HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1937-07-02, Page 4W"I"I'lli I " - I"! � `lA' , , ...... , .C,;,4.�4,�1,14;"���',i�',",,'i",,'��'�,"�-6,� "'ON ,I �'�ry "-��l-�p"i"�-,��,,%i�,,��l��,,-,-il��t,'��,,�,11�4,�, , !,Y;,?",l[111;',1,­. ,� 'i�, ,.�� �, , - , ,,,.,-'A Z.,'i-," "I ,­,,11,�, �4;�,, ��, � � li� lf�jl: �, � i -1 :,",, �,A,�f ,.'­!;""� ,1. �, , ,,,t�, ­� --I - -- , "'T.-- -0 j, 1'1,�;, ,,�: 1$kj�� -,. ,, I �,,:," �, '� �,g "), ­,'!!�� ` *",�,g -,��',i'iO',I',,�'�,'�i'�'.1�'��X�*,, , , " - ,�: , .I... ­�, , gt­'P�I'w�%� -, , ,� 11,1..� � ,, ".", ; �§ . ,A , I , - � .�� 7 N �'��;�r;i�-,qp"'Up . q "',"l- I 1�,�", " il , I !� . . . . � �ENI' I � , , I ? . � , . � 'I �i� 4t .V , - �� . ..� , ,.i 11�, , l 'j%l �i,�i;t�: , 1� " , , , , , ,,t�,i�,,�� 11.1 I � I'. , ­ � : i W, , wl; ;,I­­v� ,.",�� , ".1 ,­ llq,,� 11 ,.i_,�,q,.­. "'::i . �� I � �, �;. , 4� " �l. i , � � j. � . , ,�, � I , I ,,, ��,' � ­__ f . . . � I 11 'I . , �%`.! "k. - - . I , I .. � "', , __ i - ;� � ,;,��-. 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F �; � ,, I , �­ , 1 �,, l F ­�. ,=';,�,�,,, :, .."11-111,1- _11-- - , - , , -11,11 ­­,.. ��1.11-1�.."..��,-,.�.--",�.,�l.-I.I.Il�.-,��.,�"-".-�-.-Il.� ... ...... ­ ,,.-,-.11_- _. . , � ,,, )"', -�,,� , j" - __.., � " I - it J ;­­1l._1­.zu41 ­­­­ .... ...... -11-1-111 -1--- I - .. ..... . 11 . . , 1, ,�" 11 � � �; � ., u,, � �-iP,��, Y-' ., - ,�,�:.""",I�'i,�'��,'4�',',.'P��i,,-,,, 11". I . , .i � 11 �j - " ,� ­,­ 11.�,,�l� ... . . .. "�' 111�." � � .! �%. I", � . , ", �, �, ,��il�'i'�,,��,,;,��,,,,,,,"",�,�1:1�li.'�l, ,, - " 1, � . _, I , W . . . . , , -, � boaoi*.O�'?9 , ,,�:i; � t7"'. ,� � " ,, 11 ,, or; a4rf-104,i,* . ­ 1-11 i � I . 411l". : ­.,-...­­­, ­­­­ , - - 11.1- 1-1- i1----_,_- : I 0 , . -i , "'. "'! , " "I I , " " �' , , ."S_ "., I I . -aw. The b#Apqu,q%_%4,, - �,Wo' .,;;,7 1 .., !r,"'.404 � :�. 11�. -��l,"e���,N�Z��lV�'I'l.i�,�'ll,�I'll, " -i "' ��4'Xi,10' _�, _', Ry A W. law. The a, 'QU t4p. oll,00 , � 14 . q�"!i�'q'­-� .,.71',,`-N;', '' " :1 1�i",l , " ti_""6Vt".�* 4,,�,,, ... �:� . " . - 1� I I , � , . " - 11", � — b, . � , , I I . , � �`111 , $ 1 11 9,- vivi § . ot Ot. . I , . �A I . � �A 1. . I I I � 111�10­11`l' . R k . of the- fxwilyl . . 010111 . , "; �, ,� - , ��.��,1'11 , " , ' �l � I 1,_11�1*1,111fil, ,­�:" i�� , 41 t, to; . � " � ,, - , , ��, I J%, -0, P -4 , F rwp w_ '11.4 . I I 1-1-11- 11 e4 avre, .Do � t, of Pink 140t4,,04.4, �;wm, � �14, , , ", I , , , '­ oxg!" I a I , , " .� 77. "t be, , lault rig. Abbott, I ��-` -�,,� �.. I I ,,;� 774 J , � '. 1 " � j , 'It I J ,:: t , , � 1. �S,� 99 Kennedy ; ar ��' 1� I � , "" I ''I ". I ��11_ " 11 -i A 11 Ii. 'I �1­111 -;I I A I . . U gi,'o ; . .10ft , , 1R. � " .., �. , .1 � 41''.1 _11T,1,� i,, of:F ieotmg 101 . I . I I 'ip . .1 0. k )0,.. D"', 'k . p � I D Olt;, - ( Us I of S � , , 11 - - ­ 1, I C "., _"tli 3L:,quudaT tb�', � 01941l 11 1. ; : . 114,ft�.�A � , : TF.1: y,:,; Mi . - I "I � x ... ., b, , . 1,0 _W(�, , � .. gat - ­ , " -. '. , ­�� . , W - , , ,, 0, I . I — , 1. L"le _* " 5.0 Kauvll , ' . ­ , . - __ . : , , " , i� U_ 5 ­'��-' I P111 , 't , . ��,�, " , J","., �, �' � � , � ") i i t ; "It", �,, 17 i�%,�i, - %AFIL� , VA4.41 10; '44 I., , , - T" � �� - I '' i "' 'A' � I �- � � P 11 ,.. . �i I I , - .4''. I I- ,'I "i I I . t - 4 _1 I �' ! ,,, _ ,,, ,., io 144 1 - � __ , .grr,4 � ��,­, �. � 11 , I -111, "'.'P. i:", ) . , 11 '. -1 � �, 0, e , , - ..".e. Fin—ithlimill. I— . :, , .4 I , aAq. t auwPt%MWa,_,.. . . , ".1 __,t'"' 'O , , , , � I,, Vorsdli e r, . , � ot, , P at dbw ,r " , - ,,. , , , . , .1 � ,;. �� �!,�, , , _� ,,, ot, ,, ..r ,. _d I �*�f-4gt_li---#,Q�e - uroh --l"... b i d ol 11 , ela - I - ­ ' 't* -o ��#4,WWW4 11 - - �_. " ", r � " ", rro-'e-k- � k;anadw, A` i ro '.. Q 1, *,v. , . Marys. t . vollow "I _. 9 . .'-I"*- . . - . . L __ . i � , L Ir . I - .r,, ,, I ' � . 014ng' -74-fie, *r�wheri!y '11�'0.1#1941- . 41914 . I I . -.-- — .V . � by' . Ch on, FrJ-r ''brio I ___ _ -1. � ", 1, 4 .. . Ry was . -11--' - � : ,r I Osl';� ' , r . - (gtoo.?, CQ,I- ,oveuigg , the ilame4lat'o tavo . , ","� ... ­­ - - I _­ ­­� ­ �_ . ..... LL 11. �. I . I I r ., ".. ,;! ;I T� , 1. 'Ir _-ll " , �l', . =11 I Pre'alk ­�. _;;;� As,"" , , I -s: - - .,,�� _ ­'� '10- ii_';_'�� :­;;_ " .,,,- Car, -A. -k ''. il-o'be I we to it � it� '. I'll " . nel. Presbytexial! ". T' I I � A � ,w 9w eash rat� mm_m , uv4�"5 . . . . . 11 1�1 __ L I , 1'9� . .. .11 I _r -:-, S. _$_.. HUu#or,fQrd,r ' i , Kent of' ,�i . . r i , PO day . , , - _. — ,�____.__ j�,_j,r , r ­ ­_ 1, ­ an- . . .0 , 1.,ano i4A uude� the allSPIfts of I = Oaly,�, , � I . . . , ��. - � ines, has � .k� , by ' _iA . - T,66, if -room A4. the , .�� " Z,W r Air L . I'll- , ' ill q0tt " " " , 1, ... . W 1�90 I I 0"Ouir 8_401 � . Tran&,�Calnaja � . ­­­ "I. -r. .. �.. � - _4 , " _, . p% L0,01W — �*,�._,._n I ,TWn 446; duet, ,� � _ I I -- .� , : � . PhA10' " ­ .. - , I � - .1 -7 -1, - " I - '�` :: ,. , ... . .. � _. I... .. � Aid, -V:as 4 - Pre00AL­­_..__+- - �__ - lk, .-.-.- - . , t � � 1. -1 I '. ;." r ,, -,,ftr, . decided AUQ . - _ was ., ,p, r .. , ;�A the ai .. 11, �­,',;,, I noUnded the apPointtmenit of' "�.. � 11 � F., .4, BA, y -% - i1e.; story by M r. sup� bridesmaid 4ti'mizer, ,�;,r ,�,,� I , ay, .1, " i.` I I I't . , U* . � with' a Tecord attendance. .1 �, , ' I."� "". ,, r 14 W.0'ek ,,lto ........ � ...... ,::,: ........ -% sde n -Oper;Oa I 1W �'. �. J"�,'W­�(J we, U, ell 4 4Wb.,u,He was a cool � I . .o. the beat M30 Al 01'garettO light- I � . �, , ", �­.�.. I QM31 Q. Johnson as Vice T46, A W � . ,�"" L��, ,, , � . 2*4 *e� ................. . ." C,N* . I _r�, i � I 1 . . A I F., e ReK was 'pqrVed in the , basement alid and t , ,M,— r r :I,, g ""4,�i,!,:P,!, , .- .......... % 00pt charge of operations .of the Rew air- . . r � i ,ago"; reading. r. alAI'MrS, Verboqm left .111- -Miowo .47 YV,VM, n,- the ,, � i b-410111 , th. . 4 .. , kiry , , " supPer a er. Later M , . :A,.,,�U,�, " - . "== w;ww *i;�i ... * " �r­ � - '.. 26 Go . , . ., .. I "", , " , 426-' and immediately followi ed on on a short 11011o)"M ateo, iU 4poega—''. , Atot ways system. An air. executive with, ' , 10 I - r -sent t4xm to tWiSt , 4 i r Lr ' l ... `��' 1; `� I r.. I .1 J1h&1kgUM I 1p ,4 apd abbreq . U owmft 4p ow IV. -*.,. � 17V . ...... I udAd program was. pro . 'I" � . ,. lavio W994L & r international repu'tati011 who has or- . , , , . . M0'-�.., -1 - I � June , sann,aerco: ,��. meeting. . - - was artis- the bride travelling in 9 911* crePle ll��,� M-og'AMAPP TA Memorial NotAM-1 cant P" *001L MMUMME6 60 cents per we' , ....'d.". '....(,- ,L I i�W churci� g-round'S wbidh "P , __ RxV0n1vr. for lo cants ganized during the past ten years �,,,,­ � . I . I VIP.I�NIJ4� Infity �P.0 .,,,,,,�, do &'Uo!x Numba, carn of Mile, Uu—, I MIM111 I . .r . ed with colored lights and dress with White coat -a�id accessoT- 4 '"Mo I eral of the Principal air transport .; , - -A. ,spellman, little tically light I e appearance. upon their (return they . _ " sev ...... - " . Dr. and Kra. J . , r -4 the ,services iii,the United States. includ- ..14 Carolyn -Helen, ry undqu - ies to Imateb. - . I ��:'.i t = I ", �" rmani. The will resldQ: Inu Hay. I. k� I ill, `�� I If"', s wwk ,,vaj be chvLrgea it )&& in obove duo am not vaid by Mrs. j, B. Spell- presented a vol 11, P , , '? 'IMOMW _ and ' 14", 'Kai 994F I * -D , 'ROP I I ,g was chat I lj�, w4lv4rciay, nswqu ya - - -- -- __ ing the United Air Lines. Mr. John- '.1 d � of Rev. W. A. YOU e I r , . I . - I , Deaths imserted free eC';b� . . 'Cana- ."' , hener, spent. Sunday ­tbe Pr`09TAM 0 " "', �',',� , , ..j;. . W." W man ar, Mfss Evelyn Smithson, . . - _ - '. . son was asked to give the new Koi with Mr. first number 'of War I ...... I'll � . Low-eatw ow avolleatifflyk, - � 4_11.�, y. ' selebtioug by the Mustard orchestra; fficers Are Installed - Asles, Notice �-Q­Crarvkls. � � - Ahe , benefit,, - OL Kx,_,� " - , ", , ;_ amil I . - . - r I ,?�, . than airways project _ __. '' and Mrs. & L� 3#�kle and f . I Caven "t I � `l' - lll""et� - - - 111% of , .11�2 V I . by undertaking the I - - readbiga- by Rev- Air, L On Thars&y _gvenlrtg last the new � r - _ h,�)l , g� �, � In Memoriam his experience . Exeter, who I -- ! For Sal� I n of the com lete organiiation Mrs. G. V. Laughton and son. Paul, Presbyterian Church, officers of HuT00, Lodge, No.' 224, ' � " ,�: " . . cr�atio P r � �': .11 . . . ::1.1. �Rll 3 home lenry DrUM=Qnd'a 'by Past Wor- 0 I -.1l.. ;011,k 'Dry ..1. I of Toronto, axe guelsts at th4 gave a number Of I �­v A � OR S .90 FIRST I -In 10ving Mel for operation. I . - number Of Hensall, were Installed . . .. Xi ,� OWEGA . I :.... . red a I ... � �1;� � ,�, �" 4 POO R . - �ZNNBTT o passed away July 3,1933- That he has agreed to do so was I . of Mr, nd Mrs. C. A. McDonnell. , )ipful Bro., Robert Dalrymple. There I , . ;: 'M on excellent farm property, at Bennett� wh "I .1. 1A - poems; as lhe hPPe4 U ns sl I . 0 Lil , 1_9 mWor Inter,ept dates Promptly Inel made known- at the close of a meet- . . times on the program; 8010 selec 10 very good attendance and the . ,,-��V,,','. 1 6 per she is ibl,&y remembered. �g � A Robison and ,. violin solo, waB a I . . Apply t - . EXPOSITOR - OFF1iCE` I in our home ' Mr. and Mrs. Stowa -ra. well performed- The * % 11 I . . memories ol-�ng to her name; iag of the Board of Directors of the �,t.$%., by. the LOvO orchest :,11 I .�'. , . . I Sweet - . ., children, ,of Listlowel, w4e Sunday , Jr.; solo, Rev. W. A - ceremony was .1l, �.J �, . "'; � who loved her in urr. sincerely. Trans -Canada Air Lines held recent $;. - . nks. John Lave names of the officers for the in-com- . . � `� �,,: 4, _­_ 1 Those t. . Mrs. C. L. Ji t, Mrs. A. Dougall ." . ., guests with Mr. and , Young; piano due I . : Wor. 'Master, E. L. � I I fta love her in death just the same. ly in Montreal. This meeting was E�1' - � -garet; male ing term were a For Sale _E,er remembered by over by, S, J. Hungerford, Mr.- and Mrs. Fred Smallac,oml and daughter, Mis's I 1�_;Y­ " - JIM FAtan. -­ Mai 11 Z 1�, , Articles presided MacLaron, R. Y. Mickle, Past Master, R. J. 0001)01"-� " l ,� '111 . 3629XI 1 Chairman and President of the Cana- ..... .... and daught&r, Freda, now Mrs. Morn- quartette, W. A, den, j. p. Bowey; Jr. Warden, I ... � � ,�, 1_ I .� ... ..... d Or- Sr. I War ti�,�*�, � WA.G- I ,. . . -1 t !1�. --- than National Railways, who is also iugtou, husband and daughter. James Bongough an , .. - : . ZALF-TVJO NEW TRUCK .-n-," all Of� MacLaren, I - I ", '.. -g�_.q� . . . . . . �� ... Guelph, have taken up' residelle reas., James .1 1 HILj- 11 - __- ; . ...... � M, , e in . Accompanists for the E. D. Kyle,,. Chaplain, Thos. Chap- * � � i! F"_ 34ach tires. APPIS to L0UI'-' ent of the new air corporation. ! *� . - i- I- Presid .,.. ville Taylor Bonthron; See., - , . �-.- � � known as the evening we�e Mrs. W. .A. young, Mrs. man; T J I �, � r�,L - � . 1,EiR­E�CifT. Brodbagen, ' . 3629 1 Births - The other directors are, James Y. .1, Hens4li .in what is ne,sue- 0, Goodwin; Sr. Deacon, A. C. L . � I l4 .. I - .,., I - . � 1 -yde;' , TRAILKK; I - . � Eacrett home on itJ W. .: bft Memonia �jj;;�bbal. on Murdock, of Toronto; Hon. Wilfred I the south side, Of Mae Dougall and Mrs, Love. S. , , i. I I S__Iu FA . �.­ a cl .M Robertson; Jr. Deacon, A .H. H . -TWO WHEELOD Apply Xe- ��Z : . Mrs ,,,,: !, FORlso`A119x26 Chrysler coach- BL-rTLE . . . .. Hensall. Mr. and . Sinallacombe cessful evening drew to r 0 � ., I I .vill Junc 29tih. to Mr. land Mrs- Ther""n B1`- Gaignon, Montreal; H. J. Symington, I , here the singing, , - r".11": - . LFAN'S GARAGE, F-oond - a McKillop.. twin sons (one still were former residents, . leaving - of the National Anthem. I I Inside Guard 1. W, Swillie; Senioi � , � 3629-1 �des. Montreal, and three provisional dd- I * . - I . t . � . . I - UP0hQll; Junior Stow , Stew 11-1,��1�111 I ---------- - horn)- rectors noinknated by the Dominion a nuimber of years ago to residle, in ted Church SeTvice on ard, J. If 4 . ��,, . I I .. . I . aombe h-ldl At the "I ag the soloist in the ard, George Thompson; Tyler, Samoa ". - FOR SALE: - .. ', 411RESHER __ I Government; Commander C. P. Ed- - . Guelp -ore Mr. Sinallfil. Sunday mor)[1i, wing the Installation a I �k I ,h, wh � ss - __ � 1 . .t.r! V_' with cutter, 26x42; 1 secondhand T4a ey tMir G. JOHNSON 1. ... jujilie, and at Priest. Fol�io 4 I ,� -6 ma,mre spcsader� No. - wards, Chief of Air Services, Depart- guard In the, ilthem was Dr. 1. G. S - arr, 4. Apply to aVOsit1KM as , a s629x3 Marriages ment of Transport; J. A. Wilson, Con- ' Appointed Vice President in ' e axe pleased to wel- the ,conclusion ,of the sermon. Mr. social. Was spent and light refresh� ,�,�, - l .. I ..'I. 1. I harge of operations of Tran forinatorY. W . i a pleasing solo, ments se I � � - 1, ., J. A. DARIJM,, Dubli t * 11 f Ci il Aviation, Department a a- come old residients back -to H&sall rved. I., I -1 � � . s "' V The appoint- . � I Lorne Elder rendore� . . Dr 't- . QUANTITY Or ALFALFA , MALONEY-FI-kWAGAN - In St Pstri`k' � orf'o Trrai�pcirt, and G. Herring ch.l'-3f Canada Air Lines. again. Jesus, Lover of My soul,,, which was . J. A. MoTeggart and Mr. W. I 1�­, J�VR SALF-A ' _" I i I N, -d clover. .humb,- DubRm on June 29th. bv Rev. Dr. I - A � .1 -L - hay, also a quai k' air o. spent the Lo,rn,e is home for a 0. Gool wou Second prize at Sea � .r. Ffoulkes. TwesaL. youngest asugmer of Mr. Superiiitenden me L t, e?l Would .ell by the acre. Apply to MRS. I. t of Air aud Eandt Mail nt of Mr. Johnson. an Mrs. Carrie BaIISAV-n much enjoyed. l' "' J. DOIG. Kipp- Pawae Hensull. 93-4. and Mrs. James Finna.ean. Loglau. to Services, Post Offige Department. ekeentive with international rep- week end in Atwood where,.she went visit from Drummondville. Quebec, forth bowling tournament last WedL- I . .. .� I 8629xl Francis ML M3,1=0l Mc"10P- . president of ee 3 d 'PoodtiOut' nesday with 4 wina plus 29. , They I 1: . ': . n- ptati6n and former La � I i., United Air Lines. was announced to attend, a reunion of, the Ballautyw where he , s a i plendi - .. I , , §in�4"tha act to incorporate the e I -ev t � . . ". . 4,l -IN -_ . . During the mouth of July R - W. aro to be congratulated on their show I . " . I , I I I I . I,?. SPRINGS FOR SALF-­COI Priced terprise was given Royal Assent on . I 4SPRINGS, ent of family. it, .1, by S. J. Hurigerford, Presid "I "I I- - � . I . good coudijti*14 for � 64 -in bed. ., anada Air Lines and Dr_ and Mrs. Sam., Coulter and A. young y�.111 conduct the morning ing in a large contest. , . I , i ahle. Apply to Box 117. EXPOSITOR Deaths April 10rth last, the Board of Directors Trans -C , ored to service ill C . Aven Presbyterian church, On Sunday, July 4th, the Oddfel-, � . j 1".". � . . reason . 3629-1 - of Triu&-Canada Air Lines, in con- Chairman and President of th,0� ti�ughter, of Toledo, Ohio, mot 11 !� OFFICE. y. June junction with the Hon. C. D. Howe, Canadian National Railway. fOl- Hensall and, on Monday left for Exeter, and at his own church at lows of Hensall Dodge. together with "'r, . I 1C9RR-In seaforth, on Weduesda , �� , . ___�.�__ - - -no, will hold decoratioil I I t;1-1 I - SIDWAY WIC BABY 3oth. John I- Kerr, in his 70th yettir. Minister of 'Transport, has been on- - lowing 2. meeting of the directors Grand. Bend for a summer va-cat-10n, nj�ght. Rev. Mr. H -ill will be away oil the war vetera . n�;l - FOR SAT leat condi- SpEARE__Early salt�uraay morning, June 26, , Rev. Mr. services at Hensall Union Cemetery. �6,; louggy. tan and brown, in excel gaged in, formulating plans,, for the of CahadWs' new air transport accompanied by the doctoes. father, vacation. During August . A"!,-': ". tion. Also enamel baby bath; reasonable. 19s7, at the Toronto We�,tern HosDibal- . . � I . morning service Before Proceeding to the cemetery, a. 4 � '. ­__ OFFICE- Harry SVeare. 12 St. Charles Street east, new services, Seven planes of the � comnanv., . Mr. John Coulter� Hill will conduct the . 1. , Apply ,t1D Box 1'18. EXPOSITOR I' ce ill be bold by e war 7: .. , , ,,, �, ill" �; . � $626-tf ,r.rmwly of Seadoirlth. Ont.. in. his 74th latest type, suitable for carrying mail ; , . - .. Mrs. Aida Simmons and son, Jack, in Carmel Church, Hensal , while Rev. short sorvd W-1 th .1 - .. ,_ . - I . - ", I I - yean, R,enitaims resifing- at chtoel of Turn- . Yo, rig takes his, h6lidays during ' veterans a, t the monument in front of P. , ,, - -, ��, �S IXPLEMENTS D er and Porter, 436 Eoncwvallek; Avenue. and express and eventually passen- I . are leaving this week'for a mcynth!s Mr. u . .- - a 1. With fine weather - . . , I -HARR' has been associated with the Bend. August. There will be one � service ly the Town Hal � I , MASSEY ge stock of plaltWs ing until Monday morning. io a.m. Interment gers, are being constructed and three Johnson vacation at Grand I J.- , : . pairs-4,ar ves, guaTds, teeth, loader stafra Cemetery. Oromarty, on arrival of of these will be delivered during the developments in. the -aeronautical field. Mrs. Steer is being visited by her Sunday in ea,ch church ,during J11 these services will, no doubt, be large- ;. maz�ery, ViZ­ kiA - � I ropes. sws, . elbr_ Hiay carrier cars, forks, mcboiw. - � I . p. . mFrnst fence and btarb, . present sunimer. The training 3loeing Airplane C,ompany, at inotber, Mrs. Brazzi-er, , and sister, and August. ly attended. . of Enteriilx . , I I � . �. pull,eys. mew rooft= . C;&gadian pilots in instrument and ra- Seattle during the'period of the war Miss Dorothy, ,of, London. on Monday evening, June 28th, at - , dk yotLr Massey -Harris deAler"15- 3- MeKEN_ -_ , Smith - Saundercock nited Church, moving I I 1, � I ZIE, Phone 325 and 25, Seaforth- I ".. dio range flying is being provided for he AerVed as Superintendent of . Pro- The H-ensalli Library will be closed I the Hensall U. . I . ' ! ��­ I . I 3628x2 U - of that company, becoming the .3rd, to the 17th of July ' All A lovely June wedding took place pictures of the C014),natiOn in soun' ill . . 1c, ,Sepatate and will,proceed th,rough the next dluctiOn - from July 3rd, but,can no 30th, 6�hd natural color werq presented by I . N 4""� . - - few manths. Before scheduled flights later Vice -President and Gene�alMan books are duo ,on igh noon Wednesday, JU � , , � , � . . . � (,continued from. Page 1) ageramd then Presidentof the Boeing ene,Wed, #nd -taken out from that at h Robertson, of Lonl p �,,�: O'Dell, Edna, Fraister.-E. H. Elder, are. begun, communicati(yn radio be r ,. I at the home of Mrs. Annie Saunder. Mr. William . . 11 � 1. I. i ,�, � Lost and Found I . Teacher. . . ground stations have to be establish� Company and of the Boeing Air Trans- day. cock, Henaall, When her third daugh- who had attended the Coronation in : I - . perators trained port Corporation, Which later became Miss Marion Sinclair and Miss Ergland, and taken the pie- . . I I . � ; 11 . I 1. LOST -ON THE NIGHT OF THE DANC-' Promoted to Fimji Class � =;a -despatchers. Route llighting, t�,6' United Adrelraft and Transport k ter, Gladys Catherine, became the London, the outset Of the �, �_ Concert. a child's rdavY blue suit coat- I Honoursi-1vaEff-Beacom, -John Robt. d,io I . Joyce Scruton, of Toronto, were wee bride of Mr. Vyrn,e Clifton, second son tures, himself. At I : � a 11 � I � - 'gency field lighting, airport light. Corporation with its various operat" end visitors at their respective'liomes. eveining's' Program Mr. Robertson 0 1 ,. . 1. , ; , F�nder leave a,t CARDNO'S STORE �. - - of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Smith. of �", ", 3629-1 � MacKenzie, Billy Munn, Pe -99Y Wil- ing, hanger accommodation;' weather ing subsidiaries. He served as Presi Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lee. of Pon . ry Interesting and pleasing l., . ' London. To the strains -Of the wed- gave a ve � a I .., I - I _� lis, K nn�th Hogg, Jack Weedmark,� reporting, etc., have,.also to be. pro- dent of Pacific Air Trallsl)qrt, Varney ton, Mich, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Irene narration of -his trip Over And events .1 . . .L. , ,,r.t Hoff, Anna - I I 1. :-, Lois =ga� lit, MaTgaret I ding, march played* by Miss X.. I I vided. All this work is now being AirlineS, lnc., and National AirTrans Fired Corbett *recently. Witnessed while"there. The . . I I Dupee, Ronald Pullman, Donald El- I I . . Douglas', of H-enaall, the bridal couple that be .P . I., , rushed to completion. port. Mr. Goarge Ingram, ot Portland. *ctures! were order . I . Of ,a very high � I - � Wanted .1 in.Ahe living" room pi r,:- �. licitt, Blanche Norris, Sue Nixon, John h'ying-, flying on the Mr. JOIjuson, wdil begin ibis work in iinth with his took their places g tile I . ��� �."�� � I Radio range Oregon,,. is spending,a in( under an arch of . evorgreei�s; Pink and were the next best to . seeill. � ,­�. . . Grummett. last C�an Mont . I QAZDIIt WANTED -ALL BOY: SH- of the ada, next ' h by making an ex- sister Mrs. Robert Paterson, Sr., and a splen- �� , . S W1 , .� beamt--is a development I I . . r .��,,,�, I Tournament July Passt-'Nae Clarke, Sean F'rhiser, es, air and white,,st eamers, with.large white c t1ou *tsel,f, There was &I- � I ;,.��l g caddy at Godf ears in the United States and amiva;tion, of I Sin-' - 11 Vi , Maxine few y ail airway faciliti ys- . other relatives. I bell suspended. Rev.' ATthur dom'i"'artte-d, ce, the church being 1, �e".' - i . 7th, apply B. G. �AEIR or EXPOSITOR OF- Dunlop. - Rpth Thqpprsoa, � lean -or Fisher, A. . C"', � ,. has not been used here except in the ports, landing fields, radio range � Mr. and Mrs. William -1-larding, of . 1, V -'j: I .0nday night, July Z,th- � � I clair of the United Chutch, Hensall, I most filled so E , I � FUCE by M $629-1 Teacher. the whole un- I T.0 M PLY Mi. ec- .. ;�., ­ . i service between Montreal and New tem, lighting, etc., over Lon -don, visited relatives here on S The bride . ., ed several organ. sel L ,�,', 1, I . performed the ceremony, - , 1� . Separate. School � I . I - , ­ I . eal to Vancouver, and day. Mrs. Ida Harding, who has been � � I �M�, , . York. For a trans -Canada air service reinte, Monti, 11 looked charming in a lovely gown -of tions proceeding the Pictures. I 1.1� �r­ , I " .WANTED IMMtDIATELY; GOOD The followins is the result of the I inst ent fly;n,g'is essential and- it from Lethbridge to Edmonton. land- the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Roy Me- white silk net oveli satin taffeta with The Hensall Juveniles pla,yed a real I 1'-1 � EN I I � - The .1 �,11'3 � X pay every day. stead recent promotion examinations. ' ' ing at every airport and field On the La h ., - I _' - . I 'm � �. y work alll Yle,ar On ru . , . M � � L.�'. :, est.bli,h_ . ".. considered necessary to secure ren for t e past few weeks re and list ,��.­,' , I . ., , own Rawleigh Route, which are Puffed sleeves, white smart hat game'. of baseball agai Exeter juv I �,t 1 �' � your names are entered in alphabetical or- i ' . - . Over 200 . es of an executive thorough- route. His (inspection trip will be, turned home with them. accessories. She 'carried a-bou eniles in.Exeter on Friday evening, ­�- � .. successes throughout Amefri- 1. sery c " 11 quet _ .., ed - "�6 r ", i Department of TransDort . , .." �' daily necessibies neeoded I every home. Steady , derw I ly famil�ia th this system of flyinglina d�e ill a Mr. -Charles Wool an expert ma- of Talisman; roses -and lily of the val� June 25th, resulting in a score of 16-4 . 1, . t. rs. Big profi , es I" - ' in al , , � - . rom Fo -IV Jr., to Form IV, Sr. , I I tB* lowest vric- rm I and with large scale transcontinental kheed plane,-gnd he will be ac chi-nist, 'had the misfortune recently 1p Miss Irene Ho,�garth, ,I - a gown in tavor -blf Hens 1. Quite a I 9 I . "� Ta e U se o ,y. ax e � � ; , I , I'' uot! neede& Ba - flying ol I I % �, �Jaues'. Experience unon, Jeremiah; Bannon, Eliza ,eratetns. Mr. Philip Joblusoa, companded by Squadron Leader J. H. while ,handlIng a sharp blade, to ac- ,of yellow net over chiffGn, mad -e a faus from Hensall. . I � � - '4- , , capital. RAWLEIGH'S�, D�i,PL ML -M3 -IC -G- riumber of baseba w 11 . I . I ,�� , ZSZ9_1 beth-, Barry, Phyllis; Eckert, Theresa *, having consented to u' tru cidently cut his- hand quite'deeply, re- 1,Lvely bridesmAid. Her flowers were were present. .. _ , . ndertake tho dhope,_-�he Pioneer of, the route. ,�, '. I Montreal, Canada. . . - �,, I I I !�,,,.. . .IL�. . I Me-Kdy, Colleen; McMillol, Miles; tion of the operation. organizatiop, and, othe" eecbuicsl 0 - On, B 'Moore, Principal of the U.,!. . , fficers of the De quiring medical atteixtl but the in- yellow roses-. Little etty Snitale, , Mr. It. J. J 1. . I cres, " W,!,-_,� x: . - - . O'Reilly, Jame I ., w ; � � � 1; 14, _ . . s; Ryan, Francis., the Trans-Ca,nada Air Lines feel that partipeiA of Tra,usport, also by D. R. jur�i band is now improving nicely. daughter of Mr. and Mis. ,- William Continuation' school; H-ensat", is Pr- 4 1 - , " . - � —Quinlan, James ; they have secured an executive whose MacLa�q� 6 fthe I ' siding over . , I � � , " Sale Recommended Trans . - .. Canada Air was a dainty thd entrance class , this , - - . I . ,�'�­; .��,� Projg4y For Flannery, James.. rience, with modern air firausport Lifies- , -According I t, � D plans, I The Wobelo CAass of the United, Sinale, , . - f1lower , girl, . -, , , , � expe present Church Sunday School, together with dressed. in blue organdy and parry- year. . , 111. I I �7i, I - ��; - W - Absent from� examinations-LaAel . of this character will Jqnsure to the Mr. Johnison-will. conduct his exaauin- . & I I I , , 41 SEVEN . . I . enjoyed ing a basket of roses. The groom and teachers . . ;�_. - ploR SALE -VERY MODERN I - their teacher, Mists M. Ellis, The same principal% . ,:. - lizabieth. new I - , 1 �,­_ � , ��I�� ' I room brick house with bath room; hot E ­. project the most ikompt'and cat- atidn offflie system from west to east. . ll, - - i,� full basement wM cement Form Ill, Sr., to Form IV, Jr. , a picnic to Blayfl6ld on Wednesday Af- was supported ,by Mr. 'Eugene Beav- of, the public and continuation schools I I I wober beating; . isfactory development iir- its, difficult stlarting 1 at Vancouver. in, the ift-rst ternoon . last. About thirty-thTee ers, of Exe I ter. During -the signing of Of Herisall have, �11 boeXi re-eng?,oged .:i� ". . ki � - APPlY to Barry, Kenneth; Maloney, Helen ; initial stages. I . . -His beadquarters' of- . . ;'��. 14, *--- On nicest street in town week of"July. inembers and guests e' pr the register Miss Kathryn Drysdale fu, the coming term I . I . % ,� f. BOX 116. EXPOSITOR. . . 362&3 wie,r . e , �, - 0� Maloney, Theresa; O'Neill, Marjory. For the past twenty years Mr.4'fice will be at Montreal. � i'l Love YOU ­ , �l.. � ' � . - . After a delicious tea was sen- , sang 4n, splendid voice, Mrl� Garnet , C -ase had her tonsils SE. 8 ROOMS. Recommend iq�, . Betty. '. ... I . I � .: 1. : '. . i;!, � . --LFRAME HOU I I games were enjoyed iii charge , of Truly." Miss'l-rene Douglas was ac- removed at St. joseph!s Hospital, !, I I - "L� . 1 F"dam'AmAt"Ifoulkdation, electric lights, barP From -F --- ili', r.;-6'Form Ill, Sr. . . , . I ".1- I A adapted for market gardening.' �i 'Miss Hazel Sinl Baseball was al- companis.t. The groom's gift to the Loudon, on Monday and is getting � � ,.,., W and six lots, kly to MRS. . Barron, Anuetto; Flannery, Geralda-, decorated by Mrs. Alvin Pym, aunt of played. bridesmaid, was a silver butter dioh; along ye7 nicely. . I . A I I I . I Charles -Holbein Estate. =p Mattlie". Pauline; O'Reilly, brid,l The waiteTs were ' so to the s . oloist and pianist. silver hour , "I LL F,IOH1ARDS. opposite conegiatm Marg- 'ELIMVILLE I I I the the ush- Dr. and Mrs. H. S. McDonald and -Mr. and, Mrs. M. G. Drysdale,. ae- I "... . 3620-tf aret; O'Neill, Therese; Quinlan, Mar- I ors, also Mrs. Kenneth Johns and - to the flowerl girl, a gold A I . L . - . � J. . 1. 1 ':7 � Miss Maijorle Huntert.. R.N. The bride family, 'of Tokointo, were recent companied by Mr. and Mrs. J. W. L � : , , .. I , . visi. bon dishes , . garet; Ryan, Allan. 1, i. . , , 11, in Johns nd to the best man, a ail- Ortwein, spout Sunday with friends' , I - - , ' Mr. and Mrs. Wi and I I I bracelet, a I ;��, 1k I I . .. I From Form it, to Form llf*'jr.' I the McDonald reut, and, krodin left shortly after for De- tors with Dr. and Mrs. A. 4. Camp- I . 1. ,, l � I '4tr . . I family attended . I ver cigarette lighter. Following the - Waterloo. I ," I c ',, � Notices Bannon, Adrienne; Lauden�ach, iour held troit whe're they will , spend their bell and family. Dr. M Donald is a in _ I ._ . �,., . I . at Sprip,.-bank on Thu . rsday, ,,, ceremony a buffet ,luncheon was Sorv- Mr. and Mrs. John Elder and son, * I ", - Katherine; MaloneT, Vei;idca, ; . I oneymobi ,visitin;r the�,groom's. bio- brother of - Mra. Campbell. . . ;., . . . I I of "last week.. ed from a prettily decorated table On .1 I . . I . ON'T THROW TILAT OLD SUiT AWAY. O'Reilly, Francis-, Regier,e Jos!�Ph,- bber Mr;' and Mrs. Wellington 13611 MISS Mabel Gill. had her tonsils re- . t�. I � D Clinton. dry clean re- .-..A large cmwd gathered at. the Adorned with- pi4 candles with vals- . " . Let Albert Palmer, I ' Tues,day for a brief visit. 9 11 ."� I , "I Stewart, Danald. -a' and oth4s. The bild;e?s trav6l,Ping moved at the Office of br.P D. Steer es of roses and summer flowers and Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKee, of I � urch last Wednesday to be. orp,sent. � , . . �;� , 4 . � I � pair. Thi,ty-five years, experience; we know -From Form, 1, r, to Form .11 dress w�Ls pale blue crepe and wore recently. - . . I . 11 .1, I � - 1 il. " how. I � I � 8628-tf . at the Bit--il-Murch weddlum The wea- . centered With the bride's cake'.. Foilr Toronto, and a bride and groom of I I 11 . I ,; 1. . I'll . - Melver, Alice; McMillan!, JoAnne ', ther was perfect for such an event. pink tooe and, gloves. The groom!s, Celebrates Diamond Anniversary igirl. friends of - the bride, Misses Han- last Fri -day, .aTe visiting at the home , , , . -ift to the best man was a fountain. . I ?�,: I It, is twenty-two years sifice the last lah Murray, Mabel Workman, Pearl , . ''; oTICE. - HAVING DISCONTINUED King. Ronald; Ryan, Mary; Regler, p, , - , . ''. "' X handling Rawleigh paloducts. all sce0up4s Alyin. , I : . hat pen; to�l the bride�maid, silver. salt - ' of Mr. and Mrs. John Dallas; Mrs. I I � '. . i, must be settled bw July 7ii% as reguired by __ we�dding was solemnized.' On t Mr. and Mr8,. G. C. Petty, of this Pa-yuham. and Dorothy Kyle served, McKee is a sister of Doug)[as Corbett I 11, : From Form 1, Jr., to Form 1, Sr. peppor sbakerrg' to the pianist Vil-lage, Very quietly celebrated their While Miss M. Ellis poured tea. -Mr. ­ occasion it was the weddine of- Mr . and , . . , -1 - ae 10,0.pany Remit, to SAM C,ART4R. 'BOX � aud Mi�.'A. Pym, " Plates; to ' who resides with Mr. and Mrs. Dal- I I "�­ " �,,. ' Hicknell. MArio-, taki:y, Stanley; and Mrs. Harold Pym � 66th anniversary, kno*,n t for a Short motor . 11 . 232, Senforth, and inaludie name and address. as the dia- and Mrs. Smith lef . ,_,,,�,7, l 3628xl Nigh, - Ruth; Nigh, Joseph. I Mr. and Mrs. Everett Skinner land tile v�alters, glass bowls; to the usl . las. I .. , I " �, , . 1. . . � . From Primary to Ferml . - mould anniversary,'on Monday, June trip to thd States, the bride travel- Mr. and M ' 'nks are hav- I . , - . I I family: Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Skin- ers, tie pins. The bride was the re- -28th, at their home here.; As they ling in navy, chiffon dress with trim- ,rs. C. L. J1 . - . T -, . .. s '' Margaret; Laudon- ner and Beverley and Mr. am Mrs. cipient Of many beautiful gifts. Her inz the ,exterior of their home niCell I , I I., CAeary, Mary - were honored --at thp-60th-jubilee-ali- mings, -of -white,--w-hite -coat suld--acces- , - -fled - . -1 1. - % 0 ­ ..-..- __ I. Z � . , TP. OF TUCKERSMITH -,-.-Jbse#b7---­K --'Ke= Sir- - Ma- -ford t.-rouvjo&u-h,a,d-- -been on display for . � t;�� - , _..._.._____.________. . I bach , ing, -e ;. .. the Skinner reunion held, in Strat nivers'ary stervices of St. Paul's An- sories. Upon their return they will WIT, * . �l ommunion servicef3 will be obServ- -,. .,:. , ,'_ . lon,ey, Francis. . Melville Skinner 'and, som.; ,attended, several days previous and Many glican Church, Hensall, recently, they residw in Exeter,- *here Ahe 0 " . . eed Cutting * I . .. .1 friends had -called to see'lier things, groom '. . v ,. .. W .1 I last Saturday. Chow not to (have -any,further cele-.4,aj§,,4.,Stl,�,n,di,4.-.WsitioiL The bride ed in the United, Church on July 4th "I - . . ` � - _ � I . ­ ,,, i PROPERTY , OWKERS IN T HE - . - - - __ Mlra. Harry Ford is vitin�'e, this A telegrami�of congratulations was re �At, the morning service, with prepara- I j.", 2 . AL� bration and particularl so- as Mrs. bitfore marriago; -held, a good Position � 9 i � , , % -_1 all ' O1x- I - . ' - ceived during the afternoon from Miss petty ly 82 Exeter I n Friday ev I ening- pre- i ,Z � Township are requested tho cut week with her elster. Miss Sov Whit . tory service o � 11�1 -1 L�ye Daisy on ldhe Tba& 01) their PftD- ,.,BRU.CEFIELD liock in St.. Thomas. 1. Bossle Bell,'tR.N., of New York, sis- . I at the advanced age of in 1. � .� ; IP as possible to= . years, was not as well as usual, al- ' � . 1. .111. ceeill�g, �kev. Ben Smillie, a mis- I � I ,, the Plants I : � I., .. perty -as won _ from India, will � " ,p . I who- Rev. A. I,. Johns. Martin. Edward ter'of tho'groom; Mr. *,and Mrs. Sam &ough at the racent.'eh . Hold - PEnjoyable TrQuesoau Tea - - - 011FqT�`631, NXIOUgh I , .. ". k ; r�pming seed; Rt -v. G. Wiley, of Berimiller, Hannah, �'Mir �nd ... Mrs. George Bell, of I . arch anni- ,_ ., ; , J . , ' I . ' . � � I very interesting sermonsi in and- Ruth, Johns vitsited ,944.h Mt.'and ,. .. . . 1� . . . 0, 'iske"tbe'6vening service and will pre- I t , versary #hio herself made the birthday � w I L, ,,�4r - -�. enjoy � "": .11 R. DALRYMPLE, Road Supt- gave tivo - -`, q Seafor To- - .. ` ­ . Ili I � . I .. the United Church on Sunday spent Mrs., Wes. Johns the blei4inuinz th;! Mmv i6an Jackson, of cake. Mr. Petty 4a tile "' , ,4 � "y .1 I 11 'abile evening wa-1 Jaelnt.,4antern slides.' � , . . . Township of Tuckemnlith. ' 'for ronto; :Mi. -'and Mrs. Harry Murch - second son of spent on, MhuredV at . . 0 ! 11 'e,�, I the day with.'Mr. and 21A,' H. Aiken- the, week. Ruth'is sta�yjlhg a I the late Mr. and Mrs. John Pett I y, late the hfome of , ., ..,�. � � *9029-2 . of London-, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mr. ,and Mrs. Wrgo Dick. when Mrs. I Bride -Elect Honored . , ,�'. pl head. visit. . , wood ere guests from Of t village � 1. I I ". .. I. �­ m spent Mr. land Mra. Wellington Skinner Millar, orf Dash W he of Hensall, aud'fOrmer- Dick was hostess to a trousseau tea - I ' 1,11.", I TP. "OF TUCICERSMITH Miss ]Mten Scott, of Landc , and Mrs. James. Heywood, irisited with a dastatir,e. .on. their return'Mr. and IY Of the TO-11SWIP of Hay, While in honor of her daughter. Jessie. a The lovely home Of Mrs. M. G. ,.� � a few days -at her home here. vjllage� Mrs Petty is the only dafightpr � y a was so e 9 ery � , - ; I .. I . I , - . I zur the.latter's mother, Mrs. Herbert, who Mrs. Bell: will resideln the , Of bride of Saturday. About thiTty�t&re(. Dr ed le the on o a v , L � HoUse and Lot For Sale Mr.- and Mrs.� Irvin Schilbe, of - � I.' W . the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dins- friends, relatives and , nel Of. happy gathering on Wediiesday even- i , ., . , " �. . ick spent Sunday with Mr. and, MI � s . is quite ill at her hoifie in. Bryanston.1 . dalle, of the Township of Stanley. Mr. the biride-elect wore toresent for the ing, June 30th, when memb d I . -., � . . ENDERS FOR. THE PUP -CHASE OF . G. Swan. I 'Petty was a Pioneer business man, oocas , ers of the I ," -1 T Bell - Murch 1M Mrs. Broad -foot. fornie Iv Senior Institute met to.'do honor to , 11 F, house and lot owned by the Municipality and Mrs. William Swan and MANLEY r I I ! ?.." � " in the Vlaage of Tigmondville; benders to be Dr. first engPJging 111, th"O meat business Miss Grace Dick, aister of the hvde. Miss Louise Drummiond, a popular t, . , �._ :1 in the hatrids W the Clerk on or before July children, of Hamilton, spent the week An event of interest took place on where he had his shop 'on Queen pt., and Miss Gladyiq Douglas disulaved brlde�elect,-of July 14th. Upon the, I .1 I, " ,., � �, 246h. Deatription aln,d ,locafiton q_r property I I . 1, .11 �. . � ,,,�� . end at the, home of Mr. Jas. Swan. Wednesday of last week -at ,high noon Melady - Murray but .afterwards having a meat -busi- the trousseau. Mrs. Loll Luker al,rival of the bride-olect to the home .� . . - .1 :_ nway be ,had by arpvt7inz ,to the Mork- I . I 11 �- :1 'l 'Mrs. M. Hannigan and famll� Spent in Elimville, Church when Helen, Jean i nes's on Main Street in what is known poured tea and the Misses Maroaret. accompanied by, Mr. ,and Mrs. Garnet - . . . , I � D. F. McGREGOR. Clark. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Gor- Mureb, eldest daughter of r_ and A pretty wed -ding took place last now " the, Petty brick -block. He and Helen Dick Served lunch. The Case, Miss Mai�#e McLean, �president I 'l ��, w � NI . , :, I .1, . ,��, . nish. �l was united in Saturday at St. Coluinban Church also engagedi quite ,largely din buying bride -elect Te6elved some Ve" lovely 6f the society, J�iresslrted Louise with , . .J. ', Township of Tuckertimitili. . Mrs. Philip Murch, , I 1. I ,�� , I ,.. � � . 2629-2 Messrs. R. Dalrymple ,and Gordon marriage to Mr. 1phomas Harold E. when MISS Marle Murray. second grain and produce and carried on for and usef-a"I gifti, . � a beautiful bon d blue , ; '. " I qU 1&)� ,�, . Site Wi I . _ et of pink an I 191,- . - Elliott Spout Sunday neaAr St. Marys. Bell, son'of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas youngest ,daughter of Mr. and,Mrs. a time'a. lartA plroduce bu ss th . ­ . 1. - . ­ - Announcement irses with directions attached as to 9 .1 , ll� . I Messrs., Lawrence Reid, of Toron. Bell, all of Ellinville. Rev. Peurwit'.. John Murray, of 'Manley, became the Mr. Thomas Wren, of Henstall. He . . . - - �..­ - - . Popular Stallions to, and Stanley Reld, of London, pastor of the church, performed tbe bride of Mr. where she wl locate certain num- . , � 11 ", . Joseph Melady, eon of was also the first. Reeve -'of RienE4all . MrS. James W. John -son, I-ronsall. erous pieces of cutlery. Immediately . . .. - . . . � , I ­; __ - - - , spent the week -end with their father, ceremony. The decorations were Mr. Pramk Melady and the late Mrs. anif sAa-Yeral times afterwards was. announces the engprgement of her upon. the unwrapping of the parcelF9 A � �,'­ .' ", . ,.�,­ �-'�t . Cty4esdal. grallian Mr.. C. Reid. I lovely being large ferns, white and Meliady, of St. Columban. The cere- elected Reevo'mid a momhor o ' I f ,"L "' . PAVOURItE' ,�.GAIN I t" daughter, Amna 1�ildred, to Mr. Peru the bride-eltect ,was showered' WHN , , I - , I ': I _', - . Mrs. A. Patterson and children are pink peonies. 'The iseating Capacity muny wos perfbraned�by the Pastor, Council and took am active - interest In ". � � 1�, " ;l t � iller Dautzer, and the nuptial politics being a very A . No. 24837 - Urqubart McL an, son of' Mrs. , Me- confetti. A .short prqogram followe(I ,:, o �, . i h s. B. Of tile building wasl taken UP Ij`y the Rev. Fa and t,b . e . " r,urpiment Nto, 1961 Form 1, Premium A_ staunch Couser- Lean f Consisting of a piano solo. by Miss v,,' -� Terms -$15 to iftaure. Sholdi,ce, Crediton, large number who witnessed the -care- ,'ilgh mAs, Was .celebrated by the vative' and filled a term as Warden ' A � e_ , � . Kippon, the marriage to 'take piace Florence Welsh,; violin , selection-, �.,,;�"Ii . Will stand for the improvement of stock Mr. and Mrs. James Moodie return- mony. The bride wag given awslY by bride's uncle, Rev. J. M. Eckart. The Of the County -of HuTon, and-lias Also I 'If:�11 ­�,�', I for -the �;oasom of 1987 at his own St4able. carly in July. . rs. Maude g 4 ,��, . to their theme in the village last her father and was, beautifully tikOwn- bridesmaid-, was the lgroom's sister acted as Ju�,tice of the Pe c f r . ,� , ROBERT MURDOCK, Proprietor. old , - a 0 0 � i . Afistz Greta Lammle; solo, M 1 1, ''. I Y ,� -hile the groom was supported by a GTO He 8 onte of the early rme, of Springfield, Redden with Miss Florence Welsh am I I 1.� .. :� Peter Kilpatrick. Manager. week after spending ten days with ed in white satin with net triluming v, ma y ye .. wa Mr. Melvin 0 . 11 1:1 1�1� I 9623-U accompanist. A.group. contest fol- . - �; I . . " ;�'. . . . I . . . their friends, Mr. and Mrs,, Arnold and a long veil, her Sister, MlsfJ Ber- the brid&s brother. , Following -th '9 members 'Of St. Paul's Anglican Illinois, is visIting with ,Mr. andi Mrs. ,owed -this pleasing . program with ad-' ' ' " 11.4. .1 . .. Petrie; Of Toronto. They motored to nice Murch, wearing blue sheer, with ceremort''the immediate friends l . Church, filling the Position of War� A. Spencer. Mrs. Spencer is. also be- !"� . . re , 14 vice to the bride -elect. Everyone I v 11, P� I 1,91 � I OAKHURST EXPRESS their summer home in Muskoka and pink sash end whito hat, was her at- ppired t6 tbo .Queen's, Hotel, Sea- den for many years and also at the Ing visited by her brother, Mr. 1 -for- . I , " � . . ,�V, , daid Bred Preptiom Stallion entloyod themselves at the lake. tendant. Her houque-t was pink forth, W�erei a, sumptuomg w-odding Present -time, a -regular attendant ain(I ney, ,of Lol 6 . present then donned , old-time cos- ... �,,� I . Aft" �f­ , . ­ ­ � ,.;l'.,,.- -bred hditse. tliat'will croqs well Mrs. ' tumes And repaired to the dining I F 41 " ;�-,, . . A. big, woH 11�. and Ingram (roe Miss rosets and baby,.g breath, while, . the breakfai�­iwalte,0 Ahem. The a 41beral supporter of the church. Mr. - . I � I I .,; I mare. . Will stand for the Wance � good Much sympathy is tel tD Mr%. room 'which looked very Artistic with �,,� `� `�,",'4 1 � vrith 94Y Mi, Eliza Landisborough) land MISS Helen Wde earried Ophella Toses'and hAbY's " 'lily friendc fallo-Ar Petty also took a great interest In Herman Dayman 1 ex " .. L' _ � � bf this semon at my farm, one-half e wishes .thei r, In 1� 11 �.M�� I 1.11111, . . . hor" hm stood at Cudmore of Per ,_ .. 0 .1 I n the death of.bef Collor edhomea of ,Pink and blue, And I I ,V1 gou& ot Kippen. Thb ' tlAnd, Oregon, visited breath and fern. Mr. Lloyd Bello -blo- them � �Ij ' - .. " and prosperous I fraternal "societies belng .a charter nvotker. .Mrs. Johill Miller, �w.ho wa.0'.the ,table looking beautiful with a -, :� 1�.;�.` "I - ", " $26, * lill th introdnee him here his fee is out . friends in the village this week. It ther of the groom., was befit,in". I*fe will,, , , e�,. t r - metaber- of the Oddf,611-ows L I 11 11 1 1 :1 it *%v.00, Rokister,ed nivreg 42S.00, payable .. .lot on the grobul's Od.90, a 8T yi�nrs Of ago.', The fulleral' WW la,66 cloth and CefitTed with. a, mock 0 . . � Mi V��l( , . I . Is 28 years since they were here and Ne'sers, Jack 'DIAbridge,and Kefmdth 6 ne far ,In � I �. I I meinber of the Masonic Lodge, aa bold on Thursday. , . . . .. � . �j ,.!_ AIWO I 1088, , their old friends were delighted to Johm were ushlora. Mrs.. Hy. 'Ford .. T6wnshlb. � wedtIng cake. : A ldaAil,t�',�'Aunch was ,ffiI2 -',': ,,, w, ­' ' - , , DAVID KMPATRIdf, llftlim . mt. 1, c had an exciting well'as of ,other lodides. He alaotook . , ; " L " Plfane: Rensull ft r 11. see them looking so well. played" tN6 waddiing march and ac- experign o list Friday while on Ills . t _j 2 L "'I L 1. 10ved. Immedfart4ly"Aff4k lunch the . I : , . � MI; I I . . , a grOmt- interitst In building in this . Verbeem - Dick I I a 11 "; . . . I . �. I'll. �', . .1 ,� .11 I I I , 3, �.�'.�,V�,.L: ': .' . I The many friends qf Miss Marstha:11 cob*anled Mr. Kern,"th Johns '. who VilIlAge a0d,ls'qulte a large owner ' � bride-elact wag 4o I k4d to �diit the cake ' I " , ."c� , ". 1� I .; I I . I . , - n a of . At the home of Mr. aild Mrri.,q60, lander which was doittekl6d, something i 1. 51 L ` . . who has been teaching in- No. 10 sang, "I Love You T!iltl?', during, tke _�, ,11'�'lt caused -a Are itt his cAL", village prope&ties. Mr. and, Mrs. - . , , i�h � , i 1� ,, I.. �, " , I ` tuBAANCE L . I L . ,. ;�;lt;'�'.';' Vlt#�_Piir �Vr d adil Prem*u= CIVAt 13tAINGA school, ftonley, Was sorry -to ,hmr gigtlng of tlie begistor. On leaving Dick, 'of Henisall, � j�g I - Rov: Mr. I "I V4_ ", , . , DU� RtM F Tyier, years ,ago Alice on SstuTdaY, June 26th, at I." borrowed and sometbing blue, for tho I ,* 1, � , but withiltbio,quiek-potion of hiia, son, NUT We'le married by the mairiage took old an4 -goinethlai t,ew;J Something ,�,,' ;,p that ,she had resigned and had secur- the church the happy couple, rer�lve7d Of KiPDeu, maivorslAy . 4 e, ` 1. I 1 I l 1, � �Rvt:, , ,. I � 1. 1 * - , ., , � . . , glfa ed 4 1)0815�111, In a school ,in London. the congratulations of many ftlenda: John. wlio J�ut tho - ground *Ire. ' the and both ihnvo' resided In � . Of their Second oldest daughter, jl,68. bride -to vrear ion. fhitr W*dding dak.� " , 6 , I ,%. . i:.,i . 'I. , I . ;;;.., 'L 1, .� ��,, lb�,�Iwt�; kv,'ir,% . I I fir"t". Wpt$'�'� 80oh',L under i?otitrol and no .Hensaft , . I 1, f , , , "Ta, L't, . She will be very much missled in the About forty reglatIlres and friends gat Me Ullkt, to Mr. John V,�jboelfill old. The dellghtful, evening .t&m,o to a g t I . . . a .., ­­ -",,4, - itor e aiiii both , j� 00-,"flij, I i� Gk7m% Moped ' if �% ,,,,,�, t , � , " � 0' '�=. otawo'� 11or it hL�Zeg- 00111=11111tY, especlaIll -in, her c6urch dfoWn to dinner at th dels ft in . I . . e ll�rl o e, Wrther dibigg � i�V�#',dou,b. They lr�d AWly OR thshr tholit ''I 0 eat son, of Mr. aud Mrs, d -Vd,r. ecinclualon With the stn9flig of "For 1� � . ..... - 1. 11. Al 11 P good fthlatiltaii toW the car to tile P ji�l i"'J." ��i L 00lr, 616 i6uF� score , ,` ­ , 6%W_ Wedt" X L A, Work as a faithful, member of , the small t4bles I so.t., Ift the daning room ite�, �,e 0, gm, are fthly rtsb6cield ciIA- I ' , � .b - I � , , - I 01f, the, L bfJ'd,6 . , , , - I � I I . ll� , I I , "! 6�@ii� .,fW U'*" 'roung ' I ZM '. TWO - '110�,` 21 `,�,'­ i 10"' i , i� " oiuR PeOD10% 11010tit tttld cholf, andL I �'. -F' --ed with , Dick; tiger the evening vias 6, '!,"'���,"',��"""':"L��"l',,�,�,,,,�,�� ,�r� ,, 4 t 1%,41 beem, of Th1A*,oEWl1l6.. Helen she's A J!oIly Good Pellet* 1� Although ll��,,,;,, �,�, i", , �6 f ',4 X� neftrest -mruie �md. *Ore landed sa l two , , Lcrr " I'll I 'A - , , ,;!;, . �.Atw, ly.�Ue, 1._�,i.v I pleasant surpils.6 , , � -U , It tu ly. home" - . . 5."fi 1016 tirlift khtre 'Wer& 010,61., the , � .R.141 ,,.,__�,�L �,,­� . X - stin"y achbot'. The 6exit sY1Jr1h9&, ,VVbflb-:,the `bM-6's, b1s, ' t ' ., '' . I MX UA , aiati 16fiel son) t.ljolf 'W6ddiog �Llujj�6h l,tbil,d., '61�6L ��b6.t4bj6lj/.V I � 42 - I 1*1 it flie is 'A 0 �­ - I . " 4 , 'I, . 0 11 Ro ". d I t6 1wh I ItIne ftrt gane ,04 record for 146,6 ,, ,,u apora to the brlde-elect, glie made a very 11 . I .. .... -- T "' I I .1 T �i:i ;�,f -V , i;� 6f: Wdl " 01 WisU fi@lf Magy M6&ds � ar6 L,X� *fij�h w4ke Ai6ktdd, the! bride and fit, 'Utag"If aolt, fto-oat hia, hi 6 'O' fil � ' RttinIg rotlL� her most I , " 1 I .1 I "I " V, , 1*011 ."L"'Of . . ,g t6bik- ,01-aeo utds�, A& iar,6h: " f exprestibIg .1 I "" , MM ' . ,,,,� I n"galf, L' "'W" . . . . . I V ., 161, ;�, i%m , "', " , lld,611 . % A ill Its *bpd,60u� gto*tk Jf,d'­' L, ' �, �j ; 411 'hauk IT ", �ii, ho, t0d.412--to ih*r, gro6M, hAd,&mA1d4n4 bost- - "I - I i;, 111"I 0111 I'&!" ! 0= . brides anid,,voi , " - , , I d d6v � A61K W;, �& VOilit-ki gf: ok� ; It �ftj�j6yj. lutguett "t a �Zot the - Ifilidneas of I , - evqrytb4� ' P*`�- ,* U0111 da,a� .' ' - - "'4�:�'bfld;';'�Joft '"" i&j&':t1iJ6L lftfAilfe of *W& khe wag a. � i. 11 , 1 W - . . I ,. 3W I Ad. A , . , ft " � i4, L' L " L . - esvo,dtivo varen s';0-iff .. . 1. � In wk ri-p fi, ,,_,�*,'tj 6 bkf _., '!L%d,,�4 �Tra! I .1, g. Atugigril, land t4,,q.r 'r t * � .,,, �j#� .6 �Tll�,K�Ivl!�'-,? , . and Mrs. . as, 10 ly , �4 , sg4k �Oft'�6%6t6d " % y, !t VoAlv"W_111� - . , - I:k,A ',� ' ' L ­ ' ' . .1 1. � � I Z . �', ", , t. *,6VO ;Ar - ,, 1-1� !g. ,­. gg' � I 11 1, Va.. � ­ �, .A on- 4114,� -.Vail 1. . 11 I IW , --th,eir sufftwor *fth 1 of Hfoii ­­; �''. . f:, .­; � , ,,, i� *41 1. -0 Oill. a " = "O .�,,b "' �k. ,," 0 1 � 0*, to 4f� , . tv I � .1" . %�IlV , � - ,,, '�;�!,,!,�,v�,t","�,,�"i'�L."�,�"I 11 , , urs elm" , Ily . To 901)10 � to ­ a 1"s 6loth IS 04 ��, � ,." ''.. .. , " -!� " , - N 1. ,, L , - 604ii,6060, , I �, W " , I ' - _-11-1111 11. . I �,,� �4.., .Y 661 � " " .11", " .L� , , , � '. ,t( �,­J­­""" , '' ­., , , fid 'It 6*16,11' 'r, , , . , - ,ajo ,:,, ']�. ,;�,,N7,0, �1. , � ", : � I . ",:;, ., �., " I -, , " .,,,4. ,i��,�,�R4 11 , I I I . I . I I ,1 L, 1! 1. .. � :. h I L I "I. I -, ,� . "." ,,f,pt,' :,", I . .. .. .. � I �,�,,ly"­, I, 0, ,", 'r,"'r, ,, '�' '' , ,�, I � , ,�*,�, , ,i._ .... C �, . , � � J 11 I �, !, "I "I I ;, ;, - ,� . �4�"�'X#�Tj _,,;,�Il` 4 '� � "',- ' , - '. '. ! .�l , ,,� . , I �11 - � , . S I .., , , - " 1, 5, � ' ; , " , , � ,. " .;, .., 11 .;.11,_,1,1 , .."'L"' �"'.�'!"�L` , , . , 1;1; I I I, �1, f�� , , , I 1,�K � ,:� . L" , 1, 11 .1 �, I' � ; . �';�', ",� " , ' , , L , t. - , �, . ;'J�'i,­ "s, " ­�,,,g, 1. .. . I I I . . � �Ll",. �' ", " . .' .. . � �l'L � 4"', ,,�:_,,,i,,�,,., : %, ., , �� ;l" 4 :' L., � '_ "" . I , , , . � '� �11 �'l 'J li­­,111 � �.i� ; ".1, " , ­ �,,�l�t,����,'I����',,"�:,�-,�'�; �,(��!�., , , . , .7", ,�'d­­ ,'� � ;�!! ! 11. ", i , � " ... 1 � , , I 1,,� � I � ,�; � :1,11 ,, ­ ,� I " K ` ' ", ,': � It, �1 UR.�'Vl 1: ,�L, L. , I ,4 , - , , ,�­ ,,, � " . . , , I ��, , , x1iXk � ��,�V! ",v�""j,r,�,I,`*' " L I , ,� , . I : )"; ' " L "#,�' ,, ,,, '' . L .. . I .4 -'V, "' %�')Y,!��i�� , ,� , , .., , " , ,, r I � F, '4� , . � - - - 41', 1 . I � , � �A 111-A& 1, � , 1 �. I , , � �4 I , , - - .� . ��.". I I , . � 11 1, . I ". 1�_, ;., .i , - � I 8, I , , -1 � 1, � " , i: . .1 ,, '"' .., � �,;�,,,;i�,����,,�,.,,��,,,��,.�, � �*_ , I . L � A , � '* I , ,11,"L,��l�.11��l",Iil"�.,k,�.,�.�,:.,V,, , ­ � - L - .. . 1. ,,I ��', , � L """"L " L' I I ' I ., , , A"', ,,,, :�-,,,,,; ,,,, ��,-�L't,,;�,,`&.­ , - '. i ,.. " i. - "i ,,, . , , � ,,, , --, I �.�,, I f � ' � �� L,P; �:.'jr `,J"�";�A.; � i +IMZ�&�It�l 151,11,� � � : �.�Nw I . -�,� . I L� . ., - L I -� ' ,�q � , " ., � �61 .,kk, %3 ;1'," ,,�%,o,A,,.,,,l4&A, WNNVA. yl��.',�.t - ­ia-"�'!,n�_�1'1�, ; Ili A4 -,.,�,r.,' ,. ­ � , ." 1.11, 1�4 ,,� . '­ ".. �` , " � I".. ., � - L,l .14 . "I�, r: :,� , , I . �'�'�', �� ��"'�'�­L " , l' 4L :" ,,it , -W � ,� L ] I X, 41 �.,L,? Z, 11'. " ' �-; "�"'%4_4 '� q� "' ' ­ . �p :`� - , ,�*','�_­`Wfg'jal �,� - �,,�` M!" 41 ,,�,Ik ,.�, e I �! I �,,e.!mll I ,,", I , I - � . , : .:1 . , , . L!.� � " , � . , , � ww� ' � . . I e 11 �� I V-4,1"ll . L . � J �' �'