HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1937-06-11, Page 4", ",',,P,�',,,',N ", j Q � I I'll, 11 ,�,-,V,,;.�g
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� .T '14, ;D, 901.*,"Ok,", �'. I I strep % $18-80". E. W. Willard, garw week tuning 06 j I or t.)een engage,d'S _,"'�' ba* ,
1, I I I . . . . . . . " . iww* 110,000- ..... age -removal, '441; C,N.R�, f - ou the Vu#ed M ' "I . ., _ , 4. th0'j,LbW'.,d'g .
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I ,,, I . - . . . . . . . . - � 14; Oution ,.- ne,ps for a long "M'90T 7030
"I I - I . "', - -- L - 15.0 Mao per, week. . t 4 L, - _._ �� 10 4-olle - .$it#
14 TbazkN . - , I - " *'id.. I I road. oil, $22J aeusall, , Citizens! 13pAd gave their fined at the preseV4. #W.6,01,0_0 boMo
"I ips - " ^_ -1 ;� ., " 011�, 0C . xxpospar. for IQ *enw 1. .
"I I � ,", '", saw �* I � .. q � .� I � . printling, $5.59; Exeter TImes-A0vo- first open aii 46041�, 1p the .band towough BlUeSA,- 4314 Aw -b.eMa#m4"4 .- -------------
. A*M '. , AW �. "i:7 I - I I -
, . age u* -v&M bw the '� I catti, -printing, $1.50; Canadian Leg, stand on �Maj& Street on $a j , y , f, ,
iA *�Qva do" , twills, ly W -attending pbyslC*A to take
,�-I:r,-,- � -�,Owj, " .. � ,. . 1. . I L �.,
- t":'.L:��,.'�'�' -__ diraotiop,L of 4b.
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�::�',�.:, j . ion, 11 .50; Imperia
4 'I ' 4 W por we* WX, * _1 _V4 JCL VAb . ,�i� .."'.." �,."',...-, - - �,'! `�." I Oil, night last, � under the I .
_ �, rdjW Ln*b$ * I -%�� � f ,
X �". ..�.��!.."�-.9�,..,,,;�,�.,�,;: �,�, _�_E---� 1. ,we , Some mouths of well -ea", X00t,
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.!%.-W* 4'4'� , *,Z, # .* shis "a -ft run. ." .E.".;,��,i.,, ,*.�`�'o�;--"` .11" ;.'m �� ,�;W4 ,ag hall. 702
.h , 4 , ,,.m , "....'.. . School There . . ". (I
�� `11'1��. I ...... . . . . . . I
_ spa llie&** j"0110,1410 . Z, .. - Ltd., �oad� material, $121.65;
".vit. �1� L I : -
I caum .1- G. M. Grant. cond.UCW�r I s __ -
I 0.1 � -'.1, 465 I ,� - ---- -- ___ - -_ - __ - _. _. � -_ .
,5� -am APPI I . . . I J___ " .. .." I... I
711 "!,:�� jjL=11,114 W, , §1 . Bozrd� cWTent.expensps. $1,000-00; F. ,-, _ ..,
1� " '. .. . , I 11 rov.. eNouca W cmdAvX4 W4 -42W . 0 �. I . a large C"-wil oul to 110%r.449, hPA - , . Diamond Ready Foii- PIAY- 1k i.t
. . L __ J - - _ - � . . . L- �
: , i"", ,, �� , �. L - ,M- --- ti Supplies - =d- . .
1' 1, , , , L' , . . i .: �' L _. 1- - - . - L . - .
I I . � _ _____ I ------- —*� 4 CYS 0 -the laugh-prodUc1hil cl 1`011%. 44 L - . ... I
'., _,_�', The donk t 6ke part In onisey baseball. 'R concert
, . U-Memkoijam '- . W $34; Trea dianiloud' fias- beoU lovel-
�� �
,- 4, : 1 4 .., L� .. Help . game are shown here on their way to geiiiorth for the big game an V�intiz- , surer of Ontario. Mrs. 'Simpson and son, Tom. of � The local ft,� t4 �6
'�11 ,��,�, � . I .— � .
=� ". 11 L. I M'EMORY Q.r jomq sw". 0, licenses, W A. Spencer & Son, sup- Winglism, are visiting a niumber of -led -and the gram cut apd. Is now in ..
E _
_, , �'., FOR HOTEL; MUST Saturday night, Jtine 12th, at the Lions Park. Their appearance her . I . I
I , � , .
I , , -'A GM
I , , , .. ' Years ago.
�� , . - ices -of the Seaforth Athletic Associatlon�, Special plies good shape for the ��:,
i; A PBL=="!%Z' streets, $1.99; J. Pawluor'D� suk frieu
, . : �.,:N,VP WEP t..Wp in 4iv�ng room ApPly passed away t is under the ausP I I 0. - - ' boys 0 practise '
'._. , I . � - . plies, hall and sh6d,. $2-10; F. G.,Bon- war. on and
, . 1-i � . � jEeTa'aaafimtb. $62W June 12. 1935 flood lighting permits the game to start at 7A5 and will be Played in I Mr. -A. D. McEwaal�_Ot--Iffellsall. , there is a good tarumt wM17
. � '. ot- QUMCS I .
� L -15.� I , 1 � i , . I thron postage, Qlerk,, $4.06; HydrQ a lucky winner in the qbronation. con- right. The boys are getting In s116108 ) �'-
�r L, I I Ome by ond lNe'a ties ure &woken: I darkness. I
. � ,.. -,. .., I One by one fflwy axe bAwed imbove; � - . Commission, hydre for hall and motor. test sponsored by the merchants of for their, first game which to in Zurieb
���L �. .- . I Brock and � I The EN:eouflve W,E& to, L " .
,; 11 ". 11 Personal - - Some day therle will be a sweet rs"Aion. ... 11 - 1. .. .. � . $4.42, Total. $1,340.30. Exeter, when ihe was successful in oil iiine 15th . .
� I ' unto be paid. Car- . I � ,
, ,�, I Once avak- whb tbc&e we 4.0ve. ,that acco . a draw- �. I
. � 1 �
" - __ , . getting a nice dinner set. Th- -hank the public ,for their genermw
�_ - ___�,_ _�ZTWEEN -Ever remembered by DaughlE., and So-- I ... 9"1"`1""""""""� of'old Wla. Strong to keal and Save." �Pencer:
1:,- . - Ingtook - Exetei'arella on ,support and donations so far and
, ovff,&�BUZENNSS W" �. 86Uxl - � ried. Twitchell and Jones: That we . , place in the
.- I . Mrs. Finlaysion gave the Bible reading - I
: , , WP=Lf,,M and GodexiCh. -*bWd Like to MANLEY I . . adjourn the meeting. Carried.-Janies iso Mr. hope that it will con"e, as 9. ball A , I
- I
c., � ." anxTeipond 'With wvdaw about 45. with view Monday evening, June 7th; - a
r�. APPLY by ItA� - . . from the 18th chapter of LVke. This A. Paterson, Clerk. Alfred Wuerth, formerly of Hiensiall, ,team to no good without good sup-- .
", . I to cons.va=.0-hip - - was followed by the roll call and bus- .
. ter W 3626xi iness. The devotional - I
,�. �� jjOIL 114, -=�,Llua 01-X,j.43L. Sea- Deaths A large num Of friends and leaUet. "Jesus The Ladles' Aid of Carmel Presby- but recently, moved to Exeter, won a porters, and they will look forward i �A
I .� 1� I forth- neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. tertm Church held their meeting in lovely silver ,cabinet. - I to seeing you' at the first game here . ,
,;:,. . at Home in Canada," carrying out the . . I �, . I
;1. I mud bmb wood for summer use, de- BROWN -Ln Seaforth, ini. Tuesday, June Sth. and Mrs. Joseph Johnston last F�iday theme of -the I study, "In the. Footsteps the school room of the church Tues- At the graduation exercises of Al -'on june 21st. . 't I#
. . body 12 inches Gdw%e Brown. . . night to give a shower -to their daugh- . er I I . _� . �
I bve,e� ,iu�l% covi iow or more. I Render- day evening., The opening numb . . - ,
I . �
I . ,,oug. -*,M ,01(;�,jL JR. 3. liappe- I"40- . ter, Mary Rosela, the bride-to-be. Af- of Jesus ' was given.bi(, Mrs. was Psalm 1-27, followed by the LOrd!S' - I 'i I.,
I 13t zr 2. . 1 36_16-%2 " I son. M�s. Monteith led In prayer. The Prayer in unison. The minutes Of the, I �
.. -_ , ter the presentation a sumptuous, topic, "Our Wfork Among the'llidlaas I
I I . __ � . . EGMONDVILLE lunch was served and the ndght was and Orientals in Canadu,",was taken, 0aievious meetizog were read and � 1 4 �1.
.. . - � spent in. merry making an.a. dancing , adopted. Hymn 204 was then sung I .
.. - , . Articles For Sale - by Mrs. Chandler. - After singing. and arrangements ivere made for a ,^ ')
� � � .The Egniondville Young Peo fe's until the *ee hours in -the moming, ,,Wben Morning Gilds the Skies," the , -�� C -1 f,p-
. 50-I.VoT WINDMILL, � all leaving wishing the bride-to-be a strawber� social to ii,i) q, I
. -pVR SALE- OXE meeting was opened on Tuesday night meeting closed with prayer. ry be ,held Friday, �.
I I _ s -rough life. June 25th. Reports were given by . I i .
1 I . . X *"C-�.00, MOSE GERBEaL Zurich. 1 by singing the hymn, "Lead On, 0 mooth Journey th y Pressing . 0- - I
I . - .362rox . King Eternal," after which the presi- Mr. Alex. Dari:14Lj is bus Visitors last week end at the ,home the different groups on their work so . � " I
thdy to make room for another bum � of Mr.' and Mrs.. John, Henderson far, also proceeds I . Mrs. John Mc- I 0 .
. . I SALF,-I"ITBD QUANTITY OF dent led, in prayer. The minutes were . A I were: - Mr. and Mrs. John L. I -lender- e follow- 4?1�
. .
I . , choice maneL seed. 6c poun& Av,PI7 to read by the secretary, Grace Wallace. eT cl"YP- son, of Egmandville; Mr. and Mrs. Twan's group presented th � � oeot, �V, , 4 A
.1 . I eh - .
j. LAN -F_ phpu. 4,6-12. DuhlbX ' the cur- , We are pleased to learn that Miss .Ing program:, Vocal du 'Mrs. Mae End of the Season .
� : . I V. 3626, Thi� president took charge of Thies.. Best, of P.ickford, Micb.; Mr' Don A` Dougaij; I . I I )
- I -
. 11, I . - rent event period wh4ch proved, in- Martha Slemon. is able to be around and Mxs. Warren Ament and, son, of gall, and Miss margar� .. I .ej) ,
" I. � 11 �� 11 � T-IRY WOOD FOR SALE --GOOD SOFT structive. After singing a hymn Jack again after undergoing an operation Detroit. ' . piano.duet, Mrs. Andrew Dougall and . . .
I 1, -" body wood, far 54mumer use. deliV4ared in Thame read the Scriptu;re lesson from for appendicitis in Scott Memorial 6, , � I daughter, Margaret A social hour I . � 1,
Ij/ cord 1,ft. qr mozie 12 inches lang- W3L Hospital, Seaforth., I � was spent in games, followed. by
2 Psalm 119. Marion Wallace then led . I I CHICKS .
�.. . D(AG, R. I- e, Kippen. Phone, 138 .r ?- I . BARRED ROCK Ak
. % . - 3626x2 in prayer. Harold nnnigan. introduc- Mr. C.� Eckert and* his daughter, I - I lunch. . . . I 4 I
� . . I ed the speaker of the evening, Mr. Mrs. M. Desborough, R.N.,- from De- 1. UgNSALL I , Mrs. James Simpson is being visited , I . , I .
, WICKE,R BABY ho spoke on, the Co- troit, paid us a flying visit last Tuee- - . I byher aunt, Mrs. Mark, of Exeter. BARGAINS (
. . FoRb.gs,A,L;,F'.,L-.-.sd'D.w..A.y in exo�jlsut condi- Joseph Forrest, w Mrs. W. G on, who hold's a good
. , bkby bath; reasonabi- .operative Societles,of Denmark which day. . I � Announcement -Mr. and . .Mr. Ray Paters ' --- I ".;
. tion. Also enamel OFFICE. by a worthwhile discus- Miss Bernice Manley is again able Dick Of Hensall, wish, to announce -position in Toronto, spent t1he week- 1,
. . Apply 4P Buy- 113- EXPOSITOR was followed I -their daughter, end with his ' . Mrs. R. ... $ 8.50 per 100
,. ForLi -4 ,ehgager,Oent of
. 3626-tf i .1 th
I . � � . I sion. T,he meeting closed with sing- to resume her studies, at the Seal Jessie Lillian, to, Mr. John Vetb6em, J. Paterson. parents, Mr. and I . . I., 4
,,, � . I - k of the flu. 2 week old Chicks ............ $10.00 per 100
., . . P., __ - ing the'National Anthem and, repeat, Col egiate after an attac d,est son -of Mr. and Mrs, Leonard I
.. . . . � ei The bowlers Of HensaN held. a.local
:1 I I - I I Ing the Mizpah benediction- The clos- Verbeem, of Thamesville, the mar- ;n- 3 week old Chicks .......... $12.00 per 100 )
,, .�. Wanted match on the_bowling green, on, Mo . I ..
I .1 I ,a ing meeting of the season wql be riage to take place the end of June. day.evening. Fred Bodthron and Alf. I I � .. ,
, . WANTED_A� CHEAP PIANO. "..for e.i_!-,beld next Tuesday night on the lawn McKIELLOP, I . Church Services � Clark -were skips, 'Fred Boulthrou's Sexed, 90 per cent. Pullets ,% "
,.:. . ne 146 r 31. of Miss Bertba Forrest. . . ' ing the winners. I I I . �
a Yi,&um rung, 11 x 12- PbD L rink be,
I or P. 0. BOX 283, Seafiorth. ' tf � Mr- and, Mrs. Harvey Herlick and Rev. W.A. Young conducted his - MeDr - 2 Veek old Barred Rocks ... . $15.00 per - 100 # I
I I family, of Petersburg; Mrs. Carrie service The fine garage of Mr. C. A. on �
. --- -_ --- 8 in. Carmel Presbyterian . , ng completion and will These Chicks are priced for quick sale. It is advis- " , , I
I . ., � . I Herlick, of Stratford, and Mr. and Churell On Sunday last. At the morn- nell is nmn I
. I - I ' MTS. ban Wildielm, of Mitchell, spent ing service Mrs. Geo. Champion, of present an attractive appearance when Ater'still '
� . � 11 Notices , ST. CObUMBAN ' finished, The masonary work was able to phone in your order at once, or -be P I 1�
. I - I Sunday with Mr. and' Mrry. Jerry Galt, rencered a pleasing. solo, . by Mr. Alf. Taylor and the car- come up to the- Farm and see these Healthy., Vigor- . .
. . ING PORTR EoPLE COME I d(one . -1 1. 1
I I to baxe'w make their While on his way -to the Mission Doerr. ' "Thanks Be to .God�l aad at the ev- peziter work under the -supervision of . . . I
I I .. di o,ri, vrm suit You Sunday evening Mr. Joseph Coyne lar. and, Mrs. Wm. Koehler and fam- ening service the anthem renidered, by . I I Ous- Chicks. . .
. . . . portmits. Our - � M H Howard, . . . 11 0
. and our vri�,.m awe not hdgh. B broke the axle of his car. I ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. the choir -When Shadows Fall," spe- Itr aErT M s got . � I... . .
. . STUg)IOS, Mitchedl and Clinton, 3626-2 Mr. John, McIver is spending his Henry Hoegy in Grey. cial part� beli�g taken by Misi§, Irene � I n , lcel� N,�Wtled in the -place vacatedt by SCOTT'S POULTRY FARK I 1� 0 .
.1. . . . � � . vacation with his parents,',Mr. and Mr. Vad Mrs... Chas. Eggert, Della Hoggarth -and Mrs.'E. K. Hutton. -Afrs.'Thomas Consitt. on Main, Stfeet. I . I . 1.
= ' -1ver wed- . . . .
- . � Mrs. William McIver, after attending and. Norman attended the si The'Vnited Church services 6W'Sun- - . . . . V
. I - .� or Sale college at Scarboro, Bluff during the ding celebration of M,r- . 'and Mrs. R. day last were conducted by Rev. A. Mrs. Ann, Berry is visiting . with rel SEAFOEtTH . . PHONE 251 - 32 I
. Farm F - . _ativos'ln W[inolsor. . . I
I I I - I - past, year.. . � � ,-. J. .Coghhn� near- Listowel- . Sinclair and ,special parts in the I � r,ronto, I I . - � . A
... � , Miss Mae McNaughton, of .
� . Quite a number -on -this Idne attend morning anthem were taken, by Miss I . . � . a I
r, . % SALE_ -SIXTY ACRE CORNER FARM Mr. Elwin Morris, of St. Peter's was a:week-end guest with her father, - .� - � I t I
. Fot Mr. I -
c u mial R,,�sd, Less t1wri, two miles from Seminary, London, is spending his ed, ,the shower at the 'home of M. Sangster and Mr. W. 0. Goodwin, _____-__.�_
Seaforth. Good two story brick house, barn. I Mr. Dan MeNaugktm , . . . - .
i , . holidays with his mother, Mrs. Wm_ and -Mrs. P. J. Johnson. in honor Of anA the evening .service the soloist� � . .. - , � �
.. I . . jurge voulbry house, five acres of bush- Whole . . their daugh�ier, Rose, last Friday py- in the anthem was Mrs. M. G. DrYs- end. � I � I
, . farm well drained. and near rural scho.L Morris. .. �. , I., "tor in -
. I & MEM S -forth- The CW.L. are holding a euchre ening. dale. At the conclusion of the ser- Miss Gladys Luker was a visi as
� . Apply to -HAYS . 362" ,��. S6eiaj evening on June l8th. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Weltersen and mb3I a Pleasing duet, "I Belong To the Toronto recently and while there w , * -GREAT TWO WNEEK GOSPEL uIRISSION ± . i. I
i . . I . Wedding bells are -ringing overtime children, of Detroit, �,Pent the week- King' was sung by Miss Lettie Love the guest -or Mr. and Mrs�'Willlam �� . : I i ,
, I . - . . �. in this district- end with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weiter- and Wss Minnie Sangster. . - I Mair, Mrs. Mair being foTmePly kn9wa . I . .
q. Property, For Sale -' Bride -to -Be Honored s Hille- Flower Sunday will be observed in as Miss Minsie Gibb. . Gospel Tent on property of Mr. Charles Clifton f . " '.
. . I
I ,�, . - I � An interesting event took Place re- brecht in Brod-hagen. . the, UWted Chu . rch on Sunday morn- We. are sorry to report that Mrs. . � HIGHWAY I I
, �, 8 ROOMS. I NO. 4
1 . FOdRemSeAntLzfi->-uFRda"tioaE Heloeeutrsi! lights, barn cently in Toranto when Miss Marie � I ing neit A young people's choir win, D. McMartin has been oonflpedfo her BETWEEN BRUCEFIELD AND KIPPEN ON I 1. )
; - - conduer . I 1. . � .
: I, .,,.be service of praise and the home. through, illness but at date of .
;. � and six lots, adapted for market gardening.- Flannery, whoge- marriage to Mr.' ___ __ . . , , I ,
.1, mproved - -
1. . ' � �"l I TNF,'27th
Chazies Holbein Estate� AMPLY 'to MRS- William Maloney of McKillop, takefs. KIEPPEN .. ____w,'- be beautifully:,deedrated. writing is feeling somewhat I JUNE 13th to H �
J- - RICHARDS. opposite Collegiate. �,' _. rrS Chanipion, of Galt .
I ,.! g62#4:f Place this month,, was guest Of ihonor � for t],ig. P si There will alvo be -Her niece, M, - I � _. �
,-I . . .. 4 � ,.A�m On ixed quartette, who has been, nursinig her, has rel , SPEAKERS, . 41 � I
; . . -iscellanebus, sbowerheld at the Notice To Farmers�Just received special miusic by a na � . .
11 I at a w I e. Mrs. McMa . .
I I __. - __ Meadania, Private Hotel, Bloor St-, a full line Of Lundy Pence, Posts and apd at the evening service -the Huron turned to ,her hom rtin Pastor De Loss M. Scbtt, St. Marys.,....,
I .
, I
� . i . . I I . I . , West. The spacious drawing room Braces, Beatty Bros. ham, equipment,. L.odge, No. 224 A.F. & A -M. will at- was a . iso visited by, her brother-in-law. 11 14 .1 i
�.L. . : � Auction Sales . was prettily decorated, with summer pumps and piping, etc, &arness and tend divine service, when they will be Mr. Dan McDonald, of Galt. . Pastor Norman Pipe, SimCoe. -
,:� � '.,.; I We are sorry to report that Mrs. � � Eva-ngelist H. Alison Welsh, London. I
, 1j.: , flowers for the occasiom. Following harness. repalm. Also Just in, quant- addressed by Bm. Rev. A. Sinclair. . pastor J. N. Miller, London, and others. I
", I. .,MORTGAGE SALE been in poor .
'I', Thumas Richardson bag . �
� , , " I I I a very enjoyible Program, a mock ity Goveriim�nt tested Kent seed corn, Air. T. C. joynt, accompanied,' by . .
-1 �01` fferent varieties. W_ E. BUTT, Kip- ads aunt, Mrs, Alice Joynt, were in health for the past few weeks, 119 "Just the Old Gospel Of Jesm - I
�'., ,, .. UN�DE4. A" BY VIRTUE THE wedding pa,rty arrived with the gifts di - her Eler Nothing Spectacular or Sensational! -
'' - �
, 10thi,, at, been confined, to
� powers of Sale contained in a certain . and His dying -living Love:' I
,.� which, were�'numerous and lovely. An pen. Phone 41-91, Hensall. Toronto on, Thursday, June
'.. I . mortv,wge wbjcb .,,ill be produced at the time ate add-reiss was read by Miss . . I 303-4 tending at the gTaduating : of -Mrs. many relatives .auld friends wish her . . i - . ) .
il , appropri - . 1. . SERV,91=9
.1.1 of sale, o�re'wiill be oilered fCr sale bY es of Soynt's youngest son, 'William T., a --peed,y recovery and, good' health. SPECIAL MUSIC WILL BE. FEATURED AT ALL
� . * feshments were then Just Arrived-Pmest varieti . I . . .
: 'k THOMAS FELLS, Auctioneer, i Mary,Lane. Ref I I
�," " - . -ghum. -ions ,,Mrs. Ben Smilbe, ,missionary on fur- . , I .
,',, '. . - , , I 'at � . I Mary - fresh; it and friends "Billy," who graduated lough from India, and. little &all, Visit- -9mices on Sunday at 3 and 8 Pm. .
'. , served. The Misses Helen O'Hara, Seed Corn, Soy and Millett; familiarly. called by his compan
,:, PUBLIC AUCTION . Lane and Alice Flannery re strictly prof proven pioneer I I
� . .
'i ?. � . 0 O.n Monday, June 14th. 1937, at the hour of ceived the guests and presided over seed.. Reliable Frost fence, and sup-, with first class bonars in dentistfy ed over the w.eek-end with Mr. and
. rs. James Smillie and family, and Week Nights at 8 p.m.
�,:, farm of . . .1
�;,', 1.30 p.m Standard Time, at the the refreshments. plies,; also cedar Posts. D. E. KYLE% from the Faculty Of Dentistry, Uni- M . . V
0�1-` Robert Clarke, IL R. N,o. 2. Seeforth, Ontario. . I Mrs. Smil-
the fo,llowuing. vroperdy, namely: . 11 . Kipp6n. Phone 94 r 14, HensaEL versity of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Elder.
. . 3624-34f Rev. Donald Gladman, son of. Mr. lie, together with her diusbamd: and Mr. M-Bler willOpen the Mission on Sunday after.;- . - I
L__ - - . ALL ,&m,D SINGULAR that certain Pared . - ---1 � I L. I . - __.... - __ � 1. I- - - __ . .... . aud.Mr&.--F�--W7-G1adma_n,, -of Exeter, family, expect to sail' for India this . .
�e�. � . --- __. .- . - -.--. - .. -_ __�__ - _ -1 -next. - - - 11 . ... I
I or tract of land and pre�mises situate, Iving The meeting of thV Easf Women's Doon -
� -, 1. . I and being in the Township of Hullett, in the . BRUCEFIELD . and who recently t o I I 1. I "
%�� . - County of Huron. and being cbmposed (5f . dilin .Institute will be h'eld ion June 16th at Conference, will conduct anniversary A number from Heasall and district
�� � � � .ri.n 5, of said Town- . I I the home of Mrs. William Martin,The� I WELCOME TO, ALL! �
,Q. Loib 7, 8 and 9, 0c, services under the .auspices Of the attended the funeral of the late Mrs. I �
I.. I - ship, c;yntabiftig by a�measuTement 30P 2=4515i Rev. W. A. Bremner was absent last .roll call will.be answeared by the name e, of Chiselhurst Un4ted A. MeyeTs, of near Zurich, whose run- . I : . I - . 0 . .
`,''. Iwo . ' Church of an. outstanding woman of 1936-37.' ObOrch on. Sunday, June 20th, and! a erill was held_.on Prlda� last. . I
�� re or less. I young peopl.
,,, Sunday attending, thie'United .
�.I�� on the, said ,farm there is said to be erect- Conference held in- Windsor. Mr. The topic %ill be on "Peace education , id on Mrs. Edgar . Cudmore and, infant son. . I . . 1)
,I ,�.` , I ed . dwwung home w-Ith silk-ble farm build- strawberry social will J)e he I - - --- -
�,, � I I I Pasismore, -of Hensall, conducted the and international relationship" by � I I.
; __ knes. . Wednesfty evening, Jiune� 23Td. returned -to thelr� home last Friday . a L i
,,�� �.. , The km& v"ll be sold subject 6D a. -r -e services. Fie is certa:inly an earn -est Mrs. Robert Simpzou, ..., Th�ere,:will _ be., - connection with the special .from Clinton didspital. . * . 0 � i
. bid. . - young -man and will make his mark I In � TRIP RAIL TRA VEL BARGM14S , �
11�` - - - I other imteresting items on the pro-- flower Sunday service in, the United, We believe -that. Mrs. William Hyde � RWND- . , . .
, , . � I I W SALS-Ten Per cent of the in the world. � � gram -Visitors will be,. welcomed. Church on Sunday morning EL baptis- (has disposed of her prt-mises,on King - - . �
1��', . TERMS 1.eyth be'piald down at the time From SFAFORTH
", purdhase mc I Mrs. Wm. IC21ser (nee Miss Ellen
�; :. . of gale and the balanze within thirty days- A lamige �Lttendance is hoped for. mal service will be held and mauk'in- Street, formerly knorwu as tbe-Mc- I . 4 I
4� por f.�tbor partreulaj;s and -ditions .j Swan.), Mrs. James Thompson and Miss Helen Clhandler, of Blenheim, rants will be baptized. Donell bull -ding, to a -party in Lond0n, . JUNE 18 & 19 I
�1I I . "Lie, apply 11D . Miss Jane Ann Swan, Of Moose -Jaw, iient the week-4nd at the home of , Among the successful students, at. who are at present dismantl . Lmsing, Battle'Creek, South Bend, Chicago $7.08 V
1 .1 - §11 � Ing iL
� W. ERIC STEWART, � are visiting their old 1riends in the her Parents, Rev. and Mrs. E,
_ .� - it - the University of Toronto we notice Mr. Charles Chiapman and daugh- - . - -
�;,, . solicitor to ithe Commissioner of village and community at present. . F. Chandler, at th,�- Manse. the name, of Jim MeEwan, son oli Mr. ter, Mrs. Homing and young M Do' ATTR CTION'_ CHICAGO - TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 22 A � I
��. . I I. - Whiteman - tb� I - World's Heavyweight Champson;R F.P. -A
Agricultural Loam. is 97 years since Mrs, Thompson vis- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert and Mrs. Hugh McEwan, of Hensall, ald, of Palmergton, spent .,.k. BRADDOCK v&'LOUIS -
�;`� . Parliament Bldga- luce of Toronto, *islt6d at C. Ballantyne and Miss - JUNE 19 I I I
� ited her old home, and 13 years s and daughter, who was successful in his examina- with Mrs. JUNE 18-19 - .
r��, ,�, I TORONTO, Ontario, - Mrs. Kalser has been here. They the home of the-former's sister, Miss dons, coming third in Commerce and Scott, and also with Mr. and. Mrs. Wm_ I . . . I . .
��'111' , , DATED at TORONTO -&is twenty-firat day certainly chose a.gOodi timefor their $2.2s .
" ,
, , ...1. of May, 1987. 36233 Mabel Whiteman, of the village, and Finance in the third year Arts course. CbaPmM1 P=t 119MM �- Windsor a - -
11 . visit, as everything in the country is Mr. and,Mrs. Robert Dinsdale, of the On Mon,fty evening, June 14tib, the ' " .,
11 .
I .
I le; .1 � I . I .
�, I looking its best. town line, Stanley. League Meets . IlVnsall Senior Institute will meet in . FBId ' - - - S a - I
'i � , Y. P. = =
F p Ular Stallions Mis-s 'Hazel Haugh, R.N., of Toron- . .
Ii.; . op , I Mr. and Mrs. F-%rl6 Spirioat and, son, the basement of St. Paurs Ang1lican. IDIII-Md W - -;- S* -3.9s Detroit I %
ij�. visiting at li�er home in t4e vil- Of Tuckersmith, spent, Sunday with The Young Peoples League of the Church. The program for the evening FAVxar" fares from all adiaceni CA.R. Stafims I
e?.", "" is '
j�', 4 � .
": , ciydeodalo Stallion lake at present. friends at Ustowel. Ifnited Chureb. held their meeting on will be presented by Huriondale and TIN.Mi Train Warmad., lietar. Awmits ftom Agent& Ask for G ' ' .1 1,
. .
1.e', FAVOURITE AGAIN The June meeting of the.Women�s Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bissett, of London Monday night with a fair attendanc% the social part by the Hensail branch. .
�1, � .
�,,�'. - Assodiation was held In the Sunday
1",_ No. 24337 1 spent Sunday at the home of Mr.'and Miss Gladys'Passmore preediM The Mrs. Burley (nee Miss Dam Sh,er- I
1, , 'En,m1ment Nb, ,Igr,l Form 1, Promium Jk school room on Wednesday, June, 2,nd. Mrs. W. L. Mell-is, of the village. opening hymn, "O Master, Me ritt), wife of Dr. Burley, of Admonte,
Terms -415 to insure.^
If ,� �, , , The fitist. part was spent in making Let CAPROADIAN NATIONAL -
1� � , Will stand for the improvement of stock . Mr. and Mrs.. Edgar - Butt spent Walk With Thee" was sung, after Michigan, was bore attendifig the fnn� I 11
�. 4 .
C- ; for tbe geasoin of IN7 at bis own StaMP. quilt blacks. Mrs. Stevens Wok the Sunday at the home of Mr. and! Mrs. which the Scripture lesson, 15th chap- eral ,of her late esterii MfiS. Meyers. '. � - � � I
1 It, ROBERT muRDoCK. PraPrIcUr.
p , �- 1 devotional part, after whict the presi- Roy Butt oi,f'Tham,�svllle. tep of John, was read, by Miss Edua, ,of near Zurich, Shp was accompan- . .
P Peter Kilpatrick Manager- . i I
1-�4;�., 1
, �, 2r,2g4f dent, Mrs. Elliott, took the ehair for '.
�,�, Miss Etta Jarrott, of Toronto, spent aundercock, and the devotional by led b:0 her nieco, Mrs. Brown, of To— . � . I
.,. . I the bvisiness part. It was decided to the week -end at the bome, of her Mrs- M.. H�edden. During the bus!- r,nto, formerly Miss Lily Meyers. I gzzzzzm�� ,f
. I )
1. . �. . PRESS send $10.00 to the Red Crow at Lon- mother, Mrs. Isaac Jarrott, of tUe, vil- ness period -it was moved by Rev. A- who alob came up to attend the fun-,
.. OAKHURST EX . don to be used for the flood suffer- , -
L� I
, ,. Standard Bred Premium Stallion I lage. . Sindair and seconded by Mrs. J. Eld- oral of lbor mother. . . . - )
I � .
.� ". . ers. The meeting closed by all re- �
1.4", A big. well-bTed hMse. tb6t will c- '-GU liffirs. Elzar Mousseau and daugXer, er, that Alex. Filshle lie appointed a Mr. and Mfs. Harold Scraton and . I . . .
I", . . I with amy more. Wilft stand for ,the Wame peating tibe M�zpab Benediction. of the village, visited at the home Of de)egateto attend the summer school daug'hter, 19ancy Ann, of Port llover� , . . �
i ,��, � of this season at MY farm, Gme-half mve Mr. and Mrs. C. Halstead and son, in Goderich during -the ent, the week -end v1siting . I . I �
�,�z, � oa Kippen., This borse 1has at" at her sister and brotheir-irl-law, Mr. and to be hold sp . .
,� � I south . and Mrv. L. 1. I . . I . 11 I
. I. 62r>, but to introduce him be.re his fee ,a put of Stratford, and Mr. Mrs, Rufus Turnbull, of Grand Bend, first week of July. . The topic for the and, friends., I I IN
�"r I : at sio.0%,- Registered n2aTes $25.00, Pay2ble Cummings and family, Walton, spent during the past week. evening was taken by Mr. Ian Pil- Mr. J. E. Tapp left on Friday last � 44TARIO . .
11 I April 14 A938, ,Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. 14, The mamly friends -of Mrs. W-1111,am sbie, who chose for his subject, "Youth for Ottawa to visit Dr. J. S. and Mrs. . . I 0 �
I . . DAVID =LPATRICIC4 XhXPM .Wheeler. and Opportunity," which was much T . . . I . , I .
1� I Phlome: Hensin 91, t IL Mr. and Mrs. E. Munn and Aileen, Butt, who is -at the home of herr Son', I 91PIX I I
; � i . Thomas, ,Will he so"y to learn, M,mt erijoyed. The meeting drew to a closet, Mr rthur Dick Jha(li the misfortune
:.1 I I I of Hensall spent Sunday with Mr. she bas ni been enjoying the best with the singing -of the, hymn, "Abide ' " A P I
,. � 1. 1. . . I ' I and Mrs. 6. S,wan. With Me,, and the Mjzpah belledie- recently to fracture rilds arm. . : J 0 B Id Sh' OPENIN ' 1� It
.�� �, , I I I . I T6 Pure.gred and Preinium. Clyde Stallion of health for the past week or so. We . Mrs. Ben, Hoggarth and'damghter,
. , 'E tion. I
,.. � � , � j .Miss k1len Scott, of London, spent trust that witi a short perlodi 010V 1, Grace, of,Port Huron, Mich., visited ' I �
�_�; " I . 2170 1 tbo weel-end at her home. . Council Meet& I I .
(�P�,,,� , ,,,� ��: time she may be greatly Improved. . .With Miss.., Mary Ann Hoggarbh over �� � � .. A
_., � � I , Moralm'sint 100. ams I Mr. and Mrs. Straugbs,n, Of Wood- -
,,� I .:1 �, .� . . 'Kippan. for 'A "
I.,, '. xboday-M6, Geqfte Glenn's, f5tock visited. Mr. ,and Mrs, D. Ward. The beautiful radne of the past week The reglijar,meging of 'the village the wook-eand amd also with Oder rel- I TA I
",�,��,��` , udoh ', then to his 6vrh otable, flor night Tme- I were a benefit to all garden -and field WAS &erd Monday evening at ativeg. . I . - - _RM H9LP I ... 11 I I
,� �, '_ ,; di%y-Aft bis OWn StUbI06 weduesaxy-JITo A- Mrs, Janet Ross spent a few -4-a" crops. . . council A play, "ClynthWa, Candlesticis.*- 0 . I 10 , I �
N,:r 1 8 p.m., in the council chambers With
,�,'�,, V - .' , ,XTd ,j. prmidfows,- Tudketemith, foe room; ,with her daughter in London-.
4,;",. , , '"mTsday-" his Miss Ruth Watson,'of the village, all members being Minutes will bo presented In the ,school room is urgently n4w'ded in Ontaria. 1; ,I
: .�,�.� . v6n� ffb,41is owft aftwe Mr. alid Mrs. William Douglas, Mrs. present. I I a . I I . .
I I � 1.
� _ ___ 16*ft- sUble 'fWasr-Wiest "id. no'dift to John - V gpft.t the weel-end with friends in of 'the previ6ft.- lndstln�,' also the of Carmel Pregibytetian Church On I . .
��,,Z, ,;.;" I Mr. and Mrs. C. Haugh, . . . � .
"', I , 'm of 9WWm for L. yre a -lid
I .g. .M,nwen,.;, ord diticebai � Lon - . 0 �) ,
I-' I,!,: �' *don,t ,then .to h0i owp stablie, wher#'be will Attended the funeral of the late Mr& don. . . Court of Revision Was rettd. Jones Friday eveviligi June, 11th, =der -the. ---... �� __ __ -
.1 , renwifi, aWA. iho fou#Wing MMA" 106milre. Meyers at Blake oft Friday. Miss Joyce Mousseau, of Zurldh� is and Shepherd: That the Ininuton be auspleon of- t I he� Welfare of Ybuth . n , ..,
I , i". . , . T +b * (tre-415.00. .. - I- The U.F.W.O. will mee� at the home spending a fe.* dqy4 at the� home of adopted as rea.d. Carried. P. G. Bou- club. 1, 1. Unemployed Men . Regiater wiffi - - , � .,
. A �� .2. I . 'uWant,r' miyabotic, t.eca-m - her utiele and -aunt, Mr. and Mrs. throu i Mr. and' Mrs. - Laird Mime and tam- -1 ,�� . the
. .;% '': " ptorldor & Manager. I Of Mrs. William MeXelizie on June , , appeared, asking tot P I
, I ermission
-1 _ ., � �
,�, 4,11 11 I.. 1. I . � 1, fly spent Sunday in ItidgettiViMi. The . I E=Ploybcient SL-Mce Ot Cwa&L � .11,
� . �, I :. . I I � 36ft-a 23rd, Instead of June 16th. nizar Mou"eau, of the villaie. to cut do" a tree In frot4of his pro- I
t, � I, I .. I � , A large acreage of beaus Is being, . . , ,foTWey,s Wants have Just, arrived
..', . �, ., I 111.11 I I 11 111111W . . . .
,� ,0j.jWW"AA. 1i ii 11iiii lill i1111.1,11, perty also "Ing he dad 0.1anted an- jLob*. froW Cgllfbf,njw ,whoe they , �* Tela, your needs. td the neareg ;.3
"O ." ,"� _ I . I s,pwed in -this nelgliborlidod this year _other to the � 46ut , h ofitt.'.,13rock.and . j q
��i �,�,. .. I � � . FARMERS �
i I., r, " - . . . gpenj the, -post .91* month4, �
q ... ,,,� ` I . . 11 - and already many fields, ire up au& Twitchelli. ,ffiat, V. 4, Pouthrog bib I , I Ad L, .1 �-No 9ta06M6nt Officej 116H4
"I'll .
. . . . . . .. ,,.... t'l I . Pl . . . '. I 11.11 . �- . priogre"ing good. , I - given j�;;;njggfou t& dut down thetroo Mr. and- -9fa, 'StAVbb and son, ,ot - I . ijigtliia bw dr AgAcultural 4epregibutative. 4 11
�:,_,�?�i,,,,��,: � 1 dt w0*1d Row"l, 1§"§6rffi_ a. Mis, MurldiMn, Pf LWli,. . � ,
-11,�, �L ' , � ' ' � - , in. front of drl*Vray. Carried, imt, aeot0fowl I I I � I I � I �
tj 'L, : J,,' '�; jtr,.'&' W, ,4ud gii. & . an buirb, ;W Tolirlst-'The 41mite hero Is AMU- W. M. a. M sets I . ,doll; UM I'Ai" 066t� MW Iyurko , I I .. � I ..." ,/ ,� �, I 1 _ 1� . _* i I
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ihilK.""4, g6vul-, , . � ,1!",ug. 1!�t it'r, � respondonce .-Was t6dd a0 0 ' I ;
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