The Huron Expositor, 1937-06-25, Page 71t,
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S. Heys
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QLIGcOa intend lotus b ,watltb) : vel drielide, `Ithen lalut *ail* to,fen
LQFTUS, S,.'-DANti,, Elf, _:$.Ce . �.... _ ... - ». _ �.. T
10-:Ttue 111,:3 ' •tray" ," -.
J. 001.48* "MY WY '0044 a while age. that. `l "prat; is p m to the bearer avow
U E . was a boy; :but '•fore : 'YPU. i ake message Yea ;may ''welsh to send noon,
CO>SIERIDH' • - • RE1 ' aS '8,47 pee feel a, grey beard, he, said, Rote', sir;' said Rupei^t. ,
�ecell: Ate. Ye both!" i we. a can 2 "_Vega ue;-galit Pas l+ Peine m'sieett't
village and there trap s'acted hiac oils said the Comte Politely. •
Twee He stopped for. a few,. minutes . Nn. sooner had be taken hie leave
ELMER D. BELL, B.A. at the Avast Arms, and wept' fdlto the of •therrt.than Revert actiwled tvpom tele
coffee -room. - In the :doorway he ran host.
13t><sa t,o4elia S..Hest ` into a, tall • gentleman who- wus •deM-e.-'!Devil take you, Tony, why did : you
Barrister, Solicitors: N'atare tannic,ing out.. ask that fellow there?' What's be do,
'!You perdon,•sbr," 'he salt!, and star- ing in Mand? 'Poe me soul,' it's
Seafortth - Ontario . • ed'in amazement. "Suit>Vi're! WhY, too bad that I should ,:have to meet
. 12 -se wt do ye here, Comte? rd no no. him, and be civil!" '
tion --ed • "I lensed No civility," remarked
Saint -Vire had started back angrily Merivale "Was there some quarrel
A int he 'towed nines, and if We tool° we.$ between blur and' Alastair?"
. VETER.INARY not, cordial, at beast he was polite. • "Quarrel! He's our worst enemy,
"Your servant, Merivaie. I had notmy dear! He insulted the name! I
thought oto see you here." give you ate word he did! What,
A. R. 'CAMPBELL, V.S. "Nor I You. Of all the queer places don't you know? He hates us like the
lyrsadnate o1 Dissuade • 4etarinary Qol- in which to meet yen! What brbigs devil! ' Tried to horsewhip Justin
stege, University of Toronto. All diyou here?" s- ago."
eases of domestic animals treated by' Saint,Vire hesitated for a mit. Enldghte!hment came to Merivale.
most modem principles. Charges "I am on my way to visit friends," "Of course I remember! Why in
tbeaeaaonable. _ Day or night calls he said. after a while. "Thep live --a the worlds did he pretend he wanted
Qeomptly attended to. Office on Main day's journey;north of this place. My to meet Alastair?"
schooner is at Portsmout
Street, Sewall, opposite Town Hall.h. He "I don't Pike him," Jennifer said,
Phone 116Breeder . of Scottish Ter- spread out his hands. "I am forced 'troubled. "His eyes make me shiver.
to break my journey 'to recover from I think he is net a good manna3ers, Inverness Kennels, Hensel(
12-86 a slight indisposition which attacked ••What: puzzles• me," said• Rupert, "is
me en route: What would! you? One why he should be the living spit of
does not wish to arrive souffrant at Leonie''
MEDICAL the house of a friend." Merivale started up.
Merivale thought the story strange, "That is it,then! I could not think
and Saint-Vire's manner stranger Still where 1 had seen her like! What
but he was too well-bred to chew in- .. does it all mean?"
DR. GILBERT C. JARROTT credulity. "Oh, but, she is not like isim!" pro -
"My dear Comte, it's most oppor- tested Jennifer. "'Tis but the red
Graduate of .--Faculty of Medicine, tune. You will give me the pleasure
University of Western Ontario. Mem- hair makes you say so. Lennie has
' of College of Physicians .and of your company at dinner at Meri- a sweet little face!"
ber35nrgeons of Ontario. Office, 43 Gone vale? 1 `must present you to my wife." "Red hair and' dark' eyebrows," said
etch Street, West Phone V. Again it seemed that Saint -Vire hes- Rupert. "Demme, 1 believe there's
Successor to Dr. Charles Mackay. itated. more in this than we think! It's like
12 -se "Monsieur, I resume my journey to- Justin to play a deep game; stay me
morrow." if it isn't!"
"Well, ride out to Merivale this ev- Merivale laughed 2,t him.
DR. W. C. SPROAT • ening,. Comte, I' beg of you." "What game, rattle -pate?" •
Almost the Comte shrugged. "I don't know-, Tony. . But if you'd
Physician - Surgeons "Esu bien, m'sieur, you are very lived with Justin for as many years
Pitaine 90-W. Office John St., Seaforth. kind. 1 thank Yea." as I ' have you wouldn't laugh. Justin'
12-26' He came that evening to Merivale hasn't forgot the quarrel, I'll swear!
and -bowed •deeply -_.'-over.. -Jennifer's He _ -never forgets: There's something
DR. F. J. BURROWS hand. afoot, I'll be bound."
"Madame, this is a great pleasure.
Mee and residence, Goderich St., I bate long wished to meet the 'wife -as--
oast of the United Church, Seaforth. of my friend Merirvale. is it too slate CHAPTER XVII
Phone 46. Coroner for the County of to felicitate, Merivale?"
Baron. Anthony laughed. ' Of a Capture, a Chase, and Confusion
12-36 "We are four years ---married,
Comte." • "Oh, parbieu!" Leonie said in dis-
DR. HUGH H. ROSS "One bas heard !much of the beauty gust. "This Rupert he is always late,
Graduate of IIndversity of Toronto of Madame la ' Barone," Saint -Vire the vaurien!"
said. "My dearest Iove," Madam Field re-
Yaealty of Itledicine, member of Col- Jennifer withdrew her hand. proved 'her. "That expression! In -
Jena of Physicians and Surgeons of "WM you be seated, monsier? I am deed, it is not becoming in a young
Onterio; pass graduate course., in always glad to see my husband's jade! I ,must beg orf you-"
Chicago Clinical School of Chicago ; friends. For where are you hand.
"To -day I am not a lady at'all,"
Royal Opthalmh
fe Hospital,' London' Saint -Vire waved a vague and. said Leonie flatly. "I want Monseig-
R,ngiaztd; University Hospital, Lon- "Nortel!, madame. I go to visit my neur to come."
don, England. Office -Back of Do- friend-er-•Chalmer" "My dear, it is .:hardly proper in
'minion .Bank, Seaforth. Phone No. S. 'Merivale's brow to . -" -
31?i� calls answered from residence, "C ? 1 don's shirk I knower " "Ala, bail •, said Leonie, and wialk-
Vfxioi1s Street, Seafortlt hat1"He lives veil much in seclusion," ed away
12 86 explained Saint -Vire; and turned a- She went to her own apartment,
gain to Jennifer. "Mada'me, I think and eat disconsolately down at the
DR. E. A. McMASTER I have newer niet you in Paris?" window.
"No, sir, I have not ' been outside "lt is two weeks since Monseigneur
Graduate of the University of Toron- mine own country. My husband goes wrote,", she Deflected,. - "And then be
to, Faculty of Medicine there sometimes:" said, I eome soon novo. Voyons, this
Member of College of Physicians . "You should take madame," Saint- is no way to keep that promise! And
• end Surgeons of Ontario; graduate of Vire smiled. "Y,ou we see often, Rupert is late again." A sparkle cause
New Post School and n'est-ce pas?" into her eyes. She jumped up. "I
York Hoose Graduate New York.Of- "Not se often as of yore," Merivale will have a game with Rupert," she
lire on High Street, Seafor h. Phone answered. "My wife has no taste for said..
town Iife." With this ideation she 'pulled her
27. Office fully equipped for X-ray ^Ah, 'one uudersrtands 'then why, you boy's raiment out of the cupboard,
diagnosis and ultra short wave elec- stay not long,abroad these days, Mer- and struggled- out of,t rer skirts. Her
trite treatment, Ultra Violet Sun Lamp ivaler" ,hair had grown, bat it was 'not yet
treatments, and. lnfra Red electric Dinner was announced and they long enough to be confined in the nape
treatment. Nurse in .attendance. went into the adjoining room. The of her neck by a riband. It clustered
1232 •. Comte shook out his napkin. about her head still in a myriad soft
"You- live in most charming . coun- curls. She brushed it back from ,her
DR. F. J. R. FORSTER -try, -madame. The 'woods here are forehead, dressed- •herself in shirt and
superb." • breeches and' coat, and catching up
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat "They are finerabgtrt Avon Court," her tlicorne, swaggered downstairs.
Graduate in Medicine, University said Anthony, 'Th re are some Luckily Madam Field was nowhere to
s'piendid oaks there." be seen, so she escaped ,without let
ad Toe asaisiairt New York Opthal- "�, Avon! I am . desolated to or hindrance into the garden. It was
L and AuralsInstitute, Moorepthal- hear that %the Due,is away. I hoped the first time she hnihjentured; out
-but 'it is not to be." of door in her boy's gear, and since
pin and Golden Square ,'throat Hos- In the recesses of Merivale's brain it was an illicit pleasure her eyes
iata1s, London, Eng. `At Commercial memory stirred. Surely there had twinkled naughtily. Rupert, with all
Iotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in been some scandal, many years ago? his laxity, had in him a quaint streak
writ month, from 1.30 p.m. to 4.30 "No, Avon, 1 believe, is in London. of pi•pd'ery, as he knew. •
p.m., 5$ Waterloo Street, South, Strat- Lord Rupert is staying with us -he He Would of a 'certainty' be shock
feed: is at the Court now, dining with Ma- ed to see her parading the grounds
12-36 dame Field, and Mademoiseele de thus clad, and as, this was precisely
DR. DONALD G. STEER Bonnard, the Duke's ward." what she wanted 'slhe set out in, the
Saint-Vire's !rand, holding the, wine hope of meeting him, making for the
Graduate of Faculty of Medicine glass, • shook a little. woody that ran downs towards . the
Urtiveraaty of Western Ontario. Mem "1Vlademoiselle de-?" ad.
bar of College of Physicians and "Bonnard!. You knew that Avon roH•aif-way across the big meadow
Surgeons of Ontario. Full equip had' adopted a daughter?' that separated her from the woodland
anent, including an ultra short wav ' "I heard some rumour," the Comte she espied Rupert corning from the
set. said slowly: "So she is here?" stables, carryi'n'g his haft under hiss
Office ling Street, Bensa}1 Piton "For a time only. Slee is to be arm, and whistling jauntily. Leonie
Mensal! Sib, presented soon, I think." cupped her hands about her mouth.
12-26 "Vraiment?" The Comite sipped his "Ohs, Rupert!" she called gleefully.
wine ,"No; doubt she is ennuyee here. Rupert saw' cher, steod still for a
"I think she is well enough,"Meri- moment, and then came striding to -
vale answered. "There is 'much to wards her.
DENTAL amuse her at Avon.. She and that "Fiend seize it, what will you, be
scamp, Rupert, have taken to playing at next?" he shouted. "'Pow my Caul
at hide-and-seek its the woods. They it's , scandalous, strap me if it's not!
are naught but 'a pair of children'!" Home -with; you, you hoyden!"
DR. J. A. McTAGGART • "Aha?" Saint -Vire slightly Inclined "1 shall not, Milor' Rupert!" she
Graduate Royal College of Dental his head. "And the Dur is, You. say, !cried tauntingly, and danced away.
1rgeone, Toronto. Office at Henson, in London?" ' , f'Yau cannot make me!"
Phone 106. "I cannot say for sure. None ever "Can I not, then?" called Rupert,
Ont.12-36 knows where he will be next. Leonie and, dropping his hat, broke into a
expects him daily, I think." run.
"I am sorry to have missed him," Leonie straightway dived into the
AUCTIONEERS said Saint -Vire mechanically. wood, and fled es for her life, for.
After dinner he and Merivale play- she knew very well that if he caught
ed at •picgtret together and soon Rup- her Rupert would have no hesitation
Licensed Auctioneer ert came striding in, and stopped In picking her up and carrying her
dead upon the threshold at sigbt of bask to the house.
the visitor. "Wait till I'dateh you!" threatened
Rupert, crashing through the under-
ISpeciallet in farm and house hold "Thun1- ,-- % Your very devoted,
growth. "Damn, I've torn my ruf-
g,eles. Prices reasonable. For dates Comte," 'he said stifile, ands' stalked fland the lace cost me fifteen gain-
end11iionmatiorr, 'wphone 'riling or Har- over to where Jennifer was seated east Plague talus it, where are you!"
sold! Dale, Phone 149, Seaforth," or "What's' that fellow doing here." he Leonie sent a mocking cry ecbaing
apply at The Expositor Office. growIed in her ear. through the wood', and ran on, listen-
isten12 E6 She Laid: a finger on her lips. ing to Rupert's, blundering 'progress
The Comte was just saying that behind her. She led 'him in and out
he is sorry to have missed seeing the trees, through bushes, round in
F. W. AHRENS your -Your brother, Rupert,,' shedsaid circles, and over the stream always
clearly. keeping until just out of sight, she
licensed atictloneer for Perth and Rupert stared at Saint -Vire. found lteust coming out into the
1s on Ope1
n► . Sales solicited. "Eh? Oh, ay; my btother wild be road. She would have turned, <!, t
on application. W,,atM Stock, heartbroken, I assure you, sir. Did doubled back had she not clouded
9 g2tt+ets' and Read Mate Property. you coma to pay him a visit?"see a night. travelling coach 'standing
. Illt
E. No. 4, IR/tabs11 • Mlle 8$4 r 6. A Muscle quivered beside the nertR by. She was eurpmi d, and till~
Co'No, heavy month, teed to peep at it over a 10W tin•
, n tom. • )1 f1 r'. I elm on my way to;
g °'1Qo, miroo•
"But niy
#A} e' Fa'rnliet'
balsh, �• ' 7.4.e'� 'R„F: ...amid Rap, 1!!tl+i+.'''' .;,,,.,i.'
, ' •
-erne-doiee'_ *:e +aa'ptn!arted,.._" if I jblp . lA�
lea 9i yy.--,{� ,L,e.y!t�i�'renwC aher ,dp #til,}7 �(aa .{a,#tydpgl�jfp lk�, t ' /���Q �1Y
de 4 '4L' 11} m, att'd''1 e : ^llrirl'6o, a'�/ `N.'.�. .Wa+"a!!6!'lg ..' ....11M1 tx. "h'bt..,. .�. n,Y'�.:
too bee amagentent the „,, ,tie dei Saint"Put l l'd that r• Man l 4 1 U 0 t,e sem:'
X3FBr wal' II 9 " lie se _ '"_.. +'v 404.013
Ziawas �fti+o�wn�ln a chis �! mQ h �� ' t.. "
Devil .tie �i' '�4!1!'y�ere. Bvbre. '' Fd71cve, 1 auk •.
poubad He Tootled nP "fid! as hill 'b1 So lt>ity'SeJifl No,'_atay! . ,px '174: Xqu �b its
1 f me acted`►1• Che;re
glance fell upon her the frown . went llpalfr.„
from hie`i+ace, and he soars
The 1 ndlansd, was upset "1'7 -._.
tlowtamds mer. ging. "MY lord,. it's a toutib of tb!e sun Vote hgubor l .et . p'A�
„ow, must 'have got into your head!" earls. i
I give you good roe Words
Leon the .rSun at this time of ,the year?" "r was ng 7mg lard, 2qt hlsr
Plage," he said, and the vpords bit.. "I roamed `Rupert, tffiorroughly esasPeimt Grace has 'Igo Silver Queer anebored
had hardly hoped that I shoubti hind ed. ,G i tnd! me a pistol, arrant" . 3n. Sondhampton Water,' 1e.
you thus 1 t ink ' luck is vudn$� me �:.Y, my lord!, YO'!" said Fletehei^ "The .deyli fly ,away wi' 4 tts�e:::.n' ()tut 1i411
tins roma, ..I think." .• "He `*My
Leonie retreated a little. Avon's and •retreated in chaste.' •exelainned 'Rupert wrat ullt: He'
warniag -was in her min*Rupert "set jam down the road to
the blacksmith's, and found ,him
"Ba'n� 'jour, m'sieur ' due said, and ,
womdered what he was doing in the, . whiatlbng to 'hiulise'bf as he worked.
Duke's grounds, or wily:he was . in • Yi/'.bla Coggin, I say!,'
The Ob'l-aeksindtlh paused..
England at all. "Did y!ou go to see .
Mons'etgneur?" she askwith wraith" Yee, my bort?"
ew , "Hurry with that shoe, my man! I
lett brow. "He is ee n"
'•`I am desolated, said: Saint -Vire want the horse."
sarcastically, and came aright up to ,Coffin stared, open',mouthed.
But -but '.lir not one of his Grace'la
eller. She shrank and rmi: a fit of inter- horses, sir--"
plicable panic, called to Rupert. "Tare aur 'ouns, would his Glace
"Rupert, Rupert, a moi!" own such a .brute? Do ye take me
Even as she cried Saint -Vire a hand for a fool?"
was over her mouth and, his other
anis about her waist,, Struggling lordship. "But Mr. Manvers' roan, your
madly she was swept fraiwibe the ground "I don't care if 'tis the devil's own
and• Borne at a run to where the ()each Chestnut!" cried 'Rupert. "I want it,
stood waiting. Witbolit compunction and that's enough! How ling before
site bit deeply lute the band over her you :herd' that shoe on?"
Mouth. There was a :muttered oath; „
the hand -flinched a little, and she Why, sdm, twenty minutes, or may
jerked 'her !head away to shriek a- be 1on�ger-'
gain. A guinea for you. if you, hasten!"
"Rupert, Rupert, on m'enporte! A Rupert searched in, his pockets ''and
MI, ,a mei, a moi!" produced two crowns, "And ask it
His voice came to her, nearer at of Fletcher," he added, stowing the
hand. m
crowns away again.. Don't sit star-
"Who-wdrat-? What the. dev- ing at me, an! Hammer that eros
ii-?„ on, or. I'll take the hammer .to knock
She was flung then into the coach, senses into your dread withal? Step
sprang up ;like a small fury, but was me if I won't!"
thrust roughly back again. She 'heard wT` adjured, the smith set to
Saint-Vihe give an order to the coach- ith _a will'
man; then he jumped in beside her, The groom's walked on to Fawley
and the coach lurched. forward. , Farm, my lord," be ventured pres-
Rupert_-e',m,e piun'ging_out pito the eptly. "What will your honor have
road, hot and dis?tevelled, .just in me say tai * when he comes back?"
time to see the coach disappear round Tell him to present Lord Rupert
the bold in the road; in the three-
,Alastair's' oomplimente to Mr. Man -
tion of the village.versrr who the devil Is Mr. Manvers?
-and thank diuins for the loan of 'his
He had suspected at first that Le- horse." Rupert walked round th e
onde was only teasing him, ' but her animal, inspecting its points.. "Horse;•
second' 'cry bad held a note of gen- is it?, Cow -hocked bag of bones!` A
uinealarm, while now there was no man's no right to own a scarecrow
sign of her. With -characteristic int., like this! You hear me, Oogginn"
petuosity be went headlong down the "Yes, my lord. Certainly, sir!"
road in pursuit of the coaoh, never "Hurry with that shoe, then, and
stopping to consider the wisdom of fetch the umlaut up to the Arms."
returning to the stables for his horse. Away went Rupert up the roads again
Full -tilt he went, hatless, with torn to the inn,, where he found Fletcher
ruffles, and wig askew:, The coach awaiting him with a large pistol. '
was out of sight, but *dam on until ""Tis loathed, sir," Fletcher warm -
10 was brown. Pen 10 dropped in- ed hi'ni "Indeed, my lord, and are
to a walk. When lie: Sad got' his you sure year lordsdrip is weer
breath back he ran again, and had "Never naiad! Which way did the
a grin for the comic figure he knew coach go?" -
he must be cutting. He had no idea "Making for Portsmouth, sir, as I
who had seized Leonie, or wiry, but Judge. But surely to goodness your
he felt certain that she was in that lordship isn't of a mind to chase it?"
coach. His fightingspirit was arcus "What dee, fool? 1' want a hat.
et, and ,incidentally, his love of ad- Produce me one"
venture: he determined to catch the Fletcher resigned himself to tbe in -
coach if it cost him his life. So, al- evitable.
ternately running 'and - .wanking, he "if your lordship would condescend
came at last to the straggling village, to take my Sunday beaver-----"
three miles distant, sad seeing the "Ay, 'twill suffice. Make out the
first cottage broke once more into a reckoning and I'll pay-er-when 'I
weary jog�trot return. Damn that fellow Coggin!
The blackamitb was working in his Will he be all night ht 'his work?
ylard, and, bolted up in astonishment They've nigh on - an hour's: start of
as Rupert's well known figure ap- me already!"
preached. But Coggin came presently, lead-
"Hrey, there!" Rupert- panted. "A ing the- roan. Rupert stowed his pis-
coaeh--passed this way. Where went tol away In the saddle .holster, tight-
the girth, and sprang into, the
The smithy rose acrd touched his saddle. .The smith gave vent to a last
forelock. appeal. -
"Yes, my lord My lord, Mr. Manvers is a testy
"Devil -take you! The .coach!" gentleman, and indeed-" '
"Yes, my lord, yes," said the puz- "To 'hell with Mr. Manvers, I'm sick
zled smithof the fellow," said Rupert, and tode
"Did -it -pass here?" demanded off at a canter. •
Rupert ie. stentorian' tones. The borrowed horse was no fiery
Light broke upon the smith. charger, as Rupert soon discovered.
"Why, yes, your lordship; and stop- It cherished its own ideas as to a
ed at the Arms. 'Tis gone this twen- suitable pace to maintain, and man-
tp minutes." aged to do so for the most part, to
"Curse it! Whither?" its own satisfaction and, Rupert's dis-
The smith shock his head.- gust. Thus it was close on four in
"Beg pardon, your lordship, but I the afternoon when he came at last
was not watching." into Portsmouth, and bath he and his
"You're a fool," said Rupert, and mount were very weary.
plodded 'on.• --Ile rode at once. to the quay, , and
The landlord of the Avon. Arms was learned that the private schooner an -
more communicative. He came bust- chored there for the past three days
ling out to meet his young .Iordship, •had set sail not an hour ago. Rep-
and threw up his hands at sight of ert dashed Mr. Fletcher's hat on the
him. ground.
"My lord! Why, your lordship has Blister. me, I'm too late!"
lost ibis hat! Your coat, sir--+-" The tharbour-master eyed him in po- . "She was ever a wild piece," wept C.N.R. TIME TABLE
"Never mind my coat," said Rue. lite surprise, and picked up the hat. Madam. "And Rupert so scatter-brain-
ert. "Where, went that coach?" ' "Tell me now," said Rupert, dis- ed! Oh, what shall I do, my lord? East A.N.P.M.
"The French gentleman's' coach, 'mounting. "Was it a French sooun- What shall I do?" r Gotderich 6.40 2.30
sir?" dret embarked?" "Pray madam:.dry your rs " Clinton 7.40 2.30
Rupert 'had •collapsed on to the set- ."Ay, sir, 'twos a foreign gentleman begged Merivale. "I am convinced Seaforth 7.17 3.16
there's naught so serious in this as Dublin
tle, but he sat bait upright now. with red hair, and his son." 7.28 3.29
"French? French? So that's it, "Son?" ejaculated Rupert. an elopement. For God's sake,. mad- Mitchell 7.37 ' 3.29
is it? Oho, Male Comte!. But what "Ay, sir, a sick lad it was. am, calm yourself." West
the deuce does he want with Leonie?" The moossoo said he was suffering But Madam, to his dismay, went in Mitchell 11.06 9.28
'The landlord looked at helm sympa- of a fever. He 'carried has on board to a fit of the vapours. My lord turn- Mitchell
Dublin .. 11.14 9.36
theticanly, and waited for him to ex- like one dead, .6:11 muffled do a great ed to the servant. Seaforth 11.30 9:47
plain. cloak. I said to Jim here, 'Jim,' I "Ride burls to Merivale, my' man,
"Ale!" said Rupert; sinking back said, It's a shame to take the boy en and request my lady. to join me here," Clinton 11.45 10.00 ,
again "Anda horse, 'and a pistol." board, i41 as he is, that it is.' » he ordered, with an uneasy eye on Goderich 12.05 10.25 ,
The landlord was more - perplexed "Drugged, by Gad!" exclaimed Ru- the prostr to lady. "ADO -and send . r
than ever, but he went off to fetch pert. "I'll 'have his blood for this! madam's abilgail here! Mayihtap the
ale tin a large tankard'. Rupert ' dis- Taken her'to France, has the! Now, ch'il'dren are playing some trick on P.P.R.1`IM TABLE
posed of it speedily anis drew a deep whet in thunder does he want with us." he muttered to thimself. "Mad-
Mad- East
breath her? a Hi, you! When does the next am. I beg you will not alarm yourself
"Did the coach stop here?" he de-?" unduly!" P.M..'.
packet sail' for Le Havre?" Godertoh #.2U
mended. "Did you see my brother's "Why, sir, there's' no boat for the Madam Field's maid came loaning
warLeonte, my lord? No, in- harbor -masters! R mer is ruf les might
and ii' t ansi the lad, re- Menset 4.8
9 with4 24
"Mistress red somewhat and lay elan, the M 4.83
deed! The French gentlemen. did not be torn, and his coat muddied, but couch calling on heaven to witness Auburn ....... ...,......... ... 4.42
alright. He was in a mighty ..hurry, the harbour -master knew a -gentleman that she had done her best, Tb all BIYth . # 5* .
sir, seemingly." when he saw one. •Merivale's questions sshe could only Walton �, ""
"Scoundrel!" Rupei`•t stook his fist, Rupert glanced ruefully down his reply that She ,had had no notion of McNaught • • • �a15"=`,
scowling.' , person. such wickedness, ant] what Justin Toronto •, cid
Mr. Fletcher retreated a pace. "The likes of me, eh? Well, well!" would say she dared 'not think Caine dil$$t
"Not you, fool," said Rupert, "What He poi:ntted with his whlp to a ram- me Lady Merivale, in 'her chaise, and A+
dill the poach stop fol?" s'h'ackle vessel laden with bales of was tattered into the withdrawing- Toronto ++.Y•e
Toomt. McNaught • a i r i•'.6 . i '.. t •4 .NY
"Why, sir, the reckoning was not cloth. "Where is she bound Ror?"u E
paid, and the moossoo had !eft his For Le Havre, sir, but, 'Us only .a "Madam! Why, madam, whn,t is Walton."sae. e‘..,.....,.;04
this . Anthony, ;have they' slot retul n- 'Bleat • ..-,d'.:,........,‘ . ,ed
Valise. The servant junllps off the tradingship,as your *Deur sec's." this?
box, comes running in here to settle "When does she sail?" ed? Fie, they are trying to frighten Aubi11!m , . •• ...Y.i
the- teett'onting with, me, snatches up "To -night, sir. dye's lain here two us! Depend,, upon' it, that le .1t1 New- Ne W . . Y.. Y,Y'.... i i W'(Lt
the valise, and was out of the place days too 'long already, waiting for the er fret, madam, tharll r'et'rial seen. 6ne4 4 a . • .. Y....• i,•••.% ir••
Moro I'd time to (etch m)' breath, - wind to turn, but she'll be away{ With She went to 1116 agitse4 it ha 'erli%, Godettelt, .. ............:rush;
!Ma a Wayn' wont te -1 ire ":'beret•' of the; ego
t,,. 1y tris
ii4aybe, sir,' if you was t0 ride t ►' ' Be od
South p nt- -" e � u
"Ride to ben!. I'd find tbteim paint ,san ,see wills
lag •her, like as not. Come now, fel
low. ten gu;meas' ' Ten mlwtat 1'a
._The harbourrmaater +tclvts. his ct►I= °d w 4e hews tiu
league aside, amid' whdsperedt Argent 1aeras, was ur; a loll
iy. Presently he turned, and address-'. heezr' "there a1I day
ed Rupert. ani Ib'adl a freAhr a4ae'.h.
"I• a'm saying; any lord,' asr 'bow af- and . Merlvabe - irowited
teen guineas is a,faiir price." I darn t wzdeiit tlt!is�,
"Fi'llteen eas ft is!„ said .p "Ifs trey hail slo t] ---'
Oh, Awthpny, real: they >1
ert promptly, thinking of the two that?" Jen!nrife� cried agiu
crowns in his pocket. "I span have.
to sell the horse" no, surely! Whi y, the ebald pan
cap -
"Six o'clock we setssail, and don't Rutof DO one.,Liybut 'the Duke;'sttd
Rap. wait for nobbut," growled the cap- ste--' --•'!"nsaidanp-;lord 113.20.*
tate, and walked off.
Rupert rode sato the town. and raised- ,his
by Outside they heard hgrees, and iiate�
goodfortune was able bo sell Mr. scrunch of wheels 4)-4 the. gravel. Mad
Macnv�ers' roan for theasum of twenty am started up.
guinea's. , The sale being accomplish "Heaven be praised;
ed he went to the imm on the quay- they gave come
side, -and refreshed_ himself with a 'bacll!
wash and a bowl of punch. Toms fort-
ort (Continued Next Week)
ified he boarded' the sailing vessel,
and sat him down on •a coil of rope,
thoroughly enjoying the adventure,
and not a little amused.
"'Fore Gad, I neper was in such a
mad' chase!" be'remarked to the sky. Eastern Tent euaCta i]lDe' are ore
"Here's Leonie spirited off by Sadist- numerous than renal ole Deo'
Vire, the Lord knows why, or where, Pleand pIiim trees 'and espectaid7. ow
for that matter --and myself hot on wild sherries, in almoatt all parts ':of
the stent with .five crowns in my Old, Ontatrio. Forrest -Tent Caterpil
pocket, and the landlord's het on. :my Tars are reported to be even' .lace's
bead. ' And what am I ,going to - do , nutmerous than :last year n01011 and
when I find the obit?" He pondered west of Gravenhuret. •
deeply. "It's a plaguy queer 'business Wirewoa+nrs, the last week m. May, :.
so it is," he decided. "Justin's at
began ,to cause much .daanageto
the back of it, PId be bound. And spring` � and there bave .been '
where the devil is Justin?" Suddenly mazy reports of einquiry. In. ab1 cases
he flung black, his bead ands laughed. the crops infeistd. Were planted on T..
"Dorms, I'd give something to see ground that has been broken up planted,,
old cousin Harriet's face when she sad' one or two years ago. Evidently
finds me gone off with Leonie! Hey, cool weather is . making the dam
hey, here's' a pretty soil, to be surra, age greater than woult • ordinarily, be
for faith, I dow't know where I am,
the case, because it liar retarding the
and I dove know where Leonie
development of root .growth of the
nor she where I am, and at Avon they plants without affecting feedatn'!g by
don't know where any of ns are!" the •wireworms. W'hlte..:grubs have,
begun to feed, but as most of them
are believed to be in their third year -
and will cease feeding beforre:-tong,
CHAPTER XVIII it not thought they will be•So'de-
The : Indignation. of Mr. Manvers . atructive as last autumn:
9Pear 'Blister Mite has come con-
spicuously to' .the front this spring,
was after six in the evening and lei-
and on young pear trees is very much
ther Leonie nor Rupert had returned: more abundant than for many years:
Considerably flustered at. length Mad Cabbage Worm adults -white .but
am sent a messenger to Merivale to ter8.ies are already on the wing and
ingtri're whether the truants wereare laying eggs on cabbage and cauli-.
there. Half an hour tater the lackey flower. They arenumerous sigh;•
returned, With Merivale riding' beside Provider! weather cawditions are' fav -
him Merivale went swiftly to the :()ruble, to -become a bad peed again
wiChdrawing-roam, and as soon as he this year. Growers should dust their'
entered Madam Fieid sprang up. cabbages and cauliflowers with an;
arsenical just as they become
"Oh,Lord Merivale! Oh, and have ,g�ini
you brought the child home? I have
been in such a taking, for'. I never
saw her after eleven in the morning,
or maybe 'twas later, or perhaps a
little earlier -I cannot say for sure.
And never a sign of Rupert, so I
thought mayhap they were with '
Merivale broke into the flood': of Winglta,ar. ............:. 1.55
Belgrade ' 2.11.:
Blyth 2.23
Londesboro . • . 2.30
Clinton 3.08
Brucefield 3.27
Kipper .............., 3.35
Hew 3.41
Exeter 3.55
Exeter 10.34
Heneall a 10.49
Kipper 10.52
Brucefleld 11.00.
Clinton ,•... 11.47
Londesboro 12.04
Blyth 12.13
Belgrave 12:24
Wingbam - 12.45
Report on insects,.
Into head. -
I've not seen either of them since
this morning when Rupert set out to
come here," he said.
Madam's jaw dropped. She let fall
her fan, and began to cry.
"Oh"'dear, oh dear, and Justin tell-
ing me to have •a care to her! But
how could I tell fer sure 'twas his
own brother! Oh, my lord, can they
-can they have eloped?"
Merivale broke into the flood of
"I've not seen either of them since
this morning when Rupert set out to
come here," he said.
Merivale laid lois hat and whip on
the table.
"Eloped? Nonsense, madam! Im-
s 'a ii�:li
'•a �%y�,',�s . o _<�ri .fie\a,,.,,� �, ,. ,•d. fir, � a ��h�i