HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1937-06-25, Page 41;
Oano h Ms 'nJI4@ W4414 ha SeLWitlit ROWS"; 'efdPentleg.
ma-Oese tog elAhNistqced Omer o' took Mem in had 'notor,egiIn
Ads will ,be inserted at new low cash rates;
„ .
tnetli loot rad Found. Gemini Evade. Mc.. -per word;
- _
let week • a Cent
end week % neat
.„. sal week j in Cent
Iginiciatin ;halve, first twee -eon 05 Ceuta
" paeh figure. initial sail abbrealatkoz *mats as one waxid.
O'!CIAlPtka Of 7banks, In Memorial taces-1 cent per word. Min•imum, 50 cents per week.
lOnquirles may be directed to a nos Number, ewe of The Moron Forpeeitor, for 10 cents
111 seats adatioani ow week wilt be charged a slob in above claw aro not paid
A .„.
• ,
en Someday night in the week io which the ad was run.
'Saxes, Marriages and Deaths inierted free of change.
•' Auotion Soho, Notice to creditors. Eta—natal en appliwitama
Articles For Sale
444' pairs.--oLarge stock of parts for haying
• notahMery, viz., knaves, guaeds, teeth, loader
tropes, slats, etc. Hay cornier cars, forks,
• pulleys. Meta roofings, Erost fence and barb,
• at your Mass -Harris &alma. J. MicKEN-
ZIE, Phone, 325 and 25, Seaforth.
by the
INGRAM—ln Detroit, on June 15th, to Mr.
and Mns. A. A. Ingram, (nee 111 ildred
Hardie, of Exeter), a doughter--MarY Eliza-
pon SALE -1 MASSEY-HARRIS BINDER, MORRISON—In McKalop, on Sunday, June
" 1 hay rake. 1 hay rack. 1 Massey -Harris 201111. Elisabeth Haien, beloved wife of Jas.
znower. 1 set harrowa. 2 ploughs. Apply the Morrison, in her 64th year.
MISSES LYNCH, Lot 11„ Concession 6. Me-
Killop. Phone 64 .ring 20. Dublin.
Phone 126 r 2. 14,13.S. W. 311. SPROAT,
B. B.. 4, Seafbrib. 3628-1
Late Jacob Gellman
Another pioneer of this section
passed peacefully away on lefonday,
buggy, tan and brown, in excellent condi-
dor,. Also enamed baby bath; reasonable. June 21, in the person of Jacob Gall -
Apply no Box 113, EXPOSITOR OFFICE. man, in his 84th year,after an illness
5626-tf extending over a period of months.
Deceased bad come to this section as
la child with his parents, the late Mr.
and Mrs. John Gellman, who settled
on the farm north of Zurich, where
o for sale,
146 se deceased lived (luring his lifetime
tf and where he passed away. He was
of a quiet, peaceful nature and had
made many friends in the community
and was highly respected. Surviving
are his widow, two daughters, Mrs.
Ed. Beaver, of town, and Miss Pearl,
at home; and two sons, Henry and
John, both of Zurich. The funeral
was held on Thursday afternoon, in -
T a Wthion rung, 11 x12. Pbe
or P. O. BOX 283, •Seafaorth.
'Immediattely.' • folloWed ''t he.Tnegkende.e. • -- -.• ; , nodin a en... ide
'ekpltiOtg of the regleter4 wedding 8UP' • Hoerr -Brifinsalent..
peiWasethenneenVeddhYdthOOeight . •
• 1,0o14.4 of the bride tron leneall. March held 'their Monthly ipeeting
The bride's table was cent -toed . with ea priellay. everting withellat attendanee
the wedding" cake, tali .tilfte• tapers of twenty -live members present, Mr,
and bud vuSen of YetlOw renew -04d Lin _PAW* presiding. Oonoluding the
decorated with ye/10w and.° blue devotional ad layering eaercisee.
.streatnere completed the decorations. geded,Olenn, gave a pieasing piano
The slipper wee attended by some 60 apt% "Little OM Lady," wallah was
guests. Later. the bridal couple left tangle ,enjoyed, and an interesting
by motor for a trip to Ottawa, Mon- reading, "That Little Boy," by Mee
treat and along the St. Lawrence, the gatherine Drysdale. Paring the busi-
bride travelling in a brown flowered nese period it was decided to hold the
chiffon with brown taffeta jacketandantinta,1,,pienie to Hayfield on Wednes-
sand, goat witth.. squirrel trimmingrand dayeafteenoen, June . -23rd. Following
brown accessories. 'Upon their return the •cloaing exercisesconteets were
Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair will reide on enjoyed,: presided over by Mr. Edison
the groom.'s farm e,ast. of Kippen.. Forrest. During Innen Miss Galadys
Death of William Beaver Sannelernock, a bride -elect ,of this'
The community was shoc.ked Tues- montb, was presented with a beaut1.
day to learn of the very sad. death of fully decierated box containing half a
Mr. William Beaver, who passed a- dozen •plates and pups .and saucers,
way very suddenly that afternoon at the presentation being made by Miss
four o'clock. The deceased, whose Helen Glenn and the address read by
home is .in Kitchener, came to Hen-
-1•-•" Let Albert Palmer, Clinton, dry clean, re-
pair. Thirty-five years' experience; we know
-`-‘ handling Rawleigh products, all amounts
must be setOod by July 7th. as reouired by
the Cconpany. Remit to SAM CARTER. Box
23.2, Seaforth, and include name and aroloos.
For Sale
-1- room brick house with bath room; hot
,water heating; full basement with cement
floors.• On nicest street in town. Appla to
Box 116, EXPOSITOR. 3623-1
Property For Sale
dement foundation, electric lights. barn
and six lots. adapted for market gardening.'
-.Charles Holbein Estate. Amply to MRS.
RICHARDS, opposite Collesiate.
.Card of Thanks
.4-1-14 the friends and neighbors for their ex-
pr,sians of kindness and sympathy shovra
during the illness and death off Mr. George
Brow -n, arid to thank those who loaned oars
and sent floweno 3628-1
Tenders Wanted
salt about two months ago on a busi-
ness trip and while here made his
home with friends, Mr. •Conrad Vol -
land and daughter, Miss Clara. The,
deceased was out hoeing in the gar-
den of Mr. Vinland most of the day,
and about three o'clock he entered
the house and went to 'his room and
Miss Volland hearing moans coming
from his moan, went in to see what.
was wrong and he was unable to
speak to her. Medical aid was im-
mediately summoned but upon arriv-
al of the, doctor to the house he was
just breathing his last Mr. Beaver
was in his 70tih year and was a form-
er resideat of this village until six
years ago, when upon the death of
his wife he disposed of his home -and
went to Kitchener to live with bis
daughter. He is survived by one
daughter (Satin), Mrs. Browerley, of
Kitchener. The remains were taken
to Kitchener Tuesday for burial. Me.
Beaver was a successful farmer and
later while living in Hensall was en -
.gaged in the onion busi,eress with the
Steele Briggs firm.
Mr. Wilson Carlisle was in Toron-
terment taking place in the Lutheran to last week fer a few days attending
cemetery. Rev. E. Tuerkheim con- Grand LorigeaVeld at the Royal York
ducted the services. • Hotel. Hew accompanied by Mrs.
The annual Decoration Day Servic- Carlisle arid Mr. and Mrs. Walker
es were held at the Evangelical cern- Carlisle.
, etery, Bronson Line, last Sunday af-
tternoon, and were well attended. A
number of addresses were given and
the Heinrich Memorial Bandof Dash-
wood furniehed the musical program.
Next Sunday similar services will be
held at the Lutheran cemetery, Gosh-
en Line South. Zurich Band will fur-
nish the music and suitable addresses
will be given.
Family reunions are the order of
the day. Large reunions were heldet
the farms of Mr. 1O McAdams and Mr.
/A. Weber, respectively, last Sunday
and a large number attended, -both
events. The paslawated Band . took
part in the event held at Mr. Weber's
farm. A number from town also at-
tended the Wurm reunion held at
Lakeside Park, Port Huron, last Sun-
During the, past week. the local
baseball team lost one game and won
one. The first was. lost to the Clin-
ton team and on Monday evening the
locals won over the 'Crediton team by
the score of 12 to 7 at the Crediton
diamond. The win put the local team
at thetop of the Huron -Perth League.
Mr. Norman Gazebo, who thas been
taking treatments at Byron Sanator-
ium for some months, has returned
to his home here greatly improved i'n
health. •
• Mr. and Mrs. John Wunm, of Tonere
to, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry May, of
Kitchener, were week -end visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Hess.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Moritz, t of
Guelph, visited relatives and. friedds
here on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Ran have mov-
ed to- Grand Bend for the summer
months wbere they will assist their
son, Leonard, vvfh.o is conducting- a
geeeery store and restaurant there.
Mr. C. Fritz and son, who recently
purchased a shoe stock at' Clinton and
have been selling it off at tehat town
for some weeks, have moved the bal-
ance of the stock to their local store.
Mr. Norman Kibler, of Vancouver,
who has been assisting in conducting
the sale, has left on his return trip
to the western city. • .
.. A large number of men are em-
ployed on the Blue Water Highway
between Drysdale. and Port Blake and
the work Is progressing rapidly. A
portion of the highway south of Drys-
dale has already been treated with a
bituminlous surface and is open. for
. 0
-' undersigned, and endorsed "Tender for
Pier Rsoonstruetion, Randeau, Ont.," will be
rade-hied .12 ' o'clock noon (daylight
saving), Friday. July 2, 1937, for the recon-
,atruction a inner end .of the West Pier at
Rondeau, Kent County, Ont.
Plans, form of contract and speeificatken
oan be seenand farms of -tender obtained
at the office of the .Chief Engineer. Depart-
ment of Public Works, Ottawa, at the omces
{of the District Engineer, Dominion Public
Building, London, Ont.; also at the Post
"Office at Erieau, Ont.
Tenders will not be contadered unless Made
on printed forms sup -paled by the Department
and In accartlance with -the tonditions .seit
forth therein.
Eirah tender mist be accompanied by a
certified cheque on a chartered bank n Can-
ada, zooyable to the order of the Honoarable
the- Minister of. Public Works, equal to. 10
per cent. of the .amount of the tender. or
Bearer Bonds of the • Dominion of Canada or
of the •Canadian National Railway Company
,atal its oonstituent companies, ancendiraonal-
iy guaranteed as to principal and interest by
the Dominion of Canada, or the aforeme_n-
tioned bonds and a certified cheque if requir-
ed to make no an odd amount.
NOTE: The Devartment will supply blue-
prints andspecification of the oviork on
depoaat of a nun a 310.00, in the fern of
a certified bank oheque payable to the order
of the. 1VIariister of Public Works. The deposit
war be reiliesed on the return of the blue-
prints and spotification within a month from
the date of redeptaon of tondera. If not
returned within that period the deposit will
be forfeited.
By erder,
Department of Public Works,
Ottawa, June 17, 1987.
Popular Stallions
Clydesdale Stallion
No., 24337
Enrolment No. 1961 Form 1, Premium A.
Terms -315 to Omura.
Will stand 1 or the improvement of stook
for the season of. 1057 at his own sta.ble.
Peter entente -leo Manager.
Standard Bred Premium Stallion
A big, well-bred horse, that will cross well
with any mare. stand Inc the balarroe
a this season et my farm. one-half mile
south of Kiepen. This horse bas stood at
$25, bet to introduce ten here his fee Se Put
• at 510.00, Registered mares $25,00. Palrable
•APtil. 1, 1938,
DAVID entPATntalt.. Meow.
_Phone: new:de 11 r 11.
thee Pas Bred end Prestos, 'Clyde Station
.D1H'iUF Ftaiv4g#1.8RANCE
rttri. Sts
riet ',Otos*. Atssen, tar Pfaff', .Olga 13e11 and. Mande McLean,
'„tt: 'al,1 of Mansell, 4retised in yellow and
406i. tette
..and caroling orange blossoms
ternied ad Male tliinugh ,athiett'. the
Moving pictures of Coronation in
sound and natural colour, Hensel'
United Church, Monday, June 28,
1937, 8.30 p.m., by Mr. William Rob-
ertson, London. Adults 25c, Chil-
dren 15c.
(Continued from Page 1)
Watson, sister of the bride. The
bride, who was givens in marriage by
her father, Mr. Manes Watson, was
charming in a white silk lace gown
over satin in a princess style falling
into a long sweeping train. The veil
of net fell from a pointed halo caught
with a Coronet of orange blosserna
Her bouquet- was of Johanna Hill ros-
es and baby breath. The bride's sis-
ter, Mies AIda Watson, was brides-
maid in a picture gown of Wallis
blue net with short puffed sleeves; and
a sash of blue and pale pink with a
corsage of rapture roses.. Robt.
gte, of Kipper', was groomsman. Lit-
tle Katherine Cutt, of Goderich, was
flower .girl, daintily dressed in a yel-
low georgette frock with a nosegay
of bine and yellow carnations. Mr.
Watson, enotheriefetbe bride, wore a
frock of flowered chiffon; Mrs. W.
Sinclair, mother of the groom, also
choosing a frock of flowered chilli:in.
tight girl friends of the bride, name-
• 1,Y, the Misfiles Gladys Passraore, Dor-
een Farquhar, Mabe) 'Workman, Mil-
dred Mildred gointom, l3ervl
; ter
' streattlers'ef of 'yellow fend blue,
'tlitS. Is**, pagfadd-t,O the arch.' Fet-
thar,16 iftentir Mialp ,Fletheilfte
4:',..'.1is do ' i:',;Aaittleit in Ye
!r,t' ,4.44:1*
Rev. W. A. Young was in Walker-
ton on Thursday, June 18, attending
the district flower show being held
there, and of which. the was one of
the judges. •- 1
air. and Mrs. H. C. Soldan, Mr. and
Mrs. William Soldan, Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin Moir and Allan Soldan attend-,
ed the Soltdan reunion) picnic at Port
Huron, Mich., on Saturday lest.
Mrs. W. 11. Reid, of Port Rowan,
was the guest over the week -end of
Mr. and mrs, Pred Manns, and son,
Mrs: John Parke visited over the
week -end at the. home of Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Parke, near zurioh.
Mr. and Mrs. John Shepherd spent
last week the' guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Shepherd, of Harrietville.
• Dr. I. G. Smillie, accompanied hy
Mr. Robert Passmore, spent the week
end with friends in Tog -onto.
Mr Lloyd Passmore, Miss Irene
Suds, Mr. Albert Passroore ansi Miss
Zella Anticha,p, of Delhi, were week-
end guests with Mr. andi Mrs. John
Mr. Jaektlerbeem, accompanied by.
Miss Iva Allen and Mr. Clarence Reid,
spent the week -end with relatives in
Tomato. They were accompanied
home by Miss Jessie Dick.
Mr. and MTB1.. Harold Foster spent
the week -end in Toronto, the guests
of Mr, and mrs. C. Hart, nee Miss
Mr. C. L. Sinks, while working with
some machinery recently, had the
misfortune to have the end of one
of his fingers severed,.
Mr. William McMartin, of Detroit,
spent the weekend with his father,
Mr. Robert McMartin, and ,also with
his aunt, Mra D. McMartin.
Mr. Neil McNeil, of Thorndale, has
accepted a position as tinsmiths with
the firm of Benthron & Drysdale. '
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett, Mr. and
Mrs. John Corbett and Mrs. Roy Mac -
Laren were in Exeter on Friday last
attending the funeral of the late
Agusta. Ferguson.
Mr. and Mrs. Me -G. Drysdale, Me
and, Mrs. Jas. A. Paterson, Rev. and
Mrs. Arthur Sinclair, Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Ortwein and Miss M. Ellis, were
in landesboro on Saturday attending
the Sinclair -Watson wedding.
Mr. Lorne Elder, of Drulnix4ndville,
Que., is visiting with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Elder.
Mr. Kenneth left „nee Wednesday
morning for Bigwin Jen, Muskoka,
where he has accepted a. good posi-
tion for the summer months. Ken-
neth was at this same place last sum-
mer where he gave splendid satisfac-
Mr. Stevens, of Le Pas, Mani, and
Miss Stevens and Miss Bridget, of
Kenton, Man., visited Miss Minnie
Reid during the past week.
Mr. and -Mrs. D. A. Moore and fam-
ily, of Toronto; Mr. and Mts. I. Moore
and Miss Annie Moore, of Egmond-
vine, were week -end guests of Mr.
and Mrs. R. J. Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kelland, of St.
Marys, were weekend .guiests with
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hudson.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Case spent Sure
day with relatives in Denfield.
A strawberry Central, under the
auspices of the Ladies' Md of Car-
mel Presbyterian Oburch„, will be
held on Friday evening, June 25th, to
be followed by a mixed program.
Hold Decoration Service
On, Sunday afternoon last annual
decoration services of Bracefield
Lodge of the Independent Order of
Oddfellows 'was held at Baird's ovine-
tery at. which there were a number
of visiting brethren. An interesting
service was held as follower Opening
hymn, "Rock of Ages," NObie Grand
charge, Mr. McLaughlin; otapiain's
prayer by Rev. Mr. Bremner; decora-
tion of graves followed with. the sing-
ing of the hymn., "Jesus forever of My
Soar; chairman's address by Past
Noble Grand, G. Skitheriand$ an ad-
dress, lay ktev. Mr; 13reinner, pastor
Of the Mite& Oburoh, „,Dracefiefd;
"Abide With Me." N. G. char, aid.
dhaplait's .tbenediatien cotri*etetct
ltdvipg Dicitti4g f the Onteenatinh
ht ,stitind and iattirel color
' ' Madinat "
*Ad • , ;,
A mi.' , , hd*)felf dffr agn
§SdlitOnnOnth ttlhant ttiO,
_ hene ithe 04100 'fee' Weir OS"
1144 - t0JLrolkwimt.,404e'athirestl':
that the cluingp yoo ulaleing
your Mean the Severance of
yeZr connection With our• 'Weluilo
Olaas, blit trust you. Will Visit ds
When, Cheap- pe'mIt We aPPrecid
ate the fan that YOU Were alwaya
Present end readto hole if at all
possible,' and. we hope that this small
gift will r.emjnd yeti of our continued
interest in your welfare. Oeur sincere
wish is that God May •bless you and
make you a blessing and that you
May have lasl1ng happiness and pros-
perity, Siircere4Y, ;ph. Woheloe:
Pres., Ian Filshie; Sec., Lettle W.
A delightful evening was spent on,
Wednessday .,at the borne of Miss
Irene Hoggarth, when about twenty-
five girl friends of Miss Gladys Saun-
diercock tendered her a shower in hon
or of her approaching .marriage this
'f0,04 111W -,, 01701?4,C't
'w , • '7..# 044/414
a; '*h PhoWer of PRAT alg. 4,44
after, which coftento Togo m0044130
k 8004 holfr OPellt. The henie w/0
very plettilyr dectorated--44-7-color,
schemes of Pink land while fox ems oc,`
Death of Mrs- John Rowelltre
The die* took plenet 61 hey' home,
one mile south en,,Raturdiv. June
of gelen HishoP, vvife o John Row-
aliffe, in her 73rd" year. Mrs. Row -
elide was a daughter of the late
Airohle Bishop, onentime ler
South Harm, andhie wife, .Janet
Doig, also of pioneer fame. She is
survived by ther husband and five
childrea: Mr. R. Knight; of Exeteln
Mrs. in Burnett, of Too; AXehie,
Oliver and Elgin, of near Hensall.
The late Mrs. Rowcliffe had been in
very poor health for some time past
but previous to that was ane of ex-
traardlinary bealth, strength and •ac-
tivity. Several years ago she 'hadthe
misfortune while engaged in nicking
corered,,,,` SoLtourn 4
,. 40 49 'eal4 Vag al
wifU•144 mote'1t.140 ' '000
best.: „senegaate
the c tom. She 4va-
tOgh Nree4. *tercet z eher*.Werkt's, ` ---
being a feltbflitmernsber aa4101
supporter of Oh goet4 0..1P 4 IMO
he much =hol@d. in tlee community ta
whish she liad edsinCe ohlidhOoltt
The funeral, Which wage private, wale -
held from her late residence Oil Mon.
day and was conducted by her patitor„
Rev. Arthur Sinclair, 'Wile Pa*. atting
tribute to her life. He wee Seeketeel
hy Rev. W. A. Young, pastor Of Card
met Church. •A duet. "Unto the Hale
Arollesd" was Ening by Reit W. A.
Yoling and .Mr. William Moody, or
Thames Road. The pallbearers were
R. J. Cooper, 'William Bell, Henry
Horton,, William Moody, Archie Mor-
gan and Sam • Dougall. Interment
was made In Exeter cemetery. The
floral tributes Were many and beautifuLe
Last Year Was A Day Long To Be Rethembered—This Will Be Better *
a.m., Starting
dU Victoria Park
School Children in Parade -TREE
1. Best Decorated Float—let, $5.00; 2nd, $3.00..
2, Best Decorated Car -1st, $5.00; 2nd, $3.00.
3. Best Decorated Bicycle (Tandem or Single) -1st,
$3.00; 2nd, $2.00.
4. Ancient Car or Vehicle -1st, 5.00.
5. Bea Clown in Parade—lst, $3.00; 2nd, $2.00.
6. .Hard Time Costume—$3.00.
7. most Original Turnout in Parade—$5.00.
r.; 4
Kiddies' Decorated Tricycle or Wagon—lst, $2.00;
2nd, $1.00.
9. Kiddies in Costume -1st, $2.00; 2nd, $1.00.
10. Best Decorated Seaforth Store Front—lst, $3.00;
2nd, $2.00.
JUDGES—Messrs. K. M. McLean, A. F. Cuff, W. J.
Duncan, R. G. Parke.
Prizes offered by the usiness and Professional Caere
of Seaforth.
• ", 4; ri1:, ;1,11'1: • ;;;
.01,16,4 ;;;,11; ,1 • t1.1"" • 111.-;;: 4141441
hildreds Even s -Full Program of Children's Sports with WonderfulPrizes
(Special Prize for School Girl Coming the Longest Distance)
Girls' S, fiball• Vt:c4hIrAY::nrezizt:
v.. Waterloo' Seagrams
Booth on the Grounds
• ADMISSION: Adults 25c, Children 10c.
$750.06 IN PURSES
2.17 Pace, mile heats, $250.00 2.22 Pace, mile heats, $250.00 2.28 Pace, mile heats, $250.00
P• RN The Big Prize Money will bring together the best horses rac-
an ATIlltile1S-ming this year. Three heat plan. Each heat a race.—Starter
JL J. 11. Ranesbottom.
FIRST RACE AT 2 O'CLOCK, SHARtg. Dominion Haleness Horse Rules to Govern.
• ADMISSION: Adults 50c, Children 25c, Autos 25c. Grandstand FREE,
FOOTBALL— St. Columban vs. Seaforth
6 o'clock p.m., Recreation Park.
ADMISSION: Adults 25c, Children 10e. BOOTH ON GROUNDS
N t Street Carnival- nee
OTTO HENDERSON'S 7 -Piece Orchestra
• Perfect Dance Floor • Midway • Booths
Mimic All bap bp SeaforthHighlandersBand
R. A. MerdASTER- •J. F. DALY
Pres. Seaforth Athletic Assoeiation.
Pres. Seaforth Turf Club.
.,gxottarTon paiNt itEPORTH '
. •
• •