HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1937-06-25, Page 5• , - I • .4 44. • 0 I 4 • • , • r • \ • • • .••••••••••''',••',"•'''''....i., • :•• • 111, :41 'Y;44.• vamos.v.vasermaaa mssuavvvvvvv***.vvv.4.4*****444•40.44•44......**4•44444, • "4.4.4•4444,vvvv•vv•v****4•44.***.a4444.4•*ovvvv..... 40-4 **00.4.********04..4444404,0.400404.44,0.4.000444.******Ivameutim**=.044**.mmarnammaismarom10.00*.**24tvaiwark...,....a44**0.4**4*******.**.s.*440.4,4.41. '''''m.......MM.44'.4.''.4444.4.4.4"....**.•"..4.''°'.04'4°.4'4'044*.4**'*.00.**.0*40**4*444'*0**44.0'0"4*4*04*0,**.o*****. 4411814+001=0**V4.001.***VO4.440410044.4..........at.**..4.9.**.44.4441,4vm..**4.400*.N40.**“.444000.4**,00,0001,1400440**00.0004$404004441**44.144.,40,04,4000,40.04.440*.mea.**7,0 4 ' • AftE4Tilig • W9000' Akin •• .4v, • 4910e' oEFWMARMgt,4 .aa 11/14ry, '. 'S • tele 14-14" 11.1.x,'„w -0,Epag 44-0--.6*-•'---, • HTO• Diane 4FIGAG Ike M.F,o4to 14ght--Xt4 FO010010.'Mxit 'Meadav, Tuesday, Wedne v. • ShirleY Tettinle "STOVVAWAY." Robert Vounq Allee fay* • ShIrley's Most tknUOUal NEwMosst Thrla-Paled Pleturel, . PARTOON , .• • Next ThursdaY.• FridaY. SaturdaY Oettrti.e, Arnim "MAN Q,F, AFFAIRS" Camino -- Claudette Melvyn Douslaso IVIET-EILM IN PARIS" Mat. $aturdays and MalMaya art- -a pan. MANLEY 40/OVVEMaira/OOMON. A pretty wedding took place last Saturday at 9 a.m. in $t. Columban Church when M. and Mrs: P. J. Johnson's eldest 'daughter, Roseaa, was united in 'marriage to -Mr. JosePh Ryan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ryan, of. near Walton. The .cerenhany was ':performed by the pastor, Rev. Father Dantzer, after which they repaired to the home of her parents where a sumptuous .re9ast was served to the ironiediate friends. The good wishes' of ,their many friends go with them for prosperity and a happy married life on their farm near Walton. Another pretty wedding took place last Monday in St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, when Eileen Eckert, youngest daughter of Mr. Fred Eckant and the late Mrs. Mary Ellen Eckart, became the bride 'of,Albert Cronin; son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Dan Cronin. The ceremony was performed by her uncle, Rev. Fr. Dantzer, an the nuptial high mass was celebrated by her uncle, Rev. J. M. Eckart; The bridesmaid was Miss Helen O'Hara; and the groom was supported by his broth.er. After ',the ceremony the happy couple returned to her father's home where a sumptu- ous breakfast was served to the im- mediate friends. After their honey, moon trip they will reside on the groom's fine farm, Huron Road, east of Seaforth. Their many friends wish, the young couple a prosperous and happy life. Hay -making is starting earlier than usual with a bumper crop, and by ali. appearance all will be well which will bring, prosperity with the wedding bell ts still ringing. Rev. J. Id. Eckart and Mr. and, Mrs. Charlie Hall were visitors in our burg this week. Mr. and Mrs. Leo McKay and Mr. and Mrs. Scott,, of Detroit, were guests at the Cronin-Eckart "Wedding. Store 004...00lonion Das: and Open Wetlaesday. .• CONSTANCE taw auaravamegosamianandarawmormava Miss- Luella Johnson, of near Clin- ton, visited at the home of Mr. and MrS. William Britton on Wednesday. Mr. Leo Stephenson was in, London on business on Tuesday and a]so at- tended Exeter races. Mrs. Justin Sinclair and daughter, Evelyn, of Brigden visited with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Steph'enson'on Tuesday. Mrs. W. Britton and Helen -visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Leeming, of near Bethel, on Monday. One of the oldest, if not the old- est, man who was born in this dis- trict, passed away on Thursday morn- ing in the person of Mr. W. WiLlison. Buffet Luncheon A very dainty buffet luncheon was 'held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. _Adaccas on Saturday afternoon, June 19th, under the auspices of the Gold- . en Links Mission Band with Miss Donelda Adams and Mrs. Frank Riley, leader and assistant in charge. A pleasing program was sponsored with the president, Stella Armstrong; in the chair. Reading's were given by ` Miss Jean Anderson and Viola Dex- ter; duet by Helen and Edith Brit? •ton; a very interesting story to the younger members by Miss Ivy Sim- mons. A buffet lunch' was served in the dining room and the tea, table was presided over by Mrs. Roy Law- son and Mrs. Leo Stephenson. The table decorations were in pink and •white which was also carried out ,throughout the room and the table • was centred with a silver basket of pink peonies and snowballs and pale .pink tapers on either side. Those who assisted the guests were Mies Cleta Medd and Miss Edith Britton. Moss Elizabeth Mills alid Miss Hel- en Britton rendered pleasing music oduring the tea hour. Those respon- sible for the tea tables' were Mrs. „James Medd, Mrs, F. Riley, Mrs. Clarence Montgoniery, Misses Viola :Dexter and Stella Armstrong. MCKILLOP Mr. and Mrs. Charles' Eggert, Della and Norman 'Spent Sunday with, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hart -I -der, at Orange- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Regele and Mrs. John Eggert spent Stinday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Gross near Blyth. Mrs. Henry Koehler spent a few .days with friends in Fullarton. Mr. and Mrs. William Koehler and 'sons, Mn. and Mrs. Henry Koehler, Mr. e.nd Mrs. Jerry Doerr, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bauermann an Mervin at- tended the Fisher reunion .1yeld. in Fullarton last Saturd'ay. Math of Mrs. James Morrison The death occurred on Monday, June 21st, at her home on the llth. concession 'of McKillop, following a stroke of paralysis of Elizabeth Hil- )en. a highly esteemed resident and, -wife of Jalmes Morrison, atthe sCge of 64 years. The departed woman was born in Mcgillop, . youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. and was married. about 2,0 years ago. Before her marriage Mrs. Morrison taught in the Niagara. Valls and Luc= Collegiate Institutes, .•he was also an active member of member of the W. M. S. Besides her Winthrop United. Church and a life husband she is Survived by one bro- / McKillop, and Mrs. James Kerr ther and two sisters, Mr. Calvin HSI - len, and Mrs. Robert Archibald, Seaforth. 'The -funeral took place Wednesday afternoon from tier late residence, in- ' terinent being made in Maitlandbank cenletery. Rev. G. E. Morrow, of -Vitaltrop United Mulch, offidispd. -1. Sensation 1 Values IN NEW S M.MER DRESSES. LACE DRESSES Airy, Cool, Stylish; made of fine quality lace; white, yellow, green; bite; square or V -necks. Smartly trimmed with bright belt and but- tons. Sizes 14 to 20. SHANTUNG COTTON SUITS Coats have sport pleat backs, col- lar and lapels and pockets; full length sleeires. Skirts have neat - kick pleats; smart, attractive. Na- tural fast colors in Blue, Green, Yellow. Sizes 14 to 20. Special showing of New York's last word in Chiffon Dresses, including navys and blacks, as well as a delight- ful showing of light colors. All this season's most popular styles. Sizes 14 to 52. 1.95 Regular 14.95 16.50, 18.00, 19.50 Values like these at the end of the season would be well worth looking into, but these at the very beginning or Suminter you should not miss the opportunity. Plain 'Grey Flannels and Worsteds, also a good selection of Checks, Flecks, and Stripes. Single or double breasted; plain or fancy backs. 6.7t 12.00 Fine fancy Worsted Suits in Black, Navy. or Brown, with fancy stripes or checks; plain Or sport backs; single or double breasted. Not only are the patterns and colors outstanding, but the Suits are tailored. to retain their shape and hold their press. ,BOYS' SPORT BACK TWO -PANT !,U!TS Brown, Grey, Sand; long 'or short pants ... .$6.95 and $7.05 Smart New Summer Millinery White Felts and fancy Summer Straws, in Brown, Navy or Black, in all the latest wide rim, off the face, sailors or Brenton sailors. Cool, comfortable, becoming, flatte g. ............ ........... 1 1.25 5.00 nrimmune, Women's Sport Skirts Flannel or Crepe Skirts in attractive new styles for outing and sport wear, in new shades of Blue, Pink, Mauve, Green, Navy, al- so White. They are so dressy and so useful. You should have one.. Sizes 14 to 20 2.95 100 Pair of Men's Summer Pants Excellent quality cotton, will wash, and iron like new. White or cream with fancy Checks or Stripes; good pocket& Sizes 30 to 44. Very Special REGULAR $3.50 TO $3.05 FLANNEL PANTS Sand or Grey, in plain or fancy stripes, good quality; well made. All sizes 1.95 2.95 Men's New Swim Trunks Men's Pure Wool, all colors; elastic protector and belt Men's All Wool Bathing Suits, athletic style Boys' Pure Wool Trunks, in Black, Maroon or Blue Boys' New Bathing Suits, in all the wanted colors .• -• • 4.; Women's Bathing Suits Pure Wool, with or without skirts; new low back. All this sea- son's bright, attractive colors. Novelty styles including the new Krinkle Knit. All sizes up to 46. Rubber Bathing Caps to Match -15c •M1144141 25c PORCH DRESSES New, attractive styles, beautiful plaids, spots and floral designs, trimmed with lace, organ- die, braid and buttons. Sizes 14 to 1 50. VERY SPECIAL .00 CHILDREN'S DRESSES Wonderful variety of styles, patterns and col- ors, play dresseS of prints, piques49cto95c and voiles. Sizes 2 to 14 Finest Dainty Dresses of Dimity, Voile and Silk, touched off with lovely hand I Am smocking. Sizes 4 to 14 1 .7 1.75 to 2.95 VAT $1.00 Men's Summer Underwear Penman's Balbriggan for men, shirts or drawers Penman's Balbriggan for men, combinations Penman's Balbriggan for boys, combinations Boys' Shirts and Shorts Special Headline Values in Women's Silk Hose • PENMANS ' • KAYSER *ORIENT • WELLDREST • PHANTOM When better Hose are made, these firms will • make thein. Finest Crepes, Chiffons and service weights, absolutely ringless ; newest shades;, full or knee length. All sizes In all shades. The best hosiery values we ever had. Fancy Anklets, fine quality, in a big VINVEIV,V Women's ocyrroN CREPE NIGHTGOWNS Excellent quality crepe in solid col- ors, yellow, peach, blue, rose. Smart- ly trimmed with contrasting on colors in stitehing and binding oyC 114111416 PANTIES AND BRIEFS Mesh, Velvasuede, Satin Stripe; new Summer styles. Large assortment. - 39c 49c 59c 69t Men's Peanut Straw SUN SHADE HATS Good clean straw, even weave 15c 1 variety of Colors and Patterns • MEN'S SHIRTS AND SHORTS Shirts made of good quality cotton, pure white, elastic knit, ath- letic shoulders C full size balloon seats Shorts of good B'roadcloth, C MEN'S "BIG B" WORK SHIRTS Grey ChambrAy or covert cloth, full sizes; well made. Will give on, best of wear. All sizes 07L, 75c 1.00 25c 50c. 95c 50c SHIRTS 25,c SHORTS 39c MEN'S AND BOYS' POLO SHIRTS Plain or fancy weaves, in White, Canary, Sand, Brown, Blue. Laced or button front solid,colors or. patterns. Just the thing for outing or sport wear. ........95c BOYSISHIRTS, as above " 75c , MEN'S FUR FELT HATS Pure fur felt hats, made by Stetson or Bilt- more. Will keep both their shape and color. 2 All sizes, 6% to 77/8 .95 Grey, Sand, Brown, Green. SIM BOYS' WASH SUITS Green, Blue, Sand, White, Drowns, Lemon; two-piece, Oliver Twist style, short or sleevesless Size 2 to 6. 1 MO MEN'S SHIRTS AND JOCKEYS Pure white, mesh knit shirts and and jockey brief drawers, elastic top, snug fit, elastic bottoms. All sizes SUIT 59c 69c 95c STEWART BROS. SEAFORTH EXPOSIT011 PRINT, SEAPORTH • • • MEN'S ELASTIC TOP SOX Smart new colors and pat- terns in checks, clocks, or stripes; also plain shades. Elastic tops hold them in place without garters. 39c to 50c NEW SUMMER TIES Bright, attractive, new, light shades in summer weights; checks, diagon- als or plain patterns. They5 look like a dollar tie WHITE PURSES Extra special, washable. NeW designs. Zipper e or ptq styles .... • \ , A