HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1937-06-25, Page 8otv '•••• r•er tit 1 qt Ni 4 i) 9c . 14, ** .... TI se.3 Tina - 23 '•.:144‘3Vo p of 8. v. re .1 0, 00;t. A _ BEANS lec Of4F1 BRAND 1VITIJC VfeieBBS PORK & BEANS 4 forme ,- 3ft-oz. Tin vii E SwoET PICKLES 25e 27-ez. Jar . der 20c incento SWEET IGHEREINS-4-27-oz: Jar 25c GELATINE 25C 2 peerages SimisET DYES 2Ipackiges lir0-IN-ONE WHITE .POLISH Master Pig Starter, Grower and Fin- • Esher does the Job. Try it and be •*.envinced. 25c 15c A. C, Routledge PHONE 166 Mr. Motorist We are agents for many of the Oldest and Strongest Insurance Companies, representing both Tariff and Non -Tariff, who are , offering the Lowest Rates in history. OUR POLICIES PROTECT !OUR SERVICE IS COMPLETE • WATSON & REID M. A. REID - Proprietor Phone 214 : Seaforth SPECIALISTS IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 <> 40. 0 '0 S. T. Hohnes & Son Alls FUNERAL SERVICE '0 _Main treat, Seaforth -420 eG S. T. Holmes, residence 0 O Goderich Street, West; phone Cs' 1:70 No. Charles Holmes' 0 sresidence., Goderich Street, 0 ea* East; /phone No. 308.' O Ambulance Service 0 Adjustable hospital bed for 0 eta rent. se) 'Night calls, Phone 308. 0 O Day 'calls, Phone 119-J. O Charges moderate. 1245 C. -Cr 4 0 0 0 0 '0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <> 0 0 -to tic* H. C. BOX .0 FUNERAL SERVICE 0 '0 Licensed Embalmer 0 Ambalance Service 0 Hospital Bed 0 with adjustable rachet oper- ated spring for rent. 0- Night Calls Day Calle '0 Phone 175. Phone 43. et> 12-36- 04040oGaoao 0 0 0 5 Reward will be paitilm the Astfos., of LLOYD'S T H Y IN OL A TED CORN SALVE, for seaturn er callonst,413(EY cannot remove, with Obi wonderful new scientific prepara- t aw for !CORNS OR CALLOUSES. it de- mesitises, and relieves pain with first appli- malibn. For sale 'KEATING'S PHARMACY - Seaforth Farmers! Stop losing money with an old cream separator. * A saving of only a * few cents per milk- * log will pay for a New De Laval Separator Te carry a complete line be Laval Separators and parts. asp' terms -Call on us fora ckmOnstration OOP la We.' - of Weir Talinger• daughtet',„ Mabel ItC0. etta Jean, to Mr., Mervyn Wilbert tiottb, of TiickerOutittt, the eneteriade" le place early in July. Engegement,Mr. end Mrs. Thomas Q. Wheatley. Seaforth, announce the engagement of their daughter, Mildred Ethel. to S. David Sean:eon, son of Mr. and Mrs. William ShannorteSea- be wedding to take place in June. Will Open Soon. -The completely redeoorated Walkers Furniture will reopen for lousiness within: a few dupe_ While alterations were in pro- greas the stock was displayed itt the ed-dfellows' hail *terms the street. Tae large store has been tastefully decimated, new and modern Lighting fixtures installedand a new floor laid: -ea Many Happy Returns. Mrs. S. Boyd, one of Seaforth's oldest and moat leghly regarded) residents, cele- brated her 81th birthday Mendel at her home on High Street, when a number of friends caned to convey congratulations and kind, wishes. She was also the recipient of birthday greetings from, far and near. Mrs. • Bayd is remarkably active for her years and is able to attend church and take a keen interest in present- day events and activities. Her daugh- ter, Mrs. B. Williams, Stratfordi, was a guest at the birthday reception. Mission Band Meets. -The Goforth Mission Band held their last meetina Dor this season on Monday, June 21st Dorothy Smith was in the president's chair and Joan McMaster acted as secretary. The band prayer was of- fered by Helen Smith During the business period a picnic was diecuss- ed and it was decided, that the Band would hold it on Thursday, June 24, at the Lions Park. The collection was received by Donald. Smith which amounted to $i00. • Joyce Cutting and Jean Wright gave a reading, "Who Gives the Grain." The Scrip- ture was read by Kathleen Holmes and sentence prayers were offered. by Lois Wright and Isabel McKellar. Mrs. Smith told a story, "The Golden Gloves." The meeting was closed with the Lord's Prayer. Ryan -Rands,, -The home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Railde, Seaforth, was the scene ,of a happy event at high noon On; Saturday, June 19th, when their only daughter, Annie Maybelle, was united in marriage to Guy C. Ry- an), son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ryan, of Lucan. Rev. T. A, Car- enichael of Northside United Church, officiated'. Mrs. I rwin Trewartha played the wedding music. The bride, gowned in white French chiffon; and wearing a tulle veil with orange blos- SOWS, carried a bouquet of pink ros- es. She was given in, marriage by her father. The matron of honor, Mrs. Nelson Reid, of Walton, wore a gown of yellow chiffon, with broad brimmed yellow hat and Talisman roses, The ,bridegro0M, was. support- ed by Nelson Reid. During the sign' Ing of the' register Miss, Josephine Edge sang, "I Love You Truly." Fol- lowing the ceremony the guests re- paired to the dining room which was beautifully decorated walla mixed flowers, where a delicious luncheon was served to the immediate rela- tives of the, contracting parties and a few friends, after which Mr. and Mrs. Ryan left on a trip to Ottawa and points east. The bride caose far travelling a navy sheer suit with white accessories. On their return they will reside on the bridegroom's farm near Lucan. Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary Meets. -Miss E. Trout was the speaker at the June meeting of the Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary on Tuesday even- ing in First Presbyterian Church, when she gaiera, very coniprehensive talk on "Our Responsibility to -Mis- sions." Mrs. H. R. Scott and ber group were in, cbarge of the meeting. SeVeral items of business were dis- cussed and the following devotional program was enjoyed: The Scripture lesson by Miss Maude Laidlaw; the Glad Tidings Prayer by Mrs. J. A. Kerr and the current events .by Mrs. P. W. Wigg and Mrs. J. E. Daley. An interesting number on the program was a chorus by the group with Miss Margaret Grieve as accompanist. Mrs. Scott closed the meeting with prayer. McKillop Branch of W.M.S. Meets. -The June meeting of the McKillop ,branch of the W.M.S. of First Pres- byterian Church was. held at the home of Mtn N. R. Dorrance Thurs- day afternoon, June 17th, with, 28 members and friends present. The president, Mrs. J. L. Bell, occupied the chair and conducted the devo- tional exercises. The Scripture read- ing was taken by lers. Drover, prayer being offered by Mrs. BeIL Aftezatbe reeding of the minutes of last meet- ing and the roll call, Mrs. Shannon, president of the W.M.S. of Duff's Church, in a few -well chosen words, replied to tee welcome extended to the visitors by the president. Rev. Feast gave a very interesting mission- ary address, followed by the Glad Tidings Prayer by Mrs. 11. Mrs. J. E. Daley favored with a solo, accompanied by Milts E. Henderson at the piano, After singing a hymn, Mrs. Feast closed the meeting with prayer. Mae Lane Auxiliary Meets. - The regular meeting of the Mae Lanes Auxiliary was held Monday evening lo Nortbside 'United Church. After the opening prayer, "Oh Jesus, I Have Promised" was sung and Mrs. P. H. Close 1e4 1. prayer, mentioning es- • Peelalty Mr. and Mrs,. Bruce, of Mame charia. Mrs McGavin, read a short eetiele on Teeeperance and a burliest distussion 'followed!, during ivehieh Mies Luella Kaine, were appointee dele- gate to the szirtitnet ethael ter lead- •en:0 at Alma College, St. Thomas'. Mts. •rtatber took charge of the meeting and 'WI the Way May Saviour Leads lWhp aifl. Mite McLean led in int Mise :oath Iltrygg took the • k011), Melt LSteivart beatitialli1;. tittre$ tid Mks Latkr- t: adetinti, 043 , '$t ti wt 7 Aggl !RPRIPe," Mieeehi bee etie/aiaaa PdlAdel:04 - 1*-• qi•-• Sermon Btltdeete Fee Next. Pandee. a-alert/v.44e Uted OUrelea*y ;*el at t0 Lrn.; 11 at•Pti. "FeelAng, of the Five Timusaatii;4 Hely Oene MIM1011; 7 eine "Man A ..iyirtg Soule' Preparatory -vice o Thureday, eat ening at 8 pea Rev. W. S. Owen of Stretford, will peal. Re,. T. A. Carmichael, Mter. McKillop Merge - Bethel, Duff's wed Came March, Winthrop, eunday, June 27; Rev. G. E. Morrow, the minister, will deliver farewell mes- sages at all three appointments, First Presbyterian Church in Sea- fartla.--Harold C. Feast, Minister. Sunday school ,ocauvenes at 10, morn- ing worship at 11, evening service at 7. Morning and evening sermons by the roinieter, "The Amazing Proposal of the Master of ream." Morning, an- them, "It is High Time To Awake"; evening, anthem,- "Simply To Thy Cross I Cling." By unanimous action of Session, qunion services with the Northside United Church will be held during July, the four Sundays, and August, the four Sundays: July 4th, 11th, 18th and 26th, morning and even- ing Northside United Church, Mr. Feast. August let, 8th, 15th and 22nd, morning and evening services, Presbyterian Church, Mr. Carmichael, Note: Special Orange service under the auspices of Orange lAly Lodge, No. 712, L.O.B.A., Sunday evening, July 4th; sermon by Mr: Feast. St. Thomas' Church, Sunday, June 27. -Sunday School and Bible Class, 1+0 a.m.; morning service at 11 a.m., senmon by the Rector. All members are requested to attend the morning service. -Canon E. Appleyard, Rec- tor. rk, LOCAL BRIEFS sesseas............ • Miss H. Isabel Graham is in To- ronto -srhere she will attend the Na- tional Convention of the Canadian. Authors' Association to be held in the Royal York on June 28-30. • Mr. and Mrs. Farr and two chil- dren, of Milverton, and Mrs. Anderson of Fort Frances, were week -end guests of Mrs. W. D. Bright. • Mrs. H. Garner, of Toronto, is • the guest of Miss Annie Lawrence. • Mr. Charles Briggs, of Cleveland, was a guest this week at the homes of his aunt, Miss McDermid, Goderich Street West, and Mr. and Mrs. Mal- . cohm McDermid, in.. Hullett. • Mr. Fred Welford, ef Cordova Mines, is spending his holidays with his, auntie the Misses Thompson, John Street. ' • Miss Margaret Thompson, of Al- lentown, Pennsylvania, is spending her holidays at tht home of her father, Mr. W. T. Thompson. • mi. and MrsFrank Cudmore and Miss Nancy, of Toronto, are guests at the 'home of Mrs. J. F. Reid. • Mr. and Mrs. William Armstrong and son, of Bervie, are guests at the • home of Mr. and Mrs. Belmar Snell. • Mrs. Leslie Scott, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hoel and, Miss Betty Scott, of Chicago, are visitors at tile home of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Scott. • '• Dr. and Mrs, H. J. Hodgins and Mrs. L. T. DeLacey, of Toronto, spent the week -end at the home of Mrs. DeLacey here. • Dr. J. W. A. Greig, Mrs,. Greig and little son, of TiromMns, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Greig. Dr. Greig leaves this week for Quebec from where he will sail, on the S.S. Empress Of Britain for the Old Countre, where he expects to spend some time in post graduate work. • Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright and Bruce and Mr. W. G. Wright were in Windsor this week. • Mrs. C. Aamstrong, of Kitchener, is visiting at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Archibald. • Miss B. Cluff, Miss E. Canino and Miss G. Free attended the Rose Show -rat -the -Royal_ Conneught, in Hamilton: on Wednesday. • Miss Edna Rivers, of, Alma Col- lege, •St. Thomas, is spending the holidays at ber home hered • Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Bechely were in Detroit this week. e. • , • Mr. Beckett, of Strathroy; Miss Beryl Beckett, of Walkerville, and Mrs. P. Brown, of Middlemiss, were guests this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Box. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carnochan, of Tuckersmith, attended the recent Ratcliffe -Hepburn reunion in Guelph. • Miss Pearl Amos and Mr. Leslie McKay, of Guelph, were - week -end guests with Mrs. G. Wanless. • Miss Irene Eberhart and Miss Clare Eckert are on a holiday trip to Northern Ontario. • Miss Margaret Craise of St. Cath- arines, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Keith McLean. • Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Southgate spent the week -end in Toronto. Mra Betty Southgate, of Wellesley 11+aspi- tal, returned with them and will spend her holidays at her home here. •• All who are interested. in the kin- dergarten are invited to the closing exercises on Friday morning, June 25, at 9.30. • Mr. and Mrs. Charleis Bumstead, of Detroit, spent the week-enddevith Mr. and Mrs. C. P. eills. • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon }lays have •returned to Detroit after spending the week -end with their parents here. ' • Rev. J. M. Eckert, of Chicago, is spending +his holidays with his many friends, in this vicinity. • Mrs. J .D. Hinehley is visiting at the hame of her son, Mr. J. M. Hincle ley efi. en 0v Sound, ' i • Mii 11. Marge Forrest, nuese-in-' treiningrat Hamilton General Hospi- tal, is spending her holidays here. • Mr. and Mrs, H. H. Gilchrist, of, Owen Sound, were week -end/ guests at the home .of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Jackson. • Mr. William Brine was in Toron- to this week. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boyce, of Kitchener, were the week -end gliSStS of Mr. and Mrs. Bevorley Christie. • Dr. W. C. Sproat and liere. Sproat aro in Ottawa ,this week where the Motor is attending be Medical Con- vention. .6 'Mrli. 11. IL Scott and ,,fatally are apentliteg two Monk. at Itiptc41dt, . 1' and Mte,.. it,, A MCKende and to Sons 4114 . - . iblt• '(Sealed) GOOD 'r GAS H. WSTON Shell Station GODERICH. ST. : •SEAFORTI,H .Iv, . ii, • ' ,,tit'..wg,..0x,.TO . ;.' la* ' ,state,i'i Mt* soo.:4't sji..ovoi ti.,, ' • r,_ anti Ntre, Wilpattt OP= Mille Pr' NV-deFiteedrs wer0, Itiveei$' .0% ti: VM VilittOer. _ , -es- rra-ai • R. 4, - _.„' Poitkiatqe., a ' brOther Of ‘,10pocillor NI 13,-, Dorranca; 10110P, has recently heee efeeezinted BuPnteaftilt ig Nelte and Uelde. terfea in the C'ity of Brantford: EG-MONDVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Chas: Westa,way, of • Hamilton, were week -end guests, with Mr. and Mrs. Mc Patrick. . Mr. and Mrs. W, 'Shepperd, Lon, don, were Sunday visitors at the Manse. - are spending the mummer at the Ma Mise •Marguerite Black, of Hamil- ton, spent •the week -end with, her Parents, Me and Mrs. W. Black. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hills were rout° visitors last week. Kenzle cottage near Godencb. • Miss Margaret Finkbeiner, R.N., of St. Marrs Hoepital, Kitchener, spent the week -end at tike home of her "armee. • Miss Mary Hada, of Toronto, and Mrs. Hancock, of Detroit, are guests at the home: of Mr, and Mrs. Adana Hays. • Mrs. R. A. Walter, of Dentine, is the guest or MT. and Mrs. J. E. Willis. • Mr. Lloyd Hoggarth spent the week -end 1a Timmins. • Miss Mae Broadfoot, of Port Nel- BAZAAR and COOKING SALE Under the auspices of the W. A. of Constance Churoh, on SATURDAY, JUNE 26th in vacant store next to Rout- • ledge's. Doors open a 3 p.m. *A JUNE TEA* under auspices [Ak. of • Presbyterian Church, in the school room of the church, on TUESDAY, JUNE 29th MENU: ' Dressed Roast Pork Potato Salad Ripe Tomatoes Salads Cake Bread and Butter 'Tea SPECIAL: Mother's Old-fashioned Strawberry Shortcake 5 to 7 O'CLOCK Music - ADMISSION - - 35 CENTS Watch For "White Magic" CARDNO'S HALL TUESDAY, JULY 6th at 8 pm. FURTHERpARTICULARS LATER. To- TUCKERRIVIITH The young people of Turner's Church will hold 'strawberry garden party on the grounds of school house No. 4, Tuckersinith, on Tuesday, June 29th. WALTON Mrs. John Buchanan and _Mary have returned home after an extended vis- it to Toronto and Rochester, N.Y. The Y. P. Society of Duff's Church will hold their closing meeting for the summer months on Sunday even Ing, June 27. Rev. Mr. Ovens, of Clinton, will be the ,guest speaker. DUBLIN , Mrs. Bricklin, Simeoe, was the guest of Mrs, D. McConnell during the week. Mrs. Crawford and Mr. John Red- mond, Of London, were recent visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. James. Redmond. Mr. Edward Beale, Windsor, spent a few days with his mother, Mrs. Beale, who is ,setionsly 111. Mr. Edward Molyneux, Akron, Ohio, 'visited with his brother, Mt. T. J. Molyneux since our last issue. Mr. and Mrs. Molyneux and Mr. Jack visited in, Kitchener oa Friday. Dr. and Mrs. McGregor spent the past week in Toronto where Dr. Mc- Gregor attended the Medical As•socia- tion Convention. • Mrs. Benniager and Don, also Mr. Frank Krauskopf eisitedwith friends in Guelph during the week. Mrs. Walker, Acton, IS a • guest at the home of her cousin, Mrs. C. Ben- ninger. Mrs. Elizabeth Nagle and Miss Eleanor Krey, Dearborn, Mich., called on friends, here on Thursday. We regret to hear of the accident in which Mrs. Hanley and Miss Betty were injured, though not seriouely. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Benninger at- • tended the, leatonen-Eckert. "wedding on Monday. Cronin . Eckert St. Patrick's -Church., Dublin, was the .scene of a pretty wedding on Monday, June 21st; at 9 a.m., when Eileen, daughter of Mr. Fred Eckert and the late Mrs. Eckert, McKillop, was united in marriage..to Mr: Albert Cronin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cronin, of St. Columban. Rev. Father Dantzer, uncle of thp bride, perform- ed the ceremony. The bride wore white ivory satin with a wreath of flowers and full length veil. She car- ried white carnations, dark pink ros- es and baby's breath. The brides- maid, Miss Helen O'Hara, of Toron- to, was gowned in shell pink taffeta with a large picture hat. Mr. Al- phonse Camel was bestman •Miss Mary Beale, the organist, played the wedding music. Following the cere- mony a wedding reception 'was held at the home of her father in McKie Grieete --from-a-distanec wer Father J. -Eckert, of Chicago; Mrs. McMann and daughters, of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Cronin will reside on the groom's farm. TO the MILK and CREAM BUYING PUBLIC - We publish below a certificate of the complete health of our dairy cattle: - "To Whom it May Concern: This is to certify that I have "on request" tested the dairy herd of Barnett's Dairy, Sea - forth, for Tuberculosis and Bang's Disease, and according to test revealed no reaction to either disease. F. HARBURN, V.8." Bang's Disease, it may be ex- plained, is the source of undu- rant fever. We Guarantee you • Safe Milk and Cream from our completely tested cows. Barnett's Dairy PHONE 276 SEAFORTH GOOD EQUIPMENT makes a Good farrier Better McCORM1CK - DEERING. FARM MACHINERY and EQUIPMENT offers every new, improvement available and renders unequalled service anywhere. Buy Genuine I.H.C. Machinery and Repairs from your Local Dealer JOHN BACH Main St. SEAFORTH Phone 17 2024-tf IMPORTANT NOTICE ACCOUNTS, NOTES, JUDGMENTS • . COLLECTED • Our colfecting`deeartreent is a re - putt of years of sztecessful experi- ence In collecting local dr out-of- town accounts. •, - No collection, 110 charge -- Mall year 1 let ; ,accountS. to -day to Burkett Co ectin• g Agency • ( Udine* 470 'HEAD OFFItt # SEAPOFthtt 6N1*4 sail ilii U 4616,16 BRUCEFIELD Mr▪ s. T. H. Wheeler is visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. Halstead, in Strat- ford. Mr, R. Dawson and Mr. Drew Swan spent the week -end at Inwood!. Mrs. Dawson, who has been visiting at In- wood', returned with them. Mieses Betty Allan, Betty Ward, Genevieve Smith .and Alex. Thomp- son took part in the recital held, •in Clinton by their music teacher, Miss Green, last week. Mrs. Grainger is visiting with Mrs. Hodgins in Clandeboye, Misses .Eve Stackhouse, Mary Mc- Cully, Anna Aikenbead -erne Evelyn Grainger spent Sunday itt London Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and Jean Dalrymple,. ot Stratford, visited, at the home of Mr. H. Dalrymple on Sunday. Mr. ands • Mrs. H. Aikenhead'; Mr. and Mrs. D. Aiketihead, Mrs. Tr B. Baird, Mr. Frank Aikentead and Don- ald were in London recently attend- ing their aunt's funeral, Mrs. A. Alk- eltheacl. , The Y.P.U. held a jolly weiner roast at Bayfield on Monday night. Broadfoot McEwen A very quiet wedding was solemn- ized at the United Church Manse at Brucefleld; on Wed-nesday, June 23, at nine -thirty, when the Rev. W. A. Bremner united in marriage Marjorie Kathleen ("Mike") McEwen, young- est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. M. McEwen, of Stanley Townsaip, and John Alexander Broadfoot, only son of Mrs. Alex, 13roadfoot and the late Me Broadfoot, of Tuckereatith Township. The bride wore a pele pink Ctepe dress end Jacket with a pinir felt hat and 'White actessorfes,, and a corsage of Briarcliffe roses and enow-itestimmer. She was attended by her sister, Mre Marion Laramie, whe wore a figured powder blue crepe dress vilth navy. hat and ae6reage of deep pink roses and anchusa. The bast min Wee Tvtr. Herberb gtephens; cotais, of the brae, ,Iitcomediateli at - ter the aerenionty tlietbride and groom loft' on ti ittbtot to to itliolgatw, I " •,,‘• r Prices itifiaittieliimoT for the Voillo, Offered. Scores to choose from it • FASHION'S NEWtST'iN SLIMMER SWAGGER CQAT - - • To . wear one is to h a v e something real jaunty. $2.95 STRING KNIT & OTHER SMART WASH SUITS White, Cream and other popular shades. $3-i59 and $3.95 STRING LACE DRESSES, Cool and lovely -for Summer wear. no and no& Scores of Dresses t ha t 'speak for themselves re- garding style and season- ableness, including sheer chiffons. $2.98 to $8.95 it; THE' QUESTION OF WHAT TO WEAR CAN EASILY BE SATISFACTORILY ANSWERED - IN OUR STORE • • GLOVES- -- HOSIERY - BELTS - NECKWEAR CORSETS - LINGERIE Assortments at their best now. Something Special in Curtain Materials for your win- dows, at two popular prices 25c and 59c a Yard. I MacTAVISN'S RE -OPENING SOON FURNITURETV K'S ALERR • Decorating is almost completed in our large store and within a few days our immense selec- tion of modern furniture will be on display. Features Effective until Saturclay night, June 26tit, Heinz Tomato Heinz SOUP Tomato , rids. .2% war Heinz White, Malt or Cider VINEGAR 2 a'.25 •PINE inzpiInatO JUICE I6 -oz. etz. as. 26 -oz. ess9 Tin .1' Tins •effe Spilead Heinz • Med, if drib Large Sandwich Jar ' jar . • Heinz Assorted SOUPS Vine:1.27 Heinz Chili SAUCE iletd.. .23 - Heinz Fresh Cucumber RELISH Med.Jar j9 Spaghetti Heinz. 2rheid.' e25 Butter Heinz Peanut,. 6-oz. t-Oz. .21 Infant Foods Hein* ummoustimiletimmusainamssmosimisintment4immomm FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES Old Potatoes, film, 25c FL Cullom 2 for25c' Ripe 'Tornathesjot House, 24c .05 11` erq 41' Ont.- ••• qtt