh sta :.��_ ftft treatment, Ultra Violet Sunl.amP , " I . Alerivale shook his head. . "Do -not distress yourself!" Avon Ialay! Does he . know that you restrained ,herself with an effort. and snatched, the bridle from him, delivery, with a bonus. for beets with - � � ,11:711, % . :­.. . .::,�... , I . , I tiNatments; and Intra Red electric - ­Falth, I cannot. But I would stake advised him. "No doubt he will re- kilaw?" . "Le miserable!" she thought sav- urging the frightened horse round the sugar content over 14 per cent. 1:5. I ' I 'n, I . I - , I, I Sliestment. Nurse in attendance. mine bofiour­-that Viere's been no turn it. What I w1sh. to know is, whv "I had best tell you the whole agely. "Am I in Calais? No, for this bend. "Hold, to me, Rupert, it is well .", VI I . . L 111. I 1 12416 thought of love ,between, them. They did Lord'Rupert want your horse, a* story," Sighed Avon. I . . is of a certainty not Calais. Perhaps now.r, I � �­ , , , , , � � � � - "I I I , . . .111 � I . 1, . . ;.. I , . .... A. . .I - __ ; . Pre the veriest children and even now wbe�re did he go to?" I l m from 1, Am a Le Havre. - I do not immed- Rupert could still laugIL . ­L�, . � � ..., , . I guspec�t they'may be playing a trick "If that dolt of a landIdrd !,a to be the was ,a iately .see.,. what I am to do, but cer- 1. I T DR. F. J. FL FORSTER __' . library Merivale's face "Well, is it? - Gad�-what a-Lehase! LONDON and WINGHAM "I. �:11 . I . . 1. I . on.us. More Jfian,,that--:-- 11, patts. believed," said Mr. Manvers, "he hag study of mingled emotions, and, h6 tainly I will go -on being asleep. We Steady, steady! There's-lan�,--fur- . South . 1. . I ­�� I �� i I I I Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat ed. o 'gone to Portsinkilith.11 I I appeared to be speechless. Jennifer went to Portsmouth them I think ther down�-turn Into it -never reach I , 11 P.M. � �1* ", . . I I I I . .� L , , I 1_' 1� . . "Yes?" said, Avon. "Fleeting the country, evidently," met them in; the ball. . that Rupert Till comef, if he saw the -Le Havre," .." I ' . Giraduate IU MOMCIUD, - University Jennifer broke in. murmured his Grace. "Was r there a "You are going, Sir? You _' you way 'we went, but I must not wait ........ 155 I, '. i;. - I Sihe twisted 'the bridle round her i �:::"., . . i � , 1, , ME T6ren,466 . "Sir, the child can talk of no one ladly with Lord Rupert?" . will 'bring her back?" . for him- I ,Would like to bite that little hands, and pulled gallantly. Beft-rave ............ � ....... 2.11 ,:� . �,t . ..�;, .. 1) laft assistant Wew York Optlial- mpetuously. "No, there was not! Blyth ......................... 2.23 _. �l: i � . Lord Rupert "That f cannot say," Avon replied. me again. Diable, I am in- great "He will mount one of those hors- I . I - I, �, I -1 . Wd amd, Aural Instiltute, -Moorefield's -,you have till ber-:-her.adoration!" went off at a disgraceful bac� in par- "She will be safe with me, my'lady." danger it seems! I -have a very cold es," she Said, thinking quickly. "And -desboro ................. 2.30 .. .�.;.,. I L6n . . Eye pnd Golden Square Throat 1108- "So I thoilght," answered, Avon. suit of a coach, or some such nofi- ' Clinton ... .. 3.08 .. . ., . . ­. ... . ,11".. i Zdtab, JAind* Igag. At Commercial "But one may be mistaken. I believe sense." I . Her eyes'f,elL . feeling -in my inside, and I wish that he will ride to Le Havre. Yes, Y9.5, Brucefield ....'....................,...:.. 3.27 1 ,1,�',, �. V "Yes. Sir, I feel that that Is. so." Moilseigneu�r would c,ome. That is we will turn down'the lane, Rupert N'�, Motd, Seallorth, third WeduesdaY In there is a Saying that youth, will to The Duke's eyes widened.. ...... 3.35 .�I I His Grace looked, at'her. foollvhness, of course. He does not mon pauvire, are you badly hurt?" ' Kippen ; ............... ::�R, Ix t . So p.m. to 4.30 youth." . Bensall ........... I., ......... 3.41. 11. nlefftb, 11`011n� 1. "Almost I begin to see dayl*ht," "You -.surprise me," he said. know that anything has baPPened to ..J4 p.m 68 Waterloo Street, South, Strat- "It's no such thing," MerivaIe aver- he said. "Proceed.", "Right shoulde,r-'tis naught. There Exeter ....................... . 3.55 I .. ..41 - She puthef hand out, hesitating. me. All, ball! Now this pig -person . I _ I'M. I 6 . nly I will --should be�-village. There's the . ��.�'j��'�' I 981119L red. "Why, they 'are for ever qaar- Merivale shook his head. "She -has told me so much. I can- eats, while I starve! Certai �. . . North .1 . "t lane! Steddy him, steady him! Good : , , ,1 1. A.M. �'; . .1 � I - . 12-M relling! Moreover they have taken , 'Tm all at sea," be confessed. "The not but he sure of your-kfndMSS." make him sorry." Hey, what an adventure!" . , I , r,,..:''. � I I I � no horses. ".. .1 10.34 1, � 10.46 .�� . . Mayhap they are hiding mystery grows." She Paused. "Sir, what-wbat Iles "Th.,D lad. saeeps, overlong, m'sieur," girl! Exeter I; ........... ; ....... : I . �4, t . . DR. DONALD M STEER somewhere to frighten us." "On the contrary," Ws Grace re- between you and me is PaRL ' and ictor said. He should wake soon They swept into the lane, saw cot- Helisall ..... "' * * ­ ­­ - ']; � I I I ' . I , 11 . . tages aheadi, and a farm- of imPlse ,Kippen ..... :* '* 10.52 I - "' L" . . .1 edicine A footman came, to them. plied. gently. "The mystery is 'iery should be forgotten,." now. . . . Graduate Of ]Family Of M "Well?" Avon, spoke without turn- nearly ,solved." : . I do not expect it," SaintArire re- Leonle palled, up her mount, turned Brucefieldi ...... * ­:, ­: * * ­ * 11.00 I . .. � I .� 1ff3&eje;W Of Western Ontario. Main � His Grace bowed, over her hand; " . aside. to the bedge, and made the Clinton . I ber of Cobego of Physicians and ing this he -ad. "I don't understand you -any of his lips were smiling. Plied. "He Is. young and I -gave him ...................... 11.47 � Ill.. ��� I . "Mr. Manvers, your Grace, who de- you! " exploded Mr. Manvers. I "Jenny, if I said that I lj�ad forgo� a strong dose. Thei� -'a no cause for ,horse pasb through into the- fields. Lond-esboro .................. 12.04 . jhnZeons of Ontario. Full equip I,_ I' Then on she drove . him, cross-country, B.Iyth ....................... 12.13 , I I , I . . awnt, includIng an ulM Ahort wav sires -speech with, my Lord, Rupert. "That was not to be expected," said ten you would be offeaded-." alarm, and it suits my purpose bet- at a canter. I'll � I I . I . ., . It � I "I have not the pleasure of Mr, Avon. "Lord, Rupert, you say, went "No," she answered, and a laug ter if hie sleeps for a while yet." Belgrave ......... 12.24 . �,�, d 1. SOL .h Rupert was swaying in. the saddle. Wingliam . .................... 12.45 1 " Manvers' acquaintance," said tb�) to Portsmouth In pursuit of a coach. trembled in her voice. "I should be "S-ans doute!" thought Leonie. "So 11� A - .11 He dl,ugged me! F e is , , . 1�11 eMee Ting Street Hensa& Phon Duke, "but you may admit him." Who was, in that coach?" glad that was it! I , "What, -will you be at?" he said �III� hoarsely. I ,11�., I senswi S& Entered. a little wiry gentleman "Some darmi Frenchman, Flet- "My -dear, I desire nothing ­better of a wickedness! I must breathe I, �. '-pl .1 I I. - I . 1"6 Laisse mol! " s,be repeated. "That is C.N.R. TIME TABLE ,.. dll. ( . with red ,cheeks, and, bright, angry chef said." than to please you.". I more heavilY." too near the road. He would be sure East . �, .:" , � . I eyes. He glared at the' assembled Merivale started; so also did Jen- . "I'thilik." she said, "that there is Time went lagging by, but at leingth to took for us. I go further." . A.M. P.M. 1�...N, k . company, and, singling out the Duke, nifer. , * bout, . I JI, . ime now wbo. holds a greater place in th'07`6 M'me some commotion wit "Damme, let him look for us! I'll Goderich ............. 1 6.40 2.30 � 4t, . DENTAL rapped forth A question- "Frenchnilan?" Merivale echoed. your liteart Man ever I held." and Victor entered the room again. � ,,_ I put a bullet through his. black heart, Clinton .............. 7.03 3.09 .:, ?T , � " "Are you Lord Rupert Alastair, "But what.flid Rupert—" I "You err, Je_ heart", "The coach awaits, Im'sieur. Shall I IP:", ,, �_..11� ��, it" � � . - Sir?" . His Grace was smillng grimly. he replied. nny. I have no. I take the boy?" I so I will! " . Seaforth ............. 7.17 3.16 -.­� I 1. '... 11 � % I , III am,not," said, this Grace. . "The mystery," be said, "is Solved. A Edletice fell., .It, was broken by a "I will. You have paid the reckon- Leon e paid no heed, but rode on Dublin ............... 7,28 3.29 ,,I-, I, I , 0. .1 with a wary eye on the lookout for Mitchell ............. 7.37 3.41� ,�� , 2 , I DR. j. A. McTAGGART The Irate little man rounded on Lord. Rupert, Mr. Manvers, borrowed lackey. ing?" I 1 .111.41 I ... , � Merivale. I I shelter. Rupert, she knew, was lus- West :I��­ � . " your horse to -go In pursuit of M. le "Your Grace, the curricle waits." "Yes, m'sieur." .. � I ., 6=dnate Royal College ,of Dental Ing blood fast, and could%not Iong ell- Mitch -ell ............. 11.06 9.28 " 11 all "You, Sir?" Comte do Saint -Vire.", ."How will you cross?" Merivale saint -Vire, went to T,eonie and lift- M*rseone, Toronto. Olvee at Hens, I "My name is Merivale,", Anthony Merivale gasped. ASkedL ed heT. She was Ifirip, in his hold.. dure. To the light, in, the distance, Dublin . ............... 31.14 9.36 ,, . I �, ftene 106. 1 111 ,must let my head fall back so' she saw a church spire, and. made for Seaforth ............. 11.30 9.47 : I 4)NL "You Imew lie ,Was here, then?" "In the Silver Queem She lies In I ..... 4.11, � ­ 12 1 11.45 10.00 I �1�1 I - "Then where is Lord Rupert Alas- "I did not." Southampton Water. Unless Rupert And my mouth open a little, illus; it, a cold fear in her beart. Clinton .............. �1. . "I . 12.05 10.25 �4 � I t5l , . . ,tair?" demanded Mr. Mativers, In a "Theh bow a' God's name--?" --has already commaildeered her. If Voyons, I am being very clever! But "Have courage, Rupert! Hold to Godefich ... I" * * " ­ , ­ 'j ­ me, and it will be very well! " I a,, ii, .P!, � voice of baffled rage. Again the Duke took snuff. that should, chance to bo so I suppose I do not in, the least know what comes "Ay, I'm well enough," said Rupert I "j", 1 i AUCTIONEER9 His Grace too . k snuff. "Shall wer day�-Intuitlon, MY dear I must bireL ft vest . . to me. This man. is a f400l." � C.P.& TIME TABLE . . . �."� � I I "That 19, what we should all, like to A)1th0nY?" .. She was carried out, and put into faintly. "Courage be damV.ed! It's . I . . , J, IL 0, . . .Mr. Manversi came up. I with c,,,h. not I who'd run, away! Burn i.t. I Eapt . � . " . ��,l , Licensed Auctioneer , know,." (he said. "Bu0--but why did Rupert pursue "Sir, I will not stay with that, wo� the couch, and propped, up I . P.M. ., ' " 11 , , "Da]Mne, Sir, do you think to play Aillt-Vire? And�-And what was Saint man, who has the vapours,"' fie said. ions. . . can't get, my thand to the lrole he's ­ 11 4:2 : �",;�,! ,I � � -1 . made fn'mte! Gently, gently, an,d GodeTldh .................... ' - HAROLD DALE w1fr, Tnp.?"- fumed M.r. Manvers. Vire doing on the road to Portsmouth. "It Is very well for You to say you "You will make for Rouen," Saint- , Menset ...................... 424 � - '.:�,ill L� ware rab%ft-hbles!" . 'IT i. ,I I I . @'r have never played with anyone,- He told me Ille' Was inlirnevina nn7th fare weary of my borso, but I want Vire Said. "En arant!" - I. t :11, fteebliSt in farm and household saf!& the Duke. to visit a frleindl Thf-9 goes beyond. its instant'recoveryp, The. door wag shut, Saint -Vire Sat- A mile furtber ,the village was McGaw I -I- - - *::::":,:::::,::: 4.41 .1 ,."�.� � geTeg. Prices reasonable. For dates I the reached, a little premeful baveta, with Auburn .... - ' . : ,,I, , I 11 am COMID h8r& to find Lord Bull- Mel" � I 'The Duke had, donned bld great- tled himself beside Leoule, and .....:.: ......... 4.52 - I: 'T' I . . � $ . its church sitting placidily by. I . =a ftftmatioli T"Ite or Phone Har- ert Alastair! I demand speech With "What I want to know," Jennifer cloak, W now he picked *p his hat coach. Iled forward. - . %jj": � - . ro 6.09 , _ " 1, � . ON! owl jj�6 249, Seatorth, or him., I went an explanation, of him!" said, "is, where Is, Leonie?" and 914DYeS. I Leonie set lier wAs to work. working on the fields stared in Am- WSJ'tDu ­ - - - ts � ............. - T ..;.­:.! 6.1% ,,, . ,4-,� R� 09* at The rapositor office. "My dear Sir," said. Avon. "Pray "Ay, thaVa the question,", nodded "My Lord merivale ,will be. charm- "This b,ecomes more and More dif arement at the fleeing couple, but McNaught .... I..... , .. C", , - , ": - . ." �� "I � � 1246 .. they 'rode on into the cobbled street, Torbuto *­,* ........... w..6i DO- ,.",-�i 7,; I 1. , 111. I , I I I join our rantire! We all want that." Meri'vale. . ed to assist you," bIE a ficult. I dio not stee that I can do ­ .1 I ',"."'A I ., . � SdJd ,w:lth and up it till they came upon a UIT ,` West . ''._" 1111�1,,, I ,, WL , , ''..V;, "'A ' "4' .,� I i, . ' ­ -1 ., IL';`1 I , . %�'I. IL"Yq1"I"., 014�, . "Who the devil are you?" cried the '-Zour pardiait sir,", interjected Mr. glimmering of a smite.� !He bowed !anything but continue to sleep while I I . . A. ,'' , �n . 11, � I t4j" ,, ­'�� 4, I , � � 6, � I I exasperated little man. I Manvi.ers, "-but ,iih� question is, where low to tkem all., and, was gone. this man Sits begide me. Presently Idn, with a swinging board 4Dv,&r iheL ,."k', ,N� I I . el �' � ;. ­�'��11,�,J, I - ­11,,,t�, I � IS MY horse?" w6 shiall Stop to chatgI�5 horses, for ftor, and stables lying tumble-doWn Tidroftto ............ " ........ ,�4�11140 11,��r,";111111"��;!!, I I � - "" . I 0. W.'_ AHRENS "Sir," bowed his Grace. "I believe - about the yard. I McMdught ....... 4 ... " - - ' ': �'#-`6,&.",,`. 11`�"'i'�, , I . g 11 HE; I ,I,- I They. ,turned tb' the Duke for in. theae are not good, I think. Perhapso '* &' I, i �.;,i,,,�.i:! "I / I am the devil, So tw say -I . be-onle reliled Int, aild the horg!pL WA;ltd-n' ..,,',i ........ �.�A,*,%ii;,4,�, j� ..." I,, Uefteed 611090nedr fOr Perm and , Merivaie was Shaken .with silent lightenment. . . ' this pig -person will get- out tben. If I , , � I , �,gj,, R RM ­ , , �am �� i I- ��,�,:, K�Z,�J-'-,'Y'i A 14 " , . I I � '11 11�'11 , , ; , "' ,, 11,11, I � � " 1� I , ��11�111,"Q` 1��T`11` I I "" 11 1'�, �1. , h�t;�,,. I "' , ," , �.� I , , - , , , 1Z "No I , , , Eju�I !, " I 1�,[m �, 11 � � I" �� .�,, , I� I � i�l , I �4 R I - �, - , ,I � - " i�!;, I- , I -; , ��.,I, I, K` " , ,J '; � " I , .y �-"�,��!.,) I. y i� ' ­ 1� 1 , 4 11. � �11' � 'I I I, , . I t, ;,g,� � , � , , . 6 , ,: 5 , � ;',' I I " I It.1011 )*1 R, I 11! � -P 11 I . � I el I I. I I 110ft coinfj&., omes 6olmelte 1%6onlei," said ,the Duke, CHAPTER XIX ed quivering, An, 6141er gasped at nlykil '.. .. ... 1. IVII III �..�. 4'6 I I I Is _by I hie thinks I am asleep -lie wnl, do that. "mo , . . , . Z�11 I r, ManV6rg turned to him. " n uto� in banct, I Aabft6, .."..."..4.4�,�i,'&,'.",""i""�,4�,,�l""��; ... : I I I - `�_kk,,;� ,� I , laughter. M 1. ­ 0', 11 I, 11�� ... . .: , �` �, I . o* oft the wd7 to France, fur he will want to eat again. But t'llet I � � 11 3%fts -to apoftwo; Iram I ,qg- this a mad-hous I I P, 1. I �, , ram 0 ih' c6"ill" Lord Ritipert Wins the Second Trick -you. the -Der- -Utft,�, , .1 I I, . � I a?" bg asked, n ro!" t4on4e 4%,Iled I -m " .,.,,...�....,.�4obb.44�*'i�,4,�,, il li 1, . . 4 , I pAn,P �with the CbTAte de SaIlItIVIre � Still I do not see how'I am to escape. � , . , - Ill %MA I� I , Md � 94M.., J9 I �, Ir , jug , 7 "Mmo fig. hte?" ­06me iath adhr JW911,611r.. to X6116im 4 ....... 44. �4� .�j � . . 44�,,Io".i,�6'i,' �'I�,�� ."� " ,-I�� I . Z Rupert. I Iiift,006, is also, On tb W&Y , tootle awoke,' dghkig Mjjs�VA I I Will say a prayer to the Bt III � �, �� ;I - 6 )n Dieu 'outly . . ,. . I "I , * "Ile Is, the Duke or AV0111," Wild, � tim gwftdl . . . . . . . . , "'! I 624 'bat 9& .06ft it A W 4 mitabom , . � to Frun0e, f& I do not �"p�oso lie' tbr"t�64 fo 0#&v&o1&­p6r wo f6t to sh6* We 9 way," I , QuitkIn ,*,e . 11 lt6ti rich 14.666461�4,4,41�v,&A. ., ; I . . I . I I .� I,%, , A`L I � 14, ,*j* 00�". '' .1 L � . , . , .� . L . I L". r I.'' ,. . I :, I'�, ­ .... I, ..I'.,. . A*%1ri � movilisw 1i .1. I . I. �4. � . I t. � .... .. ol�� , _$�,­, , I �. . I . '' I ­'1'tj';.iI�' , 1 ;-1 " I 1� , ,� �. I '! 11" � ^" I I . . I I � I � I . d;ioq� Ill ,1,4 I-, I . I 11 I , I I � I � ,�: I : v "', I� ;,.,;" . , '. '' I . I . , I : � 11, I ", " ,,, :Iiti�i�V;._ I . . � I �.', , . I ­ .I.." . . ,I� I I Z� , . i . . I ­ "!� , 4 , I I . I �� , I " 1� . ,., �- �'. � , , ,;I I , � "I'll, 1. " ,,, ". � : . I . I , , �� � _ " � . I I : ­ ItIll I ,:, I I I 1. :, . , '' . . I I . I , , I( : �. .� ��­�, - �­,­Ir . 'A1,11L ". �`plll� . ",�, �1,��'L,�'.' - , �, ,I, ., . I / I . . , , . , � ,, � I ��', ",, � �' �; �, , , I -11V ,,&,'t, ' I � . � t ',,I, "��,� ", .1 I -� ; li, I �. ., ,.;. j,,.. .., "., 1, . � I . I .; I - ,�;, .", 1'� , �,, , � ,!�j:,4sI� '-';X',J"),R�,cjl�, , 11 " i �,, , 1. '' - ,,� " :: �.,� .� , . 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